Search Me O God
Search Me O God
Search Me O God
F B♭ Gm7(♭5)/B♭ F Amin/C C7 C7 F
2. I praise Thee, Lord, for cleans ing me from sin;
3. Lord, take my life, and make it whol ly Thine:
B♭ Gmin/B♭ B° F/C Dmin7 G
Try me, O Sav ior, know my thoughts,
Ful fill Thy Word, and make me pure
Fill all my heart with Thy great love
C Caug F B♭ Gm7(♭5)/B♭ Amin/C C7
with in. Fill me with fire, where once I
di vine. Take all my will, my pas sion,
C7 C♯° Dmin B♭ Gmin/B♭ B°
way in me; Cleanse me from
burned with shame; Grant my de
self and pride; I now sur
F/C F7/E♭ B♭aug/D D7 G C7 F
ev ’ry sin, and set me free.
sire to mag ni fy Thy name.
ren der, Lord, in me a bide.
Public Domain