Heaven, If U Are Not On Earth
Heaven, If U Are Not On Earth
Heaven, If U Are Not On Earth
Comprehension I
1. Accordingtothe poet'heaven' is
On earth
2. Who creates 'heaven on earth'?
The man creates heaven on earth.
Thedifferent forms of nature life the roaring stream, the rolling surf:
and th
the edge of waves, the tender sunshine, the sun, the harvest
moonlight make this earth a heaven.
charmng sights of nature and argues that nothing can
heavenly than these forms of nature. He makes a direct be more
nature anddeclares that ifheaven does not exist on the
ddress to
earth where else
can it be. He justifies his statement
referring to the streams, the waves,
and the sunlight.
Comprehension II
1. Describe the beauty in nature that makes the
earth aheavenly
2. Why does the poet feel that earth is more beautiful than
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English Notes- Vol2
The splendor of harvest and the moonlight nights creates picture of
"Nature' in its pristine form "he poet whoimbibes this heavenly bliss
can spread the nectar of 'Heaven' through his poetry on the enrth.
Natural things appear to be more beautiful than imaginary things.
Therefore, the poet is of the opinion that 'Heaven' exists only on the
earth and nowhere else. The so called pleasures of heaven could be very
well obtained on earth, when one enjoys and experiences.