Handout On Bloom's Taxonomy

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Handout on Aims and objectives

What are aims & objectives?

The course goals are broad statements of what the students will be able to do when they
have completed the course. Goals can be lofty ideas, using words or phrases like
"appreciates" or "shows leadership ability." Example of a broad course goal:

Students will be able to gain the knowledge of the liberation war of Bangladesh.

How can we measure, whether the person will be able to gain the knowledge of the
liberation war of Bangladesh or not? It would be very difficult. That is why we develop
objectives. The objectives are measurable and specific so we can determine if the goal was

"The goal is where we want to be. The objectives are the steps needed to get there."

Measurable objectives are the specific measures we use to determine whether or not we are
successful in achieving the goal. The objectives are instructions about what we want the
student to be able to do. Use verbs and include specific outcomes which will be measurable.
It will describe to what degree the students will be able to demonstrate mastery of the task.

The specific principle to write aims & objectives:

1.Aims and objectives both consist of two essential parts;

 an action verb
 a subject content reference.
2. To write aims and objectives there are two motives
 An intention on the part of the teacher b)it is written from the perspective of the
 What will the learners be able to do at the end of the learning exercise that they
possibly couldn't do at the beginning?
3. To write aims and objectives there are two fundamental components
 It will indicate a time bound (long or short)
 A learning outcomes to be gained by the students with a measurable
performance standard

A simple example would be "Upon completion of the session the learner should be
able to write a paragraph on River".

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4. Aims and objectives should be specific, measurable and unambiguous that’s why,
approach to write aims & learning objectives should be relevant to a particular subject or a

5. Each objective should tag with an activity to assess the learners and the specific learning

Features of Objectives:

SMART objectives:
· S=Simple, Sensible, specific
· M=Measurable, Moderate, Manageable.
· A= Achievable, Attractive, Accurate, Appropriate, attainable
· R= Relevant, Realistic.
· T=Time framed, Time manageable.

Writing an Objective:
K- keep
I- it
S- short and
S- simple

Types of objectives:

Learning objectives are often divided into 3 domains.

 Cognitive Domain
 Affective Domain
 Psychomotor Domain

Cognitive domain
The purpose of each domain is to impart knowledge. The learners should know some new
information at the end of this process. Here the teacher emphasis more on factual

Psychomotor domain
Some subjects are more overtly skills-based than others : that design and technology
lessons are more skills-related than English lesson.

Affective domain
Affective domain requires some change in attitudes. Learners’ gain confidence to response
cognitive domain.

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Design Aim and Objective:
Precise aim:
“By the end of the lesson, learners’ will have………..
An aim should be:
 A general statement.
 Covering the whole lesson.
 Specific enough to be clear to others

Objectives must:
 Be specific
 Related to a part of the lesson
 Complete the sentence

Objective should be-

“By the end of the learning lesson, learners should be able to………..”

Factors influencing L. O.
 The curriculum: what has to be taught?
 The learners: age, ability range.
 Special factors: is it exam. work?
 Relationship of the lesson to previous/ future work.
 Length of time available.
Handout on Bloom’s Taxonomy and Revised Taxonomy
Bloom's Taxonomy of Learning Domains

Bloom's Taxonomy was created in 1956 under the leadership of educational psychologist Dr
Benjamin Bloom in order to promote higher forms of thinking in education, such as analyzing
and evaluating concepts, processes, procedures, and principles, rather than just
remembering facts (rote learning). It is most often used when designing educational, training,
and learning processes.

The Three Domains of Learning

The committee identified three domains of educational activities or learning (Bloom, et al.

 Cognitive: mental skills (knowledge)

 Affective: growth in feelings or emotional areas (attitude or self)
 Psychomotor: manual or physical skills (skills)

Since the work was produced by higher education, the words tend to be a little bigger than
we normally use. Domains may be thought of as categories. Instructional designers, trainers,
and educators often refer to these three categories as KSA (Knowledge [cognitive], Skills
[psychomotor], and Attitudes [affective]). This taxonomy of learning behaviors may be
thought of as “the goals of the learning process.” That is, after a learning episode, the
learner should have acquired a new skill, knowledge, and/or attitude.

While the committee produced an elaborate compilation for the cognitive and affective
domains, they omitted the psychomotor domain. Their explanation for this oversight was that

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they have little experience in teaching manual skills within the college level. However, there
have been at least three psychomotor models created by other researchers.

Their compilation divides the three domains into subdivisions, starting from the simplest
cognitive process or behavior to the most complex. The divisions outlined are not absolutes
and there are other systems or hierarchies that have been devised, such as the Structure of
Observed Learning Outcome (SOLO). However, Bloom's taxonomy is easily understood and
is probably the most widely applied one in use today.

Cognitive Domain
The cognitive domain involves knowledge
and the development of intellectual skills
(Bloom, 1956). This includes the recall or
recognition of specific facts, procedural
patterns, and concepts that serve in the
development of intellectual abilities and
skills. There are six major categories of
cognitive an processes, starting from the
simplest to the most complex (see the table
below for an in-depth coverage of each

 Knowledge
 Comprehension
 Application
 Analysis
 Synthesis
 Evaluation

The categories can be thought of as degrees of difficulties. That is, the first ones must
normally be mastered before the next one can take place.

Bloom's Revised Taxonomy

Lorin Anderson, a former student of Bloom, and David Krathwohl revisited the cognitive
domain in the mid-nineties and made some changes, with perhaps the three most prominent
ones being (Anderson, Krathwohl, Airasian, Cruikshank, Mayer, Pintrich, Raths, Wittrock,

 changing the names in the six categories from noun to verb forms
 rearranging them as shown in the chart below
 creating a processes and levels of knowledge matrix

The chart shown below compares the original taxonomy with the revised one:

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This new taxonomy reflects a more active form of thinking and is perhaps more accurate.
The new version of Bloom's Taxonomy, with examples and keywords is shown below:

Table of the Revised Cognitive Domain

Examples, key words (verbs), and technologies

for learning (activities)

Examples: Recite a policy. Quote prices from

memory to a customer. Recite the safety rules.

Key Words: defines, describes, identifies, knows,

Remembering: Recall or retrieve previous
labels, lists, matches, names, outlines, recalls,
learned information.
recognizes, reproduces, selects, states

Technologies: book marking, flash cards, rote

learning based on repetition, reading

Examples: Rewrite the principles of test writing.

Explain in one's own words the steps for performing a
complex task. Translate an equation into a computer

Understanding: Comprehending the Key Words: comprehends, converts, defends,

meaning, translation, interpolation, and distinguishes, estimates, explains, extends,
interpretation of instructions and problems. generalizes, gives an example, infers, interprets,
State a problem in one's own words. paraphrases, predicts, rewrites, summarizes,

Technologies: create an analogy, participating in

cooperative learning, taking notes, storytelling,
Internet search

Applying: Use a concept in a new situation Examples: Use a manual to calculate an employee's

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or unprompted use of an abstraction. Applies vacation time. Apply laws of statistics to evaluate the
what was learned in the classroom into novel reliability of a written test.
situations in the work place.
Key Words: applies, changes, computes, constructs,
demonstrates, discovers, manipulates, modifies,
operates, predicts, prepares, produces, relates,
shows, solves, uses

Technologies: collaborative learning, create a

process, blog, practice

Examples: Troubleshoot a piece of equipment by

using logical deduction. Recognize logical fallacies in
reasoning. Gathers information from a department
and selects the required tasks for training.
Analyzing: Separates material or concepts
into component parts so that its Key Words: analyzes, breaks down, compares,
organizational structure may be understood. contrasts, diagrams, deconstructs, differentiates,
Distinguishes between facts and inferences. discriminates, distinguishes, identifies, illustrates,
infers, outlines, relates, selects, separates

Technologies: Fishbowls, debating, questioning

what happened, run a test

Examples: Select the most effective solution. Hire

the most qualified candidate. Explain and justify a
new budget.

Evaluating: Make judgments about the value Key Words: appraises, compares, concludes,
of ideas or materials. contrasts, criticizes, critiques, defends, describes,
discriminates, evaluates, explains, interprets, justifies,
relates, summarizes, supports

Technologies: survey, blogging

Examples: Write a company operations or process

manual. Design a machine to perform a specific task.
Integrates training from several sources to solve a
problem. Revises and process to improve the
Creating: Builds a structure or pattern from
diverse elements. Put parts together to form a Key Words: categorizes, combines, compiles,
whole, with emphasis on creating a new composes, creates, devises, designs, explains,
meaning or structure. generates, modifies, organizes, plans, rearranges,
reconstructs, relates, reorganizes, revises, rewrites,
summarizes, tells, writes

Technologies: Create a new model, write an essay,

network with others

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Student recalls or Write The student will
recognizes information, List define
ideas, and principles Label the 6 levels of
in the approximate Name Bloom's
form in which they State taxonomy of the
were learned. Define cognitive domain.
The student will
Student translates, Explain
comprehends, or Summarize
the purpose of
COMPREHENSION interprets information Paraphrase
based on prior Describe
taxonomy of the
learning. Illustrate
cognitive domain.
Student selects, trans- Use The student will
fers, and uses data Compute write an
and principles to Solve instructional
complete a problem Demonstrate objective for each
or task with a mini- Apply level of Bloom's
mum of direction. Construct taxonomy.
Student distinguishes,
Analyze The student will
classifies, and relates
Categorize compare and
the assumptions,
ANALYSIS Compare contrast
hypotheses, evidence,
Contrast the cognitive and
or structure of a
Separate affective domains.
statement or question.
The student will
design a
Student originates, classification
integrates, and scheme for writing
combines ideas into a educational
SYNTHESIS Hypothesize
product, plan or objectives
proposal that is new that combines the
to him or her. cognitive, affective,
and psychomotor
The student will
Student appraises, Judge
judge the effective-
assesses, or critiques Recommend
EVALUATION ness of writing
on a basis of specific Critique
objectives using
standards and criteria. Justify
Bloom's taxonomy.

Three Domains of Learning – Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor

Three domains of learning – What are the differences between the cognitive, affective,
and psychomotor taxonomies?

Cognitive Affective Psychomotor

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knowledge attitude skills

1. Receive
1. Recall data 1. Imitation (copy)

2. Respond 2. Manipulation (follow

2. Understand
(react) instructions)

3. Value
3. Apply (use) (understand and 3. Develop Precision

4. Organise
4. Analyse 4. Articulation (combine,
personal value
(structure/elements) integrate related skills)

5. Internalize
5. Synthesize value system 5. Naturalization (automate,
(create/build) (adopt become expert)

6. Evaluate (assess,
judge in relational

The Original Cognitive or Thinking Domain –

Based on the 1956 work, The Handbook I-Cognitive Domain, behavioral objectives are
divided into subsets. These subsets were arranged into a taxonomy and listed according to
the cognitive difficulty, simpler to more complex forms. As stated earlier it has been
commonly known as Bloom’s Taxonomy since 1956. In 2000-01 revisions to this taxonomy
were spearheaded by one of Bloom’s former students, Lorin Anderson, and one of his
original partners in defining the cognitive domain, David Krathwohl. Please see my page
entitled Anderson and Krathwohl – Bloom’s Taxonomy Revised for further details.

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Remember while it is good to understand the history of the older version of the domain, the
newer version has a number of strong advantages that make it a better choice for planning
instruction today. One of the major changes that has occurred between the old and newer
updated version is that the two highest forms of cognition have been reversed.

Additional Resources: A wonderfully succinct and comprehensive overview of both

taxonomies is provided by Mary Forehand at the University of Georgia in a Wikipedia type
format, see Bloom’s taxonomy. Plus, there are many different types of graphics cleverly
depicting the new versions that can be printed and readily used as everyday references
during instructional planning. In a search engine like Google enter “revised Bloom’s
taxonomy” and view the “images” portion of the search to find many different types of colorful
and useful graphics on this topic.

Taxonomies of the Cognitive Domain

Bloom’s Taxonomy 1956 Anderson and Krathwohl’s Taxonomy
1. Knowledge: Remembering or retrieving previously learned 1. Remembering:
material. Examples of verbs that relate to this function are: Recognizing or recalling knowledge from
know identify relate define recall record name memory. Remembering is when memory
list memorize repeat recognize acquire is used to produce definitions, facts, or
lists, or recite or retrieve material.
2. Comprehension: The ability to grasp or construct meaning 2. Understanding: Constructing meaning
from material. Examples of verbs that relate to this function from different types of functions be they
are: written or graphic messages activities like
restate locate report identify discuss illustrate interpret interpreting, exemplifying, classifying,
recognize explain describe discuss draw represent summarizing, inferring, comparing, and
express review infer differentiate explaining.
3. Application: The ability to use learned material, or to 3. Applying: Carrying out or using a
implement material in new and concrete situations. Examples procedure through executing, or
of verbs that relate to this function are: implementing. Applying related and refers
apply relate organize employ practice calculate to situations where learned material is
develop translate restructure interpret show exhibit used through products like models,
use operate demonstrate illustrate dramatize presentations, interviews or simulations.
4. Analysis: The ability to break down or distinguish the parts4. Analyzing: Breaking material or
of material into its components so that its organizational concepts into parts, determining how the
structure may be better understood. Examples of verbs that parts relate or interrelate to one another or
relate to this function are: to an overall structure or purpose. Mental
analyze compare differentiate experiment actions included in this function are
probe inquire contrast investigate scrutinize discoverdifferentiating, organizing, and attributing,
examine contrast detect survey inspect dissect as well as being able to distinguish
categorize classify deduce discriminate between the components or parts. When
separate one is analyzing he/she can illustrate this
mental function by creating spreadsheets,
surveys, charts, or diagrams, or graphic
5. Synthesis: The ability to put parts together to form a 5. Evaluating: Making judgments based
coherent or unique new whole. Examples of verbs that relate on criteria and standards through checking
to this function are: and critiquing. Critiques,
compose produce plan invent propose develop recommendations, and reports are some
design assemble formulate collect set arrange construct of the products that can be created to
create prepare up generalize organize originate demonstrate the processes of evaluation.
predict modify tell document combine derive write In the newer taxonomy evaluation comes
before creating as it is often a necessary

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relate propose part of the precursory behavior before
creating something.
6. Evaluation: The ability to judge, check, and even critique 6. Creating: Putting elements together to
the value of material for a given purpose. Examples of verbs form a coherent or functional whole;
that relate to this function are: reorganizing elements into a new pattern
judge assess argue decide validate consider or structure through generating, planning,
compare evaluate choose rate select appraise value or producing. Creating requires users to
conclude measure estimate criticize infer put parts together in a new way or
deduce synthesize parts into something new and
different a new form or product. This
process is the most difficult mental
function in the new taxonomy.

Table 1.1 – (Wilson, L.O. 2001) – Bloom vs. Anderson/Krathwohl revisions

The Affective or Feeling Domain:

Like cognitive objectives, affective objectives can also be divided into a hierarchy (according
to Krathwohl). This area is concerned with feelings or emotions. Again, the taxonomy is
arranged from simpler feelings to those that are more complex.

1. Receiving

This refers to the learner’s sensitivity to the existence of stimuli – awareness, willingness to
receive, or selected attention.

feel sense capture experience pursue attend perceive

2. Responding

This refers to the learners’ active attention to stimuli and his/her motivation to learn –
acquiescence, willing responses, or feelings of satisfaction.

conform allow cooperate contribute enjoy satisfy

3. Valuing

This refers to the learner’s beliefs and attitudes of worth – acceptance, preference, or
commitment. An acceptance, preference, or commitment to a value.

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believe seek justify respect search persuade

4. Organization

This refers to the learner’s internalization of values and beliefs involving (1) the
conceptualization of values; and (2) the organization of a value system. As values or beliefs
become internalized, the leaner organizes them according to priority.

examine clarify systematize create integrate

5. Characterization – the Internalization of values

This refers to the learner’s highest of internalization and relates to behavior that reflects (1) a
generalized set of values; and (2) a characterization or a philosophy about life. At this level
the learner is capable of practicing and acting on their values or beliefs.

internalize review conclude resolve judge

Based on: Krathwohl, D.R., Bloom,B.S. and Masia, B. B. (1964).Taxonomy of educational

objectives, Book II. Affective domain. New York, NY. David McKay Company, Inc.

Note: As with all of the taxonomies, in labeling objectives using this domain there has to be
a very clear instructional intention for growth in this area specified in the learning
objective(s). Folks in the sciences and in math often avoid including affective objectives
stating that their areas are not emotional. However, any group work or cooperative exercise
where deportment or collaborative or cooperative skills are discussed, used, and
emphasized qualifies as having the potential for affective growth. Additionally, if students are
asked to challenge themselves with independently taking risks to develop and present a
hypothesis and/or persuade others on drawn conclusions, or actively take an intellectual risk
whereby they increase in self-confidence, these types of exercises also have the potential to
be affective as well as a cognitive. Also, in areas of potential debate, where data allows
students to draw conclusions about controversial topics or express opinions and feelings on
those topics, this too can be tweaked so there is intentional affective growth. Since emotion
draws both attention and channels strong residual memory, it behooves all dedicated and
artful educators to include affective objectives, no matter what their discipline or area of

The Psychomotor or Kinesthetic Domain

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Psychomotor objectives are those specific to discreet physical functions, reflex actions and
interpretive movements. Traditionally, these types of objectives are concerned with the
physically encoding of information, with movement and/or with activities where the gross and
fine muscles are used for expressing or interpreting information or concepts. This area also
refers to natural, autonomic responses or reflexes.

As stated earlier, to avoid confusion, if the activity is simply something that is physical which
supports another area — affective or cognitive — term the objective physical rather than
psychomotor. Again, this goes to instructional intent. A primary example of something
physical which supports specific cognitive development and skills might be looking through a
microscope and identifying and drawing cells. Here the instructional intent of this common
scientific activity is not to develop specific skilled proficiency in microscope viewing or in
reproducing cells through drawing. Usually the key intent in this activity is that a physical
action supports or is a vehicle for cognitive growth and furthering recognition skills. The
learner is using the physical action to achieve the cognitive objectives — identify, recognize,
and differentiate varied types of cells.

If you are using a physical activity to support a cognitive or affective function, simply label it
as something physical (labeling the objective as kinesthetic, haptic, or tactile is also
acceptable) and avoid the term psychomotor. Labeling something psychomotor means
there is a very clear educational intention for growth to occur in the psychomotor domain.

Certainly more complex learning objectives can be written so that they that meld 2 or 3
domains. For instance, students can gain appreciation (an affective objective) for the culture
or country of origin through conducting investigations or listening to stories while learning the
dances from other countries. Learning dance steps would fall under “skilled movements” in
the psychomotor domain.

(Terms in this area based on Anita Harrow’s taxonomy).

Reflex movements

Objectives at this level include reflexes that involve one segmental or reflexes of the spine
and movements that may involve more than one segmented portion of the spine as
intersegmental reflexes (e.g., involuntary muscle contraction). These movements are
involuntary being either present at birth or emerging through maturation.

Fundamental movements

Objectives in this area refer to skills or movements or behaviors related to walking, running,
jumping, pushing, pulling and manipulating. They are often components for more complex

Perceptual abilities

Objectives in this area should address skills related to kinesthetic (bodily movements),
visual, auditory, tactile (touch), or coordination abilities as they are related to the ability to
take in information from the environment and react.

Physical abilities

Objectives in this area should be related to endurance, flexibility, agility, strength, reaction-
response time or dexterity.

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Skilled movements

Objectives in this area refer to skills and movements that must be learned for games, sports,
dances, performances, or for the arts.

Nondiscursive communication

Objectives in this area refer to expressive movements through posture, gestures, facial
expressions, and/or creative movements like those in mime or ballet. These movements
refer to interpretative movements that communicate meaning without the aid of verbal
commands or help.

Remember that the trick in effectively planning lessons — there has to be the
intention for growth specifically in the selected domain area! Learning takes place in
ALL 3 domains and wise teachers combine domains so that lessons and learning are
more holistic and multidimensional.


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