Role of Nitrogen Fertilizer in Crop Productivity and Environmental Pollution
Role of Nitrogen Fertilizer in Crop Productivity and Environmental Pollution
Role of Nitrogen Fertilizer in Crop Productivity and Environmental Pollution
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1 author:
Shah Zahir
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Agricultural University, Peshawar
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Department of Agronomy, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar 25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
College of Plant Science and Technology, Huazhong Agriculture University, Wuhan 430070, China
National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetic Improvement, Huazhong Agriculture University, Wuhan 430070, China
Department of Economics, University of Peshawar, Peshawar 25130, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
College of College of Resources & Environment, Huazhong Agriculture University, Wuhan 430070, China
MOA Key Laboratory of Crop Ecophysiology and Farming System in the Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River,
Huazhong Agricultural University China
College of Veterinary Medicine, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China
Key laboratory of animal genetics, breeding, and reproduction Huazhong Agricultural University Wuhan
National Center for Vegetable Improvement (Central China); Key Laboratory of Horticultural Plant Biology (Huazhong Agricultural
University), Ministry of Education; Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, People’s Republic of China
Abstract Crop productivity mostly depends heavy nitrogen (N) fertilization. Nutrient use inefficiencies can cause
environmental pollution through the release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and of soluble and particulate forms of
N, P and carbon (C) in leachate and leaching into watercourses. Improving nutrient use efficiencies in agriculture calls for the
development of sustainable nutrient management strategies, more efficient use of mineral fertilisers, increased recovery and
recycling of waste nutrients, and, better exploitation of the substantial inorganic and organic reserves of nutrients in the soil.
More energy is required to produce N fertilizer creates both higher environmental pollution and its production cost.
Therefore, Nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) is more essential for agriculture development and environmental protection.
NUE is a very complex process including assimilation, nitrification, translocation, nitrogen uptake and remobilization due
to several environmental, genetic and management factors. Therefore, optimum nitrogen application to soil can improve the
current status of soil, which increased the plant metabolism and its production. In future for breeding it is very important to
increase grain yield and nitrogen utilization through modified cultivar.
Keywords Wheat, Nitrogen fertilizer, Environmental pollution, NUE
needs to be determined for individual cultivars N enhancing the agricultural production has been under
requirements [29]. Throughout crop development consideration for the last fifty years [19]. For economic and
availability of N has essential, affecting establishment of environmental reasons, nitrogen fertilizers should be utilized
seedling, tillering, grain filling and the whole canopy of crop. more efficiently as much as possible in agriculture
The optimization of NUE and crop production is a complex production. Non-agriculture neighbouring human, animal,
problem and will require a compound set of solutions to get micro-organisms and plant ecosystem has deteriorated by
suitable and meaningful results. intensive use of fertilizer nitrogen [19]. Therefore, prevent
To address this problem, the nitrogen use efficiency in biosphere together with an improvement of cropping system
cereal grain production may be low owing to losses of N by need proper used of fertilizer, have helpful in food, feed, and
leaching, denitrification and volatilization [11]. The fiber [8]. Nitrogen-containing fertilisers that contain large
challenge is to improve or maintain productivity and quantities of ammonium and amine nitrogen have a greater
incomes with decreased inputs, mostly to farm more efficient acidifying effect on soil than nitrate containing fertilizers.
and cleaned. To decrease fertilizer application, leaching Ammonium sulphate contains only ammonium nitrogen and
losses should aim to match as much as feasible the sulphur that accelerates the process of soil acidification. It is
requirements of plant N with the accessible nitrogen in soil, used especially in irrigation areas where the pH is high and
reducing the excess of N in soil hopeless to the plant. the acidifying effect therefore has a neutralising effect.
Therefore, the application should be the latest possible
compatible with the period of improvement that still permits
rapid N uptake, in order to avoiding the pollution of 3. Mineralization
ecosystems reduce the N losses of unused N [40]. Both Mineralization is decomposition or oxidation of the
traditional plant breeding and molecular engineering could chemical compounds in organic matter into plant-accessible
be employed to generate plants that used several processes forms. It is refers to the methods wherever a substance is
limiting plant growth in elevated CO2 environments. regenerates from an organic material to an inorganic material.
Expanding research on cultivars with low fertilizer In N mineralization, organic N from decaying plant and
requirements and with high N absorption would be suitable animal residues (amino sugars, proteins, nucleic acids and
to develop cultivars that absorb N more efficiently for the urea) is reborn to ammonium (NH4+) and ammonia (NH3-)
grain production [31]. Nitrogen use efficiency has been ions. This method is additionally referred to as
affected by Genetic variation in wheat production process ammonification. Therefore, the resulting ammonia is often
[37]. Plant breeding to the environment is a long term regenerates to organic nitrogen where it can be used by
proposition which a decade and even more time so its make plants and microbes. Furthermore, inorganic nitrogen
and developed new suitable cultivar to become sure that new applied to the soil for quick response, organic soil nitrogen
cultivar is performing well and suitable for consumers and mineralizes throughout the life cycle of crop and improves
farmers. Therefore, these all ideas ware undertakings to its nutritional status [2]. In distinction to the mineral nitrogen
determine the quantitative physiological requirements of amount accessible from fertilizers, which is instantly
different levels N for some wheat cultivars to establish obtainable to plants and should be simply quantified, the
maximum N fertilization limits in relation to yield and grain release from organic forms relies on the mineralization
yield response index with respect to old wheat populations methods [4]. N mineralization is affected by several factors
and cultivars. including the quality or composition of the organic substance,
agricultural practices (e.g. tillage, irrigation, and cultivation),
humidity, temperature, aeration, soil pH, soil structure and
2. Nitrogen texture [25].
Nitrogen occurs in the chlorophyll of plants and is Additionally, mineralization of soil nitrogen also depends
responsible for vegetative growth. The leaves of plants that on ratio of C/N, polysaccharides content, nitrogen content,
receive sufficient nitrogen have a dark, blue-green colour, water soluble nitrogen. The light organic substance fractions
which promotes photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the of the soil, ATP content, microbial respiration and biomass
process by which light energy is intercepted by plants and are enclosed. The variety of things related with nitrogen
stored in the form of starches and sugars. This process is mineralization reproduces the distinction in substrates and
essential to sustain normal plant growth. Nitrogen is the main microbial microorganism communities getting used and
normally scarce nutrient in crop production. Therefore, most sequential changes in substrate quality [5].
non legume cropping systems need more nitrogen inputs.
Several nitrogen sources are available for use in supplying 4. Immobilization
nitrogen to crops. Nitrogen is the most important mineral
nutrient that plants take up from the soil in different growth The nitrogen immobilization, nitrate and ammonia are
stages. Nitrogen availability to crop is one of the big limiting picking up by microbes and are basically immobilized, or
factor in the productivity of major crops such as cereals [16]. become accessible to plants depending on the C:N ratios.
The increase in the use of nitrogen (N) fertilizers for Once nitrogen is plentiful, each microbe and plants
International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 2014, 4(3): 201-206 203
assimilate nitrate and ammonia. Nucleic acids, Proteins, and production, but it was different from place to place due soil
alternative organic nitrogen components of microbial cells properties [15]. Commonly, mineral fertilizers applied to the
and cell walls are produced with the assistance of soil in different available form are urea, ammonium nitrate,
incorporating nitrogen. Once a plant completes its growth ammonium sulfate and anhydrous ammonia. The crops can
stages and dies, completely different microbe decomposes a assimilate it easily and quickly. Together ammonia and urea
biomass of the plant. As a result, a little of the plant biomass are converted to nitrate at various rates depending on climate
nitrogen, with the type of NH4+, is converted back into the and soil conditions. Thus also have different losses types e,g
soil due to the process of mineralization. The remaining of volatilization, No2 production, runoff, and leaching [27].
the N into the plant biomass is released in soil organic
substance in the form of constant component organic
nitrogenous gas. Plants cannot use this constant nitrogenous 7. Nitrogen Uptake and Remobilization
gas simply and readily. Therefore, the remaining outcome of
mineralization and immobilization is a reduce in the Nutrient uptake is that the movement of nutrient to the
accessibility of the nitrogen added to the soil as fertilizer, and plants. It refers to the quantity of solute, which is far away
also the limited exchange of this nitrogen to a form NH4+ that from the external medium. Nutrients generally exist in the
is not focused to loss from the majority soils [35]. Return of kind of ions. They will be cations or anions. For ions to be
organic resources, such as green manures, crop residues, absorbed to plant roots they need to be in contact with the
catch crops and leguminous crop, have a distinct response in basis of the root surface. Plants usually don’t tend to
carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) return in agricultural soils. The accumulate higher amounts of NH4+ ions as a contrast to
synchronization of nitrogen availability with plant requires is nitrate ions. Therefore, with the exception of some crops like
essential for environmental and agronomic reasons [30]. as rice, toxicity symptoms commonly take place if crop
plants are grown-up in NH4+ within the absence of nitrate [6].
The nitrogen requirement for macro-molecule synthesis
5. Leaching Process of Nitrogen within the developing kernel is met by the mobilization of
formerly assimilated N available in vegetative tissues and
Drained agricultural land has been known as a significant through direct uptake and assimilation of N throughout grain
supply of pollution for each ground water and surface water filling. Mobilization of earlier assimilated N has been
[39]. In North America, Asia and Europe intensive recommended as the major supply of N for the kernel [3].
agricultural processes have led to each superior production The crop life cycle with respect to the management of N will
expense and a bigger threat from environmental hazards like be roughly separated into two most important phases
as ground and surface pollution by nitrate leaching to water occurring sequentially in some species or overlapping with
[39]. For many decades more stress is given on economical others. Throughout the primary section, i.e. the vegetative
use of nutrients among agricultural production systems. The section, young developing roots and leaves work as sink
most important reason of this is negative effects on a ground organs for the assimilation of inorganic N and also the
and surface water quality that to a huge amount are created to synthesis of amino acids creating from the N pre-occupied
agricultural non point-source contamination of nutrients, before flowering so reduced via the nitrate assimilatory
which are determined in several countries. Particularly in pathway [20]. These amino acids are promoting the synthesis
cold and wet regions this crisis is recognized, where great of enzymes and proteins mostly concerned with building up
amounts of water penetrate through soil during periods plant building and also the totally different parts of
without a crop [34]. Nitrate leaching from agricultural soil the chemical process machinery.
can be decreased in order to develop the use of fertilizers and
to prevent Nitrate from build up in surface and ground waters
[49]. 8. Nitrogen Assimilation by Crops
For most of the crop species nitrate is the main source as
6. Nitrogen Fertilization in Agriculture like in the form of organic or inorganic [36]. The initial steps
Crop of the assimilatory pathway are the reduction of nitrate to
nitrite catalyzed by nitrite reductase and nitrate reductase. It
Today, the maintenance or restoration of soil nutrients is goes to the root cell membrane through high and low affinity
very important for increasing a crop yield, one most transporters [11]. Therefore, nitrates are reduced to nitrite
important as nitrogen. The N fertilizer in soluble is a through the reaction catalysed by the enzyme nitrate
significant to its easy uptake and assimilation during plant reductase [27] followed by the reduction of nitrite to
growth stages. Therefore, mineral fertilizers are the major ammonia catalysed by the enzyme nitrite reductase [43]. One
source of N applied to crops [41, 48], by livestock manure most important role for glutamine synthetase in
[21]. There are also other sources of N like symbiotic N2 photosynthetic tissue is in retaken of ammonia released
fixation by legume nodules [1]. The small amount of the during senescence processes or photo-respiration [46]. The
atmospheric N converted to an available form to use for crop genetic diversity of expression patterns of this gene family
204 Zahoor et al.: Role of Nitrogen Fertilizer in Crop Productivity and Environmental Pollution
may also important for this process. Transgenic management system and N loss. Promising N management steps for high
for the assimilatory pathway have been positive effects [32]. NUE should be considered [13] from the whole-crop scale to
Symbiotically fixed N is also an important source of cellular, including, high capacity for N assimilation in the
ammonia readily available for several types of the crops. stem, leaf and canopy photosynthesis, N from leaves to grain,
root traits with increasing root length density (RLD) all
having a potentially high importance to increase the value of
9. Nitrogen Use Efficiency NUE in bread making wheat cultivar to feed cultivars
associated with uptake and assimilation of N. However,
Nitrogen is one of the most expensive and highly mobile NUE of converting plant N to grain biomass impact yield
nutrient having environmental impact through nitrate losses [47].
leaching and co2 concentration in the atmosphere. The CO2
concentration has been rising at the atmosphere, increasing
from 280 to 379 ppm since the Industrial Revolution [45]. 11. Genetic Breeding to Improve
The rate Co2 increases at the atmosphere may cause Nitrogen Use Efficiency
stomatal adjustment and therefore decreased transpiration
rate of leaf. Therefore, resulting the lower supply of Nitrate reduction is very limiting for optimal biomass and
carbohydrate to the root during the later growth stages to grain yield production. In wheat, a gene for GS1 over
take N from rhizosphere [45]. In addition, changing the expression from French bean led to enhanced the grain yield
capacity of root systems during growth stages are more (grain weight in particular) and therefore of NUE was
important to take up ammonium and nitrate to promote co2 in estimated about 20% [8]. Development of traits require to
the atmosphere. So recently the progress of N efficient study and identify the particular genes by breeding through
cultivars will be beneficial to environmental contamination’s, low and high nitrogen fertilizer condition and also may
farmer’s input cost and will help to reduce excessive inputs develop molecular markers for advance breeding programs.
of N fertilizers. NUE [33] is a nitrogen use efficiency and The outer layers and embryo of the grain contains about 30%
grain dry substances yield per unit of N available and divided of the total grain N [44]. They are enhanced insoluble
it into N-utilization efficiency and N-uptake. However, a proteins, globulins and alnumins, most of which are
little research and knowledge is present about the metabolic and structural functions. For access to a single
accumulation of storage proteins during seed development. gene positional cloning is another strategy to focus on the
The economy of nitrogen in wheat is considered chromosomal region for controlling the interested trait [42].
relationships among NUE, grain protein content, Genetic modified cultivar having gluten properties and high
composition and N supply. protein content with the proper amount of fertilizer
application were required to transport more N to grain and
decrease its losses to the atmosphere. Climate change will
10. Management Strategies for High significantly change N cycling processes, which will affect
Nitrogen Use Efficiency both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, as well as human
health. Higher air temperatures will make difficult air quality
Evaluation of new agricultural technologies and practices mitigation, because larger reductions in NOx emissions will
should include evaluation of most important NUE be needed to achieve the same reductions of O3 pollution
components derived from crop physiological processes, soil, under higher temperatures [50]. Such a ‘‘climate penalty’’
tillage methods, economic and environmental factors [23]. will impose challenges to avoid harmful impacts of O3
Grain yield, applied N, above ground plant N, grain N, post pollution on human health [51] and crop productivity [52].
and pre-harvest root-zone soil N were applied to evaluate
components of NUE. Nitrogen fertilizer using increase the
cost of production for growers and may also have a ground 12. Environmental Impact of Nitrogen
water impact though leaching, No2 emission to the
atmosphere caused by global warming and also eutrification Nitrogen is normally odourless, tasteless, colourless and
of lakes and rivers [13, 7]. mostly diatomic non-metal gas. It is trivalent in most
In general, nutrient use efficiency has been studied in compounds and having five electrons in its outer shell. The
various types of experiments, like field, greenhouse. challenge of nitrogen is how to optimize the use of nitrogen
However, according to the study are available to investigate to sustain human life while minimizing the negative impact
same plant material grown in the field compared to on the environment and human health. It is more dangerous
greenhouse [17] while 40 durum and bread wheat cultivars to the health of humans and ecosystems and maybe future
were studied in field and greenhouse [28]. So the populations will be more stressed either due to nitrogen
improvement of N-efficient cultivars will be of economic excesses or due to nitrogen limitations. The rapid human
and environmental benefit to farmers and decline excessive production of nitrogen fertilizer for higher agriculture yield
inputs of N fertilizers. Fertilizer-N management takes into and production caused environmental nitrogen concentration
account all natural methods accountable for atmospheric [22]. The main environmental problems are acidification of
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