ISIPHO The Gift Converted 1 1 1

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Doctor: she crashing guys... the machine were
beeping like
crazy as i heard the doctor at the back of my
screaming for instructions and people poking
and probing
and doing unimaginable things to me. I felt
myself slowly
drifting away and losing consciousness. I let
the light to
swallow and the pain i was feeling was
beyond words. I
knew that since i was feeling the pain its
means am alive
and still in this horrible world. I tried to move
but was
unable too so i just lay there as i felt the light
me than it was utter blackness.
Umhlanga Net care hospital
I woke up feeling like my body has been ran
over by a
truck and I laid there not moving. Sitting and
looking at
the ceiling and just than a women walked in
and out than
came back with a man in a white coat. They
looked at me
all smiles and just as they adjusted my bed
and removed
the pipes and moved me to an comfortable
position in
walked a man wearing all black from head to
toe. He was
tall and lean but yet muscular. His adam
apple very visible
and he looked like he was angry at someone
something. His eyes were the best feature of
his dark
skin. They were a dark shade of grey almost
like a storm
ready to explode and his thin lips were like a
fine line. I
closed my eyes than open them again than
closed them
then opened them. So no I was not dreaming
these 3
people are really here.
Man in a coat: Am doctor Xulu. So am in a
How? Why?
Doctor: This is my nurse you in Umhlanga
hospital. What
your name? I looked at them confused as to
how on earth
did i get here? Why am i Here.
Me: Kamo. I whispered. He nodded scribbling
on my chart.
Doctor: you have been in a big accident
young lady for a
minute there i thought it was touch and go
but you here
with us. Ill notify the cops that you up and will
take it
from there.
Me: cops? As in police? He nodded.
Me: i dont want cops. I felt like I shouldn’t
worry about
cops that much. Something told me that i
shouldnt involve
cops. I felt myself panic and the doctor
touched my hand
urging me to stay calm but i closed my eyes
and there i
was driving in high speed as cops car was
following me.
Am i a fugitive? Did i do something wrong.
But i have
car? Means am a good person right.
Me: my car?
Doctor: was a total rack dear. Stay calm okay
ill inject you
with something to calm your nerves and dont
worry you
not in trouble with the cops we just have to
report bullet
Me: bullet wounds? As in shot? I whispered
and the
doctor looked at me.
Doctor: do you remember what got you
here? I shock my
head no and it was the worse mistake ever
because i felt
the most piercing pain crack right through
making me
numb with pain.
Doctor: try and rest okay will talk later. He
turned and
spoke to the nurse and the man in black
stood there not
moving or talking. Nurse injected me with
something and
walked away. Man in black walked in and
stood by the
window looking out giving me his back.
Maybe am
imagining things maybe there is no man in
black. I closed
my eyes and open them and he was still
Him: ill be here when you wake up. His voice
vibrated on
the walls bouncing to my ears making me
more aware of
him than i was before and it draw me closer
to him. Lord
am so crazy right now. Where am i? What
Who is he? Did i somehow endangered his
family? Am I in
trouble but the doctor said no i have bullet
whole and I
closed my eyes and a whole film of what
happened to me
played and I woke up crying and gasping for
air as my
stranger held me in his hands comforting me
to calm
Me: You helped me... you helped me I
whispered as the
shock and realisation of the events that I
went through
were more vivid. The doctor was right.? I
should be dead
but here i am....

I open my eyes to voices and I saw it was a
nurse and
the cleaner talking.
Nurses: Kodwa ngibe ilintombazane jeso.( if i
was this
Cleaner: Nami nkosiyami( me too)
Voice: swabona ma( greetings) his voice was
else and I watched as the old woman beamed
as he
walked in carrying a bag. He walked by the
dry side and
stood there watching outside. I closed my
eyes for a
while and woke up the sun was beaming
bright and turned
to find him standing by the corner looking
outside like a
statue. Just than two guys walked in one a
woman and
one a guy behind the cop. In seconds he was
next to my
side. He helped me into a sitting position and
handed me
one of the fruit salads from the plastic.
Him: are you going to manage. I learnt the
hard way about
using my head so i said yes in a whisper that
came like a
choke. He nodded and moved to the side. I
thought to
myself has he been standing there from the
time there
were cleaning or he left and came back. The
talking brought me back.
Doctor: As iv said Kamo all bullet wounds are
reported so
here are the two detectives assigned to your
case. He
patted my leg and left.
Detective: Am detective Sithole and this is
Matha. Tell what you remember Kamo. I
closed my eyes
and it all came flooding back and A tear went
down my
check and I quickly wiped it.
Me: I don’t remember anything. I looked
down not wanting
to see they faces. I know i was lying and I
know that even
if they wanted to help me there is nothing the
cops or
anyone could do to help me. I looked up to
see the light
grey eyed guy eyes a shade darker and his lips
as thin as
a line and I knew he was angry but at what. I
had no idea.
Detective Matha: Can you two give us the
room please.
She looked at the two gentlemen and the
grey eyed man
left storming out while the detective walked
out. She
moved to the chair and sat down.
Detective Matha: you know you a terrible liar.
I looked at
her confused.
“ yes, you are.” I kept quiet playing with the
“ Doctors say the guy who was here came in
here wearing
all white soaked in your blood barking orders
for everyone
to save you. People who were here said they
have never
seen a man so determined to see a person
live than that
man. Do you know its been 3 months and
everyday he
comes here to check on you. Did you know
that the first
call we always get in the morning is him
asking about this
investigation? And now here we are happy
that you are
awake after so many instances of touch and
go and you
lie and say you don’t know, the Id in your bag
was fake,
you had all your clothes in there. You were
speeding which
clearly shows you not from here. We have
reached out
from all other provinces trying to locate a
family that
might have reported you...
Me: i dont have a family. That stopped her in
her tracks.
Me: i mean no one will care enough to report
me missing.
She looked at me with sympathy.
Detective matha: okay. Why? I shrugged my
shoulders and
that pained.
Me: am not that important
Detective matha: come here. She helped me
up and
helped me to a chair. She than hooked my
drip and
everything and then wheeled me out. When
we were out
there were two guards by my door entrance.
She pushed
the chair down the hall and stopped in the
next room. It
was empty. She did that to four more rooms
in my wing
than open the door that went out of my wing
and two
more guards in black were standing guard.
Than she
turned and wheeled me back into my room.
No wonder
there have been Silence. She than pushed me
back to my
room helped me in the bed and made me
Detective Matha: no tell me that you not that
important. A
whole wing is for you. There is secret service
agent at
your door to protect you from anything that
making you
not trust me or dont want to tell us what
happened to you.
I looked at her all confused.
Me: Secret service?
Detective Matha: yes
Me: but why? She looked at me confused.
She took out
her phone punched a few things and gave it
to me. I read
in big bold letters : Worlds most wealthiest
man on earth
Siyabonga Jayden Musk. And right there was
a picture of
my mystery man wearing a black suit looking
and professional. My eyes bulged out of my
She lied. She lied just like that. Its been
months since we
have been working this case and she lied. I
was so angry
that when the cop asked to be alone with her
I stormed
out. Yes it was fear that was making her lie
but fear out of
who? Why? I felt myself get heated up and I
calmed my
nerves since I know how things happen when
I get a little
steamed up. Yes she is vital in my life. Yes i
have been
searching for her for years and now that I find
her. At her
worse state and like this? Why? Why does
any of the
things that happen to me or are happening to
me happen?
Sometimes i ask myself that question so
many times and
I never get an answer. I walked to the baby
Somehow i was at peace there. Somehow
being with
those sick babies and loving them naturing
them made
things calmer in my soul. Somehow it made
the voices in
my head stop. I walked in and I immediately
got calm. I
was now a regular here that i was familiar
with the stuff. I
walked to the glass just as couple walked to
Guy: sir
I turned to find a young man smiling at me
and the lady
next to him smiling and crying.
Guy: Thank you. Thank you so much for
paying for all of
our hospital bills. May God grant you all your
desires. I smiled at them and shook they
hands. It in
moments like this when I meet people that I
dont hate this
God they keep referring too. Its in moments
like this that I
think maybe I have to suffer so that I can find
in helping others. Its in moments like this that
am at
peace with who I am. The moved away as i
moved closer
to the glass and looked at the 3 babies there
that looked
so healthy and full of life.
Dion: Boss
Me: yes
Dion: The bird is on the move. I looked at him
and I knew
he spoke about the young lady by the name
of Kamo who
was now a vital part of my life. I turned and
towards her wing.
I looked at the detective more confused more
than ever.
Just a few months ago i was a no body. A
nothing. A
punching bag and now this.
Detective Matha: God sometimes makes us
go through the
worse to prepare us for the Good that we
might receive. I
don’t know what you been through but your
scars on your
body tell a gruesome story and that bullet on
your face
too. Maybe right now you don’t want to face
it but just
maybe. Maybe this is the helping hand you
have been
praying for. Maybe now this is the
intervention you have
always wanted, dreamed off or even needed.
Maybe now it
the time to put a stop at what ever have had
you locked
up in your body as a prison. Here my card call
me when
you ready to talk. Anytime of the day, night
or morning. Ill
be here. She smiled and brushed my hand as
she left and
he walked in looking a little more calmer and
they shook
hands and she left. He walked to that corner
he likes and
stood there for a while than turned looking at
me. I was
playing with the card she gave me.
Me: Thank you. I looked at him and his eyes
were lighter
meaning he wasn’t angry so that calmed my
Siyabonga: pleasure. He looked at the food
and at me. “
you been sleeping the past two days. Dont
you want to
eat” my throat felt tight but i took the salad
and opened it
and took a first bite of only the yoghurt and
banana. He
watched as I ate it all up in slow motion. I
guess he
wasnt much of a talker. When i was done he
helped me
cleaned up than he moved to the corner
again and looked
at me.
Siyabonga: feeling better?
Me: yeah. Its hurts here and there.
Siyabonga: doctor wants to monitor you
some more. The
bullets did a number on you so he wants to
make sure
you are okay but i heard you were out of bed
Me: detective took me out for a spin. He
nodded. “ uhm
the guards ....
Siyabonga: are not going anywhere. I smiled
cause that
wasnt what i was going to say. He looked at
Me: I mean the guards. Thank you. I feel
much safer you
know. He sighed.
Siyabonga: A pleasure. We were both quiet
and his phone
rang and he sighed. Pressed it looking at the
screen i
guess it was a video call.
Voice: You look lighter.
Siyabonga: Thanks mom
Voice: how is our patient.
Siyabonga: better.
Voice: you said that yesterday only to find out
she been
sleeping for two days straight. Now how is
she for real.
Siyabonga: she up now if that what you
asking. There was
screeching and laughing. “ let me see her” he
moved his
phone handing it to me and a beautiful
woman came in
view. She had tears in her eyes as she looked
at me
making me cry. As she waved. I guess i looked
horrible. I
felt horrible. Siyabonga snatched the phone
from me
before i can look at myself at the bottom.
Siyabonga: will talk later mom. He
disconnected the
phone. I wiped my tears.
Me: do i look that bad
Siyabonga: no
Me: really
Siyabonga: iv seen you worse than this. I kept
quiet and
looked away he moved closer and sat on my
bed. This
was the first time ever he was this close and i
felt my
body respond to him in ways i thought they
have longed
died. I felt my cheeks heat up. He touched my
face with
both his hands carefully as if am made out of
Siyabonga: You look better. Dont over think
things. My
mom is dramatic so just heal okay. It felt safe
to nod with
his hands on my face so i did and a headache
through blinding me. I closed my eyes and I
opened them
I panicked because I couldn’t see. I know i
was crying
screaming I can’t see as he yelled for the
doctor while
trying to calm me down...

Insert 2:
When she was crying i felt my heart tight up.
The doctor
came out of the emergency room where she
was rushed
too and walked towards me. This was an
optometrist and
her doctor. The both looked exhausted it has
been four
Doctor: well she done with surgery and it was
She had blood cloths that were pressing on
her nerves.
And when she shook her head they busted
since she is
still sensitive and her body was still getting
used at not
being in shock. She will now need glasses and
will have
headaches when she strains her eyes top
much. Am also
putting her on a 2 year treatment that we
hope will help
relieve tension in the almost served nerves. I
nodded and
signed the forms.
Optometrist:The next 3 days are hard since
she will be not
seeing in colour but in shades and movement
and her
room will be deemed so she needs to be calm
at all cost
no stress or panic. They nodded and left and I
walked in
as she was bandages over her eyes and I sat
by the chair
looking outside. Who did this to you and
Somewhere in PMB
I walked into the hotel after going to see
Kamo family.
They said she wasn’t there and they don’t
know where she
is. I know with that wound she survived. I
know this
because her car was left there as it is but not
her. She
was nowhere to be seen. That was the only
picture that
was there in that newspaper. There was
nothing about
where the patient was taken. Nothing. The
police here in
kzn and both Johannesburg have been
useless in
providing me with any information. All it said
in the paper
was the almost accident left the woman in
bad condition.
No details like how all reports are like.
Nothing. I run
Johannesburg every dirty cop is in my pocket
but no
dockets or flies have been open with her
name and
description. Iv raised questions everywhere
here and still
no docket nor an investigation that has been
open. Iv
raised up the money for information on her
and her where
about but nothing. Kamo knows no one and
all the people
i thought she would turn too say they don’t
know where
she is and iv had them followed and they
were telling the
truth. I packed my bag and went downstairs
to do the
check out process than drove to Durban had
lunch and
flew back home. Hopefully she dead but if
she pops up ill
make sure that she dies. No one leaves me.
No one. I
told her that the only way she will be free of
me is through
a body bag. And this shall show her am
serious. I know
that where ever she is she knows ill find her.
A week
Its been a week since I have been trying to
get my
eyesight back. Its been a work in progress but
its been
progress it self. I woke up and found a
beautiful lady in
front of me. I know i know her from
somewhere but my
mind was just a mess. I took the glasses that I
now wear
and looked at her smiling face.
Her: Winnie Musk. Oh yes it Siyabonga mom
from a call a
week ago. She looked lovely. Her aura was
lovely. I sat
up and smiled at her.
Me: Kamo. She walked closer sat on my bed
with a
Winnie: how you feeling?
Me: better ma, Ngiyabonga
Winnie: i got you chocolate. I looked at the
table were she
had Beautiful flowers and a huge box of
chocolate. I
smiled at her. Who doesn’t like choc
Me: Thank you. You and your son have been
amazing to
Winnie: we take care of our own. I looked at
her confused
and she smiled. “ so little Jay has meetings
today and
didn’t want you being bored so here i am.
Now move over
so we can watch something in that tv of yours
or we can
just talk” she removed her shoes undid her
hair and got in
bed with me. I didn’t know what to say.
Me: Am okay really. I mumbled. He moved
and looked at
Winnie: want to know something? She
grabbed my hands
in hers and really looked at me and I saw her
eyes getting
“ i was once in your shoes. Maybe yours are
bigger than
mines but I know how you feeling and I know
confusion and mixed emotions and hurt and
self doubt but
remember this. God love his children. Those
he love the
most he let them go through hell just so they
pray and
need him again. You are God favourite child
and am not
saying what was done to you was right but
heal. Talk
about it so you can heal. Dont close
everything in you little
head use this opportunity to the best of your
Me: This wasn’t the first time you know. I
found myself
saying and I clasped my hand over my mouth.
She took
them in my hands again. What is it about this
woman that
makes you want to spill your gut out.
Winnie: I know. Your body scars told us
stories that your
words can’t even begin to explain.
Me: I was just a naive little girl that comes
amakhaya and i guess the big city showed me
Winnie: whatever happened to you is not
your fault. I now
had tears in my eyes as it all came back to me
and i did
my best not to cry.
Me: I told him i dont want him anymore. I
told him I want
to go home and he just went from being calm
into a
beast. I dont know how I got out of that
house and into
my already packed car after he bashed my
head to the
wall. I can’t talk to the detective because so
many times
iv tried to turn to cops and it failed me
resulting in an
almost dead experience. I can’t go home
because my
family loves his money more than they love
me and I dont
blame them because we need that money. I
have no one,
this is a mess I know that ill never come out
of alive. I
felt the defeat wash over me and the little
woman was
now openly crying. She held me closer to my
heart and
kissed my forehead.
Winnie: we take care of our own. Trust me.
You are not
leaving this in a body bag. She hugged me so
making me feel her love. Why couldn’t my
mother do the
same? Why did she look at me with so much
anger when
I told her about the first time Mondli hit me?
Why did she
say” izindaba zababili azingenwa” like really? I
had a blue
eye. I came home for a sanctuary and that
what she says
leaving me alone in the room and worse
when he came to
fetch me allowing him to come drag me out
of the house
with my hair. What mother allows that and
does nothing?
What did I ever do wrong to her for that to

Insert 3:
Its been a weeks of having seeing doctors and
through physical training. Siyabonga has been
there for
every piece if the journey to my recovery. I
was feeling
better now and a little optimistic about life.
His mom
came every two days to check on me and we
will chill and
talk and she always brought something nice
for me to eat
or a new PJ or something. The nurse walked
in with
newspapers and a magazine and placed them
by the table
upon my request. She smiled and left i took
the paper and
read them. I requested 6 months worth of
papers. I was
glad I wasn’t in any of them. I than open up
the magazine
and boom Winnie is there.
“ the billionaire philanthropist ...” i closed the
Billionaire!! Who are these people and why
are they so
invested in me? I took the magazines and
placed them on
the table and did the long walk to a
bathroom. Did my
best to bath and shower without help and
still the mirrors
were removed. I haven’t looked at myself. I
know one of
the bullet went out on my cheek taking a
tooth with. I
know the had to construct it. I finished up and
wore the
pink PJ and when I got out Siyabonga was in
the room
looking different today. He has on a white
golf top and
white denim jeans and sneakers and black
watch. Was
my first time seeing him in any colour but
black or navy.
Siyabonga: you staring
Me: sorry. I blushed and moved to put my
toilet bag and
took my comb. Comb the hair that has grown.
I was a
short hair kind of girl it made it hard for
Mondli to pull me
by my hair if i didn’t have any hair. I got in
bed and got
comfortable as he was moving around a little
Me: you okay? He looked at me with light
Siyabonga: yes am okay. We were silent than
just than a
scary looking guy came to the door.
Him: Its ready boss
Siyabonga: thank you Dion. He smiled at him
and he went
and he turned an looked at me. You have
Me: you joking right? Of cause. He pulled the
chair and i
went down and he helped me into taking me
with to 3
rooms away. He open the door and there
were flowers
everywhere and at the centre was a picnic
like setting with
lots of board games of all kinds and lots of
junk and
fruits. It was like a mini happy day. I was
smiling ear to
ear. He helped me to the floor.
Siyabonga: you good?
Me: yeah am good. He sat down in front of
me and
removed his sneakers and yes he was wearing
Seeing her smile like that really made me be
at peace.
She has come so far and not once has she
but she truly is a crier. We played games and
she was
laughing. Having fun. Am sure being in a
hospital can be
dreadful. After some time Dion came with
Pizza and I
swear her eyes were round like she just saw
Me: aah you fave?
Kamo: yes. She took the big slice and ate.
Me: you look happy
Kamo: I am thank you. Thank you for
everything. For being
here. For always checking in. For being
genuine. Thank
you so much.
Me: Thank you for giving me that
opportunity. She looked
at me for awhile than looked away.
His eyes were very light. I loved how he made
me feel at
times and how he took care of me but i learnt
my lesson
with well of guys the first few months its all
roses but
afterwards its like hell on earth. But this one..
this one
seemed unique but than again they don’t
have stamps on
they forehead written psycho.
Siyabonga: you thinking too hard. I laughed
shaking my
head a bit to take away all the negativity.
Me: sorry
Siyabonga: no need to apologise. Wanna talk
about it?. I
learnt long ago that men don’t want to hear
your thoughts.
Me: its nothing
Siyabonga: i don’t mind hearing the nothing
that you were
thinking about. I laughed shyly.
Me: You are wealthy. She clasped her hands
over her
mouth. I knew she had a witty mouth the first
time i saw
her bite her lower lip. I laughed at her.
Siyabonga: i do okay. She laughs.
Me: that what wealthy people say.
Siyabonga: is my wealthiness an issue. I
looked at him
and he still looked relaxed and chilled.
Me: its scary
Siyabonga: how?
Me: wealthy man tend to have ugly traits. Am
not saying
you one of those but... he raised his hand
calming me
since i was rumbling.
Siyabonga: money doesn’t change people. If
you have an
ugly character or trait its just you. Rich or
poor. So yes
am wealthy so you say but i am me. If i dont
something ill say so. If am angry ill tell you. Ill
never do
to you what whoever did to you, did to you.
So dont
compare me to that animal okay? I was
stunned and i
opened my mouth and closed it.
Me: am sorry
Siyabonga: you apologising for speaking your
Me: i guess i am.
Siyabonga: don’t. Now that we got that out of
the way.
What else have been cooking in your head. I
lightly. Iv never had a man ask me my
thoughts ever. Not
that I have dated much. Woah girl dated.
Who said
anything about dating.
Siyabonga: you over thinking again
Me: oh so... he shock his head no.
Siyabonga: let say from now on i don’t want
apologising for your thoughts or anything
apart when you
feel like you are really really wrong.
Me: okay. He took a bottle of water and
drank and looked
at me.
Siyabonga: doctor said you leaving in a few
weeks time.
So I want you to be frank with me. Is there a
place that
you can go to that safe? I felt panic in my
chest. Really
now. I didn’t think ill be in hospital forever
now did I.
Me: no. I whispered.
Siyabonga: okay. Ill make arrangements for
you than.
Me: arrangement?
Siyabonga: home arrangements. I looked at
him confused.
And i wiped the tear escaping my eye.
Me: I don’t have a home. He looked at me.
Siyabonga: are you from here?
Me: iv never been in Durban in my life.
Siyabonga: Than why were you here? He
asked with so
much patient and felt my heart squeeze but i
myself down.
Me: I was running away. I knew if i stayed
anywhere in
Johannesburg. Mondli( my ex) would find me
in minutes
and kill me. I knew going home in Pmb my
mother would
turn me towards him the minute he flashes
his money. So
I was coming here to start over but you know
how that
turned out.
I read her file obviously. I know the torment
and torture
she been through in all her life but I wanted
her to share
with me. To show that she trust me. I wanted
her to feel
safe with me. I wanted her to go back to
being herself.
Me: Am not from here too. I smiled.she
looked at me
Kamo: Really?
Me: yes.
Kamo: but you always here
Me:because you here. I fly in every morning
and fly out
every night. Her eyes shot up wildly and it
looked cute
and I laughed. For the first time in years i
laughed. She really was the one for me.
Kamo: you fly in?
Me: helicopter.
Kamo: and your mom?
Me: she flies in. She looked am me so
Me: am from Plettenberg bay. Its a place just
outside of
eastern cape and 600 km from Cape town.
I have about 40 to 60 thousand people in my
little town.
Kamo: you have?
Me: Yes I have.
Kamo: you like a king there?
Me: we don’t have those but some village
have chiefs but
everyone reports to me. Mayor councillor
and all and since
we still in South Africa I just let the
government know on
my city wellbeing and so forth. She laughed
the hysterical
Kamo: you just let the government know. She
again and I saw she was in shock. I kept quiet
while I
watched her brain work.
Kamo: You fly here daily? She mumbled. “
you found me
at the free way when that accident happened

Me: yes i did.
Kamo: how?
Me: one day it will make sense to you. She
kept quiet.
Kamo: You were in a Johannesburg
Me: business. I do business all around the
world. She
kept quiet and she looked at me.
Kamo: You are a billionaire
Me:so they say.
Kamo: no i dont mean South African rand
billions like
billion billion American dollar. I remember
reading it
somewhere that you have business aboard
too and.... she
kept quiet.
Kamo: secret service. YOU ARE THE
closed her mouth quickly. In all my years no
one has ever
known that. Not even close friends. No one.
Yes people
like to think the government or any country
with the
government that cause of it political parties
but no one
ever things about the extra details. Where
the money
comes from? Who are the investors that
invest in the
country in order for the government to be
able to do it job.
Who are those people who make those big
decisions and
where they come from. People think the
President is the
head of the government but they wrong. He
answer to the big boss and sadly that me in
my family.
She looked at me and I saw fear in her eyes
than worry
than shock than hope that was replaced by
fear again.
Kamo: You the government. She mumbled.
Yes i have
peers that help me run things but yeah I am.
Than her
eyes went wilder.
Kamo: Musk.. Canada , America. Oh no
America too. That
was quick.
Me: I help here and there.
Kamo: oh my world. Oh my world. She moved
looked at me like i grew a head. She closed
her eyes.
Open them again.
Me: You okay
Kamo: Am sitting next to the world rumoured
myth of
cause am not okay. You the richest man in
the world that
the media downplays. Than her eyes went
Kamo: The news papers. She got up so fast
and stopped
cause she felt dizzy. I helped her to her room
and she
showed me a bunch of papers.
Kamo: 6 months worth of newspapers. Not
once was my
details in there. You truly are the big guy!!. I
looked at her.
Held her face.
Me: Kamo. Breathe. She took a deep breath.
Me: Now let go sit down and talk okay. She
nodded and I
picked her up and walked to the other room
and we sat
down with her on my lap cuddled like a baby.
I could
have placed her down but I didn’t. I loved
how her slim
body felt in mines...
It felt so good being in his strong arms. He
smelt so
earthy and safe. I snuggled in him and the
consumed me making me doze off. I woke up
to find
myself still in his arms.
Me: i slept
Siyabonga: you did
Me: am... he squeezed me a bit and I kept
“ you always here “
Siyabonga: are you complaining?
Me: no but you run two world and business
and lots of
stuffs yet you always here.
Siyabonga:my family takes care if things when
am not
there. They report back later. I have people
who work for
me you know.
Me: I see. Thank you
Siyabonga: for everything. I feel lighter with
you. I usually
have to hide a part of me or who and what i
am most of
the time that it sometimes get lonely. Now
with you. With
you its different. I smiled feeling some type of
way but the
little voice in me told me to be cautious. Man
can be
something else. The guard who i learnt is
name is Dion
stood by the door. I guess it was his signal for
them to
Siyabonga: am going for a couple of days.
Mom will
come see you every second day and am also
going to
send a phone package later on so you can call
anytime you want. Ill be back day before you
Me: you going for a whole week? I don’t
know why that
made me sad but it did.
Siyabonga: yes
Me: i know i was feeling entitled to a man
that i didn’t
even know was mine or not. A mine that
could have a
wife and kids.
Siyabonga: You too quiet. Are you good?
Me: Yeah. I lied
Siyabonga: talk to me. Remember you a bad
liar and if I
don’t know what bothering you. How am I to
fix it.
Me: do you have a wife and kids? He chuckled
and i
looked up at him as he looked down on me.
Siyabonga: where will I tell my wife am going
every day
and night. He made a valid point but i wanted
to hear him
say it.
“ no i dont have a wife. Nor do I have a child”
Me: Oh
Siyabonga: and you
Me: no wife or child. He laughed. It was nice
having a
person I can joke with and laugh with.
Me: Just a crazy Ex boyfriend who will rather
have me
dead than leave him. That all.
We were quiet for sometime as he snuggled
me closer to
him. He kissed my head.
Siyabonga: will it be to much to ask you to be
girlfriend. He mumbled and I moved up from
She looked at me so shocked and I don’t
know what
pushed me to ask but I felt like I needed to.
To assure her
that am only hers. Yes she doesn’t know half
of what i
know so i just wanted to give her some sort
Kamo: am damaged goods
Me: says who?
Kamo: am not rich.
Me: You reasons are null.
Kamo: Am not your type. I laughed. In less
than a day she
has made me laugh so many times.
Me: what is my type? She smiled. The most
smile ever.
Kamo: I don’t know but we two different
people from two
different worlds.
Me: Yet we breathe in and out the same air.
Look am not
going to lie to you and declare my undying
love to you.
But i want you in my life for reasons you
understand even if I explain now but most
importantly I
need you because of how you make me feel.
She looked
at me shocked.
Kamo: You seriously want me?
Me: Yes
Kamo: I don’t know what to say.
Me: You can say yes. She smiled shyly and
looked at me.
Kamo: okay.
Me: okay what?
Kamo: Ill be your girlfriend. She smiled shyly
and i pulled
her to me giving her a hug.
Me: You okay? She nodded in me arms. I
know being
broken can take a toll on a person so her
making that
move to give me a chance is a big thing.
Me: Am going to leave you with 6 guards
okay. They your
protective detail. You don’t go anywhere
without them
alright. Its 3 in the morning and 3 at night. If
happens you call me no matter how small you
think it is
Kamo: okay.
Me: The doctor going to come when am gone
and injected
your arm with a tracker. Its just a precaution
Kamo: okay.
Me: anything you want to ask me before I go?
Kamo: be safe
Me: always. I kissed her forehead and looked
at her
glassy eyes. First time in my life iv had a
person feel sad
just because am leaving them behind. “ I
promise to make
it up to you”
Kamo: just be safe. I picked her up placed her
on the
chair and walked her over to her room. I
helped her to bed
than kissed her forehead and left. I went to
the top floor
where my chopper was parked and flew out
to Cape Town
where I got my next flight taking me to China.
I watched the news just as my two private
walked in. They both shooked they head no.
Me: what you mean no
Khumalo: I mean that your girl just vanished
into thin air.
There are no hospitals in all of Durban that
have anyone by
her name or her description.
Ngubane: none here in Johannesburg. Maybe
she died in
a ditch somewhere. You yourself said she has
resources so she is no more. She suffered 3
gun shot
wounds two to the head. She is dead my
brother that
requires lots of money to deal with plus all
bullets are
reports and none have matched the ones you
gave us.
Me: I know maybe am paranoid. That woman
is a fighter.
Maybe i expected her to fight this too.
Khumalo: ay the odds were against her this
time around. I
looked at them as something kept nudging
me that she is
alive but for now let me let it be.
Me: Okay.Thanks. They left and I sat there
looking at the
pictures of us on my desk. I really did love her
it just that
at times i felt so small and the only way i can
make her
pay was through tormenting her.
I woke up to the doctor in the room.
Doctor: you up
Me: yes
Doctor: you doing good. Did mr Musk explain
that ill be
injecting you with a small device?
Me: yes
Doctor: Good you will feel a little dizzy at first
but it all
good. It will be like an implant on your arm.
Me: okay. The doctor injected me and i did
feel dizzy and
he left. Just than one of the guard walked in
with the
paper bag and i knew that the phone was
Guard: This is for you ma’am. I smiled at him
as he gave
me my bag and I took out the phone that was
in there
charged it and switched it on. It was an
IPhone 8 Plus.
Than there was a small box of chocolates too
and sour
worms. They really were my favourite. When
the phone
was done charging i went to it and took a
picture of
myself and I was shocked to see how I look.
My right
side looked full of scars but my left was
perfect. I guess
this is the side i got shot at. I smiled and I had
dimple which was made by the bullet whole. I
wrote a text
to the number saved in my phone.
“ hy. I charged”
He replied back
“ ill call you in an hours time am about to be
on channel
412” i grabbed the Tv and turned to that
Anchor: we about to be live with the
Philanthropist and
business model and the world class
economist in the next
5 minute. His name is Siyabonga Jayden
Musk. The son
of Elon Musk and Winnie Nkosi. He is an
American but mostly spends his time in
Africa. His the
youngest billionaire and the only one in his
age with net
worth of estimation of 97 billion. Yes ladies
gentlemen 97 billion. His the vice chancellor
of the WHO
( world health organisation) and chair in the
AU. The list
goes on. Than just than his face popped up
and I knew he
was angry due to how dark grey his eyes
Anchor: Good evening and thank you for
joining us today. I
do understand we caught you at a bad time
while you on
your way to the summit?
Siyabonga: Yes
Anchor: many are confused as to why you
indulging the
Chinese this year.... the interview went on
and on about
money and economic growth and stability
and job
recreation. He was a smart man. The way he
himself throughout showed he was wise and
knowledge in what he was and is talking
Anchor: Thank you very much for your time
sir and have a
safe flight
Siyabonga: its a pleasure the minute it
disconnected my
phone rang.
Me: you angry? I really have a big mouth. I
heard him
Siyabonga: not at you
Me: what is it.
Siyabonga: I just hated the intro that all. I
kept quiet
thinking about it.
Me: you feel like people see you as a walking
Siyabonga: And than you wonder why i need
you. I smiled.
“ how you feeling?”
Me: bored
Siyabonga: just 6 more days than you out.
Me: Its too long
Siyabonga; i can get mom there tomorrow
instead of
Me: Oh no its okay Wednesdays is fine.
Siyabonga: You sure?
Me: yeah am sure.ill catch up on sleep
Siyabonga: let me know if you change your
mind than.
Me: I will. We were quiet and he was
Siyabonga: I feel uneasy like I shouldn’t have
left you
behind. I have some sort of heaviness on my
chest as if
something going to happen to you
Me: You have the guards here remember? So
going to happen to me
Siyabonga: am over thinking right?
Me: I think so. Am fine. I promise. The track
thingy is in
me so you can see am alive and kicking.
He laughed. “ the track thingy”
Me: i such with technology
Siyabonga; i can see. Well let me prepare for
the summit
ill text you later on.
Me: okay. Stay safe
Siyabonga: you too. He hung up and I closed
my eyes
smiling. When last did i feel like this? I felt like
a teenager
all over again? What is this guy doing to me?
Is it too
soon to move on?do i need time to heal? Find
myself or
is this it?...

I woke up around 4:30 to a feeling that
someone is
staring at me and indeed it was. In A cleaning
uniform my
cousin stood there looking at me with tears in
her eyes.
Lindiwe: Kamo. I sat there looking at the little
girl that
used to watch when my mom used to beat
the shit out of
Lindiwe: Kamo is this really you? I kept quiet
out of fear
as she walked closer to me wiping her tears.
Me: please don’t come any closer.
Lindiwe: oh my gosh it is you. She cried
openly and i just
looked at her as fear crept in on me. Lindiwe
hated me so
much growing up. Everything was a
competition with her
even when I wasn’t competing. Its been years
since iv
seen her but now that she knows where I am.
Everyone at
home will too and it just a matter of time for
Mondli to
know where I am. She tried to touch me.
Me: please dont touch me. The fear in my
voice and the
sternness made her stop.
Lindiwe: I thought you have died. When
Mondli came
home looking for you the other day I thought
bad happened to you or that you were
kidnapped or
something. Are you okay?
Me: please go.
Lindiwe: Kamo. Tears came to my eyes as I
the day I went to were she was renting
thinking as a
cousin sister if I told her my situation she will
help but no.
She called my mother telling her am at her
place leading
uMondli to come there and fetch me. She
watched as i
begged as he kicked and pushed me into the
boot and
giving her money and driving off with me. No
one in my
family cared to protect me when I came to
them asking
for help they always sided with Mondli.
Asking stupid
questions like what did you do to piss him
off? He
wouldn’t be like this if you just do as he ask.
She looked
at me one more time as I clutched to the
people shaking
from remembering the vile words they
uttered when i last
asked for help crying and begging them not to
turn me to
Mondli but all i was to them I was a means to
Lindiwe: kamo, your mom...
Me: ngithe phuma lindiwe(l said leave)
Lindiwe:Everyone is worried about
Me: Guard. The guards walked in and looked
at me and
looked at Lindiwe confused but drawn his gun
pointing at
Guard: Are you okay Ma’am?
Me: please escort her out and make sure she
says out
and don’t ever come this side. She looked
scared as the
guard escorted her with cleaning things.
The phone ringing and I looked at it since I
was already in
a meeting and it was Kamo and my other
phone rang and
I saw it was the guard that at the hospital. I
got up and
left answering kamo.
Kamo: am sorry... she was crying and i didnt
hear a
single thing she was saying. I took my other
phone and
answered him.
Guard: The boss lady is a mess after one of
the new
cleaners were caught in her room. She is
shaking in the
corner holding a people. Iv called the doctor
and wants no
one to touch her. I heard the panic in my
guards voice.
Me: call my mother and detain that cleaner
Guard: yes boss. I knew coming here was a
mistake. I
looked at Dion. Took a deep breath and
placed my phone
in my ear.
Kamo: His going to find me. She kept on
saying and
crying and the fear in her voice crippled me.
Me: Kamo. She didnt listen
Me: baby. Listen to me. Am on my way okay.
Listen to
me. She kept on repeating the same thing
over and over
and I knew that she wasn’t going to hear me
and the 14
hours flight wasn’t helping but i signalled
Dion for the
chopper went in the meeting wrapped up the
and put them on hold due to a family
emergency. Took
the helicopter to the airport and got on my
jet heading
back to SA. I called my mother
Mom: Am on my way to her now just 30
minute away.
Me: I knew it mom. I shouldn’t have left.
I was still processing what iv just seen when
supervisor called me in to his office and there
were two
guards there just like the ones standing guard
in Kamo
room. Yes i knew Mondli was abusive. I
thought he might
have killed her long ago but he kept coming
home asking
us about her like a possessed loss puppy
when I saw her
and yes iv heard about the woman on the
west wing who
was hanging by a thread not once did I think
it was my
cousin. Iv heard from the nurses about how
she was shot
3 times twice on her face and her body a
mess with
broken bones and limbs and how the good
Samaritan that
found her has been there for her through her
ups and
down. The workers used to rejoice with every
we got of her pulling through a surgery or
what doctors thought was a mild stone.
Specialist from all
over were flown in to construct her face and
help her. She
had security guards 24/7 since they feared
the person
who did this to her might come back. I heard
all about it
and not once did I think that it would be my
cousin who
was there fighting for her life. The same
cousin i once
watch being beaten to almost to a pulp and
thrown in the
boot like trash for running away. That money
I got from
Mondli that day helped me gained my
independence but
was it worth it from turning my helpless kind
soul cousin?
I saw the fear in her eyes when she saw me
and it made
me think I might not be Mondli but I also
helped in getting
her where she is and that broke me as I cried.
The two
guards just looked at me with confusion.
Doctor: am injecting you so you sleep. Am not
anywhere okay. Am here. The guards are
here you safe.
The cleaner is in a room, no one going to hurt
you. I
nodded and he injected me just as I saw mom
walk in her PJ with so much worry. She got in
bed with
me as I cried in her arms while she comforted
me and
rocked me to sleep.
My knock of time came and went but i was
still stuck in
the room. In the morning i had sandwiches
and juice
brought to me and the guards and we ate
while they
watched me. Day time came and I was
beginning to be
restless my phone was ringing on the table
and the
guards looked at me and told me to leave it.
Lunch was
served and just than the door opened and the
stood straighter as if that was even possible
and the
handsome man that i used to see from far
was standing
right in front of me looking a whole lot pissed.
I felt the
shiver going down my spine and I wanted to
Him: Miss Lindiwe. I just got back from an 15
hours trip.
Am not in a good mood as you can see and Ill
just want
you to answer a few questions.what your
relation with
Me: uhm she is my cousin. I started.
Him: what did you do to her
Me: nothing sir. I was shocked to see her so i
was just
staring at her still trying to figure out if it was
her only to
find out it was her and when she got up she
chased me
Him: why?
Me: we not on good terms sir
Him: why? I kept quiet.
Him: am not a patient man.
Me:i did something bad to her once which am
not proud
of that why.
Him: which is? I shifted and looked at him
with tears in
my eyes.
Him: am waiting Lindiwe
Me: she was in an abusive relationship and I
never helped.
Him: I see. Explains her reaction now. You can
go. I
looked at him confused.
Me: Am sorry
Him: That all you can go. I slowly got up and
took my
phone when I got to the door he called me.
Me: Yes.
Him: when you tell whoever you going to tell
today about
what happened today don’t forget to tell
them that I told
you that if Mondli ever got wind of where she
is and he
comes for her. Ill kill you with my bare hands.
His eyes
changed to dark grey and his voice got darker
and I felt
my bladder threatens to let go as I ran to the
bathroom. I
peed and sat there with my heart pounding
so hard. I
checked my phone it was mom calling I sent
her a
message saying i was working overtime but
am safe. I
washed my face and left. Am just going to
pretend like Iv
never seen my cousin. Am not going to say a
word to
anyone about this. Hopefully I’ll have my job
cause it
really pays well. Hopefully she is okay...

Insert 6:
I walked in the room to find my mom and her
sleeping. I see they already had lunch. I stood
there and
my mom woke up with a smile and hugged
Mom: You came back
Me: yes
Mom: she much better though. You should
have stayed.
Me: I knew something bad would happen but
I left
anyways. You can go home. Ill see you later.
She kissed
my cheek and left with her guards and I went
and took out
my blazer and shoes got in bed with her and
I woke up feeling better and i shifted and i
felt a strong
arm holding me I turned and found Siyabonga
right next to me. I smiled snd looked at him.
His bushy
eyebrows and thin lips. Siyabonga; you
staring he
whispered with his eyes closed. I smiled and
he open
them and I watched as his eyes changed from
blue to
light grey. Its was fascinating.
Siyabonga: how are you?
Me: iv seen worse days than this. He moved
kissed my
forehead then looked at me.
Me: Am sorry. Tears threaten my eyes.
Siyabonga: for?
Me:all of this. You suppose to be in China
doing lord
knows what yet here you are babysitting me.
Siyabonga: Did you ask me to come back?
Me: no
Siyabonga:than don’t be sorry. When a
person is
important to you. You make them your
priority and right
now you are mines. Ill deal with china later.
Now come
closer let talk about your cousin. I shifted
closer to him
and he held me.
Me: There really not much to say. She hated
me as kids
and rejoiced in my pain and when I told her
about Mondli
she used to side with him and allow him to
come and
take me away. The last year of my
relationship has been
hell. Iv tried everything to leave but everyone
against me because Mondli knew they soft
spots and used
it against them.
Siyabonga: tell me about your family
Me: nothing to tell when dad died when I was
six my
mom took me to her side of the family and
she changed
from the loving mother that she was to a
witch. She used
to beat me and starve me for no reason.
Lindiwe hated
me because her mother was the only descent
soul that
tool me in here wing and tried to protect me
but that was
on weekends only since she work so far. I
used to long
for Fridays because she will come home and
treat me like
her child. When i got to matric i got a bursary
allowed me to study so i went to varsity and
studied 4
years of biomedical researching and got an
internship at
Helen Joseph labs. Life was good than I meet
Mondli who
made life even better 2 years in the
relationship i saw
signs of things I can’t deal with so when I told
him that I
want out. Its like I flipped a switch that
turned him into the
monster that he was. I tried going to the cops
but he will
pay them off. I even tried to go to the ones
not in our area
and I learnt he has power everywhere. I ran
home and
everyone shunned me out. Lindiwe mom was
never home
when I had issues plus I was ashamed to call
her and tell
my story since I figured that my mom and
cousins has
already polluted her against me. So i saved
money enough
to run away thinking he wont find me and
look where that
got me? I wiped the tears on my face and
kept quiet. He
kept quiet too and snuggled me after
sometime he spoke
and his voice was hard.
Siyabonga: Its wasn’t you fault.
Me: I know now. For sometime i blamed
myself but as
time when and I saw what a crazy physcho he
was i
stopped and I figured maybe God just wanted
me to go
through this.
Siyabonga: no he didn’t. He said that with too
confidence that I kept quiet.
Siyabonga: Am thinking today we can go
Me: Home?
Siyabonga: Yes home.
Me: I don’t have a home.
Siyabonga: Home is anywhere where am at
right. I smiled.
Siyabonga: my mom wants us to come stay at
my home
for awhile until you strong enough. Yes there
are a lot of
people in my house but we all have our own
wings. This
will be until you feel like you have gained
enough strength
for the world than we can pick any city that
you want to
move to and start a fresh new life there. I
kept quiet for a
while and looked at him.
Me: you really have done so much for me
Siyabonga: you a part of me now.
Me: can I think about it?
Siyabonga: sure but you have until later.
Me: Thanks. I slept on his chest and closes my
eyes what
there to think about vele? Cause his offering
me a
sanctuary the same thing iv been begging my
family to
Me: Ill go. He chuckled.
Siyabonga: I promise you wont notice the
other people in
the house if you stick to my end.
Me: okay. How many rooms is the house
Siyabonga: how about we get there. I don’t
want you
changing your mind. I looked at him and he
smiled. The
urge to kiss him was so strong but I kept my
and slept on his chest..
I walked in my tiny room that I rent and slept
and woke
up feeling fresh took a bath and made some
lunch for
work since whole week am going night shift.
My phone
rang and it was mom so I answered.
Me: Ma
Mom: uright? Yazi ngiphuphe kabi( are you
okay? I had an
ugly dream)
Me: Yeah am good ma.
Mom: off to work?
Me: yebo ma.
Mom: alright. Be safe mntanami.( my
Me: i will be. I finished preparing for work
and went when
I got there my supervisor called me and I
went to her
office. I got there found her there sitting.
Supervisor: I heard there was a commotion
yesterday that
involved you? I looked at her confused
“ lindiwe”
Me: yes
Supervisor: what happened yesterday
between you and the
patient in the west wing.
Me: nothing. She looked at me for some time.
Supervisor: okay, since you not talking am not
going to
press you for information. You can start your
daily routine.
I nodded and walked out and went to change.
After that I
started cleaning and when I finally got to the
wing were
Kamo was there was no guards. There were
nurses and
the rooms were occupied by other patients. It
was like she
was never there. The whole thing was like a
process that I have imagined. I slowly walked
to the room
that she was in and there was an old lady
there. I stood
there looking in and I shock my head.
Me: forget about it Lindiwe. This is not your
battle. I took
my cleaning things and continued with job.
My first flight experience was not as bad as i
imagined. I
closed my eyes during the whole process and
opened them when we were safely down.
Siyabonga was
finished with laughter as he helped me down
and we
walked to the cars waiting. I got in the back
and we drove
through a forest dense population. Just than
big iron gate
came in view and the automatically opened
and the most
beautiful huge mansion that iv ever seen in
my life. There
were guards everywhere and he helped me
out when the
car stopped. I got out in my grey swear pants
sneakers that he got for me. The door opened
and Winnie
stood there beaming with a smile. She gave
one hell of a
hug and kissed me all over making me shy.
Winnie: So glad you agreed to come visit me.
She side
hugged me and we walked in the foyer and it
was like i
just stepped into a new world. This house was
beautiful. It was elegantly awesome and so
Me: you have a beautiful home.
Winnie: Thank you. You must be tired. Let me
show you
your end of the house. We walked to the
beautiful hall that
had pictures everywhere on the right and one
the left it
was 3 elevators. She pressed the button and
the door
Me: You have elevators in your house. She
Winnie: we a big family so to get around we
need them.
We got in and I noticed it was us two. She
pressed the
black button and it went up i saw that it was
7 floors.
Who has a house that seven floors and The
black button
making it 8 oh and that excluding “B” for
basement. So
basically this house is 9 floors! The doors
stopped and
opened up to the most beautiful house ever.
It looked like
a loft kind of like or a penthouse don’t know
the difference
but it was amazing. Everything was black,
silver white.
The lounge had black furniture and white
walls. On the far
left was a kitchen so huge 100 people can
cook there it
was all silver with a touch of black here and
there. This
place screamed Siyabonga. I walked in some
more and
saw a small study area where it was fully
white and oak
looking out to the most beautiful garden ever
and the huge
stair case was bronze. I turned to find that I
was alone
now. I got up the stair to his bedroom that
was the whole
upper room it was full white with black
curtains all around.
I moved to it and saw it was all glass at the
top. I went to
the balcony and it over looked the city and as
I walked
around it showed a beautiful breath taking
view. This
place was heaven on earth.
There was a small staircase going up and I
went up to
find a helicopter pad with a helicopter there. I
walked back
down and went in closed the door took a long
than when done open up the closet and
stood there. One
side was grey, than black, then white than
navy. Shoes
were black and white only. I stood there
wrapped in a
towel not believing what am seeing.
Siyabonga: Hi. I jumped and turned. He
looked lighter.
Me: You only have four colours of clothing? I
Siyabonga: it suites me.
Me: I see. I took one of his tops and moved
back to the
bathroom and wore it. Came out took his
black socks and
wore them than walked to the couch in the
room. The
doors closed. He pressed a button and the
opened showing us the most beautiful view
ever. I sat
there smiling like a retard. This place was
Me: You have a nice home.
Siyabonga: Thank you.
Me: how many room are in this house?
Siyabonga: i have no idea he answered shyly.
I knew he
knows. I now learnt that his a bit shy about
his wealth so
I let it slide and kept quiet. He got up and I
heard water
running and I moved to the huge bed and
slept there
looking at the beautiful garden that the last
thing I
remember as I had the most peaceful sleep
I went downstairs to the family home and
there in the
lounge was mom and dad and 3 of my
brothers and my 5
of my sisters and they husbands.
Me: seriously guys
Dad: you cant just bring a woman home and
expect us to
be silent. Does she know?
Me: know what?
Mom: about you? Your powers? Yours skills.
About you.
Me: No. the whole room erupted at once
Siyamkela: you can’t let a girl fall in love with
you and
don’t tell her about your true self. That
wrong. She has to
choose this life. You cabt choose it for her. I
looked at
my older brother.
Me: Its easy for you to say. You’ll are just
were wolves.
You’ll only change once in a blue moon and
that if I
summon you guys to change. Am the Alpha. I
never asked
to be one. I never asked for all the powers
that goes
along with being an Alpha. I didn’t ask to be
all of you in
one. Can you please just give me a fucken
break. You all
have your mates and what do I have? I felt
my inner
strength taking over and I saw everyone in
the room
taking a step back covering mom and they
mates since
they just normal human beings. I looked at
dad and he
looked at me.
Me: Am sorry. I turned around to look at the
green vase
that was there as decor.
Philile: I know you going through a lot and yes
we don’t
understand how it like being you and am sure
we never
will but you need to tell her so she can make
a choice
knowing what she getting herself into.
Me: you making me sound horrible.
Philile: No am not. We all know that you a
kind human.
We know you full of love and compassion and
you always
do right for the pack but you are immortal.
You are the
first generation were wolf. You have all your
ancestral powers. God dammit you can read
minds if you
want to. You do things that are inhumanly
possible. Does
she even know that you saw her car crash
before she even
crash? Does she even know that you went to
Durban the
day before her crisis because you knew your
mate was in
trouble? Does she
Me: no. I mumbled.
Philile:Am not going to tell you how to play
this because
its been centuries that the Alpha was without
a mate and
we knew this day is coming. We read about it
in books
and heard stories about it. But you need to
tell her so she
decides for herself if she wants to be in your
life or not.
Heck if she sleeps with you does she knows
what will
Me: No
Philile: You are smart Jay. Its in your genes to
protect and
I know you will hate yourself if this plays out
wrong. Talk
to her. Show her little and little of yourself.
Me: i cant read her mind. Everyone was silent
that was a
first. I could read anyone mind , i could plant
a train of
thought in anyone mind and I could will
anyone to do
anything but I couldn’t do none of those to
her. I tried to
stop her from panicking before and it was
blank. When I
knew she was thinking i tried to access her
mind but it
was blank.
Sakhanya: what you mean you cant read her
mind. You
read everyones mind.
Me: exactly that. Iv tried but it was blank
Mom: I don’t understand
Me: this what frustrates me. It would have
been better if I
knew what she thinks of me now. I watched
as my sisters
Philile: you dumb ass. She just went half
across the
country with you after an abusive relationship
and trust you
with her life and you worried about what she
thinks of you
ain’t it shown in actions. I looked at her with
a blank
Mom: You dumb and smart.
Dad: all am saying son is we here for you both
and of
course none of us will tell her anything it has
to come
from you.
Me: I hear you
Philile: Don’t sleep with her please. You know
what will
happen. Don’t even try to tell me about being
Me: I hear you guys. Now that the pack has
spoken can I
go now.
Mom: I love you son. I know you sometimes
have the
toughest job in the world but we love you.
Me: I love you too.
Sbonga: jeez can we go now. We all looked at
Dad: remember guys so long the new human
is here no
changing, no super powers. We will act as
normal as
possible. Got it?
Us: yes dad
Dad: sbonga!
Sbonga: i got you dad.
Dad: good. Now goodnight see you all at
breakfast in the
morning. I turned and dad stopped me.
Dad: I know this is new and I know you doing
history here
and this was inevitable but please tread
Me: i will
Dad: see you in the morning. I walked to the
elevators and
saw the whole fam was there and I just
teleported to my
room where i found her still peacefully
sleeping. I
removed my top and got in bed with her as
she moved
closer to me snuggling me. I slept still not
moving and
doing my best not to have her ass touching
my big guy
because I really wanted her to chose me as a
mate before
i mate with her because once I do and she
leaves. She
dies. Iv seen it twice before with the failed
relationships iv
had and am not about to be responsible for a
death again.
I woke up took a shower and went to the
closet to find
there were now woman clothes there too. I
stood there for
sometime thinking. There were all kinds of
shoes, dresses,
tops pants. I looked at the time it was only
8:30 so when
did he shop for all of this. He walked in
looking at me.
Siyabonga: you look confused.
Me: The clothes
Siyabonga: I got a few things for you.
Me: You call this a few? Thank you. He
nodded and left
and I took one black dress wore it and some
sandals. I combed my hair and applied
vaseline on my
lips and left the dressing room. He was sitting
by the
couch reading something on his IPad.
Me: What will you like for breakfast. I walked
towards the
stair. He looked at me for some time.
Siyabonga: mom already made. We can go
and you can meet the pa.... family.
Me: cool. We walked downstairs and i was
nervous I
guess Siya could sense it and he held ny hand
and we
walked towards the chatter and it was a huge
area. Everyone was silent when they saw us.
Siyabonga: family. kamo. Kamo family. I
waved a hand
awkwardly as the smiled at me too. He pulled
a chair and
he sat down at the other side of the head of
the family
opposite his father.
Winnie: slept well?
Me: Yeah i did. Thank you. He dished out a
few things for
himself than did the same for me and I
mumbled thank
you. Breakfast was calm and his sisters were
looking at
my every move. I noticed they all had topaz
eyes apart
him. It was 4 boys and 5 girls. They spouses
were there
too. The family was really really close.
Philile: what you studied.
Me: biomedical researching. I focused mostly
on genetic
matter and genetic mutation. Everyone
stopped eating and
looked at me as if i just swore.
Philile: interesting. She mumbled. I looked at
and I saw his eyes getting darker and I wasn’t
sure if I
was the issue. Was it something I said or did I
anything wrong.
Me: Excuse me. I got up from the table
blinking my tears
away. I wasn’t about to cry in front of the
family and
walked out to the bathroom. I got there
washed my face.
What did I do or say that made him so angry
with me?. I
heard the whole room erupt in talking all at
once than I
heard mom Winnie calming them down and I
Siyabonga chilling voice.
Siyabonga: All i asked you guys to do was
yourselves. She mentions her career and
yourl all think she
now going to put you on the table and
experiments with
you. What the hell is wrong with you people?
His voice
vibrated and there was silence and it was
than that I
realised he wasn’t angry at me but at them.
Why do they
fear my career path? What have research
doctors have
done to them that will make them fear me. I
don’t even
have a job!...

Insert 8:
I sat by the bathroom not sure what to do
now. This was
so weird. There was now silence in the other
room. There
was a knock on my door and I kept quiet.
Siyabonga: Kamo
Me: almost done
Siyabonga: open up. I kept quiet and didn’t
move from
where I was. I was looking at the door
focusing. “ please”
i walked there opened and came out we were
in the
Siyabonga: you okay?
Me: yes
Siyabonga: you sure?
Me: yes: he looked at me for awhile than his
Me: you angry
Siyabonga: am not
Me: you are. He kept quiet and closed his
eyes and than
open them again and there were Topaz like
his family. I
took a step back and he looked at me. It
wasn’t out of
fear it was just out of precaution. I only knew
dark grey
and light grey. I never knew what Topaz was
for. I saw his
sister come our way.
Philile: we going shopping with the ladies
want to come
with? I nodded and she smiled signalling me
to come. I
looked at Siyabonga and he was looking the
other way. I
went up to his room took one of the bags I
had put in the
phone he gave me and small Vaseline. I wore
my glasses
because the sun still irritated my eyes and I
was about to
go when Siyabonga walked in. He had a card
with him.
Siyabonga: here. I looked at him and the card.
Me: am not going to buy anything.
Siyabonga: even so. Take it. I took the card.
Me: Thank you. He looked at me for awhile
than turned
and left and I walked downstairs and out. I
got to the
Elevator and went out in the family home and
found Mr
Musk standing there.
Mr Musk: I wanted to apologise
Me: for?
Mr Musk: earlier on. I kept quiet because i
really didnt
understand what was happening.
Me: Its okay
Mr Musk: I wish i could explain more but right
now I can’t
but I also don’t want you feeling like you not
here because you are. I smiled at the old
Me: Thank you
Mr Musk: they already went to the basement.
I pressed
the elevator to the basement and went
down. Lord behold
when I got there iv never seen anything like
this in my
whole life. There were all kinds of cars parked
there. From
Porsche to Ferrari to Mercedes to Wagons.
from class to sport to luxury.
Philile: it’s overwhelming
Me: you people live in your own world.
Philile: come my over protective brother
already picked a
car for us and guards.
Me: guards? We going shopping?
Philile: my sentiments exactly but Siyabonga
is one
protective guy
Me: are you not married?
Philile: try telling that to him. She laughed
and we went to
the car were there were guards and I got in
the back with
her and Slondiwe one of the brothers wife.
We drove out
talking about anything and everything it was
really nice
being with ladies you know. Unwinding. They
took pictures
we had fun shopping and when we got to the
mens shop i
saw a nice pink shirt and I liked it so I brought
it for him
they both looked at me.
Philile: You haven’t seen his closet
Me: I have
Philile: his never going to wear that shirt.
Me: he will. They both looked at me and
looked at the
shirt and started betting. It was a joke and I
got silver
cuffs too and a brown belt.
Slondiwe: are you for real?
Me: yep. His closet need some colour. When
done We
went for lunch and they took few more snaps
than we went
to the salon and did our nails and toes. They
me to do braids and I did long black braids
when we were
done it was almost dinner time so we drove
home. They
took more snaps and we got in via the foyer.
We were
laughing and talking when Siyabonga just
stood there
looking at me weird. There was silence as he
closer touched my braids and smiled.
Siyabonga: you look different
Philile: we did a little pampering
Siyabonga: i can see. He gave me a side hug
and we
walked to the lounge were we ate having a
conversation about everything and anything.
Sbonga: What your take in myths? He asked
me and I saw
looks passing by and people drinking they
Me: what about them?
Sbonga: you believe in them
Me: depends
Philile: on? I saw the tension in the room but i
Me: on it merits. If they have been actual
sightings of
those for instance mermaids. I kinda believe
in them. They
all looked at me weirdly.
Me: what?
Siyabonga: you believe in mermaids?
Me: to many reports have showed sightings.
Iv never seen
them but I do believe they exist.
Sbonga: werewolves. Everyone was looking at
me so i
placed the spoon down and looked at they
topaz eyes.
Me: Iv never seen one. Iv never seen a wolf
alone and I
wouldn’t know the difference even if I see
one but iv read
to many mythical stories about them that I
don’t know
what true and what not. So am kinda on the
fence with
Mr Musk: You smart
Me: Thank you. This is the first time iv had an
conversation without anyone feeling like am
them or showing off my nerd side.
Sbonga: What will you do if you were to be
face to face
with a wolf? Everyone turned to look at him
and he acted
like he can’t see them.
Me: nothing. I cant run cause it faster. Ill just
stand there
frozen no sudden movement until its decides
to not see
me as a threat and when it leaves I’ll probably
scream my
head off. Everyone started laughing at my last
Philile: Iv seen one. Siyabonga gave her a look
and she
looked at me.
Me: where?
Philile: we are in the middle of nowhere here
so i once
saw it.
I really appreciate what my family is doing for
me but this
is too much.
Kamo: I think wolfs are like dogs. They have a
sense of
loyalty to their own and i once read
somewhere that they
mate with one wolf till they die if the female
leaves the
male. The female dies and the male dies of
heart break.
There was silence.
Winnie: you know a lot about wolfs
Me: my dad used to encourage reading so i
reading ever since i could.
Siyabonga: Can’t believe you believe in
Me: well I believe in a lot of things like
vampires too. The
room just went still. Sbonga laughed.
Sbonga: damn i love you. They all laughed
Siyabonga: why vampires?
Me: God made good and bad so if he makes
ain’t he going to create vampires too?
Everyone nodded
making sense of what I was saying.
Siyabonga: than who is the bad between the
Me: obviously the vampires they hunt on
Siyabonga: so do wolfs
Me: but it different with wolfs. You wont see
a wolf
walking in a mall and start eating people one
way like a
vampire would. Wolfs only attack when they
feel like they
only way out is attacking.
Siyabonga: makes sense but they both eat
Me: yeah but it depends how it got to that. I
wouldnt mind
having a wolf as a pet cause it loyal and will
protect me
from intruders but cant say the same with a
vampire. One
sniff of my neck i could become dinner.
Everyone was
looking at me fascinated by this. I never
thought in my
wildest dream that ill talk about something
fictional and
have the whole room listening at me and
appreciating my insight.
Siyabonga; so you would trust a wolf but
never a vampire?
Me: yep in a heart beat
Syamukela: how will you communicate with
your wolf?
Me: animals are smart. They read your body
language and
how you react to situations and take it from
there. So if i
had a wolf as a companion obviously he will
know me
just as he knows himself. A simple signal will
alert him or
her that am in distress than it shall act
Winnie: interesting topic. Wine was now
being served and
everyone was chilled enjoying the topic.
Slondiwe: What will you do if you ever found
out you in
love with a werewolf? There was silence as I
closed my
eyes thinking that through then I opened
them and smiled.
Me: nothing.
Siyabonga: what you mean nothing?
Me: I mean of cause ill worry about what will
me kids be
like an all but ill do nothing. Love is accepting
your partner
with they flaws and all. So if its means I
happen to fall for
one than so be it. I watched everyone smiling
andI knew
that somehow, somewhere along the lines i
won them over
to my side.
Me: and you?
Siyabonga: and me what?
Me: what would you do if you were to find
out you in love
with a werewolf?
Siyabonga: are you a werewolf Ma Thage? I
looked at him
shocked and I blushed did he just say his in
love with me.
I mumbled no
Siyabonga: Than we will never find out. I sat
there trying
to calm my heart. It was pounding so hard.
Did Siyabonga
just say his in love with me? Or am I over
thinking this? I
drank my juice as the conversation drifted to
movies and
stuff as my mind kept over thinking his

Insert 9:
After dinner i walked to his part of the house
took a
shower than changed into PJ. I walked to bed
and got in
just after a while he went took a shower than
came to bed
and I snuggled closer to him.
Siyabonga: they love you
Me: am a lovable woman
Siyabonga: that you are. We were silent. I
was slowly
dozing off.
Siyabonga: kamo
Me: hmmm
Siyabonga: There are things that i wish to tell
you. Share
with you but I don’t know how you will react.
Or you could
say that am afraid of how you will react. That
woke me up
and I turned to look at him. I was now sitting
and looking
at him.
Me: Ill like to think am an easy person to talk
Siyabonga: you are. I guess I fear rejection in
a way
Me: you mean i might reject you?
Siyabonga: yes. I looked at him confused.
Me: how? Why? He took a deep breath than
took me in
his arms and snuggled me closer kissing the
top of my
Siyabonga: I just wish it was easy for me to
talk to you
about this but its just so hard.
Me: try me. I felt his heart thud then he kept
quiet and i
felt myself let go and go to sleep.
I woke up early for my Skype meeting and
when done i
made my way to the family house to find
them already
abuzz. I stood there watching my sisters
preparing they
kids for school and mom busy laying things on
the table.
Its in this moment that I feel semi normal
with them. Dad
sneaked up from behind me holding a cup of
Dad: Morning Son
Me: morning. We walked to his office and he
looked at
me. I think sometimes he knows when I want
to have a
word with him without actually talking.
Dad: what on your mind
Me: I can’t tell her. I tried last night and I
couldn’t tell her
at all. We were both quiet.
Dad: she has to choose this life. You cannot
choose it for
Me: I know. Another thing iv imprinted on
her. My father
looked at me shocked. They have always seen
it as a
myth that when the Alpha falls in love as
confirmation that
they heart don’t belong to anyone they
imprint and last
night i did.
Dad: how is she?
Me: she not up yet I don’t know.
Dad: Kodwa Siyabonga uyenzeni?( what did
you do?) he
placed his cup on the table and ran to the
lounge. It all
happened so fast yesterday when she was
sleeping. One
minute we were dead asleep next moment i
was in my fall
form with her laying face down and my
markings on her
back. They looked tribal. Kind of cool but
exactly like
mines. Am not sure she will experience the
same pain that
iv have had when they started showing or she
won’t. I
heard my sisters screaming and walking
towards the
elevator and i went and stood there.
Me: where do you think you are going?
Philile: I like that little girl very much am
going to check
on her. She might he in so much pain.
Me: if she is. She would be screaming and
right now do
you hear any screams? How will you feel
waking up to a
bunch of weirdo’s staring at you? Now go
back to the
lounge and sit there and pretend like you
know nothing.
They all looked at me as I didn’t know how I
just used my
Alpha voice.
Mom: Am worried. This is moving to fast.
Me: we will be fine. Ill figure it out mom.
Mom: you haven’t given her a chance to
Siyabonga. Being the Alpha mate is a job own
it own its
comes with responsibility and who knows
maybe powers
Dad: we need to read more into what we
have thought is
myth because its looks like everything that
happening is
happening according to ancient history of the
Me: you all need to calm down. Yes I haven’t
had this
figured out but I will.
Philile: Says a man that imprints... she kept
quiet as I felt
her walk in. I felt her presence, her heart
beat. Her
calmness. Her peace and her aura. This gave
us a bond
that I never knew could ever exist between
two people. I
looked at her she was more radiant than
ever. Her busy
eyebrows hovering just above her big round
cute eyes. She
walked in looking normal. Freshly bathed not
a single
sight of pain. She had on a long brown dress
and flip
flops. Her tiny waist in full view. Her curves
driving me
insane and just were her little boobs were
she wore a
chain. She was wearing stud earrings to and
had her new
braids tied in a lose ponytail.
Kamo: morning
Everyone: morning. She walked to my mom
and helped
her place things from the cart to the table.
Everyone was
trying so hard to not look at her but I could
see that
already she was Queen. They were hovering
near her as if
waiting for orders from her. It really was
amazing to
watch. When there were done placing the
food on the
table we all sat at our places and As usual i
dished out
the small amount for her and did for myself
and she ate
what I placed on her plate without any
Mom: How you feeling?
Kamo: Alive. Good and vibrant.
Philile: you must have had a good night sleep.
Kamo: I think so too. It was different.
Me: different how?
Kamo: I think all those superstitious talks
made my mind
go crazy cause wow I had one hell of a dream.
Me: really?
I looked around the table there were all
looking at me
Siyabonga:tell us. I felt kind of embarrassed
sharing this
dream it felt so surreal yet in the back of my
mind I knew
it was just a dream but sharing it wont kill
Kamo:Okay. I remember us talking and sleep
consumed me than I was in this old house
and there were
this old people. Like tribal people. You know
those people
that have all sorts of markings on them and
all sort of
piercings. They walked me to the middle of
the room and
they were spraying things on me chanting
words that I
have no idea what they were saying. When
there were
done they started poking me with some sort
of needles
and stuff than boom all of a sudden i was in
the middle
and there were all wolves. Than one huge
white wolf. I
swear iv never seen something so majestic
and beautiful
and yet strong walked out from the middle
and i swear all
the other wolves bowed down to him. I say it
a him cause
he sure walked like a king. His nozzle had a bit
of black
fur on it. Anyways long story short i was eye
to eye with
that wolf when I started vibrating like i was
uncontrollably next thing It was all black. I
woke up this
morning and here I am. I looked around the
table and saw
everyone was quiet as she described the
ancient binding
ceremony as it was. The whole room was
silent. I guess
everyone one was afraid to say anything since
they have
just realised that she has been bonded to me.
Kamo: told you that all that mythical stuff got
my brains
running wild.
Me: the ancient guy who was chanting things
can you
describe him? I heard myself saying. She
closed her eyes
and describes my great grandfather just the
way that he
Me: hhmmm. Here i was thinking you slept
like a log
Kamo: I did afterwards
Mom: am speechless.
Kamo: I know too early in the morning to be
about these things.
I lifted my head up and saw Philile sending an
eye signal
to Siyabonga and him nodding his head and I
like I didn’t see anything. I ate while the topic
moved on
to lighter note than everyone spoke business
as he
delegated who is going where and how and
what not
Mr Musk: Care to join me for a tour? I smiled
since he
saw i was way out of element with what ever
they were
talking about.
Mr Musk: You know. When he told us about
you at first
things never made sense but now they do. I
looked at him
Mr Musk: call me Elon. He smiled as we
walked around
the house him pointing out a few things here
and there.
We took the elevator to the first floor were it
was a
transformation from the new to old. It liked I
travelled in
Elon: I believe in a person knowing what they
themselves into than them blindly going into
things. And
right now, i feel like I owe you this. He open
the big doors
and we walked into a cosy room with lots of
books and
there in the middle if the room was a portrait
of the very
same man that I dreamt of. I looked at the
picture and
than looked at him too.
Elon: that my grandfather. He was an Alpha
of his
generational pack
Me: pack? As in wolf pack?
Elon: yes. I looked at the old man my mind
everything around what he just said than I
looked at the
small picture next to it and my mind froze. I
walked closer
to it and pointed at the talk skinny man with
standing next to an old car with a book in his
hands and a
pen while the man next to him looked like he
was talking.
Me: this man
Elon: Your father? I spun looking at him with
so much
shock. Am not sure what happened but I felt
dizzy and I
felt strong arms hold me as it was light out
for me....

Insert 10:
I woke up to hush tones.
Elon: she had to know
Siyabonga: and you thought you had to tell
Elon: you are afraid of her. Am not. He was
silent for a
Siyabonga: you had no right father.
Elon: you imprinted on the little girl without
knowledge. You brought her here knowing
very well what
are your intentions. She has no idea who she
is and what
she capable of because people like you and
her father see
it fit to lie to her or rather close of the truth
to her. I did
what I thought was right and am not going to
for it.
Siyabonga: she is still healing. What if this
sets her back
Elon:she looked perfectly fine to me and you
the binding ceremony. You an Alpha you
cannot. I repeat
cannot bring your chosen one into your dome
and expect
your ancestors not to react that just
Siyabonga: how long has she been out
Elon: 30 minute
Siyabonga: what did you tell her
Elon: nothing
Siyabonga: dad
Elon: that little girl is one hell of a smart child
that why
her kind was killed in my days because out of
fear and
that the same reason her father ran away
with her after she
was born out of fear of what people will do to
her. Don’t
you think that when she saw her father
standing next to me
her brains did one and two and came with
forty hence she
Siyabonga: you have jokes. I heard Elon laugh
in a
Elon: well that why your mom fall in love with
me. Aren’t
you not suppose to be in a meeting?
Siyabonga: how can I focus when one minute
my wife...
Elon: wife?? He laughed again “ son, you
trying to kill me
with laughter. You loved this girl from the
first day you laid
eyes on her covered in blood and bullets
eating away in
her but you said nothing. She stayed 6 whole
months with
just you and still you said nothing. Little girl
even flew
across the world with you and still you said
nothing and
now that am man enough to do half the job
that you
suppose to have done long ago you have the
audacity to
tell me the shit you telling me now. Young
man you may
be the Alpha but am your father and advisor
and right now
you are one hell of a weak man. Get the hell
out of here
before we both say and do things that we
might later
regret” there was silence and then the door
banging. I
kept quiet for awhile than looked up the
ceiling and turned
found Elon sitting by the other couch looking
directly at
Elon: You okay
Me: am not sure
Elon: any pains?
Me: nothing
Elon: then you good but lay there for awhile.
Iv ringed for
tea. I kept quiet.
Me: you knew my father?
Elon: yes half the books here are all his work.
He was a
wonderful writer.
Me: I know, he made me fall in love with
Elon: he thought all my kids how to read and
write before
you were born and his priorities changed and
he left. I
looked at him not sure how to feel with this
Me: I dont know how to feel but thank you
Elon: for?
Me: sharing with me everything you have
shared and about
to share.
Elon: an pleasure
Me: what am I?
Elon: i see we going right into it no stalling. A
fairy. I
laughed at him as I sat up. I looked at him and
he wasn’t
Me: for real? Am a fairy? Me? I dont even
have wings. Am
normal size. I have no powers. You got to be
kidding me.
Elon: Your mother was/is a descendant of the
witches and fairies in the world and she was
the rare kind
that helped and protected our kind. Your
family came into
our lands when things were horrible and the
world was
after things that didn’t make sense. So we
made sure to
strengthen our bond with them and they
saved us a million
times over and over but when you were born
changed. No one expected the strongest
witch fairy to fall
in love with a normal man. And they feared
the worst for
you so you mom disappeared till to date no
one knows
where she is and if she lived or died. Few
years later your
father told me his leaving to protect you and
that was the
last I saw of my friend nor heard of him.
I looked at him digesting the information he
was giving
Me: I kind of knew i was different but didn’t
know how
and why i felt that way. Mom( the one i
stayed with) ill
treated me and it made me wonder if i was
adopted cause
i have no brothers nor sisters.
Elon: if I knew where you were I would have
came for you
but your father disappeared and changed his
name and
when I saw you. I knew you were Jasmine
baby. You look
exactly like her but taller but exactly. He got
up took a
portrait of what looked like me but shorter
and little
Me: this is my mom
Elon: yes. I had this taken when they had a
little ceremony
here celebrating being pregnant.
Me: So you are wolfs and am a witch fairy (
still to be
confirmed though) i could be a normal human
with no
powers or abilities.
Elon: true but you wit and smartness and
candid says
something else.
Me: I see.
I looked at the portrait and said nothing.
Me: So you are wolfs? He laughed and looked
at me.
Elon: you can ask me that 10 times and the
answer is yes
Me: so iv been in a house full of a pack of
and am still intact.
Elon: yes
Me: hmmm. So i was right.
He laughed and looked at me with a twinkle
in his eyes
Elon: You may look like your mother but you
are a
splitting character of your father. Thank you
for making me
Me: Its nice being around people who
welcomes my wit
and nerdy ways.
Elon: You free to come here anytime and
learn anything
about my kind and your kind. Your fathers
journals are on
that side( he pointed to a top shelf)
Me: my dream
Elon: binding ceremony
Me: to who?
Elon: I think you know who. I kept quiet for a
Me: his a wolf?
He smiled looking at me.
Elon: a strong one. Head of the pack.
Me: I kind of figured.
Elon: how
Me: No offence but your son is weird. I
thought it was his
nerdy ways and of cause ocd but now i know.
He laughed so loud.
Elon: hear you brought him a pink shirt
Me: which he will wear
Elon: I can’t wait for that day.
Me: Your wife?
Elon: normal
Me: Slondiwe?
Elon: normal
Me: so you all married normal and Siyabonga
had to bring
in a fairy!
Elon: perks of being Alpha. We both laughed
and that
when he walked in while we were laughing.
He looked at
us as if we are crazy...

Insert 11:
This is not what i was expecting when I came
to find them sipping on tea and laughing like
old friends. I
guess it cool than.
Me: You two are cosy
Elon: you know where to find me little bird
when you need
me. She nodded. Little bird? They have nick
names now?
Me: little bird. She looked at me nit saying a
word. I
looked at her and I have never seen such an
angry yet
sexy person in the whole world.
Me: am sorry
Kamo: for what exactly?
Am usually a timid person but him standing
there made
me so angry and i was shaking something
which i dont
usually do. And the courage to speak out like
Siyabonga: I know you trusted me and I
should have done
the same but....
Me: no buts Siyabonga. You imprinted on me.
Brought me
into a house full of wolfs. Brought me into
your ancestral
grounds knowing fully aware of what the
were. You did all that so that when I do find
out the truth
ill be in so deep that I won’t be able to leave.
You did
this. You calculated it. No matter how much
you try to
justify it or how you see it in your head but
you let me no
choice. Yes i have feelings for you. Yes i
blindly leaned on
you but I thought you were normal . A normal
human being
with a normal life and now this?
She threw her hands up in the air.
Kamo: This is huge. Not only are you opening
me into
your world now you opening me into a world
that I know
nothing about. Now you opening me to a
world were i will
have no idea if am sane or not sane. Fighting
battles that I
had no idea about. I rather live in oblivion
than to know
what I know. Your great grandfather flippen
bonded me to
you without any of our consents what next?
What going to
happen today when I sleep? What going to
tomorrow when I wake up? In 2 days that iv
been here iv
been bonded and imprinted on. 2 days
Siyabonga. 2 days.
I think the venting helped cause she cooled
down and she
kept quiet for awhile.
Me:Am sorry
Kamo: I asked you for what?
Me: not telling you that am a werewolf. She
kept quiet
looking at me and for a moment there I
thought she will
cry but she looked at me.
Kamo: so now what next?
Me: am sorry? I looked at her confused.
Kamo: you imprinted on me. Your great
bonded us. What next?
Me: am not sure I understand what you
asking me Kamo
Kamo: than our conversation is over. When
you do
understand me than you know where to find
me. She got
up and walked to the far end of the shelves
and took out
a book and open it and started reading it. In
all my life
being me and and Alpha iv never been
dismissed the way
that I have been right now. I don’t get it she
looked okay.
She was fine when dad was here. It seemed
like she was
understanding or did i miss something. I went
back to
work leaving her there as i saw that she was
absorbed in
what she was read.
I dont know what it was but i just couldn’t
shake the
feeling that she has just vanished just like
that. No
morgue... no hospital nothing just gone? I
called Lindiwe
her cousin to see if she has popped up at her
home and
still nothing. She wasn’t answering my calls if
I didnt
know better ill say Lindiwe is ignoring my
calls. I planned
my trip to Durban and pay her a visit and am
taking four
of my guys as a precaution.
Reading about fairies was eye opening.
Knowing they
strengths and weaknesses and they limits.
Knowing that
its rare for a fairy to fall for any other
supernatural being
but its does happen and if it does the fairy job
is to
protect that being. I sat there for what
seemed like hours
going through my father journals and
documents about his
work and what he has seen an learnt, it was
like opening a
portal to another world. I saw one book that
was pink
written Jasmine and I knew it was about my
mother. I
wasn’t ready to know anything about her as
yet so I just
placed it back in the shelf just as the doors
open and
Siyabonga walked in with a helper with food
and i felt my
tummy rumble. I walked to the corner table
that they were
setting on and sat across from him and when
she was
done she left.
Siyabonga: you been here for most part of
the day. You
even missed lunch.
Me: I notice now. He dished out for me a
good portion
and than we ate in silence enjoying each
other company.
Siyabonga: found anything interesting.
I watched as her eyes lit up and she went into
the tale of
telling me about fairies in the ancient
histories and they
wars and what they have overcome. She
went on to tell
me about different kinds of fairies.
Kamo: there is fire, light, water and nature
fairies . Than
there is strength and wisdom fairies. There is
herbal and
ancient fairies but I haven’t quiet figured
which part do i
fall in.
Me: you will figure it out
Kamo: or maybe am no fairy
Me: that a possibilities too
Kamo: which is cool with me.
Me: am really not a romantic type but am
pretty sure you
aware of how i feel about you. Iv never hid
that from you
right? She looked at me confused and i could
feel myself
sweating. After the conversation we had
earlier it got me
thinking in regards to what next? What do i
do? What
steps do i need to take to show her that we
are one and i
wouldn’t have it any other way.
Me: kamo
Kamo: hmm
She looked at me and I looked back at her.
I watched as his eyes turned a light brownish
colour. This is a first. Iv never seen his eyes
this colour. I
looked right at them as if they compelling me
to look into
him. I watched as he moved from a sitting
position to a
kneeling one and my heart just raced up to
my chest. Is
he really doing what I think his doing? Is he
really kneeling

Insert 12:
Siyabonga: am not a man of many words but
ill really love
to have you as my life partner. Not because
of the
circumstances that we are in but because of
who you are
and your ability of making me be nervous.
Like i never
know what to expect with you and that keeps
me on my
toes. You make me want to be a better
person and a
better leader to my people. So ill really
appreciate it if you
give me this chance to make you one of the
humans on earth. I looked at him as tears
went down my
eyes yes it wasn’t romantic having a serious
straight face
talker telling you these things that what made
it special. I
wiped the small tear that was rolling down
my cheeks.
Me: am scared. I know you not Mondli. I
know you will
never hit me in you instance eat me but am
scared. He
Siyabonga: eat you
Me:wolves eat people
Siyabonga: out of all the things you could
think of. Eat
Me:well this isn’t a normal relationship. You
are a wolf
and wolf eat people when they angry, probed
or confused.
He got up from his knees and looked at me
than shake
his head.
Siyabonga: seriously? Am pouring my hear
out to you and
you thinking about me eating you?
Me: I know you wouldn’t i was just saying. He
did a small
laugh and turned to look at me as if iv grown
a head or
Siyabonga: you haven’t said if you will marry
me or not
you know
Me: am scared though
Siyabonga: i promise not to turn you into
dinner. I laughed
as he walked closer to me making it difficult
for me to
breathe with him so close.
Me: its not that
Siyabonga: what is it?
Me: me. He looked at me
Siyabonga: what about you
Me: what if am the problem? What if me not
powers is a problem or me having them will
be a
problem. Or just me. Iv never had a healthy
relationship in
all my life maybe am a loner. Maybe being
loved ain’t my
thing. What if i took more of the witch side of
my family
than the fairy side.
Siyabonga: do you love me? I looked at him
shly and
Siyabonga: yet you have never seen the
worse part of me.
You have never seen me as a wolf. Never
seen me angry...
never seen me undecided yet you love me.
What will stop
me from loving all sides of you? The sides we
still to learn
and what i know now?
Me: You too perfect
Siyabonga: am not. I have my imperfections
and yet you
have welcomed me with them. Now my
Me: you dont even have a ring siya. He
Siyabonga: i feel like when you have the ring
open like in
movies you don’t know if the girl is happy to
see the ring
or she happy that you proposing so i want my
answer first
than ill show you the ring
Me: oh my gosh this is the weirdest proposal
ever i
laughed and he laughed too looking right in
my eyes and
in that moment i knew that i rather have
these weird
moments with him. No one else but him
Me: yes
Siyabonga: yes what?
Me: Ill be you shepherd. He laughed so loud it
was a first
his voice vibrated through walls and a few
books fell and i
smiled at him. This has got to be why be why
he chuckles
most of the time or have those semi laughs.
Siyabonga: my what? He was still smiling
looking at me
with glassy eyes. “ i think shepherd applies to
sheep’s am
not a sheep”
Me: kuyafana nje( its the same)
Siyabonga: no its not
Me: than what do you call a person who
herds wolfs? He
laughed again and looked at me as if am
I felt the vibration in the lounge and my heart
filled with
joy. Everyone was back and we all looked at
each other
because we knew what were those.
Siyamkela: did he just laugh? My serious
brother. The
goofy guy.
Elon: i had the pleasure of spending time with
that lovely
soul and believe me laughter is all you do
when you with
Me: wolf dont have a person that herds
Kamo: in movies... I looked at her she really
was a rare
Me: movies lie.
Kamo: well not all of them
Me: tell me one movie that was true.
Kamo: not true but we can relate.
Me: you still never told me to what exactly
are you
agreeing too. She smiled that rare smile that
makes my
insides turn into jelly.
Kamo: Yes to being your friend, advisor, your
nag( she
laughed) do i even know how to nag. And
mostly to being
part of the pack even though i dont have a
tail and four
legs. This had got to be the best day if my life.
I took out
the ring box from my coat.
Me: iv been carrying this for a while now
waiting for a
moment. I knew about you a year ago. Iv
searched for you
in more ways than i could ever explain to you
until i gave
up on you and i learnt my lesson that giving
up on you
wasn’t an option because i nearly lost you
because of
that. With this ring am pledging my life to you
and for you
to do as you please. What mine is yours and
am yours
forever. I open the box and i saw her eyes
When he opened the box it was a black
diamond ring it
looked amazing and huge and the minute he
placed it on
my finger the diamond turned into pink and
when I
squealed in excitement it changed to yellow.
My eyes
were popping out of my eye socket.
Me: wow
Siyabonga: this ring belonged to a very
powerful king who
was afraid of his wife. So he asked a very
powerful fairy
( your mother) to cast an eternity spell on it )
so that
when the king wife wears it changes colour
based on her
mood or thoughts. So its changes colour. All i
need to
know is that I never want this ring to turn red
in my
presence because that will mean you angry at
me. I can
read minds, body language and people but
you. You are
very difficult for me to read because we are
I looked at her and she was beaming.
Me: do you like it?
Kamo: I love it. It so beautiful but it so big.
Me: give it time. It is said it will adjust to the
owner. And
just than it did fitting her so perfectly and
then the
unthinkable happen I watched as her eyes
changed colours
just for a moment than go back to it usual
Kamo: you staring.
Me: feeling any different?
Kamo: happy. I smiled and gave her one of
the best kiss
ever and i felt my whole body vibrate from
head to toe...
Sorry for the short insert... flue showing me
flames am off
to lala land now

Insert 13:
I woke up to find Siyabonga sleeping next to
me and I
rolled off the bed and took my night gown
and walked
down the stairs to the little room that Mr
Musk showed
me. I got there switched on the lights and
went straight to
my mother dairy. I just couldn’t sleep
knowing that
somewhere this house there is something
that belongs to
my mother. I took it and moved to the love
seat at the
corner and took the mini blanket and
wrapped myself with
it than turned to the first page.
“ my dearest daughter
This isn’t my journal but this is kind of a guide
from me
to you. By the time you read this I know I
wouldn’t have
been in your life for long but do know that I
love you. You
are the source of my actual being. You are my
peace but
mostly you are my epitome of love.
With this journal I hope to guide you to your
powers. To your fullest potential as a person,
a friend, an
advisor but mostly a wife to the strongest and
supernatural being in the world.
Yes dear the future was shown to me the day
I first laid
eyes on you. I was shown what a wonderful
human being
you are and the path you are destined to
This is your journal. Yours alone. The fact that
you can
open this book means that you do have
powers. The fact
that you can read these words means you
have the power
of sight.” I closed the book quickly and looked
What does she mean that I have the power of
sight? This
is just a normal book to me. I opened it again
and read.
“ you are ISIPHO( the gift). You are the gift
from God to
every individual that you have crossed paths
with but
mostly you are the gift to the man that has
chosen to give
you the enchanted ring”
I closed the book again and sat there for
looking at the ring. How did she know all of
this? How did
she know about Siyabonga? What powers is
she talking
about. I sat there with my heart pounding so
fast and I
looked at the book that was now sparkling in
my hands.
This is real. This is me now. This is going to be
my life
now am I even ready for this new chapter?
Am I even
ready to embrace who I was made to be?
Who I was
made to become. Just than Siyabonga walked
in and he
had his shirt off only wearing his PJ bottoms.
I walked in the room to find her sitting by the
love seat
looking scared, confused and troubled all at
kneeled infront of her.
Me: you look confused. She was quiet for
awhile blinking
tears away.
Kamo: open this book for me please. She
whispered and I
took the book and tried to open it but it
wasn’t opening. I
got up tried again and the book never open.
Me: its not opening. She took the book in her
hands and
easily open the book. I looked at her
confused as she
handed me the book.
Kamo. What do you see? I looked at the
empty page.
Me: nothing. She stood up and took the book
from me
and I watched as she looked at the page and
started appearing. Blurry letter that never
made sense to
Me: its blurry letters.
Kamo: I can read them. She read the first few
lines. Than
she closed the book looked at me with glassy
Me: hey what wrong.
Kamo: I have a gift. I am the gift.
Me: am not understanding
Kamo: this is a book from my mother. She
wrote it for me
to read. You in the book too.Iv just read the
first page but
by the look of things looks like I have the gift
of sight.
The fact that I can see what written and you
can’t just
proved that every single word that Iv read is
true. She
wiped the tear on her cheek. I wasn’t
understanding what
was bothering her or troubling her at this
point but i
picked her up and she laid her head on my
chest as we
walked to our wing of the house. I got us to
the bed and
placed her book on the side of the table and
cuddled her.
She snuggled closer to me not moving an inch
but i knew
she was up.
Me: you know the first day i found out i was
different was
my matric year. My dads friend who were
white invited me
for a camping trip bear in mind that a nerdy
goofy boy like
me going to a camp was something that was
beyond my
imagination but dad wanted this oil deal and
whole week
he was begging me to say yes. So i finally said
yes and
we went. Somehow i found peace in the
whole experience
and I was shocked to see how much I enjoyed
single moment of it. I loved the cool night air
breeze and
the stories Jack told( my friend father), it was
really fun.
Fun until he took us on a hunting trail. My
animal instincts
kicked in and I was really good on the sport
that we killed
a few animals that night and he was really
really happy. It
was in the middle of the night when we were
sleeping that
we got attacked by a pack of real wolfs. Wild
life animals
that I felt my body temp go up and I felt every
bone in my
body crack as Jack was trying so hard to load
a gun.
Bare in mind his in a bush alone with two
scared kids and
one looks like his having a heart attack while
the other
was trying to calm him down and the wolves
are circling
in. One moment I have Dan trying to calm me
down and
the next moment I was a full blown wolf in a
tent with two
humans. I tore out of that tent and gave my
biggest howl
scaring those wolves away and do you know
what else
Kamo: what happened
Me: in the moment of my transitioning Dan
was to close
to me that he got flown away hitting his back
against a
rock affecting his spinal cord making it
impossible for him
to ever walk again. My best friend stopped
walking the
day that I learnt of my powers and I forever
carry that with
me. No matter how many times Jack tells me
we could
have been dinner that night for the wild
animals if it wasn’t
for my powers but I saw them as a curse. I
kept quiet and
she shifted looking at me.
Kamo: if my mom was this great witch fairy
and she saw
my life. She saw the path that I was going to
live why
couldn’t she spin her wand or clap her hands
Mondli in my life? Why did I have to go
through so much
pain, uncertainty and torture when she could
have done
something about it? I saw the pain in her eyes
and I knew
the Mondli ordeal hurt her but I never knew
that it was this
Me: i cant answer on your mom behalf but all
I can say is
that at least you not alone. At least you don’t
have to go
through the process alone. Am here for you
every step of
the way. At least now you know that you are
unique and
you will be cautious with yourself and to the
around you. I know you have never hurt a fly.
So what
going to change now? She looked at me for a
trying to find some sort of an answer.
Kamo: am scared.
Me:its normal. But we going to be fine. We
will figure this
out. Now close your eyes and get some rest.
I closed my eyes as he held me me tight and
in that
moment it felt like everything is going to be
fine am just
panicking for nothing. I dozed off for a while
than woke
up again took the journal and opened it.
“ the gift of sight. Is you being able to see
beyond the
naked eye. You are able to see things that
people can’t
see or what others call as being observant.
You see
beyond this world and some say if
concentrated you can
see glimpses of the future like versions.
Then there is the gift of the death. I pray you
don’t have
this gift since it the most difficult gift ever my
child.” I
flipped through the pages scanning. Am not
sure what I
was looking for but I wanted something and I
knew the
answers were here. I flipped to a page and
“ tapping to your powers
I think by know iv told you all you need to
know about
your kind and how we are but now I think I
teach you the
first lesson and that is tapping into your
With the guidelines of before, you should
know by now
what are your powers and what you are
strong at and weak
it and now its all about channeling those
powers into play.
Its really easy. Just close your eyes and be
clear minded
and let it be blank and think of exactly what
you want to
do and let the magic do it trick. The forces
will work with
your energy and direct it to what it is.
Remember the
calmer your aura and energy is the cleaner
and calmer
your power and it force will be. Do not try
tapping into
your powers with a troubled mind because
you will never
be able to control it. Kamo listen carefully:
needs you
to be clear. Your emotions needs you to be
I closed the book smiling and got up. Am
calmer now. I
really am at ease and I really what to know
what are my
powers this sitting and waiting for it to pop
up is to
much. I went to the middle of the room and
closed my
eyes. I stood there for some time and nothing
happened. I
tried a couple of times and all I could hear
was Siyabonga
sleeping. I closed my eyes one last time.
Me: I must have some power. I whispered
and closed
them shut and took a deep breath and tried
to stay calm
and opened my eyes and nothing.
“ this is ridiculous” i took out my gown and
throw it on
the couch in frustration and a big whop of fire
started. I
started panicking and tried putting it off but
the more
things i touched the more the fire spread
until i realised
my hands were in fire. I screamed and I saw
jump out of bed with green stormy eyes and
he looked at
the burning couch and my aflame body. I was
as the fire was spreading all over my body. He
ran poured
water on his couch and its stopped than
looked at me not
knowing what to do and I was now an inferno
burning a
whole in the ceiling and floor.
Siyabonga: What were you doing?
Me: I wanted to know my powers
Siyabonga: And you start with fire? Switch it
Me: I don’t know how too
Siyabonga: what did the book say. I
remembered the
warning and i panicked. Am going to die of
over heating.
Yes am not feeling any pain right now but
being naked and
being a fireball wasn’t my idea of powers. He
threw a
bucket of water on me and that didn’t help.
Me: am sorry.
He ran to open the balcony and told me to go
stand there
since it mostly metal and I cant burn
anything. I went
there as he was thinking than I closed my
eyes trying my
best to calm my nerves and myself and
everything in me
and I felt myself slowly getting back to normal
and he
looked at me with dark grey eyes and ai knew
he was
angry and I panicked next thing he was
pinned against the
wall. His eyes went darker.
Me: oh my god what am I doing am so sorry.
Siyabonga: Get me down from here he
vibrated. And I felt
the walls shake. Fear got to me and I ran in
the house
took his gown and just as i was about to go
down the
steps his father and brother Syamkela were
there. They
saw the burn areas didn’t comment as i
pointed them to
the balcony. I stayed inside as Winnie walked
in and I
rushed to her and she hugged me as I started
crying and
just as I started crying it rained like it was hell
on earth.
Siyabonga: you are channelling your powers
Kamo. Stop it
right now before you end us. For the first
time ever since
iv known him he was both pissed and angry.
Am not sure
if he was angry at me or the situation. I
turned to look at
him and he had his hands in a stop sign
pushing me and
it right than that I realised that he was
fighting me pushing
him to the wall. Instead of him flinging to the
wall I did.
And I remembered my mother words: You
are linked to
the most supernatural being in the whole
world. His
powers becomes mines and my powers
becomes his.
Only difference is that his more power since
he can
control it better.
Me: you hurting me
Siyabonga: stop channeling babe. His voice
was pained
between trying to stop me and knowing his
hurting me.
Me: am trying but I can’t. I raised my voice at
him since it
was raining too hard causing the clouds to
give up the
loudest thunder clap Iv ever heard in my
whole life.
Siyabonga: he ran to me so fast and smashed
his lips on
mine and I welcomed him. At first it was hard
dangerous but as I gave in on him I felt myself
lighter and I felt the power within slowly
subsiding and he
caught me in his arms as I became Jelly and
next thing I
felt a slight headache and it was light outs for

Insert 14:
The minute she fainted i placed her in bed
and covered
her. Mom and dad was looking at me. I know
i was
worked up. Waking up to a fire is no child
play than on
top of that having being flown to a wall. She
really was
something else.
Syamkela: what were you two doing? You
woke me up
with the walls.
Me: I was sleeping. She found her mother
journal. Lord
knows what she read or knowing Kamo what
she chose to
read. She was full on fire before this bra. Full
on. My
brains couldn’t process it until i felt it tingling
in me.
Syamkela: how did you do that.
Dad: They are one. What she has he has and
what he has
she has
Mom:she can change to a wolf too?
Me: I don’t know mom but all I know no more
experimenting indoors she nearly brought the
whole house
Mom: she still a baby in this world of super
Me: I told her to sleep cause wasn’t okay. Did
she listen?
They all looked at me.
Syamkela: you about to have your hands full.
Me: I think it safe for us to move to the cabin
in the
woods in the north. Its not safe for you mom
nor the kids.
Mom: She will be devastated
Me: Its for the best. Until she matters herself.
And dad
can you organise my uncles this weekend we
going over
to her home were she grew to pay lobola and
do the
gifting. That should keep her busy.
Mom: she will have to go there on Friday. She
going to
be there with people who tormented her for
a whole night!
Tell me how that will work?
Me: she is a nice person by nature am hoping
that she
doesn’t do something that she will regret.
Mom: cant the lobola process wait?
Me: i was suppose to have done it before we
were linked.
We going there this weekend tomorrow they
receiving a
letter. Dion leaving in the morning to go give
Dad: You know what best for the family. Ill
get the elders.
But is she okay. I looked at her tiny body
curled up in a
ball and I knew she was now sleeping.
Me: She fine dad.
Its was Sunday. I was still home for the
weekend and it
was nice and calm. We woke up went to
church and came
back. We cooked and ate and just then a
black car pulled
up on the gate and two guys jumped off. One
familiar and my blood ran cold. I knew he was
the guard
from kamo room. The other scary one looked
like he will
crush my bones. Iv never said anything to
Mom: do you know them. You look scared. I
moved from
the window as they knocked. I never had the
time to
answer her back.
Mom: Come in. They walked in carrying a big
envelope. Where on earth does a person get
a black
envelope. They sat down and I did my best
not to more.
Mamncane( kamo mother): How can we help
Guard: we are her sent by the Musk family to
deliver this
letter. He placed the envelope on the table.
Mom: Musk?
Guard: Yebo ma(yes) my mom nodded as my
aunt took
the heavy envelope and when she opened it
she screamed.
She took out so much money. It was four
stacks of
200rands in an elastic. Then a tiny note that
she gave to
me to read.
“ ekhaya kwa Thema and kwa Thage”(
“ sengibone intokazi laykhaya engingathanda
ukuthi siye
kude nayo( i have noticed my intended in this
Bengizocela ukuthi ningivumele sakhe
ubudlelwani( i
deeply ask for an opportunity to create an
relationship with
this family)
Imali le ihambisans necwadi eyokhucela lelo
thuba lelo
lokuthi nivume size ngale phela sonto esiya
kulo( i would
like to come this coming weekend)
Ngokukhulu ukuzithoba laykhaya bengicela
yokhuthatha uKamo Thage.( the lady in mind
is Kamo
Than it was signature and it was the end. My
mom and
my aunt looked at each other shocked. My
mom came to
her senses quickly.
Mom: Yes we shall welcome the family. The
two guards
got up and left.
Kamo mom: Aybo imihlola ke le uMondli
wonke lo?
UMondli yena yedwa? She asked shocked.
Mom: Wena cc mawubheka uMondli angafika
months ago
ehlanya esifuna ukamo and uMondli abale
ehloniphile kanje? ( do you seriously think it
I kept quiet like I wasn’t even in the room I
counted the
money while they went back and forth.
Me: 50 thousand rand? I screamed that out
stopping them
from talking.
Mom: what did you just say?
Me: he sent 50 thousand rand?
Kamo mom: ukuthathaphi umtwana ka Sizwe
zakhe?( where does Kamo find these
Mom: why do you always think the worse of
the child
maybe this one is not!
Me: His not. They both looked at me. I told
them exactly
what happened that day and they looked at
me more
Aunty: and you kept quiet all these months?
Me: did you miss the part where he said he
will kill me.
This guy is a tycoon. I bet you 100 rand now if
you open
the business channel ukhona. I read about
him after that
day. i took my phone typed in Musk and
showed them a
picture of him. They both looked at it and
Me: if you know what good for you two ill
take this money
fix this place up and make sure that when
Kamo comes
whenever she comes you treat her like gold
or else uzofa
mamncane ( you will reap the day you trouble
Mom: That child has been nothing but a good
girl. I don’t
know what wrong with you Phumelele. I saw
my mom
was getting worked up
Aunty: Ill call the uncles.
Mom: ill do it. Wena take this money return it
back in it
envelope and let start planning your sister
negotiations. I picked up the money just as
Mondli BMW
parked outside the gate.
Aunty: ungafunga ngathi she was made out of
gold nangu
uMondli( one will swear she was made out of
gold here
comes Mondli. I quickly hid the money as he
walked in
without knocking and just made himself at
home with his
guard standing by the door. Mondli was the
rudest person
Mondli: aw kanti usaphila lindiwe ngithi ufile
ngiyafona kodwa dololo( you alive lindiwe, i
thought you
died because am calling to no answer)
Lindiwe: I don’t answer to you Mondli kade
ngaso asimazi
ukamo( we have no idea where is Kamo)
Mondli: and the black Mercedes that was
Mom: awubabuzanga ngani ngoba
ubabonile?( why didn’t
you ask them because you saw them?) he
kept quiet for a
Aunty: nabo bafuna Kamo njengoba umfuna(
they looking
for kamo too) the look of shock on his face
was surreal.
Mondli: what is secret service looking for
kamo for?
Mom: yini ke leyo secret service?( what is
secret service)
mondli looked at us. I guess he got the
answers he
wanted cause he got up and left us sitting
Aunty: what is secret service?
Me: i shrugged my shoulders going to my
bedroom to put
the money away where Kamo mom wont find
it. That
woman can be evil and am going to do
everything in my
power to make sure that Kamo get what she
wants. Iv
been so horrible to her in the past. She has
had a hard
life and i could have been there for her but
instead i
added to her already harsh life. I have a
chance now and
am going to use it and I do not want that guy
to kill me
with his bare hands. At least Mondli is now
out of our
The family really didn’t know where kamo
was. I saw it in
they faces. They also had no idea that the two
guys who
was there was secret service. Hack they
didn’t even know
that there is a thing called secret service.
What the hell is
kamo involved in? Did she snitch on me to get
Are the big boss after me now? But what did
she know?
All she did was cry herself to sleep daily to
even notice
the kind of a job that am involved in. I called
my guys.
Me: check with Hawks if there are any special
opened against me or any secret service
special ops. And
also check if there is anyone by Kamo Thage
who has
entered the protection service unit. I hanged
up. I need to
go home and plan my attack strategy and put
all my
affairs in order. I called one of my guys.
Me: put two guys at the Thage home. I need
to know
everything any anything that might be
happening in this
household and report if any secret service car
or any car
stops by the gate and take photo’s. I hang up.
Am going
to find you kamo and you will pay for this no
one. I mean
no one leaves Mondli Gasa...

Insert 15:
Today iv been avoiding Siyabonga. I have
seen the guys
worked on the house and they were gone.
The family went
to service and I pretended to be sleeping to
skip the
church service. So iv been in the kitchen with
the family
chef almost all morning cooking the massive
lunch that
should be an apology enough for all the
troubles. The
helpers have been very helpful in setting up
outside on the
patio. The kids will be eating inside so we
could have an
adult conversation. When done I went
upstairs took a bath
and changed to my white and black dress and
wore my
sleepers. I did my braids in an untidy bun and
downstairs. Just as the family was sitting in
the set up.
After some time Siyabonga walked in.
Winnie: This is amazing.
Me: Thank you ma. Everyone enjoyed the
food and spoke
of the service and had light conversation.
Siyabonga was
quiet through out the lunch and I told myself
am not going
to start a conversation with him unless he
talks to me.
Elon: You outdid yourself.
Me: I wanted to apologise about last night.
The room
went silent as they all looked at me.
Siyabonga kept quiet.
Me: I know I should be careful since this is a
home with
kids and actual humans. So I really needed to
apologise I
never thought i had any powers until you
know i was in
flames. I panicked and things started
happening. So I
know this isn’t much but I wanted to say
Elon: Its okay dear. Everyone mumbled for
me not to
worry and we ate as Siyabonga was still
silent. After he
was done eating he cleared his throat and
everyone looked
at him.
Siyabonga: as you all know i asked Kamo to
marry me.
The whole table erupted in chaos as everyone
wanted to
see my ring that was sparking yellow at that
Siyabonga: we moving out end of the week
when we come
back from her family to do lobola
negotiations and to do
the gifting. I looked at him shocked.
Me: home?
Siyabonga: yes. I felt tears sting the back of
my eyes. Its
not that I wasn’t happy but home. Go see the
very people
who never wished to see me have any good
in my life. I
quickly looked down because I wasn’t about
to cry in front
of the family. I nibbled on something and I
felt a strong
hand on my thigh. I knew it was him giving
reassurance but the panic was too much. I
kept quiet as
the family went into a full blown planning.
When done I
went up the room that looked brand new.
The guys really
did a wonderful job. I got there and took a
bath and
changed to my nightie than got in bed just as
I heard
Siyabonga walk up the stairs.
I found her curled up in a big ball on top of
the bed. I
knew she really wasn’t feeling the whole
going to PMB
Me: I hate it when you ignore me the whole
Kamo: I was busy
Me: avoiding me? She kept quiet. I got in bed
with her
and scoped her onto me as i leaned at the
head board.
Me: talk to me
Kamo: we moving out.
Me: we going to be newly weds. We can’t be
saying my
family all the time plus i want you to be free
too be able
to learn your powers without fear and this
environment is
not for that. She looked at me. I saw she
knows i was
making sense.
Kamo: when you need me to go home?
Me: i sent them money to fix things up a bit
so you can
leave on Friday because the weekend will be
ceremony but if it was up to me you will leave
sooner so
that things are prepared the way that you
want them to be.
Kamo: my step mom hates me.
Me: with money involve i doubt she will say
or do
anything to you but am sending you with your
4 guards.
Two for the morning and two for the night.
Kamo: I have no one to help me plan things
my cousin
hate me.
Me: I like to differ. I saw lindiwe that day she
looked like
someone who acted like any child who was
threaten would
Me: I can send you with two helpers that
would help and
One chef. She nodded but I could still see the
fear in her
Me: I have the secret service team on speed
dial for that
Kamo: Mondli probably already knows that.
Me: Not my team. I know his been asking
around to no
avail. I got you okay!
Kamo: Am going to miss you.
Me: so will I but will talk every day. Plus you
have 2 more
days with me.
Kamo: I think its best I leave tomorrow. Just
so things
can get going.
Me: Fine with me but we going out in the
morning for
lunch and of cause some shopping for your
plus i need to pass the bank and collect your
card that you will use to take care of things
that side. Oh
and also to pick the car that you want ready
for you that
side. She looked at me with tears in her eyes
and she
wiped it away.
Kamo: Thank you. She got closer to me and
gave me one
small peck of a kiss that drove me insane.
Me: I know am not expressive when it comes
to emotions
but you are my world and a man protects his
Kamo: I love you. This was the first time in my
whole life
apart from family iv ever received those
words and I felt
my heart beat out of my chest for a bit.
Me: i love you more. She smiled her cute one
sided smile.
Me: you know am a public figure right?
Kamo: yes
Me: At some point we will have the media
talking about
us and going in this journey that we are on
you need to
maintain a public image and mine is being
private at all
times. Now am not saying run past everything
to me but
you will see it get crazy at some point so you
need to
make sure that your circle is small. You don’t
reveal to
much of yourself for them to exploit it
however and the
more mystery you are the better. At least
what they write
wont hurt you. She nodded.
Me: Cool. Next week will go more into detail
about living
in my world and introduce you to my
assistance. She
looked at me shocked.
Kamo: You have an assistance?
Me: Yep. You going to get one too once the
world get a
wind of you.
Kamo: but am a nobody!
Me: you never was a nobody and Never will
be a nobody.
You are Kamo Musk. Wife if Siyabonga Jayden
Musk. A
friend of mine. A place where i call home but
mostly my
Gift. Wena uyisipho sami( you are my gift).
I don’t know if it was me being a cry baby but
the way he
said it touched at the corners of my heart. He
really did
mean those words. I closed my eyes as my
heart was full
with love and peace and i dozed off in his
loving arms.
I woke up to fresh flowers on my side table
and a note “
meet you at 10 in the basement “ i looked at
the watch it
was 9am. Ay i can sleep shame. I got up and
took a
shower. Today it was my first public
appearance with him
and am sure the tabloids will be there
somewhere. I
opted for my black skinny jeans. I wore black
sneakers. I
took a white shirt that covered my ass and
wore it and
tucked one side in. Wore one of the chains he
got me.
Got the stud earrings that he got me and took
a black
small bag to put my essentials and
sunglasses. Did an
untidy like messy bun and went downstairs. I
found him
learning to a red Matte benze. He was in full
black from
glasses to shoes. Black jeans , sneakers and
gold shirt
and watch.
Siyabonga: You look nice. I blushed and wore
my glasses
as he opened up the door for me. I got in and
we drove
around his home town showing me places
than we finally
sat down and ate. The secret service team
was in they
own car a little distance away. At the
restaurant they set at
surrounding tables around us so people are a
little far
from us. I was smiling at something he was
saying when I
saw a person in the bushes taking photos of
us. I laughed
at how ridiculous he looked.
Me: does this happen all the time. I pointed
at him and he
turned and looked at the guy who wasn’t
even ashamed of
taking pictures.
Siyabonga: I just tune them off.
Me: ill try and do the same.
After eating he made shop until i was
exhausted than we
went to Volvo and picked a car that he liked
for me. When
done we walked out and I saw waffle house
and I
screamed in excitement dragging him there.
We brought
one and sat down and shared. He had some
cream on the
side i licked it off while he laughed in that
sexy chuckle i
notice he has been doing all day. I wanted the
shaking laugh but i knew that in public he
does it best to
not show who he is.
Siyabonga: you crazy
Me: and you love me just the way i am. I
smiled as he
looked at me with so much fondness. I took
out my
phone and took a photo of him. He smiled.
Siyabonga: what that for?
Me: You always serious so I treasure the
moments you
Siyabonga: You tend to make me do that a
Me: can we have tonight. Ill go in the
morning. He smiled
and kissed my check something I thought he
will never do
in public.
Siyabonga: I thought you will never ask. We
went past the
pizza place got those and some wine and
went home.
In the morning in the front page of almost
every magazine
was the yesterday dinner date that I had with
her. In some
articles her ring was circled and people were
speculating if
we are engaged or not. I had all tv shows
calling aboard
and here. People were asking themselves
who is the
mystery woman. One picture in particular
stuck to my
heart it was her looking at me and I was
holding two
dresses for her to pick from and she was
making funny
faces as i was laughing at her. I looked happy.
I was
happy. She brought on a side of me that i
never knew i
had. After that picture i saw one where she
was teasing
me making rabbit ears behind my back while
the cashier
laughed. I remember i was lecturing her. I
turned on the tv
and entertainment now was on and boom
our pictures:
Anchor: just in yesterday our billionaire made
relationship known to the world with who we
might say is
a girlfriend or fiancé judging by the big
diamond on the
girl finger.
I was watching entertainment now news and
there she was
I screamed for the family to come see. Seeing
perfectly fine and happy and loved was the
best feeling
ever i found myself smiling like a retard as the
show took
us through her day.
I watched as I saw her. It was her but not
really her. This
girl looked perfectly fine. Her body was to die
for. Her
smiles and the way he looked at Siyabonga
Musk. Yes i
knew him from far. We never mixed in the
same circle but
I knew him well and I knew that fighting him
would be the
biggest mistake of my life but could I just let
him take my
girl just like that???
Somewhere in South Africa
“ luthando yehlisa hawu” ( luthando lower
the volume) she
didnt and i walked to the lounge and i saw
what she was
watching and i froze in place as i watched my
daughter. I
saw how happy she was and how she was
connected to
herself and than i saw the ring and I was most
certain that
this is the one. The glass slipped from my
hand and my
husband and step daughter turned to look at
Luthando: uright ma?
My husband looked at me. He knew of who i
am and my
past and he knew i had a daughter. He came
to me and
moved me as i could speak or say anything.
Him: luthando cleaner la( sweep here) he
moved me to
the kitchen and gave me water.
Him: is that her? I nodded.
Him: she beautiful. Does that mean we have
to go?
Me: no not yet. She will find me. Right now i
just want to
lie down. He helped me to our room and i laid
down. God
bless this man. He has been there through my
worse till
now. My daughter is alive and well and he
has found his
intended. I couldn’t have asked for anything
Its an early night zithandwa. Goodnight

Insert 16:
I woke up took a shower got dressed in jeans
and top. I
went to my closet packed a few things that ill
need from
there than went and placed them by the
entrance. I took
everything that Siyabonga brought for me to
take then I
went down to the basement to the guards
room and asked
one of the guards to load my things in the car.
done I went to the house and found Elon in
his office. I
knocked and walked in.
Elon: You been circling in the news world
wanting to know about you.
Me: Iv noticed.
Elon: how does it feel?
Me: being suddenly famous or being engaged
to the most
powerful men in the world?
He laughed and looked at me smiling.
Elon: You doing great by the way. You not a
person and you accept a lot. You have
accepted him as he
is and not one day doubted him.
Me: He is my perfect version of things. What
he sees as
flaws I see as strengths.
Elon: Am glad. His really at peace and he
laughs more. I
found myself blushing cause am really
addicted to his
Me: I wanted to say my goodbyes.
Elon: well see you over the weekend.
Me: am nervous but hopefully all goes well.
Elon: its will. He hugged me and I left. I
walked to the
home office and found his door ajar. He was
sitting there
with a big crew of TV guys and he was
seriously talking
with a girl sitting across from him
interviewing him. He
looked at me and smiled the minute he saw
me and
excused himself. The girl nodded. Am
guessing these are
recorded shows not live. He walked to me
and I smiled
up at him.
Me: sorry to disturb. I was just saying am
leaving. He
smiled placing his head on my forehead.
Siyabonga: You call when you need me. You
call when you
need a person to vent too. You called when
you confused,
angry or sad. Simply put you call me
whenever you need
Me: I will
Siyabonga: If we weren’t in a room full of
people ill be
kissing you senseless. I turned to find them
like they not trying to listen but we were
whispering or
look at us.
Me: a peck on my forehead will be okay. He
kissed me
my forehead and I giggled as his other had
moved to my
ass grabbing it.
Siyabonga: can it be Sunday already.
Me: what happening then?
Siyabonga: as me that on Sunday. He kissed
my check
and moved a step back and i sorted him out
and left.
I watched her leave and I stood there for
sometime until I
didn’t hear her footsteps than I walked back
to the
After a few hours I was on the drive going
home. I was
nervous as all the horrible memories of me
driving down
here through panic came. I lowered the
window a bit and
closed my eyes for a second as the guard
drove me there.
My guards and I will be sleeping at a bnb
close by and Ill
just be going home during the day to sort
things out and
go. I didn’t want to impose even though that
was my
father house but the people in there never
made it seem
like home. The next thing I was by the gate.
Me: please
give me a moment to breathe.
Guard: Yes ma’am. I looked up to find that
Dion was my
driver. I might have been too occupied not to
notice. Dion
is Siyabonga personal guard iv never seen him
leave his
side. I took out my phone and called him. He
picked up.
Me: you gave me your personal guard?
Siyabonga: How you feeling? He asked not
bitting in.
Me: am about to go in.
Siyabonga: remember to breathe.
Me: I will
Siyabonga. And yes I gave you my personal
guard that I
trust with my life. He needed a change of
scenery and you
are it.
Me: his your guard.
Siyabonga: his yours now.
Me: his scary. I whispered which didn’t help
much since
we in the car.
Siyabonga: the whole reason why his there.
No one going
to mess with you now.
Me: am going in. I closed the phone looked at
Me: Are you ready? Why am I asking him vele
cause his
ready this is his job. I guess the nerves we
doing it most.
I walked out of the car with Dion right behind
me. For now
its was just Dion and I.
I watched as she got out of the car. Rumours
have been
saying there going to be a small ceremony
happening at
her place so i jumped at the first flight here.
To my
surprise i saw that they were busy. They even
painted the
house and got a person to plaster the front. I
watched as
the black range rover parked and for
sometime no one
came our until I saw her. I know that tiny
body from
anywhere. I saw her get out of the car and
take some
things from the back and then I saw her
guard. I knew
him. I knew him from the video tape that I
got from the
break in and slaughter that happened months
ago. My
body ran a chill. I really loved kamo but this
fight is not
mine to fight. Iv been a gangster for this long
because i
know which fights to pick and this one is
really not mines.
Me: start the car and let go. Tell the guys to
never set
foot near kamo again nor follow her am done.
I got in the yard and the kids ran to me
hugging me and
screaming. I smiled and they helped me with
things. We
walked in the house and it was a buzz with
walking around sorting the house out. Its
looked better
kanti how much did he give them. It’s weird
being here
now knowing that my mom and aunt are not
really my
mom and aunt. They just people that my dad
took in after
marrying his wife who now is my step
mother. Its kind of
make sense all the things that Iv been
through with this
family that now i know that they not really
my relatives. I
placed the things by the kitchen and just than
my step
mom walked in looking a mess from painting.
She really
just smiled at me. Like am I dreaming or
Mom: you here. I nodded as she walked
closer trying to
hug me which was something that she has
never done in
her life. Everyone walked in from my cousins
to they
moms and the two aunties. They were too
friendly and
that confused me. But i told myself ill be civil.
Mom: you look nice
Me: thank you
Mom: Lindiwe brought the magazine with
you and we are
so happy for you. The ladies at church are so
jealous that
my baby girl is on the newspapers and tv and
I looked at her as if she grew a big head. This
is why she
was so friendly and loving all of a sudden.
Because of the
mini fame I got. Is she serious? I kept calm
and smiled.
We walked to the lounge with Dion close by. I
guess he
was doing his job to the point.
Aunty: Uright kodwa?( are you okay?) God
bless Lindiwe
mom. Why didnt my father marry her instead
of this one.
Me: Yebo ma( yes). Uhm am not sure if we
could talk.
Aunty: Lindiwe at the stores she shpuld be
back soon.
Me: okay. Dion please make sure everything
in the car is
out. He nodded and left.
Mom: You swimming in money. Usuwu
madam. She
laughed. God why? Why did I have such a
step mom? I
kept quiet not answering her just than
Lindiwe walked in
with two buckets of paints.
Lindiwe: Cuz. I smiled at her. She had a kind
soul but
jealousy always got the better of her.
Me: Hy. I gave her a mini wave. And everyone
got a
glimpse of my ring which was a pure white
today. They screaming and came to see
making beautiful
Mom: Its must have cost a fortune.
Me: I don’t know.
Lindiwe: you look good
Me: Thank you. I see you doing great.
Lindiwe: yeah we got a letter and some
money so we
figured the in laws might want to come to a
clean house
you know.
Me: Thank you. I appreciate everyone effort.
Aunty: its a pleasure.
Mom: how did you meet him.
Me: he saved me after Mondli goons shoot
me and left
me to die after I came here asking for help
and you
chased me away. There was silence. No one
Everyone looked ashamed even my evil step
Me: Which is okay. Iv made peace with it that
when it
comes to receiving any help about mondli am
alone. They
still kept quiet.
Me: which brings me to my next point. I really
expect you all to pitch in like you did and to
the deepest
part of my heart i thank you all for your
efforts. Secondly I
know you not my mom. I know dad came
here with me
when I was a small child and for you Aunty to
love me
like your own. Ngiyabonga kakhulu. Lastly I
know dad left
this house for me under my name and in
some twisted
way I think you treated me badly so that I
don’t chase you
out. I looked at mom. I was saying the words
but I didn’t
know where all of them came from. The
courage and the
audacity of me saying such. I was shocked but
I never
showed it. They were shocked that I knew all
of this.
Me: am never going to chase you out of this
house but i
also want it to be my home. You guys are the
only family i
know and I should feel that. That all am
asking if you
can’t offer me that. Tell me now so i pack and
leave and
never come back. They all looked at each
other nodding.
Me: now that we got that out of the way I got
you guys
some things. I saw my step mom genuinely
smile at me
for the first time in my life. She came and
hugged me. A
real hug this time around.
Mom: Am sorry for everything. She had tears
in her eyes.
Somehow it felt so real and I felt myself get
Me: I forgave you long time ago... did I just
channel my
powers of truth without noticing? I read it in
my mother
journal that with the power of sight I also get
the power of
truth. I see things and they automatically
themselves. Is that what just happen?....
Insert 17:
The days to the event were closer and I was
nervous with each moment. We have been
talking daily
with Siyabonga and I missed him too much. Iv
spent so
much in fixing so many things that am even
afraid to ask
him how much iv spent.
I woke up feeling lighter today and I took my
bowl and
looked in it and I saw the smiling face of my
daughter. I
knew that in order for her to have eternal
happiness I have
to not see her until the traditional ceremony
was done. My
husband was taking me to my cabin in the
woods today
for a while so I can try and hide her scent
from all the evil
powers that are after her. The days of me
seeing her or
even touching her are near and I just cannot
I woke up and it was Friday the day of the
Musk family
coming over for negotiations. I woke so early
and we
cleaned and around 7am they were here.
The family has been in there for hours while I
was outside
and finally at around 10 my brother came to
call me. I
went in and we were served with the most
breakfast ever. I never saw kamo and I really
wanted to
see her. After eating we left to the hotel that
we were
staying in with my family. We brought gifts
and that
service was going to start around 2pm. I tried
calling her
and I couldn’t find her so I left a message
letting her
know to call me when she is free.
Iv been nervous. Yes the negotiations went
well but my
nerves been killing me. His family and my
family and they
friends has come for the gifting celebration. I
was wearing
the beautiful dress Winnie and the girls
helped me wear
then afterwards they left to the front. The
colour of the day
was white with a touch of blue and baby blue.
I finished
sorting myself out and the family came by.
The gifting
was a beautiful ceremony with my family so
happy and so
were the Musk family. My highlight was
seeing Siyabonga
wearing something other than black. He had
on a white
pant and a light blue and royal blue top and
he looked
like a snack. I saw a couple of the ladies eye
him bit his
light grey eyes only was looking at me. He
was watching
every move i made. Which felt good.
Somewhere in the distance
We parked the car and we watched the
“ remind me why we here again”
Me: to take what ours
“ which is” i turned and looked at my big
Me: for years the wolfs always take what
ours. Witch
fairies are ours. They are made for people like
you and
me. Now i learn that this guy has his claws on
one of the
most pure fairy of our generation.
“ his an alpha”
Me: and am a vampire, what your point?
“ you about to start a war”
Me: one that am willing to take. Iv been
tracking this fairy
for years now. I have been having sleepless
nights about
her. She is mine and mine alone no one else
should have
“ funny you say that yet here we are watching
her get
married to someone else while we sit in the
Me: I can’t just walk up there and take her. I
need to plan.
“ oh well than. Are you done cause am
starving all these
humans are making me thirsty”
Me: we can go. We started the car and left
with Kamo in
my mind. I finally learnt her name today.
Kamo. An
chinese name that means Maybe... maybe
she shall be
I sat in the room listening to all the woman
that were
advising me about marriage and things of the
world. When
they were done I walked out the room and
found Lindiwe.
Me: Thank you. Thank you for everything.
Lindiwe: it was a pleasure. He really is
whipped. We were
standing outside watching the celebration. I
smiled at her.
Lindiwe: you are happy. Am so happy to see
you happy.
Me: Thank you cuz. We hugged and she
wiped a tear. “
we okay.”
Lindiwe: I pray one day am as pure hearted as
you are. I
smiled at her just as Philile daughter Madden
Madden: uncle calls you wife now. I smiled at
Me: why do you say so?
Madden: he said go call my wife and pointed
at you. We
both laughed and I walked towards him while
people were
having fun. My world stopped the minute i
was in his
presence. The way my heart felt was beyond
the world.
Siyabonga: you looked beautiful today,
couldn’t take my
eyes off you.
Me: blue looks good on you too. He smiled
looking at me
with a twinkle in his eyes.
Siyabonga: where is your phone?
Me: Dion has it. I gave it to him when things
were hectic.
Siyabonga: i tried calling earlier. I had an
unsettling feeling
but now it gone. I looked at him and saw he
was worried.
Me: we can leave now.
Siyabonga: are you sure?
Me: yeah let me say my goodbyes and we will
go. He
nodded as i walked in the house. I said my
goodbyes to
the family and when done walked to the
Musk family. We
then left and there was a full blown
conversations were
loud. Siyabonga was quiet throughout the
journey. We got
to the hotel and we got in our room.
Me: you not okay
Siyabonga: I feel something weird.
Me: How?
Siyabonga: am not sure. But i feel heavy.
Me: being around people was to much.
Siyabonga: Maybe.
I watched as they left the family home. I
knew which hotel
were they at. I followed them keeping my
distance since I
knew that he was a sensor and he could
sense if I was
too close. I watched as the family had fun and
walked in.
“ not for long. Ill will rewrite history and take
back what
was ours even if its the last thing I do in
earth” i turned
and drove off.
I felt lighter as i was sleeping on my bed with
my head on
kamo legs. She was brushing my head and we
enjoying each other peace.
Me: I feel better
Kamo: you sure.
Me: yeah
Kamo: does this happen often?
Me: no it has never happened ever..she was
quiet for
some time.
Kamo: maybe its being around to many
humans and being
out of your comfort zone
Me: maybe. She kept quiet for a while
brushing my head.
Kamo: thank you
Me: for?
Kamo: today. Making me the happiest that I
can be right
now. Thank you.
Me: its a pleasure. You make me happy to.
Thank you. I
moved closer to her and she was now under
Me:I want to make love to you but i have
fears. She
looked at me blushing.
Kamo: what are those fears.
Me: We going to be connected in body and
mind moving
forward and that scares me. Iv never shared
that level of
intimacy with anyone in my life.
Kamo: am sure we can manage. We been
dealing with this
supernatural stuff okay all along am sure we
going to be
okay too.
Me: iv slept with four people before you and
one died 3
days later and the other is in an wheelchair
and two
died,that when I later found out that wolf
dies when they
mate with the wrong person and since am
not any kind of
wolf those were my consequences.
Kamo: At least cheating will be the last thing
on my worry
list. But on the serious note. Am your mate.
Am your
chosen one. Dont have any fears.
Me: easier to he said then done.
Kamo: we not going to force things. One day
at a time
love. How did I get so lucky. I moved my head
a bit than
kissed her slowly as I felt all my insides wake
up, i felt
my head get lighter as if am floating in a fluffy
My whole body began to feel like it was on
cloud 9. His
lips on mine made my heart beat faster and I
knew that
all along iv been doing this whole love making
wrong. His hands went under my top
brushing my breast
and I felt the tingling sensation going right
through my
body. He then hiked my panty and lowered it
leaving me
naked as he slowly moved me to be on top of
him. I felt
his hump on me as he removed my top and I
was fully
naked. I looked at him to find his eyes warm
and dark
Siyabonga: you okay? I nodded and lowered
my head for
him to kiss. He rolled me to the side with him
on top of
me and took his time kissing me all over my
body leaving
small fires everywhere. Am not sure when he
got naked
because I was at the to of losing my mind
when I felt him
in my entrance. I held on to him as he slowly
pushing his way through. He tried twice and
succeeded on
the third when my walls welcomed him. I felt
him freeze
for a second and our bodys connected and
making me climax on the spot with him
holding on to me
and his nails digging into me causing me to
scream in my
head in pain. I knew if I screamed in real life
he would
stop and the pleasure will end. He then
started moving
slowly and lord Iv never felt every each of my
body getting
awake with every stroke. I felt myself nearing
the edge
again and I knew that this time if his fingers
dug into me
ill scream. But instead he went faster and
harder growling
like a wolf and I felt my mind go in a frenzy as
it was
climax after climax. My breathing was too
shallow. I felt
like my insides were being pleasured to death
with every
strong fast stroke. I felt him go rigid and I
knew he was
near. I quickly flipped him over. Am not sure
where I got
the strength from but I had it and I slowly
moved as he
went deeper making me scream and him
groan. Then I
went as fast as I could feeling the weave from
my toes to
my body. I vibrated just as he pushed me off
him and
pinning me against the wall. With my back
arched he went
in and I screamed as he went in and out with
so much
strength and force that I felt each stroke
wake up every
part of me. Each stroke he me banged into
the wall. The
adrenaline and the rush was to much for me
and I felt
myself squirt. He turned me around lifting
one leg up as
his fingers worked it magic while I was
weeping as all my
juices left me. He was biting my neck. Leaving
small bites
marks awakening my nerves on another level.
When I
finally finished squirting he slowly inserted
himself and I
felt full as he slowly moved us to the floor
with me on
top. He held on to my hips so tight i felt like
my bones
will break as he helped me move. Dear lord iv
never in my
life had this much of through sex. The
roughness and
smoothness of it all was to much. The way
things got
tense fast and quick always brought me to a
climax. He
was now looking at me as I moved and I was
staring at
him as I felt him grow bigger and taller. I felt
him touch a
please that i knew thought I ever had and I
felt myself
relief stroke after stroke as my body went
weaker and
weaker as he went deeper and deeper. At
this point i was
screaming like a mad woman. Our eyes still
fix on each
other. He was groaning like an animal. Am
not sure how
and when but i was flipped over with my ass
so high and
him pounding on me releasing his juices
mixed with my
squirting and come and I thought to myself
this will be it
since we both released at the same time but i
was back
on the bed and he was slowly loving me.
Making my legs
curl and shake in the air and I felt a bigger
wave come
and I knew that this is about to blow my mind
intensified his strokes and I felt the bed give
up as it
crashed while he went faster making me
scream till I had
no voice and The last thing I heard before I
went into
deep sleep was a howl accompanied by a
loud groan....Goodmorning
Insert 19:
I was up looking at the mess that we have
made. I don’t
know what got over me. I just couldn’t
control myself as I
ravished her. She hardly slept as I kept on
waking her
throughout the night. I was up looking at the
whole in the
wall and I remember punching it as I came.
Even now my
little guy was up. I knew she was exhausted it
was 11am
in the morning. I slowly left her leg and went
in. She
arched her back giving me more room to go
in and I
found myself groaning. One thing I noticed
about her no
matter how tired she was she allowed me to
have my fun
and indulged me. I moved slowly allowing her
body to
adjust to mines and she arched her back
some more and I
went in deeper and I felt myself lose my head
as I
ravished her to my heart content and when I
came i saw
her clinching the sheets and I knew she
climaxed again. I
took her in my arms and placed her there as
she slowly
closed her eyes dozing off to sleep. I dozed
off too.
I woke up and my body felt like it was ran
over by a
truck. I tried to move a limp but I just
couldn’t. Everything
pained and I felt the tears at the back of my
eyes sting
me. I kept quiet for a while then I felt his
strong arms
scoop me up and walk and I looked around
the room
looked like it had been hit by a tornado. He
got in the
bathtub with me and the water walked it
wonders on my
body. I felt it relax all the muscles that
needed relaxing. I
caught a glimpse of his face and it was hard
and his eyes
were grey. I knew he was pissed at himself on
letting go
like that. I kept quiet and placed my head on
his chest as
he worked his hands on my body working out
the tangled
parts. After the bathing he picked me up
again and placed
me at the love couch then dried me he wasn’t
looking at
me and I stopped him with both my hands at
his face. I
looked right in to his eyes for a while then
kissed him like
my life depended on me. He kissed me back
and I don’t
know where I got the energy from and how
did I even
begin to move my sore stiff body but I did and
I was now
on top of him slowly riding him while looking
right into his
soul. I need him to be okay with our situation
and this is
the only way I knew how too. Once we both
came he
rolled me to the side as we curled up in a
small ball.
Siyabonga: I love you. I felt my heart fill up to
its rim.
Me: I love you more
Siyabonga: You look like you just been under
a train.
Me: that what happens when you have been
Siyabonga: Food lady should be here and I
called the
manager to explain the issue in this room. I
lightly since my ribs felt heavy as if it has
been punched.
Me: how did you explain this? I looked at the
room that
looked like a tornado came through the
window. The
furniture was broken and the bed was on the
floor the
head board broken in half.
Siyabonga: i hate the bruises on you though. I
looked at
my thigh and waist that was turning dark and
he picked
me up and I stood in front of the mirror and
lord I looked
a mess. I turned my neck and i had mini bite
Me: you don’t worry yourself about my
bruises. There was
a knock he placed me on the couch and
covered me with
a sheet and he took a gown and wore it
accepted the food
then came back. He helped me eat. I ate and
slept and
woke up again to him waking me to eat. I ate
and slept.
I went downstairs after feeding her since my
family was
leaving today.
Dad: Is she alive? Everyone was looking at me
they breath.
Me: she is alive.
Philile: can we go see here
Me: Philile how would you feel if your in laws
comes and
check up on you just because you just had sex
with they
son who happen to be a wolf and who
happened to forget
about how horrible the ordeal is if he loses
Winnie: we just worried
Me: am so not about to talk about my sex life
with my
family. She fine. Just resting. We will see you
in a weeks
time when she has healed.
Syamkela: a week? Kanti what do you do?
Me: we going to our cabin house so we will
visit in a
week so can you all relax. I just came down
here to tell
you guys to be careful. I sensed a vampire
yesterday. I
watched as they eyes twinkled.
Me: calm down puppies. I know it been a
while since we
hunted one but this one was smart enough to
themselves a bit.
Sbonga: can you still feel him.
Me: no cant feel him or her or smell him.
Dad: You too be careful. You know every
being thinks that a witch fairy is theres to
Me: I know. She truly is my mate. Iv never
ever felt like
this in my life.
Mom: am so happy you finally found her.
Me: me too mom. Now i just hope i dont
mess it up.
Dad: you won’t. Cause if you do ill kill you
Me: Ill see you guys in a week time.
Philile: did you even plan a honeymoon?
Me: what that? I asked with a serious face
and all the
ladies almost killing me and I laughed.
Me: see you guys in a weeks time. I walked up
the stairs
and went to the room and it was empty. I
everywhere and she was nowhere to be
found. I knew that
she wasn’t in a position to walk cause she
was still
recovering and I was now panicking looking
and running down the steps screaming for
her name like a mad man....

Insert 20:
I woke up to an uneasy feeling and i called
out for Siya
but he wasn’t there and i tried to move but
my body
wasn’t corresponding I closed my eyes
wishing I could
just disappear. And I looked at myself as I
disappeared. Did I just do that. I watched as
two tall guys
walked in. One short and one tall. They
literally looked
everywhere in our room then stood right in
front of me. I
knew they couldn’t see me so long Iv told
myself that am
Tall guy: The boss said she will be here
Short guy: uyabona nje ukuthi akhekho( you
can see that
she is not here)
Tall guy: but I saw him going downstairs
alone. This was
suppose to be a clean grab.
Short guy: well she isn’t here, now what?
Tall guy: let go before the angry looking guy
comes back.
You have heard rumours about him and his
guard. I only
took this job because i wanted the money not
because i
have a death wish. They left the room talking
murmuring. I sat there shocked. I was
supposed to be
kidnapped today. Kidnapped by who? Why? I
sat there and
Siyabonga came back after awhile and was
frantic before I
even said anything.
My heart was beating so fast as I asked for
footage. The guards were sweeping the
Philile: uhm
Me: if you tell me to calm down one more
time Philile i
swear am going to kill you. She turned the
phone and I
read the message. “ dont freak out but am in
the room
and am stuck “ i saw that the number was
mine and I ran
up the room with the family following me.
Me: babe?
There was silence than I watched as the
remote got lifted
from the coffee table to the couch.
Me: You invisible? Kamo? I felt the air leave
my lungs so
fast almost making me faint. I saw my phone
in the air
and I knew she was texting as my family
laughed they
heads off.
Dad: this marriage is going to be fun. Enjoy
son. He
patted my back as everyone left.
Philile: am going to need my phone.
Me: ask Dion to bring Kamo phone. I stood
there looking
at the wall.
Me: am not even going to ask what
happened. I saw a
pen moving on a paper.
“ two guys came here “
Me: for what?
“Kidnapping me!” I looked at the empty
Me: channel yourself to be visible, don’t think
to much just
channel it and breath. I watched as she slowly
and she ran to hug me so tight. I held her just
as Dion
walked in with the phone and placed it by the
table and
left. After some time she appeared and throw
her hands
on me.
I hugged her thinking about how i might have
lose her.
Kamo: someone after me. Someone wanted
to take me
away from you.
Me: am not letting that happen
Kamo: you not with me all the time. Anything
can happen.
Me: look at me. She looked at me and all I
saw was fear.
Me: have I ever let anyone get to you?
Kamo: no
Me: am not going to start now. So trust me
okay. She
nodded as I rocked her to sleep....
Just a litte something before you guys kill me
its been a
busy week with work and my mom birthday
soon....promise to post soon as I can

Insert 21:
Somewhere in a hotel
“What do you mean you didn’t see her”
I looked at the two morons who came back
Me: just go. One of the guys hesitated.
Me: what?
Him: do you know who wife is that? I looked
at him
because I did my research about Siyabonga.
And I think I
know more about the guy than any other
Him: do you know about the punisher?
Me: what about him?
Him; some say it him but there was never
really any
proof. I kept quiet as i signalled for him to
leave. Do i
really want the punisher to come after me?
But Kamo is
mine and I cant be close with him smelling
me. I moved
to the window in frustration not sure what
The past two days have been heaven on
earth. I walked
out the balcony of the new place we were at
in cape town.
My phone rang and i saw it was Siyabonga.
He had a
meeting to attend and he was attending it.
Me: Hi
Siyabonga: you sound down
Me: am not. Am thinking of going to the mall.
Siyabonga: Dion will take you, am going to be
around 5.
Me: I should be back by than.
Siyabonga: Ill bring dinner
Me: okay
Siyabonga: see you later
Me: okay
Siyabonga: You sure you okay?
Me: yeah am sure. Don’t stress yourself.
Siyabonga: okay. He hang up and I sat down.
Was I
down? I sat there for some time than I took a
wore my jeans and blue top and left the
house. I went to
the park sat there for hours.
I was feeling un easy and I called Dion.
Me: where you?
Dion: we at a park.
Me: doing what?
Dion: nothing really. She just sitting there.
This worried
Me: is she okay?
Dion: Sir, she usually chatty but today she
was silence in
our drive. Never said a word its like she here
but not here.
Me: am going home now, see you guys in
I hang up and looked at the ceiling. This is a
long day.
What got into her. I packed up my things and
prepared to
I got up and walked to the part were people
usually take
deep walks and of cause my guards followed.
I walked a
bit just admiring the birds looking at tree
when I turned to
see one lady who has been following me for
some time
now. I stop and she walked passed. Maybe
am just being
paranoid. Then I looked up and I saw a guy in
the corner
who looked very odd. Something pulled me
towards him.
Am not sure if it was the awkward way he
was standing
by the tree or the grim expression he had on
his face. I
smiled at him and he looked surprised so I
turned to
Me: stay here please and within eye distance.
Dion: you move, i move.
Me: you not the most friendly looking person
someone needs me.
Dion: you move, I move. He said more sternly
and I turned
in frustration put my hands up to the
awkward looking
fellow and walked towards him as I got closer
I saw his
eyes were bloodshot red. He looked around
his teen years
with his clothes town and the look of fear in
his eyes. His
hands were dirty and his feet wearing the
most awkward
shoes ever, shoes i would have long threw
Me: am not going to hurt you. I whispered
and he went
deeper in the woods more scared. I looked at
my two
guards who had they guns drawn out. Dion
looked like he
has seen a ghost. I turned back to the
terrified boy.
Me: what your name?
Him: Avery
Me: am kamo. He nodded and I saw the two
dors on his
side of the neck like they were bite marks.
“ are you hurt?”
Him: am thirsty
Me: we can go get something to eat. He
looked up and
looked at me and moved his head no.
Me: promise to be here when i come back?
He nodded. I
turned and Dion touched me.
Dion: We need to leave. I watched as his
character was
different and i swear i saw a little fear in his
eyes. Am not
sure what was going on but he needs to get a
Me: You look like you seeing a ghost but that
tiny boy
needs my help and am going to help him. You
can either
walk with me to the mall or not but if i come
back and I
find a bullet in that boys head. Am going to
kill you.
He looked at me so shocked and I walked to
mall getting
Avery clothes, food and things that teenagers

Insert 22:
I watched from the distance as she walks
back with
plastics and I took out pictures of her
kindness and
Me: let start with shoes. I took out socks and
gave him
and shoes he thanked me and wore them and
i saw Dion
had a gun out but this time it was a silver gun
and was
weirdly shape and looking. I took out water
and some
snacks and gave him and he ate like he has
never eaten in
his life and drank the water. When he was
done he looked
at me with so much gratitude.
Me: you okay?
Avery: am still thirsty. He whispered. I gave
him my juice
and he drank it in one gulp.
Me: now. He looked down. I moved closer to
him and my
arm got caught in the thorn of the rose tree
and i cut
myself and I saw his eyes go fire red and I
knew he was a
vampire. He stood there gripping the tree
with all his
might and I really don’t know what got into
me but I saw
myself extending my bloody hand to him.
Me: drink up. He looked at me confused but
his eyes
Dion: Ma’am
Me: it okay Dion. I looked at Avery.
Me: drink. He grabbed my hand and I felt my
blood slowly
leaving my body. I kept quiet as he drank.
I felt my whole body vibrate and tinkling
sensation and I
knew something was wrong. I tried calling
Dion to no
avail. I looked at the time breathing in and
out. I grabbed
the car keys and left to the mall.
Somewhere in the distance
I watched as she feed the little boy. She truly
was the
gifted soul. I packed up my things leaving. I
need to go
find Jasmine and tell her , her daughter is
alive. My niece
is alive and I have found her and left her with
a guardian. I
know she not going to be happy with my
choice but I had
to do something after that dream that I had.
He stopped and looked up and his eyes were
brown. I
smiled as I felt faint and he looked worried.
Me: Am okay. But i could feel myself getting
dizzy and in
seconds I felt myself slowly go to the ground
with tiny
hands holding me.
I got there found Dion point his special gun at
a little boy
who was holding my pale wife and the
minute i saw the
boy i knew he was a vampire but he was
different. I
slowly walked closer and the boy hissed.
Dion: she been out 20 minute and when we
trying to get
closer he hiss. I looked at the boy and raised
my hands to
show him that am not going to hurt him. He
looked at me.
Me: That my wife you know, if she dies in
your hand am
going to kill you with my bare hands. Did you
feed on her?
He looked at me confused.
Me: did my wife give you her blood? He
Me: show me your neck. He moved and I saw
the two
dots. The myth was really happening. Yes I
didn’t expect
a little boy and a vampire as her guardian but
that what
we getting I guess.
Me: Now am not going to hurt you but I need
her alive.
Am coming closer . I moved closer to them
and he
allowed me to pick her up. We went to my
car with the
little boy a few feet away from her. I placed
her at the
back and little guy was holding her head so
Me: get the security tapes of the time you
were here.
There was a witch her and i need to find her.
Dion nodded.
Dion: is she going to be okay?
Me: yes, my wife is special. He looked at me.
Dion: is she a wolf too?
Me: no
Dion: how did she know he was a vampire?
Me: I’ll explain later now find me that witch.
He nodded
and left and I drove us to the hotel and called
a doctor
friend of mine to bring me blood and injected
it to her and
waited with the little boy who didn’t want to
leave her
Me: she going to be fine. I looked at the
scruffy boy and
studied her very well. From her posture to
the way he was
looking at her and the delicacy she was
holding her with.
Me: how many times do people mistake you
for a boy?
She looked at me so shocked confirming my
Her: all the time. How did you know.
Me: I have an eye for certain things. What
your name.
Her: Avery
Me: Siyabonga
Avery: Nice to meet you.
Me: How long have you known about her? He
looked at
me shocked again.
Avery: The day the old woman came to my
town took me
from an abusive alcoholic father and gave me
a home and
a reason to live.
I looked at her.
Me: So you aware of all that happening to
Avery: reading it and being told about it is
different from
2 years ago an old woman knocked at my
door just after
my father have raped me once more in his
drunk powerful
state. She offered me a chance. Changed my
to a boy and gave me a purpose. She gave me
books to
read about supernaturals beings and gave me
training. When done she sat me down and
told me about
a fairy witch. A fairy witch that will be the
centre of my
world. A fairy witch that I was destined to be
its guardian
and that one day when the time is right ill
meet her. I
trained so hard making sure i pass every test
she gives
me and making sure i ace everything. She
then told me I
had to be a supernatural. The only way she
can changed
me is with a vampire venom she had in a big
Being a drop out from school this was the
only thing that
got me going so I agreed. Two days ago she
woke up
from a dream screaming telling me it time.
She injected
me helped me through the first twelve hours
so I wouldn’t
hurt kamo and flew us to cape town. Dressed
me like a
homeless boy and now here I am in a room
with the world
super supernatural and am scared yet Am
cool. I know my
destiny and if he does too he not going to
harm me right?...

Insert 23:
I watched as he got up. His bite can kill me.
His strength
can crush me into a ball. Oh not to forget his
Siyabonga: how come you don’t upset my
Me: am your wife guardian. Am not suppose
to bring
havoc into her life.
Siyabonga: you a vampire.
Me: one that was created from a syringe
Siyabonga : still
Me: one that had a witch perform all kind of
rituals. He
looked at me for some time.
Siyabonga: how old are you?
Me: 18
Siyabonga: finished school?
Me: no
Siyabonga: any family?
Me: none that will stop me from serving my
Siyabonga: what that purpose
Me: protecting her and guarding her in this
journey. Being
her advisor.
Siyabonga: What am I than?
Me:her husband.
Siyabonga: you mentioned things that am to
Me: look you an Alpha you have your advisor.
She is a
fairy witch. A rare creature in this universe.
Am a vampire.
She needs all the help she can get to fight off
what still to
come. Am not here to take your job but am
here to make
life easier for the both of you.
He was quiet and looked at me for some time
and I swear
i was sweating.
Siyabonga: no having humans for breakfast,
lunch or
Me: only the ones who hurt her are not off
the menu. But
otherwise am on a diet.
Siyabonga: good, any powers?
Me: strength that all nothing fancy like you
two oh and am
Siyabonga: iv figured that out hence why she
chose you.
Kamo not a fan of vampires.
Me: all books says witch fairies dont like us.
But ill like to
think that the olden days. She a new
generation and the
only one of her kind. So we shall see.
Siyabonga: we shall. Now go bath and make
presentable. I booked the room next to the
guards on the
lower floor. Iv asked management to send
proper female
clothes for you not a dress though. And
ordered you food.
As much as you her guardian but you report
to me. If you
two are about to embark on anything
dangerous you call
me or Dion.
Me: yes sir. Dion?
Siyabonga: what about him.
Me: his a human. Why not change him?
Siyabonga: what I am is my curse. I dont
infringe it on
another soul.
Me: but his loyal and he knows of us I saw the
gun with
the wooden bullets.
Siyabonga: he knows and he is protected by a
spell but he
is still human.
Me: cool. I got up after checking her steady
pulse and
walked out of the room. That was a lot to
take in. When
Jaya said his scary she didn’t do him justice
that man is
I woke up with a headache and looked
around to find
Siyabonga sitting there by the couch looking
at me and his
eyes were light grey. Okay he doesn’t know
about the park
ordeal than. He was calm. I sat up and looked
at him
trying to find words.
Me: You back.
Siyabonga: I am. How was your day?
Now how do i answer that. I looked at him for
a second
as he looked at me.
Me:i don’t want us to have a marriage full of
lies so am
going to tell you what happened but promise
not to be
Siyabonga: okay
Me: you were right today felt weird. I didn’t
know until you
pointed it out to me.
Siyabonga: okay
Me: so i went to the mall but not really go in
the mall.
There was a lady there staring at me weird
than I walked
and meet a special boy. Oh my gosh the boy. I
got up
quickly. I have to go back.
Me: you have to take me to the park. I
whispered. How
on earth did I get here. I closed my eyes
remembering what happened and quickly
had my eyes
Me: The boy. You know? I looked at him and
he looked
back with his eyes changing and I knew he
was angry.
Siyabonga: you let a new born vampire feed
on you?
Should I faithfully answer that or should I lie.
Let go with
the truth.
Me: yes
Siyabonga: Why?
Me: i really don’t know. He was there and he
was hungry
and scared and lonely...
Siyabonga: and you were like oh here my
Me: its not like that.
Siyabonga: how was it like then?
Me: he needed me.
Siyabonga: is that all you going to say? That
he needed
you? What about me? What about Dion and
Melo? They
humans and you put them in the line of being
by a vampire. A hungry vampire. Did you
think about them
cause clearly you were not thinking about
yourself or else
you wouldn’t have done what you did today!
He turned and stopped talking. I stood where
i was cause
I didn’t know what to say. He was right. I was
stupid but
the kid needed me.
Me: am sorry
Siyabonga: you apologising to the wrong
Me: am sorry, it won’t happen again. He
laughed a bitter
Siyabonga: I can’t change who and what you
are but you
need to be careful. Not everything is as black
and white. I
Siyabonga: your vampire is downstairs in the
room next to
the guards. My heart took a beat.
Me: you brought him back? I whispered and
he turned
looking at me.
Siyabonga: not everything is black and white.
You need to
be careful. Today could have gone horribly
Sometimes just stop and think for a second
okay. I saw
his eyes were back to being light.
Me: am really sorry.
Siyabonga: Its okay
Me: can I go see him?
Siyabonga: actually its a her. I looked at him
Me: his a she? He chuckled and I smiled.
Siyabonga: Yes his a she!!....
Ps: making up for all the other days

Insert 24:
We walked to her room but i stopped at the
guards room
and knocked Dion opened.
Dion: ma’am
Me: please call me kamo. I came to apologise
Dion: for?
Me: today. I was reckless and put you and
you man in
danger. Am sorry. I know it your job to
protect me but its
not my job to blindly put you at risk. Am
Dion: apology accepted.
Me: good. See you tomorrow.
Dion: goodnight. He closed the door and I
knocked on the
door next door and a young lady open up. I
say a lady
because she was wearing a jumpsuit and
actually looked
Me: you a woman? That what came off my
mouth and
looked at her and she moved letting us in.
Avery: Yes am a woman. I kept quiet and
looked at her.
She was skinny like me but a lot muscular
than me. More
tomboyish. She shaved her hair and had huge
eyes. She
really looked like a boy at first glance and
baggy clothes.
But now she looked like one hell of a woman.
Me: you okay? She looked at me and her eyes
welled up
in tears.
Avery: your kindness is amazing. Jaya said you
are to
pure but now that am experiencing it. I made
you faint and
you asking me if am okay?
Me: i guess i am
Avery: am okay and you?
Me: am okay. We were silent.
Siyabonga: you usually have a lot of
Me: am thinking.
I watched the couple. Love and bond was
there and being
in there presence was amazing.
Kamo: you ate
Me: yes thank you.
Kamo: i mean a proper meal. I knew what she
Me: am on a diet. Your husband was kind
enough to order
my food the way I like it.
Kamo: First time am in contact with a
vampire. I don’t
know what to say.
Siyabonga: well Avery will be here in the
Kamo: will you have breakfast with us? I
nodded as i got
emotional again. This woman will be the end
of my
Kamo: cool than. Sleep tight. If you have any
issues the
guards are next door or fall number 7. I
nodded. She
walked closer to me.
Kamo: is it safe to hug you? I nodded with
threatening to fall. She smiled and hugs me.
Kamo: you safe now. She mumbled and I
looked at her
husband who looked at me with kind eyes.
Am I imagining
it? Did he look at me with kind eyes or i want
him to be
like his wife or is he calmer when she is
around. She
moved from me and walked to her man.
Kamo: goodnight
I opened the door and found my sister there.
Its been
years. She is a witch and a fairy so we
sometimes don’t
Me: how did you find me?
Jaya: same way i found your daughter. She
walked past
me. One thing about Jaya she always did as
she pleases.
Me: you found my daughter?
Jaya: yes. She beautiful like a model. Loving,
caring and
so kind. Not one evil born in her body. Very
Me: Just like her father
Jaya: I agree with you on that.
Me: i take it you got her a guardian?
Jaya: Yes i did.
I watched as she looked guilty.
Me: what did you do now?....

Insert 25:
I woke up and went to took a shower. Today
my mood
was in good spirits so I think it was going to
be a good
day. Its marks a week since I have been
married and
good lord its been a ride. Today we leaving
Cape town.
Now how do i convince my husband to allow
me to take
Avery home with us? The girl have been close
to Dion. Iv
never seen Dion talk so much in his life but
she manages
to get him talking. I stood there by the
shower as his
hands crept through me and slowly pushing
me to the
Siyabonga: you thinking too much. What up
He slowly moved his hands down my body
tangling sensation. He bit my neck two
making me arch
my back. I swear loving making with this man
is way out
of this world
Me: nothing
Siyabonga: I called you four times and you
answered. He slowly spread my legs and I felt
his big guy
slowly finding his way.
Me: Sorry.
Siyabonga: you okay though. He stopped and
I moved
allowing him in and he groaned in pleasure. It
having the power to make groan out of
pleasure. The
power of knowing that I pleasure him. He
made love to me
making me feel every fibre of my bones and
than took his
time bathing me than picking me up and
placing me on
the bed. I always lose my ability to walk after
that love
shattering love making.
Siyabonga : now what is it that you want? You
biting your
lower lip.
Me: am not, i stopped.
Siyabonga: you were. I took a deep breath
and cuddled
closer to him.
Me: Avery. Can we keep her.
Siyabonga: okay. I moved from bed and
looked at him and
he closed his eyes with a smile.
Me: let me get this straight, you allowing me
to keep a
vampire? You do understand what am asking
here? He
opened his eyes and there were full of
Siyabonga: the way you look right now its like
i said have
all the candy
Me: you said i can have my own little kind
Siyabonga: yes i did
Me: but why? Didn’t you tell me i need to
think more and
be careful?
Siyabonga: if i want you to be away from
vampires, which
better way to stop that by getting one that
will be there to
warn you against your crazy activities plus she
is your
Me: my what?
Siyabonga: guardian. Speak to her about it.
Now come
snuggle closer to me. I moved closer to him
“ you did what?”
Jaya: you heard me do you really want me to
Me: she hates vampires
Jaya: says who?
Me: history has it...
Jaya: that right, history but she is the present
and she will
not hate her.
Me: its a her? Guardians are suppose to be
Jaya: says history? We doing things
differently now. What
have you been doing while i was doing the
Me: you messed it up
Jaya: that your opinion. I like to think i spiced
things up a
Me: you got a kid to be a guardian to the
most powerful
individuals in the universe.
Jaya: fascinating isn’t it? I watched in disbelief
as my
sister giggled. Trust her to do things her way
and hope for
the best.
I woke up in my new apartment that i had
kamo get for
me. She really didn’t have too but she wanted
to help and
this was it. I walked to the lounge and found
sitting there. He looked stressed out and
Me: what wrong?
Mondli: Kamo husband does he know about
Me: why would he?
Mondli: answer the question dammit does he
know about
me. In my life iv never seen him so scared
ever. The
mighty Mondli.
Lindiwe: how should i know, what going on.
Mondli: his going to kill me, his going to kill
me for what i
did to kamo. I watched as tears ran down his
face. I was
too shocked to move. What happening to
Mondli. He got
up and left my house like he was never there.
“ where are we driving?” We were in a car
now back in his
home town and we were not taking the drive
to his home
but w different route.
Siyabonga: I thought it best we have our own
Me: you were serious about that?
Siyabonga: yes. I kept quiet and looked out of
beautiful scenery in front of me. Than there
was a small
board and we took a turn to a dirt road and
the air change
to cool and calmer. I was literally half out of
the car
looking at this beautiful place. The flowers
blossom like
they were being watered with honey it self. It
was like a
picture out of a fairy tale and right as he
turned the most
beautiful dark brown house popped up in the
middle of all
the lush green trees. The brick house was
huge almost
looking like a cabin but amazingly huge. The
state of it was to die for.
I watched as her eyes were popping out of
her eye
sockets. The smile on her face and the stars in
her eyes.
I should have showed her this place sooner.
She got out
of the car and was twirling like a little girl. I
watched as
flowers bloomed brighter in her presence. I
took out my
phone snapping each moment so she can see
herself. She
walked to a little pond and Stopped looked at
me and
Kamo: you got me a tiny pond with fish. Oh
my god is
that a tod? She moved closer and jumped up
just a a
tinny bunny hopped about near by.
“ oh my world this is perfect, I have bunnies”
she jumped
on me hugging the life out of me.
Kamo; tell me its ours to keep forever.
Me: you haven’t even seen the inside i smiled
at her.
Kamo: I love it. We have pets.
Me: Its a wildlife area so I didn’t want to
disturb them you
Kamo: it’s perfect. I love it and just than a
gracefully walked by like it owned the place.
“ I can’t believe it”
Siyabonga: come let me show you around the
place. She stopped looked at me and smiled
with tears in
her eyes.
Kamo: Ever since iv meet you, my heart has
overflowing with love. Iv known piece but
mostly iv known
unconditional love. Thank you. Thank you for
being my
foundation. Thank you for being who you are.
I kissed her
soundlessly and I heard a humming bird from
afar and she
smiled. In that moment i knew I was content.
I knew she
loved me for me. Not of who I am or what I
am but for
me. My heart overflowed with so much love.
The place was to die for. My room was at the
far back of
the house with total privacy but gosh i loved
this place. I
loved how the Musk took me in like they own
child. Dion
teaching me how to fight. Its been 3 days
since we are
here and for the past 3 days kamo been
locking herself in
her study. She wanted space and that what
am going to
give her. The rules were to not tell her
anything until she
finishes the journal so most of the day I laze
around and
enjoy my holiday while it lasted. I walked to
the kitchen
and found Mr Musk in shorts drinking water
like he has
never seen it before. I know he goes running
in his full
form around this time and i make sure to stay
indoors. I
do not want to end up being his breakfast
Siyabonga: you a difficult person to find in the
Me:avoiding being someone breakfast is a
tricky job. He
laughed and I felt the floor vibrate. Talk about
Siyabonga: than that means if i have you for
breakfast my
wife will chop me into pieces before lunch.
Kamo: who am i chopping. She came out
looking like a
model out of a magazine. She was bare foot
with shorts
and a baggy top. She had her braids lose.
Siyabonga: no one, let me leave you two. He
walked past
me and kissed his wife and left.
Kamo: come let make something to eat and
we can talk. I
saw her eyes change and I felt my heart beat
faster. Oh
no, shit is about to get real for me. Guardian
101 is loading....

Insert 26:
I watched her as she made herself a
Me: how does normal food taste? She
laughed lightly
showing dimples.
Avery: like cardboard but i have to eat to
sustain a healthy
body. Blood is just to quench my thirst. Like
water for
Me: i see. Well i read my mom journal and iv
calculated 7
powers that I have so far. The rest am unsure
about. Now.
I want us to talk.
Avery: About? She looked nervous..
Me: your choices.
I looked at her confused.
Me: My choices?
Kamo: yes. You are 18. There is more to life
than being
my guardian. So here is the deal. You are
welcomed here
for forever. This is your home. We are your
family. I can
send you back to school or college. Do what
you always
wanted before life happened. Graduate and
get a job or
family somewhere. Live life to the fullest.
Option B stay
here with me and we figure this new world
out. Do know if
you stay here. You not staying here as my
guardian. You
going to be a child of the family. Yes ill ask for
help here
and there but dangerous things you sit them
out. You will
be more kind of my assistant part time
though. You will
earn a salary too. I looked at her confused. Is
this a test?
Yes I wanted to be a teacher growing up but
life happened
and here I am.
Me: Thank you for the offers but I think I like
the last one.
No salary. You already put a beautiful roof on
my head.
Clothes and food.
Kamo: than we opening up an account in your
name invest
your salary in it for rainy days. Am not asking
am telling. I
Kamo: secondly knowing my husband. I know
he already
said you report to him?
Me: yes he did. I couldn’t lie to my leader.
Kamo: Oh well you kinda do but sometimes
we will do
things that both of us will think it right if he
didn’t know.
Me:my loyalty is too you and your protection.
If its beyond
me than Your husband will know. I watched
her smile.
Kamo: you have passed. No matter how right
i think i
might be if you see it fit that he should know
then tell
Me:got it.
Kamo: last thing. I saw you leave out of Dion
room the
other night. I saw her eyes change to yellow
and it finally
made sense when she wants to say
something she
embarrassed about she blushes and her eyes
Me: it wont happen again.
Kamo: that not what i was saying. Its your life.
What you
do with it is up to you. Just be careful that all
and please
don’t ask me any relationship advice. I suck at
it. I looked
at her shocked. She and Mr musk are perfect.
She smiled.
Kamo: seriously i suck. I dated a monster
before and now
am married to the kindest wolf ever. You see
. She
laughed and looked at me.
Kamo: seriously. Am happy you found a
person. Enjoy it
but also be careful.
Me: will do.
Kamo: Good lastly we paying your family a
visit. I looked
at her with my eyeballs out and my chest
pounding so
Me: why? I whispered.
Kamo: Have you ever wondered why my aunt
chose you?
Me: no
Kamo: part of my powers is healing. Am a
healer to
others and I can heal myself. My ex shot me
times but here I am not a mark to show but
just a dimple.
She smiled and it showed.
Kamo: my family hated me and I never
understood it until
recently and now its like we were never a sad
family. You my guardian/ assistant/ daughter.
And ill
always want what best for and the first step is
from the past.
Me: we will go when you forgive your ex.
There was
silence. I know a lot about the ex Dion told
me all about
it. The way he worships her its amazing.
Kamo: iv forgiven him. Now that took me
Me: you have
Kamo; Yes i have.
Me: he abused you, turned friends and family
against you.
Kamo: it was part of my journey to be where i
am today.
To see life in that horrible manner so that
when blessings
start showing they way to me. I appreciate. I
kept quiet.
Me: you can’t expect me to go see my rapist?
Kamo: wanna know something that I don’t
think anyone
I was walking past when she said” want to
something that no one knows” and I stood
there and
Avery: yea
Me: i finished school and life was hard luckily
i had a
bursary. I meet Mondli when my family was
chowing my
dads money and no one really cared about a
girl that
looks like a Chinese doll and had a chines
name that
means “ maybe”. Mondli was great at first.
But after a
time he changed. One day he came home. I
was now
living with him against my will and he kissed
me. I
allowed it but than he started touching me
when I said”
no” I saw him change and things got ugly
pretty fast. For
some time i blamed myself telling myself if i
should have
just went with the flow he would be so rough.
Or if I have
got out when he first slapped me the first
time maybe he
would have never got a chance to rape me
but none of
those things happened. So me asking you to
go home is
not me asking you to go see your rapist. Its
me asking
you to forgive yourself. Forgive yourself so
you can forgive
him to because you never going to get an
apology. Trust
me I know it and I went through the same shit
is you but I
chose to forgive myself for letting it get too
far. That all
we can do in order for us to feel sane again.
To get some
sort of peace. She looked at me and I saw the
pain in her
eyes. I just learnt the power of healing so I
closed my
eyes and touched my inner core let my inner
peace into
play then I opened them.
I watched in amazement as her eyes turned
pure white as
she glowed like a moon. I she walked to me
and touched
my hand and I felt lighter. As if the weight of
the world
has been removed from my shoulder. I let go
of all my
burdens and I felt myself cry silently as all my
and cries of the years washed out from me.
I watched as my wife used her powers
effortlessly. I knew
she was healing Avery. I knew they going to
be okay but I
knew if i never find this Mondli guy than ill
never be at
peace. I left them going to the basement
where my team
was working.
Me: Dion
Dion: I found him. His in Johannesburg.
Me: Get the helicopter waiting we going
there and get the
guys that side to detain him. Time for him to
be punished
of all his sins. He nodded and I went back
upstairs to find
the girls chatting in the kitchen.
Me: babe a moment please.
Kamo: You look good. She sorted my collar.
Me: am going to be late tonight.
I felt the uneasiness in the pit of my stomach.
Me: you okay? He nodded and I looked at his
dark grey
eyes and his veins visible pumping blood.
Me: talk to me
Siyabonga: its work. He kissed my forehead
and I saw
him standing in a room covered in blood and I
knew that
room. It was Mondli study. I moved from him
with tears in
my eyes.
Me: You going to kill him? He looked at me
Me: Don’t look at me like You don’t know
who am talking
Siyabonga: he hurt you before.
Me:and that gives you a right to kill? Since
when? He
moved closer trying to touch me and I moved
away from
Me: Kill him and we done. I left him standing
there. Am
not about to have a man kill for me. Husband
or not.
Werewolf or not. Am so not about to stay or
sleep in one
bed with a man that killed my ex. No ways.

Insert 27:
I stood there watch her leave. Is she angry at
me for
wanting to kill the man that made her suffer?
Am I seeing
right? Is she still in love with him? What
Dion: we ready sir. I looked at Dion confused.
Me: sorry cancel the trip and drive me to my
please. We left.
I looked at my sister while she was baking a
Me: When are you leaving
Jaya: when are you going to see your
We were both silent. Why did i fear meeting
her? Was it
the knowledge of knowing i left her and a lot
of bad
things happened in her life? Was it the fear of
thinking she
would blame me? Take out her anger on me
and maybe
tell me she don’t want me in her life? I have
so many
fears. I know iv failed as her mother but i
really wish to
meet her at some point.
Jaya: oh well am leaving tomorrow. If you
want to come
with me you can come cause ill definitely
going to meet
her it time. There is a great deal she can
teach me.
Me: am going back to my husband and kid
Jaya: suit yourself.
I got dressed in my blue dress and did my hair
up in a
not than got out of the house.
Avery: want me to come with?
Me: no its okay am going to drive myself get
some lunch
for Siya and go to the office and drop it. I
don’t like how it
Avery: you not taking any guards so am
coming. Its me or
the guards.
Me: fine.
Avery: cool Am ready. I smiled got in the car
and drove
Avery: Its not my business but I get where his
Me: I know. I get it too but I can’t have him
kill him and
live with it.
Avery: I know and I guess he will get it but
you are too kind
Me: kindness is a form of peace. I like to bring
peace in
the world
Avery: hmmm
In a distance
Its been two days since iv been here and I
finally found
out where she stays. I couldn’t really drive up
to see what
happening since it too secluded but i waited
at the bottom
of the drive and saw her husband leave and
few hours
later i was following her. I know it was her
driving and no
security following her. How can that dog be
so stupid
leaving a fairy unprotected. Does he thinks
his the only
one who knows of her powers? I watched as
she drove to
the mall and then I saw another skinny boy
with her. Does
she have her warlock already? But that not
possible she
only just meet him. I followed them as they
walked to the
Asian restaurant. I was standing behind them
waiting for
our turns to place an order.
Kamo: Would you like anything Avery.
Avery: nope am good. She made a face. I
heard her laugh
and I felt so complete and my heart beating
so fast in
Kamo: Its not what you think.
Avery: you don’t know what am thinking.
Kamo: are you sure about that? They both
laughed and i
saw her move her neck and there was a
bruise at the back
and I felt my blood boil. Is Jayden doing the
same thing
that Mondli used to do but she seems so
Kamo: am getting you a chicken chow mein
and you will
love it. I guess this is just a friend they placed
they order
and got themselves fried ice cream while they
waiting. I ordered something simple and sat
behind them.
I watched them talk about everything and
anything. Smiling
laughing till they order was called out. I knew
right then
that I Marcus Ncuma will make this girl my
partner come
high or low. She will be mine and mine
We drove to his offices which were amazingly
beautiful for
an office. Avery was like my mini guard as we
walked to
the receptionist and she got up and smiled. I
guess she
knew me.
Receptionist: Mrs Musk. Oh well she knew
me. I smiled
at her welcoming smile.
Me: hi
Receptionist: how are you Ma’am
Me: good and yourself?
Her: good. Is he aware you coming.
Me: no. His not. Am just here to drop lunch.
Her: oh perfect. His on the 9th floor. You will
find his
assistant there and she will let you know if his
free or not.
Me: oh okay. No problem. Thank you. We
walked to the
I looked at my assistant who was half naked.
She had her
shirt unbuttoned and a red and black bra was
Cynthia has worked for me for the past five
years. Her
telling me she has had a crush on me the past
5 years is
to much. We worked so well together.
Me: get dressed now. I gritted my teeth as
she just made
me angry
Cynthia: don’t you want me? Iv loved you
from a distance
for too long and i just can’t anymore. I know
marriage is
not a thing now that you are married but i
can give you
things that your wife wouldn’t even dream of
giving you.
She squeezed her boobs and hitched her
skirts up and
there was no panty as she sat down on the
visitors chair.
I quickly turned because all i wanted was to
rip her throat
out for disrespecting herself, my wife and
mostly my
I quietly walked in the office after Avery said
she will wait
outside and the sight i saw was too much. It
was woman
in a chair being slutty my husband looking out
Siyabonga: am going to say this once Cynthia
and I pray
you listen. If you still want a job in this
company you will
get dress. Close away any thoughts or
imagination that I
and you will ever happen. When I turn from
here. I do not
want to see your face ever again. Iv never in
my life seen
a woman stoop so low and iv never been
disrespected to
the extent that you just did. Lastly, never ever
say my wife
name in my presence or to your friends or
anywhere for
that matter. Are we clear? His voice rang loud
in the room
making the woman quickly stand up and sort
herself and
when she turned the shock and fear in her
Woman: Mrs Musk? She whispered and I saw
the angry
Siyabonga turn. His eyes were dark with
anger to the point
that his veins were visible. I kept quiet as she
was hastily
walking past me fixing herself. Two minutes
later Avery
and Dion walked in and found the Angry
Siyabonga fully
dressed and neat standing so far and myself
standing just
near the entrance with tears slowly streaming
down my
face. The looked at us and left and we just
stood there.
Siyabonga getting himself calmed and I trying
to wrap my
head in everything I just saw. Was Cynthia a
sex buddy or
companion that he had before marrying me?
But he knows
that mating with anyone but his mate result
consequences or is he a type of man that
didn’t care what
happened to the woman so long he got laid?
But that not
the man I married and came to love and
cherish. All these
thoughts ran in my head as we both stood
there not moving....

Insert 28:
I looked at the hurt in her eyes and the tears
and kept
Me: Hi
Kamo: I brought you lunch. She raised the bag
of food
and i nodded. She walked to the table and
placed it there.
Me: Thank you. I had my hands in fist in my
pocket. Am
not sure what she was thinking but the pain
and hurt in her
eyes was there for me to see.
Kamo: Ill see you at home. She turned and
when she was
at the door I called her and she looked at me
with a hand
on the door.
Me: I love you. She looked at me and gave me
saddest smile ever. My heart broke into a
million pieces.
Kamo: I love you more. She opened the door
and left and
I walk to my chair sat there defeated. I called
the lower
ground receptionist Nkule.
Me: you my assistance for the day. Please
close off all
meetings iv have had and call HR to my office
now and
make sure no one come up.
Nkule: yes sir. I hang up and waited for HR. I
know she
probably over thinking it like how i over
thought our first
fight in the morning but ill deal with it when I
get home
after I sort this out.
I walked out smiled at the receptionist and
left with Avery
tagging along me quiet. We got in the car and
I drove off.
Avery: Alphas only mate with they mates. No
one else.
Apart that wolfs only sleep with one partner
all they life but
Alphas since they bonded to they mate. Once
the bond
has been consummated mated he only sleeps
with his
Me: I know
Avery: Than why you crying?
Me: You wouldn’t cry when you walk in your
husband and
find one of his workers naked and ready for
Avery: No, not if I know he didn’t touch her.
Me: how do you know? Yes he didn’t touch
her today but
what about any other days? I looked at her.
Avery: cause he wouldn’t hurt a person just
for sex. You
his wife and he gives you bruises and you are
his mate.
Made to accommodate him. Now imagine
what happens
to a normal human being? Which normal
human being can
manage being intimate with a supernatural
and be okay
afterwards? I turned looked at the young girl
and smiled
and looked forward.
Avery: You smiling that good
Me: Now i get it why i need you in my life.
Thank you. I
saw her beam with pride.
Avery: its a pleasure. We drove in silence. We
got home
and we went to our study to read more about
my powers
and how to use them.
I got home to find more than 30 vampires and
I looked at
my brother confused.
Me: what? He moved me to the side.
“ i kinda mentioned to a friend that you have
found the
only living fairy witch”
Me: are you fucken crazy?why would you
even do that?
What wrong with you?
“ i didnt know he will tell his friends and
before i knew it
word spread”
Me: What are they doing here?
“ they have problems that only she can help
Me: you fucken stupid do you know that. I
went to the
lounge and looked at them.
Me: am sorry about the confusion which iv
explained to
my brother. The woman who i though is a
witch fairy is
not one. Now pack your things and go.
Vampire1: I knew this was to truthful to be
true. I watched
as they murmured things and than left apart
one guy. He
stood there looking at me with grim eyes.
Me: bro leave
Him: You lying
Me: what makes you say that?
Him: I got a power of knowing when someone
is lying
and you are. You going to help me or I tell
everyone here
that you lying. I laughed looking at the skinny
guy. I had
strength of a million man.
Me: are you for real? He gave me a piece of
paper with an
Him: Meet me here tomorrow and you will
see why you
have to help me. He got up and left talking to
the other
guys leaving and he turned and winked and I
knew it was
him telling me if I don’t come his going to
share that am
lying. First thing first. I get Kamo and go to
one city
where I know for a fact no vampire will go. I
looked at the
address again memorising it and throwing the
paper away.
“ am sorry”
Me: its fine bro. I ask you to help me with her
you don’t
but yet you go around telling the world that
she exist
knowing very well that every supernatural
being wants her.
for her powers.You pathetic bro. I left him
standing there...

I walked out of the shower and wore my
boxers got in bed
where she was glued to a box with her
Me: what you reading?
Kamo: reading more on having focus when
am in a
trance. Today I found out two more powers. I
can hear
what a vampire is thinking. It was so much
fun. She really
looked excited.
Me: how did you find out?
Avery: we came back from the office and we
read more
and I remembered when i was ordering your
found i
literally heard her voice saying “ am so not
going to eat
anything from a Chinese man” than when we
were sitting
and she was bored with reading and staring
at the book
she was like “ can we take a break already am
tired” i
answered her and she looked at me shocked
and told me
she never said that aloud. So we then figured
i can read
vampires mind. Now my worry is that is it her
mind only
that I can read.
Me: Hmmm
I looked at him and I knew she hiding
Me: What
Siyabonga: nothing
Me: out with it.
Siyabonga: I can read everyone mind human
supernatural but I chose not to use that
ability. I looked at
him shocked.
Me: You can what?
I saw the shock in her eyes.
Me: I can’t read yours.
Kamo: why not?
Me: that what frustrated me. But i made
peace with it
because i don’t use that power. She looked at
me for
sometime and I saw her concentrating and I
because i knew what she was doing.
Kamo: I cant read yours too. She looked at
me for
sometime and closed the book.
Kamo: am sorry
Kamo: my behaviour lately
Me: you mean behaving like a wife that cares
for her
She looked down shyly.
Me: ill also like to apologise on today scene. I
knew she
had the hots for me but I didn’t think it was
this bad.Am
Kamo: am sorry i doubted you
Me: sorry for allowing a situation that put you
in that
position for you to doubt me. She looked at
me for a
second than smiled.
Me: what you smiling about?
Kamo: I like this. It different.
Me: I know
Kamo: there is something i wanted to raise by
Me: and that is?
Kamo: I think its time i look for my mom. She
I snuggled her close to me.
Me: Ill look into it tomorrow and let you
know what I find.
Mind me asking why now?
Kamo: I think its time I guess. She missed out
on so
much in my life and I want to know her. Plus i
think i
should know my toots.
Me: its cool with me.
Kamo: Thank you. She kept quiet and grinned.
Kamo: do you want me to show you what i
learnt today?
She was to hyped up for me to say no. So i
smiled and
said yes. She got up.
Kamo; look at the vase and don’t blink. I
looked at it and
she stood very far from it and than she slowly
closed her
eyes and lifted her hands and the vase got up
from the
table. Than she moved it to the left and right
and slowly
put it back.
Me: you can move things without touching
Kamo: yes and I can choke a vampire. She had
a grin on
her face. She really was proud of herself than
she got
undressed and turned around.
Me: what am I looking for not that am
Kamo: my love making bruises. I healed them.
I jumped
out of bed and touched her. That the one
thing i hated the
most seeing her bruised up.
Me: they all gone. How?
Kamo: I have a power of healing so after i
healed Avery
cut. I turned it in me and healed myself in the
and it worked.
Me: any more powers?
Kamo: our garden blossoms in my presence
am guessing
i can do something with nature but not too
sure what yet
but we exploring that tomorrow
Me: can i find the yard and house in one
piece am going
to Johannesburg tomorrow. I have a meeting.
Kamo: Can I come with? I looked at her and
felt a thud at
the bottom of my heart. Am not sure what
was it for but
the feeling sat there.
Me: so long you take security with you at all
times when
am not with you.
Kamo: You don’t sound sure
I looked at him and touched his hand and I
got a blank
picture. He smiled
Siyabonga: are you trying to work your
voodoo on me? I
smiled at him because i was really trying to
see what
bothering him.
Me: i feel like you not okay with me coming
to GP with
Siyabonga: I feel like you not tell me why you
want to
come. I kept quiet because he was right. I
wasn’t being
fully honest with him. But how can a wife tell
they husband
that the going to close a chapter in they life?
How can I
tell him that am going to see my ex and find
closure. I
can’t be preaching healing to Avery and I
myself haven’t
fully healed.
Me: You not going to understand if I told you
and I feel
like me telling you will come out as
disrespectful since
you my husband.
Siyabonga: am your friend first before
anything else. I kept
quiet for a while and moved to the bed.
I watched her play with a pillow nervously.
Me: you can always talk to me about
Kamo: this is so hard.
Me: am here. She looked at me and I saw her
eyes get
glassy with tears.
Kamo: I don’t mean to disrespect you and I
don’t want
you reading to much into this but... she wiped
a tear
falling down from her. I held her hands giving
her comfort.
Kamo: Ill like to see Mondli. She whispered
and the room
went silent. She looked at me waiting for me
to say
Me: Why? I calmly asked. She looked at me
and I saw
she wasn’t about to tell me so i just made
peace with the
fact that this is something she wanted to do.
Kamo: I need to find closure of all the things
he did to me
and I need to let him know that I forgive him
even though
he never really apologised. That all. I knew
she was being
honest because that heaviness in my heart
disappeared as
she spoke and I just realised it wasn’t my
heaviness it
was hers. I was holding her heaviness in my
heart. We
truly are linked.
Me: Never hide anything from me. Ill support
you in all
that you do even when i think its something
that you
shouldn’t concern yourself with but if you
think that its a
must than you have my support. She gave me
her biggest
hug and I felt my heart fill up with love to my
content. I knew it was her as I was linked to
her. I smiled
knowing that she loves me without a doubt to
the fullest of her heart.

Insert 30:
I woke up to find Siyabonga looking at me
and fully
Me: you up early.
Siyabonga: i have a meeting to attend before
we leave but
than i saw how peaceful you were and i lost
track of time
watching you sleep.
Me: you shouldn’t have. You just woke me
Siyabonga: sorry. He walked to me kissed my
and left. I got up went took a shower than
packed for the
trip. Went to the kitchen found Avery
drinking from a cup
and I knew it was blood. I watched her finish
up and got
her eyes change back to normal than she
washed her cup.
Me: we going Johannesburg. Not sure for
how long so
pack up warmly and summer clothes. She
looked excited.
Avery: Iv never been to Johannesburg before.
Me: You will love it. Let me leave you to pack
let me
make a light lunch that we will have before
we leave.
I drove to the address and got to a shabby
house there
and parked than got out just as Josh came
Josh: thanks for coming.
Me: show me what you wanted to show me.
Josh: follow me. We walked in to the house
and Right to
the bedroom. One sick lady who could die
any minute
stood there blinking her red eyes. They
helped her up and
I saw the most horrific sight ever. She had
bruises all over
her huge tummy and looked as pale as a
white sheet and
so weak you could blow her.
Me: is she human?
Josh: no she a new vampire but the baby is
eating her in the insides.
Me: how on earth did any of this happen? We
given birth since the 1800’s
Josh: i don’t know
Me: If the commander were to find out about
Josh: that why we need the witch fairy.
Me: to do what exactly? Witch fairies hate
Josh: if she is the decedent of Jasmine and
she is as kind
as she is said to be then my wife has a living
Me: she doesn’t even know i exist how on
earth am I
going to get her here. They all looked at me
with hope and
i realised i have just confirmed that she exist
Me: fuck me. Ill see what i can do. If you dare
tell anyone
that iv told you about her or even helped you
get to her
than ill kill you myself. josh nodded. I walked
and turned
and he wasn’t following me.
Me: get in the bloody car Josh. He ran to the
I finished up cooking and sorting out our
things that we
taking with us. When done I took my mom
journal and
went to the patio to read while waiting and
Avery came
Me: come here. I wanna try something
Avery: that twinkle in your eyes.
We drove to where she stays and parked of
the road and
covered the car hopping no one sees it.
Me: come we will walk through the woods.
He nodded.
Me: When you get there you will talk and Ill
say nothing.
Josh: I thought you know her.
Me: I don’t
Josh: than how did you know of her?
Me: same way that you did now please shut
up. We on a
werewolf ground.
Josh: what you mean? I looked at the clueless
Me: are you asking me because you don’t
know or you
skipped that part in your reading.
Josh: indulge me please
Me: she married a fucken werewolf man. I
watched josh
eyes pop up and stand still.
Josh: if he finds here we are dead.
Me: than stop walking slow and let move it.
I felt my blood boil and I knew it was alerting
me of
something. I excused myself from the
meeting calling
Kamo: hey
Me: You out of breath.
Kamo: am trying to channel nature and its a
bit difficult
but i know am doing it right.
Me: you home?
Kamo: Yes and no I wont damage your
precious garden. I
Me: i never said anything about my garden.
Kamo: I know that what you were going to
Me: can you read my mind now?
Kamo: I know you too well to know what
next. I laughed
feeling lighter but still offish.
Me: am coming home. Stay put.
Kamo: where would I go? She kept quiet.
Me: kamo???
Kamo: am feeling a tingling sensation and this
happens when Avery sneaks up on me.
Me:you home right?
Kamo: yeah
Me: nothing going to happen to you. Nothing
get past
through the hedges closer to the house
without your
permission or mines. So if any vampires are
lurking by
they can’t get in.
Kamo: come home please
Me: are you okay?
Kamo: yeah but I feel like i need you.
Me: ill be there in 30 minutes Dont think too
Continue trying to challenge nature.
Remember a clear
mind and breathe in and out and you will be
She hung up and i went back wrapped up my
meeting and
I looked at Avery and smiled.
Me: i think you need life insurance
Avery: so long you dont burn me am good.
Me: okay let try this one last time before we
ho shower. I
closed my eyes.
We got to the hedge and we can see them.
The skinny kid
and her standing there. We tried to move
closer but it felt
like an invisible glass was stopping us from
moving. I
moved to the side and still couldn’t go in past
hedges. We moved to were there were none
and moved
closer and still nothing but we stood there
and watched
since we had the perfect view.
Josh: what happening why can’t we go
through?me: she
has her house protected. She a witch fairy did
seriously think we will rock up and she will
welcome us,
now keep quiet please and watch.
Me: ready
Avery:what are you going to do tinker bell. I
laughed at her
so loud and raised my hands as twigs snd
branches came
out from underneath holding her in place. I
opened my
eyes in excitement.
I watched her with light green eyes. She
looked amazing.
Her hair and braids started changing to moss
green and
she lifted of the ground. She had a million
dollar smile on
her face. The higher she went the higher the
twigs and
branches grew taking me with. She spins and
they twist.
Kamo: tell me when am hurting you okay
Me: so far so go. She really looked like a
million dollar
piece of art. She clapped her hands and the
twigs and
branches broke as I went down but she
quickly grabbed
me before i hit the ground.
Kamo: That was amazing. What else can I do.
Her hair
turned greener.
Me: oh no. She twirled and a mini tornado
started. She
screamed in excitement and it grew bigger.
Me: oh no keep your emotions in check
please or you will
lose control. But my words were lost as things
took a turn
for the worse as the tornado targeted the
rose bushes and
lilies. I closed my eyes as she started
Siyabonga is going to kill us.
I saw something shiny in the trees.
Me: Dion wait. He braked and I jumped off
and went to
see a car parked there and ran to my car.
Me: race it. He speed and I got there there
was screaming
and whooshing sound. I ran with my heart in
my chest.
When i got to the other side of the mini
garden it was a
mess. Kamo with green hair. She looked like
goddess and Avery running after a tornado
and birds flying
for they life.
Me: Kamo!!!
His voice vibrated and we stood still with
birds stoping
and kamo looking at Siyabonga with fear
before anything
happened she reacted sending twigs with
thorns his way.
In a split of an eye he jumped and turned into
the most
scariest big white wolf that iv ever seen. I saw
Kamo hear
grow darker out of fear than I ran for cover in
my running I
saw two people take cover in my fair right.
Kamo was
now a goddess with wind twirls by either of
her sides she
clapped her hands and I saw Siyabonga
change back to
his normal self with dark grey eyes and raise
his hands
stopping the twigs half way.
Siyabonga: Is that all you got wife?
Kamo: is that a challenge dear husband?
Oh no are these two really about to show of
they powers?
Oh lord what a hectic job I have.....

Insert 31:
I watched him move and closed my eyes and I
felt the
ground shake and I snapped my fingers as
rocks lighted. I
saw him grin.
Siyabonga: You are really set in destroying
our garden. I
laughed lightly
Me: Ill fix it when we done playing
Siyabonga: we are playing and then his eyes
went dark
and I knew something was wrong as he
changed into a
full were wolf and went charging. I saw two
souls dash for
they life and I lifted them up just as he was
about to bite
into one. I saw fear than gratitude on the
faces. Siyabonga
quickly turned. He was so angry. I tied the
guys in twigs
and left them hanging up. I knew he couldn’t
fly and that
frustrated him.
Thank god for kamo or i would have just
watched two
souls be attacked into shrimps. I got out of
my hiding
place and looked around at the mess. Its like
dragon ballZ
just happened. I slowly walked to Dion who
looked like his
used to this.
Dion: she finally unleashed her powers. She
stronger than
him. I never thought ill ever meet an
individual stronger
them him.
Me: Girl power rocks.
Dion: seriously.
Me: am a better shooter than you but ke
asikho lapho( we
not there) .
I looked at the two dangling there.
Kamo: until you are calmer am not bringing
them down
Me: I am calmer
Kamo: you don’t look calm. I gritted my teeth
and went
inside to go take a shower.
I calmly put them down and untied the twigs
and just as I
touched one of them I saw a woman in pain
surrounded in
darkness and i looked at the guy and I saw he
scared. I touched his sleeve and I saw he was
good man
been through a lot.
Me: would you like to come through for some
light lunch?
They both looked at me shocked. The kind
man nodded
and i walked to the patio and they sat down
as i ask
Avery to help bring the lunch i prepared. I
walked to the
other guy who thought the world evolved
around him and i
touched him and saw hate, anger and lots of
but mostly i saw danger. I looked at him really
close and
I saw his intentions of ill heart toward my
husband and his
kind. I really didnt know how to use this
power of sight
but it generally just came.
Me: if you hate my husband so much, than
why bring him
here? I saw the shock in the kind man eyes
and the evil
one looked at me taken aback.
Him: Am Marcus. He says looking at me as if
suppose to know him.
Me: am new in this world, enlightened me.
Him: one from the originals.
Me: original what? He looked at me again
Him: Vampires.
Me: so being from the close family of the
originals some
how gives you the entitlement of hating my
husband? Am
He looked at me for a long time and I saw his
around him change. So am an energy reader
Marcus: you interesting. I turned to the guy
next to him.
Me: you risked it all coming with him here.
Who is the
lady clinger to you that ill?
Him: my wife
Me: am kamo
Him: josh
Me: a pleasure to meet you. Here have some
lunch while i
go pack a few things that I can help with.’
Siyabonga: You not going anywhere and
Marcus please
Marcus: but....
Siyabonga: Please let me not repeat myself
before i break
you in two pieces than have to explain to the
my reasons. Now go. He got up and signalled
for the guy
with glassy eyes to get up.
Siyabonga: I don’t remember telling josh to
leave. If i see
you 30km away from my house ill snap your
neck in half
and throw it in hell. I watched as Marcus got
up and left
Siyabonga looked at Josh for a long time. My
heart was
pounding so hard and fast.
Siyabonga: Avery and Dion are going to drive
you to your
house. Pack up all that you need for you and
your wife
and helper and they will bring you back. Am
not doing this
for you nor am I doing it for you wife. Am
doing it for my
wife because i know her not helping you after
what she
saw will haunt her forever. Now eat up and
go. Oh and
Josh: yes
Siyabonga: tell anyone what you saw today or
what you
about to see and you are dead. I know only
witch fairies
can help your kind with your problems but
No. he got up
and left is too leaving me grinning...
Insert 31:
I looked at the young lady in front of me and i
couldn’t believe that i was here.
Me: uhm... I couldn’t find the words to ask
what I wanted
to ask.
Kamo: What on your mind
Me: I thought you can read my mind
Kamo: I can but am just respecting your
privacy, so how
can I help
Me: its my wife
I felt tears come to my eyes and i wiped them
away just
as a tiny girl walked and stood in a distance
and i noticed
she is a vampire. Kamo turned looked at her
smiled and
looked back at me. I heard that she hated
vampires but
she had some sort of a bond with this one
and plus here i
am sitting here looking at her. She kept quiet
looking so
elegant and Calm.
Me: am sorry to just pop up like this but i kind
of didnt
have a choice. My wife isn’t well and you the
only one that
can help me.
I looked at him and saw that life has been
really hard on
Me: let me pack
Avery: pack?
Me: yes pack
Avery: are we not going to Johannesburg
Me: If i go she dies. He needs me.
Avery: his a vampire
Me: and you human?
There was silence and I turned looked at Josh.
Me: Please give me a moment. I turned and
looked at
Me: You touch him and ill kill you.
Avery: I didn’t do anything
Me: seems like you forget that I can read
Avery: I wasn’t even thinking of that.
Me: Avery
Avery: Fine but am going with you.
Me: Fine
Avery: I wonder if ubuthi will be okay with
this. I took a
deep breath and left to my room. I got in and
took a few
things from my already packed bag for
Johannesburg and
took my toiletries. Just than Siyabonga
walked in and he
looked beyond furious. I kept quiet and bite
my inner lip
thinking how to talk to him about this.
Me: babe
Siyabonga: please dont patronise me
Me: am not
Siyabonga: you have made up your mind
Me: he needs me.
He got up and I felt my heart race and I knew
he was
worked up.
Me: I can explain
Siyabonga: Dion coming with and Avery and
Me: They humans and those are vampires
Siyabonga: its me or them
Me: Dion is a human. I can’t have him protect
me against
Siyabonga: Ill pack. I felt myself lose ground
and looked
at him.
Me: you an Alpha.
Siyabonga: so?
Me: I cannot make them uncomfortable in
they own
environment. He moved me aside and walked
to the
lounge were we found Avery and Josh in a
staring contest.
Siyabonga: Will you object to me tagging
along with my
wife here.
I looked at the Alpha and knew the
discomfort the family
and community will have. Not once in history
has an
Alpha been in a community where loads of
vampires stay
and all ends well.
Me: Ill have to give the people a hands up.
Siyabonga: well get a head start, Avery go
with him and
report back. The cheeky vampire nodded and
we got up
and left.
I know it short but sengibuyile kancane
kancane. Thank
you guys for your support and prayers.

Insert 32:
I looked at my beautiful glowing wife with
pink hair. I have
no idea what the pink hair is for?
Me: your hair pink. I mumbled. She looked at
me and
turned to the mirror and looked at herself. I
walked to her
and held her from behind and she leaned on
my shoulder
perfectly fitting in.
Me: You drive me so crazy sometimes
Kamo: I have to help.
Me: am not saying don’t but talk to me. That
all I ask.
She closed her eyes for a minute than open
them. They
were glassy
Kamo: Am new at this and curious too.
Sometimes i
really don’t know how to handle it.
Me: That why I say talk to me about these
things and will
figure it out together. She nodded and I
slowly kissed her
neck as she arched her back her ass rubbing
on me
driving me wild. I felt my whole body tense
up and I
stopped kissing her and looked at her through
the mirror.
Her hair was back to normal black colour and
her eyes
were full of passion. I undid my pants quickly
and the guy
sprang out and i moved her closer to the
mirror and
slowly undressed her as she closed her eyes.
Me: look at me.
She slowly open her eyes as she looked at me
from the
mirror. I slowly parted her leg.
I felt my body heat up as I knew what next.
He slowly
entered me as he was looking at me via the
mirror. My
walls clinched to him for dear life as he slowly
moving making me arch my back some more.
I felt all my
insides shatter then he picked me up and we
went to the
Me: am sorry
Siyabonga: Its would have been better if they
come here
but than again i get your reasons for wanting
to go to his
house. But am coming with
Me: I don’t think its a good idea. Ill take Dion
and Avery
like you said.
He shooked his head no.
Siyabonga: am coming with
Me: I can take Philile
Siyabonga: what the difference between her
and me.
Me: please let not argue on this. Am going to
they home
and yes ill take Avery and Dion but you are
not coming.
Siyabonga: am going to Johannesburg than. I
looked at
him and he laughed.
Me: Fine. You coming but keep you distance
and be
friendly when approached.
Siyabonga: am the most friendly guy ever. I
looked at him
as he laughed and the walls vibrated. This is
what I
wanted. Him being happy. We took a shower
and got
Siyabonga: its been awhile and Avery not
back. I took my
phone and there were no texts and I called
her and it went
to voicemail and I felt the pit of my stomach
I watched her as she started panicking and I
called Dion
to no avail. I called the back up team to come
front so we
can go to Joshua.
Kamo: am coming with. I knew nothing I was
going to say
was going to let her stay. Mdu and the guys
came through
and we drove to Joshuas with kamo quiet as a
clinging to my hand for dear life!....

Insert 33:
I woke up with a banging headache and
looked around. I
saw Avery tied up in one corner with wood
studs around
her ankle and hands. She was bleeding and
turning more
pale. I looked around and the room was dark
with only
one window. I checked for my watch that
Siyabonga made
me wear and it was still on me so i pressed
the panic
My phone buzzed and I opened it and saw
that Dion
activated the panic button and tracer. I knew
he hated
being vulnerable so I called the team and
send the the co
ordinate of the place. I looked at kamo and
looked away.
Kamo: Its Dion?
Me: yes
Kamo: are they okay?
Me: No
Kamo: I should have listened to you. I
shouldn’t have
agreed to going there. I shouldn’t have sent
my Avery.
I watched as her hair changed to red. Her
eyes were dark
blue. I knew that hell is about to break lose
and I didn’t
know how to handle it.
I looked at the text with the co ordinates and
i knew that
Siyabonga needed us. So I packed up texted
the wolf pack
the co ordinates and got in my full form and
made a dash
for it.
I looked at the flock of vampires. My head
was buzzing
and my wife was getting worse with each
minute. I had
full blown tears in my eyes and the woman
were looking
at me with so much pity.
Me: You can’t do this, she going to die.
Marcus: Listen to him. The Musk are the last
race that you
want to fight with them.
Stephen: listen to them please. The Vilakazi
Clan laughed.
Mr Vilakazi: you cant tell us that you bringing
a fairy witch
here and expect me to just sit and let it be.
Worse you
saying you bringing an Alpha to.
Me: to help my wife.
Mr Vilakazi: this is a vampire matter. We will
deal with it.
Me: She is dying. She needs help now. I
Mrs Vilakazi: Kodwa baba just this once let us
get help
from someone else please. She begged while
helping my
Mr Vilakazi: we don’t mix with witches nor
Vampires don’t die. She will be fine. Just than
a black
Mercedes parked in a distance and I knew
before they
emerged out of it that it was the Musk family.
I saw a red
hair and I knew things are about to get bad.
He really looked majestic and huge and big
with his white
fur and strong. He was so big that he scared
me too. He
bounced of the car so elegantly for a wolf.
There she was with her red hair looking so
pissed and her
husband in his majestic form. I moved to my
wife and
Mrs Vilakazi.
Me: Move a little bit back please
Jocelyn: Is that her
Me: Yes dear its her
Jocelyn: She looks angry.
Me: That why am saying let move back a

Insert 34:
We slowly moved back and i got my oldest
daughter to
take the little kids to a distance in safety
while Mrs
Vilakazi ushered the other woman away from
Vilakazi and
his man and we watched from a distance.
Kamo walked
slowly with her hair fire red and her dress
sweeping the floor. Her husband was right by
her side
with his big shape fangs dripping of saliva.
The kombo
was frightening.
Mrs Vilakazi:you right she looked pissed.
Me: Trust me you haven’t seen anything.
The guys were ready for war and that pissed
me off some
more. I looked at the leader with his fans out
and claws.
Me: You have my guardian and guard.
Him: And you are
I saw her hair change a shade darker than
what it was and
I looked at my wife face lighten up with hope.
I squeezed
her hand and she smiled a fainted smile.
Mr Vilakazi: Do you know where you are?
Kamo: Do you know who I am? She spoke
with such a
low voice and I heard the growling of Mr
Musk. From the
sides I saw one Black wolf approaching.
Jocelyn: There more wolfs. How many does
she have.
Me: Babe you know she married to a
Mrs Vilakazi: what you mean.
Me: I mean that big angry wolf next to her is
her husband.
All the ladies gasp in shock. I felt sorry for Mrs
who doesn’t know that she is about to be a
widow if her
husband doesn’t back down.
I was losing blood a lot and I was in and out of
Dion: Stay with me baby
Me:Am going to die. I whispered with my lips
cracking. I
saw Dion shifting and trying to get out of his
Me: I should have stayed in the car like you
said. Am just
than in The window I saw a shadow and we
both kept
quiet not moving then out of nowhere the
door banged
open and one big brown wolf emerged and I
saw Dion
smiling for the first time as the wolf ran to
him rolling him
over in excitement.
Me: seriously Dion. They both turned looking
at me as it
helped him out of his chains and they broke
free and ran
to me to help me as I lost consciousness
We watched in silence as she lifted her right
hand up and
all the guns that were pointed at her went up
in the air.
The guys looked up and looked at her
Kamo: Now, ill ask one more time. Where are
my people?
I saw Mr Vilakazi sweating a bit and Stephen
and Marcus
were hiding not so far from us with Stephen
eyes popping
out in shock.
Mr Vilakazi quickly took out a gun from his
hip and aimed
at her shooting and we watched in
amazement as she
lifted her hands and the bullets stopping right
in front of
them then she turned them around and
clapped her hands
as They went flying to MR Vilakazi aiming at
his thigh, leg
and arm. She toppled down scream in pain
screaming for
the guys to get the Musk family and hell
broke lose as all
the wolfs popped up from they hiding spots.
We watched
in horror as the wolfs tore the bullies of our
info pieces. Limb by limb and throwing them
into a pile
like pieces of dirt and when they were done
and Vilakazi
was left alone in the middle with his wife
silently crying
Kamo literally flys gracefully to him and make
him rise
with her hands without touching him.
Kamo: Now let try this again. Where is my
Guardian and
Mr Vilakazi: I rather die then tell you where
they are.
Kamo: okay.
She pushed him with one clap to the pile of
bodies and injuries. I watched as two near by
trees lifted
and the leaves shaken off as she placed it on
the pile than
she rubbed her hands together and a ball of
fire popped
up and she threw it on the pile of bodies with
Mr Vilakazi
screaming in pain as they burnt to ashes. Out
of nowhere
and quickly one of his sons aimed at her and
shoot and
we watched in horror as she went down and
the clouds
gathered quickly turning black and the most
soaking rain poured on us as we struggled to
run indoors
while the wolfs gathered around her. I ran to
them with my
wife screaming no. I knew she or the wolfs
wouldn’t hurt
me and when I got there I found her husband
in full human
Me: Pick her up and come to my house will
tend to her.
He looked at me with dark grey eyes and it
send shivers
to my bones. He lifted his hand and I saw
blood oozing
out of her chest like a tap and I started
panicking. She
can’t die. Not here not today and not because
of me.....

Insert 35:
I watched in amazement as they picked her
up and placed
her on the couch. She was no longer bleeding
and her
husband looked less angry at anyone of us.
The other
wolfs were guarding the front just incase
Vilakazi son
chooses to come and finish things off.
Jocelyn: is she going to be okay? She asked
with watery
eyes holding her bump.
Syabonga: She okay. Are you okay?
I looked at him shocked. Did he just asked my
wife if she
okay while his has a bullet on her. Just then
fell and I watched him pick it up and it was a
bullet. I
looked at him confused.
Syabonga: she has the ability to heal fast. We
all looked at
him confused. He looked at us.
Syabonga: Please keep an eye on her while I
deal with her
Mrs Vilakazi: His the only son I have left. She
cried. He
looked at her and she looked scared.
Siyabonga: ill be back. He got up and left his
wife with us
and we all looked at each other to scared to
say a word or
to even touch her
I felt Dion hands on me before I even open
my eyes to
see of it was truly him.
Me: We okay?
Dion: Yes we okay. Go back to sleep.
Me: kamo,we need to warn her.
Dion: Go to sleep Avery. I closed my eyes and
the warm bliss of sleep.
I looked at Syamkelo.
Me: Kamo?
Syamkelo: my job is to get you guys to safety
and go
back. Ill call if they any news.
Me: okay. We got in the car and i placed her
in than we
drove off as heavy rain started and I knew it
had to do
with Kamo.
I walked out and looked at the boy who was
by my family in the majestic form with fangs
out. He
looked beyond terrified.
I moved to the window as the rain was
calming down.
Joycelyn: Her hair
We all turned and watched in amazement as
her hair
turned back to her natural colour of black
that if that her
Josh: she alive
Joycelyn: do you think her husband would
have left her
with us if she was dead?
Josh: You right,we all were going to be dead.
Mrs Vilakazi: My son. I looked at her with pity
as we
looked out to the scene with her son
surrounded by wolves.....

Insert 36:
I looked at the young boy and signalled for
my family to
calm down.
Me: You shot my wife
Boy: Am sorry.
Me: What your name?
Boy: sfiso
Me: how old are you?
Sfiso: 16
Me: your dad was horrible to your mother.
He used to
beat her and abuse her and you never did
anything. Why
shoot my wife?
He kept quiet.
Me: answering me will help me determine if I
should let
my family have you for lunch or not.
Sfiso: I was afraid.
Me:and now you shoot the one person who
came to help
He looked confused.
Me: Am not going to kill you because I know
when my
wife wakes up she will kill me for killing you.
But I need
you to do something for me.
Sfiso: what that?
Me: Make sure that no guns are around
anymore and if
anyone else tries to kill my family or my wife.
Ill kill you
without blinking.
He nodded and looked at the angry pack of
wolves and
slowly moved picking up guns.
I packed up my clothes. The dreams Iv been
having are
too horrible for me to bare anymore. Some
days its me
dreaming Kamo husband chopping me up in
tiny pieces.
Some days its me being thrown in a fire but
the creepiest
is having to dream being surrounded by
snakes and
literally feeling them crawling on my skin. I
need to run
away and I need to run away fast.
The doorbell rang and I quickly went to check
and the
door opened and there stood two ladies. One
tall and one
short that looks like a tiny doll.
Me: how can I help? The tall one threw dust
on me and i
started coughing and feeling my chest hurting
as the
stood there and watched.
Short lady: Am Jasmine. Which by nature and
a fairy. You
hurt my daughter so many times when all she
gave you
was love. I know she too kind to even touch
you but am
not. With this powder I want you to hurt Ten
times more
than she did. I want you to slowly die inside
succumbing to your death. I want you to feel
her agony
until you go crazy and lastly. May all you
touch turn into
They both laughed some evil laughs and left
me coughing
and grasping for air. I finally got up drank
water and
looked out the window.
Me: Who are they? Which daughter they
talking about? I
scratched my head and came back with a
patch of hair
and I moved to the mirror and scratched
again and
patches of hair started falling off as I ran
screaming to
wash my hair andI looked in the mirror and
the woman
appeared “ That was for the countless time
you pulled her
with her braids and patches of hair would
come out”
Me: Who?
And the image disappeared from my mirror. I
tried to
move and my ankle cracked causing pain to
shoot up to
my leg making me scream. Her voice came
from nowhere
“ that for stepping on her leg and breaking it
when she fell
when you strike her. I tried getting up but the
pain was to
much so I hoped to my bedroom. I really
need to get out
of her. I called my guards and it kept ringing
until one of
them picked up.
Me: where the fuck are you guys?
Guard: You fired us boss.
Me: when?
Guard: are you for real? You sent us letters
this morning
with pins for bank accounts with money
apologising for
the short notice.
Me: I did no such thing.
Guard: well my family and I are grateful for
He hang up. I Tried calling again and nothing.
I ran to my
computer and punched in the pin and
checked to see my
accounts and they were empty. Not even a
cent was in
the. I looked in my offshore accounts it was
also zero
balance. I felt my head spinning.
“ that my dear was for always flashing your
money at her
and the power you thought it gave you, let
see how
powerful are you?” I held my head screaming.
Maybe this
is just a dream. Maybe if I get in bed and
sleep. Ill wake
up and It will all end. I threw my clothes on
the floor and
got in bed and closed my eyes trying my best
to sleep.
After many hours of tossing and turning I
finally gave in to
I woke up to 3 faces looking in on me and
scared little
faces from afar. I touched my shoulders and
felt that it has
healed. I saw the sick lady and felt her pain
and I knew
she didn’t have enough time before she dies
from the
creature she has in her.
Me: You all going to help ms save her.
They all nodded yet there was fear in they
Me: I need towels lots of them. I need lots of
warm water
and lots of blood. Kill a cow if you have too
and I need
you to move the mattress to the floor.
Her: but you just been shot, are you okay?
Me: The pain you been feeling is your child
trying to eat
they way out of you. If I dont do something.
You going to
die and your husband will hate that boy. She
nodded as
everyone listened to my instructions as we
prepared to
remove a varko vampire out of her...

Insert 37:
I looked at the scared lady in front of me and
I knew
pushing wasn’t going to be an option. The
best was for
me to go in there.
Me: I think ill need to cut you open.
Mrs Vilakazi: With what?
Me: Ill need a knife.
Joycelyn: maybe i should go to the hospital.
Me: I don’t think you understand what you
The room went silent.
Me: look no matter what it still your baby and
you should
love him just like any other kid.
Joycelyn: What you mean?
Me: I touched her stomach to get a more
clear picture
and I quickly moved my hand. How is she
going to cope.
How do you tell a person that they son is the
himself. He has tiny horns. I kept quiet as
Joshua walked
in and he looked at me just than Siyabonga
walked in and
I closed my eyes sending the image of the
child to him.
He looked at me and shakes his head.
I watched the couple and I saw that the
and she was hiding something. I walked
closer to her.
Me: Is she going to make it.
Kamo: She will. Its the baby am worried
Me: what about it.
Kamo: his different.
Me: how? Just than Siyabonga came to me.
Siyabonga: Let give them space. We walked
out and sat
I woke up and I couldn’t move and I tried to
open my
mouth felt like a train ran over it and that
voice came “
that for when you dislocated her jaw with a
bat” then it hit
me. This is Kamo doing. Oh my gosh is it true
what it
said about her husband being a supernatural.
Is it true but
two ladies came here not him. What on earth
is happening
and just then I heard the hissing and I looked
down and
the floor was covered in snakes and I saw
some trying to
go up the bed and the voice came through “
for using her
fears on her. Ifa inja” those were the last
words I heard
from her as a huge ass snake made it way to
me and i
closed my eyes as I knew the world was to be
an end.
I woke up feeling much better and I looked
around I was
in Dion room. He was sitting by the far end.
Dion: Hey
Me: Hi
Dion: how you feeling? I looked at the drip he
had of
blood inserted on me.
Me: better. Thank you
Dion: its a pleasure
Me: Kamo
Dion: is fine
Me: where she?
Dion: you need to sleep.
Me: am fine
Dion: well relax while you get hydrated again.
I knew he was hiding something from me but
i was also
not strong enough so staying in bed was the
best thing
that I could do.
Jayla: We close
Me: Am nervous
Jayla: oh please why are you?
Me: I don’t know. I feel like she will hate me
for leaving
her behind all those years and popping up
Jayla: oh please. Your daughter doesnt have
even a tiny
gene of hate. I don’t think she knows that it
exist. So no
she wont hurt you.
Me: what if her husband rips me apart?
Jayla: we talking about the same boy that you
help bring
to earth?
Me: his an Alpha he has the power to end me
Jayla: am going to turn on the music now. Am
in no
mood to listen to you do your conspiracy
theories about
your daughter hating you and your son in law
ripping you
Me: Do you think they know?
Jayla: know what?
Me: That kamo is pregnant with a warlock.
Jayla: If you know. Am guessing they know
Me: not really.remember when I was
pregnant with her you
told me and I had no idea.
Jayla: how you know she going to have a
Me: I saw her in my versions helping a
woman give birth
to a varko vampire. Jayla hit the brakes hard
and turned
to look at me.
Jayla: and you telling me now!!!!
Me: why you screaming?
Jayla: a destroyer is born and human kind is
at risk and
you calm
Me: His different
Jayla: oh do tell
Me: I don’t know but his different. I don’t
know if kamo
has something to do with it but this one is
Jayla: I hope so because if not we are all

Insert 38:
I sedated her using herbs then turned to Mrs
Me:I need a favour from you.
Mrs Vilakazi: Yes
Me: I need you to take all the kids out. And if
you also
have a weak stomach I need you to leave. She
Just than Philile and Pearl walked in they
human form with
a smile.
Philile: Siyabonga says you need us.
Me: Its a Varko Vampire.
They were both silent.
Philile: how is that even possible. All Varko
babies were
killed in the1970
Me: She wasn’t. I pointed at the mother.
Joycelyn open
her eyes.
Me: I forgot it doesnt work on you guys
Joycelyn: his going to be like my brother.
Me: Your brother
Joycelyn: was killed when he was four
because he started
changing. He had horns. Is my baby going to
be like my
I was quiet and I nodded as she cried.
Joycelyn: I can’t keep it.
Me: what do you mean?
Joycelyn: you have to kill it.
The shock on my face must have spoke
volumes because
I saw Philile and Pearl move back a bot and
walked in. I know his connected to his sisters
and he can
sense they discomfort when they are at
unease. He walked
in with Joshua. He moved to his wife and held
her hand
as she was hysterical.
Joshua: shhhh what wrong?
Jocelyn: his going to be like David. The shock
in Joshua
face was hard to miss.
Jocelyn: we can’t keep him.
Joshua looked at me.
Me: Am not killing him. His a baby.
Joshua: his a curse. People will throw us out
of here. We
can’t raise a varko. What about our other
kids? David killed
50 men!!!no children not woman, but full
grown vampire
men and humans and he was only fucken 4
years. You
have to kill him.
Me: I hear you. I know it scary but am not
killing an
innocent child.
Joshua: his a Varko. What innocent about a
Me: your wife is a varko too,has she killed
anyone? They
both kept quiet.
Me: my point,so will he! Now lie down.
Joycelyn: I rather die than give birth to a
varko child. He
will have to eat his way out. I felt myself boil
and i saw
Siyabonga holding me to calm down.
Me: Ill keep him. You can give birth to him
and ill take
him out and leave with him and you can live
your life and
you never have to see him because that child
will not die
in my presence and am not killing him and
you are going
to give birth to him.
Everyone was silent. I opened up our
channel with Siyabonga
“ am sorry”
S- “ its okay, i know you wouldnt let a child
die like that.
We will figure it out”
“ thank you”
Joshua: I feel ashamed.
Me: you should be. Now can you guys leave
soI can get
my son out please. They left and I helped her
give birth to
a bouncing child.
Me:Do you want to see him?
Jocelyn: his not crying.
He looked at me with the most adorable eyes.
I rolled him
up in a blanket and give him to his mother
were he cried
and I took him back to me and he kept quiet.
Joycelyn: am not a bad person. I cant raise
Me: you know where to find him when you
want him back.
I gave him to Philile and helped cleaned her
up and
stitched her. Being a vampire helped since
she was
healing already.
Me: we going to leave now. Are you sure you
dont want
him? She nodded with tears in her eyes and i
nodded and
left with the child got in the car and we drove
off in
Siyabonga: Can I see him?
She gave me the child and i instantly felt the
love. i knew
that she did the right thing in keeping him. I
looked at his
forehead and saw two birth marks on his
forehead and I
knew it was a passage for his horns.
Me: Sipho
Kamo: Sipho?
Me: That what we will call him. His our gift. I
know his an
unconventional gift but none the less a gift
Kamo: Sipho. I like it
Philile: you going to raise a varko.
Me: looks that way
Philile: His bite can render us weak for days
Me: I know
Philile: and when you two have kids,what
about them
Kamo: his not like the other Varko.
Philile: I hear you and i know you have a kind
soul but you
cannot change the world. Varko are
dangerous. You
cannot change it. Its an abomination on it
own. You two
need to think this through and kill that child
because trust
me if word spread that you have a varko. Its
going to be
Me: Philile
The way he said his sister name meant the
was over. The car was silent as she drove us
home. I
took the baby and went inside.
Philile: seriously
Me: what do you want me to do Philile?kill an
Philile: that no child, that a killing machine
that was
genetically modified to destroy us. Its was a
lab rat.
Me: dont you start with your theories
Philile: You a smart man...Right now you
playing with fire.
An going home
Me: Thank you for today. She hugged me and
left. I went
to Dion. I knocked and he opened.
Me: we back. We have a situation that kind of
So for the next two days ill need you away
from the house
He nodded and i checked in and saw Avery
sleeping. I
took a card out and gave it to him.
Me. take her out for two days. Its on me she
needs it.
Dion: she knows we hiding something from
I kept quiet as a mouse
Siyabonga: You know how protective she is of
kamo. Am
not going to tell you what going on becauee I
don’t want
you to lie to her too.
Dion: Thank you.see you in two days
2 days later
I woke up to find baby Sipho sitting by my
bed. This baby
is two days old and his already sitting!! I read
that baby Varko have rapid growth until they
get to a
certain age than they stop growing in all. I
guess he is
one of those. I smiled at him as I picked him
up and we
walked to the kitchen where I found Avery,
Siyabonga and
two tall beautiful eccentric ladies.
Me: oh I didnt know we have guest. I smiled
at them and
one lady was in tears and I was confused.
Tall one: Is that a Varko? She quickly closed
her mouth. I
looked at Siyabonga confused and he looked
Me: am sorry?
Avery looked like she wanted a hole to open
up and
swallow her.
Me: anyone going to tell me what happening?
Siyabonga: feed the baby and come to the
lounge we will
talk. He ushered them out and i made the
food for Sipho
and when done feed him and then walked
out with him
placed him on the floor and handed him a
remote to play
Me: am done
Siyabonga: Ill like you to meet someone.
Me: who?
The beautiful lady with pink hair moved
forward and she
was in tears and the moment she touched me
I felt the
love and all the memories of her wrap me
around like a
small blanket.
Me: mama??? The tears choked me and we
cried for what
felt like hours. Sipho cried too and I had to
pick him up
before his horns started showing.
Jasmine: You so grown. I laughed at her as
she kissed me
all over.
Me: I love you. That got her to start crying
again and we
One year later
I woke up to my bed wet and I looked around
and I was
in a puddle. I shifted and just than a cramp
came by and
I screamed and the door busted open with
Sipho and my
mom and aunt behind me. Sipho was now a
big boy of 16
years in the one year that he was born and
was hell of a
smart champ.
Sipho: ma
Me: go call your dad I think your brother is on
his way. I
saw a smile while he dashed out.
Mom: have you packed?
Me: yes am packed.
Mom: let change you to a new gown and
night dress
before you leave.
Aunty jayla: ill mix you something to ease the
2 hours later
Kamo: I was holding my baby boy who looked
He was fast asleep and an splitting image of
his father.
He walked in with Sipho and took him from
Me: what his name
Siyabonga: why ask me?
Me: you named our first born so its only right
you name
our second.
Sipho: Salizwa
I turned and looked at him.
Me: what does it mean?
Sipho: Gift of God
Siyabonga: why gift of God
Sipho: he sent him to the world to fight my
battle of life.
For people like me and you
I was shocked i looked at him.
Me: where did you get all this?
Sipho: I found a book in the attic that speaks
about you
and dad and it says when an Alpha and a
witch fairy give
birth to they first son they will be amazed by
the powers
that he will have apart being a warlock. He is
strongest immortal human on earth. So i
thought Salizwa
fits him. I stretched my hand for him to come
closer and i
kissed his forehead where his horns usually
pop up with
his angry and that always made him blush.
Me: I want you to remember something.
Sipho: what?
Me: you will alway be iSipho sami no matter
how many
kids I have. You will always be that little boy
that I feel
inlove with the minute I delivered. The little
boy that will
always be by his brother side no matter what
and that
little boy who will always be the apple of our
eyes. I wish
I could tell you how much I love you but I
hope you see it
and you feel it
Sipho: I feel it and I love you both
Siyabonga: staying with you two cheesy
people have made
me soft. I love you too son. You will always be
our pride
and joy.
I wiped a tear away.
Me: Salizwa
Siyabonga: its lizwe Salizwa Musk
Sipho: I like them.
Siyabonga: you can rest. We will be here
when you wake
5 years later
I woke up to the screaming noise and running
footsteps. I
got up and open the door found 30 year old
Sipho. His
been 30 for the past few years and I saw
Lizwe in the air
with his wings laughing like a naughty kind
that he is.
Sipho: ay ngeke ma this child will be the end
of me
Me: am sorry. What are you guys fighting
about now?
Sipho: we suppose to be on our way to school
and he
doesn’t want too.
I raised my hand bringing him down and he
hid his wings.
That what happens when you have fairy
blood in you.
Me: what did mama say about troubling your
big brother?
Lizwe: i was just playing with him
Me: apologise please
Lizwe: sorry
Sipho: come let go to school.
They turned and left with Lizwe on his
shoulder. I love the
bond they have and the love Sipho has for his
rascal of a
brother. I walked back to my room to find my
buzzing and I saw it was Siyabonga. I picked
Siyabonga: Dion and a bunch of body guards
are coming
over we packing. I have already told your
mom and aunt
to pack. It not safe anymore. People know of
existence and they are threatening to come
burn him. In 3
hours you should have everything packed and
Me: They going off to school
Siyabonga: stop them. I ran down the stairs
with my heart
beating so fast. I found them reversing. I
stopped him and
he looked at me and I saw his horns starting
to grow.
Me: Am fine baby don’t!!! It was too late he
has already
turned into the full red beast that he was.
Sipho: Am sorry
Me: I know you just protecting me and no
need to be
sorry. Your horns are growing. I touched
Sipho: iv noticed
Lizwe: This is so cool. I want horns too mama.
Me: You dad says we leaving
Sipho: why?
Me: ill explain later
Sipho: its because of me isn’t it?
Me: look around you Sipho. We all have
powers that
humans are afraid of even supernatural
beings. Its not you
alone its all of us. Now come let pack, your
dad will be
here soon
New home
I looked at Siyabonga and he looked out the
Siyabonga: I want them to have a normal life.
Me: They not normal kids
Siyabonga: I know but they can’t live in fear
for ever.
Me: what do you suggest
Siyabonga: I don’t know but I want them to
have a normal
life that all
Me: we will figure it out
Siyabonga: together
Me: together

........ The end........

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