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According to Burton, ‘’Teaching method is the stimulation, guidance, direction and
encouragement for learning”. One such teaching method is demonstration. Demonstration
method is of utmost important in teaching of nursing. This method is taught by “exhibition
and explanation’’. It is an explanation of a process. It trains, explains the student in the art
of careful observation, which is essential for a good nurse. It is a teaching strategy refers to
the visual presentation of the action and activities or practical work related to the facts and
principles of a delivered lesson by the teacher in the classroom, aiming to facilitate the task
of learning. It is very instructional method that is chosen depends on the learning needs of
the student and time available to teach, the setting, the resources and the teachers own
comfort. An experienced and skilled teacher uses a variety of techniques depending on the
subject or the topic.


 Demonstration means to show procedure.

 Demonstration means performing an action to demonstrate the correct way to be
 Demonstration means activity that describes.
 Demonstration means programme or intervention that is being tested.

 Demonstration is an activity that describes or illustrates by
experiment or practical application during which one displays,
operates and explains.

 Demonstration is a technique, which is often used by all the

teachers to teach various subjects

 Demonstration method is itself learning through observation

and uses the several senses.
 Demonstration gives a visual representation of ideas, facts or

 Demonstration means to show the performance of an action to

demonstrate the correct way to be done.

 To demonstrate experiments or procedures and explain the utility value of

equipment in the laboratory and in the ward.
 To review and revise procedures to meet a special situation.
 To introduce a new procedure.
 To teach the patient a procedure or treatment which has to be carried out in the
 To demonstrate a procedure at the bedside or in the ward or in conference room.
 Demonstration of a procedure in its natural setting has more meaning (e.g. in ward
on patients) than when carried out in an artificial environment (e.g. laboratory).
 To demonstrate different approaches in establishing rapport with patients, so that
the most effective nurse-patient relationship will be established.


 Every step of a well-conducted demonstration should be understandable and

exemplary of the best possible procedure, which might be used under the similar
 Allow sufficient time for reflective and critical thinking as the demonstration
 The setting for the demonstration should be true to life as possible. Demonstration
of a nursing procedure should be done on a live model wherever possible, e.g. If
demonstration is carried out on a patient , obtain consent, explain the purpose of
the demo, show every possible courtesy and clarify, if the patient is having any
doubts related to the procedure, then the clinical instructor carry out the
demonstration on an individual.
 Discussion is followed after the demonstration. This affords an opportunity for
emphasis, questioning, recall, evaluation and summary while or reflection
immediately promotes long lasting memory for the learner.
 Mimeographed directions should be distributed before demonstrating a nursing
procedure. This saves continuous dictation on the part of the teacher and writing on
the part of the student.
 Prompt practice: as the main purpose of a demonstration is skill training/ hands-on
training, the student should be given an opportunity to practice as soon as possible
after the demonstration. Students vary in their ability to learn. The sooner the
practice takes place after the demonstration, the better the learning.


 The student performing demonstration procedure has to understand the entire

procedure before practice. This sometimes necessitates review before performance.
 All equipment should be assembled and pretested before the demonstration carried
out, as it saves time and ensures that the apparatus should be in good state
 Advance knowledge: Demonstrator should possess advance or mastery over the
knowledge of the procedure, their mind will be distracted by questions related to
the performance why it is being given, what it means, which has to be followed, the
student should possess lab manual which describes the procedure in detail.
 A positive approach should be used emphasis has to be placed on what to do, rather
than what not to do.
 All students in the batch should have a good view of demonstration; precautions
should be taken to ensure all round comfort.
 Running comments: the teacher in charge should carry out the procedure with
running comments, materials used, equipment necessary should carry out the
procedure with running comments, materials used, equipment necessary, processes
taking place and anticipated results. However, the commentary should be limited to
essential facts. If an actual patient is used in the demonstration, explanatory and
comments must be regulated accordingly.
The teacher will demonstrate the procedure on dummy first, after return
demonstration; and later students practice one to one another [General procedures]
and specific procedures will be demonstrated by teacher on clients.


 Individual demonstration
 Group demonstration
 Lecture cum demonstration
 Demonstration cum practice

In this phase, teacher prepares herself, arranges necessary articles and creates
a conducive environment suitable for the number of students. During this
phase the teacher has to:

 Set well defined objectives based on the theoretical knowledge and need of
 Review related knowledge.
 Based on scientific principles or rational basis split the demonstration into
appropriate steps so that students can easily follow the demonstration.
 Do rehearsals as needed for attaining the proficiency required for
conducting demonstration.
 If the demonstration involves the presence of a patient or mock patient,
plan for their comfort and safety. Obtain necessary permission in the case
of patients.
 Create a conducive learning environment by providing adequate facilities,
especially the facility to observe the demonstration.
 Plan for maximum student participation.
 Ensure adequacy and good working condition of equipments, and assemble
equipments in a convenient order.
 Plan for return demonstration.
 Give necessary guidance to the students for achieving the objectives of
demonstration. This can be done by listing the objectives and explaining
what is expected from the student in order to achieve them.
 Prepare a check list regarding the articles and steps so that teacher can
avoid shortcomings in the performance phase.
 In the planning phase itself teacher should foresee the importance of
providing opportunities for students to practice the skills and make
arrangements for the same.
 Preparation of procedure manual at the institutional level by the faculty or
at the regional level by collaborating with other institutions not only brings
uniformity to procedures but also reduces the workload of teachers in the
preparation phase.


In this phase, teacher performs the demonstration. Throughout this phase she has to
maintain a positive approach by telling “What to do “rather than “what not to do.”
She should also exhibit a fine co-ordination of head, heart and hand than simply
repeating as per the procedure manual. Following steps will help you to perform
demonstration in an impressive way.
(a) Based on the principle of proceeding from whole to parts, briefly narrate the
whole procedure before explaining the individual steps in detail. This can be done
either by asking few questions or by briefing yourself
(b) Explain the name and use of articles kept ready for performing demonstration.
(c) Start the demonstration slowly so that students can follow easily.
(d) Explain the purposes and scientific principles associated with each step.
(e) Place the steps and verbal explanations in a student friendly manner
(f) Make sure that students have understand each step, repeat if they have not
understood it.
(g) Wherever possible involve students in the performance phase.
(h) In between ask questions and encourage seeking clarifications in order to get a
feedback from students, complete the procedure with a summary.
(i) Replace the articles, demonstrate the after care of them and wash hands.
(k) Show the way of recording the procedure.
(l) Conclude the performance phase with a discussion. Discussion will help to provide
any further clarifications.
Evaluation is done mainly through return demonstration and asking thought
provoking questions

 Provides opportunities for ‘’observational learning’’.
 It commands interest by use of concrete illustrations. The students not only can hear
the explanation, but also can see the procedure or process. As a result,
demonstration method projects a mental image in the student’s mind, which
fortifies verbal knowledge.
 The demonstration method has universal appeal because it is understandable to all.
 It is adaptable to both group and individual teaching.
 Activates several senses, as the more senses used, the better the opportunity for
 Clarifies the underlying principles by demonstrating the ‘’why’’ of a procedure.
 Correlates ‘’Theory with Practice’’.
 Provides an opportunity for teachers to evaluate the student’s knowledge of a
procedure and to determine whether re-teaching is necessary.
 Points out the student must have knowledge and must apply it immediately.
 Serves as a strong motivational force for the students.
 Return demonstration by the student under supervision of the teacher provides an
opportunity for well directed practice before the student will practice the procedure
on the ward.
 Since the teacher is supervising the procedure, the student will have a sense of
security while performing the procedure either in lab or in ward.
 Ensures closer contact with concrete problems
 Student will have the facility to acquire cognitive, conative and affective skills
 Presents reality situation, learner will have the opportunity to practice the skill
before practicing on the client, eg; the nursing student in first year of professional
nursing training will have the opportunity to practice injection technique in the
laboratory on dummy and on the classmates under teachers’ supervision. Before
practicing on the clients in OPD or ward or injection room under teachers’
 Enables the learner to learn step by step the procedure in a systematic way.
 Learner has to posses active listening, attention, concentration skills while observing
the demonstration of procedure.
 Learner will learn right way of doing complex tasks.
 Monitoring of the learners is easy for the teacher if the teacher student ratio
followed as per INC norms.

 Teacher can supervise less number of students in a single laboratory session.
 More time consuming as supervision requires systematic approach.
 If more number of students were allotted against to norms, it will be very difficult for
a single teacher to supervise, as it does not allow for individual pace of learning or
one on one supervision will become difficult, if the institution follows ideal ratio,
teacher can overcome all these difficulties.
 Expensive in terms of time, personnel and equipment.
 Feasibility of acquiring competence is difficult as repeated number of performing
and supervising single procedure is impossible in present situations.

Possession of psychomotor skills is very essential for good nursing practices and by
virtue of its effectiveness in teaching psychomotor skill’s demonstration enjoys a
dominant position in teaching nursing. It is an explanation of a process. It trains, explains
the student in the art of careful observation, which is essential for a good nurse. Now
demonstration is widely used as an effective teaching method in nursing. Demonstration
is an essential ingredient of teaching programme. Also to the student, especially when
the skills are to be learned.

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