Entrega Final Admin de Riesgos
Entrega Final Admin de Riesgos
Entrega Final Admin de Riesgos
Risk Management
Introduction: ............................................................................................................. 3
Coca Cola (KO): an international top-notch beverage company. ..................................... 3
Coca Cola’s core business: creators of the original formula, distribution visionaries. ...... 3
Comparison of Altman and Fulmer to EE(Standardized) and FIRB models under Basel 2
criteria. .............................................................................................................................. 8
Market Risk Analysis: Estimation of Beta and Stock Price Simulation for The Coca-
Cola Company ....................................................................................................... 10
Estimation of Coca Cola’s Beta as a Measure of Sensitivity to the Market Portfolio ...... 10
Simulation of Coca Cola Company's Stock Target Price in 5 years using the Monte Carlo
methodology. .................................................................................................................. 12
Firm Specific Risk Analysis: Risk Matrix and Exposure to Modern Global Risks..... 1
Risk Matrix for the Coca Cola Company according to firm specific conditions and
industry concerns.............................................................................................................. 1
References: .............................................................................................................. 3
Listed on both the NYSE (KO) and NASDAQ (COKE), the company is deeply
entrenched in beverage manufacturing, retail, and marketing. Specializing in
concentrates and syrups for a wide array of non-alcoholic beverages, the company
aligns seamlessly with its corporate vision and distinctive business profile. The
enduring success of The Coca-Cola Company finds its anchor in a robust franchise
distribution system, a legacy expertly upheld since 1889. Throughout its history, the
company's core operations have revolved around the substantial production of
concentrates, strategically distributed to bottlers worldwide. Despite its exceptional
success, the company faces environmental challenges, notably as the largest
contributor to plastic pollution, within a complex macroeconomic landscape.
In this manner, The Coca-Cola Company, in conjunction with its bottling partners,
collectively forms the renowned Coca-Cola System. This is achieved through a
decentralized approach where the company does not own or control the majority of
local bottling entities, ensuring a seamless journey of its products from production to
the hands of consumers globally.
Enduring industry, with unleashing innovative potential.
In terms of the market, growth trends are expected to emerge in response to the
demand for auxiliary beverages in human hydration. Cutting-edge technological
advancements aligned with emerging trends in virtual purchasing are anticipated, as
sustainable trends should not be overlooked either.
Coca-Cola (KO) and other leading consumer food brands have adeptly navigated
the challenges posed by the post-pandemic surge in prices by leveraging their
pricing authority, increasing them, and thus maintaining steady revenues. However,
the company's market influence is gradually diminishing.
o Volume Slowdown:
In the latest quarterly report from Coca-Cola Company, the company posted a robust
8% growth in net revenues, reaching a total of $12 billion. Isolating the impact of
exchange rate fluctuations and other acquisitions, a genuine 11% increase in
revenues was registered. However, gross sales only saw a modest 2% uptick. It is
concerning that net incomes have been sustained primarily through the effects of
price hikes and other sales mix strategies. If volumes continue a downward trend, a
dependence on price increases may ensue, particularly critical considering the
challenges faced by traditional consumers amid inflation and limited consumption
choices resulting from reductions in their spending plans.
o PepsiCo Competition:
For the first time in the last 20 years, PepsiCo could surpass Coca-Cola as the
largest beverage company in the U.S. on market value terms for 2024. Analysts have
identified PepsiCo as the sector's "most enduring business," projecting around a
20% increase in its stock. Such a shift in the dynamics of the beverage industry
poses a significant challenge to Coca-Cola's strategic positioning.
In essence, while Coca-Cola has adeptly managed pricing challenges in the face of
post-pandemic dynamics, the company faces formidable headwinds related to
volume trends, intensified competition, and the imperative to address environmental,
social, and governance (ESG) concerns through technological innovation and
sustainable practices.
Financial Solvency Situation Analysis
Solvency for the Coca Cola Company (KO) was assessed through statistic
methodologies such as Altman’s discriminant functions commonly used in
measuring bankruptcy risks, among others. Results generated are presented below,
along with other conclusions.
Table 1. The ratios shown below were estimated, considering figures for the end of
2022 stipulated in the respective income statements, financial positions, and cash
The ratios considered in Altman's formulas help measure various key aspects in the
assessment of corporate solvency. However, the proposed models assign different
weights to these ratios, leading to diverse interpretations.
Table 2. The Fulmer model was also considered to enhance the interpretation by
estimating the ratios shown below:
Ratio Formula Item 1 Item 2 Value
Retained Earns. / Retained E. = Total Assets =
X1 0.765596197
Total Assets 71,019 92, 763
Total Assets =
X2 Sales / Total Assets Sales = 43,004 0.463590009
92, 763
Pre-Tax Earns. / Pre-Tax E. = Stockholder’s
X3 0.484795686
Stockholder’s. Equity 11,686 Equity= 24,105
Cash Flow / Total Cash Flow = Total Liabilities =
X4 0.164602537
Liabilities 11,018 66,937
Total Assets =
X5 Debt / Total Assets Debt = 39,149 0.422032491
92, 763
Current Liabilities / Curr. Liab.= Total Assets =
X6 0.21262788
Total Assets 19,724 92, 763
Log (Tangible Assets / Tangible Assets Total Assets =
X7 4.7718226
Total Assets) =59,132 92, 763
Working Capital / Total Liabilities =
X8 WK = 2,867 0.042831319
Total Liabilities 66,937
Log (Operating Profit / Operating Profit = Fin. Exp. =
X9 2.430903484
Financial Expenses) 10,909 2.33%
Table 3. All tests conducted indicate a sound solvency position for The Coca-Cola
Company. For a clearer interpretation of the obtained results, a comparative table is
presented below.
The Basel 2 criteria primarily focus on establishing regulatory standards for banks
and financial institutions, particularly in the context of capital adequacy
requirements. The EE (Standardized) and FIRB (Internal Ratings-based) models
under Basel 2 are specific approaches to assess credit risk and determine the
amount of regulatory capital that financial institutions need to hold. In contrast, the
Altman and Fulmer models are not directly aligned with Basel 2, as they are primarily
used for assessing solvency and financial distress in non-financial corporations.
Altman and Fulmer Models: These models are designed to assess the solvency and
financial health of non-financial corporations. They focus on predicting the likelihood
of financial distress or bankruptcy.
Basel 2 EE and FIRB Models: These models are designed for banks and financial
institutions to evaluate credit risk and determine the regulatory capital required to
cover potential credit losses.
Scope of Application:
Regulatory Framework:
Altman and Fulmer Models: Not directly associated with Basel 2 or its regulatory
framework, as they are more commonly used in financial analysis and corporate
Basel 2 EE and FIRB Models: Specifically developed to comply with Basel 2
regulatory requirements for banking institutions.
Market Risk Analysis: Estimation of Beta and Stock Price
Simulation for The Coca-Cola Company
The shares of Coca-Cola Company are listed on the New York Stock Exchange
under the ticker KO, and on the NASDAQ under the ticker KO. Daily stock price
returns were considered from November 1, 2022, to November 1, 2023, within both
stock exchanges. Subsequently, two betas were estimated through linear
regressions against the analogous returns of the corresponding market indices, S&P
500 and Nasdaq Composite, respectively.
y = 0.4891x + 0.0006
-5.00% -4.00% -3.00% -2.00% -1.00% 0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00%
Figure 2. Beta of Coca Cola against Nasdaq Composite:
-6.00% -4.00% -2.00% 0.00% 2.00% 4.00% 6.00%
Under the least squares methodology, linear regressions estimated sensitivity betas
to market movements equal to 0.489 and 0.640, respectively. Considering a risk-free
rate of 9% and Damodaran’s risk premium of 5% for the US equity market, cost of
equity for the Coca Cola Company was estimated through the CAPM model.
9% 5% 0.640 12.20 %
Simulation of Coca Cola Company's Stock Target Price in 5 years
using the Monte Carlo methodology.
For the simulation of stock price trajectories for the Coca Cola Company, Monte
Carlo methodology was employed to simulate 50 potential price paths over the next
5 years. Monthly stock returns from 2019 to 2023 were taken into consideration to
feed the proposed model. While a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test rejected normality in the
base returns, the Monte Carlo simulation still proves itself useful in predicting market
movements based on historical information. The results generated through coding
in Python software are presented below.
Risk Matrix for the Coca Cola Company according to firm specific conditions and industry concerns.
The Coca Cola Company’s exposure to contemporary global risks.
Environmental Risks:
Natural Resource Crises: Supply interruptions are critical for Coca-Cola. Depletion
of essential natural resources logically affects various operational levels of the
company. The materialization of this risk is likely to be fatal.
Social Risks:
Debt Crises: Global financial issues could impact the borrowing capacity and
financial position of the company, especially considering its historical high levels of
corporate debt financing.
EMPRESARIAL . https://www.ifecom.cjf.gob.mx/resources/pdf/estudio/3.pdf
CFI team. (2023, March 14). Altman’s Z-Score Model. Corporate Finance Institute.
Damodaran, A. (2023, July 14). Country Default Spreads and Risk Premiums.
Paul H., K. (2006). Financial Stability and Basel II . FDIC Center for Financial
The Coca Cola Company. (2023). Stock Information. The Coca-Cola Company.