GIFTS Final Dissertation MUK DM3
GIFTS Final Dissertation MUK DM3
GIFTS Final Dissertation MUK DM3
MARCH, 2022
I Gift Immaculate hereby declare that this dissertation is my original work and has never been
presented to any institution or anywhere else for any purpose except where referenced, errors
or omissions are my sole responsibility.
Signature……………………………. Date………………………………….
+256 750 461 449
+256 777 636 126
[email protected]
Signed……………………………… Date…………………………………….
My beloved family
I extend my sincere gratitude to Dr. David Mfitumukiza, my academic supervisor who has
tirelessly contributed towards the success of my research. Special gratitude to my parents, sister
and her husband who supported me in my academics financially.
DECLARATION ........................................................................................................................ i
APPROVAL ..............................................................................................................................ii
DEDICATION ......................................................................................................................... iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................ iv
LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................................................vii
LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................................... viii
ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................ ix
ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................... x
1.1 Background .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Problem statement ................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 General objective ................................................................................................................. 3
1.3.1 Specific objectives ............................................................................................................ 4
1.3.2 Research questions ............................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Justification of the study ...................................................................................................... 4
CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ............................................................................ 5
2.1 Vegetation cover changes .................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Monitoring of vegetation cover changes.............................................................................. 5
2.3 Association of vegetation cover changes and physical water parameters ........................... 6
2.4 Perceptions on water physical parameters ........................................................................... 7
2.5 Importance of community’s perceptions in natural resource management ......................... 7
CHAPTER THREE: STUDY AREA AND METHODS .......................................................... 9
3.1 Study area............................................................................................................................. 9
3.1.1 Location of study area ....................................................................................................... 9
3.1.2 Vegetation ....................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.3 Climate ............................................................................................................................ 10
3.1.4 Major economic activities in the study area ................................................................... 11
3.2 Data collection methods ..................................................................................................... 11
3.2.1 Assessment of spatial and temporal vegetation cover changes. ..................................... 11 Accuracy assessment ................................................................................................... 11
3.2.2 Assessment of community perceptions on vegetation cover changes and associated effects
on physical water parameters ................................................................................................... 12
3.2.3 Sampling of respondents. ................................................................................................ 12
v Sample size determination ........................................................................................... 12
3.3 Data analysis ...................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.1 Analysis for the spatial and temporal vegetation cover changes .................................... 14
3.3.2 Community perceptions on the vegetation cover changes and relationship with physical
water parameters ...................................................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS ................................................................................................ 17
4.1 Spatial and temporal LULC changes ............................................................................ 17
4.1.1 Accuracy assessment ................................................................................................. 18
4.2 Community’s perception on vegetation cover changes ..................................................... 20
4.3 Community perceptions on the association between vegetation cover changes and water
physical parameters .................................................................................................................. 21
CHAPTER FIVE: DISCUSSION ............................................................................................ 22
5.1 The spatial and temporal vegetation cover changes in river Rwizi sub catchment ........... 22
5. 2 Community perception on vegetation cover changes ....................................................... 23
5.3 Community perceptions on the association between vegetation cover changes and water
physical parameters .................................................................................................................. 24
CHAPTER SIX: CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATION ......................................... 25
6.1 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... 25
6.2 Recommendation ............................................................................................................... 25
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 27
APPENDICES ......................................................................................................................... 37
Appendix 1: Survey Questionnaire .......................................................................................... 37
Appendix 2: Sample size determination for the study population (90% confidence). ............ 40
Appendix 3: Error matrix resulting from classifying test pixels 2020..................................... 41
Appendix 4: Error matrix resulting from classifying test pixels 2010..................................... 42
Appendix 5: Error matrix resulting from classifying test pixels 1999..................................... 43
ha Hectares
RS Remote Sensing
n Number of respondents
The Rwizi river catchment is a high value landscape covering 10 districts of western Uganda.
The catchment has faced large scale human induced land use and land cover changes, which
has led to loss of vegetation cover and its effect on water parameters. This study was aimed at
assessing vegetation cover changes, community perceptions on these changes and the
association between these changes with water physical parameters in the catchment. A
combination of satellite imagery were interpreted to construct vegetation cover dynamics in
the catchment for the years 1999, 2010 and 2020. The results from both satellite image analysis
and community perceptions showed large trends of vegetation cover changes, which have
occurred rapidly over the last 20 years. The most dominant vegetation cover change were a net
gain in built up/ bare land from 29% to 36% between 1999 and 2010, and a reduction in
grassland from 29% to 22% between 2010 and 2020. Restoration of wetlands and afforestation
efforts resulted into an increase in dense vegetation between 2010 and 2020. This is one of the
few studies in River Rwizi catchment scale that combines multi-source spatio-temporal data
on land cover to enable long-term quantification of land cover changes. The findings
demonstrate the need for restoring wetlands and afforestation and as well as research to
quantify sediment load and deposition in this river catchment. The findings might be used by
relevant authorities for informed decision making on planning for erosion and sediment control
interventions and improving the productivity of the River Rwizi.
1.1 Background
Riparian vegetation is a critical element of river catchments (Pavanelli & Cavazza, 2010).
Vegetation actively influences the hydromorphological characteristics of rivers such as flow
rate, water quality, total water yield and width of the river. River width of forested catchments
is always narrower than the river width of non-forested or grass lined river catchments (Poppe
et al., 2016; Solari et al., 2016 and Guilloy et al., 2000). Riparian vegetation significantly
reduces the rate of sediment transport and deposition and also safeguards good quality of water
by intercepting and infiltrating surface runoff from river catchment that contains nutrients and
sediments (Chua et al., 2019; Vargas Luna, 2016; Latella et al, 2020 and Machado et al., 2019).
At catchment scale, vegetation reduces runoff and sediment movement and maintains bank
stability (Ruiz-Colmenero et al., 2013 and Guo et al., 2014).
Despite of the catchment’s vegetation roles, catchment vegetation cover has been increasingly
modified due to human activity interference (Fierro et al., 2017; Riis et al., 2020). The world
is experiencing an accelerated expansion of agricultural areas in river catchments hence loss of
riparian vegetation cover (Alemu et al., 2017; Nóbrega et al., 2020 and Glenn, 2003). Other
major contributors to vegetation cover loss in river catchments are human settlement growth
and establishment of industries in river line wetland catchment areas (Turyahabwe et al., 2013;
Smith et al; 2007). Indirectly, human population growth is one of the major pressures and
drivers behind these vegetation cover losses.
Loss of vegetation cover has severe effects on river characteristics including changes in the
magnitude and pattern of surface water runoff in the catchment, total water yield, flow rate and
sediment load and transport (Geremew, 2013; Aires et al., 2020 and Abraha, 2009).
Additionally, loss of catchment vegetation cover is associated with increased surface runoff
whenever it rains, sediment transport and deposition into rivers. This eventually leads to poor
water quality and quantity through river eutrophication, water turbidity and river clogging
which shapes the changes in water color, smell, taste among others (Fabricius et al., 2014 and
Khan & Mohammad, 2014). Evidence shows that loss of vegetation cover to agricultural
activities around Lake Victoria has resulted in deterioration of water quality because of
sedimentation, leading to high water treatment costs (Twesigye, 2011).
To draw effective river catchment management options, it is important to understand historical
and current trends of vegetation cover, as well as how the changes affect the characteristics of
the river. It is also important that the perceptions of riparian communities on the changes and
the effects are well understood and incorporated in river catchment management strategies.
Understanding riparian community perceptions helps to establish their abilities, gaps and
opportunities for engaging them to contribute to solving prevailing problems (Thomson &
Pepperdine, 2003; Vollmer et al., 2015). That way, the communities can be supported to be
instrumental in sustainably managing their resources (Shrestha, 2011). When involved and
educated, communities can meaningfully participate in resource restoration activities including
replanting of vegetation, guarding and conservation of resources, information sharing, among
others (Amare et al., 2016; Rönnbäck et al., 2007).
Most of the studies that have focused on understanding spatial and temporal changes in river
catchments and associated river characteristics, have not sufficiently generated information to
demonstrate community perceptions on water quality and quantity management. Where
attempts have been made such perceptions have not been aligned to catchment degradation
processes (Chifamba, 2013; Keshtkar et al., 2013; Macharia et al., 2010). Lack of holistic
community involvement in natural resource management yields short-term benefits for
conservation because communities will continue using the given natural resource
unsustainably, since they are not able to be aware of the depth of the problem(Dyer et al., 2014).
To acquire information on vegetation cover trends, tools and methods that allow comparisons
of spatial and temporal changes over time are required. Remote sensing has been proven to be
reliable for monitoring vegetation cover trends as well as historical variations of river
characteristics (Shanwad et al., 2012; Bhatti et al., 2011; Tomsett & Leyland, 2019). By using
Normalized Difference Vegetation Indices (NDVIs) gotten from RS imageries, many studies
have been able to monitor trends of vegetation quality (Bento et al., 2020; Yengoh et al., 2015).
The NDVI is a commonly used vegetation index that can easily be derived using most
multispectral satellite sensors. It is based on the spectral reflectance of the red and near-infrared
wavelengths (Huang et al., 2021). This study is an attempt to assess vegetation cover changes
and associated impacts on the river water parameters for effective decision making in the
conservation of natural resources.
1.2 Problem statement
River catchment degradation is one of the most challenges that has been reported to cause
significant changes in river characteristics in sub Saharan (Apse & Karres, 2016). Activities
such as agriculture, brick making, industrial developments, among others continue to increase
in catchments areas (Atwongyeire et al., 2018). These activities have continued to alter riparian
areas through clearing of natural vegetation to get land for such activities.
Catchment degradation has resulted in many implications including loosening and movement
of soils into rivers Kroese et al., (2020). This Increases River water turbidity and incase the
runoff is highly enriched with nutrients, this leads to river eutrophication.
For catchments, such as River Rwizi, there is limited information on the trends, perceptions
and impacts of vegetation cover changes on water parameters. Knowledge of how people
perceive vegetation changes and the association with the water physical parameters in the river
is not understood, leaving the scale of such a gap uncertain.
Previously, there have been many projects around River Rwizi catchment focusing on
restoration activities like eviction of settlers, sand miners, and wetland demarcation among
others. However, despite these practices, there is little awareness about the vegetation cover
changes and the association of vegetation cover changes with the water physical parameters
such as color, smell, sediments and taste. This has limited the ability of environmental
management actors to manage the water resource and environment at large in an integrated or
coordinated manner. If this unawareness is not solved, poor decision making and ineffective
policy formulation by various actors will prevail. This in turn is likely to result into increased
catchment degradation with unforeseen effects on the river and its water. Therefore, this study
aims at contributing information on vegetation cover changes and how people perceive these
changes and its association with the water physical parameters.
This study aims to contribute to the understanding of how vegetation cover changes affect river
characteristics as a basis for informing improved management of water catchment areas.
1.3.1 Specific objectives
i. To assess the spatial and temporal and perceived vegetation cover changes in River
Rwizi catchment between 2000 and 2020.
ii. To assess community perceptions on the association between vegetation cover
changes and the physical parameters of water in River Rwizi.
How does the community perceive the association of vegetation cover changes and water
physical parameters?
More so, analysis of vegetation cover can be helpful in predicting the unfortunate natural
disasters to provide charitable aid, loss assessment and furthermore to scheme new protection
strategies. This predication can be done by assessing the LULC changes and their consequences
on the environment.
The study will contribute to NDP III through providing information that will be useful on
reducing water pollution and siltation of rivers and through raising awareness to lessen
encroachment on river and its catchment. It will also contribute to SDG 6 which is about clean
water and sanitation by encouraging participation of local communities to observe how their
activities contribute to changes in vegetation cover and the water physical parameters which
eventually leads to poor water quality and quantity.
The conversion of various land use and cover types, including vegetation cover, to other land
use classifications, such as agricultural, built up, and road development, is referred to as land
use and land cover changes (Rishikesh et al., 2020). According to Bunyangha et al., (2021),
conversion of vegetation is occurring in catchment areas due to demand for space for
construction and industrialization-, large- and small-scale agriculture among others. As a result,
both agriculture and built-up areas have been identified as the primary land use changes in the
next 20 years (Bunyangha et al., 2021; Nicholas Kiggundu et al., 2018).
Recent research has shown that human activities such as logging, farming, grazing and
construction have severely influenced riparian vegetation cover with obvious decline in extent,
distribution and quality. Notably deforestation, agriculture and urbanization are the main
drivers of riparian vegetation decline in Africa (Borisade et al., 2021). For example, 1% annual
loss of vegetation cover in East Africa between 1990- 2015, was largely attributed to human
activities (Guzha et al., 2018). Additionally, in Uganda, the area under agriculture and
urbanization has expanded steadily to meet food and development needs of the growing
population. For example, during the period of 1995-2003, vegetation cover in Murchison
catchment experienced the highest change in which both the built up and agriculture lands
increased by 513 ha and 176 ha respectively due to rapid population growth and infrastructure
development (Kiggundu et al., 2018).
Natural causes such as climate change also have led to loss of natural vegetation for example
a study by Zhang et al., (2011) revealed that climate change contributed to the loss in spatial
patterns of major vegetation ecosystem from 1956 to 2006 in Inner Mongola of China. Natural
vegetation cover changes have also been witnessed in several areas around the world as climate
change continues to cause existential threats to biodiversity species.
World over, there are many tools and techniques used in monitoring and assessing vegetation
cover including Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing, biodiversity surveys
among others. In the past, it was difficult to assess trends of vegetation changes since
researchers relied majorly on manual sampling techniques. Although the results were quite
accurate, it was difficult to obtain information over a broad spatial and temporal extent (Burgan,
1993). Recent advancements such as use of satellite data for remote sensing offer spatial and
temporal vegetation change detection in a practical, efficient and economical way (E. Adam et
al., 2010). Remote sensing for vegetation cover change detection bases on the reflectance
characteristics of vegetation to detect its quality and pattern of change. Additionally, several
indices have been developed to highlight vegetation-bearing areas on a remote sensing scene.
Of the indices, NDVI is the most widely used vegetation index in environmental and climate
change research and is a good indicator for identifying long-term changes in vegetated areas
and their condition (Fu & Burgher, 2015; Gandhi et al., 2015). NDVI is calculated as a ratio
difference between measured canopy reflectance in the red and near infrared bands
respectively. It has been utilized widely in several applications especially in local, regional and
continental scale vegetation cover monitoring (Amiri & Tabatabaie, 2010).
Generally, water physical parameters including water color, taste, odor/smell, temperature and
sediments have largely been studied (Oschwald, 1972; Harter, 2003; Etuk & Solomon, n.d.;
Khan et al., 2018; Zhou et al., 2017). Recent literature indicates that these parameters have
undergone continuous deterioration across the globe (Namugize et al., 2018; Tahiru et al.,
2020). For example a study by Wang et al, (2005) showed a continuous trend of accumulation
of sediments in the lower Wei river in China.
According to Scatena (2000); Mustapha & Getso (2014), human-induced vegetation changes
in river catchments continue to affect the physical water parameters of water catchment areas.
The studies reveal that several industrial activities have been documented in river catchments
including buffer zones. Additionally, their waste water effluents are largely discharged into the
rivers, most of these industrial effluents are toxic, and affect the water taste, smell and color
(Tebebal, 2021). Agricultural activities have been documented to increase the risk of sediment
transport and soil erosion while grazing along river banks removes and damages riparian
vegetation, increases compaction of soil and damages the banks of the water ways (Chaney,
1993; Tebebal, 2021; Zhou et al., 2017). This makes the catchment area to become unstable,
prone and vulnerable to erosion especially during rainy seasons (Chaney, 1993; Kauffman &
Krueger, 1984). Construction activities such as dams, roads, brickmaking in the catchments
lead to sediment deposition in water bodies through runoff.
2.4 Perceptions on water physical parameters
A study by Thoradeniya & Bulathsinhala, (2015) revealed that public perception on water
largely depends on its physical and chemical nature such as its turbidity, color and taste among
others. However, insights of local communities about changes in water physical parameters are
not clearly known since fewer studies have documented people’s perceptions around this
subject. However, many studies have concentrated on perceptions of drinking water quality
and its safety (Khalid et al., 2018; Kulinkina et al., 2017 and Rojas et al., 2013). This study
therefore notes there is need for an integrated assessment to determine people’s insights on
water physical characteristics given its importance in contributing to watershed-wide
improvement through restoration and awareness activities (Ejigu, 2021; Mustapha & Getso,
Community based approaches to decision making are increasingly being implemented in the
management of natural resources. A study by Bajracharya et al., (2005) revealed that
community based management has been successful in delivering conservation benefits. This is
largely attributed to increasing patterns of sustainable resource use and behavior change among
local people as a result of community empowerment programmes through awareness creation
for behavioral and perception change.
Community involvement projects and approaches have now been initiated in many
communities, most notably in Africa and have contributed to activities such as reduction in
poaching, improved community protection of wetlands and other natural resources(Newmark
& Hough, 2000). These schemes have succeeded in protecting biodiversity and natural
resources by their ability to distribute social economic benefits as well Newmark & Hough,
(2000) as increased enforcement (Peter & Newton, 2005). Using knowledge and perspectives
from the community levels can help build a more complete information base than the one got
from scientific studies alone (Berkes, 2004). As a result, Gemechu; (2017) revealed that
understanding community’s knowledge and its perceptions on natural resource management
practices are of paramount importance for promoting sustainable natural resources in a given
study area.
3.1.2 Vegetation
The vegetation is generally comprised of savannah grassland and woodland with patches of
forests, mainly noticeable in Lake Mburo National Park and wetlands along river Rwizi. But
currently there is a continued modification of the native vegetation cover to man-made land
uses and covers including settlements, agriculture, and other socio-economic developments.
The district has a variety of land use types, however, farmlands cover the biggest area
characterized by banana and coffee plantation as well as livestock farms. Animal grazing farms
are predominantly located in savanna grasslands that provide palatable pasture for the
livestock. The district is endowed with three main central forest reserves including Rwoho
Central Forest reserves (South of the district bordering with Ntungamo), Kyahi Central Forest
reserves south east of the district bordering with Isingiro district) and Bugamba Central Forest
reserve in Bugamba subcounty. The district also has small Forest Reserves that are being
depleted including Bwizibwera and Kooga Forest reserves. Vegetation cover in the Forest
reserves is dominated by tree plantation such as pine and eucalyptus. Main wetlands exist along
River Rwizi and its tributaries in the sub-counties of Ndeija, Rugando, as well as Nyakayojo,
Nyamitanga and Kakoba Divisions. Other main wetlands exist along tributaries of River Rwizi
in Bubaare and Bukiro sub-counties, although most of the wetland vegetation has been
converted for cattle grazing and degraded due to sand mining and brick-laying. Built-up areas
are mainly in 6 Divisions in Mbarara Municipality including Biharwe, Kakiika, Kakoba,
Kamukuzi, Nyakayojo and Nyamitanga (NECOC, 2017).
3.2.3 Climate
Like the rest of south-western Uganda, the rainfall distribution for the study area is bimodal
separated by two dry seasons (Nsubuga et al., 2014). The average annual rainfall the catchment
receives ranges from 690 to 1,300 mm. November and April are the wettest months, while July
is the driest month, receiving 35 mm of rainfall on average (Songa et al., 2015).
Total annual rainfall received by Mbarara District ranges between 990 mm- 1207 mm per
annum. Lowest rainfall amounts are experienced in Mbarara Municipality i.e. in Biharwe,
Kakiika, Kakoba, Kamukuzi, Nyakayojo and Nyamitanga Divisions with rainfall between
about 990 mm -1000 mm per annum (Nuwasasira, 2019).
The temperatures range from 17ºC and 30ºC. March is the hottest month with an average of
19.8oC and June as the coldest month of the year. The average annual temperature is 25oC.
Rwizi River is often called the life-line river, supports over five million people in Western
Uganda (Atwebembeire et al., 2019). The river provides freshwater for domestic, irrigation and
industrial use. The main activities around River Rwizi are subsistence and commercial
agriculture which employ 87.4% of the population (Mugonola et al., 2013). Other activities
include, tourism, mainly based on Lake Mburo Conservation area, local industry especially
brick making, sand mining, motor vehicle washing, vehicle repair garages, and wide spread
growing of eucalyptus trees(Songa et al., 2015).
The NDVI is one of several remote sensing vegetation indices used to represent vegetation
characteristics for example leaf area index, plant cover and health in an area (pixel) (Mazzarino
& Finn, 2016). The study relied on satellite images to derive NDVI data sets as a proxy for
vegetation greenness and health. Three land sat images of different years; 1999, 2010 and 2020
were downloaded and used to get NDVI data.
The questionnaire (appendix 1) was used to collect data for the part of the first objective
(community perceptions on vegetation cover changes) and for the relationship between
vegetation cover changes and water physical parameters. Data on vegetation cover perceptions
included whether the respondents had noticed any changes in vegetation cover and if yes, in
which vegetation cover had they observed whether a decline or an increase? The table was
designed to present how people perceived the influence of different vegetation cover changes
on different water physical parameters (table 4.3.1).
This study employed a purposive selection of respondents from the people living around or
residents of identified hotspots of vegetation cover changes. In addition to people living within
river catchment such as farmers, brick makers and industrial workers were part of the study
The study employed a table designed by Adam (2020) at a confidence interval of 90%.(Table
3.2). Total households were 815, total sample size got was 203, but it was too big to be
achieved. The number of respondents was based on dividing the total sample size by 2: (203/2)
=101.5, hence n (number of respondents) was 102. For every selected village, 20 households
were purposively selected and a person was chosen for questionnaire administration per
household (Table 3.2.1).
Purposive selection was used in the field where by respondents were given questionnaires to
answer. Mbarara has six divisions, only five were considered in this study. Biharwe division
was not considered because it is far from the river. Five villages from five divisions were
purposively selected. This selection of villages was done by choosing the villages that were
adjacent to the river. Only people who had stayed in the area for more than ten years were
administered with the questionnaire. This was aimed at targeting individuals familiar with
adequate knowledge of the area. The people to include in the study were selected basing on
their ability to provide the necessary data. The rationale for choosing this approach was that
consent was needed from the respondents. The sum of the households for each village was
obtained from UBOS (2014). Households refer to the total number of houses in a given area
at a given time. Households were used to determine the number of people needed to be given
questionnaires in the field.
3.3 Data analysis
3.3.1 Analysis for the spatial and temporal vegetation cover changes
The description of these vegetation cover classes is in line with the table designed by Bashiru
& Pechanec;(2017).
LULC Categories Description
Built Residential, industrial, bare surface, shopping malls, ware
up/bare land recreational and educational houses, settlements, trade fair centers
Dense thick vegetation(thick shrubs, vegetation found in water logged or river
vegetation thick forest and riparian side areas
Grassland light grass, infrequent trees large open areas of light grass
Open water rivers, ponds area covered by open water and water
logged areas
Agriculture crop fields cultivated land and crops
The 345 color composite for the 1999 and 2010 images and 743 for 2020 image were created.
The study area boundary was used to clip the image extent of the River Rwizi sub catchment
(area of interest). The images covering the area of interest were classified using maximum
likelihood algorithm to come up with vegetation cover classes (agriculture, open water, dense
vegetation, grassland and built up/bare land) for the different years. Open water analysis was
done to find out whether vegetation cover changes had an impact on it. A study by Banadda
et al; (2018) also used the same classes to detect vegetation cover changes in Murchison Bay
catchment. A change detection in different vegetation cover classes was done by comparing
the areal change in those classes from different years. Land use and land cover change includes
change in vegetation cover, so LULC maps from Landsat images were analyzed for the changes
and trends therein. Analysis of Landsat images for classification was done by selecting training
samples of each class for example agriculture, saved the training samples and signature file.gsg.
A signature file.gsg is a file required when using the geo processing tool in maximum
likelihood classification to classify an image.
14 Accuracy assessment
Ground truthing data plays an important role to determine land use classes and assess
accuracies of the results (Stehman & Foody, 2009). To these LULC maps, ground truthing data
was used for validating their interpretation from satellite images and for image classification
and characteristics of each LULC class. The software Google earth and Arc GIS version 10.4
were employed for this assessment. This assessment was done by creating random points from
the ground truth data (Google earth) and comparing to the classified data with the use of the
error matrix. Random points were created by opening a study area (shape file) in ArcGIS,
picking a polygon and marking sample points randomly. After that attribute table for that
particular shape file is opened and user, producer and identity values are added therein. An
error matrix was obtained by using classified map and reference source. The diagonal cells of
the error matrix were used to present the correctly classified pixels (appendices 3, 4 and 5).
A Kappa test was carried out to measure the extent of classification accuracy; Kappa
coefficient, K, being a coefficient of agreement. It reflects the difference between actual
agreement of classification with reference data and the agreement expected by chance. In this
study, Kappa coefficient was calculated using equation,
𝑁(∑𝑟𝑖=1 𝑥ii ) − (∑𝑟𝑖=1(𝑥i+ . 𝑥+i )
K= 𝑁 2 − (∑𝑟𝑖=1(𝑥i+ . 𝑥+i )
NDVI imagery were geo rectified before calculation of the NDVI values. Geo rectification was
done by linking the Landsat images into WGS 84 / UTM zone 36N coordinate system so that
they can be accurately located onto the map. Raster calculator in map algebra was done in
ArcGIS version 10.4 to calculate NDVI for Landsat 8; NDVI = (Band 5 - Band 4) / (Band 5 +
Band 4) and for Landsat 4 and 7, NDVI = (Band 4 - Band 3) / (Band 4 + Band 3). The X-axis
represented monitoring points starting from 1, using the scale of 20 (1, 21, 41,61and 81) while
Y-axis represented NDVI values.
NDVI is related to the Landsat images by yielding linked results on vegetation cover for
example if NDVI has high and positive values, it implies more health and dense vegetation
which is the same case in classified Landsat images.
3.3.2 Community perceptions on the vegetation cover changes and relationship with
physical water parameters
The quantitative data including perceptions on vegetation cover changes and their association
with physical water parameters obtained by questionnaires were cleaned, coded by assigning
values including 0, 1, and 3 to each variable name for example No, Yes, decrease, increase and
entered in SPSS. Analysis was done using correlations for example linking water physical
parameters (y axis) against different LULC classes (x axis) and summaries from a collection
of people’s responses using statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26.
Inferential statistics was done to test for the association between vegetation cover change and
water physical water parameters including water taste, water smell and water color for the
second objective (table 4.3.1).
This chapter represents results on vegetation cover changes and the associated perceived
relationships with water physical parameters in River Rwizi catchment, Mbarara district.
Section 4.1 presents the spatial and temporal LULC changes. Section 4.2 presents results on
perceived changes in vegetation cover. The chapter ends with presentation of perceived
association between vegetation cover changes and water physical parameters (4.3).
Five major land use land cover classes were identified from the Landsat images. These include;
agriculture, open water, dense vegetation, grassland and built-up/bare land.
Table 4.2: Changes in vegetation cover classes and changes for the periods 1999- 2010, and 2010-
Land cover classes Year 1999 Year 2010 Year 2020
Area(ha) % Area(ha) % Area(ha) %
Agriculture 3665 47 1442 18 2424 31
Open water 189 2 425 5 297 4
Dense vegetation 857 11 817 10 1521 19
Grassland 847 11 2293 29 1733 22
Built-up/Bare land 2257 29 2837 36 1840 24
The overall producer’s map accuracy assessment for 1999 was 77.36%, 85% for vegetation
cover changes in 2010 and 84.61% in 2020. The overall Kappa co-efficient K^ of 1999, 2010
and 2020 being 71.48%, 81% and 81.6% respectively (appendices 3, 4 and5). It means there
was a better agreement between ground truthing and actual LULC (Figure 4.1.1).
The results from NDVI analysis revealed 1999 had the highest NDVI value of 0.481 and -0.147
as the lowest NDVI value. This was followed by 2010, with 0.431 as the highest and -0.044
NDVI value as the lowest. In 2020, 0.474 was the highest NDVI value with -0.067 as the lowest
(Figure 4.1.2).
Figure 4.3: River Rwizi sub catchment NDVI values for 1999, 2010 and 2020
The NDVI values were highest in 2020, followed by 2010 and 1999. The NDVI of both 1999
and 2020 had an increasing trend 0.0004 and 0.0001 respectively as indicated by the positive
slope values (Figure 4.4). However, the NDVI of 2010 was found to be decreasing as indicated
by its negative slope (0.0003).
y = 0.0001x + 0.2586
NDVI values
y = -0.0003x + 0.2567
0 y = 0.0004x + 0.0521
-0.05 1 21 41 61 81
Monitoring points
Figure 4.4: River Rwizi sub catchment NDVI trend for years 1999, 2010 and 2020
All the respondents revealed that they had witnessed vegetation cover change, though they had
different perceptions on the extent of change on different vegetation cover. Majority of the
respondents revealed that the natural resources in the catchment area had been severely
degraded. For example, 86% and 73% of respondents revealed that wetlands and forests,
respectively, had been severely degraded, while 68% of the respondents revealed that
degradation of bushes were extremely severe. A few respondents reported less or no severe
change in different land use cover classes (Table 4.2.1).
Table 4.3: Community’s perception on the extent/severity of vegetation cover changes
Not severe Less severe Severe Moderate severe Extremely severe
F % F % F % F % F %
Wetland 2 2 2 2 3 3 7 7 89 86
Forest 0 0 2 2 9 9 15 15 76 74
Grassland 2 2 6 6 15 15 29 28 51 50
Agriculture 4 4 6 6 9 9 47 46 36 36
Built up 1 1 4 4 9 9 49 48 38 37
Bushes 27 2 5 5 7 7 16 16 70 68
4.3 Community perceptions on the association between vegetation cover changes and
water physical parameters
The study revealed that people perceived vegetation changes in the river catchment. Vegetation
was strongly associated with deposition into the river (r = 0.76, p = 0.048), change in water
color (r = 0.053, p = 0.638), water smell (r = 0.019, p = -0.607) and mud and silt (r = 0.508, p
= 0.035). Additionally, respondents associated an increase in agriculture with changes in river
water color (p = 0.514, r = 0.025) and water taste (p = 0.622, r = 0.028) (Table 4.3.1).
Table 4.4: Community perceptions on the association between vegetation cover changes and
water physical parameters
Deposition Water color Water Smell Mud and
taste water silt
Forest P.Cor -0.05 -0.03 -0.02 -0.03 0.73
5.1 The spatial and temporal vegetation cover changes in river Rwizi sub catchment
The study showed that the major and significant changes occurred in agriculture and built
up/bare land LULC classes. An increase in agriculture between 2010 and 2020 could be as a
result of an increase in the population. This is in line with a study by Bouma, (1999) who
showed that an increase in population pressure in Java had caused agriculture land to expand.
Population growth could have caused higher demand for food products and eventually loss of
natural land cover to agricultural land. While a decline in agriculture between 1999 and 2010
might be attributed to inadequate credit facilities to farmers and labor competition between
other sectors This is evidenced by Rezvi;(2018) who revealed that the movement of labor from
traditional agricultural activities to the manufacturing and service sectors are of great impact
on agriculture growth,
An increase in grassland areas might be attributed to the loss of dense vegetation for example
forests, this resulted into land with only short grass. Additionally, this increase might be
attributed to a decline in agriculture. The return of farmlands to grassland might have played a
positive role in improving grassland cover between 1999 and 2010(Xin et al., 2008). While a
decline in grassland might be attributed to an increase and encroachment by agriculture and
built up land uses between 2010 and 2020 (De la Barrera & Henríquez, 2017; Nemani et al.,
There was an increase in built up/bare land between 1999 and 2010, this increment might be
attributed to population increase, urban expansion and economic development (Chooi et al.,
2014). Increased population over the years and associated human activities also led to
significant landscape alterations in Mbarara municipality where forests, wetlands, grasslands,
and other wilderness areas came to be replaced with farms, pastures, factories, stores,
businesses, roads, and streets (Brian, 2016). Additionally, the severe drought of 1999 could
have contributed to the increased bare surfaces. This is in line with a study by C Kamusoko &
Aniya;(2007) who revealed that drought had led to an increase in bare land in Bindura district,
Zimbabwe. Between 2010 and 2020, built up/ bare land declined and this could have happened
because of the rains that were received in that area hence restoring bare lands. According to the
field survey, I believe that returning bare land to other land uses because of a positive trend in
rainfall was responsible for the decline in bare land(Brian et al., 2016). This is in line with a
study by Akpoti et al; (2016) who revealed that bare land had increased by 67.06% because of
the low amounts of rainfall in Black Volta Basin.
A slight decline in dense vegetation between 1999 and 2010 might be because of wetland
reclamation, encroaching on river buffer zones, deforestation and growing population. An
increase in dense vegetation between 2010 and 2020 might be attributed to restoration by
NEMA and natural resource officers at local government levels of previously reclaimed
wetlands, river buffer zones, reforestation and afforestation Whigham, (1999)and construction
More exploitation of the water resources by the growing population could have also caused the
decline in the open water Jackson et al., (2001); Pimentel et al., (1997)) and in addition,
indiscriminate dumping of municipal solid wastes into the water bodies could probably be
another reason for decreased water area as it was observed in the study by Bashiru & Pechanec,
(2017). While an increase in open water might be attributed to afforestation and vegetation
restoration programs because vegetation helps in rainfall formation through a process of
evapotranspiration hence an increase in open water after precipitation. This is in line with a
study that revealed that there was a significant increase in surface water in restored
vegetation(Zeng et al., 2020).
The study indicated that the health of vegetation was increasing over the study period. The
lowest NDVI results were recorded in1999 implying that the vegetation health was so poor.
This poor vegetation health was attributed to the drought in 1999 and 2010 (Muwembe &
Meteorologist, n.d.), that resulted into dry conditions hence drying of vegetation. This caused
persistently low NDVI values in 1999 in the greater Mbarara region. However, this trend
returned to normal in the following years for instance in 2020 because the region had recovered
from drought and started receiving its normal rainfall.
Majority of the respondents were aware of vegetation cover changes in River Rwizi catchment.
They supported this by enlightening that there was a declining supply and availability of
vegetation products, for example, firewood and charcoal in the area because most of the forests,
bushes and shrubs had been lost to a large extent. This is in line with Mapedza et al., (2003)
who reported that respondents were more acutely aware of tree cover changes.
5.3 Community perceptions on the association between vegetation cover changes and
water physical parameters
All the respondents indicated that there was vegetation cover degradation and this affected
several water physical parameters differently. Tsegaye et al., (2006) revealed that water
pollution in response to accelerated vegetation cover changes and LULC has drawn concerns
because of public health and environmental impacts.
In this study 99.0% of the respondents said that water color had continuously changed because
of wetland reclamation and an increase in agricultural activities. This is supported by the fact
that vegetation retains and holds sediments(López-Vicente et al., 2013). Vegetation cover
degradation implies that sediments will be carried within the runoff to water bodies and
eventually dissolves and changes water color (Thornton et al., 1997).
An increase in mud and silt in the river may be attributed to an increase in agricultural fields
as indicated in the results that there was an increase in agriculture during the study period. This
is in line with a study by Stenfert Kroese et al., (2020)who revealed that agriculture is the main
source of stream sediments. Vegetation cover is known to have an ability of retaining silt and
when it is no longer there, it means this capacity and ability is also lost hence leading to washing
of all bare soil into the river and increased incidents of sediments.
A negative change in the smell of water may be attributed to river wetland degradation. Human
activities in river wetlands tend to increase amount of organic matter available to produce
methane and sulfur gases (Rosentreter et al., 2021). When river wetlands are degraded, their
retention capacity reduces and more organic matter accumulates in the river hence increased
decomposition and production of methane and sulfur gases. Agricultural activities such as
animal rearing, poultry farms, use of pesticides and fertilizers could also be responsible for the
smell of water (Muallim et al., 2019). The waste and effluents from these activities might get
deposited in the river without primary treatment and this might led to increased water smell
Water is perceived to have negatively changed its taste. This was strongly associated with
increased agricultural activities. The runoff from agricultural fields might contain herbicides,
inorganic fertilizers and pesticides that might get deposited into the river system. These tend to
have a different taste from that of river water, so after mixing up, rivers water taste deteriorates.
A study by Daud et al. (2017) revealed that the release of pollutants such as pesticides,
fertilizers was associated with bad water taste.
6.1 Conclusion
The study sought to assess vegetation cover change and water physical parameters in River
Rwizi catchment, Mbarara district. This study was guided by the following specific objectives,
to assess the spatial and temporal and perceived vegetation cover changes between 2000 and
2020 and to assess community perceptions on the association between vegetation cover
changes and the physical parameters of water.
There were both positive and negative changes in vegetation cover classes. In the study period,
there was no vegetation cover class that decreased or increased throughout. All the respondents
revealed that there was vegetation cover changes in the study area and majority attributed this
to an increase in agricultural and built up environments. The other drivers of these changes are
corruption and increase in population.
Community perceptions revealed in the results that degradation of vegetation cover had
negative influences on water physical parameters. If the rate at which land conversions are
increasing is not closely monitored and regulated, there will be more vegetation degradation
and eventually severe negative changes in water parameters.
6.2 Recommendation
There is need to control vegetation cover conversions to build up, agriculture from forests,
wetlands and grasslands given that their degradation has several negative impacts on the
environment. This can be done by the natural resource officers at local government levels.
Government should implement, enforce and strengthen land use policy to control the natural
land use conversion.
A need for research on quantification of sediment load and deposition, this will help the land
use planners to allocate and promote sustainable land uses in specific areas in order to reduce
on the sediment load. This is because most of negative changes on water physical parameters
are initiated by sedimentation.
Catchment communities should be sensitized to adopt modern farming and building methods
and technologies especially in areas neighboring forests, rivers and wetland zones to save the
natural riparian vegetation and enhance its benefits To this effect, tree planting and restoration
of degraded wetlands and riparian areas programs ought to be enhanced by environmental
NGOs, government institutions responsible for environmental management to cover more
areas in the catchment as this presents an opportunity for increased vegetation in the catchment.
This however requires the active participation of all stakeholders, including the local
communities and local leaders.
Government through NEMA should put in interventions like monitoring and implementation
of natural resources related laws, for example, the National Forestry and Tree Planting Act,
2003, so as to reduce on the encroachment of vital vegetation cover by the residents. The
Government should review the existing population policies and put in place stringent measures
to control population growth if catchment ecosystems are to be sustainably managed.
Population growth control may reduce on the pressure on vegetation cover for livelihoods.
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Appendix 1: Survey Questionnaire
Dear Sir/Madam
This study is purely for academic purposes and the data obtained will be treated with highest
honesty and maximum confidentiality. You have been identified as a resourceful person in this
research, kindly provide accurate information as much as you can. No individual identities will
be used in any reports or publications resulting from this study.
Please tick the correct option or write where blank spaces are provided.
1(a) For how long have you been in this area? ………………… years
(b) For the time you have been here, have you noticed any changes in the vegetation cover of
this area? 0. No. 1. Yes.
(c) If yes in (1) above, what land use/cover (vegetation cover) changes have you observed?
2. According to you, what could be the extent of the vegetation cover change?
0. No. 1. Yes.
(b). If yes, in which land use/cover (s) have you witnessed erosion the most?
0. Agriculture 1. Roads. 2. Burnt grasslands. 3. Built-up areas.
4. Open grounds 5. Degraded forests 6. Other……………………………
(c). Where do you think the eroded soils end up or get deposited to?
(d) What do you consider to be the effects of loss of vegetation cover on water characteristics
in R. Rwizi?
Increased Reduced
Change in water color
Change in water taste
Change in smell of water
Mud and silt in water
Appendix 2: Sample size determination for the study population (90% confidence).
Appendix 3: Error matrix resulting from classifying test pixels 2020
=104 (88)-(1791)/1042-1791
Appendix 4: Error matrix resulting from classifying test pixels 2010
= 84/99*100
= 85%
Appendix 5: Error matrix resulting from classifying test pixels 1999