near ora
5 STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION & EVALUATION. 5.1-5.5Introduction to Strategic Management (Chart 1.1)
fer aa oar Tsetse ate Megaman — | [Unto of rea
lcmmon ted amg erent’ cv 8 Mangement | hTaubemogenentte df asi] | Manoyement
lrauermarte the dees eset! naareaf | l)Toeate compete |[obetvena ges whch aren line wth_| 6] Enon
ae foo ee Ee eer
Se |= Gente rewntttemmnrane |e ei
Sire mer aca beracrreimareement ese
See hea scatman
SS ees charac fs
ew ne
Macoten [Petco gamnenaee [Saeeee” esti Perea
beomteny |fesermmecmemnamomen [Pees teen fame
Remco |pocemecresin CESS |p
[Tnsefeneneet once ||°?#merket postion & front! performance & |p Serves ese corporate defence \enevi, where a
Ressgey [fomiacntccomcstt fmentemnee | teat
aa |lecompony es tet rome recive een fe sie acy
[semeaieomestocroa Bemewese, [ome
Esra maaan btn,
|nscptiveveacon to changing cheumstances et suring on ck fstesier
| ep ort deep crs core[Mierke cet a eu ue)
= Lelia idapullapistsle lalla bean Vesela alana da
coe aie penn ne fas ome ae eT
[emma [Sera ee pmemey pea
Eset fsa : [eccrine ee lovee on
[ieetenervees |fivararea ne] pTeaTiemertammn psi mene [essen
int Exirentorm |poweren |hramoema |prasa orem
lrmeemgee Fiiact ctaeien [Mtcncna|fergacmalfany pS
secs ry me cena Lr aay Smee
[smn frstewswerimese” [oscar frm | occa
fees, [feared ene ent rtrd Jas obsecmer ere |fecwor ating foevepment [sire evan
[sizevonlmrcconcre’” |lomemawesmute |Pecawsametaarnc Jownceantne [pgm [yap famatonsennsh
lrsseseeana fimeraciin [fowmcaant soos |Prosmrt wena ten footie [eccracc® larity [rateerte
feraenc won fratement ery turner sen aa fos pir achat perform Joi atictnes re frome [rls mente wt thon the
Feet fia eee y commen [tse [Elman Lessa
Fen —|oamamuincs cred Peers eaccparw [ttc Leese
eerie Ee Ei art pee
Linas sheer fee lftIntroduction to Strategic Management (Chart 1.3)
a eaporate tel
TBannes Cee
Funeral ce
[7 const of C20, her
|) these induce
[prtipate in sree
fa) Tie nt
enfring mien & goo,
Jnsineses shoud ben,
Joneses, formatting &
|moiementng nota
leadership frre ov
Lycans dione
|nanogers tft
lp Busnertevel manage,
lead of ivaion
ly strtep role ofthese
Imenegers isto earslote
[penerl statements of
|») usinesievel mangers
lnet are specfcto
[ir eonste Functional
la rerponnbe for specie
Jousines functions or
li whereas general
Jrertionofatle co. or
J provide mos of nfo
enor moter penne for
Jwsiner & corporate evel
Pormaiote restated
J may oenerte
[mperont ieee that
Jbeguenty may become
Jrciorstreepie force
a Farstanal Baars
TW voronar
‘Tat Raa
[Wivan independent
[sleonein, where each
lun independently headed
| Yuetionion heed
Imanager reperna
Jaret to busines heed,
who ic corporte evel
|r Functions meybe he
[Resource Marketing ete
IyAtrpations ramon
Inanagement to na
[nv employees, a7 0
Josion ewe et,
leverone i considered
ky re ype of
[etetionship berween
lets more table
|wth peed more
[Wefeotores 09a
Jrctare of evelsin an
cams formed with
[pepe fom various
[department thot oe
[nut for temporary tok
| Te reetionhip
Ini monoge nage
Jcrciomeretes with
[ese where ery
[imposible to wack and
|nenage everysinae
[com independetiyStrategic Analysis: External Environment (Chart 2.1)
= aT aaa [ta a
{= ote | ae a [ive
Pd [can ema [nceaen none ae
= moe ar ote [cenafan nnocn,« | aasomatcnenelS er
= fs mene ct, [stoner nace mey_|loncrinmsan ype or
= Pemop aoc [tetonen ers rom | Croince nhc
om | [ae aaa | octet eS re, [erm enn! | ener ey
= oe | btn bre lecorncmieaiy
[renews [enn S| Mme
fem! Jaca | |etomenn hho fr opto
Fer ete oo fon cane! ong froin ey a
frsear ono eprarin [reenter
frase oot z, [romnaa chow yan
lm re ee eT [eon
"ec mrs been stb ni
w [enone mc
a Ty on lroremiverennina | fone
a SS ian en ote fee
|| | esc, | mes cee [ve in fo pont
: ‘ne ‘we ‘mone eg [Seminary
= teen [aerate
! Tomapren | some [iseraneonesin | mere
oe [ono nomenBeco
External Environment (Chart 2.2)
aaa aaprslaenacesalpkeplsruaepreraey
‘Scere stg meron tf tnetrpro
Jrmmieccsn ant nr fre sons
[acres entomenTesins mete cn a FR
|ceeomome ofr goon sp ae
[Sennen nes hv ttre ben nme ten
fos ¢ meee,
[nn woryamesome no
froberentar macy
poeStrategic Analysis: External Environment (Chart 2.3)
Corer ry Ped
Tiesto Rew Error Trying Pama Sapien | np eto on which he menogenert 7
[ae can renine | oA roaster tobe opp con conrad ergeina pow [to ones se
|netiodefexanng ech ||gherohen other rms are Bcd |loner fm wens ly tie nr roth pe
lyin af | rm ecg nay her rod or coca oar | tray vale?
sini ardent | 5 eaon Bri tw REE ore a vale ls wheter competion ure prte
fcetermeronement | capt repuremene in reyeon erect ih etching conte | devote profit & wheter compete
ae eaten cae |la Economies of ele Th
re moe concentrated thon their _| ores ilbecome stronger or weer?
[nw cock ste nthe proce || Produ dferentoon bye ls whether industry pros wi be
jase btacr vale fom | Switching conte vourebly or unfoourebiy effected by he
ne end raducterservee,” ||) Srand identity TT tar of Rvaly dry —] feeling eevig forces?
laiAcceestosrbutin chonnes [la] Ray among compettor tends tobe ||) The compete poston af an orponston in
FERET STREET] | vocab of orsrenive ration ||etvoot & aay profit ow nder | the duty and whether spetion ely
fr ibeund eae [exiting ployer lous condtions explained atfoliows” | |rowstrongeror weaker
|) operation nasty Leader le) te pote to coptlze onthe
|) outtound ogitie TH targenng Power Tapers i) umber of campetors fainerabtes of weaker ioe
lr merteting 8 la) Bapers of on ndursyx products or |i) Fixes Coste Whether te company able to defend osinet
le) Sersce [ees can sometime exert ext Borns [rcountract the facta thet moke the nr,
Seppo Ar produc ferentinon |ietrctve?|
le Procaremert i sow Groweh J) te decree of ond uncertainty inthe
J) Tecnica development | [i Thr Teverge i prtelary eden [naurry' fare
1 management when Trea of Sb lyme every of problems confronting the
la inforactare [Tyr have ToT nowiedee of | Rubtate products rea tentvouree af || nd ox ole
[cures ofprducte& ther nbetetes ||eampetion nan intr In many cee ||) whether contin portiption inthe intry
ly they spend clot of money on | hey Become major content of [ces impercomty to he fms aity tobe
ln producte eometion Subttte products offering | |cenain ether industries in with may have
|i) industry's product is nat perceived ae [|iC* odvantape and/or [business interests?
rma tu cee re
[teen bina tabu a atasudéen |Ee
Competitive Strategy
tart a place, barnes rretepnt work on marking =
|mprove the chonces of succes The term “marketing”
lencompanter a wide range of perationy Including research,
[eizatout berating 5 understanding
mits the comprehension of their
[ion mision, core voles niche
[perience carve has folowing features
As busines orgniaton grow, thay
[experiance may provide an advantoge over
ly targe and cessful organisation ponent
[ronger “experience affect”
Jom another orgennaion Cotomer re important because
[ivan oat or performance by em
[rete atu thet nereares the worth of goods,
lercen busines processes
Pe iets target cre, determines thee want, & hen defines
Jno product meets those needs. Thus, involves the
Jexemination& evaluction of consumer need, dene, & want,
Ie includes the administration of custome surveys, the study of
|snsumer dete, the evolution of market paataning wreteaat,
[velopment of cuatomer profes, & the selaction ofthe best
lmerketangmentetion techniques
ey denty the compattor
+) Understand the compettors
|. Determine the strengthe of the
|) ostermine the weaknes
[ep a ofthe formation tonether
fr the vote customers place onthe company’s
|b) ehe price that @ company charges forts
[consrner behaviour may be nie
hese elements con be categored ints the folowing conceptual
ler excernainfvences
bs neemaiftuences
|.) becatn toting
lr Post deculon Processes
Of whet bev do eitemers choose
J wher resource
compete succesful, beter
Jnumeon copa, qvoty of product or
[tained forlong term?Strategic Analysis: Internal Environment (Chart 3.1)
¢ 7
Be eS es
Tee a
jcreator em
Jerre wel ere er ae seme et Ug fn et
lmnnan ah brash tx te uzonenie nate [ene eran
[ao aot aes ethos ocr | Wed Mabon Pon & ro
Impact Tyabb ems sie, mages tey whi etree
aa spl, mas epsitaandan Ta || npr Maras de he mpc bg
‘efimtincoett heater venient or | gh Power Hg tre wih monapnet ol
authentic | ero menage oy we eng tof tne
— a x ptt ibn rom met
ones oi tna es oreo lett
rahe “Tana ae [enamer sr
id ye [ssn
fata E mateo eeeeney impor jen [nr hie
hortorsranyondis te cnptan whee ei [re
aloha erent Bev Aso! ere ee
Catia re }| (a fate anes ees Icsanecntee
Diesen feet de 4) | seco [isaterroncige ene pmn me A ST mee
sen ce ont 1 Tenshginth tg pape me Bee
snot tn : [acer chance tierra ey
Taare ly pres piya gnshemetaer
a frre sere wre estan vbr |
Sere [raster hn & gf wereld (ime ee
[om rene Reet rete fs on atte eins ie he
ste at Pc Ben faernstn sce
sve ferme sae tenet son sath
cms aay fonenenresen
Taipei wc omndeh age pi si es
sty ferme prints of eee he of el
Peo rarer [sree[rede and forthe conbnaton of
geodata the ompany
afer tat eter tea thee
hjecver at be bgt in id
law satanecerne ope
Iie mating ord
bi roduce free rose
fectonable marinero
fi tcrenig rte shee
Terktng Soar
Strategic Analysis: Internal Environment (Chart 3.2)
[campeon eee ore
lontinton of air
Thera aay
thee ena bat_| | igarcareompson ae
shoud be conser || "dented inthe rec.
Ties carel || omer efron
he pedi cho! ||- camer ee end
‘rer forge
|} auzmened arene
tense Mereing
| sercr Meets
+ renoe Meeting
|} crsosstn erating
ee Marketing
nighened Martin
| ciferentl Marteng
| srcrometg
| cooenated Marketing
cat tomtate
[WoT ans ana ef users
smo netomat ae]
bi =
Tea ony
sts | enon [ran
ests sores | es ara ea]
sta wor] or [orem
External Origin |r | ose
ct |oponene] rns |]¢| mor amen] ome
for [ns | onan
et ‘non cae
Stmmmeneme Ef | mau | Saar
imeem ee | ea
[ora it
lonerunter rivet rer! onias copes
[nore foe on andertndng te evting
frre & competence te bse,
[hs iphghig te sng end
wens whie Era Ane
dering on prepa for
lorerantes orate
therefore, SWOT Arava tol whch is
[ed foot nen Externe AnaInternal Environment (Chart 3.3)
fresbwcorcnpeie any Bo eioean | teeter ees] — od ethno [1 rr
fo ket eat spcdlyeonen [Fb a | roe per
[sete stenmeetosmpetef ne |e ttre attorney
fret ater orev ot | anne ete Feige ip [Pore ne poise
fiteeronan | educt «Preg penton fn ns fimemenmt eran
Te a i ay | — gas |e et] Rap oe noe rr |
ry ne
birstincsngacmatf | arabes] | See (ly Taine ar frees
bantee ieger | aaa — ones |iaig panne
Pisemntcenrmen lee ronment mone fn sen [mn ee
stewassg fttnas [Piairnice”piems—Ypenomurinaicecigmtntemins (nn
Paeiwrnonatel |icormaepe |Uiticrinnoe SR —_ crac mn sempeyeerane cea
mene sem Peano LE _ hints
[rsmicir sree enesiveab | ope pep Sea eh pone
Jc production toyed lower cot |facies volume Jrecivt/ service for buyer eee ot le Fre eyes by Be ens fe er wey ond fatures
ne | cetiecdentondt | lanacon fess ce procs,
Invest in cst saving technologies keep thet cats low Jo) charging too higho||b) Que to the remen tie it and seve tht the |
f isi fctersmer | fticpecinnnte fPOnamenahs Piece opt,
ning advence technology for |fmniriin crt of | les hegpup with dynamic [nin flog forsee fer, era ondnewentronts Ye iat
fewrtentig sway nett _| een eens ht fd i fora
omens own meee [iene seme a mr
Tit Nernst steno |e enemas [ar
Irma secre oe jlferetreass [peso see
thse frtecnmae ete | rgd a tye [ptt deme ro ih
ft Supe [ie eve ised bythe which can cause problems
— [tet oder hap caper of fl ln he fong ran, the iche coud dvoppear or be token ove by
("emer [serene aes) luton e leper competitors by acquiring the some datnctive competences
Ls estrone et ove‘Strategic Choices (Chart 4.1)
lal oeaineSove-Retrenchment/TuraroundSrteey
Tava Singer oT Bonne Ue Cre Compaen Orarted
‘apres Laval] Evt/ivodiron Ste Markt PenetretonSieny | la) Carpeive Svatogly ~ Cov Leeder, Dereon, otar
Dusines Ln! |b) cronch Stoge ~Growth/ExpaaianSteteny |b) collaboration Seaton - don Ventre, Marge & Acguitian, Stree
le runcionai ve lf) wore stone - tabi Srotegy [atience
mere) Crem)
[Rotrenchment Strategy Combination Strategy
A abi segy npn Bye
TD] Ghenctratn
Laer svar or aby ey
Fi sap wh sr ane, sae produc mare poste Juncone
| Endeavour toanhance functors efsences man meremental way,
Jebsugh eer deployment & asin of resource
lay dean not inva a redefinition of nines of corporation
|) bes 2 sfey-orante, stun qu.
|e doesnot warant much of res investments
et concentrating enires atertin on exiting buinenin/ produ
le rm mth eden orowthobiectve choose his rteny
|DAprodect han reached te mati ose
arth product fe oe
le Ths fees comfortable withthe status
lve ort ater nr changer nd le risk
lin eped when te emironmentin whch
an ergansetion i operating rletivey
fs) Whee ot advice to expand ot
nay be perceived ex thvestening
peat cen fm wont
Wy dot Searape a Torso
ep ir an errepraneual entre he ary eso enn &UevTona_weneraly eed far sig eT fe proven Uoush ecnoloay. Forse
low nsortant fate are speed ond ot, becauee af beng ine nescent sage of operations Sabi en the athe had moe mecrirafl rte) when he oe
lr operetins expended to fll opocy and business amature stoge. Thereby, Frey ee arcs cing fr bit.Strategic Choices (Chart 4.2)
ewig —— [Warnes fr | [oper row par ee eS
fetan bes —]|_ rw ron z ¢ (enterseetstestg) (aggre)
cry opens Taye) [aT we tg Ea Cw
facacrcmene | frown oe | laoreet
Jnetnetinbanen |lentemen toro || tecapeatn seperate
[reo npc
[sce [Taetereweion Vor Rr ara tet | pret et
Tama [ag meye |lamonrcencanent — || rowene!strer —Yportettatonacun anges a ase
[tent bane se | Crone | cere rer |i mtn dy one
ln opens af cay | eect goth case hero bee nearing epee
snr fereticet |B ipomre fi vnampiove edeser [ening st eh
enue feng ie Suectn Tagen Ypres fier
me inrendnsont | cmeapees | senugessone fy ong matte [yan tren
f lnm ae Ong 0
mento [seine vey pte Tear I) een etal | Reve gnrton
Jivspnan (fearon | ton Fomor ft Ao etn
JveinesBnew [PEO | ethene [ene torte nal eran
cine Pane, | 2a rlow |) Sr seege
mentee feompetitors |e} Horizenta integrated |e Political “d) ls Turnaround strategy only
jeu boy vrsie_|f)atemge om te] wteton aaa Jerr
Jey tof sal Fics anor Te Fae Tee
Jem Fimester [ase ers |arand ea
|sombinations + Helps to solve complex |i) Anaiyre situation & develop 0
— sine lowe nen
iti mcrae [iereretngen ren mao mance
Irene ome Mircea sen fovetedeceh okey,
enon [reo on et
eb [eng tome wn“TumaroundSttegy
Strategic Choices (chart 43)
Tera Sty
fst ets ems
fre mange tt
finn bered iby
ecm esc
fied eh crn
fen ex fone
mneprtcerbten cece
pn tle
lena, ens eet
feet fart,
bse femptr bhe
fet dt
ba resp pens
ftw atone
fnitbto sie
ae emai
oh Mat
Ie nangeer erase
formant rt
franisne Ramet mare wie
ba scant cnt foun
frstrosvescese rosie
hope, cet ee |
leet ofthe
soe ety
jks resonated
fen trated
ean, epee
fests rein
fs abnen hee eed
freusetes mens ane
eng ase
Te cot
deen ge
re om
uns Senet mn ndsey
ft berate eb or
fee, anges epee
1s ro eed wel fee
I ss i rts esis afar aia
Jest mover ser Bey ano ected iy eget
fsa a dp of rein
hi reaper, iver onsed campo
[eit effemtcpe wt my
[Tvsegy no deeeetafnne
lieaitrne pes bn sfimar
tf one bench
Jom b ier)
eters tht ty
fesse Peden ee
bi wes: ejay snc,
fms operStrategy Implementation & Evaluation (Chart 5.1)
Cra ed
sae ge Sgn et Fr Keen
gt ener glassy || Seen Sennen
beige ape teresa dese are a pig ea [eee eT
feast | aot ae gf seeostepmtaosey ie oes tei fence i
Joni [Gcrsaetgepy [ata |] Seveieibenieoeymewit eee td
eeceiin Hispwteopain ds [enn Perret le raapaetomeenon_ [Ra nnapg enon
parse as mena Teast aot eg
Eevee pinaster ana Fare inage ‘adrdnage [fst ica [ened opto ec
pia crates (fie |Pmatemeiaeey —lieitedtast aine etna [pine aoe
we Fesemetyatein [fmt sins Hoesen kan ade prop
remind [Acucaatict fpeten first ft tegen
fester sues {Mdenetaioatte [peers ae Ppratacie ses lian agen [ewhnceaain sag my
jokes flowered wit telegsen ste ne iio ee [dca eile oe
fer rms init Porro ser ars im
es ii steeple Cen emeet fees
iin Lee Ta Poe fee
Teagcowrione Na | Paiva [eligi aie tomleapeas —[Paignnpeesn wr
lea ing hea Pnedeyenestr |iicintrestn [siytresn fone
lovee ooeindhetnys |ptenrerein eae
agreeBUTE Miu) ice cou Ecc CHE A)
Bree eon Cn Sm
(Twat Tow dou dia enon war [| ee aageme een any We easier
fe Dianmaton|fwev ev etttaiesnpays fmt oper
eo eles | on pep wh bt cro mgt cs sae rca
an [fens nso meow ns | Sealed oatnate! sven aepre
[amcreae|fresrneroney etc ntierpasan sate | apne fis dame were gga ref esigle
coe mene | reanoweesnanicns hnmewencews |puteonenaginc ince poraeerte
[cesta feo "él omarion [she snes main en lL amt pe
eae fester lfc er fain vanish
I fatter amen | ERSTE eo
cease fimcgetatcgente [ee snes ft oboe
ar ew lt] deal aati oi of [narm, atthe exception fo sructure fo Stl er *
sy fertile: | Feng ge [espns fis
[aa —Jlooagaeprad || soca ees | RISE lis anes
ate bimevtte neato betta I portals aia
frome |feman Pps dase | mc eae To ence
can bien cr i gen staan kohea |i rine ign
copia |teoemintinand—[hodaminewhhrentceid [hasan aap —lfewomecanidces ni tematcose [hy poner qeoctns)
le ereton| tite [eile Jowmuncte jst wth canton ee, neg,
wince inne eine fenlcenante at! pn dir
rte lpoets frtnenietearensrprtemie (Lute sci 8
Lumines Jonata [vest neni cree Ny eer ne ascot [Pernt oneonsiy
feiasine Jncivedinthebaoreaton poe! O¥eranitncendirabing tact mang,
[inbreeding donee lect trnigcae rah Pein ee wos
rere owcreen Jencoaptinnteecon eta, fii eo wik
este tarlnemagene
vehweanprd ef pg
wr eh
eres se
en teh
rere ar ee
feerinrdyeo dey
reson dhe ane
rp ion rane
iil ae
4) ng pete
sn ac pani
sna xe
Echo wal he
nn hoy
oe nap wel
be serene
ers seria
Amma ope fe
twa diet
ns temscateedeton
be fnd erie
foc canal at
jesBune pear
fied bnew
lene enone
fess reine
Japs ates
snes fen
ici ben nse
fete wey
[nese tract?
fare signer
fatter ses
nese wh fw
nee lg
tis mr ny
lnsn fom trate
fi pnsten
Jehan ewe ef
fare npr
[ani sete
Jones pee
Jerrad tebe
REL eer ence)
Pf on SU eee
fase eid of it bees oft
ferent he he il setae nig
li ingen tere vi of ener
Jeeserbogbed a ertorlute
fie pup of ted ues ttm beer per
Jeep sboeg dom rtf he bene
[aetna etd fo thsi of
te ened petra dS
J cmd esas pee mpd
pg te baie on Svs hi hist
[ming byron te gent onde
Jee ste sso ste om seg aye
[east wth om cee f empties sew
mnie fin
[pose maa coe
fratonowiat sme
Jeanie ess a
lap bier oer
Pfr denne of mein
fact De ere
fonction fe
fi Pecandmeopen
later mie
faite So
lth enced
fe er
ler sore
lenin eine
ects Iron
‘wet feet ey
leet sev witioesca fawn iors Phra
snmp ber ttre orate amis vit rin cee
Leiceree edness lent eh
fstrmbtee sy tro ener nina effi sont. he fom
ljorenstedtobercorgeersenecnpetve |feemecedreraese [ting free
[xononf fests bt heat lepine wth cenee |reton
Fit eit te
ft peti ag
patos acters ef ens
ln openCons
eam ate ree e908
es Ben pri, ats, eo ef
cpg nd itl we enema
er es arte care oe Fon?
campy noses heals
lessen ett epee ec
lpi as ean afl!
cs, nt eblerreaos, the
soot eeeoen mea 8
fara mrs ees
ln ahr ne gents eet
lsat hapengsn ce eno pe
rene tte he ener’
ftp eer etonnnt
Jensen nanan
citer oro said th era
fei. Teele ti jects ad
Jone eres end ocean
Jay ewey mayor
[orale tain
frrefseetegr care cone
cing ag bt tay
[se aroha ome eo |
Strategy Implementation & Evaluation (Chart 5.4)
[veers ears rs
fsa piggy
tot xd enesion.
fas indevepgompettey
faticonpean an
[tern ehedetip ant
Jig et cement
Jrstatster mdse
J pang crac
foes exec a
fwrsrtpe etre,
everson e Seep ese
bitin wipes || pre See roman
. raring pice on one
ot pen a
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— et rere frStrategy Implementation & Evaluation (Chart 5.5)
It is function intended to ensure & make possible performance of planned activities & to achieve pre-determined goals &
Elements ‘Types of organizational contro!
la) Objectives & characteristics of ¥ +
system which could be ‘Operational Contol_] | Management Control Strategie Control
Joperationalized into measurable
|e controllable standards
|b) Mechanism for monitoring &
|measuring characteristics of
Je) Mechanism for comparing
Jactual results with reference to
|standards, detecting deviations
from standards & learning new
linsights on standards themselves
ld) Mechanism feeding back
|corrective & adaptive information
|g instruction to system, for
leffecting desired changes
lit ison individual tasks
lor transactions as
Jogainst total or more
|management functions
lt is more inclusive &
Jmore agaregative in
sense of embracing
lintegrated activities of
lcomplete department,
division or even entire
Jorg, instead or mere
lnarrowly circumscribed
lactvities of sub-unite
ii) focuses on dual questions of
a) Strategy is being implemented as
lb) Results produced by strategy are
those intended
J2) eis process of evaluating
[strategy as itis formulated &
[2) Types of Strategic Control
a) Premise control
[6) strategic surveillance
|<) Special alert control
1) implementation control
fi) Monitoring strategic thrusts
fi) Milestone Reviews