Dram VS Sram
Dram VS Sram
Dram VS Sram
SRAM and DRAM are the types of RAM. Candidates can also check
the difference between RAM and ROM here. These topics are an important part
of the GATE CSE syllabus. Now, let us discuss the difference between SRAM
and DRAM provided in the table below.
SRAM must be updated on a regular basis. It is quicker and more costly than
DRAM, and it is often used for a CPU's cache and internal registers. Transistors
retain data and require a steady power supply. SRAM does not need to be updated
to recall the data it stores because of the constant power. SRAM is named static
because it does not require any changes or actions, such as refreshing, to keep the
data intact. It's a type of memory that's employed in caches.
What is DRAM?
The key differences between SRAM and DRAM are given below.
• Transistors are used in SRAM to store the data. The data is kept in
capacitors in DRAM.
• Transistors are used in SRAM to store the data. The data is kept in
capacitors in DRAM.
• SRAM outperforms DRAM in terms of speed and cost.
• DRAM provides more storage capacity than SRAM.
• Cache memory uses SRAMs, whereas main memory uses DRAMs.