Btech 3 Sem Mathematics 3 Ras 301 2017 18

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Printed pages: 02 Roll No. Sub Code: RAS 301

Paper ID: 9 0 1 9

Mathematics -III
Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70
Note: 1. Attempt all Sections. If require any missing data; then choose suitably.
2. Any special paper specific instruction.


1. Attempt all questions in brief. 2 x 7 = 14

a. Define analytic function with an example.
b. Define the Binomial distribution with mean and variance.
c. Write the normal equation for the curve = +
d. Give comparison between Regulafalsi method and Newton Raphson method
e. Write the relation between nth divided difference and nth forward difference.
f. What do you mean by initial value problem
g. Find


2. Attempt any three of the following: 7 x 3 = 21

a. Give an example of a function in which Cauchy Riemann Equations are satisfied yet
the function is not analytic at the origin. Justify your answer.

b. Find the measure of Sskewness and kutosis based on moments for the followi
distribution and draw your conclusion
Marks 5 − 15 15 − 25 25 − 35 35 − 45 45 − 55
No.ofstudents 1 3 5 7 4

c. 5 −2 1
Decompose = 7 1 − 5 in the form LU, where L is lower
3 7 4
triangular matrix and U is upper triangular matrix and hence solve the system
of equations:
5 −2 + =4
7 + −5 =8
3 + 7 + 4 = 10.

d. | |
Express the function ( )= | |
, as a Fourier Integral.

Hence evaluate .

e. Given the initial value problem = − , (0) = 1.

Find the numerical solution of differential equation at = 0.6 ℎ ℎ = 0.2 by
using Runge-Kutta method of Fourth order.

3. Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7
(a) Evaluate the integration: .

(b) State and prove the Cauchy Integral formula. Also evaluate = ,,
( )
where C is the circle| − | = 2,

4. Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7

(a) Find Fourier cosine transform of and hence find Fourier sine transform of
(b) Find the inverse Z-transform of F(z), where F(z) is given by
(i) (ii) .
( )( ) ( )( )( )

5. Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7

(a) In a partially distributed laboratory record of an analysis of a correlation data,
the following result are legible:
Variance =9

Regression equation: 8 − 10 = 66 = 0, 40 − 18 = 214.

What were (a) the mean of and . (b) the standard deviation of and the
coefficient of :
(b) Find the mean and variance of normal distribution.
6. Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7
(a) Find the real root of the equation − 2 + 5=0 by method of False positio
correct to three decimal places.

(b) State and prove the Lagrange interpolation formula. Find the interpolating
polynomial by By Lagrange interpolation formula for the given data
5 6 9 11

y 12 13 14 16

7. Attempt any one part of the following: 7x1=7

(a) /
Apply Simpson’s 3/8 th rule to obtain approximate value of (i) (ii)
. /
(2 − ) using Simpson’s rule with 6 interval.

(b) Find for which is maximum and find the max value of

1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6

y 0.9320 0.9636 0.9855 0.9975 0.9996

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