Lesson 2
Lesson 2
Lesson 2
A-Learning Outcomes
At the end of this lesson, students are expected to:
1. differentiate the five sizes of Computers
2. explain the functions of the server.
1. Microcontrollers
They are also called embedded computers. Microcontrollers are
tiny, specialized microprocessors installed in “smart”
appliances and automobiles. For example, an electric cooker-
the microcontroller stores data on how and when to stop
cooking when the food is already ready to serve- includes the
power setting. Also, they are behind single-function products
such as digital cameras, MP3 and MP4 players, and organizers.
They also help run tiny web servers embedded in clothing,
jewelry, and household appliances such as refrigerators. In
addition, microcontrollers are used in blood pressure
monitors, airbag sensors, gas and chemical sensors for water
and air, and vibration sensors (Williams & Sawyer, 2011).
3. Workstations
These personal computers are connected to a
main computer called a “server” (to form a network). It
was introduced in the early 1980s; workstations are
expensive, powerful personal computers usually used for
complex scientific, mathematical, and engineering
calculations, computer-aided design, and computer-
aided manufacturing.
4. Mainframe Computers
These are powerful computers typically found
in multi-nationals and other large businesses – e.g., an
airline or oil company. Not as powerful as a
supercomputer, but still incredibly powerful. The only
type of computer was available until the late 1960s. Small
mainframes are often called midsize computers; they Image credit of Williams & Sawyer, 2011)
5. Supercomputers
These are the largest, fastest,
and most expensive computers. These
computers have high-capacity machines
with thousands of processors that can
perform more than several trillion
calculations per second. These are the
most expensive and fastest computers
available. “Supers,” as they are called,
have been used for tasks requiring the
processing of enormous volumes of Roadrunner supercomputer from Los Alamos National Laboratory and
data, such as doing the U.S. census IBM. Image credit of Williams & Sawyer, 2011)
A server, or network server, is a central computer that holds collections of
data (databases) and programs for connecting or supplying services to PCs,
workstations, and other devices called clients.
These clients are linked by a wired or wireless network. The entire network
is called a client/server network.
In small organizations, servers can store files, provide printing stations, and
transmit email. In large organizations, servers may also house enormous
libraries of financial, sales, and product information.
Rubrics: 10 points each (Organization-5; Content-5)
1. What are the five sizes of computers, and how would you
differentiate them from each other?
2. What are the uses of servers? Provide at least three functions that it
could perform.