09 - Board
09 - Board
09 - Board
Product Information
Size (mm.) Weight Quantity
Profile Color (Thickness*Width*Length) (kg./pc.) (pc./sq.m.) Application area
Product Information
Size (mm.) Weight Quantity
Profile Color (Thickness*Width*Length) (kg./pc.) (pc./sq.m.) Application area
Product Information
Size (mm.) Weight Quantity
Profile Color (Thickness*Width*Length) (kg./pc.) (pc./sq.m.) Application Area
Wa Application
Technical Specification
Physical Properties Standard Unit Test Result
Thickness Tolerance ASTM C1185 % , mm ± 10% (Thickness ≤ 8 mm)
± 6% (Thickness > 8 mm)
Density ASTM C1185 Kg/cm3 1350 + 50
Modulus of Rupture ASTM C1185 Mega Pascal > 7 MPa (Wet)
Modulus of Elasticity - Mega Pascal ≥ 2500
Water Absorption ASTM C1185 % < 35%
Moisture Content ASTM C1185 % < 15%
PH Value - - 7-8
Thermal Conductivity ASTM C177 Watt/m Kelvin Degree 0.15 W/m.K
Acoustic Insulation ASTM E90-97 Decibel STC = 30 dB
(6 mm single board)
STC = 50 - 60 dB
(10 mm composite wall)
Durability Properties
Freeze/Thaw resistance - Pass
ASTM C1185 -
Warm water resistance Pass
and BS EN 12467:2000 -
Heat/Rain resistance Pass
Soak/Dry resistance BS EN 12467:2000 - Pass
*Remark : SHERA BOARD has passed the test by Australia/New Zealand Standard (AS/NZ 2908:2:2000) and EU Standard (BS EN 12467: 2000)
by PSB Corporation Singapore and TIS 1427-2540 certifying fiber-cement tiles in Thailand.
Bend Radius
R = 5.0 m. Horizontal bend radius
R = 4.0 m.
SHERA Board is tough and highly flexible, R = 1.0 m. R = 1.5 m. R = 2.0 m.
of the board of each
bendable without applying water. thickness
3.5-4 mm. 6 mm. 8 mm. 10 mm. 12 mm.
Bend radius (R) Bend radius (R) Bend radius (R) Bend radius (R) Bend radius (R)
1 m. 1.5 m. 2 m. 4 m. 5 m.