Cyber Incident Response Plan Te
Cyber Incident Response Plan Te
Cyber Incident Response Plan Te
Table of Contents
1. Authority and Review.......................................................................................................................
2. Purpose and Objectives....................................................................................................................
3. Standards and Frameworks..............................................................................................................
4. High Level Incident Response Process...............................................................................................
5. Common Security Incidents and Responses......................................................................................
5.1. Common Threat Vectors..................................................................................................................
5.2. Common Cyber Incidents................................................................................................................
6. Roles and Responsibilities................................................................................................................
6.1. Points of Contact for Reporting Cyber Incidents..............................................................................
6.2. Cyber Incident Response Team (CIRT).............................................................................................
6.3. Senior Executive Management Team (SEMT)................................................................................
6.4. Roles and Relationships.................................................................................................................
7. Communications.............................................................................................................................
7.1. Internal Communications..............................................................................................................
7.2. External Communications..............................................................................................................
8. Supporting Procedures and Playbooks............................................................................................
8.1. Supporting Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).......................................................................
8.2. Supporting Playbooks....................................................................................................................
9. Sector, Jurisdictional and National Incident Response Arrangements..............................................
9.1. Sector Arrangements.....................................................................................................................
9.2. Jurisdictional Arrangements..........................................................................................................
9.3. National Arrangements.................................................................................................................
10. Incident Notification and Reporting..............................................................................................
10.1. Legal and Regulatory Requirements............................................................................................
10.2. Insurance.....................................................................................................................................
Cyber Incident Response Plan | Template
12. Containment, Evidence Collection & Remediation........................................................................
12.1. Containment................................................................................................................................
12.2. Documentation............................................................................................................................
12.3. Evidence Collection and Preservation..........................................................................................
12.4. Remediation Action Plan.............................................................................................................
13. Recovery......................................................................................................................................
13.1. Stand Down.................................................................................................................................
14. Learn and Improve........................................................................................................................
14.1. Post Incident Review...................................................................................................................
14.2. Update and Test Cyber Incident Response Plan..........................................................................
14.3. Training........................................................................................................................................
Terminology and Definitions................................................................................................................
Cyber Incident Response Readiness Checklist......................................................................................
ACSC Incident Triage Questions............................................................................................................
Situation Report Template...................................................................................................................
Incident Log Template..........................................................................................................................
Evidence Register Template.................................................................................................................
Remediation Action Plan Template......................................................................................................
Post Incident Review Analysis Template..............................................................................................
Action Register Template.....................................................................................................................
Role Cards.............................................................................................................................................
ACSC Incident Categorisation Matrix 2022...........................................................................................
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1. Authority and Review
Document Control and Review
Document Control
Date created
Last reviewed by
Version Control
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2. Purpose and Objectives
Purpose of the CIRP
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4. High Level Incident
Response Process
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5. Common Security
Incidents and Responses
A list of commonly used terms and definitions is provided at Appendix A.
Type Description
External/Removable An attack executed from removable media or a peripheral device (e.g. malicious
Media code spreading onto a system from an infected USB flash drive).
An attack executed via an email message or attachment (e.g. exploit code disguised
as an attached document or a link to a malicious website in the body of an email).
Loss or Theft of The loss or theft of a computing device or media used by an organisation (e.g. a
Equipment laptop, smartphone or authentication token).
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5.2. Common Cyber Incidents
The following table provides a list of common cyber incident types and corresponding initial response activities.
Type/Description Response
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6. Roles and Responsibilities
This section includes details of the roles and responsibilities of core individuals and teams responsible for
incident response and decision making, including the operational level Cyber Incident Response Team (CIRT)
and the strategic level Senior Executive Management Team (SEMT).
All personnel listed here should be familiar with their responsibilities in this plan and practise their response.
Hours of
Name Contact Details Role Title Responsibilities
Name Organisation Role Contact Details CIRT Role Title CIRT Responsibilities
For more significant cyber security incidents the CIRT could be expanded to include:
Name Organisation Role Contact Details CIRT Role Title CIRT Responsibilities
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6.3. Senior Executive Management Team (SEMT)
Significant cyber incidents may require the formation of the SEMT to provide strategic oversight, direction
and support to the CIRT, with a focus on:
Strategic issues identification and management
Stakeholder engagement and communications (including Board and ministerial liaison, if applicable)
Resource and capability demand (including urgent logistics or finance requirements, and human
resources considerations during response effort).
SEMT members responsible for managing responses to cyber incidents:
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7. Communications
7.1. Internal Communications
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8. Supporting Procedures
and Playbooks
8.1. Supporting Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
The Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) available to support incident response efforts include:
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9. Sector, Jurisdictional
and National Incident
Response Arrangements
The relevant sector, state and/or territory and national arrangements are detailed in this section.
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10. Incident Notification
and Reporting
Processes for internal and external incident notification and reporting include:
Key notifying/reporting
Incident Organisation/agency Contact details
requirements and link Personnel
type/ to receive notification for the notifying
to organisation/agency responsible
threshold or report organisation/agency
10.2. Insurance
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11. Detection, Investigation,
Analysis and Activation
11.1. Incident Classification
For example:
For information about the ACSC Incident Categorisation Matrix see Appendix K.
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11.3. Investigation Questions
To guide the incident response efforts and understanding of the scope and impact of the incident, develop a list
of investigation questions for each incident. Not all questions may be answerable with the data available and
questions may change as your investigation progresses.
Possible initial investigation questions include:
What was the initial intrusion vector?
What post-exploitation activity occurred? Have accounts been compromised? What level of privilege?
Does the actor have persistence on the network or device?
Is lateral movement suspected or known? Where has the actor laterally moved to and how?
How is the actor maintaining command and control?
Has data been accessed or exfiltrated and, if so, what kind of data?
Escalate to Critical
De-escalate to Medium
Escalate to High
De-escalate to Low
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12. Containment, Evidence
Collection & Remediation
12.1. Containment
Containment actions are implemented in order to minimise the damage, prevent the incident from spreading
or escalating, and prevent the attacker from destroying evidence of their attack.
When planning containment actions, consider:
Any additional impacts there could be to systems/services
Time and resources required to contain the incident
Effectiveness of the containment solution (e.g. partial vs full containment)
Duration that the solution will remain in place (e.g. temporary vs permanent solution)
12.2. Documentation
All incidents should be documented. For each incident, identify the responsible personnel, recipients of the
information, and timeframes. Refer to Appendix D for a Situation Report template and Appendix E for an
Incident Log template.
Situation reports may contain the following information:
Incident date and time
Status of the incident
Incident type and classification
Scope and Impact
External assistance required
Actions taken to resolve the incident
Contact details for incident manager and key CIRT personnel
Date and time of the next update
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12.4. Remediation Action Plan
A Remediation Action Plan is to be developed and implemented for eradicating and resolving the incident
following successful containment and evidence collection. See Appendix G for a template.
When developing the Remediation Action Plan, consider:
What actions are required to eradicate/resolve the incident?
What resources are required to resolve the incident (if not already included in the CIRT)?
o Are there additional external resources you may require?
Who is responsible for remediation actions?
What systems/services should be prioritised?
What systems/services will be affected during the remediation process? How will these systems be
What is the expected resolution time?
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13. Recovery
Develop a recovery plan that details the approach to recovering IT and/or OT networks, systems and
applications once containment and eradication is complete.
When developing the Recovery Plan, consider:
How systems will be restored to normal operation and expected timeframes?
How systems will be monitored to ensure they are no longer compromised and are functioning as
How identified vulnerabilities will be managed to prevent similar incidents?
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14. Learn and Improve
14.1. Post Incident Review
A Post Incident Review (PIR) is a detailed review conducted after a cyber security incident.
Key questions to consider in the PIR:
What were the root causes of the incident and any incident response issues?
Could the incident have been prevented? How?
What worked well in the response to the incident?
How can our response be improved for future incidents?
The PIR Guide and Template with more detailed questions to consider is available at Appendix H.
Recommendations that arise from the review can be documented in a corresponding Action Register.
Use the template at Appendix I.
*Exercise Management
Exercise development, structure, management, conduct
This only applies to exercises
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14.2. Update and Test Cyber Incident Response Plan
The PIR may result in changes to the CIRP, Playbooks and Templates. Changes should be communicated
to the relevant personnel.
14.3. Training
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Appendix A
Terminology and Definitions
Use of consistent and pre-defined terminology to describe incidents and their effects can be helpful during a
response. In your CIRP, include commonly used terms used in your organisation. ACSC defines cyber threats,
events, alerts and incidents as follows:
Cyber threat
A cyber threat is any circumstance or event with the potential to harm systems or information. Other threats
are listed on Organisations can include a list of cyber threats of concern. The ACSC Annual Cyber
Threat Report (2021) outlines the following threat environment and key cyber security trends:
COVID-19 themed malicious activity including phishing emails and scams
Exploitation of security vulnerabilities
Software supply chain compromise
Business Email Compromise
Cyber incident
A cyber incident is an unwanted or unexpected cyber security event, or a series of such events, that have
a significant probability of compromising business operations. A cyber incident requires corrective action.
Examples of cyber security incidents include (but are not limited to):
Denial-of-service attacks (DoS)
Unauthorised access or attempts to access a system
Compromise of sensitive information
Virus or malware outbreak (including ransomware).
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Appendix B
Cyber Incident Response Readiness Checklist
This checklist is to aid your organisation’s initial assessment of its readiness to respond to a cyber security
incident. This checklist is not an exhaustive list of all readiness activities.
Your organisation has a cyber security policy or strategy that outlines your organisation’s approach
to prevention, preparedness, detection, response, recovery, review and improvement.
☐ For example, does your organisation have a position on, for example, paying ransom,
reporting incidents to government, publicly acknowledging cyber incidents, sharing
information about incidents with trusted industry and government partners?
Up-to-date hard copy versions of the Cyber Incident Response Plan and playbooks are stored in a
☐ secure location (in case of electronic or hardware failure) and are accessible to authorised staff
Specific playbooks to supplement the Cyber Incident Response Plan have been developed, that define
☐ step-by-step guidance for response actions to common incidents, and roles and responsibilities.
A Cyber Incident Response Team (CIRT) and a Senior Executive Management Team (SEMT) – or
☐ equivalents - have been formed to manage the response, with approved authorities.
All relevant IT and OT Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are documented and have been reviewed
☐ or tested in an exercise to ensure they remain current and responsible personnel are aware of their
roles, responsibilities and processes.
Arrangements for service providers, including cloud and software as a service, to provide and retain
☐ logs have been established and tested to ensure these include useful data and can be provided in a
timely manner.
Log retention for critical systems have been configured adequately and tested to confirm that they
☐ capture useful data. Refer to the ACSC publications including Windows Event Logging and Forwarding
for specific guidance.
Your organisation has internal or third party arrangements and capabilities to detect and analyse
☐ incidents. If these capabilities are outsourced, your organisation has an active service
Cyber Incident Response Plan | Template
☐ Critical assets (data, applications and systems) have been identified and documented.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) have been developed, and roles and responsibilities assigned
☐ for use of facilities and communications technologies in response to cyber incidents, and these
resources are confirmed as available. This includes for alternative/back-up ICT-based channels.
Incident logging/records and tracking technologies used to manage a response are confirmed as
☐ available and have been tested.
Role cards have been developed for each person involved in the CIRT and the SEMT. Individual actions
☐ will depend on the type and severity of the incident. Example role card is available at Appendix J.
Your organisation has internal or third party arrangements and capabilities to monitor threats.
Situational awareness information is collected from internal and external data sources, including:
Local system and network traffic and activity logs
☐ News feeds concerning ongoing political, social, or economic activities that might impact
incident activity
External feeds on incident trends, new attack vectors, current attack indicators and new
mitigation strategies and technologies.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) have been developed, and roles and responsibilities assigned for:
Detection mechanisms which can be used to identify potential information security incidents, such as
scanning, senses and logging mechanisms. These mechanisms require monitoring processes to identify
unusual or suspicious activity, for example behaviour and logging, commensurate with the impact of
an incident. Common monitoring techniques include:
a) network and user profiling that establishes a baseline of normal activity which, when
combined with logging and alerting mechanisms, can enable detection of anomalous activity;
Incident detection, including self-detected incidents, notifications received from service providers
☐ or vendors, and notifications received from trusted third parties (e.g. ACSC).
Incident analysis, including how incidents are to be categorised, classified and prioritised, and controls
☐ related to how data is stored and transmitted (i.e. if out-of-band transmission is required).
Activating a Cyber Incident Response Team (CIRT) to manage critical incidents, with roles and
☐ responsibilities assigned.
☐ Activating a Senior Executive Management Team (SEMT) to manage critical incidents, with roles and
APRA Prudential Practice Guide CPG 234 Information Security.
Cyber Incident Response Plan | Template
responsibilities assigned.
Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs), playbooks and templates, have been developed, and roles and
☐ responsibilities assigned for containment, evidence collection and remediation. These can be included
as appendices to the Cyber Incident Response Plan.
A secure location is available for storing data captured during an incident, which could be used as
☐ evidence of the incident and the adversary’s tradecraft, and ready to be provided to third-party
stakeholders if needed.
Policy, plans, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and templates have been developed to support
communicating with:
Policy, plans, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and templates for media and communications
☐ professionals have been developed, and roles and responsibilities assigned, to support public and
media messaging.
You organisation has assigned a public and media spokesperson, who is supported by subject matter
☐ experts.
Staff have been trained to implement the communications processes and execute their roles and
☐ responsibilities.
Staff who are not involved in managing incidents are cognisant of your organisation’s policy and
☐ processes and their responsibilities when an incident occurs (e.g. exercising discretion, using approved
talking points, referring enquiries to the designated officer).
Processes and contact details are documented to support the organisation to meet its legal and
regulatory requirements on cyber incident notification, reporting and response, with roles and
☐ responsibilities within your organisation are assigned. This includes the processes for obtaining
authority to release and share information.
A process is documented to conduct Post Incident Reviews (PIR) following conclusion of an incident
☐ and PIR reports with recommendations are submitted to management for endorsement.
A process is documented to ensure actions following incidents and/or exercises are tracked and
☐ completed (e.g. Action Register).
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Appendix C
ACSC Incident Triage Questions
Where applicable, personnel reporting cyber security incidents to the ACSC on behalf of their organisation
should try to have information available to answer the following questions:
Who is reporting the incident? (include their position e.g. CISO, ITSA, SOC Manager etc.)
Who/what is the affected organisation/entity?
What type of incident is being reported? (e.g. ransomware, denial of service, data exposure, malware)
Is the incident still active?
When was the incident first identified?
Are you reporting for ACSC awareness or is ACSC assistance required?
o If ACSC assistance is required, what assistance is needed?
What type of system or network has been affected?
o Information Technology (IT)
Corporate systems/networks, databases, servers, VOIP systems.
o Operational Technology (OT)
SCADA, Remote sensors, BMS/BAS, logic controllers.
What was observed (the sequence of events)? E.g. was lateral movement observed?
o Date/Time
o Effect/Event
Who or what identified the problem?
Has a data breach occurred?
o What type of information was exposed?
What impact will this have on the organisation?
What impact (if any) will the breach have on public safety or services?
o What volume of records/data was exposed?
o Was it a misconfiguration/error, or was a malicious exfiltration or theft of data identified?
o Has it been reported to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC)?
If not, organisations need to consider if mandatory reporting obligations apply under the
Notifiable Data Breach (NDB) scheme
What actions have been taken to rectify the issue?
o Does the organisation/entity have internal or external IT and/or cyber security incident response
o Are services/business as usual operations interrupted?
If so, how long do they expect before they are back at normal operating capability?
Will you be communicating publicly about the incident and engaging with media?
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o If so, please notify the ACSC beforehand if you will be referencing the ACSC.
Appendix D
Situation Report Template
Date of entry: Time of entry: Author:
Incident Type
Incident Classification
Additional notes
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Appendix E
Incident Log Template
Date and Time Notes
(relevant facts, decisions, rationale)
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Collected by Item Details
Date, Time and Storage location and
Location of collection (name, title, contact and phone (quantity, serial number, model number, label number
number) hostname, media access control (MAC) address,
IP addresses and hash values)
Personnel involved Names of the individuals involved in resolving the incident and their
function(s), including any service providers
Incident impact What impact did the incident have? I.e. loss of systems
Incident Analysis
The Incident Analysis is broken into the following categories:
Incident timeline – Summary of what happened and when. Provides high level areas for improvement.
Protection – Identifies the protection mechanisms that were in place at the time of the incident and
their effectiveness. Establishes how to improve the protection of our systems and networks.
Detection – Establishes how to reduce the time to identify an incident is occurring. Addresses what
detection mechanisms were in place, and how those mechanisms can be improved.
Response – Identifies improvements for the incident response.
Recovery – Addresses improvements for incident recovery (i.e. how to recover from an incident
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Date and time of detection
When was the incident When did your organisation identify that an incident was occurring?
Who discovered the incident first Or who was alerted to it first? How did the discovery or alert
and how? happen?
Was the incident reported For example, did your organisation report it to the ACSC?
externally? If yes, when?
Who supported resolving the List the names of personnel involved in resolving the incident,
incident? When did they provide and the time (and date if not all on the same day) they joined in.
PROPOSED ACTIONS Detail any resulting actions that can be incorporated into the Action
Brief description of action > Proposed Action Officer
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What controls were in place that I.e. systems, networks, etc.
were expected to stop an incident
similar to this?
How effective were those controls? Did they work? Why/why not?
How could they be improved?
What business processes were I.e. Your organisation’s policies and procedures.
in place to prevent this type of
incident from occurring?
How effective were those business Did they work? Why/why not?
How could they be improved?
Any other findings and/or **See the PPOSTTE model for guidance
suggestions for improvement?
PROPOSED ACTIONS Detail any resulting actions that can be incorporated into the Action
Brief description of action > Proposed Action Officer
Cyber Incident Response Plan | Template
How was the incident detected? How did you know the incident was happening?
Are there any ways to improve How could your organisation reduce that time?
the ‘time-to-detection’?
Are there any additional tools or Is there anything (from a detection perspective) that will help mitigate
resources that are required in the future incidents?
future to detect similar incidents?
Technology? Human resources with specific skills? Etc.
Any other findings and/or What activities worked well? What activities did not work so well?
suggestions for improvement? What could be changed with hindsight?
**Also see the PPOSTTE model for guidance
PROPOSED ACTIONS Detail any resulting actions that can be incorporated into the Action
Brief description of action > Proposed Action Officer
Cyber Incident Response Plan | Template
What was the cause of the
How was the incident resolved? What needed to happen for the issue to be resolved?
Were any business policies and/or For example, does your organisation have an Incident Response Plan,
procedures used in responding to and was this followed?
the incident?
Were there any escalation points? Were there any escalation points that the incident went through?
If there were escalation points, For example, having to escalate to a Chief Operating Officer (COO) to
did they hamper the response OR take action on an ongoing incident had severe timeline impacts on
were they at the appropriate responding to an active incident.
How well did the information What worked well/what did not work well. How could it be improved?
sharing and communications work
Was there any information that was needed sooner?
within your organisation?
How did your organisation communicate within the IR team, across
jurisdictions, across time zones, legal teams, external comms teams,
Were there any media enquiries If yes, WHAT was the media, and how did your organisation respond?
received during the incident?
Was media produced during the If yes, WHAT was the media, and how did your organisation respond?
Were trained staff available to Are there any staff knowledge and/or skills gaps? What are they?
Were there enough resources available to respond?
Any other findings and/or **See the PPOSTTE model for guidance
suggestions for improvement?
PROPOSED ACTIONS Detail any resulting actions that can be incorporated into the Action
Brief description of action > Proposed Action Officer
Cyber Incident Response Plan | Template
How long did it take for all
systems and networks to
How could this time be For example, how could the recovery time be reduced?
Any other findings and/or **See the PPOSTTE model for guidance
suggestions for improvement?
PROPOSED ACTIONS Detail any resulting actions that can be incorporated into the Action
Brief description of action > Proposed Action Officer
Cyber Incident Response Plan | Template
ID Action Action Officer Date expected Status Updates Comments
Appendix I to complete
Describe Register
the action in detail Template
Name of the Date the action Complete Insert date, and any Any relevant
01 In Progress updates to progressing
person who is expected to information relating
will be leading be completed the action to closing out he
Not yet started
the action You can also detail any action
Appendix J
Role Cards
Example of a role card:
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Appendix K
ACSC Incident Categorisation Matrix 2022
ACSC categorises cyber incidents by severity using a matrix that considers the:
Cyber Effect (i.e. the impact, success, sustained and/or intent)
Significance (i.e. sensitivity of the organisation)
The severity of the cyber incident informs the type and nature of incident response and crisis management
arrangements that are activated. Depending on the severity of the incident, the ACSC has a suite of capabilities
that it may deploy to support the affected parties. However, ACSC determines which capabilities are
appropriate and available given competing priorities. Organisations must not rely on the ACSC for their
own ability to respond to cyber incidents in an appropriate and timely manner.
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