702084-En Low
702084-En Low
702084-En Low
Basic Information
3. Preoperative Planning 12
3.1 Implant position 12
3.2 Planning aids 19
4. Surgical Procedures 24
4.1 Implant bed preparation 24
4.2 Opening the implant package 36
4.3 Placing the implant 38
4.4 Soft tissue management 42
5. Healing Phase 45
5.1 Healing phase duration 45
7. Appendix 55
7.1 Related documentation 55
7.2 Important guidelines 56
For information on the Straumann® Bone Level Tapered Implant, please refer to the brochure Straumann® Bone
Level Tapered Implant, Basic Information (702167/en).
Information on the Straumann® Guided Implants and the Straumann® Guided Surgery Systemcan be found
in the brochure Straumann® Guided Surgery, Basic Information (702083/en).
For further information regarding surgical treatment procedures, please refer to the following treatment
guides or similar scientific publications:
Straumann® Tissue Level and Bone Level Implants are available in three endosteal diameters:
∅ 3.3 mm, ∅ 4.1 mm, and ∅ 4.8 mm. A unified color code simplifies identification of instruments
and implants.
Color coding
yellow Endosteal implant diameter 3.3 mm
red Endosteal implant diameter 4.1 mm
green Endosteal implant diameter 4.8 mm
especially suitable for classic single-stage procedures, where the implant is placed
at soft tissue level and not covered with soft tissue during the healing phase.
The Standard Implant uses the Straumann® synOcta® connection together with
its corresponding prosthetic components, the Straumann® s ynOcta® portfolio
and the Straumann® Solid Abutment. The thread pitch on the Standard Implants
measures 1 mm for the ∅ 3.3 mm implants, and 1.25 mm for all other diameters.
1.2.2 Straumann® Standard Plus Implant – The implant for flexible placement
Straumann® Standard Plus Implants have a shorter smooth neck section of 1.8 mm
that allows flexible coronoapical implant placement in combination with trans- 1.8 mm
or subgingival healing. This offers the dental surgeon additional options that are
particularly useful in the anterior tooth region of the maxilla, where esthetic de-
mands are high. Similar to Straumann® Standard Implants, this implant type uses
the Straumann® synOcta® connection together with its corresponding prosthet-
ic components, the Straumann® synOcta® portfolio and the Straumann® Solid
Abutment. The thread pitch on the Standard Plus Implants measures 1 mm for the
∅ 3.3 mm implants, and 1.25 mm for all other diameters.
The Straumann® synOcta® connection is available for all Straumann® Standard and
Standard Plus, Implants with the Regular Neck (RN) and Wide Neck (WN) platform.
Bone Level
Body and thread design same as
Straumann® Bone Level NC Implant
ѹ magenta = RC connection
Connection types
NNC: Narrow Neck CrossFit® ∅ 3.5 mm ∅ 3.5 mm
1.5 Surface
SLActive® significantly accelerates the osseointegra-
tion process and delivers everything you expect from 70 %
Degree of new bone on the implant surface
10 %
Most implant failures occur in the critical early peri-
od between weeks 2 and 4. Although similar healing 0%
Pre-determined breaking
… avoids bone overcompression
point …
List of abbreviations
SCS = Screw Carrying System
HDD = Horizontal Defect Dimension
NNC = Narrow Neck CrossFit® connection (3.5 mm)
RN = Regular Neck (4.8 mm)
WN = Wide Neck (6.5 mm)
NC = Narrow CrossFit® connection (for Bone Level Implants)
RC = Regular CrossFit® connection (for Bone Level Implants)
S = Standard
SP = Standard Plus
BL = Bone Level
SPS = Standard Plus Short
Some of the Straumann products listed here may not be available in all countries.
SP ∅ 3.3 mm RN 8 – 14 mm
BL ∅ 3.3 mm NC ▪ Small-diameter implant for narrow interdental spaces and ridges 5.5 mm 5.5 mm 8 – 14 mm
S ∅ 4.1 mm RN ▪ For oral endosteal implant indications in the maxilla and man- 6 mm 7 mm 6 – 16 mm
dible, for functional and esthetic rehabilitation of edentulous and
partially edentulous patients
SP ∅ 4.1 mm RN 6 – 14 mm
SP ∅ 4.1 mm RN*** ▪ Open-end situations in the mandible with severely atrophic bone 6 mm 7 mm 4 mm
resorption (always splinted, one implant per unit)
BL ∅ 4.1 mm RC ▪ For oral endosteal implant indications in the maxilla and man- 6 mm 6 mm 8 – 14 mm
dible, for functional and esthetic rehabilitation of edentulous and
partially edentulous patients
SP ∅ 4.8 mm RN
SP ∅ 4.8 mm RN*** ▪ Open-end situations in the mandible with severely atrophic bone 7 mm 7 mm 4 mm
resorption (always splinted, one implant per unit)
S ∅ 4.8 mm WN ▪ For oral endosteal implant indications in the maxilla and man- 7 mm 8.5 mm 6 – 12 mm
dible, for functional and esthetic rehabilitation of edentulous and
partially edentulous patients
▪ The S/SP ∅ 4.8 mm Implants are especially suited for wider inter-
dental spaces and ridges
▪ S/SP Implants with a WN platform are designed for the reconst-
SP ∅ 4.8 mm WN ruction of teeth with a greater neck diameter
SP ∅ 4.8 mm WN*** ▪ Open-end situations in the mandible with severely atrophic bone 7 mm 8.5 mm 4 mm
resorption (always splinted, one implant per unit)
BL ∅ 4.8 mm RC ▪ For oral endosteal implant indications in the maxilla and man- 7 mm 7 mm 8–14 mm
dible, for functional and esthetic rehabilitation of edentulous and
partially edentulous patients
▪ BL ∅ 4.8 mm Implants are especially suited for wider interdental
spaces and ridges
To establish the topographical situation, the axial orientation, and the choice of implants, we
recommend the following:
ѹ Make a wax-up/set-up on the previously prepared study cast.
ѹ Define the type of superstructure.
The wax-up/set-up can later be used as the basis for a custom-made X-ray or drill template and
for a temporary restoration.
Note: The implant abutments should always be loaded axially. Ideally, the long axis of the im-
plant is aligned with the cusps of the opposing tooth. Extreme cusp formation should be avoided.
It can lead to unphysiological loading.
The implant diameter, implant type, position and number of implants should be selected indi-
vidually, taking the anatomy and spatial circumstances (e.g. malpositioned or inclined teeth) into
account. The measurements given here should be regarded as minimum guidelines. Only when
the minimum distances are observed is it possible to design the restoration so that the necessary
oral hygiene measures can be carried out.
The final hard and soft tissue response is influenced by the position between the implant and
the proposed restoration. Therefore, it should be based on the position of the implant-abutment
connection. The implant position can be viewed in three dimensions:
ѹ Mesiodistal
ѹ Orofacial
ѹ Coronoapical
Rule 1
Distance to adjacent tooth at bone level:
A minimal distance of 1.5 mm from the implant shoulder to the adjacent tooth at bone level (mesial and distal) is recommended.
≥ 1.5 mm ≥ 1.5 mm
Rule 2
Distance to adjacent implants at bone level:
A minimal distance of 3 mm between two adjacent implant shoulders (mesiodistal) is recommended.
≥ 3 mm ≥ 3 mm
BL Implants
S/SP/TE Implants
a b c
D1 D2
≥ 3 mm
Shoulder diameter Shoulder diameter amin (mm) bmin (mm) cmin (mm) Lmin (mm)
D1 (mm) D2 (mm)
∅ 3.5 (NNC) ∅ 3.5 (NNC) 3 6.5 3 12.5
∅ 3.5 (NNC) ∅ 4.8 (RN) 3 7 4 14
∅ 3.5 (NNC) ∅ 6.5 (WN) 3 8 5 16
∅ 4.8 (RN) ∅ 4.8 (RN) 4 8 4 16
∅ 4.8 (RN) ∅ 6.5 (WN) 4 8.5 5 17.5
≥ 1.5 mm ≥ 1.5 mm
∅ 6.5 (WN) ∅ 6.5 (WN) 5 9.5 5 19.5
BL Implants
a b c
D1 D2
Shoulder diameter Shoulder diameter amin (mm) bmin (mm) cmin (mm) Lmin (mm)
D1 (mm) D2 (mm)
BL ∅ 3.3 BL ∅ 3.3 3 6.5 3 12.5
BL ∅ 3.3 BL ∅ 4.1 3 7 3.5 13.5
BL ∅ 3.3 BL ∅ 4.8 3 7 4 14
BL ∅ 4.1 BL ∅ 4.1 3.5 7 3.5 14
BL ∅ 4.1 BL ∅ 4.8 3.5 7.5 4 15
≥ 1.5 mm ≥ 3 mm ≥ 1.5 mm
BL ∅ 4.8 BL ∅ 4.8 4 7.5 4 15.5
Caution: An augmentation procedure is indicated where the orofacial bone wall is less than 1 mm
or a layer of bone is missing on one or more sides. This technique should be employed only by
dentists who have adequate experience in the use of augmentation procedures.
≥ 1 mm ≥ 1 mm
Ideally, in the esthetic region, the implant shoulder should be positioned about 1 mm apical to the cemen-
to-enamel junction (CEJ) of the contralateral tooth or 2 mm subgingival of the prospective gingival margin.
Caution: If a Straumann® Tissue Level Implant is inserted deeper than the margin of the Straumann® SLA®/
SLActive® surface, the preparation depth must be increased accordingly (see Chapter 4.1.2).
Ideally, in the esthetic region, the implant shoulder should be positioned about 3 – 4 mm subgingival of the
prospective gingival margin and with the correct implant orientation (See Chapter 4.3).
In a scalloped situation, place the mesial/distal point of the outer rim of the implant to bone level.
The lingual/palatal wall will then extend slightly over the top line of the implant. The buccal wall
is located somewhat below the implant edge.
Note: Currently, a Diagnostic T for Straumann® Bone Level Implants is not available.
Implant shoulders:
NNC = Narrow Neck CrossFit® (∅ 3.5 mm)
RN = Regular Neck (∅ 4.8 mm)
WN = Wide Neck (∅ 6.5 mm)
The disks of the Implant Distance Indicators display the shoulder diameters of Straumann® im-
plants. The Implant Distance Indicators can be used to check the available space before the start
of treatment or intraoperatively to mark the desired implant site.
Implant Distance Indicator for Straumann® Standard and Standard Plus Implants
Alternative Leg:
Art. no. 025.0044
0 0 0
2 2 2
4 4 4
6 6 6
8 8 8
10 10 10
12 12 12
14 14 14
16 16 16
0 0 0
2 2 2
4 4 4
6 6 6
8 8 8
10 10 10
12 12 12
sions are shown on the individual templates with the corresponding
distortion factors (1:1 to 1.7:1).
X-ray Template for Straumann® Standard and Standard Plus
150.215_X-Ray_TL.indd 2
17/12/2020 12:36
1.0 : 1
∅ 3.3 mm ∅ 4.1 mm ∅ 4.8 mm ∅ 3.3 mm ∅ 4.1 mm ∅ 4.8 mm
2 (049.076V4) = Ø 5.0 mm
The first stage consists of comparing the size of the X-ray Reference
4 4
8 6
10 8
12 10
14 12
16 14
Sphere on the patient’s X-ray with the size of the reference sphere
14 14
16 16
Warning: Use only the X-ray Template specific to the implant type.
X-ray Template for Straumann® Bone Level Implants
150.216_X-Ray_BL.indd 2 17/12/2020 14:14
0 0
2 2
4 4
6 6
8 8
10 10
12 12
14 14
16 16
150.215.indd 2
5 mm × 13 mm
10.8 mm
6 mm
Additional length of the drill tip:
Warning: Due to the construction and function of
the drills, the drill tip is a maximum of 0.4 mm lon-
Institut Straumann AG
ger than the implant
Peter insertion
Merian-Weg 12 depth. This additional
length must Basel,into
be taken Switzerland
consideration during the
planning phase.
0.4 mm
Etkon GmbH
Lochhamer Schlag 6
DE-82166 Gräfelfing, Germany
17/12/2020 12:36
Steps Instrumentation
Please note: Narrow Neck CrossFit® and Standard plus 4 mm Implants have a Stan-
dard Plus neck design, but both implant types require Bone Level tapping.
Widen and correct the position of the mark with the ∅ 2.3 mm or
the ∅ 3.1 mm Round Bur, if necessary.
800 rpm max.
Insert the short side of the Depth Gauge with the Implant Distance
Indicator to check for correct implant axis orientation.
Use the ∅ 2.2 mm Alignment Pin to check the implant axis and
preparation depth.
Profile drilling
The Profile Drill prepares the implant bed for a specific Straumann® implant.
ѹ Straumann® Standard Plus and Bone Level Implants require profile drilling with specific instruments. This is indepen-
dent of the bone class. Due to the unflared neck portion, Standard Plus ∅ 4.8 mm RN Implants are inserted without
profile drilling.
ѹ Straumann® Standard Implants are inserted without profile drilling.
When inserting a Straumann® Standard Plus Implant up to the implant shoulder level (see Chapter 3), the preparation depth
must be 2 mm deeper than the indicated implant length. (Example: The preparation depth for a 10 mm SP Implant inserted
up to shoulder level must be 12 mm.) The Profile Drill should also be used deeper for fine implant bed preparation. Examples
are illustrated below
Straumann® Standard Plus Profile Drill Straumann® Bone Level Profile Drill Straumann® Narrow Neck CrossFit® Profile Drill
Insertion depth Insertion depth on Insertion depth on Insertion depth on
on SLActive®/SLA® implant shoulder SLActive® surface implant shoulder
surface margin level margin level
Insert the Straumann® Standard Plus Profile Insert the Straumann® Bone Level Profile Drill Insert the Straumann® Bone Level Profile Drill
Drill according to the planned insertion depth according to the planned insertion depth of according to the planned insertion depth of
of the implant. the implant. the implant
Short drill
Depth mark
12 mm
10 mm
Label for implant type
8 mm
6 mm
Cutting head
Taps are used in the coronal area only or over the depth
of max. 12 mm.
15 rpm max.
Caution: Straumann® Taps are to be used only for the corresponding implant type!
Please note: For NNC and SP 4 mm Implants, the corresponding diameter BL Taps must be used.
Holding Key
Holding Key
Handpiece Adapter
Ratchet Adapter
Step 1 – Standard Plus Profile Drill
Shape the coronal part of the implant bed with the Standard Plus
Profile Drill.
Step 2 – Tapping the thread in dense bone
Tap the implant bed with the S/SP Tap according to the endosteal
diameter, in case of too high insertion torques.
15 rpm max.
Step 1 – Bone Level Profile Drill
Prepare the implant bed with the Straumann® Bone Level Profile
Drill. Insert the Profile Drill up to the planned implant shoulder level.
Step 2 – Tapping the thread in dense bone
Tap the implant bed with the BL Tap according to the endosteal di-
ameter, in case of too high insertion torques in dense bone.
15 rpm max.
Max. Thread S S S S
Art. no. Product
rpm pitch ∅ 3.3 RN ∅ 4.1 RN ∅ 4.8 RN ∅ 4.8 WN
Straumann® Standard Plus Implant
Bone Level Implant
4 mm 4 mm 4 mm
SP ∅ 4.1 RN SP ∅ 4.8 RN SP ∅ 4.8 WN
∅ 3.3 NNC ∅ 3.3 RN ∅ 3.3 NC ∅ 4.1 RC ∅ 4.8 RC
* Due to the unflared neck portion, the Straumann® Standard Plus ∅ 4.8 mm RN Implants are inserted without profile drilling.
Note: The blister ensures the sterility of the implant. Do not open
the blister until immediately prior to implant placement.
SLActive® only: Keep the vial upright to prevent the liquid from
flowing out.
Note: If the implant carrier is not firmly attached to the lid, screw
in the lid once again.
Note (for SLActive® only): After the implant is removed from the
solution, the chemical activity of SLActive® is ensured for 15 minutes.
1 1
Step 1 – Attach the Handpiece Adapter Step 1 – Attach the Ratchet Adapter
Hold the enclosed part of the implant Hold the enclosed part of the implant
carrier. Attach the Handpiece Adapter. carrier. Attach the Ratchet Adapter.
A click will be heard when the Adapter A click will be heard when the Adapter
is attached correctly. is attached correctly.
2 2
Step 2 – Remove the implant from the Step 2 – Remove the implant from the
carrier carrier
Simultaneously pull down the implant Simultaneously pull down the implant
carrier and lift the implant out of the carrier and lift the implant out of the
implant carrier (keep your arms steady). implant carrier (keep your arms steady).
Caution: An insertion torque of 35 Ncm is recommended. If 35 Ncm is achieved before the implant
has assumed its final position, check that the implant bed preparation is correct to avoid bone
The Loxim® is provided with a pre-determined breaking point to prevent damage to the inner
configuration of the implant, thus ensuring the integrity of the interface for mounting the pros-
Release aid R/W for Loxim® (for RC, RN and WN), 026.4558
Step 5 – Remove the instruments with Step 5 – Remove the instruments with
Loxim® Loxim®
Loxim® can easily be re-inserted to fin- Loxim® can easily be re-inserted to fin-
ish an uncompleted implant placement ish an uncompleted implant placement
until the implant is fully inserted. If the until the implant is fully inserted. If the
implant needs to be removed during implant needs to be removed during
implantation surgery, Loxim® allows implantation surgery, Loxim® allows
for counterclockwise turns. for counterclockwise turns.
After insertion, the Loxim® is detached Remove the Ratchet while holding the
with the Adapter. Adapter at the bottom, and then de-
tach the Adapter-Loxim® assembly.
Warning: If the implant has to be removed after implant placement, the retention
of the Loxim® in the implant may be reduced. Always secure the implant against
aspiration when removing the implant.
To extract the implant after breakage at the pre-determined breaking point, sim-
ply take out the broken part of the Loxim® from the Adapter and re-insert the
Adapter on the Loxim® part remaining in the implant. Counterclockwise turns will
remove the implant.
The part of the Loxim® below the pre-determined breaking point is not secured in
the Adapter and, additionally, needs to be secured against aspiration when taking
out the implant.
Caution: The broken part of the Loxim® no longer protects against high torque.
Therefore, it is not to be used to advance the placement of the implant.
1 1
Step 1 – Insertion
Ensure that the internal configuration of the implant
is clean and bloodless.
2 2
Step 2 – Wound closure
Adapt the soft tissue and suture it back tightly around
the abutment.
SLActive® SLA®
▪ Good bone quality and adequate bone quantity At least 3 – 4 weeks At least 6 weeks
▪ Implants with a diameter of 4.1 mm or 4.8 mm and a
Straumann® SLActive®/SLA® surface length of ≥ 8 mm
▪ Cancellous bone quality At least 8 weeks At least 12 weeks
▪ Implants with a diameter of 2.9 mm
▪ Implants with a diameter of 3.3 mm
▪ Implants with a Straumann® SLActive®/SLA® surface
length of 6 mm
▪ Straumann® Standard Plus Short Implant 10 – 12 weeks n. a.
▪ Straumann® SLActive®/SLA® surface is not completely Healing phase corresponding to the
in contact with the bone situation
▪ Bone augmentation measures* are necessary
* This technique should be employed only by dentists who have adequate experience in
the use of augmentation procedures.
cal Cassette with the sterile Instrument Tweezers and put into the
handle or Ratchet. The Instrument Tweezers (art. no. 046.110) were
developed and shaped specially to allow round instruments to be
gripped securely.
0.4 mm
Etkon GmbH
Lochhamer Schlag 6
DE-82166 Gräfelfing, Germany
Warning: Due to the function and design of the drills, the drill tip is 17/12/2020 12:36
0.4 mm longer than the insertion depth of the implant.
For more information, please refer to Straumann® Single-patient Instruments, Surgical User Guide
For more information, please refer to Straumann® Drill Stop, Basic Information (702874/en).
For information on how to equip the Cassette, please see the brochure Straumann® Modular
Cassette Selection Guide (702824/en).
For more technical information, please see the brochure Straumann® Modular Cassette - Basic
Information (702527/en).
The Ratchet (art. no. 046.119) of the Straumann® Dental Implant System is a two-part lever arm instrument with a rotary
knob for changing the direction of force.
Service Instrument
The Ratchet is supplied with a Service Instrument, which is used to loosen or tighten the retaining screw.
Ratchet disassembled
After loosening, the Ratchet bolt can be removed from the body of the Ratchet. It must be disassembled for cleaning and
Ratchet body
The Torque Control Device (art. no. 046.049) is an instrument for determining the torque applied to various screw connec-
tions. A specific force/torque (Ncm) is transferred to the screw connection by means of a torque bar mounted on the ratchet.
A calibration mark shows the measured tightening torque.
If the torque bar is aligned with the zero mark at rest, the precision of the displayed tightening torque is within ± 2 Ncm. The
torque bar must not be bent beyond the calibration mark on the scale, otherwise the precision can no longer be guaranteed
or the bar may break.
Recommended torque values are defined by optimal conditions for the specific screw connections of the Straumann® System.
The individual clinical situation (bone quality, implant length, implant type, implant surface, time of application of force, etc.)
also has to be considered apart from the recommended torque values.
Torque bar
SCS Screwdriver for ratchet SCS Screwdriver for handpiece AS Screwdriver for ratchet AS Screwdriver for handpiece
extra-short (15 mm), extra-short (20 mm), extra-short (15 mm), extra-short (20 mm),
short (21 mm), long (27 mm) short (26 mm), long (32 mm) short (21 mm), long (27 mm) short (26 mm), long (32 mm)
Note: All the AS (Angled Solution) components are identified via a green color coding. Please note that the SCS
and AS components are not intercompatible.
Note: The instruments with diameters of 2.2 mm, 2.8 mm, 3.5 mm and 4.2 mm match the implant diameters
of the Straumann® Dental Implant System. They are available as straight or angled models, which facilitates
access in the posterior region.
Osteotomes for bone Insert Osteomes to the desired implant length using gentle rotary movements.
ѹ The bone is prepared using the twist drills (∅ 2.2 mm/2.8 mm/3.5 mm/4.2 mm)
in accordance with the desired implant diameter. The surgeon feels his or her
way very carefully down to the cortical bone of the sinus floor (minimum dis-
tance 1 mm). This process requires precise radiological planning.
ѹ Before the instruments are used, it is advisable to mount the depth stops in or-
der not to exceed the pre-determined working depth. These are mounted onto
the instrument using an SCS screwdriver.
ѹ First, the sinus floor is fractured, which requires precise radiological planning.
The use of depth stops is also recommended in order not to exceed the pre-de-
termined working depth. The instrument is introduced by lightly tapping with
a hammer in accordance with the desired implant length. Osteotomes for sinus floor elevation
ѹ During elevation, autologous and/or alloplastic filling or bone material should
also be applied to the implant bed. The material introduced acts like a cushion,
lifting the mucous membrane in accordance with the principles of hydraulics.
ѹ Insert the implant carefully without applying extra force.
Note: The instruments with diameters of 2.2 mm, 2.8 mm, 3.5 mm and 4.2 mm
match the implant diameters of the Straumann® Dental Implant System. They
are available as straight or angled models, which facilitates access in the posterior
Instruments with high cutting performance are a basic requirement for successful implantation. The following
should therefore be remembered:
You will find detailed information in the brochure Straumann® Surgical and Prosthetic Instruments, Care and
Maintenance (702000/en).
ѹ For explantation guidelines please refer to Guidance for Implant Removal, Basic Information (702085/en). The
components required for explanation can be found in our current product catalog.
The Straumann® Dental Implant System has been comprehensively clinically documented. You can find ref-
erences to the current research literature on our website www.straumann.com or by contacting your local
Straumann representative.
The Straumann Product must be used in accordance with the instructions for use provided by the manufac-
turer. It is the practitioner’s responsibility to use the device in accordance with these instructions for use and
to determine whether the device fits the patient's individual situation.
The Straumann Products are part of an overall concept and must be used only in conjunction with the cor-
responding original components and instruments distributed by Institut Straumann AG, its ultimate parent
company and all affiliates or subsidiaries of such parent company (“Straumann”), except if stated otherwise
in this document or in the instructions for use for the respective Straumann Product. If use of products made
by third parties is not recommended by Straumann in this document or in the respective instructions for use,
any such use will void any warranty or other obligation, express or implied, of Straumann.
Some of the Straumann Products listed in this document may not be available in all countries.
In addition to the caution notes in this document, our products must be secured against aspiration when used
Upon publication of this document, all previous versions are superseded.
For detailed instructions on the Straumann Products contact your Straumann representative.
International Headquarters
Institut Straumann AG
Peter Merian-Weg 12
CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland
Phone +41 (0)61 965 11 11
152.754/en/G/06 02/22
702084/en/G/06 02/22