Review On Adspars 2
Review On Adspars 2
Review On Adspars 2
Statistics shows that transients produced by lightning or momentary links with external objects, have produced
more than 80% of faults in overhead lines. Reclosing of circuit breaker (CB) after a pre-defined dead time is very
common however reclosing onto permanent faults may damage the power system stability and aggravate severe
damage to the system. Thus, adaptive single-phase auto-reclosing (ASPAR) based on investigating existing electrical
signals has fascinated engineers and researchers. An ASPAR blocks CB reclosing onto permanent faults and allows
reclosing permission once secondary arc is quenched. To address the subject, there have been many ASPARs
techniques proposed based on the features trapped in a faulty phase. This paper presents a critical survey of
adaptive auto-reclosing schemes that have hitherto been applied to EHV transmission lines.
Keywords: Adaptive auto-reclosing, Protection, EHV transmission lines, Temporary faults, Permanent faults
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Khan et al. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (2019) 4:18 Page 2 of 10
lines can still permit more than half of their nominal a temporary and a permanent fault. If a permanent fault
power, hence improving the system consistency and sta- is spotted, reclosing is blocked. Otherwise, the scheme
bility [2]. The SPAR methodologies can be divided into looks for an arc extinction instant before reclosing. After
two classes: traditional [2–6] and adaptive [7–10] auto- the extinction of secondary arc, residual voltages will ap-
reclosing. pear on the line which is an indication for a safest
Traditional single-phase auto-reclosing schemes are reclosing instant. This single phase tripping operation
employed with fixed dead time and are unable to can only be tolerable for a few seconds. Otherwise this
identify the fault nature. Which means the re-closing unbalanced condition can challenge the stability of the
can be initiated during the fault or reclosing can re- whole power system.
initiate the fault and causes over-voltages across the Circuit breakers play a vital role in any AA scheme
circuit breaker [11, 12]. as the reclosing decision is heavily dependent on the
To overcome the limitations of traditional auto reclos- post fault information. Therefore most AA schemes
ing schemes, some adaptive auto reclosing schemes were utilizes the presence of secondary arc for decision
introduced in the past, which are called ASPAR. These making. Keeping the above mentioned facts in mind,
techniques can be divided into two main categories i.e. an adaptive autoreclosure must have the following
communication or both ends data based and non- traits [21]:
communication or local end data based methodologies.
These methodologies can be further classified on the It can discriminate between permanent and
basis of time domain, frequency domain and time- temporary faults efficiently.
frequency domains analysis [13–17]. In each of these It can determine the moment of secondary arc
methodologies, voltage, current or both signals are ex- extinction.
amined to discriminate between temporary and perman- It can define an optimum reclosure time [22].
ent faults and to detect the arc extinction instant. It cannot be affected by varying power system
In this paper, the authors will discuss details about dif- operating conditions.
ferent existing ASPAR methodologies around the world. It should ensure stability although there are some
This paper provides the deep understandings into the changes in network topology
adaptive autoreclosing. The contribution of this paper is
to highlight the positives and negatives of each method- 3 Research overview in adaptive autoreclosing
ology which are utilized in the implementation or study Adaptive autoreclosing techniques are mainly focused
in order to guide engineers and researchers. on discrimination of temporary and permanent faults
The paper is organized in four sections. Section 2 dis- and the identification of safest reclosing instant, in
cusses adaptive autoreclosure Section 3 discusses re- case of temporary faults. These techniques are classi-
search overview in adaptive autoreclosing Section 4 fied into two categories i.e. non-communication or
concludes the paper. local end data based and communication or both
ends data based.
2 Adaptive autoreclosure
The principal objective of an Adaptive Autoreclosing 3.1 Non-communication or local end data based ASPAR
(AA) scheme is to detect the soonest and safest re- schemes
energization moment without inviting secondary trips. Discrimination between permanent and temporary faults
The basic ASPAR operation is shown in Fig. 1. based on local end data was first introduced in early
The various stages of an ASPAR scheme can be 1990s [23]. Voltage and current values from the local
clearly seen in Fig. 1. Figure 1a shows the normal oper- end terminal are obtained and analyzed. A key benefit
ation or pre-fault condition of a power system. A single by this is that communications channels are not re-
line to ground fault (transient or permanent) is quired. Non-communication based methodologies can
incepted on a phase as shown in Fig. 1b. Faulted phase further be classified on the basis of their domain, utilised
is isolated by the conventional protection and can be for analysis i.e. time domain, frequency domain and
seen in Fig. 1c. Fault nature identification is performed time-frequency domain analysis. A review of ASPAR
and in case of a transient fault, wait for the secondary techniques based on the criteria discussed above with
to be completely extinguished, see Fig. 1d. Figure 1e their advantages and technical limitations are presented
shows that the arc is extinguished and now it is safe to in this section.
reclose the faulted phase.
A temporary fault also involves the determination of 3.1.1 Time domain analysis based
arc extinction [8, 9, 18–20]. Any ASPAR scheme first Time domain analysis referred to as an analysis of
determines the fault nature i.e. it differentiates between any mathematical function or a physical signal with
Khan et al. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (2019) 4:18 Page 3 of 10
respect to time. It was first developed in the late whenever the fault is incepted, circuit breaker is
1940s. Time domain analysis is used to identify the opened and the secondary arc is quenched. Whenever
behavior of a signal at a specific instant. Also it can a phase experiences a fault, the current goes up and
give information about how a signal changes with the voltages goes down to keep the balance in power
time. Time domain analysis based techniques are input and output. Therefore ACUSUM detects these
discussed below. changes in voltage magnitude and counts for two dec-
Adaptive cumulative sum method (ACUSUM) based rements followed by one increment. Increment in
ASPAR scheme is presented in [19]. It detects the voltage amplitude gives an indication that the second-
amplitude changes in the faulted phase voltages. ary arc is quenched and a reclosing command is sent
Amplitude of the faulted phase voltages changes, to the circuit breaker. This technique possess some
Khan et al. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (2019) 4:18 Page 4 of 10
technical challenges. The voltage waveform depends Deionization time delay is provided which is mandatory
on the type of fault i.e. the voltage rises with growing to ensure the extinction of the secondary arc.
fault impedance [23]. Also, the fault can reinitiate As the voltage rises with growing fault impedance,
upon reclosing therefore no deionization time delay is therefore voltage amplitude may rise instead of
provided. decreasing.
Another ACUSUM based methodology is discussed in Optimal dead time for secondary arc must be
[24]. After the secondary arc extinction a delay named determined for safe reclosing.
(Delay 3) is provided for the arc path to be completely de- Magnitude of the zero sequence voltages depend
ionized so that fault cannot re-initiate itself. Then in case of upon the magnitude of the fault current. Due to the
a temporary fault, ACUSUM detects an amplitude incre- presence of noise, it would be difficult to evaluate
ment in the faulted phase voltages and a reclosing com- mean value of zero sequence voltages and hence to
mand is sent to CB. Although deionization time delay is discriminate between temporary and permanent fault.
provided, but still this scheme cannot be implemented in Practical application of different ASPAR schemes is
practical power system as shunt reactors are not considered not possible as the actual power system is not
for simulation studies. Residual voltages show swing behav- considered.
ior after the secondary arc is extinguished therefore shunt
compensated transmission lines must be considered. 3.1.2 Frequency domain analysis based
A novel method based on zero sequence voltages is pre- Frequency domain analysis was first introduced in early
sented in [17]. As the zero sequence voltages only appear 1960s. It is the analysis of any signal or mathematical
in case of fault and are in phase with the other phases, function with respect to frequency. Techniques based on
therefore the zero sequence voltages are measured at the frequency domain analysis are discussed below.
relay point after the CB opening. An index is generated by A numerical algorithm is presented in [16] which
estimating the mean value of the zero sequence voltages utilizes total harmonic distortion (THD)% to classify
which have a non-zero value in case of temporary fault at temporary and permanent faults. This algorithm is suit-
the instant when the secondary arc is quenched. The able for defining adaptive dead time, and obstructing
scheme presented is adaptive in nature and don’t need any automatic reclosing during permanent faults. The arc
pre-defined threshold value. It provide simple solution for produced in case of a transient fault, is a source of
distinguishing between permanent and temporary faults. higher harmonics. Therefore THD is calculated to iden-
Adaptive Linear Neuron (ADALINE) based autoreclos- tify the fault nature. Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) is
ing scheme is discussed in [25]. By which error signal is applied to the faulted phase voltages to calculate THD
generated by comparing the present value of the terminal factor. A non-linear nature of the arcing faults on a
voltages with the previous one. During the fault, an error transmission line, causes the distortion of the arc voltage
signal is created by computing the change in magnitude of [31, 32]. Therefore, THD% has a greater value during
the terminal voltages. ADALINE is used because of its the secondary arc and it has a small value after the arc
adaptive signal predictive nature, it can detect the change extinction. This will give an indication that the arc is
in input signal immediately [26–28]. Time Average of quenched and now it is safe to reclose.
Error Signal (TAES) [29] is calculated as the error signal PRONY based numerical algorithm is presented in
shows non-linear behavior. In case of a temporary fault [33]. The technique utilizes the swing behavior of wave-
TAES sharply increases and after the arc extinction, it de- form, produced due to the presence of shunt reactors, to
cays slowly. While in case of permanent fault, TAES identify the fault nature. In case of a temporary fault the
sharply increases and will never decay. This fact is used to current in the shunt reactor has a low frequency compo-
identify the fault nature and to indicate the secondary arc nent. When it combines with the power frequency com-
extinction instant. It is fast enough to detect a change in ponent, due to the mutual coupling between phases, a
the input signal [30]. There are some limitations as the swing behavior of waveform is produced. While there is
voltage magnitude depends upon fault current and fault only power frequency component of current in the open
location therefore it is difficult to analyze non-linear be- phase is present in case of permanent fault. As the volt-
havior of the terminal voltages. It may not work for an un- age magnitude depends on the load currents and fault
accounted situation. resistance, therefore it would be problematic to assess
The techniques presented in this section are well suited the voltage magnitude and hence to differentiate be-
for single phase adaptive autoreclosing application. Their tween permanent and temporary faults [23].
advantages and technical limitations are as under: Shunt compensated transmission lines are addressed in
[34]. For the shunt-compensated transmission lines, after
The reclosing time is very short which is very good the arc disappearance, the residual voltages show an oscil-
for power system stability. lating behavior due to the mutual coupling between lines
Khan et al. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (2019) 4:18 Page 5 of 10
and the shunt reactor’s inductance. This wave shape may coefficients are then added to define an index which will
contain different frequency components. The proposed have a higher value in case of a temporary fault and re-
adaptive reclosing methodology uses the fundamental mains zero for permanent faults. Moreover when the
value of the faulted phase voltage to define the fault nature index has a zero value in case of temporary faults, it is an
but to calculate the spectral and temporary energies of an indication of secondary arc quenching. Reactor compen-
actual power system is not an easy task to perform. sated transmission lines are also discussed in this paper
Recovery voltages show different frequency character- due to their swing effect on the faulted phase voltages [22,
istics in different situations. A new method based on 39]. This technique is suitable for both reactor compen-
power spectrum is proposed in [35]. During the tempor- sated and uncompensated transmission lines.
ary fault period, there will be high frequency compo- Wavelet transform (WT) and adaptive fuzzy neuro in-
nents in the bus voltages at primary arc stage. During ference (ANFIS) based adaptive autoreclosing scheme is
the secondary arc phase, due to the non-linear behavior presented in [40]. ANFIS is an efficient pattern classifier
of the arc, residual voltages comprises of power and res- based on its training [41]. Wavelet transformation is used
onant frequency components. While the recovery volt- for signal processing and ANFIS for its wide range of logic
age only have power frequency component in case of a sets to differentiate between permanent and temporary
permanent fault. Amplitude and resonant frequency faults. Using the low and high pass filters, the terminal
components are then utilized to determine the fault na- voltages are decomposed into its coefficients [42]. In case
ture. However the above mentioned technique is very of temporary fault, the percentage of energy of these coef-
useful in determining the fault nature and the appropri- ficients is greater than zero, and in case of permanent
ate reclosing instant but the relationship of several fac- fault, it remains close to zero. This fact is used to discrim-
tors such as line parameters, fault position, pre-fault inate between permanent and temporary faults. It is ro-
loading, source constraints, and atmospheric conditions bust against noise but fuzzy logic needs predefined logic
which effect the actual waveforms of the secondary arc, sets which cannot be improved once established [43, 44].
may impede the effectiveness of this technique. The advantages and disadvantages of the above dis-
The pros and cons of the techniques presented in this cussed techniques are:
section are:
Wavelet analysis gives information in both time and
Shunt compensated transmission lines are discussed frequency domains.
in some techniques for their swing behavior of The response of a signal in time and frequency
residual voltages. domains can be separately observed.
Actual power system is considered for simulation AI based techniques perform well for the problems
studies. Which increases the adaptability of the it is trained.
proposed schemes. It depends upon the applied mother wavelet [45] and
Secondary arc is the combination of low and high decomposition of a signal into its detailed coefficients
frequency components, therefore it would be a needs an extensive computational burden.
hectic task to calculate THD% accurately. Artificial intelligence based algorithms needs an
Due to the higher voltage level secondary arc will extensive training before implementation.
take longer time to decay therefore an optimal dead They are useless for an unaccounted situation.
time must be determined before reclosing. Training of an ANN [46, 47] is a burdensome job to do
Swing behavior appears in shunt compensated
transmission lines, can help secondary arc to reside A brief summary of ASPAR schemes mentioned in the
for longer time. above section is presented in Table 1. Table 1 gives infor-
mation of different ASPAR techniques in terms of their
3.1.3 Time-frequency domain analysis based reclosing time, transmission system utilised for simulation
Time-frequency domain analysis was first introduced in studies, input values to an ASPAR and the methods.
1909 in Haar wavelets. It can provide information in
both time and frequency domain at the same time. 3.2 Communication or both ends data based ASPAR
Time-frequency domain based techniques are discussed schemes
in this section [36, 37]. The technology of obtaining data from both ends of a
Wavelet packet transform (WPT) based adaptive autore- transmission line for adaptive autoreclosing application,
closing scheme is presented in [38] for its richer range of was first established in 1989. It offers an ideal measure-
possibilities for signal analysis. WPT is used to decompose ment system by comparing the values of either ends, to
the faulted phase voltages into its detailed coefficients by observe and control a power system [48]. The vital fea-
using low and high pass filters. The values of these ture of the technique is that it is suitable for widely
Khan et al. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (2019) 4:18 Page 6 of 10
separated locations [49, 50]. Communication based issues. It is presented in [23] that (i) the voltage magnitudes
adaptive autoreclosing schemes can further be classified diverge significantly with load currents and fault imped-
on the basis of time domain and frequency domain ana- ance, (ii) in case of a permanent fault, actual voltage magni-
lysis. Techniques lies in the categories discussed above tude is very challenging to determine and (iii) the effect of
with their technical limitations are discussed in this fault impedance on the magnitude of voltage.
section. Adaptive autoreclosing scheme based on artificial
neural network (ANN) is presented in [53]. Gabor
3.2.1 Time domain analysis based transformation (GT) is used as an innovative signal
A synchrophasor based adaptive autoreclosing technique processing tool to extract information of the faulty
is presented in [51]. The algorithm discriminate the fault phase current values. On the basis of these Gabor coeffi-
type by measuring the synchronized data of healthy phases cients, feedforward ANN based classifier will recognize
at both ends of the line. By computing the current values whether it is permanent or a temporary fault. The tech-
on either sides of the line, an index is generated. In case of nique has following limitations as the signal transform-
any fault, one of the current becomes erroneous, and if ation requires broad computation. Faulted phase current
the fault is temporary in nature, the index becomes zero value depends on line construction, therefore it may have
after the secondary arc extinction. This fact is used to dif- different values due to the mutual coupling with other
ferentiate between temporary and permanent faults and to healthy phases.
define a reclosing instant. While obtaining the data from Prony theory based fault nature identification for
both ends of the line accurately, noise free proper commu- adaptive autoreclosing scheme is presented in [15]. This
nication channel is required. Which may increase the cost ANN based methodology is trained by Resilient Back-
of the entire scheme. propagation and Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm. The
Another communication aided technique is presented in inputs to the ANN are the faulted phase voltage wave-
[11], by which faulted phase voltages are predicted by using forms obtained by applying Prony analysis (PA), a
the information of healthy phases at the instant of CB trip- method that estimates a function with a sum of damped
ping and secondary arc disappearance on either ends. Mag- sinusoids. The PA effectively indicate the change in the
nitude and phase angle of the voltage are monitored to amplitudes of both types of faults but it require exten-
detect the arc elimination instant. Permanent fault is identi- sive training and it is not immune to noise.
fied, when the voltage magnitude and phase angle shows The techniques discussed above possess some advan-
similarity for a few cycles, after the circuit breakers are tages and disadvantages which are:
interrupted from both ends [52]. Therefore, both the mag-
nitude and angle derivation is used to detect the permanent Phasor data can be considered for multiple
fault. Although the synchrophasor based measurement purposes, such as wide area monitoring, real time
techniques gaining more attention but they possess some operations and for power system planning.
Khan et al. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (2019) 4:18 Page 7 of 10
Communication based algorithms needs a noise free power is calculated at both line terminals in order to
medium, which is indeed an expensive and difficult perceive the synchronized effect of arc extinction on
task to perform. voltage and current waveforms. Programmable Logic
Faulted phase current may have a different value Control (PLC) communication is employed to compare
due to the mutual coupling with the healthy phases. the values at each end. Then by DFT, the fundamental
Therefore it is difficult to calculate the actual value components of the power are obtained. An increase in
of the faulted phase current. operating power value gives an indication for secondary
Mathematical algorithms require extensive training arc extinction.
and are unable to deal with unaccounted situations. Fault nature and fault location identification technique
based on IED’s installed at both line terminals, for synchro-
3.2.2 Frequency domain analysis based nized measurements of voltage phasors is presented in [58].
Another communication based methodology by which GPS is used for communication between two IED’s. Tem-
line currents and voltages are sampled at both ends of porary recorder is used to record arc voltages on either ends
the line by using Phasor Measurement Units (PMU) is of the line. DFT is applied to obtain the harmonic content
presented in [54]. Fast communication channels and two present in voltage and current waveforms. A fault is referred
Intelligent Electronic Device’s (IED) are installed at the as a temporary fault if the calculated value of the arc voltage
line terminals. IED’s are based on a predefined settings amplitude is greater than the minimum arc voltage ampli-
file. The testing of setting file is one of the most time tude. Using GPS for communication purpose may contain
consuming task. DFT is then applied for voltage and some problems as GPS accuracy depends on quality of the
current harmonics and for phasor calculations. Then by received signals. GPS signal gets affected due to atmosphere
computing the arc resistance and total fault resistance, (i.e. ionosphere), electromagnetic interference etc.
the technique efficiently determine the fault location and Another ADALINE based intelligent algorithm is
fault nature (permanent or temporary). In this scheme, presented in [59]. ADALINE looks for the harmonic
the communication channels require more training to content present in the faulted phase voltages, to discrim-
transmit the data in its actual form when applied to long inate between temporary and permanent faults in power
transmission lines. transmission lines. In case of permanent fault, during
A PMU based technique [14], in which synchronized secondary arc period, the value of total harmonic inverse
measurement of voltages and current phasors is carried factor (THIF) remains high. While in case of temporary
out. Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) is implemented for faults THIF decreases after the secondary arc is quenched.
communication between two modules [55, 56]. Different The technique undergo some issues as if there is an
sequences of voltage and current phasors are utilized to abrupt change in the system, large error signal is gener-
identify the fault nature. Faulted phase voltages are mea- ated and ADALINE may loses its ability to track the
sured after the CB is open. When THD based temporary change [60, 61]. During secondary arc period, the arc may
fault detector (TFD) detects a value less than the defined have low and high frequency components so THIF may
value for two cycles, the fault is determined as permanent become erroneous.
fault. Before implementing this technique one should keep The advantages and disadvantages of methodologies
it in mind that GPS signals can easily be attenuated due to presented in this section are discussed below:
some hurdles to the signals such as buildings, trees and at-
mospheric conditions. Also a GPS device can be battery PMU’s are widely adopted for their higher scan rate
driven and needs a power supply to operate it. and precision of data.
Another PMU based adaptive autoreclosing technique It allows many real time algorithms to implement
is presented in [57]. PMU based synchronized measure- PMU’s to enhance speed and accuracy.
ment of voltage and current phasors, from both ends is GPS signals can easily be attenuated by the hurdles
carried out to calculate the impedance parameters of the such as buildings, trees and atmospheric conditions.
line. Which means a separate and dedicated PMU re- Power supply is required to operate the GPS devices
quire on either sides of the line which is very expensive. which is not always possible.
The variation of fault current and voltages before and The communication between the two PMU’s via GPS
after the fault incidence, measured on either ends of the require high bandwidth communication links, and
line are used to define a threshold and to select that noise free medium which is very difficult to create.
which phase is under fault. Then by THD factor value, As PLC is a solid state semiconductor device which
fault type and the arc extinction instant is determined. is temperature dependent. Therefore after certain
Zero sequence differential power based scheme is pro- temperature they might malfunction. Extensive
posed in [13]. The technique utilizes the variation in the training is required to program a PLC to operate for
line voltages and currents. Instantaneous zero sequence different operations.
Khan et al. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (2019) 4:18 Page 8 of 10
Table 2 gives a brief comparison of different meth- various techniques from different papers are pre-
odologies presented in this section. It compares dif- sented in Table 3.
ferent techniques on the basis of their reclosing
time, transmission line construction, input value to 4 Conclusion
an ASPAR and the methods used to implement This paper provides an extensive review on the ASPAR
ASPAR. Some important equations that were used in schemes and related issues. These schemes are classified
6 Ψ r ¼ nk¼1 ðC r;k
Index value calculation in synchrophasor based ASPAR scheme [51]
M þ C r;k
NQ V k
NCË þ Dr;k r;k k
7 Pk(1) = max [(Pk − 1(1) + Vk(1) − Vdyn − k), 0] Basic ACUSUM algorithm for voltage amplitude detection [19, 24]
Pk(2) = max [(Pk − 1(2) + Vk(2) − Vdyn − k), 0]
8 X k ¼ N−1 x e−i2πkn=N k ¼ 0; …::; N−1 For calculating FFT and DFT of a signal [16, 66]
Pn¼0 n −2πikn
X k ¼ N−1
n¼0 x n e
Khan et al. Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (2019) 4:18 Page 9 of 10
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Authors’ contributions
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read and approve the final version of the manuscript. 17. Jamali, S., & Parham a. (2010). New approach to adaptive single pole auto-
reclosing of power transmission lines. IET Generation, Transmission &
Funding Distribution, 4, 115.
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approach to adaptive single pole auto-reclosing in high voltage
Availability of data and materials transmission systems based on variable dead time control. IEEE Transactions
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analyzed during this research. 19. Khodadadi, M., Noori, M. R., & Shahrtash, S. M. (2013). A noncommunication
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