SWE.6 - Software Qualification Test
SWE.6 - Software Qualification Test
SWE.6 - Software Qualification Test
Understanding at the end of this session
Process Activity/
Level 3 in Stages Guideline
Review Product
Level 2 Protocoll History in
Plan Template
Level 1 Product
Develop a strategy for software qualification testing consistent with the project plan and the
release plan. This includes a regression test strategy for re-testing the integrated software if
a software item is changed. [OUTCOME 1]
› Precondition : › Update test plan for the qualification test strategy using
defined latest template (Scope, goals, schedule etc..) available
› SW/Algo project plan and Schedule review to be completed with in stages(Strategy (19-00))
relevant stakeholders as per SW/Algo Status sheet
› SW/Algo test scope must be defined for each release (in
line with project schedule)
› Test plan should be in lined with project plan and release scope
› Regression test strategy has to be defined
› Test engineer should be a part of requirement review to define
test plan › Test Entry and Test End criteria should be defined
› Guidelines/Methods/Trainings:
› Work products (templates):
› Test Method(SW) › SW/Algo Test Plan –Test Plan (08-52)
› Review Method › SW/Algo Test plan Review ID Freezed – Review Record (13-19)
Link to Stages
Develop the specification for software qualification test including test cases based on the
verification criteria, according to the software test strategy. The test specification shall be
suitable to provide evidence for compliance of the integrated software with the software
requirements. [OUTCOME 2]
› Precondition : › Define test cases for the attribute _Test equal to SW Req tests
and Algo Req Test for requirements defined in DOORS
› All the requirements for the next MLC to be in agreed status
› All the mandatory attributes to be filled as per RE Method
and reviewed
› Test cases and Test case description to have Test steps,
› Requirements to have satisfying links Expected results defined
› Requirements should have proper _Test defined as “ SW Req › All SW / Algo requirements (relevant for the sample loop /
test/ Algo Req test “ in DOORs sprint) should be covered
› Requirements should have proper verification criteria defined › SW/Algo Test specification Review as per review method,
› Guidelines/Methods/Trainings:
› Review Method
› SW/Algo Requirement Test Specifications on DOORs(baselined) –
Traceability Record (13-22)
Link to Stages
Select test cases from the software test specification. The selection of test cases shall have
sufficient coverage according to the software test strategy and the release plan. [OUTCOME
› SW/Algo Test plan updated for Test Strategy and reviewed › Regression test cases to be specified as per Regression
test strategy (when full validation is not planned)
› Guidelines/Methods/Trainings:
Link to Stages
Test the integrated software using the selected test cases. Record the software test results
and logs. [OUTCOME 4] NOTE 1: See SUP.9 for handling of non-conformances.
› Precondition
› SW / Algo Requirements Validation for the integrated Checkpoint
› Checkpoint creation from integrator label according to the › Test Statistics, Release Recommendation, Release Intention
naming convention described in ADAS CM Method)
› Risk Assessment for failed AND Not Executed test cases. With
Issue ID (FR) updated in DOORs(for failed test cases only)
Link to Stages
Establish bidirectional traceability between software requirements and test cases included in
the software qualification test specification. Establish bidirectional traceability between test
cases included in the software qualification test specification and software qualification test
results. [OUTCOME 5] NOTE 2: Bidirectional traceability supports coverage, consistency and
impact analysis.
› Guidelines/Methods/Trainings:
› Test Method(SW) › Work products (templates):
› RM Method › Update SW/Algo test results on DOORs-Test Result(13-25), Verification
› Review Method
› SW/Algo Requirement Specification Review ID freezed-Review Record
Link to Stages
Ensure consistency between software requirements and test cases included in the software
qualification test specification. [OUTCOME 5] NOTE 3: Consistency is supported by
bidirectional traceability and can be demonstrated by review records.
› SW/Algo Requirements Reviewed and baselined › Ensure the SW/Algo Requiement tests are covering the linked
› SW/Algo Requirement test specifications reviewed and
baselined › Regression test been conducted according to SW / Algo Test
Plan, chap. 4.1.1
› Guidelines/Methods/Trainings:
› Work products (templates):
› Test Method(SW)
› SW/Algo Test Plan (review for test scope)-Review Record (13-19)
› SW/Algo Test plan
› SW/Algo Test Specification Review -Review Record (13-19)
› Review Method
› SW/Algo Test Report (review to ensure links)-Review Record (13-19)
Link to Stages
Summarize the software qualification test results and communicate them to all affected
parties. [OUTCOME 6] NOTE 4: Providing all necessary information from the test case
execution in a summary enables other parties to judge the consequences.
Link to Stages
› 2.1.2 Plan the performance of the process to fulfill the identified › Organization diagram in the SW/Algo Project plan to be updated for
objectives. performing Link to Stages
› Responsibilities for performing SW/Algo validation must be planned › RASI chart is defined in stages
› SW/Algo Test Plan, SW/Algo Test specification, SW/Algo Test › 2.1.6 Identify, prepare, and make available resources to perform
the process according to plan
› Estimated effort must be documented in Project schedule and RO
› Training plan for the SW/Algo Validation engineers must be
› 2.1.3 Monitor the performance of the process against the plans.
› SW/Algo project schedule to be updated based considering
› SW/Algo Validation activities must be performed as planned in
non-working time(holdays, vacations etc)
SW/Algo Project Schedule (as per WBS)
› Quality criteria for the work products of the SW/Algo accordance with requirements
› 2.2.2 Define the requirements for documentation and 2.2.4 Review and adjust work products to meet the defined
› Access rights to be defined › Ensure correct and mandatory participants (as Per SWSS)
› Owner of the document…… › All “Not ok” questions to have RO’s assigned
› Standard Organizational Process and › Resources required for deploying the process to be
› Procedures, Methods and Guidelines defined.
› Tools, Licenses, Budget, time
› Tailoring Guidelines defined
› Workspace, Test Environment etc.
› 3.1.2 Determine the sequence and interaction between processes
so that they work as an integrated system of processes › 3.1.5 Determine suitable methods and measures to monitor
the effectiveness and suitability of the standard process
› Development workflows
› Work breakdown structure to be defined, SW/Algo project › Quantitative methods to identify the effectiveness
schedule to be updated.
such as
› 3.1.3 Identify the roles and competencies, responsibilities, and › Analysis of Trends
authorities for performing the standard process
› Lessons Learnt
› RACI to be defined
› Audits/Assessments
› Training plan to be defined
› Training the resources
› Authorities and operational rights to be defined
Link to Stages
› 3.2.1 Deploy a defined process that satisfies the context specific › 3.2.4 Provide resources and information to support the
requirements of the use of the standard process performance of the defined process
› Standard defined process to be deployed in the project › Required human resources are made available,
allocated and used.
› Identify the tailoring topics as per the tailoring guidelines
› 3.2.5 Provide adequate process infrastructure to support
› 3.2.2 Assign and communicate roles, responsibilities and the performance of the defined process.
authorities for performing the defined process › All necessary type of resources are made available
› Allocate the resources as per the roles defined in the process › 3.2.6 Collect and analyze data about performance of the
process to demonstrate its suitability and effectiveness
› 3.2.3 Ensure necessary competencies for performing the defined
process › Both Qualitative and Quantitative data is measured,
collected and analysed
› Skill matrix to be defined for the project
› Improvement plans identified and Implemented
› Training plan to be derived from the skill matrix
Link to Stages
Not achieved There is little or no evidence of achievement of the defined process attribute
in the assessed process.
Partially achieved There is some evidence of an approach to, and some achievement of, the
defined process attribute in the assessed process. Some aspects of
achievement of the process attribute may be unpredictable.
Largely achieved There is evidence of a systematic approach to, and significant achievement
of, the defined process attribute in the assessed process. Some weaknesses
related to this process attribute may exist in the assessed process.
Fully achieved There is evidence of a complete and systematic approach to, and full
achievement of, the defined process attribute in the assessed process. No
significant weaknesses related to this process attribute exist in the assessed