Clinical Diagnosis Pathology
Clinical Diagnosis Pathology
Clinical Diagnosis Pathology
40 years male H/o chronic fatigue, weight loss since 6 months. O/E pallor, marked
splenomegaly+, laboratory report shows Hb 10 GM%, TC 215000/CMM.
Platelets 4 laks/cmm. Answer the following:
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) What is common genetic abnormality?
c) Blood and Bone Marrow findings to confirm your diagnosis?
d) Prognosis of the condition?
A 70 year old women admitted with worsening anemia and pathological fracture of
the Humerus had an ESR of 120mm in 1 hour. Her peripheral smear showed
increased rouleaux formation. Xray of skull showed multiple punched out osteolytic
a. What is the most probable diagnosis? Write briefly on the etiopathogenesis of this
b. Describe the Bone Marrow Changes in this disease.
c. Enumerate the common laboratory investigations for this disease.
d. Enlist the complications of this disease.
*Multiple Myeloma*
40 yrs female c/o loss of weight, huge splenomegaly with peripheral blood white
blood cell count of more than 1 lakh cells/cc
a. What is the probable diagnosis?
b. What are the characteristic peripheral smear findings?
c. What is the course of the disease?
d. What is the chromosomal abnormality involved?
*Multiple Myeloma*
a) 23 yrs female presented with oral ulcers, malar rash photosentivity and non erosive
arthritis involving both knees. Laboratory investigations show persistent proteinuria
and leucopenia. What is your probable diagnosis.
b) Discuss in detail the pathogenesis and morphology of kidney affected by the above
Septic Shock
40 year female presents with post coital bleeding and foul smelling discharge per
vagina. She lost 15% wt in 2 months, with loss of appetite.
a. What is your diagnosis ?
b. What etiopathogenesis of this condition?
c. What are the morphological features?
*CA Cervix*
20 years female H/o pain, swelling, tenderness over lower and of right femer since
3 months. Suddenly developed breathlessness during her treatment and died, clinical
autopsy conducted. Answer the following:
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) Mention two investigations to arrive at diagnosis?
c) Aetio pathogenesis of the lesion?
d) Gross and Microscopic picture of the lesion?
e) Mention two autopsy confirmed lesions leading to death?
A 35 years, old man was admitted with history of painless cervical and axillary
lymphadenopathy. He had history of loss of weight, fever and night sweating and was
found to have cutaneous anergy. No hepatosplenomegaly.
a) What is your most probable diagnosis?
b) Give the classification of the condition.
c) Describe the morphology of any two types.
*Hodgkin Lyphoma*
A 50 years old man collapses suddenly while climbing the stairs with severe chest
pain and profuse sweating.
a) What is your clinical diagnosis?
b) Discuss the aetiopathogenesis of the condition.
c) What are the complications that may follow the condition?
*Myocardial Infarction*
A 12 year old boy presented with fever, oliguria and high coloured urine.
He had sore throat three weeks back.
i) What is your probable diagnosis?
ii) Describe the etiopathogenesis of the condition
iii) What are the relevant investigations?
*PSGN - Nephritic*
A 50 year old man with complains of severe chest pain and sweating.
a) What is the most possible diagnosis for this patient?
b) Enlist the risk factors and discuss in detail the etiopathogenesis and
complications of this disease.
c) Enlist the biochemical tests and their role in diagnosis of this disease.
*Myocardial Infarction*
Thirteen year old female child had massive edema with puffiness of face with
decreased urine output.
a. What is the most probable diagnosis ?
b. What can be the most probable renal pathology in this child ?
c. Write in detail about minimal change disease.
*Nephrotic Syndrome*
44 year old nulliparous women presented with hard, fixed non tender mass of about
6x4x4 cm in the upper outer quadrant of right breast with axilary lymphadenopathy.
a. What is your probably diagnosis.
b. Discuss in detail the prognostic & predictive factors of your diagnosis.
*Breast CA*
*Nephritic Syndrome*
50 Yr old Male with painless firm Testicular swelling, with loss of testicular
(a) What is your probable Diagnosis.
(b) Discuss classification and Etiopathogenesis.
*CA Testis*
47 yrs old male presented with acute onset of dyspnea, profuse sweating and chest
pain radiating to the left shoulder. Lab investigation revealed elevated troponin – T.
What is your diagnosis, pathogenesis and morphology of the condition?
*Myocardial Infarction*
A sixty year old male presented with anaemia, loss of weight, persistent abdominal
pain, abdominal distension and vomiting. Upper GI endoscopy and biopsy done.
a. What is the probable diagnosis?
b. Discuss the etiopathogenesis and morphology of the disease.
*CA Stomach*
a) 65/M presented with bleeding PR. Colonoscopy revealed a hard mass in
rectosigmoid. What is your diagnosis?
b) Discuss the various neoplasms arising in rectosigmoid, in detail about
morphological types and staging system
*CA Colon*
50 years / Male admitted in emergency care with chest pain, profuse sweating and
Rapid pulse. What is your diagnosis? Describe the Etiopathogenesis, Morphology
and Complications of the above mentioned disease.
*Myocardial Infarction*
A 3yrs old child was hospitalized for the complaints of fever and passing smoky urine.
The child had recovered from sore throat a week ago. What is your diagnosis?
Describe the etiopathogenesis, morphology and laboratory findings of this condition.
75 year male presented with dyspnea and sweating of sudden onset. He is a known
hypertensive and diabetic for 15 years. On examination he has weak pulse. What is
the diagnosis? Write about pathogenesis of the above disorder. Write in detail
about the morphological changes that occur.
*Myocardial Infarction*
55 year old post menopausal women presented with hard lump 6 x 6 cm in upper
outer quadrant of left breast. FNA – revealed cluster of pleomorphic cells.
a) What is your clinical diagnosis? Discuss the etiopathogenesis, molecular
mechanism of carcinogenesis of the disease. Discuss about prognostic and
predictive factors of the disease.
*CA Breast*
A 50 year old male presents with cough, dyspnoea, and intermittent haemoptysis
for two months along with loss of weight and appetite. He is a chronic smoker for
the past 3 decades. CT chest revealed mass lesion in the right lobe of lung.
a) What is your probable diagnosis?
b) Discuss in detail the classification, morphological features and the
Paraneoplastic syndromes associated with it.
*Bronchogenic Carcinoma*
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