This document discusses ethics and key ethical concepts. It defines ethics as the study of human morality and actions. Ethics helps establish principles of right and wrong to guide societies and individuals. The document outlines several dimensions of human development and explains how ethics investigates the meaning and purpose of human life. It distinguishes between moral standards, which promote well-being, and non-moral standards involving tastes or preferences. The document also defines moral dilemmas as difficult situations that involve conflicting moral principles, where following one course of action would require violating another moral principle.
This document discusses ethics and key ethical concepts. It defines ethics as the study of human morality and actions. Ethics helps establish principles of right and wrong to guide societies and individuals. The document outlines several dimensions of human development and explains how ethics investigates the meaning and purpose of human life. It distinguishes between moral standards, which promote well-being, and non-moral standards involving tastes or preferences. The document also defines moral dilemmas as difficult situations that involve conflicting moral principles, where following one course of action would require violating another moral principle.
This document discusses ethics and key ethical concepts. It defines ethics as the study of human morality and actions. Ethics helps establish principles of right and wrong to guide societies and individuals. The document outlines several dimensions of human development and explains how ethics investigates the meaning and purpose of human life. It distinguishes between moral standards, which promote well-being, and non-moral standards involving tastes or preferences. The document also defines moral dilemmas as difficult situations that involve conflicting moral principles, where following one course of action would require violating another moral principle.
This document discusses ethics and key ethical concepts. It defines ethics as the study of human morality and actions. Ethics helps establish principles of right and wrong to guide societies and individuals. The document outlines several dimensions of human development and explains how ethics investigates the meaning and purpose of human life. It distinguishes between moral standards, which promote well-being, and non-moral standards involving tastes or preferences. The document also defines moral dilemmas as difficult situations that involve conflicting moral principles, where following one course of action would require violating another moral principle.
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ETHICS that man finds his worth and perfection.
The supreme purpose of human living lies
Philosophy in the development of the moral qualities Philo - Love which lift man far above brute creation. Spohia/Sophiae - Wisdom 2. Education is the harmonious development Philosophy - love of wisdom of the whole man’of all ma’s faculties: moral, intellectual, and physical power in Three kinds of love man. Highest of man’s power are his 1. Wisdom reason and will. Primary objective is the Combination of knowledge (Socratic-reading and moral development of the will. studying) and Experience (Fragmatic-applying) 2. Success Definitions of Ethics Failed Failures -from the book of Montemayor Every failed failures means success 1. Practical science of the morality of human 3. Pleasure actions Lowest form of love 2. Science of human acts with reference to right We need to depressurize pressure to obtain the and wrong best pleasure 3. Scientific inquiry into the principles of morality 4. Study of the rectitude of human conduct Seven Dimensions (one person is to seven) 5. Human conduct from the standpoint of morality 1. Intellectual 6. Science which lays down the principles of right 2. Psychological living 3. Emotional 7. Practical science that guides us in our actions 4. Social that we may live rightly and well 5. Political 8. Normative and practical science, based on 6. Physical reason, which studies human conduct and 7. Spiritual provides norm for its natural integrity and All of it are meta physical except physical honesty 9. Accrdg. Socrates, ethics is the investigation of I. ETHICS, AND ITS KEY COMPONENTS life Importance of Ethics The field study of ethics as human conduct; and of Ethics help give direction to societies and the investigation of such human conduct in terms of people who think they cannot flourish its morality. without some form of morality. Important terms related to Ethics based Morality is primarily concerned with the from the definitions are: questions of right and wrong, the ability to 1. Science - study or a system of scientific distinguish between the two, and the conclusions clearly demonstrated justification of the distinction. 2. Morality - quality of human acts as right Moral - relating to principle of right and 3. Human Acts - acts done with knowledge wrong in behavior, conforming to a standard of right behavior. Rules and its Importance to Social Beings Montemayor (1994) in his book Ethics, The (from the book of De Guzman, Philosophy of life wherefore of human Ethics:Principles of Ethical Behavior in Modern existence, men’s actions, problems and Society) destiny. Rules refer to explicit or understood regulations or To live well and happy, we must know principles governing conduct within a specific what we are living for. activity or sphere. Rules serve as a foundation for Ethics investigates the meaning and any healthy society. purpose of human life. Rules benefit social beings in various Socrates said that the unexamined life is manners: not worth living for a man. 1. Rules protect social beings by Plato said that Ethics is the supreme regulating behavior. Rules build science, the highest in the hierarchy of boundaries that place limits on behavior. human values, as it is Ethics that is 2. Rules help to guarantee each person concerned with the attainment of life’s certain right and freedom. Rules form greatest Good and Goal. frameworks for society. Montemayor’s idea on the importance of 3. Rules produce a sense of justice Ethics: among social beings. Rules are needed 1. Ethics means right living and good moral in order to keep the strong from character and it is in good moral character dominating the weak that that is to prevent Standards of etiquette by which we judge exploitation and domination. something as legal or illegal, and Society could not soundly functions without rules standards of aesthetics by which we judge and regulations, these are necessary to protect the art as good or rubbish. greater good. Matters of taste or preference. If a moral standard says “Do not harm Moral Standards versus Non-moral innocent people” or “ don’t steal”, a non- Standards moral standard says “Don’t text while Different societies have different moral driving” or “don’t talk while the mout is full”. beliefs and that our beliefs are deeply influenced by our own culture and context. Dilemma and Moral Dilemma The danger here is that one culture may Dilemma refers to a situation in which a impose its own cultural standard on others, tough decision has to be made between which may result in a clash. two or more options, especially more or Understanding the difference between less equally undesirable ones. moral standard and non-moral standard Moral dilemmas also called ethical enable us to avoid being in risk of dilemmas are situation in which a difficult undergoing to a cultural reductionism and choices has to be made between two the unnecessary imposition of one’s own courses of action, either of which entails cultural standard on others. But if such transgressing a moral principle. It involves standard are moral ones, then we may conflicts between moral requirements. have the right to force others to act What is common to moral dilemmas is accordingly. conflict. In each ethical dilemma, an agent regards himself as having moral reasons to do each of two actions, but doing both actions seems to be ethically not possible.
Moral Standards and their Characteristics
Moral standards are norms that individuals Key features of moral dilemma: or groups have about the kinds of actions A. The agent is required to do each of two believed to be morally right or wrong. actions Moral standards normally promote the B. The agent can do each of the actions;but good, welfare and well-being of organisms the agent cannot do both of the actions and environment. C. The agent thus seem condemned to moral It prescribe what humans ought to do in failure no matter what he does, he will do terms of rights and obligations. something wrong. Neither of the conflicting Sum of combined norms and values. moral requirements is overidden Norms are general rules about our action and behavior Three levels of Moral Dilemma Moral Standard Characteristics: 1. Personal Dilemmas. Experienced and 1) Deals with matters we think can seriously resolved on the personal level. injure or benefit humans, animals, and the 2. Organizational Dilemma. Refer to ethical environment. cases encountered and resolves by social 2) Not established or changed by the organization. (business, medical field, public decisions of authoritative individuals or sector) bodies. 3. Structural Dilemmas. Refer to cases 3) Overriding, they take precedence over involving network of institutions and operative other standards and considerations, theoretical paradigms. Larger in scope and especially of self-interest. extent than organizational dilemmas. 4) Based on impartial considerations, it is fair and just Only Human Beings can be Ethical 5) Associated with special emotion(guilt and Accrdng. To Aristotle we are rational shame) and animals. vocabulary(right,wrong,good,bad) Only human beings can be ethical because human beings possess some Non-moral Standards: traits that make it possible for them to be Refers to standards by which we judge moral. what is good or bad and right and wrong in Only human beings are rational, a non-moral way. autonomous, and self-conscious. Ethics is defined as the science of of the morality of human act, it provides as with set of rules or principles needed so we can be guided in our actions in society.rules are important to social beings because they protect the greater good avoiding exploitation and tyranny. Not all rules are moral rules and not all standard are moral standard