Lesson 1 3 Reviewer
Lesson 1 3 Reviewer
Lesson 1 3 Reviewer
Plato: The Soul Is Immortal. “The first and the best victory is to conquer self.” -Plato
*Immaterial mind (soul) and a material body, and it is the soul that represents the self.
*Soul exists before birth and after death. One should care about his soul rather than his body.
*The self is the soul
*The soul(mind) has 3 parts. *Reason- enables us to think deeply
*Physical Appetite – our basic biological needs *Will or Spirit – our basic emotion or passion.
True and genuine happiness could only be achieved if we consistently make sure that our reason is in control of our
Spirits and Appetites. -Plato
St. Augustine: Christianity. “Accepting God is the path to know thyself.” -St. Augustine
*Man is created in the image and likeness of God and a soul whose goal is to be with God.
*Sense of self is his relation to God. Both in his recognition of God's love, and his response to it
*One could not achieve inner peace without finding God's love and through faith and reason, our self seeks to be united
with God.
*God is transcendent, and everything created by God, who is all good, is good.
Sigmund Freud: There Are Two Selves, One Conscious, One Unconscious
*Freud is not a philosopher
*Two levels of human functioning: the conscious and the unconscious.
*Conscious refers to all mental processes of which we are aware. The unconscious refers to mental processes that are
not easily accessible to our awareness
*Conscious self plays an important role in our lives, but unconscious self that has the dominant influence on our
*Unconscious contains basic instinctual drives that include aggressiveness, sexuality, and self-destruction; traumatic
memories; childhood fantasies and unfulfilled wishes
*Conscious self is governed by the “reality principle.”
*Three levels of the Mind: Conscious – all mental processes of which we are aware. Preconscious – “available memory”.
Unconscious – mental processes that are not easily accessible to our awareness.
*Primary source of human behavior
Agents of socialization
Socialization is believed to be a life-long process, and it begins in our families.
*Family is the source of what is known as primary socialization -your first experiences with language, beliefs and values,
behaviors, and norms of your society.
*Outside the home - secondary socialization takes place
*School – learn to interact with different kinds of people
*Peer group - one of the most influential agents
*Media – great impact on the development of the self
*Use the judgments they receive from others to measure their own worth, values, and behavior.
2 Components of Culture:
1.Material Culture.
-human technology. -all the things that people make and use. – physical manifestations of culture.
-very dynamic. *man’s distinct ability to create, transform , and re-create culture. *technological advances. *cultural
2.Non-material culture
-intangible human creations like beliefs, values, norms, morals, rules, language, and organizations.
2 sides of identity found in people in every culture:
1. Egocentric self
-autonomous and distinct individual. -disregards the feelings and desires of others = self-centered
2.Sociocentric self
-contingent on a situation or social setting. -more dependent on others. -socially oriented
2 Types of Cultural traits