League of Nations
League of Nations
League of Nations
The Legacy of the War World War I was, in many ways, a new kind of war. It
involved the use of modern technologies. It ushered in the notion of war on a grand
and global scale. It also left behind a landscape of death and destruction as was
never before seen. Both sides in World War I paid a tremendous price in terms of
human life.
About 8.5 million soldiers died because of the war. Another 21 million were
wounded. In addition, starvation, disease, and slaughter. Taken together, these
figures spelled tragedy— an entire generation of Europeans wiped out. The war
also had a devastating economic impact on Europe. The great conflict drained the
treasuries of European countries. One account put the total cost of the war at $338
billion, a staggering amount for that time.
The war also destroyed acres of farmland, as well as homes, villages, and towns.
The enormous suffering that resulted from the Great War left a deep mark on
Western society as well. A sense of disillusionment settled over the survivors. The
insecurity and despair that many people experienced are reflected in the art and
literature of the time. Another significant legacy of the war lay in its peace
agreement. As you will read in the next section, the treaties to end World War I
were forged after great debate and compromise. And while they sought to bring a
new sense of security and peace to the world, they prompted anger and resentment.
When World War I broke out, Europe had not experienced a war involving all the
major powers for a century, since Napoleon’s defeat in 1815. As a result, people
had an unrealistic view of warfare. Many expected the war to be short and
romantic. Many men enlisted in the army because of patriotism or out of a desire to
defend certain institutions. What the soldiers experienced changed their view of
war forever.
World War I was over. The killing had stopped. The terms of peace, however, still
had to be worked out. On January 18, 1919, a conference to establish those terms
began at the Palace of Versailles, outside Paris. Attending the talks, known as the
Paris Peace Conference, were delegates representing 32 countries. For one year,
this conference would be the scene of vigorous, often bitter debate.
The Allied powers struggled to solve their conflicting aims in various peace
treaties. The Allies Meet and Debate Despite representatives from numerous
countries, the meeting’s major decisions were hammered out by a group known as
the Big Four: Woodrow Wilson of the United States, Georges Clemenceau of
France, David Lloyd George of Great Britain, and Vittorio Orlando of Italy. Russia,
in the grip of civil war, was not represented. Neither were Germany and its allies.
Wilson’s Plan for Peace
In January 1918, while the war was still raging, President Wilson had drawn up a
series of peace proposals. Known as the Fourteen Points, they outlined a plan for
achieving a just and lasting peace. The first four points included an end to secret
treaties, freedom of the seas, free trade, and reduced national armies and navies.
The fifth goal was the adjustment of colonial claims with fairness toward colonial
peoples. The sixth through thirteenth points were specific suggestions for changing
borders and creating new nations. The guiding idea behind these points was self-
determination. This meant allowing people to decide for themselves under what
government they wished to live. Finally, the fourteenth point proposed a “general
association of nations” that would protect “great and small states alike.” This
reflected Wilson’s hope for an organization that could peacefully negotiate
solutions to world conflicts. The Versailles Treaty as the Paris Peace Conference
opened, Britain and France showed little sign of agreeing to Wilson’s vision of
peace. Both nations were concerned with national security. They also wanted to
strip Germany of its war-making power. The differences in French, British, and
U.S. aims led to intense arguments among the nation’s leaders. Finally, a
compromise was reached. The Treaty of Versailles between Germany and the
Allied powers was signed on June 28, 1919, five years to the day after Franz
Ferdinand’s assassination in Sarajevo.
Adopting Wilson’s fourteenth point, the treaty created a League of Nations. The
league was to be an international association whose goal would be to keep peace
among nations. The treaty also punished Germany. The defeated nation lost
substantial territory and had severe restrictions placed on its military operations. As
tough as these provisions were, the harshest was Article 231. It was also known as
the “war guilt” clause. It placed sole responsibility for the war on Germany’s
As a result, Germany had to pay reparations to the Allies. All of Germany’s
territories in Africa and the Pacific were declared mandates or territories to be
administered by the League of Nations. Under the peace agreement, the Allies
would govern the mandates until they were judged ready for independence. A
Troubled Treaty the Versailles treaty was just one of five treaties negotiated by the
Allies. In the end, these agreements created feelings of bitterness and betrayal—
among the victors and the defeated. The Western powers signed separate peace
treaties in 1919 and 1920 with each of the other defeated nations: Austria-Hungary,
Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire. These treaties, too, led to huge land losses for
the Central Powers. Several new countries were created out of the Austro-
Hungarian Empire. Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia were all
recognized as independent nations. The Ottoman Turks were forced to give up all
of their former empire. They retained only the territory that is today the country of
The Allies carved up the lands that the Ottomans lost in Southwest Asia into
mandates rather than independent nations. Palestine, Iraq, and Transjordan came
under British control; Syria and Lebanon went to France. Russia, which had left
the war early, suffered land losses as well. Romania and Poland both gained
Russian territory. Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, formerly part of Russia,
became independent nations.
In the end, the Treaty of Versailles did little to build a lasting peace. For one thing,
the United States—considered after the war to be the dominant nation in the world
—rejected the treaty. Many Americans objected to the settlement and especially to
President Wilson’s League of Nations. Americans believed that the United States’
best hope for peace was to stay out of European affairs. The United States worked
out a separate treaty with Germany and its allies several years later
In addition, the treaty with Germany, in particular the war-guilt clause, left a legacy
of bitterness and hatred in the hearts of the German people. Other countries felt
cheated and betrayed by the peace settlements as well. Throughout Africa and Asia,
people in the mandated territories were angry at the way the Allies disregarded
their desire for independence.
The European powers, it seemed to them, merely talked about the principle of
national self-determination. European colonialism, disguised as the mandate
system, continued in Asia and Africa. Some Allied powers, too, were embittered by
the outcome. Both Japan and Italy, which had entered the war to gain territory, had
gained less than they wanted. Lacking the support of the United States, and later
other world powers, the League of Nations was in no position to act on these and
other complaints. The settlements at Versailles represented, as one observer noted,
“a peace built on quicksand.” Indeed, that quicksand eventually would give way. In
a little more than two decades, the treaties’ legacy of bitterness would help plunge
the world into another catastrophic war