Bec-Chemistry Conference Brochure
Bec-Chemistry Conference Brochure
Bec-Chemistry Conference Brochure
Dr.B. Ratna Sunil Dr.V.S.Baswanth Oruganti Dr. S. Mohan, Asst. Prof. & Treasurer-SCMQ-2024 Organized by
Assoc. Prof., Dept. of ME, BEC, Asst. Prof., Dept. of Chemistry,
Dr. P. Priyadarshini. Asst. Prof. Department of Chemistry
Bapatla SRM University, AP (Recognized as Research Centre by ANU)
Mrs.V. Suneetha, Asst. Prof. Bapatla Engineering College (Autonomous)
Dr. K. Lakshmi. Asst. Prof. Mahatmaji Puram, GBC Road, Bapatla, Bapatla (Dt),
Andhra Pradesh, INDIA, Pin Code:-522102
Dr. K. Umamaheswar, Asst. Prof. In association with
Ms. B. Sujatha, Asst. Prof. A.P. Akademi of Sciences, Amaravathi
Sri. N. Kiran Kumar, HoD, MCA Dept.
Dr. Rahul Shukla,
Asst. Prof. Department of
Chemistry, GITAM
University, Vizag
ABOUT THE COLLEGE Harmony in Chemistry: parentheses in text. The body text should be followed by
Bapatla Engineering College (Autonomous) was Witness the seamless fusion of chemical principles with scheme/figure, if any followed by 2-3 references.
established by Bapatla Education Society in the year 1981 and material design and quantum phenomena. Explore how Poster Size: The poster size is A0, equals 118 cm height x 84
is reckoned for its academic excellence in engineering & chemistry advancements drive innovation in materials and cm length, or smaller. Please choose upright format and keep
sciences. It is a constituent institution of Acharya Nagarjuna influence quantum computing. Engage in discussions on in mind that the font sizes should be big enough to allow your
University and is one of the best private engineering molecular design, catalysis, and chemical processes poster to be read from some distance. We suggest using a font
institutions in the southern region accredited with ‘A+’ by intersecting with material science and quantum information. size of 22-24 pt. for texts and 60-70 pt. for headings. You are
NAAC. BEC offers graduate courses in 10 disciplines, five PG Interconnected Material Science: kindly asked to bring your poster fully assembled and printed.
courses in Engineering and four PG courses in Sciences. The Discover the fusion of chemistry and quantum concepts, The abstract should be submitted to
College is a little away from the din and bustle of Bapatla, a crafting materials with tailored properties. Uncover how ‘[email protected].’
town with a historic and hoary past, about 75 Km. south of material scientists leverage quantum principles for enhanced IMPORTANT DATES
Vijayawada on Chennai-Vijayawada rail route. All design and characterization. Delve into the symbiotic Last date of submission of abstract: 23-01-2024
departments have well equipped laboratories in addition to the relationship between material science and quantum Intimation of acceptance of abstract: 24-01-2024
common facilities of workshops, central library, state-of-art computing, shaping the future of electronics and energy. Last date for payment of registration fee: 28-01-2024
central computing facility, sports facilities and Innovation Quantum Leap into the Future: Spot registration is also available at the venue for Participants
Centers that houses research and testing facilities for industrial Immerse in the quantum frontier, where the collaboration of AWARDS
projects and technology labs to promote inter-disciplinary chemistry and material science propels quantum computer Award sections will be conducted for oral and poster
research activities. development. Witness quantum algorithms solving complex presentations. Best two presentations will be given for each
ABOUT THE DEPARTMENT problems, engaging with experts pushing the boundaries of category.
Established in 1981, the Department of Chemistry hardware and software, offering a glimpse into the future of ACCOMODATION
boasts a team of experienced, highly qualified, and dedicated computational capabilities. Limited hostel facility is available for Female participants
faculty members with diverse specializations. Currently, nine CONFERENCE TOPICS on payment basis. For Male Participants, accommodation will
doctorates contribute to the department's academic excellence. Computational Chemistry, Synthetic Organic Chemistry be available in local hotels of Bapatla on payment basis.
The department oversees engineering chemistry and Medicinal Chemistry, Drug Discovery and Design REGISTRATION LINK
environmental studies for B.Tech as well as Diploma courses, Green Chemistry, Environmental Science, Material Science,
and offers M.Sc. Chemistry program specializing in Organic Quantum Computing, Nano Materials, Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry. Recognized as a Pharmaceutical Science, Polymer Science REGISTRATION FEE
Research Centre by Acharya Nagarjuna University, it conducts Join us at the Synergies in Chemistry, Material Science,
Category of Participants Registration Fee
research for M.Phil and Ph.D. courses. With a noteworthy and Quantum Computers Conference and be part of a
accomplishment of publishing numerous research papers, the transformative experience where boundaries dissolve, and Industry 1000 /-
department has significantly contributed to the college's synergies emerge to shape the future of scientific exploration Faculty 750 /-
recognition in prestigious journals. The cumulative research and innovation. Together, let's pave the way for a new era of Research Scholars 500 /-
publications of our faculty members exceed 250, reflecting the interdisciplinary breakthroughs! Students 300/-
department's commitment to advancing knowledge in the field. CALL FOR PAPERS (ORAL & POSTER The payment can be made by electronic money transfer
ABIUT THE CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS) as per the following details
Welcome to the frontier of interdisciplinary Original and unpublished review/research papers are Beneficiary Name: CH.SUBRAMANYAM
collaboration! The Synergies in Chemistry, Material Science, invited from research scholars, students, academicians and Account Number: 50100211481710
Name of the bank: HDFC, Bapatla branch
and Quantum Computers Conference is an exclusive gathering Scientists for presentation in the multi-disciplinary areas of
IFSC Code: HDFC0002642
that highlights the seamless integration of three dynamic fields. Chemistry, Material Science Quantum computing. One page
The payment can also be made through
Join us on this transformative journey as we explore the abstract should be made in MS word (A4, single space, G-Pay or Phone Pay @ 9490385962
powerful synergies that emerge when Chemistry, Material Times New Roman with front size 12) with margins of 1.5 For further details Contact:
Science, and Quantum Computers converge, unlocking new inches (left & right) and 1 inch (top & bottom). It should not Dr.Ch. Subramanyam, Convener, 9490385962,
possibilities and reshaping the landscape of scientific exceed 500 words and should contain title in bold, author Email: [email protected]
innovation. name (s), the affiliation including email id of the Dr. K. Prasada Rao, Organizing Secretary 8008514677,
corresponding author. The reference should be sited in Email: [email protected]