Cummins 2006

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C The Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2006, Vol. 73, No. 3, 359-396


J. David Cummins
Neil A. Doherty

This article analyzes the economic functions of independent insurance in-
termediaries (brokers and independent agents), focusing on the commercial
property–casualty insurance market. The article investigates the functions
performed by intermediaries, the competitiveness of the market, the com-
pensation arrangements for intermediaries, and the process by which poli-
cies are placed with insurers. Insurance intermediaries are essentially mar-
ket makers who match the insurance needs of policyholders with insurers
who have the capability of meeting those needs. Intermediary compensa-
tion comprises premium-based commissions, expressed as a percentage of
the premium paid, and contingent commissions based on the profitability,
persistency, and/or volume of the business placed with the insurer. Empir-
ical evidence is provided that premium-based and contingent commissions
are passed on to policyholders in the premium. However, contingent com-
missions can enhance competitive bidding by aligning the insurer’s and the
intermediary’s interests. This alignment of interests gives insurers more con-
fidence in the selection of risks and thus helps to break the “winner’s curse”
and encourages insurers to bid more aggressively. Independent intermedi-
aries also help markets operate more efficiently by reducing the information
asymmetries between insurers and buyers that can cause adverse selection.

Insurance is a complex product representing a promise to compensate the insured or
a third party according to specified terms and conditions should some well-defined
contingent event occur. Simply to describe this obligation requires complex language.
However, the buyer’s decision is made even more difficult because the value of the
insurer’s promise depends both on the reputation of the insurer for settling claims
fairly and on its financial capability to meet these obligations. Thus, the buyer of in-
surance faces the daunting task of first deciding what sort of insurance protection is

J. David Cummins and Neil A. Doherty are at the Wharton School, University of Penn-
sylvania, Suite 3000 Steinberg Hall-Dietrich Hall, 3620 Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA
19104-6302, USA. The authors can be contacted via e-mail: [email protected] and
[email protected]. The authors are grateful to Richard MacMinn for insightful com-
ments on an earlier version of this article. The authors acknowledge the financial support of
the American Insurance Association for this research.

needed given the risks faced, and then comparing policies offering alternative cov-
erage at different prices from several insurers with different levels of credit risk and
reputations for claims settlement and policyholder services.
In most insurance transactions, there is an intermediary, usually an insurance agent
or broker, between the buyer and the insurer. In commercial property–casualty (PC)
insurance markets, the intermediary plays the role of “market maker,” helping buyers
to identify their coverage and risk management needs and matching buyers with
appropriate insurers. The matching process is complex and multidimensional. The
role of the intermediary is to scan the market, match buyers with insurers who have
the skill, capacity, risk appetite, and financial strength to underwrite the risk, and
then help the client select from competing offers. Price is important but is only one
of several criteria that buyers consider in choosing the insurer(s) that provide their
coverage. Also important are the breadth of coverage, the risk management services
provided, the insurer’s reputation for claims settlement and financial strength, and
other factors. It is common for the coverage not to be placed with the low bidder.
In October of 2004, New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer filed suit against global
broker Marsh & McLennan alleging that the firm engaged in bid-rigging and received
kickbacks from insurers for “steering” specific commercial accounts to them. The
lawsuit and ensuing actions against other brokers have created controversy about
the role of intermediaries in insurance transactions. In particular, it has been alleged
that the compensation of agents and brokers through contingent commissions, often
related to the underwriting quality or volume of business placed with an insurer,
constitutes an anticompetitive practice that is detrimental to buyers (Spitzer, 2004;
Hunter, 2004, 2005).
The goal of the present article is to provide information that will be useful in eval-
uating the role of intermediaries by objectively discussing intermediaries and their
compensation structures. The emphasis is on the market for commercial PC insur-
ance. By way of preview, the analysis shows that intermediaries have a valuable role
to play in helping insurance markets to function efficiently, thus benefiting both buy-
ers and insurers. Although contingent commissions, like most business practices, can
be misused by the unscrupulous, in general such compensation plans play an impor-
tant role in aligning incentives between buyers and insurers and thus facilitate the
efficient operation of insurance markets.


Insurance is distributed through a variety of marketing channels. Although some
insurers market insurance directly to buyers, by mail, telemarketing, or company em-
ployees, the vast majority of commercial PC insurance sales involves an intermediary.
An intermediary is defined as an individual or business firm, with some degree of
independence from the insurer, which stands between the buyer and seller of insur-
ance.1 The degree of independence of insurance intermediaries varies considerably.
Probably the lowest level of independence occurs when insurers use exclusive agents,

The focus of this report is primarily on independent agents and retail brokers, i.e., brokers
who deal directly with personal and/or commercial insurance buyers. There are also wholesale
brokers, who serve as intermediaries between retail insurance brokers and specialized markets

who usually are independent contractors rather than employees but represent only
one company.2 Next on the scale of independence are independent agents and bro-
kers, who regularly deal with several insurers. The focus of this article is on the latter
intermediaries, referred to in this article as independent intermediaries.
The distinction between independent agents and brokers is a subtle one. The usual
“textbook” distinction is that insurance agents are “agents” (in the legal sense) of
the insurer, whereas brokers are traditionally described as agents of the policyholder.
However, the textbook distinction is too simplistic to provide an adequate descrip-
tion of the insurance marketplace because independent agents and brokers perform
many of the same functions and provide services to both insurers and policyholders
(see also III, 2004). In fact, both independent agents and brokers act in varying de-
grees as advocates for the policyholder, providing services such as coverage design,
loss control, and claims management. In addition, although independent agents do
represent several insurers under “agency appointment” contracts, many firms, gen-
erally known as brokers, also place a significant proportion of their business under
essentially identical contracts.3
The primary distinctions between independent agents and brokers relate primarily
to size and the range and depth of services provided. Independent agents in general
tend to be smaller than brokers and provide services to relatively small businesses
and consumers in localized markets, whereas brokers tend to service larger and more
complicated business insurance needs. The largest regional, national, and interna-
tional brokers provide a wide range of sophisticated services, including management
of captive insurance companies, loss control services, risk modeling, and risk manage-
ment consulting. Hence, independent intermediaries are arrayed across a continuum
in terms of size, sophistication, and the range of services offered. Thus, while the la-
bels “agent” and “broker” have a disarming legal simplicity, the economic reality is
more complex. Independent agents and brokers are best thought of as market makers
or matchmakers who match particular needs of policyholders with the products of
Consider the different ends of the continuum of intermediaries. Most independent
agents focus on local or regional commercial and personal lines clients. They com-
pete with each other and with exclusive agents, direct writers, and smaller brokers in
the local marketplace. Independent agents provide services to clients, advising them
on their insurance needs and then searching for appropriate coverage. Independent
agents also provide important underwriting information to insurers because they gen-
erally have more information than the insurer about the risk characteristics of smaller
clients. This informational function is usually recognized in the agent’s compensation.
Nevertheless, it also benefits the policyholder to the extent that policyholders matched

such as the surplus lines market and the London market. Reinsurance brokers play an important
intermediation role between primary (retail) insurers and reinsurers.
The degree of “exclusivity” of exclusive agents varies somewhat. Some exclusive agents are
literally exclusive, selling all of their business through a single company. However, others are
primarily “exclusive” with one company but place some policies, such as specialty policies,
with other insurers.
Insurance intermediaries are examples of “two-sided firms.” See for example, Rochet and
Tirole (2003).

with appropriate insurers are more likely to be satisfied with post-sale services and
less likely to incur costs of switching insurers in the near future.
At the other extreme, large commercial insurance buyers employ brokers to design
and place insurance on their behalf. The risks for the largest policyholders are complex
and often difficult to place. The broker plays a pivotal role in providing information
to prospective insurers to help them in evaluating the risk. In cases where risks are
too large or complex to be insured by a single company, the broker often plays a
“syndication” role, locating insurers who are willing to take on various “layers” of
the coverage being placed. This often involves a complex negotiation process that
determines the coverage design, pricing, and ultimate placement of the business.
A significant degree of mutual trust is required in the placement of commercial in-
surance contracts by independent intermediaries. Thus, the policyholder relies on
the relationship between the intermediary and insurer when placing risks. An in-
termediary needs strong working relationships with insurers to place business on
advantageous terms. In the remainder of this article, the term “intermediary” or “in-
dependent intermediary” is used to refer to both brokers and independent agents,
except in instances where we specifically intend to distinguish between these two
types of intermediaries.


It has been argued by some that insurance products are inherently complex and that
this restrains competition among insurers (Hunter, 2005). Indeed, such complexity
does make it difficult for buyers both to understand fully the coverage they need
and to evaluate the service and claims-paying capabilities of insurers. The role of
the intermediary is to break through the complexity by helping insurance buyers to
understand and purchase insurance. We now discuss competition in the insurance

In 2004, there were approximately 39,000 independent agencies and brokers in the
United States,4 who controlled 68 percent of commercial lines PC business and 32 per-
cent of personal lines business (Table 4).5 The dominance of independent distributors
in commercial lines reflects the fact that coverages, loss control, claims settlement, and
other services in these lines tend to be relatively complex. In personal lines, where cov-
erages and services tend to be simpler and more homogeneous, the exclusive agency
and direct writing insurers are dominant due to lower distribution costs and other
The allocation of premium volume by distribution system in the principal PC lines
is further explored in Figure 1, which shows market penetration by the principal

IIABA (2004). In 2000 there were about 42,000 agencies and in 1992 there were 46,000. For an
earlier survey, see IIABA (2002).
Table 4 is based on A. M. Best Company (2005). The agents’ trade association estimates that
independent agents and brokers hold 79.8% of the commercial lines market and 36.6% of the
personal lines market. See IIABA (2004).

Market Share by Primary Distribution System: 2004
Direct & Exclusive Independent Agent Broker All Other


Market Share (%)













































distribution systems for 2004 based on premiums.6 Insurers primarily using the
independent agency system account for at least 50 percent of premium volume in
all commercial lines except fire and allied, medical malpractice, and reinsurance. The
highest market shares for companies primarily using brokers are in other liability,
products liability, and reinsurance.7 Thus, brokers are relatively important in the more
complex and risky lines.
The share of both commercial and personal lines business handled by independent
distributors in the United States has been in a very shallow decline over the past two
decades (Swiss Re, 2004). Accompanying this decline has been a consistent reduction
in the number of independent intermediaries averaging about 1.3 percent per year
since 1992 (IIABA, 2004). Though this may have a little to do with loss of market share,
it is more a reflection of consolidation, a trend that has shown little sign of abating.
The brokerage segment of the industry is highly concentrated. Table 1 shows the
brokerage revenues of the world’s top ten brokers and the breakdown of their

There is some ambiguity about the breakdown by distribution system, because many insurers
use more than one system. Figure 1 is based on the primary distribution system of each insurer
as reported in the A. M. Best Company, Best’s Key Rating Guide: Property-Casualty Edition
(Oldwick, NJ: annual). Best bases marketing type on questionnaires filed with Best annually
by each insurer and reflects how a company categorizes itself.
These figures somewhat understate the importance of brokers because many companies that
primarily distribute through independent agents also place some of their business through
brokers. However, even if all premiums for companies that utilize brokers as either the primary
or secondary distribution system are assigned to the brokerage category, the total market share
of brokers in all lines is only about 11 percent.


World’s Top 10 Brokers: 2004 Revenues by Line


Breakdown of Revenues by Line


Brokerage Revenues Commercial Personal % Contingent

Broker $ Millions Retail Wholesale Reinsurance Lines Services Investments Other Commissions
Marsh & McLennan $10,365.0 43.0% 2.0% 7.0% 0.0% 34.0% 2.0% 12.0% 7.3%
Aon $6,902.0 41.0% 4.0% 8.0% 0.0% 14.0% 3.0% 30.0% 2.0%

Willis Group Holdings $2,205.0 60.0% 1.0% 34.0% 1.0% 2.0% 3.0% 0.0% 4.0%
Arthur J. Gallagher $1,325.0 49.0% 8.0% 5.0% 1.0% 24.0% 13.0% 0.0% 3.0%
Wells Fargo $943.8 73.0% 3.7% 0.3% 8.0% 6.1% 1.0% 8.3% 3.4%
Jardine Lloyd Thompson $857.8 39.0% 16.0% 17.0% 1.0% 24.0% 3.0% 0.0% NA
BB&T Insurance Services $679.7 61.0% 25.0% 0.0% 11.7% 0.0% 0.7% 2.1% NA
Brown and Brown $638.3 62.0% 24.0% 0.0% 9.0% 4.0% 0.0% 1.0% NA
Alexander Forbes $635.9 54.0% 9.0% 2.0% 9.0% 10.0% 2.0% 14.0% 6.0%
Hilb Rogal and Hobbs $609.7 79.0% 7.4% 0.8% 7.7% 3.6% 0.5% 1.1% NA
Averages $2,516.2 56.1% 10.0% 7.4% 4.8% 12.2% 2.8% 6.9% $0.0

Source: Business Insurance, July 18, 2005. Figures are for world-wide brokerage revenues. Commercial retail refers to revenues related to the
placement of insurance programs for commercial insurance buyers. Wholesale refers to revenues generated by placing business originated by
other intermediaries in specialty markets such as the surplus lines market and the London market.
Note: NA = not available.
Top 100 Brokers: Revenues from U.S. Business and Contingent Commissions as Percent of Revenues

2004 2004
Revenues % Cont Mkt Revenues % Cont Mkt
Rank Broker $ Millions Comm Shr % Cumul % Rank Broker $ Millions Comm Shr % Cumul %
1 Marsh & McLennan 5,804.400 7.3% 31.1% 31.1% 51 The Rutherford Cos 42.691 NA 0.2% 98.0%
2 Aon 3,105.900 2.0% 16.6% 47.7% 52 Webster Insurance 42.207 NA 0.2% 98.0%
3 Arthur J. Gallagher 1,192.680 3.0% 6.4% 54.1% 53 Marshall and Sterling 39.958 8.0% 0.2% 98.0%
4 Willis Group 1,036.350 4.0% 5.5% 59.6% 54 Van Gilder Insurance 39.756 12.0% 0.2% 98.0%
5 Wells Fargo 943.728 3.4% 5.1% 64.7% 55 The Graham Co 39.182 2.4% 0.2% 98.0%
6 BB&T Insurance Services 679.748 NA 3.6% 68.3% 56 Woodruff-Sawyer & Co 38.950 7.0% 0.2% 98.0%
7 Brown and Brown 638.267 6.0% 3.4% 71.7% 57 Barney and Barney 38.900 NA 0.2% 98.0%
8 Hilb Rogal and Hobbs 601.734 NA 3.2% 74.9% 58 The James B. Oswald Co 38.681 5.8% 0.2% 98.0%
9 Wachovia Insurance 410.774 7.2% 2.2% 77.1% 59 Horton Insurance Agency 37.851 4.0% 0.2% 100.0%
10 USI Holdings 405.820 5.0% 2.2% 79.3% 60 Cottingham and Butler 37.369 2.5% 0.2% 100.0%
11 Locton Companies 329.417 4.0% 1.8% 81.1% 61 William Gallagher 36.386 10.0% 0.2% 100.0%
12 Hub International 231.440 6.0% 1.2% 82.3% 62 The Treiber Group 36.108 6.0% 0.2% 100.0%
13 Jardine Lloyd Thompson 205.883 NA 1.1% 83.4% 63 Jenkins Athens 35.922 3.6% 0.2% 100.0%
14 Alliant Resources Group 181.516 5.7% 1.0% 84.4% 64 Hibernia Insurance Agency 35.192 1.0% 0.2% 100.0%

15 ABD Insurance 133.399 3.0% 0.7% 85.1% 65 Capacity Group 34.090 NA 0.2% 100.0%
16 CBIZ Benefits & Insurance 128.918 4.0% 0.7% 85.8% 66 Western States Insurance 33.214 NA 0.2% 100.0%
17 Keenan & Associates 104.822 NA 0.6% 86.4% 67 Trion 33.462 NA 0.2% 100.0%
18 Frank Crystal & Co 99.136 NA 0.5% 86.9% 68 The Mahoney Group 32.957 5.1% 0.2% 100.0%
19 Meadowbrook Group 95.700 1.0% 0.5% 87.4% 69 Andreini & Co 32.630 4.2% 0.2% 100.0%
20 The Leavitt Group 94.673 4.7% 0.5% 87.9% 70 McQueary Henry Bowles Troy 31.700 7.0% 0.2% 100.0%
21 Citizens Financial Group 86.375 4.1% 0.5% 88.4% 71 Roger Bouchard Insurance 31.434 3.5% 0.2% 100.0%
22 Commerce Insurance Srvc 85.484 NA 0.5% 88.8% 72 Riggs, Counselman,. . . 31.076 8.0% 0.2% 100.0%
23 John L Wortham & Son 82.126 3.0% 0.4% 89.3% 73 Fringe Benefits Management 30.987 NA 0.2% 100.0%
24 Bollinger 80.400 7.5% 0.4% 89.7% 74 Eastern Insurance Group 29.983 10.0% 0.2% 100.0%

25 The NIA Group 74.960 6.0% 0.4% 90.1% 75 Bratrud Middleton 29.300 11.0% 0.2% 100.0%
26 Fleet Insurance Services 74.605 4.0% 0.4% 90.5% 76 The Loomis Co 28.559 1.0% 0.2% 100.0%

TABLE 2 366

2004 2004
Revenues % Cont Mkt Revenues % Cont Mkt
Rank Broker $ Millions Comm Shr % Cumul % Rank Broker $ Millions Comm Shr % Cumul %

27 Hylant Group 74.446 6.5% 0.4% 90.9% 77 Lawley Service 28.393 8.3% 0.2% 100.0%
28 Summit Global Partners 71.144 8.1% 0.4% 91.3% 78 Higginbotham & Assoc 27.353 5.4% 0.1% 100.0%

29 UBOC Insurance 68.400 7.0% 0.4% 91.6% 79 Bowen, Miclette and Britt 27.341 6.5% 0.1% 100.0%
30 J. Smith Lanier & Co 68.209 7.0% 0.4% 92.0% 80 DeWitt Stern Group 26.920 NA 0.1% 100.0%
31 Regions Insurance Group 67.387 NA 0.4% 92.4% 81 Starkweather and Shepley 26.852 NA 0.1% 100.0%
32 Brooke Franchise Corp 65.907 3.1% 0.4% 92.7% 82 Payne Financial Group 26.659 9.0% 0.1% 100.0%
33 Holmes Murphy & Assoc 65.316 4.0% 0.3% 93.1% 83 R. C. Knox & Co 25.794 NA 0.1% 100.0%

34 Mesirow Financial 63.613 10.0% 0.3% 93.4% 84 Charles L. Crane Agency 25.467 NA 0.1% 100.0%
35 Brokerage Concepts 62.945 0.0% 0.3% 93.8% 85 The Daniel & Henry Co 25.111 6.1% 0.1% 100.0%
36 Synaxis Group 59.966 3.6% 0.3% 94.1% 86 Lovitt and Touche 24.519 NA 0.1% 100.0%
37 Allied North America 59.800 NA 0.3% 94.4% 87 Scott Insurance 24.510 4.8% 0.1% 100.0%
38 The Hays Group 59.500 NA 0.3% 94.7% 88 Haylor, Freyer and Coon 24.400 8.4% 0.1% 100.0%
39 Compass Insurance 59.160 4.9% 0.3% 95.0% 89 Parker, Smith and Feek 23.537 6.3% 0.1% 100.0%
40 Guaranty Insurance Srvc 58.965 5.0% 0.3% 95.3% 90 Dawson Insurance 23.461 5.5% 0.1% 100.0%
41 Bancorp South Insurance 57.522 6.0% 0.3% 95.7% 91 Seitlin 23.393 6.0% 0.1% 100.0%
42 The IMA Financial Group 54.571 6.4% 0.3% 95.9% 92 Assurance Agency 22.986 NA 0.1% 100.0%
43 Tanenbaum-Harber 54.108 4.6% 0.3% 96.2% 93 North American Insurance 22.893 5.1% 0.1% 100.0%
44 TD Banknorth Insurance 51.939 11.0% 0.3% 96.5% 94 James G. Parker Group 20.830 NA 0.1% 100.0%
45 Heffernan Group 50.352 6.0% 0.3% 96.8% 95 Bolton & Company 20.190 NA 0.1% 100.0%
46 InterWest Insurance 50.299 8.0% 0.3% 97.1% 96 Robertson Ryan & Associates 20.175 NA 0.1% 100.0%
47 Neace Lukens 48.869 5.0% 0.3% 97.3% 97 Thilman and Filippini 19.749 NA 0.1% 100.0%
48 Frenkel & Co. 46.566 9.0% 0.2% 97.6% 98 Fred A. Moreton & Co. 19.421 4.7% 0.1% 100.0%
49 Insurance Office of America 46.524 7.0% 0.2% 97.8% 99 Cobbs, Allen and Hall 19.007 NA 0.1% 100.0%
50 Associated Financial Group 42.838 6.1% 0.2% 98.0% 100 RJF Agencies 17.598 NA 0.1% 100.0%
Average: Top 50 366.332 5.3% Average: Bottom 50 29.702 6.1%

Source: Revenues for U.S. business only and are from Business Insurance, July 18, 2005. Contingent commissions are from Business Insurance,
October 25, 2004.

revenues by line of business, while Table 2 shows the 100 largest brokers based on
brokerage revenues from U.S.-based clients. The world’s top two brokers, Marsh and
Aon, have 68.6 percent of the revenues represented by the top ten global brokers.
Marsh and Aon account for 47.7 percent of revenues among the top 100 brokers in the
United States. The top five brokers account for 64.7 percent of U.S. revenues, the top
ten for 79.3 percent, and the top 50 for 98.0 percent.
On average, for the world’s top ten brokers, commercial lines retail brokerage ac-
counts for 56.1 percent of total revenues, services account for 12.2 percent, wholesale
brokerage for 10.0 percent, and reinsurance brokerage for 7.4 percent. Personal lines
are generally not a significant source of revenue for the top brokers and are less impor-
tant than commercial lines for most independent agents.8 Thus, the bulk of commercial
PC lines for the large and international buyer segment of the market is placed by a
small number of large brokers for each of whom it is their biggest source of revenue.
However, smaller brokers and independent agents retain a significant market share
among local and regional business buyers.

Mergers and Acquisitions

Many of the current leaders in the insurance intermediary industry owe their positions
to M&A activity rather than organic growth. For example in 1997 Marsh made major
acquisitions of Johnson and Higgins and Sedgwick, almost doubling its size. In 1996–
1997, Aon more than doubled in size with acquisitions of Bain Hogg, Alexander and
Alexander, Minet, and Jauch and Hubner. Other players also have achieved top ten
positions through aggressive M&A activity. For example, between 1997 and 2003,
Arthur J. Gallagher completed 59 deals in North America; Accordia, 13; Brown and
Brown a staggering 82; and Hill, Rogal and Hobbs 28 (Swiss Re, 2004). Outside the top
tier of the brokerage segment of the industry, the M&A activity has been less dramatic.
The merger activity falls into several patterns. Many were broker–broker deals
whereas others were bank acquisitions. Indeed banks now own 10 percent of the
broker market, with the two big players being BB&T and Wells Fargo. Many of the
acquisitions have been driven by the quest for economies of scale and scope. For ex-
ample, BB&T acquired MSW in 2003 primarily to build a “distribution network to
compete with the global public brokers.”9 Other acquisitions were driven by the de-
sire to expand into new product lines or regions. For example, by acquiring Tri-City,
BISYS diversified from wholesale life insurance broking into the PC market. Given
the need to compete with the global brokers, significant M&A activity among regional
and niche brokerages is expected to continue. Similarly, M&As among independent
agents and acquisitions of agencies by larger intermediaries are expected to continue,
driven by the need to compete with larger intermediaries in commercial lines and
with exclusive agents in personal lines.

Many small independent agencies continue to earn a majority of their revenues in the personal
lines, while commercial lines tend to dominate for relatively large agencies. IIABA (2004),
p. 6.
WFG Capital Advisors (2004).

Barriers to Entry
The vast number of independent agencies testifies to low barriers to entry. However,
the ease of entry into the market is inversely related to size. It seems relatively easy
through consolidation to create regional brokers by purchasing smaller regional and
local intermediaries. However, entry becomes progressively more difficult further up
the size continuum, and entry into the top tier of brokers would be rather difficult.
The largest brokers are global in scope and have developed a level of sophistication
and range of service capabilities that would be difficult to duplicate. The megabrokers
also have unparalleled capability to syndicate large, complex risks that would take
years to develop for de novo rivals. Although there have been attempts to match the
capabilities of the megabrokers through affiliations of medium-size brokers in various
countries, the degree to which such firms can compete internationally with the more
fully integrated megabrokers is not clear (Conning & Company, 2005).

Niche and Regional Players

Many of the small to medium-sized intermediaries are niche or regional players.
Some of these firms specialize in specific lines of insurance or products or in servic-
ing clients from a particular industry. They play an important role in the market and
effectively increase competition. For example, one brokerage firm specializes in inde-
pendent oil companies, another in hospitals. While these firms are small relative to the
megabrokers, they can compete effectively with national and global brokers within
their market. Indeed, in terms of expertise, data, and services specialized to a given
industry, they may often have superior capability, despite their apparent size disad-
vantage. Because specialized intermediaries are present in many industry sectors, the
megabrokers are effectively competing across much of their range with these smaller
firms. Many brokers are regional and can compete effectively with the globals for
local clients. Regionals lacking full service capabilities can collaborate with specialist
providers to deliver services comparable to the global brokers.

Retail and Wholesale Brokers

The global brokers have full service capabilities, including retail, placement, risk as-
sessment, loss mitigation and control, and risk management. Such firms also have
wholesale capabilities either internally or through subsidiaries. Many smaller inter-
mediaries focus on the retail functions and lack the sophisticated capabilities of the
global brokers. The smaller intermediaries have the ability to place most local and re-
gional business that comes their way but tend to use wholesalers to access specialized
markets such as the surplus lines market or the London market. In this way, smaller
retail intermediaries can often compete effectively with global brokers for particular

Competition among Global Brokers

The concentration of the bulk of commercial lines business in a small number of
firms describes an oligopoly market structure. While the medium-sized risks are of-
ten fiercely contested between the global brokers and their smaller rivals, the largest
risks tend to be placed with the top three or four global brokers. It is difficult to

generalize about the force of competition in the megabroker market. On the one hand,
high market concentration grants the megabrokers considerable power to negotiate
advantageous terms from both their clients and insurers. On the other hand, compe-
tition between a few large firms can be fierce. Indeed, this market structure is usu-
ally described as a “prisoner’s dilemma” in which cooperation between suppliers is
inherently unstable and, as a result, competition usually prevails.10 Much depends on
the individual circumstances. While the top brokers may go head to head on one ac-
count, on another account, the size and core skills demanded might only be possessed
by one broker who will have an effective monopoly.
The degree of competition among the megabrokers depends upon the phase of the un-
derwriting cycle, i.e., the tendency of commercial PC insurance markets to go through
alternating phases of “hard” and “soft” markets. In a hard market, the supply of cov-
erage is restricted and prices rise; while in a soft market, supply is plentiful and
prices are more moderate.11 During a hard market phase, the dominant brokers play
a pivotal role in allocating the available supply among competing buyers. This effect
is exacerbated in the large-buyer (e.g., Fortune 500) market segment, because large
accounts place more risk on insurers and hence absorb significantly more capacity
than small accounts, which are easier to diversify. Because the megabrokers have a
dominant position in the placement of coverage for the largest buyers, their market
power is likely to increase with the intensity of the hard market.
An important distinction between insurance intermediation and many other markets
is that the nature of competition is based more on quality than on the price charged by
the intermediary.12 In most markets, buyers are interested in the product and the price,
and pre- and post-sale services are minimal. PC insurance is different because of the
intensity of the pre- and post-sale services and the fact that the agent helps to design
the product (coverages, risk management programs, etc.). The bulk of compensation
for both independent agents and brokers comes from commissions; and, while these
can be offset against fees negotiated with clients, they are not seen as a competitive
tool. Rather, intermediaries compete in the quality of services provided and insurance
placements. In these dimensions, competition between the major brokers is intense.
In addition, constantly nipping at the heels of the biggest players are the niche and
regional players who compete effectively on some types of accounts.

The term “prisoner’s dilemma” comes from the practice of plea bargaining. If two suspects
are caught, then a conspiracy of silence between them might prevent a successful indictment.
However, an offer to one to snitch on the other in exchange for leniency will often break the
stalemate. So too with oligopolists. Collaboration by holding prices high yields high joint
profits. However, each player has an incentive to undercut the cartel price. If one can gain
by breaking rank so can others, and thus the cartel is likely to fall apart and competition
The consensus in the literature is that hard and soft markets are driven by capital market
and insurance market imperfections and information asymmetries such that capital does not
flow freely into and out of the industry (Cummins and Doherty, 2002; Cummins and Danzon,
1997; Winter, 1994).
The role of quality competition between insurers with alternative product distribution sys-
tems is analyzed in Berger, Cummins, and Weiss (1997).

Diagram of the Commercial Insurance Market

Risk Modeling Policyholder

Wholesale Broker

Niche/ Regional Brokers Global Brokers

Insurer Insurer Insurer Insurer Special markets:

London, Bermuda,
surplus lines, etc.

Effective Competition
Figure 2 summarizes the market features just described. The chart portrays the choices
available to the risk manager of a firm seeking insurance. In some cases, the risk
manager accesses the market directly, although this tends to require significant in-
house expertise and sophistication. Most commercial lines insurance is placed through
some type of intermediary, even for the largest buyers. Small commercial buyers, with
relatively simple coverage needs, tend to utilize local intermediaries. For larger risks,
the tendency is to place coverage through a regional/niche broker or through one of
the global brokers. Many regional players do not maintain in-house capabilities for
functions such as risk modeling but tend to outsource these functions. The largest
global brokers tend to internalize all of the major brokerage functions, providing
full-service capabilities. Hence, it is quite possible for a regional/niche player to put
together coverage programs that are competitive with the global brokers, although
this becomes increasingly difficult as the size and complexity of risk increases.
It is sometimes thought that the high degree of concentration of the brokerage mar-
ket in a few hands indicates a lack of competitiveness. Figure 2 suggests that this
argument is oversimplified. Not only do the global brokers compete with each other,
but they have effective competition on smaller accounts from regional brokers and
to a lesser extent from direct placement. The ability of these regional/niche play-
ers to compete with the globals is enhanced by their specialized or local capability
and by their ability to partner with the specialist service providers and wholesale
brokers. Clearly, the midsize firms play an important role in the market for mid-
size risks and “there continue to be opportunities for astute middle market brokers
to penetrate national accounts in certain lines of business” (Conning & Company,
The view that the brokerage market is competitive can be challenged by the fact that
the bulk of the business in the large-buyer segment of the market is placed by a handful
of brokers. Moreover, this concentration has been increasing over time. Risk managers
for large national and global firms place much of their risk though the “top five” and
have shown an increasing proclivity to do so over the years. Competitiveness varies
by market segment. For small and medium-sized risks, many intermediaries compete
for business. However, as buyer size increases, the ability of many small and medium
Leading Brokers in Five Metropolitan Areas

Baltimore Boston Cincinnati

National National National
Broker Rank Broker Rank Broker Rank
Aon 2 Marsh 1 Marsh 1

Marsh 1 USI Insurance Services of MA 10 Acordia
Riggs, Counselman, Michaels 72 Aon 2 USI Midwest 10

HRH of Baltimore 8 William Gallagher Assoc 61 Schiff, Kreidler-Shell
∗ ∗
HMS Insurance Associates Eastern Insurance Group 74 Brower Insurance Agency

Willis 4 The Protector Group Agency Neace Lukens 47
∗ ∗ ∗
Diversified Insurance Industries Knapp, Schenck & Co Roeding Group
∗ ∗ ∗
PSA Financial Center Marketing Associates Agency Kinker-Eveleigh

Inner Harbour Insurance Wells Fargo 5 Hylant Group 27
∗ ∗ ∗

Insurance Inc. McSweeney & Ricci Agency SP Agency

∗ ∗ ∗
The Jacobs Co. Insurance Marketing Agencies CAI Insurance Agency
∗ ∗ ∗
HTG Insurance Group Sullivan Group Rixey-Berry Insurance
∗ ∗
CBIZ Insurance Services 16 Rodman Insurance Agency AAA Cincinnati Insurance
∗ ∗ ∗
Katz Insurance Agency Corcoran & Havlin Group Emory P. Zimmer
∗ ∗
Warfield-Dorsey Eastern States Agency 74 Sibcy Cline Insurance



Los Angeles Seattle


National National
Broker Rank Broker Rank
Aon 2 Marsh 1
Marsh 1 Aon 2

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. 3 MCM

Lockton Insurance Brokers 11 Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. 3

∗ ∗
Total Financial & Insurance Kibble & Prentice
Keenan & Associates 17 Bratrud Middleton Insurance 75

Willis 4 ClearPoint LLC
∗ ∗
Innovative Solutions Acordia Northwest
ABD Insurance 15 Parker, Smith and Feek 89

Sullivan Curtis Monroe Brown & Brown of WA 7
∗ ∗
PRB Insurance & Fin Srvc Conover Insurance Group
Bolton & Co. 95 ABD Insurance 15

Sander A. Kessler & Assoc USI Northwest 10
∗ ∗
Armstrong/Robitaille Bell-Anderson Agency
∗ ∗
Scanlon Guerra Jacobsen Burke Sprague Israel Giles

Indicates that this firm does not appear in the top 100 brokers list in Business Insurance, July 18, 2005.
Source:, via email. Rankings published in local BizJournals based on 2004 data.

firms to compete effectively is diminished, and the largest risks become largely the
domain of the megabrokers.
In any one industry or region, smaller specialist intermediaries may have significant
market shares. The participation of smaller intermediaries in local markets can be
illustrated by comparing the leading players in various local markets with those in the
national market. The data, collected by, are self-reported so there may
be some omissions and thus comparisons are illustrative rather than definitive. Table
3 provides the ranking of the top fifteen intermediaries in five metropolitan areas. In
every city shown, at least seven of the top fifteen intermediaries are not ranked among
the top 100 national intermediaries, indicating significant competition at the local
The 2004 Spitzer investigations into Marsh’s practices illustrate what can go wrong
in the commercial lines brokerage market. Spitzer alleged that Marsh engaged in bid
rigging and received more than $1 billion in volume-based contingent commissions
through so-called “market services agreements (MSAs)” to steer business to specific
insurers. The bid rigging was alleged to have involved the solicitation of inflated
price quotations from insurers which were presented to buyers as legitimate offers. On
January 31, 2005, Marsh agreed to pay $850 million in restitution to buyers as part of an
agreement to settle the suit.13 Actions were also brought against major brokers in other
states, including Aon and Willis, and several lawsuits are working their way through
the judicial system. These investigations did result in some criminal indictments for
bid rigging. However, the normally competitive market for PC insurance should be
carefully distinguished from illegal activities that occasionally occur.

Profitability of Public Brokers and Insurers

The returns on equity (ROE), based on generally accepted accounting principles
(GAAP), for several major brokers listed on U.S. public stock exchanges are plot-
ted in Figure 3 for the period 1994–2004. Except for Aon and Hub, the returns tend
to be above 20 percent in most years. Marsh and McLennan’s returns exceeded
25 percent in 2002–2003 but dropped sharply in 2004, reflecting the Spitzer settle-
ment and other regulatory problems.
Figure 4 compares the ROEs of the public brokers, traded PC insurers, and all U.S.
industries.14 The public brokers earned significantly higher rates of return than both
PC insurers and the U.S. average until 2004, when their returns dropped to the level
of all U.S. industries primarily due to the decline at Marsh. PC insurers generally tend

It is also alleged that Marsh and perhaps other brokers engaged in other questionable prac-
tices. These include “tying,” i.e., requiring primary insurers to place their reinsurance through
the intermediary’s reinsurance brokerage in order to obtain primary market placements, and
“related-party” transactions, where business is placed with insurers that are partially owned
or controlled by the broker (see Conning & Company, 2005). Allegations have also surfaced
in life insurance. In early 2006, Spitzer negotiated a $2 million settlement with life insurance
broker Universal Life Resources over the alleged steering of group life business to insurers
in exchange for commissions (Business Insurance, January 9, 2006, p. 3). The PC insurers and
all U.S. industries data in Figure 4 are from III (2006).
The broker figures are the average returns of the brokers shown in Figure 4.

Public Brokers GAAP Return on Equity

Brown Gallagher
Hilb Hub
35% Marsh Aon







1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004

to earn somewhat less than the economy-wide average.15 Whether the high returns of
the brokers represent “excess” returns due to market power or legitimately reflect eco-
nomic value added cannot be determined without further analysis. However, returns
tend to be positively correlated with risk, and it would be difficult to argue that PC
insurers face lower risk than brokers, because brokers typically bear little underwrit-
ing risk. Also, the high returns of the public brokers are not necessarily representative
of smaller brokers and agents.

Intermediary Compensation
Most compensation for insurance intermediaries consists of a percentage of the
premiums paid on each policy. In this article, we refer to these commissions as
“premium-based commissions.” Industry-wide for U.S. PC business, total commis-
sion and brokerage expenses represent 11.4 percent of premiums for commercial lines
and 9.4 percent for personal lines (Table 4). The percentage varies significantly by line,
ranging from 21.5 percent for fidelity–surety to 3.9 percent for medical malpractice.

GAAP returns of the insurers may be somewhat misleading because they do not fully reflect
capital gains. In addition, ROEs for insurers may be lower than for industrials because the
carrying value of insurer assets is much closer to market value than for industrials such that
their equity capital is correspondingly higher.

GAAP Returns on Equity for Public Brokers, PC Insurers, and All U.S. Industries


Public Brokers All U.S. Industries PC Insurers



ROE (%)



1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004


Although commission rates also depend on average policy size, in general lines that
are more difficult to underwrite, i.e., more information-intensive and complex, tend
to have higher commissions.
In addition to premium-based commissions, insurance intermediaries may also re-
ceive contingent commissions based on various performance criteria such as the prof-
itability of the business placed with an insurer, persistency (i.e., the extent to which
policies are renewed with the incumbent insurer), and/or the volume of business.
Industry-wide, contingent commissions averaged about 1.1 percent of premiums in
2004. This understates the importance of contingent commissions in commercial lines
to the extent that this form of compensation is less important in personal lines. Insur-
ers do not report contingent commissions by line, but most observers agree that they
represent 1.5 to 2 percent of premiums in commercial lines. Table 2 shows contingent
commissions as a percentage of revenues for the top 100 brokers. The unweighted
and weighted averages are 5.7 percent and 5.1 percent of revenues, respectively.16
Twenty-two of the top 100 PC insurers ranked by net premiums written do not pay
contingent commissions, based on NAIC data, including market leader State Farm.

A survey of brokers showed that contingent commissions accounted for 5% of revenues
in 1994 and 4.6% in 1999 (Conning & Company, 1999). The larger brokers have somewhat
lower percentages of revenues from contingent commissions, maybe because they get a
higher portion of their revenues from ancillary services. For earlier analyses of insurance
distribution channels, see Conning & Company (1995, 1996).

Commission and Brokerage Expense by Line: 2004

Total Industry
Net Premiums Independent Total
Line Written Distributor Share Comm/NPW
Fidelity & surety 4, 708 80.6% 21.5%
Reinsurance 13, 295 29.8% 17.7%
Commercial multiple peril 28, 470 73.3% 16.7%
Ocean marine 2, 525 78.1% 16.3%
Inland marine 7, 411 68.0% 14.4%
Commercial auto physical damage 7, 029 71.9% 13.1%
Homeowners’ multiple peril 48, 832 30.3% 13.0%
Commercial auto liability 18, 527 76.7% 12.6%
Fire, allied lines, and earthquake 15, 560 64.7% 12.2%
Other & products liability 33, 290 78.7% 11.7%
Private passenger auto physical damage 62, 512 31.4% 8.7%
Private passenger auto liability 89, 491 32.6% 8.6%
Workers’ compensation 40, 049 76.6% 6.5%
Medical malpractice 7, 386 51.9% 3.9%
All commercial lines 193, 147 68.2% 11.4%
All personal lines 200, 834 31.7% 9.7%
All lines 402, 092 49.7% 10.5%

Note: Commercial and personal lines do not add to the industry total because the total also
includes accident and health insurance written by property–casualty insurers.
Source: A. M. Best Company (2005), Best’s Aggregates and Averages, 2005 Edition (Oldwick, NJ).

Table 5 shows the top 50 PC insurers that do pay contingent commissions, ranked by
the total contingent commissions paid. Although the largest payer of contingent com-
missions is Allstate, which is primarily a personal lines insurer, in general, the leading
payers of contingent commissions are large commercial lines writers such as St. Paul
Travelers, Chubb, and AIG. Informational asymmetries are expected to be most severe
for complex and unique risks, enhancing the value of underwriting information pro-
vided by the intermediary. Hence, contingent commissions are especially important
in aligning incentives between the intermediary, the insurer, and the policyholder for
complex coverages such as the commercial PC lines. However, contingent commis-
sions also are used by some personal lines insurers to encourage agents to place high
quality business with the insurer. The average contingent commission for the top 50
payers is 2.3 percent of premiums and the average premium-based commission is 11.5
Many brokers also receive fee income from clients. Fees are most common in cases
where a significant part of the risk management and risk transfer arranged by the
broker is not through insurance but rather through alternative risk transfer tech-
niques such as self-insurance and captive insurance companies. Intermediaries also
provide services such as risk modeling, risk management consulting, loss mitiga-
tion, and claims management, which do not lend themselves readily to commission-
based compensation. In such cases, the broker and client negotiate a fee for services
Top 50 U.S. Property–Liability Insurers in Contingent Commissions Paid (by Amount) 2004

Contingent Direct
Net Premiums Contingent Premium-Based Comm/ Comm/ Commercial
Group/Company Name Written Assets Commissions Commissions Prem Prem Lines %
1 Allstate Insurance Group 25, 983, 893, 596 48, 567, 217, 649 558, 186, 692 2, 717, 724, 674 2.1% 10.5% 7.2%
2 St Paul Travelers Group 19, 603, 030, 369 78, 845, 134, 013 468, 532, 845 2, 469, 341, 779 2.4% 12.6% 70.5%
3 Nationwide Corp 14, 263, 138, 393 36, 329, 540, 795 278, 380, 540 1, 783, 088, 295 2.0% 12.5% 30.8%
4 Chubb & Son 10, 274, 832, 155 32, 664, 470, 095 174, 776, 060 1, 424, 211, 609 1.7% 13.9% 80.0%
5 Hartford Fire & Casualty Group 9, 627, 338, 687 40, 537, 357, 223 163, 102, 396 829, 315, 764 1.7% 8.6% 63.7%
6 American Intrnl Group 33, 119, 623, 277 95, 338, 413, 053 145, 358, 844 2, 891, 046, 892 0.4% 8.7% 54.3%
7 Liberty Mutual Group 13, 207, 938, 851 42, 255, 245, 471 136, 384, 657 374, 584, 876 1.0% 2.8% 56.8%
8 Assurant Group 1, 201, 712, 883 2, 480, 269, 937 131, 950, 779 149, 366, 243 11.0% 12.4% 75.1%
9 Zurich Insurance Group 18, 651, 579, 118 50, 899, 210, 031 110, 830, 623 459, 518, 602 0.6% 2.5% 49.5%
10 Safeco Insurance Group 5, 675, 839, 081 11, 388, 459, 124 106, 485, 244 788, 700, 387 1.9% 13.9% 37.6%
11 Cincinnati Financial 2, 999, 381, 723 10, 215, 254, 224 102, 286, 922 472, 436, 360 3.4% 15.8% 75.8%
12 Commerce Group 1, 712, 539, 439 3, 415, 344, 090 92, 060, 010 192, 229, 138 5.4% 11.2% 7.4%
13 CNA Insurance Group 7, 504, 168, 156 41, 738, 056, 495 89, 440, 746 900, 127, 923 1.2% 12.0% 99.4%
14 Berkshire Hathaway 16, 188, 166, 793 110, 980, 801, 398 79, 745, 320 1, 197, 918, 721 0.5% 7.4% 41.8%

15 Auto Owners Group 4, 271, 372, 328 10, 596, 736, 084 77, 693, 558 649, 277, 662 1.8% 15.2% 52.4%
16 White Mountains Group 3, 321, 196, 483 11, 427, 401, 171 77, 666, 713 541, 544, 878 2.3% 16.3% 64.6%
17 WR Berkley Corp 4, 089, 490, 189 11, 415, 828, 150 70, 346, 135 648, 789, 430 1.7% 15.9% 99.9%
18 Allmerica Financial Corp 2, 236, 672, 393 5, 335, 912, 126 67, 751, 266 298, 540, 147 3.0% 13.3% 35.3%
19 Allianz Insurance Group 4, 389, 389, 460 18, 906, 942, 291 63, 537, 762 498, 717, 082 1.4% 11.4% 80.6%
20 Fairfax Financial 3, 209, 389, 955 13, 365, 776, 259 57, 016, 318 540, 987, 101 1.8% 16.9% 94.0%
21 Swiss Re Group 2, 272, 558, 074 12, 769, 514, 269 46, 116, 360 151, 538, 928 2.0% 6.7% 92.8%
22 ACE 4, 543, 443, 853 18, 180, 254, 123 45, 539, 010 299, 827, 804 1.0% 6.6% 98.0%
23 Credit Suisse Group 1, 433, 603, 992 3, 350, 959, 923 44, 724, 570 199, 022, 538 3.1% 13.9% 63.7%
24 Westfield Group 1, 405, 532, 159 3, 801, 090, 835 42, 015, 485 220, 419, 765 3.0% 15.7% 59.7%

25 Munich American Holding 1, 849, 985, 442 16, 033, 833, 884 41, 983, 654 169, 311, 302 2.3% 9.2% 96.6%
26 Progressive Group 13, 381, 321, 356 17, 296, 498, 126 39, 045, 719 926, 977, 997 0.3% 6.9% 13.7%

TABLE 5 378

Contingent Direct
Net Premiums Contingent Premium-Based Comm/ Comm/ Commercial

Group/Company Name Written Assets Commissions Commissions Prem Prem Lines %


27 Selective Insurance 1, 384, 079, 412 3, 465, 883, 436 38, 631, 430 181, 740, 954 2.8% 13.1% 84.3%
28 EMC Insurance Company 1, 181, 925, 786 2, 931, 987, 127 34, 178, 743 175, 648, 792 2.9% 14.9% 83.7%

29 Ohio Casualty Group 1, 453, 950, 083 5, 005, 433, 800 33, 858, 925 210, 767, 911 2.3% 14.5% 68.8%
30 GE Global Group 4, 905, 273, 805 27, 063, 271, 628 32, 368, 169 667, 267, 945 0.7% 13.6% 97.0%
31 Metropolitan Group 2, 963, 303, 760 6, 084, 013, 653 29, 572, 938 234, 353, 607 1.0% 7.9% 2.6%
32 Shelter Insurance Companies 1, 012, 228, 989 2, 098, 914, 814 28, 384, 722 112, 198, 649 2.8% 11.1% 17.1%
33 American Family Insurance Group 5, 955, 846, 020 10, 001, 605, 242 27, 499, 373 599, 398, 317 0.5% 10.1% 15.9%

34 Mercury General Group 2, 632, 029, 983 4, 088, 120, 172 26, 599, 219 427, 242, 892 1.0% 16.2% 6.8%
35 Agri General Insurance Co 336, 232, 138 315, 385, 586 26, 593, 439 14, 547, 576 7.9% 4.3% 100.0%
36 Markel Group 1, 510, 089, 940 4, 123, 000, 852 26, 128, 396 250, 965, 649 1.7% 16.6% 96.8%
37 California St Auto Group 2, 118, 946, 858 4, 825, 536, 352 25, 266, 049 222, 919, 368 1.2% 10.5% 1.0%
38 American Modern Insurance Group 671, 984, 529 1, 285, 410, 608 25, 237, 971 154, 729, 216 3.8% 23.0% 41.7%
39 Unitrin Group 1, 955, 948, 109 3, 736, 736, 607 24, 929, 919 293, 341, 220 1.3% 15.0% 23.2%
40 State Auto Mutual Group 1, 343, 407, 409 3, 820, 092, 662 24, 346, 180 207, 669, 370 1.8% 15.5% 41.0%
41 West Bend Mutual Group 642, 177, 302 1, 271, 483, 157 21, 905, 316 79, 436, 980 3.4% 12.4% 71.8%
42 National Grange Mutual Group 757, 425, 415 1, 525, 328, 305 21, 823, 753 125, 897, 673 2.9% 16.6% 54.0%
43 Country Insurance & Financial 1, 770, 241, 550 3, 575, 700, 115 21, 157, 015 184, 661, 633 1.2% 10.4% 23.5%
44 Everest Reinsurance Holdings 2, 961, 517, 676 9, 587, 760, 423 19, 577, 208 537, 233, 708 0.7% 18.1% 93.9%
45 Harleysville Group 1, 178, 669, 550 3, 732, 687, 813 19, 547, 233 181, 959, 992 1.7% 15.4% 81.7%
46 XL America 869, 554, 356 7, 035, 038, 757 19, 279, 628 −275, 480, 890 2.2% −31.7% 99.0%
47 United Fire & Casualty Group 461, 987, 742 1, 302, 632, 020 18, 856, 734 71, 907, 561 4.1% 15.6% 90.6%
48 Acuity Mutual Group 654, 824, 437 1, 292, 523, 080 18, 687, 510 85, 362, 119 2.9% 13.0% 78.7%
49 Grange Mutual Casualty 1, 008, 688, 117 1, 549, 010, 140 17, 877, 679 162, 186, 564 1.8% 16.1% 25.6%
50 Texas Mutual Insurance Co 706, 762, 719 2, 605, 486, 341 17, 853, 544 57, 464, 788 2.5% 8.1% 100.0%
Averages 5, 337, 084, 678 17, 209, 171, 271 78, 222, 386 535, 159, 750 2.3% 11.5% 60.0%

Source: National Association of Insurance Commissioners Annual Statement CD-ROM for 2004. Commercial % based on net premiums written.

provided. If the transaction does contain a significant insurance component, the fees
are sometimes partially offset by commissions. The use of fees as a significant source
of revenues tends to be most common among large brokers.17

Contingent Commissions
As mentioned, contingent commissions are based on some indicator(s) of an interme-
diary’s performance. Typically, contingent commissions are based on the profitability
of the intermediary’s business placed with the insurer, the persistency rate, and/or on
the volume of business.18 Volume-based contingent commissions, particularly in the
megabroker market segment, are often called placement services agreements (PSAs)
or MSAs.19 Contingent commission arrangements vary widely. However, the great
majority of the arrangements covering the smaller intermediaries is based on the
profitability of the business written or profitability and volume.
No systematic data are available on the prevalence of profit-based and volume-based
contingent commissions. However, it is clear from Table 5 that the payment of con-
tingent commissions varies widely across the insurance industry, even for firms writ-
ing commercial PC insurance. Based on interviews conducted by the authors with
insurance industry executives and intermediaries, the most reasonable conclusions
seem to be that most contingent-commission agreements are profit-based rather than
volume-based and that volume-based commissions tend to be used in specific market
segments and tended, until recently, to be more common among large brokers than
among smaller intermediaries.
Insurers may have different compensation arrangements with different intermedi-
aries, and there may be different contingent commissions for different lines of busi-
ness. Usually, these arrangements span a number of lines of insurance and may be
offered separately at each branch of a brokerage firm, depending upon the broker’s
organizational structure. Occasionally, a national broker will have a unified agree-
ment with an insurer that spans multiple branches.
Contingent commission structures are usually progressive in the sense that the mar-
ginal rate of the commission increases with the level of activity. For example, a mini-
mum volume of business and profitability is required to be eligible for the incentive
commissions; and the percentage commission rate increases as higher profit or volume
triggers are attained.20

Some intermediaries also receive noncash compensation from insurers. Often this takes the
form of travel and vacation awards in recognition of superior performance. This issue is not
pursued further because there is little systematic information on the prevalence or importance
of this form of compensation.
No systematic data or information is available publicly on the contingent commission ar-
rangements between insurers and intermediaries. Statements about the prevalence of vari-
ous types of contingent commissions are based on interviews conducted by the authors with
insurance executives and brokers in 2005.
Since the Marsh scandal became public, most of the mega-brokers have renounced contingent
This statement is based on interviews with insurance executives and brokers conducted by
the authors in 2005.

The contingent commission arrangements between an insurer and the intermediary

often reflect converging incentives. For example, an insurer wishing to promote a cer-
tain class of business might design a commission structure that rewards such busi-
ness and offer this structure to intermediaries that have particular expertise in that
class. From the intermediary’s perspective, these arrangements enhance access to the
insurers that have the risk appetite to compete for its clients’ business.
Similarly, for some small business accounts and even in personal lines, where the loss
experience is not credible or risk-surveys are not cost effective, insurers often rely
on the superior knowledge of intermediaries. In such cases, profit-based contingent
commissions provide an incentive for the intermediary to provide a quality control
screen on the business placed with the insurer. However, for the largest risks, the loss
data tend to be credible; and all insurers giving quotes on an account tend to have
access to the same information, often provided in an offering document that is sent
to insurers from whom quotations are being solicited. In this market, profit-based
contingent commissions are less important, and contingent commissions tend to be
volume-based. Most of the largest brokers have abandoned volume-based commis-
sions in the wake of the Spitzer and other investigations.
The economic rationale for volume-based commissions is that they enable insurers
to achieve economies of scale and a desirable spread of risk in their underwriting
portfolios. There tends to be fixed costs of dealing with any given intermediary, and
having a larger volume enables the insurer to reduce its unit costs of administering
any given intermediary relationship. In addition, to some degree, the insurer can
obtain more diversification of risk if it obtains larger volume from its intermediaries,
although diversification also can be achieved by receiving smaller volumes of business
from a larger number of intermediaries. Volume-based commissions also can be used
as a competitive device to provide incentives for intermediaries to place business with
a particular insurer. To the extent that volume-based commissions are not disclosed to
buyers, however, it is possible that undisclosed “steering” may take place. This issue
is addressed shortly.
To the extent that volume-based commissions represent compensation for services
performed by intermediaries, there is likely to be some degree of “elasticity” or trade-
off between PSAs and MSAs and premium-based commissions and fees. Hence, the
reduction in the use of volume-based commissions may lead to an increase, although
probably not dollar for dollar, in other types of compensation.


Do Commissions Affect Premiums?
In this section, we consider whether commissions increase the price paid by policy-
holders or whether they are absorbed by the insurer. We first examine the economic
theories which speak to this issue and then estimate what happens in practice.
Microeconomic tax incidence theory has potential implications for predicting whether
commissions are passed along to buyers (Fullerton and Metcalf, 2002; Entin, 2004).
Consider a firm selling a product on which a tax is imposed on the quantity sold
(e.g., fifty cents per gallon of gasoline). The theoretical literature generally shows that
the proportion of the tax passed on in prices depends on the elasticity of demand;

the less elastic the demand, the greater the proportion of the tax passed through to
prices. However, for several reasons, this theory is unlikely to apply to contingent
commissions. For example, while the tax is a deadweight cost, volume-based contin-
gent commissions often are accompanied by changes in costs because they are partly
designed to compensate the intermediary for services provided which reduce the
insurer’s net costs. Commissions also can promote revenue growth.
Commissions based on profitability are somewhat analogous to profit taxes. Tax the-
ory suggests that profit taxes should not affect prices since they do not affect marginal
costs or revenues. However, it is doubtful that this theoretical prediction applies to
contingent commissions. Revenues and costs may well be impacted by profit-based
commissions, which can favorably influence risk selection and pricing.
A more appropriate theoretical construct to analyze whether commissions are passed
through to buyers is insurance financial pricing theory (e.g., Myers and Cohn, 1987).
Financial theory posits that premiums in competitive insurance markets will be suffi-
cient to cover the expected losses and expenses from issuing insurance policies as well
as a profit loading sufficient to cover the cost of risk bearing. Under financial pric-
ing theory, the pass-through rate for all types of commissions would be 100 percent.
This prediction hinges on the hypothesis that insurance markets are competitive, but
most economic analyses have concluded that PC insurance markets are competitively
Next we investigate the relationship between premiums and commissions. Insurance
premiums are set to cover expected losses and a markup for expenses, profits and,
possibly (this is the question here) commissions. Assume that the premium, P, is set
to cover expected losses, L, expenses, X, and that some portion a of premium-based
commissions, C, will be passed through to the premium as well as some portion b of
contingent commissions, F. This implies the following formula for the premium:

P = L + X + aC + bF. (1)

To test the effect of commissions on premiums, a regression analysis is conducted

to estimate Equation (1). Net premiums written are used to represent P, and the
monetary values of underwriting expenses and commissions are also used in the
estimation. Expected losses are not observed, and two approaches are employed to
estimate this variable. First, we set L equal to net premiums written multiplied by
1 minus the underwriting expense ratio, defined as underwriting expenses incurred
divided by net premiums written. Because using the period t value of net premiums
written as the dependent variable and in estimating L is somewhat tautological, the
lagged value of premiums times 1 minus the expense ratio is tested as an alternative
proxy for the expected loss. Second, L is set equal to actual losses incurred in one
model, and the lagged value of actual losses incurred is tested as an alternative.
The regressions are shown in Table 6. The data are from the NAIC annual statement
database for the sample period 1993–2004. These are pooled cross-section, time se-
ries regressions based on insurance groups and unaffiliated single insurers and are
estimated using ordinary least squares. The regressions relate to all lines of business.
The regressions using premium-based estimates of expected losses are shown in the

Regressions of Effects of Expenses on Premiums

z-test: z-test: z-test: z-test:


Coefficient β i β i = 0 β i = 1.0 Coefficient β i β i = 0 β i = 1.0


Dependent Variable = Net Premiums Written

Intercept −30049 −0.30 Intercept −1681760 −0.85
Expected loss 1.000 3338.64 0.20 Expected loss(−1) 0.995 149.15 −0.79
Contingent commissions 1.005 165.49 0.87 Contingent commissions 0.918 7.55 −0.68
Direct commissions 0.994 677.23 −3.99 Direct commissions 1.272 43.38 9.29

Other underwriting expenses 1.003 777.40 2.66 Other underwriting expenses 1.158 42.78 5.85
R2 0.999 R2 0.996
z-test: z-test: z-test: z-test:
Coefficient β i β i = 0 β i = 1.0 Coefficient β i β i = 0 β i = 1.0
Dependent Variable = Net Premiums Written
Intercept −5902874 −2.01 Intercept −5624572 −1.71
Losses incurred 0.860 84.70 −13.78 Losses incurred(−1) 0.830 67.24 −13.75
Contingent commissions 3.206 17.17 11.82 Contingent commissions 3.544 16.57 11.89
Direct commissions 1.529 34.74 12.01 Direct commissions 1.624 32.19 12.37
Other underwriting expenses 1.093 23.59 2.00 Other underwriting expenses 1.383 26.02 7.21
R2 0.992 R2 0.989

Note: Expected loss = net premiums written∗ (1-expense ratio), where expense ratio = underwriting expenses incurred divided by net premiums
written. Regressions are based on 1993–2004 annual data from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. The number of observations
is 5,654.

upper section of the table, and those based on losses incurred are shown in the lower
The regression using current premiums to estimate expected losses is interesting be-
cause the coefficients of all variables are very close to 1.0, implying full pass-through
of all types of underwriting expenses. When the lagged value of premiums is used to
estimate the expected loss, the coefficients of expected losses and contingent commis-
sions are not significantly different from 1.0, but the coefficients of direct commissions
and other underwriting expenses are statistically greater than 1.0. However, the over-
all implication is that all expenses are passed though in premiums.
In the regressions where incurred losses are used as the measure of the expected loss,
the coefficients of the loss variables are significantly less than 1. This result is expected
because losses are random and thus create an errors-in-variables problem that biases
the coefficient toward zero. The coefficients of the underwriting expense variables
are significantly greater than 1 in these regressions, and the coefficients of contingent
commissions are greater than 3. Hence, all regressions in the table provide evidence
contrary to any presumption that commissions are not fully passed along to insurance
Even though this analysis provides evidence that commissions are passed on in the
premiums, this does not necessarily mean that policyholders are harmed by contin-
gent commissions. To the extent that contingent commissions motivate intermediaries
to place risks with insurers who are interested in bearing such risks or have particular
capabilities in providing services for these risks, and to the extent they provide incen-
tives for enhanced underwriting, the efficiency of insurance markets is improved.

Principal–Agent Theory
The fact that insurance intermediaries perform functions on behalf of both policyhold-
ers and insurers complicates the question of whether the intermediary is an agent of
the policyholder or of the insurer. Putting aside this larger question for the moment,
consider an intermediary who is engaged by a client to act on the latter’s behalf and
hence acts as the agent of the policyholder.
The issues involved in the insurance placement can be analyzed using principal–agent
theory. The principal is someone who hires another party (the agent) to act on his or her
behalf. In principal–agent relationships, an important question is whether the agent
really acts in the best interests of the principal. Because the principal generally has
neither the time nor the skills to perfectly monitor the agent’s actions, the agent has
some freedom to act on his/her own behalf. This promotion of the agent’s self-interest
is known as the principal–agent problem and is a type of moral hazard. The usual antidote
is to design incentive-compatible compensation structures that align the interests of
the principal and agent.

Insurance Intermediary Compensation in the Principal–Agent Framework

This section considers the incentive compatibility of compensation systems for in-
surance intermediaries. Theory predicts that compensation should be sufficient to
cover the intermediary’s costs and to reflect the value created for clients. This sec-
tion investigates whether commissions provide a good measure of the cost of the

intermediary and the value created for the policyholder. With respect to premium-
based commissions, the issue is complex. Clients probably gain more peace of mind
and more financial stability for transferring their largest and most expensive risks. In
this sense the scaling of commissions to premiums is roughly consistent with value
added. The premium-based commissions are positively related to:

r The financial strength of the insurer.21 This encourages brokers to seek out sound
insurers, which is clearly in the client’s interest.
r The extent of the insurance coverage. More coverage may or may not be in the
client’s interest depending on its exposure and its alternative risk management
r The premiums charged for given coverage. This acts against the client’s interests,
at least in the short run.

Thus, at face value, the impact of premium-based commissions on intermediary

incentives is mixed; much depends on the particular case. However, there are other
features of the commercial insurance market which align the interests of intermedi-
aries with those of their clients:

r When intermediaries disclose their compensation arrangements to their clients,

clients can take the compensation into account when deciding whether to engage
the intermediary. It is generally recognized in economics that markets work best
when complete information is available to all market participants. As shown be-
low, intermediaries play an important role in mitigating information asymmetries
and reducing adverse selection in insurance markets. They can play this role more
effectively if compensation is transparent to buyers. Hence, disclosure of interme-
diary compensation arrangements ultimately will lead to more efficient insurance
r Although the insurance intermediary market is generally competitive, competi-
tion is based more on quality than price. In such an environment, intermediaries
compete with each other to design programs that add value. To retain clients, in-
termediaries face a burden of proof that they have delivered value to their clients.
r Brokers in particular sometimes negotiate fees with their clients in lieu of com-
missions. Fees are used most often for high-end commercial clients where the risk
management program includes significant elements of alternative risk transfer. In
such cases, the fee arrangements, rather than commissions, will control broker

Contingent Commissions in the Principal–Agent Framework

Principal–agent theory also can be used to analyze contingent commissions. The
principal–agent model predicts a complex compensation structure with elements

Insurers with higher credit ratings typically charge higher premiums because they pose less
credit risk to buyers (Cummins and Danzon, 1997).
However, policy makers should use caution in imposing additional regulations relating to
disclosure. For example, requiring intermediaries to make detailed allocations of contingent
commissions to specific buyers would be of questionable value and might raise the price of
insurance by unnecessarily adding to administrative costs.

designed to support the functions the intermediary provides for the insurer. One
such element could be contingent commissions. This issue has been explored by
Wilder (2002) in what, to our knowledge, is the only empirical study of the effects
of contingent commissions on intermediary behavior. Using data on a privately held
regional agency, Wilder found that the placement and renewal of business is indeed
influenced by contingent commissions, among other factors.
Because Wilder’s results were based on a small regional agency, they cannot necessar-
ily be generalized across the full spectrum of intermediaries. Nevertheless, assuming
that there is a marginal shift in placing business based on contingent commissions,
does it harm or benefit the policyholders? Wilder’s results could imply that inter-
mediaries are not concerned with the best placement for the client; only with the
contingent commission. Arguing against this interpretation is the fact that contingent
commissions account for only about 5 percent of revenue, whereas the majority of
revenue is generated from premium-based commissions. Intermediaries who make
inferior placements in pursuit of higher contingent commissions are balancing a small
gain against the possibility of a much larger loss, i.e., the loss of the premium-based
commission if the client becomes dissatisfied and switches to a competitor. Of course,
intermediaries might advise clients to select between otherwise equally attractive in-
surers based on contingent commissions, but that would not necessarily harm the
The importance to the intermediary of the ongoing relationship with clients under-
scores the incentives the intermediary possesses not to exploit contingent commis-
sions to the detriment of the buyer. There is a market for intermediaries—brokers or
agents who retire often sell their businesses and there is an active M&A market. The
value of the intermediary is the present value of its future net cash flows. Because
premium-based commissions are the primary source of cash flows, intermediaries
have a strong incentive not to take actions that threaten such commissions. In ad-
dition, the intermediary’s persistency rate also is an important determinant of the
present value of future cash flows, and taking actions that are detrimental to buyers
has the potential to reduce persistency. Hence, the economics of insurance interme-
diaries argues against the prevalence of scenarios where contingent commissions are

Contingent Commissions and Insurer Barriers to Entry

The role of contingent commissions in aligning incentives between intermediaries
and insurers may enhance competition in insurance markets by facilitating the en-
try of new insurers, making the market more contestable and preventing insurers
from earning supra-competitive profits. The recent history of the PC insurance in-
dustry suggests that entry into the industry is relatively unrestricted. New com-
panies were formed and significant amounts of new capital flowed into the in-
dustry following such pivotal loss events as Hurricane Andrew in 1992 and the
World Trade Center terrorist attacks in 2001 (Doherty, Lamm-Tennant, and Starks,
2003). Contingent commissions can help new insurers enter the industry by over-
coming the reluctance of intermediaries to deal with new insurers where no es-
tablished working relationship exists. Absent contingent commissions, new en-
trants might find it difficult to obtain high quality placements from intermediaries,

who might naturally prefer dealing with established insurers. By linking the in-
termediary’s compensation to the underwriting quality of the business provided
the insurer, the new entrant can ensure a flow of business that meets its un-
derwriting standards and hence can compete more effectively with established

Insurance Agents and Brokers as Information Intermediaries

This section uses a modified version of the model of Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976)
to show that contingent commissions can be beneficial to policyholders. To set the
stage, note that almost all contingent commission structures are designed by insurers
and tend to be based significantly on profitability. Why would insurers adopt this
strategy? The key lies in the fact that the intermediary has valuable information about
its clients, and the insurer is interested in extracting this information in order to price
policies accurately.
To underwrite insurance and set premiums, insurers require information about each
risk underwritten, and here the intermediary plays a very important role. To obtain
information about risk, the insurer can carry out a risk survey, but even the most
comprehensive risk survey does not fully reveal the level of risk. Moreover, certain
aspects of a risk (e.g., behavioral traits of the policyholder) simply cannot be directly
observed. This means that insurers are never fully informed when they quote for in-
surance. In many cases, particularly for small and medium-sized commercial buyers,
intermediaries have more information about buyer risk characteristics than insurers.
Moreover, the intermediary often has a relationship with a policyholder over a num-
ber of years and has much more information about the risk than a new insurer who
might bid on that risk.23 The information gathered by the intermediary helps to im-
prove the efficiency of insurance markets by reducing adverse selection, as is now
Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976) show that insurance markets can fail if the insurer is
not able to identify the risk type of insurance applicants. They posit a simple model
where there are two risk types—high risks and low risks. Both risks face the same
nonstochastic loss amount, F, there is a binary probability that the loss will occur, and
high risks have higher loss probabilities than low risks, i.e., θ H > θ L , where θ H and
θ L are the loss probabilities of the high and low risks. The insurer knows that there
are high and low risks among its applicants, and it knows the loss probabilities, but
it cannot distinguish the high risks from the low risks. If the insurer tries to price
at the average loss probability θ̄ , high risks will buy more coverage than low risks
and the market will fail. This is a classic adverse selection problem. However, under
specified conditions, insurers can induce a “self-selection” equilibrium by offering
full coverage to the high risks at a price that is actuarially fair for the high risks and
offering reduced coverage to the low risks at a price that is actuarially fair for this
group. If the insurer offers the correct set of policies, the high risks will not buy the
policies intended for the low risks, and market equilibrium will occur. However, the
low risks are penalized because they can only obtain partial coverage.

The informational role played by independent intermediaries is analyzed further in Regan
and Tennyson (1996).

The Rothschild-Stiglitz model can be adapted to show how contingent commissions

can improve policyholder welfare. The model is modified to assume that the insurer
not only cannot distinguish high risks from low risks but also does not know the loss
probabilities θ H and θ L . This is an important modification because, not knowing the
loss probabilities, the insurer will not be able to formulate policy offers that lead to
a self selection equilibrium. The insurer is assumed to know the overall average loss
probability θ̄, but as in Rothschild-Stiglitz, the market will fail if the insurer tries to
offer insurance at the average price. In the modified version of the model, insurance
intermediaries are assumed to be present in the market. Intermediaries are assumed to
have perfect knowledge of the loss probabilities θ H and θ L for their clients, obtained at
some cost for each client. Although the insurer could expend resources to identify the
risk types, the intermediary is assumed to be able to do this more efficiently because
it is closer to the market and more familiar with local conditions.24
The market equilibrium is diagrammed in Figure 5. For purposes of comparison,
the Rothschild-Stiglitz separating equilibrium is also shown. The solid lines in the
figure labeled “High Price” and “Low Price” are fair premium lines for the high and
low risks. The equations for these lines are Pi = θ i C, where C = amount of coverage
and i = H and L for high and low risks. If the insurer could distinguish high and
low risks and knew the loss probabilities, it would offer actuarially fair policies to
both groups and both would purchase full coverage (F). This perfect-information
equilibrium is represented by the points labeled Hopt and Lopt in the figure. The self-
selection equilibrium is represented by the points Hopt for the high risks and L for the
low risks, i.e., high risks still have optimal coverage but the low risks have reduced
In the modified model, the insurer can create a viable insurance market by obtaining
information on the risk types and loss probabilities from the intermediary. Assume
that policies are issued at time 0 and losses are realized and claims paid at time 1. The
insurer can provide an incentive for the intermediary to reveal the loss probabilities
by paying a contingent commission at time 1, after loss realizations occur. Payment
after the fact induces intermediaries to provide accurate information. If inaccurate
information is provided, policies will be priced incorrectly, the insurer will lose money
at time 1, and the market will fail. On the other hand, if accurate information is
provided, the insurer will cover its loss costs, realize a profit, and pay the contingent
commission to the agent.
To obtain information on the loss probabilities, the intermediary makes a constant
expenditure of M for each risk. The expenditure is required for both high and low
risks because there are positive costs of gathering information for both types.25 Perfect
competition is assumed to prevail among both insurers and intermediaries. Thus,
in equilibrium both insurers and intermediaries break even. This implies that the

The model also helps explain why independent intermediaries tend to “own their renewals,”
i.e., the insurer is usually contractually barred from approaching clients directly. This is to
protect the intermediary’s information investment in discovering the risk types and loss
probabilities (see also Regan and Tennyson, 1996).
The expenditure could differ between high and low risks but the conclusions of the analysis
would be unchanged.

Market Equilibrium with Contingent Commissions

Symbol Key: High Price = high risks’ fair premium line, Low Price = low risks’ fair premium line, High+ =
high risks’ price line with contingent commissions, Low+ = low risks’ price line with contingent com-
missions, Hopt = high risks’ full information equilibrium, H2 = high risks’ equilibrium with contingent
commissions, Lopt = low risks’ full information equilibrium. L = low risks’ Rothschild-Stiglitz self-selection
equilibrium, L2 = low risks’ equilibrium with contingent commissions, UH = high risks’ indifference curve
in full information equilibrium, U’H = high risks’ indifference curve in contingent commission equilib-
rium, UL = low risks’ indifference curve in Rothschild-Stiglitz self-selection equilibrium, U’L = low risks’
indifference curve in the contingent commission equilibrium

premium will be Pi = θ i C + M, where M = the contingent commission. Because of

the break-even condition, the insurer receives the expected loss part of the premium,
θ i C, which is used to pay claims, and the intermediary receives the loading, M, as
compensation for providing the information on loss probabilities. That is, a “profit”
of M is realized at time 1 of which 100 percent is paid to the intermediary.
The price lines for the high and low risks are labeled “High+” and “Low+” in
Figure 5. The price lines have positive intercepts, reflecting the contingent commission
M, and are parallel to the fair price lines. The addition of the contingent commission
means that the price of insurance is not actuarially fair. However, with a constant
loading, it can be demonstrated that full coverage is still optimal. Equilibrium oc-
curs at the points H2 and L2 in the figure, representing the tangency of the high and
low risk indifference curves, U H and U L , with the premium lines, High+ and Low+,

respectively. Although both groups receive full coverage, the equilibrium is inferior
to the perfect information equilibrium because both high and low risks are on less
favorable indifference curves. However, because the market would fail without the
use of contingent commissions, both groups are clearly better off than if contingent
commissions were not present. Thus, contingent commissions play an important role
by mitigating the adverse selection problem.
Notice that this is not a self-selection equilibrium because the insurer has obtained full
information on the risk types from the intermediary. Thus, there is no threat of market
failure from the high risks buying policies intended for the low risks. It is interest-
ing to compare the contingent commission equilibrium with the Rothschild-Stiglitz
separating equilibrium. High risks clearly are worse off than under the separating
equilibrium, which is the same as the perfect information equilibrium for this group.
However, as long as the contingent commission is not too high, the low risks are bet-
ter off. Thus, neither equilibrium is Pareto superior. However, the two equilibria are
not alternatives in our model because the insurer does not know the loss probabili-
ties here.
Notice that premium-based commissions would not accomplish the same objective as
profit-based commissions in the modified Rothschild-Stiglitz model. Recall that this
is a one-period model. Premium-based commissions would provide no incentive for
the agent to reveal the information about policyholder risk types because the agent
receives the commission when the policy is issued (time 0) rather than after losses are
realized (time 1). Hence, the agent receives the same commission whether the infor-
mation provided to the insurer is accurate or not. Of course, in a multiperiod setting,
the agent would face the loss of his/her relationship with the insurer if inaccurate in-
formation were provided. However, because the insurer would be required to sustain
underwriting losses to identify the dishonest agents, contingent commissions are still
likely to be optimal in terms of long-term profitability.

Contingent Commissions and the Settlement of Claims

An important function of intermediaries is to assist their clients in the settlement of
claims. If the intermediary is paid a profit-based contingent commission then, all else
held constant, a larger claim settlement will reduce the intermediary’s commissions.
Thus, in theory, profit-based commissions may create a disincentive for the interme-
diary to represent the best interests of its clients in claims settlement. However, it is
unlikely that profit-based commissions generally cause intermediaries to act against
their clients’ interests, for the following reasons:
r Clients are acutely aware of the cooperation they receive from their intermediaries
in the negotiation of claims with the insurer. Intermediaries failing to act properly
are unlikely to retain clients and hence jeopardize their premium-based commis-
sions. Moreover, any individual claim is unlikely to have much impact on the
profitability of the intermediary’s book of business. For the intermediary to signif-
icantly increase its contingent commission, it would have to undertake a sustained
campaign of dampening claims. Such a campaign is unlikely to escape attention,
damaging the intermediary’s reputation. Moreover, attempts to intervene in a high
proportion of claims would be resisted by both clients and insurers.

r Insurers that develop a reputation for fair treatment of claims will enhance the de-
mand for their products and thus increase long-term profitability. The intermediary
that places business with such insurers, and represents its clients’ interests with in-
tegrity, will share in the enhanced profitability. Thus, the short-term incentive to
suppress claims may well be trumped by a longer-term incentive to collaborate
with both its clients and insurers to see that policies are competitively priced and
claims are fairly resolved.
r Intermediaries who are perceived as dealing unfairly with clients with respect to
claims or other aspects of the relationship expose themselves to liability lawsuits
for errors and omissions.


Insurance Is a Multidimensional Product

Insurance is a complex, multidimensional product. Prior to seeking insurers to un-
derwrite the risk, the intermediary works with the client to identify coverage needs
and design a risk management program. The intermediary then surveys the market to
match the buyer with insurers who have the skill, capacity, risk appetite, and financial
strength to underwrite the risk, and then help their client select from competing offers.
Price is important but is only one of several criteria that buyers consider in deciding
upon the insurer(s) that provide their coverage. Also important are the breadth of
coverage offered by competing insurers, the risk management services provided, the
insurer’s reputation for claims settlement and financial strength, and other factors.
The relative importance of the various functions carried out by the intermediary
varies by market segment. For the smallest risks, which do not have risk manage-
ment departments, the role of the intermediary in recommending the appropriate
insurance policies is critically important. For larger risks with in-house risk manage-
ment departments, the basics of coverage design usually are carried out by the buyer.
The role of the intermediary is shifted toward complex or sophisticated areas of risk
management where the buyer may not have expertise. The intermediary’s knowl-
edge of the insurance market, including the ability to find appropriate insurers to
provide price quotations, remains critically important for both small and large risks.
For very large risks, coverage is likely to be syndicated over many insurers, requiring
considerable skill on the part of the intermediary.
Intermediaries and their clients usually resubmit their business to the market period-
ically. This can reflect dissatisfaction with the incumbent insurer or simply the desire
to periodically check the market to determine whether rival insurers can offer better
prices, coverages, or service. Intermediaries usually work with their clients to deter-
mine the circumstances and schedule by which existing business will be resubmitted
to the market.
The frequency with which accounts are put out for price quotations varies by the
size of the account, the importance of services versus price, and the line of business.
Commercial insurance lines can be broadly classified as service intensive and commodi-
tized.26 In service-intensive lines, such as workers’ compensation for relatively large

We use the word “commoditized” in a relative sense. Clearly, insurance policies are not
identical and transferable as are pure commodities. By saying some policies are relatively

risks, the services provided by the insurer are critically important, involving loss
control and mitigation, benefits administration, and even rehabilitative services. The
workers’ compensation insurance program also is often integrated with the firm’s
personnel management system. Because the costs of switching insurers in such cases
are relatively high, service-intensive accounts are put out to market infrequently, e.g.,
every 3–5 years. Less service-intensive lines, such as commercial property coverages,
have become “commoditized,” such that buyers care primarily about price, contingent
on insurers’ meeting a minimum threshold with regard to financial rating, and reputa-
tion for claims settlement. Commoditized coverages typically are shopped annually,
and switching of insurers occurs frequently. Larger accounts tend to be shopped more
frequently than smaller accounts.
The process of searching for insurers and seeking price quotations also varies accord-
ing to the nature of the risk, the depth and breadth of the market, and the relationships
between the intermediary and the insurers. For example, to place the liability risks of
a biotech company, the intermediary may seek out quotations from insurers that focus
on this type of risk, as well as from other insurers with which the intermediary has a
successful relationship and therefore can be relied on for competitive price quotations.
Depending on the size of the risk and the breadth of the market, the intermediary may
obtain three or four quotes, as many as a dozen, or even more.
The process of seeking quotations and selecting a winner has some similarities to an
auction. However, the insurance placement process is significantly different from most
auctions. The product the intermediary is placing is inherently multidimensional; and
the process cannot be compared to simple auctions such as those for oil or telecom
bandwidth. Insurance is a complex product, for which price is only one of the attributes
that are important to the buyer.
The intermediary generally makes an attempt to “standardize” the terms offered
by competing insurers. Indeed the intermediary might seek specific policy wording.
However, the offers made by competing insurers are often “counteroffers,” which
deviate in significant dimensions from the terms originally specified. Thus, one in-
surer might be willing to offer coverage with lower policy limits; another may offer
the requested limits but with different policy wording; another may exclude certain
properties from coverage; etc. This variation in the coverage offered is compounded
by heterogeneity in the financial condition and reputation for claims settlement of
the responding insurers. And, of course, the quotations will vary by price. The best
offer is likely to represent a combination of price, coverage, credit quality, and insurer
services and reputation.
The efficiency and fairness of this process cannot be verified by a simple rule such
as “did the lowest price win?” Rather, it rests on the integrity of the process itself.
Was there an appropriate selection of insurers? Was information properly transmit-
ted? Were bids fully communicated to the client? Were the intermediary’s actions
and compensation structures transparent? Were all other relevant factors considered?
Of course, occasions may arise where the integrity of the process is compromised.
However, it is important not to confuse outcomes with process. While malfeasance

more commoditized, we mean that there is a lower service component and that the properties
of insurance coverages can be parameterized more easily for comparison.

can occur in insurance markets, as it can elsewhere in the economy, it is also both
possible and normal for uncompetitive bids to arise from the natural frictions and
imperfections of the bidding process.


To make confident price quotations, insurers need information about the risk charac-
teristics of policyholders. This they can obtain from a risk analysis. The risk analysis
can be expensive, requiring expertise in engineering, actuarial science, law, and fi-
nance. Risk analyses are almost always conducted on large commercial accounts.
For smaller accounts, however, the insurer relies more heavily on the knowledge of
the agent or broker. For the largest accounts, the risk analysis becomes part of the
information reviewed by all insurers quoting on the account. Hence, informational
asymmetries tend to be lower for the largest accounts and increase as the size of
account declines.
Even for large accounts, the insurer is never perfectly informed about any given risk.
Moreover, the amount of information and ability to interpret information can vary
across insurers. Incumbent insurers are likely to have more information about the
buyer’s risk characteristics than competing insurers because information is gained in
the process of servicing an account over a period of time. When policies are out for
quotation, insurers with superior information and experience with this type of risk
will be able to quote price with more confidence. Those whose information is less
complete or who lack the skills or experience with risks of a similar type will be less
confident about the premium quotation. The lower the level of understanding about
the risk, the less confident the underwriter will be in quoting a premium. This will
manifest itself in insurers either declining to quote or quoting a conservatively high
Conservative bidding in PC insurance echoes a well-known phenomenon in auctions
known as the “winner’s curse.” If people are bidding to buy something, and the
value of the item is uncertain, then the winning bid is likely to be above the true
value. Indeed, the winning bidder is usually the person who overvalues the item
by the biggest margin. This means that the winner will often rue his success (thus
the winner’s curse) and cautions against bidding on things not well understood. The
lesson is either not to bid, or to submit a conservative bid, when you are not sure of
the value.
Insurers might be reluctant to submit competitive price quotations for other reasons.
Insurers increasingly pay attention to the spread of risk in their portfolios. The more
sophisticated build computer models of their book of business to examine how vul-
nerable it is to certain types of loss. In this way, insurance underwriters can spread
their portfolios so there is no unacceptable accumulation of risk in a particular line
of business or in a particular geographic location.27 The alert intermediary will keep
track of which insurers have capacity for different types of risks.
The winner’s curse implies that the decision by insurers to decline to quote or to
submit conservatively high price quotations is quite rational. Indeed, the wider the

A theoretical model where prices depend upon the existing portfolios is developed by Froot
and Stein (1998).

intermediary casts the net in soliciting offers, the more likely it is to encounter con-
servative quotations. Intermediaries can deal with this issue in several ways. The first
is to concentrate on a small number of insurers that are likely to make serious price
offers. These can include specialized insurers and those with whom the intermediary
has a relationship of trust, which gives the insurers confidence that their quotations
will be “in the running.” Contingent commissions support this trust relationship since
they encourage intermediaries to focus on insurers with matching specialties, good
claims reputations, and strong financial standing. With such relationships, insurers
are more likely to make competitive offers. Contingent commissions also give insur-
ers confidence that they can rely upon the underwriting information provided by
the intermediary. Thus, contingent commissions help break the winner’s curse and
generate more competitive price offers.

This article analyzes the economic functions of insurance intermediaries, focusing
on the commercial PC insurance market. The emphasis is on independent interme-
diaries, i.e., brokers and independent agents. The article investigates the functions
performed by brokers and agents, the competitiveness of the marketplace, compen-
sation arrangements, and the process by which policies are placed with insurers.
In commercial insurance markets, the intermediary plays the role of “market maker,”
helping buyers to identify their coverage needs and matching buyers with appropriate
insurers. The process through which buyers are matched with insurers is complex and
multidimensional. The role of the intermediary is to scan the market, match buyers
with insurers who have the skill, capacity, risk appetite, and financial strength to
underwrite the risk, and then help its client select from competing offers. Price is
important but is only one of several criteria that buyers consider in deciding upon
the insurer or insurers that provide their coverage. Also important are the breadth of
coverage, the quality of services, the insurer’s reputation for claims settlement and
financial strength, and other factors.
The insurance brokerage industry is highly concentrated at the top of the market-
place. However, the absolute number of brokers and independent agents is very
large. For small and mid-sized risks, there is considerable competition among small
and medium-sized intermediaries who can and do effectively compete with the global
brokers for such accounts. Even for large risks, specialty or regional mid-sized brokers
can sometimes compete with the megabrokers. However, there are some risks (such
as large, complex international exposures) which have become the exclusive domain
of the megabrokers.
Insurance intermediary compensation comprises premium-based commissions, ex-
pressed as a percentage of the premium paid, and contingent commissions based on
the profitability of the business placed with the insurer, the volume of business, and/or
persistency. Larger intermediaries also sometimes receive fees for services such as risk
management, which may be offset against premium-based commissions. Premium-
based commissions account typically for 10–11 percent of premiums, compared with
an average of 1–2 percent of premiums for contingent commissions. Premium-based
commissions constitute the vast majority of intermediary revenues, with contingent
commissions accounting for about 5 percent.

This article provides empirical evidence that both premium-based and contingent
commissions are passed on to policyholders in the premium. However, whether this
harms or benefits policyholders is a matter of debate. Despite recent allegations that
contingent commissions are a “kickback” that compromises the intermediary’s obli-
gations to its clients, such commissions can be beneficial to clients.
Insurers need accurate information to underwrite and price policies, and the under-
writing information available to insurers is inevitably somewhat incomplete. Such
informational imperfections can lead to adverse selection problems in insurance mar-
kets. The costs of adverse selection are borne by policyholders, who either end up
paying premiums that are too high given their risk or being squeezed out of the insur-
ance market altogether. Insurance intermediaries help alleviate the adverse selection
problem because they are usually better informed about the risks of their clients than
insurers. Insurers can use this information if a relationship of trust exists with the inter-
mediary. The model of Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976) is used to show how profit-based
contingent commissions can align the interests of the intermediary and the insurer
to alleviate adverse selection. With the information transmitted by intermediaries,
insurers can compete more vigorously for business and can price more competitively
and fairly. Contingent commissions also facilitate the entry of new insurers into the PC
insurance market by aligning incentives between intermediaries and new insurers.
Thus, intermediaries have an important role to play in enhancing the efficiency of the
insurance market.
The article also analyzes the placement process for commercial insurance. Interme-
diaries increase market competition by providing the buyer access to a wider range
of possible insurers and helping the buyer to select insurers on the basis of price,
coverage, service, and financial strength. Contingent commissions, particularly those
based on profit, may further stimulate competitive bidding. By aligning its interest
with that of the intermediary, the insurer will have more confidence in the selection
of risks and in the information provided by the intermediary. This helps to break the
“winner’s curse” and encourages insurers to bid more aggressively.
The discussion in this article suggests several possible areas for future research. Be-
cause there is a little systematic information available on the prevalence of various
types of contingent commissions, it would be useful to do research to identify the
commissions used in various market segments. The design of contingent commissions
could be analyzed further both theoretically and empirically. Additional empirical re-
search on the effects of contingent commissions on intermediary behavior would also
be valuable. Analysis of intermediary GAAP ROE and stock price performance could
be used to obtain information on levels of competitiveness in the intermediary market.
Finally, further extensions of the Rothschild-Stiglitz and other microeconomic models
could shed additional light on the relationship between intermediary compensation
and market efficiency.

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