Unix Programmer's Manual, 5th Edition

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Fifth Edition

K. Thompson
D. M. Ritchie

June, 1974

Copyright © 1972, 1973, 1974

Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated

Copyright © 1972, 1973, 1974

Bell Telephone Laboratories, Incorporated

This manual was set by a Graphic Systems phototypeset-

ter driven by the troff formatting program operating un-
der the UNIX system. The text of the manual was pre-
pared using the ed text editor.

to the Fifth Edition

The number of UNIX installations is now above 50, and many more are expected. None of these has exactly
the same complement of hardware or software. Therefore, at any particular installation, it is quite possible
that this manual will give inappropriate information.

The authors are grateful to L. L. Cherry, L. A. Dimino, R. C. Haight, S. C. Johnson, B. W. Kernighan, M.

E. Lesk, and E. N. Pinson for their contributions to the system software, and to L. E. McMahon for soft-
ware and for his contributions to this manual. We are particularly appreciative of the invaluable technical,
editorial, and administrative efforts of J. F. Ossanna, M. D. McIlroy, and R. Morris. They all contributed
greatly to the stock of UNIX software and to this manual. Their inventiveness, thoughtful criticism, and un-
grudging support increased immeasurably not only whatever success the UNIX system enjoys, but also our
own enjoyment in its creation.



This manual gives descriptions of the publicly available features of UNIX. It provides neither a general
overview  see ‘‘The UNIX Time-sharing System’’ for that  nor details of the implementation of the sys-
tem, (which remain to be disclosed).
Within the area it surveys, this manual attempts to be as complete and timely as possible. A conscious de-
cision was made to describe each program in exactly the state it was in at the time its manual section was
prepared. In particular, the desire to describe something as it should be, not as it is, was resisted. In-
evitably, this means that many sections will soon be out of date.
This manual is divided into eight sections:
I. Commands
II. System calls
III. Subroutines
IV. Special files
V. File formats
VI. User-maintained programs
VII. Miscellaneous
VIII. Maintenance
Commands are programs intended to be invoked directly by the user, in contradistinction to subroutines,
which are intended to be called by the user’s programs. Commands generally reside in directory /bin (for
bin ary programs). Some programs also reside in / usr/ bin, to save space in /bin. Some programs classified
as commands are located elsewhere; this fact is indicated in the appropriate sections.
System calls are entries into the UNIX supervisor. In assembly language, they are coded with the use of the
opcode sys, a synonym for the trap instruction. In this edition, the C language interface routines to the sys-
tem calls have been incorporated in section II.
A small assortment of subroutines is available; they are described in section III. The binary form of most
of them is kept in the system library / lib/ liba.a. The subroutines available from C and from Fortran are
also included; they reside in / lib/ libc.a and / lib/ libf.a respectively.
The special files section IV discusses the characteristics of each system ‘‘file’’ which actually refers to an
I/O device. The names in this section refer to the DEC device names for the hardware, instead of the names
of the special files themselves.
The file formats and conventions section V documents the structure of particular kinds of files; for exam-
ple, the form of the output of the loader and assembler is given. Excluded are files used by only one com-
mand, for example the assembler’s intermediate files.
User-maintained programs (section VI) are not considered part of the UNIX system, and the principal reason
for listing them is to indicate their existence without necessarily giving a complete description. The author
should be consulted for information.
The miscellaneous section (VII) gathers odds and ends.
Section VIII discusses commands which are not intended for use by the ordinary user, in some cases be-
cause they disclose information in which he is presumably not interested, and in others because they per-
form privileged functions.

Each section consists of a number of independent entries of a page or so each. The name of the entry is in
the upper corners of its pages, its preparation date in the upper middle. Entries within each section are al-
phabetized. The page numbers of each entry start at 1. (The earlier hope for frequent, partial updates of the
manual is clearly in vain, but in any event it is not feasible to maintain consecutive page numbering in a


document like this.)

All entries are based on a common format, not all of whose subsections will always appear.
The name section repeats the entry name and gives a very short description of its purpose.
The synopsis summarizes the use of the program being described. A few conventions are used,
particularly in the Commands section:
Boldface words are considered literals, and are typed just as they appear.
Square brackets ( [ ] ) around an argument indicate that the argument is optional. When
an argument is given as ‘‘name’’, it always refers to a file name.
Ellipses ‘‘. . .’’ are used to show that the previous argument-prototype may be repeated.
A final convention is used by the commands themselves. An argument beginning with a
minus sign ‘‘_’’ is often taken to mean some sort of flag argument even if it appears in a
position where a file name could appear. Therefore, it is unwise to have files whose
names begin with ‘‘_’’.
The description section discusses in detail the subject at hand.
The files section gives the names of files which are built into the program.
A see also section gives pointers to related information.
A diagnostics section discusses the diagnostic indications which may be produced. Messages
which are intended to be self-explanatory are not listed.
The bugs section gives known bugs and sometimes deficiencies. Occasionally also the suggested
fix is described.
At the beginning of this document is a table of contents, organized by section and alphabetically within
each section. There is also a permuted index derived from the table of contents. Within each index entry,
the title of the writeup to which it refers is followed by the appropriate section number in parentheses. This
fact is important because there is considerable name duplication among the sections, arising principally
from commands which exist only to exercise a particular system call.

This manual was prepared using the UNIX text editor ed and the formatting program troff.



This section provides the basic information you need to get started on UNIX: how to log in and log out, how
to communicate through your terminal, and how to run a program.
Logging in. You must call UNIX from an appropriate terminal. UNIX supports ASCII terminals typified by
the TTY 37, the GE Terminet 300, the Memorex 1240, and various graphical terminals. You must also have
a valid user name, which may be obtained, together with the telephone number, from the system adminis-
trators. The same telephone number serves terminals operating at all the standard speeds. After a data con-
nection is established, the login procedure depends on what kind of terminal you are using.
300-baud terminals: Such terminals include the GE Terminet 300, most display terminals, Exe-
cuport, TI, and certain Anderson-Jacobson terminals. These terminals generally have a speed
switch which should be set at ‘‘300’’ (or ‘‘30’’ for 30 characters per second) and a half/full duplex
switch which should be set at full-duplex. (This switch will often have to be changed since many
other systems require half-duplex). When a connection is established, the system types ‘‘login:’’;
you type your user name, followed by the ‘‘return’’ key. If you have a password, the system asks
for it and turns off the printer on the terminal so the password will not appear. After you have
logged in, the ‘‘return’’, ‘‘new line’’, or ‘‘linefeed’’ keys will give exactly the same results.
TTY 37 terminal: When you have established a data connection, the system types out a few gar-
bage characters (the ‘‘login:’’ message at the wrong speed). Depress the ‘‘break’’ (or ‘‘interrupt’’)
key; this is a speed-independent signal to UNIX that a 150-baud terminal is in use. The system then
will type ‘‘login:,’’ this time at the correct speed; you respond with your user name. From the TTY
37 terminal, and any other which has the ‘‘new-line’’ function (combined carriage return and line-
feed), terminate each line you type with the ‘‘new-line’’ key (not the ‘‘return’’ key).
For all these terminals, it is important that you type your name in lower-case if possible; if you type upper-
case letters, UNIX will assume that your terminal cannot generate lower-case letters and will translate all
subsequent upper-case letters to lower case.
The evidence that you have successfully logged in is that the Shell program will type a ‘‘%’’ to you. (The
Shell is described below under ‘‘How to run a program.’’)
For more information, consult getty (VIII), which discusses the login sequence in more detail, and tty (IV),
which discusses typewriter I/O.
Logging out. There are three ways to log out:
You can simply hang up the phone.
You can log out by typing an end-of-file indication (EOT character, control ‘‘d’’) to the Shell.
The Shell will terminate and the ‘‘login: ’’ message will appear again.
You can also log in directly as another user by giving a login command (I).
How to communicate through your terminal. When you type to UNIX, a gnome deep in the system is gath-
ering your characters and saving them in a secret place. The characters will not be given to a program until
you type a return (or new-line), as described above in Logging in.
UNIX typewriter I/O is full-duplex. It has full read-ahead, which means that you can type at any time, even
while a program is typing at you. Of course, if you type during output, the output will have the input char-
acters interspersed. However, whatever you type will be saved up and interpreted in correct sequence.
There is a limit to the amount of read-ahead, but it is generous and not likely to be exceeded unless the sys-
tem is in trouble. When the read-ahead limit is exceeded, the system throws away all the saved characters.
On a typewriter input line, the character ‘‘@’’ kills all the characters typed before it, so typing mistakes can
be repaired on a single line. Also, the character ‘‘#’’ erases the last character typed. Successive uses of
‘‘#’’ erase characters back to, but not beyond, the beginning of the line. ‘‘@’’ and ‘‘#’’ can be transmitted


to a program by preceding them with ‘‘\’’. (So, to erase ‘‘\’’, you need two ‘‘#’’s).
The ASCII ‘‘delete’’ (a.k.a. ‘‘rubout’’) character is not passed to programs but instead generates an interrupt
signal. This signal generally causes whatever program you are running to terminate. It is typically used to
stop a long printout that you don’t want. However, programs can arrange either to ignore this signal alto-
gether, or to be notified when it happens (instead of being terminated). The editor, for example, catches in-
terrupts and stops what it is doing, instead of terminating, so that an interrupt can be used to halt an editor
printout without losing the file being edited.
The quit signal is generated by typing the ASCII FS character. It not only causes a running program to ter-
minate but also generates a file with the core image of the terminated process. Quit is useful for debugging.
Besides adapting to the speed of the terminal, UNIX tries to be intelligent about whether you have a terminal
with the new-line function or whether it must be simulated with carriage-return and line-feed. In the latter
case, all input carriage returns are turned to new-line characters (the standard line delimiter) and both a car-
riage return and a line feed are echoed to the terminal. If you get into the wrong mode, the stty command
(I) will rescue you.
Tab characters are used freely in UNIX source programs. If your terminal does not have the tab function,
you can arrange to have them turned into spaces during output, and echoed as spaces during input. The sys-
tem assumes that tabs are set every eight columns. Again, the stty command (I) will set or reset this mode.
Also, there is a file which, if printed on TTY 37 or TermiNet 300 terminals, will set the tab stops correctly
(tabs (VII)).
Section tty (IV) discusses typewriter I/O more fully. Section kl (IV) discusses the console typewriter.
How to run a program; the Shell. When you have successfully logged into UNIX, a program called the
Shell is listening to your terminal. The Shell reads typed-in lines, splits them up into a command name and
arguments, and executes the command. A command is simply an executable program. The Shell looks
first in your current directory (see next section) for a program with the given name, and if none is there,
then in a system directory. There is nothing special about system-provided commands except that they are
kept in a directory where the Shell can find them.
The command name is always the first word on an input line; it and its arguments are separated from one
another by spaces.
When a program terminates, the Shell will ordinarily regain control and type a ‘‘%’’ at you to indicate that
it is ready for another command.
The Shell has many other capabilities, which are described in detail in section sh (I).
The current directory. UNIX has a file system arranged in a hierarchy of directories. When the system ad-
ministrator gave you a user name, he also created a directory for you (ordinarily with the same name as
your user name). When you log in, any file name you type is by default in this directory. Since you are the
owner of this directory, you have full permissions to read, write, alter, or destroy its contents. Permissions
to have your will with other directories and files will have been granted or denied to you by their owners.
As a matter of observed fact, few UNIX users protect their files from destruction, let alone perusal, by other
To change the current directory (but not the set of permissions you were endowed with at login) use chdir
Path names. To refer to files not in the current directory, you must use a path name. Full path names be-
gin with ‘‘/’’, the name of the root directory of the whole file system. After the slash comes the name of
each directory containing the next sub-directory (followed by a ‘‘/’’) until finally the file name is reached.
E.g.: / usr/ lem/ filex refers to the file filex in the directory lem; lem is itself a subdirectory of usr; usr
springs directly from the root directory.
If your current directory has subdirectories, the path names of files therein begin with the name of the sub-
directory (no prefixed ‘‘/’’).


Without important exception, a path name may be used anywhere a file name is required.
Important commands which modify the contents of files are cp (I), mv (I), and rm (I), which respectively
copy, move (i.e. rename) and remove files. To find out the status of files or directories, use ls (I). See
mkdir (I) for making directories; rmdir (I) for destroying them.
For a fuller discussion of the file system, see ‘‘The UNIX Time-Sharing System,’’ by the present authors, to
appear in the Communications of the ACM; a version is also available from the same source as this manual.
It may also be useful to glance through section II of this manual, which discusses system calls, even if you
don’t intend to deal with the system at that level.
Writing a program. To enter the text of a source program into a UNIX file, use ed (I). The three principal
languages in UNIX are assembly language (see as (I)), Fortran (see fc (I)), and C (see cc (I)). After the pro-
gram text has been entered through the editor and written on a file, you can give the file to the appropriate
language processor as an argument. The output of the language processor will be left on a file in the cur-
rent directory named ‘‘a.out’’. (If the output is precious, use mv to move it to a less exposed name soon.)
If you wrote in assembly language, you will probably need to load the program with library subroutines;
see ld (I). The other two language processors call the loader automatically.
When you have finally gone through this entire process without provoking any diagnostics, the resulting
program can be run by giving its name to the Shell in response to the ‘‘%’’ prompt.
The next command you will need is db (I). As a debugger, db is better than average for assembly-language
programs, marginally useful for C programs (when completed, cdb (I) will be a boon), and virtually useless
for Fortran.
Your programs can receive arguments from the command line just as system programs do. See exec (II).
Text processing. Almost all text is entered through the editor. The commands most often used to write
text on a terminal are: cat, pr, roff, nroff, and troff, all in section I.
The cat command simply dumps ASCII text on the terminal, with no processing at all. The pr command
paginates the text, supplies headings, and has a facility for multi-column output. Troff and nroff are elabo-
rate text formatting programs, and require careful forethought in entering both the text and the formatting
commands into the input file. Troff drives a Graphic Systems phototypesetter; it was used to produce this
manual. Nroff produces output on a typewriter terminal. Roff (I) is a somewhat less elaborate text format-
ting program, and requires somewhat less forethought.
Surprises. Certain commands provide inter-user communication. Even if you do not plan to use them, it
would be well to learn something about them, because someone else may aim them at you.
To communicate with another user currently logged in, write (I) is used; mail (I) will leave a message
whose presence will be announced to another user when he next logs in. The write-ups in the manual also
suggest how to respond to the two commands if you are a target.
When you log in, a message-of-the-day may greet you before the first ‘‘%’’.



ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . archive and library maintainer
as . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . assembler
cat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . concatenate and print
cc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C compiler
cdb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C debugger
chdir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . change working directory
chmod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . change mode
chown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . change owner
cmp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . compare two files
comm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print lines common to two files
cp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . copy
cref . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . make cross reference listing
date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print and set the date
db . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . debug
dc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . desk calculator
dd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . convert and copy a file
diff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . differential file comparator
dsw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . delete interactively
du . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . summarize disk usage
echo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . echo arguments
ed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . editor
eqn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . typeset mathematics
exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . terminate command file
fc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . fortran compiler
fed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . edit associative memory for form letter
find . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . find files
form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . form letter generator
goto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . command transfer
grep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . search a file for a pattern
if . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . conditional command
kill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do in an unwanted process
ld . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . link editor
ln . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . make a link
login . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sign onto UNIX
lpr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . on line print
ls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . list contents of directory
mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . send mail to another user
man . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . run off section of UNIX manual
mesg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . permit or deny messages
mkdir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . make a directory
mv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . move or rename a file
neqn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . typeset mathematics on terminal
nice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . run a command at low priority
nm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print name list
nohup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . run a command immune to hangups
nroff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . format text
od . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . octal dump
opr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . off line print
passwd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . set login password


pfe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print floating exception

pr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . print file
prof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . display profile data
ps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . process status
pwd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .working directory name
rew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . rewind tape
rm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove (unlink) files
rmdir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . remove directory
roff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . format text
sh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . shell (command interpreter)
shift . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . adjust Shell arguments
size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . size of an object file
sleep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . suspend execution for an interval
sort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sort or merge files
spell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . find spelling errors
split . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . split a file into pieces
strip . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove symbols and relocation bits
stty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . set teletype options
sum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . sum file
tee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pipe fitting
time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . time a command
tp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . manipulate DECtape and magtape
tr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . transliterate
troff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . format text
tss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . interface to MH-TSS
tty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . get typewriter name
typo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . find possible typos
uniq . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . report repeated lines in a file
wait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . await completion of process
wc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . word count
who . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . who is on the system
write . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . write to another user


intro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . introduction to system calls
break . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . set program break
chdir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . change working directory
chmod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . change mode of file
chown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . change owner
close . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . close a file
creat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . create a new file
csw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . read console switches
dup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . duplicate an open file descriptor
exec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . execute a file
exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . terminate process
fork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . spawn new process
fstat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . get status of open file
getgid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . get group identifications
getuid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . get user identifications
gtty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . get typewriter status
indir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . indirect system call
kill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . send signal to a process


link . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . link to a file

mknod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . make a directory or a special file
mount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mount file system
nice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . set program priority
open . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . open for reading or writing
pipe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . create a pipe
profil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . execution time profile
read . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . read from file
seek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . move read/write pointer
setgid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . set process group ID
setuid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . set process user ID
signal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . catch or ignore signals
sleep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . stop execution for interval
stat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . get file status
stime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . set time
stty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . set mode of typewriter
sync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . update super-block
time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . get date and time
times . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . get process times
umount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dismount file system
unlink . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . remove directory entry
wait . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . wait for process to die
write . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . write on a file

alloc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . core allocator
atan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arc tangent function
atof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ascii to floating
crypt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . password encoding
ctime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . convert date and time to ASCII
ecvt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . output conversion
exp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . exponential function
floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . floor and ceiling functions
fptrap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . floating point interpreter
gamma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . log gamma function
getarg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . get command arguments from Fortran
getc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . buffered input
getchar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . read character
getpw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . get name from UID
hmul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . high-order product
hypot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . calculate hypotenuse
ierror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . catch Fortran errors
ldiv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . long division
locv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . long output conversion
log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . natural logarithm
monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . prepare execution profile
nargs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . argument count
nlist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . get entries from name list
perror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . system error messages
pow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . floating exponentiation
printf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . formatted print
putc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . buffered output


putchar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . write character

qsort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . quicker sort
rand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. random number generator
reset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . execute non-local goto
setfil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. specify Fortran file name
sin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . sine, cosine
sqrt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . square root function
ttyn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . return name of current typewriter
vt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . display (vt01) interface


cat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . phototypesetter interface
dc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DC-11 communications interface
dh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DH-11 communications multiplexer
dn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DN-11 ACU interface
dp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DP-11 201 data-phone interface
kl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . KL-11 or DL-11 asynchronous interface
lp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . line printer
mem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . core memory
pc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PC-11 paper tape reader/punch
rf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RF11/RS11 fixed-head disk file
rk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RK-11/RK03 (or RK05) disk
rp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RP-11/RP03 moving-head disk
tc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TC-11/TU56 DECtape
tiu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spider interface
tm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TM-11/TU-10 magtape interface
tty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . general typewriter interface
vs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . voice synthesizer interface
vt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/20 (vt01) interface


a.out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . assembler and link editor output
ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . archive (library) file format
core . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . format of core image file
dir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . format of directories
dump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . incremental dump tape format
fs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . format of file system volume
mtab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mounted file system table
passwd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . password file
speak.m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . voice synthesizer vocabulary
tp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEC/mag tape formats
ttys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . typewriter initialization data
utmp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . user information
wtmp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . user login history


apl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . APL interpreter
azel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . obtain satellite predictions
bas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . basic
bj . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the game of black jack


cal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print calendar

catsim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . phototypesetter simulator
chess . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . the game of chess
col . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . filter reverse line feeds
cubic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . three dimensional tic-tac-toe
factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . discover prime factors of a number
graf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . draw graph on GSI terminal
gsi . . . . . . . . . . . interpret extended character set on GSI terminal
hyphen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . find hyphenated words
ibm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . submit off-line job to HO IBM 370
m6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . general purpose macroprocessor
maze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . generate a maze problem
moo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . guessing game
npr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . print file on Spider line-printer
plog . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . make a graph on the gsi terminal
plot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . make a graph
ptx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . permuted index
sfs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . structured file scanner
sky . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . obtain ephemerides
sno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Snobol interpreter
speak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . word to voice translator
spline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . interpolate smooth curve
tmg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . compiler-compiler
ttt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tic-tac-toe
wump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hunt the wumpus
yacc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yet another compiler-compiler


ascii . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . map of ASCII character set
greek . . . . . . . . . . . . . . graphics for extended TTY-37 type-box
tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . set tab stops
tmheader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TM cover sheet
vs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . voice synthesizer code


20boot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . install new 11/20 system
ac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . login accounting
boot procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UNIX startup
check . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . file system consistency check
clri . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . clear i-node
df . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . disk free
dpd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . spawn data phone daemon
dump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . incremental file system dump
getty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . set typewriter mode
glob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . generate command arguments
init . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . process control initialization
lpd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . line printer daemon
mkfs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . construct a file system
mknod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . build special file
mount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mount file system
msh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . mini-shell


reloc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . relocate object files

restor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . incremental file system restore
sa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Shell accounting
su . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . become privileged user
sync . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . update the super block
umount . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dismount file system
update . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . periodically update the super block



20boot(VIII) install new 11/20 system

vt(IV) 11/20 (vt01) interface
dp(IV) DP-11 201 data-phone interface
20boot(VIII) install new 11/20 system
ibm(VI) submit off-line job to HO IBM 370
ac(VIII) login accounting
sa(VIII) Shell accounting
dn(IV) DN-11 ACU interface
ac(VIII) login accounting
shift(I) adjust Shell arguments
alloc(III) core allocator
alloc(III) core allocator
yacc(VI) yet another compiler-compiler
mail(I) send mail to another user
write(I) write to another user
a.out(V) assembler and link editor output
apl(VI) APL interpreter
apl(VI) APL interpreter
atan(III) arc tangent function
ar(I) archive and library maintainer
ar(V) archive (library) file format
nargs(III) argument count
getarg(III) get command arguments from Fortran
echo(I) echo arguments
glob(VIII) generate command arguments
shift(I) adjust Shell arguments
ar(I) archive and library maintainer
ar(V) archive (library) file format
ascii(VII) map of ASCII character set
atof(III) ascii to floating
ctime(III) convert date and time to ASCII
ascii(VII) map of ASCII character set
as(I) assembler
a.out(V) assembler and link editor output
as(I) assembler
fed(I) edit associative memory for form letter
kl(IV) KL-11 or DL-11 asynchronous interface
nice(I) run a command at low priority
atan(III) arc tangent function
atof(III) ascii to floating
wait(I) await completion of process
azel(VI) obtain satellite predictions
bas(VI) basic
bas(VI) basic
su(VIII) become privileged user
strip(I) remove symbols and relocation bits
bj(VI) the game of black jack
bj(VI) the game of black jack
sync(VIII) update the super block
update(VIII) periodically update the super block
boot procedures(VIII) UNIX startup


break(II) set program break

break(II) set program break
getc(III) buffered input
putc(III) buffered output
mknod(VIII) build special file
cc(I) C compiler
cdb(I) C debugger
hypot(III) calculate hypotenuse
dc(I) desk calculator
cal(VI) print calendar
indir(II) indirect system call
intro(II) introduction to system calls
cal(VI) print calendar
ierror(III) catch Fortran errors
signal(II) catch or ignore signals
cat(I) concatenate and print
cat(IV) phototypesetter interface
catsim(VI) phototypesetter simulator
cc(I) C compiler
cdb(I) C debugger
floor(III) floor and ceiling functions
chmod(II) change mode of file
chmod(I) change mode
chown(I) change owner
chown(II) change owner
chdir(I) change working directory
chdir(II) change working directory
gsi(VI) interpret extended character set on GSI terminal
ascii(VII) map of ASCII character set
getchar(III) read character
putchar(III) write character
chdir(I) change working directory
chdir(II) change working directory
check(VIII) file system consistency check
check(VIII) file system consistency check
chess(VI) the game of chess
chess(VI) the game of chess
chmod(I) change mode
chmod(II) change mode of file
chown(I) change owner
chown(II) change owner
clri(VIII) clear i-node
close(II) close a file
close(II) close a file
clri(VIII) clear i-node
cmp(I) compare two files
vs(VII) voice synthesizer code
col(VI) filter reverse line feeds
getarg(III) get command arguments from Fortran
glob(VIII) generate command arguments
nice(I) run a command at low priority
exit(I) terminate command file
nohup(I) run a command immune to hangups


sh(I) shell (command interpreter)

goto(I) command transfer
if(I) conditional command
time(I) time a command
comm(I) print lines common to two files
comm(I) print lines common to two files
dc(IV) DC-11 communications interface
dh(IV) DH-11 communications multiplexer
diff(I) differential file comparator
cmp(I) compare two files
cc(I) C compiler
tmg(VI) compiler-compiler
yacc(VI) yet another compiler-compiler
fc(I) fortran compiler
wait(I) await completion of process
cat(I) concatenate and print
if(I) conditional command
check(VIII) file system consistency check
csw(II) read console switches
mkfs(VIII) construct a file system
ls(I) list contents of directory
init(VIII) process control initialization
ecvt(III) output conversion
locv(III) long output conversion
dd(I) convert and copy a file
ctime(III) convert date and time to ASCII
dd(I) convert and copy a file
cp(I) copy
alloc(III) core allocator
core(V) format of core image file
mem(IV) core memory
core(V) format of core image file
sin(III) sine, cosine
nargs(III) argument count
wc(I) word count
tmheader(VII) TM cover sheet
cp(I) copy
creat(II) create a new file
pipe(II) create a pipe
creat(II) create a new file
cref(I) make cross reference listing
cref(I) make cross reference listing
crypt(III) password encoding
csw(II) read console switches
ctime(III) convert date and time to ASCII
cubic(VI) three dimensional tic-tac-toe
ttyn(III) return name of current typewriter
spline(VI) interpolate smooth curve
dpd(VIII) spawn data phone daemon
lpd(VIII) line printer daemon
dpd(VIII) spawn data phone daemon
dp(IV) DP-11 201 data-phone interface
prof(I) display profile data


ttys(V) typewriter initialization data

ctime(III) convert date and time to ASCII
time(II) get date and time
date(I) print and set the date
date(I) print and set the date
db(I) debug
dc(IV) DC-11 communications interface
dc(I) desk calculator
dc(IV) DC-11 communications interface
dd(I) convert and copy a file
db(I) debug
cdb(I) C debugger
tp(V) DEC/mag tape formats
tp(I) manipulate DECtape and magtape
tc(IV) TC-11/TU56 DECtape
dsw(I) delete interactively
mesg(I) permit or deny messages
dup(II) duplicate an open file descriptor
dc(I) desk calculator
df(VIII) disk free
dh(IV) DH-11 communications multiplexer
dh(IV) DH-11 communications multiplexer
wait(II) wait for process to die
diff(I) differential file comparator
diff(I) differential file comparator
cubic(VI) three dimensional tic-tac-toe
dir(V) format of directories
unlink(II) remove directory entry
pwd(I) working directory name
mknod(II) make a directory or a special file
chdir(I) change working directory
chdir(II) change working directory
ls(I) list contents of directory
mkdir(I) make a directory
rmdir(I) remove directory
dir(V) format of directories
factor(VI) discover prime factors of a number
rf(IV) RF11/RS11 fixed-head disk file
df(VIII) disk free
du(I) summarize disk usage
rk(IV) RK-11/RK03 (or RK05) disk
rp(IV) RP-11/RP03 moving-head disk
umount(II) dismount file system
umount(VIII) dismount file system
prof(I) display profile data
vt(III) display (vt01) interface
ldiv(III) long division
kl(IV) KL-11 or DL-11 asynchronous interface
dn(IV) DN-11 ACU interface
dn(IV) DN-11 ACU interface
kill(I) do in an unwanted process
dp(IV) DP-11 201 data-phone interface
dpd(VIII) spawn data phone daemon


dp(IV) DP-11 201 data-phone interface

graf(VI) draw graph on GSI terminal
dsw(I) delete interactively
du(I) summarize disk usage
dump(V) incremental dump tape format
dump(VIII) incremental file system dump
od(I) octal dump
dump(V) incremental dump tape format
dump(VIII) incremental file system dump
dup(II) duplicate an open file descriptor
dup(II) duplicate an open file descriptor
echo(I) echo arguments
echo(I) echo arguments
ecvt(III) output conversion
ed(I) editor
fed(I) edit associative memory for form letter
a.out(V) assembler and link editor output
ed(I) editor
ld(I) link editor
crypt(III) password encoding
nlist(III) get entries from name list
unlink(II) remove directory entry
sky(VI) obtain ephemerides
eqn(I) typeset mathematics
perror(III) system error messages
ierror(III) catch Fortran errors
spell(I) find spelling errors
pfe(I) print floating exception
exec(II) execute a file
exec(II) execute a file
reset(III) execute non-local goto
sleep(I) suspend execution for an interval
sleep(II) stop execution for interval
monitor(III) prepare execution profile
profil(II) execution time profile
exit(I) terminate command file
exit(II) terminate process
exp(III) exponential function
exp(III) exponential function
pow(III) floating exponentiation
gsi(VI) interpret extended character set on GSI terminal
greek(VII) graphics for extended TTY-37 type-box
factor(VI) discover prime factors of a number
factor(VI) discover prime factors of a number
fc(I) fortran compiler
fed(I) edit associative memory for form letter
col(VI) filter reverse line feeds
diff(I) differential file comparator
dup(II) duplicate an open file descriptor
grep(I) search a file for a pattern
ar(V) archive (library) file format
split(I) split a file into pieces
setfil(III) specify Fortran file name


npr(VI) print file on Spider line-printer

sfs(VI) structured file scanner
stat(II) get file status
check(VIII) file system consistency check
dump(VIII) incremental file system dump
restor(VIII) incremental file system restore
mtab(V) mounted file system table
fs(V) format of file system volume
mkfs(VIII) construct a file system
mount(II) mount file system
mount(VIII) mount file system
umount(II) dismount file system
umount(VIII) dismount file system
chmod(II) change mode of file
close(II) close a file
core(V) format of core image file
creat(II) create a new file
dd(I) convert and copy a file
exec(II) execute a file
exit(I) terminate command file
fstat(II) get status of open file
link(II) link to a file
mknod(II) make a directory or a special file
mknod(VIII) build special file
mv(I) move or rename a file
passwd(V) password file
pr(I) print file
read(II) read from file
rf(IV) RF11/RS11 fixed-head disk file
cmp(I) compare two files
comm(I) print lines common to two files
find(I) find files
size(I) size of an object file
reloc(VIII) relocate object files
rm(I) remove (unlink) files
sort(I) sort or merge files
sum(I) sum file
uniq(I) report repeated lines in a file
write(II) write on a file
col(VI) filter reverse line feeds
find(I) find files
hyphen(VI) find hyphenated words
typo(I) find possible typos
spell(I) find spelling errors
find(I) find files
tee(I) pipe fitting
rf(IV) RF11/RS11 fixed-head disk file
pfe(I) print floating exception
pow(III) floating exponentiation
fptrap(III) floating point interpreter
atof(III) ascii to floating
floor(III) floor and ceiling functions
floor(III) floor and ceiling functions


fork(II) spawn new process

form(I) form letter generator
fed(I) edit associative memory for form letter
core(V) format of core image file
dir(V) format of directories
fs(V) format of file system volume
nroff(I) format text
roff(I) format text
troff(I) format text
ar(V) archive (library) file format
dump(V) incremental dump tape format
tp(V) DEC/mag tape formats
printf(III) formatted print
form(I) form letter generator
fc(I) fortran compiler
ierror(III) catch Fortran errors
setfil(III) specify Fortran file name
getarg(III) get command arguments from Fortran
fptrap(III) floating point interpreter
df(VIII) disk free
read(II) read from file
getarg(III) get command arguments from Fortran
nlist(III) get entries from name list
getpw(III) get name from UID
fstat(II) get status of open file
fs(V) format of file system volume
atan(III) arc tangent function
exp(III) exponential function
gamma(III) log gamma function
floor(III) floor and ceiling functions
sqrt(III) square root function
bj(VI) the game of black jack
chess(VI) the game of chess
moo(VI) guessing game
gamma(III) log gamma function
gamma(III) log gamma function
m6(VI) general purpose macroprocessor
tty(IV) general typewriter interface
maze(VI) generate a maze problem
glob(VIII) generate command arguments
form(I) form letter generator
rand(III) random number generator
getarg(III) get command arguments from Fortran
time(II) get date and time
nlist(III) get entries from name list
stat(II) get file status
getgid(II) get group identifications
getpw(III) get name from UID
times(II) get process times
fstat(II) get status of open file
tty(I) get typewriter name
gtty(II) get typewriter status
getuid(II) get user identifications


getarg(III) get command arguments from Fortran

getchar(III) read character
getc(III) buffered input
getgid(II) get group identifications
getpw(III) get name from UID
getty(VIII) set typewriter mode
getuid(II) get user identifications
glob(VIII) generate command arguments
goto(I) command transfer
reset(III) execute non-local goto
graf(VI) draw graph on GSI terminal
graf(VI) draw graph on GSI terminal
plog(VI) make a graph on the gsi terminal
greek(VII) graphics for extended TTY-37 type-box
plot(VI) make a graph
greek(VII) graphics for extended TTY-37 type-box
grep(I) search a file for a pattern
getgid(II) get group identifications
setgid(II) set process group ID
graf(VI) draw graph on GSI terminal
gsi(VI) interpret extended character set on GSI terminal
plog(VI) make a graph on the gsi terminal
gsi(VI) interpret extended character set on GSI terminal
gtty(II) get typewriter status
moo(VI) guessing game
nohup(I) run a command immune to hangups
hmul(III) high-order product
wtmp(V) user login history
hmul(III) high-order product
ibm(VI) submit off-line job to HO IBM 370
wump(VI) hunt the wumpus
hyphen(VI) find hyphenated words
hyphen(VI) find hyphenated words
hypot(III) calculate hypotenuse
hypot(III) calculate hypotenuse
ibm(VI) submit off-line job to HO IBM 370
ibm(VI) submit off-line job to HO IBM 370
getgid(II) get group identifications
getuid(II) get user identifications
setgid(II) set process group ID
setuid(II) set process user ID
ierror(III) catch Fortran errors
if(I) conditional command
signal(II) catch or ignore signals
core(V) format of core image file
nohup(I) run a command immune to hangups
uniq(I) report repeated lines in a file
kill(I) do in an unwanted process
dump(V) incremental dump tape format
dump(VIII) incremental file system dump
restor(VIII) incremental file system restore
ptx(VI) permuted index
indir(II) indirect system call


indir(II) indirect system call

utmp(V) user information
ttys(V) typewriter initialization data
init(VIII) process control initialization
init(VIII) process control initialization
clri(VIII) clear i-node
getc(III) buffered input
20boot(VIII) install new 11/20 system
dsw(I) delete interactively
tss(I) interface to MH-TSS
cat(IV) phototypesetter interface
dc(IV) DC-11 communications interface
dn(IV) DN-11 ACU interface
dp(IV) DP-11 201 data-phone interface
kl(IV) KL-11 or DL-11 asynchronous interface
tiu(IV) Spider interface
tm(IV) TM-11/TU-10 magtape interface
tty(IV) general typewriter interface
vs(IV) voice synthesizer interface
vt(III) display (vt01) interface
vt(IV) 11/20 (vt01) interface
spline(VI) interpolate smooth curve
gsi(VI) interpret extended character set on GSI terminal
apl(VI) APL interpreter
fptrap(III) floating point interpreter
sh(I) shell (command interpreter)
sno(VI) Snobol interpreter
sleep(I) suspend execution for an interval
sleep(II) stop execution for interval
split(I) split a file into pieces
intro(II) introduction to system calls
intro(II) introduction to system calls
bj(VI) the game of black jack
ibm(VI) submit off-line job to HO IBM 370
kill(I) do in an unwanted process
kill(II) send signal to a process
kl(IV) KL-11 or DL-11 asynchronous interface
kl(IV) KL-11 or DL-11 asynchronous interface
ld(I) link editor
ldiv(III) long division
form(I) form letter generator
fed(I) edit associative memory for form letter
ar(V) archive (library) file format
ar(I) archive and library maintainer
col(VI) filter reverse line feeds
lpd(VIII) line printer daemon
lp(IV) line printer
lpr(I) on line print
opr(I) off line print
npr(VI) print file on Spider line-printer
comm(I) print lines common to two files
uniq(I) report repeated lines in a file
a.out(V) assembler and link editor output


ld(I) link editor

link(II) link to a file
link(II) link to a file
ln(I) make a link
ls(I) list contents of directory
cref(I) make cross reference listing
nlist(III) get entries from name list
nm(I) print name list
ln(I) make a link
locv(III) long output conversion
gamma(III) log gamma function
log(III) natural logarithm
log(III) natural logarithm
ac(VIII) login accounting
wtmp(V) user login history
passwd(I) set login password
login(I) sign onto UNIX
ldiv(III) long division
locv(III) long output conversion
nice(I) run a command at low priority
lpd(VIII) line printer daemon
lp(IV) line printer
lpr(I) on line print
ls(I) list contents of directory
m6(VI) general purpose macroprocessor
m6(VI) general purpose macroprocessor
tm(IV) TM-11/TU-10 magtape interface
tp(I) manipulate DECtape and magtape
mail(I) send mail to another user
mail(I) send mail to another user
ar(I) archive and library maintainer
mknod(II) make a directory or a special file
mkdir(I) make a directory
plog(VI) make a graph on the gsi terminal
plot(VI) make a graph
ln(I) make a link
cref(I) make cross reference listing
man(I) run off section of UNIX manual
tp(I) manipulate DECtape and magtape
man(I) run off section of UNIX manual
ascii(VII) map of ASCII character set
neqn(I) typeset mathematics on terminal
eqn(I) typeset mathematics
maze(VI) generate a maze problem
maze(VI) generate a maze problem
mem(IV) core memory
fed(I) edit associative memory for form letter
mem(IV) core memory
sort(I) sort or merge files
mesg(I) permit or deny messages
mesg(I) permit or deny messages
perror(III) system error messages
tss(I) interface to MH-TSS


msh(VIII) mini-shell
mkdir(I) make a directory
mkfs(VIII) construct a file system
mknod(II) make a directory or a special file
mknod(VIII) build special file
chmod(II) change mode of file
stty(II) set mode of typewriter
chmod(I) change mode
getty(VIII) set typewriter mode
monitor(III) prepare execution profile
moo(VI) guessing game
mount(II) mount file system
mount(VIII) mount file system
mtab(V) mounted file system table
mount(II) mount file system
mount(VIII) mount file system
mv(I) move or rename a file
seek(II) move read/write pointer
rp(IV) RP-11/RP03 moving-head disk
msh(VIII) mini-shell
mtab(V) mounted file system table
dh(IV) DH-11 communications multiplexer
mv(I) move or rename a file
getpw(III) get name from UID
nlist(III) get entries from name list
nm(I) print name list
ttyn(III) return name of current typewriter
pwd(I) working directory name
setfil(III) specify Fortran file name
tty(I) get typewriter name
nargs(III) argument count
log(III) natural logarithm
neqn(I) typeset mathematics on terminal
20boot(VIII) install new 11/20 system
creat(II) create a new file
fork(II) spawn new process
nice(I) run a command at low priority
nice(II) set program priority
nlist(III) get entries from name list
nm(I) print name list
nohup(I) run a command immune to hangups
reset(III) execute non-local goto
npr(VI) print file on Spider line-printer
nroff(I) format text
rand(III) random number generator
factor(VI) discover prime factors of a number
size(I) size of an object file
reloc(VIII) relocate object files
sky(VI) obtain ephemerides
azel(VI) obtain satellite predictions
od(I) octal dump
od(I) octal dump
opr(I) off line print


man(I) run off section of UNIX manual

ibm(VI) submit off-line job to HO IBM 370
login(I) sign onto UNIX
dup(II) duplicate an open file descriptor
fstat(II) get status of open file
open(II) open for reading or writing
open(II) open for reading or writing
opr(I) off line print
stty(I) set teletype options
rk(IV) RK-11/RK03 (or RK05) disk
ecvt(III) output conversion
locv(III) long output conversion
a.out(V) assembler and link editor output
putc(III) buffered output
chown(I) change owner
chown(II) change owner
pc(IV) PC-11 paper tape reader/punch
passwd(I) set login password
passwd(V) password file
crypt(III) password encoding
passwd(V) password file
passwd(I) set login password
grep(I) search a file for a pattern
pc(IV) PC-11 paper tape reader/punch
pc(IV) PC-11 paper tape reader/punch
update(VIII) periodically update the super block
mesg(I) permit or deny messages
ptx(VI) permuted index
perror(III) system error messages
pfe(I) print floating exception
dpd(VIII) spawn data phone daemon
cat(IV) phototypesetter interface
catsim(VI) phototypesetter simulator
split(I) split a file into pieces
tee(I) pipe fitting
pipe(II) create a pipe
pipe(II) create a pipe
plog(VI) make a graph on the gsi terminal
plot(VI) make a graph
fptrap(III) floating point interpreter
seek(II) move read/write pointer
typo(I) find possible typos
pow(III) floating exponentiation
azel(VI) obtain satellite predictions
monitor(III) prepare execution profile
pr(I) print file
factor(VI) discover prime factors of a number
date(I) print and set the date
cal(VI) print calendar
npr(VI) print file on Spider line-printer
pr(I) print file
pfe(I) print floating exception
comm(I) print lines common to two files


nm(I) print name list

cat(I) concatenate and print
lpd(VIII) line printer daemon
lp(IV) line printer
printf(III) formatted print
lpr(I) on line print
opr(I) off line print
printf(III) formatted print
nice(I) run a command at low priority
nice(II) set program priority
su(VIII) become privileged user
maze(VI) generate a maze problem
boot procedures(VIII) UNIX startup
init(VIII) process control initialization
setgid(II) set process group ID
ps(I) process status
times(II) get process times
wait(II) wait for process to die
setuid(II) set process user ID
exit(II) terminate process
fork(II) spawn new process
kill(I) do in an unwanted process
kill(II) send signal to a process
wait(I) await completion of process
hmul(III) high-order product
prof(I) display profile data
prof(I) display profile data
monitor(III) prepare execution profile
profil(II) execution time profile
profil(II) execution time profile
break(II) set program break
nice(II) set program priority
ps(I) process status
ptx(VI) permuted index
m6(VI) general purpose macroprocessor
putchar(III) write character
putc(III) buffered output
pwd(I) working directory name
qsort(III) quicker sort
qsort(III) quicker sort
rand(III) random number generator
rand(III) random number generator
getchar(III) read character
csw(II) read console switches
read(II) read from file
pc(IV) PC-11 paper tape reader/punch
read(II) read from file
open(II) open for reading or writing
seek(II) move read/write pointer
cref(I) make cross reference listing
reloc(VIII) relocate object files
strip(I) remove symbols and relocation bits
reloc(VIII) relocate object files


unlink(II) remove directory entry

rmdir(I) remove directory
strip(I) remove symbols and relocation bits
rm(I) remove (unlink) files
mv(I) move or rename a file
uniq(I) report repeated lines in a file
uniq(I) report repeated lines in a file
reset(III) execute non-local goto
restor(VIII) incremental file system restore
restor(VIII) incremental file system restore
ttyn(III) return name of current typewriter
col(VI) filter reverse line feeds
rew(I) rewind tape
rew(I) rewind tape
rf(IV) RF11/RS11 fixed-head disk file
rf(IV) RF11/RS11 fixed-head disk file
rk(IV) RK-11/RK03 (or RK05) disk
rk(IV) RK-11/RK03 (or RK05) disk
rk(IV) RK-11/RK03 (or RK05) disk
rmdir(I) remove directory
rm(I) remove (unlink) files
roff(I) format text
sqrt(III) square root function
rp(IV) RP-11/RP03 moving-head disk
rp(IV) RP-11/RP03 moving-head disk
nice(I) run a command at low priority
nohup(I) run a command immune to hangups
man(I) run off section of UNIX manual
azel(VI) obtain satellite predictions
sa(VIII) Shell accounting
sfs(VI) structured file scanner
grep(I) search a file for a pattern
man(I) run off section of UNIX manual
seek(II) move read/write pointer
mail(I) send mail to another user
kill(II) send signal to a process
passwd(I) set login password
stty(II) set mode of typewriter
gsi(VI) interpret extended character set on GSI terminal
setgid(II) set process group ID
setuid(II) set process user ID
break(II) set program break
nice(II) set program priority
tabs(VII) set tab stops
stty(I) set teletype options
date(I) print and set the date
stime(II) set time
getty(VIII) set typewriter mode
ascii(VII) map of ASCII character set
setfil(III) specify Fortran file name
setgid(II) set process group ID
setuid(II) set process user ID
sfs(VI) structured file scanner


tmheader(VII) TM cover sheet

sa(VIII) Shell accounting
shift(I) adjust Shell arguments
sh(I) shell (command interpreter)
sh(I) shell (command interpreter)
shift(I) adjust Shell arguments
login(I) sign onto UNIX
kill(II) send signal to a process
signal(II) catch or ignore signals
signal(II) catch or ignore signals
catsim(VI) phototypesetter simulator
sin(III) sine, cosine
sin(III) sine, cosine
size(I) size of an object file
size(I) size of an object file
sky(VI) obtain ephemerides
sleep(I) suspend execution for an interval
sleep(II) stop execution for interval
spline(VI) interpolate smooth curve
sno(VI) Snobol interpreter
sno(VI) Snobol interpreter
sort(I) sort or merge files
sort(I) sort or merge files
qsort(III) quicker sort
dpd(VIII) spawn data phone daemon
fork(II) spawn new process
speak.m(V) voice synthesizer vocabulary
speak(VI) word to voice translator
mknod(II) make a directory or a special file
mknod(VIII) build special file
setfil(III) specify Fortran file name
spell(I) find spelling errors
spell(I) find spelling errors
tiu(IV) Spider interface
npr(VI) print file on Spider line-printer
spline(VI) interpolate smooth curve
split(I) split a file into pieces
split(I) split a file into pieces
sqrt(III) square root function
sqrt(III) square root function
boot procedures(VIII) UNIX startup
stat(II) get file status
fstat(II) get status of open file
gtty(II) get typewriter status
ps(I) process status
stat(II) get file status
stime(II) set time
sleep(II) stop execution for interval
tabs(VII) set tab stops
strip(I) remove symbols and relocation bits
sfs(VI) structured file scanner
stty(I) set teletype options
stty(II) set mode of typewriter


ibm(VI) submit off-line job to HO IBM 370

sum(I) sum file
sum(I) sum file
du(I) summarize disk usage
sync(VIII) update the super block
update(VIII) periodically update the super block
sync(II) update super-block
sleep(I) suspend execution for an interval
su(VIII) become privileged user
csw(II) read console switches
strip(I) remove symbols and relocation bits
sync(II) update super-block
sync(VIII) update the super block
vs(VII) voice synthesizer code
vs(IV) voice synthesizer interface
speak.m(V) voice synthesizer vocabulary
indir(II) indirect system call
intro(II) introduction to system calls
check(VIII) file system consistency check
dump(VIII) incremental file system dump
perror(III) system error messages
restor(VIII) incremental file system restore
mtab(V) mounted file system table
fs(V) format of file system volume
20boot(VIII) install new 11/20 system
mkfs(VIII) construct a file system
mount(II) mount file system
mount(VIII) mount file system
umount(II) dismount file system
umount(VIII) dismount file system
who(I) who is on the system
tabs(VII) set tab stops
mtab(V) mounted file system table
tabs(VII) set tab stops
atan(III) arc tangent function
dump(V) incremental dump tape format
tp(V) DEC/mag tape formats
pc(IV) PC-11 paper tape reader/punch
rew(I) rewind tape
tc(IV) TC-11/TU56 DECtape
tc(IV) TC-11/TU56 DECtape
tee(I) pipe fitting
stty(I) set teletype options
graf(VI) draw graph on GSI terminal
interpret extended character set on GSI terminal...gsi(VI)
neqn(I) typeset mathematics on terminal
plog(VI) make a graph on the gsi terminal
exit(I) terminate command file
exit(II) terminate process
nroff(I) format text
roff(I) format text
troff(I) format text
cubic(VI) three dimensional tic-tac-toe


cubic(VI) three dimensional tic-tac-toe

ttt(VI) tic-tac-toe
time(I) time a command
profil(II) execution time profile
ctime(III) convert date and time to ASCII
time(I) time a command
time(II) get date and time
times(II) get process times
stime(II) set time
times(II) get process times
time(II) get date and time
tiu(IV) Spider interface
tmheader(VII) TM cover sheet
tm(IV) TM-11/TU-10 magtape interface
tmg(VI) compiler-compiler
tmheader(VII) TM cover sheet
tm(IV) TM-11/TU-10 magtape interface
tp(I) manipulate DECtape and magtape
tp(V) DEC/mag tape formats
goto(I) command transfer
speak(VI) word to voice translator
tr(I) transliterate
tr(I) transliterate
troff(I) format text
tss(I) interface to MH-TSS
ttt(VI) tic-tac-toe
greek(VII) graphics for extended TTY-37 type-box
tty(I) get typewriter name
tty(IV) general typewriter interface
ttyn(III) return name of current typewriter
ttys(V) typewriter initialization data
cmp(I) compare two files
comm(I) print lines common to two files
greek(VII) graphics for extended TTY-37 type-box
neqn(I) typeset mathematics on terminal
eqn(I) typeset mathematics
ttys(V) typewriter initialization data
tty(IV) general typewriter interface
getty(VIII) set typewriter mode
tty(I) get typewriter name
gtty(II) get typewriter status
stty(II) set mode of typewriter
ttyn(III) return name of current typewriter
typo(I) find possible typos
typo(I) find possible typos
getpw(III) get name from UID
umount(II) dismount file system
umount(VIII) dismount file system
uniq(I) report repeated lines in a file
man(I) run off section of UNIX manual
boot procedures(VIII) UNIX startup
login(I) sign onto UNIX
rm(I) remove (unlink) files


unlink(II) remove directory entry

kill(I) do in an unwanted process
sync(II) update super-block
sync(VIII) update the super block
update(VIII) periodically update the super block
update(VIII) periodically update the super block
du(I) summarize disk usage
getuid(II) get user identifications
setuid(II) set process user ID
utmp(V) user information
wtmp(V) user login history
mail(I) send mail to another user
su(VIII) become privileged user
write(I) write to another user
utmp(V) user information
speak.m(V) voice synthesizer vocabulary
vs(VII) voice synthesizer code
vs(IV) voice synthesizer interface
speak.m(V) voice synthesizer vocabulary
speak(VI) word to voice translator
fs(V) format of file system volume
vs(IV) voice synthesizer interface
vs(VII) voice synthesizer code
vt(III) display (vt01) interface
vt(IV) 11/20 (vt01) interface
vt(III) display (vt01) interface
vt(IV) 11/20 (vt01) interface
wait(II) wait for process to die
wait(I) await completion of process
wait(II) wait for process to die
wc(I) word count
who(I) who is on the system
who(I) who is on the system
wc(I) word count
speak(VI) word to voice translator
hyphen(VI) find hyphenated words
pwd(I) working directory name
chdir(I) change working directory
chdir(II) change working directory
putchar(III) write character
write(II) write on a file
write(I) write to another user
write(I) write to another user
write(II) write on a file
open(II) open for reading or writing
wtmp(V) user login history
wump(VI) hunt the wumpus
wump(VI) hunt the wumpus
yacc(VI) yet another compiler-compiler
yacc(VI) yet another compiler-compiler


AR ( I ) 3/15/72 AR ( I )

ar − archive and library maintainer
ar key afile name ...
Ar maintains groups of files combined into a single archive file. Its main use is to create and up-
date library files as used by the loader. It can be used, though, for any similar purpose.
Key is one character from the set drtux, optionally concatenated with v. Afile is the archive file.
The names are constituent files in the archive file. The meanings of the key characters are:
d means delete the named files from the archive file.
r means replace the named files in the archive file. If the archive file does not exist, r will create
it. If the named files are not in the archive file, they are appended.
t prints a table of contents of the archive file. If no names are given, all files in the archive are
tabled. If names are given, only those files are tabled.
u is similar to r except that only those files that have been modified are replaced. If no names
are given, all files in the archive that have been modified will be replaced by the modified ver-
x will extract the named files. If no names are given, all files in the archive are extracted. In
neither case does x alter the archive file.
v means verbose. Under the verbose option, ar gives a file-by-file description of the making of a
new archive file from the old archive and the constituent files. The following abbreviations are
c copy
a append
d delete
r replace
x extract
/tmp/vtm? temporary
ld (I), archive (V)
Option tv should be implemented as a table with more information.
There should be a way to specify the placement of a new file in an archive. Currently, it is
placed at the end.
Since ar has not been rewritten to deal properly with the new file system modes, extracted files
have mode 666.
For the same reason, names are only maintained to 8 characters.


AS ( I ) 1/15/73 AS ( I )

as − assembler
as [ − ] name ...
As assembles the concatenation of the named files. If the optional first argument − is used, all
undefined symbols in the assembly are treated as global.
The output of the assembly is left on the file a.out. It is executable if no errors occurred during
the assembly, and if there were no unresolved external references.
/etc/as2 pass 2 of the assembler
/tmp/atm[1-4]? temporary
a.out object
ld(I), nm(I), db(I), a.out(V), ‘UNIX Assembler Manual’.
When an input file cannot be read, its name followed by a question mark is typed and assembly
ceases. When syntactic or semantic errors occur, a single-character diagnostic is typed out to-
gether with the line number and the file name in which it occurred. Errors in pass 1 cause can-
cellation of pass 2. The possible errors are:
) Parentheses error
] Parentheses error
< String not terminated properly
* Indirection used illegally
. Illegal assignment to ‘.’
A Error in address
B Branch instruction is odd or too remote
E Error in expression
F Error in local (‘f’ or ‘b’) type symbol
G Garbage (unknown) character
I End of file inside an if
M Multiply defined symbol as label
O Word quantity assembled at odd address
P ‘.’ different in pass 1 and 2
R Relocation error
U Undefined symbol
X Syntax error
Symbol table overflow is not checked. x errors can cause incorrect line numbers in following di-


CAT ( I ) 1/15/73 CAT ( I )

cat − concatenate and print
cat file ...
Cat reads each file in sequence and writes it on the standard output. Thus:
cat file
is about the easiest way to print a file. Also:
cat file1 file2 >file3
is about the easiest way to concatenate files.
If no input file is given cat reads from the standard input file.
If the argument − is encountered, cat reads from the standard input file.

pr(I), cp(I)
none; if a file cannot be found it is ignored.
cat x y >x and cat x y >y cause strange results.


CC ( I ) 5/15/74 CC ( I )

cc − C compiler
cc [ −c ] [ −p ] [ −O ] [ −S ] [ −P ] file ...
Cc is the UNIX C compiler. It accepts three types of arguments:
Arguments whose names end with ‘.c’ are taken to be C source programs; they are compiled, and
each object program is left on the file whose name is that of the source with ‘.o’ substituted for
‘.c’. The ‘.o’ file is normally deleted, however, if a single C program is compiled and loaded all
at one go.
The following flags are interpreted by cc. See ld (I) for load-time flags.
−c Suppress the loading phase of the compilation, and force an object file to be produced
even if only one program is compiled.
−p Arrange for the compiler to produce code which counts the number of times each routine
is called; also, if loading takes place, replace the standard startup routine by one which
automatically calls the monitor subroutine (III) at the start and arranges to write out a
mon.out file at normal termination of execution of the object program. An execution pro-
file can then be generated by use of prof (I).
−O Invoke the experimental object-code optimizer.
−S Compile the named C programs, and leave the assembler-language output on correspond-
ing files suffixed ‘.s’.
−P Run only the macro preprocessor on the named C programs, and leave the output on cor-
responding files suffixed ‘.i’.
Other arguments are taken to be either loader flag arguments, or C-compatible object programs,
typically produced by an earlier cc run, or perhaps libraries of C-compatible routines. These pro-
grams, together with the results of any compilations specified, are loaded (in the order given) to
produce an executable program with name a.out.
file.c input file
file.o object file
a.out loaded output
/tmp/ctm? temporary
/lib/c[01] compiler
/lib/c2 optional optimizer
/lib/crt0.o runtime startoff
/lib/mcrt0.o runtime startoff of monitoring
/lib/libc.a builtin functions, etc.
/lib/liba.a system library
‘‘Programming in C a tutorial,’’ C Reference Manual, monitor (III), prof (I), cdb (I), ld (I).
The diagnostics produced by C itself are intended to be self-explanatory. Occasional messages
may be produced by the assembler or loader. Of these, the most mystifying are from the assem-
bler, in particular ‘‘m,’’ which means a multiply-defined external symbol (function or data).


CDB ( I ) 8/15/73 CDB ( I )

cdb − C debugger
cdb [ core [ a.out ] ]
Cdb is a debugger for use with C programs. The first argument is a core-image file; if not given,
‘‘core’’ is used. The second argument is the object program (containing a symbol table); if not
given ‘‘a.out’’ is used. An acceptable core and object file must both be present.
Commands to cdb consist of an address, followed by a single command character. If no address
is given the last-printed address is used. An address may be followed by a comma and a number,
in which case the command applies to the appropriate number of successive addresses.
Addresses are expressions composed of names, decimal numbers, and octal numbers (which be-
gin with ‘‘0’’) and separated by ‘‘+’’ and ‘‘−’’. Evaluation proceeds left-to-right. The construc-
tion ‘‘name[expression]’’ assumes that name is a pointer to an integer and is equivalent to the
contents of the named cell plus twice the expression.
The command characters are:
/ print the addressed words in octal.
= print the value of the addressed expression.
´ print the addressed bytes as characters.
" take the address as a pointer to a sequence of characters, and print the characters up to a null
& If there is any symbol which has the same value as the address, print the symbol’s name.
$ print a stack trace of the terminated program. The calls are listed in the order made; the ac-
tual arguments to each routine are given in octal.

cc (I), db (I), C Reference Manual
It’s still very feeble, even compared with db (I). The stack trace is also pretty vulnerable to cor-
ruption, and often doesn’t work.


CHDIR ( I ) 5/15/74 CHDIR ( I )

chdir − change working directory
chdir directory
Directory becomes the new working directory. The process must have execute (search) permis-
sion in directory.
Because a new process is created to execute each command, chdir would be ineffective if it were
written as a normal command. It is therefore recognized and executed by the Shell.


CHMOD ( I ) 5/15/74 CHMOD ( I )

chmod − change mode
chmod octal file ...
The octal mode replaces the mode of each of the files. The mode is constructed from the OR of
the following modes:
4000 set user ID on execution
2000 set group ID on execution
0400 read by owner
0200 write by owner
0100 execute (search in directory) by owner
0070 read, write, execute (search) by group
0007 read, write, execute (search) by others
Only the owner of a file (or the super-user) may change its mode.




CHOWN ( I ) 3/15/72 CHOWN ( I )

chown − change owner
chown owner file ...
Owner becomes the new owner of the files. The owner may be either a decimal UID or a login
name found in the password file.
Only the owner of a file (or the super-user) is allowed to change the owner. Unless it is done by
the super-user, the set-user-ID permission bit is turned off as the owner of a file is changed.


CMP ( I ) 5/15/74 CMP ( I )

cmp − compare two files
cmp file1 file2
The two files are compared for identical contents. Discrepancies are noted by giving the offset
and the differing words, all in octal.
proof (I), comm (I)
If the shorter of the two files is of odd length, cmp acts as if a null byte had been appended to it.
The offset is only a single-precision number.


COMM ( I ) 5/15/74 COMM ( I )

comm − print lines common to two files
comm [ − [ 123 ] ] file1 file2
Comm reads file1 and file2, which should be in sort, and produces a three column output: lines
only in file1; lines only in file2; and lines in both files.
The output is written on the standard output.
Flags 1, 2, or 3 suppress printing of the corresponding column. Thus comm −12 prints only the
lines common to the two files; comm −23 prints only lines in the first file but not in the second;
comm −123 is a no-op.

cmp (I), diff (I)


CP ( I ) 5/15/74 CP ( I )

cp − copy
cp [ −t ] file1 file2
The first file is copied onto the second. The mode and owner of the target file are preserved if it
already existed; the mode of the source file is used otherwise.
If file2 is a directory, then the target file is a file in that directory with the file-name of file1.
No one is quite sure what the flag −t does.
cat (I), pr (I), mv (I)
Copying a file onto itself destroys its contents.


CREF ( I ) 2/5/73 CREF ( I )

cref − make cross reference listing
cref [ −acilostux123 ] name ...
Cref makes a cross reference listing of program files in assembler or C format. The files named
as arguments in the command line are searched for symbols in the appropriate syntax.
The output report is in four columns:
(1) (2) (3) (4)
symbol file see text as it appears in file
Cref uses either an ignore file or an only file. If the −i option is given, it will take the next avail-
able argument to be an ignore file name; if the −o option is given, the next available argument
will be taken as an only file name. Ignore and only files should be lists of symbols separated by
new lines. If an ignore file is given, all the symbols in that file will be ignored in columns (1)
and (3) of the output. If an only file is given, only symbols appearing in that file will appear in
column (1). Only one of the options −i or −o may be used. The default setting is −i. Assembler
predefined symbols or C keywords are ignored.
The −s option causes current symbols to be put in column 3. In the assembler, the current sym-
bol is the most recent name symbol; in C, the current function name. The −l option causes the
line number within the file to be put in column 3.
The −t option causes the next available argument to be used as the name of the intermediate tem-
porary file (instead of /tmp/crt??). The file is created and is not removed at the end of the pro-
a assembler format (default)
c C format input
i use ignore file (see above)
l put line number in col. 3 (instead of current symbol)
o use only file (see above)
s current symbol in col. 3 (default)
t user supplied temoprary file
u print only symbols that occur exactly once
x print only C external symbols
1 sort output on column 1 (default)
2 sort output on column 2
3 sort output on column 3

/tmp/crt?? temporaries
/usr/lib/aign default assembler ignore file
/usr/lib/cign default C ignore file
/usr/bin/crpost post processor
/usr/bin/upost post processor for −u option
/bin/sort used to sort temporaries

as(I), cc(I)


DATE ( I ) 11/1/73 DATE ( I )

date − print and set the date
date [ mmddhhmm[yy] ]
If no argument is given, the current date is printed to the second. If an argument is given, the
current date is set. The first mm is the month number; dd is the day number in the month; hh is
the hour number (24 hour system); the second mm is the minute number; yy is the last 2 digits of
the year number and is optional. For example:
date 10080045
sets the date to Oct 8, 12:45 AM. The current year is the default if no year is mentioned. The
system operates in GMT. Date takes care of the conversion to and from local standard and day-
light time.
‘bad conversion’ if the argument is syntactically incorrect.


DB ( I ) 8/20/73 DB ( I )

db − debug
db [ core [ namelist ] ] [ − ]
Unlike many debugging packages (including DEC’s ODT, on which db is loosely based), db is
not loaded as part of the core image which it is used to examine; instead it examines files. Typi-
cally, the file will be either a core image produced after a fault or the binary output of the assem-
bler. Core is the file being debugged; if omitted core is assumed. Namelist is a file containing a
symbol table. If it is omitted, the symbol table is obtained from the file being debugged, or if not
there from a.out. If no appropriate name list file can be found, db can still be used but some of
its symbolic facilities become unavailable.
For the meaning of the optional third argument, see the last paragraph below.
The format for most db requests is an address followed by a one character command. Addresses
are expressions built up as follows:
1. A name has the value assigned to it when the input file was assembled. It may be relocat-
able or not depending on the use of the name during the assembly.
2. An octal number is an absolute quantity with the appropriate value.
3. A decimal number immediately followed by ‘.’ is an absolute quantity with the appropriate
4. An octal number immediately followed by r is a relocatable quantity with the appropriate
5. The symbol . indicates the current pointer of db. The current pointer is set by many db re-
6. A * before an expression forms an expression whose value is the number in the word ad-
dressed by the first expression. A * alone is equivalent to ‘*.’.
7. Expressions separated by + or blank are expressions with value equal to the sum of the
components. At most one of the components may be relocatable.
8. Expressions separated by − form an expression with value equal to the difference to the
components. If the right component is relocatable, the left component must be relocatable.
9. Expressions are evaluated left to right.
Names for registers are built in:
r0 ... r5
fr0 ... fr5
These may be examined. Their values are deduced from the contents of the stack in a core image
file. They are meaningless in a file that is not a core image.
If no address is given for a command, the current address (also specified by ‘‘.’’) is assumed. In
general, ‘‘.’’ points to the last word or byte printed by db.
There are db commands for examining locations interpreted as numbers, machine instructions,
ASCII characters, and addresses. For numbers and characters, either bytes or words may be ex-
amined. The following commands are used to examine the specified file.
/ The addressed word is printed in octal.
\ The addressed byte is printed in octal.


DB ( I ) 8/20/73 DB ( I )

" The addressed word is printed as two ASCII characters.

´ The addressed byte is printed as an ASCII character.
‘ The addressed word is printed in decimal.
? The addressed word is interpreted as a machine instruction and a symbolic form of the in-
struction, including symbolic addresses, is printed. Often, the result will appear exactly as
it was written in the source program.
& The addressed word is interpreted as a symbolic address and is printed as the name of the
symbol whose value is closest to the addressed word, possibly followed by a signed offset.
<nl>(i. e., the character ‘‘new line’’) This command advances the current location counter ‘‘.’’
and prints the resulting location in the mode last specified by one of the above requests.
ˆ This character decrements ‘‘.’’ and prints the resulting location in the mode last selected
one of the above requests. It is a converse to <nl>.
% Exit.
Odd addresses to word-oriented commands are rounded down. The incrementing and decre-
menting of ‘‘.’’ done by the <nl> and ˆ requests is by one or two depending on whether the last
command was word or byte oriented.
The address portion of any of the above commands may be followed by a comma and then by an
expression. In this case that number of sequential words or bytes specified by the expression is
printed. ‘‘.’’ is advanced so that it points at the last thing printed.
There are two commands to interpret the value of expressions.
= When preceded by an expression, the value of the expression is typed in octal. When not
preceded by an expression, the value of ‘‘.’’ is indicated. This command does not change
the value of ‘‘.’’.
: An attempt is made to print the given expression as a symbolic address. If the expression is
relocatable, that symbol is found whose value is nearest that of the expression, and the sym-
bol is typed, followed by a sign and the appropriate offset. If the value of the expression is
absolute, a symbol with exactly the indicated value is sought and printed if found; if no
matching symbol is discovered, the octal value of the expression is given.
The following command may be used to patch the file being debugged.
! This command must be preceded by an expression. The value of the expression is stored at
the location addressed by the current value of ‘‘.’’. The opcodes do not appear in the sym-
bol table, so the user must assemble them by hand.
The following command is used after a fault has caused a core image file to be produced.
$ causes the fault type and the contents of the general registers and several other registers to
be printed both in octal and symbolic format. The values are as they were at the time of the
For some purposes, it is important to know how addresses typed by the user correspond with lo-
cations in the file being debugged. The mapping algorithm employed by db is non-trivial for
two reasons: First, in an a.out file, there is a 20(8) byte header which will not appear when the
file is loaded into core for execution. Therefore, apparent location 0 should correspond with ac-
tual file offset 20. Second, addresses in core images do not correspond with the addresses used
by the program because in a core image there is a header containing the system’s per-process
data for the dumped process, and also because the stack is stored contiguously with the text and
data part of the core image rather than at the highest possible locations. Db obeys the following
If exactly one argument is given, and if it appears to be an a.out file, the 20-byte header is
skipped during addressing, i.e., 20 is added to all addresses typed. As a consequence, the header
can be examined beginning at location −20.


DB ( I ) 8/20/73 DB ( I )

If exactly one argument is given and if the file does not appear to be an a.out file, no mapping is
If zero or two arguments are given, the mapping appropriate to a core image file is employed.
This means that locations above the program break and below the stack effectively do not exist
(and are not, in fact, recorded in the core file). Locations above the user’s stack pointer are
mapped, in looking at the core file, to the place where they are really stored. The per-process
data kept by the system, which is stored in the first part of the core file, cannot currently be ex-
amined (except by $).
If one wants to examine a file which has an associated name list, but is not a core image file, the
last argument ‘‘−’’ can be used (actually the only purpose of the last argument is to make the
number of arguments not equal to two). This feature is used most frequently in examining the
memory file /dev/mem.
as (I), core (V), a.out (V), od (I)
‘‘File not found’’ if the first argument cannot be read; otherwise ‘‘?’’.
There should be some way to examine the registers and other per-process data in a core image;
also there should be some way of specifying double-precision addresses. It does not know yet
about shared text segments.


DC ( I ) 1/15/73 DC ( I )

dc − desk calculator
dc [ file ]
Dc is an arbitrary precision integer arithmetic package. The overall structure of dc is a stacking
(reverse Polish) calculator. The following constructions are recognized by the calculator:
number The value of the number is pushed on the stack. A number is an unbroken string of
the digits 0-9. It may be preceded by an underscore _ to input a negative number.

ˆ The top two values on the stack are added (+), subtracted (−), multiplied (*), divided
(/), remaindered (%), or exponentiated (ˆ). The two entries are popped off the stack;
the result is pushed on the stack in their place.
sx The top of the stack is popped and stored into a register named x, where x may be
any character.
lx The value in register x is pushed on the stack. The register x is not altered. All reg-
isters start with zero value.
d The top value on the stack is pushed on the stack. Thus the top value is duplicated.
p The top value on the stack is printed. The top value remains unchanged.
f All values on the stack and in registers are printed.
q exits the program. If executing a string, the nesting level is popped by two.
x treats the top element of the stack as a character string and executes it as a string of
dc commands.
[...] puts the bracketed ascii string onto the top of the stack.
>x The top two elements of the stack are popped and compared. Register x is executed
if they obey the stated relation.
v replaces the top element on the stack by its square root.
! interprets the rest of the line as a UNIX command.
c All values on the stack are popped.
i The top value on the stack is popped and used as the number radix for further input.
o The top value on the stack is popped and used as the number radix for further out-
z The stack level is pushed onto the stack.
? A line of input is taken from the input source (usually the console) and executed.
new-line ignored except as the name of a register or to end the response to a ?.
space ignored except as the name of a register or to terminate a number.
If a file name is given, input is taken from that file until end-of-file, then input is taken from the
console. An example which prints the first ten values of n! is


DC ( I ) 1/15/73 DC ( I )


/etc/msh to implement ‘!’
(x) ? for unrecognized character x.
(x) ? for not enough elements on the stack to do what was asked by command x.
‘Out of space’ when the free list is exhausted (too many digits).
‘Out of headers’ for too many numbers being kept around.
‘Out of pushdown’ for too many items on the stack.
‘Nesting Depth’ for too many levels of nested execution.


DD ( I ) 5/15/74 DD ( I )

dd − convert and copy a file
dd [option=value] ...
Dd copies the specified input file to the specified output with possible conversions. The input
and output block size may be specified to take advantage of raw physical I/O.
option values
if= input file name; standard input is default
of= output file name; standard output is default
ibs= input block size (default 512)
obs= output block size (default 512)
bs= set both input and output block size, superseding ibs and obs; also, if no con-
version is specified, it is particularly efficient since no copy need be done
cbs=n conversion buffer size
skip=n skip n input records before starting copy
count=n copy only n input records
conv=ascii convert EBCDIC to ASCII
ebcdic convert ASCII to EBCDIC
lcase map alphabetics to lower case
ucase map alphabetics to upper case
swab swap every pair of bytes
noerror do not stop processing on an error
sync pad every input record to ibs
... , ... several comma-separated conversions
Where sizes are specified, a number of bytes is expected. A number may end with k, b or w to
specify multiplication by 1024, 512, or 2 respectively. Also a pair of numbers may be separated
by x to indicate a product.
Cbs is used only if ascii or ebcdic conversion is specified. In the former case cbs characters are
placed into the conversion buffer, converted to ASCII, and trailing blanks trimmed and new-line
added before sending the line to the output. In the latter case ASCII characters are read into the
conversion buffer, converted to EBCDIC, and blanks added to make up an output record of size
After completion, dd reports the number of whole and partial input and output blocks.
For example, to read an EBCDIC tape blocked ten 80-byte EBCDIC card images per record into
the ASCII file x:
dd if=/dev/rmt0 of=x ibs=800 cbs=80 conv=ascii,lcase
Note the use of raw magtape. Dd is especially suited to I/O on the raw physical devices because
it allows reading and writing in arbitrary record sizes.
cp (I)
The ASCII/EBCDIC conversion tables are taken from the 256 character standard in the CACM
Nov, 1968. It is not clear how this relates to real life.


DIFF ( I ) 5/15/74 DIFF ( I )

diff − differential file comparator
diff [ − ] name1 name2
Diff tells what lines must be changed in two files to bring them into agreement. The normal out-
put contains lines of these forms:
n1 a n3,n4
n1,n2 d n3
n1,n2 c n3,n4
These lines resemble ed commands to convert file name1 into file name2. The numbers after the
letters pertain to file name2. In fact, by exchanging ‘a’ for ‘d’ and reading backward one may
ascertain equally how to convert file name2 into name1. As in ed, identical pairs where n1 = n2
or n3 = n4 are abbreviated as a single number.
Following each of these lines come all the lines that are affected in the first file flagged by ‘*’,
then all the lines that are affected in the second file flagged by ‘.’.
Under the − option, the output of diff is a script of a, c and d commands for the editor ed, which
will change the contents of the first file into the contents of the second. In this connection, the
following shell program may help maintain multiple versions of a file. Only an ancestral file
($1) and a chain of version-to-version ed scripts ($2,$3,...) made by diff need be on hand. A ‘lat-
est version’ appears on the standard output.
(cat $2 ... $9; echo "1,$p")  ed − $1
Diff does an optimal and unfailing job of detecting the file differences, and also reports these dif-
ferences side-by-side. However, diff uses a quadratic algorithm that usually slows to a crawl on
2000-line files.
cmp (I), comm (I), ed (I)
‘can’t open input’
‘arg count’
‘jackpot’ − To speed things up, the program uses hashing. You have stumbled on a case where
there is a minuscule chance that this has resulted in an unnecessarily long list of differences be-
ing published. It’s a curio that we’d like to see.
Editing scripts produced under the − option are naive about creating lines consisting of a single


DSW ( I ) 3/15/72 DSW ( I )

dsw − delete interactively
dsw [ directory ]
For each file in the given directory (‘.’ if not specified) dsw types its name. If y is typed, the file
is deleted; if x, dsw exits; if new-line, the file is not deleted; if anything else, dsw asks again.
The name dsw is a carryover from the ancient past. Its etymology is amusing.


DU ( I ) 1/20/73 DU ( I )

du − summarize disk usage
du [ −s ] [ −a ] [ name ... ]
Du gives the number of blocks contained in all files and (recursively) directories within each
specified directory or file name. If name is missing, ‘.’ is used.
The optional argument −s causes only the grand total to be given. The optional argument −a
causes an entry to be generated for each file. Absence of either causes an entry to be generated
for each directory only.
A file which has two links to it is only counted once.
Non-directories given as arguments (not under −a option) are not listed.
Removable file systems do not work correctly since i-numbers may be repeated while the corre-
sponding files are distinct. Du should maintain an i-number list per root directory encountered.


ECHO ( I ) 3/15/72 ECHO ( I )

echo − echo arguments
echo [ arg ... ]
Echo writes all its arguments in order as a line on the standard output file. It is mainly useful for
producing diagnostics in command files.


ED ( I ) 1/15/73 ED ( I )

ed − editor
ed [ − ] [ name ]
Ed is the standard text editor.
If a name argument is given, ed simulates an e command (see below) on the named file; that is
to say, the file is read into ed’s buffer so that it can be edited. The optional − simulates an os
command (see below) which suppresses the printing of characters counts by e, r, and w com-
Ed operates on a copy of any file it is editing; changes made in the copy have no effect on the
file until a w (write) command is given. The copy of the text being edited resides in a temporary
file called the buffer. There is only one buffer.
Commands to ed have a simple and regular structure: zero or more addresses followed by a sin-
gle character command, possibly followed by parameters to the command. These addresses
specify one or more lines in the buffer. Every command which requires addresses has default
addresses, so that the addresses can often be omitted.
In general, only one command may appear on a line. Certain commands allow the input of text.
This text is placed in the appropriate place in the buffer. While ed is accepting text, it is said to
be in input mode. In this mode, no commands are recognized; all input is merely collected. In-
put mode is left by typing a period ‘.’ alone at the beginning of a line.
Ed supports a limited form of regular expression notation. A regular expression is an expression
which specifies a set of strings of characters. A member of this set of strings is said to be
matched by the regular expression. The regular expressions allowed by ed are constructed as
1. An ordinary character (not one of those discussed below) is a regular expression and
matches that character.
2. A circumflex ‘ˆ’ at the beginning of a regular expression matches the null character at the
beginning of a line.
3. A currency symbol ‘$’ at the end of a regular expression matches the null character at the
end of a line.
4. A period ‘.’ matches any character but a new-line character.
5. A regular expression followed by an asterisk ‘*’ matches any number of adjacent occur-
rences (including zero) of the regular expression it follows.
6. A string of characters enclosed in square brackets ‘[ ]’ matches any character in the string
but no others. If, however, the first character of the string is a circumflex ‘ˆ’ the regular
expression matches any character but new-line and the characters in the string.
7. The concatenation of regular expressions is a regular expression which matches the con-
catenation of the strings matched by the components of the regular expression.
8. The null regular expression standing alone is equivalent to the last regular expression en-
Regular expressions are used in addresses to specify lines and in one command (see s below) to
specify a portion of a line which is to be replaced.
If it is desired to use one of the regular expression metacharacters as an ordinary character, that
character may be preceded by ‘\’. This also applies to the character bounding the regular expres-
sion (often ‘/’) and to ‘\’ itself.


ED ( I ) 1/15/73 ED ( I )

Addresses are constructed as follows. To understand addressing in ed it is necessary to know

that at any time there is a current line. Generally speaking, the current line is the last line af-
fected by a command; however, the exact effect on the current line by each command is dis-
cussed under the description of the command.
1. The character ‘.’ addresses the current line.
2. The character ‘ˆ’ addresses the line immediately before the current line.
3. The character ‘$’ addresses the last line of the buffer.
4. A decimal number n addresses the n-th line of the buffer.
5. ‘´x’ addresses the line associated (marked) with the mark name character x which must
be a printable character. Lines are marked with the k command described below.
6. A regular expression enclosed in slashes ‘/’ addresses the first line found by searching to-
ward the end of the buffer and stopping at the first line containing a string matching the
regular expression. If necessary the search wraps around to the beginning of the buffer.
7. A regular expression enclosed in queries ‘?’ addresses the first line found by searching
toward the beginning of the buffer and stopping at the first line found containing a string
matching the regular expression. If necessary the search wraps around to the end of the
8. An address followed by a plus sign ‘+’ or a minus sign ‘−’ followed by a decimal number
specifies that address plus (resp. minus) the indicated number of lines. The plus sign
may be omitted.
Commands may require zero, one, or two addresses. Commands which require no addresses re-
gard the presence of an address as an error. Commands which accept one or two addresses as-
sume default addresses when insufficient are given. If more addresses are given than such a
command requires, the last one or two (depending on what is accepted) are used.
Addresses are separated from each other typically by a comma ‘,’. They may also be separated
by a semicolon ‘;’. In this case the current line ‘.’ is set to the previous address before the next
address is interpreted. This feature can be used to determine the starting line for forward and
backward searches (‘/’, ‘?’) . The second address of any two-address sequence must correspond
to a line following the line corresponding to the first address.
In the following list of ed commands, the default addresses are shown in parentheses. The
parentheses are not part of the address, but are used to show that the given addresses are the de-
As mentioned, it is generally illegal for more than one command to appear on a line. However,
any command may be suffixed by ‘p’ (for ‘print’) . In that case, the current line is printed after
the command is complete.
( . )a
The append command reads the given text and appends it after the addressed line.
‘.’ is left on the last line input, if there were any, otherwise at the addressed line.
Address ‘0’ is legal for this command; text is placed at the beginning of the buffer.
( . , . )c
The change command deletes the addressed lines, then accepts input text which re-
places these lines. ‘.’ is left at the last line input; if there were none, it is left at the
first line not changed.
(.,.) d
The delete command deletes the addressed lines from the buffer. The line originally
after the last line deleted becomes the current line; if the lines deleted were origi-
nally at the end, the new last line becomes the current line.


ED ( I ) 1/15/73 ED ( I )

e filename
The edit command causes the entire contents of the buffer to be deleted, and then the
named file to be read in. ‘.’ is set to the last line of the buffer. The number of char-
acters read is typed. ‘filename’ is remembered for possible use as a default file
name in a subsequent r or w command.
f filename
The filename command prints the currently remembered file name. If ‘filename’ is
given, the currently remembered file name is changed to ‘filename’.
(1,$) g/regular expression/command list
In the global command, the first step is to mark every line which matches the given
regular expression. Then for every such line, the given command list is executed
with ‘.’ initially set to that line. A single command or the first of multiple com-
mands appears on the same line with the global command. All lines of a multi-line
list except the last line must be ended with ‘\’. A, i, and c commands and associated
input are permitted; the ‘.’ terminating input mode may be omitted if it would be on
the last line of the command list. The (global) commands, g, and v, are not permit-
ted in the command list.
( . )i
This command inserts the given text before the addressed line. ‘.’ is left at the last
line input; if there were none, at the addressed line. This command differs from the
a command only in the placement of the text.
( . ) kx
The mark command associates or marks the addressed line with the single character
mark name x. The ten most recent mark names are remembered. The current mark
names may be printed with the n command.
( . , . )l
The list command will print the addressed lines in a way that is unambiguous: Non-
graphic characters are printed in octal, prefixed characters are overstruck with a cir-
cumflex, and long lines are folded.
( . , . ) ma
The move command will reposition the addressed lines after the line addressed by a.
The last of the moved lines becomes the current line.
The n command will print the current mark names.
After os character counts printed by e, r, and w are suppressed. Ov turns them back
( . , . )p
The print command prints the addressed lines. ‘.’ is left at the last line printed. The
p command may be placed on the same line after any command.
The quit command causes ed to exit. No automatic write of a file is done.
($) r filename
The read command reads in the given file after the addressed line. If no file name is
given, the remembered file name, if any, is used (see e and f commands) . The re-
membered file name is not changed unless ‘filename’ is the very first file name
mentioned. Address ‘0’ is legal for r and causes the file to be read at the beginning
of the buffer. If the read is successful, the number of characters read is typed. ‘.’ is
left at the last line read in from the file.


ED ( I ) 1/15/73 ED ( I )

( . , . ) s/regular expression/replacement/ or,

( . , . ) s/regular expression/replacement/g
The substitute command searches each addressed line for an occurrence of the speci-
fied regular expression. On each line in which a match is found, all matched strings
are replaced by the replacement specified, if the global replacement indicator ‘g’ ap-
pears after the command. If the global indicator does not appear, only the first oc-
currence of the matched string is replaced. It is an error for the substitution to fail
on all addressed lines. Any character other than space or new-line may be used in-
stead of ‘/’ to delimit the regular expression and the replacement. ‘.’ is left at the
last line substituted.
An ampersand ‘&’ appearing in the replacement is replaced by the regular expres-
sion that was matched. The special meaning of ‘&’ in this context may be sup-
pressed by preceding it by ‘\’.
(1,$) v/regular expression/command list
This command is the same as the global command except that the command list is
executed with ‘.’ initially set to every line except those matching the regular expres-
(1,$) w filename
The write command writes the addressed lines onto the given file. If the file does
not exist, it is created mode 666 (readable and writeable by everyone) . The remem-
bered file name is not changed unless ‘filename’ is the very first file name men-
tioned. If no file name is given, the remembered file name, if any, is used (see e and
f commands) . ‘.’ is unchanged. If the command is successful, the number of char-
acters written is typed.
($) =
The line number of the addressed line is typed. ‘.’ is unchanged by this command.
!UNIX command
The remainder of the line after the ‘!’ is sent to UNIX to be interpreted as a com-
mand. ‘.’ is unchanged. The entire shell syntax is not recognized. See msh(VII) for
the restrictions.
( .+1 ) <newline>
An address alone on a line causes the addressed line to be printed. A blank line
alone is equivalent to ‘.+1p’; it is useful for stepping through text.
If an interrupt signal (ASCII DEL) is sent, ed will print a ‘?’ and return to its command level.
If invoked with the command name ‘−’, (see init(VII) ) ed will sign on with the message ‘Edit-
ing system’ and print ‘*’ as the command level prompt character.
Ed has size limitations on the maximum number of lines that can be edited, on the maximum
number of characters in a line, in a global’s command list, in a remembered file name, and in the
size of the temporary file. The current sizes are: 4000 lines per file, 512 characters per line, 256
characters per global command list, 64 characters per file name, and 64K characters in the tem-
porary file (see BUGS) .
/tmp/etm?, temporary
/etc/msh, to implement the ‘!’ command.
‘?’ for errors in commands; ‘TMP’ for temporary file overflow.
A Tutorial Introduction to the ED Text Editor (internal memorandum)
The temporary file can grow to no more than 64K bytes.


EQN ( I ) 2/22/74 EQN ( I )

eqn − typeset mathematics
eqn [ file ] ...
Eqn is a troff (I) preprocessor for typesetting mathematics on the Graphics Systems phototype-
setter. Usage is almost always
eqn file ...  troff
If no files are specified, eqn reads from the standard input. A line beginning with ‘‘.EQ’’ marks
the start of an equation; the end of an equation is marked by a line beginning with ‘‘.EN’’. Nei-
ther of these lines is altered or defined by eqn, so you can define them yourself to get centering,
numbering, etc. All other lines are treated as comments, and passed through untouched.
Spaces, tabs, newlines, braces, double quotes, tilde and circumflex are the only delimiters.
Braces ‘‘{}’’ are used for grouping. Use tildes ‘‘˜’’ to get extra spaces in an equation.
Subscripts and superscripts are produced with the keywords sub and sup. Thus x sub i makes x i ,
a sub i sup 2 produces a 2i , and e sup {x sup 2 + y sup 2} gives e x + y . Fractions are made with
2 2

a 1
over. a over b is __ and 1 over sqrt {ax sup 2 +bx+c} is _____________ . sqrt makes square
b ax
+ bx + c
The keywords from and to introduce lower and upper limits on arbitrary things: lim
n → 0
Σ xi is

made with lim from {n-> inf} sum from 0 to n x sub i. Left and right brackets, braces, etc., of the
right height are made with left and right: left [ x sup 2 + y sup 2 over alpha right ] ˜=˜1 pro-
 2
duces x 2 + _y__  = 1. The right clause is optional.
 ±

Vertical piles of things are made with pile, lpile, cpile, and rpile: pile {a above b above c} pro-
duces b. There can be an arbitrary number of elements in a pile. lpile left-justifies, pile and
cpile center, with different vertical spacing, and rpile right justifies.
. ___
Diacritical marks are made with dot, dotdot, hat, bar: x dot = f(t) bar is x = f (t). Default sizes
and fonts can be changed with size n and various of roman, italic, and bold.
Keywords like sum ( Σ ) int ( + ) inf () and shorthands like >= ( ≥ ) −> ( → ) , != (`) , are rec-
ognized. Spell out Greek letters in the desired case, as in alpha, GAMMA. Mathematical words
like sin, cos, log are made Roman automatically. Troff (I) four-character escapes like \(bs (\) can
be used anywhere. Strings enclosed in double quotes "..." are passed through untouched.
A System for Typesetting Mathematics (Computer Science Technical Report #17, Bell Labora-
tories, 1974.)
TROFF Users’ Manual (internal memorandum)
TROFF Made Trivial (internal memorandum)
troff (I), neqn (I)
Undoubtedly. Watch out for small or large point sizes − it’s tuned too well for size 10. Be cau-
tious if inserting horizontal or vertical motions, and of backslashes in general.


EXIT ( I ) 3/15/72 EXIT ( I )

exit − terminate command file
Exit performs a seek to the end of its standard input file. Thus, if it is invoked inside a file of
commands, upon return from exit the shell will discover an end-of-file and terminate.
if (I), goto (I), sh (I)


FC ( I ) 8/20/73 FC ( I )

fc − fortran compiler
fc [ −c ] sfile1.f ... ofile1 ...
Fc is the UNIX Fortran compiler. It accepts three types of arguments:
Arguments whose names end with ‘.f’ are assumed to be Fortran source program units; they are
compiled, and the object program is left on the file sfile1.o (i.e. the file whose name is that of
the source with ‘.o’ substituted for ‘.f’).
Other arguments (except for −c) are assumed to be either loader flags, or object programs, typi-
cally produced by an earlier fc run, or perhaps libraries of Fortran-compatible routines. These
programs, together with the results of any compilations specified, are loaded (in the order given)
to produce an executable program with name a.out.
The −c argument suppresses the loading phase, as does any syntax error in any of the routines
being compiled.
The following is a list of differences between fc and ANSI standard Fortran (also see the BUGS
1. Arbitrary combination of types is allowed in expressions. Not all combinations are ex-
pected to be supported at runtime. All of the normal conversions involving integer, real,
double precision and complex are allowed.
2. DEC’s implicit statement is recognized. E.g.: implicit integer /i−n/
3. The types doublecomplex, logical*1, integer*1, integer*2 and real*8 (double precision) are
4. & as the first character of a line signals a continuation card.
5. c as the first character of a line signals a comment.
6. All keywords are recognized in lower case.
7. The notion of ‘column 7’ is not implemented.
8. G-format input is free form− leading blanks are ignored, the first blank after the start of the
number terminates the field.
9. A comma in any numeric or logical input field terminates the field.
10. There is no carriage control on output.
11. A sequence of n characters in double quotes ‘"’ is equivalent to n h followed by those char-
12. In data statements, a hollerith string may initialize an array or a sequence of array elements.
13. The number of storage units requested by a binary read must be identical to the number
contained in the record being read.
14. If the first character in an input file is ‘‘#’’, a preprocessor identical to the C preprocessor is
called, which implements ‘‘#define’’ and ‘‘#include’’ preprocessor statements. (See the C
reference manual for details.) The preprocessor does not recognize Hollerith strings written
with n h.
In I/O statements, only unit numbers 0-19 are supported. Unit number n refers to file fortnn;
(e.g. unit 9 is file ‘fort09’). For input, the file must exist; for output, it will be created. Unit 5 is
permanently associated with the standard input file; unit 6 with the standard output file. Also see
setfil (III) for a way to associate unit numbers with named files.


FC ( I ) 8/20/73 FC ( I )

file.f input file
a.out loaded output
f.tmp[123] temporary (deleted)
/usr/fort/fc1 compiler proper
/lib/fr0.o runtime startoff
/lib/filib.a interpreter library
/lib/libf.a builtin functions, etc.
/lib/liba.a system library
ANSI standard, ld (I) for loader flags
Also see the writeups on the precious few non-standard Fortran subroutines, ierror and setfil (III)
Compile-time diagnostics are given in English, accompanied if possible with the offending line
number and source line with an underscore where the error occurred. Runtime diagnostics are
given by number as follows:
1 invalid log argument
2 bad arg count to amod
3 bad arg count to atan2
4 excessive argument to cabs
5 exp too large in cexp
6 bad arg count to cmplx
7 bad arg count to dim
8 excessive argument to exp
9 bad arg count to idim
10 bad arg count to isign
11 bad arg count to mod
12 bad arg count to sign
13 illegal argument to sqrt
14 assigned/computed goto out of range
15 subscript out of range
16 real**real overflow
17 (negative real)**real
100 illegal I/O unit number
101 inconsistent use of I/O unit
102 cannot create output file
103 cannot open input file
104 EOF on input file
105 illegal character in format
106 format does not begin with (
107 no conversion in format but non-empty list
108 excessive parenthesis depth in format
109 illegal format specification
110 illegal character in input field
111 end of format in hollerith specification
112 bad argument to setfil
120 bad argument to ierror
999 unimplemented input conversion
Any of these errors can be caught by the program; see ierror (III).
The following is a list of those features not yet implemented:
arithmetic statement functions
scale factors on input
Backspace statement.


FED ( I ) 1/15/73 FED ( I )

fed − edit associative memory for form letter
Fed is used to edit a form letter associative memory file, form.m, which consists of named
strings. Commands consist of single letters followed by a list of string names separated by a sin-
gle space and ending with a new line. The conventions of the Shell with respect to ‘*’ and ‘?’
hold for all commands but m. The commands are:
e name ...
Fed writes the string whose name is name onto a temporary file and executes ed. On exit
from the ed the temporary file is copied back into the associative memory. Each argument is
operated on separately. Be sure to give an ed w command (without a filename) to rewrite
fed’s temporary file before quitting out of ed.
d [ name ... ]
deletes a string and its name from the memory. When called with no arguments d operates
in a verbose mode typing each string name and deleting only if a y is typed. A q response re-
turns to fed’s command level. Any other response does nothing.
m name1 name2 ...
(move) changes the name of name1 to name2 and removes previous string name2 if one ex-
ists. Several pairs of arguments may be given. Literal strings are expected for the names.
n [ name ... ]
(names) lists the string names in the memory. If called with the optional arguments, it just
lists those requested.
p name ...
prints the contents of the strings with names given by the arguments.
returns to the system.
checks the associative memory file for consistency and reports the number of free headers
and blocks. The optional arguments do the following:
p causes any unaccounted-for string to be printed.
f fixes broken memories by adding unaccounted-for headers to free storage and removing
references to released headers from associative memory.
/tmp/ftmp? temporary
form.m associative memory
form(I), ed(I), sh(I)
It is legal but unwise to have string names with blanks, ‘:’ or ‘?’ in them.


FIND ( I ) 5/15/74 FIND ( I )

find − find files
find pathname expression
Find recursively descends the directory hierarchy from pathname seeking files that match a
boolean expression written in the primaries given below. In the descriptions, the argument n is
used as a decimal integer where +n means more than n, −n means less than n and n means ex-
actly n.
−name filename True if the filename argument matches the current file name. Normal Shell
argument syntax may be used if escaped (watch out for ‘[’, ‘?’ and ‘*’).
−perm onum True if the file permission flags exactly match the octal number onum (see
chmod(I)). If onum is prefixed by a minus sign, more flag bits (017777, see
stat(II)) become significant and the flags are compared:
−type c True if the type of the file is c, where c is b, c, d or f for block special file,
character special file, directory or plain file.
−links n True if the file has n links.
−user uname True if the file belongs to the user uname.
−group gname As it is for −user so shall it be for −group (someday).
−size n True if the file is n blocks long (512 bytes per block).
−atime n True if the file has been accessed in n days.
−mtime n True if the file has been modified in n days.
−exec command True if the executed command returns exit status zero (most commands do).
The end of the command is punctuated by an escaped semicolon. A com-
mand argument ‘{}’ is replaced by the current pathname.
−ok command Like −exec except that the generated command line is printed with a ques-
tion mark first, and is executed only if the user responds y.
−print Always true; causes the current pathname to be printed.
The primaries may be combined with these operators (ordered by precedence):
! prefix not
−a infix and, second operand evaluated only if first is true
−o infix or, second operand evaluated only if first is false
( expression ) parentheses for grouping. (Must be escaped.)
To remove files named ‘a.out’ and ‘*.o’ not accessed for a week:
find / "(" −name a.out −o −name "*.o" ")" −a −atime +7 −a −exec rm {} ";"
sh (I), if(I), file system (V)
There is no way to check device type.
Syntax should be reconciled with if.


FORM ( I ) 6/15/72 FORM ( I )

form − form letter generator
form proto arg ...
Form generates a form letter from a prototype letter, an associative memory, arguments and in a
special case, the current date.
If form is invoked with the proto argument x, the associative memory is searched for an entry
with name x and the contents filed under that name are used as the prototype. If the search fails,
the message ‘[x]:’ is typed on the console and whatever text is typed in from the console, termi-
nated by two new lines, is used as the prototype. If the prototype argument is missing, ‘{letter}’
is assumed.
Basically, form is a copy process from the prototype to the output file. If an element of the form
[n] (where n is a digit from 1 to 9) is encountered, the n-th argument is inserted in its place, and
that argument is then rescanned. If [0] is encountered, the current date is inserted. If the desired
argument has not been given, a message of the form ‘[n]:’ is typed. The response typed in then
is used for that argument.
If an element of the form [name] or {name} is encountered, the name is looked up in the associa-
tive memory. If it is found, the contents of the memory under this name replaces the original el-
ement (again rescanned). If the name is not found, a message of the form ‘[name]:’ is typed.
The response typed in is used for that element. The response is entered in the memory under the
name if the name is enclosed in [ ]. The response is not entered in the memory but is remem-
bered for the duration of the letter if the name is enclosed in {}.
In both of the above cases, the response is typed in by entering arbitrary text terminated by two
new lines. Only the first of the two new lines is passed with the text.
If one of the special characters [{]}\ is preceded by a \, it loses its special character.
If a file named ‘forma’ already exists in the user’s directory, ‘formb’ is used as the output file
and so forth to ‘formz’.
The file ‘form.m’ is created if none exists. Because form.m is operated on by the disc allocator,
it should only be changed by using fed, the form letter editor, or form.

form.m associative memory
form? output file (read only)
fed (I), roff (I)
An unbalanced ] or } acts as an end of file but may add a few strange entries to the associative


GOTO ( I ) 3/15/72 GOTO ( I )

goto − command transfer
goto label
Goto is only allowed when the Shell is taking commands from a file. The file is searched from
the beginning for a line beginning with ‘:’ followed by one or more spaces followed by the label.
If such a line is found, the goto command returns. Since the read pointer in the command file
points to the line after the label, the effect is to cause the Shell to transfer to the labelled line.
‘:’ is a do-nothing command that is ignored by the Shell and only serves to place a label.


GREP ( I ) 5/15/74 GREP ( I )

grep − search a file for a pattern
grep [ −v ] [ −b ] [ −c ] [ −n ] expression [ file ] ...
Grep will search the input files (standard input default) for each line containing the regular ex-
pression. Normally, each line found is printed on the standard output. If the −v flag is used, all
lines but those matching are printed. If the −c flag is used, each line printed is preceded by its
line number If the −n flag is used, each line is preceded by the name of the input file and its rela-
tive line number in that file. If the −b flag is used, each line is preceded by the block number on
which it was found. This is sometimes useful in locating disk block numbers by context. If in-
terrupt is hit, the file and line number last searched is printed.
For a complete description of the regular expression, see ed (I). Care should be taken when us-
ing the characters $ * [ ˆ  ( ) and \ in the regular expression as they are also meaningful to the
Shell. It is generally necessary to enclose the entire expression argument in quotes.
ed (I), sh (I)
Lines are limited to 256 characters; longer lines are truncated.


IF ( I ) 5/2/74 IF ( I )

if − conditional command
if expr command [ arg ... ]
If evaluates the expression expr, and if its value is true, executes the given command with the
given arguments.
The following primitives are used to construct the expr:
−r file true if the file exists and is readable.
−w file true if the file exists and is writable.
s1 = s2 true if the strings s1 and s2 are equal.
s1 != s2 true if the strings s1 and s2 are not equal.
{ command } The bracketed command is executed to obtain the exit status. Status zero is con-
sidered true. The command must not be another if.
These primaries may be combined with the following operators:
! unary negation operator
−a binary and operator
−o binary or operator
( expr ) parentheses for grouping.
−a has higher precedence than −o. Notice that all the operators and flags are separate arguments
to if and hence must be surrounded by spaces. Notice also that parentheses are meaningful to the
Shell and must be escaped.
sh (I), find (I)


KILL ( I ) 8/18/73 KILL ( I )

kill − do in an unwanted process
kill [ −signo ] processid ...
Kills the specified processes. The processid of each asynchronous process started with ‘&’ is re-
ported by the shell. Processid’s can also be found by using ps (I).
The killed process must have been started from the same typewriter as the current user, unless he
is the super-user.
If a signal number preceded by ‘‘−’’ is given as first argument, that signal is sent instead of kill
(see signal (II)).
ps (I), sh (I), signal (II)
Clearly people should only be allowed to kill processes owned by them, and having the same
typewriter is neither necessary nor sufficient.


LD ( I ) 8/16/73 LD ( I )

ld − link editor
ld [ −sulxrnd ] name ...
Ld combines several object programs into one; resolves external references; and searches li-
braries. In the simplest case the names of several object programs are given, and d combines
them, producing an object module which can be either executed or become the input for a further
ld run. (In the latter case, the −r option must be given to preserve the relocation bits.) The out-
put of ld is left on a.out. This file is executable only if no errors occurred during the load.
The argument routines are concatenated in the order specified. The entry point of the output is
the beginning of the first routine.
If any argument is a library, it is searched exactly once at the point it is encountered in the argu-
ment list. Only those routines defining an unresolved external reference are loaded. If a routine
from a library references another routine in the library, the referenced routine must appear after
the referencing routine in the library. Thus the order of programs within libraries is important.
Ld understands several flag arguments which are written preceded by a ‘−’. Except for −l, they
should appear before the file names.
−s ‘squash’ the output, that is, remove the symbol table and relocation bits to save space (but
impair the usefulness of the debugger). This information can also be removed by strip.
−u take the following argument as a symbol and enter it as undefined in the symbol table. This
is useful for loading wholly from a library, since initially the symbol table is empty and an
unresolved reference is needed to force the loading of the first routine.
−l This option is an abbreviation for a library name. −l alone stands for ‘/lib/liba.a’, which is
the standard system library for assembly language programs. −lx stands for ‘/lib/libx.a’
where x is any character. A library is searched when its name is encountered, so the place-
ment of a −l is significant.
−x do not preserve local (non-.globl) symbols in the output symbol table; only enter external
symbols. This option saves some space in the output file.
−r generate relocation bits in the output file so that it can be the subject of another ld run. This
flag also prevents final definitions from being given to common symbols.
−d force definition of common storage even if the −r flag is present (used for reloc (VIII)).
−n Arrange that when the output file is executed, the text portion will be read-only and shared
among all users executing the file. This involves moving the data areas up the the first pos-
sible 4K word boundary following the end of the text.
/lib/lib?.a libraries
a.out output file
as(I), ar(I)


LN ( I ) 3/15/72 LN ( I )

ln − make a link
ln name1 [ name2 ]
A link is a directory entry referring to a file; the same file (together with its size, all its protection
information, etc) may have several links to it. There is no way to distinguish a link to a file from
its original directory entry; any changes in the file are effective independently of the name by
which the file is known.
Ln creates a link to an existing file name1. If name2 is given, the link has that name; otherwise
it is placed in the current directory and its name is the last component of name1.
It is forbidden to link to a directory or to link across file systems.
There is nothing particularly wrong with ln, but tp doesn’t understand about links and makes one
copy for each name by which a file is known; thus if the tape is extracted several copies are re-
stored and the information that links were involved is lost.


LOGIN ( I ) 3/15/72 LOGIN ( I )

login − sign onto UNIX
login [ username ]
The login command is used when a user initially signs onto UNIX, or it may be used at any time
to change from one user to another. The latter case is the one summarized above and described
here. See ‘How to Get Started’ for how to dial up initially.
If login is invoked without an argument, it will ask for a user name, and, if appropriate, a pass-
word. Echoing is turned off (if possible) during the typing of the password, so it will not appear
on the written record of the session.
After a successful login, accounting files are updated and the user is informed of the existence of
mailbox and message-of-the-day files.
Login is recognized by the Shell and executed directly (without forking).
/tmp/utmp accounting
/usr/adm/wtmp accounting
mailbox mail
/etc/motd message-of-the-day
/etc/passwd password file
init (VIII), getty (VIII), mail (I)
‘login incorrect,’ if the name or the password is bad. ‘No Shell,’, ‘cannot open password file,’
‘no directory’: consult a UNIX programming counselor.
If the first login is unsuccessful, it tends to go into a state where it won’t accept a correct login.
Hit EOT and try again.


LPR ( I ) 3/15/74 LPR ( I )

lpr − on line print
lpr [ − ] [ + ] [ +− ]file ...
Lpr arranges to have the line printer daemon print the file arguments.
Normally, each file is printed in the state it is found when the line printer daemon reads it. If a
particular file argument is preceded by +, or a preceding argument of + has been encountered,
then lpr will make a copy for the daemon to print. If the file argument is preceded by −, or a pre-
ceding argument of − has been encountered, then lpr will unlink (remove) the file.
If there are no arguments, then the standard input is read and on-line printed. Thus lpr may be
used as a filter.
/usr/lpd/* spool area
/etc/passwd personal ident cards
/etc/lpd daemon
lpd (VIII), passwd (V)


LS ( I ) 3/20/74 LS ( I )

ls − list contents of directory
ls [ −ltasdruif ] name ...
For each directory argument, ls lists the contents of the directory; for each file argument, ls re-
peats its name and any other information requested. The output is sorted alphabetically by de-
fault. When no argument is given, the current directory is listed. When several arguments are
given, the arguments are first sorted appropriately, but file arguments appear before directories
and their contents. There are several options:
−l list in long format, giving mode, number of links, owner, size in bytes, and time of last
modification for each file. (See below.) If the file is a special file the size field will instead
contain the major and minor device numbers.
−t sort by time modified (latest first) instead of by name, as is normal
−a list all entries; usually those beginning with ‘.’ are suppressed
−s give size in blocks for each entry
−d if argument is a directory, list only its name, not its contents (mostly used with −l to get sta-
tus on directory)
−r reverse the order of sort to get reverse alphabetic or oldest first as appropriate
−u use time of last access instead of last modification for sorting (−t) or printing (−l)
−i print i-number in first column of the report for each file listed
−f force each argument to be interpreted as a directory and list the name found in each slot.
This option turns off −l, −t, −s, and −r, and turns on −a; the order is the order in which en-
tries appear in the directory.
The mode printed under the −l option contains 10 characters which are interpreted as follows:
the first character is
d if the entry is a directory;
b if the entry is a block-type special file;
c if the entry is a character-type special file;
− if the entry is a plain file.
The next 9 characters are interpreted as three sets of three bits each. The first set refers to owner
permissions; the next to permissions to others in the same user-group; and the last to all others.
Within each set the three characters indicate permission respectively to read, to write, or to exe-
cute the file as a program. For a directory, ‘execute’ permission is interpreted to mean permis-
sion to search the directory for a specified file. The permissions are indicated as follows:
r if the file is readable
w if the file is writable
x if the file is executable
− if the indicated permission is not granted
Finally, the group-execute permission character is given as s if the file has set-group-ID mode;
likewise the user-execute permission character is given as s if the file has set-user-ID mode.
/etc/passwd to get user ID’s for ls −l.


MAIL ( I ) 5/15/74 MAIL ( I )

mail − send mail to another user
mail [ −yn ]
mail letter person ...
mail person
Mail without an argument searches for a file called mailbox, prints it if present, and asks if it
should be saved. If the answer is y, the mail is renamed mbox, otherwise it is deleted. Mail with
a −y or −n argument works the same way, except that the answer to the question is supplied by
the argument.
When followed by the names of a letter and one or more people, the letter is prepended to each
person’s mailbox. When a person is specified without a letter, the letter is taken from the
sender’s standard input up to an EOT. Each letter is preceded by the sender’s name and a post-
A person is either a user name recognized by login, in which case the mail is sent to the default
working directory of that user, or the path name of a directory, in which case mailbox in that di-
rectory is used.
When a user logs in he is informed of the presence of mail.
/etc/passwd to identify sender and locate persons
mailbox input mail
mbox saved mail
/tmp/mtm? temp file
login (I)


MAN ( I ) 8/20/73 MAN ( I )

man − run off section of UNIX manual
man [ section ] [ title ... ]
Man is a shell command file that will locate and run off one or more sections of this manual.
Section is the section number of the manual, as an Arabic not Roman numeral, and is optional.
Title is one or more section names; these names bear a generally simple relation to the page cap-
tions in the manual. If the section is missing, 1 is assumed. For example,
man man
would reproduce this page.
The manual is supposed to be reproducible either on the phototypesetter or on a typewriter.
However, on a typewriter some information is necessarily lost.


MESG ( I ) 3/15/72 MESG ( I )

mesg − permit or deny messages
mesg [ n ] [ y ]
Mesg with argument n forbids messages via write by revoking non-user write permission on the
user’s typewriter. Mesg with argument y reinstates permission. All by itself, mesg reverses the
current permission. In all cases the previous state is reported.
write (I)
‘?’ if the standard input file is not a typewriter


MKDIR ( I ) 3/15/72 MKDIR ( I )

mkdir − make a directory
mkdir dirname ...
Mkdir creates specified directories in mode 777. The standard entries ‘.’ and ‘..’ are made auto-


MV ( I ) 8/20/73 MV ( I )

mv − move or rename a file
mv name1 name2
Mv changes the name of name1 to name2. If name2 is a directory, name1 is moved to that direc-
tory with its original file-name. Directories may only be moved within the same parent directory
(just renamed).
If name2 already exists, it is removed before name1 is renamed. If name2 has a mode which for-
bids writing, mv prints the mode and reads the standard input to obtain a line; if the line begins
with y, the move takes place; if not, mv exits.
If name2 would lie on a different file system, so that a simple rename is impossible, mv copies
the file and deletes the original.
It should take a −f flag, like rm, to suppress the question if the target exists and is not writable.


NEQN ( I ) 4/30/74 NEQN ( I )

neqn − typeset mathematics on terminal
neqn [ file ] ...
Neqn is an nroff (I) preprocessor. The input language is the same as that of eqn (I). Normal us-
age is almost always
neqn file ...  nroff
Output is meant for terminals with forward and reverse capabilities, such as the Model 37 tele-
type or GSI terminal.
If no arguments are specified, neqn reads the standard input, so it may be used as a filter.
eqn (I), gsi (VI)
Because of some interactions with nroff there may not always be enough space left before and
after lines containing equations.


NICE ( I ) 11/1/73 NICE ( I )

nice − run a command at low priority
nice command [ arguments ]
Nice executes command at low priority.
nohup(I), nice(II)


NM ( I ) 8/20/73 NM ( I )

nm − print name list
nm [ −cnru ] [ name ]
Nm prints the symbol table from the output file of an assembler or loader run. Each symbol
name is preceded by its value (blanks if undefined) and one of the letters U (undefined) A (abso-
lute) T (text segment symbol), D (data segment symbol), B (bss segment symbol), or C (com-
mon symbol). If the symbol is local (non-external) the type letter is in lower case. The output is
sorted alphabetically.
If no file is given, the symbols in a.out are listed.
Options are:
−c list only C-style external symbols, that is those beginning with underscore ‘_’.
−n sort by value instead of by name
−r sort in reverse order
−u print only undefined symbols.


NOHUP ( I ) 11/1/73 NOHUP ( I )

nohup − run a command immune to hangups
nohup command [ arguments ]
Nohup executes command with hangups, quits and interrupts all ignored.
nice(I), signal(II)


NROFF ( I ) 5/15/74 NROFF ( I )

nroff − format text
nroff [ +n ] [ −n ] [ nn ] [ mx ] [ −s ] [ −h ] [ −q ] [ −i ] files
Nroff formats text according to control lines embedded in the text files. Nroff will read the stan-
dard input if no file arguments are given. The non-file option arguments are interpreted as fol-
+n Output will commence at the first page whose page number is n or larger
−n will cause printing to stop after page n.
nn First generated (not necessarily printed) page is given number n; simulates ‘‘.pn n’’.
mx Prepends a standard macro file; simulates ‘‘.so /usr/lib/tmac.x’’.
−s Stop prior to each page to permit paper loading. Printing is restarted by typing a ‘new-
line’ character.
−h Spaces are replaced where possible with tabs to speed up output (or reduce the size of
the output file).
−q Prompt names for insertions are not printed and the bell character is sent instead; the in-
sertion is not echoed.
−i Causes the standard input to be read after the files.
/usr/lib/suftab suffix hyphenation tables
/tmp/rtm? temporary
/usr/lib/tmac.? standard macro files
NROFF User’s Manual (internal memorandum).
neqn (I)


NROFF ( I ) 5/15/74 NROFF ( I )


Request Initial If no Cause
Form Value Argument Break Explanation
I. Page Control
.pl +N N=66 N=66 no Page length.
.bp +N N=1 - yes Begin page.
.pn +N N=1 ignored no Page number.
.po +N N=0 N=prev no Page offset.
.ne N - N=1 no Need N lines.
.mk none - no Mark current line.
.rt - - no Return to marked line.
II. Text Filling, Adjusting, and Centering
.br - - yes Break.
.fi fill - yes Fill output lines.
.nf fill - yes No filling and adjusting.
.ad c adj,norm adjust no Adjust mode on.
.na adjust - no No adjusting.
.ce N off N=1 yes Center N input text lines.
III. Line Spacing and Blank Lines
.ls +N N=1 N=prev no Line Spacing.
.sp N - N=1 yes Space N lines
.lv N - N=1 no Save N lines
.sv N - N=1 no "
.os - - no Output Saved lines.
.ns space - no No-Space mode on.
.rs - - no Restore spacing.
.xh off - no Extra-half-line mode on.
IV. Line Length and Indenting
.ll +N N=65 N=prev no Line length.
.in +N N=0 N=prev yes Indent.
.ti +N - N=1 yes Temporary indent.
V. Macros, Diversion, and Line Traps
.de xx - ignored no Define or redefine a macro.
.am xx - ignored no Append to a macro.
.ds xx - ignored no Define or redefine string.
.as xx - ignored no Append to a string.
.rm xx - - no Remove macro name.
.di xx - end no Divert output to macro "xx".
.da xx - end no Divert and append to "xx".
.wh -N xx - - no When; set a line trap.
.ch -N -M - - no Change trap line.
.ch xx -M - - no "
VI. Number Registers
.nr ab +N -M - no Number Register.
.nr a +N -M - no "
.nc c \n \n no Number Character.
.ar arabic - no Arabic numbers.
.ro arabic - no Lower case roman numbers.
.RO arabic - no Upper case roman numbers.


NROFF ( I ) 5/15/74 NROFF ( I )

VII. Input and Output Conventions and Character Translations

.ta N,M,... - none no Pseudotabs setting.
.tc c space space no Tab replacement character.
.lc c . . no Leader replacement character.
.ul n - N=1 no Underline input text lines.
.cc c . . no Basic control character.
.c2 c ′ ′ no Nobreak control character.
.ec c - \ no Escape character.
.li N - N=1 no Accept input lines literally.
.tr abcd.... - - no Translate on output.
VIII. Hyphenation.
.nh on - no No hyphenation.
.hy on - no Hyphenate.
.hc c none none no Hyphenation indicator character.
IX. Three Part Titles.
.tl ′left′center′right′ - no Title.
.lt N N=65 N=prev no Length of title.
X. Output Line Numbering.
.nm +N M S I off no Number mode on or off, set parameters.
.np M S I - reset no Number parameters set or reset.
XI. Conditional Input Line Acceptance
.if !N anything - no If true accept line of "anything".
.if c anything- no "
.if !c anything - no "
.if N anything - no "
XII. Environment Switching.
.ev N N=0 N=prev no Environment switched (pushed down).
XIII. Insertions from the Standard Input Stream
.rd prompt - bell no Read insert.
.ex - - no Exit.
XIV. Input File Switching
.so filename - - no Switch source file (push down).
.nx filename - no Next file.
XV. Miscellaneous
.tm mesg - - no Typewriter message
.ig - - no Ignore.
.fl - - no Flush output buffer.
.ab - - no Abort.


OD ( I ) 1/15/73 OD ( I )

od − octal dump
od [ −abcdho ] [ file ] [ [ + ] offset[ . ][ b ] ]
Od dumps file in one or more formats as selected by the first argument. If the first argument is
missing −o is default. The meanings of the format argument characters are:
a interprets words as PDP-11 instructions and dis-assembles the operation code. Unknown op-
eration codes print as ???.
b interprets bytes in octal.
c interprets bytes in ascii. Unknown ascii characters are printed as \?.
d interprets words in decimal.
h interprets words in hex.
o interprets words in octal.

The file argument specifies which file is to be dumped. If no file argument is specified, the stan-
dard input is used. Thus od can be used as a filter.
The offset argument specifies the offset in the file where dumping is to commence. This argu-
ment is normally interpreted as octal bytes. If ‘.’ is appended, the offset is interpreted in deci-
mal. If ‘b’ is appended, the offset is interpreted in blocks. (A block is 512 bytes.) If the file ar-
gument is omitted, the offset argument must be preceded by ‘+’.
Dumping continues until end-of-file.
db (I)


OPR ( I ) 3/20/74 OPR ( I )

opr − off line print
opr [ −−[ id ]] [ − ] [ + ] [ +− ]file ...
Opr will arrange to have the 201 data phone daemon submit a job to the Honeywell 6070 to print
the file arguments. Normally, the output appears at the GCOS central site. If the first argument
is −−, followed by an optional two-character remote station ID, the output is remoted to that sta-
tion. If no station ID is given, R1 is assumed. (Station R1 has an IBM 1403 printer.)
Normally, each file is printed in the state it is found when the data phone daemon reads it. If a
particular file argument is preceded by +, or a preceding argument of + has been encountered,
then opr will make a copy for the daemon to print. If the file argument is preceded by −, or a
preceding argument of − has been encountered, then opr will unlink (remove) the file.
If there are no arguments except for the optional −−, then the standard input is read and off-line
printed. Thus opr may be used as a filter.
/usr/dpd/* spool area
/etc/passwd personal ident cards
/etc/dpd daemon
dpd (VIII), passwd (V)


PASSWD ( I ) 9/1/72 PASSWD ( I )

passwd − set login password
passwd name password
The password is placed on the given login name. This can only be done by the person corre-
sponding to the login name or by the super-user. An explicit null argument ("") for the password
argument will remove any password from the login name.
login(I), passwd(V), crypt(III)


PFE ( I ) 11/1/73 PFE ( I )

pfe − print floating exception
Pfe examines the floating point exception register and print a diagnostic for the last floating
point exception.
signal (II)
Since the system does not save the exception register in a core image file, the message refers to
the last error encountered by anyone. Floating exceptions are therefore volatile.


PR ( I ) 3/20/74 PR ( I )

pr − print file
pr [ −h header ] [ −n ] [ +n ] [ −wn ] [ −ln ] [ −t ] [ name . . . ]
Pr produces a printed listing of one or more files. The output is separated into pages headed by a
date, the name of the file or a header (if any), and the page number. If there are no file argu-
ments, pr prints its standard input, and is thus usable as a filter.
Options apply to all following files but may be reset between files:
−n produce n-column output
+n begin printing with page n
−h treat the next argument as a header
−wn for purposes of multi-column output, take the width of the page to be n characters instead
of the default 72
−ln take the length of the page to be n lines instead of the default 66
−t do not print the 5-line header or the 5-line trailer normally supplied for each page
If there is a header in force, it is printed in place of the file name. Interconsole messages via
write(I) are forbidden during a pr.
/dev/tty? to suspend messages.
cat(I), cp(I)
none; files not found are ignored


PROF ( I ) 3/12/73 PROF ( I )

prof − display profile data
prof [ −v ] [ −a ] [ −l ] [ file ]
Prof interprets the file mon.out produced by the monitor subroutine. Under default modes, the
symbol table in the named object file (a.out default) is read and correlated with the mon.out pro-
file file. For each external symbol, the percentage of time spent executing between that symbol
and the next is printed (in decreasing order), together with the number of times that routine was
called and the number of milliseconds per call.
If the −a option is used, all symbols are reported rather than just external symbols. If the −l op-
tion is used, the output is listed by symbol value rather than decreasing percentage. If the −v op-
tion is used, all printing is suppressed and a profile plot is produced on the 611 display.
In order for the number of calls to a routine to be tallied, the −p option of cc must have been
given when the file containing the routine was compiled.
mon.out for profile
a.out for namelist
/dev/vt0 for plotting
monitor(III), profil(II), cc(I)


PS ( I ) 3/20/74 PS ( I )

ps − process status
ps [ aklx ] [ namelist ]
Ps prints certain indicia about active processes. The a flag asks for information about all pro-
cesses with teletypes (ordinarily only one’s own processes are displayed); x asks even about pro-
cesses with no typewriter; l asks for a long listing. Ordinarily only the typewriter number (if not
one’s own), the process number, and an approximation to the command line are given. If the k
flag is specified, the special file /usr/sys/core is used in place of /dev/mem. This is used for post-
mortem system debugging.
The long listing is columnar and contains
A number encoding the state (last digit) and flags (first 1 or 2 digits) of the process.
The priority of the process; high numbers mean low priority.
A number related in some unknown way to the scheduling heuristic.
The last character of the control typewriter of the process.
The process unique number (as in certain cults it is possible to kill a process if you know
its true name).
The size in blocks of the core image of the process.
The last column if non-blank tells the core address in the system of the event which the
process is waiting for; if blank, the process is running.
Ps makes an educated guess as to the file name and arguments given when the process was cre-
ated by examining core memory or the swap area. The method is inherently somewhat unreli-
able and in any event a process is entitled to destroy this information, so the names cannot be
counted on too much.
/unix system namelist
/dev/mem core memory
/dev/rf0 swap device
/dev/rk0 optional mem file
kill (I)
The command has assumptions built into it about the number of typewriters that exist and what
hardware is used to interface them. It also has built into it the name of the device used for swap-


PWD ( I ) 5/15/74 PWD ( I )

pwd − working directory name
Pwd prints the pathname of the working (current) directory.
chdir (I)
The algorithm sometimes fails on crossing mounted file system.


REW ( I ) 1/15/73 REW ( I )

rew − rewind tape
rew [ [ m ]digit ]
Rew rewinds DECtape or magtape drives. The digit is the logical tape number, and should range
from 0 to 7. if the digit is preceded by m, rew applies to magtape rather than DECtape. A miss-
ing digit indicates drive 0.


RM ( I ) 1/20/73 RM ( I )

rm − remove (unlink) files
rm [ −f ] [ −r ] name ...
Rm removes the entries for one or more files from a directory. If an entry was the last link to the
file, the file is destroyed. Removal of a file requires write permission in its directory, but neither
read nor write permission on the file itself.
If there is no write permission to a file designated to be removed, rm will print the file name, its
mode and then read a line from the standard input. If the line begins with y, the file is removed,
otherwise it is not. The optional argument −f prevents this interaction.
If a designated file is a directory, an error comment is printed unless the optional argument −r
has been used. In that case, rm recursively deletes the entire contents of the specified directory.
To remove directories per se see rmdir(I).
/etc/glob to implement the −r flag
When rm removes the contents of a directory under the −r flag, full pathnames are not printed in


RMDIR ( I ) 3/15/72 RMDIR ( I )

rmdir − remove directory
rmdir dir ...
Rmdir removes (deletes) directories. The directory must be empty (except for the standard en-
tries ‘.’ and ‘..’, which rmdir itself removes). Write permission is required in the directory in
which the directory appears.
Needs a −r flag. Actually, write permission in the directory’s parent is not required.


ROFF ( I ) 6/12/72 ROFF ( I )

roff − format text
roff [ +n ] [ −n ] [ −s ] [ −h ] file ...
Roff formats text according to control lines embedded in the text in the given files. Encountering
a nonexistent file terminates printing. Incoming interconsole messages are turned off during
printing. The optional flag arguments mean:
+n Start printing at the first page with number n.
−n Stop printing at the first page numbered higher than n.
−s Stop before each page (including the first) to allow paper manipulation; resume on receipt
of an interrupt signal.
−h Insert tabs in the output stream to replace spaces whenever appropriate.
A Request Summary is attached.
/usr/lib/suftabsuffix hyphenation tables
nroff (I), troff (I)
Roff is the simplest of the runoff programs, but is virtually undocumented.


ROFF ( I ) 6/12/72 ROFF ( I )

Request Break Initial Meaning
.ad yes yes Begin adjusting right margins.
.ar no arabic Arabic page numbers.
.br yes - Causes a line break − the filling of the current line is stopped.
.bl n yes - Insert of n blank lines, on new page if necessary.
.bp +n yes n=1 Begin new page and number it n; no n means ‘+1’.
.cc c no c=. Control character becomes ‘c’.
.ce n yes - Center the next n input lines, without filling.
.de xx no - Define macro named ‘xx’ (definition ends on line beginning ‘..’).
.ds yes no Double space; same as ‘.ls 2’.
.ef t no t=´´´´ Even foot title becomes t.
.eh t no t=´´´´ Even head title becomes t.
.fi yes yes Begin filling output lines.
.fo no t=´´´´ All foot titles are t.
.hc c no none Hyphenation character set to ‘c’.
.he t no t=´´´´ All head titles are t.
.hx no - Title lines are suppressed.
.hy n no n=1 Hyphenation is done, if n=1; and is not done, if n=0.
.ig no - Ignore input lines through a line beginning with ‘..’.
.in +n yes - Indent n spaces from left margin.
.ix +n no - Same as ‘.in’ but without break.
.li n no - Literal, treat next n lines as text.
.ll +n no n=65 Line length including indent is n characters.
.ls +n yes n=1 Line spacing set to n lines per output line.
.m1 n no n=2 Put n blank lines between the top of page and head title.
.m2 n no n=2 n blank lines put between head title and beginning of text on
.m3 n no n=1 n blank lines put between end of text and foot title.
.m4 n no n=3 n blank lines put between the foot title and the bottom of page.
.na yes no Stop adjusting the right margin.
.ne n no - Begin new page, if n output lines cannot fit on present page.
.nn +n no - The next n output lines are not numbered.
.n1 no no Number output lines; start with 1 each page
.n2 n no no Number output lines; stop numbering if n=0.
.ni +n no n=0 Line numbers are indented n.
.nf yes no Stop filling output lines.
.nx filename - Change to input file ‘filename’.
.of t no t=´´´´ Odd foot title becomes t.
.oh t no t=´´´´ Odd head title becomes t.
.pa +n yes n=1 Same as ‘.bp’.
.pl +n no n=66 Total paper length taken to be n lines.
.po +n no n=0 Page offset. All lines are preceded by N spaces.
.ro no arabic Roman page numbers.
.sk n no - Produce n blank pages starting next page.
.sp n yes - Insert block of n blank lines.
.ss yes yes Single space output lines, equivalent to ‘.ls 1’.
.ta N M ... - Pseudotab settings. Initial tab settings are columns 9,17,25,...
.tc c no c=‘ ’ Tab replacement character becomes ‘c’.
.ti +n yes - Temporarily indent next output line n space.
.tr abcd.. no - Translate a into b, c into d, etc.
.ul n no - Underline the letters and numbers in the next n input lines.


SH ( I ) 5/15/74 SH ( I )

sh − shell (command interpreter)
sh [ name [ arg1 ... [ arg9 ] ] ]
Sh is the standard command interpreter. It is the program which reads and arranges the execu-
tion of the command lines typed by most users. It may itself be called as a command to interpret
files of commands. Before discussing the arguments to the Shell used as a command, the struc-
ture of command lines themselves will be given.
Commands. Each command is a sequence of non-blank command arguments separated by
blanks. The first argument specifies the name of a command to be executed. Except for certain
types of special arguments discussed below, the arguments other than the command name are
passed without interpretation to the invoked command.
If the first argument is the name of an executable file, it is invoked; otherwise the string ‘/bin/’ is
prepended to the argument. (In this way most standard commands, which reside in ‘/bin’, are
found.) If no such command is found, the string ‘/usr’ is further prepended (to give
‘/usr/bin/command’) and another attempt is made to execute the resulting file. (Certain lesser-
used commands live in ‘/usr/bin’.) If the ‘/usr/bin’ file exists, but is not executable, it is used by
the Shell as a command file. That is to say it is executed as though it were typed from the con-
sole. If all attempts fail, a diagnostic is printed.
Command lines. One or more commands separated by ‘’ or ‘ˆ’ constitute a pipeline. The stan-
dard output of each command but the last in a pipeline is taken as the standard input of the next
command. Each command is run as a separate process, connected by pipes (see pipe(II)) to its
neighbors. A command line contained in parentheses ‘( )’ may appear in place of a simple com-
mand as an element of a pipeline.
A command line consists of one or more pipelines separated, and perhaps terminated by ‘;’ or
‘&’. The semicolon designates sequential execution. The ampersand causes the preceding pipe-
line to be executed without waiting for it to finish. The process id of such a pipeline is reported,
so that it may be used if necessary for a subsequent wait or kill.
Termination Reporting. If a command (not followed by ‘&’) terminates abnormally, a mes-
sage is printed. (All terminations other than exit and interrupt are considered abnormal.) Termi-
nation reports for commands followed by ‘&’ are given upon receipt of the first command subse-
quent to the termination of the command, or when a wait is executed. The following is a list of
the abnormal termination messages:
Bus error
Trace/BPT trap
Illegal instruction
IOT trap
EMT trap
Bad system call
Floating exception
Memory violation
If a core image is produced, ‘− Core dumped’ is appended to the appropriate message.
Redirection of I/O. There are three character sequences that cause the immediately following
string to be interpreted as a special argument to the Shell itself. Such an argument may appear
anywhere among the arguments of a simple command, or before or after a parenthesized com-
mand list, and is associated with that command or command list.


SH ( I ) 5/15/74 SH ( I )

An argument of the form ‘<arg’ causes the file ‘arg’ to be used as the standard input (file de-
scriptor 0) of the associated command.
An argument of the form ‘>arg’ causes file ‘arg’ to be used as the standard output (file descriptor
1) for the associated command. ‘Arg’ is created if it did not exist, and in any case is truncated at
the outset.
An argument of the form ‘>>arg’ causes file ‘arg’ to be used as the standard output for the asso-
ciated command. If ‘arg’ did not exist, it is created; if it did exist, the command output is ap-
pended to the file.
For example, either of the command lines
ls >junk; cat tail >>junk
( ls; cat tail ) >junk
creates, on file ‘junk’, a listing of the working directory, followed immediately by the contents
of file ‘tail’.
Either of the constructs ‘>arg’ or ‘>>arg’ associated with any but the last command of a pipeline
is ineffectual, as is ‘<arg’ in any but the first.
In commands called by the Shell, file descriptor 2 refers to the standard output of the Shell be-
fore any redirection. Thus filters may write diagnostics to a location where they have a chance
to be seen.
Generation of argument lists. If any argument contains any of the characters ‘?’, ‘*’ or ‘[’, it is
treated specially as follows. The current directory is searched for files which match the given ar-
The character ‘*’ in an argument matches any string of characters in a file name (including the
null string).
The character ‘?’ matches any single character in a file name.
Square brackets ‘[...]’ specify a class of characters which matches any single file-name character
in the class. Within the brackets, each ordinary character is taken to be a member of the class. A
pair of characters separated by ‘−’ places in the class each character lexically greater than or
equal to the first and less than or equal to the second member of the pair.
Other characters match only the same character in the file name.
For example, ‘*’ matches all file names; ‘?’ matches all one-character file names; ‘[ab]*.s’
matches all file names beginning with ‘a’ or ‘b’ and ending with ‘.s’; ‘?[zi−m]’ matches all two-
character file names ending with ‘z’ or the letters ‘i’ through ‘m’.
If the argument with ‘*’ or ‘?’ also contains a ‘/’, a slightly different procedure is used: instead
of the current directory, the directory used is the one obtained by taking the argument up to the
last ‘/’ before a ‘*’ or ‘?’. The matching process matches the remainder of the argument after
this ‘/’ against the files in the derived directory. For example: ‘/usr/dmr/a*.s’ matches all files
in directory ‘/usr/dmr’ which begin with ‘a’ and end with ‘.s’.
In any event, a list of names is obtained which match the argument. This list is sorted into alpha-
betical order, and the resulting sequence of arguments replaces the single argument containing
the ‘*’, ‘[’, or ‘?’. The same process is carried out for each argument (the resulting lists are not
merged) and finally the command is called with the resulting list of arguments.
For example: directory /usr/dmr contains the files a1.s, a2.s, ..., a9.s. From any directory, the
as /usr/dmr/a?.s
calls as with arguments /usr/dmr/a1.s, /usr/dmr/a2.s, ... /usr/dmr/a9.s in that order.
Quoting. The character ‘\’ causes the immediately following character to lose any special mean-
ing it may have to the Shell; in this way ‘<’, ‘>’, and other characters meaningful to the Shell
may be passed as part of arguments. A special case of this feature allows the continuation of
commands onto more than one line: a new-line preceded by ‘\’ is translated into a blank.


SH ( I ) 5/15/74 SH ( I )

Sequences of characters enclosed in double (") or single (´) quotes are also taken literally. For
ls  pr −h "My directory"
causes a directory listing to be produced by ls, and passed on to pr to be printed with the heading
‘My directory’. Quotes permit the inclusion of blanks in the heading, which is a single argument
to pr.
Argument passing. When the Shell is invoked as a command, it has additional string process-
ing capabilities. Recall that the form in which the Shell is invoked is
sh [ name [ arg1 ... [ arg9 ] ] ]
The name is the name of a file which will be read and interpreted. If not given, this subinstance
of the Shell will continue to read the standard input file.
In command lines in the file (not in command input), character sequences of the form ‘$n’,
where n is a digit, are replaced by the nth argument to the invocation of the Shell (argn). ‘$0’ is
replaced by name.
End of file. An end-of-file in the Shell’s input causes it to exit. A side effect of this fact means
that the way to log out from UNIX is to type an EOT.
Special commands. The following commands are treated specially by the Shell.
chdir is done without spawning a new process by executing sys chdir (II).
login is done by executing /bin/login without creating a new process.
wait is done without spawning a new process by executing sys wait (II).
shift is done by manipulating the arguments to the Shell.
‘:’ is simply ignored.
Command file errors; interrupts. Any Shell-detected error, or an interrupt signal, during the
execution of a command file causes the Shell to cease execution of that file.
Process that are created with a ‘&’ ignore interrupts. Also if such a process has not redirected its
input with a ‘<’, its input is automatically redirected to the zero length file /dev/null.
/etc/glob, which interprets ‘*’, ‘?’, and ‘[’.
/dev/null as a source of end-of-file.
‘The UNIX Time-sharing System’, which gives the theory of operation of the Shell.
chdir (I), login (I), wait (I), shift (I)
There is no way to redirect the diagnostic output.


SHIFT ( I ) 8/21/73 SHIFT ( I )

shift − adjust Shell arguments
Shift is used in Shell command files to shift the argument list left by 1, so that old $2 can now be
referred to by $1 and so forth. Shift is useful to iterate over several arguments to a command
file. For example, the command file
: loop
if $1x = x exit
pr −3 $1
goto loop
prints each of its arguments in 3-column format.
Shift is executed within the Shell.
sh (I)


SIZE ( I ) 9/2/72 SIZE ( I )

size − size of an object file
size [ object ... ]
Size prints the (decimal) number of bytes required by the text, data, and bss portions, and their
sum in octal and decimal, of each object-file argument. If no file is specified, a.out is used.


SLEEP ( I ) 11/1/73 SLEEP ( I )

sleep − suspend execution for an interval
sleep time
Sleep will suspend execution for time seconds. It is used to execute a command in a certain
amount of time as in:
(sleep 105; command)&
Or to execute a command every so often as in this shell command file:
: loop
sleep 37
goto loop
Time must be less than 65536 seconds.


SORT ( I ) 6/11/74 SORT ( I )

sort − sort or merge files
sort [ −abdnrtx ] [ +pos [ −pos ] ] . . . [ −mo ] [ name ] . . .
Sort sorts all the named files together and writes the result on the standard output. The name ‘−’
means the standard input. The standard input is also used if no input file names are given. Thus
sort may be used as a filter.
The default sort key is an entire line. Default ordering is lexicographic in ASCII collating se-
quence, except that lower-case letters are considered the same as the corresponding upper-case
letters. Non-ASCII bytes are ignored. The ordering is affected by the flags −abdnrt, one or
more of which may appear:
a Do not map lower case letters.
b Leading blanks (spaces and tabs) are not included in fields.
d ‘Dictionary’ order: only letters, digits and blanks are significant in ASCII comparisons.
n An initial numeric string, consisting of optional minus sign, digits and optionally included
decimal point, is sorted by arithmetic value.
r Reverse the sense of comparisons.
tx Tab character between fields is x.
Selected parts of the line, specified by +pos and −pos, may be used as sort keys. Pos has the
form m.n, where m specifies a number of fields to skip, and n a number of characters to skip fur-
ther into the next field. A missing is taken to be 0. +pos denotes the beginning of the key; −pos
denotes the first position after the key (end of line by default). The ordering rule may be over-
ridden for a particular key by appending one or more of the flags abdnr to +pos.
When no tab character has been specified, a field consists of nonblanks and any preceding
blanks. Under the −b flag, leading blanks are excluded from a field. When a tab character has
been specified, a field is a string ending with a tab character.
When keys are specified, later keys are compared only when all earlier ones compare equal.
Lines that compare equal are ordered with all bytes significant.
These flag arguments are also understood:
−m Merge only, the input files are already sorted.
−o The next argument is the name of an output file to use instead of the standard output. This
file may be the same as one of the inputs, except under the merge flag −m.


SPELL ( I ) 2/26/74 SPELL ( I )

spell − find spelling errors
spell file ...
Spell attacks the same problem as typo (I), but from the opposite direction. It extracts words
from the input files and looks them up in Webster’s Seventh Collegiate Dictionary; any words
which appear neither in the dictionary nor in a list of about 2000 words frequently occuring in
Bell Laboratories documents are listed on the output file sp.out. Words which are reasonable
transformations of dictionary entries (e.g. a dictionary entry plus s ) are so marked; words which
could not be found even when transformed are marked with asterisks.
The process takes on the order of 5 to 10 minutes. There is a limit of nine input files.
/usr/lib/w2006, /usr/dict/words, sp.out; spjnkq[123] are temporaries.
typo (I)

There should be no limit on the number of input files.

More suffixes, and perhaps some prefixes, should be added.
It should be usable as a filter.


SPLIT ( I ) 1/15/73 SPLIT ( I )

split − split a file into pieces
split −n [ file [ name ] ]
Split reads file and writes it in n-line pieces (default 1000), as many as necessary, onto a set of
output files. The name of the first output file is name with aa appended, and so on lexicographi-
cally. If no output name is given, x is default.
If no input file is given, or if − is given in its stead, then the standard input file is used.


STRIP ( I ) 3/15/72 STRIP ( I )

strip − remove symbols and relocation bits
strip name ...
Strip removes the symbol table and relocation bits ordinarily attached to the output of the assem-
bler and loader. This is useful to save space after a program has been debugged.
The effect of strip is the the same as use of the −s option of ld.
/tmp/stm? temporary file
ld(I), as(I)


STTY ( I ) 6/12/72 STTY ( I )

stty − set teletype options
stty option ...
Stty will set certain I/O options on the current output teletype. The option strings are selected
from the following set:
even allow even parity
−even disallow even parity
odd allow odd parity
−odd disallow odd parity
raw raw mode input (no erase, kill, interrupt, quit, EOT; parity bit passed back)
−raw negate raw mode
−nl allow carriage return for new-line, and output CR-LF for carriage return or new-line
nl accept only new-line to end lines
echo echo back every character typed
−echo do not echo characters
lcase map upper case to lower case
−lcase do not map case
−tabs replace tabs by spaces in output
tabs preserve tabs
delay calculate cr, tab, and form-feed delays
−delay no cr/tab/ff delays
tdelay calculate tab delays
−tdelay no tab delays

stty (II)
There should be ‘package’ options such as execuport, 33, or terminet.


SUM ( I ) 3/15/72 SUM ( I )

sum − sum file
sum name ...
Sum sums the contents of the bytes (mod 2ˆ16) of one or more files and prints the answer in oc-
tal. A separate sum is printed for each file specified, along with the number of whole or partial
512-byte blocks read.
In practice, sum is often used to verify that all of a special file can be read without error.


TEE ( I ) 3/6/74 TEE ( I )

tee − pipe fitting
tee [ name ... ]
Tee transcribes the standard input to the standard output and makes copies in the named files.


TIME ( I ) 8/16/73 TIME ( I )

time − time a command
time command
The given command is executed; after it is complete, time prints the elapsed time during the
command, the time spent in the system, and the time spent in execution of the command.
The execution time can depend on what kind of memory the program happens to land in; the
user time in MOS is often half what it is in core.
The times are printed on the diagnostic output stream.
Elapsed time is accurate to the second, while the CPU times are measured to the 60th second.
Thus the sum of the CPU times can be up to a second larger than the elapsed time.


TP ( I ) 10/15/73 TP ( I )

tp − manipulate DECtape and magtape
tp [ key ] [ name ... ]
Tp saves and restores selected portions of the file system hierarchy on DECtape or mag tape. Its
actions are controlled by the key argument. The key is a string of characters containing at most
one function letter and possibly one or more function modifiers. Other arguments to the com-
mand are file or directory names specifying which files are to be dumped, restored, or listed.
The function portion of the key is specified by one of the following letters:
r The indicated files and directories, together with all subdirectories, are dumped onto
the tape. If files with the same names already exist, they are replaced. ‘Same’ is deter-
mined by string comparison, so ‘./abc’ can never be the same as ‘/usr/dmr/abc’ even if
‘/usr/dmr’ is the current directory. If no file argument is given, ‘.’ is the default.
u updates the tape. u is the same as r, but a file is replaced only if its modification date
is later than the date stored on the tape; that is to say, if it has changed since it was
dumped. u is the default command if none is given.
d deletes the named files and directories from the tape. At least one file argument must
be given. This function is not permitted on magtapes.
x extracts the named files from the tape to the file system. The owner, mode, and date-
modified are restored to what they were when the file was dumped. If no file argu-
ment is given, the entire contents of the tape are extracted.
t lists the names of all files stored on the tape which are the same as or are hierarchically
below the file arguments. If no file argument is given, the entire contents of the tape is
The following characters may be used in addition to the letter which selects the function desired.
m Specifies magtape as opposed to DECtape.
0,...,7 This modifier selects the drive on which the tape is mounted. For DECtape, ‘x’ is
default; for magtape ‘0’ is the default.
v Normally tp does its work silently. The v (verbose) option causes it to type the
name of each file it treats preceded by the function letter. With the t function, v
gives more information about the tape entries than just the name.
c means a fresh dump is being created; the tape directory will be zeroed before begin-
ning. Usable only with r and u. This option is assumed with magtape since it is im-
possible to selectively overwrite magtape.
f causes new entries on tape to be ‘fake’ in that no data is present for these entries.
Such fake entries cannot be extracted. Usable only with r and u.
i Errors reading and writing the tape are noted, but no action is taken. Normally, er-
rors cause a return to the command level.
w causes tp to pause before treating each file, type the indicative letter and the file
name (as with v) and await the user’s response. Response y means ‘yes’, so the file
is treated. Null response means ‘no’, and the file does not take part in whatever is
being done. Response x means ‘exit’; the tp command terminates immediately. In
the x function, files previously asked about have been extracted already. With r, u,
and d no change has been made to the tape.



TP ( I ) 10/15/73 TP ( I )

Several; the non-obvious one is ‘Phase error’, which means the file changed after it was selected
for dumping but before it was dumped.


TR ( I ) 5/20/74 TR ( I )

tr − transliterate
tr [ −cds ] [ string1 [ string2 ] ]
Tr copies the standard input to the standard output with substitution or deletion of selected char-
acters. Input characters found in string1 are mapped into the corresponding characters of
string2. If string2 is short, it is padded with corresponding characters from string1. Any combi-
nation of the options −cds may be used. −c complements the set of characters in string1 with re-
spect to the universe of characters whose ascii codes are 001 through 377 octal. −d deletes all
input characters in string1. −s squeezes all strings of repeated output characters that are in
string2 to single characters.
The following abbreviation conventions may be used to introduce ranges of characters or re-
peated characters into the strings:
[a −b ] stands for the string of characters whose ascii codes run from character a to character b.
[a *n ], where n is an integer or empty, stands for n-fold repetition of character a. n is taken to be
octal or decimal according as its first digit is or is not zero. A zero or missing n is taken to be
huge; this facility is useful for padding string2.
The escape character ‘\’ may be used as in sh to remove special meaning from any character in a
string. In addition, ‘\’ followed by 1, 2 or 3 octal digits stands for the character whose ascii code
is given by those digits.
The following example creates a list of all the words in ‘file1’ one per line in ‘file2’, where a
word is taken to be a maximal string of alphabetics. The strings are quoted to protect the special
characters from interpretation by the Shell; 012 is the ascii code for newline.
tr −cs "[A−Z][a−z]" "[\012*]" <file1 >file2
sh (I), ed (I), ascii (VII)
Won’t handle ascii NUL in string1 or string2; always deletes NUL from input.


TROFF ( I ) 5/15/74 TROFF ( I )

troff − format text
troff [ +n ] [ −n ] [ nn ] [ mx ] [ −t ] [ −f ] [ −w ] [ −i ] [ −a ] [ pn ] files
Troff formats text for a Graphic Systems phototypesetter according to control lines embedded in
the text files. It reads the standard input if no file arguments are given. The non-file option ar-
guments are interpreted as follows:
+n Commence typesetting at the first page numbered n or larger.
−n Stop after page n.
nn First generated (not necessarily printed) page is given the number n; simulates ‘‘.pn n’’.
mx Prepends a standard macro file; simulates ‘‘.so /usr/lib/tmac.x’’.
−t Place output on standard output instead of the phototypesetter.
−f Refrain from feeding out paper and stopping the phototypesetter at the end.
−w Wait until phototypesetter is available, if currently busy.
−i Read from standard input after the files have been exhausted.
−a Send a printable approximation of the results to the standard output.
pn Print all characters with point-size n while retaining all prescribed spacings and mo-

/usr/lib/suftab suffix hyphenation tables
/tmp/rtm? temporary
/usr/lib/tmac.x standard macro files
TROFF User’s Manual (internal memorandum).
TROFF Made Trivial (internal memorandum).
nroff (I), eqn (I), catsim (VI)


TSS ( I ) 3/15/72 TSS ( I )

tss − interface to MH-TSS
Tss will call the Honeywell 6070 on the 201 data phone. It will then go into direct access with
MH-TSS. Output generated by MH-TSS is typed on the standard output and input requested by
MH-TSS is read from the standard input with UNIX typing conventions.
An interrupt signal is transmitted as a ‘break’ to MH-TSS.
Input lines beginning with ‘!’ are interpreted as UNIX commands. Input lines beginning with
‘˜’ are interpreted as commands to the interface routine.
˜<file insert input from named UNIX file
˜>file deliver tss output to named UNIX file
˜p pop the output file
˜q disconnect from tss (quit)
˜r file receive from HIS routine csr/daccopy
˜s file send file to HIS routine csr/daccopy
Ascii files may be most efficiently transmitted using the HIS routine csr/daccopy in this fashion.
Bold face text comes from MH-TSS. Aftname is the 6070 file to be dealt with; file is the UNIX
SYSTEM? csr/daccopy (s) aftname
Send Encoded File ˜s file
SYSTEM? csr/daccopy (r) aftname
Receive Encoded File ˜r file
/dev/dn0, /dev/dp0, /etc/msh
Most often, ‘Transmission error on last message.’
When problems occur, and they often do, tss exits rather abruptly.


TTY ( I ) 3/15/72 TTY ( I )

tty − get typewriter name
Tty gives the name of the user’s typewriter in the form ‘ttyn’ for n a digit or letter. The actual
path name is then ‘/dev/ttyn’.
‘not a tty’ if the standard input file is not a typewriter.


TYPO ( I ) 5/15/74 TYPO ( I )

typo − find possible typos
typo [ −1 ] [ −n ] file ...
Typo hunts through a document for unusual words, typographic errors, and hapax legomena and
prints them on the standard output.
The words used in the document are printed out in decreasing order of peculiarity along with an
index of peculiarity. An index of 10 or more is considered peculiar. Printing of certain very
common English words is suppressed.
The statistics for judging words are taken from the document itself, with some help from known
statistics of English. The −n option suppresses the help from English and should be used if the
document is written in, for example, Urdu.
The −1 option causes the final output to appear in a single column instead of three columns. The
normal header and pagination is also suppressed.
Roff (I) and nroff (I) control lines are ignored. Upper case is mapped into lower case. Quote
marks, vertical bars, hyphens, and ampersands are stripped from within words. Words hyphen-
ated across lines are put back together.
Because of the mapping into lower case and the stripping of special characters, words may be
hard to locate in the original text.
The escape sequences of troff (I) are not correctly recognized.


UNIQ ( I ) 12/1/72 UNIQ ( I )

uniq − report repeated lines in a file
uniq [ −udc [ +n ] [ −n ] ] [ input [ output ] ]
Uniq reads the input file comparing adjacent lines. In the normal case, the second and succeed-
ing copies of repeated lines are removed; the remainder is written on the output file. Note that
repeated lines must be adjacent in order to be found; see sort(I). If the −u flag is used, just the
lines that are not repeated in the original file are output. The −d option specifies that one copy of
just the repeated lines is to be written. The normal mode output is the union of the −u and −d
mode outputs.
The −c option supersedes −u and −d and generates an output report in default style but with each
line preceded by a count of the number of times it occurred.
The n arguments specify skipping an initial portion of each line in the comparison:
−n The first n fields together with any blanks before each are ignored. A field is defined
as a string of non-space, non-tab characters separated by tabs and spaces from its
+n The first n characters are ignored. Fields are skipped before characters.

sort (I), comm (I)


WAIT ( I ) 4/9/73 WAIT ( I )

wait − await completion of process
Wait until all processes started with & have completed, and report on abnormal terminations.
Because sys wait must be executed in the parent process, the Shell itself executes wait, without
creating a new process.
sh (I)
After executing wait you are committed to waiting until termination, because interrupts and quits
are ignored by all processes concerned. The only out, if the process does not terminate, is to kill
it from another terminal or to hang up.


WC ( I ) 3/10/74 WC ( I )

wc − word count
wc [ −rlwapc ] [ name ... ]
Wc counts lines and words in the named files, or in the standard input if no name appears. A
word is a maximal string of ascii graphics delimited by spaces, tabs or newlines. Other charac-
ters are always ignored.
Any of the following options may appear in any order. When any option other than −r appears,
only the specified information is reported in the order in which the options occur. Otherwise,
printing is as with option −lw.
−r Ignore all roff, nroff and troff control lines, i.e. lines beginngin with ‘.’ or ‘´’.
−l Print count of lines
−w Print count of words
−a Print count of alphanumeric strings, with underscore taken as alphanumeric.
−p Print count of punctuation strings, i.e. all strings of printing characters other than alphanu-
−c Print count of roff control lines, regardless of −r.
‘Cannot open’ for unopenable file.


WHO ( I ) 3/15/72 WHO ( I )

who − who is on the system
who [ who-file ]
Who, without an argument, lists the name, typewriter channel, and login time for each current
UNIX user.
Without an argument, who examines the /tmp/utmp file to obtain its information. If a file is
given, that file is examined. Typically the given file will be /tmp/wtmp, which contains a record
of all the logins since it was created. Then who will list logins, logouts, and crashes since the
creation of the wtmp file.
Each login is listed with user name, typewriter name (with ‘/dev/’ suppressed), and date and
time. When an argument is given, logouts produce a similar line without a user name. Reboots
produce a line with ‘x’ in the place of the device name, and a fossil time indicative of when the
system went down.
login (I), init (VII)


WRITE ( I ) 8/5/73 WRITE ( I )

write − write to another user
write user [ ttyno ]
Write copies lines from your typewriter to that of another user. When first called, it sends the
message from yourname...
The recipient of the message should write back at this point. Communication continues until an
end of file is read from the typewriter or an interrupt is sent. At that point write writes ‘EOT’ on
the other terminal and exits.
If you want to write to a user who is logged in more than once, the ttyno argument may be used
to indicate the last character of the appropriate typewriter name.
Permission to write may be denied or granted by use of the mesg command. At the outset writ-
ing is allowed. Certain commands, in particular roff and pr, disallow messages in order to pre-
vent messy output.
If the character ‘!’ is found at the beginning of a line, write calls the mini-shell msh to execute
the rest of the line as a command.
The following protocol is suggested for using write: when you first write to another user, wait
for him to write back before starting to send. Each party should end each message with a dis-
tinctive signal ( (o) for ‘over’ is conventional) that the other may reply. (oo) (for ‘over and out’)
is suggested when conversation is about to be terminated.
/tmp/utmp to find user
/etc/msh to execute ‘!’
mesg (I), who (I)


INTRO ( II ) 11/5/73 INTRO ( II )


Section II of this manual lists all the entries into the system. In most cases two calling sequences are
specified, one of which is usable from assembly language, and the other from C. Most of these calls have
an error return. From assembly language an erroneous call is always indicated by turning on the c-bit of
the condition codes. The presence of an error is most easily tested by the instructions bes and bec
(‘‘branch on error set (or clear)’’). These are synonyms for the bcs and bcc instructions.

From C, an error condition is indicated by an otherwise impossible returned value. Almost always this is
−1; the individual sections specify the details.

In both cases an error number is also available. In assembly language, this number is returned in r0 on er-
roneous calls. From C, the external variable errno is set to the error number. Errno is not cleared on suc-
cessful calls, so it should be tested only after an error has occurred. There is a table of messages associ-
ated with each error, and a routine for printing the message. See perror (III).

The possible error numbers are not recited with each writeup in section II, since many errors are possible
for most of the calls. Here is a list of the error numbers, their names inside the system (for the benefit of
system-readers), and the messages available using perror. A short explanation is also provided.

0 − (unused)

1 EPERM Not owner and not super-user

Typically this error indicates an attempt to modify a file in some way forbidden except to its own-
er. It is also returned for attempts by ordinary users to do things allowed only to the super-user.

2 ENOENT No such file or directory

This error occurs when a file name is specified and the file should exist but doesn’t, or when one
of the directories in a path name does not exist.

3 ESRCH No such process

The process whose number was given to signal does not exist, or is already dead.

4 − (unused)

5 EIO I/O error

Some physical I/O error occurred during a read or write. This error may in some cases occur on a
call following the one to which it actually applies.

6 ENXIO No such device or address

I/O on a special file refers to a subdevice which does not exist, or beyond the limits of the device.
It may also occur when, for example, a tape drive is not dialled in or no disk pack is loaded on a

7 E2BIG Arg list too long

An argument list longer than 512 bytes (counting the null at the end of each argument) is pre-
sented to exec.

8 ENOEXEC Exec format error

A request is made to execute a file which, although it has the appropriate permissions, does not
start with one of the magic numbers 407 or 410.

9 EBADF Bad file number

Either a file descriptor refers to no open file, or a read (resp. write) request is made to a file which
is open only for writing (resp. reading).


INTRO ( II ) 11/5/73 INTRO ( II )

10 ECHILD No children
Wait and the process has no living or unwaited-for children.

11 EAGAIN No more processes

In a fork, the system’s process table is full and no more processes can for the moment be created.

12 ENOMEM Not enough core

During an exec or break, a program asks for more core than the system is able to supply. This is
not a temporary condition; the maximum core size is a system parameter. The error may also oc-
cur if the arrangement of text, data, and stack segments is such as to require more than the existing
8 segmentation registers.

13 EACCES Permission denied

An attempt was made to access a file in a way forbidden by the protection system.

14 − (unused)

15 ENOTBLK Block device required

A plain file was mentioned where a block device was required, e.g. in mount.

16 EBUSY Mount device busy

An attempt was made to dismount a device on which there is an open file or some process’s cur-
rent directory.

17 EEXIST File exists

In existing file was mentioned in an a context in which it should not have, e.g. link.

18 EXDEV Cross-device link

A link to a file on another device was attempted.

19 ENODEV No such device

An attempt was made to apply an inappropriate system call to a device; e.g. read a write-only de-

20 ENOTDIR Not a directory

A non-directory was specified where a directory is required, for example in a path name or as an
argument to chdir.

21 EISDIR Is a directory
An attempt to write on a directory.

22 EINVAL Invalid argument

Some invalid argument: currently, dismounting a non-mounted device, mentioning an unknown
signal in signal, and giving an unknown request in stty to the TIU special file.

23 ENFILE File table overflow

The system’s table of open files is full, and temporarily no more opens can be accepted.

24 EMFILE Too many open files

Only 10 files can be open per process; this error occurs when the eleventh is opened.

25 ENOTTY Not a typewriter

The file mentioned in stty or gtty is not a typewriter or one of the other devices to which these
calls apply.

26 ETXTBSY Text file busy

An attempt to execute a pure-procedure program which is currently open for writing (or reading!).


INTRO ( II ) 11/5/73 INTRO ( II )

27 EFBIG File too large

An attempt to make a file larger than the maximum of 2048 blocks.

28 ENOSPC No space left on device

During a write to an ordinary file, there is no free space left on the device.

29 ESPIPE Seek on pipe

A seek was issued to a pipe. This error should also be issued for other non-seekable devices.

30 EROFS Read-only file system

An attempt to modify a file or directory was made on a device mounted read-only.


BREAK ( II ) 8/5/73 BREAK ( II )

break − set program break
(break = 17.)
sys break; addr
char *brk(addr)
char *sbrk(incr)
Break sets the system’s idea of the lowest location not used by the program (called the break) to
addr (rounded up to the next multiple of 64 bytes). Locations not less than addr and below the
stack pointer are not in the address space and will thus cause a memory violation if accessed.
From C, brk will set the break to addr. The old break is returned.
In the alternate entry sbrk, incr more bytes are added to the program’s data space and a pointer to
the start of the new area is returned.
When a program begins execution via exec the break is set at the highest location defined by the
program and data storage areas. Ordinarily, therefore, only programs with growing data areas
need to use break.
exec (II), alloc (III), end (III)
The c-bit is set if the program requests more memory than the system limit or if more than 8 seg-
mentation registers would be required to implement the break. From C, −1 is returned for these


CHDIR ( II ) 8/5/73 CHDIR ( II )

chdir − change working directory
(chdir = 12.)
sys chdir; dirname
char *dirname;
Dirname is the address of the pathname of a directory, terminated by a null byte. Chdir causes
this directory to become the current working directory.
The error bit (c-bit) is set if the given name is not that of a directory or is not readable. From C,
a −1 returned value indicates an error, 0 indicates success.


CHMOD ( II ) 8/5/73 CHMOD ( II )

chmod − change mode of file
(chmod = 15.)
sys chmod; name; mode
chmod(name, mode)
char *name;
The file whose name is given as the null-terminated string pointed to by name has its mode
changed to mode. Modes are constructed by ORing together some combination of the following:
4000 set user ID on execution
2000 set group ID on execution
0400 read by owner
0200 write by owner
0100 execute (search on directory) by owner
0070 read, write, execute (search) by group
0007 read, write, execute (search) by others
Only the owner of a file (or the super-user) may change the mode.
chmod (I)
Error bit (c-bit) set if name cannot be found or if current user is neither the owner of the file nor
the super-user. From C, a −1 returned value indicates an error, 0 indicates success.


CHOWN ( II ) 8/5/73 CHOWN ( II )

chown − change owner
(chmod = 16.)
sys chown; name; owner
chown(name, owner)
char *name;
The file whose name is given by the null-terminated string pointed to by name has its owner
changed to owner (a numerical user ID). Only the present owner of a file (or the super-user)
may donate the file to another user. Changing the owner of a file removes the set-user-ID pro-
tection bit unless it is done by the super user.
chown (I), passwd (V)
The error bit (c-bit) is set on illegal owner changes. From C a −1 returned value indicates error,
0 indicates success.


CLOSE ( II ) 8/5/73 CLOSE ( II )

close − close a file
(close = 6.)
(file descriptor in r0)
sys close

Given a file descriptor such as returned from an open, creat, or pipe call, close closes the associ-
ated file. A close of all files is automatic on exit, but since processes are limited to 15 simultane-
ously open files, close is necessary for programs which deal with many files.
creat (II), open (II), pipe (II)
The error bit (c-bit) is set for an unknown file descriptor. From C a −1 indicates an error, 0 indi-
cates success.


CREAT ( II ) 8/5/73 CREAT ( II )

creat − create a new file
(creat = 8.)
sys creat; name; mode
(file descriptor in r0)
creat(name, mode)
char *name;
Creat creates a new file or prepares to rewrite an existing file called name, given as the address
of a null-terminated string. If the file did not exist, it is given mode mode. See chmod(II) for the
construction of the mode argument.
If the file did exist, its mode and owner remain unchanged but it is truncated to 0 length.
The file is also opened for writing, and its file descriptor is returned (in r0).
The mode given is arbitrary; it need not allow writing. This feature is used by programs which
deal with temporary files of fixed names. The creation is done with a mode that forbids writing.
Then if a second instance of the program attempts a creat, an error is returned and the program
knows that the name is unusable for the moment.
write (II), close (II), stat (II)
The error bit (c-bit) may be set if: a needed directory is not searchable; the file does not exist and
the directory in which it is to be created is not writable; the file does exist and is unwritable; the
file is a directory; there are already too many files open.
From C, a −1 return indicates an error.


CSW ( II ) 7/29/72 CSW ( II )

csw − read console switches
(csw = 38.; not in assembler)
sys csw
getcsw( )
The setting of the console switches is returned (in r0).


DUP ( II ) 8/5/73 DUP ( II )

dup − duplicate an open file descriptor
(dup = 41.; not in assembler)
(file descriptor in r0)
sys dup
int fildes;
Given a file descriptor returned from an open, pipe, or creat call, dup will allocate another file
descriptor synonymous with the original. The new file descriptor is returned in r0.
Dup is used more to reassign the value of file descriptors than to genuinely duplicate a file de-
scriptor. Since the algorithm to allocate file descriptors returns the lowest available value, com-
binations of dup and close can be used to manipulate file descriptors in a general way. This is
handy for manipulating standard input and/or standard output.
creat (II), open (II), close (II), pipe (II)
The error bit (c-bit) is set if: the given file descriptor is invalid; there are already too many open
files. From C, a −1 returned value indicates an error.


EXEC ( II ) 8/5/73 EXEC ( II )

exec − execute a file
(exec = 11.
sys exec; name; args
name: <...\0>
args: arg1; arg2; ...; 0
arg1: <...\0>
arg2: <...\0>
execl(name, arg1, arg2, ..., argn, 0)
char *name, *arg1, *arg2, ..., *argn;
execv(name, argv)
char *name;
char *argv[ ];
Exec overlays the calling process with the named file, then transfers to the beginning of the core
image of the file. There can be no return from the file; the calling core image is lost.
Files remain open across exec calls. Ignored signals remain ignored across exec, but signals that
are caught are reset to their default values.
Each user has a real user ID and group ID and an effective user ID and group ID (The real ID
identifies the person using the system; the effective ID determines his access privileges.) Exec
changes the effective user and group ID to the owner of the executed file if the file has the ‘‘set-
user-ID’’ or ‘‘set-group-ID’’ modes. The real user ID is not affected.
The form of this call differs somewhat depending on whether it is called from assembly language
or C; see below for the C version.
The first argument to exec is a pointer to the name of the file to be executed. The second is the
address of a null-terminated list of pointers to arguments to be passed to the file. Convention-
ally, the first argument is the name of the file. Each pointer addresses a string terminated by a
null byte.
Once the called file starts execution, the arguments are available as follows. The stack pointer
points to a word containing the number of arguments. Just above this number is a list of pointers
to the argument strings. The arguments are placed as high as possible in core.
sp’ nargs
arg1: <arg1\0>
argn: <argn\0>
From C, two intefaces are available. execl is useful when a known file with known arguments is
being called; the arguments to execl are the character strings constituting the file and the argu-
ments; as in the basic call, the first argument is conventionally the same as the file name (or its
last component). A 0 argument must end the argument list.
The execv version is useful when the number of arguments is unknown in advance; the argu-
ments to execv are the name of the file to be executed and a vector of strings containing the argu-
ments. The last argument string must be followed by a 0 pointer.


EXEC ( II ) 8/5/73 EXEC ( II )

When a C program is executed, it is called as follows:

main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
where argc is the argument count and argv is an array of character pointers to the arguments
themselves. As indicated, argc is conventionally at least one and the first member of the array
points to a string containing the name of the file.
Argv is not directly usable in another execv, since argv[argc] is −1 and not 0.
If the file cannot be found, if it is not executable, if it does not have a valid header (407 or 410
octal as first word), if maximum memory is exceeded, or if the arguments require more than 512
bytes a return from exec constitutes the diagnostic; the error bit (c-bit) is set. From C the re-
turned value is −1.
Only 512 characters of arguments are allowed.


EXIT ( II ) 8/5/73 EXIT ( II )

exit − terminate process

(exit = 1.)
(status in r0)
sys exit
int status;
Exit is the normal means of terminating a process. Exit closes all the process’s files and notifies
the parent process if it is executing a wait. The low byte of r0 (resp. the argument to exit) is
available as status to the parent process.
This call can never return.
wait (II)


FORK ( II ) 8/5/73 FORK ( II )

fork − spawn new process
(fork = 2.)
sys fork
(new process return)
(old process return)
fork( )
Fork is the only way new processes are created. The new process’s core image is a copy of that
of the caller of fork. The only distinction is the return location and the fact that r0 in the old
(parent) process contains the process ID of the new (child) process. This process ID is used by
The two returning processes share all open files that existed before the call. In particular, this is
the way that standard input and output files are passed and also how pipes are set up.
From C, the returned value is 0 in the child process, non-zero in the parent process; however, a
return of −1 indicates inability to create a new process.
wait (II), exec (II)
The error bit (c-bit) is set in the old process if a new process could not be created because of lack
of process space. From C, a return of −1 (not just negative) indicates an error.


FSTAT ( II ) 3/15/72 FSTAT ( II )

fstat − get status of open file

(fstat = 28.)
(file descriptor in r0)
sys fstat; buf
fstat(fildes, buf)
struct inode buf;
This call is identical to stat, except that it operates on open files instead of files given by name.
It is most often used to get the status of the standard input and output files, whose names are un-
The error bit (c-bit) is set if the file descriptor is unknown; from C, a −1 return indicates an error,
0 indicates success.


GETGID ( II ) 5/15/74 GETGID ( II )

getgid − get group identifications
(getgid = 47.; not in assembler)
sys getgid
getgid( )
Getgid returns a word, the low byte of which contains the real group ID of the current process.
The high byte contains the effective group ID of the current process. The real group ID identi-
fies the group of the person who is logged in, in contradistinction to the effective group ID,
which determines his access permission at the moment. It is thus useful to programs which oper-
ate using the ‘‘set group ID’’ mode, to find out who invoked them.
setgid (II)


GETUID ( II ) 5/15/74 GETUID ( II )

getuid − get user identifications
(getuid = 24.)
sys getuid
getuid( )
Getuid returns a word, the low byte of which contains the real user ID of the current process.
The high byte contains the effective user ID of the current process. The real user ID identifies
the person who is logged in, in contradistinction to the effective user ID, which determines his
access permission at the moment. It is thus useful to programs which operate using the ‘‘set user
ID’’ mode, to find out who invoked them.
setuid (II)


GTTY ( II ) 8/5/73 GTTY ( II )

gtty − get typewriter status
(gtty = 32.)
(file descriptor in r0)
sys gtty; arg
arg: .=.+6
gtty(fildes, arg)
int arg[3];
Gtty stores in the three words addressed by arg the status of the typewriter whose file descriptor
is given in r0 (resp. given as the first argument). The format is the same as that passed by stty.
stty (II)
Error bit (c-bit) is set if the file descriptor does not refer to a typewriter. From C, a −1 value is
returned for an error, 0, for a successful call.


INDIR ( II ) 9/15/73 INDIR ( II )

indir − indirect system call
(indir = 0.; not in assembler)
sys indir; syscall
The system call at the location syscall is executed. Execution resumes after the indir call.
The main purpose of indir is to allow a program to store arguments in system calls and execute
them out of line in the data segment. This preserves the purity of the text segment.
If indir is executed indirectly, it is a no-op.



KILL ( II ) 8/5/73 KILL ( II )

kill − send signal to a process
(kill = 37.; not in assembler)
(process number in r0)
sys kill; sig
kill(pid, sig);
Kill sends the signal sig to the process specified by the process number in r0. See signal (II) for
a list of signals.
The sending and receiving processes must have the same controlling typewriter, otherwise this
call is restricted to the super-user.
signal (II), kill (I)
The error bit (c-bit) is set if the process does not have the same controlling typewriter and the
user is not super-user, or if the process does not exist.
Equality between the controlling typewriters of the sending and receiving process is neither a
necessary nor sufficient condition for allowing the sending of a signal. The correct condition is
equality of user IDs.


LINK ( II ) 3/15/72 LINK ( II )

link − link to a file
(link = 9.)
sys link; name1; name2
link(name1, name2)
char *name1, *name2;
A link to name1 is created; the link has the name name2. Either name may be an arbitrary path
link(I), unlink(II)
The error bit (c-bit) is set when name1 cannot be found; when name2 already exists; when the
directory of name2 cannot be written; when an attempt is made to link to a directory by a user
other than the super-user; when an attempt is made to link to a file on another file system. From
C, a −1 return indicates an error, a 0 return indicates success.


MKNOD ( II ) 8/5/73 MKNOD ( II )

mknod − make a directory or a special file
(mknod = 14.; not in assembler)
sys mknod; name; mode; addr
mknod(name, mode, addr)
char *name;
Mknod creates a new file whose name is the null-terminated string pointed to by name. The
mode of the new file (including directory and special file bits) is initialized from mode. The first
physical address of the file is initialized from addr. Note that in the case of a directory, addr
should be zero. In the case of a special file, addr specifies which special file.
Mknod may be invoked only by the super-user.
mkdir (I), mknod (VIII), fs (V)
Error bit (c-bit) is set if the file already exists or if the user is not the super-user. From C, a −1
value indicates an error.


MOUNT ( II ) 5/15/74 MOUNT ( II )

mount − mount file system
(mount = 21.)
sys mount; special; name; rwflag
mount(special, name, rwflag)
char *special, *name;
Mount announces to the system that a removable file system has been mounted on the block-
structured special file special; from now on, references to file name will refer to the root file on
the newly mounted file system. Special and name are pointers to null-terminated strings contain-
ing the appropriate path names.
Name must exist already. Its old contents are inaccessible while the file system is mounted.
The rwflag argument determines whether the file system can be written on; if it is 0 writing is al-
lowed, if non-zero no writing is done. Physically write-protected and magnetic tape file systems
must be mounted read-only or errors will occur when access times are updated, whether or not
any explicit write is attempted.
mount (VIII), umount (II)
Error bit (c-bit) set if: special is inaccessible or not an appropriate file; name does not exist; spe-
cial is already mounted; there are already too many file systems mounted.


NICE ( II ) 3/15/72 NICE ( II )

nice − set program priority
(nice = 34.)
(priority in r0)
sys nice
The currently executing process is set into the priority specified by priority. If priority is posi-
tive, the priority of the process is below default; if negative the process must be the super-user
and its priority is raised. The valid range of priority is 20 and −220. The value of 16 is recom-
mended to users who wish to execute long-running programs without flak from the administra-
The effect of this call is passed to a child process by the fork system call. The effect can be can-
celled by another call to nice with a priority of 0.
The error bit (c-bit) is set if the user requests a priority outside the range of 0 to 20 and is not the


OPEN ( II ) 8/5/73 OPEN ( II )

open − open for reading or writing
(open = 5.)
sys open; name; mode
open(name, mode)
char *name;
Open opens the file name for reading (if mode is 0), writing (if mode is 1) or for both reading
and writing (if mode is 2). Name is the address of a string of ASCII characters representing a
path name, terminated by a null character.
The returned file descriptor should be saved for subsequent calls to read, write, and close.
creat (II), read (II), write (II), close (II)
The error bit (c-bit) is set if the file does not exist, if one of the necessary directories does not ex-
ist or is unreadable, if the file is not readable (resp. writable), or if too many files are open. From
C, a −1 value is returned on an error.


PIPE ( II ) 8/5/73 PIPE ( II )

pipe − create a pipe
(pipe = 42.)
sys pipe
(read file descriptor in r0)
(write file descriptor in r1)
int fildes[2];
The pipe system call creates an I/O mechanism called a pipe. The file descriptors returned can
be used in read and write operations. When the pipe is written using the descriptor returned in r1
(resp. fildes[1]), up to 4096 bytes of data are buffered before the writing process is suspended. A
read using the descriptor returned in r0 (resp. fildes[0]) will pick up the data.
It is assumed that after the pipe has been set up, two (or more) cooperating processes (created by
subsequent fork calls) will pass data through the pipe with read and write calls.
The Shell has a syntax to set up a linear array of processes connected by pipes.
Read calls on an empty pipe (no buffered data) with only one end (all write file descriptors
closed) return an end-of-file. Write calls under similar conditions are ignored.
sh (I), read (II), write (II), fork (II)
The error bit (c-bit) is set if more than 8 files are already open. From C, a −1 returned value in-
dicates an error.


PROFIL ( II ) 5/15/74 PROFIL ( II )

profil − execution time profile
(profil = 44.; not in assembler)
sys profil; buff; bufsiz; offset; scale
profil(buff, bufsiz, offset, scale)
char buff[ ];
int bufsiz, offset, scale;
Buff points to an area of core whose length (in bytes) is given by bufsiz. After this call, the
user’s program counter (pc) is examined each clock tick (60th second); offset is subtracted from
it, and the result multiplied by scale. If the resulting number corresponds to a word inside buff,
that word is incremented.
The scale is interpreted as an unsigned, fixed-point fraction with binary point at the left:
177777(8) gives a 1-1 mapping of pc’s to words in buff; 77777(8) maps each pair of instruction
words together. 2(8) maps all instructions onto the beginning of buff (producing a non-
interrupting core clock).
Profiling is turned off by giving a scale of 0 or 1. It is rendered ineffective by giving a bufsiz of
0. Profiling is also turned off when an exec is executed but remains on in child and parent both
after a fork.
monitor (III), prof (I)


READ ( II ) 8/5/73 READ ( II )

read − read from file
(read = 3.)
(file descriptor in r0)
sys read; buffer; nbytes
read(fildes, buffer, nbytes)
char *buffer;
A file descriptor is a word returned from a successful open, or pipe call. Buffer is the location of
nbytes contiguous bytes into which the input will be placed. It is not guaranteed that all nbytes
bytes will be read; for example if the file refers to a typewriter at most one line will be returned.
In any event the number of characters read is returned (in r0).
If the returned value is 0, then end-of-file has been reached.
open (II), pipe (II)
As mentioned, 0 is returned when the end of the file has been reached. If the read was otherwise
unsuccessful the error bit (c-bit) is set. Many conditions can generate an error: physical I/O er-
rors, bad buffer address, preposterous nbytes, file descriptor not that of an input file. From C, a
−1 return indicates the error.


SEEK ( II ) 3/15/72 SEEK ( II )

seek − move read/write pointer
(seek = 19.)
(file descriptor in r0)
sys seek; offset; ptrname
seek(fildes, offset, ptrname)
The file descriptor refers to a file open for reading or writing. The read (resp. write) pointer for
the file is set as follows:
if ptrname is 0, the pointer is set to offset.
if ptrname is 1, the pointer is set to its current location plus offset.
if ptrname is 2, the pointer is set to the size of the file plus offset.
if ptrname is 3, 4 or 5, the meaning is as above for 0, 1 and 2 except that the offset is multi-
plied by 512.
If ptrname is 0 or 3, offset is unsigned, otherwise it is signed.
open(II), creat(II)
The error bit (c-bit) is set for an undefined file descriptor. From C, a −1 return indicates an error.


SETGID ( II ) 3/15/72 SETGID ( II )

setgid − set process group ID
(setgid = 46.)
(group ID in r0)
sys setgid
The group ID of the current process is set to the argument. Both the effective and the real group
ID are set. This call is only permitted to the super-user or if the argument is the real group ID.
Error bit (c-bit) is set as indicated; from C, a −1 value is returned.


SETUID ( II ) 3/15/72 SETUID ( II )

setuid − set process user ID
(setuid = 23.)
(user ID in r0)
sys setuid
The user ID of the current process is set to the argument. Both the effective and the real user ID
are set. This call is only permitted to the super-user or if the argument is the real user ID.
Error bit (c-bit) is set as indicated; from C, a −1 value is returned.


SIGNAL ( II ) 8/5/73 SIGNAL ( II )

signal − catch or ignore signals
(signal = 48.)
sys signal; sig; label
(old value in r0)
signal(sig, func)
int (*func)();
When the signal defined by sig is sent to the current process, it is to be treated according to label
(resp. func.) The following is the list of signals:
1 hangup
2 interrupt
3* quit
4* illegal instruction
5* trace trap
6* IOT instruction
7* EMT instruction
8* floating point exception
9 kill (cannot be caught or ignored)
10* bus error
11* segmentation violation
12* bad argument to sys call
If label is 0, the default system action applies to the signal. This is processes termination with or
without a core dump. If label is odd, the signal is ignored. Any other even label specifies an ad-
dress in the process where an interrupt is simulated. An RTI instruction will return from the in-
terrupt. As a signal is caught, it is reset to 0. Thus if it is desired to catch every such signal, the
catching routine must issue another signal call.
In C, if func is 0 or 1, the action is as described above. If func is even, it is assumed to be the ad-
dress of a function entry point. When the signal occurs, the function will be called. A return
from the function will simulate the RTI.
The starred signals in the list above cause core images if not caught and not ignored.
In assembly language, the old value of the signal is returned in r0. In C, that value is retruned.
After a fork, the child inherits all signals. The exec call resets all caught signals to default action.
kill (I), kill (II)
The error bit (c-bit) is set if the given signal is out of range. In C, a −1 indicates an error; 0 indi-
cates success.


SLEEP ( II ) 9/4/72 SLEEP ( II )

sleep − stop execution for interval
(sleep = 35.; not in assembler)
(seconds in r0)
sys sleep
The current process is suspended from execution for the number of seconds specified by the ar-
sleep (I)


STAT ( II ) 8/5/73 STAT ( II )

stat − get file status
(stat = 18.)
sys stat; name; buf
stat(name, buf)
char *name;
struct inode *buf;
Name points to a null-terminated string naming a file; buf is the address of a 36(10) byte buffer
into which information is placed concerning the file. It is unnecessary to have any permissions
at all with respect to the file, but all directories leading to the file must be readable. After stat,
buf has the following structure (starting offset given in bytes):
struct {
char minor; /* +0: minor device of i-node */
char major; /* +1: major device */
int inumber /* +2 */
int flags; /* +4: see below */
char nlinks; /* +6: number of links to file */
char uid; /* +7: user ID of owner */
char gid; /* +8: group ID of owner */
char size0; /* +9: high byte of 24-bit size */
int size1; /* +10: low word of 24-bit size */
int addr[8]; /* +12: block numbers or device number */
int actime[2]; /* +28: time of last access */
int modtime[2]; /* +32: time of last modification */
The flags are as follows:
100000 i-node is allocated
060000 2-bit file type:
000000 plain file
040000 directory
020000 character-type special file
060000 block-type special file.
010000 large file
004000 set user-ID on execution
002000 set group-ID on execution
000400 read (owner)
000200 write (owner)
000100 execute (owner)
000070 read, write, execute (group)
000007 read, write, execute (others)
ls (I), fstat (II), fs (V)
Error bit (c-bit) is set if the file cannot be found. From C, a −1 return indicates an error.


STIME ( II ) 8/5/73 STIME ( II )

stime − set time
(stime = 25.)
(time in r0-r1)
sys stime
int tbuf[2];
Stime sets the system’s idea of the time and date. Time is measured in seconds from 0000 GMT
Jan 1 1970. Only the super-user may use this call.
date (I), time (II), ctime (III)
Error bit (c-bit) set if user is not the super-user.


STTY ( II ) 8/5/73 STTY ( II )

stty − set mode of typewriter
(stty = 31.)
(file descriptor in r0)
sys stty; arg
arg: speed; 0; mode
stty(fildes, arg)
int arg[3];

Stty sets mode bits and character speeds for the typewriter whose file descriptor is passed in r0
(resp. is the first argument to the call). First, the system delays until the typewriter is quiescent.
Then the speed and general handling of the input side of the typewriter is set from the low byte
of the first word of the arg, and the speed of the output side is set from the high byte of the first
word of the arg. The speeds are selected from the following table. This table corresponds to the
speeds supported by the DH-11 interface. If DC-11, DL-11 or KL-11 interfaces are used, impos-
sible speed changes are ignored.
0 (turn off device)
1 50 baud
2 75 baud
3 110 baud
4 134.5 baud
5 150 baud
6 200 baud
7 300 baud
8 600 baud
9 1200 baud
10 1800 baud
11 2400 baud
12 4800 baud
13 9600 baud
14 External A
15 External B
In the current configuration, only 150 and 300 baud are really supported, in that the code conver-
sion and line control required for 2741’s (134.5 baud) must be implemented by the user’s pro-
gram, and the half-duplex line discipline required for the 202 dataset (1200 baud) is not supplied.
The second word of the arg is currently unused and is available for expansion.
The third word of the arg sets the mode. It contains several bits which determine the system’s
treatment of the typewriter:
10000 no delays after tabs (e.g. TN 300)
200 even parity allowed on input (e. g. for M37s)
100 odd parity allowed on input
040 raw mode: wake up on all characters
020 map CR into LF; echo LF or CR as CR-LF
010 echo (full duplex)
004 map upper case to lower on input (e. g. M33)
002 echo and print tabs as spaces
001 inhibit all function delays (e. g. CRTs)
Characters with the wrong parity, as determined by bits 200 and 100, are ignored.


STTY ( II ) 8/5/73 STTY ( II )

In raw mode, every character is passed back immediately to the program. No erase or kill pro-
cessing is done; the end-of-file character (EOT), the interrupt character (DELETE) and the quit
character (FS) are not treated specially.
Mode 020 causes input carriage returns to be turned into new-lines; input of either CR or LF
causes LF-CR both to be echoed (used for GE TermiNet 300’s and other terminals without the
newline function).
stty (I), gtty (II)
The error bit (c-bit) is set if the file descriptor does not refer to a typewriter. From C, a negative
value indicates an error.


SYNC ( II ) 6/12/72 SYNC ( II )

sync − update super-block
(sync = 36.; not in assembler)
sys sync
Sync causes all information in core memory that should be on disk to be written out. This in-
cludes modified super blocks, modified i-nodes, and delayed block I/O.
It should be used by programs which examine a file system, for example check, df, etc. It is
mandatory before a boot.
sync (VIII), update (VIII)


TIME ( II ) 3/15/72 TIME ( II )

time − get date and time
(time = 13.)
sys time
int tvec[2];
Time returns the time since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan. 1, 1970, measured in seconds. From as, the
high order word is in the r0 register and the low order is in r1. From C, the user-supplied vector
is filled in.
date(I), stime(II), ctime(III)


TIMES ( II ) 8/5/73 TIMES ( II )

times − get process times
(times = 43.; not in assembler)
sys times; buffer
struct tbuffer *buffer;
Times returns time-accounting information for the current process and for the terminated child
processes of the current process. All times are in 1/60 seconds.
After the call, the buffer will appear as follows:
struct tbuffer {
int proc_user_time;
int proc_system_time;
int child_user_time[2];
int child_system_time[2];
The children times are the sum of the children’s process times and their children’s times.

The process times should be 32 bits as well.


UMOUNT ( II ) 8/5/73 UMOUNT ( II )

umount − dismount file system
(umount = 22.)
sys umount; special
Umount announces to the system that special file special is no longer to contain a removable file
system. The file associated with the special file reverts to its ordinary interpretation (see mount

umount (VIII), mount (II)
Error bit (c-bit) set if no file system was mounted on the special file or if there are still active
files on the mounted file system.


UNLINK ( II ) 8/5/73 UNLINK ( II )

unlink − remove directory entry
(unlink = 10.)
sys unlink; name
char *name;
Name points to a null-terminated string. Unlink removes the entry for the file pointed to by
name from its directory. If this entry was the last link to the file, the contents of the file are freed
and the file is destroyed. If, however, the file was open in any process, the actual destruction is
delayed until it is closed, even though the directory entry has disappeared.
rm (I), rmdir (I), link (II)
The error bit (c-bit) is set to indicate that the file does not exist or that its directory cannot be
written. Write permission is not required on the file itself. It is also illegal to unlink a directory
(except for the super-user). From C, a −1 return indicates an error.


WAIT ( II ) 8/5/73 WAIT ( II )

wait − wait for process to die
(wait = 7.)
sys wait
int *status;
Wait causes its caller to delay until one of its child processes terminates. If any child has died
since the last wait, return is immediate; if there are no children, return is immediate with the er-
ror bit set (resp. with a value of −1 returned). In the case of several children several wait calls
are needed to learn of all the deaths.
If no error is indicated on return, the r1 high byte (resp. the high byte stored into status ) contains
the low byte of the child process r0 (resp. the argument of exit ) when it terminated. The r1
(resp. status ) low byte contains the termination status of the process. See signal (II) for a list of
termination statuses (signals); 0 status indicates normal termination. If the 0200 bit of the termi-
nation status is set, a core image of the process was produced by the system.
If the parent process terminates without waiting on its children, the initialization process (pro-
cess ID = 1) inherits the children.
exit (II), fork (II), signal (II)
The error bit (c-bit) is set if there are no children not previously waited for. From C, a returned
value of −1 indicates an error.


WRITE ( II ) 3/15/72 WRITE ( II )

write − write on a file
(write = 4.)
(file descriptor in r0)
sys write; buffer; nbytes
write(fildes, buffer, nbytes)
char *buffer;
A file descriptor is a word returned from a successful open, creat or pipe call.
Buffer is the address of nbytes contiguous bytes which are written on the output file. The num-
ber of characters actually written is returned (in r0). It should be regarded as an error if this is
not the same as requested.
Writes which are multiples of 512 characters long and begin on a 512-byte boundary are more
efficient than any others.
creat(II), open(II), pipe(II)
The error bit (c-bit) is set on an error: bad descriptor, buffer address, or count; physical I/O er-
rors. From C, a returned value of −1 indicates an error.


ALLOC ( III ) 3/1/74 ALLOC ( III )

alloc − core allocator
char *alloc(size)
char *ptr;
Alloc and free provide a simple general-purpose core management package. Alloc is given a size
in bytes; it returns a pointer to an area at least that size which is even and hence can hold an ob-
ject of any type. The argument to free is a pointer to an area previously allocated by alloc; this
space is made available for further allocation.
Needless to say, grave disorder will result if the space assigned by alloc is overrun or if some
random number is handed to free.
The routine uses a first-fit algorithm which coalesces blocks being freed with other blocks al-
ready free. It calls sbrk (see break (II)) to get more core from the system when there is no suit-
able space already free, and writes ‘‘Out of space’’ on the standard output, then exists, if that
The external variable slop (which is 2 if not set) is a number such that if n bytes are requested,
and if the first free block of size at least n is no larger than n+slop, then the whole block will be
allocated instead of being split up. Larger values of slop tend to reduce fragmentation at the ex-
pense of unused space in the allocated blocks.
‘‘Out of space’’ if it needs core and can’t get it.


ATAN ( III ) 4/30/73 ATAN ( III )

atan − arc tangent function
jsr r5,atan[2]
double atan(x)
double x;
double atan2(x, y)
double x, y;
The atan entry returns the arc tangent of fr0 in fr0; from C, the arc tangent of x is returned. The
range is −π/2 to π/2. The atan2 entry returns the arc tangent of fr0/fr1 in fr0; from C, the arc tan-
gent of x/y is returned. The range is −π to π.
There is no error return.


ATOF ( III ) 4/30/73 ATOF ( III )

atof − ascii to floating
double atof(nptr)
char *nptr;
Atof converts a string to a floating number. Nptr should point to a string containing the number;
the first unrecognized character ends the number.
The only numbers recognized are: an optional minus sign followed by a string of digits option-
ally containing one decimal point, then followed optionally by the letter e followed by a signed
There are none; overflow results in a very large number and garbage characters terminate the
The routine should accept initial +, initial blanks, and E for e. Overflow should be signalled.


CRYPT ( III ) 4/30/73 CRYPT ( III )

crypt − password encoding
mov $key,r0
jsr pc,crypt
char *crypt(key)
char *key;
On entry, r0 should point to a string of characters terminated by an ASCII NULL. The routine
performs an operation on the key which is difficult to invert (i.e. encrypts it) and leaves the re-
sulting eight bytes of ASCII alphanumerics in a global cell called ‘‘word’’.
From C, the key argument is a string and the value returned is a pointer to the eight-character en-
crypted password.
Login uses this result as a password.
passwd(I), passwd(V), login(I)


CTIME ( III ) 10/15/73 CTIME ( III )

ctime − convert date and time to ASCII
char *ctime(tvec)
int tvec[2];
[from Fortran]
double precision ctime
... = ctime(dummy)
int *localtime(tvec)
int tvec[2];
int *gmtime(tvec)
int tvec[2];
Ctime converts a time in the vector tvec such as returned by time (II) into ASCII and returns a
pointer to a character string in the form
Sun Sep 16 01:03:52 1973\n\0
All the fields have constant width.
Once the time has been placed into t and t+2, this routine is callable from assembly language as
mov $t,−(sp)
jsr pc,_ctime
tst (sp)+
and a pointer to the string is available in r0.
The localtime and gmtime entries return pointers to integer vectors containing the broken-down
time. Localtime corrects for the time zone and possible daylight savings time; gmtime converts
directly to GMT, which is the time UNIX uses. The value is a pointer to an array whose compo-
nents are
0 seconds
1 minutes
2 hours
3 day of the month (1-31)
4 month (0-11)
5 year − 1900
6 day of the week (Sunday = 0)
7 day of the year (0-365)
8 Daylight Saving Time flag if non-zero
The external variable timezone contains the difference, in seconds, between GMT and local stan-
dard time (in EST, is 5*60*60); the external variable daylight is non-zero iff the standard U.S.A.
Daylight Saving Time conversion should be applied between the last Sundays in April and Octo-
ber. The external variable nixonflg if non-zero supersedes daylight and causes daylight time all
year round.
A routine named ctime is also available from Fortran. Actually it more resembles the time (II)
system entry in that it returns the number of seconds since the epoch 0000 GMT Jan. 1, 1970 (as
a floating-point number).


ECVT ( III ) 4/30/73 ECVT ( III )

ecvt − output conversion
jsr pc,ecvt
jsr pc,fcvt
char *ecvt(value, ndigit, decpt, sign)
double value;
int ndigit, *decpt, *sign;
char *fcvt(value, ndigit, decpt, sign)
Ecvt is called with a floating point number in fr0.
On exit, the number has been converted into a string of ascii digits in a buffer pointed to by r0.
The number of digits produced is controlled by a global variable _ndigits.
Moreover, the position of the decimal point is contained in r2: r2=0 means the d.p. is at the left
hand end of the string of digits; r2>0 means the d.p. is within or to the right of the string.
The sign of the number is indicated by r1 (0 for +; 1 for −).
The low order digit has suffered decimal rounding (i. e. may have been carried into).
From C, the value is converted and a pointer to a null-terminated string of ndigit digits is re-
turned. The position of the decimal point is stored indirectly through decpt (negative means to
the left of the returned digits). If the sign of the result is negative, the word pointed to by sign is
non-zero, otherwise it is zero.
Fcvt is identical to ecvt, except that the correct digit has had decimal rounding for F-style output
of the number of digits specified by _ndigits.


EXP ( III ) 4/30/73 EXP ( III )

exp − exponential function
jsr r5,exp
double exp(x)
double x;
The exponential of fr0 is returned in fr0. From C, the exponential of x is returned.
If the result is not representable, the c-bit is set and the largest positive number is returned.
From C, no diagnostic is available.
Zero is returned if the result would underflow.


FLOOR ( III ) 5/15/74 FLOOR ( III )

floor − floor and ceiling functions
double floor(x)
double x;
double ceil(x)
double x;
The floor function returns the largest integer (as a double precision number) not greater than x.
The ceil function returns the smallest integer not less than x.


FPTRAP ( III ) 11/18/73 FPTRAP ( III )

fptrap − floating point interpreter
sys signal; 4; fptrap
Fptrap is a simulator of the 11/45 FP11-B floating point unit. It works by intercepting illegal in-
struction faults and examining the offending operation codes for possible floating point.
found in /lib/libu.a; a fake version is in /lib/liba.a
A break point trap is given when a real illegal instruction trap occurs.
Rounding mode is not interpreted. Its slow.


GAMMA ( III ) 5/15/74 GAMMA ( III )

gamma − log gamma function
jsr r5,gamma
double gamma(x)
double x;
If x is passed (in fr0) gamma returns ln  Γ( x )  (in fr0). The sign of Γ( x ) is returned in the ex-
ternal integer signgam. The following C program might be used to calculate Γ:
y = gamma(x);
if (y > 88.)
error( );
y = exp(y);
y = −y;
The c-bit is set on negative integral arguments and the maximum value is returned. There is no
error return for C programs.
No error return from C.


GETARG ( III ) 11/24/73 GETARG ( III )

getarg − get command arguments from Fortran
call getarg ( i, iarray, [ , isize ] )
... = iargc(dummy)
The getarg entry fills in iarray (which is considered to be integer) with the Hollerith string rep-
resenting the i th argument to the command in which it it is called. If no isize argument is speci-
fied, at least one blank is placed after the argument, and the last word affected is blank padded.
The user should make sure that the array is big enough.
If the isize argument is given, the argument will be followed by blanks to fill up isize words, but
even if the argument is long no more than that many words will be filled in.
The blank-padded array is suitable for use as an argument to setfil (III).
The iargc entry returns the number of arguments to the command, counting the first (file-name)
exec (II), setfil (III)


GETC ( III ) 4/30/72 GETC ( III )

getc − buffered input
mov $filename,r0
jsr r5,fopen; iobuf
fopen(filename, iobuf)
char *filename;
struct buf *iobuf;
jsr r5,getc; iobuf
(character in r0)
struct buf *iobuf;
jsr r5,getw; iobuf
(word in r0)
struct buf *iobuf;
These routines provide a buffered input facility. Iobuf is the address of a 518(10) byte buffer
area whose contents are maintained by these routines. Its format is:
ioptr: .=.+2 / file descriptor
.=.+2 / characters left in buffer
.=.+2 / ptr to next character
.=.+512. / the buffer
Or in C,
struct buf {
int fildes;
int nleft;
char *nextp;
char buffer[512];
Fopen may be called initially to open the file. On return, the error bit (c-bit) is set if the open
failed. If fopen is never called, get will read from the standard input file. From C, the value is
negative if the open failed.
Getc returns the next byte from the file in r0. The error bit is set on end of file or a read error.
From C, the character is returned; it is −1 on end-of-file or error.
Getw returns the next word in r0. Getc and getw may be used alternately; there are no odd/even
problems. Getw is may be called from C; −1 is returned on end-of-file or error, but of course is
also a legitimate value.
Iobuf must be provided by the user; it must be on a word boundary.
To reuse the same buffer for another file, it is sufficient to close the original file and call fopen
open(II), read(II), putc(III)
c-bit set on EOF or error;
from C, negative return indicates error or EOF.


GETC ( III ) 4/30/72 GETC ( III )




getchar − read character
getchar( )
Getchar provides the simplest means of reading characters from the standard input for C pro-
grams. It returns successive characters until end-of-file, when it returns ‘‘\0’’.
Associated with this routine is an external variable called fin, which is a structure containing a
buffer such as described under getc (III).
Generally speaking, getchar should be used only for the simplest applications; getc is better
when there are multiple input files.
getc (III)
Null character returned on EOF or error.
−1 should be returned on EOF; null is a legitimate character.


GETPW ( III ) 4/7/73 GETPW ( III )

getpw − get name from UID
getpw(uid, buf)
char *buf;
Getpw searches the password file for the (numerical) uid, and fills in buf with the corresponding
line; it returns non-zero if uid could not be found. The line is null-terminated.
non-zero return on error.


HMUL ( III ) 4/7/73 HMUL ( III )

hmul − high-order product
hmul(x, y)
Hmul returns the high-order 16 bits of the product of x and y. (The binary multiplication opera-
tor generates the low-order 16 bits of a product.)


HYPOT ( III ) 6/12/72 HYPOT ( III )

hypot − calculate hypotenuse
jsr r5,hypot
The square root of fr0 × fr0 + fr1 × fr1 is returned in fr0. The calculation is done in such a way
that overflow will not occur unless the answer is not representable in floating point.
The c-bit is set if the result cannot be represented.


IERROR ( III ) 10/29/73 IERROR ( III )

ierror − catch Fortran errors
if ( ierror ( errno ) .ne. 0 ) goto label
Ierror provides a way of detecting errors during the running of a Fortran program. Its argument
is a run-time error number such as enumerated in fc (I).
When ierror is called, it returns a 0 value; thus the goto statement in the synopsis is not exe-
cuted. However, the routine stores inside itself the call point and invocation level. If and when
the indicated error occurs, a return is simulated from ierror with a non-zero value; thus the goto
(or other statement) is executed. It is a ghastly error to call ierror from a subroutine which has
already returned when the error occurs.
This routine is essentially tailored to catching end-of-file situations. Typically it is called just
before the start of the loop which reads the input file, and the goto jumps to a graceful termina-
tion of the program.
There is a limit of 5 on the number of different error numbers which can be caught.
fc (I)
There is no way to ignore errors.


LDIV ( III ) 5/7/73 LDIV ( III )

ldiv − long division
ldiv(hidividend, lodividend, divisor)
lrem(hidividend, lodividend, divisor)
The concatenation of the signed 16-bit hidividend and the unsigned 16-bit lodividend is divided
by divisor. The 16-bit signed quotient is returned by ldiv and the 16-bit signed remainder is re-
turned by lrem. Divide check and erroneous results will occur unless the magnitude of the divi-
sor is greater than that of the high-order dividend.
An integer division of an unsigned dividend by a signed divisor may be accomplished by
quo = ldiv(0, dividend, divisor);
and similarly for the remainder operation.
Often both the quotient and the remainder are wanted. Therefore ldiv leaves a remainder in the
external cell ldivr.
No divide check check.


LOCV ( III ) 3/9/74 LOCV ( III )

locv − long output conversion
char *locv(hi, lo)
int hi, lo;
Locv converts a signed double-precision integer, whose parts are passed as arguments, to the
equivalent ASCII character string and returns a pointer to that string.


LOG ( III ) 4/30/72 LOG ( III )

log − natural logarithm
jsr r5,log
double log(x)
double x;
The natural logarithm of fr0 is returned in fr0. From C, the natural logarithm of x is returned.
The error bit (c-bit) is set if the input argument is less than or equal to zero and the result is a
negative number very large in magnitude. From C, there is no error indication.



monitor − prepare execution profile
monitor(lowpc, highpc, buffer, bufsize)
int lowpc( ), highpc( ), buffer[ ], bufsize;
Monitor is an interface to the system’s profile entry (II). Lowpc and highpc are the names of two
functions; buffer is the address of a (user supplied) array of bufsize integers. Monitor arranges
for the system to sample the user’s program counter periodically and record the execution his-
togram in the buffer. The lowest address sampled is that of lowpc and the highest is just below
highpc. For the results to be significant, especially where there are small, heavily used routines,
it is suggested that the buffer be no more than a few times smaller than the range of locations
To profile the entire program, it is sufficient to use
extern etext;
monitor(2, &etext, buf, bufsize);
Etext is a loader-defined symbol which lies just above all the program text.
To stop execution monitoring and write the results on the file mon.out, use
Then, when the program exits, prof (I) can be used to examine the results.
It is seldom necessary to call this routine directly; the −p option of cc is simpler if one is satis-
fied with its default profile range and resolution.
prof (I), profil (II), cc (I)


DC ( IV ) 5/27/74 DC ( IV )

dc − DC-11 communications interface
The discussion of typewriter I/O given in tty (IV) applies to these devices.
The DC-11 typewriter interface operates at any of four speeds, independently settable for input
and output. The speed is selected by the same encoding used by the DH (IV) device (enumer-
ated in stty (II)); impossible speed changes are ignored.
/dev/tty[01234567abcd] 113B Dataphones (not currently connected− see dh (IV))
tty (IV), stty (II), dh (IV)


NLIST ( III ) 6/12/72 NLIST ( III )

nlist − get entries from name list
jsrr5,nlist; file; list
file: <file name\0>; .even
list: <name1xxx>; type1; value1
<name2xxx>; type2; value2
nlist(filename, nl)
char *filename;
struct {
char name[8];
int type;
int value;
} nl[ ];
Nlist examines the name list in the given executable output file and selectively extracts a list of
values. The name list consists of a list of 8-character names (null padded) each followed by two
words. The list is terminated with a null name. Each name is looked up in the name list of the
file. If the name is found, the type and value of the name are placed in the two words following
the name. If the name is not found, the type entry is set to −1.
This subroutine is useful for examining the system name list kept in the file /unix. In this way
programs can obtain system addresses that are up to date.
a.out (V)
All type entries are set to −1 if the file cannot be found or if it is not a valid namelist.


PERROR ( III ) 11/5/73 PERROR ( III )

perror − system error messages
char *s;
int sys_nerr;
char *sys_errlist[];
int errno;
Perror produces a short error message describing the last error encountered during a call to the
system from a C program. First the argument string s is printed, then a colon, then the message
and a new-line. Most usefully, the argument string is the name of the program which incurred
the error. The error number is taken from the external variable errno, which is set when errors
occur but not cleared when non-erroneous calls are made.
To simplify variant formatting of messages, the vector of message strings sys_errlist is provided;
errno can be used as an index in this table to get the message string without the newline.
Sys_nerr is the largest message number provided for in the table; it should be checked because
new error codes may be added to the system before they are added to the table.
Introduction to System Calls


POW ( III ) 4/30/73 POW ( III )

pow − floating exponentiation
movf x,fr0
movf y,fr1
jsr pc,pow
double pow(x,y)
double x, y;

Pow returns the value of xy (in fr0). Pow(0, y) is 0 for any y. Pow(−x, y) returns a result only if y
is an integer.
exp(III), log(III)
The carry bit is set on return in case of overflow, pow(0, 0), or pow(−x, y) for non-integral y.
From C there is no diagnostic.


PRINTF ( III ) 9/17/73 PRINTF ( III )

printf − formatted print
printf(format, arg1, ...);
char *format;
Printf converts, formats, and prints its arguments after the first under control of the first argu-
ment. The first argument is a character string which contains two types of objects: plain charac-
ters, which are simply copied to the output stream, and conversion specifications, each of which
causes conversion and printing of the next successive argument to printf.
Each conversion specification is introduced by the character %. Following the %, there may be
− an optional minus sign ‘‘−’’ which specifies left adjustment of the converted argument in
the indicated field;
− an optional digit string specifying a field width; if the converted argument has fewer
characters than the field width it will be blank-padded on the left (or right, if the left-
adjustment indicator has been given) to make up the field width;
− an optional period ‘‘.’’ which serves to separate the field width from the next digit string;
− an optional digit string (precision) which specifies the number of digits to appear after
the decimal point, for e- and f-conversion, or the maximum number of characters to be
printed from a string;
− a character which indicates the type of conversion to be applied.
The conversion characters and their meanings are
x The integer argument is converted to decimal, octal, or hexadecimal notation respec-
f The argument is converted to decimal notation in the style ‘‘[−]ddd.ddd’’ where the num-
ber of d’s after the decimal point is equal to the precision specification for the argument.
If the precision is missing, 6 digits are given; if the precision is explicitly 0, no digits and
no decimal point are printed. The argument should be float or double.
e The argument is converted in the style ‘‘[−]d.ddde±dd’’ where there is one digit before
the decimal point and the number after is equal to the precision specification for the argu-
ment; when the precision is missing, 6 digits are produced. The argument should be a
float or double quantity.
c The argument character or character-pair is printed if non-null.
s The argument is taken to be a string (character pointer) and characters from the string are
printed until a null character or until the number of characters indicated by the precision
specification is reached; however if the precision is 0 or missing all characters up to a
null are printed.
l The argument is taken to be an unsigned integer which is converted to decimal and print-
ed (the result will be in the range 0 to 65535).
If no recognizable character appears after the %, that character is printed; thus % may be printed
by use of the string %%. In no case does a non-existent or small field width cause truncation of
a field; padding takes place only if the specified field width exceeds the actual width. Characters
generated by printf are printed by calling putchar.
putchar (III)


PUTC ( III ) 6/12/72 PUTC ( III )

putc − buffered output
mov $filename,r0
jsr r5,fcreat; iobuf
fcreat(file, iobuf)
char *file;
struct buf *iobuf;
(get byte in r0)
jsr r5,putc; iobuf
putc(c, iobuf)
int c;
struct buf *iobuf;
(get word in r0)
jsr r5,putw; iobuf
putw(w, iobuf);
int w;
struct buf *iobuf;
jsr r5,flush; iobuf
struct buf *iobuf;
Fcreat creates the given file (mode 666) and sets up the buffer iobuf (size 518 bytes); putc and
putw write a byte or word respectively onto the file; flush forces the contents of the buffer to be
written, but does not close the file. The format of the buffer is:
iobuf: .=.+2 / file descriptor
.=.+2 / characters unused in buffer
.=.+2 / ptr to next free character
.=.+512. / buffer
Or in C,
struct buf {
int fildes;
int nunused;
char *nxtfree;
char buff[512];
Fcreat sets the error bit (c-bit) if the file creation failed (from C, returns −1); none of the other
routines returns error information.
Before terminating, a program should call flush to force out the last of the output (fflush from C).
The user must supply iobuf, which should begin on a word boundary.
To write a new file using the same buffer, it suffices to call [f]flush, close the file, and call fcreat
creat(II), write(II), getc(III)
error bit possible on fcreat call.



putchar − write character
flush( )
Putchar writes out its argument and returns it unchanged. Only the low-order byte is written,
and only if it is non-null. Unless other arrangements have been made, putchar writes in un-
buffered fashion on the standard output file.
Associated with this routine is an external variable fout which has the structure of a buffer dis-
cussed under putc (III). If the file descriptor part of this structure (first word) is greater than 2,
output via putchar is buffered. To achieve buffered output one may say, for example,
fout = dup(1); or
fout = creat(...);
In such a case flush must be called before the program terminates in order to flush out the buf-
fered output. Flush may be called at any time.
The fout notion is kludgy.


QSORT ( III ) 6/12/72 QSORT ( III )

qsort − quicker sort
(base of data in r1)
(end+1 of data in r2)
(element width in r3)
jsr pc,qsort
qsort(base, nel, width, compar)
char *base;
int (*compar)( );
Qsort is an implementation of the quicker-sort algorithm. The assembly-language version is de-
signed to sort equal length elements. Registers r1 and r2 delimit the region of core containing
the array of byte strings to be sorted: r1 points to the start of the first string, r2 to the first loca-
tion above the last string. Register r3 contains the length of each string. r2−r1 should be a mul-
tiple of r3. On return, r0, r1, r2, r3 are destroyed.
The C version has somewhat different arguments and the user must supply a comparison routine.
The first argument is to the base of the data; the second is the number of elements; the third is
the width of an element in bytes; the last is the name of the comparison routine. It is called with
two arguments which are pointers to the elements being compared. The routine must return a
negative integer if the first element is to be considered less than the second, a positive integer if
the second element is smaller than the first, and 0 if the elements are equal.
sort (I)


RAND ( III ) 1/15/73 RAND ( III )

rand − random number generator
(seed in r0)
jsr pc,srand /to initialize
jsr pc,rand /to get a random number
int seed;
rand( )

Rand uses a multiplicative congruential random number generator to return successive pseudo-
random numbers (in r0) in the range from 0 to 215−1.
The generator is reinitialized by calling srand with 1 as argument (in r0). It can be set to a ran-
dom starting point by calling srand with whatever you like as argument, for example the low-
order word of the time.
The low-order bits are not very random.


RESET ( III ) 5/10/73 RESET ( III )

reset − execute non-local goto
setexit( )
reset( )
These routines are useful for dealing with errors discovered in a low-level subroutine of a pro-
Setexit is typically called just at the start of the main loop of a processing program. It stores cer-
tain parameters such as the call point and the stack level.
Reset is typically called after diagnosing an error in some subprocedure called from the main
loop. When reset is called, it pops the stack appropriately and generates a non-local return from
the last call to setexit.
It is erroneous, and generally disastrous, to call reset unless setexit has been called in a routine
which is an ancestor of reset.


SETFIL ( III ) 10/29/73 SETFIL ( III )

setfil − specify Fortran file name
call setfil ( unit, hollerith-string )
Setfil provides a primitive way to associate an integer I/O unit number with a file named by the
hollerith-string. The end of the file name is indicated by a blank. Subsequent I/O on this unit
number will refer to file whose name is specified by the string.
Setfil should be called only before any I/O has been done on the unit, or just after doing a
rewind or endfile. It is ineffective for unit numbers 5 and 6.
fc (I)
The exclusion of units 5 and 6 is unwarranted.


SIN ( III ) 3/15/72 SIN ( III )

sin − sine, cosine
jsr r5,sin (cos)
double sin(x)
double x;
double cos(x)
double x;
The sine (cosine) of fr0 (resp. x), measured in radians, is returned (in fr0).
The magnitude of the argument should be checked by the caller to make sure the result is mean-


SQRT ( III ) 3/15/72 SQRT ( III )

sqrt − square root function
jsr r5,sqrt
double sqrt(x)
double x;
The square root of fr0 (resp. x) is returned (in fr0).
The c-bit is set on negative arguments and 0 is returned. There is no error return for C programs.
No error return from C.


TTYN ( III ) 1/15/73 TTYN ( III )

ttyn − return name of current typewriter
jsr pc,ttyn

Ttyn hunts up the last character of the name of the typewriter which is the standard input (from
as) or is specified by the argument file descriptor (from C). If n is returned, the typewriter name
is then ‘‘/dev/ttyn’’.
x is returned if the indicated file does not correspond to a typewriter.


VT ( III ) 6/4/73 VT ( III )

vt − display (vt01) interface
char s[ ];
int pattern[ ];

C interface routines to perform similarly named functions described in vt(IV). Openvt must be
used before any of the others to open the storage scope for writing.
/dev/vt0, found in /lib/libp.a
vt (IV)


CAT ( IV ) 10/27/73 CAT ( IV )

cat − phototypesetter interface
Cat provides the interface to a Graphic Systems C/A/T phototypesetter. Bytes written on the file
specify font, size, and other control information as well as the characters to be flashed. The cod-
ing will not be described here.
Only one process may have this file open at a time. It is write-only.
troff (I), Graphic Systems specification (available on request)


DC ( IV ) 5/27/74 DC ( IV )

dc − DC-11 communications interface
The discussion of typewriter I/O given in tty (IV) applies to these devices.
The DC-11 typewriter interface operates at any of four speeds, independently settable for input
and output. The speed is selected by the same encoding used by the DH (IV) device (enumer-
ated in stty (II)); impossible speed changes are ignored.
/dev/tty[01234567abcd] 113B Dataphones (not currently connected− see dh (IV))
tty (IV), stty (II), dh (IV)


DH ( IV ) 5/27/74 DH ( IV )

dh − DH-11 communications multiplexer
Each line attached to the DH-11 communications multiplexer behaves as described in tty (IV).
Input and output for each line may independently be set to run at any of 16 speeds; see stty (II)
for the encoding.
tty (IV), stty (II)


DN ( IV ) 3/20/74 DN ( IV )

dn − DN-11 ACU interface
The dn? files are write-only. The permissible codes are:
0-9 dial 0-9
: dial *
; dial #
− 4 second delay for second dial tone
= end-of-number
The entire telephone number must be presented in a single write system call.
It is recommended that an end-of-number code be given even though not all ACU’s actually re-
quire it.
/dev/dn0connected to 801 with dp0
/dev/dn1not currently connected
/dev/dn2not currently connected
dp (IV)


DP ( IV ) 8/24/73 DP ( IV )

dp − DP-11 201 data-phone interface
The dp0 file is a 201 data-phone interface. Read and write calls to dp0 are limited to a maxi-
mum of 512 bytes. Each write call is sent as a single record. Seven bits from each byte are writ-
ten along with an eighth odd parity bit. The sync must be user supplied. Each read call returns
characters received from a single record. Seven bits are returned unaltered; the eighth bit is set if
the byte was not received in odd parity. A 10 second time out is set and a zero-byte record is re-
turned if nothing is received in that time.
dn (IV), gerts (III)


KL ( IV ) 5/27/74 KL ( IV )

kl − KL-11 or DL-11 asynchronous interface
The discussion of typewriter I/O given in tty (IV) applies to these devices.
Since they run at a constant speed, attempts to change the speed via stty (II) are ignored.
The on-line console typewriter is interfaced using a KL-11 or DL-11. By appropriate switch set-
tings during a reboot, UNIX will come up as a single-user system with I/O on the console type-
/dev/tty8synonym for /dev/tty
/dev/tty9second console (nur currently connected)
tty (IV), init (VIII)
Modem control for the DL-11E is not implemented.


LP ( IV ) 5/27/74 LP ( IV )

lp − line printer
Lp provides the interface to any of the standard DEC line printers. When it is opened or closed,
a suitable number of page ejects is generated. Bytes written are printed.
An internal parameter within the driver determines whether or not the device is treated as having
a 96- or 64-character set. In half-ASCII mode, lower case letters are turned into upper case and
certain characters are escaped according to the following table:
{ −(
} −)
` −́
 −!
˜ −̂
The driver correctly interprets carriage returns, backspaces, tabs, and form feeds. A sequence of
newlines which extends over the end of a page is turned into a form feed. Lines longer than 80
characters are truncated. (This number is a parameter in the driver.)
lpr (I)
Half-ASCII mode and the maximum line length should be settable by a call analogous to stty


MEM ( IV ) 5/27/74 MEM ( IV )

mem − core memory
Mem is a special file that is an image of the core memory of the computer. It may be used, for
example, to examine, and even to patch the system using the debugger.
A memory address is an 18-bit quantity which is used directly as a UNIBUS address. Refer-
ences to non-existent locations cause errors to be returned.
Examining and patching device registers is likely to lead to unexpected results when read-only or
write-only bits are present.
The file kmem is the same as mem except that kernel virtual memory rather than physical mem-
ory is accessed. In particular, the I/O area of kmem is located beginning at 160000 (octal) rather
than at 760000. The 1K region beginning at 140000 (octal) is the system’s data for the current
The file null returns end-of-file on read and ignores write.
/dev/mem, /dev/kmem, /dev/null


PC ( IV ) 10/15/73 PC ( IV )

pc − PC-11 paper tape reader/punch
Ppt refers to the PC-11 paper tape reader or punch, depending on whether it is read or written.
When ppt is opened for writing, a 100-character leader is punched. Thereafter each byte written
is punched on the tape. No editing of the characters is performed. When the file is closed, a
100-character trailer is punched.
When ppt is opened for reading, the process waits until tape is placed in the reader and the reader
is on-line. Then requests to read cause the characters read to be passed back to the program,
again without any editing. This means that several null leader characters will usually appear at
the beginning of the file. Likewise several nulls are likely to appear at the end. End-of-file is
generated when the tape runs out.
Seek calls for this file are meaningless.
If both the reader and the punch are open simultaneously, the trailer is sometimes not punched.
Sometimes the reader goes into a dead state in which it cannot be opened.


RF ( IV ) 10/15/73 RF ( IV )

rf − RF11/RS11 fixed-head disk file
This file refers to the concatenation of all RS-11 disks.
Each disk contains 1024 256-word blocks. The length of the combined RF file is 1024×(mi-
nor+1) blocks. That is minor device zero is taken to be 1024 blocks long; minor device one is
2048, etc.
The rf0 file accesses the disk via the system’s normal buffering mechanism and may be read and
written without regard to physical disk records. There is also a ‘‘raw’’ interface which provides
for direct transmission between the disk and the user’s read or write buffer. A single read or
write call results in exactly one I/O operation and therefore raw I/O is considerably more effi-
cient when many words are transmitted. The name of the raw RF file is rrf0. The same minor
device considerations hold for the raw interface as for the normal interface.
In raw I/O the buffer must begin on a word boundary, and counts should be a multiple of 512
bytes (a disk block). Likewise seek calls should specify a multiple of 512 bytes.
/dev/rf0, /dev/rrf0
The 512-byte restrictions on the raw device are not physically necessary, but are still imposed.


RK ( IV ) 10/15/73 RK ( IV )

rk − RK-11/RK03 (or RK05) disk
Rk? refers to an entire RK03 disk as a single sequentially-addressed file. Its 256-word blocks
are numbered 0 to 4871.
Drive numbers (minor devices) of eight and larger are treated specially. Drive 8+x is the x+1
way interleaving of devices rk0 to rkx. Thus blocks on rk10 are distributed alternately among
rk0, rk1, and rk2.
The rk files discussed above access the disk via the system’s normal buffering mechanism and
may be read and written without regard to physical disk records. There is also a ‘‘raw’’ interface
which provides for direct transmission between the disk and the user’s read or write buffer. A
single read or write call results in exactly one I/O operation and therefore raw I/O is considerably
more efficient when many words are transmitted. The names of the raw RK files begin with rrk
and end with a number which selects the same disk as the corresponding rk file.
In raw I/O the buffer must begin on a word boundary, and counts should be a multiple of 512
bytes (a disk block). Likewise seek calls should specify a multiple of 512 bytes.
/dev/rk?, /dev/rrk?
Care should be taken in using the interleaved files. First, the same drive should not be accessed
simultaneously using the ordinary name and as part of an interleaved file, because the same
physical blocks have in effect two different names; this fools the system’s buffering strategy.
Second, the combined files cannot be used for swapping or raw I/O.


RP ( IV ) 2/21/74 RP ( IV )

rp − RP-11/RP03 moving-head disk
The files rp0 ... rp7 refer to sections of RP disk drive 0. The files rp8 ... rp15 refer to drive 1 etc.
This is done since the size of a full RP drive is 81200 blocks and internally the system is only ca-
pable of addressing 65536 blocks. Also since the disk is so large, this allows it to be broken up
into more manageable pieces.
The origin and size of the pseudo-disks on each drive are as follows:
disk start length
0 0 40600
1 40600 40600
2 0 9200
3 72000 9200
4 0 65535
5 15600 65535
6-7 unassigned
It is unwise for all of these files to be present in one installation, since there is overlap in ad-
dresses and protection becomes a sticky matter. Here is a suggestion for two useful configura-
tions: If the root of the file system is on some other device and the RP used as a mounted device,
then rp0 and rp1, which divide the disk into two equal size portions, is a good idea. Other things
being equal, it is advantageous to have two equal-sized portions since one can always be copied
onto the other, which is occasionally useful.
If the RP is the only disk and has to contain the root and the swap area, the root can be put on
rp2 and a mountable file system on rp5. Then the swap space can be put in the unused blocks
9200 to 15600 of rp0 (or, equivalently, rp4). This arrangement puts the root file system, the
swap area, and the i-list of the mounted file system relatively near each other and thus tends to
minimize head movement.
The rp access the disk via the system’s normal buffering mechanism and may be read and writ-
ten without regard to physical disk records. There is also a ‘‘raw’’ interface which provides for
direct transmission between the disk and the user’s read or write buffer. A single read or write
call results in exactly one I/O operation and therefore raw I/O is considerably more efficient
when many words are transmitted. The names of the raw RP files begin with rrp and end with a
number which selects the same disk section as the corresponding rp file.
In raw I/O the buffer must begin on a word boundary, and counts should be a multiple of 512
bytes (a disk block). Likewise seek calls should specify a multiple of 512 bytes.
/dev/rp?, /dev/rrp?


TC ( IV ) 10/15/73 TC ( IV )

tc − TC-11/TU56 DECtape
The files tap0 ... tap7 refer to the TC-11/TU56 DECtape drives 0 to 7.
The 256-word blocks on a standard DECtape are numbered 0 to 577.
tp (I)
Since reading is synchronous, only one block is picked up per tape reverse.


TIU ( IV ) 10/28/73 TIU ( IV )

tiu − Spider interface
Spider is a fast digital switching network. Tiu is a directory which contains files each referring
to a Spider control or data channel. The file /dev/tiu/dn refers to data channel n, likewise
/dev/tiu/cn refers to control channel n.
The precise nature of the UNIX interface has not been defined yet.
/dev/tiu/d?, /dev/tiu/c?


TM ( IV ) 2/21/74 TM ( IV )

tm − TM-11/TU-10 magtape interface
The files mt0, ..., mt7 refer to the DEC TU10/TM11 magtape. When opened for reading or writ-
ing, the tape is rewound. When closed, it is rewound; if it was open for writing, an end-of-file is
written first.
A standard tape consists of a series of 512 byte records terminated by an end-of-file. To the ex-
tent possible, the system makes it possible, if inefficient, to treat the tape like any other file.
Seeks have their usual meaning and it is possible to read or write a byte at a time. Writing in
very small units is inadvisable, however, because it tends to create monstrous record gaps.
The mt files discussed above are useful when it is desired to access the tape in a way compatible
with ordinary files. When foreign tapes are to be dealt with, and especially when long records
are to be read or written, the ‘‘raw’’ interface is appropriate. The associated files are named
rmt0, ..., rmt7. Each read or write call reads or writes the next record on the tape. In the write
case the record has the same length as the buffer given. During a read, the record size is passed
back as the number of bytes read, provided it is no greater than the buffer size; if the record is
long, an error is indicated. In raw tape I/O, the buffer must begin on a word boundary and the
count must be even. Seeks are ignored. An error is returned when a tape mark is read, but an-
other read will fetch the first record of the new tape file.
/dev/mt?, /dev/rmt?
tp (I)
If any non-data error is encountered, it refuses to do anything more until closed. In raw I/O,
there should be a way to perform forward and backward record and file spacing and to write an
EOF mark.


TTY ( IV ) 5/27/74 TTY ( IV )

tty − general typewriter interface
All of the low-speed asynchronous communications ports use the same general interface, no mat-
ter what hardware is involved. This section discusses the common features of the interface; the
KL, DC, and DH writeups (IV) describe peculiarities of the individual devices.
When a typewriter file is opened, it causes the process to wait until a connection is established.
In practice user’s programs seldom open these files; they are opened by init and become a user’s
input and output file. The very first typewriter file open in a process becomes the control type-
writer for that process. The control typewriter plays a special role in handling quit or interrupt
signals, as discussed below. The control typewriter is inherited by a child process during a fork.
A terminal associated with one of these files ordinarily operates in full-duplex mode. Characters
may be typed at any time, even while output is occurring, and are only lost when the system’s
character input buffers become completely choked, which is rare, or when the user has accumu-
lated the maximum allowed number of input characters which have not yet been read by some
program. Currently this limit is 256 characters. When the input limit is reached all the saved
characters are thrown away without notice.
When first opened, the interface mode is 300 baud; either parity accepted; 10 bits/character (one
stop bit); and newline action character. The system delays transmission after sending certain
function characters. Delays for horizontal tab, newline, and form feed are calculated for the
Teletype Model 37; the delay for carriage return is calculated for the GE TermiNet 300. Most of
these operating states can be changed by using the system call stty(II). In particular, provided
the hardware permits, the speed of the received and transmitted characters can be changed. In
addition, the following software modes can be invoked: acceptance of even parity, odd parity, or
both; a raw mode in which all characters may be read one at a time; a carriage return (CR) mode
in which CR is mapped into newline on input and either CR or line feed (LF) cause echoing of
the sequence LF-CR; mapping of upper case letters into lower case; suppression of echoing; sup-
pression of delays after function characters; and the printing of tabs as spaces. See getty (VIII)
for the way that terminal speed and type are detected.
Normally, typewriter input is processed in units of lines. This means that a program attempting
to read will be suspended until an entire line has been typed. Also, no matter how many charac-
ters are requested in the read call, at most one line will be returned. It is not however necessary
to read a whole line at once; any number of characters may be requested in a read, even one,
without losing information.
During input, erase and kill processing is normally done. The character ‘#’ erases the last char-
acter typed, except that it will not erase beyond the beginning of a line or an EOT. The character
‘@’ kills the entire line up to the point where it was typed, but not beyond an EOT. Both these
characters operate on a keystroke basis independently of any backspacing or tabbing that may
have been done. Either ‘@’ or ‘#’ may be entered literally by preceding it by ‘\’; the erase or kill
character remains, but the ‘\’ disappears.
In upper-case mode, all upper-case letters are mapped into the corresponding lower-case letter.
The upper-case letter may be generated by preceding it by ‘\’. In addition, the following escape
sequences are generated on output and accepted on input:
for use
` \´
 \!
˜ \ˆ
{ \(
} \)
In raw mode, the program reading is awakened on each character. No erase or kill processing is
done; and the EOT, quit and interrupt characters are not treated specially. The input parity bit is
passed back to the reader, but parity is still generated for output characters.


TTY ( IV ) 5/27/74 TTY ( IV )

The ASCII EOT character may be used to generate an end of file from a typewriter. When an
EOT is received, all the characters waiting to be read are immediately passed to the program,
without waiting for a new-line. Thus if there are no characters waiting, which is to say the EOT
occurred at the beginning of a line, zero characters will be passed back, and this is the standard
end-of-file indication. The EOT is passed back unchanged in raw mode.
When the carrier signal from the dataset drops (usually because the user has hung up his termi-
nal) a hangup signal is sent to all processes with the typewriter as control typewriter. Unless
other arrangements have been made, this signal causes the processes to terminate. If the hangup
signal is ignored, any read returns with an end-of-file indication. Thus programs which read a
typewriter and test for end-of-file on their input can terminate appropriately when hung up on.
Two characters have a special meaning when typed. The ASCII DEL character (sometimes
called ‘rubout’) is not passed to a program but generates an interrupt signal which is sent to all
processes with the associated control typewriter. Normally each such process is forced to termi-
nate, but arrangements may be made either to ignore the signal or to receive a simulated trap to
an agreed-upon location. See signal (II).
The ASCII character FS generates the quit signal. Its treatment is identical to the interrupt signal
except that unless a receiving process has made other arrangements it will not only be terminated
but a core image file will be generated. See signal (II). If you find it hard to type this character,
try control-\ or control-shift-L.
When one or more characters are written, they are actually transmitted to the terminal as soon as
previously-written characters have finished typing. Input characters are echoed by putting them
in the output queue as they arrive. When a process produces characters more rapidly than they
can be typed, it will be suspended when its output queue exceeds some limit. When the queue
has drained down to some threshold the program is resumed. Even parity is always generated on
output. The EOT character is not transmitted (except in raw mode) to prevent terminals which
respond to it from hanging up.
dc (IV), kl (IV), dh (IV), getty (VIII), stty (I, II), gtty (I, II), signal (II)
Half-duplex terminals are not supported. On raw-mode output, parity should be transmitted as
specified in the characters written.


VS ( IV ) 10/28/73 VS ( IV )

vs − voice synthesizer interface
Bytes written on vs drive a Federal Screw Works Votrax® voice synthesizer. The upper two bits
encode an inflection, the other 6 specify a phoneme. The code is given in section vs (VII).
Touch-Tone® signals sent by a caller will be picked up during a read as the ASCII characters
speak (VI), vs (VII)


VT ( IV ) 10/22/73 VT ( IV )

vt − 11/20 (vt01) interface
The file vt0 provides the interface to a PDP 11/20 which runs a VT01A-controlled Tektronix 611
storage display. The inter-computer interface is a pair of DR-11C word interfaces.
Although the display has essentially only two commands, namely ‘‘erase screen’’ and ‘‘display
point’’, the 11/20 program will draw points, lines, and arcs, and print text on the screen. The
11/20 can also type information on the attached 33 TTY.
This special file operates in two basic modes. If the first byte written of the file cannot be inter-
preted as one of the codes discussed below, the rest of the transmitted information is assumed to
ASCII and written on the screen. The screen has 33 lines (1/2 a standard page). The file simu-
lates a 37 TTY: the control characters NL, CR, BS, and TAB are interpreted correctly. It also in-
terprets the usual escape sequences for forward and reverse half-line motion and for full-line re-
verse. Greek is not available yet. Normally, when the screen is full (i.e. the 34th line is started)
the screen is erased before starting a new page. To allow perusal of the displayed text, it is usual
to assert bit 0 of the console switches. This causes the program to pause before erasing until this
bit is lowered.
If the first byte written is recognizable, the display runs in graphic mode. In this case bytes writ-
ten on the file are interpreted as display commands. Each command consists of a single byte
usually followed by parameter bytes. Often the parameter bytes represent points in the plotting
area. Each point coordinate consists of 2 bytes interpreted as a 2’s complement 16-bit number.
The plotting area itself measures (±03777)×(±03777) (numbers in octal); that is, 12 bits of preci-
sion. Attempts to plot points outside the screen limits are ignored.
The graphic commands follow.
order (1); 1 parameter byte
The parameter indicates a subcommand, possibly followed by subparameter bytes,
as follows:
erase (1)
The screen is erased. The program will wait until bit 0 of the console
switches is down.
label (3); several subparameter bytes
The following bytes up to a null byte are printed as ASCII text on the screen.
The origin of the text is the last previous point plotted; or the upper left hand
of the screen if there were none.
point (2); 4 parameter bytes
The 4 parameter bytes are taken as a pair of coordinates representing a point to be
line (3); 8 parameter bytes
The parameter bytes are taken as 2 pairs of coordinates representing the ends of a
line segment which is plotted. Only the portion lying within the screen is displayed.
frame (4); 1 parameter byte
The parameter byte is taken as a number of sixtieths of a second; an externally-
available lead is asserted for that time. Typically the lead is connected to an auto-
matic camera which advances its film and opens the shutter for the specified time.
circle (5); 6 parameter bytes
The parameter bytes are taken as a coordinate pair representing the origin, and a
word representing the radius of a circle. That portion of the circle which lies within
the screen is plotted.
arc (6); 12 parameter bytes
The first 4 parameter bytes are taken to be a coordinate-pair representing the center
of a circle. The next 4 represent a coordinate-pair specifying a point on this circle.


VT ( IV ) 10/22/73 VT ( IV )

The last 4 should represent another point on the circle. An arc is drawn counter-
clockwise from the first circle point to the second. If the two points are the same,
the whole circle is drawn. For the second point, only the smaller in magnitude of its
two coordinates is significant; the other is used only to find the quadrant of the end
of the arc. In any event only points within the screen limits are plotted.
dot-line (7); at least 6 parameter bytes
The first 4 parameter bytes are taken as a coordinate-pair representing the origin of a
dot-line. The next byte is taken as a signed x-increment. The next byte is an un-
signed word-count, with ‘0’ meaning ‘256’. The indicated number of words is
picked up. For each bit in each word a point is plotted which is visible if the bit is
‘1’, invisible if not. High-order bits are plotted first. Each successive point (or
non-point) is offset rightward by the given x-increment.
Asserting bit 3 of the console switches causes the display processor to throw away everything
written on it. This sometimes helps if the display seems to be hung up.


A.OUT ( V ) 9/9/73 A.OUT ( V )

a.out − assembler and link editor output
A.out is the output file of the assembler as and the link editor ld. Both programs make a.out exe-
cutable if there were no errors and no unresolved external references.
This file has four sections: a header, the program and data text, a symbol table, and relocation
bits (in that order). The last two may be empty if the program was loaded with the ‘‘−s’’ option
of ld or if the symbols and relocation have been removed by strip.
The header always contains 8 words:
1 A magic number (407 or 410(8))
2 The size of the program text segment
3 The size of the initialized portion of the data segment
4 The size of the uninitialized (bss) portion of the data segment
5 The size of the symbol table
6 The entry location (always 0 at present)
7 Unused
8 A flag indicating relocation bits have been suppressed
The sizes of each segment are in bytes but are even. The size of the header is not included in any
of the other sizes.
When a file produced by the assembler or loader is loaded into core for execution, three logical
segments are set up: the text segment, the data segment (with uninitialized data, which starts off
as all 0, following initialized), and a stack. The text segment begins at 0 in the core image; the
header is not loaded. If the magic number (word 0) is 407, it indicates that the text segment is
not to be write-protected and shared, so the data segment is immediately contiguous with the text
segment. If the magic number is 410, the data segment begins at the first 0 mod 8K byte bound-
ary following the text segment, and the text segment is not writable by the program; if other pro-
cesses are executing the same file, they will share the text segment.
The stack will occupy the highest possible locations in the core image: from 177776(8) and
growing downwards. The stack is automatically extended as required. The data segment is only
extended as requested by the break system call.
The start of the text segment in the file is 20(8); the start of the data segment is 20+St (the size of
the text) the start of the relocation information is 20+St+Sd; the start of the symbol table is
20+2(St+Sd) if the relocation information is present, 20+St+Sd if not.
The symbol table consists of 6-word entries. The first four words contain the ASCII name of the
symbol, null-padded. The next word is a flag indicating the type of symbol. The following val-
ues are possible:
00 undefined symbol
01 absolute symbol
02 text segment symbol
03 data segment symbol
37 file name symbol (produced by ld)
04 bss segment symbol
40 undefined external (.globl) symbol
41 absolute external symbol
42 text segment external symbol
43 data segment external symbol
44 bss segment external symbol
Values other than those given above may occur if the user has defined some of his own instruc-


A.OUT ( V ) 9/9/73 A.OUT ( V )

The last word of a symbol table entry contains the value of the symbol.
If the symbol’s type is undefined external, and the value field is non-zero, the symbol is inter-
preted by the loader ld as the name of a common region whose size is indicated by the value of
the symbol.
The value of a word in the text or data portions which is not a reference to an undefined external
symbol is exactly that value which will appear in core when the file is executed. If a word in the
text or data portion involves a reference to an undefined external symbol, as indicated by the re-
location bits for that word, then the value of the word as stored in the file is an offset from the as-
sociated external symbol. When the file is processed by the link editor and the external symbol
becomes defined, the value of the symbol will be added into the word in the file.
If relocation information is present, it amounts to one word per word of program text or initial-
ized data. There is no relocation information if the ‘‘suppress relocation’’ flag in the header is
Bits 3-1 of a relocation word indicate the segment referred to by the text or data word associated
with the relocation word:
00 indicates the reference is absolute
02 indicates the reference is to the text segment
04 indicates the reference is to initialized data
06 indicates the reference is to bss (uninitialized data)
10 indicates the reference is to an undefined external symbol.
Bit 0 of the relocation word indicates if on that the reference is relative to the pc (e.g. ‘‘clr x’’); if
off, that the reference is to the actual symbol (e.g., ‘‘clr *$x’’).
The remainder of the relocation word (bits 15-4) contains a symbol number in the case of exter-
nal references, and is unused otherwise. The first symbol is numbered 0, the second 1, etc.
as(I), ld(I), strip(I), nm(I)


ARCHIVE ( V ) 9/10/73 ARCHIVE ( V )

ar − archive (library) file format
The archive command ar is used to combine several files into one. Archives are used mainly as
libraries to be searched by the link-editor ld.
A file produced by ar has a magic number at the start, followed by the constituent files, each pre-
ceded by a file header. The magic number is 177555(8) (it was chosen to be unlikely to occur
anywhere else). The header of each file is 16 bytes long:
0-7 file name, null padded on the right
8-11 modification time of the file
12 user ID of file owner
13 file mode
14-15 file size
If the file is an odd number of bytes long, it is padded with a null byte, but the size in the header
is correct.
Notice there is no provision for empty areas in an archive file.
ar, ld (I)
Names are only 8 characters, not 14. More important, there isn’t enough room to store the prop-
er mode, so ar always extracts in mode 666.


CORE ( V ) 9/10/73 CORE ( V )

core − format of core image file
UNIX writes out a core image of a terminated process when any of various errors occur. See
signal (II) for the list of reasons; the most common are memory violations, illegal instructions,
bus errors, and user-generated quit signals. The core image is called ‘‘core’’ and is written in the
process’s working directory (provided it can be; normal access controls apply).
The first 1024 bytes of the core image are a copy of the system’s per-user data for the process,
including the registers as they were at the time of the fault. The remainder represents the actual
contents of the user’s core area when the core image was written. At the moment, if the text seg-
ment is write-protected and shared, it is not dumped; otherwise the entire address space is
The actual format of the information in the first 1024 bytes is complicated. A guru will have to
be consulted if enlightenment is required. In general the debugger db (I) should be used to deal
with core images.
db (I), signal (II)



dir − format of directories
A directory behaves exactly like an ordinary file, save that no user may write into a directory.
The fact that a file is a directory is indicated by a bit in the flag word of its i-node entry. Direc-
tory entries are 16 bytes long. The first word is the i-number of the file represented by the entry,
if non-zero; if zero, the entry is empty.
Bytes 2-15 represent the (14-character) file name, null padded on the right. These bytes are not
cleared for empty slots.
By convention, the first two entries in each directory are for ‘‘.’’ and ‘‘..’’. The first is an entry
for the directory itself. The second is for the parent directory. The meaning of ‘‘..’’ is modified
for the root directory of the master file system and for the root directories of removable file sys-
tems. In the first case, there is no parent, and in the second, the system does not permit off-
device references. Therefore in both cases ‘‘..’’ has the same meaning as ‘‘.’’.
file system (V)


DUMP ( V ) 5/15/74 DUMP ( V )

dump − incremental dump tape format
The dump and restor commands are used to write and read incremental dump magnetic tapes.
The dump tape consists of blocks of 512-bytes each. The first block has the following structure.
struct {
int isize;
int fsize;
int date[2];
int ddate[2];
int tsize;
Isize, and fsize are the corresponding values from the super block of the dumped file system.
(See file system (V).) Date is the date of the dump. Ddate is the incremental dump date. The
incremental dump contains all files modified between ddate and date. Tsize is the number of
blocks per reel. This block checksums to the octal value 31415.
Next there are enough whole tape blocks to contain one word per file of the dumped file system.
This is isize divided by 16 rounded to the next higher integer. The first word corresponds to i-
node 1, the second to i-node 2, and so forth. If a word is zero, then the corresponding file was
not dumped. A non-zero value of the word indicates that the file was dumped and the value is
one more than the number of blocks it contains.
The rest of the tape contains for each dumped file a header block and the data blocks from the
file. The header contains an exact copy of the i-node (see file system (V)) and also checksums to
031415. The number of data blocks per file is directly specified by the control word for the file
and indirectly specified by the size in the i-node. If these numbers differ, the file was dumped
with a ‘phase error’.
dump (VIII), restor (VIII), file system(V)



fs − format of file system volume
Every file system storage volume (e.g. RF disk, RK disk, RP disk, DECtape reel) has a common
format for certain vital information. Every such volume is divided into a certain number of 256
word (512 byte) blocks. Block 0 is unused and is available to contain a bootstrap program, pack
label, or other information.
Block 1 is the super block. Starting from its first word, the format of a super-block is
struct {
int isize;
int fsize;
int nfree;
int free[100];
int ninode;
int inode[100];
char flock;
char ilock;
char fmod;
int time[2];
Isize is the number of blocks devoted to the i-list, which starts just after the super-block, in block
2. Fsize is the first block not potentially available for allocation to a file. This number is unused
by the system, but is used by programs like check (I) to test for bad block numbers. The free list
for each volume is maintained as follows. The free array contains, in free[1], ... , free[nfree−1],
up to 99 numbers of free blocks. Free[0] is the block number of the head of a chain of blocks
constituting the free list. The first word in each free-chain block is the number (up to 100) of
free-block numbers listed in the next 100 words of this chain member. The first of these 100
blocks is the link to the next member of the chain. To allocate a block: decrement nfree, and the
new block is free[nfree]. If the new block number is 0, there are no blocks left, so give an error.
If nfree became 0, read in the block named by the new block number, replace nfree by its first
word, and copy the block numbers in the next 100 words into the free array. To free a block,
check if nfree is 100; if so, copy nfree and the free array into it, write it out, and set nfree to 0.
In any event set free[nfree] to the freed block’s number and increment nfree.
Ninode is the number of free i-numbers in the inode array. To allocate an i-node: if ninode is
greater than 0, decrement it and return inode[ninode]. If it was 0, read the i-list and place the
numbers of all free inodes (up to 100) into the inode array, then try again. To free an i-node,
provided ninode is less than 100, place its number into inode[ninode] and increment ninode. If
ninode is already 100, don’t bother to enter the freed i-node into any table. This list of i-nodes is
only to speed up the allocation process; the information as to whether the inode is really free or
not is maintained in the inode itself.
Flock and ilock are flags maintained in the core copy of the file system while it is mounted and
their values on disk are immaterial. The value of fmod on disk is likewise immaterial; it is used
as a flag to indicate that the super-block has changed and should be copied to the disk during the
next periodic update of file system information.
Time is the last time the super-block of the file system was changed, and is a double-precision
representation of the number of seconds that have elapsed since 0000 Jan. 1 1970 (GMT). Dur-
ing a reboot, the time of the super-block for the root file system is used to set the system’s idea
of the time.
I-numbers begin at 1, and the storage for i-nodes begins in block 2. Also, i-nodes are 32 bytes
long, so 16 of them fit into a block. Therefore, i-node i is located in block (i + 31) / 16, and be-
gins 32.((i + 31) (mod 16) bytes from its start. I-node 1 is reserved for the root directory of the
file system, but no other i-number has a built-in meaning. Each i-node represents one file. The
format of an i-node is as follows.



struct {
int flags; /* +0: see below */
char nlinks; /* +2: number of links to file */
char uid; /* +3: user ID of owner */
char gid; /* +4: group ID of owner */
char size0; /* +5: high byte of 24-bit size */
int size1; /* +6: low word of 24-bit size */
int addr[8]; /* +8: block numbers or device number */
int actime[2]; /* +24: time of last access */
int modtime[2]; /* +28: time of last modification */
The flags are as follows:
100000 i-node is allocated
060000 2-bit file type:
000000 plain file
040000 directory
020000 character-type special file
060000 block-type special file.
010000 large file
004000 set user-ID on execution
002000 set group-ID on execution
000400 read (owner)
000200 write (owner)
000100 execute (owner)
000070 read, write, execute (group)
000007 read, write, execute (others)
Special files are recognized by their flags and not by i-number. A block-type special file is basi-
cally one which can potentially be mounted as a file system; a character-type special file cannot,
though it is not necessarily character-oriented. For special files the high byte of the first address
word specifies the type of device; the low byte specifies one of several devices of that type. The
device type numbers of block and character special files overlap.
The address words of ordinary files and directories contain the numbers of the blocks in the file
(if it is small) or the numbers of indirect blocks (if the file is large).
Byte number n of a file is accessed as follows. N is divided by 512 to find its logical block num-
ber (say b ) in the file. If the file is small (flag 010000 is 0), then b must be less than 8, and the
physical block number is addr[b].
If the file is large, b is divided by 256 to yield i, and addr[i] is the physical block number of the
indirect block. The remainder from the division yields the word in the indirect block which con-
tains the number of the block for the sought-for byte.
For block b in a file to exist, it is not necessary that all blocks less than b exist. A zero block
number either in the address words of the i-node or in an indirect block indicates that the corre-
sponding block has never been allocated. Such a missing block reads as if it contained all zero
check (VIII)


MTAB ( V ) 1/6/74 MTAB ( V )

mtab − mounted file system table
Mtab resides in directory /etc and contains a table of devices mounted by the mount command.
Umount removes entries.
Each entry is 64 bytes long; the first 32 are the null-padded name of the place where the special
file is mounted; the second 32 are the null-padded name of the special file. The special file has
all its directories stripped away; that is, everything through the last ‘‘/’’ is thrown away.
This table is present only so people can look at it. It does not matter to mount if there are dupli-
cated entries nor to umount if a name cannot be found.
mount (VIII), umount (VIII)


PASSWD ( V ) 9/10/73 PASSWD ( V )

passwd − password file
Passwd contains for each user the following information:
name (login name, contains no upper case)
encrypted password
numerical user ID
numerical group ID (for now, always 1)
GCOS job number and box number
initial working directory
program to use as Shell
This is an ASCII file. Each field within each user’s entry is separated from the next by a colon.
The job and box numbers are separated by a comma. Each user is separated from the next by a
new-line. If the password field is null, no password is demanded; if the Shell field is null, the
Shell itself is used.
This file resides in directory /etc. Because of the encrypted passwords, it can and does have gen-
eral read permission and can be used, for example, to map numerical user ID’s to names.
login (I), crypt (III), passwd (I)


TP ( V ) 9/10/73 TP ( V )

tp − DEC/mag tape formats
The command tp dumps and extracts files to and DECtape and magtape. The formats of these
tapes are the same except that magtapes have larger directories.
Block zero contains a copy of a stand-alone bootstrap program. See boot procedures (VIII).
Blocks 1 through 24 for DECtape (1 through 62 for magtape) contain a directory of the tape.
There are 192 (resp. 496) entries in the directory; 8 entries per block; 64 bytes per entry. Each
entry has the following format:
path name 32 bytes
mode 2 bytes
uid 1 byte
gid 1 byte
unused 1 byte
size 3 bytes
time modified 4 bytes
tape address 2 bytes
unused 16 bytes
check sum 2 bytes
The path name entry is the path name of the file when put on the tape. If the pathname starts
with a zero word, the entry is empty. It is at most 32 bytes long and ends in a null byte. Mode,
uid, gid, size and time modified are the same as described under i-nodes (file system (V)). The
tape address is the tape block number of the start of the contents of the file. Every file starts on a
block boundary. The file occupies (size+511)/512 blocks of continuous tape. The checksum en-
try has a value such that the sum of the 32 words of the directory entry is zero.
Blocks 25 (resp. 63) on are available for file storage.
A fake entry (see tp(I)) has a size of zero.
file system(V), tp(I)


TTYS ( V ) 2/20/74 TTYS ( V )

ttys − typewriter initialization data
The ttys file is read by the init program and specifies which typewriter special files are to have a
process created for them which will allow people to log in. It consists of lines of 3 characters
The first character is either ‘0’ or ‘1’; the former causes the line to be ignored, the latter causes it
to be effective. The second character is the last character in the name of a typewriter; e.g. x
refers to the file ‘/dev/ttyx’. The third character is the offset in a table contained in init which se-
lects an initialization program for the line; currently it must be ‘0’ and the only such program is
found in /etc
init (VIII)


UTMP ( V ) 9/10/73 UTMP ( V )

utmp − user information
This file allows one to discover information about who is currently using UNIX. The file is bi-
nary; each entry is 16(10) bytes long. The first eight bytes contain a user’s login name or are
null if the table slot is unused. The low order byte of the next word contains the last character of
a typewriter name. The next two words contain the user’s login time. The last word is unused.
This file resides in directory /tmp.
init (VIII) and login (I), which maintain the file; who(I), which interprets it.


WTMP ( V ) 2/22/74 WTMP ( V )

wtmp − user login history
This file records all logins and logouts. Its format is exactly like utmp (V) except that a null user
name indicates a logout on the associated typewriter. Furthermore, the typewriter name ‘˜’ indi-
cates that the system was rebooted at the indicated time; the adjacent pair of entries with type-
writer names ‘’ and ‘}’ indicate the system-maintained time just before and just after a date
command has changed the system’s idea of the time.
Wtmp is maintained by login (I) and init (VIII). Neither of these programs creates the file, so if
it is removed record-keeping is turned off. It is summarized by ac (VIII).
This file resides in directory /usr/adm.
login (I), init (VIII), ac (VIII), who (I)


AZEL ( VI ) 5/27/74 AZEL ( VI )

apl − APL interpreter
Apl is an interpreter for the language APL described in the reference. The interpreter maintains
its workspace on disk rather than in core. This has two consequences: there is the potential of a
million byte workspace; it takes a week to access that much data.
Not Implemented (never)
1. Lamination (except for scalar,scalar)
2. 0 div 0 is a domain error.
3. 0 mod x is a domain error.
4. No function definition − use ‘)edit fname’ to enter the system editor; type ‘‘w’’ when done
editing to write the function out in a place where apl can pick it up. Type ‘‘w file’’ to save
5. Indexing is off in character vectors containing overstrikes.
Under Implementation (later)
1. Negative numbers raised to fractional powers are handled incorrectly.
2. No trace or SI.
3. Incomplete set of I-beams and system calls.
Over Implemented (over zealous)
1. Ravel[i] − obvious extension of cat.
2. Grade up and grade down extend to matrices.
3. Arbitrary overstriking is allowed in characters.
/usr/lib/apl/* programs
alloc.d workspace
apl_ed editor intermediate
IBM GH20-0906-1 ‘‘APL User’s Manual’’
/usr/pub/apl ASCII APL character set


AZEL ( VI ) 6/3/74 AZEL ( VI )

azel − obtain satellite predictions
azel [ d ] [ l ] satellite1 [ d ] [ l ] satellite2 ...
Azel predicts, in convenient form, the apparent trajectories of Earth satellites whose orbital ele-
ments are given in the argument files. If a given satellite name cannot be read, an attempt is
made to find it in a directory of satellites maintained by the programs’s author. The d option
causes azel to ask for a date and read line 1 data (see below) from the standard input. The l op-
tion causes azel to ask for the observer’s latitude, west-longitude, and height above sea level.
For each satellite given the program types its full name, the date, and a sequence of lines each
containing a time, an azimuth, an elevation, a distance, and a visual magnitude. Each such line
indicates that: at the indicated time, the satellite may be seen from Murray Hill (or provided lo-
cation) at the indicated azimuth and elevation, and that its distance and apparent magnitude are
as given. Predictions are printed only when the sky is dark (sun more than 5 degrees below the
horizon) and when the satellite is not eclipsed by the earth’s shadow. Satellites which have not
been seen and verified will not have had their visual magnitude level set correctly.
All times input and output by azel are GMT (Universal Time).
The satellites for which elements are maintained are:
sla,b,e,f,k Skylab A through Skylab K. Skylab A and B are the laboratory and its rocket re-
spectively; the remainder are various other objects attendant upon its launch and
subsequent activities. A, B, and probably K have been sighted and verified.
cop Copernicus I. Never verified.
oao Orbiting Astronomical Observatory. Seen and verified.
pag Pageos I. Seen and verified; fairly dim (typically 2nd-3rd magnitude), but elements
are extremely accurate.
exp19 Explorer 19; seen and verified, but quite dim (4th-5th magnitude) and fast-moving.
c103b, c156b, c184b, c206b, c220b, c461b, c500b
Various of the USSR Cosmos series; none seen.
7276a Unnamed (satellite # 72-76A); not seen.
The element files used by azel contain five lines. The first line gives a year, month number, day,
hour, and minute at which the program begins its consideration of the satellite, followed by a
number of minutes and an interval in minutes. If the year, month, and day are 0, they are taken
to be the current date (taken to change at 6 A.M. local time). The output report starts at the indi-
cated epoch and prints the position of the satellite for the indicated number of minutes at times
separated by the indicated interval. This line is ended by two numbers which specify options to
the program governing the completeness of the report; they are ordinarily both ‘‘1’’. The first
option flag suppresses output when the sky is not dark; the second supresses output when the
satellite is eclipsed by the earth’s shadow. The next line of an element file is the full name of the
satellite. The next three are the elements themselves (including certain derivatives of the ele-
/usr/jfo/el/* − orbital element files
sky (VI)
J. F. Ossanna


AZEL ( VI ) 6/3/74 AZEL ( VI )



BAS ( VI ) 5/15/74 BAS ( VI )

bas − basic
bas [ file ]
Bas is a dialect of Basic. If a file argument is provided, the file is used for input before the con-
sole is read. Bas accepts lines of the form:
integer statement
Integer numbered statements (known as internal statements) are stored for later execution. They
are stored in sorted ascending order. Non-numbered statements are immediately executed. The
result of an immediate expression statement (that does not have ‘=’ as its highest operator) is
Statements have the following syntax:
The expression is executed for its side effects (assignment or function call) or for printing
as described above.
Return to system level.
draw expression expression expression
A line is drawn on the Tektronix 611 display ‘/dev/vt0’ from the current display position
to the XY co-ordinates specified by the first two expressions. The scale is zero to one in
both X and Y directions. If the third expression is zero, the line is invisible. The current
display position is set to the end point.
display list
The list of expressions and strings is concatenated and displayed (i.e. printed) on the 611
starting at the current display position. The current display position is not changed.
The name and current value of every variable is printed.
The 611 screen is erased.
for name = expression expression statement
for name = expression expression
The for statement repetitively executes a statement (first form) or a group of statements
(second form) under control of a named variable. The variable takes on the value of the
first expression, then is incremented by one on each loop, not to exceed the value of the
second expression.
goto expression
The expression is evaluated, truncated to an integer and execution goes to the correspond-
ing integer numbered statment. If executed from immediate mode, the internal statements
are compiled first.
if expression statement
The statement is executed if the expression evaluates to non-zero.
list [expression [expression]]
is used to print out the stored internal statements. If no arguments are given, all internal
statements are printed. If one argument is given, only that internal statement is listed. If
two arguments are given, all internal statements inclusively between the arguments are


BAS ( VI ) 5/15/74 BAS ( VI )

print list
The list of expressions and strings are concatenated and printed. (A string is delimited by
" characters.)
prompt list
Prompt is the same as print except that no newline character is printed.
return [expression]
The expression is evaluated and the result is passed back as the value of a function call. If
no expression is given, zero is returned.
The internal statements are compiled. The symbol table is re-initialized. The random
number generator is reset. Control is passed to the lowest numbered internal statement.
save [expression [expression]]
Save is like list except that the output is written on the file argument. If no argument is
given on the command, b.out is used.
Expressions have the following syntax:
A name is used to specify a variable. Names are composed of a letter followed by letters
and digits. The first four characters of a name are significant.
A number is used to represent a constant value. A number is written in Fortran style, and
contains digits, an optional decimal point, and possibly a scale factor consisting of an e
followed by a possibly signed exponent.
( expression )
Parentheses are used to alter normal order of evaluation.
_ expression
The result is the negation of the expression.
expression operator expression
Common functions of two arguments are abbreviated by the two arguments separated by
an operator denoting the function. A complete list of operators is given below.
expression ( [expression [ , expression] ... ] )
Functions of an arbitrary number of arguments can be called by an expression followed by
the arguments in parentheses separated by commas. The expression evaluates to the line
number of the entry of the function in the internally stored statements. This causes the in-
ternal statements to be compiled. If the expression evaluates negative, a builtin function is
called. The list of builtin functions appears below.
name [ expression [ , expression ] ... ]
Each expression is truncated to an integer and used as a specifier for the name. The result
is syntactically identical to a name. a[1,2] is the same as a[1][2]. The truncated expres-
sions are restricted to values between 0 and 32767.
The following is the list of operators:
= is the assignment operator. The left operand must be a name or an array element. The
result is the right operand. Assignment binds right to left, all other operators bind left to
& 
& (logical and) has result zero if either of its arguments are zero. It has result one if both
its arguments are non-zero.  (logical or) has result zero if both of its arguments are zero.
It has result one if either of its arguments are non-zero.


BAS ( VI ) 5/15/74 BAS ( VI )

< <= > >= == <>

The relational operators (< less than, <= less than or equal, > greater than, >= greater than
or equal, == equal to, <> not equal to) return one if their arguments are in the specified re-
lation. They return zero otherwise. Relational operators at the same level extend as fol-
lows: a>b>c is the same as a>b&b>c.
Add and subtract.
Multiply and divide.
The following is a list of builtin functions:
is the value of the i -th actual parameter on the current level of function call.
is the exponential function of x.
is the natural logarithm of x.
is the square root of x.
is the sine of x (radians).
is the cosine of x (radians).
is the arctangent of x. Its value is between −π/2 and π/2.
rnd( )
is a uniformly distributed random number between zero and one.
expr( )
is the only form of program input. A line is read from the input and evaluated as an ex-
pression. The resultant value is returned.
returns x truncated to an integer.
/tmp/btm? temporary
b.out save file
Syntax errors cause the incorrect line to be typed with an underscore where the parse failed. All
other diagnostics are self explanatory.
Has been known to give core images.


BJ ( VI ) 3/15/72 BJ ( VI )

bj − the game of black jack
Bj is a serious attempt at simulating the dealer in the game of black jack (or twenty-one) as
might be found in Reno. The following rules apply:
The bet is $2 every hand.
A player ‘natural’ (black jack) pays $3. A dealer natural loses $2. Both dealer and player
naturals is a ‘push’ (no money exchange).
If the dealer has an ace up, the player is allowed to make an ‘insurance’ bet against the
chance of a dealer natural. If this bet is not taken, play resumes as normal. If the bet is
taken, it is a side bet where the player wins $2 if the dealer has a natural and loses $1 if the
dealer does not.
If the player is dealt two cards of the same value, he is allowed to ‘double’. He is allowed
to play two hands, each with one of these cards. (The bet is doubled also; $2 on each
If a dealt hand has a total of ten or eleven, the player may ‘double down’. He may double
the bet ($2 to $4) and receive exactly one more card on that hand.
Under normal play, the player may ‘hit’ (draw a card) as long as his total is not over
twenty-one. If the player ‘busts’ (goes over twenty-one), the dealer wins the bet.
When the player ‘stands’ (decides not to hit), the dealer hits until he attains a total of sev-
enteen or more. If the dealer busts, the player wins the bet.
If both player and dealer stand, the one with the largest total wins. A tie is a push.
The machine deals and keeps score. The following questions will be asked at appropriate times.
Each question is answered by y followed by a new line for ‘yes’, or just new line for ‘no’.
? (means, ‘‘do you want a hit?’’)
Double down?
Every time the deck is shuffled, the dealer so states and the ‘action’ (total bet) and ‘standing’ (to-
tal won or lost) is printed. To exit, hit the interrupt key (DEL) and the action and standing will
be printed.


CAL ( VI ) 11/1/73 CAL ( VI )

cal − print calendar
cal [ month ] year
Cal prints a calendar for the specified year. If a month is also specified, a calendar just for that
month is printed. Year can be between 1 and 9999. The month is a number between 1 and 12.
The calendar produced is that for England and her colonies.
Try September 1752.
The year is always considered to start in January even though this is historically naive.


CATSIM ( VI ) 11/1/73 CATSIM ( VI )

catsim − phototypesetter simulator
Catsim will interpret its standard input as codes for the phototypesetter (cat). The output of cat-
sim is output to the display (vt).
About the only use of catsim is to save time and paper on the phototypesetter by the following
troff −t files ...  catsim
troff (I), cat (IV), vt (IV)
Point sizes are not correct. The vt character set is restricted to one font of ASCII.


CHESS ( VI ) 11/1/73 CHESS ( VI )

chess − the game of chess
Chess is a computer program that plays class D chess. Moves may be given either in standard
(descriptive) notation or in algebraic notation. The symbol ‘+’ is used to specify check and is
not required; ‘o-o’ and ‘o-o-o’ specify castling. To play black, type ‘first’; to print the board,
type an empty line.
Each move is echoed in the appropriate notation followed by the program’s reply.
/usr/lib/book opening ‘book’
The most cryptic diagnostic is ‘eh?’ which means that the input was syntactically incorrect.
Over-use of this program has been known to cause it to go away.
Pawns may be promoted only to queens.


COL ( VI ) 5/20/74 COL ( VI )

col − filter reverse line feeds
Col reads the standard input and writes the standard output. It performs the line overlays implied
by reverse line feeds (ascii code ESC-7). Col is particularly useful for filtering multicolumn out-
put made with the ‘.rt’ command of nroff.
nroff (I)
Can’t back up more than 102 lines.


CUBIC ( VI ) 11/1/73 CUBIC ( VI )

cubic − three dimensional tic-tac-toe
Cubic plays the game of three dimensional 4×4×4 tic-tac-toe. Moves are given by the three
digits (each 1-4) specifying the coordinate of the square to be played.
Too much playing of the game will cause it to disappear.


FACTOR ( VI ) 1/15/73 FACTOR ( VI )

factor − discover prime factors of a number
When factor is invoked, it types out ‘Enter:’ at you. If you type in a positive number less than
256 (about 7.2×1016 ) it will repeat the number back at you and then its prime factors each one
printed the proper number of times. Then it says ‘Enter:’ again. To exit, feed it an EOT or a
Maximum time to factor is proportional to n and occurs when n is prime or the square of a
prime. It takes 1 minute to factor a prime near 1013.
‘Ouch.’ for input out of range or for garbage input.


GRAF ( VI ) 5/1/74 GRAF ( VI )

graf − draw graph on GSI terminal
graf  nroff  gsi
Graf is a preprocessor to nroff (q.v.) for producing plots imbedded in documents. The standard
input is copied to the standard output except for plots, which are inserted whenever a line begin-
ning ‘‘.GR’’ is found. The remainder of the line should be the arguments to plog, normally in-
cluding a ‘‘<file’’ to point off to the data for the graph. Graf itself reads its standard input.

Graf and neqn can be used together:

neqn files  graf  nroff  gsi

produces a memo with figures and equations and text all intermixed. There is no typesetter
equivalent of graf, nor are there any plans for one.
plog (VI), neqn (I), nroff (I), gsi (VI)
Same as plog (VI). Axes and labels are not scaled down correctly for smaller graphs. It should
recognize .so commands.


GSI ( VI ) 3/20/74 GSI ( VI )

gsi − interpret extended character set on GSI terminal
Gsi interprets commands specific to the GSI terminal. It converts half line forward and reverse
motions into the right vertical motion. It also attempts to draw Greek letters and other special
symbols of the Model 37 extended character set. (These are normally preceded by shift-out and
followed by shift-in.) Gsi is most often used to print equations neatly, in the sequence
neqn file ...  nroff  gsi
Gsi also interprets the plot control characters ACK and BEL. This makes it useful in the se-
graf  nroff  gsi

neqn (I), graf (VI), greek (VII)
Some funny characters can’t be correctly printed in column 1 because you can’t move to the left
from there.


HYPHEN ( VI ) 1/15/73 HYPHEN ( VI )

hyphen − find hyphenated words
hyphen file ...
It finds all of the words in a document which are hyphenated across lines and prints them back at
you in a convenient format.
If no arguments are given, the standard input is used. Thus hyphen may be used as a filter.
Yes, it gets confused, but with no ill effects other than spurious extra output.


IBM ( VI ) 3/20/74 IBM ( VI )

ibm − submit off-line job to HO IBM 370
ibm [ −j ] file ...
Ibm arranges to have the 201 data phone daemon submit a job to the IBM 370 at Holmdel via the
Murray Hill H6070. Normally the job is submitted with enough ‘‘JCL’’ (the IBM version of the
shell) to return the output to your box at Murray Hill. You can supply your own if you dare− the
−j option suppresses all JCL.
If there are no arguments, the standard input is read and submitted. Thus ibm may be used as a
/usr/dpd/* spool area
/etc/passwd personal ident cards
/etc/dpd daemon
dpd (VIII), passwd (V)
Stuff is sent on 6-bit cards, so lower case vanishes, as do some of the special characters.


M6 ( VI ) 2/19/74 M6 ( VI )

m6 − general purpose macroprocessor
m6 [ name ]
M6 copies the standard input to the standard output, with substitutions for any macro calls that
appear. When a file name argument is given, that file is read before the standard input.
The processor is as described in the reference with these exceptions:
#def,arg1,arg2,arg3: causes arg1 to become a macro with defining text arg2 and (optional)
built-in serial number arg3.
#del,arg1: deletes the definition of macro arg1.
#end: is not implemented.
#list,arg1: sends the name of the macro designated by arg1 to the current destination without
recognition of any warning characters; arg1 is 1 for the most recently defined macro, 2 for the
next most recent, and so on. The name is taken to be empty when arg1 doesn’t make sense.
#warn,arg1,arg2: replaces the old warning character arg1 by the new warning character arg2.
#quote,arg1: sends the definition text of macro arg1 to the current destination without recog-
nition of any warning characters.
#serial,arg1: delivers the built-in serial number associated with macro arg1.
#source,arg1: is not implemented.
#trace,arg1: with arg1 = ‘1’ causes a reconstruction of each later call to be placed on the stan-
dard output with a call level number; other values of arg1 turn tracing off.
The built-in ‘warn’ may be used to replace inconvenient warning characters. The example below
replaces ‘#’ ‘:’ ‘<’ ‘>’ by ‘[’ ‘]’ ‘{’ ‘}’.
[now,{calls look like this}]
Every built-in function has a serial number, which specifies the action to be performed before the
defining text is expanded. The serial numbers are: 1 gt, 2 eq, 3 ge, 4 lt, 5 ne, 6 le, 7 seq, 8 sne, 9
add, 10 sub, 11 mpy, 12 div, 13 exp, 20 if, 21 def, 22 copy, 23 warn, 24 size, 25 substr, 26 go, 27
gobk, 28 del, 29 dnl, 32 quote, 33 serial, 34 list, 35 trace. Serial number 0 specifies no built-in
A. D. Hall, M6 Reference Manual. Computer Science Technical Report #2, Bell Laboratories,
Various table overflows and ‘‘impossible’’ conditions result in comment and dump. There are
no diagnostics for poorly formed input.
M. D. McIlroy
Provision should be made to extend tables as needed, instead of wasting a big fixed core alloca-
tion. You get what the PDP11 gives you for arithmetic.


MAZE ( VI ) 11/1/73 MAZE ( VI )

maze − generate a maze problem
Maze will ask a few questions and then print out a maze.
Some mazes (especially small ones) have no solutions.


MOO ( VI ) 11/1/73 MOO ( VI )

moo − guessing game
Moo is a guessing game imported from England. The computer picks a number consisting of
four distinct decimal digits. The player guesses four distinct digits being scored on each guess.
A ‘cow’ is a correct digit in an incorrect position. A ‘bull’ is a correct digit in a correct position.
The game continues until the player guesses the number (a score of four bulls).


NPR ( VI ) 3/20/74 NPR ( VI )

npr − print file on Spider line-printer
npr file ...
Npr prints files on the line-printer in the Spider room. sending them over the Spider loop.
If there are no arguments, the standard input is read and submitted. Thus npr may be used as a
/dev/tiu/d2 tiu to loop


PLOG ( VI ) 5/1/74 PLOG ( VI )

plog − make a graph on the gsi terminal
plog [ option ] ...
Plog is almost the same as plog (q.v.) but the plot is written on the standard output using the
control sequences for the GSI terminal. The following changes have been made:
- The default for grid is no grid at all.
- The ‘a’ option can be followed by two arguments; the second is the starting point for auto-
matic abscissas.
- There is a new option ‘h’ which must be followed by a numerical argument: it specifies the
height desired for the plot.
- There is a new option ‘w’ similar to ‘h’, except that the width is specified. If only on of ‘h’
and ‘w’ is given, the plot is made square of the indicated size. If neither is given, the plot is
made six inches square.
- There is a new option ‘r’ to be followed by a number which loates the plot that many inches to
the right on the page.
plot (VI)
Same as plot (VI). Drawing lines is not yet done exactly right. If you store the output in a file,
before printing with cat you must turn off delays and turn off CR-NL echo (e.g. ‘‘stty -delay


PLOT ( VI ) 6/4/73 PLOT ( VI )

plot − make a graph
plot [ option ] ...
Plot takes pairs of numbers from the standard input as abscissas and ordinates of a graph. The
graph is plotted on the storage scope, /dev/vt0.
The following options are recognized, each as a separate argument.
a Supply abscissas automatically (they are missing from the input); spacing is given by the
next argument, or is assumed to be 1 if next argument is not a number.
c Place character string given by next argument at each point.
d Omit connections between points. (Disconnect.)
gn Grid style:
n=0, no grid
n=1, axes only
n=2, complete grid (default).
s Save screen, don’t erase before plotting.
x Next 1 (or 2) arguments are lower (and upper) x limits.
y Next 1 (or 2) arguments are lower (and upper) y limits.
Points are connected by straight line segments in the order they appear in input. If a specified
lower limit exceeds the upper limit, or if the automatic increment is negative, the graph is plotted
upside down. Automatic abscissas begin with the lower x limit, or with 0 if no limit is specified.
Grid lines and automatically determined limits fall on round values, however roundness may be
subverted by giving an inappropriately rounded lower limit. Plotting symbols specified by c are
placed so that a small initial letter, such as + o x, will fall approximately on the plotting point.
spline (VI), plog (VI)
A limit of 1000 points is enforced silently.


PTX ( VI ) 10/15/73 PTX ( VI )

ptx − permuted index
ptx [ −t ] input [ output ]
Ptx generates a permuted index from file input on file output. It has three phases: the first does
the permutation, generating one line for each keyword in an input line. The keyword is rotated
to the front. The permuted file is then sorted. Finally the sorted lines are rotated so the keyword
comes at the middle of the page.
Input should be edited to remove useless lines. The following words are suppressed: ‘a’, ‘an’,
‘and’, ‘as’, ‘is’, ‘for’, ‘of’, ‘on’, ‘or’, ‘the’, ‘to’, ‘up’.
The optional argument −t causes ptx to prepare its output for the phototypesetter.
The index for this manual was generated using ptx.


SFS ( VI ) 6/25/73 SFS ( VI )

sfs − structured file scanner
sfs filename [ − ]
Sfs provides an interactive program for scanning and pactching a structured file. If the second ar-
gument is supplied, the file is block addressed.
Some features of sfs include.
1. It provides interactive and preprogrammed operation.
2. It provides expression evaluation (32 bit precision) and branching.
3. It provides the ability to define a large set of hierarchical structure definitions.
4. It provides the ability to locate, to dump, and to patch specific instances of structure in the
file. Furthermore, in the dump and patch operations the external form of the structure is
selected by the user.
5. It provides the ability to escape to the UNIX command level to allow the use of other
UNIX debugging aids.
‘‘SFS reference manual’’ (internal memorandum)


SKY ( VI ) 9/22/73 SKY ( VI )

sky − obtain ephemerides
Sky predicts the apparent locations of the Sun, the Moon, the planets out to Saturn, stars of mag-
nitude at least 2.5, and certain other celestial objects Sky reads the standard input to obtain a
GMT time typed on one line with blanks separating year, month number, day, hour, and minute;
if the year is missing the current year is used. If a blank line is typed the current time is used.
The program prints the azimuth, elevation, and magnitude of objects which are above the hori-
zon at the ephemeris location of Murray Hill at the indicated time.
Placing a ‘‘1’’ input after the minute entry causes the program to print out the Greenwich Side-
real Time at the indicated moment and to print for each body its right ascension and declination
as well as its azimuth and elevation. Also, instead of the magnitude, the geocentric distance of
the body, in units the program considers convenient, is printed. (For planets the unit is essen-
tially A. U.)
The magnitudes of Solar System bodies are not calculated and are given as 0. The effects of at-
mospheric extinction are not included; the mean magnitudes of variable stars are marked with
For all bodies, the program takes into account precession and nutation of the equinox, annual
(but not diurnal) aberration, diurnal parallax, and the proper motion of stars (but not annual par-
allax). In no case is refraction included.
The program takes into account perturbations of the Earth due to the Moon, Venus, Mars, and
Jupiter. The expected accuracies are: for the Sun and other stellar bodies a few tenths of seconds
of arc; for the Moon (on which particular care is lavished) likewise a few tenths of seconds. For
the Sun, Moon and stars the accuracy is sufficient to predict the circumstances of eclipses and
occultations to within a few seconds of time. The planets may be off by several minutes of arc.
/usr/lib/startab, /usr/lib/moontab
azel (VI)
American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac, for the appropriate years; also, the Explanatory
Supplement to the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac.
R. Morris


SNO ( VI ) 2/9/73 SNO ( VI )

sno − Snobol interpreter
sno [ file ]
Sno is a Snobol III (with slight differences) compiler and interpreter. Sno obtains input from the
concatenation of file and the standard input. All input through a statement containing the label
‘end’ is considered program and is compiled. The rest is available to ‘syspit’.
Sno differs from Snobol III in the following ways.
There are no unanchored searches. To get the same effect:
a ** b unanchored search for b
a *x* b = x c unanchored assignment
There is no back referencing.
x = "abc"
a *x* x is an unanchored search for ‘abc’
Function declaration is different. The function declaration is done at compile time by the use of
the label ‘define’. Thus there is no ability to define functions at run time and the use of the name
‘define’ is preempted. There is also no provision for automatic variables other than the parame-
ters. For example:
define f( )
define f(a,b,c)
All labels except ‘define’ (even ‘end’) must have a non-empty statement.
If ‘start’ is a label in the program, program execution will start there. If not, execution begins
with the first executable statement. ‘define’ is not an executable statement.
There are no builtin functions.
Parentheses for arithmetic are not needed. Normal precedence applies. Because of this, the
arithmetic operators ‘/’ and ‘*’ must be set off by space.
The right side of assignments must be non-empty.
Either ´ or " may be used for literal quotes.
The pseudo-variable ‘sysppt’ is not available.
Snobol III manual. (JACM; Vol. 11 No. 1; Jan 1964; pp 21)


SPEAK ( VI ) 8/15/73 SPEAK ( VI )

speak − word to voice translator
speak [ −epsv ] [ vocabulary [ output ] ]
Speak turns a stream of words into utterances and outputs them to a voice synthesizer, or to the
specified output file. It has facilities for maintaining a vocabulary. It receives, from the standard
− working lines: text of words separated by blanks
− phonetic lines: strings of phonemes for one word preceded and separated by commas. The
phonemes may be followed by comma-percent then a ‘replacement part’ − an ASCII string
with no spaces. The phonetic code is given in bs (VII).
− empty lines
− command lines: beginning with !. The following command lines are recognized:
!r file replace coded vocabulary from file
!w file write coded vocabulary on file
!p print phonetics for working word
!l list vocabulary on standard output with phonetics
!c word copy phonetics from working word to specified word
!d print decomposition into substrings
Each working line replaces its predecessor. Its first word is the ‘working word’. Each phonetic
line replaces the phonetics stored for the working word. In particular, a phonetic line of comma
only deletes the entry for the working word. Each working line, phonetic line or empty line
causes the working line to be uttered. The process terminates at the end of input.
Unknown words are pronounced by rules, and failing that, are spelled. Spelling is done by tak-
ing each character of the word, prefixing it with ‘*’, and looking it up. Unspellable words burp.
Speak is initialized with a coded vocabulary stored in file /usr/lib/speak.m. The vocabulary op-
tion substitutes a different file for /usr/lib/speak.m.
A set of single letter options may appear in any order preceded by −. Their meanings are:
−e suppress English preprocessing
−p suppress pronunciation by rule
−s suppress spelling
−v suppress voice output
The following input will reconstitute a coded vocabulary, ‘speak.m’, from an ascii listing,
‘speak.v’, that was created using !l. ‘Null’ names a nonexistent vocabulary file.
cat speak.v −  speak −v null
!w speak.m

M. D. McIlroy, ‘‘Synthetic English Speech by Rule,’’ Computing Science Technical Report #14,
Bell Laboratories, 1973
vs (VII), vs (IV)
Excessively long words cause dumps.
Space is not reclaimed from changed entries; use !w and !r to effect reclamation.
The first phoneme is sometimes dropped when !p is used after !d.


SPLINE ( VI ) 5/15/74 SPLINE ( VI )

spline − interpolate smooth curve
spline [ option ] ...
Spline takes pairs of numbers from the standard input as abcissas and ordinates of a function. It
produces a similar set, which is approximately equally spaced and includes the input set, on the
standard output. The cubic spline output (R. W. Hamming, Numerical Methods for Scientists
and Engineers, 2nd ed., 349ff) has two continuous derivatives, and sufficiently many points to
look smooth when plotted, for example by plot (I).
The following options are recognized, each as a separate argument.
a Supply abscissas automatically (they are missing from the input); spacing is given by the
next argument, or is assumed to be 1 if next argument is not a number.
k The constant k used in the boundary value computation
y′′0 = ky′′1 , y′′n = ky′′n − 1
is set by the next argument. By default k = 0.
n Space output points so that approximately n points occur between the lower and upper x
limits. (Default n = 100.)
p Make output periodic, i.e. match derivatives at ends. First and last input values should
normally agree.
x Next 1 (or 2) arguments are lower (and upper) x limits. Normally these limits are calcu-
lated from the data. Automatic abcissas start at lower limit (default 0).
plot (I)
M. D. McIlroy
A limit of 1000 input points is enforced silently.


TMG ( VI ) 10/21/72 TMG ( VI )

tmg − compiler-compiler
tmg name
Tmg produces a translator for the language whose parsing and translation rules are described in
file name.t. The new translator appears in a.out and may be used thus:
a.out input [ output ]
Except in rare cases input must be a randomly addressable file. If no output file is specified, the
standard output file is assumed.
/sys/tmg/tmgl.o the compiler-compiler
/sys/tmg[abc] libraries
alloc.d table storage
A Manual for the Tmg Compiler-writing Language, internal memorandum.
Syntactic errors result in "???" followed by the offending line.
Situations such as space overflow with which the Tmg processor or a Tmg-produced processor
can not cope result in a descriptive comment and a dump.
M. D. McIlroy
9.2 footnote 1 is not enforced, causing trouble.
Restrictions (7.) against mixing bundling primitives should be lifted.
Certain hidden reserved words exist: gpar, classtab, trans.
Octal digits include 8=10 and 9=11.


TTT ( VI ) 11/1/73 TTT ( VI )

ttt − tic-tac-toe
Ttt is the X and O game popular in the first grade. This is a learning program that never makes
the same mistake twice.
Although it learns, it learns slowly. It must lose nearly 80 games to completely know the game.
/usr/games/ttt.k learning file


WUMP ( VI ) 11/25/73 WUMP ( VI )

wump − hunt the wumpus
Wump plays the game of ‘‘Hunt the Wumpus.’’ A Wumpus is a creature that lives in a cave with
several rooms connected by tunnels. You wander among the rooms, trying to shoot the Wumpus
with an arrow, meanwhile avoiding being eaten by the Wumpus and falling into Bottomless Pits.
There are also Super Bats which are likely to pick you up and drop you in some random room.
The program asks various questions which you answer one per line; it will give a more detailed
description if you want.
This program is based on one described in People’s Computer Company, 2, 2 (November 1973).
It will never replace Space War.


YACC ( I ) 6/6/73 YACC ( I )

yacc − yet another compiler-compiler
yacc [ −v ] [ grammar ]
Yacc converts a context-free grammar into a set of tables for a simple automaton which executes
an LR(1) parsing algorithm. The grammar may be ambiguous; specified precedence rules are
used to break ambiguities.
The output is y.tab.c, which must be compiled by the C compiler and loaded with any other rou-
tines required (perhaps a lexical analyzer) and the Yacc library:
cc y.tab.c other.o −ly
If the −v flag is given, the file y.output is prepared, which contains a description of the parsing
tables and a report on conflicts generated by ambiguities in the grammar.
‘‘LR Parsing’’, by A. V. Aho and S. C. Johnson, Computing Surveys, June, 1974. ‘‘The YACC
Compiler-compiler’’, internal memorandum.
S. C. Johnson
/lib/liby.a runtime library for compiler
The number of reduce-reduce and shift-reduce conflicts is reported on the standard output; a
more detailed report is found in the y.output file.


ASCII ( VII ) 6/12/72 ASCII ( VII )

ascii − map of ASCII character set
cat /usr/pub/ascii
Ascii is a map of the ASCII character set, to be printed as needed. It contains:

000 nu l 001 s oh002 s t x003 e t x004 eo t 005 enq006 a ck007 be l 

010 b s 011 h t 012 n l 013 v t 014 np 015 c r 016 s o 017 si 
020 d l e021 dc1022 dc2023 dc3024 dc4025 nak026 s yn027 e t b
030 c an031 em 032 s ub033 e s c034 f s 035 g s 036 r s 037 us 
040 s p 041 ! 042 " 043 # 044 $ 045 % 046 & 047 ´ 
050 ( 051 ) 052 * 053 + 054 , 055 − 056 . 057 / 
060 0 061 1 062 2 063 3 064 4 065 5 066 6 067 7 
070 8 071 9 072 : 073 ; 074 < 075 = 076 > 077 ? 
100 @ 101 A 102 B 103 C 104 D 105 E 106 F 107 G 
110 H 111 I 112 J 113 K 114 L 115 M 116 N 117 O 
120 P 121 Q 122 R 123 S 124 T 125 U 126 V 127 W
130 X 131 Y 132 Z 133 [ 134 \ 135 ] 136 ˆ 137 _ 
140 ` 141 a 142 b 143 c 144 d 145 e 146 f 147 g 
150 h 151 i 152 j 153 k 154 l 155 m 156 n 157 o 
160 p 161 q 162 r 163 s 164 t 165 u 166 v 167 w 
170 x 171 y 172 z 173 { 174  175 } 176 ˜ 177 de l 

found in /usr/pub


GREEK ( V ) 10/31/72 GREEK ( V )

greek − graphics for extended TTY-37 type-box
cat /usr/pub/greek
Greek gives the mapping from ascii to the ‘‘shift out’’ graphics in effect between SO and SI on
model 37 Teletypes with a 128-character type-box. It contains:
alpha α A beta β B gamma γ \
GAMMA Γ G delta δ D DELTA ∆ W
epsilon ε S zeta ζ Q eta η N
THETA Θ T theta θ O lambda λ L
LAMBDA Λ E mu µ M nu ν @
xi ξ X pi π J PI Π P
rho ρ K sigma σ Y SIGMA Σ R
tau τ I phi φ U PHI Φ F
psi ψ V PSI Ψ H omega ω C
OMEGA Ω Z nabla  [ not ¬ _
partial  ] integral + ˆ
ascii (VII)


TABS ( VII ) 6/15/72 TABS ( VII )

tabs − set tab stops
cat /usr/pub/tabs
When printed on a suitable terminal, this file will set tab stops every 8 columns. Suitable termi-
nals include the Teletype model 37 and the GE TermiNet 300.
These tab stop settings are desirable because UNIX assumes them in calculating delays.



tmheader − TM cover sheet
ed /usr/pub/tmheader
/usr/pub/tmheader contains a prototype for making a troff(I) formatted cover sheet for a techni-
cal memorandum. Parameters to be filled in by the user are marked by self-explanatory names
beginning with ‘‘---’’.
God help you on two-page abstracts. Try to write less.


VS ( VII ) 9/4/73 VS ( VII )

vs − voice synthesizer code
The octal codes below are understood by the Votrax® voice synthesizer. Inflection and
phonemes are or-ed together. The mnemonics in the first column are used by speak (I); the up-
per case mnemonics are used by the manufacturer.

0 300 4−strong inflection u0 014 UH−but

1 200 3 u1 015 UH1−uncle
2 100 2 u2 016 UH2−stirrup
3 000 1−weak inflection u3 034 UH3−app_le ab_le
yu 027 U−use
a0 033 AH−contact iu 010 U1−unite(,y1,iu,...)
a1 052 AH1−connect ju 011 IU−new
aw 002 AW−law(,l,u2,aw) b 061 B
au 054 AW1−fault d 041 D
ae 021 AE−cat f 042 F
ea 020 AE1−antenna g 043 G
ai 037 A−name(,n,ai,y0,m) h 044 H
aj 071 A1−namely k 046 K
e0 004 EH−met enter l 047 L
e1 076 EH1−seven m 063 M
e2 077 EH2−seven n 062 N
er 005 ER−weather p 032 P
eu 073 OOH−Goethe cheveux q 075 Q
eh 067 EHH−le cheveux r 024 R
y0 023 EE−three s 040 S
y1 026 Y−sixty t 025 T
y2 035 Y1−yes v 060 V
ay 036 AY−may w 022 W
i0 030 I−six z 055 Z
i1 064 I1−inept inside sh 056 SH−show ship
i2 065 I2−static zh 070 ZH−pleasure
iy 066 IY−cry(,k,r,a0,iy) j 045 J−edge
ie 003 IE−zero ch 057 CH−batch
ih 072 IH−station th 006 TH−thin
o0 031 O−only no dh 007 THV−then
o1 012 O1−hello ng 053 NG−long ink
o2 013 O2−notice −0 017 PA2−long pause
ou 051 OO1−good should −1 001 PA1
oo 050 OO−look −2 074 PA0−short pause

speak (VI), vs (IV)


20BOOT ( VIII ) 10/31/73 20BOOT ( VIII )

20boot − install new 11/20 system
This shell command file copies the current version of the 11/20 program used to run the VT01
display onto the /dev/vt0 file. The 11/20 should have been started at its ROM location 773000.
/dev/vt0, /usr/mdec/20.o (11/20 program)
vt (IV)


AC ( VIII ) 2/20/74 AC ( VIII )

ac − login accounting
ac [ −w wtmp ] [ −p ] [ −d ] people
Ac produces a printout giving connect time for each user who has logged in during the life of the
current wtmp file. A total is also produced. −w is used to specify an alternate wtmp file. −p
prints individual totals; without this option, only totals are printed. −d causes a printout for each
midnight to midnight period. Any people will limit the printout to only the specified login
names. If no wtmp file is given, /usr/adm/wtmp is used.
The accounting file /usr/adm/wtmp is maintained by init and login. Neither of these programs
creates the file, so if it does not exist no connect-time accounting is done. To start accounting, it
should be created with length 0. On the other hand if the file is left undisturbed it will grow
without bound, so periodically any information desired should be collected and the file trun-
init (VIII), login (I), wtmp (V).



boot procedures − UNIX startup
How to start UNIX. UNIX is started by placing it in core starting at location zero and transfer-
ring to zero. There are various ways to do this. If UNIX is still intact after it has been running,
the most obvious method is simply to transfer to zero, but this is not recommended if the system
has crashed.
The tp command places a bootstrap program on the otherwise unused block zero of the tape.
The DECtape version of this program is called tboot, the magtape version mboot. If tboot or
mboot is read into location zero and executed there, it will type ‘=’ on the console, read in a tp
entry name, load that entry into core, and transfer to zero. Thus the next easiest way to run
UNIX is to maintain the UNIX code on a tape using tp. Then when a boot is required, execute
(somehow) a program which reads in and jumps to the first block of the tape. In response to the
‘=’ prompt, type the entry name of the system on the tape (we use plain ‘unix’). It is strongly
recommended that a current version of the system be maintained in this way, even if the first or
third methods of booting the system are usually used.
The standard DEC ROM which loads DECtape is sufficient to read in tboot, but the magtape
ROM loads block one, not zero. If no suitable ROM is available, magtape and DECtape pro-
grams are presented below which may be manually placed in core and executed.
A third method of rebooting the system involves the otherwise unused block zero of each UNIX
file system. The single-block program uboot will read a UNIX pathname from the console, find
the corresponding file on a device, load that file into core location zero, and transfer to it. The
current version of this boot program reads a single character (either p or k for RP or RK, both
drive 0) to specify which device is to be searched. Uboot operates under very severe space con-
straints. It supplies no prompts, except that it echos a carriage return and line feed after the p or
k. No diagnostic is provided if the indicated file cannot be found, nor is there any means of cor-
recting typographical errors in the file name except to start the program over. Uboot can reside
on any of the standard file systems or may be loaded from a tp tape as described above.
The standard DEC disk ROMs will load and execute uboot from block zero.
The switches. The console switches play an important role in the use and especially the booting
of UNIX. During operation, the console switches are examined 60 times per second, and the
contents of the address specified by the switches are displayed in the display register. (This is
not true on the 11/40 since there is no display register on that machine.) If the switch address is
even, the address is interpreted in kernel (system) space; if odd, the rounded-down address is in-
terpreted in the current user space.
If any diagnostics are produced by the system, they are printed on the console only if the
switches are non-zero. Thus it is wise to have a non-zero value in the switches at all times.
During the startup of the system, the init program (VIII) reads the switches and will come up
single-user if the switches are set to 173030.
It is unwise to have a non-existent address in the switches. This causes a bus error in the system
(displayed as 177777) at the rate of 60 times per second. If there is a transfer of more than 16ms
duration on a device with a data rate faster than the bus error timeout (approx 10µs) then a per-
manent disk non-existent-memory error will occur.
ROM programs. Here are some programs which are suitable for installing in read-only memo-
ries, or for manual keying into core if no ROM is present. Each program is position-independent
but should be placed well above location 0 so it will not be overwritten. Each reads a block from
the beginning of a device into core location zero. The octal words constituting the program are
listed on the left.



DECtape (drive 0) from endzone:

012700 mov $tcba,r0
010040 mov r0,-(r0) / use tc addr for wc
012710 mov $3,(r0) / read bn forward
105710 1: tstb (r0) / wait for ready
002376 bge 1b
112710 movb $5,(r0) / read (forward)
000777 br . / loop; now halt and start at 0
DECtape (drive 0) with search:
012700 1: mov $tcba,r0
010040 mov r0,-(r0) / use tc addr for wc
012740 mov $4003,-(r0) / read bn reverse
005710 2: tst (r0)
002376 bge 2b / wait for error
005760 tst -2(r0) / loop if not end zone
002365 bge 1b
012710 mov $3,(r0) / read bn forward
105710 2: tstb (r0) / wait for ready
002376 bge 2b
112710 movb $5,(r0) / read (forward)
105710 2: tstb (r0) / wait for ready
002376 bge 2b
005007 clr pc / transfer to zero
Caution: both of these DECtape programs will (literally) blow a fuse if 2 drives are dialed to
Magtape from load point:
012700 mov $mtcma,r0
010040 mov r0,-(r0) / usr mt addr for wc
012740 mov $60003,-(r0) / read 9-track
000777 br . / loop; now halt and start at 0
RK (drive 0):
012700 mov $rkmr,r0
005040 clr -(r0)
010040 mov r0,-(r0)
012740 mov $5,-(r0)
105710 1: tstb (r0)
002376 bge 1b
005007 clr pc
RP (drive 0)
012700 mov $rpmr,r0
005040 clr -(r0)
005040 clr -(r0)



005040 clr -(r0)

010040 mov r0,-(r0)
012740 mov $5,-(r0)
105710 1: tstb (r0)
002376 bge 1b
005007 clr pc
/unix − UNIX code
/usr/mdec/mboot − tp magtape bootstrap
/usr/mdec/tboot − tp DECtape bootstrap
/usr/mdec/uboot − file system bootstrap
tp (I), init (VII)


CHECK ( VIII ) 8/31/73 CHECK ( VIII )

check − file system consistency check
check [ −lsuib [ numbers ] ] [ filesystem ]
Check examines a file system, builds a bit map of used blocks, and compares this bit map against
the free list maintained on the file system. It also reads directories and compares the link-count
in each i-node with the number of directory entries by which it is referenced. If the file system is
not specified, a check of a default file system is performed. The normal output of check includes
a report of
The number of blocks missing; i.e. not in any file nor in the free list,
The number of special files,
The total number of files,
The number of large files,
The number of directories,
The number of indirect blocks,
The number of blocks used in files,
The highest-numbered block appearing in a file,
The number of free blocks.
The −l flag causes check to produce as part of its output report a list of the all the path names of
files on the file system. The list is in i-number order; the first name for each file gives the i-
number while subsequent names (i.e. links) have the i-number suppressed. The entries ‘‘.’’ and
‘‘..’’ for directories are also suppressed. If the flag as given as −ll, the listing will include the
accessed and modified times for each file. The −l option supersedes −s.
The −s flag causes check to ignore the actual free list and reconstruct a new one by rewriting the
super-block of the file system. The file system should be dismounted while this is done; if this is
not possible (for example if the root file system has to be salvaged) care should be taken that the
system is quiescent and that it is rebooted immediately afterwards so that the old, bad in-core
copy of the super-block will not continue to be used. Notice also that the words in the super-
block which indicate the size of the free list and of the i-list are believed. If the super-block has
been curdled these words will have to be patched. The −s flag causes the normal output reports
to be suppressed.
With the −u flag, check examines the directory structure for connectivity. A list of all i-node
numbers that cannot be reached from the root is printed. This is exactly the list of i-nodes that
should be cleared (see clri (VIII)) after a series of incremental restores. (See the bugs section of
restor (VIII).) The −u option supersedes −s.
The occurrence of i n times in a flag argument −ii...i causes check to store away the next n argu-
ments which are taken to be i-numbers. When any of these i-numbers is encountered in a direc-
tory a diagnostic is produced, as described below, which indicates among other things the entry
Likewise, n appearances of b in a flag like −bb...b cause the next n arguments to be taken as
block numbers which are remembered; whenever any of the named blocks turns up in a file, a di-
agnostic is produced.
Currently, /dev/rp0 is the default file system.
fs (V), clri (VIII), restor(VIII)
If a read error is encountered, the block number of the bad block is printed and check exits.
‘‘Bad freeblock’’ means that a block number outside the available space was encountered in the
free list. ‘‘n dups in free’’ means that n blocks were found in the free list which duplicate blocks


CHECK ( VIII ) 8/31/73 CHECK ( VIII )

either in some file or in the earlier part of the free list.

An important class of diagnostics is produced by a routine which is called for each block which
is encountered in an i-node corresponding to an ordinary file or directory. These have the form
b# complaint ; i= i# (class )
Here b# is the block number being considered; complaint is the diagnostic itself. It may be
blk if the block number was mentioned as an argument after −b;
bad if the block number has a value not inside the allocatable space on the device, as indi-
cated by the devices’s super-block;
dup if the block number has already been seen in a file;
din if the block is a member of a directory, and if an entry is found therein whose i-number
is outside the range of the i-list on the device, as indicated by the i-list size specified
by the super-block. Unfortunately this diagnostic does not indicate the offending entry
name, but since the i-number of the directory itself is given (see below) the problem
can be tracked down.
The i# in the form above is the i-number in which the named block was found. The class is an
indicator of what type of block was involved in the difficulty:
sdir indicates that the block is a data block in a small file;
ldir indicates that the block is a data block in a large file (the indirect block number is not
idir indicates that the block is an indirect block (pointing to data blocks) in a large file;
free indicates that the block was mentioned after −b and is free;
urk indicates a malfunction in check.
When an i-number specified after −i is encountered while reading a directory, a report in the
# ino; i= d# (class ) name
where i# is the requested i-number. d# is the i-number of the directory, class is the class of the
directory block as discussed above (virtually always ‘‘sdir’’) and name is the entry name. This
diagnostic gives enough information to find a full path name for an i-number without using the -l
option: use −b n to find an entry name and the i-number of the directory containing the reference
to n, then recursively use −b on the i-number of the directory to find its name.
Another important class of file system diseases indicated by check is files for which the number
of directory entries does not agree with the link-count field of the i-node. The diagnostic is hard
to interpret. It has the form
i# delta
Here i# is the i-number affected. Delta is an octal number accumulated in a byte, and thus can
have the value 0 through 377(8). The easiest way (short of rewriting the routine) of explaining
the significance of delta is to describe how it is computed.
If the associated i-node is allocated (that is, has the allocated bit on) add 100 to delta. If its
link-count is non-zero, add another 100 plus the link-count. Each time a directory entry specify-
ing the associated i-number is encountered, subtract 1 from delta. At the end, the i-number and
delta are printed if delta is neither 0 nor 200. The first case indicates that the i-node was unallo-
cated and no entries for it appear; the second that it was allocated and that the link-count and the
number of directory entries agree.
Therefore (to explain the symptoms of the most common difficulties) delta = 377 (−1 in 8-bit,
2’s complement octal) means that there is a directory entry for an unallocated i-node. This is
somewhat serious and the entry should be be found and removed forthwith. Delta = 201 usually
means that a normal, allocated i-node has no directory entry. This difficulty is much less seri-
ous. Whatever blocks there are in the file are unavailable, but no further damage will occur if
nothing is done. A clri followed by a check −s will restore the lost space at leisure.


CHECK ( VIII ) 8/31/73 CHECK ( VIII )

In general, values of delta equal to or somewhat above 0, 100, or 200 are relatively innocuous;
just below these numbers there is danger of spreading infection.
Check −l or −u on large file systems takes a great deal of core.
Since check is inherently two-pass in nature, extraneous diagnostics may be produced if applied
to active file systems.
It believes even preposterous super-blocks and consequently can get core images.


CLRI ( VIII ) 10/31/73 CLRI ( VIII )

clri − clear i-node
clri i-number [ filesystem ]
Clri writes zeros on the 32 bytes occupied by the i-node numbered i-number. If the file system
argument is given, the i-node resides on the given device, otherwise on a default file system.
The file system argument must be a special file name referring to a device containing a file sys-
tem. After clri, any blocks in the affected file will show up as ‘‘missing’’ in a check of of the
file system.
Read and write permission is required on the specified file system device. The i-node becomes
The primary purpose of this routine is to remove a file which for some reason appears in no di-
rectory. If it is used to zap an i-node which does appear in a directory, care should be taken to
track down the entry and remove it. Otherwise, when the i-node is reallocated to some new file,
the old entry will still point to that file. At that point removing the old entry will destroy the new
file. The new entry will again point to an unallocated i-node, so the whole cycle is likely to be
repeated again and again.
Whatever the default file system is, it is likely to be wrong. Specify the file system explicitly.
If the file is open, clri is likely to be ineffective.


DF ( VIII ) 1/20/73 DF ( VIII )

df − disk free
df [ filesystem ]
Df prints out the number of free blocks available on a file system. If the file system is unspeci-
fied, the free space on all of the normally mounted file systems is printed.
/dev/rf?, /dev/rk?, /dev/rp?
check (VIII)


DPD ( VIII ) 3/15/72 DPD ( VIII )

dpd − spawn data phone daemon
Dpd is the 201 data phone daemon. It is designed to submit jobs to the Honeywell 6070 com-
puter via the GRTS interface.
Dpd uses the directory /usr/dpd. The file lock in that directory is used to prevent two daemons
from becoming active. After the daemon has successfully set the lock, it forks and the main path
exits, thus spawning the daemon. The directory is scanned for files beginning with df. Each
such file is submitted as a job. Each line of a job file must begin with a key character to specify
what to do with the remainder of the line.
S directs dpd to generate a unique snumb card. This card is generated by incrementing the
first word of the file /usr/dpd/snumb and converting that to three-digit octal concatenated
with the station ID.
L specifies that the remainder of the line is to be sent as a literal.
B specifies that the rest of the line is a file name. That file is to be sent as binary cards.
F is the same as B except a form feed is prepended to the file.
U specifies that the rest of the line is a file name. After the job has been transmitted, the file
is unlinked.
Any error encountered will cause the daemon to drop the call, wait up to 20 minutes and start
over. This means that an improperly constructed df file may cause the same job to be submitted
every 20 minutes.
While waiting, the daemon checks to see that the lock file still exists. If it is gone, the daemon
will exit.
/dev/dn0, /dev/dp0, /usr/dpd/*
opr (I)


DUMP ( VIII ) 11/24/73 DUMP ( VIII )

dump − incremental file system dump
dump [ key [ arguments ] filesystem ]
Dump will make an incremental file system dump on magtape of all files changed after a certain
date. The argument key, specifies the date and other options about the dump. Key consists of
characters from the set iu0hds.
i the dump date is taken from the file /etc/ddate.
u the date just prior to this dump is written on /etc/ddate upon successful completion of this
0 the dump date is taken as the epoch (beginning of time). Thus this option causes an entire
file system dump to be taken.
h the dump date is some number of hours before the current date. The number of hours is
taken from the next argument in arguments.
d the dump date is some number of days before the current date. The number of days is tak-
en from the next argument in arguments.
s the size of the dump tape is specified in feet. The number of feet is taken from the next ar-
gument in arguments. It is assumed that there are 9 standard UNIX records per foot.
When the specified size is reached, the dump will wait for reels to be changed. The de-
fault size is 1700 feet.
If no arguments are given, the key is assumed to be i and the file system is assumed to be
Full dumps should be taken on quiet file systems as follows:
dump 0u /dev/rp1
check -l /dev/rp1
The check will come in handy in case it is necessary to resore individual files from this dump.
Incremental dumps should then be taken when desired by:
When the incremental dumps get cumbersome, a new complete dump should be taken. In this
way, a restore requires loading of the complete dump tape and only the latest incremental tape.
/dev/rp1default file system
restor (VIII), check (VIII), dump (V)


GETTY ( VIII ) 9/19/73 GETTY ( VIII )

getty − set typewriter mode
Getty is invoked by init (VIII) immediately after a typewriter is opened following a dial-up. The
user’s login name is read and the login (I) command is called with this name as an argument.
While reading this name getty attempts to adapt the system to the speed and type of terminal be-
ing used.
Getty initially sets the speed of the interface to 300 baud, specifies that raw mode is to be used
(break on every character), that echo is to be suppressed, and either parity allowed. It types the
‘‘login:’’ message (which includes the characters which put the Terminet 300 terminal into full-
duplex and return the GSI terminal to non-graphic mode. Then the user’s name is read, a charac-
ter at a time. If a null character is received, it is assumed to be the result of the user pushing the
‘‘break’’ (‘‘interrupt’’) key. The speed is then changed to 150 baud and the ‘‘login:’’ is typed
again, this time including the chracter sequence which puts a Teletype 37 into full-duplex. If a
subsequent null character is received, the speed is changed back to 300 baud.
The user’s name is terminated by a new-line or carriage-return character. The latter results in the
system being set to to treat carriage returns appropriately (see stty (II)).
The user’s name is scanned to see if it contains any lower-case alphabetic characters; if not, and
if the name is nonempty, the system is told to map any future upper-case characters into the cor-
responding lower-case characters. Thus UNIX is usable from upper-case-only terminals.
Finally, login is called with the user’s name as argument.
init (VIII), login (I), stty (II)


GLOB ( VIII ) 9/19/73 GLOB ( VIII )

glob − generate command arguments
/etc/glob command [ arguments ]
Glob is used to expand arguments to the shell containing ‘‘*’’, ‘‘[’’, or ‘‘?’’. It is passed the ar-
gument list containing the metacharacters; glob expands the list and calls the indicated com-
mand. The actions of glob are detailed in the Shell writeup.
sh (I)


INIT ( VIII ) 2/22/74 INIT ( VIII )

init − process control initialization
Init is invoked inside UNIX as the last step in the boot procedure. Generally its role is to create
a process for each typewriter on which a user may log in.
First, init checks to see if the console switches contain 173030. (This number is likely to vary
between systems.) If so, the console typewriter /dev/tty8 is opened for reading and writing and
the Shell is invoked immediately. This feature is used to bring up a single-user system. When
the system is brought up in this way, the getty and login routines mentioned below and described
elsewhere are not used. If the Shell terminates, init starts over looking for the console switch
Otherwise, init invokes a Shell, with input taken from the file /etc/rc. This command file per-
forms housekeeping like removing temporary files, mounting file systems, and starting daemons.
Then init reads the file /etc/ttys and forks several times to create a process for each typewriter
specified in the file. Each of these processes opens the appropriate typewriter for reading and
writing. These channels thus receive file descriptors 0 and 1, the standard input and output.
Opening the typewriter will usually involve a delay, since the open is not completed until some-
one is dialed up and carrier established on the channel. Then the process executes the program
specified by its line in ttys; the only program currently specifiable is /etc/getty (q.v.). Getty reads
the user’s name and invokes login (q.v.) to log in the user and execute the Shell.
Ultimately the Shell will terminate because of an end-of-file either typed explicitly or generated
as a result of hanging up. The main path of init, which has been waiting for such an event,
wakes up and removes the appropriate entry from the file utmp, which records current users, and
makes an entry in /usr/adm/wtmp, which maintains a history of logins and logouts. Then the ap-
propriate typewriter is reopened and getty is reinvoked.
Init catches the hangup signal (signal #1) and interprets it to mean that the switches should be
examined as in a reboot: if they indicate a multi-user system, the /etc/ttys file is read again. The
Shell process on each line which used to be active in ttys but is no longer there is terminated; a
new process is created for each added line; lines unchanged in the file are undisturbed. Thus it is
possible to drop or add phone lines without rebooting the system by changing the ttys file and
sending a hangup signal to the init process: use ‘‘kill −1 1.’’
/dev/tty?, /etc/utmp, /usr/adm/wtmp, /etc/ttys, /etc/rc
login (I), kill (I), sh (I), ttys (V), getty (VIII)


LPD ( VIII ) 6/1/74 LPD ( VIII )

lpd − line printer daemon
Lpd is the line printer daemon (spool area handler) invoked by opr. It uses the directory /usr/lpd.
The file lock in that directory is used to prevent two daemons from becoming active simultane-
ously. After the daemon has successfully set the lock, it scans the directory for files beginning
with ‘‘df.’’ Lines in each df file specify files to be printed in the same way as is done by the
data-phone daemon dpd (VIII).
/usr/lpd/* spool area
/dev/lp printer
dpd (III), lpr (VI)


MKFS ( VIII ) 11/1/73 MKFS ( VIII )

mkfs − construct a file system
/etc/mkfs special proto
Mkfs constructs a file system by writing on the special file special according to the directions
found in the prototype file proto. The prototype file contains tokens separated by spaces or new
lines. The first token is the name of a file to be copied onto block zero as the bootstrap program
(see boot procedures (VIII)). The second token is a number specifying the size of the created file
system. Typically it will be the number of blocks on the device, perhaps diminished by space for
swapping. The next token is the i-list size in blocks (remember there are 16 i-nodes per block).
The next set of tokens comprise the specification for the root file. File specifications consist of
tokens giving the mode, the user-id, the group id, and the initial contents of the file. The syntax
of the contents field depends on the mode.
The mode token for a file is a 6 character string. The first character specifies the type of the file.
(The characters −bcd specify regular, block special, character special and directory files respec-
tively.) The second character of the type is either u or − to specify set-user-id mode or not. The
third is g or − for the set-group-id mode. The rest of the mode is a three digit octal number giv-
ing the owner, group, and other read, write, execute permissions (see chmod (I)).
Two decimal number tokens come after the mode; they specify the user and group ID’s of the
owner of the file.
If the file is a regular file, the next token is a pathname whence the contents and size are copied.
If the file is a block or character special file, two decimal number tokens follow which give the
major and minor device numbers.
If the file is a directory, mkfs makes the entries . and .. and then reads a list of names and (recur-
sively) file specifications for the entries in the directory. The scan is terminated with the token
If the prototype file cannot be opened and its name consists of a string of digits, mkfs builds a
file system with a single empty directory on it. The size of the file system is the value of proto
interpreted as a decimal number. The i-list size is the file system size divided by 43 plus the size
divided by 1000. (This corresponds to an average size of three blocks per file for a 4000 block
file system and six blocks per file at 40,000.) The boot program is left uninitialized.
A sample prototype specification follows:
4872 55
d−−777 3 1
usr d−−777 3 1
sh −−−755 3 1 /bin/sh
ken d−−755 6 1
b0 b−−644 3 1 0 0
c0 c−−644 3 1 0 0
file system (V), directory (V), boot procedures (VIII)
It is not possible to initialize a file larger than 64K bytes.
The size of the file system is restricted to 64K blocks.
There should be some way to specify links.


MKNOD ( VIII ) 10/31/73 MKNOD ( VIII )

mknod − build special file
/etc/mknod name [ c ] [ b ] major minor
Mknod makes a directory entry and corresponding i-node for a special file. The first argument is
the name of the entry. The second is b if the special file is block-type (disks, tape) or c if it is
character-type (other devices). The last two arguments are numbers specifying the major device
type and the minor device (e.g. unit, drive, or line number).
The assignment of major device numbers is specific to each system. For reference, here are the
numbers for the MH 2C-644 machine. Do not believe them too much.
Block devices:
0 RF fixed-head disk
1 RK moving-head disk
2 TC DECtape
3 TM magtape
4 RP moving-head disk
5 Vermont Research moving-head disk
Character devices:
0 KL on-line console
1 DC communications lines
2 PC paper tape
3 DP synchronous interface
4 DN ACU interface
5 core memory
6 VT scope (via 11/20)
7 DA voice response unit
8 CT phototypesetter
9 VS voice synthesizer
10 TIU Spider interface
mknod (II)


MOUNT ( VIII ) 10/31/73 MOUNT ( VIII )

mount − mount file system
/etc/mount special file [ −r ]
Mount announces to the system that a removable file system is present on the device correspond-
ing to special file special (which must refer to a disk or possibly DECtape). The file must exist
already; it becomes the name of the root of the newly mounted file system.
Mount maintains a table of mounted devices; if invoked without an argument it prints the table.
The optional last argument indicates that the file is to be mounted read-only. Physically write-
protected and magnetic tape file systems must be mounted in this way or errors will occur when
access times are updated, whether or not any explicit write is attempted.
mount (II), mtab (V), umount (VIII)
Mounting file systems full of garbage will crash the system.


MSH ( VIII ) 6/15/72 MSH ( VIII )

msh − mini-shell
Msh is a heavily simplified version of the Shell. It reads one line from the standard input file, in-
terprets it as a command, and calls the command.
The mini-shell supports few of the advanced features of the Shell; none of the following charac-
ters is special:
> < $ \ ; &  ˆ
However, ‘‘*’’, ‘‘[’’, and ‘‘?’’ are recognized and glob is called. The main use of msh is to pro-
vide a command-executing facility for various interactive sub-systems.
sh (I), glob (VIII)


RELOC ( VIII ) 2/7/73 RELOC ( VIII )

reloc − relocate object files
reloc file octal [ − ]
Reloc modifies the named object program file so that it will operate correctly at a different core
origin than the one for which it was assembled or loaded.
The new core origin is the old origin increased by the given octal number (or decreased if the
number has a ‘−’ sign).
If the object file was generated by ld, the −r and −d options must have been given to preserve the
relocation information and define any common symbols in the file.
If the optional last argument is given, then any setd instruction at the start of the file will be re-
placed by a no-op.
The purpose of this command is to simplify the preparation of object programs for systems
which have no relocation hardware. It is hard to imagine a situation in which it would be useful
to attempt directly to execute a program treated by reloc.
as(I), ld(I), a.out(V)


RESTOR ( VIII ) 11/24/73 RESTOR ( VIII )

restor − incremental file system restore
restor key [ arguments ]
Restor is used to read magtapes dumped with the dump command. The key argument specifies
what is to be done. Key is a character from the set trxw.
t The date that the tape was made and the date that was specified in the dump command are
printed. A list of all of the i-numbers on the tape is also given.
r The tape is read and loaded into the file system specified in arguments. This should not be
done lightly (see below).
x Each file on the tape is individually extracted into a file whose name is the file’s i-number.
If there are arguments, they are interpreted as i-numbers and only they are extracted.
f Read the dump from the next argument file instead of the tape.
i All read and checksum errors are reported, but will not cause termination.
w In conjunction with the x option, before each file is extracted, its i-number is typed out.
To extract this file, you must respond with y.
The r option should only be used to restore a complete dump tape onto a clear file system or to
restore an incremental dump tape onto this. Thus
/etc/mkfs /dev/rp0 40600
restor r /dev/rp0
is a typical sequence to restore a complete dump. Another restor can be done to get an incre-
mental dump in on top of this.
A dump followed by a mkfs and a restor is used to change the size of a file system.
ls (I), dump (VIII), mkfs (VIII), check (VIII), clri (VIII)
There are various diagnostics involved with reading the tape and writing the disk. There are also
diagnostics if the i-list or the free list of the file system is not large enough to hold the dump.
There is redundant information on the tape that could be used in case of tape reading problems.
Unfortunately, restor’s approach is to exit if anything is wrong.
Files that have been deleted are not removed when incremental tapes are loaded. It will be nec-
essary to check the restored file system and clri any files that show up with a 201 delta diagnos-
The current version of restor does not free space occupied by files that are overwritten. Thus a
check will have to be performed to reclain the missing space.


SA ( VIII ) 6/1/74 SA ( VIII )

sa − Shell accounting
sa [ −abcjlnrstuv ] [ file ]
When a user logs in, if the Shell is able to open the file /usr/adm/sh_acct, then as each command
completes the Shell writes at the end of this file the name of the command, the user, system, and
real time consumed, and the user ID. Sa reports on, cleans up, and generally maintains this and
other accounting files. To turn accounting on and off, the accounting file must be created or de-
stroyed externally.
Sa is able to condense the information in /usr/adm/sh_acct into a summary file
/usr/adm/sht_acct which contains a count of the number of times each command was called and
the time resources consumed. This condensation is desirable because on a large system sh_acct
can grow by 100 blocks per day. The summary file is read before the accounting file, so the re-
ports include all available information.
If a file name is given as the last argument, that file will be treated as the accounting file; sh_acct
is the default. There are zillions of options:

a Place all command names containing unprintable characters and those used only once under
the name ‘‘***other.’’
b Sort output by sum of user and system time divided by number of calls. Default sort is by
sum of user and system times.
c Besides total user, system, and real time for each command print percentage of total time
over all commands.
j Instead of total minutes time for each category, give seconds per call.
l Separate system and user time; normally they are combined.
n Sort by number of calls.
r Reverse order of sort.
s Merge accounting file into summary file /usr/adm/sht_acct when done.
t For each command report ratio of real time to the sum of user and system times.
u Superseding all other flags, print for each command in the accounting file the day of the year,
time, day of the week, user ID and command name.
v If the next character is a digit n, then type the name of each command used n times or fewer.
Await a reply from the typewriter; if it begins with ‘‘y’’, add the command to the category
‘‘**junk**.’’ This is used to strip out garbage.
/usr/adm/sh_acct accounting
/usr/adm/sht_acct summary
ac (VIII)


SU ( VIII ) 10/31/73 SU ( VIII )

su − become privileged user
Su allows one to become the super-user, who has all sorts of marvelous (and correspondingly
dangerous) powers. In order for su to do its magic, the user must supply a password. If the pass-
word is correct, su will execute the Shell with the UID set to that of the super-user. To restore
normal UID privileges, type an end-of-file to the super-user Shell.
The password demanded is that of the entry ‘‘root’’ in the system’s password file.
To remind the super-user of his responsibilities, the Shell substitutes ‘#’ for its usual prompt
sh (I)


SYNC ( VIII ) 11/1/73 SYNC ( VIII )

sync − update the super block
Sync executes the sync system primitive. If the system is to be stopped, sync must be called to
insure file system integrity. See sync (II) for details.
sync (II)


UMOUNT ( VIII ) 10/31/73 UMOUNT ( VIII )

umount − dismount file system
/etc/umount special
Umount announces to the system that the removable file system previously mounted on special
file special is to be removed.
mount (VIII), umount (II), mtab (V)
/etc/mtab mounted device table
It complains if the special file is not mounted or if it is busy. The file system is busy if there is
an open file on it or if someone has his current directory there.



update − periodically update the super block
Update is a program that executes the sync primitive every 30 seconds. This insures that the file
system is fairly up to date in case of a crash. This command should not be executed directly, but
should be executed out of the initialization shell command file. See sync (II) for details.
sync (II), init (VIII)
With update running, if the CPU is halted just as the sync is executed, a file system can be dam-
aged. This is partially due to DEC hardware that writes zeros when NPR requests fail. A fix
would be to have sync temporarily increment the system time by at least 30 seconds to trigger
the execution of update. This would give 30 seconds grace to halt the CPU.


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