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MHT-CET 2023 Question Paper - Biology

19th May 2023 (Shift – I)

1. Amazon forest produces _______ percentage of (A) i and iii only (B) i and ii only
total oxygen of earth’s atmosphere. (C) iii and v only (D) ii and iii only
(A) 20% (B) 30% (C) 40% (D) 50%
9. Which one of the following is the palindromic
2. Which of the following statements are correct with sequence recognized by the enzyme EcoRI?
respect to embryonic development in humans? (A) 5′……A – G – C – T …..3′
i. Cleavage is holoblastic and indeterminate. 3′……T – C – G – A …..5′

ii. There is no change in overall size of zygote upto (B) 5′……G – G – A – T – C – C …..3′
morula. 3′……C – C – T – A – G – G …..5′
iii. Embryo called blastocyst remains floating in (C) 5′……G – A – A – T – T – C …..3′
uterine cavity for 2 to 4 days, after its entry into 3′……C – T – T – A – A – G …..5′

(D) 5′……G – T – C – G – A – C …..3′
iv. Embryo proper develops from trophoblast cells
3′……C – A – G – C – T – G …..5′
and cells of Rauber.

v. Zona pellucida remains intact around embryo 10. Percentage of CO2 transport by RBCs and
till late gastrula stage. plasma, in the form of carbonic acid, NaHCO3
Choose the correct option. ions and carbaminohaemoglobin respectively is
(A) i and ii only _______
(B) iv and v only
lic (A) 7%, 70%, 23% (B) 70%, 23%, 7%
(C) i, ii and iii only (C) 23%, 7%, 70% (D) 7%, 23%, 70%
(D) i, ii, iii and iv only
11. As per new fuel policy implemented by the
3. Louis Pasteur disproved the theory of _______. government, the norms are set to reduce
(A) special creation (B) panspermia _______ and ______ from petrol and diesel.
(C) abiogenesis (D) biogenesis (A) S, CO2
4. Volatile substances, present in spices, are (B) S, aromatic content
excreted through _______. (C) Nitrous oxide, CO

(A) lungs (B) liver (D) SO2, CO

(C) kidneys (D) skin
12. Which is the main organ of plant responsible for
5. Which one of the following is INCORRECT absorption of water and minerals?

with respect to genetic drift? (A) Root (B) Stem

(A) It is any alteration in allele frequency. (C) Leaf (D) Fruit
(B) It occurs in a population by pure chance.
(C) They are random or directionless. 13. Heart beat decreases in the following conditions

(D) Effect of genetic drift has no significance EXCEPT ______.

in small populations. (A) acidosis and alkalosis
(B) hypoxia
6. A diffused nervous system is observed in (C) elevated levels of K+ and Na+ in blood

_______. (D) increase in level of hormone epinephrine

(A) sponge (B) cnidarian
(C) flatworm (D) earthworm 14. Match types of biofertilizers in column I with
their examples in column II.
7. Archaeopteryx lithographica, a fossilized crow
size toothed bird, was found from Jurassic rocks Column I Column II
in _______. Biofertilizers Examples
(A) Galapagos Islands (B) Germany i. Nitrogen fixing a. Pseudomonas
(C) South Africa (D) Java and Peking striata
8. In a normal healthy person, glomerular filtrate ii. Phosphate b. actinobacteria
entering the PCT does NOT contain _______. solubilizing
i. Plasma proteins ii. Blood corpuscles iii. Compost making c. mycorrhizae
iii. Glucose iv. Vit. C iv. Fungal d. Klebsiella
v. NaCl biofertilizer

MHT-CET 2023 Question Paper - Biology
19th May 2023 (Shift – I)
(A) i - d, ii - a, iii - c, iv - b (A) i - b, ii - c, iii - a, iv - d
(B) i - d, ii - a, iii - b, iv - c (B) i - b, ii - c, iii - d, iv - a
(C) i - a, ii - d, iii - c, iv - b (C) i - c, ii - b, iii - d, iv - a
(D) i - a, ii - d, iii - b, iv - c (D) i - c, ii - b, iii - a, iv - d
15. Which of the following are low threshold 20. _______ is a problem of synthesizing few alpha
substances with respect to selective (α) and beta (β) globin molecules in
reabsorption? haemoglobin.
(A) Ca++, Na+ and CI–. (A) Phenylketonuria
(B) Water, sulphates and nitrates. (B) Thalassemia
(C) Glucose and amino acids. (C) Sickle cell anaemia
(D) K+ and Vit. C. (D) Haemophilia
16. Which one of the following is NOT the reason 21. Which hormone is used to increase fruit size and

of indigestion? bunch length of grapes?
(A) Food poisoning (B) Over-eating (A) Auxins (B) Gibberellins
(C) Roughage (D) Spicy food (C) Cytokinins (D) Ethylene
17. In the following diagram of T.S. of pancreas, 22. Semen contains _______ and _____, that are

identify ‘A’ and ‘B’. antibacterial in nature, hence it provides natural
(A) lysozyme and serum amyloid P

(B) spermine and zinc
(C) interferons and cytokines
A (D) C-Reactive Protein and alpha-1-acid
lic 23. Nasal cavity is divisible into right and left nasal
B chambers by _______.
A B (A) thyroid cartilage
(A) Acinar cells Cells of Islets of (B) mesethmoid cartilage
Langerhans (C) tracheal cartilage
(B) Goblet cells C-cells (D) thyrohyoid membrane
(C) Kupffer cells Leydig cells 24. Which one of the following is NOT a part of

(D) Hepatic cells J G cells anther wall?

(A) Tapetum (B) Endothecium
18. Given below are the statements regarding
(C) Integument (D) Middle layers

Choose the correct statements. 25. Which one of the following is NOT a
i. All enzymes are proteinaceous. homologous pair with respect to human male
ii. Enzyme becomes more active at the temperature and female reproductive systems, respectively?
of 60° to 70° C. (A) Vasa efferentia --- fallopian tubes

iii. Enzymes have one or two active sites where (B) Scrotum --- labia majora
substrate binds with the enzyme. (C) Penis --- Clitoris
iv. Any increase or decrease in specific pH, enzyme (D) Bulbourethral glands --- Vestibular glands

activity is always enhanced. 26. Identify the correct sequence of events of pollen
v. Enzymes remain active to catalyze again after pistil interaction given below.
completion of first reaction. i. syngamy ii. pollination
(A) ii and iv only (B) i and v only iii. siphonogamy iv. triple fusion
(C) i, iii and v only (D) ii, iii and v only v. porogamy
19. Match the Column I with Column II. Choose the correct option.
(A) ii → iii → i → v → iv
Column II (B) ii → i → iii → v → iv
Column I
Animals (C) ii → iii → v → i → iv
(D) ii → v → iii → i → iv
i. Adult Frog a. Guanine
ii. Land snail b. Urea 27. The first transgenic plant produced was _____.
iii. Tadpole of frog c. Uric acid (A) Bt cotton (B) Bt brinjal
iv. Spider d. Ammonia (C) Tomato (D) Tobacco


MHT-CET 2023 Question Paper - Biology
19th May 2023 (Shift – I)
28. Given below are two statements. 34. The result of which cross illustrates Mendel’s
Statement I: Stratification is the horizontal law of segregation?
distribution of different plants and animals on (A) Tt × tt (B) Rr × RR
land (C) Rr × Rr (D) tt × tt
Statement II: Forest is a good example of 35. When two pink flowered snapdragon plants are
stratification. crossed, what will be the phenotypic ratio in F2
In the light of the above statements, choose the plants?
most appropriate answer from the options given (A) 1 : 1 (B) 3 : 1
below. (C) 1 : 2 : 1 (D) 3 : 2 : 1
(A) Both statement I and statement II are
correct. 36. Which of the following are found in the portal
(B) Both statement I and statement II are area of liver?
incorrect. i. Branch of hepatic portal vein
ii. Branch of hepatic vein

(C) Statement I is correct but statement II is
incorrect. iii. Branch of bile duct
(D) Statement I is incorrect but statement II is iv. Branch of hepatic artery
correct. Select the correct option -
(A) i and iii only (B) ii and iii only

29. Select the correct match regarding formed (C) i, iii and iv only (D) i, ii and iv only
elements of blood. 37. The lowermost cell of the suspensor towards the
(A) Polycythemia ---- ratio of RBCs to total embryo is known as ______.

blood volume (A) haustoria (B) hypophysis
(B) Hematocrit --- moving of WBCs out of (C) epicotyl (D) hypocotyl
the capillary walls
38. Match the following conditions associated with
(C) Phagocytosis --- destruction of antigen-
antibody complexes, bacteria etc
mental disorders in column I with their
respective meanings in column II and choose the
(D) Leukemia ---- increase in number of
correct option.
Column I Column II
30. Which of the following cranial nerves does
i. Bullimia a. loss of memory
NOT contain parasympathetic nerve fibres? ii. Anorexia nervosa b. extreme
(A) Facial (B) Trigeminal overindulgence
(C) Glossopharyngeal (D) Vagus in food
iii. Amnesia c. sadness and

31. Edges of large lake or a beach is a perfect

example of ______ inactivity in life
(A) stratification (B) zonation iv. Depression d. emotional
(C) xeric succession (D) grassland aversion to food

32. Given below are two statements. (A) i - b, ii - d, iii - a, iv - c

Statement I: Habitat consists of numerous (B) i - d, ii - a, iii - b, iv - c
niches. (C) i - a, ii - c, iii - d, iv - b

Statement II: Niche is an area where species (D) i - c, ii - a, iii - b, iv - d

lives and prospers. 39. Which one of the following is correct regarding
In the light of above statements choose the special features of Neanderthal man?
correct option. i. He used hide to cover his body.

(A) Both statement I and statement II are ii. It’s fossil was first found in Germany.
correct. iii. He had semi erect posture.
(B) Both statement I and statement II are iv. He existed during Miocene epoch.
incorrect. v. He constructed flint tools.
(C) Statement I is correct but statement II is (A) i and ii only
incorrect. (B) i, ii, iii and iv only
(D) Statement I is incorrect but statement II is (C) i, ii and v only
correct. (D) ii, iii, iv and v only
33. Which of the following nucleic acids carries 40. The cells, which release secretion to stimulate
activated amino acid up to the site of protein adjacent cells in the organism, are known as
synthesis? _______.
(A) DNA (B) mRNA (A) paracrines (B) autocrines
(C) r RNA (D) t RNA (C) endocrines (D) pheromones


MHT-CET 2023 Question Paper - Biology
19th May 2023 (Shift – I)
41. Given below are two statements. 46. Bryophytes like mosses are able to grow in
Statement I: Tobacco, Marijuana and other small amount of soil occupies the ______ seral
drugs may cause infertility in both men and stage in the xerarch succession.
women. (A) pioneer (B) second
Statement II: Nicotine blocks the production of (C) third (D) fourth
sperms and decreases the size of testicles.
In the light of above statements, choose the 47. Match the following diseases in column I with
correct answer from options given below. their respective modes of treatment in column II
(A) Both statement I and statement II are and select the correct option.
Column I Column II
(B) Both statement I and statement II are
i. Malaria a. drugs like nystatin,
(C) Statement I is correct but statement II is

(D) Statement I is incorrect but statement II is ii. Dermatophytosis b. drugs like
correct. metronidazole and
42. In glycolysis, the two ATP molecules are iii. Amoebiasis c. combination of

consumed during ______ artesunate,
(A) Step 1 and 2 (B) Step 1 and 4 sulfadoxine,
pyrimethamine etc

(C) Step 1 and 3 (D) Step 1 and 5 iv. Filariasis d. diethyl – carbamazine
citrate tablets.
43. Nearly 70% of natural nitrogen fixation is
carried out by ______. (A) i - d, ii - c, iii - a, iv - b
(A) physical process
lic (B) i - c, ii - a, iii - b, iv - d
(B) Prokaryotes (C) i - b, ii - d, iii - c, iv - a
(C) eukaryotes (D) i - a, ii - b, iii - d, iv - c
(D) Haber - Bosh process
48. Breakdown of alveoli and shortness of breath is
44. Match the following with respect to different observed in _______.
categories of red list. Choose the correct option.
(A) emphysema (B) laryngitis
Column I Column II (C) pneumonia (D) asthma

i. Extinct a. species whose members 49. Tubular secretion is the only mode of excretion
survive only in captivity. in _______.
ii. Extinct in b. Rapid population decline (A) cartilagenous fishes

wild of 50% to more than (B) marine bony fishes

70% over the previous (C) fresh water bony fishes
10 years. (D) marine birds

iii. Endangered c. species in which the last 50. Which hormone is NOT secreted by placenta?
individual has died. (A) hCG (B) Inhibin
iv. Vulnerable d. Rapid population decline (C) Estrogen (D) Progesterone
of 30% to more than

51. Select the correct match of scientists and their

50% over the previous
respective discoveries.
10 years. (A) Karl Landsteiner in 1900 − A, B, O blood
(A) i - d, ii - b, iii - c, iv - a groups.
(B) i - c, ii - a, iii - b, iv - d (B) Decastello and Sturli in 1902 – Concept
(C) i - c, ii - d, iii - b, iv - a of immunity
(D) i - b, ii - c, iii - a, iv - d (C) Edward Jenner − Rh factor (Antigen ‘D’)
45. The electron carriers and enzymes of electron (D) Landsteiner and Wiener in 1940 − ‘AB’
transport chain are arranged on inner blood group system.
mitochondrial membrane to form how many 52. Maturation of both androecium and gynoecium
complexes? in a homogamous flower helps in __________.
(A) Six (B) Five (A) cross pollination (B) self pollination
(C) Four (D) Three (C) apomixis (D) polyembryony

MHT-CET 2023 Question Paper - Biology
19th May 2023 (Shift – I)
53. In tissue culture technique morphogenic 60. The gene for the production of an iron storage
differentiation of shoot and root is controlled by protein, ferritin is isolated from A and
the interaction and ratio of ________. transferred to B .
(A) auxin and gibberellins
(B) gibberellins and cytokinin Column A Column B
(C) auxin and cytokinin (A) soybean rice
(D) ethylene and ABA (B) soybean potato
(C) alfalfa banana
54. The unit of measurement of water potential is (D) tomato tobacco
(A) Bars only 61. Which one of the following is NOT a Intra-
(B) Bars or atmospheres only Uterine Device?
(C) Bars or atmospheres or Pascals only (A) Lippes loop (B) Progestasert

(D) Bars or atmospheres or Pascals or Joules (C) Nexplanon (D) Cu−T and Cu−7
62. The concept of central dogma in retroviruses is
55. Which of the following organisms can respire given by ________.
anaerobically as well as aerobically?

(A) Temin and Baltimore
(A) Fishes (B) Yeasts (B) Meselson and Stahl
(C) Lichens (D) Algae (C) Watson and Crick

56. Given below are two statements: (D) MacCarty and MacLeod
Statement I: Minerals are absorbed by plants
63. Which of the following statement/s is/are
with or without expenditure of energy.
correct with respect to generation and
Statement II: Mineral ion absorption is
independent of water absorption.
lic i.
conduction of nerve impulse?
The resting potential difference is -70mvs
In the light of the above statements, choose the
ii. The voltage gated Na+ and K+ channels
most appropriate answer from the options given
operate together and are self closing.
(A) Both statement I and statement II are true. iii. At the peak of action potential, the potential
difference rises to +30 to +60mvs
(B) Both statement I and statement II are
false. iv. In medullated nerve fibre, the action potential
is conducted as wave of membrane
(C) Statement I is true but statement II is

(D) Statement I is false but statement II is v. The resting potential is maintained by
true. especially closure of gated channels of Na+
and K+

57. Proteins like Keratin of hair consists of (A) i only

polypeptide chain arranged __________. (B) iii and iv only
(A) like a pleated sheet (C) ii, iv and v only

(B) like a spiral helix (D) i, iii and v only

(C) in linear sequence
(D) in twisted and folded sequence 64. Generally vernalization is effective at ________
stage in annual plants.

58. In human females, the pair of hormones (A) floral bud (B) flower
produced ONLY during pregnancy (C) fruit (D) seedling
(A) ACTH, ADH (B) hCG, HPL 65. Which one of the following pairs are fresh water
(C) hCG, MSH (D) GH, HPL carps?
(A) Cirrhina mrigala and Grass carp
59. Observe the following diagram and select the
(B) Harpadon and Stromateus
correct chromosomal aberration from the list
given below. (C) Sardinella and common carp
(D) Rastrelliger and silver carp
66. Pyramid of energy is always upright as energy is
__________ at each trophic level.
(A) Deletion (B) Duplication (A) gained (B) lost
(C) Inversion (D) Translocation (C) produced (D) constant

MHT-CET 2023 Question Paper - Biology
19th May 2023 (Shift – I)
67. Given below are two statements 74. ‘Wobble-hypothesis’ explains which one of the
Statement I: Stenohaline animals tolerate wide following properties of genetic code?
range of salt concentration. (A) Universal (B) Non-ambiguous
Satement II : Euryhaline animals are capable of (C) Commaless (D) Degeneracy
handling narrow range of salt concentration.
75. How many pollen mother cells are involved in
In the light of above statements, choose the
formation of 8 pollen tetrads?
most appropriate answer from the options given
(A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 16 (D) 32
below −
(A) Both statement I and statement II are 76. Select the correct statements regarding external
correct. structure of human heart.
(B) Both statement I and statement II are i. Pulmonary trunk arising from right ventricle is
incorrect. present on anterior surface.
(C) Statement I is correct but statement II is ii. Aorta arising from left ventricle is present on

incorrect. posterior surface.
(D) Statement I is incorrect but statement II is iii. Externally the atria are separated from ventricles
correct. by coronary sulcus.
68. The part of the plant used in tissue culture is iv. Ligamentum arteriosum is the remnant of ductus

__________. arteriosus.
(A) callus (B) explant v. Pulmonary veins open into left atrium along the
(C) inoculum (D) embryo anterior surface.
(A) i, iii, and iv (B) ii, iii, and iv

69. Human growth hormone is obtained from (C) iii, iv and v (D) i, ii and iii
transgenic tobacco plant by introducing the gene
in the __________. 77. Secondary roots develop from __________.
(A) mitochondria (B) chloroplast (A) cortex (B) epidermis
(C) nucleus
(D) nucleolus (C) endodermis (D) pericycle
70. Caecum is a small blind sac present at the 78. The scotopic vision is developed through the
junction of __________. stimulation of __________.
(A) ileum and colon (A) cone cells only
(B) duodenum and jejunum (B) rod cells only
(C) jejunum and ileum (C) cone and rod cells only
(D) colon and rectum (D) cone and pigment cells only
71. A colourblind man marries a woman with 79. Lymph contains __________.

normal vision, what is the probability of their (A) WBCs and intercellular fluid
son being colourblind? (B) RBCs and platelets
(A) 0% (B) 0.5% (C) RBCs and WBCs

(C) 0.75% (D) 1% (D) Proteins and RBCs

72. The secondary developing follicles of ovary
secrete hormone __________. 80. Capacitation process of sperms involves
(A) relaxin (B) inhibin following changes EXCEPT __________.

(C) estrogen (D) secretin (A) Acrosome membrane becomes thin

(B) Fertilizin − antifertilizin interaction takes
73. Given below are the two statements place
Statement I: Earth’s surface re-emits the heat (C) Calcium ions enter the sperms

in the form of infrared radiations. (D) Sperm tails begin to show rapid whiplash
Statement II: Atmospheric gases like CO2 and movements
CH4 prevent the escaping of infrared radiations
to space causing reheating of earth. 81. Which hormone secreted by pituitary gland is
In the light of above statements, choose the under predominant inhibitory control from
correct answer from the options given below. hypothalamus?
(A) Both statement I and statement II are (A) MSH (B) Prolactin
correct. (C) Oxytocin (D) Gonadotropin
(B) Both statement I and statement II are 82. The tiger census in our national parks is often
incorrect. based on __________.
(C) Statement I is correct but statement II is (A) the actual count of individuals
incorrect. (B) the number on the collar around their neck
(D) Statement I is incorrect but statement II is (C) pugmarks and faecal pellets
correct. (D) the actual photographs

MHT-CET 2023 Question Paper - Biology
19th May 2023 (Shift – I)
83. Arrange and select the following events in 89. Nature’s carrying capacity (K) for a species
correct sequence during measurement of Blood means __________.
pressure by sphygmomanometer. (A) the total number of individuals in a
i. Pulsatile sound disappears. population
ii. Cuff is inflated to block brachial artery by (B) beyond which no further growth is
external pressure. possible in that habitat
iii. First pulsatile sound is heard indicating systolic (C) the amount of resources available for its
pressure. growth
iv. Pressure in the cuff is slowly lowered.
(D) the minimum population density in that
v. Cuff is wrapped tightly around upper arm.
(A) v → ii → ii → iii → i
(B) iv → ii → i → iii → v 90. In the alimentary canal of man, HCl provides
(C) iii → v → i → ii → iv acidic pH (pH 1.8) for action of __________.

(D) i → v → ii → iii → iv (A) trypsin
84. Given below are the two statements. (B) pepsin
Statement-I: Only one strand in the (C) chymotrypsin

transcription unit functions as template and is (D) enterokinase
called antisense strand.
Statement-II: The coding strand of 91. The sequence of nitrogen bases of one strand
transcription unit is called sense strand. of DNA determines the sequence of bases of

In the light of above statements choose the other strand. This is because __________.
correct answer from the options given below. (A) there is specific pairing between
(A) Both statement-I and statement-II are adenine with guanine and cytosine with
(B) Both statement-I and statement-II are
(B) purines and pyrimidines are linked by
false. Hydrogen bonds
(C) Statement-I is true but statement-II is (C) DNA molecule forms a helical structure
false. (D) the two strands of DNA are
(D) Statement-I is false but statement-II is complementary
85. Who among the following has coined the term 92. If cell ‘A’ is having osmotic pressure=10
bars, turgor pressure=5 bars and cell ‘B’ is

‘chemiosmosis’ for the transfer of protons

accompanied with synthesis of ATP? having osmotic pressure=30 bars and turgor
(A) Blackman pressure=10 bars then, the flow of water
(B) Hatch and Slack occurs __________.

(C) Peter Mitchell (A) from cell ‘A’ to cell ‘B’

(D) Calvin and Benson (B) from cell ‘B’ to cell ‘A’
(C) from both cell ‘A’ to cell ‘B’ to cell ‘A’
86. Following are Indian buffalo breeds EXCEPT,

________. (D) in neither direction

(A) Mehsana and Jaffarabadi
93. Match the human diseases/health condition
(B) Murrah and Nagpuri given in column I with the recombinant

(C) Gir and Sindhi proteins used in their treatmet given in

(D) Surati and Nili column II and choose the correct option.
87. Cuticular transpiration occurs by __________.
(A) imbibition Column I Column II
(B) diffusion i. Parturition a. Erythropoietin
(C) endo-osmosis ii. Cancer b. α, - Antitrypsin
(D) exo-osmosis iii. Anaemia c. Interferons
88. Which of the following is the site for Krebs iv. Emphysema d. Relaxin
cycle during aerobic respiration?
(A) i - a, ii - b, iii - c, iv - d
(A) Cytoplasm
(B) Outer membrane of mitochondria (B) i - d, ii - c, iii - a, iv - b
(C) Inner membrane of mitochondria (C) i - b, ii - a, iii - d, iv - c
(D) Matrix of mitochondria (D) i - d, ii - a, iii - b, iv - c

MHT-CET 2023 Question Paper - Biology
19th May 2023 (Shift – I)
94. Match column I with column II 100. During translation in protein synthesis, binding
of codon and anticodon occurs by ______ bond.
Column I Column II (A) peptide (B) phosphodiester
i. Glucose a. reserve food in plants (C) hydrogen (D) glycosidic
ii. Fructose b. component of cell wall
iii. Cellulose c. fuel of living cell
iv. Starch d. fruit sugar
(A) i - d, ii - c, iii - b, iv - a
(B) i - c, ii - d, iii - b, iv - a
(C) i - c, ii - a, iii - d, iv - b
(D) i - c, ii - d, iii - a, iv – b
95. Which one of the following reactions occur

during process of solubilization in Biogas
(A) Carbohydrates and proteins are converted
into simple sugars and amino acids

(B) Acetic acid or formic acid is converted
into methane, CO2 and H2O.

(C) Simple organic material is converted into
formic acid or acetic acid.
(D) Simple sugars and amino acids are
converted into carbohydrates and
96. Outbreeding devices are developed in
angiosperms to avoid __________.
(A) autogamy
(B) allogamy
(C) fertilization
(D) seed formation

97. Which structure acts as a transducer, converting

sound vibrations into nerve impulses?
(A) Organ of Corti (B) Cochlea
(C) Crista (D) Saccule

98. The genotype of vestigial wings in Drosophila

is _______
(A) vgst (B) vg

(C) vgno (D) vgni

99. Match the type of population interaction in
column I with their signs given in column II.

Column II
Column I
Species A Species B
i. Mutualism a. + –
ii. Commensalism b. – 0
iii. Parasitism c. + +
iv. Amensalism d. + 0
(+) beneficial; (–) harmful; (0) not affected
Choose the correct option.
(A) i - c, ii - d, iii - a, iv - b
(B) i - d, ii - c, iii - b, iv - a
(C) i - a, ii - b, iii - c, iv - d
(D) i - a, ii - d, iii - b, iv - c

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