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dor^..'r" Biological
EI,SEVIER Biological Control 3l (2004) 65-71

Comparisonof threecommonlyuseddrying technologieswith respect

to activity and longevity of aerial conidia of Beauveriabrongniartü
and M etarhiziumanisopliae
Andrea Horaczekand Helmut Viernstein*
Institute of Phamuceutical Technologyord Biophannaceutics,Centerof Pharmacy, Unioersityof Vienna,Althotst. 14, A-1090 Vienna, Austria

Received9 October 2003;accepted27 April 20O4

Available online l5 Junc 2üX
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dor^..ro Biological
EISEVIER BiologicalControl 3l (2004)65-71

Comparisonof threecommonlyuseddrying technologieswith respect

to activity and longevityof aerialconidia of Beauueriabrongniartii
and Metarhiziumanisopliae
Andrea Horaczekand Helmut Viernstein*
Institute of PharmaceuticalTechnologyand Biopharmaceutics,Centerof Pharmacy, Uniuersityof Vienna,Ahhanstr. 14, A-1090 Vienna,Austria

Received9 October 2003;accepted27 April20o4

Availableonline 15June2004


We comparedthreecommonly useddrying technologiesfor preservationand formulation of 14-to 20-day-oldaerial conidia of

Beauaeriabrongniartüand,Metarhiziwn anisopliae.Conidia were dispersedin an aqueousbinary mixture composedof skim milk
(SM) and polyvinylpynolidone (PVP K90) and subsequentlysubjectedto heat stresstests,lyophilization,and spray-and fluid-bed
drying.The initial heat stresstestsrevealedthat M. anisopliaeis slightly more heatresistantin the suspendingmediathan 8. brongni-
arlii toleratingexposureto 50'C for 2 min without lossin viability. In comparingthe drying technologieswith respectto germina-
tion rates,lyophilization was the most favorablefor 8. brongniartii and most destructivefor M. anisopliae.Yiabilitylevelsof 68 and
4% resultedafter freeze-drying.The influenceof differentinlet/outlet temperatureadjustmentsduring spray- and fluid-bed drying
wereexaminedaccordingto their influenceon conidial viability. Both drying methodsresultedin severedamageto the fungal mate-
rial alreadyat an inlet/outlettemperatureregimeof 60/40+2oC, reflectedby low and prolongedgerminationrates.
@ 2004ElsevierInc. All rights reserved.


l. Introduction developmentsin solid state culture systems(Bradley

et al., 1992), make aerial conidia the propagules of
Beauoeria brongniartü (Saccardo) Petch and Meta- choice for the developmentof a biological insecticide.
rhiziumanisopliae(Metchnikoff) Sorokin play an impor- For biological control, it is important to keepthe active
tant role in suppressingscarab beetles (Melolontha unit in an infectiousyet dormant stage,safe,and easyfor
melolonthaL. and PhylloperthahorticolaL.), and weevils application.The dormancyof conidiais exogenous, not
(Otiorhynchusspp.and Strophosomaspp.)(Burges,1998; constitutive,so the key to prolonging their survival is to
Ferron, l98l). Scarabbeetlesand weevilsare a major stop germinationand to reducemetabolismas much as
threat to agriculture, forests, and horticulture (Butt possible.One possibilityfor stabilizationis dehydration.
et al., 2001).The larvaefeedon the roots of a wide range Our objectiveswerethe preservationand formulation of
of economicallyimportant crops causingseveralbillion both entomopathogenicfungal speciesby three com-
Eurosdamageannually. monly used industrial drying methods. Lyophilization
Severaldifrerentstagesof the fungal life cycle (coni- and spray-and fluid-beddrying are amongthe most use-
dia, mycelial fragments or blastospores)are potential ful techniquesfor preservingfoods, agricultural prod-
candidatesfor mycoinsecticides.In nature, the aerial ucts, and pharmaceuticals(Hieda and lto, 1973;Nath
conidium is the infectious and dissemination unit, and Satpathy,1998;Teixeira et al., 1995).Biological
moreover,the increasein production efficiencydue to materials,however,can be irreversiblydamagedduring
these treatmentsdue to heat and bulk water removal
' Correspondingauthor. Fax:.+43-l 4277 -9554. (Daemenand van der Stege,1982).To preventor reduce
E-mail address (H. Viernstein).
: [email protected] these adverseeffects,our initial experimentsinvolved

1049-96441$ - seefront matter @ 2004ElsevierInc. All rights reserved.

doi:10.l0l 6/j.biocontrol.2004.04.0l6
A. Horaczek,H. ViernsteinI BiologicalControl3l (2004) 65-71

heat resistancetests for the fungal isolates.Moreover, and lyophilization experiments.To increasethe binding
protective substanceswere added to samples before power of the aqueousbinary system,the proportion of
processing.The protectant fluid used in the present PVP was increasedto 5% (w/v) during fluid-bed drying
investigationconsistsof skim milk (SM) and polyvinyl- experiments. SM formulationswere sterilizedat 120'C
pyrrolidone (PVP). SM was chosenas it is a well known and I bar for l5 min, whereasthe PVP formulationswere
membranestabilizerduring cryopreservation,an emulsi- asepticallypreparedwith sterilizedwater as the polymer
fication agent, and UV-protectant (Burges, 1998). In was degraded by the high temperaturesrequired for
addition, Teixeira et al. (1994)showedthe protective thermal sterilization.All aqueousformulationswerepre-
effectof SM during heat treatment.The secondcompo- pared from demineralizedwater. Conidial suspensions
nent of the carrier matrix, PVP, has been reported as a of both isolatesweremixed in the ratio of l:9 with the
protectivemedium for catalaseand other biological sys- aqueous carrier matrix system. The polymer/fungus
tems(Ashwood-Smithand Warby, 1912)and for human compatibility wasverifiedby germinationtests.
erythrocytessubjectedto freezingand thawing (Morris
and Farrant, 1972).Furthermore,PVP is a very useful 2.3. Heat resistancetests
formulation excipient,as it providesbinding power,film
formation, acts as an excellentbulking agent,and is vis- Test tubes containing 900pl of the dispersingmedia
cosity-increasing (Bühler,2001).As the sameprotectants were exposedto the following test temperatures40, 45,
and temperatureregimeswere applied,the technologies 50, 55, and 60oC in a thermomixertype 5436(Eppen-
used can be directly comparedas to their influenceon dorf; Hamburg,Germany).After temperatureequilibra-
conidia viability and longevity,reductionof germination tion occurred, measured by a thermometer, 100pl
speedand residualhumidity of the products. conidial suspensionwas added and homogenouslydis-
tributedat l00rpmmin-1.After0.5,1,2,4,8, and l5min
at the temperatureused,the sampleswere removedand
2. Material andmethods cooleddown in an icy water bath for approximately30s
to reach ambient temperature.The germination of the
2.1. Fungalisolatesandmaintenance stressedconidia was investigated.For each speciestests
wereconductedat eachtemperaturein triplicate.
Metarhizium anisopliae,isolated from Cydia pomo-
netla (L.) in Denmark and ,8. brongniartü,isolatedfrom 2.4. Spray-drying
pasturesoil infestedwith M. melolonthq(L.) in Austria,
were both donated as monosporecultures by Dr. Her- The fungal dispersions were spray dried with a
mann Strasserof the Institute of Microbiology of the laboratoryscalespraydryer B-191(Büchi;Flawil, Swit-
Leopold-Franzens University, Innsbruck, Austria. zerland)equippedwith a 0.7mm nozzleby adjustingair-
Metarhizium anßopliaewas grown on Sabouraud'4Yo- flow to 700Nlh-land aspiratorsettingto its maximum
glucose (S4G medium; Merck; Darmstadt, Germany) valueof 35m3h-1. Sampleswereprocessed at inlet tem-
agar and B. brongniarriion Sabouraud-2o/vglucose (S2G peraturesof60,80, and l00oC.Flow rateswereadjusted
medium; Merck; Darmstadt, Germany) agar at 25oC in accordingto the inlet temperaturesto resultin tolerable
the dark, respectivelY. outlet temperaturesfor the fungi. Furthermore, the
product temperaturewas monitored with a non-contact
2.2. Preparationoffungal dßpersions for heat resßtance temperaturemeasurementdevice,RayngerST3 (Raytek;
pr -
studies, s ay dry ing, Iy op hiliz at ion, andfluid-b ed dry ing Berlin, Germany).The influenceof processparameters
on the germinationand on moisturecontent were inves-
Conidia suspensions werepreparedby flooding14-20 tigated.Only microcapsulesprecipitatedinto the collect-
day cultures with sterile 0.1% (w/v) aqueousTween 80 ing flask weresubjectedto germinationand storagetests.
(Merck; Darmstadt, Germany). For each experiment Spray-dryingexperimentswere conducted in triplicate
and its repetition,a separateplate was used.The result- for eachspecies.
ing conidial suspensionswere sonicatedfor 3 min and
vortexedfor I min to ensurehomogeneity.Conidial con- 2.5. Freeze-drying
centrations were determined using a Thoma hemocy-
tometer. Conidial concentrations were adjusted to Vials were filled with 500pl of conidial suspension
6.1x 107and2.5x 107for B. brongniartüand M. anisop- produced as describedabove and kept at -80oC for
/lae suspensiohs, respectively.An aqueousbinary system 24h. Following the freezingstep,sampleswereput into a
composedof 5oÄ(w/v) SM (Merck; Darmstadt, Ger- freeze-dryermodel CHRIST BETA 1-8K (Christ;Oste-
oC and
many) and 1.25o/o (w/v) PVP K90 (Fluka; Buchs,Swit- rode am Harz, Germany) operating at -35
zerland) was used as the dispersingand encapsulation 0.090mbarvacuum for 20h. Secondarydrying took
agent for conidia during heat resistance,spray-drying, placeat 0.090mbarvacuumwhile raisingthe tempera-
A. Horaczek, H. ViernsteinI Biological Control 3l (2004) 65-71

ture gradually to ambient temperatures.The germina- Norwalk, CT, USA) to measurethe residualmoistureof
tion was checkedafter the freezingand drying process. the formulations. The residual moisture was obtained
Freeze-dryingexperimentswere conductedin triplicate after heatingfrom 20 to l00oC at 5 oCmin-I, holdingfor
for eachspecies. l0min at l00oC and subsequently heatingfrom 100to
130'Cat l0oCmin-r.
2.6. Fluid-beddrying
2.10.Data analysis
Fluid-bed drying was carried out with a laboratory
fluid-bed dryer model STREA-I (Aeromatic; Buben- Survival levelswere expressedas the quotient of ger-
dorf, Switzerland)equippedwith a 0.8mm nozzle.Inlet minated conidia before (N6) and after (N,) treatment.
temperatureswere adjusted at 60 or 80oC. Lactose Viability=(N1/N6)x 100. Means*SD were calculated
(Kwizda; Vienna,Austria) actedas carrier material with basedon data from triplicate experiments.
the addition of 5% (w/w) of a lubricant,a mixture of Mg-
stearateand talcum (l:9; both pharma grades).Ten mil-
liliters of the conidial suspensionswere sprayed onto 3. Results
l00g of carrier material.The developmentof the outlet
temperaturewasmonitored. Furthermore,product tem- 3.1. Heat resistancetest
peraturewas measuredwith a non-contacttemperature
measurementdevice,RayngerST3.The granulationpro- The testsrevealedthat M. anisopliaeis slightly more
cesswasperformedin triplicate for eachspecies. heat resistantin the suspensionmedia than -8. brongni-
artii (Fig.l).
2.7. Determinationof conidialgermination Difrerences in the temperature tolerance became
apparent at increasingexposureintervals and tempera-
Formulated dry conidia weredispersedin 0.1%aque- tures.Comparedto the germinationof freshly harvested
ousTween80 (Merck; Darmstadt,Germany).As control conidia, M. anisopliaedid not lose viability exposedto
acted untreated conidia washedoff 14- to 20-day cul- 40 and 45oC for l5min, whereasa declinein germina-
tures. Subsequently,50 pl of the resulting suspension tion rates occurred for B. brongniartii after 4min at 40
were spreadon agar plates (l% glucose,0.50Äpeptone, and 45oC. Thus, l5min exposureto 40 and 45oC
l.5oÄ agar, and 0.5oÄ yeast extract, amended with
3Omgl-r of streptomycinsulphate and 50mgl-l of A
chloramphenicol)and incubated for 24h at 25oC. The - 10o
viability of 300 conidia was assessed
after staining with Eso
lactophenolcotton blue usinga Nikon l04light micro-
scope at a magnification of 400x. Only conidia with € r
germ tubes longer than their width were consideredto 5oo
have germinated.Survival levels were expressedas the E
quotient of germinatedconidia before (tr[o)and after
(Nr) treatment.Viability:(N1/N) x 100. (,b o

2.8. Determinationof storagestability
Spraydried powder and granulesproducedat an inlet F100
temperatureof 60oC and lyophilizates were stored at c 8 o
difrerent temperatures(6, 20, and 30oC). To the spray
dried powder formulation, silicagel capsuleswereadded
to keep the humidity of the spray dried powder low, as ?zo
PVP is hygroscopic.Germination ratesof eachformula- 5
tion detectedat the day of production were set as basic E
values.The lossof viability wasmonitored over a period c'
of 2 months.
Fig. l. Survivalof Beauueriabrongniartii(A) and Metarhizütmanisop-
2.9. DeterminationoI the residualmoisturecontentof the &lae(B) heatedin a compositefluid of 5% (w/v) skim milk and 1.25%
(w/v)PVP K90 at 40'C (a), 45'C (D), 50'C (A), 55'C (l), and 60oC
formulations (O) for 0.5, l, 2, 4, 8, and l 5 min. The resultsarc meanst SD basedon
data from triplicate heat challengeexperimentsand were compared to
Thermogravimetricalanalysis(TGA) was performed the control. Untreated conidia of 8. brongniartii and M. anisopliaeof
by a thermogravimetricanalyzerTGAT (Perkin-Elmer; 95 and94%o viability havebeentaken as controls,respectively.
A. Horaczek, H. VienrsteinI Biological Control 3I (2004) 65-71

resultedin a 17 and 43yoreduction of activity, respec- dia. B. brongniartüshowedgerminationratesof 6+.2%

tively. M. anisopliaetolerated an exposureto 50oC for and M. anisopliael5+2% comparedto 50 and 98o/"of
2min without loss of activity, whereasB. brongniartü the control. An increaseof the inlet temperaturesto
showed30% reduction in conidial vitality after I min at 100'C resultedin an almost completeloss of activity
50oC.Continuingthe exposureto 50oC for 2 min led to and humidity levelsof 5.1%.B. brongniartüand M. ani-
viability rates of 4%. SubjectingM. anisopliaeand B. sopliaeshowedgerminationratesof 3 and 4o/oafter pro-
brongniartüto 55oCfor 30s resultedin viability ratesof cessingat 100'C inlet temperature,
97 and 0oÄ,respectively. The processofspray-drying resultedin dust-free,free-
flowing,and fast-releasing Due to SM the
3.2. Spray-drying conidia weredispersiblein aqueoustest media.

Table I illustratesthe influenceon the germinationof 3.3. Freeze-drying

various processparametersadjusted during spray-dry-
ing experiments. By dividing the processof freeze-dryinginto its two
The outlet air temperaturewas found to be the key components,freezing and drying, it was possible to
parameterto be controlled. It is a function of inlet air study the effectsofboth processes on fungal viability.
temperature,the deliveryrate of sampledispersionsand Fig.2 shows that B. brongniartii and M. anisopliae
the aspirator capacity. As the aspirator capacity was survivedthe rigors of freezingto -80oC and subsequent
fixedat 35m3h-1,the feedsprayratewasvariedfrom 1.4 thawing to ambient temperaturesdispersedin the sus-
to 3mlmin-l dependingon the adjustedinlet tempera- pending media without loss of viability as germination
ture to keepthe outlet air and consequentialthe product rates of 9l and 92Yowereachieved.The resultsindicate
temperatureas low as possibleto ensureminimal heat that the processof drying was responsiblefor killing 30
stressfor the fungal material.Condensationin the spray and 9lYo of B. brongniartü and M. anisopliaeconidia,
dryer was avoided.Both fungal isolatesexpressthe same respectively.Theseresultsclearly demonstratethe differ-
germination after spray-drying. An exposure to 60/ ing requirementsfor speciesto surviveprocessing.Fig. 2
40+2'C inlet/outlet temperaturesalready resultedin a clearly shows the lyoprotective effect of the composite
severedeclineof 65t2oÄ in conidial viability and mois- suspendingmedia for B. brongniartii.Germinationrates
ture contentsof 5.7Yo.B. brongniartii and M. anisopliae of 68Y"wereachievedbut a delayin germinationbecame
respondto spray-dryingat 60/40* 2 oC inlet/outlet tem- apparent. After l6h incubation, only 3o/oof the pro-
peratureswith survival ratesof 37 and 35olo,respectively. cessedconidia showed germination compared to 50oÄ
An increaseof 20oC of the inlet temperaturedid not germinationof freshlyharvestedconidia.For M. anisop-
alter the vitality as B. brongniartü and M. anisopline liae the suspendingmedium was unable to provide pro-
showedsurvival rates of 35 and 34Yoand moisturecon- tection during the drying step. The lyophilization
tents of 5.4Yo.Comparing germination rates of freshly processresultedin moisturelevelsof 4.3%.The lyophiliz-
harvestedand processedconidia after l6h incubation ateswere dust-free,provided a sufficientphysicalstruc-
indicateda severedelayin the germinationof dried coni- ture and wereeasyto reconstitutein aqueousmedia.

Table I
Processparametersadjusted for spray-drying and the resulting survival of Beanseriabrongniartii and Metarhizium anisopliae
air, 700Nl h-t
Spray-nozzlediameteq0.7mm; aspirator,35m3h-l; flow of compressed
60 Inlet temperature 80oC Inlet temperature 100'C Inlet temperature
Germination ra'te(Y")after l6h 51.5
r 6.2 I 1.3+ 6.1 9.4+3.2 0
incubation of B. brongaiartii
Germination r:;te (%o)after ?Ah 96.4+ 1.5 36.7+6.9 35.0+ 7.38 3.0+ 2.1
incubationof B. brongniartü
Germinationrate (%) after 16b 93.2+7.3 17.4+2.5 15.6
+ 5.4. 0
incubation of M. anßopliae
Germination rate (Vo)after 24h 96.1
+2.5 33.7*2.5 34.2+8.3 3.8+ 3.7
incubation of M. anisopliae
Outlet ('C) 40*.2 53+2 4 t+ 2
Product (oC) 30+,2 35+.2 4 tt 2
Suspensionfeedtrnt min-t) t.4 2.3 5

Moisture content (7o) 5.7 5.4 5.1

Processtime (min) l8 ll 8
Germinationratesweredetectedafter 16 and 24h. The resultsare means4 SD basedon data from triplicate spray-dryingexperiments.Freshly
harvesteduntreated conidia servedas controls.
A. Horaczek. H. Viernstein / Biological Control 3l (2004 ) 65-71

.s 80
$ o
tr 16 h incubation 824 h incubation

.E 80
.E zo
g 16 h incubation @ 24 h incubation

Fig' 2 Survival of Beauaeria brongniartii (A) and Metarhiziturt anisopliae (B) subjected to freezing
and thawing (l) and lyophilization dispersed in
0'l% (wlv) Tween 80 solution (2) and in the composite carrier matrix system (3). Germination rates were
detected after l6 and 24h.The results are
means A SD based on data from triplicate experiments. Freshly harvested untreated conidia of B.
brongniartii and M. anisopliae of 95 and 94u/ovia-
bility served as control, respectively.

3.4. Fluid-beddrying Granules resulting from fluid-bed drying were dust-

free, free-flowing,and had moisture levelsof 5,,1,.
Fluid-beddrying experimentswereperformedat the
same inlet/outlet temperature regimes adjusted for 3.5. Determination of storage stability
spray-drying.Processingat an inlet temperatureof
100"C was omitted as insufficientviability rates were All three drying technologies,investigatedduring this
achievedby spray-drying.The PVp proporrion was study, resulted in formulations of moisture conrents
increasedto 5Yo(w/v) to increasethe binding power, <6"Ä. The addition of silica gel capsulesto spray dried
resultingin granule formulations.In Table 2 various powders ensured humidity levels of <5oÄ, as Moore
processparametersand the resultingeffectson conidial et af. (1996) recommendedmoisture contents of 4-5%
vitality aresummarized. for prolonged conidia storage.Storage at increasedtem-
Beauueriabrongniartii and M. anisopliaeshowedger- peratures acceleratedthe loss of viability. Table 3 sum-
mination ratesof 16 and 4o/oafter processingat 60oC. marizes the results of storage tests for both species.The
An inlet temperatureof 80"C resultedin conidial sur- low survival levelsafter fluid-bed drying were reflectedin
vival of 9 and 5nÄ. the complete loss of viability within 2 weeks storage at

Processparameters adjusted for fluid-bed drying and the resulting survival of Beauueria brongniartii
and Metarhiziturt anisopliae
Spray-nozzlediameter,0.8mm; spraygas,dried air; spraygaspressure,2 atm

Control 60'C Inlet temperature 80'C Inlet temDerature

Germination rate (Vo)after l6 h incubation of B. brongniartii 5l+3 4.8+ 2.5 5 . 3+ 2 . 7
Germination rate (o/o)after 24h incubation of B. brongniartii 9 6 +I 16.3 +2.4 8.8+ 5.2
Germination rate(oÄ) after l6h incubation of M. anisopliae 93+3 2.5+ 2.1 2.3+ t.0
Germination rate (oÄl after 24h incubation ol M. anisipliae 9 6+ 2 12.3+ 4.4 4.8+2.2
Outlet ("C) 3 7+ 3 42+2
Product ("C) 3 7+ 3 4 t+ 2
Spraying time (min) 6 o
Moisture content (7o) 5.0 5.1
Germination rates were detected after l6 and 24h. The results are means * SD based on data from
triplicate drying experiments. Freshly-hlr--
vesteduntreated conidia servedas controls.
A. Horaczek, H. ViernsteinI Biological Control 3I (2004) 65-71

Table 3
Shelflife of formulatedconidia of both isolatesexposedto differentstoragetemperatures

60c r00(r0) r00(+0) 94.5(r7.8) 83.0(+5.7) 8r.5(+3.5) 78.0(fr.4)

20'c r00(*0) 71.5(*2.r) 1.3)
58.0(+r 33.0(+21.2) 2.s(+3.5) 0
30'c 62.0(+s.7) 34O(+2.8) r2.s(+7.8) r.5(+2.1) 0 0
60c 54.0(+s.7) 51.0(r5.7) 49.0(r2.8) 42.5(+3.5) 35.5(r3.5) 28.0(+1.4)
20"c 36.0(+7.8) 3r.5(+7.8) 25.0(+2.8) 18.0(+2.8) 14.5(*2.r) 0
30'c 28.0(+1.4) 20.0(+4.2) 6.s(r9.2) 6.s(+9.2) 0 0
NI 60c 62.5(r5.0) 53.5(+17.7) 52.0(a15.6) 46.0(+12.7) 39.0(r2.8) 34.5(+3.5)
20.c 47.0(+8.5) 48.0(rr5.6) 28.0(+8.5) l r.5(+6.4) 8.0(arr.3) 5.5(+7.8)
30'c 37.0(*
| 5.6) 2s.5(+5.0) 9.0(r12.7) 2.0(r2.8) 0 0
The means* SD of five samplesstoredat the specifiedtime and temperatureis givenin the table.(I) lyophilizatesof Beauueriabrongniartii,(ll)
spraydried powdersof B. brongniartir,and (III) lyophilizatesof Metarhiziumanisopliae.

l0oC for both species.Therefore,thesedata are not freeze-drying(Morichi and [rie, 1973;Sinhaet al.,1974).
shownin the table. Fargueset al. (1979) demonstratedthat lyophilization
In spray dried powders, germination rates were was su@essfullyusedby mixing blastosporesof B. bas-
reduc€dby 50%after2 monthsstorageat l0oC. At 20oC smc (Balsamo) Vuillemin with SM and glycerol. The
a steadydeclineof activity wasobservedresultingin via- resultsof germinationtestsshowthat lyophilizationwith
bility levelsof 6 and U/o after 2 months. At 30oC both a SM/PVP matrix is a promising drying method for
speciesshowedgermination rates of 0oÄafter 7 weeks. B. brongniarlliwhereasthe processresultedin complete
The lyophilizateswere found to be the most stablefor- loss of viability for M. anisopliae.Theseresultsunder-
mulation for B. brongniartii.Storagetestsresultedin sur- score that the formulation processhas to be designed
vival rates of 78/o stored at l0oc for 2 months. carefully for the particular requirementsand limitations
Completelossof activity occurredafter 7 and 8 weeksat of each particular organism (Rhodes, 1993).When the
30 and 20oC, respectively.No storage tests were per- germinationspeedof untreatedand dried conidiais com-
formed for M. anisopliaelyophilizatesas survival rates pared,the prolongedgerminationtime showsthe strong
of 4oÄresultedafter processing. influenceof drying on conidia activity. Injuries to cell
membranesand proteins might be responsiblefor the
prolonged germination (Carpenter and Crowe, 1989;
4. Discussion Dong et al., 1995;Prestrelski et al., 1993).
From an industrial point of view,there are increasing
Limited desiccationand temperaturetoleranceare the needsto predict and control the stability of dried ento-
most important constraintsfor processingentomopatho- mopathogenic fungi because their use is constantly
genicfungi by commonlyuseddrying methods(Daemen growing due to their environmentalcompatibility com-
and van der Stege,1982).For spray-and fluid-beddrying, pared to traditional fungicides.Further investigations
the time of drying is very short in comparisonto other will show if the addition of disaccharidesto the SM/PVP
drying methods.During our experimentsprocesstimes matrix will havea positiveinfluenceon conidial survival
<20min wererequired.Bartlettand Jaronski(1988)and during spray- and fluid-bed drying. Stephanand Zim-
Bailey and Rath (1994)considerthat rapid drying of M. mennann (1998),for example,showedviability levelsof
anisoplineconidiaat < 30-35oCis critical to preservation 90oÄfor submergedconidia of entomopathogenicfungi
of conidia viability. For comparison,high germination by spray-dryingin a SM matrix enrichedwith sugarbeet
rateshad beenachievedwith atmospherictray drying-a syrup.Lyophilization resultsin promisingviability levels
processby which organismsand carriersare slowly air- for B. brongniartübut the longevity of lyophilized coni-
dried for l6h or longer. High viability and longevity dia at higher temperatureshas to be improved. There-
levelshad been reported (Chen et al., 1990;Feng et al., fore, further experiments should demonstrate if
1994;Hong et al., 2000;Jenkinset al., 1998;Shi, 1988). protectantswith higher glasstransition temperatureval-
Freeze-drying,a 24h lasting drying process,is the most ueswill improvethe shelflife.For M. anisopliae,lyophi-
convenientand successfulmethod for preservingmicro- lization in the SM/PVP suspendingmedia resulted in
organisms.However,not all strains survive the process completeloss of viability, showing the need for further
and amongthosesurviving,quantitativeviability ratesas investigationsof alternative protectants.According to
low as 0.1%havebeenreported(Atkin et al., 1949;Smith Font de Valdez et al. (1983),protection afforded by a
and Onions, 1983). Many authors have reported the given additive during dehydration will vary with the
positive effectsof SM as a suspendingagent prior to speciesof microorganism.
A. Horaczek, H. Viernstein I Biological Contol 3l (2004) 65-71

Spray application of dry aerial entomopathogenic Dong,A., Prestrelski, S.J.,Allison,S.D.,Carpenter,J.F.,1995.Infrared

fungal conidia is difficult due to their hydrophobicity. spectroscopicstudiesof lyophilization- and temperature_induced
This characteristicrenderstechnicalpowdersextremely protein aggregation.J. Pharm.Sc| 84,415424.
Fargues,J., Robert,P.H.,Reisinger,O., 1979.Formulation desproduc_
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