Motivation Profiles at Work 1: Acknowledgements

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Motivation Profiles at Work: A Self-Determination Theory Approach

Joshua Howard and Marylène Gagné

University of Western Australia

Alexandre J.S. Morin

Institute for Positive Psychology and Education, Australian Catholic University

Anja Van den Broeck

KU Leuven & North-West University

Howard, J., Gagné, M., Morin, A. J. S., Van den Broeck, A. (2016). Motivation Profiles at Work: A
Self-Determination Theory Approach. Journal of Vocational Behavior. xx(x). p. xx


Preparation of this article was facilitated through funds from the Australian Postgraduate Award

scholarship awarded to the first author, as well as grants from the Fonds Québécois de la Recherche

sur la Société et la Culture and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada

awarded to the second author, and a grant from the Australian Research Council (LP140100100)

awarded to the third author.

Corresponding author:

Joshua Howard,

School of Psychology, University of Western Australia,

35 Stirling Hwy, Crawley 6009 WA, Australia.

Email: [email protected]


Self-determination theory proposes that individuals experience distinct types of motivation to varying

degrees. While it is well documented that these types of motivation differentially predict outcomes,

very little attention has been paid to how they interact within individuals. The current study addresses

the simultaneous occurrence of multiple motivations types within individual workers by adopting a

person-centered approach on two samples of employees from different countries (n = 723 & 286).

Four very similar motivation profiles were found across samples, representing amotivated, externally

regulated, autonomously regulated and highly motivated employees. In Sample 1, governmental

employees presented a greater likelihood of membership into the least desirable amotivated profile,

whereas white-collar employees presented a greater likelihood of membership in the highly motivated

profile. In Sample 2, autonomously and highly motivated profiles showed superior work performance

and higher levels of wellbeing, while the amotivated profile fared the worst. The presence of external

regulation in a profile appears unimportant when combined with autonomous forms of motivation, and

detrimental to outcomes in the absence of autonomous forms of motivation. These results support the

hypothesis that autonomous forms of motivation are far more important in promoting positive

workplace outcomes than more controlling forms.


Motivation, generally defined as the energy, direction and persistence of behavior (Pinder, 1998),

is an inherently complex concept as evidenced by the variety of approaches to its conceptualization

and measurement. Self-determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985) offers a well-supported

conceptualization which proposes that motivation is best represented by conceptually distinct, yet

complementary, types of behavioral regulations experienced by individuals to varying degrees. While

it is now well documented that these types of regulation differentially predict outcomes (e.g., Koestner

& Losier, 2002), very little attention has been paid to how they interact within individuals. The current

study addresses the simultaneous occurrence of multiple behavioral regulations within individual

workers by adopting a person-centered approach to work motivation. While variable-centered analyses,

which have dominated the field so far, have been extremely useful in their own right, the complexity

of interactions between numerous types of motivation cannot easily be examined using traditional

regression techniques, which become almost impossible to interpret when more than three interacting

variables are simultaneously considered. No such limit exists when person-centered analyses are used

to assess how configurations of motivation factors are organized within individuals.

This shift to a person-centered strategy is more than just a shift in methods. It involves a

fundamentally different way of thinking about motivation which may affect the design of interventions

(Zyphur, 2009). When conceptualizing types of motivation as variables, we are not thinking about a

whole person, but about one of the many components that make up a person’s motivational profile.

Resulting interventions are designed to increase one type of motivation (e.g., intrinsic) without taking

into consideration how the intervention will impact the other types of motivation (e.g., extrinsic). Such

an omission may well make interventions less effective. In contrast, the person-centered approach

takes into account the interplay between a person’s motives, and consequently may lead to

interventions aiming to influence the person’s whole motivational profile. This is likely to produce

better tailored and cost efficient interventions for particular subpopulations of employees (Morin &

Marsh, 2015). In practice, this approach would make SDT more compatible with how people in

positions of authority, such as managers, actually think about the motivation of their employees

(Morin, Morizot, Boudrias, & Madore, 2011; Zyphur, 2009).

As reviewed below, a few attempts have been made to conceptualize work motivation profiles.

The present study, however, does so more comprehensively by: (a) including all types of regulation

proposed by SDT (unlike Van den Broeck, Lens, De Witte, & Van Coillie, 2013), (b) using two large

heterogeneous samples of workers from two countries (unlike Graves, Cullen, Lester, Ruderman, &

Gentry, 2015) and, (c) utilizing the latest advances in latent profile analysis (unlike Moran,

Diefendorff, Kim, & Liu, 2013 and Van den Broeck et al., 2013). As such it represents an incremental

advancement in this area of research and potentially provides a more accurate representation of the

types of profiles that are likely to be found in the work domain. Furthermore, it extends previous

research by demonstrating how the relative frequency of the profiles differs across job categories

(white collar, blue collar, governmental), and the relation between the profiles and a variety of

outcomes, including in-role and extra-role performance, engagement, burnout, and job satisfaction.

Self-Determination Theory

SDT conceptualizes motivation as multiple distinguishable facets, each representing a different

form of behavioral regulation, and assumed to follow a continuum of self-determination (Deci & Ryan,

1985; Gagné & Deci, 2005). At one extreme, intrinsic motivation occurs when an individual

participates in an activity for the enjoyment inherent in the activity itself, while at the other extreme

extrinsic motivation occurs when behaviors are enacted for an instrumental reason. SDT proposes that

extrinsic motivation can be internalized to become autonomously regulated. Identified regulation, an

internalized form of extrinsic motivation, occurs when an individual elects to act because the behavior

or the outcome of the behavior is of personal significance. Identified regulation and intrinsic

motivation, are autonomous forms of motivation, while the next two regulations are controlled forms

motivation. Introjected regulation, an internalized yet controlled form of extrinsic motivation, occurs

when behaviors are undertaken in order to avoid negative self-feelings such as shame, or to attain

positive self-feelings such as pride. External regulation, a non-internalized form of extrinsic

motivation lying at the lower end of the continuum, occurs when behaviors are undertaken for

externally derived rewards or punishments. The most current conceptualization of workplace

motivation suggests that external regulation is best described through two components, external-social,

and external-material (Gagné et al., 2015). External-social regulation is characterized by the desire to

gain approval or respect from others, or to avoid criticism, whereas external-material regulation

focuses on material rewards, and the avoidance of losing one’s job.

Finally, amotivation is the absence of any desire to exert effort. Amotivation has been defined as

a state in which individuals do not associate a behavior with subsequent outcomes, and as such,

behaviors are executed for reasons unknown or not executed at all (Deci & Ryan, 1985). Accordingly,

amotivated individuals are likely to feel detached from their actions, or may feel a lack of control over

their present situation or behavior, and will therefore invest little time or energy towards such

behaviors. This state was shown to be associated with a wide range of negative workplace outcomes

including lower vitality, job satisfaction, affective commitment, adaptivity, proactivity, and job effort,

as well as greater emotional exhaustion, burnout, and turnover intention (Gagné et al., 2015; Tremblay,

Blanchard, Taylor, Pelletier, & Villeneuve, 2009). Thus, given that people are still enacting work

behaviors despite their lack of motivation, and considering the notable negative consequences

associated with amotivated behavior, it is our contention that amotivation is an important feature of the

self-determination continuum to consider.

In addition to the empirical evidence demonstrating the negative influence of amotivation on

performance and wellbeing, on a more theoretical point, a complete depiction of the continuum of

motivation should not only include a variety of motives for engaging in specific behaviors (ranging

from the intrinsic pleasure to external constraints) but also the complete lack of motive to engage in

these behaviors (which forms the opposite pole of the self-determination continuum). This

representation of the SDT continuum has been recently supported in the work area by a recent study

by Howard, Gagné, Morin and Forest (2016), in which it was found that amotivation is located along

the same continuum as the behavioral regulations, with no evidence of discontinuity.

While there is ongoing debate concerning the presence of this continuum beyond a mere heuristic

tool (Chemolli & Gagné 2014), this research will examine whether the pattern of regulations expected

from this continuum hypothesis is present in employee profiles. Specifically, support for the

continuum hypothesis would be demonstrated if profiles follow a smooth increase/decrease in the

level of the different regulations as a function of their position on the continuum. Alternatively, weak

support would be found through the presence of profiles in which people experience similar levels of

regulations assumed to be located at opposite poles of the continuum (e.g., intrinsic and external

regulations; Grolnick & Ryan, 1987).

So far, substantial research has examined how these regulations relate to various antecedents and

outcomes. Results generally demonstrate that intrinsic motivation and identified regulation yield more

positive outcomes, such as productivity and retention, than introjected and external regulations (Gagné,

2014; Gagné & Deci, 2005), though some research has found differences in the effects of intrinsic

versus identified regulation, and in the effects of introjected versus external regulation (Gagné et al.,

2015; Koestner & Losier, 2002). This approach does not take into account the multidimensional nature

of motivation, and the fact that workers may simultaneously endorse multiple reasons for doing their

job. Moreover, this research does not shed light on how distinct motivational regulations interact in

predicting outcomes. What happens when employees are motivated for both autonomous and

controlled reasons, compared to employees who are only motivated for autonomous reasons? For

instance, is it more important to have a high level of overall motivation or is the proportion of

autonomous to controlled motivation more influential? How do amotivated employees compare to

employees presenting controlled motivation? How combinations of specific regulations relate to key

outcomes also remains unknown, and essentially unexplored because of the heavy reliance on

variable-centered methods. Indeed, the complexity of interactions required to fully describe motivation

(i.e., involving six interacting types of motivation) calls for the adoption of a person-centered

approach. In response, the aims of this study are to establish which motivational profiles are most

likely to emerge in the work domain and to examine predictors and outcomes of profile membership.

Motivational Profiles

Few studies have applied a person-centered approach to motivation research across domains

(education, sport, work, etc.). Most have used cluster analysis, a method which has been criticized

(e.g., Meyer & Morin, 2016; Morin et al., 2011; Vermunt & Magidson, 2002) as being too sensitive to

the clustering algorithm and measurement scales, as lacking clear guidelines for the selection of an

optimal number of profiles, and as relying on rigid assumptions that do not always hold with real-life

data (i.e., exact assignment of employees to a single profile, conditional independence, equality of the

indicators’ variances across clusters). Furthermore, cluster analytic studies have often relied on small

samples of dubious generalizability (Boiché, Sarrazin, Grouzet, Pelletier, & Chanal, 2008; Gillet,

Berjot, & Paty, 2009; Gillet, Berjot, Vallerand, Amoura, & Rosnet, 2012; Gillet, Vallerand, & Paty,

2013; Gillet, Vallerand, & Rosnet, 2009; McNeill & Wang, 2005).

Motivational profiling has also largely been limited by the dichotomization of motivation into the

broad categories of autonomous and controlled regulations. This dichotomization is a commonly used

practice that simplifies the profiles and makes them easier to estimate, but that also reduces the

richness of potential findings and may hide potentially important configurations. Nonetheless, among

studies using this dichotomization in the educational domain, the observed profiles of academic

motivation have been relatively well replicated, and generally revealed profiles characterized by high

autonomous/low controlled motivation (HA/LC), high autonomous/high controlled motivation

(HA/HC), low autonomous/high controlled motivation (LA/HC), and low autonomous/low controlled

motivation (LA/LC; Hayenga & Corpus, 2010; Liu, Wang, Tan, Koh, & Ee, 2009; Ratelle, Guay,

Vallerand, Larose, & Senècal, 2007; Vansteenkiste, Sierens, Soenens, Luyck, & Lens, 2009). Results

from the sport domain often replicate these profiles with slight variations (e.g. HA/HC, Moderate

Autonomy/LC, HA/MC, MA/HC; Gillet, Vallerand, & Rosnet, 2009; Gillet, Vallerand, & Paty, 2013).

Given the heavy reliance on financial compensation in the work domain, motivational profiles are

likely to differ from those identified in the educational and sport domains, especially when focusing on

a more comprehensive coverage of all types of regulations. This particularity of the work domain

makes it important to look at external and introjected regulations as separate constructs. To our

knowledge, only three studies have examined motivational profiles at work (Graves, Cullen, Lester,

Ruderman, & Gentry, 2015; Moran et al., 2012; Van den Broeck et al, 2013). Van den Broeck et al.

(2013) applied cluster analysis to three samples of employees, collapsing the regulations into a

controlled-autonomous dichotomy, leading to the identification of the same set of four profiles

identified in the education and sport area. In contrast, Moran et al. (2012) applied cluster analysis to

the full range of behavioral regulations. Through this more complete representation, these authors

identified five clusters, most of which differed from those identified in the education and sport domain:

One presenting a moderate levels of motivation across regulation types, one presenting high levels of

motivation across regulation types (corresponding to the HA/HC profile), one representing low levels

of autonomy (low levels of identified and intrinsic motivation) and moderate levels on the other forms

of regulation, one presenting a more self-determined profile (high on introjected, identified and

intrinsic motivation), and one presenting moderate levels on most regulations except for a low level of

introjection. Finally, Graves et al. (2015) identified six latent profiles in a small sample of managers.

These profiles presented similar configurations of motivation (i.e., highest on intrinsic and identified

regulation, followed by introjected, and lowest on external regulation) but different overall levels, so

that one was higher on autonomous than controlled forms of motivation, while another was low on all

forms of regulations. However, this study relied on a relatively small sample of managers, and

provided insufficient information regarding model specification to allow other researchers to replicate

their results or to objectively assess the adequacy of the analyses.

This relative lack of research in the work domain, the dichotomization of regulations into

controlled or autonomous categories, and the reliance on cluster analyses performed on small samples

clearly represent significant limitations of research in this area. In contrast, the present study applied

latent profile analyses (LPA) to the full range of behavioral regulations as they occur in a work context

using large heterogeneous samples of employees from two countries (Canada and Belgium) in order to

derive a common set of work motivation profiles. Employees completed the recently validated

Multidimensional Work Motivation Scale (Gagné et al., 2015), which has been shown to have several

advantageous features (e.g., improved psychometric properties, greater content coverage in terms of

motivation types) compared to traditional measures of work motivation (e.g., Gagné et al., 2010).

In contrast to cluster analyses, LPA is a far more flexible model-based approach to classification

(Muthén, 2002). Being model-based, LPA allows for the estimation of alternative models in which the

restrictive assumptions of cluster analyses can be relaxed. Importantly, LPA aims to find the smallest

number of profiles that can describe associations among a set of continuous variables, relying on a

formal set of objective criteria to guide the identification of the optimal number of latent profiles in the

data. These profiles are called latent because they are prototypical in nature, which means that rather

than forcing each employee to correspond to a single profile, all participants are allocated a probability

of membership in all profiles based on their degree of similarity with each prototypical latent profile.

Due to the scarcity of research on motivational profiles in the work domain, especially of studies

considering the full array of motivation types, it is difficult to specify hypotheses about the nature and

number of expected profiles. Given that previous research has typically found four to six profiles, it

was expected that a relatively small number of profiles (4-6) would be identified, and would represent

not only different levels of overall motivation, but also different shapes, reflecting distinct

combinations of regulation types. Based on previous research, it was also anticipated that a profile

dominated by autonomous forms of regulation, a profile dominated by controlled forms of regulation,

and at least one profile containing both autonomous and controlled forms of regulation would be

identified. While the emergence of different profiles remains possible, in particular across the two

samples considered here, the current study aimed to introduce a broad typology of meaningful profiles

common to most workplaces. However, latent profile analyses suffer from the same limitations as

variable-centered analyses in terms of generalizability and in providing a meaningful representation of

the data (i.e., construct validity). In particular it has been previously argued that the only way to really

support a substantive interpretation of latent profiles is to embark on a process of construct validation

to demonstrate that the identified profiles either meaningfully relate to covariates (predictors, or

outcomes), or can reliably be replicated across samples (Marsh, Lüdtke, Trautwein, & Morin, 2009;

Morin, Morizot, et al., 2011; Muthén, 2003). To address this issue, we tested whether the identified set

of profiles generalized across two Western countries. Furthermore, we assessed the extent to which

these profiles were related to a series of predictors and outcomes to which we now turn our attention.

Predictors of Motivation Profiles

To date little research has examined determinants of employees’ motivation profiles. Among this

limited research, Moran et al. (2012) showed that membership into more autonomously motivated

profiles could be predicted by greater levels of satisfaction of the needs for competence, autonomy,

and relatedness, while Graves et al. (2015) showed that members of the more autonomously motivated

profiles tended to occupy hierarchically higher positions and to report receiving higher levels of

supervisor support. These results are consistent with SDT, which proposes that the satisfaction of these

needs and exposure to work-related context that support their satisfaction, are key determinants of

autonomous motivation (Deci & Ryan, 1985; Gagné & Deci, 2005). As such, it is also to be expected

that job categories allowing for greater levels of need satisfaction may result in a greater proportion of

employees corresponding to predominantly autonomously-driven profiles (i.e., higher in intrinsic

motivation and identified regulation). In particular, research shows that workplace characteristics that

influence need satisfaction, such as job design, participative leadership, and organic (vs. bureaucratic)

structures, tend to be associated with significantly higher levels of autonomous motivation (De

Cooman et al., 2013; Gillet, Gagné, Sauvagère, & Fouquereau, 2012). By this reasoning, it was

expected that manufacturing and other blue-collar industries often characterized by less skill variety,

autonomy, more directive leadership, and hourly wages, would be less likely to satisfy these needs.

For this reason, we expected motivational profiles characterized by lower levels of autonomous

motivation and higher levels of controlled motivation to be more frequent among employees working

in these sectors. In contrast, white-collar employees from the technology sector should be more likely

to experience task variety and participative leadership, which would likely facilitate need satisfaction

(Blais, Brière, Lachance, Riddle, & Vallerand, 1993; Gagné et al., 2010; Gagné, Senécal & Koestner,

1997). Thus, we expected motivational profiles characterized by higher levels of autonomous

motivation and lower levels of controlled motivation to be more frequent among these employees.

Finally, white-collar governmental employees should be more likely to experience highly bureaucratic

job structures, which may stifle motivation, making it more likely for these employees to correspond

to profiles characterized by lower levels of both autonomous and controlled motivation. This study

incorporated blue-collar manufacturing, white-collar technological, and white-collar governmental job

categories as predictors of profile membership to test these hypotheses.

Consequences of Motivation Profiles

Past research has found that profiles characterized by high levels of autonomous motivation seem

to yield better performance outcomes. However, it is less clear how controlled types of motivation

relate to performance. So far, most research conducted regarding the outcomes of motivational profiles

have been conducted in the educational area. This research has shown that the HA/LC profile tends to

be associated with higher levels of academic achievement, as well as lower levels of procrastination,

openness to cheating, and school dropout than the HA/HC profile (Hayenga & Corpus, 2010; Ratelle

et al., 2007; Vansteenkiste et al., 2009). In contrast, the LA/LC and LA/HC profiles both yielded lower

levels of academic achievement and higher levels of procrastination, but did not differ from one

another, indicating that the presence of controlled motivation had negligible effects on performance

(Vansteenkiste et al., 2009). However, additional results suggested that controlled motivation may

actually detract from optimal performance, measured by grade point average and self-perceived skill

acquisition, even when autonomous motivation is also present (Hayenga & Corpus, 2010; Liu, Wang,

Tan, Koh, & Ee, 2009). It thus appears that profile composition, or the ratio of autonomous to

controlled motivation, may represent a stronger predictor of performance outcomes than the simple

overall “quantity” of motivation that characterizes a specific profile.

However, in the work domain, researchers have theorized that some levels of introjected and

external regulation may prove beneficial in predicting positive outcomes (Boiché et al., 2008; Moran

et al., 2012; Van den Broeck et al., 2013). A meta-analysis also found that while intrinsic motivation

was more strongly related to the quality of the work completed, external regulation was more strongly

associated with the quantity of work completed (Cerasoli, Nicklin, & Ford, 2014). Likewise, work

pressure, theorized to foster external regulation, was positively related to the quantity of work effort

and engagement (De Cooman et al., 2013; Van den Broeck, De Cuyper, De Witte, & Vansteenkiste,

2010). The one profile study in the work domain that has examined performance showed that the

HA/LC and HA/HC profiles yielded comparable levels of self-reported in-role performance, and

higher levels than those observed in the LA/HC and LA/LC profiles (Moran et al., 2012).

As suggested above, the quality and quantity of performance may be promoted through different

motivational profiles (Cerasoli et al., 2014). Similarly, required (in-role) and discretionary (extra-role)

performance may also be differentially affected by motivational profiles (Gagné et al., 2015). For

instance, we might expect that profiles characterized by high levels of autonomous types of motivation

would yield greater levels of in-role and extra-role performance, while profiles presenting high levels

of controlled types of motivation would only yield greater levels of in-role performance. The question

is whether controlled types of motivation will stifle extra-role performance, as has been suggested in

some variable-centered research (Battistelli, Galletta, Portoghese, & Vandenberghe, 2013).

Past research also found that profiles characterized by high levels of autonomous motivation yield

better wellbeing outcomes (Van den Broeck et al., 2013). In this situation, unlike what is observed in

the prediction of performance, controlled motivation does not seem to have any advantage in

promoting wellbeing – it even seems to decrease it. In the educational domain, the HA/LC profile was

found to be associated with lower levels of school-related anxiety than the HA/HC profile, while the

LA/LC and LA/HC profiles were associated with the highest levels of school anxiety (Vansteenkiste et

al., 2009). In the work domain, Van den Broeck et al. (2013) and Graves et al. (2015) both found that

HA-HC and HA-LC profiles reported the greatest (and equal) levels of job satisfaction. However,

strain was lower in the HA-LC than in the HA-HC profile; followed by the LA-LC profile. Employees

from the LA-HC profile reported the highest levels of work-related strain. The present study expands

on these studies by the inclusion of work engagement (vigor, dedication, and absorption; Schaufeli &

Bakker, 2003) and burnout (emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and personal inefficacy; Maslach,

Schaufeli, & Leiter, 2001) as potential outcomes of employees’ motivational profiles.


Participants and Procedure

This study incorporated two samples of data collected between 2008 and 2013. Sample 1

consisted of 723 Canadian employees recruited within three different industry sectors: 105 from the

technological sector, 319 from the government sector and 299 from the manufacturing sector (Meanage

= 44.30; Female = 15.8% [54.1% gender info missing]). The subsample of 105 white collar

technology sector employees was previously used in the MMWS validation study (Gagné et al., 2015).

These employees completed surveys containing the original English (n = 178) or French (n = 545)

versions of the MWMS. Sample 2 consisted of 286 Belgian employees (Meanage = 41.66 years;

Female = 57.7%; MeanTenure = 9.39 years) who completed Dutch versions of the outcome measures, in

addition to the Dutch MWMS. In both countries, a variety of organizations were approached with the

possibility to participate in this study of work motivation. These organizations were selected mainly

through a process of convenience based on lead investigators contacts and proximity. Employees from

the organization who agreed to participate had the possibility to complete confidential surveys on an

online platform or in paper format on their work premises. Participation was voluntary.


A variable specifying job category (e.g., blue collar manufacturing, white collar technology,

white collar governmental) was available only for Sample 1 (n = 723) and was subsequently dummy-

coded in two complementary variables to reflect white collar technology sector employees (1; n = 105)

versus others (0) and governmental employees (1; n = 319) versus others (0).

The MWMS (Gagné et al., 2015) includes 19 items assessing six distinct motivation types. Each

item is an answer to the question “Why do you or would you put effort into your current job?” along a

1 (not at all) to 7 (completely) point Likert scale. Sample items include, “I don’t know why I’m doing

this job, it’s pointless work” (Amotivation; Cronbach’s α = .74 & .87 in samples 1 and 2 respectively),

“Because others will reward me financially only if I put enough effort in my job (e.g., employer,

supervisor...)” (External regulation material; α = .60 & .70), “To get others’ approval (e.g., supervisor,

colleagues, family, clients...)” (External regulation social; α = .78 & .76), “Because otherwise I will

feel ashamed of myself” (Introjected regulation; α = .69 & .71), “Because putting efforts in this job

aligns with my personal values” (Identified regulation; α = .78 & .67), and “Because the work I do is

interesting” (Intrinsic motivation; α = .90 & .88). Validation evidence for the MWMS has

demonstrated a good fit for a six-factor structure, equivalence of the underlying measurement model

across the English, French and Dutch linguistic versions used in the present study, acceptable scale

score reliability (α from .70-.90 for all subscales), and supported the convergent and discriminant

validity of scales (Gagné et al., 2015).

The outcomes variables were available only in Sample 2. In-role performance was measured by

seven self-reported items taken from Abramis (1994). Items were rated on a 1 (really bad) to 5 (really

good) Likert scale with each item based on the question stem of, “In the last (seven days/week you

worked), how well were you…” Items included, “doing your best work,” and “showing initiative in

your work” (α = .85). Extra-role performance was measured by 9 items from Morrison (1994), with

each item rated 1 (totally disagree) to 5 (totally agree) along a Likert scale (α = .81; e.g., “I help in the

training of new colleagues” and “I take active part in meetings of the organization”). Job Satisfaction

was measured through 14 items taken from De Witte, Hooge, Vandoorne, and Glorieux (2001). Items

were rated on a 5-point scale (1, totally dissatisfied to 5, totally satisfied) in response to questions such

as, “How satisfied are you in general with your work?” (α = .89). Engagement was measured using 15

items from the Utrech Work Engagement Scale (UWES, Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003) on a 1 (very

rarely) to 6 (always) Likert scale. Subscales for vigor (5 items, e.g., “When I get up in the morning, I

feel like going to work”), dedication (5 items, e.g., “I am enthusiastic about my job”), absorption (5

items, e.g., “When I am working, I forget everything else around me”) were combined into an overall

measure of work engagement for the sake of parsimony (α = .95). Finally, burnout was measured on a

6-point scale using the Schaufeli and van Dierendonck (1993) adaptation of the Maslach Burnout

Inventory. Two subscales of emotional exhaustion (5 items; e.g., “working all day is a heavy burden

for me”) and cynicism (4 items; e.g., “I doubt the usefulness of my work”) were included and

combined in the current analyses (α = .93), and scored from 1 (very rarely) to 6 (always).


Preliminary Measurement Models

Preliminary measurement models were estimated in both samples using the robust maximum

likelihood estimator (MLR) available in Mplus 7.3 (Muthén & Muthén, 2014), in conjunction with

Full Information Maximum Likelihood (FIML) estimation to deal with the very low level of missing

data present this data set (0% to 2.8% per item; M = 1.1%). In each sample, we contrasted a classical

confirmatory factor analytic (CFA) model, in which each of the six MWMS factors was defined on the

basis of it’s a priori items, with no cross-loading allowed between items and non-target factors, with

an exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM; Asparouhov & Muthén, 2009; Morin, Marsh, &

Nagengast, 2013), which was defined in the same manner as the CFA model while allowing for the

free estimation of cross-loadings between items and non-target factors. These ESEM models were

specified using a confirmatory approach using target rotation (Asparouhov & Muthén, 2009), which

allows for the pre-specification of target loadings in a confirmatory manner, while cross-loadings are

targeted to be as close to zero as possible. Recent studies conducted on motivational data show the

advantages of using an ESEM measurement model (Guay, Morin, Litalien, Valois & Vallerand, 2015;

Litalien, Guay, & Morin, 2015) in terms of obtaining reduced estimates of factor correlations more in

line with theoretical expectations. This decision is also based on the results from simulation studies

(Asparouhov & Muthén, 2009; Sass & Schmitt, 2010; Schmitt & Sass, 2011) and studies of simulated

data (Marsh, Lüdtke, Nagengast, Morin, & Von Davier, 2013; Morin, Arens, & Marsh, 2015) showing

that forcing cross-loadings (even as small as .100, Marsh et al., 2013) present in the population model

to be exactly zero (as in CFA) forces these cross-loadings to be absorbed through an inflation of the

factor correlations. In contrast, these same studies show that the free estimation of cross-loadings,

even when none are present in the population model, still provides unbiased estimates of the factor

correlations (also see Asparouhov, Muthén, & Morin, 2015; Morin, Arens et al., 2015). Thus,

Asparouhov et al. (2015, p. 1564) note that:

“Overall, these studies clearly show that the inclusion of cross-loadings is neither logically

flawed nor logically incorrect but rather empirically supported by statistical research. Going back to

the flawed argument that cross-loadings “taint” the nature of the constructs, these results rather show

that it is the exclusion of these cross-loadings that modifies the meaning of the constructs.”

Given the known oversensitivity of the chi-square test of exact fit (χ²) to sample size and minor

model misspecifications (e.g., Marsh, Hau, & Grayson, 2005), we relied on goodness-of-fit indices to

describe the fit of these models (Hu & Bentler, 1999): (a) the comparative fit index (CFI), (b) the root

mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) and its 90% confidence interval (CI); (c) the

standardized root mean square residual (SRMR). Values greater than .90 and .95 for the CFI

respectively indicate adequate and excellent model fit, while values smaller than .08 or .06 for the

RMSEA and SRMR respectively support acceptable and excellent model fit. In both samples, these

results revealed the clear superiority of the ESEM measurement model [(Sample 1: χ² = 124.575, df =

72, p <.001; CFI = .986; RMSEA = .032; CI = .022 to .041; SRMR = .016); (Sample 2: χ² = 161.020,

df = 72, p <.001; CFI = .955; RMSEA= .066; CI = .052 to .079; SRMR = .020)], when compared to

the CFA model [(Sample 1: χ² = 421.443, df = 137, p <.001; CFI = .924; RMSEA = .054; CI = .048

to .059; SRMR = .058); (Sample 2: χ² = 401.719, df = 137, p <.001 CFI = .866; RMSEA = .082; CI

= .073 to .092; SRMR = .070)]. This conclusion was supported by an assessment of the parameter

estimates obtained from both models, which revealed generally well-defined factors, and reduced

factor correlations in the ESEM [(Sample 1: |r| = .015 to .761; M|r| = .281); (Sample 2: |r| = .026

to .446; M|r| = .234)], when compared to CFA model [(Sample 1: |r| = .057 to .836; M|r| = .366);

(Sample 2: |r| = .021 to .844; M|r| = .401)].

LPA were conducted using factor scores (specified to have a mean of 0 and a standard deviation

of 1) from the retained ESEM measurement models (e.g., Kam, Morin, Meyer, & Topolnytsky, 2016;

Morin & Marsh, 2015). In comparison with scale scores, factors scores have the advantage of

providing a partial control for measurement errors by giving more weight to items presenting lower

levels of measurement errors (Kam, Morin, Meyer & Topolnytsky, 2016; Morin & Marsh, 2015;

Skrondal & Laake, 2001). Correlations and estimates of scale score reliability for all variables

(including these factor scores) used in the present study are reported in Table 1.

Latent Profile Analyses

Based on our expectation that 4 to 6 latent profiles would be identified, models including 1 to 8

profiles were estimated in each sample using the robust Maximum Likelihood (MLR) estimator

available in Mplus. The means and variances of the six motivation factors were freely estimated in all

profiles (Morin, Maïano et al., 2011; Peugh & Fan, 2013), using 7,000 random sets of start values, 300

iterations for each random start, and the 200 best solutions retained for final stage optimization (Hipp

& Bauer, 2006). All models converged on well replicated solutions.

In order to determine the optimal number of profiles in each sample, it is important to consider

the substantive meaning and theoretical conformity of the profiles (Marsh et al., 2009; Muthén, 2003),

the statistical adequacy of the solution, and a variety of statistical indicators. Among these statistical

indicators, we report the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), the Bayesian information criterion (BIC),

the Consistent AIC (CAIC), the sample-adjusted BIC (ABIC), the adjusted version of the Lo, Mendell,

and Rubin likelihood ratio test (LMR), and the Bootstrap Likelihood Ratio Test (BLRT). The entropy

was also examined, and indicates the precision with which the cases are classified into the profiles (on

a 0 to 1 scale). However, the entropy should not be used in itself to determine the optimal number of

profiles (Lubke & Muthén, 2007; Peugh & Fan, 2012, 2013, 2015; Tein, Coxe, & Cham, 2013).

Extensive simulation research has looked at the performance of these various indicators to help in

selecting the optimal number of latent profiles in the data in the context of latent profile analyses and

other forms of person-centered mixture models. Overall, these studies converge in supporting the

efficacy of the CAIC, the BIC, the ABIC, and the BLRT in choosing the model which best recovers

the sample’s true parameters (e.g., Henson, Reise, & Kim, 2007; McLachlan & Peel, 2000; Morgan,

2015; Nylund, Asparouhov, & Muthén, 2007; Peugh & Fan, 2012, 2013, 2015; Tein et al., 2013;

Tofighi & Enders, 2008; Tolvanen, 2007; Yang, 2006). In particular, a recent simulation study (Diallo,

Morin, & Lu, 2016) suggest that the BIC and CAIC should be privileged under conditions of high

entropy (e.g., ≥ .800), whereas the ABIC and BLRT appear to perform better in conditions of low

entropy (e.g., ≤ .500). In contrast, the bulk of current research evidence suggests that, like the entropy,

the AIC and LMR/ALMR should not be used in the class enumeration process (e.g., Diallo et al., 2016;

Henson et al., 2007; Nylund et al., 2007; Peugh & Fan, 2013; Tofighi & Enders, 2007; Yang, 2006). In

the current study, these indicators are thus simply reported to ensure a thorough disclosure of results,

but will not be used to select the optimal number of profiles. A lower value on the AIC, CAIC, BIC

and ABIC suggests a better-fitting model. Both the LMR and BLRT compare a k-profile model with a

k-1-profile model. A significant p value indicates that the k-1-profile model should be rejected in favor

of a k-profile model. However, since these tests are all variations of tests of statistical significance, the

class enumeration procedure can still be heavily influenced by sample size (Marsh et al., 2009). That

is these indicators frequently keep on improving with the addition of latent profiles to the model

without reaching a minimum. In these cases, information criteria should be graphically presented

through “elbow plots” illustrating the gains associated with additional profiles (Morin, Maïano, et al.,

2011; Morin & Marsh, 2015; Petras & Masyn, 2010). In these plots, the point after which the slope

flattens suggests the optimal number of profiles that should be examined, together with adjacent

solutions including one more and one less profile, for theoretical conformity and statistical adequacy.

Latent Profile Analyses with Predictors and Outcomes

Starting from the final LPA solution retained for Sample 1, we then proceeded to tests of the

relations between the two dummy variables created to reflect job categories and the probability of

membership into the profiles. These two variables were included to the final model through a

multinomial logistic regression. In multinomial logistic regressions, each predictor has k-1 (with k

being the number of profiles) complementary effects for each possible pairwise comparison of profiles.

The regression coefficients reflect the increase, for each unit increase in the predictor (with dummy

variables this reflects the difference between the job category coded 1 and the remaining job

categories), that can be expected in the log-odds of the outcome (i.e., the probability of membership in

one profile versus another). For simplicity, we report odds ratios (OR), reflecting the change in

likelihood of membership in a target profile versus a comparison profile associated with the target job

category. For example, an OR of 3 suggests that employees from the target job category are three-

times more likely than others to be member of the target profile (versus the comparison profile).

Then, starting from the final LPA solution retained for Sample 2, we tested the relations between

profile membership and the multiple outcome variables available in this sample (performance, extra-

role behaviors, job satisfaction, engagement, and burnout), through the direct inclusion of these

outcomes in the model as additional profile indicators (Morin & Wang, 2016). The MODEL

CONSTRAINT command of Mplus was used to systematically test mean-level differences across all

specific pairs of profiles (using the multivariate delta method: e.g., Raykov & Marcoulides, 2004).


The fit indices for the alternative solutions estimated separately in both samples are reported in

Table 2. For both samples, the CAIC, BIC, ABIC, and BLRT kept on improving with the addition of

latent profiles. However, we also note that the entropy values are quite high (≥ .800) for all of the

estimated models in both samples. Following Diallo et al.’s (2016) recommendations, this suggests

that the decision of how many profiles to retain should mainly focus on the BIC and CAIC. Because

these indicators failed to reach a minimum, we relied on a graphical representation of these

information criteria (Morin, Maïano, et al., 2011; Morin & Marsh, 2015; Petras & Masyn, 2010).

These plots are reported in Figure 1, and show that the decreases in values of most information criteria

reached a plateau around 4 profiles in both samples 1 and 2. Examination of the 4-profile solutions and

of the adjacent 3- and 5- profile solutions showed that all solutions were fully proper statistically in

both samples. This examination also revealed that adding a fourth profile always resulted in the

addition of a well-defined qualitatively distinct and theoretically meaningful profile to the solution,

whereas adding a fifth profile resulted in the arbitrary division of one of the existing profile into

smaller profiles differing only quantitatively from one another. As this additional small profile did not

add anything meaningful in theoretical terms (i.e., it has the same meaning as already present profiles),

the more parsimonious 4-profile solution was thus retained for each sample, in line with the

conclusion suggested by the statistical indicators. This solution provides a reasonable level of

classification accuracy, with an entropy value of .861 in Sample 1 and .886 in Sample 2. Classification

probabilities are presented in Table 3. These results clearly demonstrate the high level of classification

accuracy of these solutions, with average posterior probabilities of class membership in the dominant

profile varying from .887 to .950 in Sample 1 and from .923 to .980 in Sample 2, with low cross-

probabilities (varying from ≤.001 to .073 in Sample 1 and from <.001 to .042 in Sample 2).

The retained 4-profile solutions are represented in Figure 2 for Sample 1, and Figure 3 for Sample

2 (with exact numerical results reported in Table 4). These figures makes it rapidly obvious that the

profile structure is remarkably similar across samples, providing clear support to the generalizability

of the profiles. For both samples, Profile 1 characterized amotivated employees (corresponding to 27.6%

of the employees in Sample 1 and 13.1% in Sample 2) presenting very high levels of amotivation and

average to low levels on all other motivation factors. For this profile, it is noteworthy that levels of

motivation decrease as a direct function of their relative degree of self-determination as proposed by

SDT. Profile 2 (11.5% in Sample 1; 27.8% in Sample 2) characterizes employees presenting very low

levels of social and material forms of external regulations, low levels of amotivation and introjection,

and average or slightly above average levels of identified regulation and intrinsic motivation. This

moderately autonomous profile thus also appears to follows the continuum structure of self-regulation

proposed by SDT in that it presents a single dominant regulation type with levels of other regulations

tapering off as they become more theoretically distant. Profile 3 characterizes highly motivated

employees (25.6% in Sample 1; 22% in Sample 2) presenting a relatively low level of amotivation and

moderate to high levels on the other types of regulations which increase as a direct function of their

relative degree of self-regulation according to SDT. This profile clearly presents the highest levels on

the more autonomous forms of motivation (identified regulation and intrinsic motivation) out of all

profiles identified in both Samples. This highly autonomous profile thus also appears to follow the

continuum structure of self-regulation proposed by SDT. Finally, Profile 4 characterizes employees

presenting average levels of all regulations although the results obtained in sample 2 suggest that this

profile may also show a tendency to have slightly above average levels of external regulation, and

slightly below average levels of autonomous forms of regulation. This profile, which also follows the

self-regulation continuum proposed by SDT, thus appears to describe employees with balanced

motivation (35.3% in Sample 1; 37.1.0% in Sample 2).

Predictors of Profile Membership

Results from the multinominal logistic regression examining relations between job category and

profile membership in Sample 1 are reported in Table 5. Given that both dummy predictors were

simultaneously considered, the blue-collar employees were used as the comparison group, with the

effects of the first dummy predictor representing differences between white-collar technology sector

employees and all other employees, and the second representing differences between white-collar

governmental employees and all other employees. These results show that white-collar technology

employees presented a lower likelihood of membership in the moderately autonomously motivated

profile (Profile 2) than in all other profiles when compared to employees from other job categories. In

contrast, white-collar governmental employees presented a greater likelihood of membership into the

least desirable amotivated profile (Profile 1) than in all other profiles when compared to all other

employees. These employees were also less likely to be in the moderately autonomously motivated

(Profile 2) or highly motivated (Profile 3) profiles than in the balanced profile (Profile 4).

Outcomes of Profile Membership

Outcomes variables were added to the final 4-profile solution retained for Sample 2. Mean levels

of each outcome across the four profiles are graphically depicted in Figure 4, while the exact mean

levels of the outcomes and the statistical significance for each pairwise comparison of outcome levels

across profiles are reported in Table 6. Most of these comparisons are statistically significant, with

only a few exceptions, supporting the predictive validity of the extracted latent profiles. Starting with

performance, the results show that levels of both in-role and extra-role performance are highest in both

the highly motivated profile (Profile 3) and the moderately autonomous profile (Profile 2), and lowest

among both the amotivated (Profile 1) and balanced (Profile 4) profiles, which could not be

distinguished from one another. Levels of job satisfaction and engagement significantly differed in a

similar manner across profiles, being highest among the highly motivated profile (Profile 3) and the

moderately autonomous profile (Profile 2), followed by the balanced profile (Profile 4), and lowest

among the amotivated profile (Profile 1). Finally, levels of burnout were highest in the balanced

profile (Profile 4), followed by the amotivated profile (Profile 1), and then by both the highly

motivated (Profile 3) and moderately autonomous (Profile 2) profiles, which could not be

distinguished from one another. 1


This study aimed to extend motivation theory and research through the identification of profiles

of employees based on the simultaneous consideration of the six forms of behavioral regulation

assumed to form the underlying continuum of self-determination proposed by SDT (Deci & Ryan,

1985). The current study provides an incremental contribution to the literature, finding four motivation

profiles in the work domain that replicated across two reasonably large and heterogeneous samples of

employees from two different countries. Prior research has generally been plagued by the reliance on

small samples, the use of cluster analyses, and the arbitrary dichotomization of behavioral regulations

into two broad categories of autonomous and controlled regulations (Graves et al., 2015; Moran et al.,

2012; Van den Broeck et al., 2013). In contrast, this study relied on two large samples of employees

from Canada and Belgium from across multiple industries and job categories. Additionally, unlike

much of the past person-centered research, the current study used state of the art analyses to not only

identify an optimal number of profiles, but also to include antecedents and outcome variables in a

statistically more advanced and rigorous manner than previously possible. A final key contribution of

this study lies in the demonstration of the value of considering the whole range of behavioral

regulations in the estimation of motivation profiles, as opposed to dichotomizing motivation into

autonomous and controlled composite variables. In particular, the nature of the profiles observed in the

present study, which generalized across samples, supported the underlying continuum structure of

motivation proposed by SDT (Deci & Ryan, 1985). In sum, the comprehensive sampling and analyses

employed in the current research lend support to the robustness and reliability of the detected profiles.

In line with prior research conducted in the education, sport, and work domains, our results

revealed four latent profiles, which were replicated across the two samples. Particularly important is

the observation that these profiles revealed qualitative and quantitative differences in employees’

experiences of work motivation. These profiles showed that not only do employees experience varying

amounts of overall motivation or self-determination, they also tend to experience different types of

Upon request from a reviewer, all analyses were replicated while controlling for gender. These
additional models converged on results substantively identical to those reported here. Additional
details are available upon request from the corresponding author.

motivation. Additionally, our results revealed that the relative likelihood of membership into these

profiles differed as a function of job type, and that it was associated with a variety of work-related

performance and wellbeing outcomes. Meyer, Morin, and Vandenberghe (2015) recently noted that

the value of person-centered analyses in the work domain depends not only on their ability to identify

subgroups of employees differing from one another meaningfully on a set of variables, but also on the

ability to demonstrate that these subgroups emerge regularly across samples, can be predicted in a

meaningful manner, and are relevant to the prediction of work outcomes. As they met all of these

criteria, our results can be considered highly meaningful.

As anticipated, we found a profile containing predominantly autonomous forms of regulation, a

balanced profile containing roughly equal levels of all regulations, and at least one profile containing

both autonomous and controlled forms of regulation. External regulation seemed to stand on its own in

these profiles, whereas introjected regulation seemed to cluster more closely with autonomous forms

of regulation, showing the importance of considering regulations at this level instead of aggregating

them into global controlled and autonomous variables. For instance, the highly motivated profile was

characterized by high levels of intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, and introjected regulation,

and slightly above average levels of external regulation. Looking at the positive performance and

wellbeing outcomes associated with this profile, it appears to be one of the most desirable profiles.

Our results further revealed that white-collar technology sector employees are somewhat more

disposed to correspond to this profile compared to the moderately autonomous profile. However, these

white-collar workers were equally as likely to correspond to the amotivated and balanced profiles as to

the highly motivated profile. This suggests that job characteristics known to be more prevalent in the

white-collar technology sector, such as the more frequent use of participative management, enriched

job designs and tasks variety, and even profit-sharing schemes, may result in situations where

employee either have their basic psychological needs met and therefore experience autonomous forms

of motivation (Blais et al., 1993; Gagné et al., 1997, 2010; Gagné & Forest, 2008), or alternatively

experience amotivation or external pressure to perform – a kind of polarizing effect in which these

practices either work well or fail badly.

The moderately autonomous profile was characterized by low levels of external and introjected

regulations, and above average levels of identified regulation and intrinsic motivation. This profile is

similar to the highly motivated profile in its shape, but not in the overall level of motivation. This

profile also presented above average levels of performance and wellbeing, performing as well as the

highly motivated profile. This indicates that while the overall quantity of motivation may play some

role in influencing work outcomes, the shape of the profile appears to have more important outcome

implications. Specifically, as long as a profile is dominated by autonomous rather than controlled

forms of regulation, individuals will display above average levels of performance and wellbeing. This

finding suggests that increasing all motivation types may not improve performance or wellbeing.

Rather, it appears more important to increase identified regulation and intrinsic motivation, while

ensuring that they remain higher than external regulation.

The moderately autonomous profile becomes even more interesting when compared to the

balanced profile, given that both are characterized by similar amounts of overall motivation. However,

while the moderately autonomous profile is dominated by autonomous motivation, the balanced

profile is generally average across all regulations. Such a comparison allows for a clear examination of

the relative importance of shape effects while holding reasonably constant the overall quantity of

motivation. The results showed that the moderately autonomous profile was far more desirable than

the balanced profile, which was associated with significantly lower levels on all indicators of

performance and wellbeing. Thus, motivation profiles dominated by an emphasis on meaning and

interest appear to lead to higher performance and wellbeing, compared to the balanced or amotivated

profiles, regardless of overall amount of motivation. These results comparing the highly autonomous

and moderately autonomous profiles, as well as the moderately autonomous and balanced profiles, are

important. Indeed, these comparisons suggest that, far from being an effective motivator (Cerasoli et

al., 2014; Gerhart & Fang, 2015), an emphasis on social and material rewards may have a negative

impact on performance when it is not accompanied by a comparable emphasis on meaning, interest

and pleasure (Gagné & Deci, 2005). Worse, this negative impact may be accompanied by an equally

negative impact on wellbeing, making it doubly difficult for these employees to increase their

performance in the long term (e.g., Ryan, Deci, & Grolnick, 1995). Interestingly, the previously

discussed results regarding the fact that the moderately autonomous and highly motivated profiles are

associated with similarly desirable outcomes suggest that high levels of autonomous regulations

appear to protect employees from the effects of high levels of more controlled forms of regulations.

Finally, the amotivated profile characterizes employees for whom work is neither motivated by

meaning, guilt, enjoyment, or rewards but are rather mainly amotivated, suggesting they may possibly

feel “trapped” in their position due to high perceived sacrifices associated with leaving (i.e.,

continuance commitment; Morin, Meyer, McInerney, Marsh, & Ganotice, 2015). In line with our

expectations, white collar governmental employees, who tend to be exposed to more rigid bureaucratic

structures, presented a significantly greater likelihood of membership into this profile (De Cooman et

al., 2013; Gillet et al., 2013), followed by membership in the balanced profile, strongly suggesting that

characteristics of this job are highly detrimental to autonomous motivation. Also in line with our

expectations, employees from this amotivated profile presented the lowest levels of wellbeing out of

all profiles, and levels of performance that were undistinguishable from those observed in the

balanced profile. This profile appeared to be the least desirable.

It is interesting to note that the amotivated and highly motivated profiles both follow the expected

continuum structure so closely that it could be argued that for these profiles a single factor

representing global self-determined motivation (e.g., Howard, Gagné, Morin, & Forest, 2016) could be

sufficient to describe these employees satisfactorily. Alternately, for the moderately autonomous and

balanced profiles where the profiles do not follow the continuum structure as perfectly, it appears

necessary to take into account qualitative distinctions between the various motivation subscales in

order to obtain a complete picture of employees’ work motivation.

In regards to previous person-centered research on work motivation, the current results provide an

incremental contribution to the literature by replicating, in part, the profiles found by Graves et al.

(2015), and expanding greatly on the cluster analytic results of Van den Broeck et al. (2013) and

Moran et al. (2012). All of these studies succeeded in identifying the most extreme profiles, including

a highly motivated profile characterized by above average levels of all types of motivation, and an

amotivated profile characterized by below average levels on most types of motivation. The moderately

autonomous profile identified in the current study also largely replicates the self-determined profile

found by Graves et al. (2015) in a sample of managers. The balanced profile, which shows a slight

tendency towards an external focus, is a more novel finding of the current study. Not only has this

profile allowed for a highly insightful comparison between two profiles characterized by similar

global amounts of motivation but different shapes, but it suggests that some employees draw

motivation from multiple sources equally but do not seem to thrive in their workplace as a result of it.

Finally, the current study provides evidence of generalizability of the reported profiles. Like with

variable-centered research, the confidence with which person-centered results can be used to guide

practice depends on replicability and the convergence of results obtained from a variety of samples.

Through multiple samples and studies, it becomes possible to identify a set of core profiles which are

commonly occurring in most work contexts, and more peripheral profiles which may arise due to

specific workplace circumstances or in specific subgroups of employees (Solinger, Van Olffen, Roe &

Hofmans, 2013). The current study offers a set of four core profiles which, interestingly, replicate

some of the profiles found by Graves et al., (2015). This suggests that the subset of replicated profiles

are more likely to reflect core profiles of employee motivation, whereas the additional profiles

reported by Graves et al. may be more peripheral, arising specifically in manager sub-populations.

In sum, our results incrementally add to previous research by examining work motivation profiles

in the most rigorous manner available to date (i.e., through the incorporation of all regulation types

into state-of-the-art LPA) with reasonably large and heterogeneous samples of employees from two

countries. Additionally we provide initial evidence which demonstrates that profile membership varies

as a function of job category with white-collar technology sector employees less likely to be in the

moderately autonomously motivated profile, while government employees are more likely to be

amotivated in their work. Lastly our results show that profile membership has meaningful implications

for a wide range of work outcomes with profile characterized by predominantly autonomous forms of

motivation being associated with more positive performance and wellbeing outcomes.

Limitations and Directions for Future Research

Though the current study presents several advantages over previous research, it also presents

notable limitations. As with all cross-sectional research it is impossible to reach clear conclusions

regarding the directionality of the associations between the observed motivational profiles and the so-

called outcome variables on the basis of a single study. The possibility thus remain that the observed

associations follow reversed or even reciprocal relations as performance and wellbeing may

themselves act as predictor of employee motivation profiles. However, lending confidence to the

current interpretations, prior longitudinal research has supported the idea of directional relationships

through which motivation levels predict later levels of performance and wellbeing (e.g., Baker, 2003;

Dysvik & Kuvaas, 2013). Still, future research is needed to clarify this issue, and particularly to

investigate possible reciprocal relations among these constructs (e.g., Morin, Meyer, Bélanger,

Boudrias, Gagné, & Parker, 2016). Longitudinal studies will also be needed to examine the

development and temporal stability of motivation profiles. It would be most useful to know how, and

under which conditions, the different profiles found in the present study develop and evolve over time,

considering both organizational newcomers (Bauer & Erdogan, 2014) as well as employees at later

career stages (Gould & Hawkins, 1978). Like the present study, future person-centered research

should also strive to favor LPA over more traditional cluster analyses for reasons covered

comprehensively elsewhere (Meyer & Morin, 2016; Morin et al., 2011; Vermunt & Magidson, 2002).

In particular, LPA tends to rely on far less stringent assumptions, which can be relaxed as needed,

relative to cluster analyses, as well as a lower level of reactivity to measurement scales and clustering

algorithm. Furthermore, LPA allows for the direct incorporation of covariates into the model, without

the need to rely on suboptimal two-step strategies. Finally, research would also benefit from devoting

attention to the effects of specific modifiable organizational design factors, such as organizational

structure, job design, leadership style, and compensation systems, on membership into specific

motivational profiles. While our results suggest a clear relation between job categories and

membership into specific profiles, a finer grained analysis of the mechanisms involved in these

relations would have important practical relevance to the design of specific interventions to improve

employee motivation. In this regard, it would be particularly useful to know how organizational

changes, such as job design changes and compensation system changes, are able to predict changes in

profile membership that would affect transitions from one profile to another.

Practical Implications

In person-centered research, evidence for generalizability is built from an accumulation of studies,

from which it becomes possible to identify a core set of profiles emerging with regularity, together

with more peripheral profiles emerging irregularly under specific conditions (Solinger, Van Olffen,

Roe & Hofmans, 2013). The fact that the profiles identified in this study are in line with theoretical

expectations and emerged consistently across two independent samples of employees recruited in two

countries supports their generalizability. Though additional research is needed, we can suggest

organizations can use these four profiles to think about how employees falling into these profiles can

be best managed. For example, knowing that the balanced profile has lower than average performance,

probably because of a lack of meaning and enjoyment, organizations could try to provide meaning

(e.g., through task significance; Grant, 2008) and stimulation (e.g., through job redesign; Hackman &

Oldham, 1975) to employees. Specifically, employers may find that while a job has inherent

meaningfulness and intrinsically enjoyable factors, employee motivation, and therefore performance,

remains below expectations. Results from this study indicate that this may occur when external

motivators are equally influential as more autonomous factors (such as is the case in the balanced

profile). In these conditions, reducing the external focus and promoting more autonomously-driven

reasons could be enough to nudge employees away from the balanced profile, with its largely below

average outcomes, and into the moderately autonomous profile. Such a small adjustment could lead to

employees being driven predominately by autonomous factors and subsequently performing more

successfully and experiencing greater wellbeing. As such, knowing that autonomous motivation is

relatively more important than external regulations in promoting performance and wellbeing,

organizations may wish to focus more on meaning and enjoyment than on rewards and punishments.

The drawback of the variable-centered approach is that it often leads to thinking about an

intervention that will improve a variable (e.g., intrinsic motivation) without taking into consideration

what it may do to other forms of motivation (e.g., introjection). Conversely, the person-centered

approach allows managers to consider employees as whole entities, rather than focusing narrowly on

isolated individual characteristics. This approach recognizes the complexity of human motivation and

behavior, and as such may provide a more complete and integrated description of this reality.

Our results could also prove particularly useful in informing the long-standing debate on the

impact of incentives on work motivation. Gerhart and Fang (2015; also see Cerasoli et al., 2014)

recently argued that controlled types of motivation may yield positive outcomes and that these

motivation types could be promoted through the use of monetary incentives. Results of the current

study suggest a relatively weak association between external material regulation and performance, and

offer no support for the proposition that external rewards are successful in increasing performance

when accompanied by autonomous forms of motivation. Similar conclusions have been put forward in

previous person-centered research by Van den Broeck et al. (2013) and Moran et al., (2012), who also

found more positive outcomes associated with more autonomously driven profiles than profiles driven

by controlled regulations even when accounting for differing levels of global motivation.

In regards to the outcomes considered in this study, it is clear that organizations should attempt to

promote profiles characterized by relatively higher levels of autonomous than external forms of

regulations, through meaning making and the stimulation of people’s interests for the work they do. It

seems that as long as organizations can achieve this, they do not need to focus so much on promoting

external regulation through material and social rewards or punishments. Our results thus indicate that

it is not worth promoting controlled forms of motivation in addition to promoting autonomous forms

of motivation, as has been argued by Gerhart and Fang (2015). Furthermore, the outcomes associated

with the externally regulated profile suggest that there is an important risk associated with focusing on

the promotion of external forms of regulations. As such, it appears that organizations would benefit

more from a focus on nurturing more autonomous forms of motivation through increases in job

meaningfulness, interest, and autonomy, than from a focus on social and material rewards.


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Table 1.

Correlations and Scale Score Reliability (α) Estimates for the Variables Used in the Present Study

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1. Amotivation - 0.137* 0.190* -0.200* -0.396* -0.401*
2. Ext-Material 0.107 - 0.465* 0.324* 0.191* 0.137*
3. Ext-Social 0.79* 0.304* - 0.297* 0.015 -0.095*
4. Introjected -0.039 0.200* 0.218* - 0.357* 0.246*
5. Identified -0.133 0.108 0.345* 0.441* - 0.761*
6. Intrinsic -0.361* 0.209* -0.026 0.399* 0.446* -
7. In-role Performance -0.161* -0.084 -0.029 0.222* 0.247* 0.252* -
8. Extra-role Performance -0.054 -0.133* -0.059 0.207* 0.247* 0.264* 0.329* -
9. Engagement -0.453* 0.035 -0.142* 0.265* 0.374* 0.660* 0.345* 0.359* -
10. Burnout 0.426* 0.029 -0.175* -0.185* -0.287* -0.456* -0.292* -0.165* -0.438* -
11. Job Satisfaction -0.506* 0.021 -0.175* 0.240* 0.331* 0.612* 0.234* 0.220* 0.646* -0.500*
α (Sample 1) 0.741 0.781 0.600 0.692 0.775 0.898
α (Sample 2) 0.886 0.695 0.761 0.711 0.671 0.882 0.846 0.810 0.946 0.927 0.885
Note: * p < .05. Sample 1 is above diagonal. Sample 2 is below diagonal. External-M = External-Material Regulation; External-S = External-Social
Regulation. Scores are all factor scores from preliminary models with a mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1.

Table 2.

Class Enumeration

Log Likelihood #fp scaling AIC CAIC BIC ABIC Entropy LMR BLRT
Sample 1 (n = 723)
1 Profile -5746.162 12 1.163 11516.324 11583.325 11571.325 11533.222 Na Na Na
2 Profiles -5054.193 25 1.020 10158.385 10297.971 10272.971 10193.588 0.816 <.001 <.001
3 Profiles -4808.461 38 1.135 9692.922 9905.092 9867.092 9746.431 0.840 0.002 <.001
4 Profiles -4611.800 51 1.196 9325.600 9610.354 9559.354 9397.414 0.861 0.086 <.001
5 Profiles -4491.730 64 1.118 9111.461 9468.799 9404.799 9201.581 0.851 0.018 <.001
6 Profiles -4384.863 77 1.093 8923.726 9353.648 9276.648 9032.151 0.867 <.001 <.001
7 Profiles -4291.002 90 1.044 8762.005 9264.512 9174.512 8888.735 0.861 0.002 <.001
8 Profiles -4226.600 103 1.099 8659.200 9234.291 9131.291 8804.236 0.853 0.162 <.001
Sample 2 (n = 286)
1 Profile -2281.653 12 2.0090 4587.305 4643.177 4631.177 4593.124 Na Na Na
2 Profiles -1714.199 25 0.9661 3478.397 3594.797 3569.797 3490.520 0.930 <.001 <.001
3 Profiles -1589.459 38 0.9764 3254.917 3431.845 3393.845 3273.344 0.897 <.001 <.001
4 Profiles -1473.405 51 1.1226 3048.810 3286.266 3235.266 3073.540 0.886 0.023 <.001
5 Profiles -1416.272 64 1.0316 2960.545 3258.528 3194.528 2991.579 0.890 0.012 <.001
6 Profiles -1380.270 77 1.0258 2914.539 3273.051 3196.051 2951.877 0.906 0.033 <.001
7 Profiles -1347.972 90 1.0299 2875.944 3294.983 3204.983 2919.585 0.917 0.232 <.001
8 Profiles -1315.187 103 1.0627 2836.373 3315.940 3212.940 2886.319 0.911 0.227 <.001
Note: #fp = Number of free parameters; AIC = Akaike information criterion; CAIC = Constant AIC; BIC = Bayesian information criterion; ABIC = Sample
size adjusted BIC; LMR = p value associated with the adjusted Lo-Mendell-Rubin likelihood ratio test; BLRT= p value associated with the bootstrap
likelihood ratio test.

Table 3.
Posterior Classification Probabilities for the Most Likely Latent Profile Membership (Row) by Latent
Profile (Column).
Amotivated Moderately Highly Motivated Balanced
(P.1) Autonomous (P.2) (P.3) (P.4)
Sample 1
Amotivated (P.1) 0.902 0.001 0.001 0.096
Moderately Autonomous (P.2) 0.003 0.976 0.014 0.007
Highly Motivated (P.3) 0.000 0.008 0.938 0.054
Balanced (P.4) 0.041 0.010 0.032 0.917
Sample 2
Amotivated (P.1) 0.942 0.004 0.000 0.054
Moderately Autonomous (P.2) 0.000 0.925 0.034 0.041
Highly Motivated (P.3) 0.000 0.031 0.941 0.028
Balanced (P.4) 0.007 0.023 0.021 0.949
Note. P: Profile.

Table 4
Mean Levels of Motivation in the Retained Latent Profile Models.
Amotivated (P.1) Highly Motivated (P.3) Balanced (P.4)
Autonomous (P.2)
Mean Variance Mean Variance Mean Variance Mean Variance
Sample 1
Amotivation 1.025 1.169 -0.554 0.019 -0.515 0.019 -0.249 0.080
External-M 0.053 0.841 -1.075 0.112 0.403 0.632 0.015 0.581
External-S 0.242 0.786 -1.308 0.006 0.192 0.889 0.095 0.63
Introjected -0.331 0.764 -0.467 0.761 0.605 0.489 -0.027 0.532
Identified -0.840 1.005 0.143 0.498 0.901 0.119 -0.041 0.222
Intrinsic -0.867 1.009 0.288 0.54 0.961 0.126 -0.11 0.250
Sample 2
Amotivation 1.679 4.131 -0.338 0.002 -0.264 0.002 -0.183 0.004
External-M -0.050 1.152 -0.675 0.193 0.514 0.461 0.218 0.608
External-S 0.292 0.624 -0.805 0.260 0.548 0.824 0.175 0.608
Introjected -0.335 1.301 -0.236 0.510 0.909 0.183 -0.243 0.504
Identified -0.597 1.352 -0.034 0.611 0.823 0.276 -0.251 0.399
Intrinsic -1.450 0.974 0.437 0.267 0.961 0.091 -0.384 0.424
Note. P: Profile; External-M = External-Material Regulation; External-S = External-Social Regulation;
Indicators are estimated from factor scores with mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

Table 5.
Results from Multinominal Logistic Regression Evaluating Relations between Job Type and Latent
Profile Membership (Sample 1)
Profile 1 vs. 2 Profile 1 vs. 3 Profile 1 vs. 4
Job Category Coefficient (SE) OR Coefficient (SE) OR Coefficient (SE) OR
White Collar 1.118 (0.413)** 3.059** -0.320 (0.429) 0.726 0.235 (0.397) 1.265
Government 1.544 (0.397)** 4.683** 1.557 (0.303)** 4.745** 0.803 (0.363)* 2.232*
Profile 2 vs. 3 Profile 2 vs. 4 Profile 3 vs. 4
Coefficient (SE) OR Coefficient (SE) OR Coefficient (SE) OR
White Collar -1.438 (0.485)** 0.237** -0.883 (0.407)* 0.413* 0.555 (0.444) 1.742
Government 0.014 (0.351) 1.014 -0.740 (0.351)* 0.477* -0.754 (0.267)** 0.470**
Note. *p <.05. **p <.01; OR = Odds Ratio; SE = Standard error of the coefficient.

Table 6.
Outcome Means and Pairwise Comparisons between Profiles (Sample 2)
Standardized Profile Means Profile Comparisons Summary of
Amotivated Moderately Highly Balanced comparisons
1 vs 2 1 vs 3 1 vs 4 2 vs 3 2 vs 4 3 vs 4
(P.1) Autonomous (P.2) Motivated (P.3) (P.4)
In-Role Performance -0.408 0.267 0.400 -0.249 -0.675** -0.808** -0.159 -0.133 0.516** 0.650** 1 = 4 < 2 = 3
Extra-Role 1=4<2=3
-0.202 0.319 0.496 -0.408 -0.521** -0.697** 0.206 -0.177 0.727** 0.904**
Job Satisfaction -1.544 0.505 0.646 -0.138 -2.049** -2.190** -1.406** -0.140 0.643** 0.784** 1< 4 < 2 = 3
Engagement -1.283 0.538 0.684 -0.271 -1.821** -1.967** -1.012** -0.146 0.809** 0.955** 1 < 4 < 2 = 3
Burnout 1.257 -0.372 -0.423 0.030 1.629** 1.681** -1.228 ** 0.051 -0.401** -0.453** 2 = 3 < 4 < 1
Note. *p <.05; **p <.01; Indicators are estimated from factor scores with mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

Figure 1. Elbow Plot for the Information Criteria in Sample 1 (left) and 2 (right).

Amotivated Moderately Autonomous Highly Motivated Balanced

(27.6%) (11.5%) (25.6%) (35.3%)





Amotivation External-Material External-Social Introjected Identified Intrinsic

Figure 2. Sample 1 Profiles (n = 723)

Note. Indicators are estimated from factor scores with mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

Amotivated Moderately Autonomous Highly Motivated Balanced

(13.1%) (27.8%) (22%) (37.1%)







Amotivation External-Material External-Social Introjected Identified Intrinsic

Figure 3. Sample 2 Profiles (n = 286)

Note. Indicators are estimated from factor scores with mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

Amotivated Moderately Autonomous Highly Motivated Balanced

(13.1%) (27.8%) (22%) (37.1%)

Extra-Role Performance In-Role Performance Job Satisfaction Engagement Burnout

Figure 4. Outcomes Associated with Profile Membership

Note. Indicators are estimated from factor scores with mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1.

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