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01-21 04:57:56.

678 1500 1526 I SystemConfig: Reading permissions from

01-21 04:57:59.259 1500 1500 I _V_VivoPmsImpl: scan_chekc Package{1678a6
01-21 04:58:01.657 1500 1500 I _V_LockSettingsService: File verification
passed: /data/system_de/0/spblob/bc2c496a871bea83.spblob, last
01-21 04:58:01.670 1500 1500 I _V_LockSettingsService: File verification
passed: /data/system_de/0/spblob/bc2c496a871bea83.metrics, last
01-21 04:58:01.687 1500 1500 I _V_LockSettingsService: File verification
passed: /data/system_de/0/spblob/bc2c496a871bea83.pwd, last modified:1703167889519
01-21 04:58:01.691 1500 1500 I _V_LockSettingsService: File verification
passed: /data/system_de/0/spblob/bc2c496a871bea83.secdis, last
01-21 04:58:05.210 1500 1500 D _V_shuangping0705: updateDisplayStateLocked :
displayId = 0 ; mGlobalDisplayState = 2 ; mGlobalDisplayBrightness = 0.43286788 ;
mOverrideState = 2 ; mOverrideBrighetness = -1
01-21 04:58:05.246 1500 1569 D _V_Sensor_PocketModeBrightness:
handleScreenOnQuickSetBrightness = true, br = 0.43286788, lastbr = 0.0
01-21 04:58:05.251 1500 1569 D _V_Sensor_PocketModeBrightness:
handleScreenOnQuickSetBrightness = true, br = 0.43286788, lastbr = 0.0
01-21 04:58:05.252 1500 1569 D _V_Sensor_PocketModeBrightness:
handleScreenOnQuickSetBrightness = true, br = 0.43286788, lastbr = 8.9509485E-5
01-21 04:58:05.254 1500 1569 D _V_Sensor_PocketModeBrightness:
handleScreenOnQuickSetBrightness = true, br = 0.43286788, lastbr = 8.9509485E-5
01-21 04:58:08.157 1500 1500 I _V_ActivityTaskManager: ActivityStarter
Factory.obtain:395 com.android.server.wm.ActivityStartController.obtainStarter:125
ntainer:1697 com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer$
01-21 04:58:12.366 1912 2582 D _V_ANRMonitor: at
01-21 04:58:12.678 1500 2282 D _V_VivoPowerManagerService: button light 0 111
trun off
01-21 04:58:22.678 1500 2350 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
newState:0 userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10163 callingPid:3134
01-21 04:58:44.788 1500 1612 D DeviceIdleController:
checkTempAppWhitelistTimeout: uid=10090, timeNow=67879
01-21 04:58:52.139 1500 1569 D _V_Sensor_PocketModeBrightness:
handleScreenOnQuickSetBrightness = true, br = 0.43286788, lastbr = 0.0
01-21 04:58:52.149 1500 1569 D _V_Sensor_PocketModeBrightness:
handleScreenOnQuickSetBrightness = true, br = 0.43286788, lastbr = 0.0
01-21 04:58:52.389 1500 1569 D _V_Sensor_PocketModeBrightness:
handleScreenOnQuickSetBrightness = true, br = 0.43286788, lastbr = 0.0
01-21 04:58:52.499 1500 1569 D _V_Sensor_PocketModeBrightness:
handleScreenOnQuickSetBrightness = true, br = 0.43286788, lastbr = 8.9509485E-5
01-21 04:58:52.502 1500 1569 D _V_Sensor_PocketModeBrightness:
handleScreenOnQuickSetBrightness = true, br = 0.43286788, lastbr = 8.9509485E-5
01-21 05:00:01.033 1500 1569 D _V_Sensor_PocketModeBrightness:
handleScreenOnQuickSetBrightness = true, br = 0.43286788, lastbr = 0.0
01-21 05:00:01.046 1500 1569 D _V_Sensor_PocketModeBrightness:
handleScreenOnQuickSetBrightness = true, br = 0.43286788, lastbr = 0.0
01-21 05:00:01.376 1500 1569 D _V_Sensor_PocketModeBrightness:
handleScreenOnQuickSetBrightness = true, br = 0.43286788, lastbr = 0.0
01-21 05:00:01.448 1500 1569 D _V_Sensor_PocketModeBrightness:
handleScreenOnQuickSetBrightness = true, br = 0.43286788, lastbr = 0.0
01-21 05:00:01.455 1500 1569 D _V_Sensor_PocketModeBrightness:
handleScreenOnQuickSetBrightness = true, br = 0.43286788, lastbr = 0.0
01-21 05:00:38.678 1500 1516 I _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: displayId = 2
type = 29 state = 0
01-21 05:00:38.678 1500 1516 D _V_CapacityKeyService: foregroundActivities
detected uid=10084 appName=com.android.deskclock state=false
01-21 05:00:38.678 1500 1516 D _V_CapacityKeyService: background:
01-21 05:00:38.678 1500 1516 D _V_CapacityKeyService: not support presskey
01-21 12:16:42.188 1500 15032 E ActivityManager: 4.9%
678/android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek: 3.5% user + 1.3% kernel / faults: 679
minor 2 major
01-21 12:18:56.678 1500 4342 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
01-21 12:26:35.678 1500 2355 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
mCurId=com.facemoji.lite.vivo/com.preff.kb.VoIME ,mCurMethodId=com.facemoji.lite.vi
01-21 12:28:50.678 1500 2282 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
mCurId=com.facemoji.lite.vivo/com.preff.kb.VoIME ,mCurMethodId=com.facemoji.lite.vi
01-21 15:53:39.678 1500 2341 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
01-21 18:40:55.678 1500 5105 E _V_VivoPowerManagerService: wakeUp(Binder call)
uid = 10053 reason = 0 details = wakeUp pkgName = com.android.systemui prox = 5.0
useprox = false
01-21 20:25:32.678 1500 5124 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
01-21 23:29:41.272 1500 1529 E DiscreteRegistry: Deleting file 1705767831232tl
01-22 15:36:16.678 1500 1500 E _V_BBKTouchScreenServiceService: packageName:null
01-22 15:36:16.678 1500 1500 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
01-22 15:42:32.897 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 26678 tx_bad 39 rx_good
48356 tx_retry 10653 tx_retry_times 0
01-22 20:10:42.529 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 16784 tx_bad 17 rx_good
14083 tx_retry 1654 tx_retry_times 0
01-22 20:10:57.678 1055 1055 E wificond: Failed to get
NL80211_STA_INFO_AIRTIME_LINK_METRIC as txretrytimes
01-22 20:24:32.418 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 21379 tx_bad 44 rx_good
15406 tx_retry 2678 tx_retry_times 0
01-22 20:28:22.678 1055 1055 E wificond: Failed to get
01-22 20:30:36.136 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 25103 tx_bad 54 rx_good
16783 tx_retry 3472 tx_retry_times 0
01-22 20:30:39.172 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 25117 tx_bad 54 rx_good
16786 tx_retry 3482 tx_retry_times 0
01-22 20:30:42.196 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 25126 tx_bad 54 rx_good
16786 tx_retry 3487 tx_retry_times 0
01-22 21:26:37.478 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 46788 tx_bad 89 rx_good
70151 tx_retry 7019 tx_retry_times 0
01-22 21:35:38.967 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 52029 tx_bad 105
rx_good 76678 tx_retry 7082 tx_retry_times 0
01-22 21:35:42.001 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 52031 tx_bad 105
rx_good 76678 tx_retry 7082 tx_retry_times 0
01-22 21:35:45.039 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 52031 tx_bad 105
rx_good 76678 tx_retry 7082 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 17:56:45.106 1500 1831 I _V_Sensor_MultiModeBrightness:
getBrightnessInvisible initial brightness = 1.0; finalBrightness = 0.92678124;
cameraMode = false; powerSave = false; mOverrideBrightnessForPem = -1.0
01-23 17:56:45.106 1500 1831 D DisplayPowerState: Updating screen state: id=0,
state=ON, backlight=0.92678124, sdrBacklight=1.0, mInvisibleBrightChange = false,
mStateChangingOn = false
01-23 17:56:45.106 1500 1831 D _V_shuangping0705: updateDisplayStateLocked :
displayId = 0 ; mGlobalDisplayState = 2 ; mGlobalDisplayBrightness = 0.92678124 ;
mOverrideState = 2 ; mOverrideBrighetness = -1
01-23 17:56:45.678 1500 1831 D LocalDisplayAdapter: LCM set backlight status true
01-23 17:56:48.700 1500 20210 E ActivityManager: 2.9% 6789/rx_thread: 0% user +
2.9% kernel
01-23 17:56:48.700 1500 20210 E ActivityManager: 2.5% 6788/hif_thread: 0% user +
2.5% kernel
01-23 17:56:48.700 1500 20210 E ActivityManager: 2.1% 6787/main_thread: 0% user
+ 2.1% kernel
01-23 17:56:48.700 1500 20210 E ActivityManager: 0%
678/android.hardware.audio.service.mediatek: 0% user + 0% kernel / faults: 385
minor 3 major
01-23 17:56:49.563 1500 1831 I _V_Sensor_MultiModeBrightness:
getBrightnessInvisible initial brightness = 1.0; finalBrightness = 0.9856785;
cameraMode = false; powerSave = false; mOverrideBrightnessForPem = -1.0
01-23 17:56:49.563 1500 1831 D DisplayPowerState: Updating screen state: id=0,
state=ON, backlight=0.9856785, sdrBacklight=1.0, mInvisibleBrightChange = false,
mStateChangingOn = false
01-23 17:56:49.563 1500 1831 D _V_shuangping0705: updateDisplayStateLocked :
displayId = 0 ; mGlobalDisplayState = 2 ; mGlobalDisplayBrightness = 0.9856785 ;
mOverrideState = 2 ; mOverrideBrighetness = -1
01-23 17:58:16.678 1500 4903 W _V_PackageManager: setEnabledSetting
className:com.instagram.direct.share.handler.DirectShareHandlerActivity newState:2
userId:0 callingPackage:null callingUid:10224 callingPid:24586
01-23 17:59:27.678 28502 28502 E _V_ANRManager: mPackageName = com.vivo.appstore,
Get anr service = com.vivo.app.anr.IANRManager$Stub$Proxy@bdeef4c
01-23 18:52:09.678 1500 1500 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
01-23 18:58:57.592 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 16789 tx_bad 66 rx_good
15757 tx_retry 814 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 19:00:43.032 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 4584 tx_bad 0 rx_good
6786 tx_retry 157 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 19:01:49.398 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 6786 tx_bad 0 rx_good
10394 tx_retry 190 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 19:01:51.678 1500 2036 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
mCurId=com.facemoji.lite.vivo/com.preff.kb.VoIME ,mCurMethodId=com.facemoji.lite.vi
01-23 19:06:18.454 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 19819 tx_bad 0 rx_good
57678 tx_retry 358 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 19:10:44.891 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 51046 tx_bad 0 rx_good
84376 tx_retry 678 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 19:10:47.957 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 51079 tx_bad 0 rx_good
84456 tx_retry 678 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 19:30:16.889 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 39678 tx_bad 0 rx_good
78692 tx_retry 1376 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 19:31:35.678 1055 1055 E wificond: Failed to get
NL80211_STA_INFO_AIRTIME_LINK_METRIC as txretrytimes
01-23 19:31:35.678 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 39850 tx_bad 0 rx_good
78873 tx_retry 1377 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 19:31:35.678 1055 1055 E wificond: Failed to get
01-23 19:48:18.678 1500 5121 E _V_InputMethodManagerService:
mCurId=com.facemoji.lite.vivo/com.preff.kb.VoIME ,mCurMethodId=com.facemoji.lite.vi
01-23 20:07:05.678 661 919 E netd : QUERY_RESOLV_NETID command.uid:10261,
01-23 20:07:23.320 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 65909 tx_bad 1 rx_good
106784 tx_retry 6018 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 20:08:20.979 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 66785 tx_bad 1 rx_good
107618 tx_retry 6018 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 20:09:21.678 1500 1672 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1233) failed {.code =
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
01-23 20:09:30.375 1500 5123 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:62678
01-23 20:09:30.376 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:62678 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:62678
01-23 20:09:30.380 1500 5124 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:62678,
01-23 20:09:30.381 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:62678, idx:0
01-23 20:09:30.869 1500 1513 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:62678, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1513
01-23 20:09:31.678 1500 5123 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
com.vivo.fingerprint.action_authorized from system 2232:com.vivo.fingerprintui/1000
pkg com.vivo.fingerprintui
01-23 20:09:31.678 1500 5123 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
01-23 20:09:31.678 1500 5123 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:09:31.678 1500 5123 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:09:31.678 1500 5123 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:09:31.678 1500 5123 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:09:31.678 1500 5123 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:09:31.678 1500 5123 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:09:31.678 1500 5123 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:09:31.678 1500 5123 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:09:31.678 1500 5123 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:09:33.819 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 67878 tx_bad 1 rx_good
108959 tx_retry 6182 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 20:10:29.678 1500 2142 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
01-23 20:11:26.678 1500 5105 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
01-23 20:11:26.678 1500 2142 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
01-23 20:11:27.678 499 505 E [email protected]: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup35: Permission denied
01-23 20:11:27.678 1500 3867 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
01-23 20:11:36.678 1500 2355 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
01-23 20:11:39.678 1500 2355 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
01-23 20:12:23.678 1500 2344 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
01-23 20:13:20.678 1500 1519 E SensorManager: sensor or listener is null
01-23 20:13:24.611 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 71550 tx_bad 1 rx_good
114018 tx_retry 6789 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 20:13:54.148 678 3851 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:13:54.148 678 3851 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:13:54.151 678 3851 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:13:54.151 678 3851 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:13:54.151 678 3851 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:15:08.678 708 757 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:9, enabled:0
01-23 20:15:08.678 708 757 E mtkpower@impl: [setMode] unknown type
01-23 20:15:34.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:15:34.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:15:36.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:15:36.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:15:36.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:15:49.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:15:49.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:15:49.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:19:07.678 735 797 E ANDR-VPERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply
optimization [1, 1]
01-23 20:19:07.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:63434
hint:1160 pid:735 duration:400 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:63434
01-23 20:19:44.976 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:63678
hint:1157 pid:735 duration:80 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:63678
01-23 20:19:45.057 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:19:45.057 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:63678, idx:1
01-23 20:19:45.077 735 12797 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:63678,
01-23 20:19:45.077 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:63678, idx:-1
01-23 20:20:56.538 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 77678 tx_bad 1 rx_good
123286 tx_retry 7959 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 20:21:20.785 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 78057 tx_bad 1 rx_good
123678 tx_retry 8067 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 20:23:14.646 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:64678
hint:1157 pid:735 duration:80 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:64678
01-23 20:23:14.726 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:23:14.726 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:64678, idx:1
01-23 20:23:14.745 735 13576 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:64678,
01-23 20:23:14.746 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:64678, idx:-1
01-23 20:24:03.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:64900, idx:0
01-23 20:24:03.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:0
01-23 20:24:23.678 1500 14158 E lra_vibrator_VibratorController.jni: jni+++
vibratorOn sucess
01-23 20:24:26.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:1
01-23 20:25:59.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65534, idx:1
01-23 20:26:14.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
01-23 20:26:14.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: 1155: cpu_ctrl set cpu core: 4 -1 4 -
01-23 20:26:14.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000, param:0
01-23 20:26:14.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1155 update cmd:1000000 param:0
01-23 20:26:26.821 1500 5124 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:65678
01-23 20:26:26.821 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:65678 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:65678
01-23 20:26:26.821 1500 5124 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:65678,
01-23 20:26:26.822 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:65678, idx:1
01-23 20:26:26.954 1500 5124 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:65678, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5124
01-23 20:27:54.031 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 83460 tx_bad 1 rx_good
129678 tx_retry 10182 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 20:27:57.678 752 860 E RenderEngine: cache insert a buffer with not
renderable! 0
01-23 20:27:57.678 1500 2128 E ActivityManager: Sending non-protected broadcast
vivo.intent.action.STATUS_BAR_STATE_CHANGED from system
1912:com.android.systemui/u0a53 pkg com.android.systemui
01-23 20:27:57.678 1500 2128 E ActivityManager: java.lang.Throwable
01-23 20:27:57.678 1500 2128 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:27:57.678 1500 2128 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:27:57.678 1500 2128 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:27:57.678 1500 2128 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:27:57.678 1500 2128 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:27:57.678 1500 2128 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:27:57.678 1500 2128 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:27:57.678 1500 2128 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:27:57.678 1500 2128 E ActivityManager: at
01-23 20:28:06.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:28:06.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:28:06.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:28:09.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:28:09.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:28:09.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:28:21.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:28:36.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:28:36.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:28:36.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:28:37.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:28:37.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:28:37.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:29:47.678 1500 5105 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66471, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5105
01-23 20:30:19.154 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:66678 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:66678
01-23 20:30:19.301 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:66678, idx:0
01-23 20:30:39.308 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:66780 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:66780
01-23 20:30:39.311 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:66781 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:66781
01-23 20:30:39.311 1500 5124 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:66781
01-23 20:30:39.312 1500 5124 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66781,
01-23 20:30:39.313 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:66781, idx:1
01-23 20:30:39.423 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:66780, idx:0
01-23 20:30:39.556 1500 5106 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66781, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5106
01-23 20:30:39.558 1500 5106 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:66782
01-23 20:30:39.558 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:66782 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:66782
01-23 20:30:39.559 1500 5106 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66782,
01-23 20:30:39.560 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:66782, idx:0
01-23 20:30:39.674 1500 5106 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:66783
01-23 20:30:39.674 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:66783 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:66783
01-23 20:30:39.675 1500 5106 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66783,
01-23 20:30:39.676 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:66783, idx:0
01-23 20:30:39.726 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:66784 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:66784
01-23 20:30:39.807 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:66784, idx:0
01-23 20:30:39.931 1500 3863 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66782, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3863
01-23 20:30:39.932 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:66785 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:66785
01-23 20:30:39.933 1500 3863 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:66785
01-23 20:30:39.934 1500 5123 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66785,
01-23 20:30:39.935 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:66785, idx:0
01-23 20:30:40.009 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:66786 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:66786
01-23 20:30:40.141 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:66786, idx:0
01-23 20:30:40.208 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:66787 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:66787
01-23 20:30:40.257 1500 5123 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66785, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5123
01-23 20:30:40.258 1500 5123 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:66788
01-23 20:30:40.258 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:66788 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:66788
01-23 20:30:40.259 1500 5123 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:66788,
01-23 20:30:40.259 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:66788, idx:1
01-23 20:30:40.291 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:66787, idx:0
01-23 20:30:40.409 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:66789 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:66789
01-23 20:30:40.490 1500 5124 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66788, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5124
01-23 20:30:40.494 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:66789, idx:0
01-23 20:30:41.124 1500 3866 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:66783, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3866
01-23 20:31:36.678 1500 5113 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67041,
01-23 20:31:37.678 1500 5113 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67044,
01-23 20:31:38.678 1500 2128 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67047, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2128
01-23 20:31:39.678 1500 2128 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67051
01-23 20:32:17.678 1500 16518 E lra_vibrator_VibratorController.jni: jni+++
vibratorOff sucess
01-23 20:33:44.686 735 16678 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67602,
01-23 20:33:49.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState]
pack:com.whatsapp, act:com.whatsapp.HomeActivity, state:0, pid:31405, uid:10267,
01-23 20:33:54.349 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67678 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67678
01-23 20:33:54.443 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67678, idx:0
01-23 20:34:06.994 735 16780 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67750,
01-23 20:34:07.178 735 16786 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67754,
01-23 20:34:12.678 661 919 E netd : QUERY_RESOLV_NETID command.uid:10224,
01-23 20:34:18.576 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67800 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67800
01-23 20:34:18.577 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67800
01-23 20:34:18.578 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67800,
01-23 20:34:18.580 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67800, idx:0
01-23 20:34:19.139 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67800, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2341
01-23 20:34:19.141 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67801 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67801
01-23 20:34:19.142 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67801
01-23 20:34:19.143 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67801,
01-23 20:34:19.143 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67801, idx:0
01-23 20:34:19.572 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67801, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2341
01-23 20:34:19.574 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67802
01-23 20:34:19.575 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67802 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67802
01-23 20:34:19.577 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67802,
01-23 20:34:19.578 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67802, idx:0
01-23 20:34:20.145 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67802, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:20.147 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67803
01-23 20:34:20.147 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67803 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67803
01-23 20:34:20.148 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67803,
01-23 20:34:20.149 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67803, idx:0
01-23 20:34:21.143 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67803, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2341
01-23 20:34:21.144 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67804
01-23 20:34:21.146 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67804 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67804
01-23 20:34:21.146 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67804,
01-23 20:34:21.147 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67804, idx:0
01-23 20:34:21.575 1500 3864 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67804, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3864
01-23 20:34:21.576 1500 3864 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67805
01-23 20:34:21.577 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67805 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67805
01-23 20:34:21.578 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67805,
01-23 20:34:21.579 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67805, idx:0
01-23 20:34:22.143 1500 3864 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67805, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3864
01-23 20:34:22.146 1500 3864 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67806
01-23 20:34:22.146 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67806 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67806
01-23 20:34:22.147 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67806,
01-23 20:34:22.149 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67806, idx:0
01-23 20:34:22.593 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67806, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2341
01-23 20:34:22.595 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67807
01-23 20:34:22.595 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67807 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67807
01-23 20:34:22.598 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67807,
01-23 20:34:22.599 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67807, idx:0
01-23 20:34:23.143 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67807, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2341
01-23 20:34:23.145 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67808 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67808
01-23 20:34:23.145 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67808
01-23 20:34:23.146 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67808,
01-23 20:34:23.147 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67808, idx:0
01-23 20:34:23.593 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67808, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:23.595 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67809 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67809
01-23 20:34:23.598 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67809
01-23 20:34:23.599 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67809,
01-23 20:34:23.600 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67809, idx:0
01-23 20:34:24.150 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67809, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:24.151 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67810
01-23 20:34:24.153 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67810,
01-23 20:34:24.153 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67810 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67810
01-23 20:34:24.154 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67810, idx:0
01-23 20:34:24.593 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67810, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5109
01-23 20:34:24.597 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67811 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67811
01-23 20:34:24.598 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67811
01-23 20:34:24.599 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67811,
01-23 20:34:24.601 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67811, idx:0
01-23 20:34:25.147 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67811, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:25.149 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67812
01-23 20:34:25.149 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67812 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67812
01-23 20:34:25.150 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67812,
01-23 20:34:25.152 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67812, idx:0
01-23 20:34:25.596 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67812, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:25.598 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67813
01-23 20:34:25.598 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67813 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67813
01-23 20:34:25.600 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67813,
01-23 20:34:25.601 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67813, idx:0
01-23 20:34:26.150 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67813, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:26.152 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67814 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67814
01-23 20:34:26.155 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67814
01-23 20:34:26.156 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67814,
01-23 20:34:26.157 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67814, idx:0
01-23 20:34:26.597 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67814, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:26.599 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67815
01-23 20:34:26.599 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67815 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67815
01-23 20:34:26.600 1500 3864 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67815,
01-23 20:34:26.601 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67815, idx:0
01-23 20:34:27.150 1500 3864 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67815, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3864
01-23 20:34:27.152 1500 3864 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67816
01-23 20:34:27.152 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67816 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67816
01-23 20:34:27.153 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67816,
01-23 20:34:27.154 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67816, idx:0
01-23 20:34:27.601 1500 3864 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67816, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3864
01-23 20:34:27.602 1500 3864 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67817
01-23 20:34:27.603 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67817 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67817
01-23 20:34:27.603 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67817,
01-23 20:34:27.605 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67817, idx:0
01-23 20:34:27.733 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67818
01-23 20:34:27.733 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67818 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67818
01-23 20:34:27.734 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67818,
01-23 20:34:27.735 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67818, idx:0
01-23 20:34:29.168 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67817, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:29.170 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67819 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67819
01-23 20:34:29.171 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67819
01-23 20:34:29.173 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67819,
01-23 20:34:29.174 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67819, idx:0
01-23 20:34:29.602 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67819, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:29.603 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67820
01-23 20:34:29.604 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67820 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67820
01-23 20:34:29.605 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67820,
01-23 20:34:29.606 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67820, idx:0
01-23 20:34:30.170 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67820, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2341
01-23 20:34:30.171 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67821
01-23 20:34:30.171 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67821 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67821
01-23 20:34:30.173 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67821,
01-23 20:34:30.174 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67821, idx:0
01-23 20:34:30.602 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67821, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2341
01-23 20:34:30.603 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67822
01-23 20:34:30.603 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67822 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67822
01-23 20:34:30.607 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67822,
01-23 20:34:30.608 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67822, idx:0
01-23 20:34:30.768 1500 1661 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67818, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1661
01-23 20:34:30.769 1500 1661 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67823
01-23 20:34:30.769 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67823 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67823
01-23 20:34:30.773 1500 1661 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67823,
01-23 20:34:30.774 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67823, idx:0
01-23 20:34:31.174 1500 1661 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67822, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1661
01-23 20:34:31.177 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67824 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67824
01-23 20:34:31.178 1500 1661 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67824
01-23 20:34:31.179 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67824,
01-23 20:34:31.180 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67824, idx:0
01-23 20:34:31.620 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67824, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:31.622 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67825 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67825
01-23 20:34:31.621 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67825
01-23 20:34:31.623 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67825,
01-23 20:34:31.624 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67825, idx:0
01-23 20:34:32.171 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67825, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:32.173 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67826
01-23 20:34:32.173 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67826 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67826
01-23 20:34:32.174 1500 1661 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67826,
01-23 20:34:32.175 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67826, idx:0
01-23 20:34:32.620 1500 1661 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67826, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1661
01-23 20:34:32.622 1500 1661 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67827
01-23 20:34:32.622 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67827 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67827
01-23 20:34:32.623 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67827,
01-23 20:34:32.624 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67827, idx:0
01-23 20:34:33.175 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67827, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:33.177 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67828
01-23 20:34:33.177 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67828 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67828
01-23 20:34:33.178 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67828,
01-23 20:34:33.179 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67828, idx:0
01-23 20:34:33.626 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67828, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:33.627 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67829
01-23 20:34:33.627 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67829 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67829
01-23 20:34:33.629 1500 1661 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67829,
01-23 20:34:33.631 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67829, idx:0
01-23 20:34:34.172 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67829, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:34.174 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67830
01-23 20:34:34.175 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67830 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67830
01-23 20:34:34.176 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67830,
01-23 20:34:34.178 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67830, idx:0
01-23 20:34:34.625 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67830, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:34.626 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67831 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67831
01-23 20:34:34.627 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67831
01-23 20:34:34.628 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67831,
01-23 20:34:34.629 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67831, idx:0
01-23 20:34:35.174 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67831, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:35.176 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67832
01-23 20:34:35.176 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67832 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67832
01-23 20:34:35.177 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67832,
01-23 20:34:35.178 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67832, idx:0
01-23 20:34:35.623 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67832, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:35.625 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67833
01-23 20:34:35.626 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67833 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67833
01-23 20:34:35.628 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67833,
01-23 20:34:35.629 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67833, idx:0
01-23 20:34:35.659 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67834 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67834
01-23 20:34:35.823 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67834, idx:0
01-23 20:34:35.867 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67835
hint:1160 pid:735 duration:400 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67835
01-23 20:34:35.983 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:67836
hint:1159 pid:735 duration:400 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67836
01-23 20:34:35.991 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:67837
hint:1159 pid:735 duration:400 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67837
01-23 20:34:36.239 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67823, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5109
01-23 20:34:36.239 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67833, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2341
01-23 20:34:36.240 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:4 hdl:67838 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67838
01-23 20:34:36.240 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67838
01-23 20:34:36.241 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67838,
01-23 20:34:36.242 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67838, idx:4
01-23 20:34:36.243 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67839
01-23 20:34:36.244 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67839,
01-23 20:34:36.246 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:4 hdl:67839 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67839
01-23 20:34:36.247 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67839, idx:4
01-23 20:34:36.268 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:36.268 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67835, idx:0
01-23 20:34:36.287 735 16872 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67835,
01-23 20:34:36.289 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67835, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:36.383 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:36.383 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67836, idx:1
01-23 20:34:36.391 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:36.391 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67837, idx:3
01-23 20:34:36.404 735 16874 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67836,
01-23 20:34:36.406 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67836, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:36.406 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67838, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1514
01-23 20:34:36.407 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67840
01-23 20:34:36.407 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67840 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67840
01-23 20:34:36.408 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67840,
01-23 20:34:36.409 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:67841 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67841
01-23 20:34:36.411 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67840, idx:0
01-23 20:34:36.413 735 16875 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67837,
01-23 20:34:36.414 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67837, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:36.512 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67839, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5109
01-23 20:34:36.512 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67842
01-23 20:34:36.512 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67842 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67842
01-23 20:34:36.513 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67842,
01-23 20:34:36.514 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67842, idx:0
01-23 20:34:36.521 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67840, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5109
01-23 20:34:36.522 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67843
01-23 20:34:36.522 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67843 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67843
01-23 20:34:36.522 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67843,
01-23 20:34:36.523 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67843, idx:0
01-23 20:34:36.912 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67844
01-23 20:34:36.912 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67844 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:3000 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67844
01-23 20:34:36.914 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67844,
01-23 20:34:36.915 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67844, idx:0
01-23 20:34:36.975 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67843, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2341
01-23 20:34:36.976 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67845
01-23 20:34:36.976 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67845 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67845
01-23 20:34:36.977 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67845,
01-23 20:34:36.978 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67845, idx:0
01-23 20:34:37.042 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67841, idx:1
01-23 20:34:37.070 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67844,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:5109
01-23 20:34:37.072 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67846
01-23 20:34:37.072 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67846 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:3000 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67846
01-23 20:34:37.073 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67846,
01-23 20:34:37.074 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67846, idx:0
01-23 20:34:37.076 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67846,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:5109
01-23 20:34:37.078 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67847
01-23 20:34:37.078 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67847 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:3000 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67847
01-23 20:34:37.079 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67847,
01-23 20:34:37.080 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67847, idx:0
01-23 20:34:37.210 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67847,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:5109
01-23 20:34:37.211 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67848
01-23 20:34:37.212 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67848 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:3000 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67848
01-23 20:34:37.215 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67848,
01-23 20:34:37.216 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67848, idx:0
01-23 20:34:37.441 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67845, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5109
01-23 20:34:37.442 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67849 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67849
01-23 20:34:37.443 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67849
01-23 20:34:37.444 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67849,
01-23 20:34:37.445 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67849, idx:0
01-23 20:34:37.976 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67842, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5109
01-23 20:34:37.977 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67850
01-23 20:34:37.978 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67850 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67850
01-23 20:34:37.979 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67850,
01-23 20:34:37.980 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67850, idx:0
01-23 20:34:38.047 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67851 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67851
01-23 20:34:38.121 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:67852
hint:1157 pid:735 duration:80 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67852
01-23 20:34:38.123 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:67853
hint:1173 pid:735 duration:0 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67853
01-23 20:34:38.146 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67848,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:5109
01-23 20:34:38.147 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67854
01-23 20:34:38.148 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:4 hdl:67854 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:3000 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67854
01-23 20:34:38.149 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67854,
01-23 20:34:38.150 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67854, idx:4
01-23 20:34:38.176 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67851, idx:0
01-23 20:34:38.181 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67855
hint:1155 pid:735 duration:1525 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67855
01-23 20:34:38.182 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:4 hdl:67856
hint:1157 pid:735 duration:80 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67856
01-23 20:34:38.183 735 735 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67853, tid:735
01-23 20:34:38.184 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67853, idx:3
01-23 20:34:38.193 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67854,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:2341
01-23 20:34:38.193 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67857
01-23 20:34:38.194 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:67857 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:3000 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67857
01-23 20:34:38.194 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67857,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:5109
01-23 20:34:38.194 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67857,
01-23 20:34:38.195 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67857
01-23 20:34:38.195 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:67857 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:3000 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67857
01-23 20:34:38.197 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67857, idx:3
01-23 20:34:38.197 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67857,
01-23 20:34:38.198 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67857, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:38.202 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:38.202 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67852, idx:1
01-23 20:34:38.222 735 16879 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67852,
01-23 20:34:38.223 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67852, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:38.262 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:38.262 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67856, idx:4
01-23 20:34:38.282 735 16882 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67856,
01-23 20:34:38.283 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67856, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:38.360 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67857,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:2341
01-23 20:34:38.360 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67858
01-23 20:34:38.360 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:67858 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:3000 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67858
01-23 20:34:38.361 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67858,
01-23 20:34:38.361 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67858, idx:1
01-23 20:34:38.393 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:67859 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67859
01-23 20:34:38.394 735 735 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67855, tid:735
01-23 20:34:38.397 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67855, idx:0
01-23 20:34:38.455 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67860
hint:1157 pid:735 duration:80 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67860
01-23 20:34:38.458 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:67861
hint:1173 pid:735 duration:0 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67861
01-23 20:34:38.536 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:38.536 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67860, idx:0
01-23 20:34:38.544 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67859, idx:1
01-23 20:34:38.546 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67862
hint:1180 pid:735 duration:500 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67862
01-23 20:34:38.551 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:67863
hint:1157 pid:735 duration:80 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67863
01-23 20:34:38.552 735 735 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67861, tid:735
01-23 20:34:38.552 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67861, idx:3
01-23 20:34:38.555 735 16884 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67860,
01-23 20:34:38.556 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67860, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:38.631 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:38.632 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67863, idx:1
01-23 20:34:38.651 735 16889 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67863,
01-23 20:34:38.652 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67863, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:39.026 1500 5123 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67850, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5123
01-23 20:34:39.027 1500 5123 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67864
01-23 20:34:39.028 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:67864 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67864
01-23 20:34:39.028 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67864,
01-23 20:34:39.029 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67864, idx:1
01-23 20:34:39.046 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:39.046 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67862, idx:0
01-23 20:34:39.066 735 16886 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67862,
01-23 20:34:39.067 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67862, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:39.246 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67864, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2341
01-23 20:34:39.247 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67865
01-23 20:34:39.247 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67865 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67865
01-23 20:34:39.248 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67865,
01-23 20:34:39.250 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67865, idx:0
01-23 20:34:39.729 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67866 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67866
01-23 20:34:39.729 735 735 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67862, tid:735
01-23 20:34:39.731 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67862, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:39.794 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67866, idx:0
01-23 20:34:39.819 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67867
hint:1150 pid:735 duration:2000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67867
01-23 20:34:39.823 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:67868 hint:11
pid:708 duration:30000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67868
01-23 20:34:39.840 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:67869
hint:1160 pid:735 duration:400 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67869
01-23 20:34:40.027 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:4 hdl:67870
hint:1159 pid:735 duration:400 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67870
01-23 20:34:40.034 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:5 hdl:67871
hint:1159 pid:735 duration:400 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67871
01-23 20:34:40.035 735 735 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67867, tid:735
01-23 20:34:40.035 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67867, idx:0
01-23 20:34:40.241 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:40.241 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67869, idx:3
01-23 20:34:40.261 735 16892 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67869,
01-23 20:34:40.262 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67869, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:40.275 1500 1661 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67849, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1661
01-23 20:34:40.276 1500 1661 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67872
01-23 20:34:40.276 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67872 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67872
01-23 20:34:40.277 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67872,
01-23 20:34:40.277 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67872, idx:0
01-23 20:34:40.427 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:40.427 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67870, idx:4
01-23 20:34:40.429 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67873 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67873
01-23 20:34:40.435 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:40.435 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67871, idx:5
01-23 20:34:40.447 735 16896 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67870,
01-23 20:34:40.448 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67870, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:40.454 735 16897 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67871,
01-23 20:34:40.455 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67871, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:40.479 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67868, idx:1
01-23 20:34:40.528 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67873, idx:0
01-23 20:34:40.554 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67874
hint:1150 pid:735 duration:2000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67874
01-23 20:34:40.558 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:67875 hint:11
pid:708 duration:30000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67875
01-23 20:34:40.576 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:67876
hint:1160 pid:735 duration:400 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67876
01-23 20:34:40.720 735 735 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67874, tid:735
01-23 20:34:40.720 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:4 hdl:67877
hint:1159 pid:735 duration:150 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67877
01-23 20:34:40.721 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67874, idx:0
01-23 20:34:40.786 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67872, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2341
01-23 20:34:40.787 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67878
01-23 20:34:40.787 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67878 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67878
01-23 20:34:40.788 1500 1661 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67878,
01-23 20:34:40.788 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67878, idx:0
01-23 20:34:40.814 1500 1661 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67865, dur:0,
num:2, tid:1661
01-23 20:34:40.815 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67879 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67879
01-23 20:34:40.817 1500 1661 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67879
01-23 20:34:40.817 1500 1661 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67879,
01-23 20:34:40.818 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67879, idx:0
01-23 20:34:40.871 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:40.871 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67877, idx:4
01-23 20:34:40.890 735 16903 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67877,
01-23 20:34:40.891 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67877, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:40.976 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:40.976 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67876, idx:3
01-23 20:34:40.997 735 16899 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67876,
01-23 20:34:40.997 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67876, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:41.097 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67880 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67880
01-23 20:34:41.115 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:67881
hint:1157 pid:735 duration:80 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67881
01-23 20:34:41.117 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:4 hdl:67882
hint:1173 pid:735 duration:0 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67882
01-23 20:34:41.196 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:41.196 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67881, idx:3
01-23 20:34:41.213 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67880, idx:0
01-23 20:34:41.215 735 16905 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67881,
01-23 20:34:41.217 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67881, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:41.218 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67883
hint:1155 pid:735 duration:1847 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67883
01-23 20:34:41.219 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:67884
hint:1157 pid:735 duration:80 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67884
01-23 20:34:41.220 735 735 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67882, tid:735
01-23 20:34:41.221 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67882, idx:4
01-23 20:34:41.299 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:41.299 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67884, idx:3
01-23 20:34:41.319 735 16908 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67884,
01-23 20:34:41.320 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67884, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:41.780 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:67885 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67885
01-23 20:34:41.781 735 735 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67883, tid:735
01-23 20:34:41.781 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67883, idx:0
01-23 20:34:41.964 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67885, idx:3
01-23 20:34:42.144 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67878, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5109
01-23 20:34:42.145 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67886
01-23 20:34:42.145 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67886 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67886
01-23 20:34:42.146 1500 1661 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67886,
01-23 20:34:42.147 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67886, idx:0
01-23 20:34:42.545 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67886, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5109
01-23 20:34:42.545 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67887
01-23 20:34:42.546 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67887,
01-23 20:34:42.547 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67887 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67887
01-23 20:34:42.547 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67887, idx:0
01-23 20:34:42.732 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67888 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67888
01-23 20:34:42.882 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67888, idx:0
01-23 20:34:43.282 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67889 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67889
01-23 20:34:43.415 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67889, idx:0
01-23 20:34:44.016 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67890 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67890
01-23 20:34:44.042 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:67891
hint:1157 pid:735 duration:80 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67891
01-23 20:34:44.045 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:4 hdl:67892
hint:1173 pid:735 duration:0 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67892
01-23 20:34:44.116 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67890, idx:0
01-23 20:34:44.118 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67893
hint:1155 pid:735 duration:1501 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67893
01-23 20:34:44.120 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:5 hdl:67894
hint:1157 pid:735 duration:80 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67894
01-23 20:34:44.121 735 735 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67892, tid:735
01-23 20:34:44.122 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:44.122 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67891, idx:3
01-23 20:34:44.122 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67892, idx:4
01-23 20:34:44.143 735 16909 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67891,
01-23 20:34:44.144 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67891, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:44.201 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:44.201 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67894, idx:5
01-23 20:34:44.221 735 16912 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67894,
01-23 20:34:44.221 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67894, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:44.313 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:67895
hint:1160 pid:735 duration:500 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67895
01-23 20:34:44.437 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67875, idx:1
01-23 20:34:44.583 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:67896 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67896
01-23 20:34:44.584 735 735 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67893, tid:735
01-23 20:34:44.584 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67893, idx:0
01-23 20:34:44.613 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67879, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2341
01-23 20:34:44.614 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:67897
01-23 20:34:44.614 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67897 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:67897
01-23 20:34:44.614 1500 2341 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67897,
01-23 20:34:44.615 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67897, idx:0
01-23 20:34:44.618 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:67898
hint:1157 pid:735 duration:80 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67898
01-23 20:34:44.620 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:4 hdl:67899
hint:1173 pid:735 duration:0 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:67899
01-23 20:34:44.698 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:44.698 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67898, idx:0
01-23 20:34:44.718 735 16914 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67898,
01-23 20:34:44.719 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67898, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:44.767 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67896, idx:1
01-23 20:34:44.771 735 735 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67899, tid:735
01-23 20:34:44.771 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67899, idx:4
01-23 20:34:44.814 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:34:44.814 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67895, idx:3
01-23 20:34:44.834 735 16913 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:67895,
01-23 20:34:44.835 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:67895, idx:-1
01-23 20:34:44.947 1500 5123 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67887, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5123
01-23 20:34:45.123 1500 5123 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67897, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5123
01-23 20:34:50.775 1500 3863 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:67858,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:3863
01-23 20:35:03.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:35:03.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:35:03.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:35:12.918 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 89678 tx_bad 1 rx_good
136558 tx_retry 12642 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 20:35:15.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:35:15.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:35:15.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:35:22.018 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 89766 tx_bad 1 rx_good
136783 tx_retry 12707 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 20:35:52.678 499 505 E [email protected]: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup22: Permission denied
01-23 20:35:54.678 1500 3867 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:68216, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3867
01-23 20:35:54.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:68209, idx:-1
01-23 20:36:16.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:68388, idx:5
01-23 20:36:25.678 1500 3864 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:68418,
01-23 20:36:25.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:68418, idx:0
01-23 20:36:28.678 17336 17411 E android.youtub: Attempt to load writable dex file:
01-23 20:36:40.253 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:36:40.254 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:36:40.255 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:36:40.255 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:36:40.255 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:36:50.354 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:36:50.354 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:36:50.355 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:36:50.355 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:36:50.355 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:37:22.678 1500 3867 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:68555,
01-23 20:37:23.678 1500 3867 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:68555, dur:0,
num:2, tid:3867
01-23 20:37:26.038 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 92678 tx_bad 1 rx_good
139582 tx_retry 13740 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 20:37:41.678 499 505 E [email protected]: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup31: Permission denied
01-23 20:40:13.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [email protected]: cpu_ctrl set cpu
freq: 2301000 -1 1800000 -1
01-23 20:40:13.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [email protected]: set gpu opp level: 2
01-23 20:40:23.548 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:68678 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:68678
01-23 20:40:23.630 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:68678, idx:0
01-23 20:40:28.678 1500 5124 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
01-23 20:40:30.678 1500 5124 E _V_RichTapVibratorService: getExtension == null
01-23 20:40:41.678 1500 18185 E lra_vibrator_VibratorController.jni: jni+++
vibratorOn sucess
01-23 20:40:50.678 1500 2127 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:68868
01-23 20:41:19.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:0
01-23 20:41:19.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69055, idx:1
01-23 20:42:03.678 1500 5123 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:69231,
01-23 20:42:03.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69231, idx:0
01-23 20:42:05.678 1500 2282 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:69236, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2282
01-23 20:42:11.678 1500 1514 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:69264,
01-23 20:42:29.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:69327
hint:1160 pid:735 duration:400 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:69327
01-23 20:42:31.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:69336 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:69336
01-23 20:42:35.678 1500 5123 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:69375
01-23 20:42:35.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:69375 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:69375
01-23 20:42:39.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: 1157: cpu_ctrl set cpu freq: 2301000
-1 1800000 -1
01-23 20:42:39.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [PE] (more)
/proc/perfmgr/boost_ctrl/eas_ctrl/perf_prefer_idle set +prefix:3 1;
01-23 20:42:39.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1157 update cmd:1408300, param:0
01-23 20:44:14.076 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:69678 hint:25
pid:708 duration:10000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:69678
01-23 20:44:14.190 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69678, idx:0
01-23 20:44:15.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:69691, idx:-1
01-23 20:45:37.870 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 99583 tx_bad 1 rx_good
146786 tx_retry 14762 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 20:45:50.678 1063 1063 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:0, dur:1000,
num:4, tid:1063
01-23 20:45:50.678 1063 1063 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:70095
01-23 20:46:21.425 735 19678 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:70270,
01-23 20:46:41.430 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 100787 tx_bad 2 rx_good
147678 tx_retry 15136 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 20:46:59.678 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:46:59.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:70456, idx:1
01-23 20:47:33.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:70536, idx:-1
01-23 20:47:33.678 735 735 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:70537, tid:735
01-23 20:47:58.446 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:70678
hint:1157 pid:735 duration:80 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:70678
01-23 20:47:58.526 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:47:58.526 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:70678, idx:0
01-23 20:47:58.549 735 19972 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:70678,
01-23 20:47:58.550 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:70678, idx:-1
01-23 20:48:17.678 708 757 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:5, enabled:0
01-23 20:48:17.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:70740, idx:1
01-23 20:49:36.895 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:49:36.895 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:49:36.896 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:49:36.896 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:49:36.896 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:49:39.623 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:49:39.623 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:49:39.627 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:49:39.627 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:49:39.627 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:49:48.678 693 20675 E VDO_LOG : ### +VDEC_DRV_GET_TYPE_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT
01-23 20:49:48.678 693 20675 E VDO_LOG : [Info] get updated pixel format: 4
01-23 20:50:09.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:1
01-23 20:50:09.678 735 735 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:71241, tid:735
01-23 20:50:27.678 1500 3862 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:71318,
dur:3000, num:2, tid:3862
01-23 20:50:27.678 1500 3862 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:71321
01-23 20:51:19.825 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:51:19.826 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:51:19.826 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:51:19.827 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:51:19.827 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:51:20.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:51:20.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:51:27.402 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:51:27.402 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:51:27.403 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:51:27.404 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:51:27.404 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:51:33.003 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:51:33.003 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:51:33.005 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:51:33.005 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:51:33.006 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:51:33.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:51:33.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:51:36.852 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:51:36.852 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:51:36.853 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:51:36.853 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:51:36.853 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:51:48.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:51:48.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:51:49.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:51:49.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:51:53.325 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
>[07:0xb400006f0b3b9790] state=ACQUIRED 0xb400006f0b3bef50 frame=678 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:51:53.339 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[07:0xb400006f0b3b9790] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b3bef50 frame=678 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:51:53.375 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[07:0xb400006f0b3b9790] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b3bef50 frame=678 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:51:53.400 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[07:0xb400006f0b3b9790] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b3bef50 frame=678 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:51:53.435 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[07:0xb400006f0b3b9790] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b3bef50 frame=678 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:51:53.474 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[07:0xb400006f0b3b9790] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b3bef50 frame=678 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:51:53.498 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[07:0xb400006f0b3b9790] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b3bef50 frame=678 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:51:53.510 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[07:0xb400006f0b3b9790] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b3bef50 frame=678 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:51:53.538 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[07:0xb400006f0b3b9790] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b3bef50 frame=678 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:51:53.776 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[07:0xb400006f0b3b9790] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b3bef50 frame=678 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:51:53.801 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[07:0xb400006f0b3b9790] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b3bef50 frame=678 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:51:53.839 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[07:0xb400006f0b3b9790] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b3bef50 frame=678 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:51:53.868 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[07:0xb400006f0b3b9790] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b3bef50 frame=678 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:51:53.937 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[07:0xb400006f0b3b9790] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b3bef50 frame=678 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:51:58.678 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-21169-2]
(id:52b100000004,api:3,p:21169,c:21169) waitForFreeSlotThenRelock TIMED_OUT 0
01-23 20:52:03.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:52:03.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:52:10.405 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:52:10.406 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:52:10.407 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:52:10.407 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:52:10.407 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:52:11.678 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-21169-3]
(id:52b100000005,api:3,p:21169,c:21169) waitForFreeSlotThenRelock TIMED_OUT 0
01-23 20:52:11.678 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP- BufferQueue
mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=1 mMaxDequeuedBufferCount=21
01-23 20:52:11.678 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0 mAsyncMode=0
01-23 20:52:11.678 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP mQueueBufferCanDrop=1
01-23 20:52:11.678 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP default-
size=[720x1280] default-format=1 BQDUMP transform-hint=00 frame-counter=80
01-23 20:52:11.678 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
mTransformHintInUse=00 mAutoPrerotation=0
01-23 20:52:11.678 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMPFIFO(1):
01-23 20:52:11.678 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer:
BQDUMP(mConsumerName=SurfaceTexture-0-21169-3, mConnectedApi=3,
mConsumerUsageBits=256, mId=52b100000005, producer=[21169:com.instagram.android],
01-23 20:52:11.678 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 15:0xb400006f0b3c6c30
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=44790.7332 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
01-23 20:52:11.678 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMPSlots:
01-23 20:52:11.678 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[00:0xb400006f0b392190] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b394110 frame=0 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:52:11.678 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[01:0xb400006f0b393810] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b397050 frame=68 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:52:11.678 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[02:0xb400006f0b393b70] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b393db0 frame=69 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:52:11.678 21169 21664 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
[03:0xb400006f0b3961b0] state=DEQUEUED 0xb400006f0b393ff0 frame=70 [ 720x1280:
01-23 20:52:17.095 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 110531 tx_bad 2 rx_good
167876 tx_retry 16497 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 20:52:19.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:71599
hint:1157 pid:735 duration:80 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:71599
01-23 20:52:19.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:52:19.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 20:52:29.285 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:52:29.286 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:52:29.286 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:52:29.287 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:52:29.287 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:52:35.123 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:52:35.123 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:52:35.124 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:52:35.124 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:52:35.124 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:52:42.816 1500 2350 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:71678
01-23 20:52:42.816 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:71678 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:71678
01-23 20:52:42.816 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:71678,
01-23 20:52:42.817 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:71678, idx:3
01-23 20:52:43.444 1500 5109 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:71678, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5109
01-23 20:52:56.408 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 111258 tx_bad 2 rx_good
170392 tx_retry 16788 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 20:53:39.678 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 20:53:39.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:71908, idx:1
01-23 20:53:45.385 735 735 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:678, tid:735
01-23 20:53:45.386 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:678, idx:-1
01-23 20:54:30.116 693 22678 E BWC : MTK_IOC_SMI_BWC_INFO_SET
failed.:Inappropriate ioctl for device
01-23 20:54:30.117 693 22678 E BWC : MTK_IOC_SMI_BWC_INFO_GET
failed.:Inappropriate ioctl for device
01-23 20:54:30.117 693 22678 E BWC : fail to open mem_bw_ctrl driver file
01-23 20:54:30.117 693 22678 E BWC : Failed to switch EMI profile, error: -1
01-23 20:54:30.117 693 22678 E BWC : MTK_IOC_SMI_BWC_INFO_SET
failed.:Inappropriate ioctl for device
01-23 20:54:30.133 693 22678 E mtkpower_client: PowerHal_Wrap_scnReg not
01-23 20:54:30.137 693 22678 E MDP : DpAsyncBlitStream:: thie platform
unsupport 10bit format
01-23 20:54:30.195 693 22678 E BWC : MTK_IOC_SMI_BWC_INFO_GET
failed.:Inappropriate ioctl for device
01-23 20:54:30.195 693 22678 E BWC : fail to open mem_bw_ctrl driver file
01-23 20:54:30.195 693 22678 E BWC : Failed to switch EMI profile, error: -1
01-23 20:54:30.195 693 22678 E BWC : MTK_IOC_SMI_BWC_INFO_SET
failed.:Inappropriate ioctl for device
01-23 20:55:08.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:72471, idx:1
01-23 20:55:08.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [PD] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:0
01-23 20:56:16.373 1500 3866 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:72678
01-23 20:56:16.374 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:72678 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:72678
01-23 20:56:16.374 1500 2128 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:72678,
01-23 20:56:16.375 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:72678, idx:1
01-23 20:56:19.106 1500 2128 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:72678, dur:0,
num:2, tid:2128
01-23 20:56:23.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:72756, idx:1
01-23 20:56:37.333 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:56:37.333 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:56:37.334 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:56:37.334 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:56:37.334 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:56:48.554 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:56:48.555 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:56:48.564 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:56:48.564 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:56:48.564 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:57:18.721 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:57:18.721 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:57:18.722 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:57:18.722 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:57:18.722 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:57:28.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState]
pack:com.whatsapp, act:com.whatsapp.mediacomposer.MediaComposerActivity, state:0,
pid:31405, uid:10267, fps:60
01-23 20:57:31.678 693 24571 E ion : ion_custom_ioctl c0084906 failed with
code -1: Invalid argument
01-23 20:57:31.678 693 24571 E VDO_LOG : [tid: 30][WARNING] h264_enc_getParameter
0 not supported
01-23 20:57:31.678 693 24571 E VDO_LOG : [tid: 30][WARNING] h264_enc_getParameter
0 not supported
01-23 20:57:31.678 693 24571 E VDO_LOG : [tid: 34][WARNING] h264_enc_getParameter
0 not supported
01-23 20:57:32.400 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:57:32.400 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:57:32.401 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:57:32.401 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:57:32.401 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:57:32.627 31405 32218 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 07:0xb400006f0b3dd790
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=45111.6781 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
01-23 20:57:32.638 31405 32218 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 07:0xb400006f0b3dd790
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=45111.6781 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
01-23 20:57:32.678 693 24571 E VDO_LOG : [tid: 30][WARNING] h264_enc_getParameter
0 not supported
01-23 20:57:32.678 693 24571 E VDO_LOG : [tid: 30][WARNING] h264_enc_getParameter
0 not supported
01-23 20:57:35.678 693 24571 E VDO_LOG : [tid: 34][WARNING] h264_enc_getParameter
0 not supported
01-23 20:57:42.249 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:57:42.249 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:57:42.250 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:57:42.250 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:57:42.250 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:57:54.602 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:57:54.602 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:57:54.603 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:57:54.603 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:57:54.603 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:57:54.678 31405 32218 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-31405-24]
(id:7aad000001a1,api:3,p:31405,c:31405) waitForFreeSlotThenRelock TIMED_OUT 0
01-23 20:58:02.637 31405 32218 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 02:0xb400006f0b3f81f0
crop=[0,0,480,848] xform=0x00 time=45141.6787 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
01-23 20:58:25.330 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:58:25.330 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:58:25.332 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:58:25.332 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:58:25.332 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:58:31.623 31405 32218 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 08:0xb400006f0b3c3990
crop=[0,0,480,848] xform=0x00 time=45170.6782 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
01-23 20:58:36.678 31405 32218 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-31405-25]
(id:7aad000001ab,api:3,p:31405,c:31405) waitForFreeSlotThenRelock TIMED_OUT 0
01-23 20:58:38.678 31405 32218 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-31405-25]
(id:7aad000001ab,api:3,p:31405,c:31405) waitForFreeSlotThenRelock TIMED_OUT 0
01-23 20:59:06.678 1500 2349 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:73321
01-23 20:59:06.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:73321 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:73321
01-23 20:59:12.678 1500 3867 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:73329,
01-23 20:59:16.678 1500 5113 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_acq, hdl:73336, dur:0,
num:2, tid:5113
01-23 20:59:18.678 1500 5121 I mtkpower_client: ret_hdl:73345
01-23 20:59:18.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:73345 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:73345
01-23 20:59:51.120 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:59:51.120 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:59:51.121 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:59:51.121 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:59:51.121 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:59:53.233 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:59:53.233 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:59:53.234 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:59:53.234 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:59:53.234 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:59:54.538 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:59:54.538 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:59:54.539 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:59:54.539 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:59:54.540 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:59:57.078 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:59:57.078 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:59:57.079 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:59:57.079 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:59:57.079 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 20:59:59.951 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 20:59:59.951 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 20:59:59.952 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 20:59:59.952 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 20:59:59.953 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 21:00:01.678 693 25744 E VDO_LOG : ### +VDEC_DRV_GET_TYPE_GET_PIXEL_FORMAT
01-23 21:00:01.678 693 25744 E VDO_LOG : [Info] get updated pixel format: 4
01-23 21:00:15.082 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 21:00:15.082 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 21:00:15.083 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 21:00:15.083 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 21:00:15.083 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 21:00:17.215 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 21:00:17.215 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 21:00:17.216 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 21:00:17.216 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 21:00:17.216 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 21:00:26.678 25217 25501 E BufferQueueProducer:
Consumer)10](id:628100000013,api:0,p:-1,c:25217) dequeueBuffer: BufferQueue has
been abandoned
01-23 21:00:26.678 25217 25501 E BufferQueueProducer:
Consumer)10](id:628100000013,api:0,p:-1,c:25217) dequeueBuffer: BufferQueue has
been abandoned
01-23 21:01:02.230 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 21:01:02.231 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 21:01:02.232 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 21:01:02.232 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 21:01:02.232 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 21:01:05.340 735 26780 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:73617,
01-23 21:01:05.401 735 26783 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:73620,
01-23 21:01:05.818 735 26782 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:73619,
01-23 21:01:07.552 735 26786 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:73626,
01-23 21:01:15.521 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:3 hdl:73678
hint:1173 pid:735 duration:0 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:73678
01-23 21:01:15.630 735 735 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:73678, tid:735
01-23 21:01:15.631 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:73678, idx:3
01-23 21:01:53.678 1500 3867 E _V_VCode/EventTransfer: vcodenot found, maybe
crash or upgrading
01-23 21:06:26.678 741 4511 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream()
stream 0, device {type:0x2,@:}
01-23 21:07:59.678 726 726 E _V_VivoSensorTest: bbk_em_sensor_main finish
01-23 21:09:23.678 752 860 E RenderEngine: cache insert a buffer with not
renderable! 0
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: download failed with
waitGeckoUpdate=false ,channel = tiktok_webview_hook,bundle = hook.js
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: java.lang.Throwable: invalid
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
Y.AObjectS153S0100000_5.invoke(Unknown Source:17)
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
kotlin.jvm.internal.ApS170S0100000_5.invoke(Unknown Source:846)
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
Y.ARunnableS23S0200000_5.run(Unknown Source:134)
01-23 21:09:43.678 28445 28616 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
01-23 21:09:51.842 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 21:09:51.842 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 21:09:51.842 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 21:09:51.842 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 21:09:51.842 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 21:09:54.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [PE] MTKPOWER_HINT_APP_TOUCH update
cmd:3408600 param:1
01-23 21:10:02.232 697 766 E [email protected]
mediatek: MEMSIC_GetRotVec: 0.639777 0.241860 0.267297 0.678779
01-23 21:10:11.199 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 21:10:11.199 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 21:10:11.200 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 21:10:11.200 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 21:10:11.200 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 21:10:23.678 693 29185 E [email protected]: [DEBUG]
01-23 21:10:27.678 693 29185 E [email protected]: [DEBUG]
01-23 21:10:30.678 693 29185 E [email protected]: [DEBUG]
01-23 21:10:32.730 697 766 E [email protected]
mediatek: MEMSIC_GetRotVec: 0.631620 0.250241 0.278790 0.678758
01-23 21:10:39.678 661 919 E netd : QUERY_RESOLV_NETID command.uid:10261,
01-23 21:10:46.958 697 766 E [email protected]
mediatek: MEMSIC_GetRotVec: 0.626488 0.254152 0.286248 0.678956
01-23 21:10:50.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1160 update cmd:1408300,
01-23 21:10:50.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [PE] 1160 update cmd:1000000 param:0
01-23 21:10:50.678 735 797 E ANDR-VPERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply
optimization [1, 1]
01-23 21:10:53.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:74140, idx:-1
01-23 21:10:57.398 697 766 E [email protected]
mediatek: MEMSIC_Getgyro: accur 3, 0.305748 0.167678 0.116025
01-23 21:10:57.678 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 21:10:57.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:74168, idx:3
01-23 21:10:59.678 752 1830 E BufferQueueDebug:
1,c:-1) id info cannot be read from 'com.whatsapp/com.whatsapp.HomeActivity#0'
01-23 21:11:00.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState]
pack:com.instagram.android, act:com.instagram.android, state:3, pid:27106,
uid:10224, fps:60
01-23 21:11:00.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState]
pack:com.instagram.android, pid:27106, STATE_DEAD
01-23 21:11:09.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:74255 hint:-1
pid:1500 duration:0 lock_user:system_server => ret_hdl:74255
01-23 21:11:09.678 1500 2344 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:74255,
01-23 21:11:31.620 697 766 E [email protected]
mediatek: MEMSIC_Getgyro: accur 3, 0.336953 0.376930 -0.496785
01-23 21:11:33.851 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 21:11:33.851 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 21:11:33.852 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 21:11:33.852 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 21:11:33.852 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 21:11:35.678 28445 28731 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-28445-1]
(id:6f1d00000002,api:3,p:28445,c:28445) detachBuffer: BufferQueue has been
01-23 21:11:45.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 21:11:45.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 21:11:45.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 21:12:05.862 678 25067 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 21:12:05.862 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 21:12:05.863 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 21:12:05.863 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 21:12:05.863 678 25067 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 21:12:21.678 693 30760 E C2MtkConvert: [0xE54C8B50] Unknow colorPrimaries
to dpframework: 255
01-23 21:12:21.678 693 30760 E C2MtkConvert: [0xE54C8B50] Unknow colorPrimaries
to fmtstream: 255
01-23 21:12:23.678 693 30953 E [email protected]: [DEBUG]
01-23 21:12:27.678 30173 30446 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-30173-6]
(id:75dd00000007,api:3,p:30173,c:30173) waitForFreeSlotThenRelock TIMED_OUT 0
01-23 21:12:27.678 30173 30446 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP- BufferQueue
mMaxAcquiredBufferCount=1 mMaxDequeuedBufferCount=29
01-23 21:12:27.678 30173 30446 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
mDequeueBufferCannotBlock=0 mAsyncMode=0
01-23 21:12:27.678 30173 30446 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP mQueueBufferCanDrop=1
01-23 21:12:27.678 30173 30446 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP default-
size=[795x1415] default-format=1 BQDUMP transform-hint=00 frame-counter=52
01-23 21:12:27.678 30173 30446 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP
mTransformHintInUse=00 mAutoPrerotation=0
01-23 21:12:27.678 30173 30446 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMPFIFO(1):
01-23 21:12:27.678 30173 30446 E BufferQueueProducer:
BQDUMP(mConsumerName=SurfaceTexture-0-30173-6, mConnectedApi=3,
mConsumerUsageBits=256, mId=75dd00000007,
01-23 21:12:27.678 30173 30446 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP 18:0x6f0b498b70
crop=[0,0,720,1280] xform=0x00 time=46006.6858 scale=SCALE_TO_WINDOW
01-23 21:12:27.678 30173 30446 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMPSlots:
01-23 21:12:27.678 30173 30446 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [00:0x6f0b488430]
state=DEQUEUED 0x6f0b4b8a30 frame=38 [ 720x1280: 736,32315659]
01-23 21:12:27.678 30173 30446 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [01:0x6f0b4b2970]
state=DEQUEUED 0x6f0b4653f0 frame=40 [ 720x1280: 736,32315659]
01-23 21:12:27.678 30173 30446 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [02:0x6f0b45baf0]
state=DEQUEUED 0x6f0b4a2c50 frame=32 [ 720x1280: 736,32315659]
01-23 21:12:27.678 30173 30446 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [03:0x6f0b380f10]
state=DEQUEUED 0x6f0b37f770 frame=47 [ 720x1280: 736,32315659]
01-23 21:12:27.678 30173 30446 E BufferQueueProducer: BQDUMP [04:0x6f0b44b950]
01-23 21:12:30.744 697 766 E [email protected]
mediatek: MEMSIC_SetAccData: -0.067857 0.796735 0.608571
01-23 21:12:38.394 697 766 E [email protected]
mediatek: MEMSIC_GetRotVec: 0.381913 0.217678 0.451993 0.776183
01-23 21:12:40.678 693 30991 E [email protected]: [DEBUG]
01-23 21:12:45.678 693 30991 E [email protected]: [DEBUG]
01-23 21:13:22.274 697 766 E [email protected]
mediatek: MEMSIC_SetMagData: accur 3, 33.036678 32.830734 -0.534511
01-23 21:13:23.265 697 766 E [email protected]
mediatek: MEMSIC_Getgyro: accur 3, 0.067832 -0.117559 0.128989
01-23 21:13:31.111 697 766 E [email protected]
mediatek: MEMSIC_SetAccData: 0.260408 0.678980 0.485714
01-23 21:13:51.199 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 159573 tx_bad 3 rx_good
248479 tx_retry 26787 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 21:14:17.765 2080 2262 E _V_SysProcFs:
01-23 21:15:13.678 708 802 E libMtcLoader: failed to open
/proc/driver/thermal/clabcct_2nd_lcmoff, errno: 2.
01-23 21:15:21.678 741 4511 E _V_FeatureManager: erro!!,gFeatureNotifyCallback =
01-23 21:15:26.827 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:5 hdl:74678
hint:1173 pid:735 duration:0 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:74678
01-23 21:15:26.861 735 735 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:74678, tid:735
01-23 21:15:26.862 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:74678, idx:5
01-23 21:22:57.678 741 1107 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setStreamVolumeIndex:
stream AUDIO_STREAM_VOICE_CALL attributes={ Content type:
01-23 21:22:57.678 741 1107 V APM_AudioPolicyManager:
setVolumeIndexForAttributes: group 13 matching with { Content type:
01-23 21:23:30.902 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 167303 tx_bad 9 rx_good
256788 tx_retry 27660 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 21:25:58.389 678 3851 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 21:25:58.389 678 3851 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 21:25:58.390 678 3851 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 21:25:58.390 678 3851 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 21:25:58.390 678 3851 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 21:26:10.678 1500 5122 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:74894,
01-23 21:26:10.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:74894, idx:0
01-23 21:29:46.678 697 766 E _V_Situation: window_orientation data: 1.000000
01-23 21:30:15.033 678 3851 E [Awinic]: get
[/vendor/firmware/awinic_params_voice.bin] size failed !
01-23 21:30:15.033 678 3851 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: SetParamsByScenes:
Awinic Init failed, init normal param again
01-23 21:30:15.033 678 3851 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal:
open_audiodsp_preset() Preset file can't be opened
01-23 21:30:15.033 678 3851 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open_audiodsp()
Could not load the preset file, it might be sktv3 algo, return here.
01-23 21:30:15.033 678 3851 E AudioALSAPlaybackHandlerNormal: open() Could not
open audioDSP lib
01-23 21:30:52.678 1500 1672 E WifiVendorHal:
getWifiLinkLayerStats_1_5_Internal(l.1233) failed {.code =
ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, .description = }
01-23 21:31:42.678 499 505 E [email protected]: Error opening
kernel wakelock stats for: wakeup33: Permission denied
01-23 21:32:37.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 21:32:37.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 21:32:37.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 21:32:38.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 21:32:38.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 21:32:38.678 752 752 E CompositionEngine: Fence::merge return error:
Timer expired (-62)
01-23 21:46:15.678 3681 3726 E _V_V-AppStore.CurrentVersionUtil:
getcom.android.BBKClockinfo from package, catch NameNotFoundException
01-23 21:50:16.678 697 766 E _V_Situation: processEvent, handle:92,
flush_action:0 data:0
01-23 21:50:16.678 697 766 E power : ISystemSuspend::getService() failed.
01-23 22:02:33.678 2146 2354 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:66544
strType=android.sensor.ambient_light_scene delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class
com.vivo.pem.core.hide.io.PemStateObserver$e num: 1
01-23 22:02:37.678 752 860 E RenderEngine: cache insert a buffer with not
renderable! 0
01-23 22:02:39.678 697 766 E _V_Situation: processEvent, handle:93,
flush_action:0 data:1
01-23 22:02:39.678 697 766 E power : ISystemSuspend::getService() failed.
01-23 22:06:06.678 1500 1500 E _V_Sensor_NativeNotification:
01-23 22:12:44.678 2163 3588 E _V_ProxCoverNoticeService: watch view is null, no
need to update minimum
01-23 22:12:51.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:75482, idx:-1
01-23 22:13:01.678 741 4511 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream()
stream 3, device {type:0x2,@:}
01-23 22:13:02.678 741 4511 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream()
stream 3, device {type:0x2,@:}
01-23 22:20:12.678 726 726 E _V_VivoSensorTest: bbk_em_sensor_main finish
01-23 22:20:16.678 741 4373 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: getDevicesForStream()
stream 3, device {type:0x2,@:}
01-23 22:20:46.678 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 211454 tx_bad 21
rx_good 309646 tx_retry 29226 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 22:20:46.678 1055 1055 E wificond: Failed to get
01-23 22:22:52.426 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:1 hdl:75678
hint:1150 pid:735 duration:2000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:75678
01-23 22:22:54.426 708 802 I mtkpower@impl: [powerd_req]
01-23 22:22:54.426 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:75678, idx:1
01-23 22:22:54.446 735 7147 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:75678,
01-23 22:22:54.447 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:75678, idx:-1
01-23 22:22:56.678 741 1601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager:
setVolumeIndexForAttributes: group 11 matching with { Content type:
01-23 22:22:56.678 741 1601 V APM_AudioPolicyManager: setVolumeCurveIndex device
08000000, index 0
01-23 22:26:15.937 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:15.956 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:15.977 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:15.997 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.017 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.036 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.056 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.079 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.097 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.118 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.136 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.157 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.176 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.197 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.217 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.237 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.257 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.277 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.298 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.307 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.337 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.356 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.377 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.387 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.417 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.437 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.458 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.469 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.499 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.519 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.539 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.558 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.569 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.596 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.616 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.637 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.657 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.676 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.687 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.718 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.730 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.759 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.778 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.799 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.816 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.838 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.861 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.869 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.898 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.917 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.938 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.948 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.977 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:16.997 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.016 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.036 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.057 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.076 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.096 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.117 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.136 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.156 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.176 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.197 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.217 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.237 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.247 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.277 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.297 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.316 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.337 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.357 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.376 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.387 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.417 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.437 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.457 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.476 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.496 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.517 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.536 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.557 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.577 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.598 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.609 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.639 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.639 678 7849 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 32,
curMuteFrame 40 ms, totalMuteFrame 4001480 ms, normalFrame 5795940 ms
01-23 22:26:17.649 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.677 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.697 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.717 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.737 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.757 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.777 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.796 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.818 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.836 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.856 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.877 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.888 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.907 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.938 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.958 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.976 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:17.997 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.017 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.037 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.057 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.077 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.097 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.118 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.137 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.157 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.178 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.197 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.207 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.237 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.257 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.277 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.297 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.317 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.338 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.357 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.376 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.397 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.416 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.436 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.457 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.476 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.497 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.507 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.538 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.558 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.577 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.597 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.616 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.637 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.657 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.677 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.697 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.717 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.737 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.757 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.778 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.799 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.819 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.839 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.842 678 3851 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 6,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 379765 ms, normalFrame 14063701 ms
01-23 22:26:18.849 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.877 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.897 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.916 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.937 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.957 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:18.969 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.000 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.018 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.039 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.049 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.078 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.097 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.117 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.127 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.156 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.176 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.197 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.217 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.236 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.257 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.276 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.297 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.316 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.337 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.359 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.378 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.387 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.417 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.437 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.456 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.476 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.496 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.516 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.537 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.559 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.579 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.587 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.617 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.638 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.658 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.658 678 7849 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 32,
curMuteFrame 680 ms, totalMuteFrame 4002880 ms, normalFrame 5796560 ms
01-23 22:26:19.678 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.698 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.708 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.738 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.758 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.769 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.789 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.816 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.837 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.857 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.876 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.897 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.917 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.938 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.956 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.977 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:19.997 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.017 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.037 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.058 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.077 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.098 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.116 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.137 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.157 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.178 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.188 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.217 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.237 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.257 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.277 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.297 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.317 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.337 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.357 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.376 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.397 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.416 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.426 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.457 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.477 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.497 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.517 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.526 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.557 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.579 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.597 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.608 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.639 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.658 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.680 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.699 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.707 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.737 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.757 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.777 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.797 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.816 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.827 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.847 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.877 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.897 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.916 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.937 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.957 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.977 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:20.998 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.008 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.036 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.057 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.077 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.097 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.117 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.137 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.147 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.177 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.196 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.216 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.238 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.256 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.277 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.297 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.316 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.337 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.358 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.376 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.397 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.408 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.437 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.458 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.480 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.498 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.507 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.539 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.558 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.579 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.589 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.616 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.637 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.656 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.677 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.677 678 7849 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 32,
curMuteFrame 980 ms, totalMuteFrame 4004520 ms, normalFrame 5796940 ms
01-23 22:26:21.696 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.717 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.736 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.756 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.777 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.797 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.816 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.837 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.845 678 3851 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 6,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 379765 ms, normalFrame 14066704 ms
01-23 22:26:21.857 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.877 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.897 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.918 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.938 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.958 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.978 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:21.988 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.018 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.028 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.057 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.077 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.097 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.107 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.137 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.157 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.177 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.196 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.217 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.237 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.256 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.267 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.298 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.307 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.336 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.357 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.376 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.397 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.407 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.438 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.458 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.477 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.499 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.518 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.537 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.557 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.576 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.596 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.617 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.637 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.658 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.677 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.696 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.717 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.737 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.757 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.777 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.797 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.817 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.836 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.857 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.867 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.887 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.917 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.938 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.957 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.977 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:22.996 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:23.017 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:23.037 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:23.056 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:23.077 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:23.097 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:26:23.117 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 22:30:38.987 1055 1055 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 216780 tx_bad 21
rx_good 319334 tx_retry 29298 tx_retry_times 0
01-23 22:32:35.678 752 860 E RenderEngine: cache insert a buffer with not
renderable! 0
01-23 22:32:38.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:75949, idx:0
01-23 22:33:04.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:76099, idx:0
01-23 22:33:07.678 1500 1739 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
65a444bsensor=NULL num: 3
01-23 22:33:54.678 2163 2448 E VivoSensorTest: vivo_sensor_factory_test system
01-23 22:47:47.837 2080 2262 E _V_SysProcFs:
01-23 22:59:51.182 735 8678 I mtkpower_client: perf_lock_rel, hdl:76212,
01-23 22:59:51.678 708 757 I mtkpower@impl: [setMode] type:5, enabled:0
01-23 23:11:40.046 967 9678 E _V_[GF_HAL][gf_hal_common]:
[gf_hal_notify_error_info] err code : 5.
01-23 23:15:53.678 10642 10701 E bt_btm : system/bt/main/bte_logmsg.cc:201 LogMsg:
BTM_BleObserve Observe Already Active
01-23 23:15:53.678 10642 10701 E bt_btm : system/bt/main/bte_logmsg.cc:201 LogMsg:
BTM_BleObserve Observe Already Active
01-23 23:16:15.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockRel] hdl:76483, idx:1
01-23 23:17:26.678 708 802 I libPowerHal: [perfLockAcq] idx:0 hdl:76522
hint:1150 pid:735 duration:2000 lock_user:[email protected] => ret_hdl:76522
01-23 23:21:12.678 726 726 E _V_VivoSensorTest: bbk_em_sensor_main start
01-23 23:21:12.678 726 726 E _V_VivoSensorTest: bbk_em_sensor_main: ID 0x21
args 1 0 0
01-23 23:26:23.392 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.409 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.438 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.459 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.479 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.500 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.519 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.540 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.561 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.581 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.601 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.609 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.640 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.660 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.681 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.700 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.720 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.738 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.759 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.779 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.798 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.821 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.829 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.858 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.879 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.889 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.921 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.942 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.961 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.980 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:23.990 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.009 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.039 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.058 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.077 678 3851 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 6,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 387040 ms, normalFrame 17661658 ms
01-23 23:26:24.079 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.098 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.118 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.130 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.159 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.179 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.198 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.219 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.229 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.259 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.278 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.299 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.319 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.339 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.348 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.368 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.399 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.419 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.439 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.449 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.482 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.502 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.521 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.540 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.551 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.580 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.600 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.609 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.629 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.659 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.679 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.699 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.719 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.738 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.759 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.779 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.798 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.819 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.838 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.859 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.879 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.899 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.909 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.929 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.961 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:24.981 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.002 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.002 678 7849 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 32,
curMuteFrame 380 ms, totalMuteFrame 6058700 ms, normalFrame 7346080 ms
01-23 23:26:25.023 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.039 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.051 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.081 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.091 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.121 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.140 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.160 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.181 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.200 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.222 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.240 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.248 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.278 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.298 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.318 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.338 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.358 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.371 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.399 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.418 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.439 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.458 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.479 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.501 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.521 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.541 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.560 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.579 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.599 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.619 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.640 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.660 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.679 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.699 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.718 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.740 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.762 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.781 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.798 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.809 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.829 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.859 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.878 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.898 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.908 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.939 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.961 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:25.979 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.000 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.019 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.041 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.062 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.081 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.093 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.112 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.140 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.151 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.181 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.201 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.223 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.242 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.254 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.282 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.299 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.319 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.341 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.359 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.380 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.399 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.419 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.441 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.464 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.481 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.499 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.519 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.539 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.559 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.579 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.599 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.619 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.639 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.660 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.679 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.699 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.719 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.730 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.759 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.779 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.800 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.819 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.839 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.849 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.880 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.899 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.919 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.931 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.961 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:26.971 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.001 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.021 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.040 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.040 678 7849 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 32,
curMuteFrame 20 ms, totalMuteFrame 6059380 ms, normalFrame 7347440 ms
01-23 23:26:27.061 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.070 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.079 678 3851 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 6,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 387040 ms, normalFrame 17664661 ms
01-23 23:26:27.099 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.119 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.141 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.161 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.180 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.199 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.219 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.238 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.259 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.279 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.299 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.319 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.339 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.359 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.370 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.398 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.418 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.438 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.461 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.481 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.502 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.511 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.541 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.561 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.581 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.601 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.621 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.641 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.662 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.682 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.692 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.722 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.742 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.752 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.782 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.799 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.819 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.839 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.859 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.879 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.899 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.919 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.938 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.959 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:27.981 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.001 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.021 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.039 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.059 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.081 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.099 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.119 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.139 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.150 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.179 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.199 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.219 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.229 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.260 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.279 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.289 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.319 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.339 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.359 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.379 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.399 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.419 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.440 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.449 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.479 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.500 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.519 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.539 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.560 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.582 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.601 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.622 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.641 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.661 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.679 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.699 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.721 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.739 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.760 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.779 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.799 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.820 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.842 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.862 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.881 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.901 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.921 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.939 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.959 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.979 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:28.999 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.020 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.039 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.061 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.061 678 7849 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwIn session 32,
curMuteFrame 320 ms, totalMuteFrame 6060800 ms, normalFrame 7348040 ms
01-23 23:26:29.071 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.089 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.119 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.139 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.159 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.179 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.198 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.219 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.240 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.262 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.281 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.301 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.321 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.339 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.359 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.379 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.399 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.418 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.439 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.459 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.469 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.499 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.509 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.538 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.559 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.578 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.598 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.619 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.629 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.658 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.679 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.690 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.719 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.730 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.759 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.780 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.799 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.822 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.841 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.861 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.879 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.900 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.919 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.943 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.951 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:29.981 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.001 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.022 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.042 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.062 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.079 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.082 678 3851 D _V_vafx_muteframedetect: AudioHwOut session 6,
curMuteFrame 0 ms, totalMuteFrame 387040 ms, normalFrame 17667664 ms
01-23 23:26:30.100 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.119 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.139 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.159 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.169 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.199 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.219 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.241 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.261 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.271 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.301 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.321 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.332 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.353 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.373 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.401 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.421 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.441 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.465 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.486 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.501 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.519 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1
01-23 23:26:30.539 678 7849 D AudioALSACaptureDataClientAurisysNormal:
mDepopDone = 1

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