General Advice To The Ummah From Shaykh Rabee' Bin Haadee

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Naseehah to the Ummah


Naseehah to the Ummah From Shaykh Rabee’

bin Haadee
Trans. Abu Naasir Abid Zargar

In the Name of Allaah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

All praise is due to Allaah, the Most High, may His peace and blessings be upon the
Messenger of Allaah, his family, his companions and whoever follows his guidance.

To proceed:

Verily we the people of the Islamic ummah have been given distinction over the
other nations due to the fact that we enjoin good and forbid evil. Allaah, the Most
High, said:

“You are the best of nations ever raised up for mankind; you enjoin good and
forbid evil.” [aal-Imran: 110]

The Messenger of Allaah (sallaahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Whoever of you sees an evil, let
him change it with his hand; and if he is not able to do so, then with his tongue; and if he is not able
to do so, then with his heart and that is the lowest level of faith.” [Reported by Muslim.]

And our Lord has entrusted us with establishing justice, as He, the Most High, said:

“O you who believe! stand out for justice, as witnesses to Allaah, even though it
be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin.” [an-Nisaa: 135]

Similarly He has ordered us to cooperate upon righteousness and piety and has
prohibited us from cooperating upon sin and enmity. Allaah, the Most High, said:

“Help one another in birr and taqwaa; but do not help one another in sin and
transgression and fear Allaah, verily Allaah is severe in punishment.” [al-

He commanded us to perform jihad in order to spread the deen and to defend it,
which is the jihaad by the sword and the spear. And He ordered us to perform jihad
with bayaan (clarification) and hujjah (evidences) and burhaan (clear proofs), and
it is the jihaad of the prophets (alaihum assalaatu wassalaam).

Naseehah to the Ummah

And He commanded us to be truthful and to strive for it and prohibited us from

falsehood and striving in it. The Prophet (sallaahu alaihi wasallam) said: “I order you
to be truthful, for verily truthfulness le ads to righteousness (al-birr) and verily righteousness leads
to Paradise. And a man continues to be truthful and strives for truthfulness until he is written as a
truthful person with Allaah. Beware of falsehood, for verily falsehood leads to sinning (al-fujoor)
and verily sinning leads to the Fire. And a man continues to tell lies and strives upon falsehood until
he is written as a lair with Allaah.” [Reported by al-Bukhaari and Muslim.]

He warned us from false conjecture, so the Messenger of Allaah (sallaahu alaihi

wasallam) said: “Beware of conjecture for it is the most false speech.”.

And He ordered us with brotherhood and to be enthusiastic about building the ties
of brotherhood, he (sallaahu alaihi wasallam) said: “The Muslim is the brother of a
Muslim, he does not deceive him or forsake him. Every Muslim’s honor, wealth and blood are
haraam for another Muslim. Taqwa is here (while pointing towards his chest), it is sufficient evil
for a Muslim to look down upon his Muslim brother.” [Reported by at-Tirmidhi who
declared it hasan saheeh.]

The Messenger of Allaah (sallaahu alaihi wasallam) also said: “Do not envy each other
do not hate each other, do not oppose each other, do not enter in to a sale when someone else has
entered into that sale. And be servants of Allaah, the Most High and as fellow brothers. A Muslim is
the brother of a Muslim; he neither oppresses him nor forsakes him. Taqwaa is here (while he was
pointing to his chest 3 times). It is sufficient evil for a Muslim to look down upon his Muslim
brother. Every Muslim’s blood, wealth and honor are haraam for another Muslim.” [Reported
by Muslim.]

And He commanded us with sincerity. The Messenger of Allaah (sallaahu alaihi

wasallam) said: “The Religion is sincerity. We said: To whom? He said: To Allaah and His Book,
and His messenger, and to the leaders of the Muslims and their common folk.” [Reported by

Similarly He ordered us to help the oppressed as well as the oppressor. He (sallaahu

alaihi wasallam) said: “Help your brother, the oppressor or oppressed.” So a man asked: “O
Messenger of Allaah, one can help him if he is oppressed but how can I help the oppressor?” He said:
“Restrain or prevent him from committing oppression, for that is helping him.” [Reported by al-

And He informed us that the oppression will be darkness on the Day of Judgment.
Allaah, the Most High, said:

“Surely ! Allaah wrongs not even the weight of an atom (or a small ant), but if
there is any good (done) he doubles it, and gives from Him great reward.” [an-
Nisaa: 40]

Naseehah to the Ummah

The Messenger of Allaah (sallaahu alaihi wasallam) reported in a hadeeth Qudsi: “O

my slaves, I have made oppression haraam for myself and have made it haraam for you so do not
commit oppression between yourselves.”

Likewise He prohibited exaggeration in the deen. Allaah, the Most High, said:

“O people of the scripture! Do not exceed the limits in your religion and do not
say anything about Allaah except the truth.” [an-Nisaa:171]

The Prophet (sallaahu alaihi wasallam) said: “Beware of exaggeration for that which
destroyed those who came before you was exaggeration in their deen.”, and he (sallaahu alaihi
wasallam) said: “Do not exaggerate in praising me as the Christians over praised Ibn Mariam.”

Similarly He prohibited partisanship, so the Messenger of Allaah (sallaahu alaihi

wasallam) said: “Whoever dies under the banner of ignorance calling for partisanship or to aid
partisanship, then his death is a death of jahiliyah.” [Reported by Muslim.]

Sheikh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiy ah (rahimahullaah) said in Majmoo’ al-Fataawaa, vol.

16, page 28: “And it is not for the scholars to set up parties amongst the people and
that which brings about enmity and hatred. Rather they should be like brothers,
cooperating upon righteousness and piety, as Allaah the Most High said: “Help one
another in birr and taqwaa, but do not help one another in sin and
transgression. And fear Allaah. Verily, Allaah is severe in punishment.” [al-

And it is not for any of scholars to make someone take a covenant pledging to agree
with whatever he desires and have allegiance to his allies and oppose his enemies.
Whoever does this is from the likes of Gengis Khan and others who befriended and
allied with those who agreed with them, and made showed enmity and oppression
to those who opposed them.

Rather that which is obligatory upon them and their followers is the covenant of
Allaah, the Most High and His Messenger which is to obey only Allaah and His
Messenger. It is obligatory upon them to act upon that which Allaah and His
Messenger have ordered and to prohibit that which Allaah, the Most High, and His
Messenger have prohibited.

They should protect the rights of the scholars as Allaah, the Most High, and His
Messenger have ordered. And if the scholar is somebody who is oppressed, they
should help him and if he is an oppressor, they should aid him [by making him
leave] his oppression. Rather they must prevent him from committing this
oppression, as is established in the Saheeh [of Imaam al-Bukhaari] from the Prophet
(sallaahu alaihi wasallam) that he said: “Help your brother, the oppressor or oppressed.” So
a man asked: “O Messenger of Allaah, one can help him if he is oppressed but how can he be helped if

Naseehah to the Ummah

he is the oppressor?” He said: “Restrain or prevent him from committing oppression, for that is
helping him.”.” [End of quote from Sheikh ul-Islaam]

So it is obligatory for this ummah to establish these supreme virtues and upright
principles and to pay proper attention to them as individuals, societies, people and
rulers and especially the ulamaa and the students of knowledge, and more so those
who ascribe themselves to the Sunnah and the Jamaa’ah.

And know that by transgressing some or all of these principles, great corruption
occurs in the dunyaa and the deen, leading to the obliteration of these great
distinguishing features, and in that is great evil and severe corruption. And from
that which any person with intelligence cannot doubt is that extreme
transgression, and severe and evil oppression, has occurred against the one who
speaks a word of truth. So the truth that is with him is refuted with contempt and
abuse, and this is detested and evil if it emanates from a kaafir, so how about if it
comes from a Muslim?

It is obligatory upon the ummah and particularly the youth - who are its pillars, to
respect and revere the truth and to have contempt for evil and falsehood and to
subdue its people whoever they may be. And by this Allaah, the Most High, will
elevate and honour them and raise their rank. However if they fail to do this, then
they will be afflicted with trials, misguidance, fitan (tribulations), anger from
Allaah and punishment in the dunyaa and the aakhirah. And from amongst these
punishments is the mastery of their enemies over them until they return to their
true deen and adhere to it in the correct way.

May Allaah, the Most High, grant all of us success with that which pleases Him.

Written by the one in need of pardon and forgiveness from Allaah,

Rabee’ bin Hadee Umair al-Madkhalee.
16th Safar 1422 A.H.


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