Java FSD Brochure

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Become a

Java Full Stack


5-Months Online Classes on Weekdays

With Assured Placement Opportunities


The Indian Institute of Technology Madras or IIT Madras is

a public Technical and Research University established by
the Government of India. IIT-M is recognized globally and
holds the laureate of being the No.1 Engineering University
in India. With a faculty of international fame, bolstered by
a highly motivated and profound student community, IIT
Madras stands true as an Institute of Eminence.

GUVI In A Glance

Grab Ur Vernacular Imprint-GUVI (an IIT-Madras

Incubated Company) is World’s First Vernacular Ed-Tech
Learning Platform. Introduced by Ex PayPal Employees,

GUVI empowers students to master programming skills

with the comfort of their native language. Its mission is to
impart technical skills to all through focussed pedagogical

About the Co-Founders

Co - Founder at GUVI

20+ years of Technical Expertise

& more

Tech Women Entrepreneur who was selected

For Google Developers’ Launchpad Program


CEO & Founder at GUVI

20+ years of Technical Expertise

& more

Built 7 Products from Scratch Mentored 1000+

Arun Prakash
students Hosted 200+ sessions & 25+ webinars

Co - Founder at GUVI

17+ years of experience with IT industry

Technologist with 9+ years of Entrepreneurial

Bala Murugan

Java Full Stack Developer Program

Java Full Stack Development is a leading-edge

Technological Program that delivers an all-around suite of
top-notch development skills imbibed in the web industry.
Master the creative Front-End side of Web Development
and go pro with the technical Back End Domain while also
perfecting the middleware development!

This comprehensive course focuses on the industry

expectations & makes you job-ready to fit into the top
fortune companies.

Why GUVI’s Java Full

Stack Development

175% Highest Hike ₹21 Lakhs Highest Salary

40% Hike in Demand 600+ Hiring Partners

360+ Best Industry

Assured Job

Pre-Program Phase


Book a Seat with ₹8000

(100% Refundable)

Attend Pre-Program Session

Take Assessment

If Selected

Proceed to Java Full Stack

Development Bootcamp

₹89999(Course Fee) - ₹8000(Booking

Fee) = ₹81,999(Remaining Fee)

If not selected

Immediate Refund

Java Full Stack

Development Bootcamp

5-month Weekday LIVE Classes

Hands-on Industry Projects

+ Bi-weekly Hackathons

Technical Mentorship by Industry

Experts + Periodic Meetups

Practise on Coding Practise Platforms

CodeKata | WebKata | MicroArc

Mock interviews + Compensation Management

Placement Interview Eligibility Test(by Mentors)

Proceed to the Placement Phase

Placement Phase

Tech-Skilled Java Full

Stack Developer

Enters Placement Window

Exclusive Skill-based Job Notifications

Company-specific Expectations Setting

(Hits Interviews Arranged)

Tech-Guidance +

Assured Job Opportunities

Top skills you’ll learn!

Front End Development

Back End Development

Data Structure & Scalability

Interview and corporate skills

Building Project Portfolio

And more!

Languages & Tools


Javascript CSS Bootstrap

Maven Gradle MySQL

MongoDB Spring AWS

System Design Git GitHub

Mockito Hibernate Lombok

Reactjs Redux

Program Curriculum

Module -1 (JS Basics)

Introduction to web

Browser Wars

DOM tree, CSSOM tree.

Browser internals - HTML parser , CSS parser ,

JS engine

Layout engine or rendering engine JavaScript

V8 engine internals - Browser js vs Node js

IP – MAC address – Ports & Evolution of HTTP

How the Server looks at the URL

Request & Response cycle

HTML Browser view - Debugger, Inspect,

Responsive View

Data types - Copy by value and Copy by reference

Window object - Array and JSON iteration -


Hoisting & scope

Function & return keyword - types of function

MRF - array method

Error handling

ES5 vs ES6
OOP, this, rest & spread operator
Array & object destructuring
Arrow functions

Module -2(HTML, CSS, Bootstrap)

What is HTML?

Basic tags in HTML?

Inline vs block element

Div vs Section vs Article

HTML forms & Form input element with its


HTML form submit

What is CSS?

Property vs Value

Selector:- tag vs class vs id

Intro to pseudo-classes

Parent inherit

Box model - margin, padding, border

Flex - display, direction, wrap, flex-flow, justify-

content, align-content

Position property - static, relative, absolute,

fixed, sticky

Overflow property - hidden, visible, scroll, auto

Box-shadow property

Media query & Use of Font, icons

What is Bootstrap?

Layout, Container, grid system, gutters

Responsive web design

Module - 3(DOM & Advance JS)

DOM Manipulation
The basic method in the document objec

createElement(), setAttribute()

innerHTML vs innerText

append() vs appendChild()

getElementById() vs querySelector() vs


The basic method in the Window objec

prompt() vs alert() vs conform()
setTimeout() vs setInterval()

Events - Change CSS through JavaScript

Cookies, session & local storage

Callback - Event loop

What are the states in the promise?

Promise chaining

Fetch API


WebCode Project-1

Mock Interview- 1

Module -4(ReactJS)

ReactJS introduction

Components, states, props, lifecycle

Conditionals, hooks, router, Axios


Module -5(Core Java)

Introduction to Jav
Object - Constructors - This Keyword -
Inheritance - Super Keyword - Polymorphism -
Abstraction - Interface - Encapsulation -Access
Specifiers - String & Array - Exception
Collection Frameworks (utils package, List, Sets,

Module -6(Database)

Introduction to database

What is MySQL?

Intro to MySQL engines

Basic queries - create DB, table and insert,

update, alter of tables

Select - where clause, distinct, group by, order

by, offset, limit

Normalization, select queries, joins

Why MongoDB?

What is a document?

What is a collection?

MongoDB vs MySQL

Creation of database, collections, documents

Find - query & projection

Use of operators in find() query

Basic cursor methods - map, toArray, pretty,

forEach, limit, count, sort


Module -7(Spring Framework)

Spring Framework
Spring JPA - Spring MVC - Spring Web Client -
Spring Data MongoDB - Spring with SQL -
Hibernate - Lombok - Maven - Gradle - Unit -

WebCode Project- 2

Mock interview - 2

Fullstack session demonstration

Module -8(Data Structures)

Data Structure & Algorithms

Module -9(System Design & AWS)

System Design


In between add-on sessions like alumni meet, cracking

interviews, personality development, webinars

Sample Projects

Custom Gmail client using Gmail API

Bored of your Gmail client, then build your own

frontend for GMail by accessing it through Gmail API.
This will teach you how to design & integrate the API
and do OAuth

Youtube radio

Everyone wants a personalized presentation.

Customized player for your preferences and you can
store the data in a MongoDB via a backend like NodeJS.

Music streaming apps like Spotify

Publish a web app like Spotify using modern

Framework React and learn how to create
components and build a large-scale project and
host it live.

Google Docs Clone

Build Realtime Document editor for users for

editing, creating and sharing with all the features
like Google Docs using

Hear it from our learners

“They are very approachable and friendly when “GUVI is one of the best platforms to
we ask any doubt or any clarification. Before start a new course and a new career.

joining guvi I have already done a course of data Advanced Programming and Master Data
science in another institution.When comparing Science is one of the best programs
these two institutions, there is a lot of difference which are been trained with industry
in teaching.I love that the mentor who is experts. It has its own software to
teaching the course is not only a mentor but a practise and a huge number of exercises
professional too. This is a very unique thing to master any topic.”

about guvi. I will rate 5/5 to Guvi.”

Vishally Tejas Samanthapudi

“I have attended several classes of Masters in Data

“Guvi helps me to improve my self-confidence science course conducted by Guvi. It is really
in coding skills . The zoom classes are totally
helpful to gain knowledge as it is different from
comfortable,friendly and easy to learn .It helps
other online courses. Here, we have mentors in live
me to understand the basic and the core
sessions, so we will be more concentrated than
concepts and it helped me to. Build logical
other online courses where we watch pre
skills.I got great mentor's which helped me to
recorded videos. Also we are getting weekly tasks
bridge between the academics. I'm very proud
that would make us learn even if there is no class.

Thanks to Guvi.”

I am thankful for all the people in Guvi for building

up such a valuable program for our career.”

Gokila Gokul

“I always liked coding but I didn't really get a

good platform to learn things as per industrial
“Guvi offers a cordial, supportive and friendly requirements. When I was in search I got to know
environment to learners. With excellent support
about Guvi, I really felt trustworthy by their
and 24*7 assistance from the mentors guvi
response When I joined the Data Science course
does not leave any stone unturned to improvise
the weekend live classes and recorded course
your learning. Thanks for being such an
videos has made learning easy to me. Eventually
inspiration to us.”

I started spending more time practicing in

Codekata. I loved the way Guvi took care of
clarifying doubts asap. Thank you!.”

Gokak Mohd Ishtiyaque Sonia kola

“Hello folks, if you are thinking of a career transition in

the ‘Data Science’ field then, “GUVI” is the best
“The datascience course is very good,
platform to get nourished, indulged and protruded in
the concepts are being explained in a
this upcoming field and also, it doesn’t matter from
crisp manner. The instructors have good
which engineering background you are or whether
depth in the subject and solve every
you are a working fellow. The best thing I found here
doubt one might have. Thanks to GUVI for
is you will always get motivated unknowingly and
setting a great structured program.”

become curious to learn more & more from the

tutorial videos conducted by the IITM professors.
GUVI helps me to think about the problem in
multidimensional ways. Thanks to the GUVI team”

Shubham Nehete Diliban Sibi

“This course is designed being dynamic, interactive

and range of materials to refer. This is very well
“The course videos help you to learn the tools by
structured in such a way that it makes the
yourself and you can track the progress.The
participants to perform, discuss, and to participate in
mentors are very patient and ensure that
assessments that will help the participants to
students understand the concept, sometimes
maximize the utilization. This program is suitable for all
going the extra mile and explaining. Sometimes
students, freshers and working professionals. This
the mentors try to teach in your native language, if
course is excellent for those who would like to learn
needed. The practice platforms are easy to learn
the basics of program like Python and would like to
and practice. By completing this data science
course, sure you can become a Data Scientist.”

broaden their knowledge in Data Science. I enjoyed

seeing videos in GUVI website from experts that also
explains the concepts in a detailed manner. ”

Sridharan K Anba hagan z

Placement Highlights & Support

Ensuring our learners reach their full potential &

land their dream job through…

Dedicated mentorship with 24/7 Doubt clarification


Revision Sessions + New Technology addition in

course syllabus

Mock + Pre-placement Interviews

Activity analysis through coding platforms -

CodeKata WebKata MicroArc

Periodic Assessments with compensation


65% of our Learners got placed with more than 4LPA

More than 30% of Learners got placed with 6LPA

5% of Learners bagged salary package ranging

14LPA to 21LPA

Meet our learners in well-

known M Cs N

& many more...

Who can take this course?

Students, Freshers & Engineers stepping into

their tech journey

Software Developers & other working

professionals who are interested in Website

& Web App Development.

Program Details

5-Month Weekday

Master Java Full Stack



Develop Outstanding

IITM Research park - phase 2

module # 9, 3rd floor, D block,

Kanagam Rd, Tharamani, Chennai,

Tamil Nadu, India. 600113

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