Minutes of Meeting 2nd Quarter Devleopment Meeting
Minutes of Meeting 2nd Quarter Devleopment Meeting
Minutes of Meeting 2nd Quarter Devleopment Meeting
Meeting/Project Name: 1st Quarter SGOD Program Implementation Review for CY 2023
Date of Meeting: April 14, 2023 Time: 8:30 a.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Joy E. Letran–Singson Location/Platform: Missio Dei Hotel, Dipolog City
Attendance at Meeting
Name Section/Position Signature
1. Ervie A. Acaylar EPS/ACES
2. Sonia Y. Uy MO III, SHN
3. Cheryl V. Ocupe MO III, SHN
4. Joy Marie O. Labog Dentist II, SHN
5. Wilson H. Inding SEPS, SMME
6. Robert I. Poculan III SEPS, HRD
7. Jessie E. Elacan SEPS, SMN
8. Dave A. Patigayon Engr. III, EFS
9. Eunice D. Janolino PDO II, DRRM
10. Giparel B. Elumba PO III, P&R
11. Joseph L. Pantoja PDO I, YFS
12. Ethyl Kimberly S. Labadan PDO-I, YFS
13. Laisa Madel M. Cinches PDO I, YFS
14. Mary Jerica L. Ocupe ADA VI
Agenda and Notes, Decisions, Issues
1. L&D and CPD Concerns
2. ZAMPENTAHM Process and Reporting
3. Presentation of 1st Quarter Accomplishment Reports
4. Admin matters
Discussion Agreement/Resolve
Welcome Remarks: ASDS Ma. Judelyn J. Ramos
Message: SDS Roy C. Tuballa
Overview of the Activity and Statement of Purpose:
CES Joy E. Letran-Singson
Agenda #1:
SEPS Poculan reported updates on L&D and CPD All concerns should be raised during the SGOD
concerns meeting with SDS Tuballa on April 19, 2023
PDO Janolino expressed her concerns regarding the
process of requiring proposals before
releasing/utilization of program funds
Meeting/Project Name: 1st Quarter SGOD Program Implementation Review for CY 2023
Date of Meeting: April 14, 2023 Time: 8:30 a.m.
Meeting Facilitator: Joy E. Letran–Singson Location/Platform: Missio Dei Hotel, Dipolog City
Agenda #2:
SEPS Inding presented the Zamboanga Peninsula SMME to draft a memo on the monitoring of the
Handbook on Technical Assistance Mechanism utilization of the ZAMPENHTAM
Agenda #3:
Presentation of 1st Quarter Accomplishment Reports ASDS Ramos commented that CES status of
for CY 2023 accomplishment should also include the gaps of each
- EPS unit/section and how the gaps can be addressed
- CES CES asked every section to submit in advance their
accomplishment reports to determine their respective
ASDS Ramos emphasized that the real
- SMN accomplishments are the outcome/results of the
- DRRM implementation of every program
- SHNS (Medical & Dental) Another column to be added in the accomplishment
- HRD & DIO report template for “Success Indicators”
- P&R Targets should be expressed in numbers or
percentage (quantifiable)
Agenda #4:
CES presented the status of report submission and
fund utilization
Re: Assignment of PDO Labadan to the BAC office as
part of her secondary duties – PDO Labadan
requested to be relieved from her other secondary
duties/designations (PRIME-HRM, QMS, DDEC) so
that she can focus on her responsibilities in the BAC