Maths Syllabus 2014 15
Maths Syllabus 2014 15
Maths Syllabus 2014 15
Thiruvalluvar University
Master of science
Degree course
M.Sc Mathematics
Under CBCS
Regulations & Syllabus
For University Department
With effect from 2014-2015
jpUts;Sth; gy;fiyf;fofk;
Thiruvalluvar University
Master of science Degree course
Course: “course” refers to a paper/ practical/ subject offierd under the degree
programme. Each course is to be designed various under lectures/
tutorials/laboratory or field work/ seminar /practical/ Assignments Term paper or
Report writing etc., to meet effective teaching and learning needs.
i. Core course:
“The Core course related to the programme concerned including practicals
offered in the programme”
ii. Elective Course:
“Elective Course”related to the core course of the programme concerned offered
in the programme.
A detailed explained of the above with relevant credit are given under “Scheme of
Examination along with Distribution of Marks and Credits.
Cerdits: the weightage given to each course of study (Subject) by the exparts of the
Board of Studies concerned. The trem ‘Credit’ refers to the weightage given to a
course, usually in relation to the instructional hours assigned to it. For instance, a
six hours course per week is assigned 6/5/4 credits, a five course per week is
assigned 5/4/3 credits and a four hour course per week is given 4/3/2 credits.
However, in no instance of a course can be greater than the hours allotted to it. The
total minimum credits, required for completing a PG program is 90.
Credit system: The course of study under this regulation, where weightage of credits
are spread over to different semesters during the period of study and the
cumulative Grade Point. Average shall be awarded based on the credits earned by
the students. A total of 90 credits are prescribed for the Postgraduate offered in two
Choice Based Credit system: (CBSC) this is enhance the quality and mobility of the
student within and between the Universities in the country and abroad.
The course shall extend over a period two years comprising of four semesters
with two semesters in one academic year. There shall not be less then 90 working
days for each semester. Examination shall be conducted at the each of every
semester for the respective subjects.
Each semester have 90 working days consists of 5 teaching hous per working
day. Thus each semester has 450 teaching hours and the whole programme has
1800 teaching hours.
The old semesters shall consist of the period from July to November and the
even semester from December to April.
3. Course of Study:
The course of study for Master Degree in Mathematics shall consist of core,
Elective subject and a compulsory subject (Human Right) and a project in the
fourth semester.
4. Distribution of credit point and Marks:
The minimum Credit requirement for a two year Master’s programme shall be
90 (ninty) Credits. The break-up of credits for the programme is as follows:
The following assessment procedure will be followed for awaiting the internal
marks in the evaluation of the students performance. The best 2 CIA tear marks out
of 3 CIA tests marks, will be taken for awarding the internal marks.
a) A candidate shall to appear for the university examination for any semester
(theory as well as practical) if
(i) The topic of the project shall be assigned to the candidate at the end of the
third semester and a copy of the same should be communicated to the
University for approval.
(ii). The student should prepare three copies of the project and submit the
same for the evaluation by examiners. After evaluation one copy is to be retained
in the University Library, one in the Department Library and the one with the
a. Any theory examination is conducted only for 3 hours irrespective of total marks
allotted for the examination.
b. There shall be theory examination at the end of each semester, for odd semesters
in the month of October / November for even semester in April/May. However, there
shall be practical examination at the end of even semesters in general. With
exceptions in a few courses as prescribed by the Boards of Studies Concerned.
c. All candidate admitted in first year should get registered for the first semester
examination, compulsorily. If registration is not possible owing to any reason
including shortage of attendance beyond condonation limit, belated joining or on
medical grounds, the candidates are permitted to rejoin the course in the next year.
d. In case of project work there will be a viva voce examination. Each candidate
shall be required to mappear for Viva-voce Examination.
Any candidate having arrear paper(s) shall have the option to appear in any
paper along with the regular semester papers, in theory as well as in practicals, as
long as the transitory provision is applicable.
(Two Question from each unit with internal Choice [either or type]
(i). Thr project should be evaluation for 75 marks by an external examiner and 75
marks by the internal examiner and the viva voce should be conducted for 50
marks by the external examiner and the internal guide concerned.
(iii). The candidate has to submit the project report 15 days before the
commencement of the IV Semester examination.
(iv). A Candidate who fails in the project may be resubmit the report (on the same
topic) with necessary modification / correction/ improvement in the subsequent
semester evaluation.
b) A candidate should get not less than 50% in the University (External)
Examination compulsorily, in all papers, including practicals. Also the candidate
who secures not less than 50% marks in the external as well as internal (CIA)
examinations put together in any paper / practical shall be declared to have
successfully passed the examination in the subject in theory as well as practicals.
There shall be no passing minimum for the CIA. The candidate who absent himself
for CIA programmes, even after a repeated chance, will be awarded zero mark in the
concerned subject (Zero to 25 for the theory and zero to 40 practicals).
14Distribution of marks:
Table -1(A) : the following are the distribution of marks for external and
internal for University (external) examination and continuous internal assessment
and passing minimum marks for theory papers of PG programmes.
Once the marks of the CIA and end –semester examination for each of the
course are available they shall be added. The mark thus be converted to the
relevant letter grade, grade point as per the details given below:
Sum of the multiplication of grade points by the credits of the courses offered
under each part
GPA = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Sum of the credits of the courses under each part in a semester
A candidate who has passed all the examinations prescribed is eligible for the
following partwise computed final grades based on the range of CGPA.
9.0 and above but O
below 10.0
8.0 and above but D+
below 9.0
7.5 and above but D
below 8.0
6.5 and above but A+
below 7.5
6.0 and above but A
below 6.5
5.0 and above but B
below 6.0
0.0 and above but U
below 5.0
a. A candidate who has passed all the examination including practicalsin the
first appearance within the prescribed duration of the PG programme and
secured a CGPA of 9 to 10 and equivalent grade “O” in Core and Elective
subjects shall be placed in the category of “First Class – Outstanding”.
b. A candidate who has passed all the examination including practicalsin the
first appearance within the prescribed duration of the PG programmes and
secured a CGPA of 7.5 to 9 and equivalent grades “D” or “D+” in Core and
Elective shall be placed in the category of “First Class with Distinction”.
c. A candidate who has passed all the examination including practicalsof the PG
programme and secured a CGPA of 6 to 7.5 and equivalent grades “A” or “A+”
shall be declared to have passed that parts in “First Class”.
d. A candidate who has passed all the examination including practicalsof the PG
programmes and secured a CGPA of 5.5 to 6 and equivalent grade “B” shall
be declared to have passed those parts in “Second Class”.
No candidate shall be eligible for conferment of the Degree unless the candidate;
i. has undergone the prescribed course of study for a period of not less than
four semesters in Thiruvalluvarthe University or has been exempted from in
the manner prescribed and has passed the examinations as have been
prescribed therefor.
ii. has completed all the components prescribed under core and elective
subjects in the CBCS pattern to earn 90 credits.
19. Ranking
o A candidate who qualifies for the PG degree course passing all the
examinations in the first attempt, within the minimum period prescribed for
the course of study from the date of admission to the course and secures I or
II class shall be eligible for ranking. In the case of candidates who pass all the
examinations prescribed for the course with a break in the first appearance
due to the reasons as furnished in the Regulations 6(a) (iii)
Supra are eligible for classification / Distinction.
The marks obtained in improvement examinations shall not be taken into consideration
for ranking.
20. Revision of Regulations and Curriculum
The above Regulation and Scheme of Examinations will be in vogue without any change
for a minimum period of three years from the date of approval of the Regulations. The
University may revise /amend/ change the Regulations and Scheme of Examinations, if
found necessary.
jpUts;Stu; gy;fiyf;fofk;
(with effect from 2014 - 2015)
Chapter 1: 1.2, 1.6 & 1.7 and Chapter 2: 2.1 - 2.4. (18 Hours)
Text Book:
Unit 1: The algebraic order properties of R- Absolute value and the real line- the
completeness property of R- Applications of the supremum of R- intervals.
(18 Hours)
Chapter 2 of R.G Bartle and D.R. Sherbert, Introducation to Real Analysis, 4th Edition,
John-Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2011
Unit II: Basic topology, Metric Spaces-Finite and infinite Sets- Countable sets-Cantor’s
theorem*Mertic spaces-open ans closed sets of metric spaces-Compact sets-Perfect sets-
connected sets. (18 Hours)
Unit III: Continuity: Limits of function Limit Theorems- Continuous functions- Continuity
and compactness - Continuity and connectedness –Discontinuities – Monotonic functions-
infinite limits ad limits at infinity.
Unit IV: Differentiation: The Derivative of a real function – Mean value Theoreme – The
Cotinuity of derivatives – L’ Hospital’s rule – Derivative of Higher Order- Taylor’s theorem-
Differentiation of Vector valued functions.
Unit V: The Riemann – Stielitjes integral: Definition and existence of the integral –
Properties of Integral- Integration and Differentiation – Integration of vector functions-
Rectifiable Curves.
Number Theory
Unit I: Divisibility - Primes- The Binomial Theorem – Congruences – solutions of
congruence the Chinese Remainder Theorems.
Chapter1 : 1.1-1.4 & Chapter 2: 2.1-2.3 ( 18 Hours)
Unit II : Prime power Moduli – Prime Modulus – Primitive Roots and Power
Residues- Congruences of degree tow prime modulus – Number Theory form
Algebraic View Point- Groud, Ring and Fields.
Chapter 2: 2.6-2.11 (18 Hours)
Unit III : Quadratic residues – quadratic reciprocity- the Jacobi symbol- binary
quqdratic froms – Equivalence and reduction of Binary quadratic forms- sum of two
squares- positive definite Binary Quadratic forms.
Chapter 3 ( 18 Hours)
Unit IV: Greatest integer Function – Arthmetic Functions – The Mobious inverse
function- Recurrence Functions- Combinatorial Number Theory.
Chapter4: (18 Hours)
Unit V: The Equation ax + by =c- Simultaneous Linear Equations – Pythagorean
Triangle – Assorted Examples.
Chapter 5: 5.1 – 5.4 (18 Hours)
Text book : I. Niven, H.S. Zuckerman and H.L. Montagomery, An Introduction to
the Theory of Numbers, 5 Edition, John Wiley & sons, inc, 1991.
Reference :
1. Gareth A. Jones and J. Mary Jones, Elementary Number Theory,
Springer Verlag, Indian Reprint, 2005.
2. David M. Burton, Elementary Number Theory, 6th edition, McGraw Hill,
3. Geogre Andrews, Theory of Numbers , Saunders, 1971.
4. J. William , Fundamentals of Number Theory, Leveque, Addision Wesley
publishing Company , Phillipines, 1977.
Text Book : David S. Dummit and Richard M. Foote, Abstract Algebra (Second
Edition), Wiley, 2003.
1. Serge Lang, Algebra, Springer, 2002.
2. I.N. Herstein. Topics in Algebra (II Edition) Wiley Eastern Limited, New Delhi,
3. M.Artin, Algebra, Prentice Hall of India, 1991.
4. N.Jacobson, Basic Algebra, Vol. I & II W.H.Freeman; also published by
Hindustan Publishing Company, New Delhi, 1980.
5. I.S.Luther and I.B.S.Passi, Algebra, Vol. I - Groups (1996); Vol. II Rings,
Narosa Publishing House , New Delhi, 1999.
Joseph A. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract Algebra, Brooks / Cole Pub Co., 2012.
Text Book: Walter Rudin, Principals of Mathematical Analysis, Mc Grew Hill Inc.
UNIT - I: Nonlinear Partial differential Equations of the first order - Cauchy’s method of
Characteristics system First order equations- Charpit’s method – Specials types First order
equations – Jacobi’s method.
UNIT - II: Partial differential Equations of the second order – The origin of second order
equations – Linear partial differential equations with constant co efficient – Equations with
variable co efficient- Characteristics curves of second- order equations – Characteristics of
equations in three variables.
UNIT - III: The solution of Linear Hyperbolic Equations of Variables – The method of
Intergral Transforms - Nonlinear Equations of the second order.
Chapter 3: 3.8-3.11 (18 Hours)
UNIT - IV: Laplace equation – The occurrence of laplace’s equation in physics –Elementary
solution of Laplace’ Equations – Families of Equipotential surface Boundary value problem-
Separation of variables – problems with axial symmetry.
Chapter 3: 3.1 to 3.7 and 3.9. (omit 3.8) (18 Hours)
Reference Books:
1. R.C.McOwen, Partial Differential Equations, 2nd Edn. Pearson Eduction, New Delhi,
2. I.N.Sneddon, Elements of Partial Differential Equations, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1983.
3. R. Dennemeyer, Introduction to Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value
Problems, McGraw Hill, New York, 1968.
4. M.D.Raisinghania, Advanced Differential Equations, S.Chand & Company Ltd., New
Delhi, 2001.
Text Book: James R. Munkres, “Topology”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt.Ltd., (Third Indian Reprint).
References :
Text Book: “Complex Analysis” by L.V. Ahlfors, Third Edition, McGraw Hill, New
York, 1979.
1. J.B. Conway, Functions of One Complex Variable, Narosa
Publication House, New Delhi, 1980.
2. S. Ponnusamy, Foundations of Complex Analysis, Narosa
Publication House, New Delhi 2004.
3. S. Lang, Complex Analysis, Addison - Wesley Mass, 1977.
Unit I: Randon events and Randon Variables: Random events – Probability axioms
combinational formulae – conditional probability – bayes theorem – Independent
events Random variables – Distribution Functions – Joint Distribution - Marginal
Distribution – Marginal Distribution – Conditional Distribution- Independent
random variables – Functional of Random Variables.
Chapter 1: 1.1-1.7 & Chapter 2: 2.1- 2.9 of M. Fisz, Probability theory and
Mathematical statistic, John Willey and sons , NewYork, 1963.
(18 Hours)
Unit II: Characteristic Functions: Propertics of characteristic functions-
Characteristic functions and moments- Semi invariants- Characteristic function of
the sum of independent random variable – Determination of distribution function
by the characteristic function – Characteristic function of multi-dimensional
random vectors- probability generating function.
Unit V : Analysis of Variance : one way classification and two –way classification –
Hypotheses Testing : Poser Functions – OC Function – Most Powerful test –
Uniformly most powerful test- Unbiased test.
Chapter 15 : 15.1 – 15.2 (Expect 15.3 ) & Chapter 16: 16.1 – 16.5 ( Expect
Unit I: Measure on the Real Line: Lebesgue Measure, Measurable set, Regularity-
Measurable Functions- Boral and Lebesgue Measurability
(18 Hours)
Unit III: Abstract Measure Spaces- Measure and Outer Measures – Extension of a
Measure- Uniqueness of the extension- Completion of a Measure spaces –
Integration with respect to a Measure.
UnitV: Singed Measure and the Hahn Decomposition – The Jordan Decomposition –
The Tadon – Nikodym Theorem- Measurability on a product space – The product
Measure and Fubini’s Theorem.
Chapter 8 : 8.1- 8.3 & Chapter 10: 10.1 – 10.2 (18 Hours)
Text Book: G. De Barra, Measure Theory and Integration , New International (p)
Ltd, 1981.
Reference :
1. H.L. Royden, Real Analysis, Third Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,
2. Rudin W. Real and complex analysis, Mc Graw – Hill, 1970.
3. Anthony W. Knapp, Basic Real Analysis, Birkhauser, 2005.
4. Elisa M. Stein & Rami Shakarchi, Real Analysis, Princedon University Press,
5. I.K. Rana, An Introduction to Measure and Integration, Second Edition,
American Mathematical Society, 2002.
Unit III: Stone- Weiersttrass Theorem – Contraction Mapping Theorem and its
applications- weak topologies and duality.
Chapter 6-8. (18 Hours)
Reference :
Text Book 1: Chapter 3:3.2-3.4 & 3.7 & Chapter 4: 4.1 (18 Hours)
Text Book 1: Chapter 6: 6.2- 6.4 & 6.6 – 6.7 (18 Hours)
Text Book 1: Chapter 12: 12.1-12.7, 12.8.2 & 12.9 (18 Hours)
Text Books:
Reference :
Unit I:
Definition of Human Rights – Nature, Content, Legitimacy and Priority –
Theories on Human Rights – Historical Development of Human Rights.
Unit II:
International Human Rights – Prescription and Enforcement upto World War
II – Human Rights and the U.N.O. – Universal Declaration of Human Rights –
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – International Covenant on
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and Optional Protocol.
Unit III:
Human Rights Declarations – U.N. Human Rights Declarations – U.N. Human
Unit IV:
Amnesty International – Human Rights and Helsinki Process – Reginal
Developments – European Human Rights System – African Human Rights System –
International Human Rights in Domestic Courts.
Unit V:
Contemporary Issues on Human Rights: Children’s Rights – Women’s – Dalit’s
Rights – Bonded Labour and Wages – Refugees – Capital Punishment -
Fundamental Rights in the Indian Constitution- Directive Principles of State Policy –
Fundamental Duties – National Human Rights Commission.
References :
Magazines :
Unit I:
Unit II:
Unit III:
Unit IV:
Text Book:
Reference Books:
Chapters 1 - 3.
Unit V
Curvature of plane curves - arc length and Line integrals - Curvature of surfaces.
Text Book:
References :
Linear time varying systems with quadratic performance criteria – Matrix Riccati
equation – Linear time invariant systems – Nonlinear Systems.
Unit I: Time estimates for doing arithmetic – Divisibility and the Euclidean
algorithm – Congruences.
Unit II:
Unit III:
Unit IV:
The idea of public key cryptography – RSA – Discrete log – Knapsack – Zero-
Knowledge protocols and oblivious transfer.
Unit V:
Pseudo primes – The rho method – Fermat factorization and factor bases – The
continued fraction method – The quadratic sieve method.
Text Book: Neal Koblitz, “A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography”- Second
Edition, Springer Publishers.
Matchings - Hamiltonian path and Cycles - Cayley graphs – Directed Cayley graphs
with No Hamiltonian Cycles.
The Basics – Products - The Map Graph - Counting Homomorphism - Products and
Colourings – Uniquely Colorable Graphs - Foldings and Covers.
The Adjacency Matrix - The Incident Matrix – The Incident Matrix Oriented Graph –
Symmetric Matrices – Eigen Vectors.
Text Book: Chris Godsil and Gordon Royle, Algebraic Graph Theory, Springer,
Text Book:
G.J Kilr and Bo Yuan, Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Applications,
Prentice Hall of India Ltd, New Delhi, 2005.
1. H.J Zimmemann, Fuzzy Set Theory and its Applications, Allied Publishers,
Chennai, 1996.
2. A.Kaufman, Introduction to the Theory of fuzzy subsets, Academic press, New
York, 1975.
3. V.Novak, Fuzzy Sets and Their Applications, Adam Hilger, Bristol, 1969.
1. R.P. Agarwal., Difference Equations and Inequalities, Marcel Dekker, 1999.
2. S.Goldberg, Introduction to Difference Equations, Dover Publications, 1986.
3. V.Lakshmi Kantham and Trigiante, Theory of Difference Equations, Academic
Press, New York, 1988.
4. Peterson, A Difference Equations, An Introduction with Applications,
Academic Press, New York, 1991.
Unit IV: Models for Blood Flow: Some basic concepts for fluid dynamics, basic
concepts about blood, cardiovascular system and blood flows, steady non-
Newtonian fluid flow in circular tubes, Newtonian pulsatile flows in rigid and elastic
tubes, blood flow through artery with mild stonesis Peristaltic flow in tubes and
channels, models for air flow in lungs, diffusion and Diffusion – reaction modles,
the diffusion equations , oxygen diffusion living tissues. (18 hours)
Chapter 3: 3.1 - 3.2 & 3.5 - 3.6 of J.N. Kapoor, Mathematical Modelling, Wiley
Eastern Limited, Reprint- 2000.
Unit II: Mathematical Models for Blood flows: Some basic concepts of Fluid
Dynamics- Basic concepts about blood, cardiovascular system and Blood flows-
Steady Non-Newtonian fluid flows in circular tubes- Newtonian pulsatile flows in
rigid and elastic tubes- Blood flow through Artery with mild Stenosis. (18 Hours)
Chapter 11: 11.1 - 11.5 of J.N. Kapoor, Mathematical Models in Biology and
Medicine, Affiliated East – West Press Private limited, Reprint – 2010.
Unit III: Mathematical Models of flows for other Bio-fluids: Peristaltic flows in tubes
and channels- Models for gas exchange and airflow in lungs – Two-dimensional flow
in renal tube – Lubrication of Human joints. (18 Hours)
Chapter 12: 12.1 - 12.4 of J.N. Kapoor, Mathematical Models in Biology and
Medicine, Affiliated East – West Press Private limited, Reprint – 2010.
Unit IV: Diffusion and Diffusion – Reaction Models: The Diffusion equation –
Diffusion in Artificial Kidney (Hemodialyser) – Oxygen diffusion through living
tissues – Absorption and Diffusion of Gamma- Globulin by living tissues.(18 Hours)
Chapter 13: 13.1 - 13.4 of J.N. Kapoor, Mathematical Models in Biology and
Medicine, Affiliated East – West Press Private limited, Reprint – 2010.
Unit V: Mathematical Modelling through Calculus of Variations and Dynamic
Programming: Optimization principles and techniques – Mathematical modeling
through calculus of variations – Mathematical Modelling through dynamic
programming. (18 Hours)
Unit I: Generalized Cash Flow model for financial transaction, making allowance for
the probability of payment, Time value of money using concepts of compound
interest and discounting, Interest rates or discount rates in terms of different time
periods. (18 Hours)
Unit II: Calculation of the present value and the accumulated value of a stream of
equal or unequal payments using specified rates of interest and the net present
value at a real rate of interest, assuming a constant rate of inflation.
(18 Hours)
Unit IV: The investments and risk characteristics of the following types: Simple
compound interest problems. The delivery price and the value of the forward
contract using arbitrage free pricing methods.
(18 Hours)
Unit V: Basics of Reliability theory – Life time distributions – Hazard rate survival
function – Exponential, Wei-bull-Gamma, Life Time Distributions.
(18 Hours)
Text Book: S.K. Sinha (1979), Reliability and Life – Testing, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi. (for
Objectives: The Course aims to introduce vector algebra and vector calculus and
specials relativity and relativistic kinematics, dynamics and accelerated systems.
Chapter 1: 1.1 – 1.3, 1.7 & 1.8 and Chapter 2 : 2.1 – 2.9 of U.C. De, Absos Ali
Shaikh & Joydeep Sengupta, Tensor Calculus, Narosa Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2004. (18 Hours)
Unit II: Tensor Calculus: Riemannian space – Christoffel symbols and their
Chapter 3: 3.1 – 3.2 of U.C. De, Absos Ali Shaikh & Joydeep Sengupta, Tensor
Calculus, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
(18 Hours)
Chapter 3: 3.3 – 3.5 of U.C. De, Absos Ali Shaikh & Joydeep Sengupta, Tensor
Calculus, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2004.
(18 Hours)
Unit I: Kinematics of fluids in motion: real fluids and ideals fluids- velocity of a
point- Stream lines and path lines – steady and unsteady flow – the velocity
potential – the vorticity vector – local and particle rates of changes – the equation of
continuity – worked examples.
Unit II: Equation of motion of fluid : Pressure at a point in fluid at rest – Pressure
at a point in a moving fluid – conditions at a boundary of two inviscid immiscible
fluid – Euler’s equation of motion – Bernoulli’s equation – worked examples.
Chapter 3: 3.1-3.6 (18 Hours)
Unit III: Some three dimensional flows: introduction – Sources – sinks and doublets
– Axis symmetric flow - Stokes stream function.
Chapter 4: 4.1-4.2 & 4.5 (18 Hours)
Unit IV: Some two dimensional flows: Meaning of two dimensional flows – use of
cylindrical polar co coordinates – the stream function – the potential for two
dimensional – irrotational – incompressible flows- complex velocity potential for
standard two dimensional flows.
Chapter 5: 5.1-5.6 (18 Hours)
Viscous flows: Stress components in real fluids – relation between Cartesian
components of stress – translation motion of a fluid element – the rate of stain
quadric and principal stresses - some further properties of the rate of stain quadric
stress analysis in fluid motion – relation between stress and rate of stain - the
coefficient of viscosity and laminar flow - the Navier – Stokes equation of motion of a
viscous fluid.
Chapter 8: 8.1-8.7 & 8.9 (18 Hours)
Text Book:
F. Cholton, Text of Fluid Dynamics, CBS Publication, New Delhi, 1985.
1. G.B. Batchelor, An Introduction of Fluid Mechanics, Foundation Books, New
Delhi 1993
2. A.R. Peterson, A first Course in Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University
Press, New York, 1987
3. R.K. Rathy, An Introduction to fluid Dynamics, IBHPublishing Company,
New Delhi, 1976.
4. R. Von Mises, O. Friedrichs, Fluid Dunamics, Springer International Student
Edition Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi.
5. S.W. Yuan, Foundation of Fluid Mechanics, Prentics, Prentics Hall Private
Ltd, New Delhi, 1976.
Text Book:
Chapter 6 of Brikhoff and Bartee, Modern Applied Algebra, McGraw Hill Inc., 1970.