Executive Team, General Managers, Corporate Directors
| fozyearsotserice |S days annual «120 hours, [4420us/ 231 ROUS per pay period FSO doys- 240 hours
[Syeas otsenice Ts days ennualy Tae hous |#92ho0s/ 246 hour per pay patod [Sa days- 256 hours
eS years of sence TS days annually- 14a hous fs54hous 72.77 hours per pay period [36 days- 288 hours
iat year of sence [20 days annually - Teo nous la1S hour / 308 hour per pay pevod [ao daye- Sonos
Comorate Manaders, Asst GMs, Park Directors, Sales Directors
Up to 2 years of sevice 2. days onnwaly= 96 hous [3.7 hous / TShous per pay period — [24 cays. 192nous
years ofvenice days onnvally = 104 Hours |y00 nous / DOO hou per pay perod — |2é days DOS hOus
les yeon ofsenice Ts days onnoally- 120 hous |aa2nous / 231 hows perpay period — |90days- 240 hous
[s+ yearn of senice 7 days annoaly- 138 hour [sznous /2ezhows [St days 272 nous
‘Allother Full Time who do not fallin Level 1 or Level 2 category
Upto zyecrofsewics lO days annually = 80 hours FS0Bhous/T.s4housper pay period JZ0days~ 160 hours
years ofsenice 17 days annually “Be hour |2a8hous 71a hour perpay period [2 days-17éhours
ie years ofsenvice TS Gays annwally- Tos hous ]a00 hous 7200 hous per pay period [25 days-28hous
ls year of venice Ts days annwally- 120 hou laazhous 7251 how per poy period [SO daye-2ao hous
Variable Hour Employees working 30+ average hours per week
Not elaible for vacation benefils
Variable Hour Employees working less than 80 average hours per week
Not eligible for vacation benefits
Yeors of service is determined by the date of hire or promation fo a benefit eligible postion,