A Simple Method For Evaluating Liquefaction Potential From Shear Wave Velocity
A Simple Method For Evaluating Liquefaction Potential From Shear Wave Velocity
A Simple Method For Evaluating Liquefaction Potential From Shear Wave Velocity
Lianyang ZHANG
3) Vs can be measured by the spectral-analysis-of- develops the simple method for evaluating the liquefaction
surface-waves (SASW) technique at sites where borings potential from the Vs data by using the same methodology
may not be permitted, such as landfills, sites that extend for as in Zhang [22,23]. The database of field liquefaction case
great distances where rapid evaluation is required, and histories from Andrus et al. [21] is used for the
hard-to-sample sites composed of gravels, cobbles, and development. Using the case history data, the influence
even boulders. of various factors on liquefaction potential of soils is
The simplified procedure based on SPT, CPT, or Vs quantified, and a simple expression for evaluating
measurements generally is presented in a chart that defines liquefaction potential is developed. The developed simple
the boundary separating liquefaction and non-liquefaction. method is then compared with the simplified procedure of
The simplified procedure needs to calculate the cyclic Andrus et al. [21] and Andrus and Stokoe [20]. Finally, a
stress ratio (CSR) and the cyclic resistance ratio (CRR) case study is presented to illustrate the application of the
based on different assumptions and simplifications and has developed simple method.
the following limitations:
1) For the calculation of CSR:
(a) The constant 0.65 is only an approximation with a 2 Field liquefaction case history data
reasonable degree of accuracy.
(b) Since the range of the depth reduction factor rd is This study utilizes the database collected by Andrus et al.
wide, the average value of rd used in the calculation of [21]. The case records represent a total of 225 case
CSR may be far from the actual value. Moreover, many histories. Of the 225 case histories, 96 are liquefaction case
different equations are available for calculating the average histories, and 129 are non-liquefaction case histories. The
rd, and they may give different average values of rd. case records correspond to 26 earthquakes that occurred in
2) For the calculation of CRR: the period 1906–1995. From the 225 case histories, 88
(a) The measured soil resistance (SPT blow count, CPT (Table 1) are randomly selected for analysis to quantify the
tip resistance, or shear wave velocity) need to be normal- influence of the selected factors using the optimum seeking
ized to account for the effect of stress. Many different method. The other 137 (Table 2) case histories are used to
equations are available for normalizing the measured soil test the optimized results.
resistance, and they may give very different results. There are many factors that affect the seismic liquefac-
(b) To consider the influence of fines content, the tion potential of soils, such as the density of the soil, the
normalized soil resistance need to be corrected to the depth of the water, and the magnitude of the earthquake.
equivalent clean sand value. Each factor has a different level of influence on the soil
(c) The CRR versus the normalized soil resistance liquefaction behavior. According to the general principle of
curves (i.e., the boundary curves separating liquefaction selecting influencing factors [22,23]:
and non-liquefaction) were largely drawn through visual 1) the major factors,
inspection of the data plotted on a 2D graph, and as such, 2) the factors available to majority of field sand
there is subjectivity in the established boundary curves. liquefaction data, and
(d) Various CRRs versus normalized soil resistance 3) the factors easy to obtain and determine, the following
curves exist even for the same soil resistance parameter, five factors are selected for evaluating the liquefaction
and they give very different CRR even for the same potential of soils:
normalized soil resistance. 1) the earthquake magnitude, M ;
(e) The CRR versus the normalized soil resistance 2) the vertical effective overburden stress, ív;
curves generally apply only to magnitude 7.5 earthquakes 3) the shear-wave velocity, Vs ;
and need to be corrected using the magnitude scaling 4) the peak acceleration at the ground surface of the site,
factors (MSFs) for earthquakes of magnitudes smaller or amax, and
larger than 7.5. Many different methods are available for 5) the fines content, FC.
estimating MSFs, and they give very different values.
Zhang [22,23] developed simple methods for evaluating
seismic liquefaction potential of soils from SPT data or 3 Development of simple method for
CPT data. The methods are developed by using the liquefaction potential evaluation
optimum seeking method to quantify the influence of
various factors directly. No assumptions or simplifications In this section, the simple method for liquefaction potential
as in the simplified procedure are required. Moreover, the evaluation is developed by quantifying the influence of the
simple methods can evaluate liquefaction potential at a five selected factors based on the 88 case histories in
success rate equivalent to or somewhat higher than the Table 1. To do that, the factors are first graded according to
corresponding simplified procedure. the standard shown in Table 3. G(*) in Table 3 is the grade
Consider the advantages of using Vs for liquefaction of the corresponding factor, e.g., G(M) represents the grade
potential assessment as stated above, the present paper of M. The grading standard is established by considering
location –1
No. M í
v =kPa Vs/(m%s ) amax/g FC/% Liq ? Pra G(M) v
Gðí Þ G(Vs) G(amax) G(FC) LP Pre Err
July 30, 1986 Taiwan (event LSST12)
Lotung LSST, L2-L5/L6 43 6.2 45.4 137 0.18 50 no 0 1 2 1 1 1 243 0 0
Lotung LSST, L8-L3 44 6.2 45.4 156 0.18 50 no 0 1 2 1 1 1 243 0 0
July 30, 1986 Taiwan (event LSST13)
Lotung LSST, L2-L5/L6 45 6.2 45.4 137 0.05 50 no 0 1 2 1 0 1 209 0 0
Lotung LSST, L8-L3 46 6.2 45.4 156 0.05 50 no 0 1 2 1 0 1 209 0 0
November 4, 1986 Taiwan (event LSST16)
Lotung LSST, L2-L5/L6 47 7.6 45.4 137 0.16 50 no 0 2 2 1 1 1 278 0 0
Lotung LSST, L8-L3 48 7.6 45.4 156 0.16 50 no 0 2 2 1 1 1 278 0 0
1987 Elmore Ranch, California
Heber Road Channel Fill, R1-R2 49 5.9 46.8 131 0.03 22 no 0 0 2 1 0 2 213 0 0
Heber Road Point Bar, R1-R2 50 5.9 45.4 164 0.03 10 no 0 0 2 1 0 2 213 0 0
Kornbloom 51 5.9 58.1 105 0.24 75 no 0 0 2 2 2 0 274 0 0
Radio tower 52 5.9 55.8 90 0.11 35 no 0 0 2 3 1 1 350 1 1
Wildlife, 1 53 5.9 53.9 127 0.13 27 no 0 0 2 1 1 2 247 0 0
1987 Superstition Hills, California
Heber Road Channel Fill, R1-R2 54 6.5 46.8 131 0.18 22 no 0 1 2 1 1 2 282 0 0
Heber Road Point Bar, R1-R2 55 6.5 45.4 164 0.18 10 no 0 1 2 1 1 2 282 0 0
Kornbloom 56 6.5 58.1 105 0.21 75 no 0 1 2 2 2 0 309 0 0
Radio tower 57 6.5 55.8 90 0.20 35 no 0 1 2 3 2 1 419 1 1
Wildlife, 1 58 6.5 53.9 127 0.20 27 yes 1 1 2 1 2 2 316 1 0
1989 Loma Prieta, California
Front. Archit. Civ. Eng. China 2010, 4(2): 178–195
total 14
Notes: Liq ? means liquefaction or not; Pra = pratical grade; Pre = predicted grade; Err = ½Pre – Pra½. When LP≥315, Pre = 1; when LP < 315, Pre = 0. LP ¼ 35GðM Þ þ 32Gðí
v Þ þ 71GðVs Þ þ 34Gðamax Þ þ 39GðFCÞ:
Table 2 Field liquefaction data for testing 184
location No. M í
v =kPa Vs/(m%s ) amax/g FC/% Liq ? Pra G(M) Gðí
vÞ G(Vs) G(amax) G(FC) LP Pre Err
1906 San Francisco, California
Coyote Creek, R1-R3 89 7.7 58.0 161 0.36 <5 yes 1 2 2 1 3 3 424 1 0
Coyote Creek, R2-R3 90 7.7 61.9 169 0.36 <5 yes 1 2 1 1 3 3 392 1 0
Salinas River North, R1-R2 91 7.7 139.8 195 0.32 44 no 0 2 0 0 3 1 211 0 0
Salinas River North, R2-R3 92 7.7 139.8 199 0.32 44 no 0 2 0 0 3 1 211 0 0
Salinas River South, R1-R2 93 7.7 122.6 149 0.32 14 yes 1 2 0 1 3 2 321 1 0
Salinas River South, R1-R3 94 7.7 122.6 158 0.32 14 yes 1 2 0 1 3 2 321 1 0
Salinas River South, R2-R3 95 7.7 122.6 168 0.32 14 yes 1 2 0 1 3 2 321 1 0
1957 Daly City, California
Marina District, No. 3 96 5.3 82.2 105 0.11 ~12 no 0 0 1 2 1 2 286 0 0
Marina District, No. 5 97 5.3 120.5 220 0.11 <5 no 0 0 0 0 1 3 151 0 0
Marina District, School 98 5.3 54.1 112 0.11 2 no 0 0 2 2 1 3 357 1 1
1964 Niigata, Japan
Niigata, Railway Station 99 7.5 45.2 131 0.16 <5 yes 1 2 2 1 1 3 356 1 0
Niigata, Site C2 100 7.5 46.5 118 0.16 <5 yes 1 2 2 2 1 3 427 1 0
1975 Haicheng, China
Chemical Fiber 101 7.3 90.3 147 0.12 61 yes 1 2 1 1 1 0 207 0 1
Construction Building 102 7.3 73.6 103 0.12 83 yes 1 2 1 3 1 0 349 1 0
Glass Fiber 103 7.3 50.3 98 0.12 42 yes 1 2 2 3 1 1 420 1 0
Paper Mill 104 7.3 35.2 122 0.12 72 yes 1 2 2 2 1 0 310 0 1
1979 Imperial Valley, Califor-
Heber Road Channel Fill, S-R1 105 6.5 46.8 133 0.50 22 yes 1 1 2 1 3 2 350 1 0
Heber Road Point Bar, S-R1 106 6.5 45.4 173 0.50 10 no 0 1 2 1 3 2 350 1 1
Front. Archit. Civ. Eng. China 2010, 4(2): 178–195
location No. M í
v =kPa Vs/(m%s ) amax/g FC/% Liq ? Pra G(M) Gðí
vÞ G(Vs) G(amax) G(FC) LP Pre Err
TI Fire Station, Portable 201 7.0 63.5 130 0.13 24 no 0 2 1 1 1 2 285 0 0
TI perimeter, UM05 202 7.0 62.5 151 0.14 5 yes 1 2 1 1 1 3 324 1 0
TI perimeter, UM06 203 7.0 38.7 123 0.14 5 yes 1 2 2 2 1 3 427 1 0
TI Approach to Pier, SA-5b 204 7.0 78.1 189 0.14 5 no 0 2 1 0 1 3 253 0 0
TI Approach to Pier, SA-6 205 7.0 67.1 187 0.14 5 no 0 2 1 0 1 3 253 0 0
TI Approach to Pier, SA-7 206 7.0 78.1 187 0.14 5 no 0 2 1 0 1 3 253 0 0
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza, R1-R2 207 7.0 82.5 144 0.24 ~9 yes 1 2 1 1 2 2 319 1 0
Bay Bridge Toll Plaza, SFOBB-2 208 7.0 92.4 148 0.24 ~13 yes 1 2 1 1 2 2 319 1 0
1993 Kushiro-Oki, Japan
Kushiro Port, No. D 209 8.3 56.6 135 0.41 5 yes 1 3 2 1 3 3 459 1 0
1993 Hokkaido-Nansei-Oki, Japan
Hakodate Port, No. 2 210 8.3 57.8 143 0.15 8 no 0 3 2 1 1 2 352 1 1
Hakodate Port, No. 3 211 8.3 62.2 124 0.15 54 yes 1 3 1 2 1 1 352 1 0
1994 Northridge, California
Rory Lane, M-32 212 6.7 76.7 152 0.51 ~10 yes 1 1 1 1 3 2 318 1 0
Rory Lane, M-33 213 6.7 67.9 129 0.51 ~10 yes 1 1 1 1 3 2 318 1 0
1995 Hyogoken Nanbu, Japan
Hanshin Expressway 5, 10 214 6.9 64.6 112 0.58 16 yes 1 1 1 2 3 2 389 1 0
Hanshin Expressway 5, 14 215 6.9 94.2 175 0.63 ~12 yes 1 1 1 1 3 2 318 1 0
Hanshin Expressway 5, 29 216 6.9 77.8 167 0.65 12 yes 1 1 1 1 3 2 318 1 0
KNK 217 6.9 83.4 139 0.12 ~10 no 0 1 1 1 1 2 250 0 0
Kobe-Nishinomiya EWY, 17 218 6.9 49.0 200 0.53 8 no 0 1 2 0 3 2 279 0 0
Front. Archit. Civ. Eng. China 2010, 4(2): 178–195
Table 3 Factor grading standard liquefaction behavior; and Pre represents the grade of the
factor G(*) predicted liquefaction behavior, which is a function of
0 1 2 3 liquefaction potential (LP) that is obtained by
M £5.9 6.0 – 6.9 7.0 – 7.9 ≥8.0 LP ¼ x GðM Þ þ x Gðí Þ þ x GðV Þ þ x Gða Þ
1 2 v 3 s 4 max
í =kPa
v ≥120.1 59.6 – 120.0 30.0 – 59.5 £29.9
Vs/(m%s–1) ≥177 125 – 176 105 – 124 £104 þ x5 GðFCÞ, (2)
amax/g £0.09 0.10 – 0.19 0.20 – 0.29 ≥0.30
where x1, x2, x3, x4, and x5 are coefficients to be determined
FC/% ≥61 35 – 60 6 – 34 £5 based on the optimization.
Note: G(*) is the grade of the corresponding factor, e.g., G(M) represents the The final optimized results can be simply presented as
grade of M.
LP ¼ 35GðM Þ þ 32Gðí Þ þ 71GðV Þv s
the possible range of the factors and their influence on the
liquefaction potential of soils [22,23]. The overall predic- þ 34Gðamax Þ þ 39GðFCÞ, (3a)
tion accuracy is also considered in defining the grading
standard. If a different grading standard is used, the final (
0, when LP < 315,
optimized results will be different. For the liquefaction Pre ¼ (3b)
behavior, a binary value of 1 is given for the sites that 1, when LP³315:
liquefied, and a value of 0 for the sites that did not liquefy.
After the factors are graded according to the standard in The minimum value of y (i.e., the number of prediction
Table 3 (Table 1), the influence of the five selected factors errors) is 14, as shown in Table 1.
is quantified using the optimum seeking method, as Using the optimized results (Eq. (3)), the 137 case
detailed in Zhang [22,23]. The optimization is simply to records in Table 2 are evaluated by simply grading the
find the minimum value of the following function (i.e., the factors according to Table 3 and then doing the simple
number of prediction errors): calculations using Eq. (3). The results are shown in
Table 2, with only 26 errors. The prediction results of the
whole 225 case records are summarized in Fig. 1. All
y¼ jPre – Praji , (1) together, there are just 40 errors, giving an 82.2% success
in which Pra represents the grade of the practical From the optimized results, we can also see the relative
importance of the five selected factors influencing the 5 Comparison with simplified procedure
liquefaction potential of soils (Table 4). The most
important factor is the shear wave velocity. 5.1 Simplified procedure based on shear wave velocity
Table 4 Relative importance of factors Andrus et al. [21] and Andrus et al. [20] presented a
factors M í v Vs amax FC simplified procedure based on shear wave velocity for
relative importance/% 16.6 15.2 33.6 16.1 18.5 evaluating seismic liquefaction potential of soils. The
procedure consists of calculation of three parameters
4 Factor of safety 1) the level of cyclic loading on the soil caused by the
earthquake, expressed as CSR;
For engineering purposes, it is not enough to know 2) the stiffness of the soil, expressed as an overburden
whether the site will liquefy or not. One needs to know the stress-corrected shear wave velocity; and
factor of safety against liquefaction. Using the optimized 3) the resistance of the soil to liquefaction, expressed as
results, the factor of safety (FS) can be simply defined by CRR.
CSR induced by an earthquake at a particular depth in
315 the ground is estimated using the simplified method
FS ¼ , (4)
LP proposed by Seed et al. [2], i.e.,
where LP is the liquefaction potential evaluated by
τ amax v
CSR ¼ av í ¼ 0:65 rd , (5)
Eq. (3a). Liquefaction is predicted to occur when FS£ 1,
v g
and liquefaction is predicted not to occur when FS > 1. The v
acceptable value of FS will depend on several factors, where tav = average equivalent uniform cyclic shear stress
including the acceptable level of risk for the project, extent caused by the earthquake and is assumed to be 0.65 of the
and accuracy of geotechnical data, and conservativeness in maximum induced stress; amax = peak horizontal accel-
determining the design earthquake magnitude and eration at the ground surface; g = acceleration of gravity
expected peak horizontal ground surface acceleration. (9.81 m/s2); ív = initial effective vertical (overburden)
For the 40 wrongly predicted cases, FS can be stress at the depth in question; sv = vertical total
determined using Eq. (4), as shown in Fig. 2 and Table 5. overburden stress at the same depth; and rd = depth
It can be seen that the values of FS for most of the wrongly reduction factor. The depth reduction factor can be
predicted cases are close to 1. Therefore, the wrong estimated from the average curve originally proposed by
predictions are not too far from the real conditions. Seed and Idriss Refs. [2].
Fig. 2 Predicted factor of safety (FS), for 40 wrongly predicted cases using the developed simple method
Lianyang ZHANG. A simple method for evaluating liquefaction potential from shear wave velocity 191
Following the traditional procedures for correcting SPT where Vs1 = overburden stress-corrected shear wave
blow count and CPT tip resistances to account for velocity; Cv = factor to correct measured shear wave
overburden stress, Vs can be corrected to a reference velocity for overburden pressure; Pa = reference stress of
overburden stress by Refs. [17,21,24] 100 kPa or about the atmospheric pressure; and í v = initial
0:25 effective overburden stress (kPa). A maximum Cv value of
P 1.4 is generally applied to Vs data at shallow depths, similar
Vs1 ¼ Vs Cv ¼ Vs ía , (6)
v to the SPT and CPT procedures.
192 Front. Archit. Civ. Eng. China 2010, 4(2): 178–195
where Vs1 = limiting upper value for cyclic liquefaction Using the simplified procedure of Andrus et al. [21] and
occurrence; and MSF = magnitude scaling factor to Andrus et al. [20], as described in the previous section, the
account for the effect of earthquake magnitude. Vs1 is liquefaction potential of the 225 case histories in Tables 1
related to fines content and can be expressed by and 2 are evaluated. The results are shown in Fig. 3. The
Vs1 ¼ 215 m=s, f or sands with FC£5%, (8a) simplified procedure based on shear wave velocity gives
58 errors of predictions or a 74.2% success rate. As stated
before, the developed simple method gives 40 errors of
Vs1 ¼ 215 – 0:5ðFC – 5Þ m=s, predictions or an 82.2% success rate. Therefore, the
developed simple method has a higher success rate for
f or sands with 5% < FC < 35%, (8b) evaluating liquefaction potential than the simplified
Vs1 ¼ 200 m=s, f or sands and silts with FC³35%, For design purposes, the developed simple method is
(8c) simpler and more direct than the simplified procedure.
With the developed simple method, apart from grading the
where FC = average fines content in percent by mass. The factors according to Table 3 (which is very easy to do), no
magnitude scaling factor MSF is evaluated by preprocessing of the data is required for a specific site
Fig. 3 Summary of prediction results using simplified procedure based on shear wave velocity
Lianyang ZHANG. A simple method for evaluating liquefaction potential from shear wave velocity 193
under a particular design earthquake. With the simplified between the depths of 1.5 m and 5 m and slightly greater
procedure, however, the stress-correction of Vs and than 1 from 5 to 9 m. Therefore, the soil at the site might be
calculation of CSR are required before the liquefaction marginally stable during the 1989 earthquake. Field
potential can be assessed. In addition, the developed records show that no sand boils or ground cracks occurred
simple method can be easily employed by just conducting at the site, but there was sudden drop in strong ground
hand calculations using Eq. (3) to obtain instantaneous motion recordings at about 15 s and small motion
results. Another advantage of the proposed method is the afterward [25,26]. The sudden drop in strong ground
possibility to avoid theoretical assumptions and laboratory motion recordings indicates that the soil at site might have
experimental errors. liquefied [21]. Since no sand boils or ground cracks were
observed, the liquefaction might not be serious, which
confirms the prediction result (marginally stable) of the
6 Case study developed simple method.
Fig. 4 Application of developed simple method to Treasure Island fire station site and 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake (soil profile and
properties are from Ref. [21]). (a) Soil profile; (b) shear wave velocity, Vs/(m%s–1); (c) fines content/%; (d) factor of safety, FS
194 Front. Archit. Civ. Eng. China 2010, 4(2): 178–195
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