501st SOP
501st SOP
501st SOP
501st Rules
Troopers are expected to respect the higher ups in following their orders
NCO and Officers must host training and tryouts and log them. This
includes sub division tryouts and even training. If you aren’t a NCO+ and
can’t log it yourself PM a NCO+.
Troopers may choose up to one subclass such as Heavy, Demo, and (ARC in the
Troopers must follow the chain of command like any questions should be
asked to an Officer before a Commander.
● Failrp, Multiple times in brig (with reason), Failure to follow
orders, disrespect to other regiments or specific troopers.
Demo: Those who are interested in Demo Troopers will learn when and how
they can and should use their explosives . MSG+ (Must have been a Hvy or is
a Hvy)
Battalion Operations