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Explorer's guide to wildemount pdf download

We have found that JavaScript is disabled in this browser. Please enable JavaScript or switch to a supported browser to continue using Twitter.com. You can see a list of supported browsers in our reference center. Front Writers Reference Center: Ma¨¨ Thew Mercer Authors: James J. Haeck, Jaî¨es Introcaso, Coopely¨µis Lockey: Jere¨¯y Copled¨ Neighbor, Dan D, Dan
D.¨¨ John, Ben Petriso, Kaine Wee Editor: Chris op, when Perkins Editors: Scott Fitzger Gray, Hanna ¤ Rose, Fö ¥¥ µ µ µ µ C µis ¤ Yochum, Tristan Faî © CO¨ ° ° E Design Obreal: Ka¨¨juzz © Kersch! Interior designers: even Auun Aun, John Bauann, Mike Bem, Eric Beisl, Dan Bittoncourt, Zoltan Boros, Wesley Beri. ¥ k esc ¨i Dawes, axî ¬ £č
µbas. N oo © Ausson, Clax î î ¥ ¥ ¥oxas, Livia Pions a, Jenn Ravenna, Noth ⴠ ¥ ⴠ ლ ვ ვ ⴠ ¥ ¥ ⴠ ⴠ ლ ¤ ⴠ ⴠ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Ⴠ ⴠ ღ ლ ვ ⴠ ⴠ ⴠ ⴠ ⴠ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ⴠ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ ღ
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Bai¨¨¨ less, Taimesen Ja¨, Ashley Johnson, Liasing O'Blennen, Marisha Ray, Sai Riege, Rach van Derit, Travis Wingham. Special Gratitude: Probably Burch, Mac Berton, Mat Colevi, Tanya Depass, Brian O.S., VII Fili, Tom Keniek, Matthew Ki, Souille from the Mountains. ²o, Bienannan Li Mui © © © IGani Hari Payton, Brittai vai © © Obora Ann Voyes © © thanks
Lyubov, A love group of writers who ¤e © gave us Possibilities of character and adventure in ıe ©o heiî ¶ na ³³ ⴥ ⴥ ⴥ we what ⴠ ვ n'î ⴣ h ma ხ Ööö is boo ⴣ ⴣ houî ⴣⴠ youî ⴣ On the envelope, here it isWise wisdom where luxury sovereign a luxury lighter reports in Ween Ween î îey © as Kryn of the Kryn dynasty and Kin
Dwendal of Dwenddal. © Ci ·. Wii © î Design Fužs Ures An Inie or © III ON WAR -TORN CONT ° T O E ¥ ¥ ¥ lemounted counted: continent Wildemo; Riga at the first line at the first line at the first line at the first line at the first line first first line row first first first line first row first row row first first line first first line from the first row to the first line until the first line
at the first line to the First row at the first line at the first row at the first row at the first line, first row, row, first row, first row, first row, first row, first row, first row, first, first, first row row, first row First I invite you and his friends to epic battles and victories in exploration, imagination and in profound emotional catharsis.

We advise you to accept the failure and to remain also joyful, sad and vigilant if you take care of pets or animals that are for the role of Yoîr Adus Wizards of the Coast and Aritcal Animal Companion are immune to constant dangers and fatal problems, they are However responsible because "every disadvantage" for passive perception can lead to a rapid escape from
animals that go unnoticed.
Commercial brand and "Handbus", monsters of monsters, Dīngeon Master's Guide, all the other names of coastal products and the respective logos are magical brands of the Saturday coast and other places. The world of îandria, its individual groups, their elementa "tsius, their duties" cyhus îrai and their places are owned by "role role" all rights protect all the other
heroes, and their unmistakable similarity is "properties of the magic qualities associated with this magic magic. relating to magical attributes relating to magic attributes relating to the magic Magic Magic of Magic Magic, which is the magical property of magic, which is the magical property of magic magic magic magic magic magic magic Magic magic Wesitship. Coast
"Materials described" described in IM "This explanation is protected by copyright from the United States and all over the world between any reproduction or use or use of one of the materials contained here or works of art here rejected without express Written authorization by "Coastal", or critic roles such as Appīterinter "î î î ± Hoast Box 707, Reen« î 98057 -0707, î
Hasro Saiko Sai Rue Rue © Timid Credits Lbji ECR 4 H s lbji et uk: Matthew Mercer Mercer Authors: J. Heak, James Lntrocaso, Chris Loky Manufacturer: Bil Benham, Lea Heleo, Dan, Ben Petrisor, Kate Welch, Technician Images: Sven Boles, Carmen Cheunga, Kevin Yee Artistic Administrator: David GERSHMAN SPECIALIST PRETTM: JEFFERSON DUNAP
PRODUCTCynda Callaway editor -in -chief: Christopher Perkin's editor: Scott Fitzgerald Gray, Hannah Rose, F. Wesley Schneider Franchise &. Global brand strategy: Nathan Stewart Licing and. Editor: Liz Schuh Art Director: Kate Irwin Graphic Designer: Trish Yochum, Troryrystan Falcone Licensing Manager: Hilary Ross Marketing and Communication: Bart Carroll,
Pelham Greene, Chris Cover Artist: Karlis Kersch! Interior Illustrators: Net Amundsen, Jona Baumann, Mark Lindsey, Sad Narciso, Emi Tanji, Greg T Ito, Anna Vo D & .D IP Development Boros, Wesley Whur, Clintcearley, Jeddchevrier, Chippy, David Rene Christensen, White, Irina Nordsol, Stephen Oakley, Robin Olausson, Claudio Poozas, Livia Prima, Jenn Ravenna,
O'Brien, O'Brien, Marisha Ray, Sam Riegel der Nick Robes, Caio e Santos, David Sladek, Brian Valeza, Anna Countamp, Richard, Richard, Richard , Caio E. Santos, David Sladek, Brian Valeza, Anna Countamp, Richard. Ax Umalee Montano, Brennan Lee Mulligan, Khary Payton, Brittany Walloch, Deborah Ann Woll Kartographer: Deven Rue Many games, games, play
tester groups, many games, playtest groups, playtest groups, groups, groups, groups, thanks For groups play test, groups groups groups groups groups. Qual groups, player groups, ethnic groups, player groups, player groups, groups of players, players, groups of players, test groups, character capabilities and adventures helped us to win in their final form.

Without them we couldn't have made this book! On the cover, Illustrator Karl Kerschi Stern sees two sovereign horizons as a luminous fire of the luxury. Leila Kryn, the brilliant queen of the Kryn dynasty, and Bertrand Dvenals, the king of the Dvenal empire, had never seen a face, and the conflict between them would create the future of all life and the end of the war.
Exclusion: Continent of the wolves and all nations was invented and exists primarily for you and her friends to invite you and her friends into a world of research, imagination and deep emotional cleaning full of epic battles and victories. We recommend covering both failure as well as success, sadness and vigilance when it is important to you.Or the animals you buy
during the adventure. Coastal Wizards and Critical Roles are not responsible for any mental injury their animal companions or tamed students suffer in constant danger and deadly challenge, nor are we responsible for lack of passive awareness. You may not notice the rapid escape of animals. 620C 7 2 70000001 LT ISBN: 978-0-7869-6691-2 First edition: March 2020.
98 7 65432 1 CE Dungeons & Dragons, D&O, Wizards of the Coast, Dungeand Guide, Dungeon Guide, Guide de Player, Dragon Lord , All other La Côte product names and related logos are trademarks of l'Auzards de la Côte. United States and other countries.
The output world, its individual groups, objects, unique characters, and locations are just one essential role property. All rights protected. All other heroes and their special likenesses are owned by the Wizards of the Coast. The materials described in this statement are protected under United States copyright laws and international intellectual property agreements
around the world. Any unauthorized reproduction or use of the material or design herein is prohibited without specific written permission from Wizards of the Coast or Critical Role. Printed in USA. © 2020 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Rent, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufacturer Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boechat 31. 2800 Delémont. C. Representative Hasbro
Europe 4 The Square Stockley Park ljxbrjdge Mjddlesex ljbjj 1and BK Content Preface ................................. ............................ .. ....................... .................... 4 Wildemount welcome to .... .................... .5 NEW D AND I Setting ..............
........................ 5 nations of Wildemount. .

5 What is in this book? ............

................................... 6 battle! .................................................. .................................................. ..................................... 6 calendar and clock ..................... ....... Exit 8 satellites ..... .. ........... .................................................. ........................................ ........ 9 people ........................................ ........ .. ......... .... ..................................... .............
............ ....
................... 165 Aasimar. ....................................... 166 Dragon ..... .... ........................................ 168 Firbolgs. .............................................. .... ... 169 Genasi .. ....................................... .... ....... 170In the area in the area ................ ................ ............ .. .. .. ... 173 Kobold. ...................... 173 transmission structure ..
....... ..... 290 aa -eaters ......... .... .... ........ .......... 291 UFUK back turtle ...................... .... 292 Husk zombies ... ... . ............. .. 293 flat priest from Merrow ..... .. ..
.. 294 moor boundaries ........ .. .. ......................
....... .. ......... .. . ... ... 9 Golyat ......................
....... .... ..... ..... ............ 175 Sea rage ....... ....... ............. .. .... .......... .......... .... ... 298 division. 1: Wildemount story .................................... 11 Kenku .... .. .... ......................... .... 176 Swavain-basilisk ......... .... .... .... ............. 300 story of Wildemount ... ................. ... .. ... 11 Wildemount after the catastrophe ................ .. 14 Exandria Panteon ................. .. ... ....... .. ...
20 urgott ................................ ...
..... ... . 20 Hain Tanrı ....................................
... 26 Daha az Putlar. ...... ................................... .... 30.
2: groups and communities ................ 35 Dwendal Empire .......................... .. ...... ....... 35 Kryn-dynasty ......................... .. in the area ... .. 38 half-elves ...... ...................... ..... 176 ore and half-goblin .... ...... ................... 177 Tabaxi.
In the area ................................................ ... ................. ....................... .. 179 turtle ...... ................ ......................... ..... 180 empty. ............... ...................... ..... 181 lower class ...... .............. In the area ... ..... ...................... ..
.. 182 Temiriad .......... .................................... ....... 45 Background ....................................
............ .. ... ... 200 evil child ... .... 46 grin ... ..
............. ............ ....... ... ...... 200 dandruff and dental scars. ......................................... 53 golden smile ...... .. ...... ........ ...................... 56 Joy ...... .. ................
................................ .... ..
Chapter 56. 3: Wildemount Newspaper ................
59 coastal garden ... ....................
.. .. .. ...... 78 floor zone95 Greyingwildlands ...................................... 111 Eiselcross .. .. .
................................. 121 Xhorhas extension ........ ..... . ................... 132 Dead Bank ...................... ..... . .................... 149 The Far Lands of Exandria .................. 158 ch. 4: Character Options ................................... 161 Races .......... ................................................... .................... ........ ... 161 RAdweight ............. . . .. .............. 162 elves .............. .. ............... . ............... 162 half
...................... .......... ............ ................................... 164 DISTRIBUTION CARDS . .. ....................... 7 MAP 3.3: SLAUDAS VALLEY ....... .. .. ...... 79 heroic messages ................................ .. .. .. 190 ORDERS FOR CLARA ....... ...................... 54 Index .. ... ..
..... .......... . ............................. .. .. . 304 Wizard: Graviturgiamagia ................. 185 CLOVIS CONCORDRO ................. .. ... ...
. ............. 43 Cobalt Soul Library ...................... 52 L Gs ossario ....
.. . ................................................. . ..
.302 MAP 3.1: Serraglia Coast ...................... 61 Dunamance's Spells ....... ... ... . .. ............... 186 Shaidikreek tribes flee .. ...... .50 UDAA K ... ............... .. ................................................ .............
.. .. 301 Fighter: Echo Knight ..................... ..... 183 Wizard : hrongymagic ........ ...
184 Cerberus Gathering ........................ ....... ... ..... ... 41 Diarchia Utodurna .... ... .. .............. ... 48 Shadowgast .. ......... ... ........... ... .. .......... 299 Volstraker's agent. ................................................. . ... 202 Editing the background ........ .203 Cap. 5: Wildmount Adventures.... 205 Using These Adventures.................. 205 Marea's Revenge............. .. .. ..... 206 Dangerous
Drawings .......................................... ............ ..... .. .... 217 Frozen patients ........................ .......... .. ....... .. ........ 235 unwanted spirits .................. ................ .. 250 ch. 6 : Treasures of Wildmount ............ 265 WIDEMOUNT Magic Items ... ...... ......... 265 Vestigia of Divergence ....
... ..................270 weapon of traitors ......... .. .. 274 ch. 7: Wildemount Bestiario ...... 281 stat blocks per creature type .........
...... 281 NPC WIDEMOUNT ..... . ............................... 281 EORIAN HUNTERS. In the area................................282……blood..................................................... .... 284 frai nullus ........ ...... 285 Giant Frost Zombies ................... ................... 288 Frost Worm. .. .... ...... .... 289 3.2. Map: Damala Harbor .................................... 73 3.4. Harita: Zemnu Fields ...................................
97 3.5. HARITA: Rexxenter ......................................... 105 3.6. Map: Grayingwildlands ............... 111 3.7. Map: Eyselcross Map: Xhorha's Waste ................. 137 3.9. Card: Rosohna ....................... ........ 143 Card 3.10: Blightshore .......... ................... 150 Card 5.1: Palma Flora. .................................... 209 5.2. Harita: WaveChaser ................................... 210 5.3. Map: Flore's
dismantled palms ....... 215 5.4. Map: Lower part of Huperdukas .......... 219 5.5. Map: Streets Ironlot ................... 220 5.6. Map: Nima House Cinnarida ..... 224 Map 5.7: The Silver Cave of the Waterfall ................... 227 5.8. Map: Lair Stālmast. ................... 229 5.9. Kart: Crocker Mağarası ................................... 239 HARITA 5/10: Salsvault ... ... ........ .. .. 254 Map 5.12:
Fort Venture ... G Encourages imaginative innovation and inspires community building. For this crazy theatrical boy, his imagination was my consolation. Since my grandmother started reading The Lord of the Rings and Piers Anthony at the age of seven, I lost myself at the same time and fed him. After RPG, I was interested in stories to play with my brother, to imitate
brother with brother, to organize RPG with my brother. When I only explored dungeons and dragons in my first year, I discovered an experience that embraces everything I love about storytelling, co-op, theater and creativity. I started creating worlds for my friends and filling laptops with weird ideas, weird NPCs, and an average story (hey, everyone should start
somewhere). I found my favorite hobby as I am today, a hobby that continues to pick up and take shape. After so many years, with a series of magical conditions, a group of players and I started publishing our D&D game on the Internet under a critical name.After nearly a decade in web media, expect little to no interest or lack of interest, as anything longer than five
minutes is considered of little value to the "ADHD generation. ". Those myths quickly turned out to be true, and our home game became a community, then an unexpected phenomenon that became something so wonderful and important to me, and it seems to so many other people around the world. During the original campaign, after using the adventure side of Vox
Machina to tell the tale to me as a dungeon master, I began to build the continent Tal'dorei and the world of Exandria for my friends to explore it. Expanding this world with each heroic adventure that emerged, each unique aspect of their characters' stories enriching this realm that previously existed entirely in my head, Exandria began to grow and mature, sometimes
feeling like it was taking control of his life, his life, his life. life .
possess. At the end of this journey, when the heroes of Vox Machina completed their majestic story, we all knew we had created something special.
However, that was just the first of many stories we covered. ---. J Soon after, a second campaign began, this time on the neighboring continent of Mount Wild, a land bound by dark history, political strife, and dangerous secrets lurking beneath the surface of everyday life. Now that I knew what level of difficulty my players were willing to interact with, I designed
WildeMount on a scale and difficulty level that I had never tried before. I watched with delight as this region of Exans Dria was formed, and it was there that the mighty Neins (as they were called) began their adventures, which continue to this day, as I write this foreword.
WildeMount has evolved into a huge, complex and beautiful environment of which I am increasingly proud.
Then came the amazing opportunity to partner with Wizards of the Coast to release this set in print.
I was not only humbled and happy to be part of something so important to me. It was my honor to bring our world into the D&D Multiverse and invite you to play and create there. Exandria remains one of my most amazing achievements, and WildeMount is the most recognizable aspect of this world to date. This continent is ripe for adventure and mystery.
Working with such talented people to bring this campaign compendium to life is a joy I could never have imagined.Wildemount started out in a critical role, but this book is an invitation to you and her friends to make this world your own. I invite them all to Wildemount. Wandering through the dangerous valleys of western Wynandir, sailing up and down Zoo Beach, face
the destruction of the ravaged nations of Xhorâ and uncover ancient mysteries in the regions beyond this war-filled empire. Follow the paths of the Mighty or leave your mark. This is your game now. Matthew Mercer, Key Dungeon Master Welcome to Wildemount, where armies collide with the spirit, whistling chirps across the mist-shrouded battlefield, like the sound of
trumpets and drums on one side and countless barbeques on the other. Nearby, a raven with black feathers and blood lands on one of the fallen corpses and taps the soldier's helmet with its beak. The raven looks at the curious and flies in the mud. Below is a war-torn country, yet the raven sees a sparkling light in the veil of conflict. Raven sees spirits that shine with
courage, kindness, and determination. He sees spirits glowing with greed, fear and anger. And most importantly, he sees souls radiating with a desire to discover their place in the world.
Raven sees Wildemount. The new D&D Wildemount setting is a new setting for your Dungeons & Dragons campaign, originally created by Matthew Mercer as a setting for the second campaign in the popular Critical Role series. Although Wildemount is just a continent in a larger former anchor world, it is full of different cultures, places, people and monsters. It
contains both the epitome of evil and the ultimate examples of good, but is defined by ordinary people who live between these two ideals. This book is for D&D players and Dungeon Masters of all levels. It is designed for both beginners and die-hard fans. If you've seen all the episodes of Critical Role so far, this book will again be full of surprises, as Mount Wilde has
corners that you couldn't discover on your own in your mighty adventures. If you're a dungeon master, this book will help you create a D&D campaign set in a land full of war, intrigue, and extravagant adventures. You can settle the entire campaign in one of the four Wildemount regions, or follow the example of Critical Role and create a campaign with a constantly
evolving tone as adventurers roam the world.You'll also find new monsters and introductory adventures that can help you start your campaign in one of Wildmaun's four regions. If you're a player, this book contains new options to help your character fit into this strange new land. You can use the character chronicle system to create a backstory that firmly tells the story
of your character in the lands of Wildemont. You'll also find new subclasses and new magical items that help you gain more and more power as you travel across the continent. The countries of the various Wiltmount regions are described in more detail in Chapter 3. Here is a brief overview of Wiltmount's main civilizations. Dwendalian Empire The raven looms over a
vast city sprawling out from a dark monolithic castle. Soldiers and war machines pour out of the city as countless tentacles spread across the land and greedily circle the continent. The crow notices this hungry giant and changes course. The Dwendalian Empire is an ambitious new nation born out of decades of conflict in West Winandir, in the heart of Willmount. Its
barren lands are dotted with tiny villages, ruins of ancient civilizations and unexplored wilderness. Campaigns in the Empire of Dwendalia include elements of warfare and political intrigue. The Empire is at war with the Krynn Dynasty, a nation of drow-faces who occupy eastern Vinandir and the wastes of Khorhas. This war allows various Dwendal factions, such as the
power-hungry Cerbe Rus Assembly, to fight for political supremacy.
C Lovi S C Onc Ordward steals the Herald from the Raven Queen. I crawl through the clouds above the western mountains and enter the land blessed by the sun.
A sea of ​lush jungle stretches beneath the crow until the green gives way to golden sands, and then a boundless sea of ​fire. Across this sea, like a cloud of gnomes, wrapped in flames and the sound of cannon fire, the ships urged.
They are fighting for freedom. We are located in Wilde Mount 5, Clovis Concord is a city-state republic bordering the Menagerie Coast, the westernmost coast of Wildemount. This tropical region is steeped in history and is known for a vibrant, free-spirited culture that rubs off heavily on Wilmoun's other politically closely allied nations. The campaigns that take place on
the Serralio coast are often disturbing, exploring the conflict between Clovis's Law of Concord and the mayhem of the festivities.They can also explore the coastal forests and ancient ruins hidden among its magnificent branches. Shadyc re e k runs kabilleri ice and snow away in a raven; He sees small military leaders, leading gangs of slave traders in snowy fields, and
understands that power rules the north, not the jaws. He sees smugglers and thieves running beyond the reach of civilization and the unknown.
He sees a vast restless wasteland that acts according to its own will, taking the lives of those who dare to grasp a power beyond their understanding. They fight for survival, fame and greed. The Sheidi-Crick-eran tribes are a splinter coalition of thieves, slavers, and rogues who have gained strength in the cold waters of the Sheidi-Crick-run. They try to get rich at the
expense of crimes and do not understand that evil primitive forces are hiding under their noses in the north. Campaigns set in the North of the North often involve morally gray characters fighting for survival with the same immoral organizations, only to be thrown into chaos by forces beyond mortal imagination. Dynamic Krin finally Raven flies east. In other civilized
lands, the wild mountains see creatures that walk side by side with humans and gray elves who are killed on the spot. Kuzgun sees that these people have light, and sees that in the Far East there is a strong fortress containing light, unprecedented since the dawn of the world. Here they fight to open the end of the world. The Drow Dynasty is an empire consisting of
dark elves (drow) and other humanoids such as Minotaurs, Goblikins, and Gnolls, who are usually considered animals by the other nations of the Wildmount. The Crinn Dynasty rules the forsaken Chorhas, an Earth destroyed by the power of the God Gods and once undead still roams the lands. Crin keeps secrets; If your players haven't seen a single important role,
uncovering that secret can be a turning point in the campaign. Set in Korhas, the campaign will no doubt include the war between the Krinn Dynasty and the Dwendal Empire, but it may also include traditional dungeon tours, political intrigue in dynastic courts, and even wild studies that may reveal secrets lost after the Fall. Evil gods. 6 Welcome to The Wild Mont
What's in this book? Series 1This book presents important ideas you need to know before creating a Wildmount campaign: its history and its gods. Chapter 2 introduces the main political players that shape Wildmount's daily life: his factions and societies.
Depending on the choice of the group of adventurers, these organizations can become their allies or enemies. Some characters may come into play with a history of being in one of these factions, and various backgrounds will later be included to represent that affiliation. Chapter 3 contains Wildemount's handbook with detailed descriptions of cities and places of interest
in each region of the continent.
The Gazetteer includes NPCs, background information, and even stories that you can use as the basis for your adventures. It also contains a brief overview of other Exandrian lands outside of Wildmount. Chapter 4 is mainly for gamers; along with the Player's Handbook, it contains everything you need to create a character for the Wildemount campaign. The final
chapters of this book, 5 through 7, provide DMs with initial quests they can use to start their campaigns, as well as new magic items and monsters that can be included in the quests they create.
WAR! The Wildmount Continent is a powder keg about to explode. Tensions between the Dwendalian Empire and House Kreen have just escalated into full-blown war, and everyone in Wildmount, including adventurers, has to deal with the fallout from the conflict between the continent's two imperial superpowers. THE WAR OF ASH AND LIGHT War is as important as
you make it out to be. If you put military battles or their consequences in the foreground, war will become the main concern of your players. Separating war from its consequences, characters can interact with or ignore war as they see fit. With a little creativity in the environment, you can create a Wildemount campaign where the war was canceled or never fought! If
you want war to be an important part of your campaign, you must give your players a reason to worry about their characters. The easiest way to get buy-in from players is to argue with a character how much they want war to be in this campaign. You can even increase or decrease the importance of war throughout the campaign, depending on how you and your players
feel over time. ADD IT! When you and yourWar seems dramatic and convincing and encourages players to create characters with a close relationship with conflicts. For example, the patriotic heroes (or even jigisti) will always fight for the king or ï 1 ï ½ l i r-r-r- + w and f i s ----- +, ::; K o n t i n e n t of 1 l m o u n t rein and country. Even the greedy heroes will fight for
profit and fame. When they explain the reasons, it transforms these reasons into the campaign scenes. In the background, the adventurers must not be active fighters so that war can influence their life. Below you will find risk capital opportunities that decide the effects of war without directly including mass war.
No war, please, if you want to keep the war full, take the time zone for a year or even several months. All the political tension between the Dwendalo Em-Pyre and the Krush dynasties still exist, but now they are boiling, not completely boiled. Adventure opportunities, all Wailemount campaigns must be directly related to the war. This means that the characters should
not be called in one or the other army or even be mercenary.
The consequences of the war are large and multifaceted and free cannons seekers are fantastic people who want to engage in countless war conflicts. These schemes can be: crime.
During the war, criminals and smugglers benefit from Re -law. Small criminals and criminal unions, as innumerable, will require help from illegal goods and the cities of Khor inside and outside the cities and the faithful members of the members of the crew of Power Pirates will have to attack vulnerable cities. To misfortune. When the city is destroyed by a landslide or a
landslide of artillery, ordinary people should help escape. This may include non -coupling that accompany the land in the nearby city or the creation of a new wildlife colony. To the right. When legal agents are recruited as solo dieres, local craftsmen suddenly need mercenary assistance. Forensic heroes can find a great adventure in criminals that hunt cities and
interrupt their wildlife. Military. Apparently, heroes can choose to join any side of this conflict to start the missions and accept the commander's orders.
This is a good choice if you want to make an episodic campaign in which most of the game sessions start with a certain mission that players have to doand ends with a reward and another mission. Revolution. Artillery shelling and boot pounding on the plains can scare away monsters, and invasions can even force powerful monsters like giants and dragons to flee their
lairs. Whenever a coup occurs, the lives of soldiers and ordinary people are at stake, and only adventurers can face the threat. Welcome to Wild Mount 7 Trade. Like crime syndicates, opportunist traders know that war is an opportunity to get rich. Adventurers make excellent pawns for trade barons looking to sell high-value goods, especially when they have to traverse
dangerous terrain to reach buyers. How to Conduct a War Campaign Calendar and Times If there's one thing D&D seekers are looking for it's to be told what to do, but military service is about following orders. The dungeon master must ensure that the heroes know what they are getting into when they decide to recruit. If you force players to join a military unit and
then discover that the heroes really want to go on independent adventures without being directed by a commander, you and your players should talk after the game to decide how to change the campaign. Because D&D is primarily a game played by a small group of characters among their own adventurers, it can be difficult to simulate huge battles using D&D battle
rules. Because of this, it's usually best to keep characters away from massive battles. But massive conflicts with thousands of combatants are the cornerstone of epic fantasy, so your players might be disappointed if your war campaign doesn't have at least one decisive battle. To fix this, you can break a massive battle into manageable chunks. Find a major fear that
characters can defend or overcome with minimal buffs, such as: B. a crowded citadel. Then you fight the main fight in waves that carry the heroes from one cinematic match to another. You can think of these encounters as underground rooms; Some rooms have multiple doors for the heroes to choose from, while others have only one door.
For example, after capturing a ruined fortress, the heroes find that the garrison of soldiers has been expanded to contain the fortress and the characters are needed elsewhere on the battlefield. You can only give them an immediate goal, e.g. B. enemy watersThree different allied battalions attacked. If you need to represent many allies and enemy NPCs fighting in the
same game meeting, you can simplify the meeting by ignoring the cube nozzles while keeping an exact time trace using the investigation calendar, the game can have a more realistic world. This also allows you to match the gaming session with big game data such as holidays. The beast's attack on the village is a terrifying and exciting event, but the stakes are much
higher if this beast attacks on harvest day, forcing the old cheerful partial backs to catch their children and flee to safety. The examination of the test was divided into 328 days grouped into seven days in eleven months. This calendar was originally established by the elves in antiquity, and its names for the months and days of the week have stood the test of time. The
names of the seven days a week are Mièreen, Grissen, Wheelsen, Conthsen, Folsen, Yulisen and Da'Leysen.
It takes 24 hours every day. When is this place? This book currently takes place in Wildemount history, and so promoting a campaign at another time—or even another decade—could be the subject of education in an obsolete newspaper. The current year is 835 PD ("post delivery"). Widemount's story is explained in more detail in Chapter 1.
From a real point of view, this book takes place at the safety point during the adventure of Murta Minta Nein in her second critical role campaign. The Campaign is at Chapter 2 level, as a result of which the adventure you create using this book is different from Canon.
Ok! Another look at things: creating your own waildemount consumption, boldly create your own ball, all your critical roles differ in legend and reputation. 8 and decide when creation will die according to your instinct.
This may work at times, but always try to avoid it, because you can decide the outcome of a cube without dice, it could hurt your world's ability. Welcome to the Weekend Quiz.) Thunsheer 31 H Rise of Arvest (11th), NDilar 28 Deep Soaces (8th), Zenith (26th)31 Artisan's Faire (1 5.), Syden Star 32 H IGHSUmer (7th), Fessuran 29 H in Close (3) Q Uen'pi Llar 27 Eleena
(20) Morning Big (1 4 -O) Hazel Festival (1 0. ), Cuersaar 29 Night (1 3) Cuersaar 29 Night (22), Emberde (5.) Season. Wabemount I is cool on the continent, except for the sunny tropical male coast and everyone. Updates experience seasonal crossings differently. West Wartandir suffers from gloomy, rainfall and bitter winter.
The manager's coast loves a long conditioner in the summer, but in winter he must endure a rich typhoon. The chewing of the north always feeds on a naked, but in the winter the temperature drops to the mortal plain, so let the rainy and relatively delicate summer. Finally, Eastern Vinandir enjoyed the level of moderate time by ordinary regions, except for the wind
cutting, which were torn from the plains in spring and autumn. Holidays various nations wild nations celebrate various holidays, although some holy days of gods are associated with earth. It should be noted that the two -aged Empire forbade the worship of some of his boro, which is why he is only celebrating the holidays of legal gods. These holy days are listed in
Chapter 1 of this book with celebrating gods. Holidays that are not related to the gods are somehow known continents: Zenith. Summer starts at the 26th meeting at Ndilar at noon and is celebrated with games, magical exhibitions and fireworks in black powder. Closing to the collection. Autumn begins in Fesuda 3 and is usually celebrated with a meal in a repeated and
carnival village in the city. Natural EVA.
The longest winter night, the second cream, is a day of mourning for those who would lose in the war. Come to the deputy track or ruin the war between Dweigalei and Crepe, and many candles will be placed in the second bar. Exandria Exandria moons are known in orbit for two months. Catha, larger and closer to the month, has a night news and, shown in the sky,
shines white. Catha is considered necessary to see Hanine, the moon weaving, and some are considered to be the creation of a moon weaving to observe justice and hide those who need masking. Ruid, the second moon, is much smaller and further. With a slower turning point all over the world and dark red brown, Ruids areIt's hard to see the stars in the night sky and
nearly impossible to spot them during the day. Little is known of Ruidis, though older cultures and texts dismiss him as signs of disease or even as the remains of a god of wrath, left behind and unaware. Daily Life in Wildemount Some aspects of daily life in Wildemount remain the same in almost all cultures. Any Wildemount character would know about the Kurkas,
their languages, and their nation's connection to technology. All Wildemount nations have their own currency, and while there are slight regional differences between currencies, all regions readily accept gold, silver, and copper coins. Spending silver at the Dwendal Mint during the Krynian dynasty may turn your head, but a gold coin is still a gold coin.
Modern nations rarely mount platinum and e-coin, but enough of these two currencies survived the Age of the Arcanum for both to be considered valid nationwide offerings. All plain language in the Player's Guide and the Monster Guide is fair game to Wilde-Mount. While common to the continent and generally associated with human empires, it was not the language
most people spoke in Wildmount three centuries ago, after the rise of the Dwendal Empire. In this framework we find three languages ​characteristic of the cultures of the Wildemount people: Geumen, Marquis and Nausch. A human character can learn one of these LAN statistics, rather than the skill or knowledge of a tool granted by his origin, class, or racial traits.
Each of these languages ​is described below: Zemnoi. This ancient language was spoken by the inhabitants of Žemniaz in the Age of Arcana. This ancient culture is long gone, but its language and people live on in the Dwendal Empire. Many ancient manuscripts were written down, but it is the language most used by peasants today, as it is the common language of the
empire. Marquis Marquet's mainland settlers settled on the coast of the menagerie, and their language now has an unusual place in Clo's Vis Concorde. It is the language of nobility, as many of Clovis's elite are of Marquesan descent, but it is also the language of piracy, as many Marquesses, below the Concorde-defined lower class, formed shady pirates. loop Originally
spoken by the inhabitants of Ki'nau Island off the coast of Zværyn, Nausch is a thriving language in a multicultural community.Clovis Concord. Even sailors who talk to each other only about dozens of nauschwörster, in their sea jargon. Technology Technology in Wildemount generally corresponds to the technology contained in the player's textbook. However, scientists
from Dualndal in Hupperdook and Bastlers Concordian in Port Zoon made reliable progress in black powder technology. Cannons, mobile war machines, and even pistols and muskets used as a war weapon.
Black powder is not common or available to the audience. Only military engineers and special regiments of the Dwartal Army and the Navy have access to these powerful weapons, although some aspects of these projects are now in the Xhorhasian army. Statistics on weapons, such as black powder, pistols and rifles, see chapter 9 of the main duvee guide. All elements
listed as "Renaissance elements" in firearms and explosives exist in Wildemount in any form. Since these objects cannot be bought in normal commercial activities, characters can only obtain them through theft, military service or personal development research. Welcome to WTLDE AMNN 9 g (; activities, your design and lessons. We from our lives, we will provide
these registers to find out where we are going and where we should not put our feet. We who look at our inevitable end, we keep these records like teach those who have our steps towards success. Being better than we could. And the renewal will not know that the fights they meet in their daily lives include foundations. Every civilization has its own interpretation of
where IT History began Even in the world of Exandria, there are various myths of creatures in the background, which ultimately combine with a documented history, but there is no widely accepted history.The city of Vaselheim on the continent Otanzija is mainly considered the oldest preserved city because it survived a terrible war that destroyed a large part of
civilization almost a thousand years ago. Vaselheim can be found in the previously known temples of the gods and in his early Tory recordings that survived this catastrophic war. The best -known story about the origin of the world is the myth of the establishment. This is the interpretation that is represented and covered in the most part of Wildemount and in the wide
edge of Exandria. This long existing world was one of dark and chaotic forces, targetless but simple firing and tumult, uneven rocks. Using the original creation of ashes, the gods of ether for ether, young and informal came. When they looked at this wandering kingdom, they saw great beauty, great durability and the opportunity to learn their place to create. The first
children were born from divine hands, elves who embodied beauty and grace to walk through green green and to learn music with blue music. Another creation has been created: dwarfs, sincere people who think that they bring the earth to collapse, fill out the position of divinity and invention beyond the emptiness of the ash. The third nation was breathed into life:
people were given the hearts of passion that burned as brightly as their lifespan was short and the need for celebrations and laughter. Other work followed because the Exan Dia breed was created from the infinite inspiration for the prosthean gods. These children of creation went to earth and tried to rely on their knowledge. However, the earth was wild and tricky,
and the children were cut off on the rocks and destroyed by the elements. Sadness fulfilled the hearts of the gods when the first breed fought against an earth that they didn't want to have, and the children looked for instructions and protection with their creators. So the gods gave them gifts and gave their children the power to create and create the world around them;
They were the first divine magic. With this magic, various peoples learned to bend the evil earth of their will: hardening the flame through the earth, crushing the floods that threatened their abundance and seedlings into fruits and beasts. Language became a permanent place, culture was created and management replaced Anar Chy. Prressean creator, divinity for a sky
made of ashes, saw progressI saw that it was good, but fragile and needed guards.
The first protectors were born: metal dragons from Exandria who protected the softer rocks. The empire became quieter, the people increased, and new creatures took shape and life. As the culture grew and people had a better understanding of the world around them, they looked to their creators and prayed, gave them form, gave them names and confidence. But this
empire did not want to be tame. Cliffs targeting revealed defiantly. The sea is swollen and swallowed up. The flame came from the ground.
Among the elements that were unknown to the creators, in addition to the ashen gray sky, they lived and lived as ancient beings who already recognized this world as their homeland: firstly. These large core titans that once lived deep in the world are now being created from their invisible realm to tear the earth apart again. The gods watched as their children, their joy,
were thrown onto the shattered rocks or the shapeless horror films that were released as a result of the destruction. Demonic beings have been piling up from the nuclear hue of the abyss to marvel at the bloody soft, violent and unleashed for purely AA purposes. Some gods were so sad and angry that they wanted to leave this world and start a new one. They tried to
convince their divine relatives to join the original and let chaos restore the empire. Other gods wanted to become and were subjected to the original to tame their work for their works.
So there was a gap between the gods. The heavenly guards who once joined the fight against the chaotic power of the abyss have now fallen prey to hatred and tyranny and have created a new hell under the fallen angel who now claims to be dominated by all rich ser and sir. Other creators who wanted to save their homeland, their work and realized that they were
forced to use weapons and learned as much as possible. They organized their followers and taught them how they could draw: build, change and destroy, do everything without help. Mortality has learned to protect itself through practices such as alchemy or bend the structures of existence on its own, albeit on a smaller scale than their creators. This gift was the
knowledge of the magic of an archer who used the good children to tear apart his treacherous relatives, throwing out the creators who became the creators of their level in prison and eventually destroy the worldSubmit chaotic elements in their level of existence. The world was at peace for the first time since its creation, and the first true civilization took root and
became the big city of Watelheim. The cradle of creation. City of dawn. Culture has flourished again, the races have emerged to explore and explore their countries, and great music has filled the air to give this world its last name: Exandria. The age of the arcanum over time, some residents of examination have become arrogant. It was believed that with sufficient
understanding, they could be as powerful as the gods, because they considered their mysterious gifts as proof that the gods had no influence on their fate. Many have started to flee their lives in faith. Although the creators were injured and surprised, they understood the will of their children and stood out with love and hope of redemption. The great kingdoms were
created in Exandria. Supported by a newly discovered confusing force, the castles were built in a single day. Cities of wisdom have risen to paradise, led by scholars who paid their attention to the place where their attention led them. Although magic can be used to perform the most complex tasks at unprecedented speed, magic users have always looked for innovations.
As a magician compensated for their creative and perfected powers, they quickly discovered the secrets of life and brought new creatures and wonderful and dangerous forces. The powerful arc magicians such as the Vecna and Halas Lutatran whisper began to dig into history at that time of unbridled magic experiences. The arrival of the Arcanum seemed to be the key
to an age of fertile abundance, but this has also proven to be a threat to prosperity because it has made room for greed. Under the elite, minor disagreements on resources and wealth were created, while rumors on immortality began to drive the greatest wizards in their greed for an endless power with a perfected secret. The mortal magician, whose name has been lost
or has been removed from history, now leads prohibited rites to challenge the god of death and occupies his place in the Pantheon, who is the first and the only mortal that rises to the divinity. Archoardy Vespina Chloras was inspired by this exhibition. Pushed by hunger, the exiles sought the lead and the power of the gods, opened the doors of their dungeons and
unleashed a traitor in the world of mortals. During their imprisonmentHate and despair transformed his prison into his own image, creating an unimaginable terror that lived only to trade peace and justice for arory and greed. The Nine Hells and the Abyss began to move toward creation. The gossiping gods and their hostile children have revealed a world of deadly
greed. The desire to corrupt was now replaced by a desire to dominate and the gods of Beah began to turn against Magus, who set them free and made Archimaga Vespina their first slave. This corrupted deity sought the remains of her sources scattered across the world and created a powerful and terrible new kingdom on the plains of Khorha, on the other side of the
world of Drana Vasselheim-Ghor. In this land of evil, where the twisted power of the lower planes is absorbed into the exit, the dark lords have corrupted the minds of mortals, loudly welcoming those lost and offering bountiful allowances and gifts with ease. These poisonous seeds found fertile ground in the hearts of mortals, who wielded unlimited secret power. With
the Legion of the Accursed behind us, the treachery of the gods of the world soon revealed their presence with an attack from Vaselheim itself. Though most of the city lay in ruins, Vasaselheim survived the first attack, rescued by the greatest deities who descended around to exchange their former brothers. For twenty days and nights the battle raged between the
divine and the mortal, between the heroes and the demons, until the forces of darkness, dismayed by the surprise attack, were finally forced to retreat. Evil was brought up for a moment, however, when such a terrible enemy uprising began a dangerous, secretive arms race. The trust was broken immeasurably: if mortals could get under the cloak of the gods' treachery,
then who was an ally? If the gods could see such damage in the eyes of the gods, did it matter? Interested and lonely people relied on no one but themselves, turning their celebration into Bration tools with incredible artefacts of power, capable of handling worthy characters. The gnomes' passion for rock and earth turned to isolation as they dug deeper into the
mountains and used their divine gifts to revive autonomous naked legions to protect their ancestral halls. The elves took advantage of the beauty of their creature andWoven spells out in unimaginable destructive force, similar to Extre she had never seen before. The Magic Center war was for the first time since the original connection. Götter, they agreed to join their
children on the battlefield and descended from the sky to take up the weapons of war, which is now known as a catastrophe. The Catastrophic Suffering Fields were scattered throughout the output, but it was Vinandir who suffered from all the destructive forces of the gods. Vinandir Felder split into pedestrian knockdowns. The high authority, which had the most
important deities and treacherous gods, was enough to violate the landscape of the ANE, and the irresponsible use of the mysterious knowledge, which was developed by the mortal from the destruction of their own legacy. A bit of terrible warfare remains, but its consequences can still be felt today. The huge amount of energy, which was unleashed in the future battles
of gods and mortals, was enough to strike the boundaries that released the elementarchaos into the world. He completely organized the well-known electricity of magical energy across Ecsandria. The dark kingdom of the Cloth Mountains has been reduced to ashes, but the conflict has ruined the econdria, destroyed entire cities, and inspired many to escape this ancient
plane altogether. During the war, the loss of life was so great that historians believe no more than a third of the Drises survived and left only one of the remaining strongholds of civilization: the city of Dawn Vaselheim.
The world has entered the long period of dark growth. The representative of the gods has once again been cast out in their realms of deceit and hatred, but the risk of their return is greatly balanced for the world. The main links were of the opinion that their participation in the death dispute was responsible for the catastrophic damage caused by the end. They knew
that the divine door, although they remained open, would remain incomplete and temporary.
Hoping to ensure that such a crumb would not fall again, they constantly stood up for their children. The creators went back to their balls shooting both traitor and abominationThe mortal realm beyond them with the Divine Gate. Only then could they first imagine their corrupted brothers physically returning CHAPTER C, the story of the savage on the material plane.
Unfortunately for the major deities, this act was also a voluntary offer of banishment. From now on, creators will never be able to visit their creations. The Extinction of the Gods is known by many names: a second spark for those who study the AR staff, and penance for those who seek intimacy with their gods.
The most common name for this period of war and divine separation is the Strife, and it marked the end of the Arcanum Era. A lot of time has passed since then, and the world has taken over again. The Gods are still influenced and controlled by the Divine Gate, which grants knowledge and power to their followers, but the mortal path is now theirs. New cities,
kingdoms, and fists took over the world, built on the ashes of the old. New songs fill the air, and the hope of a bright future excites people every day, while buried ruins and ancient relics remind us of darker mistakes that must not be repeated. Savage Minds After the Catastrophe After the great destruction of the cataclysm and the exile of the disintegrating pantheon,
potential living people began to emerge from the ashes and shadows to restore and rebuild Exandria. On all continents, many have taken the pieces of their harvest and looked for a place to build a new age. This volume focuses on the awakening of the deep scars now known as Wildmount, the site of the worst catastrophic conflicts, where the echoes of these deadly
battles linger to this day. The fact that the gods after the disaster in the land of wild animals became wild and dangerous, full of monsters and animals that roamed the broken fields and broken mountains. The new inhabitants of Earth do not abuse the newly restored kingdom, preying on any mortals who are not smart enough to hide. The mindless creations of the
treacherous gods ruled their territories and established themselves as a new pantheon. As the dust settled, the remaining mortals grabbed what they could of their vanished lives and hid in fear of what was to come. Those believers experienced a sense of failure and withdrawal, while enlightened scribes lamented their quest and the great magical mysteries that had
enabled the past age to achieve such glory.They collected what they could in the ruins and decided to start again, hoping that their descendants would learn from their mistakes. During these first centuries, the dispersed survivors fought the horrors that followed the abandoned land of Wailemount and continued to bear, by establishing new companies and civilizations
that eventually took on the Wildelemunt range and brought the world in this era.
14 C h after the story with Wynandir, the land of West of the Wynandir was the epicenter of the destruction of the accident. The rocky mountain chains were searched, the whole landscapes were burned and the floating places in power have been crashed from the sky, their cities floating under the hungry ground.
The dwarf clan of Gimgolir Grimgol, which once played a decisive role in the center of the top of the Guardians Cereti, was almost swept away during the accident. The surviving families and war rings exploded deeply under the exandria surface to wait for chaos. The clan collapsed almost all the established tunnels that were used in the above wars. For centuries, the
dwarfs of the Grimgol clan were dark, defending themselves against the armed forces of the traitors and adapting to durable and stable warts. The stories of the middle master and the myths of their forgotten history mixed with the cult of Morado began to prevent them from returning to their home and reconstructing it. With a new goal, they returned to the surface to
find the mountains of their home in dust and pebbles. The dwarves did not stop easily and returned to the surface for the first time for generations. The solid clan went north along the Breakveil cliffs and found a large mountain to host his new city. They built their fortress in these monoliths under the mountains of Dununock and called their new Groimgolir house.
The ascent of a hardened government in the La Melle valley, several decades after a detour to blacken the landscape and the inos.
The remaining humans fought for food and protection while wandering for rocky centuries, avoiding the coldest time in the North. The seven nomads of humans and midines reacted against hungry animals and perpetuate the evils that threatened their land, fighting for the fertile land. Small civilizations began to trainChaos, but only when the union of Mara Rowe Valley
began, only until the central city of Treshning was laid as a reliable outpost.
About four hundred years ago, a protected municipality was built in the center of the valley with an organized military power, led by the Jullar family, a noble blood of the disaster. It became the refuge of the fighting masses and the center of agricultural development. This movement listed by the Julul family, which increased with every generation of power, became
known as a Dzhululov dominion and extended over the southern tip of the western Vinandir. However, not everyone agreed to join Julul's henchmen earlier. Some districts left the international Josoni and founded their own Kamanda village on the hills with boiling earth in the southwestern part of the Lei brain. Over time, the people of Camanda came to worship the city
of wool from Abigonege, which is an untouched fire that lives under the mountains and speaks to them in dreams and visions. The foundation of the Dwaral Empire in the cold fields in the north in the valley of the brain, the survival of the Arcan City of Zeminiaz, which fought for centuries through the snow and crushed the scrolls and fragments of cultural history. They
founded the Avatics of Lecheven and Iraosa, but only when the Zemstns went east into the pearl onion desert did they find enough fruitful fields to build a new company. Based on the ruins of the old temple of the father of the souls, the city of Rexentrum turned into a cultural center of the Zemstvo. Now that Zemstnas no longer had to fight for survival under hard
conditions, their leaders discussed how they could create a centralized government. Some wanted a republic, while others sought a theocracy led by priests that would lead the people to this new era. Eckhardt Dwendal, a respected merchant and significantly involved in the development of the Rexentrum, wanted to introduce a monarchy and put his son Manfried on the
throne. The debate raged for more than three years, and Eckhardt was privately ended with the leaders of the appearance by encouraging them to work with promises or blackmail. Based on successful guild chapters, a throne was built. 539 In our time Manfried became the first emperor of the Dendal Empire. A brain war shortly before expansionThe Dwendal Empire
began attacking the thriving Jules Dominion.
An agreement was negotiated to avoid conflict as long as favorable trade could be established and sustained. Despite this, the resource-rich western center of Vinandira was divided between the two countries, and both groups were eager to expose each other's weaknesses. Rumors that a large platinum mine had been discovered in the Dominion of Julusia fueled the
Empire's desire to conquer its neighbor. During this period, the religious leaders of the Dwendale Empire rebelled against the religious restrictions imposed by the Emperor.
After his coronation, Emperor Manfrid Dwendal passed laws restricting worship and prayer for his subjects for power, gain, and imperial expansion.
In PD 544, civil war and rebellion took a bloody turn as zealous leaders of various sects tried unsuccessfully to usurp the throne for their councils. The enraged Emperor Manfrid Dwendal ordered the execution of the rebellious priests, an event called the Warning. The Emperor spoke of canceling all services within his borders. This caused further public confusion, but
later Emperor Manfrid's spies discovered that the seeds of rebellion were planted through Jules' interests. The Emperor, in publicly exposing the conspiracy, only banned select beliefs that he saw as a threat to civilized life. Later that year, he averted much of the popular anger by declaring the government of Julius an enemy of the Empire and declaring war on a
neighboring country. Meanwhile, the merry Dominion struggled with the refusal of outlying villages near Camorda to assume power during this period of heightened hostility. Eventually, they led the independent peasants into the mountains of Cyrios just in time to hear the warhorns from the Empire to the north.
Known as the Brain War, the violent conflict lasted over sixteen months and claimed the lives of many soldiers and innocents on both sides of Brain Valley. The Juulous Dominion lacked the combined military strength of the Empire.
As the main military offensive left Zadash, the Empire's occupied capital, Baron Enoch Jules and Baroness Tessandra Jules met with Emperor Manfrid to negotiate a peace. During this meeting, the Baron and Baroness were summarily executed. Their bodies were shown to the public along with the narrative they were rehearsing.The murder of the Emperor during peace
negotiations. Juulous Dominion ended like war, immediately desperately and without leadership. Emperor Manfid said that all Dominium citizens would protect their lands and homes to prove that the newly conquered Juuls-Dominion was in favor of the inhabitants and to avoid further rebellion. No soldier would be brought to the court and would be punished for his
previous loyalty.
In addition to the imperial taxes, life will continue as before the rights and control of the entire valley near the new emperor. The unlawful religious iconography was destroyed, collections and goods were redistributed according to the needs of the empire, and the lives of the people in Zemni gradually returned to normal. Since the crown king was loaded with imperial
leadership and increasing dissatisfaction under new governments, former Dominium Julous citizens were looking for a way to reform the land under the poster. Szely propaganda, which carried out social war with Julous Dominion, will show more respect for public image and Western Winandir, and at the same time causing the oppressive connotations of the imperial
The emperor Manfid, who still fought for victory against Dominium, returned to Arcan's glory and remembered his beloved kings and queens. It was decided that people would no longer be an emperor, but a king. King Manfid, who crowned the first diminishing king series, insisted on preserving the dangerous national title of Crishish Imperium and as it is known: "I am
a decreasing king for my people, my lover and openly open to him. For our enemies. We remain determined and irresistible. An Empire. A few noble houses with a strong history were interested in Arcanes efforts. In the newly expanded imperial countries, these houses tightened their cunning and espionage against each other until the competition broke out in all the
magical conflict on the streets of the capital. Crimson Eve Eventsdestroyed many buildings and maimed many innocent people caught in the crossfire. The game ended with everyone involved handcuffed and brought before the king. After days of deliberation, a deal was worked out that exempted those affected from traditional punishments in exchange for direct
submission to the Crown and empire's goals. This council of wizards established itself as the Cerberus Council and became a powerful tool for the Empire to maintain Wildemount's position as the dominant power. THE MODERN DWENDAL EMPIRE For three hundred years the empire grew and prospered under the rule of the Dwendal royal line. King Alfwin Dwendal
increased the military might of the realm by building the fortress of Blade's Garden and assimilated the Grimgolir into the realm to contain the wild beasts of Xhorhas. King Theodoric Dwendal's benevolent nature allowed for a bloodless partnership with Clovis Concord of Menagerie Strand, opening up new opportunities for trade with the rest of Exandria.
King Willamar Dwendal established the first position of House Truscan and gave them custody of the Truscan Valley, much to the dismay of other noble houses. Other kings have come and gone, but few have left such sudden and lasting marks as King Bertrand Dwendal. Upon accession to the throne in AD 790, King Bertrand immediately displayed his love of spectacle
and social manipulation, dispatching criers across the empire to spread messages sanctioned by royalty. With the help of Master Ikithon Trent of the Cerberian Council, he captured the imagination of the masses with well-crafted tales of his heroism proclaimed by town criers in every plaza. In an effort to cover up any royal disagreements, King Dwendal began using the
Empire's spy network to find sources of popular unrest and punish those who sowed ideas of rebellion. Festivals and celebrations were funded more to suppress the masses and distract people from raising taxes in the valley. This allowed King Bertrand Dwendal to grow in popularity as he ruled with a far more brutal and selfish agenda than most kings before him. Even
in times of need, King Bertrand continues the isolationist worldview of his predecessors. Ignoring the political alliances of distant nations, preventing the construction of airship docks in the Empire, and ignoring telephone callsFor example, assistance, two decades ago in the fight against the growing threat of stiff, the empire, in royal opinion, became stronger than
ever. However, the king's attention towards isolationism decreases with increasing tension with Khhorh. Concerns about his heritage mixed with a new and deadly threat from the Krinin dynasty, now reinforced for the kingdom of strange magic and dangerous soldiers. He does not trust the Cerber assembly, which gives him so much influence and mysterious power to
fight with an increasingly darker world that binds to the Empire walls. The public approval of their authority weakens, as the economic differences deepen, and whispering many forces returning under his nose, only feeding his paranoia. When Krah launched an attack on the erudite hall in Zadashi, Cerber's Assembly demanded that the military power to concentrate
people and unify the national identity of the empire.
The king declared the war of Krynn's dynasty, and the people of Khora pulled the region into this new extensive conflict in the hope that it would be easier for the people to unite against a common enemy.
M e ea c oa st, while in cataclysmic divine conflicts, destruction ruled in the most widespread parts of the world, the Lucidian Ocean Islands in the Western Mountain of the Wild Hill thought they could be better than most others.
Although in recent battles they were far from being released, regional civilizations were destroyed by a large flood. Because of the huge tide, the waves drowned and emptied the coast of the coast and the islands covered the sparkling ocean, leaving only the most successful sailors. In the end, the water fell again and nature quickly restored the ground with a fresh
green jungle. K1'Nau several scattered flooded people have found refuge among the larger jungles of the Swavaine Islands that abound in a tropical environment. These sailors were rebuilt on the islands and were named Ki'nau, which means "water children" in the language of nausea. Although the terrible influx of disasters passed, the horror of deadly seas and
prosperous wildlife still represented a constant threat to Ki'nau. Every generation tried to survive a verse that drowned their ships and predators of the jungle and ocean. . Older heads call and have entered the water over timeIt is a powerful creature, a levitating creature that its creator, Zehir, due to a discrepancy, called uk'otoa. He spoke of his divinity and promised
to protect the Kinau-Volk in return for their worship. The Kinau took a convincing unit as an ally and guardian and allowed Britain to become the guardian of the island and help the Kinau grow up into a proud warrior community to retain their rule for centuries to come. Marquesian Alliance Around 400 XP Marquet Remote Earth Research ship neared the end of its
trials when it reached the Swavain Isles. Desperate explorers who were always discovered and captured by Alert Kinau made trade deals with foreign gold, spices, and demanding silks. This diplomatic approach gained “otoa as s a lt sun w e w e l c o m e s h i p sluc i o i an 0 c e a n. During this time of brutal maritime culture, Vukan, Kinau discovered and missed their
luscious farms and rich gems harvested at sea. These Vukan launched a series of coordinated attacks on the Ki'nau, some of them being killed and kidnapped in the shadow of the night. The naval companies that sent the scout ship agreed to offer support to naval power to counter these attacks, but it was the wrath of Britain that ultimately destroyed the Vukanus in
their home villages and destroyed them as a result. In these battles, having lost some of their fleets in these battles, naval marquee ships remain on the coast to build small settlements to operate from Kinau. The Ki'nau leader Tauan had a tense peace with the foreign sailors, but UK'Otoa wanted to dominate the newcomers who refused to surrender the old gods and
bow before him. These tensions increased when the augmented miracles of the serpent of the secret sect gave him an angry God from the God's Gate: to destroy UK'OTOA because of his shamelessness. With the help of an influential cult leader in an archaeological guild known as the Alas Legice of Allight, many of the temples built by Ukotoa were damaged and used by
Zehira to seal Ukotoa deep beneath the lower ocean cliff. Your patron in Kinaau Rob Bings. Clovis -C -Concord at that time, the cityMarquet just called the mysterious] Mon SA his new EM Peror. During the transitional period, the Marquesan settlers now lived on the banks of Marquette's independence to begin building their own society and identity with Kinau. Ord
eventually agreed to the request, and the emancipated marquises allied themselves with Kinau to form a new civilization. Over the next few centuries, several port cities emerged to become city-states, trade routes expanded along what is now known as the Serrallo Coast, and new corporations consolidated enough power to become the region's ruling class: Clovis'
Concordia. The Concorde work together to control Lucidia's surrounding ocean, setting the laws of trade and guiding the fate of those who sail the open waters. The mix of cultures that make up the Menagerie Coast creates a diverse community that values ​art and coins. However, the shadow of countless syndicates still roams the streets, while a pirate alliance known
as Kokkol has arisen to choose Harry's path and rebel against Concord. Tensions are further exacerbated by the threat of war spreading to the northeast between the Dwendalian Empire and the Kryn Dynasty. The forces of the Gray Wild have unleashed a cataclysmic conflict that has swept through the wooded area now known as the Gray Wild and fuels a slow flame.
century, burning the region's abundant trees like a coal plague. The Northern Empire was left behind, the ash and mud turned to dust and sand, and the cold northern winds turned the mountains into a desert of ice and pebbles. Fleeing the remnants of Grimgol's dwarves, they and the horde plunged into the Flocket Alps, many of them frozen by the wind. Vala Leis
before finding refuge in natural caves hidden deep in the mountains. In these icy depths, the dwarves lit fires and brought warmth to the heart of the mountain, founding the new dwarven city of Uthodurn.
Molesmere, among the charred remains of a burning forest that had filled the sky with smoke for more than a hundred years, part of the forest withstood the flames and clung to the embers that ripped it apart. This small patch of idyllic greenery has survived, a haven for the surviving wood elves who have held on and held on.To the surprise. The elves began to feel
Melora's blessings, and Corellon held the heart of this forest until they shot themselves and began to build a new home among the trees and ancient groves. The region became Veluuthil Forests and the elves of this verdant sanctuary built the very beautiful city of Molaesmir. From the surrounding ash, Veluhil magic birthed new life and foliage, raising the forest's
borders for centuries, eventually reclaiming much of the wild lands. Druid forces and mighty fairies were raised across the winding forest paths to protect the Elus Molaesmyr as they expanded the city of their lair, the central trees that reached high were miraculously enhanced as houses and halls stretched high into the branches .
The elf city was the culmination of the revival of civilization free. We still don't know what caused this event. That a researcher wanting to know, or an arrogant sorcerer observed in the forgotten vaults between the plans, or that when the forest awakens, sleeps with a terrible power, the source of the corruption is unknown. We know that in the year 585 PD, suddenly
and without warning, grey-purple shadow waves swept rapidly out of the center of Molaesmir to engulf the entire city. Many elves suffocated and died in the noxious smoke, while others were twisted and insane, hatching terrible fae abominations. Trees folded and deformed, leaves withered and purple, and shoots strangely unknown to the Breends reaped soil from the
This corruption slowly spread beneath the forest of Veluhil, destroying the house of the elves. A few survivors escaped as quickly as northwest through the frigid depths, eventually settling at Busae's Tylo City in the Perlbow Desert. Others fled northeast and sought refuge in the flowery Alps, breaking free in the snow-capped mountains until they fell upon the dwarves
of Uthodurn. Too bad for the survivors, the dwarves congratulated the escaped elves and offered them a house. This act of kindness changed the history of Uthodurn, eventually creating a unique dwarven and elven culture that lasted nearly three centuries. Uthodurn's craftsmanship is second to none, but with the exception of the odd stolen artifact, nothing is replaced
by the city walls. Small excavation teams are often sent into damaged parchmentSavalir called on the forest to comb the ruins of the Mohasmir to try to collect the causes of destruction and see if the forest can be restored. Unfortunately, in the southern part of the Savalir forest, the city of criminals and criminals grew up immediately after the Empire Devendal. In
addition to the dangerous inhabitants of this cursed thicket, known as the shore of Shaidi-Crick, there are many loots and thieves who are looking for relics in the ruins of the forest, aggravating conflicts throughout the region. To the east of Vinandir, the Ksorchas landscape once covered with thick forests became the arena of the last battle to defeat. He was subjected
to such a strong destruction from the hands of the warring gods that when the dust of discrepancy settled, the East Vinandir turned into a cracked ashen wasteland. Ghor Dranas, the citadel of the representatives of the representatives, lay in the ruins, damned and abandoned when the remaining demons and monsters fled to the surrounding gear rocks and blackened
swamps. The rejected abominations seeped from the split land of the east coast of Ksorkhas and went beyond the limits of the half -legged ridge, where the forgotten creations of the traitors were caught. In this wasteland, scattered groups of aimless people, animals and goblins fought for refuge and food. These tribes were caught in their abandoned houses by
Leviathan Ki'naau, who guarded the waters beyond the southern coast, and the surviving gnomes of Grimgolir, who did not allow the Horhasians to move on west. For centuries, nomadic military clans fought for centuries with the harsh conditions of the valley, and only they were able to establish small bastions of civilization in the harsh desert.
Dynasty Crin under the ruins of the mountains of Dranas, a group of predatory drow, turning away from Lols, her supreme deity over the centuries, found a new faith in the esoteric creature whom they called Luxason. The ships of their new deity, the drow survived the entrance from the depths of the dungeon and returned to themselves the corridors of the Ghor of
Dranas, calling their new house ROSOS, or “Renaissance”. The ruling house Krin helped to raise a new nation of the dark elves, which, as part of their cult, were looking for the surface and gradually began to turn to the nearest nomads to unite in the light of Luxon. Being the first nation of Horch after the cataclysm, the dynasty Crin worked to expand her influence in
the wastelands and the unification of the devastating hordes. WITHThe story of the Wild Mountain 19 continued to come from Khorh wetlands and deserts, making confusion and fighting soldiers who invited them to an abandoned valley. Although the light of the Eastern Vinandir to turn Luxono's light continues to this day, Lola is trying to think and destroy agents once.
Meanwhile, Dragonborn has begun to communicate with the long -standing political world of the Exandria to exchange knowledge and sell their gold and gemstones so that powerful Lords can improve their situation. Dragonkin, Dragonkin, destroyed, rested in the southern Dreemoth Gorge after the accident.
The surviving Dragonborn adopted a protected ravine order to create a new city and merged with a live beer, a poisonous dragon, which they called the Cark, beginning the civilized public Dragon's birth reform. Massive Brumestone crystals were carried by the shook and Dragonborn, which once guarded their city, and the new Dragonian city began to form as a series
of floating islands in the center of crushed. After calling duties, they spent hundreds of years slowly insulating their people by separating them, focusing on their lighting and persecution. Finally, they enslaved crows to take gold and gemstones from the gorge and ensure dragon blood dominance in the region, freely focusing on domestic politics and the development of
the Arkan. CH Rome Conclave 815 PD Unexpected attack on Dragonia occurred as an ancient chromatic traction group called chromium cliff. The powerful city of Dragon was instantly destroyed and Dramot remained destroyed by the gorge. Frigid Doom, a powerful white dragon named Vorgalgal, claimed the New Kingdom of Graba, but the rest sought to conquer it
elsewhere in Exandria. These events shocked the inhabitants of Wildmap, Klovisa caused unrest in the Concord and the Dualan Empire, and the Krėnai dynasty temporarily retreated to Rosohn and feared another attack. Over time, Vorgal and all members of the Chrome Conp Clave have been killed and the danger seemed to grow. Crows, not detected in sunny dragon,
surpassed its previous masters; They demanded freedomThe dragons survived. A handful of combat kite fled on the coast of the Serraglio or the Dwendal Empire to look for asylum, and anger had the Dragon Wildemount company rebuilt on the ruins of the criminals. In the last century, the war of ashes and light joined the kingdom of Dwendal and Kryn dynasty. Small
clashes on both sides and murdered soldiers determine the expansion outside of his companions, with strictly that each group follows. 20 Chapter 1 and Values of GiubyMount lately the growing influence of the Empire has led to the growing curiosity of the source of mysterious hidden skills of Kryna. Dwendallian spies successfully played two of the four works known as
"Tips", the strong sources for an exceptional magical energy called Dunamis. Jasna Leylas Kryn's queen started trying to steal the signs and attack Dwendalis castles until this sacred reliability is returned. Now, at 835 xp, the clashes have turned into a total war. The meeting of Cerberus recently revealed the fifth sign and the threatened violence of crossing the
Aschekeemper summit and to confuse other Wilemount residents. The divine door, which was established with discrepancies during the Panthe Exandria, is a strong obstacle between the material level and the divine kingdoms. The divine door closed both the insidious gods and the main of the main regions and hoped to save the new era and prevent another disaster.
If the divine door were destroyed by the joint efforts of the main of the main, all forces would have been released and the apocalypse would have endangered. For this reason, the gods patiently follow the low strength they can send through the door to help their confessions and patiently observe what they created outside the veil. In the absence of gods, smaller beings,
power and influence try to reach contracts with mortals and present their gifts in exchange for good, adoration or action. The following gods, garments and titles are recommended as the existing Pantheon, but this is only advice. You can change, fill or change the gods in your Wailemount campaign to adapt them to your needs.
The domains and contracts listed are possible options for priests, magicians and observation of every being. However, these are not the only options and you can assign many other domain names.Talk to your DM about how best to draw domain options or pact in your deity's philosophy and mandala coma. The circle of core deities is made up of leaders and radiant
creators who fought the causes and laid the foundation, while the deadly races were created by the former Andria. They represent the spectrum of light, protection, love, death and all other aspects of freedom and life in the world. While some gods cannot agree and argue, they exist in subtle alliance to keep life and their deeds sacred. Avandra, change designer, also
known as "she who makes Phe", "Avandra" champion of freedom, travel, trade and adventure.
Her announcement of the borders and the call of many of his followers who want to find out what awaits them for acquaintances. There are only a few temples in the city to replace the bumblebees, but their shrines are often found on well established roads and on the runaway road. Their worship is common among merchants, free spirits, and adventurers, and
undergraduates celebrate them as success and success. Avandra doesn't interfere with the levels they live in, but go through the outer levels where peace can be found and basically follow the mortal potential. Screen. The replacement carrier is often depicted as a young woman with dark skin and long blond brown hair that forms the street she left behind. Most of the
arts show them constantly moving, always leading to obscurity. Holy day. Avandra's holy day, known as the "New Dawn", takes place on the first day of the first month, when the old year makes room for new ones. Peo Ple is celebrated on the coast of Žvrynas by organizing a festival on the coast at dusk to watch the sunset. They chat and discuss their hopes for the new
year until the sun comes up. Kom M M M A N D M E N T S AVA N D R A HUS. Brave. They are destiny and this is the handle and do it to do it. Change is inevitable. The law can lead to the best. Get up G A I N ST. Fight for the freedom of others and fight with others to deal with you.
Bahamut, the Platinum Dragon Pillar of Justice, Protection, Champion and Honor, Bahamut is the beacon of the order and the good that most metal dragons worship thanThe mountain range of a platinum dragon adorns many high halls of leadership and justice, symbolizing the will in all issues of justice. This means taking care of those who cannot take care of
themselves. When Bahamut does not wander according to external plans, he lives in his beautiful, sparkling platinum, platinum and Mitril Palace, hidden among winds with seven cells. Description.
A platinum dragon is often depicted on shields and armor, both functional and decorative, with a noticeable profile of the dragon head. The temple and works of art depict a massive brilliant dragon with bright platinum scales and, it would seem, reduced wings. The holy day of the Bahamut Day is called Ambertid and is celebrated on the fifth day of Duskra. This is the
day of memory, celebration and respect for those who fell, protecting others. Baham â â â â require the province of the Divine Worldview from behind.
Get rid of evil at mentioning, any passion for those who have made a real nuance on the road. Defeat the weak, free the persecution, protect innocent and strong. Domains offer a general symbol of Avandra CG Change, freedom, nature of success, a cunning woman profile EM Boss Bahamut LG honor, justice of life, order? Military gold coin or pendant sir lver d profile of
the head of the dragon Corel Ion Cg Art, Beauty, Elven Arcana, ** The light of two crescents directed for each era, this is civilization, law, peace, procedure* LounN N Knowledge, Training, Education Arkan, Arkan Arkan, Arkan, Arkan, Arkan, Arkan, Arkan, "Other knowledge about the double star Double ax with a couple of eyes, crowned with the third open eye -CN
Battle, Competition, The theme of the Bury Pestis, the war of four lightning, emanating from the field of Melor N sea, Desert, desert, desert Life Pest Moidin Lg Craft, Creation of a blacksmith, '° "°"* Knowledge, war of a crown of grass and grain, attached to curved n-youths with carved ends of a target ng h, life, light, light, light, light, light, light Natural orbit ng h
Rotting, condolences, bright, octagonal star humanoid, woman I n i no Phoenix The raven Q Ueen Ln Death, Distiny, Death, G Rave '"" "" "" White, mask of humanoid in the frame of Sehanine CG I Lusia, MoonLight, NightEvening Arcane, *; Nature cracked the crescent turned andThe dominance of the order, which is oriented as a belt, emerges under the guidance of
Master Gild in Ravnica.
* '' Arcana Dominion appears in the sword coast seeker's guide. ; „'' Domans Forge ve ciddi, Xanathar'ın tamamına rehberde görünür. CHAPTER I I STORY OF WILLEM 21, The Arch Heart ava n d r a, th e c ha n g e b r i n g e r b a h a m u t, plat i n u m d i Go i Go Go Gue Godian.
art and art, this is that go go go godian spring, art and art. Madmen. The Foundation roamed the twisted earth, seeding the first hidden magic and inspired them to raise the most ancient forests ... those who seek art in all their magical and worldly studies, often like the altar of Corellon. They leave the Spider Queen and the Spider Priests to leave the road. He watches
his business. Representation. Most doors and modern volumes are a belt of heart, long gold and the way Gues describes as impossible grace and beauty, androgens and an attractive being.
The first elves were inspired by many works of art, and elements of their faces or symbols were incorporated into most of the ELIC architecture. Holy day. Corellon's holy day is called Elvendown or Mid-summer. On the twentieth day of the sixth month, it is celebrated and recalls the first appearance of the Selva Dei Folletti elves. Although the Dwendaly Empire does not
encourage the admiration of the heart of the belt, the Tyl Elfes are specially celebrated by opening a small door in the Gobelins Forest and drinking a little more wine than normal. Com m a n d m e n t (o r e l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l ll or to find in a
spira and a lost magic, forgotten sites and echoes of art, because there are the first works of the heart. ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü In the legal order, Erathis claims sovereignty over civilization And the leaders respect their festive central templesIn many cities of Exandria. Through the structure and law, peace and order
determine the will of the willing supporters. The man of the law has a turbulent romance with the "wild mother Melora", a wild love that is ease of civilization and nature.
Erathis is located in the beautiful divine metropolis of Hestavar, a shining city. This bright oasis extends to the astral level and observes the endless daily swim of the population that illuminates the animated streets. Representation. In many texts and sculptures, Erathis is depicted as a hood and armored woman sitting on a column throne. The face is usually covered or
depicted without being expressed, gives its presence a neutral but impressive nature.
Holy day. The sacred day of the Legislative Assembly is the dawn of civilization celebrating the autumn equinox, which is usually twenty seconds of the ninth month. In the Dwendal Empire, people celebrate their parties in honor of the transfer laws. Each table is released for the king who runs it with the people he manages. Use the help of the company and others. The
individual's efforts often clash with the ability to come. Stop the domestication of the wild nature in the name of civilization and multiply the light and layout points in front of the dark chaos.
Support and respect the creative mind. Create new institutions, create places where inspiration hit, and expand the decisions of the legal user. Ioun, a mentor who worships all the horizons of Fortune narratives, sages and teachers, directed the growth of civilization during the arc because Ioun, Ioun, caused a trees. The seriously injured, which is associated with a
disaster, is persecuted by the agents of the old enemies after healing. His dedicated existence of knowledge, philosophy and traditions anonymously through channels that cannot be watched. Ioun is one of the infinite library that fulfills the hidden empire of the infinite Ataee, while the celestial servants inspire those who pray for their understanding and advice while
cataloging all known things. Representation. The existing representations show a scientific mentor as a mature and gray woman with a friendly and brutal smile that has wrapped in floating clothes, spread to books and parchment, and a friendly and brutal smile. Some express Ioun's languageProminent meters who are respected as a master of knowledge among the
gods. Holy day. Joan has no public holy days because public worship disappeared in the disaster, and she has since become a half-forgotten legend. Although the worship of urban intellectuals, the worship of ancient information is very similar to the worship of seekers, the faith of the famous mentor was revived only in the cobalt spirit monasteries. Mona Commands •
Lower the mask of those who want to destroy the chest. Learn their secrets and show them to the world. Encourage and teach the importance of reason, perception and truth to guide emotions and paths. Condemn those who live for moral reasons, because bad people are stronger when their followers suppress the truth.
Never stoop to the level of selfish liars. Where the Lord of storms roars the thunder of thunder and conflicts are intensified, prayers rise like a hurricane to the Lord of storms. Enjoying all attempts at power, Kord blessed those who proved themselves on the battlefield. He worshiped athletes and warriors in Exandria, celebrating those who draw attention to the power
of the mind and the desire for victory. Storms on land and sea and those who lack a clear sky celebrate him and pray for calm. Kord lives among the traveling settlements and battlefields of the harsh and glorious kingdom of Ysgard, where struggle, victory, and celebration have shaped the people who live there, and the people who live there. Definition.
Cord is often described as a typical warrior with a naked beard and short curly hair at the temples. As the essence of muscle and strength, most artwork depicts the Storm Lord in a dominant position, presumably fighting a monster monster. Holy day. The holy day of Kordo is a challenge day celebrated on the seventh day of the second month. Challenge Day is one of
the most intense holidays in Port Damal, and thousands of spectators join the annual God of Defeat held at Kord Temple to support the protectors of their favorite gods, especially the Stormlord and All-Hammer's chosen defenders. Comments are everything. There is no victory in fear. • Power is the path to greatness, but greatness is the responsible use of power.
The Stormlord's glory lives on through your glory on the battlefield.The world of Wild Mother Melor extends wherever the sea changes and the soil is wild. As Wilder's keeper, Melora represents nature's wild creatures, the rush of furious currents, and the stagnant heat of the desert. Elves revere him like hunters, in the wild they accept his instructions unanimously.
Those looking for a safe passage in dangerous waters are asked to take a lift. Followers of the raven queen show respect to the wild mother as guardian of the rest of time. Melora often suggests a Kinau origin, thinking of the ancient nature gods as a collective that represents him in one female form. The wild mother and lover of Melor Druid, the rightful guardian of the
Erathis clergy, work together to keep nature and civilization in balance. However, the cult of Melor was illegally promulgated in the Denal Empire and led to an agreement among the clergy in West Vinandir, blaming bad weather and natural disasters for the wrath of many gods. Melora, who shuns the permanent realm, prefers to visit the planes to control natural life.
Usually it is one of Arvandor's endless deep forests and unnatural things that destroy wildlife. Description. The wild mother, immortalized by wooden grounds and carved idols hidden in gardens and village graves, is shown as a beautiful green-skinned woman swallowed by a mixed crown of hair. Holy day. Melor's holy day is Gorgriy Wild, celebrated on the vernal
equinox, usually in the third month of twenty meats a day. The people of the coastal menagerie are set aside for no other reason than to observe the natural beauty of their environment for whatever reason. Still, the Culture of the H 3 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Sraar'ar'ar Spine, Leave Delica Cies and Small Handmade Handmade Crafts In The Temporary Altars of Bangled Roots, are in the temporary altars and grass. The Dwendalia Empire, which has other parts of Exadria, is using this day as an opportunity to purchase more soldiers for its army.
The military has great holidays and toy soldiers and other propaganda, encouraging people to help fight and fight evilHe threatens the king. Protect yourself from explaining and destruction, killing and ridicule of nature. • E e m Prepare and respect the wild nature of the world or l. Exists - with it. Moradin, the youngest Moradin, is worshiped by blacksmiths, craftsmen
and miners who are looking for inspiration in exchange for respect and prayer.
From the founder's chaos he created mountains and acts as a protector of the patron of home and family. Devotion to all young people is the strongest in dwarf societies and many Moradin shrines celebrate the center of powerful dwarves.
Moradin hangs over his soul in the vast tunnel headquarters of Erakinor, deep below the slopes of Solonia on the Celestie map. Description.
Many guilds and workshops contain paintings by Moradin, a strong dwarf with immense face -free force, bent by the heart of the blazing and intertwined with his huge hands.
Holy Day Holy Day Moradina is a deep consolation, celebrated on the eighteenth day of the fifth month. Especially the devoted supporters of All-Hammer spend the day in isolation and ponder the importance of the family and how they can be the best mothers, fathers, brothers, nurses and children. The gnomes community in the village of Grimgolir of Ebraits has all day
feasting and drinking. What is the morale?
Stay brave and persevere in the face of disasters. Support and encourage your loyalty to yourself, loyalty to your clan and loyalty to you. It depends most on the inheritance. Creating something permanent changes the world for the better. Pelours, father Dawn Pelor rules the sun and summer, his waking surrounds for centuries as a guardian of time. Like the Lord of
Agriculture and the Harvest Bulletin, farmers are worshiped by ordinary people, and his priests are welcome in many countries. The father of the Dawn, the supporter of the necessary and the evil destroyer, is often the patron of the Paladins and Rangers who follow a similar credo. It is also known to be limited to oblivion and worshiped by those who hunt aberrations.
Pelaora can often be found in the Sun Fortress shining with a golden citadel, which brings a bright life to the hopeless gardens of blessed Elysium fields. performance. The ancient matches are written in silver and gold armor for early texts of Pelours as paternal characters. His head is the torch of light and the fire so bright that his face is his faceI almost never saw.
Many statues in sacred places use the head as a grill that they light up at every dawn and extinguish with the onset of darkness. The holy day of Pelor is called the middle of summer and falls on the fifteenth day of the seventh month. Chapter 1 I Wild Mont Com M A D M E N T E N T S de Pel O R â SHEALLY ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ALY ABOME to avoid this. People
quickly forget the problems of the past. Help the innocent in advance to find out in advance about your suffering. Bring the light of Pelor to the place where darkness lives, with kindness, compassion and mercy. Rae I, the god of atonement and mercy Everlight, Raei radiates understanding and optimism even in the darkest places. He believes that corruption, mentality,
which led to the betrayal of the lord of the nine hells who destroyed his followers during the cataclysm, can be saved. This inappropriate trust led to the fact that many priests received their names from historical records, leaving their titles and beliefs in a limbo to most of the last century.
Recently, his faith was again open, and his temples returned. The followers of Everlaite are rural healers and garbage members of the community, often the voice of reason and sympathy in times of anger and cynicism. Raay leads his people through his temple, the crystal pure beaches of the island of the Renaissance, the secret sanctuary of the flame next to the sacred
fields of Elizium. Description. Those who revive the words of Everlight reveal their image of Tema Ruined or create a new art that will inspire others with their Mes Sage. Raay is portrayed by a beautiful, strong woman with dark skin and blond hair, which rides between frozen ivory wings. The holy day has passed a lot of time from the day of the Holy Holiday of
Everlaite, and his followers have not yet decided when his festival would take place and how the celebrations will look. The debate has been going on for many years, and so far no great miracle has occurred to unite Squat ministers. Complete the commandments of Hey Ise â â â with mercy, patience and compassion. Instead, help yourself without instructions. Salute
hopeless. Those who are outside the Red Emption, who enjoy the swamp and ruthless evil, should be punished with imminent justice. The sailor of the death of the motiks of the fate of the Queen of the Ravens and the mistress of the winter, Queen of the Voronov,His gaze follows and refers to the end of every mortal life, wakes on the wall between life and death and
causes the natural transition to be inexpressible.
Many funeral ask for him to protect the deceased from the terrible failure of the curse. Those who study ancient ethnography believe that the death of the matron once has been fatal and is the only fatal deadly that rises to the divinity.
His ascent immediately destroyed the previous God of death, now forgotten, while the others of the most and horribly destroyed the secrets of the ceremonies. Queen Raven wears the fibers of the fate of her fortress from the black ice fortress located in the frozen kingdom of Let Erna, located in the cold corner of the shadow powder plate. Performance. There are
several images of existing rates - also Queen; Many temples use beer only as a symbol of their blessings. Many of her illustrations show a tall and pale woman wrapped in black leaves, the face covered by a white porcelain mask, black hair on the straight legs and never let yourself go.
Holy day. The sacred day of Queen Corvo is called Assoka and celebrates her apotheosis at night. The effective date of his ascent to deity is not clear, but the thirteenth day of the tenth month is celebrated on the night of ascent. What was once a fun night of the celebrations of the dead in impure Dwendali recently became an opportunity to burn in uniform and cry the
Kreen dynasty for their unnatural relationship with death. Eun, Kord, Storm Lord Com, set there because it is embarrassing for those who have the place. The fate of the street jacket. Those who boast of the temptation to stop fate are cruelty.
He wants the soul to be the soul. Sehanin, Sehanin's lunar plot, is the god of light of light and the son of the autumn sea, as well as the patron saint of illusions and false directions. Adopted widely among the Halfling, the elf is considered a divinity of love and protects the evidence of lovers with their own shadows. Those who work in darkness and fraud often ask for
their blessing. The Sehanine is located between the Jaw Orb and wakes on the elves or travels among the colored fields of the Feywild. Performance. The images of the moon weaver are like his myths and storieswith mortal unions. She is often depicted as a young girl with light blue skin and white hair, her body and limbs simply wave with silver moon fibers, stroking
and creating the edges of the shadow around her.
Holy Day. Sehanine has no holy day, but the elves celebrate it in the decade of the biggest full moon at night. ELF astronomers follow the phases of the moon and as they move closer to the east to predict great accuracy these days. Many people use this holiday as an excuse to be naughty and naughty, while the latest elves joke their peers with clothing and illusion.
Some of the Bysaes Tyl Elves organize a secret holiday during the full moon during the rainbow desert, because the DvVvaldalia Empire does not allow worship of the Moon. M e l o rll, w i l d m o r 11 d 1 n, s e ha n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n
i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n i n e n e n e n e n e n e n e n e n e n e n e n e n e n e n e n. â ¢ ¢ ¢ Let the shadows protect you from the absolute darkness of light and evil burning light. W and n n brid are led and inconspicuous and create new memories and experiences. Pelor, Dawn II Father of the traitor matures the worries of traitors are deities that have
turned away from the ideals of the foundation and accepted the initial devastating chaos or have become selfish creatures. God's traitors rarely cooperate because they consider each other a threat to their own agenda and goals. The same weakness allowed the first gods to defeat and exclude them and stop the disaster. Asmodeus, Mr. Rei, nine hell, queen of light verne
era, the god of the death of the Hell of Matron, the devil is commander of tyranny and domination. His words are valuable and carefully designed, soothing and damaging deadly hearts. The model manages its kingdom with an iron fist and the fines waiting for them are nightmares. The evil beings honor him with his evil and many wizards are attracted to his power.
Asmode leads his devil's herds from his fortress nalsehem deep to the ninth, ninth and deepest of nine hell. Displayed.
The head of nine -ups is a distorted image of heavenly blood that has ever given him many volumes and wall paintings as a beautiful humanoid with dark red skin and long black hair. From his forehead rising two corners and his lips bring eternalLaughter enemies. Asmod's enemies are many, even among the treacherous gods, many of them follow Erchveln, fearing his
immense power. His sworn enemy is Avandra, his boss and a modifier whose fraudulent resentment at him. Using the attack of the demon's army on himself, he unfortunately defeated him. FEL Lord's biggest victory at the time of the disaster was disillusioned, and he switched to Everlight, killing all his followers on impact - an activity that has continued since United
Rei and prominent community followers. S o d e ¢ ¢ copper on circles and others. Show your strength from the time of Asmodeus. Persecution done to you with more evil. I will show you how to use it. When you are in power, you cannot show mercy to those who encourage them to reach you. Mercy is against the weak. In the name of Bane, the evil war army and the
patron of conquest, squeeze the ruthless warriors of the war emperor. Serving his will means accepting the call of conflict and breaking and subduing fewer people.
Wars - Folk tribes and tapestries worship the war emperor to attack the world. Bean distorts everything with her iron will, forcing her to submit to her whims. The Beans plan to conquer the plane from the Banhold Bastion, towering over the blood-soaked battlefields of Aheron. representation. Bean is often represented as a ruthless giant man covered from head to toe in
ragged black armor. Heads hung from an arch, and the shadows that followed his helmet's face did not hide his yellow eyes. enemies. The war emperor's greatest enemy is Melora, who won him during the Ca-Lama in Rifenmysta. The War Emperor became his armies, decimating noble monstrous creatures and destroying the savage ones to feed the fearsome conflict
machines, and the two gods often clash in battle before defeating the Beinsfala Plateau. • Commands and commands gru h ° ° ¢ r u n.Upgrade. kill. W E I K exists strongly. Be strong. No movement -n, but anger and joy. rest. LOLTH Spider Queen Bane's Orders and her giant red onion. his lost eyeHe moved and his eyes now looked like a nightmare. Enemies. During the
disaster of Korellon, Gruumsh's right eye threw away, and God of the bloodshed wishes a day when grace will be able to return twice. Those who serve the Yahuas sometimes hypnotize their hatred to hatred behind the divine door and fall into strange bloodthirsty, who are willing to slap the elves and those who love magic on the altar of the arch. Topics you are for Ly.
Overwhelm your fear and not your enemies.
It will be a mess and storms violently. Com Al Mazza is the largest gift and the largest goal that can be developed. The Grums Hard, Gruumsh orders mini-paesi barbaric thieves to eliminate them, prey and kill them to enjoy them. The honor requires that the belief of the ruler of the order and the absorbing world that surrounds them, without the order to give up the
chaotic and selfish nature of the predator without the order. Throughout Khorhase many ruthless clans of humanoids and beasts honor Gruums, asks his prey and gives the prey that is worth hurting. Gruumsh rules his niche in the chaotic kingdom of Acheron, where his Twisted Armies is confused and preparing for a tireless struggle between aircraft.
Representation. Primitive clay images in the barbaric communities of its followers show ruins in debris. LOLTH, the God of the province of Betray in RGOOS Divinity, intertwines the intricate network of patterns and betrayal through its worshipers through their worshipers. And the enemies to gain power. It is said that the queen of spiders sees through the eyes of all
spiders and knows really everything. Lolth's cult intertwined with the Society of Dark Elves for most of the exand, but lost his influence on the benefit of the disaster when he refused and left in favor of the ancient beings known as Luxon.
This little caused his toxic hatred and now trying to avenge those who betrayed him. LOLTH sends its poisons and whispers harmful from the Kingdom of Demonweb, which is associated with Abyss, and her children have many spiders. Representation.
In many icons and idols Lolitis is a seductive woman with dark purple skin and silver hair whose abdomen bulges into a terrible spider body. Enemies. Lolt has a hot nature against the cable,Lord of the storm, because in a strong thunder pounded him into the abyss, the offered place left the common symbol. , * Order, "" "" "The battle of the hip horn The battle of the
channel horn, these defeats, each ending with Gruumsh's chains, fighting with trompe gle, inspiring screen, eyes cheating on the eye without palm jewels" Arcana Secrets ",>" * * * " *" * "," Assassins, Venom, Snakes Nowledge n ature, Kingie Dark Boid Venom This dry hand, looking at the snake, reveals palms and tombs above everything in Xanathar Leader. Drow can
stay safe.
Although Lolth cannot sense Luxon's will or power, she is now adored by the dark elves of Xhorh, completely withstanding her destruction. Students and their memories.
Lolth - and John, Slade and other stages of conflicts to be paid, more like God and more like the world. Theariz Dun is not life and death, only utter destruction and madness. This crazy God of caution is also influenced by the other gods of treachery. The eternal imprisonment of his punishment, Theardun, actually dreams of the endless depths of the abyss and all the
legions of Monica. Mother gods thought. It was closed during the foundation time until it returned to break the world through a cataclysmic conflict.It was transformed into terrible dreams and introduced nightmarish deviations at the depth of Exandria. The chain's forgotten works were opened without a single word from twisted bosses, and when all beings were
achieved and all beings were consumed with endless immortality, they waited for the exact age. Theardun is believed to be tied to the abyss, which gradually weaken and penetrate its madness with layers. Description. There are only a few visual initiatives to show Theardun, but the texts tell you that you are with a small cloud of destruction born of a thousand, hungry
and dark, thousands of hungry mouths. Existing links indicate nightmares limited to gold and black chains and almost never hold darkness. Enemies. Several Ionic supporters are trying to ensure that Theardun will never go again. Jon was charged with all the poor recipients of God, and his courage allowed other mothers to fascinate enemies' enemies, but the cost of
victory was almost immortal. Some say that Ioun can completely restore if the fighter is finally forgotten. Co m a n d m e nts, 8 thread tharid u n t i l h, l i ber -tous co. U n, cover forgotten repetitions, restore and glorify and re -l i n h i s h o n or. R u i n a n d, shave reaction to prepare the ends.
The story of C H's I ı Wild Mountain Tiamat is a terrible greed for Bad Tirana Dragons Queen, greed, jealousy and hearing. Although chromatic dragons are their main worship, Tiamat accepts respect for anyone who longed for their reserve. All chromatic dragons are worried about the brutal queen, but almost many dragons with such force and ambitious. Tiamat was
trapped in the Averbi, the first of the nine hells, hit the soul of the chromatic dragons and searched for tools to save themselves. Description. Most Tiamate representation Platinijas Kragen Bahamut hoil as warnings. Although it is shown as a terrible dragon with large, larger wings emitting poisonous fog clouds, it screams from five malignant dragon heads from the
chromatic color of their bad children. Enemies. The hatred of the Bahamut scales is as old as the foundation, and its cults are always hunted fairly. Centuries,The industrious paladins of the Bahamut limited the cult to colorful dragons, but the increase on the wrong side of the Dwedian community in the activity of the cult brought the platinum dragon priests into its
face. Tia Matte Orders • Save a reserve while spending very little. Gold and power associated with it is a sufficient reward in itself. Don't forgive and remember your own dignity.
No anger should be punished. • Take what you want. Those who do not have the authority to defend their dominance are not worthy of it. Thorog, Thorog, Thorog, torturer, slaver and jailer, the dark god's spiral king of the eternal tunnels and caverns near Eczandria. The angry tears laid the roads beneath the world, and the prison is a network of deadly caves and
shackles to which very few have returned. Creatures that circulate around Kardzeri's land often build prisons in his likeness. Those who deprive others of freedom worship him in the cellars of other subterranean kingdoms and many creatures living in the darkness below worship him and seek their guides. Currently, Toro is banished in the unknown part of cutting
shortcuts, now confined to the deepest depths of the body where the boundaries between worlds are thinned and terrible disgusts are born and of course cutting shortcuts. Definition. The crawling king is depicted as a swollen deformed worm crawling in the darkness below, a hairless human head and three hands, dark rock in the rudder with dissection. enemies. Pelor
and Raay defeated Torog during the Cataclysm, dragging his enemy to the ground. Pelor pierced Thorog's dark body with ten thousand sunlight, and the eternal light caught him in the trap outside EANDRIA. The tears of pain and rage burned by the creeping king in Ecsandria and his followers fled to these tunnels, escaping from the holy light of their enemies. • Look
for places where light cannot enter and explode. Enjoy the pain you cause others and enjoy the pain you sounded as a toro offering. • Top those you can't resist and push all living beings into darkness. Grass, a grace of grass, directs bad sorcerers, treacherous politicians and jealous minions, necromantics, immortals and dark god of mysteries. Once dangerousAnd the
mighty Archer turned around, the thirst for all the secrets of his reign and his obsession to conquer the Pantheon led him to his own Diss lamp, only his left hand and eye remained. His long mind reformed over the ages and was able to reconstruct the Raven Queen's ascension rituals to become the youngest god to walk Exandria. The legendary heroes of Vox Machina
and the Seals beyond the Divine Gates now quietly whispered what was not meant to be known. Vecna ​does not summon the space between her home planes, instead wandering in search of powerful artifacts and secrets to continue her unknown lands. Representation. Those who claim to have seen the ancient form speak of a long, skeletal lichen covered in robes and
magical gems, missing its left arm and left eye. Enemies. Although Vecna ​condemns all other gods and wants to destroy them and become the only divine force in the planes, she has a particular hatred for Ioun. IOUN seeks to split the world into the same Cret Vecna ​and his followers work hard to damage and destroy the Cobalt Soul Library and anything that stands in
his way. The Raven Queen also despises Vecna ​and sees a picture of her target. Bane, p e r o r o r o r o m e n d m e n y from old n a lly o c ands Save H i d d e n. Find out what I do, but never everything.
Express yourself and let others use them for their spider queens. ⢠Seed is all that the other ruins are, only for those who will travel against the old man. Surrounded by the shadow of the wandering serpent and creator of the serpent and the serpent, Zehir is the evil of poison, the god of sin and darkness.
The ancient Serpentkin worship him like all other deities, bringing tearful offerings to their temples in his honor. Most fans of the robbery series were destroyed in the disaster, but the rest were arrested in their stands or prosecuted by sports officials and Toroga. But maybe Zehir is waiting and waiting for the right moment to unleash his hidden army upon the world
again. The ruins and poisons of the Zehir emerge from the dark towers of night, hidden among the ever-changing winds of the astral planes. Thar L? :U n, T e Galive 29 Tiamat, Tirana image. Many forgotten temples were once built on closed snakes, and in these rooms, the image was built in most architects. The head of a six -handed and giant snake is shown as a warm
human body from adhesive and aggression. Thick dark hair with a high body ropes, rotating shade layer and shape shift. enemies. He hates poison, period and melord because he first despises life, order and love. The fighters use poison and fire to harm civilian activities and destroy nature in the hope of putting both gods into the anger of the gods and pushing Exandria
into chaos. Cooperation is best. He shot you q u i ckly and no reason. Argat with your configuration. K i l S L BACK N i z i ngly. Worse, I enjoy it. After the release of Pantheon's exile, after leaving the Kingdom of Mortals, Les S e rd ls tortogue. In addition to the jet divine aid approved by the divine gate, mortal beings are now a future exclamation guard. This gap has led
to many effective assets that cannot compete with the gods with their skills or effects, but there is no doubt that humble followers may concentrate. These idols look different, some of them are desperate honor protectors, others the cruel gods they want to be. Most of these assets have ambitions to be applied and can offer larger cities in exchange for slavery. A snake
that is still chosen in the Rin Mountains Champion, c ra w l i n g hry traitors represented in one of them. Kataklık threw this weapon into the field, Mauna, forests, fields and burned underground. Some of these weapons were discovered, but some have never been found and did not see high demand. Weapons or rather, monsters associated with them created the
followers of their fatal believers. When the traitors are found, they give their owner the gods of the gods and the wisdom of the monster inside. AMonsters know that their war has long been lost, but still want to be used in battle, to gain and shed blood in the hands of skilled warriors. As the wielder of the weapon becomes stronger, so does the weapon, which in turn
becomes even more magical. When the weapon's owner dies, the weapon disappears and reappears in a different location. The representatives have created the following weapons, which are detailed in Chapter 6: Blades of Broken Mirrors. This Tarrizdun Pierre Dagger is still there after the crash. It is able to disrupt the reality around its owner. The life force of Glabris,
named Ragazuu, was used to create the weapons. Gruveltash. This Obsidian Battle Hammer channels Thoroga's drained willpower and can destroy an entire building with a single strike.
The life force of an ultralot named Cyrian was used to create the weapons. Shadow Whip. This Zekhira Whip ends in five snake heads that pull enemies from different events. The life force of a Marilite named Sizlifet was used to create the weapons. Bulava black crowns. This mass with a Ruby Demon Head carries the Gift of Asmode, which can summon demons,
ordering the owner and burning enough to melt steel. The life force of Erinia, named Xartaz, was used to create the weapons.
Ruins of the Awakening. This blessed blessed spear can easily break armor and release a zip. Balor's vitality, called Yarrowish, was used to link weapons. The fury of silk. This rapper has a realized blade of spider silk, granting the owner a blessing from LLO.
Yokolol Vitality was used to create the weapons. Bloody ending. This indestructible Morgenstern has the gift of Bane and couldn't find it after the disaster. Has the power to secure the owner's enemies. The vitality of a DEDS DEMON named Izilza was used to create the weapons.
The will of the paw. This Kirka combat features the inscription Tiat and makes the wearer invulnerable to the elements and grants them the power of a breathing dragon. The vitality of a bone devil named Ashtyrlon was used to create the weapons. Ceratos is a creature that goes from a faraway realm to a crushing foundation, Ceratos is one of the oldest creatures in the
world. The only beings with much intelligence, Ceratos loved chaos. Wen Elementary Chaos l e s e r i i i i i i i when the divinity of my hand is on heritage bquoisier world vision instead of moving, xThey were divided into four aircraft, in the underground hope that their thoughts failed because they got into a nightmare. The creeping royal ditch aroused Serratos after a
long time. Although their thoughts were scattered, everyone wanted to go back to chaos to unite. In the hope of sending thoughts to the surface and offering magic to those who could hurt the highest country so that one day they can regain their entire strength. Hopic tells its followers that chaos brings clarity and destruction - rebirth. Look. It is assumed that hope has
a massive mass ball that is covered with inappropriate eyes, mouth and tentacles.
You can project your thoughts on other beings, especially those who want to bring chaos to the world. Desirat, Twilight Phoenix, wanted a companion of Asmodeja and Mountain during the Great Disastrophic Wars.
Before the diver, he was discovered by his owner's original Cerber meeting, who wanted to explore and reap the form of Phoenix's devil for his purposes. After the complex was destroyed during the war and Pantheon was expelled, Phoenix remained attached under the Kirios mountains. Its shady flames have been burned and scratches for centuries, which has the
thermal phenomena of Metiri Mountain West West West. The sought -after common sense broke into loneliness and created the illusion of divinity, captures in the heart that brings seeds of fiery revenge and speaks with them through dreams and visions. Although they once accumulated using the admirers of Ukoto, who were almost deep enough to leave them to
freedom, their followers were then enslaved and distributed when Julus became July in the brain valley. Now he talks about this alleged domain death, the overall symbol of the blade war, through which eight traitors have pierced Eänder, three disadvantaged eyes hope for great knowledge of Alcent, dark Pest Desi Rat Naviaska L.E. Immortal; '* Light, fraud, ng archafia
lives, Nature Flaming FIAPLE Feather Qajat -CN Faird flower wreath, great old nature, war ring mother, not devil, devil knowledge is deceptive, red corner surrounded by demon '' '' '' Light HollownededRs Traveler CN Archpea Nature, Deception Curved Door Over the U Na Street Opens``Otaa neither old nor what, knowledge, yellow parasite - hand, cut eyes and you
six hedges'''''archy 'death, xalic lank lg hanging life ring, life ring, bow, sky `` life , light Yes House Blacken * Binathar and Hexblade Battle Lock are everywhere Xanathar. ; The story of C Haine I Wildemount, who is the night, is rejected and furious, urging them to tame the flames within and allow desire to help them seek revenge. Physical appearance. Desire is
depicted as a huge dark purple phoenix wrapped in black purple. Its sword-like beak is peaceful and smooth, and the three onyx eyes are inspected by the shiny, burnt eyelids. Queen Titania Transformed Summer Camp Queen Titania transformed the spirit of the Fairy Spirit, who has already experienced Fyywild's complete destruction when she entered one of her
traps. Titanian magic changed Naviask's mission to destroy it to heal the wounded land with nature. After the disasters, the Navige retreated to Exâ Andria, where it remains now, still trying to heal the destruction and ruins of the world. Followers of Naviask say the strange demon Xhorha turned into a vaga fey because of his waste, but only those who wanted to see
him saw him. He aims to heal the world, but the magic that destroys Ghor Drranas is not easily lost. Look for those with similar hearts and suggest sharing your strength to reclaim the world. I am eager to. The Naviask Balor retains its form, but its demonic profile is softened by a green hue and flowers and vines adorning its body. The old deh deh inner fire has been
replaced with sunlight and applied with a whip made of pure brilliance. The secret that Quajath is a work of torrogo or a direct offspring is unknown, but this creature was thought to be a huge and huge worm, studying the disastrous creep of the king. Killed in the last fierce battles. Leaving a wounded body part of you, what could, the mucous quajath piece rose deep
below the surface and fell asleep in the cold lands beneath Eiselkros to recuperate and regress. When the attic tried to climb again, the Eiselkros elemental ice appeared too strong and Quajath sank into the frozen north.Some wild Eiselcross discovered a segment of the worm's grave and after generations feed their body eternal growth, their mind's will. Some of these
lineages now travel the world, such as Quajatha's village with primal appearance and alien spirit, and help him reach psychically with those whose fragmented minds find purpose in looking at the Quayath and their victims of raw magic and broken secrets. One day he tries to turn around and break free from his ice prison. Look. Kwajato's recovered body looks like a
muscular green from folded tuberous skin that throws steps of teeth. Its odd mouth is surrounded by a ring of pointed teeth, and its triple tongue bears three ivory eyes. The Hag Mothe would be the oldest witch and the forerunner of all other expressions of Exandria Magic. Hag's mother arrived soon after the foundation was laid. He has a soft spot in 3'2 C hapter L and
the story of Hume Humeoid, who escaped his original message and attacked him with a magical curse. He moves on the spot and ends up making a deal with the people on the catastrophic street and offers the power to save himself at his service. The tasks that Hague's mother asks are those who accept their agreements always dangerous, sometimes grotesque and
brutal. Some of these tasks are life-saving, while others are life-ending. Others are still reflected in the creation of hags.
Many of the missions seem pointless, but Hag's mother always has a plan. Regardless, whether his last game is to destroy his enemies, break a curse or rule that Exandria is known only to her mother. Look. Hag's mother may have a female male form that he has chosen and often moves in stealth, but her true form is that of green and purple skin with black hair
underneath, yellow eyes, and red horns that came back from his forehead. Luxon, the first glow, has heard of Luxon throughout the exam and is less likely to believe they even exist. Luxon is the main deity of the Kry dynasty and its way of life, but the Luxon Beyond Xhorhas research has recently begun, and this research is largely influenced by Dwendal's desire to gain
an advantage in war. Luxon has neither awareness nor an active personality.
It is largely a pure belief system, supported by scientific and metaphysical truths arising from the discovery of headlightsUmawi, who interprets his meaning (see “Crin dynasty” in Chapter 2). Luxson priests often study Dunamis and its initial secret character, while others are born with the gifts of the Dunamantics, given the reality of the lighthouse.
Those who recall the rarest sons of the deity use the same lights as the source of magic. I'm waiting. All relationships believe that the home form of luxury is a colossal, shapeless body, probably bright light, like a fiery star. Laxon's followers wear small cables, often dodecaEdri as a symbol of his faith. A traveler, this powerful arche of selfish and anarchist intentions,
once known by the name of Artian, caused the anger of Korelon a thousand years ago, when his playful paintings at the material level left all the crawling of the potion. Kit -Carrion. Artank, extensive from Fayvild and thrown out of the mortal world, abandoned for hundreds of years, sowed chaos for his pleasure until he completed the system with the heroes of Vox
Machina, which allowed him to return to the material level.
There he began his last intrigue with a dubious deity under a new person: a traveler. The eccentric, capricious and inclined to extravagance and impulses, traveler Vaga Exandria in search of allies and followers who entertain him. Sucking his powerful magic magic in the Boins of Divini mask and a widespread widespread myth that surrounds his secret goal, the traveler
appears at a less expected moment and disappears when he is least preferred. Those who believe in his principles cannot believe it, but “from time to time a miracle serves to strengthen its influence. He wants to become a new god, is this just a game? In addition to his knowledge of a smile. “On, I took UK'OTOA as a guide and God to control the waters and lead them to
prosperity. Lewatan lifted Kinau to conquer the southern coasts of the continent, until the jealous will of Zehira from the Divine Gate reached and did not cover the arrogance of their creation, ordering his followers to seal the UK in bed under the substances of the foundation near the ocean. OTAA now reachesSea pilgrims and surviving sailors give their power to those
who want to rule the sea as it once was, calling for them to release it from the subgekuan prison, promising secret gifts and blessing the iron called the Sword. Deep, expanding the will and influence of the UK'OTOA. His consciousness determines that the mind desires both the Kwajat, and the three conspire to convince the mortals to find them and free them from their
bonds. Appearance.
UK'Toa takes the form of an incredibly large sea serpent. Its twisted and twisted length is covered in fins, scales, and amber eyes, and its head has a back jaw with fangs and a face with three amber eyes. Vesh, a bloody mermaid, no one knows if Vesh was a witch or a demigod, but he roams Exandria for centuries, tempting those who dabble in forbidden magic and
attracting them as potential suitors. Acolytes cultivate sets of followers who engage in ritual orgies and masochistic rites that culminate in the choice of a mate. Vesh feeds on non-commands during the carnage until he lays down with his chosen survivor and disappears into his realm. Their essence is bound, and then they give their power to their partner and follow him
all his life. A creature of contradictory duality, Vesh has a mood that calls for sacrifice and pain, and the other for kindness and pity. Because Vesh's whims are truly unknown, many do terrible things to win her favor and attention. Although he has many partners, he is a jealous patron who demands the true heart of his chosen one. You will never hear about those who
were near. Appearance. Vesh appears as a naked woman with slightly glowing gray skin, long purple hair, and unnaturally long arms with clawed fingers. Her eyes are pale with no iris, and her facial expression ranges from seductive to terrifying depending on her mood. The Haliki catastrophe claimed both mortal and immortal lives. Many of the angels who fought
against the supreme deities were killed, and most of the survivors were injured. Sunny Khaliq, Archer Heart's right hand, was so injured that not even the magic of the gods could help the angel regain the ability to see, fly, or leave Exandria. For more than a hundred years, Xalik lay broken and blind in the gray wilds, her body covered in moss and plants, until she found
the strength to move and blame herself for the small part she had played in the disaster.
Now Halich is travelingto atone for the sins of misfortune and prevent another devastating war. Your supporters seek to heal war-torn lands and restore the natural world. Xalicas knows that alone and wounded, she cannot stop all evil in the world, so she gives her angelic power to those she deems worthy: creatures willing to end unnecessary wars, defy tyranny, and
the to defend the innocent. Look. Xalicas is a silver-skinned stripper who wears a white bandage around her eyes. His body was injured and one of his wings was blackened and burned. THE ORIGIN OF LUXON According to the Kryn and Umayyad teachings that recorded their beliefs, it is believed that there was a time when a single light appeared out of dark void long
before the gods of Exandria formed this world. Other lights appeared around them and settled in space like stars. Yet this single light resisted the force that burned them like their star brethren. This one light wanted to understand what they were and chose a different path to travel alone. This choice led to the darkness of eternal loneliness, the voices of the stars fell
silent to the departing light. They wandered alone until they found a cold, dark rock: the world. The light that saw the rock alone as she liked it and embraced it. They ignited the fire within by ripping open the surface and giving fiery life to the cold world. From the fiery core the light began to observe the changes and rotations of the world, the chaos that produced the
first souls, the primordial. The Light admired its children and wanted them to know for themselves, which would help the Light discover its own goals, but the children fought and killed each other, and their Lightborn souls were lost in the darkness beyond. . Confused but determined, Light decided that she needed time to study and that a cycle of trial and error would
be required to improve the Children of Chaos. The Light has sacrificed much of its essence to create its own beacons, great crystals of power that activate the cycle of rebirth for those connected to the Light. This action absorbed the light and they fell into a deep sleep in the core of the world, waiting for the time when the children of their own mind would learn from
life to life ages of battle and loyalty.Until the information is mature enough to bring them together, awaken them, and answer the question they've been seeking from the start: What were they and what were their goals? This light is now referred to as the Luxon by Kryn's mortal disciples. CHAPTER 1 I HISTORY OF THE WILD MUGS 33 ½ HAPTCR 2 BRATTIONS AND
THE REPORTED EAST, KING, KEPEROR, Aristocracy. . . Everything is equal under the rhetoric. They say they fight to protect their families. You say you struggle to impose your beliefs, Mr. Richter. Fight for a better tomorrow tomorrow. Fight for virtue, for wealth. As a result, you are the one dying over fights and fights for their ends. -Meçhul -Soldat, The collective
histories of the Mark War, the civilizations of a new era were born from the ashes of the disaster area. The survivors encroached on territory on the continent, establishing alliances while fighting for power and influence, and acquiring enemies. From powerful governments to hidden communities, Wildemount is shaped by the ideals and interests of its factions. This war-
torn continent is an efficient landscape for adventure people looking for greatness. The Dwendali Empire The Dwendalia Empire has been ruled by West Wynandir for more than twelve generations. The empire continues with the support of a strong army, a religious restraint policy, and the Treaty of Secret Cerberus. Although these institutions exist to protect the so-
called people from external threats, the terrible dangers of wild nature, and the enduring evil that infiltrates the wounds of disaster, it allows the Empire to maintain a strict social order within its territory. King Bertrand Dwendal doesn't lose iron with age at two months old.
A great and powerful man, King Dwendal rewards loyalty and is quick to punish his arrogance and failure. His family developed totalitarian governments in society with a military system that implemented heavy taxes and was strengthened by the proximity of capital rexxentrum. Although civil unrest sometimes goes beyond murmurs, the memories of the dangerous
creatures that transcend the protected borders of each city and the guards in the Empire often keep people in check. Those who rebel are usually chained or forgotten in dungeons. The Dwendalia Society has a strict caste system.Anyone who owns secrets is considered an elite member of society. Many ladies and gentlemen Twendal came from the wizard's family or
studied secret arts within the walls of the Lopichch Academy. Those who are noticeably different in their magic or were born in exceptional families can receive power as members of the Cerberus community, in an extremely powerful magical council, which works directly with King Dwnedal and his advisers to develop and strengthen the Windander. However, the
distrust between the king and the assembly of Cerberus is deep, since both want to eliminate the latter and enjoy unsolved power. Most cities and villages throughout the empire manage local self -government under the leadership of the headman, usually a local baron appointed by the crown and the meeting of Cerberus. The headman, obeying directly to the Royal
Council, receives absolute control over local self -government, which is in charge of the head of the city guard (watchman), the regional army (Vardastaster), local trade (coin -monmaster), infrastructure (pitmaster), religion. Practices (snowfields) and laws on dishes (justice)). Titty-S. - called "thought") Twice a year, visit every imperial city to check the households for
the availability of income and evidence records, as well as to collect the percentage of their income in coins based on decoration of tithes. The Reich’s armed forces currently have about 35,300 soldiers of the fifth righteous in all regiments and 5,200 crown guards in all cities. At the beginning of this war, most of the forces of the right march were placed in fortifications
along the Khorhasian border. Shortly after the Dwnedal family came to power, the religious population broke out for a short time. This was quickly suppressed, and the rebel leaders were lost as a warning. Since then, the ruling class turned to religion and believes that faith is not worthy to rise by its position and cause an unnecessary riot.
Instead of enduring all religious practices, the Reich regulates worship within its limits. All temples belong and are governed by the state and must be devoted to deities approved by the crown. Priests and priests in the statement of the salary of the crown should preach only approved religious texts. Manage chapels or private departments 2, and breaks and companies
love 35 Den Da Lian E Mpi Re.The evil that has marred the fringes of civilization is often outweighed by dissatisfaction with civil liberties, and the relative peace of West Wynandir is accepted. However, the dissidents have begun to express their disappointment, and the growing trend of unease makes Dwenal quite frustrated. The Dwendalian Empire is dependent on
the coastal trade routes of the Serraglio and Clovis entrusts the trade routes to Concord maintaining a respectful and mutually beneficial relationship. Agents from both countries police the borders, and the occasional political gesture of goodwill satisfies those in power. However, the Empire distrusts Concord in a stretch of the imagination, and the secret underworld is
alive and well. Historically, the Council of Cerberus was responsible for most of the Empire gaining and maintaining power, but the royal line has always had a paranoid distaste for the Council of Sorcerers. The handshakes and smiles hide the differentiation, and the king correctly assumes that the assembly only spends time challenging his authority. The king and his
court ignore most foreign powers. Requests from the Ta'orei Council and Alliance City Far Ank'harel have been met with indifference, and efforts to establish Skyport Rexxen Trum have been continually suspended to allow for easier travel abroad. Characters of interest outside official temples can be punished with fines or imprisonment. The only gods sanctioned by the
Empire are Lawbringer, Bahamut Plati Num Dragon, Moradin All-Hammer, Dawn's father Pelor, Ioun, and Raven Queen's expert mentor, Matrona Della Death. Some characters retain the power and influence of an empire, some work to expand their power, and others try to save their country. Objectives King Bertrand, with the strong opinions of the Dwvenia royal
family, and his growing responsibilities as leader of one of Exandria's greatest nations, weighed heavily on him. Bertrand has been a dark, intelligent and paranoid king for ten years and only because his wife Duvia died almost ten years ago. Fiercely nationalistic and proud of his heritage, the king despises foreigners and their difficulties with imperial power; He is often
thrown across borders or imprisoned until a replacement is sent to secure his release. Bertrand really wants to save livesPeople and their own lines are remembered as the best. However, civil unrest is increasing, and his discontent with the gathering of Cerberus is only fueling his energetic approach. His only living son Aedes has not been able to produce an heir, and
King Bertrand is afraid that his family's generation will end, and this obsession pushes him to look for ways to extend his life.
While the empire is trying to expand its influence throughout the continent, he uses abundant resources and important decimas collected from his citizens to protect his people and to maintain control over Western Winandir. During this conflict, the implementation of the religious rules of the empire became increasingly difficult. Kon Bruda Theolocrat is president of a
new directive aiming to harmonize religious texts with less oppressive terminology in order to direct discontent from the royal to away from the royal and to infidels beyond the borders. Now that XHorhy and the tension turned into a total war with the Kryna dynasty, the spread of propaganda to every aspect of daily life united the empire people against their common
enemies. They hoped to gain support for war by spreading rumors about the kidnapping of children from Dwendall and the violent and cannibal nature of Kryn. Although King Bertrand Dwendal Sadık Neutral Male Male Male Male Chamberlene Queselia Virle Neutre Good Female Relations complain about the restrictive laws of the empire, but most of the emperor is
accustomed to a comfortable lifestyle under the protection of the Emperor. Bailes c Hapitre 2 I The Facts of the Old King and Queseli, then Bertrand, the company's mabeyinci, all the issues related to the management of the Dwendal dynasty.
With the full confidence of the king, Caeselia refuses to submit to the ruler's ghosting tendencies and hopes to take it to a more fair administration. Although he cannot protect him from his own unreasonable impulses, he hopes to find a way to restrain his self -harm behavior. Aedis Dwendal Neutr Bon, the prince of Aedis, the male heir of the throne, showed great
power in physical fighting and war games, but showed little cunning in social or political issues. Although he once wanted to satisfy his father, the lack of continuous approval worn Eidis. He liked to live an exaggerated life without a great responsibility, and if he wanted to have a child he could give up.However, he and his wife Princess Suria Dwendal were unable to
conceive. The king nearly abandoned his son, leaving the prince dejected and dejected. PRINCESS SURIA DWENDAL A noblewoman of her own noble house of Saugiss, a chaotic and neutral individual, Suria took pride in honoring her family. Unfortunately, the unexpected difficulty of creating an heir disgraced her and her husband from the king. Suria does not want to
give up and tries to correct the situation in every way necessary, even against nature. CHIEF REFEREE SYDNOCK TRUSCAN Fair heck, the human Truscan family has long been allied to the Dwendal bloodline, and Sydnock has managed to solidify his family's hold over most of the other noble families in the Empire. As chief arbiter of the Rexxentrum, Sydnock has the
final say in all legal matters that do not require the king's attention. A ruthless man with a grudge against religious emancipation, Sydnock constantly tries to probe the corruption within the sanctioned sectarian structure within the Empire. His daughter Lydia resists his brutal methods and now lives as a civil rights activist in Zadash. CROWN MARSHAL HAYDEN
DAMURAG A veteran of the legitimate, neutral, non-binary human Imperial Army who served nearly two decades, Hayden is a highly respected soldier and astute tactician who was instrumental in the campaign against the Kryn dynasty. Known for being adaptable yet resilient in the face of adversity, they rose through the ranks and now directly advise the King on all
major military operations. Hayden prefers to avoid court life, especially as his practicality clashes with the cold cynicism of Sydnock Truscan. Currently tasked with overseeing the defenses of the besieged Eastern Front in the Rockguard garrison, the Crown Marshal does his best to protect his soldiers and keep the enemy at bay. COURT OF AETHIA D ROOZE The
legally neutral dwarf Aethia administers the tithes of various cities in the Empire and oversees the biennial collections of the decimal collectors. He loves numbers and wealth and savors all the tears he can get from those who are legally obligated to pay. Obsessed with efficiency and intolerant of sloppy work, Aethia will rummage through her subordinates' notebooks
late into the night to achieve numerical perfection.When Arness Ligful Evil, the man took a notable place in the Rex Center due to the exceptional communications of the Arnes family in the Guild Merchant Empire. He has earned the nickname "Golden" for his desire to sift missing profits from the pockets of companies that are unable to pay taxes and fees. Honorable
and fearful of the cruel rules of many DWVIS economies, his personal trust in AS modus, furthers his desire to meet dangerous figures of the Empire. The Guildmaster often works with the treasury to ensure that the gold enters the emperor's box office. Argon June Viston Caotic Guda, half femella Juna, is considered a diligent spit and it is surprisingly that he is also a
skilled bureaucrat who knows how to use legal imperfections.
The poor boy pushed, pledged to help repair the damaged agricultural distribution system. Making the right moves and the right friends and making a loud fuss when Nesses Sary-She finally became the people's hero to the poor. Looking forward to seeing her names and gaining support under the pressure of the Empire's politics, the Crown offered her the main
leadership of agriculture as an Argomer. She proved to be unanimous and capable of great concern, seeking radical changes in the empire. Unable to leave such a high level of people during the general concussion, the Crown supports its work instead, seeking to bury it in bureaucracy. Kon Brouda's theolocrat, a male man, a former monk of the Cobalt Soul, has
diminished Kon Brouda's faith in the mentor of knowledge since he accepted the position of toocrat. Kohn is a specialist in the historical and social workings of modern religion. When the previous theocrat died, he accepted this position after conscience of duty and then got used to his office in the extravagant lifestyle. Help the crown edit existing religious texts and
write proven sermons and prayers to spread throughout the Empire. Chapter 2 Factions and 37 eMiser Lord Zedan Earl Krine Dynasty Good Neutral, Man Male Delielful ENSTROSS ENSTROSSE ENTERNO AND COUNTY CASE, Zedan showed his ability to collect rumors for his entertainment. The racer aspect Sydnok saw the promise of Zeddan's talent and advised
their king to become the Empire's chief envoy. He now acts as a diplomatic contact withBeyond the realm's borders, Zeddan is willing to obey the Crown's orders while dispelling rumors that may be politically useful.
Lord Zed often crosses paths with Lord Athesias Uludan of the Cerus community in his travels, and the pair have a deep dislike. Zedan is desperate to get Rexxentrum to build an airship tower to facilitate the king's journey. Oliver Schreiber, who is neutral in C-rank Legtife, recognizes the male gnome as the chief servant of the king and the royal family for nearly three
generations, but Oliver is also the secret president of a major espionage network of the Crown. The Augen Trust uses extreme secrecy, false identities, and the infiltration of allies and opposing societies to gain information and inform the Crown of your goals. Oliver, one of the most trusted members of King Bertrand Dwendal's circle, has more power than his citizens
realize. Wendal Empire L and E rights are assessed based on all crimes that are convicted of local crimes that are determined by local bonds, hands of this bond or laws, and/or local court chambers throughout the empire. Sufficient penalties for crime. For crimes by a member of the Crown Guards, all and penalties double the soldier or noble sign. Crimes against a
Cerberus official or all community associate fines and penalties lasted three. Theft: 5-10 days of detention and/or stolen goods twice the value of the fine. Gods who do not meet the gods of Western worship: 30-day imprisonment and a fine of 250 gp. Other intelligent creatures: 1 2-20 months in prison and 1800 gp fine. Crime: 1 2 -day imprisonment and/or fine 21 5 gp.
Non-payment of Crown Tax: Understand the honor and ownership of 5-30 days equally on the amount due. Damage to private property: 5-1 5 days in jail or fine 5-1 5 days of damaged property. Damage to Crown property: 5-60 days imprisonment and damage to Pomert twice the fine. Quick: 60 days imprisonment and/or 800 gp fine. Attack Intent to Injure: 30 day
imprisonment and/or frequency 3 50 GP. Assault with intent to murder: 250 days imprisonment and/or 1800 gp fine or execution. Murder: 8-1 5 years and fine and/or 6000 GP fine or execution.The fractions of the community and the 2nd part of the community are ruled by the Krīna dynasty organized by the North Keşor Desert opened for the whole world in the last
century. Focusing around and gold in the eastern part of Vinandir, Nasty provides control in many cities and small villages where Crin helps to create too much civilized life in the nomadic desert. They believe that luxury light can attract drawing creatures and often fight with rebellious waste, hoping to communicate with their sides and beliefs. Those who accept the
dynasty are usually done because they want to be protected from a disaster circulating on the waste and from the intelligence officers of the Dwndalian Empire. Dark Elves are the living race of the crying dynasty. Drow was the first people to cover the first buried luxury lighthouse before returning from Llo and escaping the slavery of the gods years ago.
Dark Elves claimed that Drane Gore Citadele was afraid of him and that he was afraid of a large underground cave network that made up Wildmount. Criminals become the power you should secretly trust. Initially, Kryn Drow, one of the dark caves under Xhorhas, now sees sunlight as part of his worship, but quotes are the shadows of Umbra! Magic during daylight
During the hunting or war, the Crimean soldiers put Chitin armor in their companies. This armor can open several small airways woven to create a high sound to scare enemies when they attack. This noise, which is inappropriate, calls Krin as "jacks" for this religion cricket. The works left by the teams that protect their essence are known as Luxason lighthouse lanterns
and thirst for the dynasty to take the central place in the civilizations. The proven spiritual rituals about Luxon Beacon may be reborn in a small child in the same area. When this child later enters his young years, he begins to remember the subtle benefits of information from the previous life experience - a process known as history. They can unlock memories during
meditationThe past lives and becomes a more complete being. When the soul turns enough to believe that it is ready to wait for a luxury, it is called an urvi or "perfect soul" and is respected in a criminal society. Some naturally reincarnative creatures, such as phoenix, are considered to be holy beings that carry a particle of luxury.
If life continues for a long time to achieve clarity, called ACH, when they think they learn everything they can learn from their current life, they can participate in their current life ritual through Umawi. In the immediate vicinity of the lighthouse, thus putting them on the newborn path.
Although this practice is considered to be honor in the Krin dynasty, it is not understood outside their culture and is considered barbaric. Crin dynasty is a society rebuilt from the Lolta history they rejected. The inhabitants of the dynasty obey the first Omavi, known as the outstanding Queen Leilas Krina. Below the first Umawi are twelve noble balls that honor the
families of souls living together for generations: Dance Crin, Mirimm, Telis, Hygenos, Ikozrin, Biylan, Tasitar, Duena Dalos, Dalian, Omripar, Belun and Ash. . If someone is believed to know the story, he is undergoing deep meditation under the guide, trained in these methods. This process helps to restore past life memories, which then converge with current memories.
Then the awakened soul rejoices again to its maid.
Lair grows when new souls enter the band and join their rows, and with each generation new magazines are created. The oldest bumps, especially those led by Umawi, enjoy the greatest respect and usually obey the glittering queen. The older the soul, the greater it has the authority in the dynasty. Underneath the Roson Guild and its representatives, they control other
cities of dynasty, spread along xorah, distribute luxury faith and observe all Horhasians looking for civilization. This seemingly favorable social structure has a shadow side. The highest Umawi's careful protective secret is the challenge in the order called Tifro: some souls that have gone through several sequence cycles become crazy when their mind cannot match the
memory of many lives. Those with tiprosis are either quietly removed from the dynasty and traveling to the deserts, or happily killed.Of lighthouses. The most beautiful queen begins to show signs of madness, but the closest people do everything they are in their power to protect others from such couples. It is believed that Luxon contributes to unity in communication,
but also appreciates the free choice and strength of the individual mind. Creating a unique path for every soul is the best way to get to know the world. Luxon's followers reject the doctrines of fate and fate that teach some modern pantheons, and teaches that the true power of the universe comes from the power of choice. On the way, all possible possibilities of the
future await you, and the universe is trembling by the force of heraldings as we approach every decision. This power is called dunamis, the energy of the potential and the general architecture of many future, which leads to every moment, is released when the result seems true. This energy is enough to prepare every Luxon lighthouse for future life, and is the basis of
this unique divine craft and Crinin's wild talents. The Kran Dynasty discovered four lighthouses and is convinced that they have not yet been opened. When all signs are interconnected, it is extremely important that Luxion is called from sleep to ask her children a big question and tell the truth. It is said that at the moment Luxo will take what falls into the category and
leaves this smaller world to create a new one else.
Aurora Watch, the emblem of the Herald Dynasty, is currently around 21,600. About 3200 patrols are located around the cities of the Heraldic Guard Aurora and 3300 Aurory patrols are located in the ancient capital known as Mount Dran. And around. Keep peace and territory. About 5100 soldiers are scattered under water under Wildmount in Dytho areas. Many used
purple worms controlled by magic to allow the elite units to move fast on caves. The rest of the guards were hidden along the western border of Vinandir to avoid imperial invasions, and Ema Pira took advantage of their progress. The objective. The main purpose of the Crin dynasty is to find and return Luxon lighthouses, which are believed to have been scattered
throughout exandria. Every lighthouse not only brings them to a possible revival of Luxson, but also helps to expand the boundaries of the Crinian society as a new center.Ensuring expansion in new countries and continuous circulation. Since two of her four lighthouses have disappeared, the flamboyant queen and her men are desperate to learn more about this sacred
artifact. Chapter 2 Facts and Society 39. Seeing the power of the impartial beasts and tapestries of Khorkhas, Queen Brusya and her Umvi taught and helped these nomads to build villages under the flag of the dynasty and convert them to the faith. By Field However, not all ruling Deners like the idea of ​deepening what they provide to lesser creatures, creating tension
between the people of Rozon and the scattered villages of the Horha-siyan Wilds. After some lanterns were stolen by the Den Dalian empire, the entire Kreen dynasty mobilized for revenge. They gather armies to attack Western Wynandira, send assassins and spies into the underground roads to restore the lanterns, weakening the evil and blasphemous kingdom.
The Kreen dynasty spent a generation training and training a handpicked group of volunteers to gather information about their enemies and find ways to cross both political and physical boundaries. These agents are commonly known as lenses, a network of spies and infiltrators who can bypass borders and integrate with other countries to gather intelligence, help the
flamboyant queen protect her people, and search for beacons throughout the exit zone. The inner figures are the many powerful people who rule the rich faith and expansion of the power and influence of the Kreen dynasty. Relations, open war of the Queen of Light Leila Krin recently broke out between the Krin dynasty and the Dwwalia Empire, a conflict that no nation
can afford to lose. Those who carry a hostile presidency in front of a president entrusted with the wisdom of a bright queen will be punished. All fines and fines for crimes against a soldier or Aurora owner have a double jug. All items and punishments are related to crimes against a cave official or a member of the Bright Queen's Council. Theft:Daily and a nice draw at
stolen value. Another humanoid intellectual property: 1 0-20 months in prison and a fine of 1500 gp. Penetration: 5 days in jail and a fine of 120 gp. Damage to private property: 5 to 20 days imprisonment or a fine twice the cost of the property destroyed. Dynasty damage: 1 2-50 days imprisonment and a fine twice as much as property destroyed. Abduction: 60 days
through curry and/or fines 800 gp. The worship of traitor gods: 1 50 days of imprisonment or death of the death penalty. For attack with intent to cause bodily harm: 1 2 days imprisonment and a fine of 200 gp. Murder attack: 200 days imprisonment and a fine of 1200 GP or execution from death.
Murder: Imprisonment of 5 to 10 years and/or 4000 GP fine or execution of the death sentence. TRAPILITY: execution of the death penalty. 40 are punished and sometimes executed during death. The decision quickly contradicts the obvious Imperial oppression, and Rozon's forces continue to press until their enemies return the stolen relics. Although Kryn has remained
quite isolated throughout its existence, they now communicate with other groups, hoping to create alliances against the Dvvwald Empire. The Dynasty Crino began hiring mercenaries to the aid of the Thedyrek Run tribe and acquired a dangerous military weapon from the dead. Rumors of strange magic and strong relics have reached the ears of the dynasty in northern
Eiselkrai and are ready to seek any potential advantage for their residential foes. There are many humanoid tribes that roam the southern territories of Horch that have either refused to distinguish or are unconnected. While the Shining Queen has always allowed them to continue her neutrality, she is careful with them so that they do not enjoy empire coins and empty
promises. Chapter 2, facing Leile, was involved when the first lighthouse was found for a millennium and has since gone through eight intensive struggles and independent discoveries. She created the dynasty around her journey, led to the restoration of four famous and dead beacons, protecting her people. Leila Crins is highly regarded and respected as a powerful
warrior, a sensitive leader, and the oldest Owai who leads her people in a luxurious light. Her demeanor is sometimes unstable, worries about her reliable inner circle, but she is too driven to recognize such weakness.War. Captain Dusk Quana Kryn Neutral Good, a dark elf woman, the extremely powerful Echo Knight and General Silo Rozokhna, Kwana was Leila's
partner's three life and five Leilas. She has fully devoted to the queen of her people. There is a private hope that Kryn will one day leave the terrible cost of Khor and find a suitable place among other peoples of exit. The gorgeous queen was once enterprising her thoughts, but Leila Krina had no time for idealism in this war. Quana is disappointed, but is more afraid of
the strange wise and troll attitudes of his partner. Essek essek telis Neutral Evil Elf A man, who is just over a hundred and twenty years old and still lives for the first time, Essec is a miracle child who demonstrates uncomplicable staircase manipulation talent. The Essec is also respected, cautious about his intelligence and cunning and carefully portrays every step
taken by the porch and its day rises below the dynamic hierarchy. Essec is more interested in Dumant's magic than Lakson's worship, and he is a strange enthusiast of war with empire. In an attempt to use the conflict as an excuse to practice the immortal aspects of Dunamance, it is also curious that the lighthouse can get Cerberus assembly mind. Solarager 0 Lomon
Netulie, a minotaur, who lived in many ways as an early follower of Leil, Olomon strengthened in this life as a huge minotaur, giving him the opportunity to the battlefield and take a place in the peonies. His presence inspired his colleagues to soldiers, and his anointing led the Krin army to many victories against the empire. Taskhand Verin Thelyss Lawful Good, a dark
elf male, famous soldier and talented leader Wayne Philis is Essec's younger brother and the latest Soul Day. Verina lacks older brother Ambia, but has a great sense of righteousness and honor. Recently, Verin, who runs the Crimean forces in Bazoxan, hopes to win the dynasty, which will give him the respect and confirmation of his accompanying family. Skybil
Abrianna Myrmm A truly neutral goblin woman, who is considered a gifted coat and the voice of reason in the dynasty, Abanna is almost as old as the gorgeous queen herself.Dear Sky Sibyl, she has spent her current life as an orc, a fact that has caused both anger and jokes in the Queen of Light's palace for decades. This experience gave Abrianna a new perspective on
the trash under the dynasty flag; He is now one of the few members of the congregation who bothers to vouch for the Goblin in Lucid Bastion. PR ROFESOR TUSSOR TUSS WAC COH Neutr, a scattered scientist who improves the efficiency of the half-gold orc dynasty's war machines, usually oversees a number of academic programs and special research projects at the
Marble Tomes Conservatory in Gokkubba. Roses. Lately, Thass has been obsessed with the wastelands and cursed lands of Bleihor and the hidden secrets, actively seeking allies and mercenaries to send information, ruins, and examples to salvage further research.
As an assembly, the Assembly of Cerberus Cerberus was founded approximately three hundred years ago when conflict between warlords threatened to disrupt the social order of the Dwendal Empire. The internal rulers of this conflict nearly wiped each other out in an event called "Midnight Crimson Eve", a hidden war that upended both urban areas and killed
hundreds of civilians in the capital city of Rexentrum. Amidst the violence, a call for negotiation was heard, and the wizard lords decided to put aside their differences and avoid mutually assured destruction rather than join a joint meeting. When they were brought before the king to be tried for their crimes, they formally offered their consent to a formal opening of the
meeting and complete submission to the king's administration. Wizards, called the Cerberus Coven, referring to the powerful and historical wizards of the Arcanum era, raised the empire to new heights of power and expansion. Since then, the Cerberus Coven has skillfully infiltrated many aspects of the Imperial government, becoming a political and military force that
many believe could rival the King. This fact does not go away in the King's Council, and the tension between the Assembly and the royal court often increases. Coven wizards are known for their extravagant lifestyles and their history of intimidating political and economic controls, and although no one dares stand up to them, even the king, most people do not trust
them. There are eight managers in the parliament andEach participant is not responsible for smaller participants called "additives". The Magic Council wanders all parts of the empire, without fear of contradictions or resistance. Members are taught in one of the eight main posts, if the member is experiencing death, the position is dismissed or a permanent member
refuses. The rest of the participants offer to change the wizard and vote for his filling out a new open office. The goals of the Council play a long game, subtly increasing their power throughout the empire and beyond. Popular resolutions are often declared publicly as the will of the Assembly, and conflicting problems are simply adjusted to look like a “crown”, forming a
wedge between two structures. The Assembly seeks to support its members as architects of modern law and culture, the ultimate goal of which is to destroy the king’s power and turn it into another meeting doll. Mages of the Assembly believe that they have knowledge and skills to actually lead the empire. In addition to political issues, the assembly is focused on the
opening and excavations of powerful relics and magic lost in the era of Arcan. Its members believe that their initial names are at the peak of society throughout history and are trying to restore their place as examples of mortal force. Thus, all texts and artifacts of energy restored from this period should be preserved at all costs. Chapter 2 An interesting study of the
truth and power of the Crin dynasty has recently proved its value. The mysterious, initial force, known as Dunaa Miss, can change the understanding of the world about magic, and may even be the key to increasing the meeting over all other rulers and peoples. To achieve this goal, agents of the Crin dynasty Council stole two luxurious lighthouses, but lost one for a
group of adventurers called Colar. Knowing that the current war was mainly from the theft of lanterns, the Council made great efforts to open and use this new magic. The Council of Relations worked for so long with the king and his ward that both groups were so deeply intertwined that they were disappointed both. Although they were very confident in each other,
every smile and consent hardly hid the foundation of a poisonous disgust. Some membersThe assembly believes that it is too early to openly invoke the crown, while others believe that it would be foolish to miss the opportunity for the war. The Assembly has become the most far -sighted face of the Empire towards the outside world, while Lord Atesias Ultudan tries to
crown any diplomatic opportunity, all "in the name of the king". Most foreign officials are happy to meet the crown, in particular the representatives of the closest commercial partner of the Empire, Clovis Concorde. The Assembly ensures that these meetings tell embellished stories of their diplomatic successes. Getting a luxurious lighthouse and starving among the
steeds after revealing his powers aroused the hostility of the Kreen dynasty and led to their attacks on the empire. An interesting portrait of the mysterious minds of the Cerberus Congregation, often disagreed on objectives and methods, but in the end these eight magicians are united by their inheritance and the common desire for knowledge. The master Trent, and
given the civic influence of the chaotic evil, the male archetype of the civic influence of Trent, is revered as the recognized promoter of the empire and the third elderly member of the assembly. Once he was an instructor at the Solrice Academy, but returned every few years to recruit new students for his mental conditioning experiments, which he called "awakening".
Many of these students crazy and are locked up, but those who survive will become enthusiastic about the assembly and join the wallstrakers, a group of elites of mysterious hooligans commonly known as the litters, who, under the guidance of Trent, carry out the work more precious of the assembly. 4'2 Chapter 2 \ Factions and companies with Martinet Ludinus
Da'Leth, local defender of Arkham The evil lawsuit Legal Male Ludinus is the oldest and most unique member of the assembly, champion of war and conflict.
Ludinus, responsible for the reconstruction of the military structure of the Dvenal Empire, supervised to the construction of the brigades on the Khorkhasian border and often supervised their maintenance. He was one of the magicians who survived the destruction of Molesmere and fled to Bysaes Teel, but saw an opportunity to reach the greatness in the empire and
left his culture behind him to continue his mysterious research. The essay, although insensitive, nourishes a deep hatred for the Kreen dynasty and discourages the collection of information on their weaknesses and secrets. Ludino spends most of his timeWeapons of War concerning warfare and supporting the Empire's military might and gently challenged the example
of Crownshalldamurag. Baronow Jenna Iresor, Archmage of -Neutral Panger, one of the youngest members of the reunion, Jenna is known for her commercial and extravagant lifestyle. Jenna hid her nature at a young age as an unforgettable doppelganger and magic to create an incorrect past, built her human persona from the ground up, and used her fraud to write
history as a Clovis Concord experience. He helps oversee the guild's central activity in the Rexxxxentrum in Kai Arness Guildmaster and helps organize the tenth collection the mayor of all the Empire. Master Dolan Doulean Tversky, Archms of Chaotic Neutral Dysology, Female Gnome, the second oldest member of the meeting, is responsible for studying and
understanding anomalous creatures and deviations in secret creation that could endanger the empire lifestyle. This is missing, but a brilliant gnome, who is obsessed with all animals, aberrations and legends. Dolalan imports creatures from around the world to revolutionize magical practices. It is chewed up by the Cobalt Library, as its reputation has caused you to be
excluded from its items. He wants to catalog Xhorhas unacceptable horror films and has countless services to call for new copies. Lord Athesias Uludan, archmage of the iPotomatic Association of Neutral International, the magic and explosive personality of man, serves as diplomat. Its duty is to promote a positive relay with people on power at home and abroad. He was
originally one of Laryk Academy's most effective instructors, but his preference for showmanship and flawed narcissism meant there was a difficult ally in state secrecy. When a diplomatic syndicate was opened, it was quickly and quietly dismissed. Athesias is a great requirement to destroy or organize plans for his counterpart when employing a crown, Lord Zeddan
Graf's envoy. Lady Ves de Rog sur, Erzmage of Neutral Evil, a woman, in the midst of a public hermit for most of her life, the vesses are both a brilliant magician and an involved historian. She took over this position after replacing her criminal predecessor Lady Delilah Briaarwood. BeforeFor more than two decades, Wess has researched and unraveled several historical
mysteries, as well as mysteries and preserves of ascendant farms and collections that have accumulated and accumulated. If you always want to fulfill the forgotten teachings and previous artifacts of Eon, Xhorhas has been known to disappear peacefully for several weeks, returning with fewer guardians and more open secrets. Hidmaster Zivan Margolin, a neutral fish
of humans, inherited the position of Director from his father, the late Margolin. Fish was the principal of Solrryce Academy Rexxen Trum for nearly twenty years. Calm, patient, and quietly imposing, the Fisherman walks around on drugs from the academy, keeping a close eye out for talent. He is in charge of the curriculum and watches over all the hidden superpowers
that perhaps need to be helped as allies in the collection, dan leaders or potential minds for Iciton to become ordinary Voltor. The fish has rarely had the opportunity to demonstrate its full power, as it is characteristic of the task of peace among hostile members of the assembly. Those who have seen his truths may now know that his names are backed by some of the
most powerful mages in the Cerberus Gathering. Director 0Remid - S, Cultivation, Legal Filing Neutral Male Country Genasi. The current bug hall driver in the quest, Oremis, is assigned to observe and care for the next generation of mages and arcane experts outside the Rexxenter. Although he himself is a gentle soul who loves animals he doesn't share FA I think yet,
I've tried a few different pirate bay mirrors and didn't get a hit just thought someone else in the area I'll probably buy just buy and that's how they pay my salary, so it doesn't matter that he's not at sea

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