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 355.3ml cola

 93.3g maraschino cherries

 79ml spiced rum

 59.3ml water

 1 tablespoon lime juice

 STEP 1

Place cherries, rum, water and lime juice into a blender pitcher and blend on high until
smooth, about 60 seconds.

 STEP 2

Pour mixture into an empty CREAMi™ Pint. Add cola and stir with a spoon to combine and
eliminate the carbonation. Place storage lid on pint and freeze for 24 hours.

 STEP 3

Remove CREAMi™ Pint from freezer and remove lid from pint. Place pint in outer bowl, install
Creamerizer™ Paddle into outer bowl lid, and lock the lid assembly on the outer bowl. Place
bowl assembly on motor base and twist the handle right to raise the platform and lock in place.

 STEP 4

Select SORBET.

 STEP 5

When processing is complete, remove sorbet from pint and serve immediately.
Salted Caramel Ice Cream

 Heavy cream: Heavy cream is the main ingredient that gives the ice cream a smooth

 Whole milk: Whole milk adds richness to the ice cream base without being too heavy.

 Cream Cheese: Adds some creaminess to the ice cream.

 Granulated sugar: Sugar provides sweetness to the ice cream.

 Vanilla extract: Vanilla extract enhances the overall flavor of the ice cream.

 Pinch of salt: A pinch helps balance the sweetness and intensifies the flavors.

 Caramel Sauce: Use store-bought or homemade caramel sauce.

 Sea Salt: For added flavor, perfect for topping.

Step 1: Prepare the Ice Cream Base

Add the room-temperature cream cheese, vanilla extract, and granulated sugar in a large bowl,
and mix well. Slowly fold in the kosher salt, whole milk, and heavy cream. Mix well.

Step Two: Prepare The Caramel Sauce

Pour the caramel sauce or camel dip into a small microwaveable bowl. Heat in the microwave
at 50% power for 10-15 seconds. Mix the caramel sauce into the bowl with the other

Step Three: Prepare The Pint Container For Freezer

Cover the ice cream mixture in a Ninja Creami Pint container with a lid. Place the container into
the freezer, and freeze for 24 hours.

Step Four: Process

Remove the pint container from the freezer, and remove the lid. Following your machine’s
directions, place the pint container into the outer bowl. Locking it into place. Press the “Ice
Cream Button” on your machine, and allow the machine to process.

When the Ninja Cerami Machine is finished processing, remove the pint container from the
machine, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Step Five: Serve

Serv with additional caramel sauce or a dash of sea salt. Right before serving.

 6 gemas grandes
 75g de açúcar granulado
 3 colheres de sopa de cacau em pó sem açúcar
 360g de leite integral
 120g de creme de leite fresco (batido)
 66g de cream cheese, em temperatura ambiente
 1 1/2 colher de chá de extrato de baunilha
 1 1/2 colher de chá de corante alimentar vermelho
Encha uma tigela grande com água gelada e reserve.

Em uma panela pequena, misture as gemas, o açúcar e o
cacau em pó até que tudo esteja bem combinado e o
açúcar se dissolva. Não faça isso em fogo alto.

Junte o leite, o creme de leite, o cream cheese, a baunilha
e o corante alimentício.

Coloque a panela em fogo médio. Cozinhe, mexendo
constantemente com uma espátula de borracha até que a
temperatura atinja 165°F a 175°F em um termômetro de
leitura instantânea.

Retire a panela do fogo e despeje a base por uma peneira
de malha fina em um CREAMi™ Pint limpo. Coloque
cuidadosamente o recipiente no banho de água gelada
preparado, tomando cuidado para que a água não derrame
na base.

Assim que a base esfriar, coloque a tampa de
armazenamento no meio litro e congele por 24 horas.

Remova o Deluxe Pint do freezer e remova a tampa do
Deluxe Pint. Coloque meio litro na tigela externa, instale a
pá Creamerizer ™ na tampa externa da tigela e trave o
conjunto da tampa na tigela externa. Coloque o conjunto
da tigela na base do motor e gire a alça para a direita para
levantar a plataforma e travá-la no lugar.
Selecione TOP, FULL ou BOTTOM e use o dial para
selecionar GELATO.

Quando o processamento estiver concluído, retire o
sorvete do litro e sirva imediatamente.

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