Ear Drops Instillation

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Ear Drops Instillation

1. Before starting the procedure explain the procedure to the patient for their comfort and
2. Perform Hand hygiene.
3. Now check Doctor’s Prescription for the name and dose of the medication.
4. Ask the patient to lie on the lateral side with the ear to be treated facing up.
5. Now the doctor will straighten up the auditory canal by pulling the pinna upward and
6. Instil the correct number of drops in the ear, as instructed on the prescription,
7. Ensure the dropper or the tip of the container does not touch the ear or other surfaces, to
avoid contamination.
8. After the medication is instilled, pump the tragal cartilage to force the drops to pass deeply
down into the ear canal.
9. Otherwise, due to water surface tension, it tends to float near the entrance.
10. Let’s now see the importance of pumping the tragal cartilage.
11. It is seen that ear drops coloured in blue doesn’t go down into the ear canal until Tragal
pumping is performed.
12. Now plug the cotton in the ear and let the head tilted for 2-5mins to allow gravity to disperse
the ear drops.

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