PROPHECY INBONE Surgical Technique

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Preoperative Navigation Guides

Total Ankle System


Chapter 1 1 Product Information

1 PROPHECY® INBONE® Alignment Guide Product Information
1 General Product Information
1 Intended Use
1 INBONE® Total Ankle Product Information
1 General Product Information
2 Intended Use
2 Indications
3 Contraindications
Chapter 2 4 CT Scan Protocol
4 Patient Position
4 Scanning Instructions
6 CT Imaging Examples
6 Common Scan Protocol Errors
7 Frequently Asked Questions
7 Submitting the Scan
Chapter 3 8 Surgical Technique
8 Tibia Alignment Guide Fluoroscopic Check Assembly
9 Alignment and Resections
10 Intraoperative Tibia Alignment Guide Fluoroscopic Checks
21 Build the C-Bracket Assembly
23 Drill Primary Hole
27 Ream the Tibia
33 Install Tibia Stems
36 Install Tibia Tray
38 Verify Talar Dome Size
39 Trial Reduction
43 Ream for Talar Stem
44 Assemble Talar Stem
45 Install Talar Dome
46 Install Poly Insert
49 Morse Taper Release
50 Explant Information
50 Postoperative Management
Appendix A 51 PROPHECY® INBONE® Instrumentation
Appendix B 52 Stem Specifications
Appendix C 53 Implant Specifications
Appendix D 54 Ordering Information
Appendix E 58 PROPHECY® Tie-In to the INBONE® Foot Holder Surgical Procedure
Appendix F 60 Intraoperative Tibia Stem Guide Fluoroscopic Check Assembly
Appendix G 61 Additional Holes in Talus Alignment Guide
Appendix H 63 Tips and Tricks
Wright recognizes that proper surgical procedures and techniques are the responsibility of the medical
professional. The following guidelines are furnished for information purposes only. Each surgeon must
evaluate the appropriateness of the procedures based on his or her personal medical training, experience,
and patient condition. Prior to use of the system, the surgeon should refer to the product Instructions For
Use package insert (146636) for additional warnings, precautions, indications, contraindications and
adverse effects. Instructions For Use package inserts are also available by contacting the manufacturer.
Contact information can be found on the back of this surgical technique and the Instructions For Use
package inserts are available on under the link for Prescribing Information.
Please contact your local Wright representative for product availability.
Information 1
PROPHECY® INBONE® Alignment Guide Product Information

General Product Information

These surgical instruments are designed for single use only. They are
manufactured with certain patient-specific features, which render them unusable
in cases other than that for which they were designed. These surgical instruments
are supplied clean and non-sterile, and must be sterilized before use. After use,
these instruments must be properly disposed of. Please refer to the PROPHECY®
INBONE® Instrument package insert #146636 for instructions on the proper steps
for processing Wright Medical disposable surgical instruments.

Intended Use
Wright’s PROPHECY® INBONE® Preoperative Navigation Alignment Guides
are intended to be used as patient-specific surgical instrumentation to assist
in the positioning of total ankle replacement components intraoperatively
and in guiding the marking of bone before cutting. The PROPHECY® INBONE®
Preoperative Navigation Alignment Guides are intended for use with Wright’s
INBONE® Total Ankle Systems and their cleared indications for use, provided that
anatomic landmarks necessary for alignment and positioning of the implant are
identifiable on patient imaging scans. The PROPHECY® INBONE® Preoperative
Navigation Alignment Guides are intended for single use only.

INBONE® Total Ankle Product Information

General Product Information

Through the advancement of partial and total joint replacement, the surgeon
has been provided with a means of restoring mobility, correcting deformity, and
reducing pain for many patients. While the prostheses used are largely successful
in attaining these goals, it must be recognized that they are manufactured from a
variety of materials and that any joint replacement system, therefore, cannot be
expected to withstand activity levels and loads as would normal healthy bone. In
addition, the system, including the implant/bone interface, will not be as strong,
reliable, or durable as a natural human joint.
Ankle joint replacement components consist of a talar dome, a talar stem that
attaches to the talar dome with a Morse Taper, a tibial platform, a four-component
tibial stem assembly that attaches to the tibial platform with a Morse Taper, and
an UHMWPE component. Components are available in a variety of sizes and
design configurations intended for both primary and revision applications.

Chapter 1 Description
Product Information
of Section 1
In using joint prostheses, the surgeon should be aware of the following:

• The correct selection of the prosthesis is extremely important. The potential

for success in joint replacement is increased by selection of the proper size,
shape, and design of the prosthesis. Joint prostheses require careful seating
and adequate bone support. Surgeons are encouraged to use their best
medical judgment when choosing the proper implant size regardless of the
endosteal area of the bone. Surgeons must be familiar with the applicable
operative techniques and instructions for use for each implant system.

• In selecting patients for total joint replacements, the following factors can be
critical to the eventual success of the procedure.

1. Patient’s weight. An overweight or obese patient can produce high

loads on the prosthesis, which can lead to failure of the prosthesis. This
becomes a major consideration when the patient is small boned and a
small size prosthesis must be used.

2. Patient’s occupation or activity. If the patient is involved in an

occupation or activity, which includes substantial walking, running,
lifting, or muscle strain, the resultant forces can cause failure of the
fixation or the device, or both. The prosthesis will not restore function to
the level expected with normal healthy bone, and the patient should not
have unrealistic functional expectations.

3. Condition of senility, mental illness, or alcoholism. These conditions,

among others, may cause the patient to ignore certain necessary
limitations and precautions in the use of the prosthesis, leading to failure
or other complications.

4. Foreign body sensitivity. Where material sensitivity is suspected,

appropriate tests should be made prior to material selection or

Intended Use
The INBONE® Total Ankle is intended to give a patient limited mobility by
reducing pain, restoring alignment and replacing the flexion and extension
movement in the ankle joint.

The INBONE® Total Ankle is indicated for patients with ankle joints damaged by
severe rheumatoid, post-traumatic, or degenerative arthritis. The INBONE® Total
Ankle is additionally indicated for patients with a failed previous ankle surgery.
CAUTION: The ankle prosthesis is intended for cement use only.

2 Chapter 1 Product Information

Absolute contraindications include:
1. osteomyelitis;
2. excessive bone loss at the ankle joint site;
3. steroid use;
4. infection at the ankle site or infections at distant sites that could migrate to
the ankle;
5. sepsis;
6. muscular atrophy;
7. dementia;
8. vascular deficiency in the ankle joint;
9. skeletally immature patients (patient is less than 21 years of age at the time
of surgery);
10. cases where there is inadequate neuromuscular status (e.g., prior paralysis,
fusion and/or inadequate abductor strength), poor bone stock, poor skin
coverage around the joint which would make the procedure unjustifiable;
11. neuropathic joints;
12. hepatitis or HIV infection;
13. excessive loads as caused by activity or patient weight;
14. female of childbearing age, for whom a negative pregnancy test is not
obtained; and,
15. neurological or musculoskeletal disease that may adversely affect gait or
Conditions presenting increased risk of failure include:
1. uncooperative patient or patient with neurologic disorders, incapable of
following instructions;
2. marked bone loss, severe osteoporosis, or revision procedures for which an
adequate fit of the prosthesis cannot be achieved;
3. metabolic disorders that may impair bone formation;
4. osteomalacia; and,
5. poor prognosis for good wound healing (e.g., decubitus ulcer, end-stage
diabetes, severe protein deficiency and/or malnutrition).

WARNING: This device is not intended for subtalar joint fusion or subtalar joint
impingement. Please carefully evaluate the anatomy of each patient before

Chapter 1 Product Information 3

CT Scan Protocol 2
PROPHECY® INBONE® Preoperative Navigation Guides are patient-specific
instruments designed for total ankle replacement surgery. One significant
requirement for a successful case is adhering to the CT scan protocol. Engineers
at Wright Medical Technology have determined the necessary scanning
parameters, which are described in this document.
In every case, please follow these general instructions:

Patient Position
• Patient must be in the supine position on the CT table
• The foot of interest should be positioned in dorsi-flexion (toes 90° to the table)
• If a contra-lateral implant is present, bend the contra-lateral limb out of the field
of view of the ankle to be scanned
• Do not allow patient movement between or during scans

Scanning Instructions
• Helical and Axial CT modes are acceptable
• Bone or Standard algorithms are acceptable
• Maintain a consistent field of view and pixel size for all scans
• Group edges should not be adjusted in the x or y directions (see dashed lines)
o Adjusting the width of one group in order to match the
borders of the largest group is appropriate
• Maintain a single coordinate system for all scans
• In-plane pixel size (resolution) must be less than 0.8mm
• Include coronal and sagittal scout images when submitting files to Wright
• Do not scan at higher slice spacing and reconstruct to smaller increments
• Only the raw axial images are needed, coronal and sagittal reconstructions
are not necessary
• Images must be provided in uncompressed DICOM format

Note: Inclusion of additional x-ray studies can be submitted to Wright

as additional reference for PROPHECY® alignment.
Wright Medical Technology
PROPHECY® Operations
Phone: 901-290-5884
Fax: 901-867-4791
E-mail: [email protected]

4 Chapter 2 CT Scan Protocol

NOTE: All scan locations (knee, ankle and foot) are necessary.

5cm Proximal to joint line

Scan Location: KNEE

5mm slice increment
o Anatomic landmarks: Distal
femur to tibial tubercle
Knee Joint Line
o Slice increment: maximum
5mm slice increment slice thickness 5mm
o Scan boundaries:
5cm Distal to joint line - Start 5cm proximal
to knee joint line
- End 5cm distal
to knee joint line

Maintain equal edges &

same centers for all scan

At least 10cm Proximal to joint line

Scan Locations: ANKLE & FOOT

1.25mm slice increment
o Anatomic landmarks: Distal
tibia to bottom of foot
o Slice increment: maximum
Ankle Joint Line
slice thickness 1.25 mm
o Scan boundaries:
- Start at least 10cm proximal
1.25mm slice increment to tibiotalar joint line
- End past the bottom of foot

Through the bottom of the foot

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) established a National Coverage Determination (NCD) for CT Scans. It states, in part, the following, “Diagnostic examinations of
the head (head scans) and of other parts of the body (body scans) performed by computerized tomography (CT) scanners are covered if medical and scientific literature and opinion
support the effective use of a scan for the condition, and the scan is: (1) reasonable and necessary for the individual patient.” CTs performed prior to total joint replacement procedures
for diagnostic purposes may be considered medically necessary. In which case, the procedure should be billed using the CPT codes that accurately describe the imaging procedure
furnished to the patient. These same images from the diagnostic CT scan may, in turn, be further utilized for developing the personalized cutting or navigation guides that are used in
orthopaedic procedures. However, if providers perform CT scans solely for the purpose of developing personalized cutting instruments or guides, providers should contact the payer for
billing and coverage guidance and/or the American College of Radiology with billing questions.

Chapter 2 CT Scan Protocol 5

CT Imaging Examples

Unacceptable CT imaging Satisfactory CT Imaging

Images are blurry and have poor contrast between Quality images have clear, crisp bone definition.
the bone and the surrounding soft tissues. These Distinct boundaries between the bone and the
images are difficult for the PROPHECY® guide surrounding soft tissue are apparent in these
engineers to segment out the three dimensional images.
bone models.

NOTE: These images will not be accepted for

processing by the PROPHECY® Guides.

Common Scan Protocol Errors

The two most common protocol errors resulting in failed scans are as follows:
1. Failure to scan through the bottom of the foot including the ball of the foot.
FIGURE 1 shows a failed scan where the scan extends through the heel of the
foot but does not include the ball of the foot.
2. Failure to scan at least 10cm above the ankle joint. FIGURE 2 shows a scan
without enough distal tibia included.

Scan must extend

10 cm above
ankle joint

Scan must include

ball of foot
Toes not required

FIGURE 1 Bad Scan FIGURE 2 Bad Scan FIGURE 3 Good Scan

6 Chapter 2 CT Scan Protocol

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. “I can’t put in a 1.25mm slice. I can only do a 1mm increment. Is that ok?”
A. Slices thinner than our specified slice thickness are acceptable; however, using
larger slices will result in the scan being rejected for PROPHECY® processing.
Q. “Do we use axial or helical reconstruction?”
A. Either is acceptable.
Q. “Is it really necessary to scan 10cm above the ankle joint?”
A. Yes. Scanning less than 10cm above the ankle joint line prevents the PROPHECY®
engineers from visualizing how the proximal end of the INBONE® tibial stems will be
positioned in the diaphysis of the tibial shaft.
Q. “Do I need to scan the knee for an ankle surgery?
A. Yes. The knee scan is required to obtain the anatomical axis of the lower
extremity. Information based on the entire tibia is used to plan the ankle procedure.

Submitting the Scan

NOTE: There are two options to choose from when submitting preoperative scans to
Wright; either electronic transfer or standard mail. Either is acceptable.
Rapid Electronic Scan Transfer
Preoperative CT may be sent to the PROPHECY® guides engineering team
through our rapid electronic transfer system.
Please follow these steps to request an account and transfer scans:

1. E-mail [email protected] with the e-mail address of the person who

needs access to the system (No other information is needed).
2. Within a few hours, an invitation message will be sent to that address with
instructions to complete registration on the scan transfer site.
** upload times may vary based on connection speed.
Mail CD
• Ensure the DICOM files are located on the CT Scan CD
• Mail the CD to:
Wright Medical Technology:
5677 Airline Road
Arlington, TN 38002
Attention: PROPHECY® Lab

Chapter 2 CT Scan Protocol 7

Technique 3
Tibia Alignment Guide Fluoroscopic Check Assembly
Prior to beginning the case, the surgical scrub tech should pre-assemble the
fluoroscopic check guide wires into the PROPCHECY® Tibia Alignment Guide
(PROPINB or PROPINBE [EU only] ). Using the Pin Cutter (200427) and a needle
driver, cut two ½” (~12mm) segments of a 2.4mm Steinmann Pin (200072).
| FIGURE 4 Press-fit the two ½” segments into the holes in the base of the PROPCHECY®
Tibia Alignment Guide. | FIGURE 5 Insert the remainder of the cut 2.4mm Steinmann Pin
in the handle of the PROPCHECY® Tibia Alignment Guide. | FIGURE 6
CAUTION: To be assembled in the sterile field.


PROPHECY® Tibia Alignment Guide 2.4mm Steinmann Pin Pin Cutter

PROPINB 200072 200427

8 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Alignment and Resections
Make the Anterior incision approximately 125mm long directly lateral of the
tibialis, avoiding the anterior tendons and nerve bundle, exposing the tibia, talus
and a portion of the midfoot.
PROPHECY® INBONE® alignment guides are designed to incorporate fixed
osteophytes on or near the articulating surfaces, and therefore should not be
removed. Any loose bodies, however, may be removed if they interfere with the
seating of the PROPHECY® INBONE® guides.
Ensure the area of the anterior tibia, where the PROPHECY® guide will surface
match, is free of soft tissue and place the PROPHECY® Tibia Alignment Guide
(PROPINB or PROPINBE [EU only] ) in the best fit location. | FIGURE 7 Please note
that the guides are designed to fit in one and only one proper location.
• If the tibia guide does not sit flush against the tibia - before driving any pins
into the bone - remove the PROPHECY® guide and clean off any remaining
soft tissue covering the bone.
• Re-evaluate the surface match fit between the guide and the bone. Repeat
these steps until the guide sits flush against the bone in the best fit location.
Once surface match fit is flush against the tibia, place one 2.4mm Steinmann Pin
(200072) through the guide and into both corticies of the tibia, then check it with
fluoro. | FIGURE 8 Then, if an adjustment is necessary, pull the pin from the first
hole, and use the second hole which has fresh bone stock, to pin into.


Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 9

Intraoperative Tibia Alignment Guide
Fluoroscopic Checks
Compare the intra-op fluoro image | FIGURE 9, to the sample case pre-op report
image showing the planned tibia stem axis. | FIGURE 10 The intra-op fluoro
check shows the long central k-wire between the two short embedded k-wire
segments in the tibia alignment guide like a “gun-sight,” which is similar to the
case report image.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If your fluoro check shows you are significantly different
than the plan: remove the alignment guide and any pins in the bone, ensure the
periosteum has been cleaned from the tibia and verify that the retractor(s) are
preventing any soft tissue creepage. Also, make sure the foot is in slight plantar-
flexion and that a bump has been placed under the tibia to elevate it.
After correct alignment and positioning is achieved, place the second 2.4mm
Steinmann Pin through the guide and into both corticies of the tibia. Do not cut
the pins at this time. Remove the PROPHECY® guide by sliding it up and over the
pins, leaving the pins in place. It may be helpful to attach a Kocher clamp in the
notches built into the rectangular anterior handle to pull the tibia guide up.


10 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Select the appropriate sized metal Resection Guide (PTA00092 through
PTA00096) and position the two distal tibial holes over the two Steinmann Pins
in the tibia. | FIGURE 11 The appropriate Resection Guide size can be found
detailed in the PROPHECY® preoperative surgical plan. Slide the Resection Guide
down to the anterior surface of the tibia. | FIGURE 12
Resection Guide
PTA00092 through PTA00096
Distal Tibial
Pin Hole


The surgeon has the option to fluoroscopically verify the saw guide size and
positional orientation prior to tibial resection as follows:
• Obtain a fluoroscopic AP view of the ankle perpendicular to the installed
resection block. This view is achieved when the holes in the resection block
appear as perfect circles. In this view the surgeon can verify the medial/
lateral translation, proximal/distal location and coronal rotation of the
resection block. | FIGURE 13
• Obtain a fluoroscopic lateral view of the ankle and drop a saw blade into the
proximal slot of the resection block. In this view the surgeon can verify the
resection height and flexion/extension angle of the resection block.
• Refer to the PROPHECY® Pre-Op Plan for verification of the resection. At
| FIGURE 13 this point the surgeon can choose to revert back to the traditional INBONE®
foot holder surgical technique if there are any concerns with the planned

Insert additional 2.4mm Steinmann Pins into the cross-pin hole of the Resection
Guide, as well as the medial and lateral gutter locations.
Optionally, two additional 2.4mm Steinmann Pins can be inserted in the two
proximal tibial holes of the Resection Guide. This will allow removal of the two
distal tibial pins prior to tibial resection. This may be done to allow the saw blade
to reach the corners of the tibia resection.
Use the Pin Cutter to cut the Steinmann Pins close to the surface of the Resection
Guide. For the cross-pin only, be sure to leave approximately 2 inches to facilitate
removal with a pin puller. | FIGURE 14


Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 11

Install the Anti-Rotation Notch Insert (200290002 through 200290006) into the
Resection Guide. Using the appropriate sized Anti-Rotation Drill (200178002
through 200178006) drill the tibia for the anti-rotational notch. | FIGURE 15
Be sure to drill bi-cortical.


Using the appropriate Saw Blade and oscillating bone saw, make the tibial
resection. This includes cutting through the proximal, medial and lateral slots
of the Resection Guide. | FIGURE 16 Do not make the talar cut at this time.
Remove the Resection Guide and Steinmann Pins. At the top of the tibial cut,
use an osteotome to cut down towards the talus at approximately 60° to remove
the anterior section of the tibia. | FIGURE 17 and 18 Remove as much of the tibia
resection as possible, at a minimum this includes any anterior bone that may
prevent proper seating of the PROPHECY® Talus Alignment Guide on the
talar dome.

CAUTION: Be careful not to damage the anterior surface of the tibia proximal
to the resection. This area of the tibia surface will later be referenced in the
surface match features of the PROPHECY® Stem Alignment Guide.

Saw Blade


Anti-Rotation Notch Insert Anti-Rotation Notch Drill

200290002 - 200290006 200178002 - 200178006

12 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Place the foot into plantar flexion for maximum exposure of the talar dome, and
place the PROPHECY® Talus Alignment Guide on the talar surface in the best fit
location. | FIGURES 19, 20 and 21 Ensure the area around the neck and dome of
the talus where the PROPHECY® guide will surface match is free of all soft tissue.
If any portion of the tibia bone prevents the talus guide from fitting properly on
the talus, either remove more of the tibial resection or increase plantar flexion of
the foot (or a combination of both).
HELPFUL HINT: In the case of uneven talar dome cartilage wear, improved talar
alignment guide accuracy may be achieved by carefully removing the cartilage
with a curette from the surface-match area of the talus prior to placing the talus
alignment guide.


Anterior View Lateral-Oblique View

PROPHECY® Talus Alignment Guide


Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 13

While holding the PROPHECY® guide in place install one 2.4mm Steinmann Pin
through the top of the guide into the dome of the talus to temporarily hold the
guide in place. | FIGURE 22 Next, install two 2.4mm Steinmann Pins through the
anterior pin holes of the Talus Alignment Guide and into the talar bone. Remove
the Steinmann Pin in the top of the guide. | FIGURE 23 Do not cut the remaining
pins at this time. Remove the PROPHECY® guide by sliding it up and over the
pins, leaving the pins in place. It may be helpful to attach a Kocher clamp to the
notches built into the central triangular feature of the talar guide to pull
the guide up.


Choose the appropriate sized metal Resection Guide, position the 2 talar pin
holes over the 2 pins from the PROPHECY® Talus Alignment Guide and slide
down to the anterior surface of the talar dome. | FIGURE 24 The Resection Guide
will not necessarily be the same size used in the tibial resection. Consult the
PROPHECY® pre-op plan for confirmation.


14 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

The surgeon has the option to fluoroscopically verify the saw guide size and
positional orientation prior to talar resection by following the steps previously
described on page 11. In the lateral view, drop the saw blade in the distal
resection slot to verify resection height and flexion/extension angle. | FIGURE 25


Insert two additional 2.4mm Steinmann pins into the medial and lateral gutters
for additional stability. | FIGURE 26 Use the Pin Cutter to cut the Steinmann Pins
close to the surface of the Resection Guide.


Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 15

Using the appropriate Saw Blade and oscillating bone saw, make the talar
resection (distal slot of the Saw Guide). | FIGURE 27

CAUTION: It may be necessary to manually hold the resection guide in place

as excessive vibration from the saw can cause the Saw Guide to work itself
off the ends of the cut Steinmann Pins.
Remove the Resecton Guide. Check that your talar resection is complete by
using a ½” osteotome. Complete the cut if necessary and gently lever
the resected dome out anteriorly. It can typically be removed in one piece by
grabbing the Steinmann Pins. | FIGURE 28


To facilitate removal of the remaining posterior tibia, the Corner Chisel

(IB200070) and a mallet can be used to finish off bone cuts in the proximal
corners of the resected tibia. | FIGURE 29 The Corner Chisel is laser marked to
indicate the anterior to posterior depth of the various size tibial trays.

CAUTION: Care must be taken to ensure that the Corner Chisel does not
penetrate too deeply, as neurovascular injury may occur. Do not rely solely
on the depth indications on the Chisel to determine resection depth. If
unsure, utilize a lateral fluoroscopic image to confirm proper depth of
the chisel.


Corner Chisel

16 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Bone Removal Screw
(Ratcheting Handle not shown)


Using a pin driver, insert the Bone Removal Screw (IB200051) into the resected
tibial bone. Attach the Ratcheting Handle (44180025) to the Bone Removal
Screw to aid in removing the remaining tibial section through traction.
Insert the 90° Posterior Capsule Release Tool (IB200050) into the joint space
and use to free up the posterior capsule soft tissues attachments to the
resected tibia. | FIGURES 31 and 32


Ratcheting Handle Release
44180025 Tool

Bone Removal Screw

Posterior Capsule Release Tool


Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 17

If necessary, use the drill and appropriate size drill bit to provide additional
definition of anti-rotation notch. Take care not to widen the notch. A
reciprocating saw or bone rasp may be used to remove excess bone,
taking care to follow the previously made cut line. Remove loose bone
pieces and irrigate the joint space. | FIGURE 33


CAUTION: Failure to adequately clean the proximal corners of the tibial

resection can lead to improper seating of the PROPHECY® INBONE® Tibial
Stem Guide.

18 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Slightly distract the ankle and place the PROPHECY® Tibial-Stem Alignment
Guide (PROPINB or PROPINBE [EU only] ) into the resected joint space. The guide
has surface matching features referencing the anterior surface of the tibia, and
all four flat surfaces within the resection joint space. | FIGURE 34
Place the metal Anterior Mounting Plate (PTA00040) onto the anterior surface of
the PROPHECY® Tibial Stem Guide. The two metal dowel pins protruding from
the back side of the Anterior Mounting Plate are designed to fit into round holes
of the PROPHECY® Guide. The two flat mating surfaces must be fully seated.


Insert the Drill Guide Cartridge (PTA00070) into the PROPHECY® Tibial Stem
Guide. The cartridge is fully seated when the ball detent is engaged and the
anterior surfaces of the Drill Guide Cartridge and the Anterior Mounting Plate
are flush. | FIGURE 36
Alternatively the PROPHECY® Tibial-Stem Guide, Anterior Mounting Plate, and
Drill Guide Cartridge may be assembled outside of the foot and then inserted
into the joint space in one step.
PROPHECY® Tibia Stem Alignment Guide
PROPINBE (EU only) Drill Guide

Anterior Mounting Plate


Drill Guide Cartridge


Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 19

Check a lateral fluoroscopic image to ensure that the PROPHECY® Stem
Alignment Guide is properly seated to the resected tibia. When the Stem Guide
is properly seated, the metal Drill Guide Cartridge will appear flush to the surface
of the resected tibia. | FIGURE 37
Helpful Hint: See Appendix F for an optional AP fluoro check.

Insert three 2.4mm Steinmann Pins through the Anterior Mounting Plate (one
proximal, one medial and one lateral) and into the tibia. | FIGURE 38
Cut the proximal tibial pin flush to surface of the guide. Using the Wire Pliers
(RR3034), bend the medial and lateral pins (medal and lateral respectively) in
order to provide clearance for the Drill Guide Cartridge to be removed later.


At this step in the procedure, if the surgeon chooses to revert back to using the
INBONE® foot holder, skip to Appendix E: PROPHECY® Tie-In to the INBONE® Foot
Holder Surgical Procedure; otherwise proceed to the next page.

Wire Pliers

20 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Build the C-Bracket Assembly
Connect the Toe Plate (PTA00050) and the Bushing Attachment (PTA00020) to
the C-Bracket (PTA00010). | FIGURE 40
The C-Bracket is symmetrically designed to be used on either the medial or
lateral side of the foot based on surgeon preference.

Toe Plate



Bushing Attachment


Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 21

It is recommended to place a surgical bump under the Achilles prior to drilling
through the C-Bracket. | FIGURE 41 By placing a bump proximal to the talus,
it will prevent the back of the heel from resting on the surgical table and
potentially translating anterior in relation to the tibia. When properly aligned, the
C-Bracket will place the 6mm drill anterior and medial to the posterior facet of
the subtalar joint. Under a lateral fluoroscopic image, the drill should appear to
be inline with the lateral process of the talus. | FIGURE 42



Intended path
of the 6mm drill

Lateral process
| FIGURE 42 of the talus

22 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Drill Primary Hole
Lower the C-Bracket assembly down over the Anterior Mounting Plate and
attach through the two protruding dowel pins. | FIGURE 43 The surface of
the C-Bracket arm must sit flat against the Anterior Mounting Plate.


Secure the C-Bracket to the Anterior Mounting Plate by rotating the swivel rod
up and over the C-Bracket arm and tightening the screw on the end of the swivel
rod. | FIGURES 44, 45 and 46
C-Bracket Arm

Swivel Rod
& Screw | FIGURE 46

Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 23

Place the foot in slight dorsiflexion. Press and hold in the slide lock button on the
outside arm of the C-Bracket and slide the distal end of the C-Bracket assembly
close to the bottom of the foot. Leave a slight gap between the heel and the
Bushing Attachment to facilitate it’s removal. | FIGURE 47 To prevent the
C-Bracket assembly from binding while adjusting the length, push the bottom
of the assembly in-line with the side rods. Also, sterile mineral oil can be used to
lubricate the side rods. Release the slide lock button and tighten the slide lock
knob to lock the position of the C-Bracket.
With a skin marker, put ink on the tip of the Trocar (200099) and insert into
the Cannula (200166). Insert the Trocar and Cannula through the Bushing
Attachment and push the tip against the skin to mark the incision point.

Slide Lock

Remove the Trocar and Cannula and push the Bushing Release Button on the
C-Bracket to remove the Bushing Attachment. Centering on the previously
marked spot, insert a #15 Scalpel and make a 1cm vertical incision in the bottom
of the heel. | FIGURE 49





24 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Reattach the Bushing Attachment to the C-Bracket, and re-insert the Trocar and
Cannula, pushing through soft tissue in the bottom of the foot, rotating the
Cannula until it lightly contacts the calcaneus.

CAUTION: Pushing too hard on the calcaneus will disturb alignment.

Lock the Cannula in place by tightening the outer knob of the Drill Bushing.
Remove the Trocar and place the 6mm Drill (200134) through the Cannula and
slowly peck-drill through the calcaneus and talus. | FIGURE 50 The tip of the
6mm Drill will be captured and guided by the conical anti-skiving feature of
the Drill Guide Cartridge. Continue drilling into the tibial canal.


6mm Drill

6mm Drill

Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 25

Target Notch
in Drill Guide


CAUTION: When drilling the IM canal it is important to take both an AP and

Lateral fluoro image to ensure that the drill is going up the canal as planned.
An AP fluoro image will show the single notch in the Drill Guide Cartridge which
is the desired/planned target for the 6mm Drill. | FIGURES 51 and 52
A Lateral fluoro image will show the two notches in the Drill Guide Cartridge that
the 6mm Drill should go between. | FIGURES 53 and 54

Notches in
Drill Guide


26 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Ream the Tibia
Remove the 6mm Drill from the foot and C-Bracket. Attach the M4 Attachment
Screw (200329103) to the anterior threaded hole on the Drill Guide Cartridge
and pull the Cartridge out anteriorly. | FIGURE 55

M4 Attachment Screw


With the C-Bracket still secured, place the Reamer Drive Rod (with Jacobs chuck
attached) through the distal bushing, calcaneus, and talus and into the resected
joint space.
Using the appropriate size Tibial Stem Clip (200381001 through 200381004),
attach and lower the appropriate size Reamer Tip (200046001 through
200046004) into the joint space through the anterior opening of the
M4 Attachment Screw Anterior Mounting Plate. | FIGURE 56
Connect the Reamer Tip to the Reamer Drive Rod (200089 or 200395) and
push the tip of the Reamer into the 6mm hole in the Tibia.


Tibial Stem Clip

200381001 - 200381004

Reamer Tip

Tibial Reamer Drive Rods Reamer

200089 or 200395 (T-Handle) Drive Rod

Tibial Reamer Tip | FIGURE 56

200046001 - 200046004

Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 27

Reamer Stabilizer Instructions
Insert the Reamer Stabilizer Guide (PTA00060) through the anterior opening of
the Anterior Mounting Plate and push down until the side latch of the Guide
connects to the Mounting Plate. | FIGURE 57

Reamer Stabilizer Guide


After inserting the Reamer Stabilizer, press the top button (A) to activate the
rod capture mechanism. To disengage the rod capture mechanism, slide button
(B) over as shown. To remove the Reamer Stabilizer from the Anterior Mounting
Plate, pull up on lever (C) to release the side latch. | FIGURE 58

(A) engage

(B) disengage

release (C)


rod capture
Reamer Stabilizer Guide

28 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Ream the tibial IM canal to the depth of the tibial stem construct determined
by the preoperative plan. Refer to Appendix B for tibial stem height details and
recommended reaming depths. Note that the Reamer Drive Rod is marked with
a depth indicator that can be viewed through the anterior widow.
CAUTION: It is highly recommended that AP fluoro images are made throughout
the tibial reaming process to ensure the reamer is following the planned path.


Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 29

Pull the Reamer back into the joint space.
CAUTION: Do not reverse the drill rotation while the Reamer Tip is still in the tibia,
as it will become unthreaded and remain in the tibia.
Disengage the Reamer Stabilizer Guide and remove it from the Anterior
Mounting Plate.
Using the appropriate sized Tibial Stem Wrench (200380001 through
200380004), unthread the Reamer Tip from the Drive Rod and remove from
the joint space. | FIGURE 60 Repeat the reaming steps for all sizes of reamers
CAUTION: It is strongly recommended that the surgeon use irrigation to clean the
joint space between reamer sizes. The Reamer Stabilizer instrument will not be
positioned properly if this step is not completed.
Leave the Reamer Drive Rod in the foot with the tip slightly distal to the surface
of the talar resection.


Tibial Stem Wrench

200380001 - 200380004

30 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Release the screw and swivel rod attachment from the Anterior Mounting Plate.
Release the slide lock on the side arm of the C-Bracket Assembly and, with the
Reamer Drive Rod still in the foot, slide the distal portion of the C-Bracket
Assembly away from the bottom of the foot.
Release the Toe Plate Attachment from the C-Bracket Assembly by pressing the
button on the side of the foot plate. | FIGURE 61

Toe Plate


Release the Bushing Attachment from the C-Bracket Assembly by pressing the
button on the side of the Foot Plate. Lift the C-Bracket off the foot anteriorly
leaving the Bushing Attachment on the Reamer Drive Rod. | FIGURE 62


Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 31

Remove the Anterior Mounting Plate and PROPHECY® Tibial Stem Guide from
the joint space and slide the Bushing Attachment along the Drive Rod until it
contacts the bottom of the foot and secure to the calcaneus with three 2.4mm
Steinmann Pins. Two pins can be inserted through the bottom holes of the
bushing attachment (one medial and one lateral) with the 3rd pin in one of
the top hole locations (preferably on the lateral side). | FIGURE 63 Remove
the Drive Rod.


Select the appropriate size Tibial Tray AP Sizer (IB282902 through IB282906)
and insert into the resected joint space, using both ends of the sizing tool to
determine the optimum AP size Tibial Tray (standard or long). The Strike Rod
(200085) should be used to fully seat the Sizer into the tibial resection.
Utilize a lateral fluoroscopic image to evaluate the coverage (anterior and
posterior) of the tibial cortex. | FIGURE 64 It is critical to obtain sagittal plane
coverage of the tibia, particularly anteriorly where more load is distributed.
Thus, in choosing the correct size, overhang of the prosthesis is permitted if
the standard size does not rest upon the tibial cortex.
The Tibial Tray AP Sizer is also used to check the tibial cut surfaces and ensure
that no bone fragments will impede proper positioning of the Tibial Tray.
Remove excess bone as necessary and irrigate.

Tibial Tray AP Sizer

IB282902 (left) - IB282906 (right)

Strike Rod | FIGURE 64


AP Standard - illustrating undersized coverage. AP Long - illustrating optimal coverage.

32 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Install Tibia Stems
In most cases the Top Tibial Stem and first Mid Stem piece can be pre-
assembled and then placed into the joint space. Using the X-Drive and the
appropriate sized Tibial Stem Wrench, firmly tighten these two components
together on the back table. Orienting the Wrench in the distal direction as
labeled, slide the Wrench onto the Mid Stem piece with a finger or thumb
holding it in place. Introduce the components into the joint space, placing
the Top Stem piece into the intramedullary canal of the tibia. | FIGURE 65


Insert the X-Drive (200071) through the Bushing Attachment and up through
the talus. | FIGURE 66



Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 33

An assistant should hold the Wrench while the surgeon installs the next Mid
Stem piece. Insert the next Mid Stem piece onto the appropriate sized Clip,
introduce into the joint space and align with the Mid Stem piece. | FIGURE 67
An assistent may hold on to the Wrench and distract the joint to aid insertion
of the next piece.

Tibial Stem Clip

Tibial Stem Wrench


Engage the X-Drive and thread the stems firmly together. Move the Wrench to
the distal Stem piece before pushing the Stem up into the tibia.
CAUTION: Always leave the Wrench on the distal Stem piece or the stem
construct may be inadvertantly pushed up into the tibia.

34 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Select the appropriate Base Stem piece and introduce with a Clip. Thread the
Base Stem using the X-Drive. Remove the Clip and insert a Wrench on the Base
Stem. | FIGURE 68

Note: Wrench

Release Hole


With the Base Stem tight, rotate it so the Morse taper release hole is pointing
anteriorly and is in line with the anti-rotation notch. The Base Stem release hole
is used to detach the Tibial Base Stem from the Tibial Tray in the event of revision.
Leave the Wrench on the Base Stem.

Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 35

Install Tibia Tray
Irrigate the Morse Taper surface of the Base Stem to clean it.
CAUTION: Contamination on the Morse Taper surfaces can prevent
proper seating.
Remove the X-Drive and replace with the Strike Rod. Hold the Tibial Stem Base
with the Wrench and introduce the Tibial Tray using the Holding Tool (200364002
or 200364003). Insert the Morse Taper into the Stem Base. Push the Strike Rod
into the small detent on the bottom surface of the Tibial Tray. | FIGURE 69



Strike Rod


CAUTION: Remove the Holding Tool before striking the Strike Rod. Otherwise it
can be locked in place.
Holding the Tibial Stem Base firmly, strike the end of the Strike Rod several times
with a mallet to seat the Morse Taper.
CAUTION: The Tibial Tray will not seat if the wrench is in the wrong orientation.
Wrench is marked “Distal” for correct orientation.
Remove the Wrench, rethread the Holding Tool to the Tibial Tray, and test the
Morse Taper connection by trying to rotate the Tibial Tray against the Stem. If
properly engaged, both the stem and Tibial Tray should move as one unit.

Holding Tool
M4 - 200364003
M3 - 200364002

36 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Apply bone cement to the top and sidewalls of the Tibial Tray component.
CAUTION: The INBONE® Total Ankle is intended for cemented use only.
CAUTION: Be sure not to get any cement on the anterior face or bottom of the Tray.
Seat the assembly firmly into the tibia using a mallet and the Strike Rod. Remove
the Strike Rod and visually check the anterior alignment. Check the lateral
fluoroscopic image for proper posterior seating. | FIGURE 70


Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 37

Verify Talar Dome Size
The surgeon has two options for Talar Dome implant size at this juncture: either
the matching size for the implanted Tibial Tray, or one size smaller. It is beneficial to
assess both sizes under A/P and lateral fluoroscopic images. Please note that the A/P
image is critical for sizing the talar component, as the surgeon’s goal is to minimize
overhang of the talar component, and thus minimize prosthetic impingement in the
medial and lateral gutters of the ankle joint.

Size-matched Talar Dome Trial showing One size smaller Talar Dome Trial showing
medial and lateral talar overhang. optimal coverage of the resected talus.

Release the foot from the Foot Holder and remove the Foot Holder from the
operating table.
Perform a thorough gutter debridement. The surgeon must be certain that there
is no residual bone impinging between the talus and the medial fibula and lateral
tibia. The talus must now be completely independent of the remaining ankle joint,
free to rotate into its anatomic center of rotation, as well as translate to establish a
position beneath the tibial tray. To achieve this, a generous debridement may be
Select the appropriate size Talar Dome Trial (IB220901-905) and Talar Dome
Holding Tool (IB200010) and assemble.
Assess overhang of the Talar Dome Trial in both the A/P and Lateral planes.
Choose the Talar Dome that allows the most congruous coverage of the talar
cut line.

Talar Dome Trial

Talar Dome Trials Holding Tool
IB220901-905 IB200010

38 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Trial Reduction
Holding Tool to Trial Attachment
To attach the Holding Tool to the corresponding trial component, insert the
tip of the tool into the keyed slot and turn 90° counter-clockwise to lock the
connection. | FIGURES 71 and 72
To remove the holding tool turn the handle 90° Clockwise and remove.
Talar Dome Trial Poly Insert Trial Talar Dome Trial Poly Insert Trial
Holding Tool Holding Tool

Training Note for Trial Holding Tools

There are two different trial holding
tools in the instrument set: one for the
Talar Dome Trials (silver handle) and one
for the Poly Insert Trials (gold handle).
In addition to having different colored CCW to lock CCW to lock
handles, the two instruments also
have slightly different designed tips.

Using the Poly Insert Trial Holding Tool, install the appropriate size Poly Insert
Talar Dome Trial Detail Trial (IB202106-6520) into the Tibial Tray. The locking tab of the Poly Insert Trial
should engage the Tibial Tray. | FIGURE 73
1.4mm Temporary
Fixation Pin Holes
2.4mm Pin Holes
Using the Talar Dome Trial Holding Tool, introduce the appropriate size Talar
for Talar Stem Dome trial into the joint space. | FIGURE 74

Poly Insert Trial


4mm Anterior
Holding Tool Peg Drill Holes

Poly Insert Trial

Holding Tool

Poly Insert Trials Talar Dome Trial


Poly Insert Trial Holding Tool Talar Dome Trial

IB200110 | FIGURE 74 Holding Tool

Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 39

Polyethylene Thickness
While the final polyethylene thickness does not have to be definitively chosen
during the trial phase, it is important to have what is perceived to be the
appropriate size trial poly to accurately determine the placement of the talar
component. The trial poly used for the reduction should fit appropriately to
determine the center of rotation of the talar component; therefore, trialing
multiple size polys may be necessary. Note that after insertion of the final talar
dome, the height of the poly can be reassessed.
In order to determine proper polyethylene height the following factors must be
• Smooth range of motion of the ankle without anterior or posterior
• Ligaments are tensioned both medially and laterally WITHOUT over-
tensioning. Over-tensioning is noted when the trial talar component tilts
following trial poly insertion. Alternatively, with range of motion, the talar
component becomes incongruent with the trial poly, which can identify too
much tension on the ankle replacement. Over-tensioned joints may cause
increased polyethylene wear, and should be avoided.
• Stress the ankle joint into varus and valgus. The trial components should
not tilt.
• The trial poly should engage the sulcus in the talar dome trial without
allowing medial/lateral translation.

40 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Under lateral plane fluoroscopy, ensure the posterior portion of the talar
component is resting on the posterior portion of the patient’s residual talus
(establish congruence). | FIGURE 75


While holding the talus in this position, use a marking pen to mark the anterior
portion of the talar component with reference to the patient’s residual talus.
Be sure to observe the talar component with reference to the line on the
residual talus previously drawn. This will ensure the talar component does not
migrate anteriorly during the range of motion.
To accurately perform the range of motion, place some axial compression
of the components to maintain position, and flex and extend the ankle. The
surgeon will observe the talar component rotating into the anatomic position
for this particular patient. Note that the surgeon must not only be cognizant
of the talar position in the lateral plane, but must simultaneously maintain
medial/lateral coverage as evidenced by the previous A/P plane fluoroscopic
Once Talar Dome Trial has settled into optimum anatomical position, install
two 1.4mm pins through the Talar Dome Trial to temporarily hold it in place.

1.4mm Pins


Note that with the talar component pinned in position, the surgeon should once
again place the ankle through a range of motion to ensure tibio-talar articular
congruence. Also, confirm through lateral fluoroscopy that the prosthesis did
not shift anteriorly.

Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 41

Using the 4mm Anterior Peg Drill (IB200020), drill a hole through the medial
and lateral openings in the Talar Dome Trial. The drill has a hard stop designed to
set the appropriate drilling depth in the talus for the Talar Dome anterior pegs.

Peg Drill


Use the Poly Insert Trial Holding Tool to remove the Poly Insert Trial. Foot may
be plantarflexed to aid in removal of Poly Insert Trial. | FIGURES 78 and 79
CAUTION: The Poly Insert Trial has a small locking tab that engages the Tibial
Tray. To remove Poly Insert Trial, be sure to first pull down on the holding tool
to disengage tab before pulling out.


Install a 2.4mm Steinmann Pin through the center of the Talar Dome Trial to the
depth of the selected Talar Stem using a lateral view to verify depth. Be certain
that the Talar Dome Trial is sitting flush with the cut line of the talus before
placing this pin. | FIGURE 80



Remove 1.4mm Pins and use the Talar Dome Trial Holding Tool to slide
4mm Anterior Talar Dome Trial off the remaining 2.4mm Steinmann Pin. The foot may be
Peg Drill plantarflexed to aid in removal of Talar Dome Trial.

42 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Ream for Talar Stem
Install the appropriate length Talar Stem Reamer (10mm-200432010 or
14mm-200432014) over the pin and ream to the depth of the selected talar
stem. | FIGURE 81 The reamer has a hard stop designed to set the appropriate
reaming depth. | FIGURE 82 Optionally, use a lateral fluoroscopic view
to verify depth.

Talar Stem Reamer



CAUTION: The Talar Stem is not intended for subtalar fusion or subtalar joint
impingement. Please carefully evaluate the anatomy of each patient
Talar Stem Reamers before implantation.
(14mm-200432014) Remove the Reamer and Steinmann Pin.

Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 43

Assemble Talar Stem
Insert the appropriate sized Talar Stem into the bottom of the Talar Dome
| FIGURE 83, aligning the oblong post and matching the oblong hole in the
Talar Stem. Talar Stem and anterior pegs should be parallel.
Insert the Talar Stem and Talar Dome assembly into the Strike Block (IB200060).


Align the Dome Strike Tool (IB200030 and IB200031) on the Talar Dome and
with a mallet, hit the top of the strike tool 2-3 times to fully seat the Talar Stem.


Strike Block

Talar Dome

Dome Strike Strike Block

with Dome | FIGURE 85
Strike Tip)

44 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Install Talar Dome
Place the foot in plantar flexion and insert the blue Tray Insert (200419002
through 200419006) into the Tibial Tray to protect the Talar Dome surface
during installation. Apply bone cement to the bottom surface of the Talar
Dome. Using the M4 Holding Tool, insert the Talar Dome, aligning the Talar
Stem and pegs with the prepared holes in the talus. | FIGURE 86 Once the
Talar Dome is aligned, remove the Tray Insert.


CAUTION: The INBONE® Total Ankle is intended for cemented use only.
Align the Dome Strike Tool on the Talar Dome and with a mallet, hit the top
of the strike tool to fully seat the Talar Dome. | FIGURE 87 Utilize a lateral
fluoroscopic image to ensure that the Talar Dome is fully seated. If the Talar
Dome is difficult to fully seat in hard bone, it may be advisable to remove the
Talar Dome and increase the diameter of the anterior peg holes slightly with
the 4mm drill.


Tray Insert

Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 45

Install Poly Insert
Select the appropriate size Poly Insertion Tool (1000600102 through
100063106) and Plunger Block (200277002-006). Place a Nut Insert (200422)
into the pocket of the Poly Insertion Tool. Position the Plunger Block at the back
of the tool and retain with the appropriate Jack Screw (200278 or IB200040).
| FIGURE 88 Jack Screw must match the Tibial Tray, e.g. size 3 Long Tibial Tray
requires the use of the Long Jack Screw. Long Jack Screw is gold colored and
standard Jack Screw is silver.
Select proper size Poly Insert and slide into the dovetail of the insertion tool.
The anterior face of the Poly Insert (indentation) must face the Plunger.
Install the appropriate Attachment Screw (200329101 through 200329103) into
the anti-rotation notch of the Tibial Tray. | FIGURE 89

Jack Screw Plunger Block

Poly Insert
Poly Insertion Tool (note indention)
Left: 100063102-100063106 Nut Insert
Right: 1000600102-1000600106 Poly Insertion Tool

Plunger Block
Attachment Screw

Nut Insert

Jack Screw
Standard: 200278
Long: IB200040


Attachment Screw
Size 1 & 2: 200329101
Size 3 & 4: 200329102
Size 5: 200329103

46 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Slide the Poly Insertion Tool assembly over the Attachment Screw and align
flush with the anterior surface of the Tibial Tray. Thread the Attachment
Nut (200329201) onto the Attachment Screw to lock the Poly Insertion Tool to
the Tibial Tray. | FIGURE 90
Turn the Jack Screw to advance the Poly Insert into the Tibial Tray.
CAUTION: To prevent incomplete seating of the poly insert, properly irrigate the
tibial tray prior to poly insertion.
Apply slight “Reaction Force” as necessary to keep Insertion Tool at 90° to Tibia.
Jack Screw

Attachment Nut

Attachment Screw

Insertion Tool

Tibial Tray


Apply Reaction Force

to keep tool at 90°


Attachment Nut
200329201 | FIGURE 91

Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 47

Continue turning the Jack Screw until it bottoms out, then remove the
insertion tool. | FIGURE 92

Poly Impact Tool


Select the Poly Impact Tool (200286). At a 60° angle, give the Poly Impact Tool
a final tap to fully seat the Poly Insert. Check that the Poly is fully seated.
Take final AP & Lateral fluoro images for record keeping. | FIGURES 93 and 94


Final Procedures
Check for proper articulation.
Close the wound.

Poly Impact Tool

Cast the foot in a slight dorsiflexion position.
200286 Keep the foot non-weight bearing for 6 weeks.

48 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Morse Taper Release
Thread Morse Taper Release Pin (200356003) into Morse Taper Release Handle
Insert tip of the Morse Taper Release Pin into the Morse Taper Release Hole of
the Implant.
Angled surface of the Release Pin should face distally.
Holding the implant firmly, strike the end of the Morse Taper Release Handle
with a mallet until the Morse Taper becomes unseated. | FIGURE 95

Morse Taper Release Handle Morse Taper Release Pin, 3mm

(200355) (200356003)

(Assembled Tool)

Talar Dome Tibial Tray

Base Stem
Talar Dome Morse Taper
Release Hole

Threaded hole
for holding tool

Morse Taper Morse Taper

Release Pin Tibial Tray
Release hole
Morse Taper
Release Pin

Talar Dome

Morse Taper
Release hole

Talar Stem

Note pin orientation

CAUTION: Release pin must be inserted into the Talar Dome from anterior to
posterior to disengage taper. Failure to do so could result in pin becoming
permanently jammed.

Chapter 3 Surgical Technique 49

Explant Information
To remove the Poly Insert, first install two large diameter threaded Steinmann
Pins into the anterior face of the implant. With a pair of pliers, pull distally on the
Steinmann Pins in attempt to unlock the Insert from the Tibial Tray. A narrow
osteotome may be inserted into the anterior region of the insert to facilitate
removal. A hemostat may be used to remove the insert once it is no longer
locked to the tibial base. Care must be taken not to scratch or mar any
component that is not intended to be removed.


To remove the components, small osteotomes, power saws, or other surgical
instruments may be used to disrupt the bone-cement interface. Care must be
exhibited to save remaining bone stock as well as to prevent fracture. Once the
components have been removed, rongeurs or small osteotomes, as well as other
surgical instruments, may be used to remove the remaining cement.

Postoperative Management
Postoperative care is the responsibility of the medical professional.

50 Chapter 3 Surgical Technique

Appendix A


4 5



1. Foot Holder Tie-In Bracket (PTA00080) 6. Bushing Attachment (PTA00020)

2. C-Bracket (PTA00010) 7. Anterior Mounting Plate (PTA00040)
3. Toe Plate Attachment (PTA00050) 8. Wire Pliers (RR3034)
4. Drill Guide Cartridge (PTA00070) 9. Resection Guides (PTA00092 through PTA00096)
5. Reamer Stabilizer Guide (PTA00060) 10. PROPHECY® INBONE® Instrument Case (PTA0100)

Appendix A PROPHECY® INBONE® Instrumentation 51

Appendix B

Stem Component Specifications

Units = mm


Top Stem
(Diameter) Ø12 Ø14 Ø16

9.5 13.5

Mid Stem Ø12 Ø14 Ø16 Ø18


9.5 13.5 Exclusive Fit

Size #2, #3 - 16mm only
Base Stem Size #4, #5, #6 - 18mm only
Ø16 Ø18

10 14
Talar Stem

Tibial Stem Construct Specifications

50.5 54.5 58.5


No Ø18 1 x Ø18 2 x Ø18

Mid Stems Mid Stems Mid Stems

Size 1 - 3 Size 4 - 6

52 Appendix B Stem Specifications

Appendix C

INBONE® Tibial Component

Size A B C
2 26 32 7
2 Long 26 36 7
3 28 36 7.5
3 Long 28 39 7.5
4 31 39 8
A 4 Long 31 42 8
(mm) 5 34 42 9
5 Long 34 46 9
6 37 46 10


INBONE® Sulcus Talar Component

C Size A B C
(mm) 1 30 32 10
2 33 34 10
3 36 36 10
4 39 39 11
A 5 42 42 12


Appendix C Implant Specifications 53

Appendix D

Tibial Stems Plasma Coated

Catalog # Description
200011901 Top Stem, 14mm, Plasma Coated
200011902 Top Stem, 16mm, Plasma Coated
200011904 Top Stem, 12mm, Plasma Coated
200010901 Mid Stem, 14mm, Plasma Coated
200010902 Mid Stem, 16mm, Plasma Coated
200010903 Mid Stem, 18mm, Plasma Coated
200010904 Mid Stem, 12mm, Plasma Coated
200009901 Base Stem, 16mm, Plasma Coated
200009902 Base Stem, 18mm, Plasma Coated

Tibial Stems Smooth Coated

Catalog # Description
200012904 Top Stem, 12mm, Smooth
200012901 Top Stem, 14mm, Smooth
200012902 Top Stem, 16mm, Smooth
200014904 Mid Stem, 12mm, Smooth
200014901 Mid Stem, 14mm, Smooth
200014902 Mid Stem, 16mm, Smooth
200014903 Mid Stem, 18mm, Smooth
Standard Tibial Trays
Catalog # Description
200252902 Size #2, Left
200252903 Size #3, Left
200252904 Size #4, Left
200252905 Size #5, Left
200252906 Size #6, Left
200222902 Size #2, Right
200222903 Size #3, Right
200222904 Size #4, Right
200222905 Size #5, Right
200222906 Size #6, Right

Long Tibial Trays

Catalog # Description
220252902 Size #2 Long, Left
220252903 Size #3 Long, Left
220252904 Size #4 Long, Left
220252905 Size #5 Long, Left
220222902 Size #2 Long, Right
220222903 Size #3 Long, Right
220222904 Size #4 Long, Right
220222905 Size #5 Long, Right

54 Appendix D Ordering Information

Sulcus Talar Dome
Catalog # Description
220220902 Size #2, Right & Left
220220903 Size #3, Right & Left
220220904 Size #4, Right & Left
220220905 Size #5, Right & Left

Talar Stem
Catalog # Description
200347901 10mm Long
200347902 14mm Long

Sulcus Poly Insert

Catalog # Description
220222106E Size #1+, 6mm Thick, Right & Left
220222108E Size #1+, 8mm Thick, Right & Left
220222206E Size #2, 6mm Thick, Right & Left
220222208E Size #2, 8mm Thick, Right & Left
220222210E Size #2, 10mm Thick, Right & Left
220222212E Size #2, 12mm Thick, Right & Left
220223308E Size #3, 8mm Thick, Right & Left
220223310E Size #3, 10mm Thick, Right & Left
220223312E Size #3, 12mm Thick, Right & Left
220223314E Size #3, 14mm Thick, Right & Left
220224409E Size #4, 9mm Thick, Right & Left
220224411E Size #4, 11mm Thick, Right & Left
220224413E Size #4, 13mm Thick, Right & Left
220224415E Size #4, 15mm Thick, Right & Left
220225509E Size #5, 9mm Thick, Right & Left
220225511E Size #5, 11mm Thick, Right & Left
220225513E Size #5, 13mm Thick, Right & Left
220225515E Size #5, 15mm Thick, Right & Left

Appendix D Ordering Information 55

Sulcus Plus-Size Poly Insert
Catalog # Description
220223208E Size #2 Plus, 8mm Thick, Right & Left
220223210E Size #2 Plus, 10mm Thick, Right & Left
220223212E Size #2 Plus, 12mm Thick, Right & Left
220223214E Size #2 Plus, 14mm Thick, Right & Left
220224310E Size #3 Plus, 10mm Thick, Right & Left
220224312E Size #3 Plus, 12mm Thick, Right & Left
220224314E Size #3 Plus, 14mm Thick, Right & Left
220224316E Size #3 Plus, 16mm Thick, Right & Left
220225410E Size #4 Plus, 10mm Thick, Right & Left
220225412E Size #4 Plus, 12mm Thick, Right & Left
220225414E Size #4 Plus, 14mm Thick, Right & Left
220225416E Size #4 Plus, 16mm Thick, Right & Left
220226510E Size #5 Plus, 10mm Thick, Right & Left
220226512E Size #5 Plus, 12mm Thick, Right & Left
220226514E Size #5 Plus, 14mm Thick, Right & Left
220226516E Size #5 Plus, 16mm Thick, Right & Left

Catalog # Description
200178002 Drill, Size 2 Anti-Rotation Notch
200178003 Drill, Size 3 Anti-Rotation Notch
200178004 Drill, Size 4 Anti-Rotation Notch
200178005 Drill, Size 5 Anti-Rotation Notch
200178006 Drill, Size 6 Anti-Rotation Notch
200134 Drill, 6mm
200072 2.4mm Steinmann Pin
500036 1.4mm K-Wire
200138001 Saw Blade Stryker Narrow
200138002 Saw Blade Stryker Wide
200138003 Saw Blade Hall/Linvatec Narrow
200138004 Saw Blade Hall/Linvatec Wide
200138105S Saw Blade Stryker System 6 Narrow
200138106S Saw Blade Stryker System 6 Wide
IB200051 Bone Removal Screw

56 Appendix D Ordering Information

Large Revision Polys
Catalog # Description
220222114E INBONE® Poly SZ 1+ 14mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220222116E INBONE® Poly SZ 1+ 16mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220222214E INBONE® Poly SZ 2 14mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220222216E INBONE® Poly SZ 2 16mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220223216E INBONE® Poly SZ 2+ 16mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220223218E INBONE® Poly SZ 2+ 18mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220223316E INBONE® Poly SZ 3 16mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220223318E INBONE® Poly SZ 3 18mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220224318E INBONE® Poly SZ 3+ 18mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220224320E INBONE® Poly SZ 3+ 20mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220224417E INBONE® Poly SZ 4 17mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220224419E INBONE® Poly SZ 4 19mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220225418E INBONE® Poly SZ 4+ 18mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220225420E INBONE® Poly SZ 4+ 20mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220225517E INBONE® Poly SZ 5 17mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220225519E INBONE® Poly SZ 5 19mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220226518E INBONE® Poly SZ 5+ 18mm Sulcus Total Ankle
220226520E INBONE® Poly SZ 5+ 20mm Sulcus Total Ankle

Appendix D Ordering Information 57

Appendix E
Foot Holder Surgical Procedure

The following steps must occur after the Tibia Stem Guide assembly is secured in
the resected joint space.
Attach the Foot Holder Tie-In Bracket (PTA00080) to the Anterior Mounting Plate.
| FIGURES 96 and 97
Foot Holder
Tie-In Bracket


Lower the Foot Holder Tie-In Bracket assembly down over the Anterior
Mounting Plate and attach through the two protruding dowel pins. The surface
of the Foot Holder Tie-In Bracket arm must sit flat against the Anterior Mounting
Plate. | FIGURE 98
Secure the Foot Holder Tie-In Bracket to the Anterior Mounting Plate by rotating
the swivel rod up and over the Foot Holder Tie-In Bracket arm and tightening the
screw on the end of the swivel rod. | FIGURES 99 and 100

| FIGURE 98 | FIGURE 99 | FIGURE 100

Tie-In Bracket

58 Appendix E PROPHECY® Tie-In to the INBONE® Foot Holder Surgical Technique

Place the foot in the INBONE® Foot Holder. (The foot holder must be set to
zero/neutral location for all adjustment directions.) | FIGURE 101
Place the M/L Guide Rods through the INBONE® foot holder and through the
matching holes in the Tie-In Bracket. (Adjust the location of the entire foot holder
and the foot until the holes are aligned. Adjust the Achilles and Calf supports to
align the foot to the ML alignment rods in the AP direction.) | FIGURE 102
Slide the foot down until it hits the foot plate. Do not secure the foot/leg to the
foot holder at this time. Follow the standard procedure for marking and starting
the distal incision.
Use the AP and ML alignment rods with fluoroscopy to confirm the alignment
in the foot holder. Secure the foot/leg to the foot holder with coban and k-wires
into the calcaneous. Remove the M/L Guide Rods, the Tie-In Bracket, and the
Tibia Stem Guide assembly.
Complete the procedure following the standard INBONE® surgical technique
(FA553-712) for alignment (if necessary), drilling, reaming, and implantation.

| FIGURE 101 | FIGURE 102

INBONE® Foot Holder

Appendix E PROPHECY® Tie-In to the INBONE® Foot Holder Surgical Technique 59

Appendix F
Intraoperative Tibia Stem Guide
Fluoroscopic Check Assembly

The M4 Holding Tool (purple) | FIGURE 103 or the Strike Rod | FIGURE 104 can be
used in the proximal hole of the tibia stem alignment guide as an extramedullary
alignment rod, or as a fluoro check indicator. The M4 tool is shorter, whereas
the Strike Rod may interfere with the proximal tibia tubercle. Compare the
intraop fluoro image to the image of the tibia stem guide in the patient’s pre-op
alignment report.”

tip goes
in here

Still use groove in

cartridge as “gun-
sight” to ensure
proper viewing angle
to assess the guide

| FIGURE 104

| FIGURE 103

60 Appendix F Tibia Alignment Guide Fluoroscopic Check Assembly

Appendix G
Additional Holes in
Talus Alignment Guide

In some cases, the PROPHECY® engineering team may provide additional

holes in the talus alignment guide that correspond to the narrowest “gutter”
pin holes of the resection block. These may be used in some cases to provide
additional stability and reduce the risk of skiving. | FIGURES 105 and 106 In
this situation, it will not be possible to complete the talus resection all the way
to the medial and lateral gutters. A clean-up resection will likely be necessary
to complete the resection.
Pinning lower, at the level of
Shallow attack angle the resection, can minimize
could result in the k-wire skiving and provide sufficient
skiving on sclerotic bone stock
subchondral bone

| FIGURE 105 | FIGURE 106

Order of pinning the talus guide: It is recommended that after pinning through
one of the top, angled anti-skiving holes, place the lowest pins next which are
less likely to skive, before placing k-wires through the mid-level holes. | FIGURES
107 and 108

Sequence: 1


| FIGURE 107 | FIGURE 108

Appendix G Additional Holes in Talus Alignment Guide 61

For severely flat-topped taluses or other conditions in which insufficient bone
stock for pinning exists, holes may be provided in the talus alignment guide for
the size 6 cut block in an upside-down orientation. This allows us to place pins
below the level of the resection in order to get sufficient bone fixation.
When pinning above the resection could result in k-wire skiving or insufficient
fixation in thin bone stock as shown in FIGURE 109, the alternative talus
alignment guide design may be implemented by the case processing engineers,
as depicted in FIGURES 110, 111 and 112.

For this flat-topped talus, the resection As an alternative, the talus alignment
level shown as dotted line, results in guide may be designed to place k-
k-wires in shallow bone stock. wires below the resection level which
match with the k-wires of the size 6
resection guide in an upside-down
orientation (see black arrows).

| FIGURE 110
| FIGURE 109

| FIGURE 111 | FIGURE 112

62 Appendix G Additional Holes in Talus Alignment Guide

Appendix H
Tips & Tricks

Complete the Medial Mal Resection

Complete the resection of the medial malleolus distal to the extent of the
resection slot using a reciprocating saw to separate the resected tibia bone from
the remaining tibia. Failure to do so may increase the risk of medial mal fracture
during the resected bone removal stage. | FIGURE 113

| FIGURE 113

Appendix H Tips and Tricks 63

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