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The Lancet Regional Health - Europe 9 (2021) 100210

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The Lancet Regional Health - Europe

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Series Viewpoint

Pandemics One Health preparedness for the next

Frank M. Aarestrup1, Marc Bonten2, Marion Koopmans3,*
Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark
Utrecht University Medical Centre, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands


Article History: The majority of emerging infectious diseases originate in animals. Current routine surveillance is focused on
Received 21 June 2021 known diseases and clinical syndromes, but the increasing likelihood of emerging disease outbreaks shows
Revised 12 August 2021 the critical importance of early detection of unusual illness or circulation of pathogens - prior to human dis-
Accepted 18 August 2021
ease manifestation. In this Viewpoint, we focus on one key pillar of preparedness—the need for early warning
Available online xxx
surveillance at the human, animal, environmental interface. The COVID-19 pandemic has revolutionized the
scale of sequencing of pathogen genomes, and the current investments in global genomic surveillance offer
great potential for a novel, truly integrated Disease X (with epidemic or pandemic potential) surveillance
arm provided we do not make the mistake of developing them solely for the case at hand. Generic tools
include metagenomic sequencing as a catch-all technique, rather than detection and sequencing protocols
focusing on what we know. Developing agnostic or more targeted metagenomic sequencing to assess
unusual disease in humans and animals, combined with random sampling of environmental samples captur-
ing pathogen circulation is technically challenging, but could provide a true early warning system. Rather
than rebuilding and reinforcing the pre-existing silo's, a real step forward would be to take the lessons
learned and bring in novel essential partnerships in a One Health approach to preparedness.
© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

1. Introduction to allow diagnosis of the etiology [1]. With the changing risks of
global spread, the timeliness of early detection is becoming a serious
The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted how extremely factor in our ability to detect outbreaks at the stage when they still
vulnerable we are as a society when unforeseen infectious disease can be contained. The use of vaccines and/or non-medical interven-
events happen. The WHO R&D blueprint program, launched in 2016, tions is a second critical pillar in preparedness. This was highlighted
called for action for a list of potential pandemic threats, which subse- from a vaccine trial embedded in outbreak response towards the end
quently triggered the launch of ambitious vaccine development pro- of the West African outbreak of Ebola Zaire, in 2015-2016 [2], that
grams funded through the Coalition for Emerging disease was successful, despite the huge challenges of establishing a trial in
Preparedness Innovations ( the midst of an outbreak [3]. Based on the trial outcomes, vaccination
tory/analyses/rd_blueprint/en/ and, specifically ded- of at risk populations was done as part of the response to subsequent
icated to emerging infectious diseases (EID). outbreaks in Democratic Republic of Congo with some success,
The rationale was that the majority of emerging diseases come although community acceptance is not a given (https://www.msf.
from animals and are first detected by the time human disease out- org/drc-tenth-ebola-outbreak).
breaks occur in regions with sufficient health system infrastructure The Ebola example of preparedness is based on combining early
diagnosis of known risks, followed by public health measures and
risk-group targeted priority vaccination programs. It is a model for
DOI of original article:, http://dx.doi.
prevention of Backspace high human health impact for known EIDs
org/10.1016/j.lanepe.2021.100213,,, that may cause outbreaks but do not (yet) spread very efficiently
lanepe.2021.100221,, http://dx.doi. among humans. For highly transmissible EIDs, however, the bar is
org/10.1016/j.lanepe.2021.100192,, even higher and early detection may not be sufficient. Here, early, warning surveillance programs are needed that allow early recogni-
tion of unusual disease syndromes, as well as the ability to rapidly
* Corresponding author: Department of Viroscience, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rot-
terdam, The Netherlands. identify reservoirs and pre-diagnostic transmission following the
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Koopmans). identification of the causative agent(s). Such surveillance is a
2666-7762/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
2 F.M. Aarestrup et al. / The Lancet Regional Health - Europe 9 (2021) 100210

challenging yet crucial element of future preparedness. For diseases 1.2. The breakthrough of genomic surveillance
with prolonged incubation periods, or complications months after
initial infection, this is even more critical. Examples here are the Prior to the pandemic, genomic pathogen surveillance was slowly
impact on fetal development from Zika virus or Schmallenberg virus but gradually making its way into public health and clinical diagnostics.
infection during pregnancy in humans and animals, respectively, This was arguably most advanced in bacterial food safety where next
both detected long after the initial introduction and spread of the dis- generation sequencing and near-real time sharing of data between
ease in the Americas and Europe, respectively [4,5]. human clinical diagnostic, food and veterinary microbiology has been
It is now during the current COVID-19 pandemic that we should implemented in several countries; most noteworthy in the USA with
decide how we can use the current experiences for future outbreaks the GenomeTrakr programme that was initiated already in 2011 [10].
and pandemics in the years to come. As the majority of EID come The pandemic has clearly catapulted genomic surveillance to cen-
from animal reservoirs, risk-targeted surveillance should include ter stage. The scale of sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 genomes has out-
knowledge on the ecology of reservoir hosts and drivers for emer- paced all other surveillance systems, and the number of available
gence of outbreaks [6]. genomes after 18 months of SARS-CoV-2 is higher than those for
influenza, HIV and all foodborne bacterial species. Genomic sequenc-
1.1. One Health definition ing has been embraced as part of the essential public health toolbox,
driving massive investments in further development of sequencing
The need for a holistic perspective on infectious diseases has long capacity. Given the roll-out of vaccines, it is likely that this capacity
been recognized and there is no shortage of definitions of the One- will no longer be needed to the same scale in the near future. There-
Health concept. Following several decades of focus mainly on human fore, it is pertinent to consider what it would take to make the devel-
medicine this was revitalized in the early years of the 21st century, oping infrastructure and tools applicable for preparedness for other
most prominently at a meeting by the three global institutes with a future outbreaks and pandemic threats. This includes a critical
focus on human health, food- and environment, and animal health, appraisal of the data sharing infrastructures. Currently, pathogen spe-
respectively (WHO, FAO and OIE) in 2004. The parties convened a cific options are developed. For instance, for SARS-CoV-2, the data-
global think tank that concluded that the threat of EIDs was increas- base model for influenza virus surveillance was adopted [11]. This
ing, that there were shortfalls in the organisation of surveillance, and was developed in response to criticism from low and middle income
that new mechanisms of surveillance and response were required, countries (LMICs) that wanted some governance over who could do
"using new approaches (e.g. syndromic surveillance), using new tools what with data on pathogens from specific countries. Sharing of
(e.g. geographic information systems, remote sensing data and molecular pathogen genomic data across domains is further complicated, and
epidemiology) and bringing together different sectors and disciplines solutions chosen may differ regionally [12].
(e.g. medical, veterinary, population biology, information technology, An important question to consider is—what a future infrastructure
economics, social science and diagnostics)". could look like. The next pandemic could be caused by a completely dif-
bitstream/handle/10665/68899/WHO_CDS_CPE_ZFK_2004.9.pdf. ferent pathogen and it would be logical to utilize a platform with a
This definition clearly was focussed on early detection of zoonotic broad focus, targeting all potential infectious agents. The world has an
diseases. A report by the World Bank also made the case for One established, global, neutral data-sharing platform in place, namely
Health surveillance based on economic assessment of the net benefits This resource is currently mostly focused on
of prevention [7]. research data [13], and separate databases have been developed to
Since then the concept has been widely used and many people share time-sensitive data for surveillance [14-17]. A disadvantage of
and groups have claimed to be doing OneHealth research. The World this approach is that there is no public repository of this data, and that
Health Organization today uses the following definition: 'One Health' publicly released data are incomplete. There is an increasing call for
is an approach to designing and implementing programmes, policies, open sharing of data for the research community, and the European
legislation and research in which multiple sectors communicate and Commission has invested in the European Open Science cloud, building
work together to achieve better public health outcomes (https:// on the long-established infrastructures for biodata [18]. While custom- However, despite built fit for purpose databases may still be the norm, in years to come, a
the meetings, policy statements, and research projects, some of the longer term strategy for data-sharing that compensates for the fragmen-
key recommendations from the 2004 report were not implemented. tation and that focuses on improving the already existing global data
Also, one can argue whether this anthropocentric definition of One infrastructures is necessary [19]. The willingness to move towards full
Health is sufficiently balanced with threats to animal health and eco- open sharing of data also has not been fully endorsed. In particular, sci-
system health from the same global processes driving disease emer- entists from LMICs have expressed that this was a "first world" way of
gence [8]. Recently, a formal expert panel was established to advise thinking, and that there is a need for controlled access solutions to avoid
the tripartite (WHO, FAO, OIE), and the UN environmental program a further deepening of the gap in research contributions from LMIC [20].
on the future needs of One Health surveillance. This group assumes a In addition, while FAIR data is advocated widely, the reality is much
wider definition of One Health, and is currently reviewing regional more challenging. The interpretation of what is allowed under the Gen-
examples of integrated One Health surveillance to assess scalability eral Data Protection Regulation differs between institutes, countries,
of these systems to other regions starting from a systematic review and continents, making sharing of patient related information a formi-
listing examples for West Nile, avian influenza, rabies, Rift valley dable challenge. Similarly, the Nagoya protocol, developed to protect
fever and others [9]. national resources, has turned out to be a considerable barrier to inter-
In May 2021, in preparation of the World Health Assembly, lead- national sharing of samples and even sequence data. As the Nagoya pro-
ers of the EU, the G7, and the G20 emphasized the need for future tocol also specifies that decisions on data exchange can no longer be
preparedness. The European commission has launched an initiative made by researchers or research institutes, a new burocracy is develop-
to develop infrastructure for preparedness for SARS COV 2 variants ing with the risk of increasing barriers to data sharing. Thirdly, sharing
and future pandemic threats. This involves significant investments in of data in a structured manner requires the agreement on standards,
development of infrastructure for detection, and for development another issue that is far from solved. These issues have been recognized
and production of vaccines ( at the level of international organizations and the European commis-
corner/detail/en/fs_21_650). This also offers a huge opportunity to sion, and will need to be resolved to be able to fully capitalize on the
establish the integrated infrastructure recommended 17 years ago. potential of the rapidly increasing data for health [21].
F.M. Aarestrup et al. / The Lancet Regional Health - Europe 9 (2021) 100210 3

1.3. Early detection generation of massive amounts of data that do not provide meaning-
ful surveillance information [26]. Finally, cost of using genomic tech-
Whether it is risk-targeted monitoring, syndromic surveillance, or nologies may be a barrier. Genome-based surveillance and
clinical diagnostic evaluation, engagement of citizens, care providers, metagenomic sequencing are more expensive than traditional patho-
veterinarians, farmers, and others involved in collection of essential gen targeted detection, although there is economy of scale when
samples is critical to the success of such programs. Studies have combining sequencing capacity for multiple purposes [27]. A recent
clearly shown that capacity building only happens when the individ- study found that the costs per sample varied greatly, depending on
uals that need to build a novel capacity also feel they are contributing how the sequencing effort and data analytics were organized, ranging
and have something to offer [22]. A potential way of promoting this from 15 to > 700 euro per sample. There was an inverse relationship
is to provide frontline settings with a capacity to analyse their own between per sample costs, sample volume, and batch sizes, which in
data, and contribute to conclusions and/or publications prior to shar- turn were determined by the breadth of applications for which the
ing them publicly. Thus, we can for example focus resources on open sequencing capacity had been established (single pathogen to multi-
science, non-commercial web-based solutions [23-25] that will allow purpose). Therefore, with proper preparation, genome-based surveil-
relatively un-experienced scientists in the clinical and veterinary lance can be made cost effective.
frontline to complete simple analyses of their data and thereby take
part in the research on global issues and not simply see their data 1.4. The need for One Health surveillance
being exploited by others. Furthermore, collaboration can also be
improved through international clinical trial networks set up to rap- A future catch-all infrastructure would not be limited to surveil-
idly respond to new infections. For instance, REMAP-CAP is an adap- lance based solely on human clinical cases, but also need to improve
tive platform trial evaluating potential treatments for COVID-19 in the generation and access to data also from other reservoirs (Fig. 1).
321 clinical sites in five continents. VEO is a project that aims to While the human clinical diagnosis in many countries has been either
develop smart strategies for surveillance and is sampling the virome fully paid or supported by governmental funding and/or heavy invest-
in large cities to assess how this methodology could be employed ment from large international funding organizations, this has not been
cease, cease to exist, as in stop existing. the same for livestock clinical diagnostics, which basically has to be
However, improving capacity in the frontline is not sufficient. Eas- paid by the farmers. More control on limiting disease transmission
ier access to reference testing and verification is needed, particularly between livestock is in place compared to humans, but host jumps into
when symptoms are seen and a known causative agent can not and between livestock also can occur; emergence of novel diseases in
immediately be identified. Establishing international networks livestock will both have effect on livestock production and be a poten-
between clinical laboratories, public health institutions and acade- tial reservoir of diseases that might jump further to humans.
mia, and the ability to provide reference testing without repercus- Most novel diseases likely circulate for some time in animals and
sions for the requesting individual would be key to make this humans before they eventually are detected in clinical cases. There is
happen. And while the metagenomic sequencing of samples does thus a need to collect standardised samples that represent the human
hold promise, it is unlikely to provide early warning surveillance and animal microbiome (bacteriome and virome) in a comparable
unless it is embedded in well thought through sampling strategies, way over time and between countries. Samples should be stored in a
guided by ecological and epidemiological knowledge to avoid way that would allow for immediate re-analyses if new diseases

Fig. 1. Examples for catch-all surveillance, combining disease surveillance in animals and humans targeting known diseases (top row), with catch-all metagenomic surveillance
capturing circulation on other pathogens in livestock or humans (in this example depicted as wastewater metagenomics in slaughterhouses and urban sewage, respectively). Addi-
tional metagenomic sequencing could include other environmental samples, samples from wild-life and from vectors.
4 F.M. Aarestrup et al. / The Lancet Regional Health - Europe 9 (2021) 100210

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