Build Byelaws Fb7b7c9c13

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February 2021


Housing & Urban Development Department
Jammu & Kashmir

PRELIMINARY ......................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 TITLE, COMMENCEMENT AND APPLICATION ..................................................................................................... 1
1.2 DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................................................. 1
&SANCTIONING BUILDING PLAN...................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 JURISDICTION OF BUILDING BYELAWS ............................................................................................................. 9
2.2 APPLICABILITY OF BUILDING BYELAWS ............................................................................................................ 9
I. APPLICABILITY OF BYELAWS FOR PART CONSTRUCTION ........................................................................................... 9
II. CHANGE OF USE / OCCUPANCY. ........................................................................................................................ 9
III. RECONSTRUCTION .......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.4 EXISTING APPROVED BUILDING ...................................................................................................................... 9
2.5 BUILDING PERMIT REQUIRED........................................................................................................................ 9
2.6 PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING BUILDING PERMIT.............................................................................................. 10
2.7 PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING A REVISED BUILDING PERMIT: .............................................................................. 15
2.8 PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING A REVALIDATED BUILDING PERMIT: ....................................................................... 15
2.9 PROCEDURE FOR OBTAINING A BUILDING USE PERMIT:.................................................................................... 16
2.10 FEES FOR PERMISSION: .............................................................................................................................. 17
2.11 UNAUTHORIZED DEVELOPMENT .................................................................................................................. 17
2.12 UNAUTHORIZED USE OF BUILDING: .............................................................................................................. 17
2.13 DURATION OF SANCTION/REVALIDATION: ..................................................................................................... 18
2.14 RESPONSIBILITIES OF OWNER AND REGISTERED TECHNICAL PERSON ................................................................... 18
2.15 PROCEDURE FOR BUILDING PERMISSION OF RESIDENTIAL USE BUILDING............................................................. 20
2.16 PROCEDURE FOR BUILDING PERMISSION OF NON-RESIDENTIAL USE BUILDING ..................................................... 21
2.17 TIMELINES FOR CLEARANCE FROM VARIOUS AGENCIES ..................................................................................... 22
2.18 NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATES REQUIRED FOR BUILDING PERMISSION: ................................................................. 23
2.19 QUALIFICATIONS FOR REGISTERED TECHNICAL PERSONS .................................................................................. 23
STREAMLINIING OF BUILDING PLAN APPROVALS ................................................................. 28
3.1 CLEARANCES AT MASTER PLAN LEVEL ........................................................................................................... 28
3.2 OPTIONS FOR REDUCING THE TIMELINES FOR APPROVALS ................................................................................. 28
3.4 OTHER SUGGESTIONS TO ENHANCE EASE OF DOING BUSINESS: .......................................................................... 30
PROCEDURE DURING CONSTRUCTION .................................................................................. 32
4.1 RIGHT. TO INSPECT CONSTRUCTION: ........................................................................................................... 32
CHAPTER 5: DEVELOPMENT CONTROL/ZONING REGULATIONS ............................................................... 35
5.1 LAND-USE ZONING................................................................................................................................... 35
5.2 DEVELOPMENT CONTROL REGULATIONS ....................................................................................................... 40
SPACE REQUIREMENT FOR DIFFERENT PARTS OF BUILDING ................................................. 71
6.1 MAIN BUILDING....................................................................................................................................... 71
6.2 INTERIOR COURTYARDS, COVERED PARKING SPACES AND GARAGES. .................................................................... 71
6.3 HABITABLE ROOM SIZE AND WIDTH .............................................................................................................. 71
6.4 NON –RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS ................................................................................................................... 71
6.5 KITCHEN ................................................................................................................................................. 71
6.6 BATHROOM AND W.C. ............................................................................................................................. 71
6.7 MEZZANINE FLOOR ................................................................................................................................... 72
6.8 CORNER SITE ........................................................................................................................................... 72
6.9 DAMP SITE .............................................................................................................................................. 72
6.10 DISTANCE FROM ELECTRIC LINE ................................................................................................................... 72


6.11 LOFT AND LEDGE ...................................................................................................................................... 74

6.12 CHIMNEYS .............................................................................................................................................. 74
6.13 PARAPET ................................................................................................................................................ 74
6.14 CABIN .................................................................................................................................................... 74
6.15 BOUNDARY WALL .................................................................................................................................... 74
6.16 WELLS ................................................................................................................................................... 75
6.17 OFFICE-CUM-LETTER BOX ROOM................................................................................................................ 75
6.18 METER ROOMS ....................................................................................................................................... 76
6.19 STAIRWAY............................................................................................................................................... 76
6.20 ROOFS ................................................................................................................................................... 77
6.21 RAMPS................................................................................................................................................... 77
6.22 STAIRS, LIFTS, LOBBIES AND CORRIDOR ........................................................................................................ 78
6.23 SWIMMING POOL .................................................................................................................................... 78
6.25 POLLUTION CONTROL ............................................................................................................................... 79
BUILDING (FACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, ETC) .................................................................................................... 80
7.1 INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS (FACTORIES, WORKSHOPS, ETC.) ................................................................................. 80
7.2 EDUCATIONAL BUILDING (SCHOOL /COLLEGES).............................................................................................. 80
7.3 ASSEMBLY BUILDING (CINEMA, THEATRES, ETC,) ............................................................................................ 80
7.4 PETROL FILLING STATION ........................................................................................................................... 81
7.5 BURIAL AND CREMATION GROUNDS ............................................................................................................. 81
7.6 BUILDING IN MINING AREA ......................................................................................................................... 81
7.7 POULTRY FARMS (WHEREVER ALLOWED AS PER THE MASTER PLAN) ................................................................... 81
7.8 SPECIAL BUILDINGS NOT COVERED ............................................................................................................... 82
7.10 DEFENCE ................................................................................................................................................ 82
7.11 RAILWAY ................................................................................................................................................ 82
7.12 DISTANCE FROM WATER COURSE ................................................................................................................. 82
7.13 RULES FOR DEVELOPMENT OF LAND ............................................................................................................. 83
7.15 HERITAGE ............................................................................................................................................... 83
7.16 FOREST .................................................................................................................................................. 83
7.17 SPORTS INFRASTRUCTURE .......................................................................................................................... 83
CHAPTER 8: ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE (EVCI) ........................................................ 84
8.1 ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE (EVCI).................................................................................... 84
8.2 RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS (PLOTTED HOUSE).................................................................................................... 84
8.3 EV CHARGING TECHNOLOGY ...................................................................................................................... 85
8.4 OPTIONS FOR EV CHARGING ...................................................................................................................... 86
8.5 CHARGER SPECIFICATIONS AND PCS INFRASTRUCTURE .................................................................................... 87
8.6 LOCATION OF PCS / FCB CS IN LOCAL AREA / BUILDING PRECINCTS ................................................................... 88
8.8 PUBLIC CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE (PCI) - MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................ 88
8.10 LOCATION OF PUBLIC CHARGING STATIONS: .................................................................................................. 90
8.11 DATABASE OF PUBLIC EV CHARGING STATIONS:............................................................................................. 91
8.12 TARIFF FOR SUPPLY OF ELECTRICITY TO EV PUBLIC CHARGING STATIONS: ............................................................ 91
8.13 SERVICE CHARGES AT PCS/BCS: ................................................................................................................. 91
8.14 PRIORITY FOR ROLLOUT OF EV PUBLIC CHARGING INFRASTRUCTURE: ................................................................. 91
8.15 IMPLEMENTATION MECHANISM FOR ROLLOUT: ............................................................................................. 92
8.16 SELECTION OF IMPLEMENTATION AGENCY FOR ROLLOUT: ................................................................................ 92
PROVISION FOR HIGH RISE AND TALL BUILDINGS ................................................................. 93


9.1 HIGH RISE BUILDING ................................................................................................................................. 93

9.2 BUILDING COMPONENTS ............................................................................................................................ 93
9.3 BUILDING SERVICES .................................................................................................................................. 99
9.4 TALL BUILDING ...................................................................................................................................... 103
CHAPTER 10: RAINWATER HARVESTING .................................................................................................. 104
10.1 THE RAINWATER HARVESTING (RWH) SYSTEM ............................................................................................ 104
10.2 RAINWATER HARVESTING TECHNIQUES: ...................................................................................................... 104
10.3 HARVESTING PROVISIONS IN VARIOUS BUILDING CATEGORIES:......................................................................... 104
10.4 RAINWATER HARVESTING PROVISIONS FOR OPEN SPACES IN CITIES .................................................................. 106
10.5 GROUND WATER RECHARGE .................................................................................................................... 106
10.6 ENFORCEMENT AND MONITORING ............................................................................................................ 106
CHAPTER 11: GREEN BUILDING AND SUSTAINABILITY .............................................................................. 107
11.1 PROVISIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 107
11.2 PROVISIONS AND APPLICABILITY ................................................................................................................ 107
11.3 PROVISIONS FOR SANCTION...................................................................................................................... 108
11.4 VARIOUS GUIDELINES FOR GREEN RATING SYSTEMS ...................................................................................... 111
CHAPTER 12: GREY WATER RECYCLING .................................................................................................... 112
12.1 DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 112
12.2 ENFORCEMENT OF BYELAWS: .................................................................................................................... 113
12.3 GRANTING A PERMISSION ........................................................................................................................ 113
12.4 WASTE TESTS AND THEIR RESULTS.............................................................................................................. 113
12.5 NOTICES FOR TESTING OF DISCHARGE ......................................................................................................... 113
12.6 OPERATIONAL PERMISSION FOR THE GREY WATER RECYCLING TREATMENT PLANT ............................................. 114
12.7 SEPARATION OF GREY WATER: ................................................................................................................. 114
12.8 CONDITIONAL WASTE DISCHARGE PERMISSION: .......................................................................................... 114
12.9 MANDATORY NOTICE REGARDING CHANGES: ............................................................................................... 114
12.10 AUTHORITY TO CHANGE LICENSE/NOTICE CONDITIONS: ............................................................................. 114
12.11 DELIVERY OF NOTICE/PERMISSION. ....................................................................................................... 114
12.12 CORRECTIVE ACTION ........................................................................................................................... 114
12.13 AUTHORIZATION OF OFFICERS .............................................................................................................. 115
13.1 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS FOR COMPLIANCE DURING BUILDING APPROVALS ................................................ 116
CHAPTER 14: GENERAL REFERENCES ........................................................................................................ 122
14.1 FACILITIES FOR PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED PERSONS ....................................................................................... 122
14.2 FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY ............................................................................................................................. 122
14.3 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION.................................................................................................................... 122
14.4 BUILDING SERVICES................................................................................................................................. 122
14.5 PLUMBING SERVICES (INCLUDING SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT) .................................................................... 123
14.6 LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT ...................................................................................................................... 123
14.7 SIGN AND OUTDOOR DISPLAY STRUCTURES .................................................................................................. 123
14.8 SUSTAINABILITY ..................................................................................................................................... 123
14.9 ASSET AND FACILITY MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................... 124
14.10 ENERGY CONSERVATION BUILDING........................................................................................................ 124
14.11 HEALTH GUIDELINES:.......................................................................................................................... 124
14.12 EDUCATION GUIDELINES: .................................................................................................................... 124
14.13 SPORTS GUIDELINES: .......................................................................................................................... 124
APPENDICES................................................................................................................................................. 125


........................................................................................................................................................................ 125
APPENDIX “A-1”: STATEMENT OF THE PROPOSAL AND CERTIFICATE.............................................................................. 127
APPENDIX “A-2”: FORM FOR SPECIFICATIONS OF PROPOSED BUILDING ......................................................................... 130
APPENDIX “A-3”: FORM FOR SUPERVISION .............................................................................................................. 131
APPENDIX “A-4”: UNDERTAKING FOR PAYMENT OF OTHER AND PERIPHERAL CHARGES .................................................... 132
APPENDIX “A-5”: AFFIDAVIT-CUM-UNDERTAKING .................................................................................................... 133
APPENDIX “A-6”: BUILDING PERMIT/SANCTION ....................................................................................................... 135
APPENDIX “A-7”: FORM FOR REFUSAL OF BUILDING PERMIT....................................................................................... 137
APPENDIX “A- 8”: FORM OF REVALIDATION ............................................................................................................. 138
APPENDIX “A -10”: INSPECTION REPORT................................................................................................................. 140
APPENDIX “A-11”: FORM OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION .............................................................................................. 141
APPENDIX “A-12”: FORM FOR CERTIFICATE OF ARCHITECT/ENGINEER/SUPERVISOR ........................................................ 142
APPENDIX “A-13”: BUILDING USE CERTIFICATE........................................................................................................ 144
APPENDIX B: HANDING OVER LAND REQUIRED FOR ROAD WIDENING........................................................................... 146
APPENDIX C: PERFORMA TO BE SUBMITTED BY OWNER ............................................................................................. 147
........................................................................................................................................................................ 153
APPENDIX F-1 .................................................................................................................................................... 156


1.1 Title, commencement and application
These building Byelaws may be called the Jammu & Kashmir Unified Building Bye-Laws-2021. They
shall come into force from the date of their final publication in the official Gazette in the manner
prescribed by the Competent Authority.
All mandatory Master Plan or Zonal Regulations regarding use, land use, including modification therein
made from time to time shall be applicable mutatis mutandis in these Byelaws under this clause. All
amendments or modifications made in the aforesaid regulations shall automatically stand deemed to have
been included as part of these Byelaws.

1.2 Definitions
In these Byelaws, unless the context otherwise required the definition given shall have the meaning
indicated against each term.
1) Advertising Sign- Any surface or structure with characters, letters or illustrations applied there to
and displayed in any manner whatsoever out of door for the purpose of advertising or giving
information regarding or to attract the public to any place, person, public performance, article, or
merchandise and which surface or structure is attached to, from part of, or is connected with any
building or is fixed to a tree or to the ground or to any pole screen, fence or hoarding or displayed
in space, or in or over any water body included in the jurisdiction of the concerned Authority.
2) Alley - means a public thoroughfare which affords only a secondary means of access to abutting
property and not intended for general traffic circulation.
3) Apartment - The building will be called apartment house when the building is
arranged/intended/designed to be occupied by the families independent of each other and with
independent cooking facility for the purpose of sale/lease/rent to person.
4) Access - A clear approach to a plot or a building.
5) Alteration - A change from one occupancy to another, or a structural change, such as an addition
to the area or height, or the removal of part of a building, or any change to the structure, such as
the construction of, cutting into or removal of any wall, partition, column, beam, joist, floor
(including a mezzanine floor) or other support, or a change to or closing of any required means of
ingress or egress or a change to the fixtures or equipment.
6) Approved - Approved by the Authority having jurisdiction.
7) Air-Conditioning – A process of treating air to control simultaneously its temperature, humidity,
cleanliness, and distribution to meet the requirement of an enclosed space.
8) Authority Having Jurisdiction-The Authority which has been created by a statute and which for
the purpose of administering the Byelaws/part may authorize committee or an official to act on its
behalf; hereinafter called the 'Authority'.
9) Balcony -A horizontal projection, cantilevered or otherwise including a parapet handrail
balustrade, to serve as a passage or sitting out place.
10) Basement or Cellar -The lower story of a building below, or partly below the ground level.
11) BPIA (Building Permit Issuing Authority)- The officer notified by the Urban Local Body or
Urban Local Authority for issuing the Building Permits.


12) Building- Any structure for whatsoever purpose and of whatsoever materials constructed and
every part thereof. Whether used as human habitation or not and includes foundation, plinth, walls,
floors roofs, chimneys, plumbing and building services, fixed platforms, veranda, balcony, cornice
or projection, part of a building or anything affixed thereto, or any wall enclosing or intended to
enclose any land or space and signs and outdoor display structures. Tents, Shamianahs, tarpaulin
shelters, etc., erected for temporary and ceremonial occasions with the permission of the Authority
shall not be considered as building.
13) Building Line- The line up to which the plinth of building adjoining a street or an extension of a
street or on a future street or a water channel may lawfully extend and includes the lines prescribed,
if any, in any scheme and/or development plan.
The Build-to-Line shall be considered as the imaginary line formed after leaving the Front
(Roadside Setback/setback) as governed by the road width.
Building line shall be measured from the centre of median or centre of carriageway for
established roads and the centre of RoW for other roads.
14) Building Height- The vertical distance measured:
a. In the case of flat roofs from the average level surrounding ground and continuance to the highest
point of the building.
b. In case of pitched roofs up to the point where the external surface of the outer wall intersects the
finished surface of the sloping roof.
c. In the case of gables facing the road, the midpoint between the eaves level and the ridge.
Architectural features serving no other function except that of decoration shall be excluded for
the purpose of taking heights.
15) Building Envelope- The horizontal spatial limits up to which a building may be permitted to be
constructed on a plot.
16) Building set back – means the distance by which any building or structure shall be separated from
the corresponding boundary lines of the plot.
17) Built up Area- means area covered immediately above the plinth level and the external area of
upper floor.
18) Canopy -shall mean a cantilevered projection from the face of the wall over an entry to the
building at the lintel level provided that:
a. It shall not project beyond the plot line.
b. It shall not be lower than 2.3 metres or 7’-6” when measured from the ground.
c. There shall be no structure on it and the top shall remain open to sky.
19) Carpet Area- The covered area of the usable rooms at any floor level (excluding the area of the
20) Chajja-A sloping or horizontal structural overhang provided over openings on external walls for
protection from the weather.
21) Cabin- A non- residential enclosure constructed of non-load bearing partitions.
22) Chimney-A construction by means of which a flue is formed for the purpose of carrying products
of combustion to the open air and includes a chimney stack and the flue pipe.
23) Ceiling height- means the vertical distance between the floor and the ceiling, where a finished
ceiling is not provided, the underside of the joists or top of post plate in case of pitched roof shall
determine the upper point of measurement.


24) Commercial Building- means a building used as shop, store, market, money transaction, sale and
purchase of goods either wholesale or retail, storage, godown or any other activities carried in
furtherance of trade and commerce.
25) Competent Authority: The Administrative Secretary- Housing and Urban Development
Department shall be the Competent Authority.
26) Clinic- means a premise with facilities for treatment of outdoor patients by a doctor.
27) Courtyard- A space permanently open to sky, enclosed fully or partially by buildings and may be
at ground level or any other level within or adjacent to a building.
28) Cornice- means a sloping or horizontal structural overhang usually provided over openings or
external walls to provide protection from sun and rain.
29) Cluster- Plots or dwelling units or housing grouped around an open space ideally housing cluster
should not be very large. In ground and one storeyed structure not more than 20 houses should be
grouped in a cluster. Clusters with more dwelling units will create problems in identity,
encroachments and of maintenance.
30) Covered Area- Ground area covered by the building immediately above the plinth level. The area
covered by the following in the open spaces is excluded from covered area. Garden, rockery, well
and well structures, plant nursery, water pool, swimming pool (if uncovered), platform round a
tree, tank, fountain, bench, Chabutra with open top and unenclosed on sides by walls and the like;
Drainage culvert conduit, catch-pit, gully pit, chamber, gutter and the like; Compound wall, gate,
unstoreyed porch and portico, canopy, slide, swing, uncovered staircase, ramps areas covered by
Chhajja and the like; and Watchmen's booth, pump house, garbage shaft, electric cabin or sub-
stations, and such other utility structures meant for the services of the building under consideration.
Note- For the purpose of this Part, covered area equals the plot area minus the area due for open
31) 'Cul-de-Sac’ Cluster- Plots/dwelling units when located along a pedestrianized or vehicular 'cul-
de-sac’ road.
32) Day/s– Working day of the BPIA.
33) Density- The residential density expressed in terms of the number of dwelling units per hectare.
Note - Where such densities are expressed exclusive of community facilities and provision of open
spaces and major roads (excluding incidental open spaces), these will be net residential densities.
Where these densities are expressed taking into consideration the required open space provision
and community facilities and major roads. These would be gross residential densities at
neighbourhood level. Sector level or town level, as the case may be. The provision of open spaces
and community facilities will depend on the size of the residential community. Incidental open
spaces are mainly open spaces required to be left around and in between two buildings to provide
lighting and ventilation.
34) Designated Persons- The person notified by the Urban Local body or Urban Local authority for
the receipt of documentations and clearances on behalf of ULB/ULA.
35) Detached Building- A building detached on all sides.
36) Development- ‘Development’ with grammatical variations means the carrying out of building,
engineering, mining or other operations, in, or over, or under land or water, on the making of any
material change, in any building or land, or in the use of any building, land, and includes
redevelopment and layout and subdivision of any land; and to develop' shall be construed


37) Drain- A conduit, channel or pipe for the carriage of storm water, sewage, wastewater or other
water borne wastes in a building drainage system.
38) Drainage- The removal of any liquid by a system constructed for the purpose.
39) Dwelling– is a building designed or used to be used for residential purposes. Dwelling shall not
include boarding or rooming houses, tents, tourist camps, hotels, guesthouses, or other structure
used for transit residents like pilgrims, tourists, specialized terms etc.
40) Dwelling Unit/Tenement- An independent housing unit with separate facilities for living, cooking
and sanitary requirements.
41) Escalator- A power driven, inclined, continuous moving stairway used for raising or lowering
42) Exit- A passage, channel or means of egress from any building, storey or floor area to a street or
other open space of safety.
43) Enclosed Staircase-means a staircase separated by fire resistant walls and doors from the rest of
the building.
44) Erection- Means to construct for the first time or to construct existing building after demolition
or to add another storey over the existing one according to some pre or revised plans.
45) Fire and /or Emergency alarm System- means an arrangement of call points or detectors,
sounders and other equipment for the transmission and indication of alarm signals working
automatically or manually in the event of fire.
46) Fire Pump- means a machine, driven by external power for transmission energy to fluids by
coupling the pump to a suitable engine or motor, which may have varying outputs/ capacity but
shall be capable of having a pressure of 3.2 Kg/cm2 at the topmost level of multi-story or high rise
47) Fire Service Inlet- means a connection provided at the base of a building for pumping up the
water through in-built fire-fighting arrangements by fire service pumps in accordance, with the
recommendation of the Chief Fire Officer.
48) Filling station- means an area of land including any structures thereon that is or are used or
designed to be used for the supply of gasoline or oil or fuel for the propulsion of vehicles. For the
purpose of these building regulations these shall be deemed to be included within this term, any
area or structure used designed to be used for polishing, greasing, and washing, spraying or
otherwise cleaning or servicing such motor vehicles.
49) Fire Hazard Industries-
i) “Low Fire Hazard Industries” include engineering industries using/ processing or
assembling non-combustible materials i.e. lathe machines, steel works, steel components
ii) “Moderate Fire Hazard Industries” industries include using/processing or assembling
combustible materials but not flammable liquid etc., i.e. plastic industries, rubber and PVS
industries, textile paper, furniture flour mills etc.
iii) “High Fire Hazard Industries” includes industries using/ processing flammable liquids,
gases, chemicals petroleum products, plastic or thermo setting group etc.
50) Floor- The lower surface in a storey on which one normally walks in a building. The general term
‘floor' unless specifically mentioned otherwise shallot refer to a ‘mezzanine floor’.
51) Floor Area Ratio (FAR) – The quotient of the ratio of the combined covered area of all floors,
excepting areas specifically exempted under these regulations, to the total area of plot viz:


𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝐶𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑛 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑟 𝑋 100

Floor Area Ratio (FAR) = 𝑃𝑙𝑜𝑡𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎
52) Foundation- This part of the structure, which is in direct contact with ground and transmits load
over it.
53) Gallery– An immediate floor or platform projecting from a wall or an auditorium or a hall
providing etc. floor area and additional seating accommodation and includes the structures
provided for seating in stadia.
54) Govt. Approved Colony- A colony planned and developed by developers and approved by urban
local bodies, development authorities housing board or other Govt. agencies.
55) Govt. Colony- A colony planned and developed by urban local bodies, development authorities,
housing board or other Govt. agencies.
56) Group Housing- Housing for more than one dwelling unit, where land is owned jointly (as in the
case of cooperative societies or the public agencies, such as local authorities or housing boards,
etc.) and the construction is undertaken by one Agency.
57) Guest House- A guest house shall have separate sleeping accommodation on transient or
permanent basis with or without dining facilities for not more than 24 persons at a time.
58) Habitable Room- A room occupied or designed for occupancy by one or more persons for study,
living, sleeping, eating, and kitchen if it is used as a living room, but not including bathrooms,
water-closet compartments, laundries, serving and store pantries, corridors, cellars, attics, and
spaces that are not used frequently or during extended periods.
59) Hazardous Buildings -
(a) Storage, handling, manufacture of processing of radioactive substances or highly combustible
or explosive materials or of products which are liable to burn with extreme rapidity and/or
producing poisonous fumes or explosive emanations.
(b) Storage, handling, manufacture, or processing of which involves highly corrosive, toxic or
noxious alkalis, acids, or other liquids, gases or chemicals producing flame, fumes and
explosive mixtures etc. or which result in division of matter into fine particles capable of
spontaneous ignition.
60) Heritage Building- means any building of one or more premises or any part there of which
requires preservation, restoration, and conservation for historical, architectural, environmental,
cultural or religious purpose and includes such portion of the land adjoining such buildings as may
be required.
61) Heritage Zone- means the area around such heritage building as delineated under Jammu and
Kashmir Heritage and Conservation and Preservation Act, 2010 from time to time for restricting
the height of building and use of building. The areas coming under different ASI sites including
the buffers will also be treated as heritage zone.
62) Hotel- These shall include any building or group of buildings under single management, in which
sleeping accommodation is provided, with or without dining facilities.
63) Interlocking Cluster- Clusters when joined at back and on sides with at least one side of a cluster
common and having some dwelling units opening onto or having access from the adjacent clusters.
Dwelling units in such clusters should have at least two sides open to external open space. Houses
in an interlocking cluster may have access, ventilation and light from the adjacent cluster and
should also cater for future growth.
64) Industrial Building- means a building, which is wholly or predominantly used as a warehouse or
for Manufacturing/assembling, processing activity or distillery.


65) Ledge or Taakh- A shelf-like projection, supported in any manner whatsoever, except by means
of vertical supports within a room itself but not having projection wider than 1m.
66) Lift- A mechanically guided car, platform for transport of persons and materials between two or
more levels in a vertical or substantially vertical direction.
67) Loft- An intermediate floor between two floors or a residual space in a pitched roof above normal
level constructed for storage with maximum clear height of 1.5 m.
68) Master Plan– A Master Plan for town approve by the Government.
69) Mezzanine Floor- An intermediate floor (having minimum height of 2.2 m) between two floors
of any storey forming an integral part of floor below. Mezzanine Floor shall be counted in FAR.
70) Mumty or Stair cover– A structure with a covering roof over a staircase and its landing built to
enclose only the stairs for the purpose of providing protection from weather and not used for
human habitation.
71) Non-conforming use/ building– it is a building, structure or use of land existing at the time of
commencement of the zoning regulations and which does not conform to the regulations pertaining
to the zone in which it is situated.
72) Occupancy or Use - The principal occupancy for which a building or a part of a building is used
or intended to be used; for the purposes of classification of a building according to occupancy; an
occupancy shall be deemed to include subsidiary occupancies which are contingent upon it.
73) Open Space- An area, forming an integral part of the plot, left open to the sky.
Note: The open space shall be the minimum distance measured between the front, rear and side of
the building and the respective plot boundaries.
74) Open Space, Front- An open space across the front of a plot between the building line and front
boundary of the plot.
75) Open Space, Rear- An open space across the rear of a plot between the rear of the building and
the rear boundary of the plot.
76) Open Space, Side- An open space across the side of the plot between the side of the building and
the side boundary of the plot.
77) Owner- A person, a group of persons or a body having a legal interest in land and/or building
thereon. This includes free holders, leaseholders or those holding a sublease, who will have a legal
right to occupation and have liabilities in respect of safety or building condition. In case of lease
or sublease holders, as far as ownership with respect to the structure is concerned, the structure of
a flat or structure on a plot belongs to the allotted/ lessee till the allotment/lease subsists.
Note - For the purpose of this document, the word 'owner' will also cover the generally understood
terms like ‘client’, ‘user ', etc.
78) Parapet– A low wall or railing built along the edge of a roof or a floor.
79) Parking Space- An enclosed or unenclosed covered or open area sufficient on size to park
vehicles. Parking spaces shall be served by a driveway connecting them with a street or alley and
permitting ingress and egress of the vehicles.
80) Pathological laboratories- means a premise with facilities for carrying out various tests for the
confirmation of symptoms of a disease.
81) Plinth- The portion of a structure between the surface of the surrounding ground and surface of
the floor immediately above the ground.
82) Plinth Area– The built-up covered area measured at the floor level of the basement or of any


83) Porch - A covered surface supported on pillars otherwise for the purpose of a pedestrian or
vehicular approach to a building.
84) Polyclinic- means an institution where patients are clinically examined by one or more doctors for
treatment of disease and where patients are treated but not admitted as indoor patients as is the
case with hospitals and nursing homes. It can have basic diagnostic facilities.
85) Public Building- means a Building owned or used by Govt. or Semi Govt. Authority, Public
registered Trust or such board/foundation which runs and manages charitable institution like
hospitals, educational institutions and religious institutions. It shall also include places of Worship
like Mosque, Temple, Gurudwara, Church etc.
86) Plans– means a detailed subdivision plan indicating size and arrangement of all premises uses.
87) Plot– A piece of land occupied or intend to be occupied for occupancy by a main building with its
accessory buildings and uses incidental to it.
88) Plot Width– The shorter the distance from one side of the plot line to the other measured through
that part of the plot to be occupied by the building.
89) Room Height- The vertical distance measured from the finished floor surface to the finished
ceiling surface. Where a finished ceiling is not provided, the underside of the joists or beams or
tie beams shall determine the upper point of measurement.
90) Row Housing/Row Type Building- A row of buildings, with only front, rear and interior open
spaces, where applicable.
91) RoW- Right of Way – The RoW is the width of land area acquired for the construction of the
roadway. This includes, carriageway, footpath, service roads, utility area, buffer, shoulders, and
area for future expansions of road.
92) Residential Building- means a building used for human habitation and includes all garages,
stables or other building apartment/hostels thereto.
93) Registered Technical Personnel (RTP) - will mean qualified person/persons as Architect/
Engineer/ Planner/ Group of technical personnel/ Supervisor/ Plumber/Electrician who has been
enrolled/licensed by the BPIA /accreditation board.
94) Required open space- The space between the plot lines and the minimum building set back lines.
95) Semi-Detached Building- A building detached on three sides.
96) Service Road/Lane- A road/lane provided adjacent to a plot(s) for access or service purposes as
the case may be.
97) Set-back Line- A line usually parallel to the plot boundaries and laid down in each case by the
Authority beyond which nothing can be constructed towards the plot boundaries.
98) Site (Plot)- A parcel (piece) of land enclosed by definite boundaries.
99) Site, Corner- A site at the junctions of and fronting on two or more intersecting streets.
100) Site, Depth of-The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear site boundaries.
101) Stair cover or Mumty- A structure with a roof over a staircase and its landing built to enclose
only the stairs for the purpose of providing protection from weather and not used for human
102) Storey– The portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the
floor next above it, or if there can be no floor above it, then the space between any floor and the
ceiling next above it.
103) Storey, Topmost- The uppermost storey in a building whether constructed wholly or partly on the


104) Street/Road- Any means of access, namely, highway, street, lane, pathway, alley, stairway,
passageway, carriageway, footway, square, place or bridge, whether thoroughfare or not, over
which the public have a right of passage or access or have passed and had access uninterruptedly
for a specified period, whether existing or proposed in any scheme, and includes all bunds,
channels, ditches, storm-water drains, culverts, footpaths, sidewalks, traffic islands, roadside trees
and hedges, retaining walls, fences, barriers and railings within the street lines.
105) Street Level or Grade-The officially established elevation or grade of the central line of the street
upon which a plot fronts and if there is no officially established grade, the existing grade of the
street at its mid-point.
106) Street Line - The line defining the side limits of a street.
107) To Erect- To erect a building means,
a. To erect a new building on any site whether previously built upon or not; and
b. To re-erect any building of which portions above the plinth level have been pull down,
burnt or destroyed.
108) Urban Local Authority (ULA): All local authorities constituted under J&K Development Act
1970 and controlled by Housing and Urban Development Department.
109) Urban Local Body (ULB): All municipal corporations, municipal councils and municipal
committees constituted under J&K Municipal Corporation Act 2000 and J&K Municipal Act 2000
shall be deemed to be urban local body.
110) Verandah- A covered area with at least one side open to the outside with the exception of l m
high parapet on the upper floors to be provided on the open side.
111) Ventilation– shall mean the supply of outside air into a building through window or other
openings due to wind outside and convection effects arising from temperature, or vapour pressure
differences (or both) between inside and outside of the building.
112) Water Closet (W.C)– A water flushed plumbing fixture designed to receive human excrement
directly from the user of the fixture. The term is used sometimes to designate the room or
compartment in which the fixture is placed.
113) Window– An opening to the outside other than a door, which provides all or part of the required
natural light or ventilation of both to an interior space and not used as a means of egress/ ingress.
114) Warehouse- means a building, the whole or substantial part of which is used or intended to be
used for the storage of goods but does not include a storeroom attached to and used for the proper
functioning of a shop.
115) Workshop - means a building where not more than ten persons are employed in any repair
/servicing or manufacturing process
116) Zonal plan– A plan detailing out the proposals of Master Plan and acting as a link between Master
Plan and the layout plan. It may contain a site plan and land use plan, with approximate location
and extent of land uses. Such as public & semi-public buildings/ works utilities, roads, housing,
recreation, industry, business, markets, schools, hospitals open spaces etc. It may also specify
standards of population density and various components of development of the zone.
117) Zone– means any division in which local areas is divided for purpose of development.



2.1 Jurisdiction of Building Byelaws
These Building Byelaws shall apply to the building activity in the Union Territory of Jammu and Kashmir
for all urban local bodies, urban development authorities and metropolitan regional development
2.2 Applicability of Building Byelaws
These building byelaws shall be applicable to all building activities undertaken by private or Government
agencies and shall be read in conjunction with the Master Plan /Zonal Development Plan or any other
statutory plan in force, if any, and notifications, if any, about the same and as amended from time to time
and these building Byelaws may be reviewed after five years.
2.3 Applicability of Byelaws for all types of building developments and part
Except hereinafter or otherwise provided, these Byelaws shall apply to all development, redevelopment,
erection and/or re-erection of a building whether temporary or permanent as well as to the design,
construction of, or reconstruction and additions and alterations to a building.
i. Applicability of Byelaws for Part construction
Where the whole or part of a building is demolished or altered or reconstructed, except where
otherwise specifically stipulated, these Building Byelaws shall apply to the whole building
whether existing or new.
ii. Change of use / Occupancy.
Where the use of a building is changed, except where otherwise specifically stipulated, these
Building Byelaws shall apply to all parts of the building affected by the change.
iii. Reconstruction
The reconstruction in whole or part of a building which has ceased to operate due to fire, natural
collapse or demolition having been declared unsafe, or which is likely to be demolished by or
under an order of the Authority as the case may be and for which the necessary certificate has
been given by the Authority.
2.4 Existing approved building
Nothing in these Byelaws shall require the removal, alteration, or abandonment, nor prevent continuance
of the lawfully established use or occupancy of an existing approved building unless, in the opinion of
the Authority such a building is unsafe or constitutes a hazard to the safety of adjacent property or to the
occupants of the building itself.
2.5 Building Permit Required
No person shall undertake any building operation/construction without obtaining a valid Building Permit
prior to commencement of such activity. Issuance of a Building Permit by the BPIA shall mean an
acceptance by the Authority that the design and specifications of the proposed building, for which
Building Permit has been issued, conforms to these Building Byelaws/Building Regulations, and, that the


person holding the Building Permit may undertake construction of the proposed building. It does not
constitute acceptance of correctness, confirmation, approval or endorsement of:
a) Easement rights of the plot on which the building is proposed
b) Workmanship, soundness of material and structural safety of the proposed building and shall not bind
or render the Authority liable in any way in regard to (a) and (b) above.
Design and specifications of all aspects of a building shall be the responsibility of the owner of the
building. Design and specifications of a building shall be mandatory and may be examined by the BPIA
for ensuring the compliance of the building to these Building Byelaws/Regulations.
2.6 Procedure for obtaining Building Permit
Every person who intends to erect or re-erect or make material alteration in any place in a building or part
thereof, within the local Area, shall apply in writing or online as prescribed to the BPIA, on prescribed
format. Such notice shall be accompanied with the plans. Copies shall be retained in the office of the
Authority for record after the issuance of permission and a copy shall be given to the applicant and the
concerned Ward Officer.
2.6.1 Notice/Application
Application for Building Permit shall be made by the owner of the plot on which the building is proposed
in the format prescribed by the agency (Appendix “A”: Form for Application to Erect, Re-Erect or to
make Material Alteration in any Place in a Building). Drawings, specifications and documents to be
submitted along with Application for obtaining a Building Permit shall be as per these Bye- Laws.
2.6.2 Scrutiny of Application
The Authority shall undertake scrutiny of the Application for a Building Permit with all the requisite
checklists. Any deficiency if found during scrutiny shall be communicated in writing to the applicant in
the prescribed format within timeframe as defined in section 2.15 and 2.16. The applicant shall submit
the revised application to comply with the objections raised within seven days. The Authority shall
scrutinize the resubmitted plans and if, there are still some objections that shall be intimated to the
applicant for compliance. It is further clarified that:
(a) No Application shall be valid unless the information required by the Authority under these Byelaws
or any further information which may be required has been furnished to the satisfaction of the
(b) The Owner/Registered Technical Person shall be fully responsible for any violation of Master
Plan/Zonal Plan/ Building Byelaws, architectural controls, lease deed conditions etc. In case of any
default, they shall be liable for action. Any construction so raised shall be deemed to be unauthorized
and shall be liable for action.
2.6.3 Grant or Refusal of a Building Permit
After receiving the replies, designs and specifications of proposed building, building permit shall be
issued to the applicant when the BPIA is satisfied that the design and specifications of the proposed
building comply with these building Byelaws. However, if after receiving the replies the proposed
building does not comply with building Byelaws, Master Plan etc., the application may be rejected.
Reasons for rejection shall be communicated to the applicant within fifteen days in the prescribed format
(Appendix “A-7”: Form for Refusal of Building Permit).
2.6.4 Exemption to Government:
No Government/Semi-Government organizations either Central or UT shall be exempted from complying
with the provisions of the Byelaws/Regulations, unless ‘Government’ grants such an exemption.


2.6.5 Plans and documents accompanying applications:

The following plans shall accompany the application for grant of building permission:
(a) Site Plan: The site plan drawn to a minimum scale of 1:200/ 1'=16'-0″ or Graphic Scale and shall
show the following:
(i) The boundaries of the site belonging to the owner with dimensions and of any contiguous
land and other features including buildings up to 50’-0” surrounding.
(ii) The position of the site in relation to neighbouring streets with name of the street on which
the building is situated;
(iii) The position of the site and all other buildings (if any) which the applicant intends to erect
upon his land in relation to-
• The boundaries of the site and in case where the site has been partitioned, the boundaries
of the portion owned by the applicant and also of the portions owned by other owners of
that entire plot;
• The means of access from an existing street to the building.
(iv) Graphic Scale with north direction.
(v) Plot area, plinth area, floor space index/floor area ratio.
(vi) Location, name and width of each adjacent road or lane.
(vii) Such other particulars as may be prescribed by the Authority.
(viii) The applicant shall also submit landscape plan indicating all landscaping elements viz-a-viz
structure wherever applicable.
(ix) Location with precise latitude and longitude/ key plan of the site not to scale but giving
distance from known landmark.
(x) All utilities lines have to be marked in site plan wherever necessary.
(xi) The position of all the existing features like high tension line, telegraph and electrical poles
/lines, underground pipe lines, trees, grave yards, religious buildings, railway lines, etc within
a distance of 30 m from the nearest edge of the site, all major physical features of land
proposed to be developed which include the approximate location and size of any water body,
flood affected areas and contours at an interval of 0.3 m in case of the site which has a slope
more than 1:20;
(b) Building Plan: - The details of the building which inter alia shall include plans, elevations and
sections enclosed with the application shall be accurately drawn to scale of 1:100/1"=8'-0" or Graphic
scale. Adequate arrangement for proper drainage shall also be shown. The plan shall include-
(i) Complete layout plan of the area or areas showing location and width of all street’s
dimensions, sizes and uses of all the plots.
(ii) Plans of all floors, accessory buildings and basement plan. Such drawings shall fairly indicate
the size of rooms, size of windows and ventilators, size of door opening and stair runs.
(iii) Location of drains, sewers, public utility, electric lines, services, transformers.
(iv) Exact location of essential services such as W.C. sink, bath etc.
(v) Proposed and existing works should be clearly indicated in different colour (other than red)
or in marking
(vi) Sectional drawings showing clearly the sizes of footings, thickness of basement walls if any,
all roof slabs and floor slabs, ceiling heights and parapet height with their materials. The
section shall indicate the drainage and slope off the roof. At least one section shall be taken
through the staircase


(vii) Details of served privies (if any).

(viii) Street elevation and one more side elevation.
(ix) Dimensions of the projected portions beyond the permissible building line i.e. Chajja line.
(x) The existing ground level of the plot and proposed ground level in relation to abutting road
level to be clearly mentioned in drawing.
(xi) Detailed parking plan.
(xii) Space used for storing construction materials during the time of construction.
(xiii) The owner shall file an undertaking stating that he shall leave and surrender land for road
widening if required under rules, and he will not violate any rules, building byelaws, and that
in case of violations the Authority shall be at liberty to summarily remove such deviations
without prior notice and at the owner’s cost. The form of undertaking shall be as at prescribed
format (Appendix B: Handing Over Land Required for Road Widening)
(c) Building Plans for Multi-Storeyed/Special Buildings: For multi-storeyed buildings, which are
above 15 M. in height the following additional information shall be furnished/ indicated in the
building plans in addition to the item listed in section 2.6.5.
For all high-rise buildings which are 15 m or more in height and for special buildings like educational,
assembly, institutional, business, mercantile, industrial, storage and hazardous and mixed
occupancies with any of the aforesaid occupancies having covered area more than 500 Sq.m. (see
also Part 4. Fire and Lift Safety of the National Building Code 2016), the building sanction shall be
done in two stages. In case of important projects and projects having high complexity and sensitivity,
the Authority may get the design, drawings and details of such buildings peer reviewed/proof
checked before approving the same.
Stage 1: Planning clearance: The following additional information shall be furnished/ indicated in
the building plan in addition to the items given in (b) as applicable:
(i) Access to fire appliances/vehicles with details of vehicular turning circle and clear motorable
access way around the building;
(ii) Size (width) of main and alternative staircases along with balcony approach, corridor,
ventilated lobby approach;
(iii) Location and details of lift enclosures;
(iv) Location and size of fire lift;
(v) Smoke stop lobby/door, where provided;
(vi) Refuse chutes, refuse chamber, service duct, etc;
(vii) Vehicular parking spaces;
(viii) Refuge area, if any;
(ix) Details of building services. Air conditioning system with position of fire dampers,
mechanical ventilation system, electrical services, boilers, gas pipes, etc;
(x) Details of exits including provision of ramps, etc, for hospitals and special risks;
(xi) Location of generator, transformer and switchgear room;
(xii) Smoke exhauster system, if any;
(xiii) Details of fire alarm system network;
(xiv) Location of centralized control, connecting all fire alarm systems, built-in-fire protection
arrangements and public address system, etc;
(xv) Location and dimensions of static water storage tank and pump room along with fire service
inlets for mobile pump and water storage tank;


(xvi) Location and details of fixed fire protection installations such as sprinklers, wet risers, hose-
reels, drenchers, etc; and
(xvii) Location and details of first-aid firefighting equipment/installations.
(xviii) Features relating to accessibility for the elderly and persons with disabilities, shall be in
accordance with Chapter 13 of Part 3 ‘Development Control Rules and General Building
Requirements’ of the National Building Code 2016 for the designated buildings and areas.
(xix) An undertaking stating that debris or construction materials will not be stacked in public
places leading to public nuisance. If the Authority finds that the applicant caused nuisance
to public while executing construction necessary fine be levied as per notifications issued by
the authority.
Stage 2: Building permit clearance: After obtaining the sanction for planning (Stage 1) from the
Authority, a complete set of structural plans, sections, details, design calculations duly signed by
engineer/structural engineer (see Annex A) along with the complete set of details duly approved in
Stage 1 and certificate of completed structural design work (see Annex J) shall be submitted. A copy
of the subsurface investigation report prepared and duly signed by the geotechnical engineer shall
also be submitted. The building plans/details shall be deemed sanctioned for the commencement of
construction only after obtaining the permit for Stage 2 from the Authority.
(d) Service Plan: Details of private water supply, sewerage disposal system, rain water harvesting
system and details of building services, where required by Authority, shall be made available
on a scale not less than 1:200/1"=16'-0" or Graphical scale rain water harvesting system need to be
(e) Specification: General specification of the proposed constructions including a detail calculation
sheet of FAR/FSI in the proposals.
(f) Signing the plans: All the plans and drawings shall be duly signed by the owner and the Registered
Technical Person preparing the plan, who shall be registered with the BPIA (please refer section
CHAPTER 2: 2.19 for details).
(g) Any other statement as may be required by the Authority.
(h) Ownership Document: The applicant shall submit proof of ownership of the land, on which
construction is proposed duly authenticated and verified by Revenue Authority (Assistant
Commissioner -Revenue / Tehsildar as prescribed hereinafter).
(i) Fees for permission: Every applicant intending to construct or reconstruct or alter any building or
part of building shall pay to the Authority, the various fees prescribed by the Authority. The applicant
shall keep the proof of submission of fees in his/her records.
(j) Withdrawal of application: The applicant may withdraw the application and plans any time prior
to its sanction and such action shall terminate all proceedings with respect to such application but the
fees paid shall in no case be refunded.
(k) An undertaking shall be submitted along with the documents that the applicant shall be liable for
action as per law for furnishing wrong information, fake /fraud documents or with-held any
information having bearing for grant of building permission (Appendix “A-4”: Undertaking for
Payment of Other and Peripheral Charges).
Note: It should be on non-judicial stamp paper of specified amount attested by Notary Public /
First class Magistrate.
(l) Appendix “A-5”: Affidavit-cum-Undertaking


(m) The applicant shall also attach the documents of seismic resilience duly signed by the Structural
Engineer where the land is situated in highly vulnerable zone and certificates shall also be submitted
in case the building having built up area more than 500 Sq.m. or in case more than G+2 building.
(n) Standard Plan Permission: Each authority shall keep a set of approved standard building plans for
plot sizes up to 150 Sq. m. In case the owner's /applicants plot is situated in approval layout, and he
wishes to construct as per plans available with the authority, he may apply to the authority in the
prescribed format indicating his choice of standard approved plan along with requisite fees and his
ownership documents. The receipt of payment of fees to the authority in such case shall be considered
as authorized building permission.
(o) In the case the applicant has fulfilled all the requisite formalities and the Authority has not decided
on the notice of intent of the applicant within a maximum period of 60 days from the date of
application, the permission shall be deemed to have been accorded, provided the proposed
construction does not:
(i) Violate the planned development of J&K UT as envisaged by various departments and
departmental agencies such as Municipal Corporation / Council / Committee, Development
Authorities, Jal Shakti Department, UEED etc as applicable.
(ii) Violate zoning regulation under the Master Plan
(iii) Violate the land use of the area
(iv) Violate the FAR and set back norms
(v) Come in alignment of green belt
(vi) Effect the easement right of the adjacent plot holder and the title of the land is not subject
matter of dispute before any forum
(p) Notice for alteration:
When the notice is only for an alteration of the building, only such plans and statement as may be
necessary, shall accompany the notice.
No notice and building permit, is necessary for the following alterations, which do not otherwise
violate any provisions regarding general building requirements, structural stability and fire safety
requirements of these Bye- Laws;
(i) Plastering and patch repairs;
(ii) Re-roofing or renewals of roof including roof of intermediate floors at the same height.;
(iii) Flooring and re-flooring;
(iv) Opening and closing of windows, ventilators and doors not opening towards other's
properties and / or public road/property;
(v) Replacing fallen bricks, stones, pillars, beams etc.
(vi) Construction or re-construction of sunshade not more than 75cms. in width within one's land
and not overhanging over a public street;
(vii) Construction or re-construction of parapet not more than 1.5 m. in height and also
construction or re-construction of boundary wall as permissible under these Byelaws;
(viii) White-washing, painting, etc. including erection of false ceiling in any floor at the
permissible clear height provided the false ceiling in no way can be put to use as a loft etc;
(ix) Reconstruction of portions of buildings damaged by storm, rains, fire, earthquake or any
other natural calamity to the same extent and specification as existed prior to the damage
provided the use conforms to provisions of Master Plan/Zonal Plan;


(x) Erection or re-erection of internal partitions provided the same are within the purview of the
2.7 Procedure for obtaining a Revised Building Permit:
Changes or revisions in the sanctioned design and specification of a building may be made provided that
a Revised Building Permit is obtained before construction is undertaken on the portion of the building
that deviates from the Sanctioned Design and Specification. The changes shall be not more than 10%of
built-up area for consideration as Revised Building Permit, for changes above 10%, a new application
shall be made.

2.7.1 Notice/Application:
Application for Revising a Building Permit shall be made by the Owner of the plot on which the building
is proposed in the format (Appendix “A”: Form for Application to Erect, Re-Erect or to make Material
Alteration in any Place in a Building).
2.7.2 Scrutiny of Application:
The Building Permit Issuing Authority (BPIA) shall follow the same procedure as that of issuing new
Building Permit after collecting the fees as prescribed by the Authority. If the revised permit is applied
during the execution of work of the building for which the revised permit is applied, then construction of
the portion of the building for which revised permit is sought. for, shall not be commenced unless the
revised permit is issued by the Authority.
2.8 Procedure for obtaining a Revalidated Building Permit:
2.8.1 Meaning of “Lapse of Building Permit”
A Building Permit shall mean to have lapsed if a material fact, based on which the Building Permit has
been granted, no longer holds true, regardless of whether the BPIA was informed of the same or not. A
lapsed Building Permit shall continue to remain lapse till the procedural requirements specified for
revalidation of Building Permit in Building Byelaws are met with. A Building Permit shall lapse:
(a) If construction of the building is not executed and completed within the period of three years for
residential, industrial and commercial buildings (4 storeyed) and four years for multi-storeyed
buildings from the date of Building Permit.
(b) If the ownership of the plot changes after a Building Permit has been granted as stipulated in Building
(c) If at any time before obtaining the completion certificate from the RTP, based on whose certification
the building Permit was granted, ceases to be the Person on Record (POR) for the building, either
because the Person on Record was relieved of his responsibility by the Owner, or because the Person
on Record relieves himself of responsibility by informing the authority as stipulated in Building
Byelaws and a substitute is not appointed in a period of 15 days.
Following lapse of a Building Permit, construction may no longer be undertaken on the plot for which the
Building Permit was granted, until the procedural requirements specified for revalidation of Building
Permit are met with.
2.8.2 Meaning of “Revocation of Building Permit”
Revocation of a Building Permit by the BPIA shall mean that the Building Permit shall no longer be valid,
and that the permission granted by the BPIA to undertake construction stands withdrawn.


Following revocation of a Building Permit, construction may no longer be undertaken on the plot for
which the Building Permit was granted. A Notice of Revocation of a Building Permit shall be issued in
writing as per the format prepared by the BPIA.
2.8.3 Notice/Application
Application for Revalidating a Lapsed Building Permit shall be made by the Owner of the plot on which
building is proposed; using the Format (Appendix “A- 8”: Form of Revalidation) prescribed by the BPIA.
2.8.4 Scrutiny of Application
The Building Permit Issuing authority shall follow the same procedure as that of issuing new Building
Permit after collecting the fees as prescribed by the Authority.
2.9 Procedure for obtaining a Building Use Permit:
2.9.1 Notice of Completion of Construction and Application for Building Use Permit:
The owner shall be responsible for notifying the BPIA of completion of construction, for certifying that
the construction complies with the sanctioned design and specifications, and for applying for grant of a
Building Use Permit. Notice of Completion of Construction, compliance certification and application for
Building Use Permit shall be made in the format prescribed by the Authority (Appendix “A-6”: Building
Permit/Sanction) and shall be accompanied by documents and drawings as prescribed by the Authority.
2.9.2 Final Inspection:
Following receipt of the Notice of Completion of Construction, the authority shall undertake final
inspection of construction for ensuring compliance to sanctioned design and specifications. The authority
shall communicate the date and time of inspection to the Owner within 15 working days of receipt of
Notice of Completion of Construction. In case the BPIA does not communicate decision to inspect
construction within 15 working days of receipt of Notice of Completion of Construction, the Building
Use Permit shall be deemed to have been granted by the authority and sanctioned use may be made of the
building. If, on inspection, the authority is satisfied that the construction of the building complies with
the sanctioned design and specifications, he shall grant a Building Use Permit and sanctioned use may be
made of the building.
2.9.3 Communication of Queries
If the construction is found not complying with sanctioned design and specifications, the Authority shall
communicate queries regarding the construction and/or directions to ensure compliance to the Owner,
within 7 working days of the date of inspection. Failure to comply with directions, as may be issued by
the authority may result in revocation of the Building Permit.
In case the Authority does not communicate queries regarding the construction and/or directions to ensure
compliance within 10 working days of the date of inspection, Building Use Permit shall be deemed to
have been granted by the BPIA and sanctioned use of the building may be made.
2.9.4 Grant or Refusal of Building Use Permit:
If the BPIA is satisfied that the construction of the building complies with the sanctioned design and
specifications. The BPIA shall grant a Building Use Permit and sanctioned use may be made of the
building. Reasons for refusal of Building Use Permit shall be communicated to the applicant within 15
working days for self-use homes and 30 days for other buildings by the authority.


2.9.5 Procedure for Obtaining Permit to Change Sanctioned Use of Building

(a) Application: Application for obtaining Permit to Change Sanctioned Use of Building shall be made
by the owner of the plot. The Authority shall determine drawings, specifications and documents to
be submitted along with Application for Permit to Change Sanctioned Use of Building.
(b) Fees for Obtaining Permit to Change Sanctioned Use of Building: The fees and other charges for
obtaining Permit to Change Sanctioned Use of Building shall be as prescribed by the BPIA Authority.
(c) Scrutiny of Application:
(i) The BPIA shall undertake scrutiny of the Application for Permit to Change Sanctioned Use
of Building and communicate to the applicant the date and time for plot/spot inspection, if
required within 15 working days of the date of acceptance of the application.
(ii) Lack of compliance with Building Byelaws/Regulations and the master plan and/or queries
pertaining to the application shall be communicated within 21 working days of the date of
acceptance of the application.
(iii) Acceptance or rejection of compliant modifications in the application and responses to
queries shall be communicated within 10 working days of receipt of the modifications and
(iv) Acceptance or rejection of further compliant modifications in the application and responses
to queries shall also be communicated within 10 working days of the receipt of modifications
and responses.
(d) Grant or Refusal of Permit to Change Sanctioned Use of Building: A Permit to Change Sanctioned
Use of Building shall be issued to the Applicant when the Authority is satisfied that the proposed
change of use of the building complies with these Building Byelaws/Regulations and the Master
Plan. Reasons for rejection of application shall be communicated to the applicant for his/her
2.10 Fees for permission:
(a) No Notice shall be deemed valid unless the person giving notice has paid the Application fees for
the time being in force to the Authority and an attested copy of receipt of such payment is attached
with the notice.
(b) In case the authority after processing the application of building permit, the building
permission/development permission fees shall be charged by Authority prior issuance of such
building/development permits.
(c) The fees for building permission will be prescribed by Government/ Urban Local Body / Urban
Development Authority through notification.
2.11 Unauthorized Development
In case of unauthorized development, the Authority shall take suitable action, which may include
demolition of unauthorized works, sealing of premises, prosecution and criminal proceeding against the
offender in pursuance of relevant laws in force.
2.12 Unauthorized use of Building:
(a) Use of any building or a part of a building, without a Building Use Permit or in a manner that does
not conform to its sanctioned use or after a Building Use Permit has been revoked, shall be deemed
to be unauthorized use of Building.
(b) The BPIA may declare the use of any building to be an unauthorized use if it is convinced that the
building is unsafe for habitation or if its use poses a danger to public health or safety.


(c) Dealing with unauthorized use of Building and unsafe buildings:

(i) If the BPIA deems the use of any building or part of a building to be an unauthorized use of
(ii) It shall, by a written notice, require the person making unauthorized use of building to stop
the same forth-with.
(iii) If unauthorized use is not stopped, the authority may direct the person making such use to
be removed from the building and may cause such necessary measures to be taken to ensure
that the person does not re-enter the building without written permission of the BPIA
Authority. The cost (s) of undertaking these measures shall be paid by the said person.
2.13 Duration of Sanction/Revalidation:
Once a building permit is sanctioned, it shall remain valid for three years from the date of sanction for
residential, industrial, and commercial buildings (4 storeyed) and for a period of four years from the date
of sanction for high-rise and tall buildings. However, the validity period of sanction in case of
additions/alterations in both the cases, shall be two years from the date of sanction. The building permit
shall be got revalidated in the prescribed form before the expiry of this period on year-to-year basis.
Revalidation shall be subject to the Master Plan/Zonal Plan regulation and building Byelaws, as in force,
for the area where construction has not started.
2.14 Responsibilities of owner and Registered Technical Person
2.14.1 Responsibilities of Owner:
The owner shall:
(a) Be responsible for ensuring that the building compliances with the Building Byelaws, master
plan/zonal development plan.
(b) Shall make the application for a Building Permit.
(c) As prescribed appoint Registered Technical Person to undertake third-party verification of the
structural design and specifications of the proposed building and, to verify and certify that the design
and specifications compliance with these Building Byelaws as prescribed.
(d) As prescribed, Appoint an Engineer/Architect on Record to certify that the construction of the
building has been undertaken as per detailed design and specifications stipulated by the R.T.P. and
the Structural Engineer on Record as per clause 2.19.
(e) Obtain a Building Permit prior to commencement of building.
(f) Submit a Notice of Commencement of Construction, Notices of Progress of Construction, and a
Notice of Completion of Construction to the Authority
(g) Obtain a Building Use Permit prior to making use or to occupying the building or a part of the
(h) Inform the BPIA in writing within 7 working days if for any reason he ceases to be the Owner of the
plot for which the Building Permit has been issued or granted, regardless of whether building has
commenced or not.
(i) Inform the authority in writing within 7 working days if for any reason, any of the Registered
Technical Person appointed by him has been relieved of their responsibilities.
(j) Ensure that no construction is undertaken during the period that the Building Permit has lapsed or
has been revoked.
(k) Submit Maintenance Certificates as required by authority from time to time.


(l) No ownership of a plot or building shall be changed or transferred by whatsoever means before
issuance of Building Use Permit except with prior permission of authority. If the ownership has been
changed without prior permission of authority, the building permit issued by the BPIA shall be
deemed to have been revoked. This shall also apply to building under construction. The authority
shall charge the fee it deems fit for change of ownership. However, the authority may on application
by prospective owner, issue building use permit subject to payment of penalty of Rs. 5000/- if it is
satisfied that the building is in conformity with the design and specifications as approved by the
BPIA Authority.
2.14.2 Revocation of Building Permit and Penal Actions in case of misrepresentation
(a) The BPIA may revoke a Building Permit if:
(i) It determines that false statements were made, or material facts were misrepresented for
obtaining the Building Permit.
(ii) At any time before obtaining the completion certificate, the Registered Technical Person
based on whose certification the Building construction is carried out is de-listed by the
(b) Penal action against defaulting Architects/Engineers/ Groups/ Supervisors:
(i) The Authority reserves the right to take action and to debar/blacklist Registered Technical
Person if found to have deviated from norms and regulations, professionally indulged in
misrepresentation of any material fact or in supervision of the construction against the
building Byelaws and the sanctioned building plans.
(ii) If the BPIA finds at any time any violation of the building Byelaws/Regulations/master plan
or misrepresentation of fact, or construction at variance with the sanction or building
Byelaws, inclusive of the prescribed documents, the authority shall be entitled to revoke the
sanction and take appropriate action against such professionals who shall not be authorized
to submit fresh plans till finalization of the case. Before debarring or blacklisting such a
professional found to be indulging in professional misconduct or where she/he has
misrepresented any material fact, the Authority shall give him/her a show cause notice with
a personal hearing and pass a speaking order to debar her/him with full justification for the
same. An appeal against order shall lie with the appellate authority i.e., J and K special
(iii) Penalties: Procedures for ascertaining whether a Registered Technical Person has failed in
discharging his responsibilities in the context of these Building Byelaws/Regulations and the
master plan shall be determined by the BPIA Authority etc. Penalties for failing to discharge
responsibilities shall also be determined by the authority.
(c) Penalties to be levied for violations in process for obtaining building permit as per provisions of the
(iv) The Authority under provisions of the J&K Development Act, 1970, the J&K Municipal
Corporation Act, 2000, J&K Municipal Act 2000 and shall take penal action for violation of
Master Plan/ Zoning Regulations or Byelaws which may include stoppage of construction
activity, demolition/ alternation and in paying fine and by imposing penalties.
(v) Should any dispute arise about the interpretation of any definitions or provisions of these
rules, the decision of the BPIA shall be final. However, aggrieved persons may appeal to the
appellate authority against such decisions and the decisions of the appellate authority shall
be final and binding to all concerned.


(vi) Should at any time the Authority decide that certain provisions of these rules require change
or suspension in certain areas for a comprehensive development of the area, the same can be
made by the Authority with prior approval of the Govt.
(vii) Any person who contravenes any of the provision of these Byelaws or interferes or obstructs
any person in discharging his legitimate duties which shall include to conduct inspection of
the work at various stages and authorized in writing in this behalf by competent shall be
liable to pay a penalty of Rs.10,000/-.
(viii) Any person who makes any building/structure functional on its completion without ‘Building
Use Certificate’ as provided in bye rule, shall be liable to pay a penalty of Rs.
Minimum 10,000/- and maximum Rs one lac. The persons who without express permission
provides utility service shall also be liable to pay a penalty of Rs 10, 000/-.
2.14.3 Disputes regarding Interpretation of provisions of Byelaws
In case of any dispute arising regarding the interpretation of any of the provisions of these Byelaws the
matter shall be referred to Government for a decision. Any action taken under any law /regulations on
the subject before the enforcement of these Byelaws shall not be questioned.
2.15 Procedure for Building Permission of Residential Use Building
Table 2—1: Procedure for Building Permission of Residential Use Building
S. No. For Plots in Government Colonies For Other Plots
Step 1 • Preparation of buildings plans from Registered Technical Person (List given in Section
CHAPTER 2: 2.19) (By the applicant)
Step 2 • A 'provisional permit' may be issued • The applicant will submit the Building
by the Registered Technical Person or Permit Application online in the
any other designated Technical person prescribed Format as prescribed by the
as notified. Authority. The plans will be submitted
• The provisional permit will be issued in the prescribed format attested by the
by the Registered Technical Person in Registered Technical Person with the
the prescribed format as prescribed by undertakings as required that the
the Authority based strictly on the application is based on approved Master
approved Master plans/Building plans/Building Byelaws/Building Code
Byelaws/Building Code in vogue and in vogue and other norms as applicable
other norms as applicable with land with land title duly attested by
title duly attested by the Concerned designated revenue authority.
Agency. • After an application for erection, re-
• The Registered Technical Person will erection or alteration of a building has
submit the provisional permits to BPIA been received, the designated person shall
in the prescribed format as prescribed immediately forward a copy of the plans
by the Authority, with undertakings to relevant agencies for their clearance
through its nodal person in 3 days after with or without condition.
the issuance of the provisional permit
along with the types of fees applicable.
• The Registered Technical Person will
certify that the site is clear from any
provisions related to water supply,


electric lines, sewers and drains,

waterbodies as prescribed in the master
plan/building byelaws/building
code/applicable norms.
Step 3 Scrutiny of Application
Step- After an application for erection, re-erection or alteration of a building has been received, the
3.1 designated person shall immediately forward a copy of the plans to respective agencies for
clearance. The timelines for approval are described in section 2.17.

Step- The Building Permit Issuing Authority will The BPIA Authority shall give clearance in one
3.2 vet the building permit in 15 working days month positively. In case the NoC is refused,
or return it to RTP with comments. reasons for doing be conveyed in writing. In the
case of High Rise and Tall Buildings the
approval may take 2 months because of 2 step
process described in
Step 4 Notification to the Applicant in case of deficiency in the submitted information shall be given
within 5 days from step 3
Step 5 The designated person will issue the The BPIA Authority may issue permit, with
building permit based on the undertaking of modification or refuse the permission. The
RTP at Step-3. applicant will submit all types of fees as
The construction can be started by the applicable before the issuance of permit.
applicant after the vetting of the Building
permit by Building Permit Issuing
Authority or after 30 days from the date of
submission of provisional building permit
by the Registered Technical Person to the
Building Permit Issuing Authority through
the notified nodal person.

2.16 Procedure for Building Permission of Non-Residential Use Building

Table 2—2: Procedure for Building Permission of Non-Residential Use Building
S. No. All Non-Residential Buildings High Rise / Tall Building / Special
Step 1 Preparation of buildings plans from Registered Technical Person (List given in Section
CHAPTER 2: 2.19) (By the applicant)
Step 2 Scrutiny of Application
Step- After an application for erection, re-erection or alteration of a building has been received,
2.1 the designated person shall immediately forward a copy of the plans to respective agencies
for clearance. The tentative timelines for approval are described in section 2.17


Step- BPIA shall give clearance in one The BPIA Authority shall give clearance in
2.2 month. In case the NoC is refused, two months positively. In case the NoC is
reasons for doing be conveyed in refused, reasons for doing be conveyed in
writing. writing. Please refer the 2-step process for
submission of required drawings as described
in section 2.6.5 (c)
Step Notification to the Applicant in case of deficiency in the submitted information shall be
3 given within 5 days from Step 2
Step The BPIA may issue permit / issue The BPIA may issue permit / issue permit with
4 permit with modification / refuse the modification / refuse the permission within two
permission within one month from the months from the date of receipt of application.
date of receipt of application.
2.17 Timelines for clearance from various agencies
Recognizing the concern for streamlining the procedures for clearances to be obtained from various
departments in least possible number of procedures and number of days, in this model is given ensuring
that the entire process of Pre -Construction approvals should be completed within one/two months:

Table 2—3: Timelines for clearance from various agencies

S.No Type of Approving Stage of project Duration (Days)
approval Authority
A Intimation of Disapproval (IoD) Municipal Authority Pre-construction 7
B Site & Building Layout approval Municipal Authority Pre-construction 7
Town Planning,
Internal NOCs (Part of OBPS) Pre-Construction 15
Sewerage &
D External NOCs
Fire Fighting Scheme
Fire Department Pre-Construction
(for High Rise and Tall Buildings)
Survey of India
Ancient Monument Approval (ASI) and JK 15
e Preservation Act
Ministry of
Environment Clearance Environment, Forest Pre-construction
and Climate Change
Central Ground
Borewell Registration Certificate Pre-construction


AAI Height. NoC Civil Aviation Pre- construction

Pollution Clearance State Pollution During

control construction
Defence Ministry of Pre-
Clearance Defence Construction

E Building Permit Issue (All NOCs) Municipal Authority Pre-construction 30 (60 days for
High Rise and Tall
F Construction Complete Construction Time
depends on the
project Scale and
G Building Use Certificate Municipal Authority Post 15 days for self-
construction use homes
30 Days for other
2.18 No Objection Certificates required for Building Permission:
1. Title Verification: NOC from the Revenue Department shall be required for plots other than
Govt. Colonies and will be integrated into OBPS.
2. Fire & Emergency Services: NOC shall be required for Assembly and intensive Commercial
and residential Use buildings which inter alia includes R3, C3, C4, C5, PSP1, PSP2, PSP3 and
PSP4 or as notified by the ULB/ULA.
Note: The NOCs’ from other departments like PDD, PWD, PHE, Town Planning, Sewerage &
Drainage shall be integrated with in OBPS for the concerned Local Bodies and Authorities.
2.19 Qualifications for Registered Technical Persons
a) Minimum Qualifications and Competence Requirements:
The authority shall empanel Town Planners, Architects, Civil Engineers, Structural Engineers,
Geotechnical Engineers, Urban Designers, Landscape Architects, Electric Engineers as Town
Planners on Record, Architects on Record (AoR), Engineers on Record (EoR), Structural Engineers
on Record (SEOR), Geotechnical Engineers on Record (GTEoR), Urban Designers on Record
(UDoR), Landscape Architects on Record (LAoR), Electric Engineers on Record (EEoR), Surveyor
1 & Surveyor II etc respectively. Applications for listing should be made in the format prescribed
by the BPIA Authority from time to time etc. The UT may also create a statutory board or committee
for the accreditation of the professionals.
The BPIA Authority shall determine minimum qualifications and competence requirements for being
considered for listing as Persons on Record from time to time.


Table 2—4: Minimum Qualifications and Competence Requirements

S.N. Professional Qualification Competence/Functions
1 Architect on A technical person having The registered architect shall be
Record valid registration of the competent to carry out the work related to
(AoR) Council of Architecture. the building/development permit as given
a) Prepare and sign all plans, sub-
divisions/layout plans and
information connected with building
permit/licence except engineering
services of multi-storeyed/special
buildings along with supervision.
b) Issue Provisional Permission up to
the plot size prescribed in these
byelaws or prescribed in the relevant
orders/ notifications.
c) Issuing certificate of supervision and
completion of all buildings pertaining
to architectural aspects.
2 Engineer on Graduate in civil engineering The registered engineer shall be
Record from recognized Indian or competent to carry out the work related to
(EoR) foreign university as the building/development permit as given
recognised by AICTE and below:
registered with valid a) Prepare and sign structural drawings
membership (Civil) of the and service plans and information
Institution of Engineers, connected with building permit.
India. b) Preparation of structural drawings,
details, and calculations of buildings
on plot up to 500 m2 and up to 5
storeys or 16 m in height, all service
plans and related information
connected with development permit
of area up to 1 hectare for metro-cities
and 2 hectares for other places.
c) Issuing certificate of supervision for
development of area up to 1 hectare
(for metro and Class I cities) and 2
hectares for other places pertaining to
building layout, Building structure,
civil works, and service installations;
d) Issuing certificate of supervision and
completion of all buildings including
structure and building services.


3 Structural Postgraduate in Structural The registered structural engineer shall

Engineer on Engineering from recognized be competent to prepare the structural
Record Indian or foreign university as design, calculations and details for all
(SEoR) recognised by AICTE and buildings and undertake their
Corporate Member (Civil) of supervision.
Institution of Engineers
(India), minimum 3 years’
experience in structural
engineering practice with
designing and field work.
NOTE —In case of doctorate
in structural engineering, the
experience required would be
one year.
4 Town Graduate or post-graduate The registered town planner shall be
Planner on degree in Town competent to carry out the work related to
Record Planning/Urban Planning or the development permit as given below:
(TPoR) related field or equivalent a) Preparation of plans for land sub-
degree as recognised by division/ layout and related
AICTE and registered with information connected with
valid membership of the development permit for all areas.
Institute of Town Planners, a. Issuing of certificate of supervision
India. for development of land of all areas.
a) NOTE — However, for land layouts for
development permit above 5 hectares in
area, landscape architect shall also be
associated, and for land development
infrastructural services for roads, water
supplies, sewerage/drainage,
electrification, etc, the registered
engineers for utility services shall be
5 Landscape Bachelor or Master’s degree The registered landscape architect shall
Architect on in landscape architecture from be competent to carry out the work-
Record recognized Indian or foreign related to landscape design for
(LAoR) university. building/development permit for land
areas 5 hectare and above. In case of
metro and class I cities, this limit of land
area shall be 2 hectare and above.
Note— For smaller areas below the limits
indicated above, association of landscape
architect may also be considered from the
point of view of desired landscape


6 Urban Master’s degree in Urban The registered urban designer shall be

Designer on design or equivalent from competent to carry out the work related to
Record recognized Indian or foreign the building permit for urban design for
(UDoR) university. land areas more than 5 hectare. She/he
shall also be competent to carry out the
work of urban renewal for all areas.
Note— For smaller areas below the limits
indicated above, association of urban
designer may be considered from the
point of view of desired urban design.
7 Surveyor - I Three Years Diploma in
The registered Surveyor-I shall be
Architecture Assistantship competent to carry out the work related
to the building permit as given below:
Prepare and sign plans
• For residential: Up to 1 Kanal Plot
(3 storeyed building)
• For Commercial: Up to 10 Marlas Plot
(3 storeyed building)

8 Surveyor - II Two-year draftsman ship in

The registered Surveyor-II shall be
Civil competent to carry out the work related
to the buildings as given below:
Prepare and sign plans
For residential: Up to 10 Marlas Plot
(2 storeyed building)
For Commercial: Up to 7 Marlas Plot
(2 storeyed building)

9 Supervisor Diploma in civil engineering The registered supervisor shall be

on Record from recognised institute with competent to carry out the work related to
(SoR) 2yrs working experience or the building permit as given below:
Civil draftsman ship from ITIa) All plans and related information
with 5 years’ experience connected with building permit for
under a qualified residential buildings on plot up to 100 m2
Architect/Civil Engineer for and up to two storeys or 7.5 m in height.;
building construction and and
Supervision. b) Issuing certificate of supervision for
buildings as above.


10 Plumber on ITI in Plumbing, with A plumber shall be competent to do the

Record minimum 2yrs experience of following jobs:
(PoR) execution of sanitary and a. Execution/ supervision of sanitary
plumbing works under any works up to 500 Sq.m. plot size and 4
government department/local storeyed buildings.
body or a qualified
knowledge of working
drawings and dimensioned
11 Electrician ITI in Electrical, with An electrician shall be competent to do
on Record minimum 2yrs experience of the following jobs:
(EloR) execution of electrical works a. Execution/ supervision of Electrical
under any government works up to 500 Sq.m. plot size and 4
department/local body or a storeyed buildings.
qualified Architect/Engineer.
knowledge of working
drawings and dimensioned
12 Fire As prescribed by Chief Fire Officer, Town/City Fire service
on Record
b) Listing Fee and Security Deposit:
Listing Fee and Security Deposit for listing, as Persons on Record with the BPIA shall be determined
by the authority and notified by the Housing and Urban Development Department.



3.1 Clearances at Master Plan level
Individual construction proposals should not generally require separate clearances from various
authorities each time. Such clearances should be integrated into the DCR of the Master/Development
Plan of the concerned city. The areas unaffected by any of the restrictions should be clearly marked
out and mapped on a GIS platform. Area zones of differential control regulations (within the city) by
any of these agencies may also be mapped accordingly. This will result in a composite map of the city
with various control regulations as per the various agencies clearly marked on the map. Thus, the sites
which are located outside these restricted/regulated areas would not require clearance from the
respective authorities, thereby reducing the clearance process significantly. Following are the
clearances which should be integrated into the city Master Plan:
Table 3—1: Minimum Clearances from various agencies proposed to be integrated in Master Plans
S.N. Name of Agency Type of Clearance Area of Influence

1 National Monuments Ancient Monument As prescribed in the AMASAR (Amendment

Authority through Local approval and Validation) Act, 2010 for protection of
BPIA monuments.
J&K Archaeology / Heritage Preservation
2 Ministry of Environment As prescribed in the statutory provisions for
Environment, Forest and Clearance (EC) EIA and clearance based on the size of the
Climate Change project in accordance with Environment
protection Act,1986
3 Central Ground Water Borewell As per Guidelines/criteria for evaluation of
Authority through Local Registration proposals/ requests for ground water
BPIA Certificate abstraction, 2012
4 Ministry of Civil Aviation AAI Height. NoC Criticaland non-critical area as
identified by AAI
5 Ministry of Defence Defence Clearance Areas in and around Defence
Establishments as identified by MoD.
6 Ministry of Railways Area clearance Buffer zones as prescribed by
Railways along the Rail tracks/depots/yards
3.2 Options for reducing the timelines for approvals
The above suggested steps are only indicative, however, there is scope for streamlining the
procedures for clearances to be obtained from various departments in the least possible number of
procedures and number of days. Some of the options which can reduce the time taken for various
procedures are:


a) Online sanctions: ULBs/Development Authorities have introduced online sanction for issuing
building plan and completion certificate. The process involves use of software tools for scrutiny of
building plans. All the documents are required to be submitted electronically using a portal. In case
the building plans do not conform to the DCR the deviations are listed out in form of a report and
intimated to the applicant/engaged Competent Professional for building plan design, vide an online
ID in his account.
b) Empowering Professionals: Empowering Competent Professionals as prescribed for building plan
design will facilitate to streamline the procedure for obtaining approvals. The urban local body or
urban local authority or by the Housing and Urban Development of the UT of J&K shall empanel
such professionals based on their qualifications and track record. The empowered professionals can,
also on behalf of developers/builders submit the documents required at the time of various
clearances. This has been comprehensively defined in the chapter 2.
c) Creating a Cell in ULBs: There is a need for creating a specialized cell in ULBs and UDAs which is
manned by qualified personnel conversant with the procedures and the interpretation of development
regulations. The Cell should be headed by a qualified Town Planner who should inter alia lead a
team of Architects, Engineers, Environment Specialist and Legal Experts among others. The cell
should have the dedicated provision for online submissions and conveying the on-line approvals as
well. This will require robust software and hardware system capable of handling large digital files.
d) Single Window System: All agencies involved in the process need to be integrated in a single
electronic facility with proper coordination and monitoring of timelines. The Municipal
Corporation/Council/ Committee needs to constitute teams comprising of experts from various
agencies to be formed under the overall supervision of a Town Planner designated to assist
developers/ builders with complex projects and to constantly improve the sanction process by cutting
down delays.
e) Integration of agencies outside the ULBs for online clearances: Various agencies like AAI, NMA,
SUAC, Fire Services, Department of Industries, Ministry of Defence, etc grant NOC clearance to the
building plans in certain specific cases. This may be streamlined for Ease of Doing Business by
following 2 directions as given below -
i. Building permission for specific areas /sizes are to be examined by the external agencies.
These areas should be plotted on GIS based colour-coded map which may be made available
in the public domain on the agency’s website, with clearly identified co-ordinates so that
building falling only in these areas need to approach the concerned agencies for obtaining
clearances. These maps may also be made available on the website of the concerned
municipal bodies.
ii. The external agencies also need to develop online clearance/NOC application systems which
should suitably be integrated with the online building approval systems of the municipal
bodies. The two systems should be so compatible that the building plans submitted to the
local bodies may after scrutinizing with colour-coded zoning maps shall be e-transmitted to
the external agencies. The agency concerned should give clearance within a period of
maximum of 10 days with no requirement of applicant to physically visit the offices of the
agencies. The NOC may again be e-transmitted to the concerned local body on the building
permission system so that the ULB shall use those for final approval.


3.3 Development of an IT enabled team to operate the Building Permission

a) The IT person shall be able to analyse and identify the issues regarding the building permit in the
existing system as well as for the system of Single Window Clearance to be adopted in the future
b) The IT team shall enable a preview selection mode so that the applicants after submitting all the
documents can preview it before final submission in the existing online system.
c) The IT team shall also add the total time frame for clearance at each step in the existing online system
d) The IT person shall coordinate with various departments which issues NOCs and shall also identify
the total time required in issuing it.
e) Various issues in cross verifying the uploaded documents for e.g uploading of digital signature,
online payments, inspection etc. shall be listed in order to improve the existing online approval
system as well as for shifting to the automated building approvals in the future
f) The physical submission of building permit documents shall be removed by introduction of Pre-DCR
software to the applicants.
g) The IT team shall enable online tracking system of NOCs if applicable through the existing online
system for the applicants.
h) The IT team shall provide a Pre-DCR formatted software to the consultants
(Architects/Engineers/Draftsman etc.) till the time automated building approval system is not
i) The IT team shall issue an applicant no. through which if an applicant uploads the requisite
documents thereafter after verification by the IT team can download the Occupancy Certificate.
3.4 Other Suggestions to enhance ease of doing business:
Some other suggestions, regarding Fast-Track construction permits are:
a) Citizens’ Charter
A Citizens’ charter lists out the timelines and upper limits of time for the delivery of citizen services
of the organization. The objective of issuing the charter is to improve the quality of public service in
terms of timely delivery. Such charters should be brought. out by all municipalities to maintain high
standards of accountability and transparency. The standards of service to be provided, the maximum
number of days required for building approvals and the standards procedures should be listed out in
the citizens’ charter. Some states have gone a step further and introduced a citizen service delivery
guarantee act whereby the time lines prescribed by a citizen charter are made statutory and binding
on officials.
b) Capacity Building
Capacity building measures are to be adopted for such functionaries to identify Training Needs
(TNA) and other technical requirement of duties that they are required to discharge. Fresh
recruitments commensurate to the technical qualification/ experience are to be made by the UT, if
there is complete absence of the technical expertise needed for the said services.
c) Empowered Committees
The Authorities may also consider constituting ‘Empowered Committees’ or ‘Peer Expert Groups’
for undertaking scrutiny and approval. This committee can be manned as per the requirement and
area of more than one municipality can be put under its jurisdiction. This has special significance for
tall buildings.


d) Simplification of Byelaws
The building byelaws have been simplified for easy comprehension of lay person as well as
professionals involved in developmental activities. The simplification process should also include
the process of application, the filling up of forms and streamlining the process of application



4.1 Right. to Inspect Construction:
4.1.1 Right. to inspect construction at any Time:
a) All buildings for which Building Permit is issued are subject to inspection by the concerned
officer and the authority reserves the right. to inspect such buildings at any time during the
period of construction without giving prior notice of its intention to do so. Owner of the plot
and/or any person undertaking construction shall permit authorized officers of the ULB/ULA
to enter the plot and inspect the building for the purpose of enforcing these Building Byelaws.
b) The structural design, constructional standard etc.; of all high-rise and tall buildings are
required to be supervised during construction at three stages at (1) foundation (2) plinth stage
/ground floor and (3) upper floor/Roofing stage in the manner described below:
c) The individual/promoter is required to get his construction checked at above mentioned three
stages of construction by the Authority. Necessary certificate in the format prescribed by the
authority shall be submitted to the BPIA at each stage before proceeding with next stage of
construction Next stage of construction shall not be proceeded with unless certificate of
completion of preceding stage is examined and cleared by authority. The clearance through
“Go-ahead Certificate” at each sage shall be issued by authority within seven working days
from the date of receipt of completion certificate at each stage. Failure to comply with this
provision shall be deemed that the building permission has been revoked.
4.1.2 Information to be prominently displayed on Site:
It shall be the responsibility of the Owner to erect a notice board on the plot displaying key
information pertaining to the building within 15 working days of issue of Building Permit. The notice
board should be prominently visible, easily readable and should be located next to the primary access
to the plot. The notice board/s should be maintained for the entire Period of Construction up to issue
or grant of Building Use Permit. Failure to comply with this Building Byelaw may result in
revocation of the Building Permit.
4.1.3 Documents and Drawings to be maintained on Site
It shall be the responsibility of the Owner for the building to keep all the documents and drawings
approved on the site, at all times after issuing Notice of Commencement of Construction to the
Authority up to the issue or grant of Building Use Permit. These documents should be made available
to any authorized officer of the Authority inspecting the site for the purpose of enforcing these
Building Byelaws. Failure to comply with this Building Byelaws may result in revocation of the
Building Permit.
4.1.4 Reducing Inconvenience and Ensuring Safety during Construction
It shall be the responsibility of the Owner to certify that no building material, building equipment or
building debris is stacked, stored, left or disposed of outside the plot for which Building Permit has
been granted, on any public street or space. Failure to comply with this Building Byelaw may
warrant penalties on the owner of the plot. The levy of penalties shall be notified separately.
4.1.5 Barricading the Plot during Period of Construction:
It shall be the responsibility of the owner to ensure that plot on which construction is being
undertaken, is adequately barricaded. Specifications for barricading the plot shall be adhered to


strictly. Failure to comply with this Building Byelaws may warrant penalties on the owner of the
plot for not providing adequate barricading of the plot during Period of Construction.
4.1.6 No Damage or Undue Inconvenience during Construction:
a) It shall be the responsibility of the Owner to undertake all necessary measures to ensure that
no damage is caused to adjoining properties due to construction.
b) It shall also be the responsibility of the Owner to undertake all necessary measures to ensure
that no undue inconvenience is caused to the public, due to factors such as noise, dust, smell
or vibrations.
c) It shall also be the responsibility of the Owner to undertake all necessary measures to ensure
that traffic is not disrupted due to construction.
d) It shall be the responsibility of the Owner to carry out all instructions given in writing by
authorized officers of the authority as the case may be to ensure public safety and reduce
e) Failure to comply with this Building Byelaw may warrant penalty as prescribed by authority
for violation of any of the sub-rule. However, before levy of penalty, an opportunity of being
heard shall be provided to owner of the plot.
4.1.7 BPIA Not Liable for Ensuring Safety during Construction:
The Owner shall be responsible for ensuring that all necessary measures for safety for all are taken
on site. Grant of Building Permit, Permit to Use Abutting Street for Construction, grant of Building
Use Permit for part of a building, or issuing of any instructions to ensure public safety or reduce
inconvenience, does not render the authority liable for any injury, damage or loss whatsoever that
may be caused to any one in or around the area during the Period of Construction. In all such cases
owner shall be wholly and solely responsible.
4.1.8 Notice for Commencement of Construction:
The Owner of the building shall notify the authority of his intention to commence construction at
least 7 days prior to commencing construction by filing a Notice of Commencement of Construction
in the format prescribed by the authority. This shall not be applicable to self-use homes.
4.1.9 Authority to be notified of Progress of Construction:
The Owner shall be responsible for notifying the BPIA of the progress of construction. Notices of
Progress of Construction shall be made in the format prescribed by the authority.
4.1.10 Permit to Proceed with Construction Required:
No construction shall be undertaken after filing Notice of Progress of Construction. A Permit to
Proceed with Construction from the authority is required to undertake further work. Permit to
Proceed with Construction shall be issued in the format prescribed by the authority. Application for
grant of Permit to Proceed with Construction shall be made in the format prescribed along with
Notice of Progress of Construction.
4.1.11 Grant or Refusal of Permit to Proceed with Construction:
a) The authority may undertake inspection of construction for compliance to sanctioned design
and specifications. In the case that the authority decides to inspect site of construction, it shall
communicate the date and time of inspection to the Owner of the building within 5 working
days of receipt of Notice of Progress of Construction.
b) In case BPIA does not communicate decision to inspect construction site within 5 working
days of receipt of Notice of Permit to Proceed with Construction shall be deemed to have been


granted by the authority unless otherwise communicated, and construction may be undertaken
on the site for building.
c) If the authority undertakes inspection and is satisfied that the construction of the building
complies with the sanctioned design and specifications, it shall grant a Permit to Proceed with
Construction and further construction may be undertaken on the building.
d) If the construction is found not to comply with sanctioned design and specifications, it shall
communicate queries regarding the construction and/or directions to ensure compliance to the
Owner within 5 working days of the date of inspection. The Owner shall be responsible for
ensuring compliance to such directions as may be issued. Failure to comply with directions,
as may be issued by the authority may result in revocation of the Building Permit.
e) In case BPIA does not communicate queries regarding the construction and/or directions to
ensure compliance within 7 working days of the date of inspection, Permit to Proceed with
Construction shall be deemed to have been granted and the construction may be undertaken
on the building.
f) The Owner shall respond to queries and notify the authority of having undertaken compliant
modifications. If the authority is satisfied that the construction of the building complies with
the sanctioned design and specifications, it shall grant a Permit to Proceed with Construction
and further construction may be undertaken on the building.
4.1.12 Offences and Penalties:
Penalties for not complying with Building Byelaws/Regulations shall be stipulated by the BPIA.
Failure to notify the BPIA before commencing construction may result in levy of penalty, which
shall be decided by the BPIA.
The BPIA may also levy the penalties on defaulting officials for deviating from prescribed timelines
for clearance from the agencies. The penalties for the delay will be notified separately.



5.1 Land-Use Zoning
5.1.1 Land-Use & Uses Permitted
The Proposed Land-use Plan in the respective Master Plans/Zonal Development Plans should be
referred for the land use of a given land parcel.
All the towns should have a master plan and in case of towns not having even the draft master plans,
towns should have a coarse land use plan which will be called a structure plan. The structure plan
will also delineate the core area of all towns/municipalities/area of council.

5.1.2 Proposed Zoning

Table No.5 - 1 Proposed Zoning
Sr. No. Code Description of Uses in the reference code

Residential (R)
1. R1 Detached Dwelling units, Semi-Detached Dwelling units, Row Houses, Common
Places (such as community Parks), Convenience Shop (Single shop),
Meditation/Yoga Centre
2. R2 Low Rise Apartments, Farm House, Cottage industries (not involving the use of
or installation of any kind and which create noise, vibration, fume, dust etc. and
shall not be permitted in tenement dwellings, flats, playfield, garden), Gyms,
Orphanages, Old age Home, Paying Guest House, Part Portion of Residential
Building for Office use by Professionals Such as Advocates, Doctors, Architects,
Engineers, CA, Hostel, Dharmshala, Single Room Occupancy, Pre-School,
Boarding and lodging (accommodation for transit employees of Govt. / Local
bodies), Medical and Pet clinics, Dispensary, plant nursery, Library, Common
Places (such as community Parks), Convenience Shop (Single shop), Religious
structures, Atta Chakki.
3. R3 Group Housing, Flats/High Rise Apartments, Affordable Housing, Cottage
Industries, Plotted Residential Development, Residential flat, Common Places
(such as community Parks), Multi-level Parking.
Commercial (C)

4. C1 Retail Shops (such as Bakery / Confectionary items, Grocery/ General store,

Dairy products, stationary, books, Gifts/ Book binding, Cyber cafe/ Phone booth,
LPG booking office/ LPG showroom excluding cylinders, Laundry/ Dry
cleaning/ Ironing shops, Sweet shops, Pan shops, Tea/ Coffee shops, Chemist /
Medicine shops, Optical shops, Home Appliances/ Electronic repair shops, Photo
studio, Cable / DTH office, Cycle Repairs shops, Ration and kerosene
distribution shops, Vegetables/ Fruits/ Flowers/Mutton shops/ Poultry stalls,
Photocopy/ FAX/ STD PCO, Computer Service centres, Hair cutting saloons/


Beauty Parlour, Tailor shop/ Boutique, Newspaper shops, Ticket Booking shops,
ATM, Eateries shops excluding sitting provisions, Audio-video libraries, Mobile
phone shops, courier,), Retail Clusters/ Shopping clusters, Common Places (such
as community Parks), clinic, Pet Clinic, Vet Clinic, offices of professionals (like
advocates, doctors, architects, engineers, chartered accountant, town planner
etc.), power looms up to 2HP
5. C2 Pathology Laboratory, Scanning Centres, Kerosene Depots, Hotels, Restaurants,
Corporate offices, Call centres, Training centres, Recreational clubs, Social
clubs, Medical and Pet Clinics, Fitness centres, Nursing home, Maternity home,
LPG Retail outlet, Information Technology activity centres, Hardware shops,
Departmental stores, Guest House. Professional offices, Taxi stand/ three-
wheeler stand, Conference Hall, Commercial complex, Yoga Centre, Education
Coaching centre, Banks
6. C3 Shopping Mall, Convention centres, Public Community hall, Museum, ,
Entertainment and Amusement centres, Hospitals, Development activity centres
related to Information Technology, Exhibition centres, Go downs, Financial
institutions, Restaurants, Hotels (All types excluding hotels * rated 4 and 5),
Motels, Sports complex, Swimming pools, Agro-based mandis, Fruits mandis,
Vegetable mandis, Junk yards, Cold storage, Goods markets, Petrol Pumps,
Workshops, Garages, Auto service stations, Charging stations for Electrical
Vehicles, CNG Filling stations, Theatre, Pollution free Small & Medium Scale
Industry including MSME, Conference Hall, Multi-level Parking, Education
Coaching centre, Commercial & Corporate offices, Banks, power looms up to
10HP, Junk Yards (on internal roads only), Agro Mandis
7. C4 Hotels with *4 and 5 Ratings, Banquet halls, Commercial Complexes, Wholesale
market, Timber mart, Cinema and Multiplexes, Go downs
8. C5 Auditorium, Planetarium, Stadium, Warehouses, Weigh Bridge, Heavy goods
Public-Semi-public / Institutional (PSP)
9. PSP1 Play-Way Schools, Creches, Preschools, Primary schools, PHC, clinic,
Dispensary, Sub offices of Govt. utilities, Police Post, Common Places (such as
community Parks, Gardens), Banks
10. PSP2 Middle Schools, High Schools, Higher Secondary schools, Integrated Residential
schools, School for Mentally / Physically Challenged, Police stations, Post
offices, Hostels, Spastic Rehabilitation Centres, Orphanages, Govt. Dispensaries,
Nursing Homes, Hospital up to 20 Bed, Public Library, Community hall, Public
distribution system shops, Bill collection Centres, Traffic and Transport related
offices, Exclusive places of worship, Social and welfare centres, Local Municipal
facilities, Art Galleries, Museum, Police Station, Fire Sub-Station, Zonal Level
Govt. Utilities, Common Places (such as community Parks, Gardens).
11. PSP3 Colleges, Civil Hospital, Hospital more than 20 Bed, Hospital for infectious
diseases, Mental Hospital, Parks and playgrounds Maidans and Stadiums,
Dharmshalas, Hostels, Dhobi Ghat, Place of worship along with ancillary uses,


Higher Educational Institutions, Colleges, Fire stations, Govt. Buildings,

Auditoriums, Cultural complexes, Fire stations, Broadcasting and Transmission
stations. Jails, Police headquarters, Police lines, Solid waste dumping grounds /
sites, Bus and Railway passenger terminals, Monuments, Exhibition centres,
open air theatre, Recreational clubs, Court, Universities, Polytechnic, Specialized
educational institute, All Govt. Uses., Common Places (such as community
Parks, Gardens), Multi-level Parking, Office without Commercial Activity.
12. PSP4 Medical College and Research centre, Universities and Deemed Universities

Mix Land Use (M)

13. M All activities in in the mixed used zone as given in the table 5-2

Recreational Use (RC)

14. RC Public Parks, Gardens, Botanical Gardens, Sports Related Activities, Open
Spaces, Water Sports, Golf Course, Amusement Park, Recreational Club
Agricultural/Urban Agriculture Use (Ag)

15. Ag
Agriculture, Horticulture, Dairy, Poultry Farm, Plant Nurseries, Agro-based
Industries excluding hazardous chemicals, cottage industries, dwelling of the
people engaged in farm (rural settlement), Farmhouse, Solar Project, Windmill,
public utilities, flour mills
The following uses shall be allowed in favour of Bonafide residents of the village
with last 20 years ownership of land:
Residential house, convenient shops, work centre, Atta Chakki,
clinics/dispensary, school, repair shop, cold storage and rice shellar. This is
subject to production of documentary proof.

Transportation & Communication (TC)

16. TC This land-use is meant for roads, bus-stands, bus-terminal, Parking, Multi-Level
Parking, railway station, railway line & airport, Communication establishments,
Integrated Freight. Complex (Wholesale shops and subsidiary storage capacity,
Parking facilities, Go downs, cold storage, Service/repair facilities,
Rest/recreation for drivers, Weighing Bridges, Office space, Facilities like
banking, postal truckers, etc. required for business transactions, Amenities for
wholesales, truckers and their employees, Areas for shops, eating houses and
other service, establishment, Provision of lighting, water supply and garbage,
sewerage disposal), Hostel, Guest House, Boarding House and Lodging House,
Filling Cum Service Station, Filling Station, Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)
Dairy Station, Petrol Pumps and Service Stations, workshops & garages for LMV
& HMV, Warehouse, storage depots, truck terminals.


Industries Use (ID) – Minimum RoW of the road shall be 12 m or as per prescribed guidelines
of Industries & Commerce Department.
17. ID1 All type of Light., Service Industries, Small Factories, Warehouses, Newspaper
Printing Press, Concrete Batching Plant, stone cutting and polishing; Poultry
Farm, Dairy, Assembly Plant, Filling station

18. ID2 All Industries except Hazardous Industries, Junk Yard, Textile Units, Ice Factory;
Quarrying of Stone, Quarrying of Gravel, Quarrying of Clay, Dumping of Solid
Waste, Non obnoxious and Non-Hazardous Industry
19. ID3 Slaughterhouse, Meat Processing Units, Leather Processing Units, Cold Storage,
flour mills
20. ID4 Fuel Storage, Storage of inflammable materials, Thermal Power Plant, Power
Plant, Gas Plant, Storage of Hazardous Materials, Hazardous Industries,
Chemical Industries. Obnoxious and Hazardous Uses, Dying House
Conservation Use (CG)
21. CG It is an environmentally conserved land-use where no building construction is
permitted like Forest, Vegetation, Dense Plantation, Rivers, Water Bodies &
green buffer.

5.1.3 Permissible & Non-Permissible Uses as per Use-Zones as per the Existing Road Width
Table No.5 - 2 Permissible & Non-permissible Uses as per-Zone
P- Permissible, NP- Not permissible, CA - Uses Permissible on approval by BPIA Authority.
(Only following list of Activities are Permissible & Non-Permissible for the local/notified Area.)
S. Activities ROW B/L Use-Zones F.S.B
No (m) (m) R M C RC T PSP (m)
Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone Zone
1. P P NP
R1 (i) 3.0 3.0 P P P 1.5
2. R1 (ii) 4.5 4.0 P P P NP P P 1.8
3. R1 (iii) 6.0 5.5 P P P NP P P 2.5
4. R2 9.0 8.0 P P P NP P P 3.5
5. R3 12.0 11 P P P NP NP NP 5.0
6. C1 9.0 8 P P P NP P P 3.5
7. C2 12.0 11 P P P NP P NP 5.0
8. C3 15.0 13.5 NP P P NP NP NP 6.0
9. C4 18.0 16 NP P P NP NP NP 7.0
10. C5 24.0 19.0 NP NP P NP NP NP 7.0
11. PSP1 9.0 8 P P P NP P P 7.0


12. PSP2 12.0 11 P P P NP P P 7.0

13. PSP3 15.0 18.5 P P P NP P P 7.0
14. PSP4 24.0 21.5 NP NP NP NP NP P 7.0
15. As As
applicabl applicable
RC All e road
P P P P P P road
category category
16. 30.0 22.0 7.0
17. 36.0 25.0 The activities will be permissible as above and 7.0
guided by minimum road width requirement.
18. 50.0 32.0 7.0
19. 60.0 37.0 7.0

Note: Whichever is more shall be applicable w.r.t Building lines/ROWs

P Permitted NP Not Permitted
B/L Building line (From centre of abutting FSB Front Set Back
RoW Right of Way

Retail Shops:
• In R zone, Commercial and professional and other office activities shall be permissible with
maximum coverage Up to 1/3rd of permitted FAR.
• The below mentioned shall be categorized as Retail Shops.
Bakery/Confectioneries items, Grocery/General Store, Daily Products, Stationary/Books/Gifts/Book
binding, Cyber Café/Phone booth, L.P.G. booking office/L.P.G. showroom excluding cylinder, Pan
shop, Laundry/Dry-cleaning/Ironing shop, Sweet Shop/Tea Shop excluding seating provisions,
Chemists/Medicine shop, Optical shop, Home Appliances/Electronic Repair shop, Photo Studio,
Cable/DTH office, Cycle Repair shop, Under Public Distribution System shops for Ration & Kerosine
Distribution Shops, Vegetables/Fruits/Flower shops, Photocopy/Fax/STD-PCO, Haircutting/Beauty
Parlour, Tailor shop/Boutique.
I. No development shall be permitted in area designated for water body, pond and Talav excluding
Riverfront Development. Setbacks to be maintained from a designated water body shall be as per
Regulation for Conservation Zone (CG) of these regulations.
II. The land designated for public purposes; the uses shall be permissible as per the requirements of
concerned department.
III. For all Zones,
➢ If the line of a Zone divides a Building unit, the maximum permissible F.A.R. available on either part
of such Building‐unit shall be as per the respective Zones.
➢ Such a Building‐unit may be developed separately as per the regulations of the Respective Zones or
as a contiguous development utilizing the combined maximum permissible F.A.R. in the part of the
building unit which lies in the Zone with higher F.A.R.
IV. Public Utilities & Facilities shall be permitted in any Zone.
V. In the local areas where the mixed land use zones are not defined in the landuse plan of the master
plan, the concerned authority shall unequivocally notify the roads for mixed landuse along with the
extant vis-à-vis the mixed landuse zone in the table 5-2.


VI. For buildings above 21 m height shall have front setback of 1/3rd of the height of building or Building
Line of the road whichever is more.

5.1.4 Circumstances Under Which Existing Non-Conforming Uses Will Be Allowed to

Existing non-conforming uses may continue in the following circumstances,
a) Any lawful use of land or building premises existing before coming in to force of these Regulations
may be allowed to continue, if it does not conform to the use provisions of these Regulations
provided that such non-conforming use is not extended or enlarged.
b) In case a building accommodating any non-conforming use, collapses or is pulled down or is
dismantled, any new building on such site shall conform to these Regulations and to the land-use
regulations prescribed in these Regulations.
c) In case of alteration work in a building, the permission shall be given only after giving setbacks
and building line for proposed roads as per these regulations.

5.1.5 Development on Kabrastan, burial ground etc.

The land occupied by the graveyards, Kabrastan, burial grounds, crematoria and allied actions in the
Local Area shall be kept permanently open. BPIA may permit structures to be built for specific
purpose as ancillary use.

5.2 Development Control Regulations

5.2.1 Minimum Space/Plot Area requirements, Maximum Ground Coverage,
Setbacks/Setbacks, Permissible Floor Area Ratio (FAR) & Maximum Height. The regulations for Residential Use in terms of Plot area, Ground Coverage, FAR & Setbacks
shall be as given below:
Table No.5 - 3
A. Minimum Setbacks/Setbacks, Maximum Ground Coverage & No. of Storeys as per Plot area
Range for R1, R2 categories of Residential Use.
S. No Area Max. No. of Type of Set Back Limits (Minimum) in metres
(In Sq m) Ground Storeys Const. Front Rear Side Side
1. Up to 75 75% G+2 Row 0 0 0
Shall be as per table no. 5 - 2

2. Above 75% G+2 Row 1.5 0 0

75 - 125
3. Above 65% G+2 Row 2.0 0 0
125 - 275
4. Above 55% G+2 Semi-detached 2.0 2.0 0
275 - 350
5. Above 50% G+2 Semi-detached 2.0 2.0 0
350 - 450


6. Above 45% G+2 Detached 3.0 3.0 2.0

450 - 600
7. Above 40% G+2 Detached 3.0 3.0 2.0
600 - 1000
8. Above 1000 35% G+2 Detached 3.0 3.0 2.0
I. No side setbacks shall be required in plots or irregular proportions/ dimensions up to the width
of 10M, minimum rear set back of 1M shall be permitted in cases where depth of such irregular
plots is up to 12M. However, there shall be no change in permissible ground coverage, No. of
storeys and height. of the building as given in the table above.
II. The Maximum height. of a residential house shall not be more than 12m. Height. of each storey
in a residential house shall not be less than 3M, Staircase mumty height. up to 2.5m shall be in
addition to G+2 storeys permissible.
III. Total habitable floor area shall not be in any case more than three times the allowable ground
IV. To cater to this parking requirement in individual plotted residential houses, Stilt Floor shall be
allowed within the building envelope and shall be exclusively used for parking for roads 6 m
and above.
V. Any area within building envelope provided for parking on ground shall not be counted in
covered floor area and the same area shall be allowed for habitable purpose on 3rd floor.
VI. In case stilt parking is provided within building envelope in combination with ground floor, the
area under parking shall be allowed for habitation on 3rd floor. Height. of Stilt floor in this case
shall not be more than 3m.
VII. Basements shall not be allowed in row housing, but single basement shall be allowed in
detached and semi-detached housing subject to fulfilment of basement norms as per national
Building Code.
VIII. Basements in individual plotted housing shall be counted towards FAR and ground coverage.
IX. Single basement shall be allowed within the building envelope ensuring structural safety with
maximum height. of 3.0 m from finished floor to soffit of beam.
X. Porches up to an area of 17 Sqm shall be allowed in side setbacks only and no construction over
such porches shall be allowed.
XI. Areas under porch shall be calculated @ 50% for coverage.
XII. Stilt floor shall be allowed on roads not less than 6.0 m Width.
B. Regulations for R3 - Group Housing (Flatted Development)
Tower to Tower
Dwelling Units
Max. FAR and

Min. Setbacks
Max. Ground

Rear & Both

Max. Height

(Each Side)
Plot Area

per ha
(Sq. m)



1. 4000 - 8000 30% 175 Height 1/3rd of height. of Minimum 6M all around up to
to be building or 7.5m or 40 m height. and minimum 9m
regulate building line of the all-round above 40m height.


d by Fire abutting road

and whichever is more
2. Above 8000 30% 225 Emergen 1/3rd of height. of Minimum 6M all around up to
cy building or 7.5 m or 40 m height. and minimum 9 m
Equipme building line of the all-round above 40m height.
nt abutting road
available whichever is more
I. The group housing scheme shall be subject to Reservation Policy for EWS/LIG Housing for
Urban Poor as per J&K Housing, Affordable Housing, Slum Redevelopment and
Rehabilitation and Township Policy-2020.
II. F.A. R/Density required for EWS shall not be counted in overall FAR of the Group Housing
Scheme & shall be subject to the fulfilment of parking norms for EWS as well if provided
within the group-housing scheme. Allotment under EWS scheme shall be made strictly as per
the J&K Housing, Affordable Housing, Slum Redevelopment and Rehabilitation and
Township Policy-2020.
III. Byelaws for affordable housing shall be as per J&K Housing, Affordable Housing, Slum
Redevelopment and Rehabilitation and Township Policy-2020.
IV. Maximum Commercial/Public-Semi-public use in Group Housing/Flatted Development shall
be 10% of the total site/scheme area.
V. Security room may be allowed at the entrance gate up to a maximum built up area of 30 Sq m
(up to 3.5m height.) after maintaining the RoW of road and shall be counted as FAR.
VI. Minimum Floor height. from finished floor for any habitable space shall be 2.75m.
VII. Built up area (Unit Area) of apartment for calculation of ECS shall be excluding common
service areas. Any service area within apartment shall be counted in built up area. Balconies
and Verandas shall be counted @ 50% in FAR.
VIII. If there are any bends or curves on the approach road within the plot, a sufficient width shall
be provided at the curve to enable the fire tenders to turn, the turning circle being at least of
9.0 m radius. Where entry to the plot is through a slip road the gate width shall not be less
than 9.0 m for entry of the firefighting appliances.
IX. The internal access to the building within the plot and open spaces on its all sides shall not be
less than 6 m width and the layout for the same shall be done in consultation with Chief Fire
Officer, Fire Service and the same shall be reinforced to ensure safety of the fire equipment
and capable of taking the weight. of Fire engine, weighing up to 45 tons. The said open space
shall be kept free of obstructions and shall be motorable.
X. Main entrances to the premises shall be of 9.0 m width to allow easy access to the fire engine.
and in no case, it shall measure less than 6 m. The entrance gate shall fold back against the
compound wall of the premises, thus leaving the exterior access way within the plot free for
movement of fire service vehicles. If archway is provided over the main entrance the height.
of the archway shall not be at a height. less than 5m.
XI. The catalogue for sale of apartments shall be similar to the basic plan approved by the
XII. No deviation in the plan shall be allowed once the apartments are sold in part or whole.


XIII. No common areas like corridors, stairs, lifts, lobbies shall be allowed to be sold to a particular
person or a group of persons after the apartments are sold in part or whole.
XIV. No apartment holder shall be allowed to have extra rights on common spaces.
XV. Common spaces shall include all green spaces, children’s parks, play grounds, sports facilities,
areas which are of common use of the apartment owners forming part of the sanctioned plan
under bye laws of the authority.
XVI. Any additional space not counted in the permissible floor space shall also be treated as
common areas.
XVII. Designated parking spaces shall be allotted to apartment holders.
XVIII. Height Exemptions:
a. Roof tanks and their supports not exceeding 1.0 m. in height.,
b. Ventilating, air conditioning and lift rooms and similar service equipment,
c. Stair covered with Mumty not exceeding 3.00 m. in height.
d. Chimneys and parapet wall and architectural features not exceeding 1.50 m. in height.
unless the aggregate area of such structures exceeds 1/3rd of the roof area of the building
on which they are erected. All such appurtenant structures shall be camouflaged to achieve
streamlined aesthetics.
C. Regulations for Housing Colonies (plotted)
a)A group or a group of persons or a co-operative society or firm intending to plot out an estate into
more than 4 plots shall give notice in writing to the BPIA which will be accompanied by a layout
plan of entire land showing the areas allotted for roads, open spaces, plot and public buildings, the
specification of the roads, drains and other infrastructures.
b) Roads, Drains, water mains and electric lines required for the colony shall be constructed by the
developer at his own cost and no plot shall be eligible for any services and utilities by the govt. and/or
Municipal Corporation unless the colony is developed properly and approved by the BPIA, and no
building plan shall be considered by the Municipality or prescribed authority in any plot of such a
colony which has not received the prior approval of the BPIA. Developer in this case will mean the
person, co- operative or the firm intending to plot out the land into more than 4 plots.
c) Land use of the layout plan approved by the BPIA shall not be changed unless with the prior consent
of the BPIA.
d) Open spaces allocated for parks, playfields, utility sites / buildings in a colony shall be deemed to
have been sold along with the plots as amenity of the colony by the developer to the plot holders of
the colony. The development of such open spaces shall be the responsibility of the Developer.
e) No permission shall be accorded for construction of a building in any notified area which shall cause
nuisance by way of odour, smoke, noise or disturbance to inhabitants of the locality or be injurious
to health of the residents of the buildings or to the inhabitants in the surrounding areas.
f) Norms for Colonies up to 1.0 Hectare:
Land Distribution
1. Min. Approach Road 9.0 m.
2. Internal Roads
Width of Means of Access (m) Length of Means of Access (m) Max
6.0 75
7.5 150
3. Area under Roads Min. 12%


4. Area under Green Min. 10%

5. Residential Area Max. 70%
6. Commercial / PSP Area Max. 5%
g) Norms for Colonies above 1 Hectare up to 4 Hectare:
Land Distribution
7. Min. Approach Road 12.0 m.

8. Internal Roads

Width of Means of Access (m) Length of Means of Access (m) Max

6.0 75
7.5 150
9.0 250
9. Area under Roads Min. 12%

10. Area under Green Min. 10%

11. Residential Area Max. 70%
12. Commercial / PSP Area Max. 10% The regulations for Commercial & Public-Semi Public building use in terms of Space/Plot
area, Ground Coverage, FAR, Height. & Setbacks/setbacks shall be as under:
Table No.5 - 4
• Maximum Building Height. & Minimum Setbacks
Note: WEIM = Whichever is more, NA = Not Allowed / Applicable, B. L= Building Line
S. Building Use FAR Max. Min. Setbacks (m)
Plot Area


No Height. Front Rear Side Side

(Sq. m)



1. Single Shop Up to 100 70 210 12 Shall be as N N N

(G+2) per Table
no. 5 - 2
Note: Shopping permissible on G+1 only. Basement shall not be allowed.
2. Shopping Above 100 - 60 180 14 Shall be as 3.0 3.0 N
Cluster 300 per Table
no. 5 - 2
Note: Shopping permissible on G+1 only. Basement shall not be allowed
Above 300 - 50 180 14 Shall be as 3.0 3.0 N
750 per Table
no. 5 - 2
Note: Single Basement within the building envelope shall be allowed as specified in the
basement norms. Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed for parking


3. Commercial Above 750 - 45 180 20 Shall be as 3.0 or 3.0 3.0

Complex 2000 per Table 1/3rd of
no. 5 - 2 Building
Note: Single Basement within the building envelope shall be allowed as specified in the
basement norms. Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed for parking
Above 2000 - 40 180 25 Shall be as 6.0 or 6.0 or 6.0 or
4000 per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
Ht. Ht. Ht.
(W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
Note: Double basements if used for parking shall be allowed as specified in the
basement norms. Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed.
Above 4000 35 180 Height Shall be as 6.0 or 6.0 or 6.0 or
to be per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
regulate no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
d by Fire Ht. Ht. Ht.
and (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
Note: Three basements if used for parking shall be allowed as specified in the basement
norms. Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed.
4. Cinemas/Cine Min. 4000 50 150 Height Shall be as 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
plex to be per Table Building Building Building
regulate no. 5 - 2 Ht. Ht. Ht.
d by Fire
Note: Three basements if used for parking shall be allowed as specified in the basement
norms. Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed. Canteen/ food court
upto15% of FAR shall be allowed.
5. Hotel 1000-2500 40 180 Height Shall be as 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
to be per Table height. of height. of height. of
regulate no. 5 - 2 building or building or building
d by Fire 6m 6m or 6 m


and (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)

5% of permissible FAR for party hall and 3% permissible FAR for Conference hall
shall be allowed.
For Conference halls/party halls/bars/restaurants etc. (Excluding entrance hotel
lobby/atrium) min parking @ 1.5 ECS for 10 Sqm shall be provided.
Double basements if used for parking shall be allowed as specified in the basement
norms. Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed.
Above 2500 30 200 Height Shall be as 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
to be per Table height. of height. of height. of
regulate no. 5 - 2 building or building or building
d by Fire 6M 6M or 6M
and (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
5% of permissible FAR for party hall and 3% permissible FAR for Conference hall
shall be allowed. For plots more than 12K facilities like banquet hall shall be allowed
with parking provision as per banquet norms.
For Conference halls/party halls/bars/restaurants etc. (Excluding entrance hotel
lobby/atrium) min parking @ 1.5 ECS for 10 Sqm shall be provided.
Three basements if used for parking shall be allowed as specified in the basement
norms. Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed.

6. Mall cum Min. 5000 40 200 Height Shall be as 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
Multiplex to be per Table height. of height. of height. of
regulate no. 5 - 2 building or building or building
d by Fire 3M 3M or 3M
and (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
For halls/party halls min parking @ 1.5 ECS for 10 Sqm shall be provided.


Three level basements if used for parking shall be allowed as specified in the basement
norms. Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed.
7. Janjghar/ Min. 6000 30 60 12 Shall be as 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
Community per Table height. of height. of height. of
Center/ no. 5 - 2 building or building or building
Banquet Hall 6M 6M or 6M
(W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
Note: Double basements shall be allowed. Basements should be allowed for parking
only. In case of sloping roof, no activity shall be allowed in the attic space. Security
room may be allowed at the entrance gate up to a maximum built up area of 15 Sqm
(up to 3.5M height.) after maintaining the RoW of road and shall be included in FAR.
Parking shall not be allowed in proposed RoW of roads.
Bore wells and power-driven water pumps shall not be allowed in construction sites or
in any building without license and proper permission from the competent authorities.
8. Ware Housing, Min. 25000 25 100 15 Shall be as 9.0 9.0 9.0
Storage per Table
Vegetables & no. 5 - 2
Fruit Mandis
9. Multi-Level Min. 2000 66 - Height Shall be as 3.0 or 3.0 or 3.0 or
Parking to be per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
regulate no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
d by Fire Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L.
and (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
Note: Minimum number of car parking space shall be 50. Terrace/Roof Top Parking
shall be allowed with proper protection to the satisfaction of concerned authority.
In order to compensate the cost of Multi-Level Parking, a maximum 25% of Gross
permissible Floor Area may be utilized as Commercial/Office space.
Maximum FAR proposed for commercial spaces shall be 100 (excluding parking
areas). In addition to requisite parking space required for Commercial developed within
the Multi-Level Parking complex (@ 3 ECS / 100Sq. m), Three times additional space
for parking components shall be provided.
Three Basements shall be allowed for Parking as specified in the basement norms.
Maximum Height. shall be restricted to permissible height. of the land- use in which
the plot falls.
Shops/Offices/Commercial spaces shall be allowed on ground and first floor, only for
rehabilitation of project affected persons in Government comprehensive schemes.
In case of government comprehensive schemes, development controls including height.
shall be as per approved scheme.


10. Flatted Group Min. 2000 30 120 20 Shall be as 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
Industry and per Table height. of height. of height. of
Service Centre no. 5 - 2 building or building or building
6M 6M or 6M
(W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
Note: Basement up to the building envelop line to the maximum extent of 50% plot
area shall be allowed and if used for parking and services should not be counted in
11. LigHt. and 100 up to 500 60 120 12 Shall be as 3.0 3.0 N
Service per Table
Industry no. 5 - 2
500 up to 4000 55 125 12 Shall be as 3.0 or 3.0 or 3.0 or
per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
Ht. Ht. Ht.
(W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
4000 up to 50 115 12 Shall be as 6.0 6.0 6.0
12000 per Table
no. 5 - 2
Above 12000 45 100 12 Shall be as 6.0 6.0 6.0
per Table
no. 5 - 2
Note: Maximum floors allowed shall be basement, ground floor and 1st floors;
basement should be below ground floor and to the maximum extent of ground coverage
shall be counted in FAR. In case the basement is not constructed, the permissible FAR
can be achieved on the second floor. In case of truss, height. of building should be
adjusted/ relaxed.
12. Extensive 400 up to 4000 50 100 9 Shall be as 3.0 or 3.0 or 3.0 or
Industry per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
Ht. Ht. Ht.
(W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
4000 up to 45 90 9 Shall be as 6.0 6.0 6.0
12000 per Table
no. 5 - 2
12000 up to 40 80 9 Shall be as 7.0 7.0 7.0
28000 per Table
no. 5 - 2
Above 28000 30 60 9 Shall be as 8.0 8.0 8.0
per Table
no. 5 - 2
Note: Single Storey building with basement is allowed. Basement shall be below the
ground level and the maximum extent of the ground coverage and shall not be counted
in FAR. In case of truss, height. of building should be adjusted/ relaxed. Height.


relaxation can be considered by the content authority for specialized industries

requiring more height.
13. Offices: - 30 210 Height Shall be as 3.0 or 3.0 or 3.0 or
General/ to be per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
Government regulate no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
Offices/ d by Fire Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L.
Integrated and (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
Office Emergen
Complex cy
Note: The integrated office complex shall include Central Government Office, Local
Government Office, Public Undertaking Offices and Courts.
Maximum up to three basements within the building envelope. Stilt floors within the
building envelope shall be allowed. Minimum plot area for offices shall be 500 Sqm.
These norms shall not apply on basic/ important infrastructure/ utilities to be created by
government and shall be as per the government policies.
14. Pre-Nursery/ As per Residential use Norms.
Creches Note: Pre-Primary Schools/ Nursery Schools/ Montessori Schools/Creche, Play
Schools, may be permissible in residential use.
15. Nursery Min. 750 33.33 100 Ht. as Shall be as 3.0 or B.L. 3.0 or B.L. 3.0 or B.L.
School per land per Table (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
use but no. 5 - 2
g 15m
Note: Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed. Basements shall not be
16. Primary Min. 2000 33 120 15 Shall be as 3.0 or 3.0 or 3.0 or
School per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L.
(W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
Note: Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed. Single basement within
the building envelope shall be allowed for parking as specified in the basement norms.
17. Middle School Min. 4000 33 115 15 Shall be as 3.0 or 3.0 or 3.0 or
per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L.
(W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)


Note: Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed. Single basement within
the building envelope shall be allowed for parking as specified in the basement norms.
18. High/ Higher Min. 7500 35 140 18 Shall be as 4.0 or 4.0 or 4.0 or
Secondary per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
School no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L.
(W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
Note: Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed. Single basement within
the building envelope shall be allowed for parking as specified in the basement norms.
19. College Min. 30000 25 100 18 Shall be as 5.0 or 5.0 or 5.0 or
per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L.
(W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
Note: Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed. Single basement within
the building envelope shall be allowed for parking as specified in the basement norms.
20. Educational Min. 80000
and Research Academic including Administration (45% of the total land area)
Centre/Univer - 30 120 Height Shall be as 10.0 or 10.0 or 10.0 or
sities to be per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
regulate no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
d by Fire Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L.
and (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
Residential (25% of the total land area
- Regulations of Group Housing shall be followed subject to provision of
density of 400 PPHa gross and land shall be reserved for residential
facilities @ 9.2 Sq. m. per person
Sports and Cultural Activities (15% of the total land area)
- 10 15 - Shall be as 10.0 or 10.0 or 10.0 or
per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L.
(W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
Parks and Landscape Areas (15%of the total land area)
- Suitable landscape plan to be prepared for this area
Note Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed. Double basement within
the building envelope shall be allowed for parking as specified in the basement norms.


21. Hospital Min. 6000 40 250 Height Shall be as 3.0 or 3.0 or 3.0 or
when to be per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
RoW regulate no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
less than d by Fire Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L.
25m and (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
300 Emergen
when cy
RoW Equipme
more nt
than available

Note: Maximum 10% Ground coverage shall be allowed for providing atrium and shall
be free from FAR. In case, additional ground coverage for atrium is utilized 25% of the
utilized ground coverage shall be counted toward FAR. Common areas such as waiting
halls, reception and fire stair cases shall be allowed free from FAR. Service floor of
height. 1.8m shall not be counted in FAR. The setbacks / regulations are subject to fire
safety norms.
Multi-Level Parking shall be Permissible to the extent of building Envelope lines, free
from FAR and ground coverage to facilitate ample parking in spaces, subject to
structural safety.

22. Health Centre/ Min. 1000 30 100 26 Shall be as 3.0 or 3.0 or 3.0 or
Nursing Home per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L. Ht. or B.L.
(W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
Notes: Multilevel basements within the building envelope shall be allowed as specified
in the basement norms. Basements/Stilt floors if used for parking shall not be counted
in FAR. Max.
Plot area for all Hospital/Tertiary Health Care Centre would be worked out @ 80 sq.m.
of gross floor area per bed. However, for other health facilities like Maternity/Nursing
homes, family Welfare and other centres, the plot area would be worked out @ 60
sq.m. of gross floor area per bed.
Maximum up to 300 sq. m. of floor area shall be allowed to be used for community
space / religious shrine / crèche / chemist shop/ bank counter on Hospital sites and also
Medical College/ Nursing and Paramedic institutes sites.
Other Controls:
In case of super specialty medical facilities/hospitals duly certified as such by the BPIA
, the gross area shall be worked out @ up to 125 sq. m. per bed.
In case of existing premises/sites, the enhanced FAR shall be permitted, subject to
payment of charges as may be prescribed by the Authority / land owning agency and
other clearances.


Basement after utilization for Parking; Services Requirements such as air conditioning
plant and equipment, water storage, boiler, electric sub-station,
HT. & LT panel rooms, transformer compartment, control room, pump house,
generator room; staff locker room, staff changing room, staff dining facilities without
kitchen facility, Central sterile supply dept., back end office; Other
Mechanical Services; Installation of Electrical and firefighting equipment’s; and other
services like kitchen, laundry and radiology lab and other essential services required for
the maintenance/functioning of the building may be used for healthcare facilities with
prior approval of the concerned agencies.
Other controls related to basements etc. are given in end of this chapter.
The bed count of a Health Facility may be allowed as per permissible FAR.

Environment clearances shall be made mandatory considering that bio-wastes are

generated. Environment clearances are mandatory as per the prevailing regulations
related to the environment.
Zero discharge for sewerage shall be enforced at the cost of the promoters and post
treatment water can be used by premises for its needs of horticulture, flushing, coolant
tower, washing or disposal to other construction sites. These issues concerned the local
bodies and can be dealt accordingly as per existing regulations as the time of
sanctioning the plan.
The additional power requirements shall be met by power supply from grid and till
such time by means of suitable captive generation.
23. Radio Min. 500 30 100 15 Shall be as 3.0 or B.L. 3.0 or B.L. 3.0 or B.L.
Diagnostic without per Table (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M) (W.E.I.M)
Centre / stilt no. 5 - 2
Microbiologic 18 with
al / stilt
Pathological Note: Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed. Single basement within
Laboratories the building envelope shall be allowed for parking as specified in the basement norms.
Facilities and Amenities
24. Religious Min. 750 35 70 12 Shall be as 3.0 or 3.0 or 3.0 or
Premises (Excludi per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
ng no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
Minars Ht.. Ht.. Ht.
s or
Note: Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed. Single basement within
the building envelope shall be allowed for parking as specified in the basement norms.
25. Police Post Min. 250 35 100 12 Shall be as 3.0 or 3.0 or 3.0 or
per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
Ht. Ht.. Ht.


Note: Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed. Single basement within
the building envelope shall be allowed for parking as specified in the basement norms.

26. Police Station Min. 1000 30 150 26 Shall be as 3.0 or 3.0 or 3.0 or
per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
Ht. Ht. Ht.

Note: Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed. Single basement within
the building envelope shall be allowed for parking as specified in the basement norms.
25 % of the plot area may be used for housing the staff and the regulations of group
housing shall be applicable to the area meant for housing.
27. Post & Min. 250 25 100 Height to Shall be as 3.0 or 3.0 or 3.0 or
Telegraph be per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
Office/Bank regulate no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
d by Fire Ht. Ht. Ht.
Note: Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed. Multi-level basement
within the building envelope shall be allowed for parking as specified in the basement
28. General Min. 500 25 100 Height Shall be as 3.0 or 3.0 or 3.0 or
(Public & to be per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
Semi-Public regulate no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
Premises) d by Fire Ht. Ht. Ht.
Note: Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed. Double basement
within the building envelope shall be allowed for parking as specified in the basement
Other controls:
Up to 25% of maximum FAR can be utilized for residential use of essential staff in fire
Up to 15% of maximum FAR can be utilized for residential use/hostel for essential
staff and student accommodation, in Fire Training Institute/College.
Other controls related to basements etc. are as per regulations.


29. Fire Station Min. 2000 30 120 26 Shall be as 3.0 or 3.0 or 3.0 or
per Table 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
no. 5 - 2 Building Building Building
Ht. Ht. Ht.
Note: Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed. Double basement
within the building envelope shall be allowed for parking as specified in the basement
Other controls:
Up to 25% of maximum FAR can be utilized for residential use of essential staff in fire
Up to 15% of maximum FAR can be utilized for residential use/hostel for essential
staff and student accommodation, in Fire Training Institute/College.
Other controls related to basements etc. are as per regulations.
Non- Residential Premises
30. Hostel Min. 750 30 120 15 Shall be as 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
per Table Building Building Building
no. 5 - 2 Ht. Ht. Ht.
Note: Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed. Single basement within
the building envelope shall be allowed for parking as specified in the basement norms.
31. Guest House, Min. 500 30 120 18 Shall be as 1/3rd of 1/3rd of 1/3rd of
Boarding per Table Building Building Building
House or no. 5 - 2 Ht. Ht. Ht.
Lodging House Note: Stilt floors within the building envelope shall be allowed. Single basement within
the building envelope shall be allowed for parking as specified in the basement norms.

Other Uses
Petrol Pumps:
The general regulations for Petrol Pumps shall be as per guidelines issued by Ministry of Road, Transport
& Highways.
• New petrol pump shall not be located on any road having R/W less than 15 m
32. Filling Station The frontage 10 10 6 Shall be as N N N
& depth of per Table
the plot shall no. 5 - 2
Filling Cum be as per 20 20 6 Shall be as N N N
Service Station guidelines per Table
issued by no. 5 - 2
Compressed Ministry of 20 20 4.5 Shall be as N N N
Natural Gas Road, per Table
(CNG) Mother Transport & no. 5 - 2
Station Highways.

Other Regulations:


Shall be accepted to explosive /Fire Dept. Ground Coverage will exclude canopy area.
Mezzanine if provided will be counted in FAR.

• The height. of stilt should be maximum 3.0 m below soffit of beam.
• In case stilt parking is provided within commercial or PSP building envelope in combination with
ground floor, Height. of Stilt floor in this case shall not be more than 3.0 m. below beam soffit. Relaxation in Floor Area Ratio (FAR)

In case of Building‐units affected by road widening or construction of new road, the owner may
claim FAR from the BPIA as a compensation for the surrendered land. In case of FAR, the BPIA
shall permit the FAR of any such land / plot or Building‐unit on the basis of the original boundary
of the Building Unit. This is subject to conformity with all other requirements mentioned in these
Regulations as per the new boundary. Before securing Development Permission on any such
Building‐units, owner shall have to surrender the affected land which shall be calculated as follows;
Compensation as TDR = Surrendered Land (sqm) x Base F.A.R. x 2 Areas not counted towards computation of FAR
Following areas shall not be counted towards computation of FAR:
1. The area under lift wells, service ducts, machine room for lifts, water tanks, escalator, lift lobby,
fire escapes, ramps and service ducts.
2. Parking areas, parking floors, mechanized parking areas, porch, service floors, podiums.
3. Basement if used for parking
4. Corridors, arcades, lobbies, mumty, staircases, entrance lobbies or foyers, atrium which is not
used for commercial activity, pump room and two watchmen hut each not exceeding 6 sq. ms.
5. Provided that in commercial use premises, the area of foyer(s) or entrance lobby(s)located on the
ground floor which exceeds 20% of permissible ground coverage shall be counted in the FAR.
1. In cases where building proposal approved prior to these Regulations are proposed to avail the
balance development rights not exceeding the Total permissible FAR as per these regulations
shall be permitted by utilizing the TDR and by payment of Premium.
2. In case of land parcels affected by the road widening or land acquisition for public purpose uses,
the owner shall have right. to use TDR provided in form of compensation as an additional F.A.R.
of the surrendered land, on the same land/building parcel or shall be allowed to sell the F.A.R. as
per TDR policy.
3. In case if TDR is not available through private owner then plot owner will have an option to avail
additional FAR.
4. Road Side Setback in a Land-Parcel shall be regulated by the Road width it abuts.
5. For Redevelopment parcels, sides & Rear Setbacks shall be minimum of 6m or 1/3rd of the
abutting building height. whichever is more.
6. For Land-Parcel with two or more abutting roads, the Road-side Setback/setback as per the
building line shall be applicable on all such abutting sides. This Regulation shall be applicable
for all Land-Parcels or as mentioned in Master Plans/Zonal Development Plans.

JAMMU & KASHMIR UNIFIED BUILDING BYE-LAWS -2021 Permissible Uses in Setbacks

1. Residential Zone
a. Ancillary uses such as Car Porch shall be permitted as a part of the permissible FAR as
already given of the Building Unit, in side or rear Setback but in no case in Road-side
Setbacks; with maximum permissible ground coverage of 17 sq. m and maximum
permissible height. of 3.0 m.
b. Open, cantilever staircase with maximum width of 1.00 m and landing space of maximum
2.00 Sq. m at floor level shall be permitted in side or rear Setbacks except on road side
c. Doors, windows or projections shall not be permitted along the common wall of the adjoining
d. No rainwater from the roof shall be drained in the adjoining property.
e. Partition wall shall be allowed along the Building Unit boundary on common boundary of
semi-detached building and on Setback between two structures up to a maximum height. of
2. For Residential Zone Building Uses: Underground water tank, percolation well, bore well and
pump room with a maximum size of 2ms X 2ms and with a maximum depth of 2ms.
3. Vehicular Ramp connecting ground level with basement level shall be permitted in side and/ or
rear Setback only.
4. For a building-unit using Setback for providing electrical infrastructure such as substation,
underground water tanks shall be allowed on only one Setback side except Road-side Setback.
The other Setbacks shall be kept clear and accessible at ground level.
5. Electrical Infrastructure: Electrical Sub-station, Transformer room, Box-type transformer,
Section Feeder Pillar, Auxiliary Power Back-up System and m room according to the norms of
the Competent Electric Company shall be permitted in Setback except Road-side Setback of the
Building-unit. The area of such construction shall not be counted towards FAR.
6. Fire Escape Open Staircase for Building with height. more than 30ms: Fire Escape Staircase
required shall be permitted in Setback except road-side Setback and subject to free movement of
fire tender.
7. Pedestrian Ramp shall be permissible in Setback at Ground Floor Level only.
8. Parking shall be permitted in Setbacks except in Approach Road.
9. In any Setback open space, weather sheds, sun breakers horizontal or vertical projections shall
be permitted up to 0.60 m. These projections may also be part of the facade articulation at various
levels, but shall in no cases be at the floor level such that they become a part of the habitable
space. Such projections shall be allowed above a minimum height of 2.4ms from the ground
level. Restricted Use in Setbacks
1. The required Setback open spaces except permissible uses as per Regulation shall be kept
permanently open to sky.
2. This space shall not be used for stocking materials or loose articles for the purpose of trade or
otherwise, putting up fixed or movable platforms.
3. Parking shall not be allowed in the Setback provided as approach road.


4. Vehicular ramp leading to parking in floors above ground level shall not be permitted in the
5. Pedestrian ramps connecting ground floor with upper floors shall not be permitted in the
Setbacks. General Basement Requirements
In a Building-unit, the Basement shall be permitted on the following conditions:
A. Setbacks
1. Basement shall be permitted on plot abutting Minimum Road width 12 m or above and coverage
up to Building Envelop only.
2. Basement shall be permitted on plot having minimum plot width 18 m or more.
3. Basement shall be permitted in the building envelop only.
B. Height. of Basement
1. Maximum Height of the Basement below soffit of beam shall be 3.0m.
2. Height of first basement above ground level will be maximum 1.5 m below the roof slab. Where
stilt or podium parking is permitted, the first basement roof will be levelled with the ground.
C. Permissible Uses in Basement
1. Permitted uses in Basement are parking, safe deposit vault, A.C. Plant, storage other than
inflammable material, Sewage Treatment Plant.
2. No habitable use shall be permitted in the basement.
3. Permitted uses in Basement of a Hospital Building: Radiation-producing device, Radiation
Therapy Room, MRI or X-Ray room. This shall be permissible only if the basement layout in not
shown as parking for approval.
4. For basements exclusively for parking, any other permissible use is permitted only in basement
level-1 up to a maximum area of 10% of the total built-up- area of the basement floor. This non-
parking area shall be calculated towards the computation of FAR.

5.2.2 Parking Private Parking (On the plot) General Requirements for Parking
1. Parking requirement for a Mixed-Use development shall be calculated on pro rata basis of the
FAR consumed specific to the different uses.
2. Parking is permitted at any floor level above ground and at more levels or basement as per
required parking, with provision of vehicular ramp/mechanized means/car lifts.
3. Parking area includes parking space, driveway and aisles but excludes approach road, vehicular
lift and vehicular ramps.
4. Parking layouts with minimum size requirements for parking space, driveways and access lanes
shall be provided as mentioned ahead.
5. Parking shall be permitted in side or rear Setbacks except in Approach Road as per Regulation
6. Parking area should be retained as effective parking space and shall be maintained with light and
ventilation system if provided in an enclosed area.
7. In cases where misuse of parking space is noticed, the use of the entire building shall be


discontinued by the BPIA. Building use shall be permitted only after the required parking spaces
are provided. High penalty shall be levied considering the period of misuse of the parking space
and the benefit derived out of misuse as decided by the BPIA from time to time.
8. If parking is provided on a terrace with vehicular elevator, vehicular ramp is not necessary if
parking space is provided with provision of floor sprinklers.
9. Parking shall not be permitted within an Atrium.
10.At the time of approval an agreement /affidavit regarding the areas in basement/stilts/open shown
for parking shall be furnished by the applicant to the concerned authority mentioning that
aforesaid part (parking) shall not be sold to anybody and it shall remain for parking only, this
area shall remain in joint possession of the occupants of the building. In case of violation
concerned authority will be authorized to demolish any such construction with or without prior
notice. General Space Requirement for Parking
1. Location
The parking spaces can be provided in basement or on a floor supported by stilts or on upper
floors/podium and uncovered spaces in a plot. However, no parking spaces will be permitted in
the Setback open spaces as required to be provided as per Regulation No. &
2. The deck parking inclusive of car lifts & passages shall be counted in FAR.
3. Area of Parking Space: The area of parking spaces shall be provided as given below:
Table No. 5 - 5 Parking requirements
S. use Parking requirement
1 Residential
Residential (R1) for Plots more Minimum Parking requirement for individual plotted
than 50 sq.m. housing shall be calculated @ 0.25 ECS for every 40
Sqm of built-up area.

Group Housing • Up to 50 Sqm / EWS 0.25 ECS

• Above 50 Sqm to less than 100 Sqm 0.5 ECS
• From 100 Sqm up to 120 Sqm 1.0 ECS
• Above 120 Sqm up to 180 Sqm 1.5 ECS
• Above 180 Sqm 2.0 ECS
2 Commercial
Single Shop • 2.0 ECS/100 Sq. m F.A. (if F.A. exceeds 50 sq.m)

Shopping Cluster • 2.0 ECS/100 Sq. m F.A.

Commercial Complex • 2.0 ECS/100 Sq. m F.A. up to plot area 4000 Sq. m
• 2.5 ECS/100 Sq. m F.A. above 4000 Sq. m plot area


Cinema/Cineplex • 1 ECS for 3 seats of Cinema

• 2 ECS/100 Sq. m F.A. for other uses incidental to
Hotel • 1 ECS for 3 Guest Rooms
• 2 ECS/100 Sq. m F.A. for other uses incidental to Hotel
• For Conference halls/Party Halls/Bars/Restaurant
(excluding entrance Hotel lobby/Atrium) min. parking @
1.5ECS/10 Sq. m shall be provided.
Mall/Multiplexes • 1 ECS for 3 seats of Cinema
• 2 ECS/100 Sq. m for additional area under uses incidental
to Malls / Multiplexes
• For Party Halls min. parking @1.5ECS for 10 Sq. m shall
be provided.
Banquet Hall/Community For plots min. 6000 Sq. m up to less than 10000 Sq. m
Centre/Janjghar • Min. 150 ECS up to 1000 Sq. m of built-up area.
• For more than 1000 Sq. m an additional parking @ 1.5
ECS/10 Sq. m shall be provided.
For plots above 10000 Sq. m
• In addition to above category, an additional parking @
6ECS/500 Sq. m plot area shall be provided.
Restaurant/Fast Food Bar 1.0 ECS for every 3 seats
3. Public-Semi-public/Institutional Use
Offices: General/ Government • 2.0 ECS/100 Sq. m F.A.
Offices/ Integrated Office Complex
4. Education
Primary / Middle/ Secondary & • For the Administrative & public Area of the School 1.5
Hr. Sec. schools ECS per 100 Sq. m built-up area or part thereof.
• For Every3 Class Room - 1 LCV

College/Research Centre • For the Administrative & public Area of the School 1.5
ECS per 100 Sq. m built-up area or part thereof.
• For Every 3 Class Room - 1 LCV & 1 ECS
Coaching Classes For every 20 Student - 1 ECS
5. Hospitals / Health Centre / • 2.0 ECS/100 Sq. m F.A.
Nursing Home / Radio Diagnostic
Centre / Microbiological /
6. Religious Premises • 1 ECS/100 Sq. m F.A.


7 Post/ Police Station/ Fire • 2.0 ECS/100 Sq. m F.A.
7 Post & Telegram Office/
. General Public-Semi-
public premises
8 Hostel • 1.5 ECS/100 Sq. m F.A.
9 Guest House, Boarding House & • 2.0 ECS/100 Sq. m F.A.
. Lodging House
ECS value shall be taken as:
S. No On Ground Basement Stilts Mechanized Rotating
1 18.0 Sq. m/ECS 28.0 Sq. m/ECS 23.0 Sq. 16.0 Sq. m 5.0 Sq. m

• For Four-wheeler
1. Basement parking shall be permitted on plot abutting Minimum Road width 12 m or above.
2. Basement parking shall be permitted on plot having minimum plot width 18m or more &
minimum plot depth 20 m or more.
3. Side & Rear Setbacks for Basement parking shall be as per Regulation,
4. Minimum driveway 4.5 m for one-way circulation, 6m for two-way circulation.
5. Minimum Four-wheeler bay size shall be 2.5 m x 5 m.
6. The height of basements from floor to ceiling shall be as per Regulation no. ramp
within setbacks shall be permissible subject to free and convenient movement of fire tender.
7. Adequate fire safety, light and ventilation and air change through mechanical means shall be
8. Permissible uses in basements shall be as per Regulation no.
9. Basement parking can also be Mechanized instead of conventional ramps.
10.Combination of two-wheeler & four-wheeler vehicle parking Shall be allowed. Common Parking Space

If the total parking space as required by these Regulations is provided by a group of property owners
for their mutual benefit within a distance 500 m from their property, such common use of space for
parking may be construed as meeting the off-street parking requirements under these Regulations
subject to the approval of the concerned area authority. If such common parking space is proposed
for a group of buildings, the owners of such buildings shall submit a layout thereof and also a
registered undertaking stating that the area earmarked for the parking space will not be built upon
and will be utilized for parking purpose only. Parking for Non-Motorized Vehicular Zone (NMV Zones)
For NMV Zones required parking space shall be provided as per Regulation no. in the
premises itself. If the required parking space cannot be provided, then plot owners can pay parking
facility charges as per Regulation no.

5.2.3 Premium/Charges for Mixed-use, Commercial-Use, Additional F.A.R. &

Parking in Respective Zones


Table No. 5 – 6 Premium/ Charges

Particulars R M C PSP
Value Capture Fund Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable
Mixed-Use (annually) (as Applicable N.A. N.A. N.A.
per regulation no.
Commercial-Use N.A. Applicable Applicable N.A.
(onetime) (as per
regulation no.
Additional F.A.R. (one- N.A. Applicable Applicable Applicable
time) (as per regulation no.

Parking Charges (one- Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable

time) (as per regulation no.
Amalgamation Charges Applicable Applicable Applicable Applicable
(one-time) (as per
regulation no.

5.2.4 Value Capture Finance

Following are the Value Capture Finance Methods & Regulations respectively. Value Capture Fund
1. Value Capture Fund is applicable on Influence Zone. Influence Zone will be 60m on either side
of RoW developed for public transport system and the roads must be with RoW 18m and above.
2. For the properties abutting to the road as prescribed above, the Value Capture Fund should be
at the rate of 3% on Stamp Duty Rate.
3. For the properties which are not abutting the road and backside of the road facing properties,
the fees shall be at the rate of 1.5% on Stamp Duty Rate.
4. The above fees shall be charged at the time of building permission by Implementing Agency. Commercial Use Charges
1. These are the charges for the Commercial use, shall be taken as premium on FAR and shall be
payable once.
2. These charges shall be applicable for M Zone & C Zone.
3. Commercial use charges will be calculated as
4. Total payable Fee = (Plot/Land area) x (Consumed FAR) x (land value, Prevailing collector
rate) x 0.03 Premium on additional FAR.
1. These are the charges for additional Floor Area Ratio (FAR) and shall be payable once.
2. These charges shall be applicable for R-C zone, C zone, PSP Zone.


3. The additional FAR permitted shall not exceed the FAR as permitted.
4. An application for availing additional floor area ratio (FAR) shall be made to the BPIA . Such
application shall be accompanied by the requisite documents and a fee of Rs 5000. The BPIA
after examination the application may allow additional floor area ratio to the applicant to the
extent permitted in rule hereinabove.
5. The application for grant of additional FAR shall be considered only in case the plot in questions
is a part of a layout plan duly approved by the BPIA.
6. Premium on Additional FAR will be calculated as follows:
7. = (Purchased Additional FAR in Sqm.) x (25% of the prevailing Stamp Duty Rate)
8. The Sale/Purchase of Transfer of development rights shall be as per the Govt. Policy &
9. After purchase of additional FAR, Authority will issue the certificate of extra FAR purchased
from the Authority. Only after getting the certificate, the property owner will get the building
permission for additional FAR. Premium on Mixed use.
1. These are the charges for the Mixed use (non-residential use) in the residential use if allowed in
Master Plan and shall be payable annually.
2. These charges shall be applicable for R Zone.
3. Premium on Mixed Use will be calculated as follows:
4. Total payable amount: (Prevailing Stamp Duty Rate (per Sqm) x 0.01 x (Total Area used as non-
5. As per the mixed-use policy, use of non-residential activity in residential building shall pay the
above prescribed charges before building permission. These charges shall be paid before
building permission.
6. Any mixed use which is in exitance in residential area, the owner shall get the revised approval
from BPIA within 2 years from the date of notification of these regulations. If the owner fails
to get the revised permission then, owner will be penalized 5 times the additional charges for
the mixed use for the period after the date of notification.
7. These mixed-use charges which will be deposited with the ULB, the particular amount will be
used for infrastructure development and parking development.
8. The ULB has a right to inspect, penalize the properties which are under mixed use category. Premium on Parking
These charges shall be applicable for R Zone, M zone, C zone, PSP Zone.
If required parking space cannot be provided due to plot size constraints, then plot owners can pay
parking facility charges as follow:
Parking Charges = (Prevailing Stamp Duty Rate) x 25% x (Total Required Parking Area) Premium on Plot amalgamation (Subject to Policy)
These charges shall be applicable for R-Zone, M zone, C zone, PSP Zone.
Plot amalgamation charges will be calculated as
1. For R- Zone Premium = (Total amalgamated land in Sqm) x Rs 100
2. For M-Zone & C-Zone Premium = (Total amalgamated land in Sqm) x Rs 200
3. For PSP-Zone Premium = (Total amalgamated land in Sqm) x Rs 50

JAMMU & KASHMIR UNIFIED BUILDING BYE-LAWS -2021 Design consideration for Streets

1. Provision of Footpaths on all streets, except on traffic calmed small streets.
2. Footpath shall be continuous unobstructed & minimum width shall be as per figure below.
3. Provision of Bus Stops (Shall not create hindrance for pedestrians) & Safe pedestrian crossings
near Bus stops.
4. Provision of unobstructed Street Furniture’s
5. Litter/Trash bin.
6. Informatory & cautionary signages (as per IRC guidelines)
7. Space for Public toilet (unobstructed)
8. All the Underground utilities for e.g.: storm water drainage, sewerage lines, water pipe line,
telecom line etc. shall be as per section proposed in the annexure.
9. Road markings (as per IRC guidelines).
Note: Refer & follow Street Design as per IRC guidelines for detail design regulations.

5.2.5 Regulations for Environmentally Conservation Green Zone (CG)

1. It is an environmentally conserved land-use where no building construction is permitted.
2. Development activities within this zone shall confirm to the regulations given here under;
a. The green buffer along the Nallas/ Rivers or the open space along the River/tributary shall
be minimum 30 m from the highest water level or as provided in the master plan/zonal
development plan or as provided under water regulatory act, whichever is more.
b. Development of road/mechanized parking/off-street parking shall be permissible in this zone
by the BPIA.
c. Plantation and sit outs, shall be permissible within this zone by the BPIA.
d. Development permissions for Recreational activities or sightseeing areas shall be given in
these regulations within this zone by the BPIA.
e. Structures of historical/heritage importance in this zone shall be preserved. Any restoration
works needed to be carried out shall be encouraged with the permission of the BPIA.
f. Existing building coming within this zone shall not allowed to add any additional coverage
or F.A.R.

5.2.6 Regulations for Redevelopment Parcels

The following regulations are applicable for the Redevelopment land parcels. Permissible Uses Permissible Uses for Redevelopment area lying in dominant zone
Permissible uses & Non-Permissible uses shall be as per the dominant zone on which the
Redevelopment parcel lies and shall be as per Regulations no. 5.1.3 above.
1. The percentage of permissible uses allowed on Total Built-up area of Redevelopment Parcel
shall be as per Table below;


Table No. 5 - 7 Permissible uses of a Redevelopment Parcel lying on specified predominant land-use
S.No. Permissible Use Percentage of Permissible uses on Total Built-up area of
Redevelopment Parcel
If, it lies in Predominantly If, it lies in Predominantly
Residential zone Commercial zone
1. Residential 70 % 40%
2. Commercial 20% 50%
3. PSP 10% 10%

1. Area under PSP may be accommodated in Residential or Commercial as per
requirement. Permissible Uses by Road width
The Minimum width of the abutting road shall not be less than 15 M for redevelopment parcels. Development of Land
1. Minimum area of the land/plot for redevelopment shall be 0.2 Hectare, plot may be owned by
an individual/ society or pooled of different owners or by govt. body.
2. Aforesaid plot/land for Redevelopment, must have planning permission in which the city level
circulation is coordinated, essential provisions for sector/sub sector level amenities, facilities,
utilities and services and provision for informal sector shall be ensured.
3. Development of Redevelopment parcels shall be permissible only if, minimum Plot width/Land
Frontage is 30 m on the abutting road with minimum width of not less than 18 m.
Provision for economically weaker section shall be incorporated in the Redevelopment Layouts as
per JK Housing Policy 2020 or the policy of the Govt. laid down from time to time. Permissible Floor Area Ratio (FAR) For Redevelopment Parcels
1. The base FAR for Redevelopment parcel shall be as per &
2. Additional FAR purchasable shall be as permitted by Government.
3. Area covered by Atrium and mezzanine floors shall be counted towards computation of FAR. Building Height for Redevelopment Parcels
The Maximum Permissible Building Height shall be as per provisions of Regulation no. & and regulated according to the width of the road on which it abuts as mentioned in the above-
mentioned regulation. Setbacks for Redevelopment Parcels Road Side Setbacks for Redevelopment Parcels
The Setbacks for any building development shall be as per Regulation no. &
whichever implies. Minimum Setback between Buildings
1. Minimum distance between two buildings shall be 1/3rd the height of taller building.


2. If two buildings next to each other have different heights, required Setback for taller building
shall be applicable. For example- if one building is of 25ms and the adjacent building is of 45ms
in height, the minimum Setback between these two buildings shall be 15.0ms. Permissible Ground Coverage
1. The maximum permissible ground coverage shall be 50%.
2. Minimum Common Open Space of 10% shall be provided and no edge of such open space shall
be less than 7.5m. Parking
1. The parking norms for Redevelopment parcels shall be as per Regulation no.
2. Provision of individual parking shall be compulsorily provided for every redevelopment land

5.2.7 Regulations for Urban Heritage Area Applicability
These Regulations will apply to those buildings, artefacts, structures and/or precincts of historical
and/or aesthetical and/or architectural and/or cultural value. Restriction on Development/Redevelopment/Repairs, Etc.
1. No development or redevelopment or engineering operations or additions, alterations, repairs,
renovation including the painting of buildings, replacement of special features or demolition of
the whole or any part thereof or plastering of listed / heritage buildings or listed Heritage
precincts shall be allowed except with the prior written permission of the BPIA in consultation
with the Heritage Conservation Committee to be appointed by Government. The BPIA may
overrule the recommendations of the said Heritage Conservation committee by recording
reasons in writing.
2. In relation to religious buildings, the changes, repairs, additions, alterations and renovations
required on religious grounds mentioned in sacred texts or as a part of holy practices laid down
in religious codes shall be treated as permissible, subject to their being in accordance and
consonance with the original structure and architecture designs, aesthetics and other special
features thereof. Provided that before arriving at his decision, the BPIA may take in to
consideration the recommendations of the Heritage Conservation Committee.
3. Identified and listed heritage building even under private ownership will not be allowed to be
demolished. Power to Alter, Modify the List of Heritage Buildings and Heritage Precincts
The list of buildings, artefacts, structures and precincts of Historical, and/or aesthetical and/or
architectural and/or cultural value to which this Regulations applies may be supplemented, altered,
deleted or modified from time to time by Government on receipt of proposals from the BPIA or by
the Government. Grant of Transferable Development Rights in Case of Loss of Development Rights
If any applications for development is refused under this Regulations and conditions are imposed
while permitting such development which deprive the owner/lessee of any unconsumed
development rights, the said owner/lessee shall be compensated by grant of Development Right.
Certificate in terms of TDR as per TDR policy. The extent of TDR permissible will be difference
between the permissible development rights on the plot and the consumed BUA of the heritage


structure. The grant of TDR shall be subject to a contract between the owner/lessee and concerned
authority/development authority, binding the owner/ lessee to conserve the heritage building in a
prescribed manner. Grading of The Listed Buildings/ Listed Precincts
The list of Heritage Building, Heritage precincts, "Grades" such as “I”, or “II” will be formulated.
The meaning of these Grades and basic guidelines for development permissions are as follows:
Table No. 5 - 8 Grading of the Listed Buildings/ Listed Precincts

S.No. Grade - I Grade - II

1. Scope - Heritage Grade-I comprises building/ Heritage Grade-II Comprises of buildings and
precincts, of regional or local importance, precinctsof
possessing special architectural or aesthetical importance for town scape, they evoke
merit or cultural or historical value, though of architectural aesthetic or sociological interest
a lower order. They are local landmarks though not as much as in Heritage Grade- I.
contributing to the image and identity of the These contribute to determine the character of
city. They may be the work of master the locality, and can be representative of a life
craftsmen or may be models of proportion and style of a particular community or region and
ornamentation, or designed to suit particular may also be distinguished by setting of a street-
climate within the premises of Heritage line or special character of the facade and
Grade-I buildings (open space/compound) of uniformity of height, width and scale.
which independent/separate additional
building(s)/structure(s) may be permitted to be
constructed, owing to the availability of
adequate surrounding open space and
unconsumed F.A.R., will be assigned as
Grade-IB. The remaining Grade -I buildings
will be assigned Grade- IA.
2. Objective - Heritage Grade-I deserves Heritage Grade II - Deserves protection of
intelligent conservation. unique features and attributes.

3. Scope for development – Grade-IA: External and internal changes and adaptive
In addition to the scope for development reuse would generally be allowed. Changes
permissible for Grade- I, internal changes, and can include extensions / additional buildings in
adaptive reuse may be generally allowed. In the same plot or compound provided that
certain circumstances, extension of a Grade- extension / additional building is in harmony
IA heritage building may also be allowed; with and does not detract from the existing
provided that such extension shall be in heritage building / precincts especially in terms
harmony with (and shalt not detract from) the of height and/or facade. Reconstruction may
Grade-IA heritage building concerned or be allowed when the building is structurally
precinct, especially in terms of height and/or weak or unsafe or when it has been affected by
facade. External changes too may be accidental fire or any other calamity or if
permitted, subject to strict scrutiny. Care reconstruction is required to consume the
should be taken to ensure the conservation of permissible F.A.R. and no option other than
reconstruction is available.


all special aspects/features of Grade-IA Reconstruction may also be allowed in case of

building concerned. those buildings which attracts the provisions of
Grade-IB: Reconstruction may be allowed in those
In addition to above, additional building(s) in buildings being repaired/ reconstructed by
the same plot or compound may, in certain Development Authority. However, unless
circumstances, be allowed; provided that, such absolutely essential nothing should spoil or
additional building(s) shall be in harmony with destroy any special features or attributes for
(and shall not detract from) the Grade-IA which It is placed in the Heritage List.
heritage building(s) or precinct, especially in
terms of height and/or facade and such
buildings shall be termed as Grade- IB heritage
4. Procedure: Development permission would be given by
Development permission would be given by the concerned authority in consonance with
the Concerned Development Authority in guidelines to be laid down by Government in
consultation with Heritage Conservation consultation with Heritage Conservation
Committee. Committee.

5. Vistas / Surrounding Development- All the

development in the areas surrounding Heritage
Grade - I shall be regulated and controlled,
ensuring that it does not overshadow the
grandeur of or views from Heritage Grade-I.

5.2.8 Urban Design Regulations Corner Articulation:
Buildings located at the corner of intersection/ T- intersection plays an important role for Heritage
Precinct Area as well as for the entire Planning area. Hence such Buildings shall have to provide a
chamfer of 3m or rounded corner with 3m radius


Figure 72 Corner articulation Mandatory Building Line
All developments on the streets shall follow existing dominant front setback as suggested in this
General Note
Table 5-9
Plinth Level (Ground Floor Finish Level) Consistent 300 mm from centre of Road Line
Public Walkway Level 150mm from centre of Road Line
Signage Height / Shopfront Glass Height To be Consistent 3.0m high from Walkway Level
with Clear Shop Front Glass Height of 2.7m

Min. Ground Floor Clear Height 3.0m (Clear from Bottom of Slab to Walkway Top
of Finish)
1. Continuity of Street-Wall: All buildings to align with adjacent building including Ground Floor
2. Awning Projection: All Shopfronts to provide 1.5m wide retractable Awning of approved Design &
Color to be fixed @ 3.2m from Road Level
3. Signage: Signage should not be more than 300mm thick. Signage Color for every Street shall be as
per Advertisement Guidelines as notified by concerned development authority.
4. No Projection is allowed in Right of Way Line / Setback Line, in case there’s requirement of Balcony
that should be designed as a concealed / covered balcony within the setback limits.
5. Steps/ramps for approaching plinth shall not be allowed in the front MOS. Mandatory Facade guidelines

After detail DPR for facade design guidelines for individual street, owner shall mandatory follow
the same.

JAMMU & KASHMIR UNIFIED BUILDING BYE-LAWS -2021 Extensions to Existing Buildings

The proposed extension should be developed with due consideration its appearance and effect on
the street scene, its impact on the amenities of neighbouring buildings. The proposed extensions
should conform to Urban Design Guidelines for respective Street.
In addition to the Urban Design Guideline for Particular Street, the Proposed Extension to existing
building should follow additional guidelines as listed below relating to the size and design of
extensions, and the circumstances where extensions are generally acceptable, are intended to act as
a guide for building owners. The design and layout of extensions should reflect the design and
proportions of the original building particularly for building with Traditional Features and building
older than 15 years, for example: -
• Doors and windows should reflect the size, style and sill/lintel of the original.
• Materials should match or be in harmony with those of the original building.
• If the original building had a pitched roof, proposed extension / alteration should also have
similar roof form.
• Where an existing building is adjoining a road on two sides, i.e., a corner plot, the extension
should incorporate sufficient space for turning radius of vehicles as defined by Guideline. Advertisements / Signage
• All Advertisement & Signage to be installed in Urban Design Control Area would require
permission from concerned Planning Authority unless specific exemption is provided in
Guidelines. The following criteria will be applied to all advertisements requiring planning
• Advertisement / Signage hoardings and free-standing signs will not be allowed, except where
they are installed on a temporary basis, to screen vacant, untidy or under-construction sites.
• Advertisements / Signage on building should be of a scale and design which relate to the style
of the premises on which they are to be displayed. Illuminated fascia signs should be no deeper
than 300mm. The illumination of individual letters is preferable to the illumination of the whole
• Advertisements / Signage on side walls and at first floor level will not be allowed.
• Projecting signs shall not be allowed except in certain specific cases which would too should be
restricted one sign per building and should not project more than 750 mm (including brackets).
On illuminated signs, the letters only should be illuminated. Such Projecting Signs should be
3.5m above Road Level.
• Signs and advertisements on shop fronts will normally be restricted to ground floor front wall
area in the space provided in the Urban Design Guidelines. New Shopfronts / Renovated Building
• New shopfronts / Renovated Buildings should respect the scale and design of the premises in
which they are installed.
• New shopfronts / Renovated Buildings should not involve the removal or alteration of features
which are of historical or architectural interest.
• Existing windows should not be enlarged above ground floor level, nor should Ground Floor
Façade theme extend above the level of the first-floor window sills.
• New Façade should not link multiple building units which are individual and distinct.


• In Commercial areas, where owner requires a roller shutter then a roller grille should be
provided in preference to a solid roller shutter. The roller box housing should be concealed
where possible. Also, wherever possible Shutter should be on the inside shopfront / shop face
such that Shopfront is visually accessible during closed hours. Buildings in Heritage Zone
• The Authority expects the design of shopfronts and the fronts of commercial premises, to be of
a high standard in Heritage Zone.
• Materials used should be in keeping with the character of the building.
• Where a commercial Corporate Style is required it should be adapted to particular building’s
existing theme.
• Stall risers should be retained or replaced where they have previously been removed, as they
provide a visual base to the shopfront. Stall riser can also act as Public Seating along Vehicular
Street and should be encouraged. Advertisements in Heritage Zone
• Advertisements within Heritage Zone should be designed so that they are in keeping with the
character of the building and the area as a whole.
• Where illuminated advertisements should not be internally illuminated but externally lit by
spotlight Individually illuminated letters may be acceptable.
• Large / Modern illuminated signs and illuminated projecting signs on listed buildings / Heritage
Street shall not be allowed. Advertisements should be of a size, design and of materials that
complement the character of the building / street. Street Specific Guidelines
• Every street has its distinct character by its economic and cultural value, it should be reflected
by its design guidelines like:
• Some of the buildings with the distinct architecture style should be preserved as it is with some
modification in colour and design if required.
• Colour and design elements on building facade along with signage colours should be inspired
by local heritage building in vicinity which will provide the street its legibility.
• Design and colour of all the street and urban elements like railing, street light poles, urban
signage, benches, etc. should be inspired from local heritage.
• Building colour and paving on the road should respond to each other.



6.1 Main Building
The plinth of any part of a building or house shall be located with respect to average road level of
site so that adequate drainage of the site is assured but not at a height less than 45 cm.
(a) Habitable rooms shall have minimum plinth height of 0.45 m from the ground level.
(b) Parking garage may have no plinth.
(c) The ground floor of a building may be permitted on stills / pillars instead of a solid plinth with
a height of 2.4m. In case of slabs with beams height should not exceed 2.8m. and further that
this space shall at all the time be kept free from any enclosure except for genuine stair-case.
Provided further that an electric m room, room for telephone D.B: bath-room, watch room,
stair case room, pump room, water closet, servant room, security cabin may be permitted
subject to maximum built up area of 15 Sq.m. allowed with a minimum plinth height of 30 cm
and this area shall not be considered towards computation of FAR
6.2 Interior courtyards, covered parking spaces and garages.
These shall be raised at least 15cm above the surrounding ground level and shall satisfactorily
6.3 Habitable room size and width
The minimum size and width shall be as given NBC-2016
6.4 Non –residential Buildings
The minimum area for office / room / shop or any other space to be used as workspace shall not be
less than 6.0 sq. m. with a minimum width of 2.1 m.
6.5 Kitchen
Any room to be used as kitchen shall have:
(a) Unless separately provided in pantry, means for washing of kitchen utensils, which shall lead
directly or through a sink to a grated and trapped – connection to the waste pipe;
(b) An impermeable floor;
(c) At least a window not less than 1 Sq.m in area open directly to an interior or exterior open
space, but not into a shaft and;
(d) In residential building 15 m. or more in height refuse chutes.
6.6 Bathroom and W.C.
Every bathroom or water closet shall:
(a) Be so situated that at least one of its walls open to external air and shall have a minimum
opening in the form of window or ventilation to the extent of 0.37 sq. m.
(b) Not to be directly over any room other than another latrine, washing place, bath or terrace
unless it has a watertight floor.
(c) Have the platform or seat made of watertight non-absorbent material.
(d) Be enclosed by walls or partitions and the surface of every such wall partition shall be finished
with a smooth impervious material to a height of not less than 1.0m. above the floor of such a


(e) Be provided with an impervious floor covering, sloping towards the drain with a suitable grade
and not towards Verandah or any other place.
(f) Have a window or ventilator, opening to a shaft or open space, of area not less than 0.3Sq.m.
with side not less than 0.3 m.
(g) No room containing water closets shall be used for any purpose except as a lavatory.
(h) Every water closed and / or a set of urinals shall have flushing cistern of adequate capacity
attached to it.
(i) A toilet on terrace having a maximum of 2.2 m height shall be permitted to condition that the
area of toilet be counted in FAR.
(j) All the sewerage outlets shall be connected to the Municipal Sewerage system. Where no such
system exists, a septic tank shall be provided within the plot conforming to the requirements.
6.7 Mezzanine floor
6.7.1 Height
It shall have a minimum height of 2.2 M.
6.7.2 Size
The minimum size of the mezzanine floor if it is to be used as a living room shall not be less than
9.5 Sq.m. The aggregate area of such mezzanine floor in a building shall in no case exceed one-
third the plinth area of the building.
6.7.3 Other Requirements
A mezzanine floor may be permitted over a room or a compartment, provided,
(a) it conforms to the standard of living rooms as regards lighting and ventilation in case the size
of mezzanine floor is 9.5 Sq.m. or more.
(b) It is so constructed as not to interfere under any circumstances with the ventilation of the
space over and under it;
(c) Such mezzanine floor is not subdivided into smaller compartments.
(d) Such mezzanine floor or any part of it shall not be used as a kitchen; and
(e) In no case shall a mezzanine floor be closed so as to make it liable to be converted into
unventilated compartments.
6.8 Corner site
When the site fronts on two streets, the frontage would be as on the street having larger width. In cases,
where the two streets are of same width, then the larger depth of the site will decide the frontage and
open spaces. In such case the location of a garages (on a corner plot) if provided within the open
spaces shall be located diagonally opposite the point of inter section.
6.9 Damp site
Wherever the dampness of a site or the nature of the soil renders such precautions necessary, the
ground surface of the site between the walls of any building erected thereon shall be rendered damp
proof to the satisfaction of the authority.
6.10 Distance from electric line
An overhead line shall not cross an existing building as far as possible and no building shall be
constructed under an existing overhead line. No accessible point from any Verandah, balcony, or the
like shall be allowed to be erected or re-erected or any additions or alterations made toa building not


having the following minimum clearances from an overhead electric supply line, in accordance with
the current Central Electricity Authority (Measures Relating to Safety and Electric Supply)
Regulations2010 as amended from time to time:
(a) Clearance of buildings from lines of voltages and service lines not exceeding 650V
(i) An overhead line shall not cross over an existing building as far as possible and no
building shall be constructed under an existing overhead line.
(ii) Where an overhead line of voltage not exceeding 650 V passes above or adjacent to or
terminates on any building, the following minimum clearances from any accessible
point, on the basis of maximum sag, shall be observed:
(iii) For any Flat Roof, Open Balcony, Verandah roof and Lean-to-roof:
• Where the line passes above the building, a vertical clearance of2.5mfromhe highest
point, and
• When the line passes adjacent to the building, a horizontal clearance of 1.2 m from the
nearest point, and
(iv) For pitched roof:
• Where the line passes above the building, a vertical clearance of 2.5 m immediately
under the line, and
• When the line passes adjacent to the building, a horizontal clearance of 1.2 m.
(v) The horizontal clearance shall be measured when the line is at a maximum deflection
from the vertical due to wind pressure.
(vi) Any conductor so situated as to have a clearance less than that specified above shall be
adequately insulated and shall be attached at suitable intervals to a bare earthed bearer
wire having a breaking strength of not less than 350 kg.
(b) Clearances front buildings of lines of voltages exceeding 650 V.
(i) An overhead line shall not cross over an existing building as far as possible and no
building shall be constructed under an existing overhead line.
(ii) Where an overhead line of voltage exceeding650 V passes above or adjacent to any
building or part of a building, it shall have on the basis of maximum saga vertical
clearance above the highest part of the building immediately under such line, of not less
For lines of voltages exceeding650V 3.7 m up to and including 33 kV; and
For lines of voltages exceeding 33 KV 3.7 m plus 0.30 m for every additional33
kV or part thereof.
(iii) The horizontal clearance between the nearest conductor and any part of such building
shall, on the basis of maximum deflection due to wind pressure, be not less than:
For lines of Voltages exceeding 650 V : 1.2 m
and up to and including 11 k
For lines of voltages exceeding 11 kV 2.0 m
and up to and including 33 kV.
For lines of voltages exceeding 33 Kv 2.0 m plus 0.30 m for every additional
33 kV or part thereof.
(iv) For high voltage direct current (FTVDC) systems, vertical clearance and horizontal
clearance, on the basis of maximum deflection due to wind pressure, from building shall
be maintained as below:


Table 6—1: Vertical and Horizontal Clearence for High Voltage Direct Current
S. No. D.C Voltage Vertical Clearance Horizontal Clearance
1 100 4.6 2.9
2 200 5.8 4.1
3 300 7 5.3
4 400 7 6.2
5 500 9.1 7.4
6 600 10.3 8.6
7 800 12.4 10.7
Source:- NBC 2016

6.11 Loft and Ledge

6.11.1 Height
The minimum headroom for loft and ledge shall be 2.2 m.
6.11.2 Size
A loft and ledge in a habitable room shall not cover more than 25 percent of the area of the floor
on which it is constructed and shall not interfere with the ventilation of the room under any
6.12 Chimneys
The chimneys shall be built at least 0.9m above flat roofs, provided the top of the chimneys is not
below the top of the adjacent parapet wall. In the case of sloping roofs, the chimney top shall not be
less than 0.6 m above the ridge of the roof in which the chimney penetrates.
6.13 Parapet
Parapet walls and hand rails provided on the edges of roof terraces, balcony, Verandah, etc, shall not
be less than 1.0 m and not more than 1.2 m in height from the finished floor level.
(a) The above shall not apply where roof terrace is not accessible by a staircase.
(b) However, on terrace floor in the portion where installations like DG Set, Water Tank and
other, screening parapet of a suitable height may be constructed to hide such equipment’s etc.
and there is no need to have uniform increase in the height of the parapet.
6.14 Cabin
The size of cabins shall not be less than 3.0 Sq.m with a minimum width of 1.0 m. The clear passages
within the divided space of any floor shall not be less than 0. 75 m and the distance from the farthest
space in a cabin to any exit shall not be more than 18.5 m. In case the subdivided cabin does not
derive direct lighting and ventilation from any open spaces/ mechanical means. The maximum height
of the cabin shall be 2.2 m.
6.15 Boundary Wall
The requirements of the boundary Wall are given below:
(a) Except with the special permission of the Authority. The maximum height of the compound
wall shall be 1.75 m above the centre line of the front street. Compound wall up to 2.5 m height


may be permitted if the top 0.75 m is of open type construction of a design to be approved by
the Authority.
(b) In the case of a comer plot, the height of the boundary wall shall be restricted to 0.75 m for a
length of 10 m on the front and side of the intersections and the balance height of 0. 75 m, if
required in accordance with (a) may be made up of open type construction (through railings)
and of design to be approved by the Authority.
(c) However, the provisions of (a) and (b) are not applicable to boundary walls of jails. In
industrial buildings, electric substations, transformer stations, institutional buildings like
sanitoria, hospitals, industrial buildings like workshops, factories and educational buildings
like schools, colleges, including hostels, and other uses of public utility undertakings and
strategically sensitive buildings a height up to 2.4m may be permitted by the Authority.
6.16 Wells
Wells, intended to supply water for human consumption or domestic purposes, where provided.

6.7.1 Location
The well shall be located,
(a) Not less than 15m from any ash pit, refuse pit, earth closet or privy and shall be located on a
site upwards from the earth closet or privy;
(b) Not less than 18m from any cesspit soakaway or borehole latrine and shall be located on a site
upwards from the earth closet or privy;
(c) Such that contamination by the movement of sub-soil or other water is unlikely; and
(d) Not under a tree or otherwise it should have a canopy over it, so that leaves and twigs may not
fall into the well and rot.

6.7.2 Requirements
The well shall:
(a) Have a minimum internal diameter of not less than 1m; be constructed to a height not less than
1m above the surrounding ground level, to form a parapet or kerb and to prevent surface water
from flowing into a well ,and shall be surrounded with a paving constructed of impervious
material which shall extend for a distance of not less than 1.8 m in every direction from the
parapet from the kerb forming the well head and the upper surface of such a paving shall be
sloped away from the well;
(b) Be of sound and permanent construction (Pucca) throughout. Temporary or exposed (Kutcha)
wells shall be permitted only in fields or gardens for purposes of irrigation; and
(c) have the interior surface of the lining or walls of the well be render dim pervious for a depth
of not less than 1.8m measured from the level of the ground immediately adjoining the well-
6.17 Office-Cum-Letter Box Room
In the case of multi-storeyed multifamily dwelling apartments constructed by existing and proposed
Cooperative Housing Societies or Apartment Owners Associations, limited companies and proposed
societies, an office -cum-letter box room of dimension3.6 m X 3 m shall be provided on the ground
floor. In case the number of flats is more than20, the maximum size of the office-cum-letter box
room shall be 20sqm.


6.18 Meter Rooms

For all buildings above 15 m in height and in special occupancies, like educational assembly,
institutional. industrial storage hazardous and mixed occupancies with any of the aforesaid
occupancies having area more than 500sqm on each floor, provision shall be made for an independent
and ventilated m (service)room, as per requirements of electric (service) supply undertakings on the
ground floor with direct access from outside for the purpose of termination of electric supply from
the licensee's service and alternative supply cables. The doors provided for the service room shall
have fire resistance of not less than two hours.
6.19 Stairway
Stairway shall conform to the following provisions in addition to items (a) to (g) below. In addition,
in order to satisfy firefighting requirements any stairway identified as an exit stairway shall confirm
to the requirement in fire protection regulations provided in these regulations.
(a) Width: The minimum width of a staircase other than a fire escape shall be as given in Table
here under:
Table 6—2: The minimum width of a staircase (m)
S.No. Type of occupant Minimum width of staircase/
Stairway I Corridors in m
1 Residential building
Low rise 1.2
Hotels and High rise 1.5
2 Education building
Up to24 m. High 1.5
Over 24 m. High 2.0
3 Institutional buildings (i.e. Hospital)
Up to 10 beds 1.5
Over to beds 2.0
4 Assembly buildings 2.0
5 Mercantile, business, Industrial Storage,
Hazardous Buildings
Low rise 1.5
High rise 2.0
(b) Flight.: No flight shall contain more than 12 rises but in residential buildings in narrow plots
and in high density Housing a single flight staircase may be permitted.
(c) Risers: The maximum height of a riser shall be 19cm in residential buildings and 16cmin any
other occupancy. However, in an internal stairway within a dwelling area, a riser may be 25cm
(d) Treads: The minimum width of the tread without nosing shall be 25cm for staircase of a
residential building, other than fire escapes. In other occupancies the minimum width of the
tread, shall be 36cm. It shall have a non-slippery finish and shall be maintained in that fashion.
(e) Head room: The minimum head room in passage under the landing of a staircase, shall be


(f) Floor indicator: The number of each floor shall be conspicuously painted in figures at least
15cmn large on the wall facing the flight of a stairway or at such suitable place is distinctly
visible from the flights.
(g) Handrail: Handrail of a minimum height of 0.9m from the centre of the tread shall be provided.
(h) Exit Requirements: All aspects of exit requirements for corridors, doors, stair cases, ramps,
etc in respect of widths, travel distance shall be as per Part 4 ‘Fire and Life Safety’ of NBC-
6.20 Roofs
(a) In the areas receiving snowfall the roof should be sloping and the slope shall be dictated by
the amount of snowfall.
(b) The roof of a building shall be so designed and constructed as to effectively drain water by
means of sufficient rain water pipes of adequate size, wherever required, so arranged, jointed
and fixed as to ensure that the rain water is carried away from the building without causing
dampness in any part of the walls, roof or foundations of the building or an adjacent building.
(c) The Authority may require rainwater pipes to be connected to a drain or sewer to a covered
channel formed beneath the public footpath to connect the rain-water pipe to the road gutter
or in any other approved manner.
(d) Rain-water pipes shall be affixed to the outside of the external walls of the building or in
recesses or chases cut or formed in such external walls or in such other manner as may be
approved by the Authority.
(e) It is desirable to conserve rainwater using suitable rainwater harvesting techniques including
by roof water collection. In this context, reference shall be made to Part 9 'Plumbing Services
(including Solid Waste Management), Section 2 - Drainage and Sanitation’ of the NBC 2016.
6.21 Ramps
(a) Ramps for pedestrians:
i) General: The provisions applicable to stairway shall generally apply to ramps. A ramp in a
hospital shall not be less than 2.4 m wide for stretcher and not for vehicular movement in
addition to satisfying the firefighting requirements.
ii) Slope: A ramp shall have slope of (not more than 1:10). It shall be of non-slippery material.
iii) Handrail: A handrail shall be provided on both the sides of the ramp.
(b) Ramps for handicapped people: The provision of the ramp with handrails for every public
building is compulsory for handicapped people as per the National Building Code 2016
(c) The ramp to basement and parking floors shall not be less than 7.2m wide for two-way traffic and
4m wide for one- w a y traffic, provided with Gradient of 1:10 for L.M.V .
(d) Ramp may also be provided in side setbacks only to basement and not for upper floors which can
be sloped considering unhindered movement for fire Engine of minimum 6m wide and in no case
the gradient shall be less than 1: 10.
(e) All structural design/safety aspects as per latest BIS Codes & NBC 2016 shall be complied along
with consideration of weight of Fire Engine & its manoeuvrings.
(f) Handrails shall be provided on both sides of the ramp.
(g) Ramps shall lead directly to outside open space at ground level or courtyards or safe place.


6.22 Stairs, Lifts, Lobbies and Corridor

The width of lobbies or corridors in building shall be as under:
(a) In case of residential and non-residential building except individual detached building
minimum clear width of corridor shall be as under:
Table 6—3: Width of corridor as per length of the corridor (m)
Length of Corridor in M Width of Corridor in M
Residential Non-Residential
Up to 6 1.0 1.2
Up to 9 1.2 1.5
Up to 15 1.2 2.0
Above 15 1.5 2.5
(i) For every additional 9.00m length or part there of the width of the corridor shall be
increased by 0.30mup to a maximum of 3.00m.
(ii) In case of starred hotels, the width of the corridor shall be as per the authorized
standards of the starred hotels.
(iii) Whereas in case of residential dwelling unit occupied by single family and constructed
up to three floors width of the stairs shall not be less than 1.0m.
(b) In case of all non-residential and high-rise residential building the clear width of stair landing
exclusive of parapet shall not be less than1.5m.
(c) Minimum stair width for more than 6 tenements on each floor shall be1.5m.
(d) The stair-case and lifts (elevators) shall be so located that it shall be within accessible distance
of not more than 25mfromany entrance of tenement or an office provided on each floor.
(e) The number and type of lifts to be provided in different buildings shall be as given in Appendix
‘F’ & ‘F-1’.
6.23 Swimming Pool
(a) Definition: A constructed pool or a tank indoor or outside the building, used for the purpose
of swimming, bathing, aquatic sports or games, training, treatment (Therapy) or recreation,
meant exclusively for human being, having a depth of water not less than that 60 cm. and the
surface area exceeding 23.25 Sq.m. both for the use of public or the institution concerned.
(b) “Capacity of Pools in Relation to Bathers:” The maximum number of persons in bathing attire
within the pool enclosures of the bathing area shall not exceed one person per 20 Sq.ft. (1.86
Sq.m.) of pool i.e. the area of the water surface.
(c) “Hand Rail:” A side handrail extending up above and returning to the horizontal surface of the
pool deck curb or coping shall be provided at each side of each ladder.
(d) “Depth Markers:” Depth of water shall be clearly marked at or above the water surface on the
vertical pool wall and on the edge of the deck or walk-way next to the pool, at maximum points
and at the points of break between the deep and shallow portions and at intermediate
increments of depth, spaced at not more than 2.5" (7.62 cm) intervals. Depth markers,
contrasting with background shall be on both sides of the pool.
(e) “Lighting and Wiring:” Where submarine lighting is used, not less than 0.5 watts shall be
employed per Sq.ft. of pool area.


(f) “Area Lightning:” Where submarine lighting is employed, area lighting shall be provided for
the deck areas and directed towards the deck areas and away from the pool surface so far as
practicable, in a total capacity of not less than 0.6 watt per sq. ft of deck area.
(g) Where submarine lighting is not provided and night. swimming is not permitted combined
pool lightning shall be provided in an amount of not less than 2 watts per sq. ft. of total area.
All submarine lightning shall be individually earthed and must be watertight. and damp proof.
(h) “Over Head Wiring:” No electrical wiring for electrical or power shall be permitted to pass
over within 20 feet of the pool enclosure.
(i) “Shallow Minimum Depth”: Every swimming pool shall have a minimum depth in the shallow
area of the main swimming area of not less than 0.9 m (3 feet), but not more than 1.07m (3'-
6”) from the overflow level to the floor
(j) “Shallow Areas:” In a swimming pool with a diving area, the shallow area of the pool shall be
defined as the portion between the shallow end and the break point between the shallow area
and the diving area. The slope of the floor shall be uniform from the break point between the
diving area and the shallow portion to the outside edge of the shallow portion and shall not be
greater than 1 in 2 m.
(k) “Vertical Wall Depth:” The pool walls shall be vertical at all points for a depth of not less than
2 ft 6" (0. 76 m)
6.24 Provision of exterior open spaces and height limitation around the building
(a) The open spaces / setbacks covered area, FAR shall be as per Master Plan/Zonal Plan/building
byelaws Chapter V.
(b) Every room that is intended for human habitation shall abut on an interior or exterior open
space or on to a Verandah open to such interior or exterior open space.
(c) In case of High rise, the exterior open spaces around a building as in Building Bye Laws No.
shall be of green or hard surface capable of taking load of fire engine weighing up to 45 tonnes.
(d) In case, kitchen and toilets not abutting either interior or exterior open spaces, mechanical
ventilation shall be accepted.
(e) Up to 25% of the total setback area can be sunk for light, ventilation and access to basement,
provided fire tender movement is not hindered
6.25 Pollution Control
6.25.1 Air Pollution
All building shall conform to provisions of Environment Act and Rules.
6.25.2 Water Pollution
All building shall conform to provisions of water (prevention and Control of pollution) Act, 1974.
6.25.3 Noise Pollution
All buildings shall maintain ambient air quality standards in respect of noise, as prescribed in the
Noise pollution (Regulation and control) Rules 2000.



7.1 Industrial Buildings (Factories, Workshops, etc.)
(a) The relevant provisions contained in the Factory Act. 1948 shall apply for construction of
factory buildings. The minimum height. of workrooms shall not be less than 4.5 m measured
from the floor level to the lowest point in the ceiling provided that this bye-law shall not apply
to room intended for storage, godowns and the like purposes but only in rooms occupied by
workers for purposes of manufacture.
(b) In case of small factories, employing less than 50 workers for purposes of manufacturing and
carrying on a class of manufacturing covered under the flatted factories and service industries,
as driven in the Master Plan, the Authority may allow minimum height up to 3.66 m.
(c) Parking space provisions as provided in Master Plan/ Zonal Plan/Chapter V of these byelaws.
(d) Requirements of water supply, drainage and sanitary installation shall be as per Chapter-4 of
Model Building Byelaws2016, but in no case less than 1 W.C. and one urinal shall be
(e) Each working room shall be provided with adequate number of exits not less than two in
(f) No exit shall be less than 1.2 m in width and 2.1 m in height and doors of such exit shall be so
arranged that it can be opened easily from inside.
(g) No staircase, lobby corridors or passage shall be less than 1.2 m. in width.
(h) In addition to the requirement in this part, provisions in Chapter-5 and 6shallbe followed.
(i) There shall be provided at all time for each person employed in any room of factory at least
3.5 Sq.m. of floor space exclusive to that occupied by the machinery and a breathing space of
at least 15 Cum (further the provision of part VIII section 1 lighting and ventilation of NBC-
2016 shall be followed).
(j) The effluent from industries (industrial and biological in nature) shall be treated and shall be
of quality to satisfaction of the concerned local bodies before letting out the same into a
watercourse or municipal drain.
7.2 Educational Building (School /Colleges)
All educational buildings shall be dealt as per University Grant Commission norms and provision of
National Building code 2016 and the Jammu and Kashmir School Education Rules, 2010 (SRO 123,
dated 18.03.2010, Education Department) or the latest version of these rules.
7.3 Assembly Building (cinema, theatres, etc,)
The relevant provisions of the Cinematographic Act and Rules of Jammu and Kashmir and IS:
4878 code for construction of cinema Building shall apply for planning, design and construction of
cinema Building.
(a) Parking spaces wherever not specifically given shall conform to NBC-2016/URDPFI
Guidelines 2014.
(b) Requirements of water supply, drainage and sanitation shall conform to provisions of NBC-


(c) Buildings for religious worship shall not be erected on a site, which has not been approved by
the Authority.
7.4 Petrol Filling Station
The location of the petrol filling stations, and its layout shall be approved by the Authority in
consultation with the Commissioner of the Division depending upon width of roads and traffic
generated location with respect of points of intersections and nearness to occupancies of educational,
assembly, storage and hazardous uses.
7.5 Burial and cremation grounds
The Authority shall permit/prohibit burial and cremation grounds to be located in certain area
layouts, after scrutiny of the proposal with respect to health and well-being surrounding
neighbourhood and shall follow the selection criteria given below:
The proposed development in terms of land use has to be compatible with the ground;
(a) Compatible Land use have to be planned with regards to prevailing wind direction and beyond
the prescribed buffer zone. The likely direction of drift in the event of odour has to be
accounted while planning the layout;
(b) Adequate land area is to be provided to house furnaces, and for internment of cremated
(c) The site has to have proper accessibility by the local road network.

7.5.1 Buffer Zones

The location of such cremation grounds has to provide for buffer zones from the surrounding land
use to account for environmental impact of the operation:
(a) A buffer zone of the order of 200 m (depending on the nature of prevailing winds and the
natural topography of the site) between the emission stack and neighbouring residential zone
shall be considered.
(b) In any case any buffer zone shall not be less than 100 m.
7.6 Building in mining area
Building in mining area shall not be constructed to a height more than one storey without the special
prior approval of the Authority.

7.7 Poultry farms (wherever allowed as per the Master Plan)

7.7.1 The coverage for poultry farms shall be as allowed in case of farmhouses.
7.7.2 Setbacks: As per Chapter 5 under relevant use and category.
7.7.3 Space Planning
There should be a minimum distance of 6.0 m between sheds in the farm.
(a) The minimum distance of any farm building from the property line should be 4.5 m.
(b) The minimum distance of any farm shed or farm building from the dwelling unit should be 7.5
7.7.4 Farm Shed
Shed should be constructed on pillars with walls on two longer sides not higher than 1.2 m.


(a) The remaining height of the farm sheds in respect of two longer sidewalls can be covered with
netting or other similar material.
(b) The maximum height of the roof of the farm shed shall not exceed 6.0 m.
7.7.5 Dwelling Units as a Farmhouse
The following norms shall be adopted for construction of dwellings in farmhouses:
(a) The distance of parts of dwelling units from shed shall be as in Building Byelaws 7.7.3
(b) The requirements of parts of dwelling shall be as in CHAPTER 6:
(c) Any other special requirements as specified by the Authority.
7.8 Special buildings not covered
In case of special buildings not covered above, norms as decided by the Authority will be followed.
7.9 Provisions in the public buildings for Differently Abled, Elderly Persons
and Children
The building to be designed for Differently Abled, Elderly Persons and Children need special
treatment and the provisions for site planning, building requirements etc.
7.10 Defence
Construction of any type of Govt. and private buildings near defence land/premises shall be governed
as per guidelines of Govt. of India, Ministry of Defence.
7.11 Railway
Construction of any type of Govt. and private buildings near railway land shall be governed as per
guidelines of Govt. of India, Ministry of Railways (Railway Board).
7.12 Distance from water course
(a) The building activity in the areas vulnerable to floods/flash floods shall be regulated under the
provision of Irrigation and Flood control department or the flood zonation maps notified by
the department from time to time.
(b) No development, whether by filling or otherwise, shall be carried out from the edge of the bank
of rivers, within following specified buffer or as per building regulation whichever is more:
Recommendations Applicability
a) Recommended safe distance (Buffer) Chenab, Jhelum, Tawi, Ravi, Sutlej and Ujh or
from Listed Major Watercourse shall be any other river/khad
50m from the edge of such watercourses
or as specified under the relevant
regulatory act or the relevant Master
b) Recommended safe distance (Buffer) Mansar, Surinsar, Wular, Nageen, Manasbal and
from Listed Minor Watercourse shall be other lakes
30ms from the edge of such watercourses
or as specified under the relevant
regulatory act or as given in the Master
Plan of the local Area:
c) Recommended safe distance (Buffer) Ranbir canal, Sindh canal and other similar canals
from Unlisted rivulets, tributaries, minor
canals and/or Watercourse shall be 20 m


from the edge of such watercourses or as

specified under the relevant regulatory
act or as given in the Master Plan of the
local Area:

(c) In case of talab, village tanks, lake, water bodies etc., the distance from the water body shall
be as may be prescribed under any other general or specific orders of the BPIA.
(d) These restricted development zones and other water courses, which pass through a land shall
be developed and maintained according to the discharge of water.
7.13 Rules for development of land
(a) The provisions of Master Plan and norms formulated by Authority shall apply regarding sub-
division of a large parcel of land into plots, open areas, roads, spaces for services and
community facilities.
(b) Regulations for Low Income Housing. The norms specified for Low-income housing shall be
as per the Jammu and Kashmir Housing, Affordable Housing, Slum Redevelopment and
Rehabilitation and Townships Policy-2020.
7.14 Penal action for violation of Master Plan/Zonal plan regulation/bye- laws
(a) The Authority under the provisions of their respective Acts shall take action for violation of
Master Plan/Zonal Plan/regulations. The Authority may take penal action under respective
Acts, which may include stopping of construction activity, demolition/ alteration and levying
of penalties as given in (Appendix D: Penal Action for violation of provisions of Master Plan,
Zonal Plans and Building Byelaws.)
(b) In addition, action for discontinuance of services in building may also be taken.
7.15 Heritage
Development/Construction/Mining around all ASI protected monuments shall be governed by
National Monuments and Archaeological sites and remains Act/Rules (GOI), Jammu and Kashmir
Ancient Monuments Preservation (Amendment) Act, 2010 and Jammu and Kashmir Heritage
(Conservation and Preservation) Act,2010.
7.16 Forest
All building activity shall conform to provisions of J&K Forest, Wildlife and Bio-Diversity Act.
7.17 Sports Infrastructure
All Provisions related to sports Infrastructure shall be dealt as per the Guidelines/Specifications of
Sports Authority of India (SAI), URDPFI Guidelines 2014 and NBC 2016 or its latest version.



8.1 Electric vehicle charging infrastructure (EVCI)
Based on the occupancy pattern and the total parking provisions in the premises of the various
building types, charging infrastructures shall be provided only for EVs, which is currently assumed
to be 20% of all 'vehicle holding capacity'/'parking capacity' at the premise. Additionally, the building
premise will have to have an additional power load, equivalent to the power required for all charging
points in a Public Charging Station (PCS) to be operated simultaneously, with a safety factor of1.25

8.2 Residential Buildings (plotted house)

Table 8.1: - Charging Infrastructure requirements for individual house/self-use
Building Type Plotted House
Ownership of Station Private (Owner)
Connection and Ming Domestic m
Type of Charger Slow chargers as per owner’s specific requirements
Modes of Charging AC (Single charging gun)
Norms of Provisions Min. 1 SC and additional provisions as per the owner
Note: The charging infrastructure installed by a homeowner shall be construed as a Private Cl
meant for self-use (non-commercial basis)
8.2.1 All other buildings (including Group Housing)
Any PCS installed at Public, Private areas or building premises of any category that caters to
commercial mode of charging of EVs shall be deemed as a Public Charging Station and shall have
to install the minimum requirements of chargers as specified in the Guidelines dated 14.12.2018 of
Ministry of Power. However, in order to provide sufficient charging points for the EV share in all
vehicles, ratio of types of chargers is recommended in the table below.
Table 8.2:- Charging Infrastructure requirements for PCS (Commercial use)
Building Type Any Building Type
Ownership of Station Service Provider
Connection and Ming Commercial Ming and Payment
Type of Charger As per min. requirements specified in MoP Guidelines
Additional Chargers PCS service providers shall install additional number of kiosk/chargers
beyond the minimum specified requirements to meet the ratio of charging
points as prescribed below (by the type of vehicles).
Norms of Provisions 4Ws 3Ws 2Ws PV (Buses) 1 FC- each
for charging points 1 SC- each 3 1 SC- each 2 1 SC- each 10 EVs
EVs EVs 2 EVs
1 FC- each 10


• Charging bays shall be planned currently at 20% capacity of all vehicles including 2Ws
and PVs(cars)
• Opening and on-spot payment options to be available for all users.
• Provision of FCB CS and BS shall not be mandatory and will be at the discretion of the
service provider.
8.2.2 Rationale for EVCI establishment
(a) Rapid urbanization coupled with adoption of mechanized transportation modes has resulted
in high emissions of Green House Gases that goes on to impact Global warming. Unless, the
global surface temperature rise is restricted to no more than 2oC compared with pre-industrial
levels, the IPCC has warned that the world will see irreversible catastrophic climate change.
(b) India being a signatory to the UNFCCC, has pledged for efforts to assess the Greenhouse Gas
Emissions (GHG) of anthropogenic origin and removal by sinks. India’s per capita emissions
are still considered low at 1.9 tonnes (2013), but its total emissions are next only to China and
the US and is likely to overtake those of the EU by 2019.
(c) While comparing the Indian cities for their emission scores, Delhi is on top as the biggest
emitter at over 38 38 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent overall emissions, followed
by Greater Mumbai at 22.7 million tonnes and Chennai at 22.1 million tonnes, Kolkata at
14.8million tonnes, Bangalore at 19.8million tonnes, Hyderabad at 13.7 million tonnes and
Ahmedabad at 9million tonnes were the other cities whose emissions for the year were
calculated sector wise.
(d) As per the statistics of Transport Department (GNCTD), total number of vehicles in Delhi is
more than the combined total vehicles in Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata. Delhi has 85 private
cars per 1000population against the national average of 8 cars per 1000population. In terms of
C02 emissions due to motor vehicles, Delhi emits about 12.4 million tonnes while the city of
Bengaluru emits about 8.6 million tonnes.
(e) Therefore, addressing the quantum of emissions from the "Transport" and "Domestic" sector
emerges to be the high priority subjects under the overarching umbrella of “Climate change
mitigation" as committed to the UNFCC.
(f) Encouraging "Electric Vehicles" as a viable option for phased transportation in terms of short
and long-distance trips with appropriate "Charging Infrastructure" is therefore, the pre-
condition for this paradigm shift I phased migration to sustainable transportation.
(g) For these changes are required in Infrastructure provisions (at Regional and City levels) and
in Development Control Regulations (in terms of provisions therein) to include the
formulations of norms and standards for "Charging Infrastructure" in the said Master Plan
Regulations and UT/State Building Regulations for adoption across the country suiting local
8.3 EV Charging Technology
8.3.1 Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE):
An EVSE is a wall mounted box that supplies electric energy for recharging of
electric vehicle batteries. Also, EVSEs have a safety lock-out feature that does not
allow current to flow from the device until the plug is physically inserted into the car.


EVSEs can be customized with added features like:

• Authentication
• Integrated payment gateways
• Software for remote monitoring.
As electric vehicle charging technology continues to advance, several standards and guidelines have
become widely accepted across the industry. Chapter 8 gives a brief overview of charging
infrastructure technology, standards, and terminology.
8.3.2 Different types of EVSE:
(a) Charging speeds· Charging power, which determines the time required to charge a vehicle,
can vary by orders of magnitude across charge points, as shown in Table 8.3. A small
household outlet may charge as slowly as 1.2 kW, while the most advanced rapid charging
stations can charge at up to 350 kW. Charging infrastructure is broadly broken into three
categories based on speed: Level 1, Level 2, and direct current (DC) fast charging (sometimes
referred to as Level 3).
(Source: "Emerging Best Practices for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure", Oct' 2017)
(b) Private Charging: Charging batteries of privately-owned cars through domestic charging
points. Billing is mostly part of home domestic metering.
(c) AC "Slow" Charging: The home private chargers are generally used with 230Vl15A single
phase plug which can deliver a maximum of up to about 2.5KW of power. The EVSE supplies
AC current to the vehicle's on-board charger which in turn converts the AC power to DC
allowing the battery to be charged.
(d) Public Charging: For charging outside the home premises, electric power needs to be billed
and payment needs to be collected. The power drawn by these chargers may need to be
managed from time to time.
(e) DC "Fast" Charging: DC current is sent to the electric car's battery directly via the charge port.
FC chargers (usually 50 KW or more) can supply 100 or more kilometres of range per hour of
charging. The fast chargers would generally be used as a top-up, rather than fully charging
vehicles. These are important for cab companies and corporate users who have a fleet of
electric cars.
8.4 Options for EV Charging
(a) There is an urgent need to offer flexible charging infrastructure for different vehicle segments
to drive adoption of EVs. Charging infrastructure is the most crucial enabler in the entire EV
value chain. The exploration of different charging models according to the local conditions
shall enable faster deployment of electric vehicles in the country.
(b) EV share in all vehicles · It has been broadly projected that by the current rate of adoption of
EVs, about 15% of all vehicles in the country would be EVs by the year 2020. Therefore, while
assuming percentage composition of all proposed capacities in Public facilities of vehicle
holding capacity, the Metropolitan and 'Tier I' cities will be assume d to have a higher
percentage share of EVs, say 20% for now. The charging infrastructure prescriptions in all
urban development guidelines shall, therefore, be in consonance with the said percentage.
(c) Power Load sanction to premises -While adding these Charging Infrastructures to the proposed
set of building types of the Indian cities, enhanced Power Load shall have to be had for each
such building type by the Power DISCOMs, commensurate to the total additional power


requirement of simultaneous operation of all the prescribed charging points in the premise.
With further advancement of charging technologies and the enhanced capacity of chargers to
draw more power, it is advised that the load capacity assigned to each premise should be kept
with a safety factor of 1.25 with a long-term vision of 30 years.
Table 8.3:- EVs charging “modes” and ‘availability’
Vehicle type Slow Charging Fast Charging Public CI
2 Wheelers Y N Yes/Limited
3 Wheelers Y N Yes/Limited
PVs (Cars) Y Y Yes
PVs (Buses) N Y Yes
Table 8.4:- Charging options for EV types (by ownership)
Vehicle type Private CI Public CS Predominant place of charging
2 Wheelers SC/BS SC Point of residence/work
3 Wheelers SC/BS SC/BS Residence/Parking stations
PVs (Cars) SC/BS FC Residence/Point of work/other public places
PVs (Buses) _ FC/BS Bus Terminals/Depots
• The option of Battery Swapping (BS) for privately owned 2Ws and PV(Cars) is limited to
Private CI.
• For 3 Was the BS is proposed to be made available in PCS, for faster recharge experience
• For PV (Buses), Captive Fast charging infrastructure for 100% internal use for fleets
maybe adopted by privately owned Depots/Garages.
(d) Based on the above stated EV charging technologies available and the current trend of
evolving technologies of faster charging experience, the Ministry of Power has issued
Guidelines and Standards for setting up Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles
[Ministry of Power (MoP) Guidelines dated 14.12.2018] for charging infrastructure to be
installed at every Public Charging Station (PCS).'Connectivity regulations and Safety norms'
shall be defined by respective authorities such as Central Electric Authority / MoP for grid
access to such PCS / any other charging station infrastructure.
8.5 Charger Specifications and PCS Infrastructure
Any installed PCS shall have one or more electric kiosk boards with installation of all charger models
as prescribed in the Guidelines and Standards notified by Ministry of Power, dated 14 December
2018 for "Charging Infrastructure for EVs", with other necessary arrangements as deemed necessary.
Public Charging Station service providers shall be free to create charging hubs and to install
additional number of kiosk chargers in addition to the minimum chargers prescribed vide the MoP
Guidelines, including options for installation of additional chargers, if required.
• Minimum infrastructure requirements do not apply to Private Charging Points meant
for self-use of individual EV owners (non-commercial basis).
• Captive charging infrastructure for 100% internal use for a company's own fleet will
not be required to install all type of chargers and to have NSP tie ups.


8.6 Location of PCS / FCB CS in local area / building precincts

In accordance with the Guidelines issued by the Ministry of Power (MoP), following minimum
standards with regard to density of l distance between PCS in local level facilities in building premise
l urban precincts shall be followed as per provisions in the ModelBBL-2016
(a) At the Local levels (within the urban area): At least 1Public Charging Station is to be available
within a grid of 3Km x3Km.
(b) At the Building premise levels (for various building types):
• Private charging infrastructure (non-commercial use) for individuals.
• For all commercial modes of charging EVs, at least 1PCS, as per minimum
specifications laid under MoP guidelines.
• Standalone Battery Swapping Stations may be added with the PCs.
8.6.1 Along Highways and intercity corridors:
(a) At every 25 Kms on both sides of highways roads, at least 1PCS is to be setup.
(b) At every 100 Kms on both sides of highways / roads, at least 1 Fast Charging/ FCB Charging
Station as per specifications. (May be coupled with PCS)
(c) Standalone Battery Swapping Stations may be added with the PCS.
8.6.2 In Regional level Industrial SEZs I other Industrial Parks/Estates
Land for at least 1PCS is to be reserved within a grid of 10 Km x 10 Km of the designated industrial
area / park /estates.
8.7 Guidelines and Standards for Charging Infrastructure of Electric Vehicles.
Private charging at residences / offices shall be permitted. DISCOMs may facilitate the same. Setting
up of Public Charging Stations (PCS) shall be a de-licensed activity and any individual/entity is free
to set up public charging stations, provided that, such stations meet the technical as well as performance
standards and protocols laid down below as well as any further norms/standards/specifications laid
down by Ministry of Power and Central Electricity Authority from time to time.
(a) Any person seeking to set up a Public Charging Station may apply for connectivity and he
shall be provided connectivity on priority by the Distribution Company licensee to supply
power in the area.
(b) Any Charging Station/ Chain of Charging Stations may also obtain electricity from any
generation company through open access.
8.8 Public Charging Infrastructure (PCI) - Minimum Requirements
8.8.1 Every Public Charging Station (PCS) shall have the following minimum
(a) An exclusive transformer with all related substation equipment including safety appliance.
(b) 33/11 KV line/ cables with associated equipment including as needed for line termination/
metering etc.
(c) Appropriate civil works.
(d) Adequate space for Charging and entry/exit of vehicles.
(e) Current international standards that are prevalent and used by most vehicle manufacturers
internationally are CCS and CHAdeMO. Hence, Public Charging Stations shall have, one or
more electric kiosk/boards with installation of all the charger models as follows:


(f) The kiosk/board may have options for installation of additional chargers 1f required.
(g) The Public Charging Station Providers are free to create Charging Hubs and to install
additional number of Kiosk/Chargers in addition to the minimum number of chargers
prescribed above.
(h) Tie up with at least one online Network Service Providers (NSPs) to enable advance
remote/online booking of charging slots by EV owners. Such online information to EV owners
should also include information regarding location, types and numbers of chargers
installed/available etc.
(i) Share charging station data with appropriate DISCOM and to maintain appropriate protocols
as prescribed by such DISCOM for this purpose. CEA shall have access to this database.
(j) Appropriate public amenities.
(k) Where, in addition to the above, fast charging facility is also planned to be provided at the
PCS by the PCI provider, the following additional infrastructure must be provided:
(i) Appropriate Liquid Cooled cables if High Speed Charging Facility for on board
charging of Fluid Cooled Batteries (FCBs) is also planned.
(ii) Appropriate Climate Control Equipment for Fast Charging of Batteries to be used for
swapping (i.e. Not on-board).
Table 8—1: Specification of Charger Type
Charger Charger Connectors Rated Voltage (V) No. of Charging point/No. of
Type Connector guns
CCS (min 50 KW) 200-1000 1/1 CG
Fast CHAdeMO (min 50 200-1000 1/1 CG
ype-2 AC (min 22 380-480 1/1 CG
Slow/Mode Bharat DC-001 (15 72-200 1/1 CG
rate KW)
Bharat DC-001 (11 230 3/3 CG of 3.3 KW each
*In addition, any other fast/slow/moderate charger as per approved BIS standards whenever
8.8.2 Every Public Charging Station (PCS) shall be operational only after inspection and
clearance as communicated by a suitable clearance certificate, by the concerned
electrical inspectors/technical personnel designated specifically by the respective
DISCOM for this purpose. DISCOMs may also empanel one or more third party
authorized technical agencies for this purpose.
8.8.3 Electric Vehicle Service Equipment (EVSE) shall be type tested by an appropriate
reputed authority.
8.8.4 The above minimum infrastructure requirements do not apply to Private Charging
Points meant for self-use of individual EV owners (non-commercial basis).
8.8.5 Captive charging infrastructure for 100% internal use for a company's own/leased


fleet for its own use will not be required to install all type of chargers and to have
NSP tie ups.
8.8.6 Public Charging Station can also have the option to add Standalone battery swapping
facilities in addition to the above mandatory facilities, provided space/other
conditions permit.
8.9 Public charging Infrastructure (PCI) for long distance EVs and/or heavy
duty EVs:
8.9.1 Public charging stations for long distance EVs and/or heavy duty EVs (like
trucks, Busses etc.) Shall have the following minimum requirements:
(a) At least two chargers of minimum 100 kW (with 200 -1000 V) each of different specification
(CCS & CHadeMO) and with single connector gun each in addition to the minimum charging
infrastructure requirements as mandated for Public Charging Stations.
(b) Appropriate Liquid Cooled Cables for high speed charging facility for on-board charging of
Fluid Cooled Batteries (currently available in some long range EVs).
(c) In addition to 8.8.1 (i) and (ii) above, the Fast Charging Stations (FCS) for Long Distance EVs
and/or Heavy Duty EVs may also have the option of swap ping facilities for batteries for
meeting the charging requirements as per para 8.7 and para 8.8(i) & Above. It is notable that
Fluid Cooled Batteries (FCBs) are generally necessary for Fast Charging/Long Distance use
of EVs and/or for Heavy Duty Vehicles like buses/trucks etc. FCBs will have higher charging
rate and longer life.
8.9.2 Such Fast Charging Stations (FCS)which are meant only for 100% in house/captive
utilization, for example buses of a company, would be free to decide the charging
specifications as per requirement for its in- house company EVs.
8.10 Location of Public Charging Stations:
8.10.1 In case of Public Charging Stations, the following minimum requirements are
laid down with regard to density/distance between two charging points:
(a) At least one Charging Station should be available in a grid of 3 Km X 3 Km. Further, one
Charging Station be set up at every 25 Km on both sides of highways/roads.
(b) For long range EVs (like long range SUVs) and heavy duty EVs like buses/trucks etc., there
should be at least one Fast Charging Station with Charging Infrastructure Specifications as per
para 8.8.l at every 100 Kms, one on each side of the highways/road located preferably
within/alongside the stations. Within cities, such charging facilities for heavy duty EVs shall
be located within Transport Nagars, bus depots. Moreover, swapping facilities are also not
mandatory within cities for Buses/trucks.
8.10.2 Additional public charging stations shall be set up in any area only after meeting the
above requirements.
8.10.3 The above density/distance requirements shall be used by the concerned state/UT
Governments/their Agencies for the twin purposes of arrangement of land in any
manner for public charging stations as well as for priority in installation of


distribution network including transformers/feeders etc. This shall be done in all

cases including where no central/state subsidy is provided.
8.10.4 The appropriate Governments (Central/State/UTs) may also give priority to existing
retail outlets (ROs) of Oil Marketing Companies (OMCs) for installation of Public
EV Charging Stations (in compliance with safety norms including ‘firewalls’ etc.) to
meet the requirements as laid above. Further, within such ROs, Company Owned and
Company Operated (COCO) ROs may be given higher preference.
8.10.5 Any deviation from above norms shall be admissible only after specific approval of
State Nodal Agency in consultation with the Central Nodal Agency.
8.11 Database of Public EV Charging Stations:
Central Electricity Authority (CEA) shall create and maintain a national online database of all the
Public Charging Stations through DISCOMs. Appropriate protocols shall be notified by DISCOMs
for this purpose which shall be mandatorily complied by the PCS/BCS. This database shall have
restricted access as finalized between CEA and Ministry of Power.
8.12 Tariff for supply of electricity to EV Public Charging Stations:
8.12.1 The tariff for supply of electricity to EV Public Charging Station shall be determined
by the appropriate commission, provided however that the tariff shall not be more
than the average cost of supply plus 15 (fifteen) percent.
8.12.2 The tariff applicable for domestic consumption shall be applicable for domestic
8.13 Service charges at PCS/BCS:
8.13.1 Charging of EVs is a service as already clarified by Ministry of Power vide letter No.
23/08/2018-R&R dated 13.04.2018.
8.13.2 The State Nodal Agency shall fix the ceiling of the Service Charges to be charged by
the Public Charging Stations.
8.14 Priority for Rollout of EV Public Charging Infrastructure:
After extensive consultations with State Governments and different Department/ Agencies of Central
Government, phasing as follows are laid down as national priority for rollout of EV Public Charging
8.14.1 Phase l (1-3Years)
All Mega Cities with population of 4 million plus as per census 2011, all existing expressways
connected to these Mega Cities &important Highways connected with each of these Mega Cities
shall be taken up for coverage.
8.14.2 Phase II (3-5 Years)
Big cities like State Capitals, UT headquarters shall be covered for distributed and demonstrative
effect. Further, important highways connected with each of these Mega Cities shall be taken up for
The above priorities for phasing of rollout shall be kept in mind by all concerned, including, different
agencies of Central/State Governments while framing of further policies/guidelines for Public


Charging Infrastructure of EV s, including for declaring further incentives/subsidies for such

infrastructure and for such other purposes.
8.15 Implementation Mechanism for Rollout:
8.15.1 Ministry of Power shall designate a Central Nodal Agency for the rollout. All relevant
agencies including Central electricity Authority (CEA) shall provide necessary
support to this nodal agency.
8.15.2 Every State Government/UT shall nominate a Nodal Agency for that State/UT for
setting up charging infrastructure. The State DISCOM shall generally be the Nodal
Agency for such purposes. However, State Government shall be free to select a
Central/State Public Sector Undertaking (PSU) including Urban Local Bodies
(ULBs), Urban/Area Development Authorities etc. As its Nodal Agency.
8.16 Selection of Implementation Agency for Rollout:
8.16.1 The Central Nodal Agency shall finalize the cities and expressways/highways to be
finally taken up from the above phasing, in consultation with the respective State
8.16.2 An Implementation Agency shall be selected by the respective State Nodal Agency
and shall be entrusted with responsibility of installation, operation and maintenance
of PCS/FCS/BCS/BSF for designated period as per params laid down in this
document and as entrusted by the concerned Nodal Agency. The Implementation
Agency can be an Aggregator as mutually decided between Central and State Nodal
Agencies. However, they can also decide to choose different PCS/FCS providers for
bundled packages or for individual locations as mutually decided. Further, whenever
bundled packages are carved for bidding, such packages shall necessarily include at
least one identified expressway/highway or part cohesive regional package; the
selected identified cities may be divided into one or more parts as necessary for such
8.16.3 Where Implementing Agency is selected by bidding, all bidding shall be conducted
by the State Nodal Agency.
8.16.4 There shall be an upper cap on the Service Charges declared by the State Nodal
Agency as per para 8.12.2 above. Subsidy, if admissible from Central/State
governments, shall be suitably factored in such calculations of Upper Cap/Bid
(Source: Model Building Byelaws 2016, Town and Country Planning Organisation, Ministry of
Urban Development, now Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA))


9.1 High Rise Building
Buildings higher than 15m of height. without stilts and above 17.5m of height. with stilts shall be
considered as high-rise building.
Note: These provisions shall be in addition to the Chapter 2 for plan sanction procedure, Chapter 4
for procedure during construction, Chapter 5 for Zoning regulations and Chapter 6 for Space
requirement for different parts of Building.
9.1.1 Plot Area
Plots to be used for high rise development should be located in an approved Layout plan,
Comprehensive plans or subdivision plans as prepared and approved by competent authorities/ as per
policy of the Government of India / State Governments.
9.1.2 Means of access
The entrance gate shall fold back against the compound wall of the premises, thus leaving the
exterior access way within the plot free for movement of fire service vehicles. If archway is
provided over the main entrance the height. of the archway shall not be at a height. less than
9.2 Building components
9.4.1 Doorways
(a) Every doorway shall open into an enclosed stairway, a horizontal exit, on a corridor or
passageway providing continuous and protected means of egress.
(b) No exit doorway shall be less than 1m in width. Doorways shall be not less than 2 m in height.
Doorways for bathrooms, water closet, stores etc. shall be not less than 0.75mwide.
(c) Exit doorways shall open outwards, that is, away from the room but shall not obstruct the travel
along any exit. No door, when opened, shall reduce the required width of stairway or landing
to less than 0.9m, overhead or sliding doors shall not be installed.
(d) Exit door shall not open immediately upon a flight. of stairs, a landing equal to at least the width
of the door shall be provided in the stairway at each doorway, level of landing shall be the same
as that of the floor which it serves.
(e) Exit doorways shall be openable from the side which they serve without the use of a key.
(f) Mirrors shall not be placed in exit ways or exit doors to avoid confusion regarding the direction
of exit.
9.4.2 Revolving Doors
Revolving door shall not be provided as a means of fire exit.

9.4.3 Stairways
(a) A staircase shall not be arranged round a lift shaft.
(b) The staircase shall be ventilated to the atmosphere at each landing and a vent at the top; the
vent openings shall be of 0.5 sq.m in the external wall and the top. If the staircase cannot be
ventilated, because of location or other reasons, a positive pressure 50 Pa shall be maintained


inside. The mechanism for pressurizing the staircase shall operate automatically with the fire
alarm. The roof of the shaft shall be 1 m above the surrounding roof. Glazing or glass bricks if
used in staircase, shall have fire resistance rating of minimum 2hour.
(c) The minimum width of staircase shall be as table given below:
Table 9—1 : Minimum width of staircase for different types of buildings
Types of Building Width
Residential buildings (dwellings) 1.0m
Residential hotel buildings 1.5m
Assembly buildings like auditorium, theatres and cinemas 2.0m
Educational buildings up to 30 m in height 1.5m
Institutional buildings like hospitals 2.0m
All other buildings 1.5m
(d) The minimum width of treads without nosing shall be 0.25m for staircase for residential
buildings. In the case of other buildings, the minimum tread shall be 0.3m. The treads shall be
constructed and maintained in a manner to prevent slipping. The maximum height of riser shall
be 0.19m in the case of residential buildings and 0.15m in the case of other buildings and shall
be limited to 15 risers per flight.
(e) Handrails shall be provided with a minimum height of 0.9m from the centre of the tread.
(f) The minimum headroom in a passage under the lading of a staircase and under the staircase
shall be2.2m.
(g) Access to main staircase shall be gained through adequate fire resistance rating (for various
types of construction for structural and non-structural members shall be as given in Table 1 of
Part IV of the NBC 2016 and for building elements/components such as walls, columns, beams
and floors shall have the requisite fire resistance rating in accordance with the accepted
standards at Tables 2 to 18 of Part IV of the NBC, 2016). Automatic closing doors placed in
the enclosing walls of the staircases. It shall be a swing type door opening in the direction of
the escape.
(h) No living space, store or other fire risk shall open directly into the staircase or staircases.
(i) External exit door of staircase enclosure at ground level shall open directly to the open spaces
or can be reached without passing through any door other than a door provided to form a draught
(j) The exit sign with arrow indicating the way to the escape route shall be provided at a height of
1.5m from the floor level on the wall and shall be illuminated by electric light connected to
corridor circuits. All exit way marking signs should be flushed with the wall and so designed
that no mechanical damage shall occur to them due to moving of furniture or other heavy
equipment’s. Further all landings of floor shall have floor indication boards indicating the
number of floors. The floor indication board shall be placed on the wall immediately facing the
flight of stairs and nearest to the landing. It shall be of size not less than 0.5x 0.5m and it shall
be prominently on the wall facing the staircase.
(k) In case of single staircase, it shall terminate at the ground floor level and the access to the
basement shall be by a separate staircase. However, the second staircase may lead to basement
levels provided the same is separated at ground level by either a ventilated lobby with discharge


points at two different ends or through enclosures with fire resistance rating door (Table 1 of
Part IV of the NBC 2016 and Tables 2 to 18 of Part IV of the NBC, 2016) or through a fire
protected corridor.
9.4.4 Lifts
General requirements of lifts shall be as follows:
(a) All the floors shall be accessible for 24 hours by the lifts. The lifts provided in the buildings
shall not be considered as a means of escape in case of emergency. In a dual line arrangement
(lifts opposite to each other) the lobby may be between 1.5 times to 2.5 times the depth of one
car. For in-line (single line) arrangements the lobby may be typically half of the above
(b) Grounding switch, at ground floor level, to enable the fire service to ground the lift shall also
be provided.
(c) The lift machine room shall be separate and no other machinery shall be installed therein.
(d) Walls of lift enclosures and lift lobby shall have fire rating of 2 hour; ((Table 1 of Part IV of
the NBC 2016 and Tables 2 to 18 of Part IV of the NBC, 2016) lifts shall have a vent at the top
of area not less than 0.2 sq.m.
(e) Lift car door shall have a fire resistance rating of 1hour.
(f) Lift lobby doors in lift enclosures shall have fire resistance as per Section(Table 1 of Part IV of
the NBC 2016 and Tables 2 to 18 of Part IV of the NBC, 2016)
(g) Collapsible gates shall not be permitted for lifts and shall have solid doors with fire resistance
of at least 1 hour.
(h) If the lift shaft and lobby is in the core of the building, a positive pressure between 25 and 30
Pa shall be maintained in the lobby and a positive pressure of 50 Pa shall be maintained in the
lift shaft. The mechanism for pressurization shall act automatically with the fire alarm; it shall
be possible to operate this mechanically also.
(i) Lifts if communicating with the basement, the lift lobby of the basements shall be pressurized
with self-closing door with fire resistance rating (Table 1 of Part IV of the NBC 2016 and
Tables 2 to 18 of Part IV of the NBC, 2016). Telephone or other communication facilities shall
be provided in lift cars and to be connected to fire control room for the building.
(j) Exit from the lift lobby, if located in the core of the building, shall be through a self-closing
fire door of half an hour fire resistance.
(k) Suitable arrangements such as providing slope in the floor of lift lobby shall be made to prevent
water used during firefighting, etc., at any landing from entering the lift shafts.
(l) A sign shall be posted and maintained on every floor at or near the lift indicating that in case
of fire, occupants shall use the stairs unless instructed otherwise. The sign shall also contain a
plan for each floor showing the locations of the stairways. Alternate source of power supply
shall be provided for all the lifts through a manually operated changeover switch.
(m) For Pressurization Specifications of various building components refer NBC, 2016 Chapter 4
Fire and Life Safety Clause 4.10 Pressurization of Staircases (Protected Escape Routes)
9.4.5 Basements
(a) Basement shall be permitted within the building envelope only.


(b) Each basement shall be separately ventilated. Vents with cross-sectional area (aggregate) not
less than 2.5 percent of the floor area spread evenly round the perimeter of the basement shall
be provided in the form of grills or breakable stall board lights or pavement lights or by way of
shafts. Alternatively, a system of air inlets shall be provided at basement floor level and smoke
outlets at basement ceiling level. Inlets and extracts may be terminated at ground level with
stall board or pavement lights as before, but ducts to convey fresh air to the basement floor
level have to be laid. Stall board and pavement lights should be in positions easily accessible
to the fire brigade and clearly marked ‘SMOKE OUTLET’ or ‘AIR INLET’ with an indication
of area served at or near the opening.
(c) The staircase of basements shall be of enclosed type having fire resistance rating (Table 1 of
Part IV of the NBC 2016 and Tables 2 to 18 of Part IV of the NBC, 2016). The staircase shall
be situated at the periphery of the basement to be entered at ground level only, from outside
open air. The staircase shall communicate with basement through a lobby with self-closing
doors with fire resistance rating as per relevant NBC code mentioned above.
(d) For travel distance Table 9—2given below shall be followed. If travel distance exceeds that
given in the table below, additional staircases shall be provided.
Table 9—2 : Travel Distance for Occupancy and Type of Construction
Group of Occupancy Maximum Travel Distance Construction (m)
Type 1 &2 Type 3 & 4
Residential (A) 30.0 22.5
Educational (B) 30.0 22.5
Institutional (C) 30.0 22.5
Assembly (D) 30.0 30.0
Business (E) 30.0 30.0
Mercantile (F) 30.0 30.0
Industrial (G) 45.0 Construction type 3 and 4 not permitted.
Storage (H) 30.0 Construction type 3 and 4 not permitted.
Hazardous (J) 22.5 Construction type 3 and 4 not permitted.
• For fully sprinkled building, the travel distance may be increased by 50% of the values
specified above
• Ramps shall be counted as one of the means of escape wherever permitted in National
Building Code2016
(e) In multi-story basements, intake ducts may serve all basement levels, but each basement level
and basement compartment shall have separate smoke outlet duct or ducts. Ducts so provided
shall have the same fire resistance rating as the compartment itself. Fire rating may be taken as
the required smoke extraction time for smoke extraction ducts.
(f) Mechanical extractors for smoke venting system from lower basement levels shall also be
provided. The system shall be of such design as to operate on actuation of heat / smoke sensitive
detectors or sprinklers, if installed, and shall have a considerably superior performance
compared to the standard units. It shall also have an arrangement to start it manually.


(g) Mechanical extractors shall have an internal locking arrangement, so that extractors shall
continue to operate and supply fans for HVAC shall stop automatically with the actuation of
fire detectors.
(h) Mechanical extractors shall be designated to permit 30 air changes per hour in case of fire or
distress call. However, for normal operation, air changes schedule shall be as given in Part 8,
Building Services, Section 3, Air-conditioning, Heating and Mechanical Ventilation of
National Building Code, 2016.
(i) Mechanical extractors shall have an alternative source of supply.
(j) Ventilating ducts shall be integrated with the structure and made out of brick masonry or
reinforced cement concrete and when this duct crosses the transformer area or electrical
switchboard, fire dampers shall be provided.
(k) Use of basements for kitchens working on gas fuel shall not be permitted, unless air
conditioned. The basement shall not be permitted below the ward block of a hospital/nursing
home unless it is fully sprinkled. Building services such as electrical sub-stations, boiler rooms
in basements shall comply with the provisions of the Indian Electricity Act / Rules. Boiler room
shall be provided at the first basement along the periphery wall with fire resistance rating Table
1 of Part IV of the NBC 2016 and Tables 2 to 18 of Part IV of the NBC, 2016) or shall be
separated with the blast wall.
(l) If cut-outs are provided from basements to the upper floors or to the atmospheres, all sides cut-
out openings in the basements shall be protected by sprinkler head at close spacing so as to
form a water curtain in the event of afire.
(m) It is essential to make provisions for drainage of any such water on all floors to prevent or
minimize water damage of the contents. The drain pipes should be provided on the external
wall for drainage of water from all floors. On large area floors, several such pipes may be
necessary which should be spaced 30 m apart. Care shall be taken to ensure that the construction
of the drain pipe does not allow spread fire / smoke from floor to floor.
9.4.6 Compartmentation
(a) The building shall be suitably compartmentalized so that fire/smoke remains confined to the
area where fire incident has occurred and does not spread to the remaining part of the building.
(b) Compartmentation and Pressurization method shall be adopted (as per clause 4.10 of Part 4 of
NBC 2016) to protect escape routes against ingress of smoke, or toxic gases into the escape
routes will be prevented. Pressurization shall be adopted for high rise buildings and building
having mixed occupancy/multiplexes having covered area more than 500 m2.
9.4.7 Corridors
(a) Exit corridors and passageways shall be of width not less than the aggregate required width of
exit doorways leading from them in the direction of travel to the exterior.
(b) The minimum width of a corridor in a residential building shall be 1.0 m for single loaded and
1.8 m for double loaded and in all other buildings shall be1.5m.
(c) Where stairways discharge through corridors and passageways, the height of corridors and
passageways shall be not less than 2.4m.
(d) All means of exit including staircases lifts lobbies and corridors shall be ventilated.


9.4.8 Glass Façade/ Service Ducts/Shafts/ Refuge Area/ Vents
(a) An Opening to the glass façade of min. width 1.5 m and height 1.5m shall be provided at every
floor at a level of 1.2 m from the flooring facing compulsory open space as well as on road side.
Construction that complies with the fire rating of the horizontal segregation and has any gap
packed with a non-combustible material to withstand thermal expansion and structural
movement of the walling without the loss of seal against fire and smoke.
(b) Mechanism of Opening: The openable glass panel shall be either left or right shall have manual
opening mechanism from inside as well as outside. Such openable panels shall be marked
conspicuously so as to easily identify the openable panel from outside.
(c) Fire seal to be provided at every floor level between the external glazing and building structure.
(d) The glazing used for the façade shall be of toughened (tempered) safety glass as per I.S.2553.
(e) To avoid fire propagation vertically from one floor to another floor, a continuous glass I must
be separated internally by a smoke/ fire seal which is of non-combustible material having a fire
resistance rating of not less than 2hours.
(f) Service ducts and shafts shall be enclosed by walls and doors with fire resistance rating (clause
Error! Reference source not found. of Error! Reference source not found.). All such du
cts/shafts shall be properly sealed and stopped fire ingress at all floor levels.
(g) A vent opening at the top of the service shaft shall be provided having an area between one-
fourth and one-half of the area of the shaft.
(h) The openable vent of minimum 2.5% of the floor area shall be provided. The openable vent can
be pop out type or bottom hinged provided with fusible link opening mechanism and shall also
be integrated with automatic Smoke Detection System
(i) Alternate vertical glass panels of the façade shall be openable type with the mechanism
mentioned above in order to ventilate the smoke.
(j) Refuge areas covered with the glass façade shall have all the panels fully openable (either left
or right. hinged) both from inside as well as outside.
(k) Glass quality and Practice of use of Glass in buildings shall have to be in conformity with the
BIS codes as given in Table 9—3 below:
Table 9—3: Glass quality and Use of glass in buildings
IS Code Specifications
2553 (Part 1):1990 Specification for safety glass: Part 1 General purpose (third revision)
2835:1987 Specification for flat transparent sheet glass (third revision)
438:1994 Specification for silvered glass mirrors for general purposes (second
5437:1994 Specification for figured rolled and wired glass (first revision).
14900:2000 Specification for transparent float glass.
16231 Part 1 General methodology for selection
16231 Part 2 Energy and Light.
16231 Part 3 Fire and Loading
16231 Part 4 Safety related to Human Impact


9.3 Building Services
9.3.1 Staircase and Corridor Lighting
(a) The staircase and corridor lighting shall be on separate service and shall be independently
connected so as it could be operated by one switch installation on the ground floor, easily
accessible to firefighting staff at any time irrespective of the position of the individuate control
of the light points, if any.
(b) Staircase and corridor lighting shall also be connected to alternate supply from parallel high-
tension supply or to the supply from the stand-by generator.
(c) Emergency lights shall be provided in staircase and corridor/ passageway, horizontal exits,
refuge area; and all wires and other accessories used for emergency light shall have fire
retardant property.
9.3.2 Electrical Services
(a) The electric distribution cables/wiring shall be laid in separate duct the duct shall be sealed at
every floor with non-combustible materials having the same fire resistance as that of the duct.
Low and medium voltage wiring running in shaft and in false ceiling shall run in separate
(a) Water mains, telephone cables, intercom cables, gas pipes or any other service line shall not be
laid in the duct for electric cables. Use of bus ducts/solid rising mains instead of cables is
(b) The provision of dedicated telecommunication ducts for all new building proposals is
mandatory for conveyance of telecommunication and other data cables.
(c) Separate circuits for water pumps lifts, staircases and corridor lighting and blowers for
pressurizing system shall be provided directly from the main switchgear panel (for detailed
specifications refer NBC 2016, chapter 4 Fire and Life Safety).
9.3.3 Alternate Source of Electric Supply
A stand-by electric generator shall be installed to supply power to staircase and corridor lighting
circuits, fire lifts, the stand-by fire pumps, pressurization fans and blowers, smoke extraction and
damper system in case of failure of normal electric supply. The generator shall be capable of taking
starting current of all the machines.

9.3.4 Air-conditioning
Air-conditioning shall conform to the following:
(a) Escape routes like staircases, common corridors, lift lobbies, etc. shall not be used as return air
(b) The ducting shall be constructed of sufficient gauge metal in accordance with good practice.
(c) Wherever the ducts pass through fire walls or floors, the opening around the ducts shall be
sealed with materials having fire resistance rating of the compartment.
(d) Where duct crosses a compartment which is fire rated, the ducts shall be fire rated for same fire
rating. Further depending on services passing around the duct work, which may get affected in
case of fire temperature rising, the ducts shall be insulated.
(e) Metallic ducts shall be used even for the return air instead of space above the false ceiling.


(f) Where plenum is used for return air passage, ceiling and its fixtures shall be of non-combustible
(g) The materials used for insulating the duct system (inside or outside) shall be of non-combustible
material; glass wool shall not be wrapped or secured by any material of combustible nature.
(h) Air ducts serving main floor areas, corridors, etc. shall not pass through the staircase enclosure.
(i) The air-handling units shall be separate for each floor and air ducts for every floor shall be
separated and in no way inter-connected with the ducting of any other floor.
(j) If the air-handling unit serves more than one floor, the recommendations given above shall be
compiled with in addition to the conditions given below:
(k) Proper arrangements by way of automatic fire dampers working on smoke detector / or fusible
link for isolating all ducting at every floor from the main riser shall be made.
(i) When the automatic fire alarm operates, the respective air-handling units of the air-
conditioning system shall automatically be switched off.
(ii) The vertical shaft for treated fresh air shall be of masonry construction.
(iii) The air filters of the air-handling units shall be of non-combustible materials or fire rated.
(iv) The air-handling unit room shall not be used for storage of any combustible materials.
(v) Inspection panels shall be provided in the main trunking to facilitate the cleaning of ducts
of accumulated dust and to obtain access for maintenance of fire dampers.
(vi) No combustible material shall be fixed nearer than 150 mm to any duct unless such duct
is properly enclosed and protected with non-combustible material (glass wool or spyglass
with neoprene facing enclosed and wrapped with aluminium sheeting) at least 3.2 mm
thick and which would not readily conduct heat.

9.3.5 Transformers
(a) If transformers are housed in the building below the ground level it shall be necessarily in the
first basement in separate fire resistance room of 4 hours rating. Transformer shall be dry type
and shall be kept in an enclosure with walls, doors and cut-outs having fire resistance rating of
4 hour. The room shall necessarily be at the periphery of the basement having separate and
direct access from open area at ground floor through a fire escape staircase. The entrance to the
room shall be provided with a steel door of 2 hours fire rating. A curb of a suitable height. shall
be provided at the entrance in order to prevent the flow of oil from ruptured, transformer into
other parts of the basement. The switchgears shall be housed in a separate room separated from
the transformer bays by a fire-resisting wall with fire resistance not less than 4 hours.
(b) The transformer shall be protected by an automatic foam sprinkler system. When housed at
ground floor level it/they shall be cut-off from the other portion of premises by Fire Resisting
Walls of 4 hours rating.
(c) A tank of RCC construction of adequate capacity shall be provided at lower basement level, to
collect the oil from the catch pit in case of emergency. The pipe connecting the catch-pit to the
tank shall be of non-combustible construction and shall be provided with a flame-arrester.
(d) The electric sub-station shall be located in a separate building in accordance to I.E. Rules 68(I)
and 64(I) (a).


(e) If this is not possible due to site conditions, the sub-station shall be located on the ground floor.
As far as possible sub-station shall not be installed in a basement, for such situations special
provisions like mechanical ventilation, wherever required, cable ducting, cable trays,
top/bottom entry of HV/LV cable, hooks on Transformer(s) & HV panels, adequate fire
detection and firefighting arrangement, adequate drainage, effective measures to prevent
flooding etc. shall be provided. Adequate precautions shall also be taken for water proofing to
prevent seepage of water. A ramp shall also be provided with a slope, not steeper than 1 in 7,
for easy movement of equipment to and from sub-station.
(f) Fire regulations – The installations shall be carried out in conformity with the local regulations
and rules there under wherever they are in force. At other places NBC, 2016 guidelines shall
be followed.
9.3.6 Gas supply
(a) Town Gas / L.P. Gas Supply Pipes – Where gas pipes are run in buildings, the same shall be
run in separate shafts exclusively for this purpose and these shall be on external walls, away
from the staircases. There shall be no interconnection of this shaft with the rest of the floors.
(b) LPG distribution pipes shall always be below the false ceiling. The length of these pipes shall
be as short as possible. In the case of kitchen cooking range area, apart from providing hood,
covering the entire cooking range, the exhaust system should be designed to take care of 30
CUM per minute per sq.m. of hood protected area. It should have grease filters using metallic
grill to trip oil vapours escaping into the fume hood.
Note: For detailed information on gas pipe installations, reference may be made to Para.9
‘Plumbing Services, Section 3 Gas Supply’, of NBC 2016
(c) For large/commercial kitchens all wiring in fume hoods shall be of fiberglass insulation.
Thermal detectors shall be installed into fume hoods of large kitchens for hotels, hospitals and
similar areas located in high rise buildings. Arrangements shall be made for automatic tripping
of the exhaust fan in case of fire.
(d) If LPG is used, the same shall be shut off. The voltage shall be of 24 V or 100 V DC operated
with the external rectifier. The valve shall be of the hand re-set type and shall be located in an
area segregated from cooking ranges. Valves shall be easily accessible. The hood shall have
manual facility for steam or carbon dioxide gas injection, depending on duty condition; and
Gas meters shall be housed in a suitably constructed metal cupboard located in a well-ventilated
space, keeping in view the fact that LPG is heavier than air and town gas is than air.
9.3.7 Boiler Room
Further, the following additional aspects may be taken into account in the location of Boiler/Boiler
(a) The boiler shall not be allowed in sub-basement but be allowed in the first basements away
from the escape routes.
(b) The boilers shall be installed in a fire resisting room of 4 hours fire resistance rating, and this
room shall be situated on the periphery of the basement. Catch pit shall be provided at the low
level. Entry to this room may be provided with a composite door of two-hour fire resistance.
(c) The boiler room shall be provided with fresh air inlets and smoke exhausts directly to the


(d) Foam inlets shall be provided on the external walls of the building at the ground floor level to
enable the fire services to use foam in case of fire.
(e) The furnace oil tank for the boiler, if located in the adjoining room shall be separated by fire
resisting wall of 4-hour rating. Entry to this room shall be provided with a composite door of
2-hour fire resistance. A curb of suitable height shall be provided at the entrance in order to
prevent the flow of oil into the boiler room in case of tank rupture.

9.3.8 Helipad
Buildings above 200 m in height, helipad may be provided.
9.3.9 Disaster Management (Fire Safety)
Refer Part 4 of NBC 2016 for minimum requirements for firefighting installations.
9.3.10 Structural Safety
As per provisions made for Structural Safety in Chapter 6 of MBBL 2016 and from Section
of NBC 2016 or its latest version.

The application for seeking building permit shall be accompanied with a report of Architect/Structural
Engineer certifying that the proposed structure has been designed structurally keeping in view the
safety measures against earthquakes as indicated in the following Bureau of Indian Standards (B.I.S).

List of Codes Published by CED 39 (Earthquake Code Committee) of Bureau of Indian Standards

Sr. Code No Year of Revised Year of Title

No Publication Reaffirmation

1 IS 13935 2009 2014 Seismic Evaluation, Repair and

Strengthening of Masonry Buildings-
2 IS 1893: 2016 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design
Part 1 of Structure - Part 1 : General Provisions
and Buildings
3 IS 4326 2013 Earthquake resistant design and
construction of buildings- Code of
4 IS 13920 2016 Ductile Design and Detailing of
Reinforced Concrete Structures
Subjected to Seismic Force - Code of
Practice (First Revision)
5 IS 13827 1993 2013 Improving earthquake resistance of
earthen buildings - Guidelines

6 IS 13828 1993 2013 Improving earthquake resistance of low

strength masonry buildings - Guidelines


7 IS 1893: 2014 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design
Part 2 of Structures- Part 2 Liquid Retaining
8 IS 1893: 2014 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design
Part 3 of Structures Part 3 Bridges and
Retaining Walls
9 IS 1893: 2015 Criteria for Earthquake Resistant Design
Part 4 of Structures Part 4 Industrial Structures
Including Stack - Like Structures (First
10 IS 4967 1968 2015 Recommendations for Seismic
instrumentation for river valley projects
11 IS 4991 1968 2013 Criteria for blast resistant design of
structures for explosions above ground
12 IS 6922 1973 2013 Criteria for safety and design of
structures subject to underground

9.3.11 Sustainable Environment and Buildings

Refer CHAPTER 11: of this document.
9.3.12 General
(a) Architectural elements such as louvers, pergolas, other sunshine materials should be free from
(b) Any architectural roof top structures would also be permitted out of FAR if not used for
habitable or commercial purposes.
(c) Building elements such as sky bridges and landscape terraces which are meant for community
purposes only shall be permitted free of FAR.
(d) Services can be permitted on roofs with adequate screening for the same.
(e) Service floors shall not be counted in FAR. Service area on habitable floors may be considered
free from FAR.
(f) Atrium/ Atria at any floor will be counted only once in the FAR. Atrium may be enclosed by
light. roofing or R.C.C as per NBC 2016
(g) Scissor staircase would be permitted provided all travel distance and fire norms are adhered to.
(h) Stilts in high-rise will not be restricted to height. of 2.4 m as long as it is used for parking.
(i) Multilevel car parking with car lifts would be permitted with adequate fire safety.
9.4 Tall Building
Building with height. more than 50 m shall be considered as Tall buildings. All the provisions and
norms applicable for High Rise Building shall be also applicable for Tall buildings. In addition to
that, Tall Buildings shall be allowed only on the roads having minimum ROW 60 m with standard
service lanes.


This chapter gives the mandatory requirements of water conservation. The methods and techniques
shall be adopted from NBC, 2016.
10.1 The Rainwater Harvesting (RWH) system
The harvesting of rainwater simply involves the collection of water from surfaces on which rain falls,
and subsequently storing this water for use. The rainwater collected can be stored for direct use or can
be recharged into the underground aquifers. In scientific terms water harvesting (broadly) refers to
collection and storage of rainwater from the rooftops. This also restricts evaporation and seepage into
building foundations. All buildings having a plot size of 100 sq.m. Or more, while submitting the
building plans for sanction, shall mandatorily include the complete proposal of rainwater harvesting.
A rainwater harvesting system consists of:
(a) Roof catchment
(b) Gutters
(c) Down pipes
(d) Rainwater/ Storm water drains
(e) Filter Chamber
(f) Storage Tanks/ Pits/ Sumps.
(g) Ground Water recharge structures like pit, trench, tube well or combination of above structure.
Rainwater Harvesting is a way to capture the rain runoff, store that water above ground or charge the
underground aquifers and use it later. This happens naturally in open rural areas. But in congested,
over-paved metropolitan cities, there is a need to devise methods to capture the rainwater. The
rainwater that is incident on the surface/ rooftop is guided to bore wells or pits or new/old/ abandoned
wells through small diameter pipes to recharge the underground water which can be used later
whenever required.
Rainwater can be harvested to the extent of 55,000 litres per 100sq. m area per Year from rooftops.
10.2 Rainwater harvesting techniques:
There are two main techniques of rainwater harvestings.
(a) Storage of rainwater on surface for future use.
(b) Recharge to ground water.
The technical aspects and options of Rainwater harvesting from which the city authorities can assess
and choose to adopt (Refer Appendix for the technical aspects and options as suggested by Model
Building Bye -Laws 2016).
10.3 Harvesting provisions in various Building categories:
All buildings in a city contribute to the rainwater runoff during the monsoon and hence such runoff
can be harvested for water reuse/recharge. The indicative provisions of rainwater harvesting in various
buildings types are:
Table 10—1: Provisions for Rainwater harvesting by building types
Category Use Area of Plot Provision to be made Other conditions
Residential Plotted Houses


Category Use Area of Plot Provision to be made Other conditions
New 100 and above Constructionof Rain water Shall have emphasis on
Proposals Harvesting Structure both storage and reuse.
Group Housing
New All plot sizes (i) Construction of Rainwater (i) Should indicate the
Proposals Harvesting Structure. system of Strom Water
(ii) Concrete paving to be avoided Drainage, Rainwater
and permeable materials are to Harvesting Structure
be used for all open parking and Recharging Well
Public and Semi-public Buildings
All Proposals All Plot Sizes (i) Shall have Rain water Shall have emphasis on
Harvesting Structure and storage both storage and reuse.
(ii) Shall have Recharge pits.
Commercial Mixed Use
All Proposals All Plot Sizes Construction of Rainwater Should indicate the system
Harvesting Structure. of Strom Water Drainage,
Soft landscape provision and open Rainwater Harvesting
spaces with percolation pits. Structure and Recharging
Common treatment plant to be made Well
part of the integrated development, Shall have emphasis on
funded by sale of commercial space. both storage and reuse.
All Proposals All Plot Sizes Construction of Rainwater Should indicate the system
Harvesting Structure. of Strom Water Drainage,
Soft landscape provision and open Rainwater Harvesting
spaces with percolation pits. Structure and Recharging
Use of abandoned bore wells for Well
recharging of ground water. Provision should be made
iii Common treatment plant to be not to inject contaminate
made part of the integrated water into recharge
development, funded by sale of structures in industrial areas
commercial space. and care is to be taken to
keep such structures away
from sewer lines, septic
tanks, soak pits, landfill and
other sources of
Other Uses
Other All Plot Sizes Similar as above Similar as above


10.4 Rainwater Harvesting Provisions for Open spaces in cities
The open spaces/recreational land use generally constitute regional parks, district parks, playground
and stadium, sports complex, monument zones, public parking, Plaza and other public open space.
This may be as high as 30% to 50% of the city’s geographic area. All such public open spaces above
the size of 500 sq.m. shall have arrangements for complete utilization and capture of storm water with
scientific rainwater harvesting arrangements.
Following ideas may also be included:
(a) Well cum Channel cum Percolation pits.
(b) Use of abandoned bore wells for recharging of ground water
(c) Artificial or natural Storage of storm water runoff from larger sites.
10.5 Ground Water Recharge
Recharging of ground water should be made mandatory not only for residential buildings but for all
types of buildings, including Group Housing Societies having a plot area more than 500 Sq.m. and
The Ground Water Recharge should also be mandatory for open spaces like parks, parking, plazas
and playgrounds. The harvesting and recharge structures could be constructed by the Authority with
the involvement of community-based organizations like Resident Welfare Associations.
10.6 Enforcement and Monitoring
(a) The Authority shall constitute a Rainwater Harvesting Cell which will be responsible for
enforcement and monitoring of the provisions of Rainwater Harvesting. The cell shall employ
qualified persons who are well versed with the interpretation of Building Byelaws and
responsible for enforcement as well as monitoring the functioning of the Rainwater Harvesting
(b) The Authority shall include inspection of Rainwater Harvesting Structures before issuing
Completion Certificates or NOCs for service connections to the property.
(c) Set an example in the city by ensuring that Rainwater is harvested in the properties /assets
owned by them including public buildings, markets, community enters, parking spaces, roads,
and parks etc.
(d) The Authority shall also establish a mechanism to monitor 100% of RWH provisions in all the
buildings above 1000 sq.m. with annual physical verification, while buildings less than 1000
sq.m. can be monitored on the basis of 10% random survey by BPIA.
(e) With regard to open public spaces viz., Parks, playgrounds etc. the implementation of provision
rainwater harvesting may be done with the help of Residents Welfare Associations, Community
Building Organization and Non-Governmental Organizations.
(f) The Authority shall ensure earmarking budgetary provision for the creation and maintenance
of rainwater harvesting structures in public spaces owned and maintained by them, like parking
spaces, parks, plazas etc.
(g) The practice of incentives and penalties to promote rainwater harvesting shall be formulated by
the local authority based on best practices. Authority shall design its own incentive and penalty
systems, considering the water level and scarcity.
Note: For Methods of Rainwater Harvesting etc refer the NBC-2016 or its latest version.


11.1 Provisions
Modern buildings consume about 25 to 30 % of total energy, and up to 30 % of fresh potable water,
and generate approximately 40 % of total waste. Sustainable buildings have demonstrated reduction
in energy and water consumption to less than half of the present consumption in conventional
buildings, and complete elimination of the construction and operational waste through recycling.
Thus, all buildings on various plot sizes above 100 sq.m. Shall comply with the green norms and
conform to the requirements mandatory for sanction as mentioned in this chapter.
These provisions are not specific to any rating system and are not intended to provide a single metric
indication of overall building performance. These provisions allow the practitioners to easily exercise
their engineering judgment in holistically and objectively applying the underlying principles of
sustainability to a development or building facility, considering its functionality and required comfort
11.2 Provisions and Applicability
The green building provisions on various plot sizes are indicated in the table below:
Table 11—1: Provisions and applicability for various plot sizes (Residential and Non- Residential)
Plot Applicable Provision for Residential Provision for Non
Category Plot area -Residential
I Up to 100 Nil Nil
II 100 to 500 1(a), 2(a), 2(b), 4(a) 1(a), 2(b), 4(a)
500 to 1000 1(a), 1(c), 2(b), 3(c) 4(a) 1(a), 1(c), 2(a), 2(b), 3(c), 4(a)
1000 to 3000 1(a),1(c),1(d),2(a), 2(b), 3(b), 1(a),1(c),1(d),2(a), 2(b),
3(c) 3(b), 3(c)
III Above 3000 1(a),1(b),1(c),1(d),2(a), 2(b), 1(a),1(b),1(c),1(d),2(a),
3(a) 2(b), 3(a)
*Note: Provisions marked 1(a), 2(b) etc. are as per section 13.3
The schemes/ projects formulated on the basis of provisions given in Master plan/ Zonal Development
Plan will require approval as indicated:
EIA/ ECC (as per MoEF and CC), National Building Code 2016 or its latest version, ECBC 2007 or
latest, BEE Star rating/ LEED of IGBC/ GRIHA of TERI Certification}
EIA- Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report,
ECC- Environmental Clearance Certificate,
MoEF – Ministry of Environment and Forest,
National Building Code 2016 or its latest version – National Building Code
ECBC – Energy Conservation Building Code,
BEE – Bureau of Energy Efficiency,
LEED – Leadership in Energy and Environment Design,
IGBC –Indian Green Building Council,
GRIHA – Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment,
TERI – The Energy and Resources Institute.
The prevailing provisions of the above shall be applicable. However, if there are any modification in
the same, the modified provisions shall become automatically applicable.


11.3 Provisions for Sanction
1. Water Conservation and Management
a) Rainwater Harvesting
b) Low Water Consumption Plumbing Fixtures
c) Wastewater Recycle and Reuse
d) Reduction of Hardscape
2. Solar Energy Utilization
a) Installation of Solar Photovoltaic Panels
b) Installation of Solar Assisted Water Heating Systems
3. Energy Efficiency (Concept of passive solar design of buildings)
a) Low Energy Consumption Lighting Fixtures (Electrical Appliances – BEE Star and Energy
Efficient Appliances)
b) Energy Efficiency in HVAC systems.
c) Lighting of Common areas by solar energy/ LED devices.
4. Waste Management
a) Segregation of Waste
b) Organic Waste Management
In case owners of properties desire to procure green building ratings from one or more rating bodies,
they may suitably incorporate any other provisions if required and additional incentive FAR as per
Master Plan may be availed.
11.3.1 Provisions for City and Site level greening
In alignment with National Sustainable Habitat Mission, the Authority shall encourage augmentation
of green cover in the city/plot, by following:
The Urban Greening Guidelines, 2014 and other provisions as given below -
(a) Provision of minimum 1 tree / every 80sq.m.of plot area for plot sizes >100sq.m.and planted
within the setback of the plot.
(b) Compensatory Plantation for felled/transplanted tress in the ratio 1:3 within the Premises under
(c) Choice of species for plantation in site and abutting the road to be adopted as per Section8 of the
Urban Green Guidelines,2014.
(d) The unpaved area shall be more than or equal to 20% of the recreational open spaces.

11.3.2 Water Re-use and Recycling

All building having a minimum discharge of 10,000 Litres. and above per day shall incorporate
wastewater recycling system. The recycled water should be used for horticultural purposes. (Details
are explained in Chapter 14 Grey Water Recycling).
11.3.3 Roof Top Solar Energy Installations
Roof top photovoltaic power station, or rooftop PV system, is a photovoltaic system that has its
electricity-generating solar panels mounted on the rooftop of residential or commercial buildings.
The various components of such a system include photovoltaic modules, mounting systems, cables,
solar inverters and other electrical accessories. Rooftop PV systems are faster than other types of


renewable power plants. They’re clean, quiet, and visually unobtrusive. Table 10.2 below stipulates
the Norms for Roof Top Solar PV Installation-
Table 11—2 : Norms for Roof Top Solar PV Installation and generation
S.No. Category of Area standards Generation requirement
Plotted Housing
1 Plotted For HIG Plots and Minimum 5% of connected load or
Housing above 20W/sq.ft. for “available roof space”**,
whichever is less.
2 Group Housing All proposals, as per Minimum 5% of connected load or
Group Housing 20W/sqft for “available roof space”,
Norms whichever is less.
All other buildings (Government or Private, defined as per clause 1.16 b to g) (mandatory
for buildings having shadow free rooftop area > 50 sq.m.)
3 Educational Plot size of 500 sq.m. Minimum 5% of connected loador
4 Institutional and above 20W/sq.ft. for “available roof space”,
5 Commercial whichever is less.
6 Industrial
7 Mercantile
8 Recreational
* Area provisions on roof top shall be @12 sq.m per 1KWp, as suggested by Ministry of New and
Renewable Energy.
** “available rood area” = 70% of the total roof size, considering 30% area reserved for residents’
11.3.4 Installation of Solar Assisted Water Heating System in Buildings
(a) No new building in the following categories in which there is a system of installation for
supplying hot water shall be built unless the system of the installation is also having an auxiliary
solar assisted water heating system: -
(i) Hospitals and Nursing Home.
(ii) Hotels, Lodges, Guest Houses, Group Housing with a plot area of 4000 sq.m.
(iii) Hostels of Schools, Colleges and Training Centres with more than 100 Students.
(iv) Barracks of armed forces, paramilitary forces and police.
(v) Individual residential buildings having more than 150 sq m. plinth area.
(vi) Functional Buildings of Railway Stations and Air Ports like waiting rooms, Retiring
rooms, rest rooms, inspection bungalows and catering units.
(vii) Community Centres, Banquet Halls, Barat Ghars, Mangal Karyalayas and Buildings for
similar use.
(b) Definitions
(i) “Solar Assisted Water Heating System”- A device to heat water using solar energy as
heat source.
(ii) “Auxiliary back-up” Electricity operated or fuel fired boilers/systems to heat water
coming out from solar water heating system to meet continuous requirement of hot water.


(iii) “New Building” Such buildings of above said categories for which construction plans
have been submitted to the Authority for clearance.
(iv) “Existing building” Such buildings, which are licensed to perform their respective
(c) Installation of Solar Water Heating System
(i) New Buildings: Clearance of plan for the construction of new buildings of the aforesaid
categories shall only be given if they have a provision in the building design itself for an
insulated pipeline from the rooftop in the building to various distribution points where
hot water is required. The building must have a provision for continuous water supply to
the solar water heating system. The building should also have open space on the rooftop,
which receives direct sun light. The load bearing capacity of the roof should at least be
50 kg. per sq. m. All new buildings of above said categories must complete installation
of solar water heating systems before obtaining necessary license to commence their
(ii) Existing Buildings: Installation of Solar Assisted Water Heating Systems in the existing
building shall be made mandatory at the time of change of use to above said category
provided there is a system or installation for supplying hot water.
(d) Capacity: The capacity of solar water heating system to be installed on the building of different
categories shall be decided in consultation with the local bodies. The recommended minimum
capacity shall not be less than 25 litres per day for each bathroom and kitchen subject to the
condition that maximum of50% of the total roof area is provided with the system.
(e) Specifications: Installation of Solar Assisted Water Heating Systems shall conform to BIS
specification IS 12933. The solar collectors used in the system shall have the BIS certification
(f) Auxiliary System: Wherever hot water requirement is continuous, auxiliary heating
arrangement either with electric elements or oil of adequate capacity can be provided.
11.3.5 Sustainable Waste Management
Zero Waste is a concept of waste management and planning approaches that emphasize waste
prevention as opposed to end waste management. This means restructuring production and distribution
systems, designing and managing products and processes to systematically follow the 3R rule of
Reduce, Re-use and Re-cycle the volume of waste, to conserve and recover all used resources, and
therefore eliminating all discharges to landfills, and prevent air, water and land pollution. Zero Waste/
land-fill can be achieved by adopting systematic approach of segregation at source by planning, by
collection facilitation and most importantly by creating public awareness. The green waste can be
converted into fuel cakes, kitchen waste into manure, construction & demolition waste into bricks,
plastic waste into oil, paper, and glass and steel back into the same and all residual inert materials can
also be converted into bricks. Achieving zero land -fill is more conveniently possible, if
(a) The collection is made from house to house and some segregation is done at household level
(b) Separate wet and dry bins must be provided at the ground level.
(c) The recycling is done at decentralized, say, ward or even lower levels.


11.3.6 Sustainability of Building Materials
Sustainability of natural resources for building materials shall be ensured through Conservation of
available natural resources and use of supplementary materials such as Industrial/agricultural by-
products, renewable resources, and factory-made building components and recycled construction and
demolition waste.
Supplementary building materials (derived or processed waste) shall be suitably used in combination
with conventional resources offers dual advantages in purview of Health & environmental benefits.
Use of Factory made pre-fab/pre-cast and recycled components with Green benefits:
(a) Panels, hollow slabs, hollow blocks – etc. - conservation of materials, less water requirement.
(b) Fly Ash bricks, Portland Pozzolana cement, Fly ash concrete, phosphor gypsum-based walling
& roofing panels, particle wood – recycled use of industrial/ agricultural by-products.
(c) Fly ash/ AAC (Autoclaved aerated light weight\ concrete) panels/ CLC (Cellular light weight
concrete) panels- ensures thermal comfort (significant reduction in air conditioning
(d) Use of bamboo & rapidly growing plantation timbers- environmental benefits. Local materials
are generally suitable for prevailing geo-climatic conditions & have advantage of low
transportation cost & time. Sustainable use of building materials shall be encouraged which
may combine certain mandatory provisions and incentives.
11.4 Various Guidelines for Green Rating systems
The accreditation with the regulator-- Bureau of Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power, GOI—will
make the firms eligible for Green Rating systems.


Whereas it is expedient to regulate the activities such as:
(a) Pre-treatment of Grey Water, sewage and grey water before it is accepted for reuse for the
purpose of non-portable use;
(b) Installation of flow meters, samplers or other devices to measure flow and quality of the sewage,
recycled water & industrial waste discharge;
(c) Pre-treatment of Grey water and Sewage as per classification before it is accepted for discharge
to the sewerage system;
(d) Separation of non-portable water plumbing and portable water plumbing;
(e) Sampling and monitoring of industrial waste discharges to ensure compliance of conditions
under the byelaws;
(f) Encouraging the use of treated recycles water for non-portable use;
12.1 Definitions
In these Byelaws:
‘Grey Water’ means water involving water from sinks, tubs, showers and washing.
‘Industrial/Commercial Premises’ means any premises which is being used or intended to be used
(whether for profit or not) for carrying on any trade, business, education, research or industry.
‘Commercial Waste’ or ‘Wastes’ are the waste removed from an industrial plant or other premises by
way of discharge of any liquid, with or without matter in suspension or solution therein, that is or may
be discharged from trade premises in the course of any trade or industrial process or operation or in
the course of an activity or operation of alike nature.
‘Inspector’ includes whoever the President/ Executive Officer of Municipal Committee Council has
appointed in writing for the purposes of these Byelaws.
‘ISO5667’ means the latest edition complete with any amendments, of international Standards ISO
5667:2003 Water Quality Sampling.
Part1:1980 Guidance on the design of Sampling programmes.
Part2:1991 Guidance on sampling techniques.
Part3:1994 Guidance on the preservation and handling of samples.
Part10: 1992 Guidance on sampling of Greywater
‘ISOTR9824’means the latest edition complete with any amendments, of international Standard ISO TR
9824: Measurement of liquid flow in open channels;
Part1:1990 Measurement of free surface flow in closed conduits Methods. Part2: 1990 Measurement
of free surface flow in closed conduits Equipment.
‘Sewerage System’ means all types of sewer, appurtenances, pumping stations, storage tanks, waste
water treatment facility plants, marine outfalls and other related structures existing in the urban area and
used for the reception, treatment and disposal of waste water and also termed as “waste water system”
‘Waste minimization’ means the implementation on trade premises, of operations and restrictions,
appropriate to the goal of reducing or eliminating the quantity and toxicity of wastes.
Section ‘A’ Applicability of Grey Water Reuse Byelaws
12.1.1 Applicable to all group housing, commercial and industrial premises which fall
in one of the following categories:
Category 1: Whose plot area is more than 2000 Sq.m.


Category 2: Water quota is more than 40,000 litres/day
Category 3: Premises which has more than 50 dwelling unit of any kind.
12.1.2 Exemptions could be accorded under following circumstances, as decided by the
In case the existing premises cannot permit the provision of additional overhead tank for the purpose
of the use of treated water.
If, in the existing structure, there is no space for installation of treatment facility and collection chamber
12.2 Enforcement of byelaws:
In case of existing properties, President/ Executive Officer of Municipal Committee/ Council or his
authorized officer will issue a notice to the occupier for making arrangements of for reuse of Grey
Water within specified time.
In case of proposed/intending/under redevelopment properties, the occupier/developer/builder will
submit an application directly or through his authorized consultant to the President/ Executive Officer
of Municipality Committee/ Council with details of proposed ‘Discharge management Plan’ along
with the application for demand of water permission to connect the Grey Water/Sewerage to
municipal sewerage system where ever applicable.
12.3 Granting a Permission
Every premises will be granted permission for the discharge of industrial waste or wastes to the
municipal sewerage system only if the recycling measures and conditions set forth in schedules issued
under this Byelaw are fulfilled.
12.4 Waste tests and their results
An occupier of an industrial plant or premises requiring a license shall provide to the President/
Executive Officer of Municipal Committee/Council or an authorized officer once a year for the purpose
of receiving a license, test results of the industrial wastes discharged from the plant or premises.
Without derogating the provisions specified in in this Building Byelaws, the occupier of a premises
requiring a license or the occupier of a controlled plant or premises, shall provide to the Authority,
the test results of the industrial wastes or waste discharged from the plant or premises at any time he
is requested in writing to do so by the President/ Executive Officer of Municipality Committee/
The testing of wastes and the submission of the results shall be done in a manner in accordance with
the terms and conditions prescribed by the Authority or an authorized officer in this regard.
This Byelaw accords the Authority, his agent or an authorized officer of their authority to visit the
plant premises at any reasonable time.
12.5 Notices for testing of discharge
The Authority may order the testing of sample industrial waste or wastes as described in clause 12.4
of this Building Byelaws, he feels that the circumstances so demand and he may, by written notice,
direct the plant or premises occupier to pay the expenses of performing such tests.
A controlled plant whose occupier received notice as stated in clause 12.4 of this Building Byelaws
shall comply the provisions of Clause 12.3 of this Building Byelaws prescribed above for that purpose.


12.6 Operational Permission for the Grey Water Recycling Treatment Plant
The Authority may determine on the basis of test results of the wastes that were provided to him or
that were performed at his instance or behalf, that a recycled water plant is fulfilling the requirements
and will issue permission in writing to put the plant on permanent to the occupier.
The occupier shall operate the plant as specified.
12.7 Separation of Grey Water:
The wastes from toilets in the premises will be separated from grey water that is of bathroom and
kitchen wastes by means of separate down take discharge system. The grey water shall be recycled
by providing recycling plant and shall be reused for non-portable purposes after storing the same in
distinctly separate tank by means of purple coloured down take pipes. The water quality shall conform
to standards of non-portable water. The recycled water shall be tested once in six months and results
shall be made available to Authority or his authorized officer whenever demanded.
The make-up connection to the system will be done at the collection tank of the treated water, through
a free fall if from Municipal water connection, but preferable from a local source like borewell.
12.8 Conditional Waste Discharge Permission:
Waste discharge of the conditional type plant will be allowed on the issuance of conditional
permission provided the conditional type plant has recycling and reuse of water facility and not
exceeding limits given in as per Jammu & Kashmir Pollution Control Board (JKPCB) norms.
12.9 Mandatory notice regarding changes:
An occupier of premises shall inform the Authority of any change in the quality, nature or quality of
the wastes discharged from his plant or premises, the manner of their discharge or extra requirement
of external supply of water in variation or violation of license under these byelaws.
12.10 Authority to change license/notice conditions:
The Authority or his authorized officer, having given a license or a notice in writing, may revoke,
modify or stipulate conditions to the license or notice if not satisfied on inception of the plant,
premises or test reports.
12.11 Delivery of Notice/Permission.
Notice/permission required by this byelaw shall be deemed to have been delivered lawfully if it is
given in to the hand of their intended receiver with acknowledgement, or delivered to his place or
residence or his place of occupation or place known to be so with acknowledgement, or to adult
member of his family or to an adult employee with acknowledgement, or if sent by registered mail to
the same person according to his place of residence, of normal place of employment recently known
to be so. If it is not possible to make the delivery as stated, the notice will be assumed to have been
delivered lawfully if the notice is pasted in a conspicuous place in one of the above stated locations.
12.12 Corrective action
Any person violating the provisions of these byelaws shall be fined Rs. 5000/- only on the day of
detection and if the violation continues shall be fined Rs. `100/- only for every day as a corrective
action after a written notice from the Authority or his authorized officer is delivered to him.
Failure to operate (as determined by the Inspector or authorized officer of MC Municipality from the
observations of test results and/or physical verification) the recycling plant will attract a penalty of Rs.
500/- per day and/or disconnection of water connection.


12.13 Authorization of Officers
The Authority will authorize his officers/inspectors and will delegate the necessary powers for
carrying various duties under this byelaw.


Land, Air, Noise, Water, Energy, biological/ socio-economic/ solid / other waste management are the
main facets considered in relation to Pre, during and Post. Building Construction for Sustainable
Environment Management. Therefore, it is necessary for the building process to ensure compliance
to various conditions laid down by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF
and CC).
The building construction sector is a major contributor towards carbon footprints which affects climate
change. India is committed towards mitigating the effects of climate change and moving towards
internationally accepted norms for environmentally friendly building construction. Currently this
objective of environmental safeguard is achieved through obtaining a specific environmental
clearance (EC) for any construction project having a size of more than 20,000 Sq. m. This is
administered under notification of Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change.
With rapid urbanisation and growth of Indian economy, it is anticipated that the construction activity
will experience a proportionate growth. Government is also committed towards streamlining of
clearances for buildings and real estate sector and empowering the urban local bodies with an objective
of Ease of Doing Business.
13.1 Environmental conditions for compliance during Building approvals
The Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has now decided to integrate the
environmental concerns into building plan approval process and empowering the concerned local
body/development authority to approve and certify compliance of stipulated requirements. The new
building construction proposals are classified in the following 3 categories: -
(i) Conditions for Category ‘A’ Buildings: Built-up Area 5000 Sq. m – 20000 Sq. m.
(ii) Conditions for Category ‘B’ Buildings: Built-up Area 20000 Sq. m – 50000sq.m.
(iii) Conditions for Category ‘C’ Buildings: Built-upArea50000sq.m–150000sq.m.
States are, therefore, advised to amend their building by-laws by incorporating the set of conditions
for each category A, B and C as mentioned above either for the entire State/UT or clearly identified
part thereof, where they would like to integrate the environmental clearance conditions with building
permissions and empower the local authority to examine, stipulate and ensure compliance of
conditions required to address environmental concerns. the State/UT should submit such
proposal/notification at draft stage as well as a copy of the final notification to the MoEF and CC.
(a) For building plans with a total built-up area between 5,000 sqm and 1, 50,000 sqm, and
environment clearance will be required to be synchronized with the building regulations.
(b) The concerned Urban local body, authorized to sanction building plans, shall ensure at the time
of sanctioning a building plan that the environmental requirements stipulated in Table 16.1 (for
above 5,000 sqm and up to 20,000 sqm), Table 12.2 (for above 20,000 sqm and up to 50,000
sqm) and Table 12.3 (for above 50,000 sqm and up to 1,50,000 sqm), as the case may be, are
complied with.


Table 13—1 : Environmental Conditions for Building and Constructions (Category “A” 5000 Sq. m-
20000 sq.m.)
S. No. Medium Environmental conditions MBBL Ref.
1 Natural Drainage The inlet and outlet point of natural drain _
system should be maintained with adequate
size of channel for ensuring unrestricted
flow of water.
2 Water conservations- A rainwater harvesting plan needs to be Table 9.1
Rainwater Harvesting designed where the recharge bores
and Ground Water (minimum one per 5000 sqm of built-up
Recharge area) shall be provided. The rainwater
harvested should be stored in a tank for reuse
in household through a provision of separate
water tank and pipeline to avoid mixing with
potable municipal water supply. The excess
rainwater harvested be linked to the tube
well bore in the premises through a pipeline
after filtration in the installed filters.
2 (a) The unpaved area shall be more than or equal 10.2.1 (iv)
to 20% of the recreational open spaces.
3 Solid Waste Separate wet and dry bins must be provided 10.2.5 (b)
Management at the ground level for facilitating
segregation of waste.
4 Energy In common areas, LED/solar lights must be 10.2 (3)
5 Air Quality and Noise Dust, smoke and debris prevention measures _
such as screens, barricading shall be installed
at the site during construction.
Plastic/tarpaulin sheet covers must be used
for trucks brining in sand and material at the
5(a) The exhaust pipe of the DG set, if installed, __
must be minimum 10m away from the
building. In case it is less than 10m away, the
exhaust pipe shall be taken up to 3m above
the building.
6 Green Cover A minimum of 1 tree for every 80 sqm of 10.2.1 (i)
land shall be planted and maintained. The
existing trees will be counted for this
purpose. Preference should be given to
planting native species.


S. No. Medium Environmental conditions MBBL Ref.
6(a) Where the trees need to be cut, 10.2.1 (ii)
compensatory plantation in the ratio of 1:3
(i.e. planting of 3 trees for every 1 tree that
is cut) shall be done with the obligation to
provide continued maintenance for such

Table 13—2:Environmental Conditions for Building and Constructions (Category “B”20000sq.m.-

S. No. Medium Environmental conditions MBBL Ref.
1 Natural Drainage The inlet and outlet point of natural drain system _
should be maintained with adequate size of channel
for ensuring unrestricted flow of water.
2 Water A rainwater harvesting plan needs to be designed Table 9.1
conservations- where the recharge bores (minimum one per 5000
Rainwater sqm of built-up area) shall be provided. The
Harvesting and rainwater harvested should be stored in a tank for
Ground Water reuse in household through a provision of separate
Recharge water tank and pipeline to avoid mixing with
potable municipal water supply. The excess
rainwater harvested be linked to the tube well bore
in the premises through a pipeline after filtration in
the installed filters.
2 (a) The unpaved area shall be more than or equal to 10.2.1 (iv)
20% of the recreational open spaces.
3 Solid Waste Separate wet and dry bins must be provided at the 10.2.5 (b)
Management ground level for facilitating segregation of waste.
4 Energy In common areas, LED/solar lights must be 10.2 (3)
4(a) At least 1% of connected applied load generated 10.2
from renewable energy source such as photovoltaic
cells or windmills or hybrid should be provided.
4(b) As per the provisions of the Ministry of New and 1-2.4-IV
Renewable energy solar water heater of minimum
capacity 10 litres/4 persons (2.5 litres per capita)
shall be installed.
4(c) Use of fly ash bricks: Fly ash should be used as 10.2.6 (b)
building material in the construction as per the
provisions of Fly Ash Notification of September
1999 and as amended from time to time.


5 Air Quality and Dust, smoke and debris prevention measures such _
Noise as screens, barricading shall be installed at the site
during construction. Plastic/tarpaulin sheet covers
must be used for trucks brining in sand and material
at the site.
5(a) The exhaust pipe of the DG set, if installed, must be __
minimum 10m away from the building. In case it is
less than 10m away, the exhaust pipe shall be taken
up to 3 m above the building.
6 Green Cover A minimum of 1 tree for every 80 sqm of land shall 10.2.1 (i)
be planted and maintained. The existing trees will
be counted for this purpose. Preference should be
given to planting native species.
6(a) Where the trees need to be cut, compensatory 10.2.1 (ii)
plantation in the ratio of 1:3 (i.e. planting of 3 trees
for every 1 tree that is cut) shall be done with the
obligation to provide continued maintenance for
such plantations.
Table 13—3: Environmental Conditions for Building and Constructions (Category “C” 50000 sq.m.-
150000 sq.m.)
S. Medium Environmental conditions MBBLRef.Clause
1 Natural Drainage The inlet and outlet point of natural drain system should _
be maintained with adequate size of channel for
ensuring unrestricted flow of water.
2 Water A rainwater harvesting plan needs to be designed where Table 9.1
conservations- the recharge bores separate water tank and pipeline to
Rainwater avoid mixing with potable municipal water supply. The
Harvesting and excess rainwater harvested is to be linked to the tube
Ground Water well bore in the premises through a pipeline after
Recharge filtration in the installed filters (minimum one per 5000
sqm of built-up area) shall be provided. The rainwater
harvested should be stored in a tank for reuse in
household through a provision of
2 The unpaved area shall be more than or equal to 20% of 10.2.1 (iv)
(a) the recreational open spaces.
2(b) The ground water shall not be withdrawn without
approval from the BPIA .
2(c) Use of potable water in construction should be
2(d) Low flow fixtures and sensors must be used to promote
water conservation.


2(e) Separation of grey and black water should be done by
the use of dual plumbing system.
3 Solid Waste Separate wet and dry bins must be provided at the 10.2.5 (b)
Management ground level forfacilitating segregation of waste.
3(a) All non-biodegradable waste shall be handed over to
authorized recyclers which a written tie-up must be done
with the authorized recyclers.
3(b) Organic waste composter/vermin culture pit with a
minimum capacity of 0.3 kg/tenement/day must be
installed wherein the STP sludge may be use3d to be
converted to manure which could be used at the site or
handed over to authorized recyclers for which a written
tie-up must be done with the authorized recyclers.
4 Energy In common areas, LED/solar lights must be provided. 10.2 (c)
4(a) At least 1% of connected applied load generated from 10.2
renewable energy source such as photovoltaic cells or
windmills or hybrid should be provided.
4(b) As per the provisions of the Ministry of New and 1-2.4-IV
Renewable energy solar water heater of minimum
capacity 10 litres/4 persons (2.5 litres per capita) shall
be installed.
4(c) Use of fly ash bricks: Fly ash should be used as building 10.2.6 (b)
material in the construction as per the provisions of Fly
Ash Notification of September 1999 and as amended
from time to time.
4(d) Use of concept of passive solar design of buildings using 10.2(3)
architectural design approaches that minimize energy
consumption in buildings by integrating conventional
energy-efficient devices, such as mechanical and
electric pumps, fans, lighting fixtures and other
equipment, with the passive design elements, such as
building orientation, landscaping, efficient building
envelope, appropriate fenestration, increased day
lighting design and thermal mass.
4(e) Optimize use of energy systems in buildings that should 10.2 (3)
maintain a specific indoor environment conducive to the
functional requirements of the building by following
mandatory compliance measures (for all applicable
buildings) as recommended in the Energy Conservation
Building Code (ECBC) 2007 of the Bureau of Energy
Efficiency, Government of India.
5 Air Quality and Dust, smoke and debris prevention measures such as _
Noise screens, barricading shall be installed at the site during


construction. Plastic/tarpaulin sheet covers must be used
for trucks brining in sand and material at the site.
5(a) The exhaust pipe of the DG set, if installed, must be __
minimum 10m away from the building. In case it is less
than 10m away, the exhaust pipe shall be taken up to 3
m above the building.
6 Green Cover A minimum of 1 tree for every 80 sqm of land shall be 10.2.1 (i)
planted and maintained. The existing trees will be
counted for this purpose. Preference should be given to
planting native species.
6(a) Where the trees need to be cut, compensatory plantation 10.2.1 (ii)
in the ratio of 1:3 (i.e. planting of 3 trees for every 1 tree
that is cut) shall be done with the obligation to provide
continued maintenance for such plantations.
7 Sewage Sewage treatment plant with capacity of treating 100% 4.32.4
Treatment Plant wastewater shall be installed. Treated water must be
recycled for gardening and flushing.
8 Environment The environment infrastructure like Sewage Treatment __
Management Plant, Landscaping, Rainwater Harvesting, Power
Plan backup for environment, infrastructure, Environment
Monitoring, Solid Waste Management and Solar and
Energy conservation, should be kept operational
through Environment Monitoring Committee with
defined functions and responsibility.

(Source: Model Building Byelaws 2016, Town and Country Planning Organisation, Ministry of
Urban Development (now Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs-MOHUA)


14.1 Facilities for physically handicapped persons
For requirements regarding Facilities for Physically Handicapped Persons, reference
shall be made to part 3 Development Control Rules and General Building
Requirements of the National Building Code 2016 or its latest version which shall
14.2 Fire and Life Safety
For requirements regarding Fire and Life Safety for different Occupancies, reference
shall be made to part 4 Fire and Life Safety of the National Building Code 2016 or
its latest version.
14.3 Design and Construction
For requirements regarding structural design, reference shall be made to part 6
Structural design of the National Building Code. For requirements regarding
construction (including management and safety), reference shall be made to part 7
Construction Management, Practices and safety ‘of the National Building Code 2016
or its latest version.
14.4 Building services
14.4.1 Lighting and Ventilation
For requirements regarding Lighting and ventilations for different uses and
occupancies reference shall be made to part 8 “Building Services”, Section 1
“Lighting and Natural Ventilation” of the National Building Code 2016 or its latest
14.4.2Electrical and Allied Installations (Including Lighting Protection of Buildings and
Solar Energy Utilization)
For requirements regarding Electrical Installations in Buildings Including Lighting
Protection of Buildings reference shall be made to part 8 “Building Services” Section
2 Electrical and Allied Installations of the National Building Code 2016 or its latest
14.4.3Air Conditioning, Heating and Mechanical ventilation
For requirements regarding design, construction and installation of Air Conditioning,
Heating and Mechanical ventilation systems, reference shall be made to part 8
“Building Services” Section 3 Air Conditioning, Heating and Mechanical ventilation
of the National Building Code 2016 or its latest version.


14.4.4Acoustics, Sound Insulation and Noise Control
For requirements regarding the desired Noise levels and sound Insulation in different
occupancies reference shall be made to part 8 “Building Services” Section 4
Acoustics, Sound Insulation and Noise Control of the National Building Code 2016
or its latest version.
14.4.5Installation of Lifts Escalators and Moving Walks
Provision for Lifts shall be made for buildings 15m or more in height For requirements
regarding planning, designing and installation etc. of Lifts Escalators, reference shall
be made to part 8 “Building Services” Section 5 Installation of Lifts Escalators and
Moving Walks of the National Building Code 2016 or its latest version.
14.4.6Information and Communication Enabled Installations
For requirements regarding Information and Communication Enabled Installations in
Buildings reference shall be made to part 8 “Building Services” Section 6 Information
and Communication Enabled Installations of the National Building Code 2016 or its
latest version.
14.5 Plumbing Services (Including Solid Waste Management)
For requirements regarding water supply, drainage and Sanitation, Solid Waste
Management and gas supply reference shall be made to part 9 “Plumbing Services
(Including Solid Waste Management)” of the National Building Code 2016 or its latest
14.6 Landscape Development
For requirements regarding Landscape development, reference shall be made to part
10 ‘Landscape Development and Sign and outdoor display structures’ Section 1
Landscape Planning and development of the National Building Code 2016 or its
latest version.
14.7 Sign and outdoor display structures
No advertising signs (including hoarding) on buildings or on land shall be displayed
without the prior approval of the Authority. The standards specified in Section-2 of
part 10 Signs and outdoor display structures of National Building Code 2016 or its
latest version.
14.8 Sustainability
For requirements regarding sustainable buildings and built environment, reference
shall be made to part 11 ‘Approach to Sustainability’ of the National Building Code
2016 or its latest version.


14.9 Asset and Facility Management
For requirements regarding Asset and Facility Management in respect of Existing
Buildings and services thereof, reference shall be made to part 12 Asset and Facility
Management of the National Building Code 2016 or its latest version.
14.10 Energy Conservation Building
For requirements regarding Energy Conservation Building guidelines reference shall
be made to Energy Conservation Building Code 2017 or its latest version & the
J&K UT ECBC whenever framed.

Note: Whenever an Indian Standard including those referred in the National Building
Code or the National Building Code is referred; the latest revision of the same shall
be followed except specific criteria, if any, mentioned above against that code.
14.11 Health Guidelines:
Refer guidelines issued by Department of Health, Family Welfare and Medical
Education, Government of Jammu and Kashmir.
14.12 Education Guidelines:
Refer SRO 123 or latest guidelines issued by Department of Education, Government
of Jammu and Kashmir.
14.13 Sports Guidelines:
Refer latest guidelines issued by Sports Department, Government of Jammu and


Appendix “A”: Form for Application to Erect, Re-Erect or to make Material
Alteration in any Place in a Building

(To be submitted in duplicate)


Commissioner/Vice Chairman/Secretary

Development Authority/ Municipal Corporation/ Council/ Committee


I hereby give notice on behalf of Shri………………………….(owner) that the owner intends to

erect/demolish or make alteration in the building number or to on/in Plot No……………………….
Block No……………….. House No ………………….. situated at
…………………………………………………….Scheme...………………………… d in
accordance with the building Bye-law No………………………………………. and I forward herewith,
the following plans and specification duly signed by me and by the owner.

1. Site plan

2. Building Plan

3. Service Plan

4. Parking and circulation plan.

5. Landscape Plan

6. General Specifications (in attached form)

7. Ownership Title (Lease/Conveyance/Sale Deed, etc)

8. Other document, as required


ii) The building plan has been prepared strictly as per the approved building Byelaws and relevant
IS Codes / provisions of NBC. The construction shall be carried out in accordance with the
building plan and I shall be completely accountable for any lapse on my part up to within 6
months after obtaining completion certificate of the building.
iii) The Building permit fee as required under Byelaws has been deposited vide receipt No
………………dated. …………………(Photocopy enclosed).
iv) I am aware that in the event of building being constructed in violation of the sanctioned
building plan approval, the Authority shall have the right. to take action against me as it may deem
fit including referring the matter to concerned professional and statutory councils for taking
disciplinary action against me.

……………………….. ………………………….
Signature of the Owners (Signature of
Registered/Architect/Engineer/Supervisor) Name of owner(s)………………………….. …
Registration No. of the
Address of the owner(s)……………………… Architect/Engineer/Supervisor

Address of the Architect/Engineer/ Supervisor

Encl: As stated above Dated: ………………………..


Appendix “A-1”: Statement of the Proposal and Certificate
By the Owner and Registered Architect

Classification of the Proposal………………………………………………… (To erect/re-


Scheme /Colony ……………...…………. Plot No. ………………….…………… Plot Area

……………………………. sq.m. Size (in m)

Area Statement

Description Permissible Proposed Remarks

sq.m. sq.m.
Max. Ground coverage
Ground Floor
First Floor
Second Floor
Third Floor
Total Floor area
Floor Area Ratio
No. of Dwelling Units

Maximum height (in m)

Setbacks As per approved Proposed

Layout plan (m.) (m.)




Parking Details
Building Use Parking Required as per Building Proposed
Bye law (m.)

ii) Fees and Charges
a) Building Permission Fess ……………..
b) Infrastructure Development Fees……………..
c) Additional Floor Space Fees ……………
d) Any other (as applicable)…………………
Total Amount as per details above……………..

Receipt No….................................... Dated….................................

We hereby certify that

1. The plot in question forms part of the approved layout plan and its location size and area conform
to the approved layout plan and lease/sale deed/NOC of the lease Administration Branch of
concerned Development Authority.
2. Plot is lying vacant and no construction shall be started before sanction.
3. The plot is free from all encumbrances (owner responsibility).
4. The period of construction valid up to ......................... As per the lease condition / further extension
of time for construction granted by the lessor is valid up to ........................ Time construction
obtained from the lease Administration Branch, Concerned Development Authority.
5. Size of each dwelling unit is not more than 300 sq.m.

Signature of Owner Signature of Registered Architect

Name..................................... Name.....................................
……………………………… Registration No. ………………….
Address……………………… Address……………………………
………………………………. ……………………………………

Dated………………………… ……………………………………

Authority Letter
I hereby authorize Mr./Mrs............................................... to collect the sanction whose signature is
verified below


Specimen signature of signature of the owner(s)/Registered Architect/
Dated received.......................................... Date .................................... (Signature of authorized person
/ owner / Registered Architect)
Dated: .................................. Remark, if any....................................


Appendix “A-2”: Form for Specifications of Proposed Building

The purpose (Residence, Office, Restaurant, Hotel, Dharmshala, School, Hostel Cinema, Shop,
Factory Others) for which it is intended to be used………………………………

Table A-2: 1 Details of coverage on respective floor are given below:

S.N. Floor Existing (sq.m) Proposed (sq.m) Total (sq.m)

1 Basement Floor

2 Ground Floor

3 Mezzanine Floor

4 First Floor

5 Second Floor

6 Third floor

7 ………………..

a) Approximate number of in habitants proposed to be accommodated……………


b) The number of latrines, Urinals, Kitchens, Baths to be provided………………


c) The source of water to be used in the construction………………………………


d) Distance from public sewer………………………….………………

e) The materials to be used in construction Walls/Columns/Foundations/Roof/


Signature of Registered Architect/Engineer/Supervisor

Registration No……………………………………….


Appendix “A-3”: Form for Supervision

The Commissioner/Vice-Chairman/Secretary
Development Authority/ Municipal Corporation/ Council/ Committee


Iherebycertifythaterection/re-erectiondemolitionormaterialalteration in/of Building

No…………………………………. on / in …………………. Plot No………………….in Block
No……………………… situated at …………………………... scheme………...… shall be
carried out under my supervision and I certify that all the materials (type& Grade) and work man
ship of the work shall be generally in accordance with the general specification submitted along
with and the work shall be carried out according to the sanctioned plans which also included the
services like drainage, sanitary, water supply, and electrical.

Signature of Registered Architect Engineer/Supervisor

Name of Registered Architect/Engineer/Supervisor
(In block letters) ………………………………...……....

Registration No. of Architect/Engineer/Supervisor

Address of Registered Architect/Engineer/Supervisor
Dated: …………………………


Appendix “A-4”: Undertaking for Payment of Other and Peripheral Charges
Note: It should be on non-judicial stamp paper of specified amount attested by Notary Public / First class


I ………………………………Son of Shri ………………………………. aged……….... Years

residents of …………………………….Owner of Plot No …………………
in……………………..Co-operative Housing Building Society Ltd………………… hereby
undertake to pay the balance of peripheral and other charges as and when required by the
concerned Authority and in this regard Authority’s decision will be finally binding on me.

Executed by me as……………….on day of……………………….....2004.







Appendix “A-5”: Affidavit-cum-Undertaking
(Affidavit of Competent Professional on Rs. 2/- Non-Judicial Stamp paper of specified amount to
be attested by Notary Public/Metropolitan Magistrate)

I …………………………………… son of ……………………………………Architect by

profession having office at………………………………….Do hereby solemnly affirm and
declare as under:

1. That I am a Licensed Architect/Engineer/Supervisor/Plumber duly registered with the Authority

vide registration No. ……………………….……………

2. That I have been engaged as a Competent professional as per Table 2—2: Procedure for Building
Permission of Non-Residential Use Building of the Byelaws for preparing the building plans and
to supervise construction in respect of Plot No………...Block No………………… situated

3. That I have prepared the building plans in respect of the aforesaid plot.

4. That I have studied the layout plan of the colony and gone through the instructions, policy
decisions and other relevant documents in respect of the plot and colony.

5. That I have personally inspected the site. The plot under proposal forms part of the approved
layout plan with respect to its location, size shape and area of the plot and proposed land use is
also in conformity with the approved layout plan. The plot has been demarcated at site and the
size, shape and area of plot available at site tallies with the approved layout plan.

6. That the ownership documents are in the shape of registered sale-deed/lease- deed in favour of
the applicants and have been thoroughly examined and the ownership in favour of the applicant is
in order.

7. That there is no construction in existence at the plot and no construction shall be started before
sanction of the building plans.

8. That there is no encroachment on the Municipal land/road/other property and road widths as
shown in the layout plan are available at site.

9. That the proposal is in conformity with the terms and condition of lease deed which is still valid
and period of construction as per lease-deed and the extension granted by the lessor is valid up

10. That the proposal has been prepared strictly in accordance with the Master Plan/Zonal
Plan/Building Byelaws rules regulation and practice of the department and no
misinterpretation on inference of provision of Building Bye-Law has been done while
preparing the plans. The construction shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the
sanctioned building plans and in case any deviation is carried out, I shall inform the concerned
Authority within 48 hours.
11. That in case the owner dispenses with my services at any stage whatsoever, I


shall inform the concerned Authority within 48 hours.

12. That the size of each dwelling unit is not more than 300 sq. m.

13. That mandatory setbacks have been proposed and shall be maintained in accordance with the
setbacks marked in the layout plan/Master Plan/zonal plan/building byelaws.

14. That before submission of the proposal, necessary information/clarification have been obtained from
the concerned department of the concerned Authority. The plot is safe and is not affected in any
scheme or the road widening. Building activities for residential use are allowed with number of
storeys as per approved layout plan.

15. That no development/additional development/deficiency charges are payable, against this plot (in
case development/additional development/deficiency charges are payable then its details be given in
the separate para)

16. That no non-compoundable deviations shall be carried out during the course of construction.

17. That nothing has been concealed and no misrepresentation has been made while preparing and
submitting the building plans.

18. That in case anything contrary to the above is found or established at any stage, the concerned
Authority shall be at liberty to take any action as it may deem fit including revocation of sanction of
building plans and debarring me for submission of building plans with the Authority under the
scheme and also lodge a complaint with the Council of Architecture for appropriate action.



I the above-named deponent do hereby verify at …………………………………….... on

this……………. of ………….. 20……… that contents of the above affidavit are true and correct to
my knowledge. No part of it is false and nothing has been concealed there from.



Appendix “A-6”: Building Permit/Sanction

File No………………… Dated………………………….


Subject: Sanction u/s……………………………… Dear Sir or Madam,

With reference to your application dated……………….. for the grant of sanction to erect/re-
erect/add to/alteration in the building to carry out the development specified in the said
application relating to Plot No………………… Block No……………. situated
in/at……………………………………. I have to state that the Authority subject to the
following conditions and corrections done in the plans has sanctioned the same

1. The plans are valid up to …………………day……………Months

………. year ……………

2. The construction will be undertaken as per sanctioned plan only and no deviation from the
Byelaws will be permitted without prior sanction. Any deviation done against the Byelaws is
liable to be demolished and the supervising Architect engaged on the job will run the risk of being

3. Violation of building Byelaws will not be compounded.

4. It will be the duty of the owner of the plot and the Architect preparing the plans to ensure that the
sanctioned plans are as per prevalent Master Plan/Zonal Plan/Building Byelaws. If any
infringement of Byelaws remain unnoticed, the concerned Authority reserves the rigHt. to amend
the plans a s and when i n f r i n g e m e n t c o m e to the notice and concerned Authority will
stand indemnified against any claim on this account.

5. A notice in writing shall be sent to Authority before commencement of the constructions of the
building as per Byelaws. Similar notice will be sent to Authority when the building has reached
up to plinth level.

6. The owner shall not occupy or permit to occupy the building or use or permit to use the
building or any part thereof affected by any such work until Completion certificate is issued by
the concerned Authority.
7. Concerned Authority will stand indemnified and kept harmless from all proceedings in court
and before other authorities of all expenses /claims which the concerned Authority may incur
or become liable to pay as a result or in consequences of the sanction accorded by it to these
building plans.

8. The doors and window leaves shall be fixed in such a way that they shall not, when open
project on any street.


9. The owner will not convert the house into more dwelling units on each floor then the

10. The building shall not be constructed within minimum distance as specified in Indian Electricity
Rules from voltage lines running on side of the site.

11. The land left open as a consequence of the enforcement of the setback rule shall form part of the
public street.

12 The owner shall ensure that the public areas like road, parks and other public opens
spaces are not used for stacking the building materials or machineries to avoid
public inconvenience and nuisance.

13. The sanction will be void if auxiliary conditions mentioned above and other conditions
whatsoever imposed are not complied.

14. The owner will use the premises for the use, which has been sanctioned.

15. The owner will not proceed with the construction without having the supervision of an
Architect/Engineer as the case may be. If he\she changes his Architect\Engineer, he\she shall
inform the Authority about the appointment of new Architect\Engineer within 48 hours, with a
proper certificate from him.

Yours Faithfully

For ……………………………

Encl: A set of sanctioned plan.


Appendix “A-7”: Form for Refusal of Building Permit


File No……………………………. Dated



With reference to your application No…………………….dated……………….. for the grant of

sanction for the erection of building/execution of work in House No………….. Plot
No…………………..Block No………………………. Scheme……………………….. Situated at
………………………………. I have you inform you that building permit under relevant provisions of
the Act of…………………………………………... has been refused on………………………… on the
following grounds.

Yours faithfully




Appendix “A- 8”: Form of Revalidation
File No……………………….

Shri /Madam …………………………………


Subject: Revalidation of Building Plans relating to plot No……………………… Block

No…………………. Scheme……………………………….

Dear Sir / Madam, Block No.

1. With reference to your application dated…………on the subject cited above, I am directed
to inform you that your building plan which were sanctioned on………. vide file
No………………..have been revalidated up to

2. Original sanctioned plan submitted by you is also returned herewith.

3 Please acknowledge receipt.

Yours Faithfully,

For ……………………………
Encl: As above.


Appendix “A-9”: Information for Intimation of Completion of Work up to Plinth


The ………………………………



The construction up to plinth/column up to plinth level has been completed in Building

No………………………….. on/in Plot No……………… Scheme No………….. Road/Street
……………………Ward………………………………in accordance with your permission
No…………………..dated………………..under my supervision and in accordance with the
sanctioned plan.

Yours faithfully,

Signature of Licensed Architect/Engineer/Supervisor

………………………………………………..(In Block letters)



Appendix “A -10”: Inspection Report

I………………………………working as a …………………………… with …………… have

carried out the inspection of Building No………………..on/in Plot No…………….. Scheme
No.……………….Road/Street………………ward..…………….. in accordance with permission
No………………...dated………………... .The following deviation from the sanctioned plans have
been noticed which are against the provision of Master Plan / Byelaws are of non-compoundable

Description of deviations noticed: ………………………………………………………




You may not proceed with further work till such time the deviations made are rectified and
construction brought in conformity to sanction plans.

Yours Faithfully





Office No……………………………..

Office Stamp………………………….



Appendix “A-11”: Form of Notice of Completion
(To be submitted along with prescribed fee for notice of completion and other relevant documents)


The ……………………………….


Dear Sir,

I/We hereby give notice that I/We have completed the erection of building/execution of the
works in Plot No …………………… Block No……………….Scheme……………………
situated at…………………. in pursuance of the sanction granted by the Authority vide File
No…………………………… dated………………………I/We are enclosing all reports of the
Authority inspection carried out during construction period.

2. Permission to occupy or use the building may be granted.

Yours Faithfully,

Signature of owner………………………

Name of owner …………………………

(In Block letters)

Address of the owner ……………………


Dated: …………………..

Encl : As above


Appendix “A-12”: Form for Certificate of Architect/Engineer/Supervisor
(To be submitted along with notice of completion)

The ……………………………….


Dear Sir,

We hereby certify that the erection, re-erection or material alteration in/at building
No…………………………………..on in Plot No……...…………………………… Block
No…………….Scheme…………….situated at……………...has been supervised by me and has
been completed on ………………. according to the plans sanctioned, vide office communication
No………………. dated …………………..The work has been completed to our best satisfaction,
the workmanship and all the materials (type & grade) have been used strictly in accordance with
general and detailed specifications. All the drainage/Sanitary/Water Supply work has been
executed under our supervision and as per Building Byelaws. No provisions of the Building
Byelaws and condition prescribed or order issued there under have been transgressed in the course
of the work. The building is fit for use for which it has been erected /re-erected or
altered/constructed and enlarged.

2. Certificate:

i) Certified that the building(s) has been constructed according to the sanctioned plan and
structural design (one set of structural drawings as executed is enclosed) which incorporate the
provisions of structural safety as specified in relevant prevailing NBC Part 6 and IS codes

ii) Further certified that water harvesting as well as waste water re-cycling systems
have been provided as per the sanctioned building plan.

iii) It is also certified that construction has been one under our supervision and guidelines
and adheres to the drawings submitted and the records of supervision have been
maintained by us.

3. Permission to occupy of use the building may be granted.

4. Any subsequent change from completion drawings will be the responsibility of the
a) Signature of the owner b) Signature of the Architect/Engineer
with date with date


Name in Block letters Name in Block letter, Licence No.
Address Address

c) Signature of the Structural Engineer c) Signature of Supervisor/Engineer/

with date (for certificate 1) Group/Engineer with date
(as defined in NBC of India) Name in Block letters, Licence No.
Name in Block Letters Address

Dated :………………………


Appendix “A-13”: Building Use certificate

File No………………………...

Plan No……………………….. Dated:……………………….



Building Use certificate

With reference to your notice of completion dated……………I hereby certify that building
as per description below certified plan at Plot No………………Block No…………………
Scheme …………………………………………...situated at
whose plans were sanctioned vide No……………………has been inspected with reference to
building Byelaws in respect to the structural safety, fire safety, hygienic and sanitary conditions
and proposed rainwater harvesting systems inside and, in the surroundings, and is declared fit for
occupation and release of regular water and electricity connections. The description of the
construction work completed is given as under:

Description of Construction Work Block Wise/Building Wise.

1. Block Building No.

2. Details of Completed Work floor wise.

Commissioner of Authority


Appendix “A-14”: Form of Rejection or Compliance in Respect of Completion

File No…………………………….



Subject: Completion certificate in respect of Plot No………………………..

Dear Sir / Madam,

1) With reference to your letter dated

2) With reference to your notice of completion dated

3) In continuation of this office letter of even No…………………..dated on

the subject noted above, I am directed to inform you that your case bas been examined
and Completion certificate is rejected for the reasons as given below:-

Yours Faithfully,


1. …………………………………..

2. …………………………………..

3. …………………………………..

4. …………………………………..


Appendix B: Handing Over Land Required for Road Widening
(For Handing Over Land Required For Road Widening)

That I/We have submitted building plans for construction of building on plot No.............. Block
No.........................located the .......................... under Sanction..................... of the
.................... Act for favour of sanction.

I/We undertake to hand over the land required for road widening as shown on site plan to concerned Authority
free of cost as and when asked do so.

I/We have already understood that granting sanction on the basis of my undertaking.

If I/We fail to do so, the sanction so accorded shall be revoked and construction done as consequence thereof
shall be deemed to have done unauthorizedly and shall be actionable u/s ..........................of the



I/We verify that the contents of the above undertaking are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief
and nothing material has been concealed there from.



Appendix C: Proforma to be submitted by the Owner
1. Name, Status, and Address of the applicant

2. Name of the Architect and address with Registration number with Council of Architecture.
3. Details of the property/plot

a) Location

b) Boundaries

c) Area in sq.m. with dimensions (net plot area)

d) Width of the roads

4. Land use

a) Master Plan

b) Zonal Development Plan

c) Approved Layout Plan

5. Title

a) Free Hold

b) Leasehold under notification for acquisition if lease hold permission of lessor for
construction under the leasehold condition obtained.

c) Whether under acquisition, if so give details.

6. Whether the plot/land is affected under the Urban Land (Ceiling & Regulation) Act, 1976. If so,
copy of the NCO from the concerned Authority be furnished.
7. Proposals

a) LandUse

b) Coverage on each floor with proposed use of the floor space including basement.

c) FAR

d) Height

e) No. of floors.

f) Envelope controls/set backs


g) Parking norms


1. Ownership title
2. Permission to construct under the lease
3. Permission under the Land Ceiling Act, 1976.
4. Site/Location Plan
5. Tentative proposals to explain the scheme

Signature of Architect


Reg. No.................................. Address.....................................

Signature of the owner

Name........................................ Address...................................


Appendix D: Penal Action for violation of provisions of Master Plan, Zonal Plans and
Building Byelaws.
(A) Non-Compoundable Items

Any deviations except those set-in para “AA” hereunder, from the maximum, minimum prescribed limits

1. Coverage,
2. F.A.R.
3. Setbacks,
4. Open spaces,
5. Total height of the building
6. No. of floors,
7. No. of DUs & density
8. Parking norms,
9. Light and Ventilation provisions,
10. Land Use
11. Access road requirement
12. All other provisions of these Byelaws except item given in para ‘B’ below shall not be
compounded/regularized and shall have to rectified by altering/ demolition at the risk and cost of
owner. Besides this any other action as per terms and conditions of lease and provisions of Act shall

(A.A) Compounding Excess Coverage/FAR

1. Deviations in the coverage/FAR to the extent of 5% of the permissible coverage/FAR or 13.5 sq.m.
whichever is less in building(s) use premises, other than building(s) use premises where 100%
ground coverage and fixed height is allowed as per Architectural control forming part of
comprehensive schemes like District Centre, Community Centres, Cluster Court Housing etc. may
be compounded after levying penalty at the following Rates:

Rates of excess coverage/floor area:

Up to 5% of excess coverage/FAR a one-time compounding fee equivalent to the land rated in the
concerned locality applicable at the time of the application for compounding.

2. For excess coverage / FAR for above 5%. Any excess coverage above 5% or 13.5 sq.m whichever is
applicable would be liable to demolish to that extent.
3. Compounding at set back Infringements

The infringements of the setbacks maximum to the extent of 30 cm (1 ft.) may be compounded by
way of levying compounding fee at the following rates:

Infringements Residential Buildings Non-Residential Buildings

Up to 15 cm (6 inch) Rs. 1000 per sq.m. of area Rs. 2500 per sq.m. of area
infringing the set back infringing the set back


Above 15 cm (6 inch) Rs. 2000 per sq.m of area Rs. 5000 of area of the
infringing the set back infringing the set back

(B.B) Compoundable Items

If a building or part thereof has been constructed unauthorized, i.e. without obtaining the requisite building
permit from the concerned Authority as required under the building Byelaws, the same shall be compounded
at the following rates provided the building or part thereof so constructed otherwise conforms to the provisions
contained in the Building Byelaws and Master/Zonal Plan regulations. For this party shall have to submit the
request for building permit in the prescribed procedure.


a) Rs. 50 per sq.m. of the covered area constructed unauthorized in residential building up to 500 sq.m.
Plot size.
b) Rs. 100 per sq.m of the covered area constructed unauthorized in the building categorized below:

• All Govt. Public and Semi-Public and Utility Buildings.

• Religious, Institutional and Educational Buildings

c) Rs. 250 per sq.m. of the covered area constructed unauthorizedly

• Residential building above 500 sq.m. plot size, Group Housing & Guest Houses.
• Industrial Buildings:
• Storage buildings (underground or above ground)

d) Rs. 1000 per sq.m. of covered area constructed unauthorizedly.

• Cinema and Theatre Building.

• Petrol Pumps (Filing / Service Station)
• Hazardous Buildings.
• Commercial / Business Buildings

1. The buildings not covered specifically under the above categories shall be compounded as decided by
the Authority, considering merits of each individual case.

2. Items which are exempted from the calculations of the coverage and FAR e.g. canopy, basement if
used for parking and services, loft, etc. but constructed unauthorizedly without obtaining prior
permission from the Authority, but within the permissible limits shall also be compounded/regularized
at the rate prescribed above.

3. Deviations of the building Byelaws other than specified in (A) (Non- compoundable)
Deviation up to the maximum extent of 10% from the maximum/minimum prescribed limit (as
prescribed by the building Byelaws) shall be compounded at the following rates:

a) In case of deviations of areas of various components of the building, the rate of penalty will be
@ Rs. 50/- per 1% deviation.


b) For deviations in terms of height the penalty shall be @ Rs. 50/- per 1% of deviation for every
10 sq.m. or part thereof of the affected area.
c) Deviations from the prescribed limit of width, length, penalty shall be @ Rs. 50/- per 1% of
the deviation for every 10 sq.m. or part thereof of the affected area.

The Authority if satisfied that there are other deviations of general nature, which are not
described above, may fix rates for compounding such deviations. However, there shall be no
further relaxation in FAR and coverage over that permitted above.

Revision of all fees and charges under consideration for compounding and regularization shall be
revisited by the Authority from time-to-time based on the Schedule of rates.


Appendix E: Technical Aspects and Options of Rainwater Harvesting in Built
forms and open spaces
The storage of rainwater on surface is a traditional technique and the structures used were
underground tanks, ponds, check dams, weirs etc. Recharge to ground water is a new concept of
rainwater harvesting and the structures generally used are: -
a) Pits: Recharge pits are constructed for recharging the shallow aquifer. These are constructed 1 to 2m,
wide and to 3m. deep which are back filled with boulders, gravels, coarse sand.
b) Trenches: These are constructed when the permeable stream is available at shallow depth. Trench
may be 0.5 to 1m. wide, 1 to 1.5m deep and 10 to 20m long depending up availability of water. These
are back filled with filler materials.
c) Dug wells: Existing dug wells may be utilized as recharge structure and water should pass through
filter media before putting into dug well.
d) Hand pumps: The existing hand pumps may be used for recharging the shallow/deep aquifers, if the
availability of water is limited. Water should pass through filter media before diverting it into hand
e) Recharge wells: Recharge wells of 100 to 300 mm. diameter are generally constructed for recharging
the deeper aquifers and water is passed through filter media to avoid choking of recharge wells.
f) Recharge Shafts: For recharging the shallow aquifer which are located below clayey surface,
recharge shafts of 0.5 to 3 m. diameter and 10 to 15 m. deep are constructed and back filled with
boulders, gravels & coarse sand.
g) Lateral shafts with bore wells: For recharging the upper as well as deeper aquifers lateral shafts of
1.5 to 2 m. wide & 10 to 30 m. long depending upon availability of water with one or two bore wells
are constructed. The lateral shafts are back filled with boulders, gravels & coarse sand.
h) Spreading techniques: When permeable strata start from top then this technique is used. Spread the
water in streams/Nalas by making check dams, nala bunds, cement plugs, gabion structures or a
percolation pond may be constructed.



Appendix F: Number and Type of Lifts Required for Different Occupancies and
Space for Electrical Installations
1. The number and type of lifts required depending on the capacity of lift, desired speed nature of
operation are as given in table below:
TableF-1: Number and types of lifts for non-residential Multi-storeyed Building
Sl. No. Capaci Speed No. of persons that can be carried by a lift
No of ty of m/s In 6 min In 30 min. In 50 min. In 60 min.
. floor lifts in Manuall Automa Manuall Automa Manuall Automa Manuall Automa
s person y tic y tic y tic y tic
Operate Operate Operate Operate
d d d d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 7 6 0.6- 17 - 102 - 170 - 204 -
2 7 8 0.6- 22 - 132 - 220 - - -
3 7 10 0.6- 26 - 156 - 260 - 312 -
4 7 10 1.0 30 - 180 - 300 - 360 -
5 7 13 1.0 37 - 122 -- 370 - 444 -
6 11 6 0.6- 11 - 70 - 115 - 140 -
7 11 8 0.6- 15 - 90 - 150 - 180 -
8 11 10 0.6- 18 - 108 - 180 - 216 -
9 11 13 0.6- 22 - 132 - 220 - 264 -
10 11 10 0.6- 21 - 126 - 210 - 252 -
11 11 10 1.5 24 - 144 - 240 - 288 -
12 11 13 1.5 28 - 156 - 260 - 312 -
13 11 13 1.5 32 - 180 - 300 - - -
14 16 10 1.0 17 - 100 126 170 210 - 252
15 16 13 1.5 20 24 120 145 200 240 248 290
16 16 13 1.5 23 30 138 180 230 300 - 360
17 16 16 1.5 25 33 150 198 250 330 300 356
18 21 10 1.5 18 32 108 132 180 220 214 264
19 21 13 1.5 21 26 126 156 210 250 250 312
20 21 14 1.5 23 28 138 168 230 280 - -
a) For all non-residential buildings, the traffic cleared in 50 minutes is considered adequate
and is approved by Authority. As such for calculation the number of lifts required, the rate


of the clearance of traffic in column 9 and 10 and the population may be taken into
b) In addition to total number of lifts required as above, provision of one lift of the same
capacity may be considered to serve as stand-by.
Note-2: The population may be worked out on the basis of useful carpet area which the person
occupy (excluding area of Verandah, Lobbies, Halls, Passages, Lavatory blocks, etc.)
Note-3: The population on ground and first floor may not be taken into consideration since these
floors are not generally served by lifts.
Note-4: 0.75 m per sec. Equivalent to 150 ft. per Min
1.00 m per sec. Equivalent to 200 ft. per Min.
1.5 m per sec. Equivalent to 300 ft. per Min.
Note-5: The height of buildings for lift installation i.e. the travel on the lift presumed in the above
statements is as below:
7 floors 21.0 m.
11 floors 33.0 m.
16 floors 48.0 m.
21 floors 64.0 m.
TableF-2: Number and types of lifts for Residential Building
Sl. No of No Passeng Spee Landing Central Servic Capa Typ Central
No Floor er unit d in Gate System e Lift city e of System
. s capacit m/s Type No. Pers Gat
y ons e
1 5 to 8 2 6 0.0 to * Automatic - - - -
0.5 push button
both from
car and
2 9 to 2 8 0.6 to * --do-- 1 8 - Push
12 1 button car
3 11 to 2 8 0.6 to * --Do--and 1 8 - --do--
13 0.74 Power without
1 6 operated collection
doors system
4 13 to 2 8 1 - --do-- 1 8 - --do--
19 Power
2 8 1 operated
* For buildings more than 15 m. in height collapsible gates shall not be permitted. (see bye-law No.
7.9.1(f) )




Appendix F-1
The dimensions and relevant information for lift installations like lift well, pit depth, machine room,
clearance from top floor landing to machine room flooring is given in table below:
TableF-3: Dimensions and required information for Lift Installation in Building
Carryin Load Lift Speed Dimension (C Leading Dimension of Clearanc Imposed load
g (kg) of Lift well m) Pit Machine Room e from in tones on top
Capacit front depth Entrance top floor of lift well due
y of lift (In cm.) (Cm) landing to installation.
(persons to It may be noted
) machine that figures do
Number room not include
flooring weight of the
cm machine from
floors and well,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
4 272 Up to & 175 115 70 140 230 275 245 450 6.5
1 m/s
6 408 --do-- 195 135 80 140 230 335 275 450 7.0
8 544 Up to & 200 170 80 150 245 395 275 450 8.5
1 m/s
10 680 Up to & 225 170 90 150 245 395 305 470 10.5
1.5 m/s
13 884 --do-- 235 188 90 150 245 425 335 470 13.0
16 1088 --do-- 255 205 105 150 245 520 335 480 15.0
20 1360 --do-- 255 220 105 150 245 520 335 480 15.0
i) All lift well dimensions are minimum clear finished plumb requirements.
ii) Where more than one lift is located in the lift well, extra width of 10 cm. Separator beam
should be provided.
iii) 1 m/s = 200 ft./min.
iv) The height. of landing entrance should be 210 cm. (about 7 ft.) for all lifts.


Appendix G: Guidelines for Mitigation of Effects of Electro Magnetic Radiation
in Built Spaces
Electromagnetic radiations are energy waves having time varying electric and magnetic fields at
rigHt. angles to each other and are predominantly used for wireless communication.

Although, Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) occur in nature and thus have always been present on earth
(Sun is the biggest source of natural EMR), nevertheless their occurrence has become more
pronounced due to rapid advances of wireless technology in the communication sector.
The twentieth century witnessed, steady rise of environmental exposure to man-made sources of EMF
due to increasing electricity demand, ever-advancing wireless technologies and changes in work
practices and social behaviour. The unprecedented growth in communication industry in recent years
has also caused an exponential rise in electromagnetic radiations in the envelopes surrounding all
living habitats.
Human beings are thus exposed to a complex mix of electric and magnetic fields at many different
frequencies, at home and at work. EMF (Electro Magnetic fields) can be broadly divided into-
1. Low-frequency electromagnetic fields- the common sources of which include power lines,
household electrical appliances, and
2. High frequency electromagnetic fields: the main sources of which are radar, radio and television
broadcasting, mobile telephones and their base stations, induction heaters and anti-theft devices
Given below is the chart of Electromagnetic spectrum which highlights various ranges of frequencies
and the equipment which work in these ranges of frequencies:

Figure G-1



Therefore, there is an urgent need to adopt precautions for living beings from any effects of
electromagnetic radiations at our work places as well as at our living spaces.
The effects of electromagnetic radiation upon living cells, including those on humans, depend upon
the frequency as well as the penetrating power of the radiation.
Initially, it was believed that low frequency fields were too weak to cause heating to a significant
level and thus do not have any biological effect. There have been a number of epidemiological studies
for a relationship between cell phone use and consequent health threats that have been largely
inconclusive. Thus, it can be concluded that their effect is not very prominent although significant.
However, there are sufficient evidences to suggest the existence of complex biological effects of
weaker non-thermal electromagnetic fields, and modulated RF and microwave fields. World Health
Organization has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation as a possible group 2b
carcinogen (possible weaker threats).
In case of low-frequency radiations (radio waves to visible light) therefore, depending upon the power
of the radiation heating effects are caused due to absorption of radiation by the living cells. These
thermal effects increase with the frequency of radiation as penetration of radiation into the organism
increases (for example microwaves penetrate more than infrared rays).
At higher frequencies (visible and beyond) however, the individual photons of the radiation carry
enough energy individually and thus directly or indirectly can damage biological molecules. All
frequencies of UV radiation have therefore been classified as Group 1 carcinogens by the World
Health Organization. In this context it is a significant fact that Ultraviolet radiation from sun
exposure is the primary cause of skin cancer. Thus, at such frequencies electromagnetic radiations
cause much more damage to biological systems than simple heating. This is most obvious for the
"extreme" Ultraviolet, X-ray and Gamma radiations, which are referred to as ionizing radiations due
to the ability of photons of this radiation to produce ions and free radicals in materials which include
living tissues as well. Since such radiation can produce severe damage to life at powers that produce
very little heating, it is considered much more dangerous than the rest of the electromagnetic
Health risks from Electromagnetic radiations can be numerous depending upon the power and
frequency of radiations.
From the perspective of prevention of any health effects of Electro Magnetic Radiations there is a
need of suitable precautions, since it is not possible to keep away from them owing to the advent of
wireless communication technology which is based upon electromagnetic waves of higher frequencies
besides many other applications like microwave, remote controlled toys, cordless phones, TV
remotes, etc.
Guidelines for Buildings and Built forms mitigating effects of EMR
While planning a building or a residential complex/ township, it is most desirable to list all probable
equipment/ appliance emitting Electromagnetic Radiations in order of ascending/descending
intensities. These should also be categorized as per indoor and outdoor emissions. Their placement
in the built space and surroundings can then be decided based on certain premises.
The most fundamental principal in this regard is that the effect of Electromagnetic Radiation decreases
with increase in distance from radiation emitting source. It is thus advisable-


• To keep a safe distance from working electric and electronic equipment.
• Minimize the use of all equipment working on wireless technology like cordless phones, Wi-Fi,
Bluetooth and the cell phones.
• Disconnect electric and electronic equipment from the power supply when not in use, especially
in areas of prolonged occupancy.
Further, the list of equipment/appliances generally used in and around working/living space is placed
below for appreciation of EMR radiation:
1. RF Sources i.e. the transmitting towers such as AM/FM radio towers, TV towers, cell phone
towers transmitting EMR continuously.
2. Cell phone which is ON but not in use also radiates and Wi Fi (Wireless Internet)
3. Cordless phone
4. Wi-max
5. Other wireless devices
6. CFL (Compact Florescent Light) bulbs
7. Neighbouring EMR sources that are located next to shared walls.
8. Computers and laptops
9. Air conditioning systems
10. Refrigerators
11. Electrical heating systems/ Microwave Ovens
12. Power generators and voltage converters
13. Stereo and home entertainment systems
14. Fans
This list is only indicative and not exhaustive and there can be additions to it.
From the view point of effective communication, providing of mobile towers in a township/ office
complex is an essential requirement and thus should be carefully planned.
The mobile tower generates and transmits high frequency radiations; so more care is needed for their
placement. It should be ensured that the building identified to mount the tower should be the tallest
in the vicinity and should not have adjoining buildings on which proposed or existing habitable floors
are within close-range.
Mobile Tower should be mounted on the highest sanctioned building in an area.

In regular practice that many cellular operators mount their antenna on a single tower along with other
operators which increase the effects of EMR manifolds and should thus be avoided as far as possible.
Else height. of the tower should be increased.
Besides, Substation Equipment like Transformer, DG set etc. are also to be provided for fulfilling the
bulk power requirement of the building and should be suitably placed for electrical safety as well as
for mitigating effects of EMR. However, as these are low frequency devices, their placement is too
decided more from electrical safety point of view than EMR.
In addition, various light. sources inside the living/working spaces, UPS, servers, various other
equipment running on Wi-Fi may also emit EMR. Hence their placement inside the building also
needs careful consideration.


Thus, in a built environment of considerable human occupancy, following broad guidelines should be
adopted for placement of utility equipment/ appliances serving the building as a whole.
Equipment external to the building: Mobile Towers

Figure G-2
Location of communication towers is governed by radio frequency system adopted and as far as
possible cellular operator should try to avoid residential areas. However, where it is not possible to
avoid these, they should request for permission from the appropriate authority for installation on roof
top of the tallest existing buildings.
i. First preference should however, be given to the location of tower in the commercial areas or
other public areas.
ii. Where it is not possible to avoid the location of this tower in residential, area possibility should
be explored to locate them in green belts within residential sectors or open spaces/community
buildings in the sectors.
Where it is not possible to find such suitable space mentioned at Sr. No. (ii) above, tower should be
permitted on the roof top of residential buildings subject to the condition that a structural safety
certificate from a certified Structural Engineer has been obtained.
Such towers should not be permitted on occupied buildings, however if inevitable, a Steel/ Metal
frame of 6 m height over the roof level of the last habitable floor of the building should be provided
to accommodate the tower and its associated units.
Structural stability of the said building should be calculated with the overall loading of such metal
steel frames mounted atop and “Structural stability certificate” should be submitted by a registered
structural engineer with the application for the permission of building pre-design) or installation (post-
Transformers: In addition to the fenced ionized area around a transformer, neighbourhood level
congregation activity areas should not be planned/permitted within 3 m of the fence.
Diesel Generators: The location of the Generator within the Plot premises should not be adjacent to
any habitable / community / recreational activity within a radius of 3m.
Indoor equipment/Appliances:
Electrical Switchboards: Unless otherwise amended by Barrier-free access regulations to such
fixtures, they should be mounted as per existing stipulations laid down in CPWD General
Specifications for Electrical Works- Part I Internal2013.
Wireless Routers: Within the housing unit, the vertical mounting height of the router should be not
less than 4 feet and should be kept in the Drawing / Dining zone and not within the zones of longer
period of occupancy e.g. Bedrooms.


In non – residential units i.e. office spaces these routers should be kept as much away as possible and
should be switched off when not in use.

Figure G-3
Server Room: Occupied Work-stations should be at least 5 m away from the server room or
associated equipment. If people are sitting in the same room, they must wear protective gear and
should not have prolonged exposure.
Computer: Should be placed in the most isolated place in a dwelling unit, while in an office space,
it should not be less than 2.5 feet away from the person using it.
UPS: Should also be placed in the most isolated place in a dwelling unit, while in an office space it
should not be less than 2.5 feet away from the person using it.
Mobile Phone: It usually remains with the user all the time. The only time it is kept away is when it
is being charged. Thus mobile should be charged from a remotely located power point. It is thus
preferable to provide a charging station in almost every working/living space at a location, as far as
permissible from living space considerations.
Light sources: Usually, sun as a source of natural light is the biggest source of electromagnetic
radiations. However, the atmosphere surrounding us provides a natural shield from electromagnetic
radiations. In this context, the light sources used inside a living/working space should be given careful
consideration from the point of view of Electromagnetic Radiations. Many luminaries available
presently, like Fluorescent tubes, compact fluorescent lamps, LED lights etc. are used in working /
living spaces. So, their use should not only be determined from the point of view of energy
conservation but also from the point of view of Electromagnetic Radiations. For this purpose,
recommendations of the manufacturers should serve as proper guidelines.
Table G—1: below summarizes appropriate placement of equipment’s /appliances in the built
Sr. No Equipment Minimum safe distance
1 Mobile Towers 6 m height over the roof level of the last habitable floor of the building.
2 Transformers 3m
3 Electrical No Change
4 Wireless Routers 4 feet (1.2 m)
5 Server Room 5m
6 UPS 2.5 feet (0.75 m)


7 Diesel Generators Radius of 3 m
8 Mobile Phone 2 feet (0.6 m)
9 Computer 2.5 feet (0.75 m)
10 Laptop 2.5 feet (0.75 m)
11 UPS 2.5 feet (0.75 m)
12 Wireless Router 4 feet (1.2 m)
13 Server room 5 m away from workstations
Note: Intensity of Electromagnetic Radiations decreases with increase in distance from the radiation
source. So as to minimize exposure maximum possible distance should be kept.


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