Math 9 Q2 Week 8

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GRADES 9 School Grade Level 9

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher Learning Area MATH

Teaching Dates and
JANUARY 15-18,2024 Quarter SECOND


1. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of the basic concepts of variation and radicals.
2. Performance The learner is able to formulate and solve accurately problems involving variation and radicals.
3. Learning Performs operations on P operations on radical Performs operations on Performs operations on
Competencies / radical expressions. expressions. (M9AL-IIh-1) radical expressions. radical expressions.
Objectives (M9AL-IIh-1) (M9AL-IIh-1) (M9AL-IIh-1)
a. Differentiate like and
a. Differentiate like and unlike radicals a. Perform multiplication on a. Determine the conjugate
unlike radicals b. Perform addition and radical expressions of an expression
b. Perform addition and subtraction of radicals b. Solve problems involving b. Perform division of
subtraction of radicals c. Practice the value of multiplication of radical radicals
c. Appreciate historical facts carefulness in the doing expressions c. Solve problems involving
of Cavite all the activities. c. Appreciate architectural division of radicals
skills in accurate d. Value the natural
planning resources of our
II. CONTENT Radicals Radicals Radicals Radicals

A. References
a. Teacher’s
b. Learner’s
Materials pp. 262-263 pp. 262-263 pp. 264-265 pp. 266-272
c. Textbook
d. Additional
(LR) portal

B. Other Learning Activity sheets, Laptop, TV Activity sheets, Laptop, TV Activity sheets, Laptop, TV Activity sheets, Laptop, TV
A. Reviewing previous WORK IN PAIR Group Activity Think-Pair-Share Use your knowledge of
lesson or presenting Using flashcard, allow the product rule and quotient
Group the following radicals Group the following radicals students to simplify the rule for radicals and
the new lesson
and place them inside each with same radicand, with rationalization to answer the
given radicals by removing
box. different radicand and place the perfect nth power. following.
1. 6. them inside each box. SI or NINO?
1. Write Si (chabacano word
2. 7. 1. + 5 which means yes) if the
3. 8. 2. equation correct.
- 2
4. 9. 3. Otherwise, write Nino
2. + (chabacano word which
5. 10. 4.
3 - 2 means no) if the equation is
5. wrong.
3. +
5 - 4 1. ∙ =
4. +3
2. =
3. =
5. 9 +

-3 4. =

5. =

B. Establishing a Add, Subtract then Match Add and Subtract Me Find the product of the Find the quotient of the
purpose for the
Find the sum and difference
1. 8 + 5 - following radical expression radical expression by
matching column F with
lesson in the box
of the following radical 7 column B
expression by matching 1.
column B with column A. 2. 3 +7 -
3. + -7


6 18

C. Presenting examples/ Illustrative Examples Example1. Illustrative Example 1
instances of the Adding and Subtracting Like Radicals of the same order.
Radicals Simplifying radicals before
lesson Simplify: ∙
Simplify the following combining Perform
expressions. indicated operations. ∙ =3
Assume the variables Assume the variables Multiply the
represent positive numbers. represent positive numbers.
1. + coefficients and
2. - + multiply the
3. -
Factor the radicand.
Illustrative Example 2
1. + Radicals of the same order.
= + ∙ Simplify: ∙
= + ∙
= =
Multiply the


2. - + and multiply
5 the
= ∙ -
= 10
= - Factor

= - radicand.
= 10 ∙ 2 ∙ x
3. – or Simplify.
= 20x

= - Illustrative Example 3
Binomials involving radicals
Multiply the binomials and

= -

= = - -
Use the

Example 2 distributive

1. 7 +3 -
= 7+3-1 =9 Simplify.
2. 13 + -4 =

Illustrative Example 4
Radicals with different
= 13 + –4 indices
Multiply by
= + -
= or =
= Transform each radical to
similar terms

= or =
Thus ∙
D. Discussing new Perform Add and Subtract Me Find the product
concepts and 1. +3 1. ∙
practicing new skills Add the coefficients 1. + 5 -
#1 = Multiply the
then affix the 2 = coefficients
common radical
Factor each radicand. and multiply
2. -3 Simplify each radicand. the radicands.
Subtract the Simplify.
coefficients then affix Combine like radicals. = Factor the
the common radical. radicand.
3. + -6 2. 9 + 5 - =
= Simplify.
Combine like Combine like radicals.
4. - 3. 14 + -5 Use the distributive
Write the perfect property
square factor. =
Use product property. Factor each radicand. =
Simplify. Simplify each radicand. +__ -
Subtract like radicals. Simplify.
Combine like radicals. Simplify.
5. - +
5 - =
Factor each =
Simplify each =
3. by
Combine like
radicals. = or =


radical to


= or =
Thus ∙
E. Discussing new 1. What is your basis when 1. What is your basis when 1. How did you simplify the 1. What is the product rule
concepts and grouping radicals? grouping radicals? given radical expressions? for radical?
practicing new skills 2. How will you identify like 2. How will you identify like 2. How did you find the 2. What is the quotient rule
#2 radicals? radicals? product of: for radical?
3. What are the steps in 3. What are the steps in a. Radicals of the same 3. How do you determine
adding and subtracting like adding and subtracting like order. the conjugate of an
radicals? radicals? b. Radicals with different expression?
4. Why do we need to 4. Why do we need to indices. 4. How do you perform
simplify dissimilar radicals simplify dissimilar radicals c. Binomials involving division of radicals of the
before combining? before combining? radicals. same order?
F. Developing mastery Find the sum and difference
(Leads to Formative of the following radical It is a word prayer
Assessment 3) expressions in the box. that is annually held
in Kawit every
1. + 2 - December 24 before
the beginning of the
3 midnight mass,
What is it?
2. +3 -
To reveal the word,
multiply the following
radical expressions and
simplify the result. Put a
3. 7 + - check mark inside the box
if the expression at the
2 right shows the correct
answer, otherwise put a
cross mark. Then, pick
out all the letters with a
check mark.
G.Finding practical Perform the indicated Add and Subtract Me Emilio is an architect and Solve.
applications of operation(s): 1. 9 + 5 - you like to help him find the Dondon is making a replica
concepts and skills in exact areas of some of Municipality Map for his
daily living 1. + 2 location in the plan that he school project whereas the
made. Show how to find: required Area A and base b
2. - 2. 8 +2 - in centimetres are given.
1. The area of the Find the height h of the
triangular roof sheet for map, express in simplest
3. + - 3. 10 + -2 the attic if the base is form.
m and the height is m.
4. -
2. The area of the
rectangular floor to be
5. + covered by tiles whose
dimensions are
m and m.

3. The area of the

square lot where Gazebo
will be placed if the side
is m.
H. Making
generalizations and To divide radicals of the
Like radicals are Like radicals are To multiply radicals of same order, use the
abstractions about radicals that have radicals that have the same order, use property
the lesson the same index the same index and the property =
and the same the same radicand. then simplify by
radicand. Unlike radicals are = then
Unlike radicals are removing the perfect
radicals that have
nth powers from the
radicals that have different radicands rationalize the
radicand. To multiply denominator. To divide
different radicands or different indexes,
binomials involving radicals of a different
or different or both.
radicals, use the order, it is necessary to
indexes, or both. To combine like
property for the product first change the radicals
To combine like radicals, add or
of two binomials to the same order then
radicals, add or subtract their
rationalize the
subtract their coefficients and ( a ± b )( c ± d ) = ac
denominator. To divide
coefficients and annex their common (ad ± bc ) ± bc, then radicals with a
annex their radical. simplify by removing denominator consisting
common radical. To combine unlike perfect nth powers of at least two terms, we
To combine unlike radicals, simplify from the radicand or by follow the steps below:
radicals, simplify each radical if combining similar a. Write each radical in
each radical if possible, and then radicals. To multiply fractional exponent. b.
possible, and then combine like two radicals with Change the fractional
combine like radicals. different indices, we exponents to similar
radicals. follow the steps below; fractions. c. Change
a. Write each radicand each back to radical
in fractional exponent. form. d. Multiply the
b. Change the radicals and simplify. A
fractional exponents to Conjugate pair consist of
similar fractions. c. two binomial radical
Change each back to expressions that have
radical form. (The two the same numbers but
radicals will now have only differ in the sign that
connects the binomials.
the same index.) d.
Multiply the radicals
and simplify.
I. Evaluating learning ADD and SUBTRACT ME! Add and Subtract Me Anthony is an architect and Divide and simplify the
you like to help him find the result.
Perform the indicated exact areas of some
operation(s): 1. 5 +6 -
location in the plan of the 1.
5 Grade 12 Building of
1. + GMATHS that he made. 2.
2. 9 +2 - Show how to find: 3.
2. - 4.
3. 15 + -4
3. + -

J. Additional activities for 1.Follow-up 1. Follow-up 1. Follow-up 1. Follow-up

application or Add and Subtract: Add and Subtract: Multiply: Perform the operation and
remediation 1. + - 8 simplify the result.
∙ a.
2. +


1. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment
2. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
3. Did the remedial
lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the
4. No. of learners who
continue to require
5. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
6. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
7. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

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