Module 7
Module 7
Module 7
Gain or losses on intercompany asset sales is unrealized to the group until the assets is sold to
an outside buyer or used in producing a product/service
Gain removed, reduced income on consolidated income
From Gain on Asset, also reduce taxes to deferred income taxes
Then reduce depreciation expense by gain/lifetime
Intercompany gain must be eliminated, and associated income taxes paid differed
The assets must be adjusted to its historical costs
Depreciation is restated based on the original costs and associated income taxes are recorded
Accumulated depreciation is restated so it’s based on original cost
Retained earnings is adjusted for cumulative after-tax effect of UNREALIZED gain or loss (gain or
loss less incremental depreciation to date)
“Realized” gain decreases depreciation, but have to recognized tax implication by adding Tax
Initial Consolidation
Intercompany Bondholding:
Profits from bonds are unrealized at the individual company level, but realized by the group
since it occurred with outside parties
Recognized these gains and losses on the consolidated statements
Purchasing company reports investment in bonds as an asset on its separate entity balance
Issuing Company reflects the bond liability and records interest expense and any related
amortization of premium/discount on its separate-entity statements
Consolidation: “the intercompany bond has retired” at time of purchase on open market
o Bond investment is eliminated against the bond liability
Difference between acquisition and book value of bond recognizes as gain or loss on
Consolidated statements
HOWEVER, since from an individual POV these companies recognized the bond as being Active
>Intercompany interest revenue received, and interest expense paid to be eliminated in the
consolidated financial statements
Bond: Gain on the consolidated income statement does not appear on the statement of the parent. It
appears on consolidated income statement because of the unequal elimination of the intercompany
assets and liabilities in the preparation of the consolidated balance sheet.
Chapter 9:
Joint Arrangements:
Joint Operations: Each operator contributes the use of assets/resources to new activity to still owns
Joint Venture: Arrangement where both parties have control and rights to net assets of arrangement.
Contributes assets to the new separate legal entity. Can recognize as gain if there is commercial
substance, gain % based on other parties’ % ownership.
Recognizes share of income from joint venture as “income from Joint Venture” on Income
statement and “investment in joint venture” on b/s
Any share of intercompany asset profits is eliminated
On date of formation, they contribute monetary assets instead of cash to get interest in joint
Asset contributed has FV greater than CA in the records of the venturer
Temporary difference in CV for book purposes compared to tax purposes give rise to deferred
income taxes which must be recognized in the consolidated financial statements.
If Asset book value < Tax value, or Liability book Value > Tax value, deferred tax asset arises
If asset book value > tax value, or liability book value < tax value, deferred tax liability arises
Previous unrecognized operating loss carry forward of subsidiary may be recognized at the time
of a business combination, either as a result of intercompany revenues or reduced costs as a
result of the combination
For Joint operation, the operator’s share of any intercompany assets profit is eliminated
whether the sale was upstream or downstream
No Deferred taxes are recognized for the difference between the tax base and the carrying
amount for goodwill.