86-Article Text-1508-1-10-20220825
86-Article Text-1508-1-10-20220825
86-Article Text-1508-1-10-20220825
1 (2022)
Abstract: This study aims: to test and analyze the influence of leadership style, employee
commitment, work motivation, and work climate on employee job satisfaction with direct and
indirect effects. This study uses primary data from a survey of 221 employees as sample. Data were
Received: July 18, 2021 analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with AMOS. The results showed that: (1)
Revised: Augusts 21, 2021 empirically, the leadership style, employees commitment, work motivation, and work climate had
Accepted: February 02, 2022 a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction; (2) employees commitment, work motivation,
and work climate have a positive and significant effect on employees performance through job
*Corresponding author: M. satisfaction as an intervening variable, while leadership style has no significant effect; (3) employee
Megawati, Department of
commitment, work motivation, and work climate indirectly have a positive and significant effect
Management, Institut Bisnis dan
Keuangan Nitro, Makassar, Indonesia on employees performance through job satisfaction as an intervening variable, while the leadership
style has no significant effect; and (4) job satisfaction has a positive and significant direct influence
E-mail: [email protected]
on employees performance. This study suggested that work motivation, employee commitment,
and work climate that provide significant influence need to be maintained, while leadership styles
that have insignificant influence on employee performance need to be improved and prioritized
as the company's efforts to improve job satisfaction and employee performance.
Keywords: Leadership style, Employee Commitment, Work Motivation, Working Climate, Job
Satisfaction, and Employee Performance
JEL Classification Code: 015, L20, L30
Development in all fields is the main goal that is being actively implemented to create a just and
prosperous society. Thus, by opening the most comprehensive possible business opportunities by the
government to the public, the development of the national business world today grows and develops
rapidly. Various types of business entities, both government and private companies, continue to
emerge. By itself, the development of the business world is increasingly colored by increasingly fierce
competition. The position of human resources in the company is significant (Tefera & Hunsaker,
2020). Therefore, human resource management is needed so that human resource management can run
as expected by the company. Workers are human beings who have different characteristics and
characteristics. In carrying out the tasks assigned to him, it takes a strong workforce, competent, has
high discipline and dedication to show high performance in carrying out their duties (Liu & Huang,
2020). Thus, efficient and effective employees will be created so that they can carry out tasks and work
based on predetermined work lines or work standards or in other words, efficient and effective
employees are employees who work following work standards, namely discipline and on time, full of
initiative in carrying out tasks without waiting for orders from leaders (Ronay et al., 2020).
Each company has specific goals according to their respective business fields, but the main target to
be achieved is profit and other purposes, such as continuity of company life and participation in
improving the community's welfare. For that, a company that wants to maintain its existence better,
then the essential thing is the ability of the company's leadership to manage all existing potential
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M. Megawati et al., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.2, Issue. 1 (2022)
effectively and efficiently, and the utilization of the current workforce will affect the improvement of
employee performance, including employees at PT Semen Tonasa. PT Semen Tonasa is one of the
companies engaged in the production and marketing of cement. This company always strives to
improve itself through continuous evaluation and development. With the support of human resources
and solid capital, it synergized with the strength of a reliable managerial strategy. This improvement is
expected to create sustainable growth in the company's profitability. PT Semen Tonasa carries a vision:
"To become a leading cement company in Indonesia with a high level of efficiency." Meanwhile, the
missions carried out are: Increasing the company's value according to the wishes of stakeholders.
Producing cement to meet consumer needs with competitive quality and price and timely delivery.
Always striving to make improvements in all fields to increase competitiveness in the market and
company productivity and build a work environment that can arouse employee motivation to work
professionally. To realize the vision and mission it carries, it must be supported by the ability of human
resources as one of the determining factors for its success. Human resources are significant and have a
strategic role in formulating and implementing company policies. Human resources are a precious
organizational asset and play an essential role in the company's survival. The basic strategy needed to
improve and empower the potential of human resources in the organization is to foster and enhance
the quality of human resources so that they can work professionally following the tasks and functions
assigned to them. PT Semen Tonasa maintains product quality so that the price can be higher because
every consumer country always wants quality cement. The success achieved by PT Semen Tonasa in
increasing the volume of cement sales, thanks to the implementation of efficient and effective work, has
continuously shown improvement despite increasingly fierce competition, both in foreign markets and
in the domestic market itself. PT Semen Tonasa's products are very well known in the market, as
evidenced by the growth in sales per year, with an average of 17.33 percent.
The development of cement sales at PT Semen Tonasa from 2012 to 2016 tends to fluctuate. In
2014, cement sales growth decreased by 8.47%, but in subsequent years, it increased to 26.13% in 2016.
Efforts to improve the company's performance must, of course, be supported by the quality and
quantity of its employees. In connection with the achievement of employee performance at PT Semen
Tonasa, which has not been in line with expectations, it cannot be separated from the influence of
ineffective leadership style factors, low commitment, and work motivation of employees, and an
inadequate work climate. This can be seen from several aspects, including that, in general, all routine
activities. However, while they can be completed according to the specified schedule, the quantity and
quality of work results are not as expected. Therefore, efforts are needed to improve employee
performance thru effective leadership, strong employee commitment, high work motivation, and a
conducive work climate. Thus, the factors of leadership style, employee commitment, work
motivation, and work climate are independent variables that need to be studied to determine their effect
on job satisfaction and employee performance at PT Semen Tonasa.
2. Literature Review
A leadership style is a behavioral norm used by a person when that person tries to influence the
behavior of others (Fein et al., 2021; Treuren & Fein, 2021). The leadership style is suitable when the
company's goals have been communicated, and subordinates accept them. A leader must apply a
leadership style to manage his assistants because a leader will significantly affect the organization's
success in achieving its goals (Swanson et al., 2020). Companies use rewards or gifts and orders as a tool
to motivate employees. Leaders hear ideas from subordinates before making decisions. The right
leadership style will lead to a person's motivation to excel. The success or failure of employees in work
performance can be influenced by the leader's leadership style (Super, 2020). Feng et al. (2020) have
proven that leadership style significantly influences employee performance. The relationship between
the leader and his subordinates is very close; therefore, the success of a leader in managing the
organization will not be separated from the role of his associates and the leadership style he applies. A
leadership style is a behavioral norm used by a person when trying to influence the behavior of others.
According Feng et al. (2020), leadership style is a combination of behavior and strategy due to a
combination of philosophy, skills, traits, and attitudes that are often applied by a leader when trying to
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M. Megawati et al., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.2, Issue. 1 (2022)
influence his subordinates. The involvement of leadership style in triggering individual performance is
a very significant value and price in operating an organization. Therefore, the relationship between
leadership style and performance is a tolerant law that must be adhered to by every leader who wishes
to exceed targets, both time and things to be achieved in a work organization. So that the performance
of each individual responsible for the organization is obligatory to receive guidance from the leader as
stated in the leadership system, he adheres to (Haar et al., 2022). Leadership style is seen as a personality
that can influence others. Like the leadership of Rasulullah has extraordinary abilities that can arouse
the admiration of many people toward him. According to Ciobanu & Androniceanu (2015), leadership
styles are various patterns of behavior favored by leaders in directing and influencing workers. The
relationship between leadership style and job satisfaction is based on path-goal theory. The influence of
leader behavior on employe satisfaction depends on aspects of the situation, including job
characteristics and employee characteristics.
Furthermore, job satisfaction and leadership style are the most important elements that affect the
organization's overall effectiveness. González-Cruz et al. (2019) states a positive influence between
leadership style on job satisfaction and employee performance. In addition, research that is also related
to the impact of leadership style on job satisfaction and employee performance, among others:
evidenced by Adiguzel et al. (2020) whose results conclude that leadership has a positive and significant
effect on job satisfaction and employee performance. Meanwhile, Fernando et al. (2020) proved that
leadership has a negative and significant impact on employee performance. In line with the leadership
role, employee commitment is also a predictor of job satisfaction and employee performance.
Employees who have a high work commitment are needed to achieve maximum individual
performance. Markos et al. (2010) suggest that commitment is defined as the identification power of
individuals within an organization. The mapping of the results of previous studies, which became the
research gap or gaps in this research, can be seen in Table 1.
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M. Megawati et al., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.2, Issue. 1 (2022)
The concept of performance put forward by Zhang et al. (2020) is often referred to as performance,
also called result, which means what has been produced by individual workers. Furthermore, Forster &
Fenwick (2015) stated individual performance as a product of multiplication or a function of
motivation and ability. In comparison, Ibrahim & Heng (2015) individual performance results from
work that a person or group of people can achieve in an organization, following their respective
authorities and responsibilities to achieve organizational goals legally, not violating the law following
morals and ethics.
Cook et al. (2020) proposed six primary criteria that can be used to measure performance: quality,
quantity, timeliness, cost-effectiveness, need for supervision, and interpersonal relationships.
Furthermore, Ibrahim & Heng (2015) suggests several ways to measure individual performance,
including the quantity of work, quality of work, knowledge of work, opinions or statements submitted,
decisions are taken, work planning, and work areas. Meanwhile, Miller et al. (2021) states that the
performance appraisal criteria include: quantity of work, quality of work, job knowledge, creativeness,
cooperative, dependability, initiative, and personal quality. The same thing was also stated by Tefera &
Hunsaker (2020), performance measurements include work performance, responsibility, obedience,
honesty, and cooperation. The performance appraisal aspect is a trait or characteristic that can indicate
the implementation of a particular job to run smoothly and work well to support employee
performance improvement. Thus, the performance measurement criteria used in this study include (1)
work quality, (2) work quantity, (3) work creativity, (4) work effectiveness, (5) timely completion of
tasks, (6) supervision, and (7) cooperation. The performance measurement is an indicator because it is
believed to improve employee performance
The concept of leadership style proposed by Georgakakis & Buyl, (2020) is how a leader carries out
his leadership function and how he is seen by those he is trying to lead or those who may be observing
from the outside. Path-Goal Theory state that leaders encourage higher performance by motivating
subordinates to believe that hard work can achieve valuable results. Universally applicable leadership
results in high levels of subordinate performance and satisfaction. This theory states that different
situations require different leadership styles. Subordinates with an internal locus of control will have
higher job satisfaction with a participatory leadership style. In contrast, assistants with an external locus
of power will have a more directive style. Path-Goal theory explains that the behavior of the directive
style leader, supportive style, participatory style, caregiver style, and achievement orientation kind affect
these expectations. So, it affects the work performance of subordinates and the performance of
subordinates. By using one of the four styles, a leader must try to influence subordinates' perceptions
and motivate them about task clarity, goal achievement, job satisfaction, and effective performance
González-Cruz et al. (2019). These five aspects are the basis for measuring leadership style in this study
to know its effect on employee performance
The concept of commitment, according to Hu et al. (2020), is the relative strength of individuals in
identifying employee involvement in the organization, including the desire to maintain membership in
the organization, readiness, and willingness to make serious efforts on behalf of the organization, and
acceptance of the values of the organization. Furthermore, Schwepker & Dimitriou, (2021) propose a
final typology of employee commitment. There are three commitments put forward, namely affective
commitment (affective commitment), continuance commitment (continuance commitment), and
normative commitment (normative commitment). Affective commitment is related to employees'
emotional attachment, employee identification, and employee involvement in the organization.
Continuity commitment is associated with the desire to continue working or leaving the organization.
Normative commitment relates to the feeling of obligation to remain in the organization.
The concept of work motivation proposed by Palma et al. (2021), that the motive to drive the effort
to satisfy a want or good (motivation refers to the drive and effort to fulfill a need or a goal).
Furthermore, the concept of motivation which refers to Herzberg's theory in Burritt et al. (2019),
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M. Megawati et al., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.2, Issue. 1 (2022)
suggests a theory of motivation known as the theory of two factors rather than job satisfaction. There
are 2 (two) sets of conditions that affect a person in his work, namely: (1) motivator factors; and (2)
hygiene factors. It was further stated that the factors that act as motivators for employees, namely being
able to satisfy and encourage people to work well, consist of (1) Achievement (successful
implementation); (2) Recognition; (3) The work itself; (4) Responsibilities (responsibility); and (5)
Advancement. This set of factors describes a person's relationship with what he does: The content of
his work; Performance in his duties; Appreciation for his achievements; Improvement in his duties.
Therefore, the five factors can satisfy and encourage employees to work well: successful
implementation, recognition, work itself, responsibility, and development as measurement indicators
because they are believed to be able to form employee motivation variables. The concept of work
climate, according to Costantino et al. (2021), is a productive condition to create internal and external
situations to get work optimization from a performance. The creation of internal conditions must be
conducive, fun, and exciting. The work climate automatically and goals play a role. So, the work climate
is everything around the workers that can affect them carrying out the assigned tasks.
According to Cho et al. (2020), the work climate is essential in implementing employee duties. A
pleasant working environment will improve employee performance. Therefore, the work climate in the
company is significant for management to pay attention to because a work climate that focuses on
employees can increase their satisfaction and performance. The indicators for measuring work climate
are: Air temperature in the workspace; Lighting in the workspace; The noise around the workplace; Air
circulation in the workplace; Guarantee of workspace privacy; Size of the workspace; Arrangement of
the layout of the workspace; Relations with co-workers.
Job satisfaction is a positive or pleasant emotional statement resulting from assessing a job or work
experience (Forster & Fenwick, 2015). Tajeddini et al. (2020) suggests that the factors that influence
the emergence of high levels of employee job satisfaction are: 1) challenging work; 2) proper
compensation; 3) supportive working conditions; 4) co-worker support; and 5) partner support. These
factors are used as dimensions in this study. For more details, the conceptual framework scheme in this
study can be seen in Figure 1.
Based on the description of the background, main problem, and research objectives, the following
hypothesis is proposed:
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M. Megawati et al., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.2, Issue. 1 (2022)
This research will be conducted at PT Semen Tonasa, South Sulawesi Province. Then the research
was conducted for four months, namely: March to July 2021. The population in this study was all
administration department employees at PT Semen Tonasa. The people or universe is the total number
of units of analysis whose characteristics will be estimated. The people can be divided into two groups:
the sampling population and the target population. The population in this study is a sampling
population, namely: the number of staff employees of the President Director, Staff of the Director of
Finance and Commercial, as well as affiliated staff and others. The total population in this study was
495 employees. Furthermore, a sampling technique was used based on a predetermined population
source to determine the sample of employees in three departments (administrative division) at PT
Semen Tonasa. The sampling method obtained 221 employees. The size of the sample members of each
department is determined by fraction sample based on the number of employees of each department.
The data collection method used in this study is observation, namely collecting data through direct
observation of leadership styles, employee commitment, work motivation, work climate, job
satisfaction, and employee performance to obtain data related to this research. A questionnaire
(questionnaire) collects data by distributing a list of questions to respondents.
3.2. Measurement
The grouping of variables is done into two parts: explanatory variables (exogenous) and explained
variables (endogenous). The explanatory variables (exogenous) are leadership style, employee
commitment, work motivation, work climate. In contrast, the explained variables (endogenous) are job
satisfaction as an intervening variable and employee performance as an endogenous/dependent
variable. The testing phase is to test the instrument's validity, reliability, reliability of the instrument is
measured by Cronbach's alpha, i.e., if Cronbach's alpha coefficient > 0.60, it means that the instrument
is reliable and fulfills the reliability requirements. However, Cronbach's alpha < 0.60 means the
instrument is unreliable (Hair et al., 1998:118). The coefficient of determination (R2), if R2 is very
high (e.g., between 0.7 - 1) and none of the regression coefficients are significant, then statistically, this
means that multicollinearity symptoms occur. Looking at the Variance Inflating Factor (VIF) value, if
the VIF value is less than 10, then multicollinearity symptoms do not occur, but if the VIF value 10
means there are multicollinearity symptoms. The measurement of variables using a Likert scale (1 =
strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, 3 = neutral, 4 = agree, 5 = strongly agree). Measurement items as shown
in table 3.
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M. Megawati et al., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.2, Issue. 1 (2022)
Characteristics of respondents can be seen from the results of research conducted on a sample of
employees of PT Semen Tonasa, amounting to 221 respondents, which include: gender, age level,
education level, and years of service. The characteristics of the respondents can be explained in table 3.
Furthermore, the results of the validity and reliability tests of each variable statement item in this
study can be seen in Table 4.
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M. Megawati et al., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.2, Issue. 1 (2022)
Correlation Coefficient
Variable Indicator Corrected Item Total Cronbach’s
Correlation alpha
X1_3 0,780
X1_4 0,605
X1_5 0,650
X1_6 0,644
X1_7 0,885
X1_8 0,886
X1_9 0,884
X1_10 0,889
X2_1 0,826
X2_2 0,820
X2_3 0,776
Commitment 0,943
X2_4 0,795
X2_5 0,797
X2_6 0,802
X3_1 0,686
X3_2 0,775
X3_3 0,795
X3_4 0,654
X3_5 0,800
Work 0,934
X3_6 0,676
X3_7 0,776
X3_8 0,799
X3_9 0,678
X3_10 0,781
X4_1 0,636
X4_2 0,679
X4_3 0,781
X4_4 0,625
X4_5 0,673
Climate 0,945
X4_6 0,666
X4_7 0,891
X4_8 0,880
X4_9 0,875
X4_10 0,895
Y_1 0,840
Y_2 0,895
Y_3 0,811
Y_4 0,812
Job Satisfaction Y_5 0,848
(Y) Y_6 0,894
Y_7 0,854
Y_7 0,824
Y_8 0,897
Y_9 0,819
Z_1 0,771
Z_2 0,618
Z_3 0,772
Z_4 0,731
Performance 0,916
Z_5 0,677
Z_6 0,734
Z_7 0,637
Z_8 0,672
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M. Megawati et al., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.2, Issue. 1 (2022)
Based on the data in Table 4, it can be explained that of the six variables used in this study, the
Corrected Item Total Correlation value was obtained between 0.631 - 0.875 so that it can be said that
the results of validity and reliability testing showed that all indicators used to measure each variable met
the requirements > 0.60.
The final model test of the relationship between leadership style, employee commitment, work
motivation, and work climate on job satisfaction and employee performance in full is presented in
Figure 2.
Based on the picture above, it can be explained that the results of the goodness of fit analysis of the
complete SEM model at the final stage show that there is a synergistic relationship between the variables
of leadership style, employee commitment, work motivation, work climate, with job satisfaction and
employee performance. The goodness of fit criteria analysis results for the complete SEM model can be
seen in Table 5.
Table 5. Results of the Goodness of Fit Indices (GFI) Complete SEM Model
Goodness of fit index Cut-off Value Model Results* Description
Chi-Square Expected small 2557,148
Probability ≥ 0,05 0,140
CMIN/DF ≤ 2,00 1,958
GFI ≥ 0,90 0,947 Fit
TLI ≥ 0,95 0,951
CFI ≥ 0,95 0,957
RMSEA ≤ 0,08 0,068
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M. Megawati et al., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.2, Issue. 1 (2022)
Based on the data in Table 5, it can be explained that the relationship between variables in the
complete model at the final stage shows a good fit. Thus, the causal relationship between each tested
variable can be accepted and used for further purposes. The results of the estimation of the regression
coefficient values of the functional relationship between the independent variables and the dependent
variable in the SEM model can be seen in Table 6.
Table 6. Result of Direct Effect Parameter Estimation between Variables on SEM Model
Mark CR P
Relationship between Variables
Estimate (critical ratio) (Prob)
X1 Y 0,181 2.821 0,018
Z 0,148 1.015 0,110
X2 Y 0,226 4.916 0,000
Z 0,351 4.943 0,000
X3 Y 0.428 5.601 0,000
Z 0.263 3.472 0,000
X4 Y 0.325 3.529 0,000
Z 0.243 2.832 0,000
Y Z 0.360 6.907 0,000
Table 7. Direct, Indirect, and Total Effects between Variables in the SEM Model
Variables P-value
HP Direct Indirect Total Description
Exogenous Intervening endogenous (≤ 0,05)
Job Has
1 satisfaction - 0.017 0.130 - 0.130 significant
Style (X1)
(Y) effect
Employee Job Has
2 Commitment satisfaction - 0.000 0.225 - 0.225 significant
(X2) (Y) effect
Work Job Has
3 motivation satisfaction - 0.000 0.322 - 0.322 significant
(X3) (Y) effect
Working Job Has
4 Climate satisfaction - 0.000 0.228 - 0.228 significant
(X4) (Y) effect
- Employee Has
5 performance 0.110 0.169 - 0.169 significant
Style (X1)
(Z) effect
Employee - Employee Has
6 Commitment performance 0.000 0.234 - 0.234 significant
(X2) (Z) effect
Work - Employee Has
7 motivation performance 0.000 0.357 - 0.357 significant
(X3) (Z) effect
Working - Employee Has
8 Climate performance 0.000 0.219 - 0.219 significant
(X4) (Z) effect
Job Employee does not have
9 satisfaction performance 0,424 0.177 0.038 0.275 a significant
Style (X1)
(Y) (Z) effect
Employee Job Employee Has
10 Commitment satisfaction performance 0,002 0.235 0.034 0.269 significant
(X2) (Y) (Z) effect
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M. Megawati et al., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.2, Issue. 1 (2022)
Variables P-value
HP Direct Indirect Total Description
Exogenous Intervening endogenous (≤ 0,05)
Work Job Employee Has
11 motivation satisfaction performance 0,043 0.356 0.025 0.381 significant
(X3) (Y) (Z) effect
Working Job Employee Has
12 Climate satisfaction performance 0,038 0.219 0.050 0.269 significant
(X4) (Y) (Z) effect
- Job Employee Has
13 satisfaction performance 0.000 0.486 - 0.486 significant
(Y) (Z) effect
Based on the data in Table 7, it can be interpreted that the results of testing the direct effect, indirect
effect, and total effect between variables are also empirical findings from this study; all variables have a
positive and significant impact except for hypothesis 9.
4.3. Discussion
A leader's style is a pattern of behavior that the leader uses to influence, direct, and guide
subordinates to carry out all the main task mechanisms effectively and efficiently. Therefore, to increase
job satisfaction and employee performance in an organization, it is necessary for an employee who has
an effective leadership style to work well. The complete SEM model test results show that the leadership
style variable has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction. This is indicated by the critical ratio
and probability values as required. This means that the two variables have a positive and significant
causal relationship. The positive influence of the leadership style variable on job satisfaction is
determined by the ten indicators that make it up. Indicators of leaders who are always willing when
subordinates consult them can form leadership style variables, meaning that the needles in the model
can significantly measure leadership style because leaders are always willing when subordinates consult
them. The leader who always consults with the subordinates will satisfy associates to work optimally.
They can significantly contribute to shaping leadership style variables, which affect employee job
satisfaction at PT Semen Tonasa. The leader who always treats his subordinates indiscriminately will
give his subordinates satisfaction to work more optimally. These indicators shape leadership style
variables, which affect the increase in employee job satisfaction at PT Semen Tonasa. The leader who
always helps his subordinates will give his satisfaction for his associates to work more optimally so that
they can contribute to forming a leadership style, which will affect the increase in job satisfaction of
employees of PT Semen Tonasa. Leaders who always pay attention personally to each of their
subordinates will give them pleasure by working more optimally. These indicators contribute to
forming leadership style variables that further support increasing employee job satisfaction at PT Semen
Leaders who always like official work procedures according to existing provisions will satisfy each
subordinate to work more optimally. These indicators contribute to shaping leadership styles, which
affects the increase in employee job satisfaction at PT Semen Tonasa. Leaders who always pay attention
to the priority interests of subordinates will undoubtedly provide satisfaction for each associate to work
better so that these indicators contribute to forming leadership style variables to support increasing
employee job satisfaction at PT Semen Tonasa Pangkep Regency. Leaders who always encourage
subordinates to increase their self-confidence will motivate each assistant to work better. These
indicators contribute to shaping leadership style variables, which in turn affects the increase in
employee job satisfaction at PT Semen Tonasa. Leaders who always remind subordinates to prioritize
tasks at work will satisfy each associate to work better. These indicators contribute to shaping leadership
style variables, which in turn affects the increase in employee job satisfaction at PT Semen Tonasa.
Leaders who take the time to update or improve subordinates' knowledge will undoubtedly satisfy each
associate to work better. These indicators make a more outstanding contribution in shaping leadership
styles, which affects the increase in job satisfaction of PT Semen Tonasa. Job satisfaction and leadership
style are the most critical elements affecting the organization's overall effectiveness. Leadership style
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M. Megawati et al., Golden Ratio of Human Resource Management, Vol.2, Issue. 1 (2022)
affects job satisfaction through the leader's attention and guidance to subordinates, including the leader
is always willing when subordinates consult, the leader treats inferiors equally indiscriminately, the
leader always helps assistants in solving problems encountered at work, the leader always pays attention
personally to each associate in their work. Carrying out tasks, the leader always likes official work
procedures according to existing provisions, the leader always expects subsidiaries to comply with the
rules, the leader always pays attention to the priorities of the interests of associates, the leader always
expects assistants to comply with existing regulations, the leader reminds subordinates to prioritize tasks
at work, and the leader takes the time to update or improve the knowledge of assistants. Therefore, a
leader with the right leadership style will increase employee satisfaction with his work.
Employees who adhere to the rules in carrying out their work will undoubtedly contribute to
forming employee commitment, which affects the increase in employee job satisfaction. Employees
who feel comfortable at work will undoubtedly contribute to shaping the employee commitment
variable, which affects job satisfaction. Employees who feel very unlikely to leave the company will
certainly shape the employee commitment variable, which will increase employee job satisfaction.
Employees who work hard because of appropriate rewards will indeed shape the employee commitment
variable, which supports increasing employee job satisfaction. Employees who exert all their efforts will
undoubtedly contribute to shaping the employee commitment variable, which affects the increase in
employee job satisfaction. Employees who feel happy in their lives at the company will undoubtedly
contribute to shaping employee commitment, which affects employee job satisfaction. Employees who
enjoy these tough challenges will provide the job satisfaction needed to work optimally. They can
significantly contribute to shaping work motivation, which will affect the increase in employee job
satisfaction. Setting and achieving realistic goals will provide job satisfaction for employees who like to
work optimally. They can make a significant contribution in shaping work motivation, which can affect
job satisfaction.
The leadership style applied by PT Semen Tonasa is more likely to be supportive and achievement-
oriented. While using a participatory manner, caregiver style, and directive style is still less than optimal,
managers make all work-related decisions and instruct subordinates to carry out them by directly
participating, guiding, and directing in carrying out tasks so that assistants can complete the job well
required. This means that leaders need to participate, guide directly, and control their associates
effectively, especially those with less working knowledge. Meanwhile, the supportive and achievement-
oriented styles can only be applied directly to employees who have adequate work knowledge. Thus,
the leadership style can support employee performance improvement in the future.
5. Conclusion
Leaders must be more effective in every action taken in guiding and directing their subordinates to
carry out their duties as well as possible, including consulting with subordinates, treating subordinates
well indiscriminately, helping solve problems faced by subordinates at work, at all times the leader must
pay attention personally to every associate in carrying out their duties, the leader must also be an
excellent example for subordinates to like official work procedures following existing provisions, the
leader always expects assistants to comply with current regulations, the leader also pays more attention
to the priorities of the interests of associates, encourages subordinates to increase trust themselves,
reminding subordinates constantly to prioritize tasks at work. Leaders must take the time to update or
improve the knowledge of their subsidiaries. Thus, a leader with the right and effective leadership style
will undoubtedly encourage employees to carry out their work well so that the performance of
employees at PT Semen Tonasa can be significantly improved in the future. Employee commitment is
related to a person's performance concerning his work. Suppose a person is committed to the
organization. In that case, they will have a strong identification with the organization, have membership
values, agree with the goals and value system, are likely to remain in it, and are finally ready to work hard
for the organization. Empirical findings resulting from this research show a positive and significant
effect between employee commitment and employee performance at PT Semen Tonasa Pangkep.
Work motivation is the most vital driving force in achieving performance. Without motivation,
employees will not complete a job optimally because no will comes from within the employee itself;
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what appears is just routine. Therefore, work motivation has a positive and significant contribution to
improving employee performance. This means that it is necessary to increase work motivation to
improve employee performance.
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