New Age Steam Engine Market Research1
New Age Steam Engine Market Research1
New Age Steam Engine Market Research1
Market Research
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Executive summary
The steam engine is attractive because it promises clean air. According to the General Motors
Corporation, which disclosed details of its two experimental steam cars in May, 1999, the steam car
emits 0.62 grams a mile of hydrocarbons while the standard 1970 V‐8 powered car emits 2.2. grams a
Alternative fuels could be an option for traditional diesel-burning engines—but the conversion isn’t a
straightforward procedure. Engines are designed with a specific fuel in mind, and simply swapping one
fuel for another won’t work. New steam engine with electricity as heating plug will be the choice in the
future. The analogy of steam engine being cost effective and superior compared to electric engine and
with zero emission will call for more inventions in the engines manufacturing engine. The desire of many
aircraft engine manufacturing re-usable engine and air breathing engine, the integration of steam
engine could play a great role in clean air engine.
Advanced steam technology (sometimes known as modern steam) reflects an approach to the technical
development of the steam engine intended for a wider variety of applications than has recently been
the case. Particular attention has been given to endemic problems that led to the demise of steam
power in small- to medium-scale commercial applications: excessive pollution, maintenance costs, labor-
intensive operation, low power/weight ratio, and low overall thermal efficiency; where steam power has
generally now been superseded by the internal combustion engine or by electrical power drawn from
an electrical grid.
To put the steam-powered engines back to the market, It will have to overcome a lot of obstacles to win
public approval, such as a common misconception that steam engines tend to explode (debunked by a
number of sources, including the Website Hybrid Cars). Others worry that it would take too long for the
engine to build up the requisite amount of steam to drive from a cold start, but Cyclone reports a time
of 10 to 15 seconds for start-up, and full power in less than a minute. That’s less time than a diesel
engine requires to warm up.
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So for the last couple of year or so my mind has been stuck on a subject considered by most to be locked
in the history books for good: “steam engines”. Family, friends and concerned acquaintances wonder if
I’ve popped a gasket myself in devoting perfectly good time to this research. Please allow me to share
my thoughts on this subject and why I think it is worthwhile to revive it and put some modern touches
on it. We are developing a steam engine as the heat engine of choice for the solar power system, and
we are aiming to convert our new age tractor to steam power as well.
My motives for pursuing this research are spurred on by a multitude of criteria such as:
● ability to take both solar thermal and biomass thermal heat inputs, and
Engine building is no small task and is fraught with little details that are easily missed on paper but are a
real world show stopper.
For example, the Stirling engine looks great on paper, it uses air as a working medium, it can accept high
temperature heat inputs – and therefore has a cycle that should get very close to ideal efficiencies.
Realizing this in a reliable engine, however, has been very difficult. Low specific heat capacities of air
mean that the engine size will be larger than a steam engine and this in turn requires much larger
cylinder sizes. To counter this the cylinders usually operate with a pressurized gas, but this in turn
requires perfect sealing of the cylinder, all of which puts this engine out of the reach of all but the most
sophisticated machine shops.
Other engine options that can take multiple heat inputs – such as the steam turbine – are also full of
difficult manufacturing and engineering barriers such as precise machining and high speed dynamic
So perhaps it should be obvious that the low speed simple steam engine was the main engine to usher
in the industrial age up to the 1920s. So does it have a place in our history now? Well that is the
question we intend to investigate and answer in our New Age Steam Engine project.
● Fuel Flexibility: ability to take either direct solar thermal energy or indirect solar energy in the
form of combusted biomass. Given that cellulose is both the most plentiful form of biomass
energy and that it doesn’t have to compete with food production – we need to consider
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developing engines around this fuel. Since refining cellulosic materials to ethanol or diesel are
not yet proven – external combustion engines like the steam engine are more attractive.
● Simplicity and Durability: With combustion occurring externally at a steady pace the engine
cylinders do not experience the shock of internal fuel combustion. Additionally, since full power
can be obtained at very low engine speeds the life of the engine is typically orders of
magnitudes higher than IC engines.
● Emissions: With either non-polluting solar energy or biomass as the power source this engine is
inherently clean. Since combustion of biomass occurs externally without large pressures thermal
Nox is not formed, which would be problem in an IC engine.
● Efficiency: The large con is that the steam engine is historically of lower efficiency than an IC
engine. This however is not always true and I think it need not be true in the future. Higher
steam temperatures raise the engine efficiencies and many late model compounding steam
engines achieved >20% overall efficiency which is on par with a spark IC, but still half of a good
diesel cycle. For stationary power applications running the engine in cogeneration mode were
hot water and house heat are produced from the exhaust will eliminate this concern. In mobile
applications it should be noted that a spark IC efficiency will vary from 11% -13% at idle to 25%-
28% at full load. The steam engine will remain constant through load variations and so a simple
steam engine achieving 19% efficiency will in practice equal a typical gas engine in efficiency. If
down the road the steam engine is adopted and developed, higher boiler temperatures and
pressures and cylinder compounding could bring efficiencies up to the level of sub-critical
Rankine plants, 35-37%. Give the low fuel refining requirements for steam engines, this may give
steam power the edge over the slightly more efficient diesel.
● Steam Danger: Working with steam successfully has required over 150 years of trial and error to
master. Luckily we can stand atop that knowledge as we move forward. The flash steam
generator “the boiler type of choice – has no danger of explosion.
Adding it all up it seems the steam engine deserves a modern small-scale attempt. So one option to
move forward with the project is to simply dig through some old engineering books and duplicate a
simple steam engine for a solar thermal boiler tube or biomass-fired flash steam generator.
Steam can be injected simply by using electronically-controlled valves – much like modern fuel injection.
Down the road – steam temperatures and pressures can also be incorporated into the control board to
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add safety features like automatic dumping of steam if boiler temperatures and pressures go beyond
design conditions.
To me, it sounds attractive enough to pursue. So I have decided to put my money where my mouth is
and fund the first prototype. I have purchased the required valving and electronics and am finalizing my
mechanical crank plan. I plan to post as I hit some project milestones and aim to have something
running on steam in a few months.
it's literally a coiled heating system with a small reservoir to allow water to enter the chamber for
heating. Then once at high pressure it would be circulated into the main system. This system involves an
electromagnet in the center to power the wheels.
This system is gear locked into place surrounded by a stator that is bladed. This then is surrounded by
two halves called a turbine and impeller, then this system is enclosed into a unit, the impeller side would
involve injectors and valves to release and inject steam into the system as well as the same as the
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The flow would continue from one side (impeller side) to the other side(turbine) then it would flow
through the center which is the stator. This would be somewhat a torque and motion to the system as
well as the powered source of engine which is the electromagnet.
This system would also involve a condenser system and power supply as well as recharge system. And
reservoir. Also inlets form the vehicle outside to produce water vapor from the atmosphere. And an
exhaust system as well to release over pressurized systems. There would also be a system inside the
vehicle to provide water to the passengers.
We are proposing a Steam engine with new technology, project, to deliver a highly-efficient modern
steam engine with the following features:
● Simple inflow design - steam flows in a single direction from input valves to exhaust port(s)
Design Rationale
Although it is a matter of some debate, there are many who feel that our global civilization has past the
(so called) point of peak oil. Peak oil refers to the point in time when easy sources of petroleum have
been exhausted. Past that point, demand continues to rise (largely pegged to global population growth)
but production rolls off. If we accept that we have past the point of peak oil, then how will we maintain
civilization's need for energy? While part of the answer lies in reducing consumption, a bigger part lies in
alternative sources of energy. The new age steam engine with modern technology project is exploring a
number of alternative energy sources. Given reliable energy sources, the New Age Steam engine can be
used to convert steam energy into motion (and thence into electricity, etc.).
Steam engines have a number of benefits over other kinds of motive power:
● Driven by steam, produced in a variety of ways (boiler, solar concentrator, geothermal, etc.)
● Scalable power: connect more steam engine units onto a common crankshaft
Additional reasons to design and build a steam engine with new technology include:
● Relevant as an appropriate technology choice in both poor and rich countries when coupled to
flash steam generators
● Basis for another kind of Power Cube
bottom dead center, at which point the piston uncovers four exhaust vents allows steam (any
condensed water) to escape the engine. An exhaust plenum is provided to capture spent steam so that
it might be used for other purposes (like heating).
Product Ecology
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● Steam Generator
● Gassifier
● Tractor
● Truck
● Electric Generator
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● Aquaponics
● Greenhouse
Porta describes his Gas Producer Combustion System (GPCS) in the following manner:
“It essentially consists in transforming the fire-bed into a gas producer by making it very thick. Only 30%
(20% in the case of biomass) of the combustion air passes as primary air through the grate, thus leading
to an almost negligible particle entrainment. The secondary air makes up the lion's share of the air
needed for combustion and creates an intense turbulence in the flame space so that the gas phase
combustion can proceed to the degree of completeness required to meet pollution laws. While it
appears to have that extreme simplicity characterizing great inventions, its thermodynamics are
extremely complicated – after all just an intellectual problem!”
The drawing below shows a simplified elevation view of a conventional steam locomotive firebox. In this
arrangement, most of the air necessary to burn the fuel, about 90%, enters around the ash pan and
moves through the grate and fuel, primary air. Only a small amount of air, about 10%, enters the firebox
as secondary air, through holes in the fire-door, and sometimes through over-fire jets, which are
openings installed in the sides of the firebox.
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In a conventional combustion firebox/ boiler unburned fuel particles act much like sand-blast media as it
flies through the boiler at high speed. This causes erosion on the metal surfaces on the inside of the
boiler, including the sheets, tubes, flues, superheated elements, and the inside of the smokebox. These
cinders, if large enough, can set fires along the railroad right of way.
The figure above illustrates a Gas Producer Combustion System or GPCS firebox of the same size and
layout as the conventional firebox. The fire grate is changed from a traditional “finger-style” to a grate
with smaller air openings, which reduces the amount of primary air flowing through the grate / fuel to
about 30%. For proper GPCS function, the grates must ensure even air flow through the fire-bed. A
number of secondary air admission ducts must also be installed through the walls of the firebox. These
can be located along the sides, back, top, and/or front of the firebox. These ducts are sized to admit the
remaining 70% of the air needed to completely burn the fuel.
This major reduction in the volume and consequently speed of primary air being sucked through the fire
greatly eliminates unburned fuel particle carryover and the sand-blasting effect on the inside of the
boiler as compared to traditionally-fired steam locomotives. In addition, the lower level of fuel carries
over and near-complete combustion of the fuel significantly increases the furnace efficiency of the
firebox, evidenced through the virtual elimination of “smoke” from the smokestack.
The final part of the GPCS conversion is the addition of dispersion tubes installed under the grates to
admit steam to the fire. Three to four percent of the exhaust steam from the locomotive’s pistons and
various other steam-powered accessories is diverted for this purpose. This steam serves two purposes 1)
keeping the fire below the ash fusion temperature, preventing clinker and 2) providing a source of water
in the gasification reaction which is converted to gaseous hydrogen and methane in the fire-bed. These
and other chemical reactions necessitate maintaining a much deeper fire-bed than in a conventional
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firebox, typically fifteen pieces of fuel deep. This steam must be well mixed with the primary air to
ensure proper GPCS operation.
Market analysis
Achieving the goals of reducing light-duty vehicle (LDV) petroleum use and greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions by 80 percent by 2050 and petroleum use by 50 percent by 2030 is likely to require a
transition from internal combustion engines powered by fossil petroleum to alternative fuels or vehicles
or both. There is also potential for significant technological advancement both in the LDV fleet and in
the fuel and fueling infrastructure that will power vehicles over the next 40 years. Which of these
technologies will actually enter the market depends on a range of factors, including the extent of
progress in the different vehicle and fuel technologies, market conditions in gasoline and other fuels
markets that will affect cost and competiveness, consumer preferences over vehicle and fuel
characteristics, and government policies toward this sector.
Government policies are likely to be particularly important because the benefits of both petroleum and
greenhouse gas reductions accrue to the public as a whole, and so market forces alone cannot be relied
on to provide sufficient reductions. New steam engine with electrical heating is likely to be the best
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option in the engine manufacturing and the phase of sustainability and green world. The availability of
technology and materials that can sustain steam combustion and for hypersonic engine that uses steam
will be the leading factor driving the dependency of steam engine as alternative to fossil fuels.
The only really interesting part of the automotive industry is the electric vehicle (EV) segment. The
automotive engine market is valued at USD 395 billion and is expected to reach over USD 500 billion,
registering a CAGR of more than 4% during the forecast period.
There are two technologies that separate modern steam locomotives from traditional locomotives: the
implementation of the Gas Producer Combustion System (GPCS) in place of conventional steam
locomotive combustion (which works in tandem with a high efficiency exhaust) and the use of a modern
and much more effective internal boiler water treatment regime than was available during the US steam
era, (PT). These technologies work to improve overall thermal efficiency of modern steam locomotives
while at the same time reducing maintenance cost and improving reliability. In fact, PT and GPCS,
because of the elimination of the sandblasting effects of unburned fuel particles, leads to the virtual
elimination of boiler maintenance, which accounted for 91% of the maintenance cost of the steam
Market overview
The steam engine was the quintessential invention of the Industrial Revolution. It revolutionized mining,
textile manufacturing, transportation, and many other important economic sectors in England from the
18th century through the mid-19th century.
The global steam turbine market size was valued at USD 16.27 billion in 2022 and is projected to register
a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.5% from 2023 to 2030. An increase in the number of power
plants is likely to be commissioned to compensate for the energy deficit and this is expected to propel
the demand for steam turbines in the coming years.
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The U.S. emerged as the largest market in North America in 2022. An increase in the number of
combined-cycle natural gas plants in the country as they are reliable sources of energy is one of the
prominent reasons for the rising demand for steam turbines in the U.S. Policymakers in the country are
focusing on developing sustainable energy generation plants. This is anticipated to surge the number of
steam turbine installations in the U.S. in the coming years
In terms of revenue, the global external combustion engine market size accounted for USD 566.87
Million in 2020 and is expected to reach USD 787.82 Million by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 4.2% from
2021 to 2028.
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In an external combustion engine, thermal energy is produced by burning fuel externally; which further
releases energy that is used to heat water and convert water into steam. During this process, high-
pressure steam is generated due to the heating of the water which further moves a piston inside the
cylinder. At this point, the kinetic energy of the moving piston is converted into mechanical energy.
Nowadays, the Steam engine and the Stirling engine are two types of external combustion engines that
are widely used. The Stirling engine is widely in yachts and submarines where no external valves are
required, whereas Stirling engines are highly efficient, as compared to steam engines. Also, as compared
to the noise and emission generated by internal combustion engines, External combustion engines
produce less noise and emission.
The application segment is anticipated to hold the largest share of the External Combustion Engine
Market over the forecast period. External combustion engines are used in Steam Power plants, Nuclear
Power plants. Nowadays the number of power plants is increasing across the globe. This rising in the
number of power plants is anticipated to boost the External Combustion Engine Market in near future
over the forecast period. Also, External combustion engines are used in pumps, Ships, and trains.
Environmental awareness across the globe is increasing. As the External combustion engine uses various
sources including municipal waste, biomass, geothermal, and solar to supply heat, it is expected to
boom the External Combustion Engine Market over the forecast period.
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Growth Factors
Nowadays, the number of power stations is rising, thus increasing the number of power stations is likely
to boom the growth of the external combustion engine market. Also, environmental awareness across
the globe is increasing, owing to which is likely to boost the demand for use for external combustion
engines, as external combustion engines use various sources including municipal waste,
biomass, geothermal, and solar to supply heat, which is anticipated to boost the external combustion
engine market across the globe. Moreover, the rising demand for steam engines across the globe for the
development of electricity is anticipated to propel the demand for external combustion engines and fuel
the growth of the external combustion engine market.
Furthermore, as the external combustion engine generates less external noise and also helps to reduce
exhaust high-pressure combustion products; the demand for external combustion engine from major
power plants are increasing further leading to propelling the market growth in the near future over the
forecast period.
Asia Pacific is projected to have the fastest growth for the external combustion engine market over the
forecast period. The growth of the external combustion engine market in this region is attributed to the
presence of the major presence of thermal power plants across the region. Also, the major developed
countries including china, japan have nuclear power plants which are likely to upsurge the demand for
external combustion engines across these countries, further propelling the growth of the external
combustion engine market in this region in near future over the forecast period.
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Market dynamics
Market drivers and trends
Rising number of power stations globally
The number of power stations are rising, thus increasing number of power stations is likely to boom the
growth of external combustion engine market. Also, the environmental awareness across the globe is
increasing, owing to which it is likely to boost the demand for use for external combustion engine, as
external combustion engine uses various sources including municipal waste, biomass, geothermal and
solar to supply heat, which is anticipated to boost the external combustion engine market across the
The increasing focus of the Government in the UK. on establishing energy-efficient and clean power
generation plants is also contributing to the surge in the number of CHP installations in the country.
Rising demand for combined heat and power across North America is expected to drive the growth for
the market in the region over the forecast period.
Due to high demand of small steam turbines in small- and mid-sized combined cycle power plants
(CCPP), combined heat and power (CHP), petrochemicals, biomass, and concentrated solar power (CSP)
solutions, the segment is expected to have the highest growth over the forecast period. In addition,
vendors manufacturing steam turbines are more focused on the small steam turbines category due to
high demand from steel, cement, chemical, and other industries.
The demand of large capacity steam turbine is expected to see a decline due to the transition to
renewable and clean energy technologies from coal-based power technologies in countries across the
globe. However, increasing demand for uninterrupted power supply from developing countries such as
China and India is expected to add to the market value of large capacity steam turbines over the forecast
Fuel flexibility
Another point in favor of the steam-powered engine is its aforementioned fuel flexibility. When
automobiles were first being manufactured, no one was thinking about running out of fossil fuels. These
days, however, our dependence on fossil fuels is cause for concern among many, and any alternatives
that allow us to lessen that dependence are starting to look very appealing.
Today more money and time are being expended to develop practical electrics and steamers than at any
time since the heyday of those vehicles in the years before World War I. Why? Air pollution and traffic
congestion in American cities have set in motion a search for a substitute for the gasoline engine. The U.
S. Public Health Service estimates that up to two-thirds of all pollutants released into the atmosphere
come from the gasoline engines that propel the country's 99 million motor vehicles. Electric cars emit
virtually none of these pollutants, steam cars relatively few.
In the case of the Cyclone steam engine, emissions are less of a concern (though by no means entirely
gone). According to the company’s Web site, the engine burns longer than most and therefore
incinerates more particles, which means less exhaust. And, that exhaust is dependent on the type of fuel
used. If we can develop fuel sources that have increasingly less impact on the environment, the steam-
powered engine’s carbon footprint would get even smaller.
It is believed the re-invention of steam engines will shape up. According to many scholars, with 20- 30
years the gasoline cars will longer be a significant public question. Manufacturers feel that to improve
the conventional engine will be far less expensive than to invest “tens to hundreds of millions” in plant
and equipment for some new source of power.
Due to the environmental concerns, development of steam-propelled vehicles is likely to take the new
shape in the engine manufacturing market. The combination of electricity in replacement of the heating
chamber of steam will become one of the best alternative in the move for sustainable environment
Cost concerns
Only time will tell if the steam-powered engine actually makes an impact on the consumer automotive
market. If it turns out to be the same price or less to manufacture on a large scale than traditional
internal combustion engines, the steam-powered engine might be embraced by auto makers, and
possible future oil crises could force us to seriously reduce our use of fossil fuels.
Of course, all of this is entirely academic until car manufacturers actually decide to put steam engines in
their vehicles and other machines, but it seems they’re starting to bite. Popular Science reports that
Cyclone Power has reached an agreement to develop engines for lawn mowers and garden equipment,
and in April 2011, according to Smart Planet, Cyclone made a deal with mega-firm Raytheon, a defense
contractor with ties to the United States Military. Flexible fuel options could make a big difference for
deployed troops that are away from any reliable supplies.
When the electric broughams and Stanley Steamers of half a century ago tooled off into apparent
oblivion, they were mourned by few and in time scarcely remembered. The internal combustion engine,
more powerful than electric and less cumbersome than steam, had forced all competitors off the streets
and highways never to return—or so it seemed until recently. However new steam engine comes with
great designs to ensure the weight is minimized and the power remain. The desire of many people
looking for traditional car likely to go extinct and making them modernized is likely to drive the steam
engines market.
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Car enthusiasts are in day out searching for classical cars that seem to be outdated but are uniquely
featured with modern technology. By implementation of new age steam engine with modern
technology will not only quench their desire but will fashion the open source car industry in future. It is
believed that steam is cost effective by both fueling, environmental protection and superiority. This
steam engine will be powerful for hypersonic cars and aircraft.
For instance, in 2008, the engineers and steam buffs gathered in the auditorium, most of the images in
Roger Waller’s video were familiar enough – the gleaming bulk of a black locomotive standing in
Waller’s workshop, a small loco climbing a precipitous mountain railway, an elegant paddle steamer
crossing the blue waters of a Swiss lake. What caused a ripple of surprise, though, was a short sequence
near the end. It showed a small green car with a round silver tank zipping along a Swiss road, its twin
exhausts puffing out clouds of white vapor.
Waller is a modern steam pioneer. Along with a team at his engineering company DLM in Schaffhausen,
northern Switzerland, he has spent the last decade redesigning and modernizing steam locomotives to
make them far cleaner, and more profitable, than “old steam”. His updated steam engines run on
railway routes in Switzerland and Austria, propel a paddle steamer on Lake Geneva and will soon appear
on Dutch and Indian railways. Waller reckons that steam still has plenty of potential and, as he showed
in the auditorium at the meeting in York, UK, in December 2006, he is even setting steam engines back
on the road.
The video showed Waller and his team putting their steam car through its paces on the streets of
Schaffhausen. The vehicle does not have a firebox for burning fuel and a boiler like a conventional steam
engine. Instead it runs on hot, high-pressure steam stored in an insulated tank, or “steam accumulator”.
When the driver pushes the accelerator.
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Target market
Our company goal is to provide an environmentally sustainable engine that is a suitable alternative to
gasoline engine and a major competitor to electric engine. New age steam engine will be designed to
provide high powered vehicles that can be used all round. Our expansion goal is to reach the high end of
the aerospace by provision of hydrosphere aircraft engine that are free from emissions and and still
provide supersonic speed.
Our goal is to accelerate the world’s reach to sustainable vehicles and inspire new curiosities about the
universe and possible advancement in technology and science. We understand that what we do is
critical to global development, this is why we want to create a high-performing steam engine with
critical advantages over the engines that are obtainable in today’s automotive industry.
To reduce the environmental footprint of the automotive sector we need to start a clean world
revolution. Discover the latest developments in this field – from turbine design to energy carriers, and
operations – and learn how you can play a role. Sustainable automobile is a key area for climate action.
In this course, we will introduce you to various steam technologies, recent innovations, and promising
future developments in the field of automotive and aviation.
The new age steam engine’s designs will be made available to the private sector, ***** (our CEO) will
ensure that the manufacturing is done using the best quality raw materials, and it will be tested under all
extreme conditions to ensure that the engine performs consistently and dependably as long as it is in use
provided that it is operated and maintained in the right way.
● Ship manufacturers
● DoD marine for and Navy’s new advanced hypersonic ships and tracks multiple categories, e.g.:
long-range cargo or bomber transports, a new classification of fighters.
● Government agencies for advanced weather concerns
Our business model is built to leverage the available resources, valuable knowledge, and expertise to
build the New Age Steam Engine with modern technology. The team will have the required resources to
set up the manufacturing plant and start manufacturing a custom-built New Age Steam Engine for our
clients who pre-ordered, while the staff will execute the daily plan to ensure that we record successful
business years within the first 12 months. After the first year, we will assess our business model, identify
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the aspect we can improve, and review our performance in the market to understand how we can
improve our engine design and performance.
Our New Age Steam Engine will serve the following market
● Automotive market
● Logistic market
Well-known industry players across the steam turbine market are mainly focusing on various key
premeditated assets that include product customization, development of innovative product range, and
inorganic growth ventures as part of their plan. Additionally, for upgradation, and maintenance, market
players are also providing services to gain competitive benefits over other market players. Some
prominent players in the global steam engine market include:
● Elliot Group
● General Electric
● Siemens Energy
● Toshiba Corporation
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