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Workday System

Access Request
Quick Reference Guide

Workday System Access Request Overview

This Quick Reference Guide (QRG) is designed to walk employees through requesting security roles in
Workday. Individuals or their managers can request various security roles in Workday by using a Workday
dashboard app. Once a request is submitted, it will move through a business process for approval. Multiple
role requests for an individual can be entered simultaneously. Consider reviewing the HR List of Security
Roles and Definitions or the Finance List of Security Roles and Definitions prior to making a request.
Please ensure to fill out all fields (such as Action Need to Take, Role, Organization Type,
and Organization) before submitting your security role request. These details are vital;
failure to do so will result in your request being sent back to you. Once submitted, this will
be under preliminary review and will be granted if it is approved by all reviewers.

HR Process:

Please note Steps 1 and 2 on the graphic below. Both steps must be completed by the requestor to gain a
security role.

Finance Process:

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Workday System
Access Request
Quick Reference Guide

Table of Contents

Workday Learning Security Role Request .................................................................................................. 2

Enter a Security Role Request – Step 1 ..................................................................................................... 2
HR Only-Submit for Approval – Step 2 ........................................................................................................ 4
Roles That Require High Security VPN Access (HSVPN) ............................................................................ 5
Roles That Require Training ........................................................................................................................ 6
Security Role List with Definitions............................................................................................................... 6
What is the Status of My Request?............................................................................................................. 7

Workday Learning Security Role Request

Workday Learning requests are managed in a separate process. There are two ways to initiate a Workday
Learning security role request:
On the Workday Home screen:
1. Click the System Access Request app on the Learning Dashboard.
2. At the top of the page, click the Learning Security Requests card in the banner.

3. Complete the questionnaire and the Learning Team will respond with the training needed to obtain
the role(s).

Enter a Security Role Request – Step 1

Managers can make request for their direct reports and individuals can submit requests for themselves.
The manager will be asked to approve requests made by their direct reports. Please make
sure to complete all fields before submitting.

On the Workday Home screen:

1. Click on the System Access Requests app.
2. Select the appropriate tab for the type of request you wish to submit. If it is an HR role, select the
HR Access Requests tab. If it is a Finance role, select the FIN Access Requests tab.

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Workday System
Access Request
Quick Reference Guide

3. Click Create New Request.

4. When is this request needed? – Enter the desired date to obtain a security role. There is a 3-day
process maximum due to multiple approval steps. If training is required to obtain the role, the
timeframe for the request begins after training is completed.
5. If requesting a new role – Enter a date if there is a known termination date or a date the person
will no longer need the role.

3 5

6. Who is this request for? – Select an option.

a. Myself – HR will seek approval from the manager of the requestor.
b. Someone Else – Can only be selected by managers. When
selected, additional fields will display. B. I & II
i. Active Worker – Click in the field and select from the
list of active, direct reports.
ii. Open Position – Use the open position field when there
is a candidate who will be filling the position. Ensure
the open position selected matches the position the
candidate will be filling.
7. Please select the action you need to take. Select Add to obtain a role, Remove if a role is no longer
needed, and Both if a new role is needed while an existing role is no longer needed.

Part 1. Tell us What you Need to Do

8. Please select what you need to do from the options below. This field is a list of general roles, not
specific role titles. Select from this list if the exact role title is unknown. Enter a comment in the
text field at the bottom of the page to describe your needs.

If the role title is known, skip this field and use the table in item 9 below. Review the HR List of
Security Roles and Definitions or Finance List of Security Roles and Definitions to understand if you
know the exact role title.
9. What Schools, Departments or Units do you support – Enter the most specific information possible.
a. Entire entity – (all Medical Center or all Academic Division).
b. Entire management chain - Enter the highest-level manager or supervisory organization
name and add all subordinate orgs (Jane Doe, Parking and Transportation and all
subordinate orgs).

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Workday System
Access Request
Quick Reference Guide
c. Individual departments/units - List the manager and/or supervisory organization name
(Sandy Smith, Garage Maintenance Parking and Transportation).
10. Provide the specific Security Role and Organization. Click in the Specific Role Requested field and
scroll to the role title.
a. Depending on the role selected, subsequent fields will open in either the Organization
Type, Organization and Supervisory Organization columns.
• Organization Type – Will self-populate.
• Organization - Click in the field and type either MC, UPG, or ACD to filter to the
organization. You can then scroll through the list of organizations or add part of the
organization name to refine the search return.
• Supervisory Organization – Search by manager name. Supervisory organizations
with JM in the title are contingent workers for the supervisory organization.
Make sure to fill out the Security Role & Organization fields before submitting your security
role request. These details are vital; failure to do so will result in your request being sent
back to you. Please Note: When selecting the role field and organization type, it may take a
few seconds for Workday to populate the additional fields that you will need to fill out
(Organization Type & Organization).

11. Click the (+) icon to enter additional security role requests.


12. Comments/Explanation – If the field in Step 7 is used, include a description that will assist Human
Recourses in identifying the appropriate role(s).
13. Read all instructions below the comment field.

HR Only-Submit for Approval – Step 2

Once a request is submitted, it will route to Human Resources for review, and be returned to the requestor
for approval or revisions. The requestor must complete the approval step and will not be notified when the
approval step has been advanced to them.
The example below is of a request submitted by a manager for a direct report.
On the Workday Home screen:
1. Click the System Access Request app.
2. Any submitted requests will display in the Access Requests report.

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Workday System
Access Request
Quick Reference Guide

3. Click the [Submit for Approval] button.

4. Read the reviewer’s comments in red font and all request details.

5. Click Submit for Approval.

6. If the request was submitted by an employee, it will route to their manager for approval. Once
approved by the manager, and if no training is required, the request will take a maximum of three
days to process.
Roles that Require VPN Access

Roles that Require Training

Roles That Require High Security VPN Access (HSVPN)

Several security roles require HSVPN access due to the sensitive data that is exposed to the requestor.
Training is required to obtain HSVPN access. HSVPN is not managed by Human Resources and is a
separate request must be submitted to the Identity Access Management (IAM) team in Information
Technology Services (ITS).
Access the training in Workday Learning:
Submit request for HSVPN: https://virginia.service-
• Board of Visitor (BOV) Reporting
• Employee Health Administrator
• GPO Administrator
• IAM User Access
• Provost Special Programs
• SOM Administrator

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Workday System
Access Request
Quick Reference Guide
• UPG HR Analyst
• UPG HR Business Partner
• UPG Payroll Auditor
For the list of Finance security roles that need HSVPN, refer to page 5 in the Workday FIN Security FAQ.

Roles That Require Training

There are roles that require that the requestor complete training prior to obtaining the role. If it is an HR
role, the requestor will receive an email notification and Workday inbox task to complete an attestation
that the training has been completed as part of the request process. For Finance roles, the training team
will confirm and verify the training was completed before granting access to the role.

• Student Hiring Support Administrator course:

• Period Activity Pay Administrator course:

1. Check the I Agree box after completing the training.

All Finance training is available in Workday Learning in the form of web-based training (self-paced
courses). To access these courses and additional training materials, refer to the Workday Finance
Training page.

Security Role List with Definitions

For HR roles, Human Resources provides lists of security roles by various categories or grouped by entity.
After accessing the site below, scroll down and begin your review at the header Security Roles Grouped by
Category. Click on the security role title to view what can be done with the role, VPN and training
requirements, and if the role is applicable for specific entities.
For Finance roles, you can access the Finance Security Roles page, that contains the list of Finance
security roles and if there is a required or recommended training needed.

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Workday System
Access Request
Quick Reference Guide

What is the Status of My Request?

When a requestor completes Step 2 and submits the final approval for their security role, the progress of
the request can be viewed in Workday.
1. Click in the Workday Inbox.
2. Click on the Archive tab.
3. Tasks are listed chronologically. Scroll to and click the task with the title
beginning with Request Process:.
4. In the body of the task, click on the Process tab.
5. All the active steps in the process are listed with the first step at the top
of the table and later steps at the bottom of the table. Each step
displays the individuals who may be managing the specific step.
6. For subsequent steps, click Remaining Process below the table.

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