Iec 62305 - 62561
Iec 62305 - 62561
Iec 62305 - 62561
Follow us on LinkedIn for the latest updates The International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC) prepares and publishes International Standards, such as IEC 62305, for all electrical,
electronic and related technologies and is the leading international organization in its field. The
IEC technical committee is comprised of representatives from the standard bodies of various
countries with each country getting one vote. The process of creating and issuing the IEC
standards are thus an international effort with votes given to every member. The adoption of the
relevant IEC standards are usually voluntary for countries and the content of the standards is
usually introduced as improvements to that country’s existing standards.
In this article, we will be referring separately to design and component standards for Lightning
Protection and Earthing. The Light Protection Design engineer or installer will use the design
standard to design the complete lightning protection system including placement of the
components. The lightning protection component manufacturer will use the component standards
to ensure product compliance and quality.
IEC 62305, does not consider the following cases under the scope of the standard:
Railway Systems
Vehicles, ships, aircraft, offshore installations
Underground high-pressure pipelines
Pipe, power and telecommunication lines placed outside the structure
Lightning protection standards valid since December 2010
Axis has used the guidelines of IEC 62305 Part 2 to design a Risk Assessment Software that
allows you to easily calculate and assess the risks to determine the Class of LPS for your
structure. This software uses parameters unique to your structure to help you determine the best
and most efficient protection system. The risk assessment software is part of a bundle that always
allows customers to also easily calculate earth rod length requirements, separation distance for
lightning arrestors, Surge Protection Device (SPD) selection and more! Please contact us for
more information on our software suite.
IEC 62305-3: Physical damage to structures and life hazard
Part 3 deals with the protection of people and structures from physical damage and injury due to
touch and step voltages caused due to direct lightning strikes. The standard states that the “main
and most effective measure of protection of structures from physical damage is considered to be
the lightning protection system (LPS)” which consists of external lightning protection (air
termination system, down conductor system and earth termination system) and internal lightning
protection (equipotential bonding and separation distance). IEC 62305-3 provides the guidelines
to help “LPS designers and installers, architects and builders” to correctly design, install and
maintain the external and internal lightning protection systems to protect people from touch and
step voltages.
Part 4 also introduces the idea of Lightning Protection Zones (LPZ). The central idea is to limit
current and voltage surges, induced by lightning or otherwise, from damaging a structure or its
contents (people or equipment) by dividing the structure into a risk zones. These zones are nested
within each other, with the most sensitive zones being the innermost. A risk assessment
according to IEC 62305-2 is performed for each zone to select the most appropriate protection at
the optimum cost for that zone. By using standard appropriate lightning protection systems, such
as lightning arrestors and SPD’s, the effects of lightning hitting the outer zone, directly or
indirectly, are meant to be reduced before they can affect people or sensitive equipment in the
inner zones.
Axis can help you with the entire process from Step 1 of Risk Assessment to Lightning
Protection System Design and all the way through the supply of internationally approved
products. Our engineers will be on the field with you to make sure that they provide the most
precise protection for your structure! Contact us for more information.
Connection components such as lightning conductor clamps, bonding & earthing clamps,
bridging components, pipe clamps, equipotential bonding bars
Conductors and Earth Electrodes (link to the Earth Electrodes blog)
Isolating Spark Gaps
Conductor Fasteners
Earth Pits
Lightning Strike Counters
Earth Enhancing Compounds
You should only procure products certified according to international or national standards for
your lightning protection requirements to ensure that the products perform according to the
requirements of the design of the lightning protection system. Axis has supplied the entire range
of products for Lightning Protection for over 25 years to hundreds of projects across the world.
View our catalogue for our Lightning Protection Products
Other IEC Standards Used for Lightning Protection