The Human Genome Project (HGP)

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The HGP can help us understand

Genome – the complete set of genes in a cell

human evolution and the common
Proteome – the full range of proteins that a biology we share with all of life.
The Human Genome Project (HGP)
cell is able to produce Comparative genomics between
is an international research project
humans and other organisms such as
aimed to study all the genetic
mice has led to similar genes
content of the chromosomes of
associated with diseases and traits.
the human organisms (the human
The HGP has allowed scientists to
better understand wellness and
The goal of the HGP was disease by using information on the
to generate the first The Human sequence and location of human
sequence of the human
genome. Genome Project
The HGP has also helped for the
(HGP) development of diagnostics and
advanced therapeutics, which may
It was carried out from 1990-2003. ultimately provide the means for
the prevention and targeted
treatment of complex genetic
disorders such as cancer.

The researchers from the project recruited

volunteers as their sample and collected blood
DNA sequencing involves determining the exact samples from them. Most of the human genome
order of the bases in DNA. The project used the sequence generated by the HGP came from blood
advanced sanger DNA sequencing method. This donors.
involves using a purified DNA polymerase enzyme to
synthesise DNA chains of varying length.
Timeline of events
1993 – the Sanger 1996 – representatives 1999 – DNA sequencing of
2003 – the “Gold
centre was opened with from sequencing centres human genome begins.
1985 – the first standard” references
1990 – human funding. The British arm across the world meet in
meeting held by The Sanger centre finishes of human genome
genome project was of HGP launched at Bermuda to draft a set of
Robert Sinsheimer the sequence of first the sequence is officially
launched in USA and Sanger centre. principles for the HGP data.
to propose the human chromosome, completed to 99.99%
directed by James These are known as
sequencing of the Francis Collins is now chromosome 22, the accuracy.
Watson. Bermuda principles.
human genome the director of HGP. second smallest autosome.

1988 – the human 1992 – John Sulston 1998 – Celera genomics 2001 – the HGP
1994 – scientists
genome organisation submits a grant application launches a private and Celera
finish the major
(HUGO), an proposing they fund his venture to finish genomics both
mapping stage of
international nematode worm sequencing of human publish their draft
organisation of sequencing project and genome in three years sequences.
scientists involved in begin the UK’s contribution The HGP reaches its
human genetics, was to the HGP. midpoint.
James Watson leaves his
position as director of HGP.

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