SSRN Id3464259
SSRN Id3464259
SSRN Id3464259
Foreign policy
Muhammad Rashid1
Umer Farooq2
Riphah International University Islamabad
After the decolonization of the sub-continent, India's behavior in the international community
has been quite different and is worth the scholarly exploration in terms of foreign policy analysis.
India adopted a Non-aligned movement during the cold war, considered itself a great power, and
demanded a permanent seat in the UN. These policies adopted by India entice the scholars to
make an in-depth analysis of the discourse adopted by India post-1947 which seems to be greatly
influenced by the philosophy of Kautilya. This paper will examine the influence of Chanakya
Kautailya's philosophy in the current foreign policy of India. Content Analysis of six foreign
policy techniques which are written by Kautilya in his book Arthashastr adopted as a research
methodology. The realism theoretical paradigm is an appropriate theory to understand this
research phenomenon. Previous studies suggest that there is always an influence of Kautilya's
philosophy that has been seen in Indian foreign policy. This paper explores the various
philosophies of Kautilya regarding foreign policy and its implementation in the current Foreign
Policy of India.
Research Associate at Riphah International University and Student of MS Media and Communication
Email; [email protected]
Program Coordinator at Media Department of Riphah International University and Student of MS Media and
Email; [email protected]
He was a Brahmin by caste and approximately lived during the period 350-275 B.C.
There is less information available on Chanakya's biographical history, therefore, one can rely
primarily on tradition and Buddhist and Jain Texts of subsequent periods. Similarly, Chanakya's
birthplace is controversial. The Tika Mahavasma a Buddhist worker mentioned Tashasila
(Taxila) as his birthplace while Hemachandra, a Jain writer, mentioned in his book
"Abhidhanachintamani” Chanakya, son of Chanaka was a Dramila, a resident of South India
(Subramanian, 1980).
There is another version that name derived from the name Chanakya his native land (a
place called Chanakya in Punjab). In brief several places mentioned as his birthplace, but a solid
show with respect regarding his birthplace which other historian agreed on that "since the
campaigns of Alexander were predominantly in Punjab and Plutarch records that Alexander had
met Chandragupta in his youth during their campaigns, it would be safer to accept the Takshsila
(Taxila) in Punjab was the hometown of Chanakya, where he and Chandragupta spent several
years together". So obviously Taxila is more accepted as his birthplace, and also the answer to
the question that many people argued Chanakya is fact or myth? Another answer to this question
is that Chanakya and Kautilya are the ones and the same person has been universally accepted by
As mentioned above the Mauryan Empire also called Indian Empire, Chandragupta was
the king of this Dynasty and Chanakya was his advisor, he also played an imported role in the
establishment of this empire. Because of his ideas and strategies this empire able to succeed
against forces of great Alexander (Singh, 2016)
Kautilya was a king advisor, professor, strategic thinker, and writer. He wrote
Arthashastra and this text divided into fifteen books on deferent topics like administration, law,
and order, taxation, revenue, expenditure, foreign policy, and defense and war. This paper
emphasizes on the foreign policy mostly founded from book seven, eleven and twelve. This
research paper focuses on economic aggression by India against Pakistan using an arms race,
impediments to trade and efforts to restrict infrastructure development and resource mobilization
which damages Pakistan's economy. This paper explores the various philosophies of Kautilya
regarding foreign policy and studies its implementation in the current Foreign Policy of India.
Chanakya was also called Indian Machiavelli particularly in the 20th century when India
got independence. Jawaharlal Nehru writes in his "Discovery of India" Chanakya has been called
the Indian Machiavelli and to some extent, the comparison is justified. And it is true because a
lot of Kautilya's thought resemblance with the philosophy of realism. He says "One should save
his money against hard times, and save his wife at the sacrifice of his riches but invariably one
should save his soul even at the sacrifice of his wife and riches” (Davis, 2014).
Like this his text full of wisdom and other intellectual quotes. Another thing regarding his
strategies Henry Kissinger refers to the ancient Indian treatise, the Arthashastra, a work that
details the power requirements, which is the dominant reality in politics. For Kissinger, the
Arthashastra contained a realistic view of politics long before the Prince which Kissinger deems
"a combination of Machiavelli and Clausewitz". The purpose of the referencing is that work on
Chanakya,s philosophy not done by just Indians but also adopted by western writers.
As mentioned above this paper will focus on the philosophy of Chanakya regarding
foreign policy and its implementation on current Indian policy. In the era of Chanakya Kautilya
when the Mauryan Empire was on the peak of power, there was created a situation resemblance
of Westphalia like many states situated here and there around the Mauryan Empire. "Chanakya
introduced by seeing the situation a term "rajamandala” its mean circle of states, according to
this term hostile states those that border the ruler’s state, forming a circle around it. In turn, the
states surrounding this set of hostile states form another circle around the circle of hostile states
(Jindal, 2019). This second circle of states can be regarded as natural allies of the ruler’s state
against the hostile states that lie between them” (Jindal, 2019). In easy words as Chanakya says
“the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Elements of this logic are found in India's foreign policy
today, which sees states such as Japan and Afghanistan as natural allies against China and
1. Samdhi: peacemaking
2. Vigraha: waging war
3. Asana: doing nothing
4. Yana: preparing for war
5. Samsraya: seeking protection
6. Dvaidhibhave: dual policy
1. Declare war
2. Secret war
3. Undeclared war
Samdhi; Making peace, according to Chanakya state should enter an agreement with the
specific condition for some time. This method is used when a state is in relative decline as
compared to other states. For example, states fought against Napoleon to enter various collations
with him due to their defeat but this agreement ended after Waterloo. Kautilya says "the only
time a king will make peace is when he found himself in relative decline compared to his enemy”
Vigraha means waging war: This strategy occurs when a state is more strengthen in
power capabilities than another state and can easily defeat through military, tactics, or internal
conditions in the country of the enemy. Kautilya says “when a king in a superior position as
compared to his enemy, he will attack and wage war” (Shamasastry, 1995). King should observe
the condition of enemy state internally and externally both and when he realized this state can be
easily defeated by my army, he should take action and wage war. This kind of behavior seen in
India's policy when she tried several times waging war against Pakistan due to large military
strength and other powerful capabilities. Since the few past decades, India and Pakistan nearly
waged war due to a major crisis of Brass Tacks (Khattak, 2011). India accelerated Brass tacks
exercise, the largest military maneuvers in the history of South Asia. A tense situation developed
across the borders but at last, great powers got involved and the threat of the nuclear escalation
was sidelined. The terrorist attack on the Indian parliament in 2001, a clear prediction that both
countries may go to war against each other as India claimed that Pakistan is responsible for this
attack and deemed it as a threat to their sovereignty. As a result, India deployed approximately 8,
00,000 troops, two-strike corps and heavy arms on its western border but because of the credible
nuclear deterrence, the war did not occur (Bender, 2013)
Asana, doing nothing or neutrality, is a strategy used where there is no benefit either war
or peacemaking. When a state faced this kind of situation she should be isolated or made a peace
agreement. Kautilya says "if a king feels that his enemy and he are equal and neither can harm
the other nor ruin the other's undertakings, then he shall choose to do nothing" (Shamasastry,
1995). It can be a long wait for a state that when she able to do something? for example in near
past decades, the conflict between Pakistan and India particularly the 1987 Brass tacks and 2001
Mumbai attacks, India realized at this time not possible to win against Pakistan because of the
nuclear deterrence, she decides to do nothing. Non- alignment policy introduced by Jawaharlal
Yana, means preparing for war or marching and is a method about the construction of
military capabilities of the country, and tried to use any sources which lead towards the defeat of
the enemy. If the country not prepared itself for war, the enemy can get the benefit and destroyed
this state. Kautilya says "when a king increases his power and has a special advantage over his
enemy" (Proportion, 1995). Increase the power of state ultimately a fear builds up over the
enemies, and enemy state could not able to attack it. India's current situation shows this kind of
behavior, one can easily evaluate India following Kautilya's policy today. "It is expected that
defense spending in India to increase as it pursues a modernization process. Currently, it is
estimated that India only spends $46 billion on the military from its budget, and have desired to
become the fourth largest investor in 2020 (Bender, 2013). It is the largest importer of military
products. India has ballistic missiles with the range capable of reaching all over Pakistan and
almost of China”. Although in the history a conflict had been between China and India, this
strategy adopted for Pakistan due to the dominance of conflicts between the countries. (Khattak,
Dvaidhibhava meaning the dual policy is a strategy that is used to addresses several
states at once, by joining some states together with the state itself to form an alliance to fight
enemy states. It is making peace with one state while waging war with the other. Kautilya says
“the enemy of my enemy is my friend” (Davis, 2014), after the bad defeat against China, India
Kautilya also described the ways of war and noteworthy India almost following these
methods of war. First is “Open War "its mean declared war and attacked openly, India openly
attacked Pakistan in 1965 and onward. The second is" secret war "which means sudden attack,
terrorize from one side and attack from the other side. India through Afghanistan making the
worthless situation for Pakistan in Fata, Baluchistan and other tribal areas and on the other hand,
making the critical situation on the eastern border, so Pakistan facing threats from both sides.
The third is "undeclared war” through the agencies, secret services, religious and women. India's
involvement in Baluchistan in Pakistan, supporting Hindu Tamils in Srilanka, supporting
Maoists Separatists in Nepal and supporting Shanti Bahini in Bangladesh, these are the result of
Chanakya,s policies which are adopting by India. This policy also called the aggressive
expansionist concept which founded on Chanakya's lessons.
These are some policies from Chanakya's work, he also worked on other matters of the
state like administrations, law and order and economy. This paper tried to examine those policies
related to the foreign policy of the state. In this era, India still follows the philosophy of
Chanakya Kautilya as a role model. The time has been changed, a lot of brilliant philosophers
passed away before a few centuries, they gave new rules and lessons for the generations. Why
India still following him, the answer is simple as every nation has its historians and philosopher
and they want to follow them but this nation has no power to do that. When India got freedom
from the British Empire, she remembered her forefathers and dedicated freedom to them. After
decolonization, India immediately behaved differently in comparison with Pakistan.
It is the result of the behavior of India which created curiosity in the mind of western,
they compel into know that which person or philosophy followed by India. When they came to
know about Kautilya, ultimately they started work on him and pointed out some new knowledge.
Arthashastra and some versions of this book translated into English and Indian writers also
wrote a replica of Kautilya's studies in English. One cannot criticize Indians why the state is
adopting these kinds of policies based on realistic behavior, every state has the right to adopt any
kind of policy which is good for its interest. Other regional countries should come up with smart
foreign policies to tackle India.