Q2 Week 1 Science 7 DLL
Q2 Week 1 Science 7 DLL
Q2 Week 1 Science 7 DLL
A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate an understanding of the parts and functions of the compound microscope.
B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to: employ appropriate techniques using the compound microscope to gather data about very small objects
C. Learning Competencies / Identify parts of the microscope and their functions; S7LT-IIa-1
Write the LC code for each Focus specimens using the compound microscope; S7LT-IIb-2
- Recognize the evolution of - Differentiate the 3 main - Demonstrate the proper - Focus the specimen on the -Identify parts of the
the microscope. part of microscope handling of the microscope. microscope. microscope and their functions;
- Determine the uses of - Identify the function of - Follow the steps on focusing S7LT-IIa-1
- Focus the specimen using the
Objectives: microscope in the the different part of the microscope -Focus specimens using the
different field of science compound microscope. - Answer the question about
microscope compound microscope; S7LT-
and industry. what he/she saw in the
microscope. IIb-2
II. CONTENT Microscopy: Parts and Microscopy: Proper handling Microscopy: Focusing
Microscopy: History and
Function of Microscope and Focusing Specimens on the Specimens on the Microscope Quiz in Microscopy
Uses of Microscope
Microscope (Individual Practicum)
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
Science Links 7, Rexbookstore
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource (LR) portal
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Ask the class what instrument What is the importance of What are the 3 main part of a What are the steps in focusing Review about the parts of
presenting the new lesson they use when they need to see microscope? compound light microscope? the specimen on the microscope for 10 minutes.
minute objects more clearly. microscope?
How are these instruments
similar to one another?
B. Establishing a purpose for Why is the microscope Game: Jigsaw puzzle Showing them a compound Tell them the objectives of the
the lesson considered a powerful tool? Students will complete the light microscope and let them activity.
How is it significant in our jigsaw of a compound light handle the microscope.
lives? microscope.
C. Presenting Let them watch the video. Present the 3 main parts of a Let them watch the video. Explain the they need to
examples/instances for the new https://www.youtube.com/ compound microscope. https://www.youtube.com/ utilize the HPO in the
lesson watch?v=HUG6W6dajbY watch?v=5EM9f6ZVYu4 activity.
D. Discussing new concepts and Arrange the sequence of the Preparing glass slides and
practicing new skills # 1 development of microscope Let them label the parts of Focusing the letter “e”
and the people behind it. their jigsaw microscope. Let two of their groups utilize
the microscope in focusing the
E. Discussing new concepts and Guide questions: Guide questions:
practicing new skills # 2 1. How does microscope Guide questions: 1. What is the part of
utilize in the field of 1. What are the parts that
microscope manipulated
medicine, engineering illuminate the light in the when using the LPO?HPO?
and by scientist? microscope? 2. What is the position of the
2. What is the importance specimen “E” when saw in
of microscope in your 2. What is the part you need the eyepiece?
science learning in the to control to focus the 3. How does the
school? magnification of the magnification compute in
microscope? the microscope?
F. Developing mastery Let the pair Think and Share Let the group present their Let the group present their
(Leads to Formative their output in class. output in the class. output in the class.
Assessment 3)
G. Finding practical Ask them about their How does the microscope Learners will focus the
applications of concepts and ambition, then ask how work? microscope to see the
skills in daily living microscope work in that kind specimen.
of profession.
H. Making generalizations and Microscope is a laboratory The 3 main parts of Using microscope should be
abstractions about the lesson instrument used to examine microscope is the magnifying utilize with care. There are also
objects that are too small to be part, mechanical parts, and steps in focusing the specimen
seen by the naked eye. the illuminating parts. on the microscope. It should be
Microscopy is the science of done precisely and carefully.
investigating small objects and
structures using a microscope.
Microscopic means being
invisible to the eye unless aided
by a microscope.
I. Evaluating Learning Group activity serves as Group activity serves as Individual Practicum serves as 25 items of pencil and paper
Pencil and paper test items. Performance task. Performance task. Performance task test
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
Remedia tion who scored
below 80%.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the